Newspaper Page Text
I FIRE WAS j INCENDIARY i ilLoW on Pier and Warehouses at ? Norfolk Saturday Night Was f Ktarly Fifty Thousand. [ BIG FOOT-BALL RECEIPTS Virginia and Indians Will Get j One "I'housand Apiece After AM Expenses Are Paid. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NORFOL.K, VA../ Nov. ^j-001*^ " Manager Jo;*-s. of the Rowland Lum i to Company, declores thnt the fire. I which destroyed his piers and warehouses > Saturday night, could not have- boon of ? other than incondlary origin. The watol - man had been over the pier but fifteen H minutes before the fire was discovered. Tho loss of the 1.KO.000 feet of lumber !'. Btored in tho export shed will ho $16,000. ? with 510.000 insurance. The loss on ino ! Wer Is $7,000. There wero also ton freight . cars, "laden with lumber destroyed and '. this will mako tho total loss not fur from ' The cruiser Oiympla camo. out of dry . Hock at this navy yard to-day, her Stmt ! tored bottom plates having boon replaced ;. nnd her strained frames strengthened. ! She will leavo for the South In a short H time to Join Admiral Coghlan's Squadron, of which she Is the flagship. AN ASSIGNMENT. Tho Builders' Manufacturing Company, [\ of this city, has tailed. President Peter -Wright In his bill of complaint says the ' icOncem has no credit, usb made no ' money in two years, nnd that ho is : vnwilllng io advnnco further funds foi Its maintenance. Proceedings In nyol untarv bankruptcy were. Immediately begun against the concern by counsel for MalUmorc, Pittsburg and Norfolk cred? itors. Tho United stalc* marshal may clftsa up the plant, under these proceed? ings/although Captain B. P. Loyall, ap? pointed receiver by tho Court of Law : and Chancery of Norfolk, may also bo named as receiver by tho Federal Court. ,Th? Builders' Manufacturing Company Is : chartered for K*-^ $18'??? oi. lh0 K,oclJ tias been paJd in. Tho liabilities aro not ' *Uted' TOOT-BALL RECEIPTS. The receipts of tho Saturday foot-ball fctme between the University of Virginia nnd the Carlisle Indians were $3,000. The (La.fayett.1 Field Association gots $500 and .^lifter deducting advertising expenses, each ot the contesting teams will receive about ^A five-months-old colored Infant was ? burned to death In Its carriage yesterday I ty 6parks from an open grate. ! ' JAMESTOWN LADIES. The Ladles' Jamestown Exposition. (Auxiliary movement will bo extended to Richmond at once. Newport Nows will be organized also, and It Is hoped by airs. Frank Anthony Walke, leader of the movement, to organize all the women of the State at once, In aid of tho hxposi 1 ition. ^_____ | fTHE FRANKLIN CONTEST. I fudges Left Books and Ballot ':' Box is Exposed for an Hour. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) t' RpCKY MOUNT. VA., Nov. 23.?in the ' oppositions which are being taken In the - contested election cases of Keen vs. Tur ; nor for a Beat lu the State Senate of . .Virginia from Franklin, attorneys for '?Keen (Democrat), have established by ?' reputatble witnesses that the Judges of I election at Long Branch Precinct In this : i-ounty left tho ballots and tho ballot-box ' exposed for more than an hour, thoy hav? ing loft tho house with the door standing ? wide open for the period named, wherein U uny one might enter who choso to do so. It is also established that liquor was ' iised In largo quantities at this ^precinct : in violation of the provisions of the Mann ''? bill. The taking of depositions Is still In ' progress, and has been for several days. ; rrhJs contest Is over Long Branch Pre f cinct, which gave Turner (Republican). 1 374 majority over Keen (Democrat), and If I thrown out will elect Keen by a sale ma I i iJorlty. !' Anderson and Leo represented Keen and R Fowder, of Floyd; Harris Hogo of Koa i noke, and B. A. .Davis represent Turner. ' Judge John F'%eo of-Dlllard and Leo. 1 j If associated with Anderson and I.oc In this case. NEW GAME LAW. JiW orks a Hardship irF Amelia County. (Special to Tho Tlmes-DIspatoh.) JETERBVILLE. VA., Nov. 33,-Mossrs. ?Murray and Stockton, of Princeton, also Wilson and Register, of Philadelphia, aro et Dr. P. H. Anderson's tor a week or ten days' sport. Quail, rabbit and wild {turkey axe abundant The usual quota of sportsmen from .'Northern cities have Called to put in an ! appearance ' this season, their non-ap ! pe&rance doubtless owing to the strln I ?enoy Of the new game law. These men I who come to Amelia for n few dayR' I rsere*t)on and enjoyment, .scatter corisid. ' ** money where It is very much . |ii*dsd, and their slaughter of game is . inslrniftean t. From the standpoint of tuts community these Northern hunters should bt en rouraged to come instead of having ob? stacles thrown In their way. The present game law works a hard? ship In this vicinity where a large pro r-ortlon ot the hunting is done by our most worthless class of people, and, (he jirotectlve game law fosters and encour u|? Idleness among these, while the bet tor claes are not benefited In the least. NOT A TRUE BILL. Mr. Hardwicke Cleared of the Charge of Murder. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) WARSAW, VA., Nov. 23.-A rtyular Jury to-day at Montross investigated the t.-hootln? of William Cordon by Mr. S. w, hardwicke, ol Klnsalo, on Optober 6th, from affects of which he died. After a number ol witnesses had been examined, the jury reported, not a true bill. A good deal of Interest was felt In the final outcome of the case, as Mr. Hard wlcke wss not only a prominent bus), men man of the county, but Is one of tne most prominent Republicans of the First Congressional District. Dr. T. A. Plnkard, a leading phystctun of Rehobetb Church, Northumberland county, Is lying ai tie point of death, having suffered a stroke of paralysis. The Torpedo Flotilla. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) JN&WFORT NEWS, VA.. Nov. il.-The I first torpedo boat flotilla, which Is now j r^noesvousing off Old 1'omt, 10-day 1 iMlM over the Barrett Hland course, iiflf Yorktown, to maks several tests. Jn inn flotilla are the destroyers Cliauncoy, J-'ainbdclse, Decatur, Barry a ad Dale. They will await at Old Point the rtturn to ??? Buffalo, which will convoy Vo* fluUlla to the Philippine*. Tb? Buffalo is expected to rtturn frcm pshia Honda In a rev days. MUNYON'S PAW-PAW Makes You Well and Keeps You Well. It Cures DYSPEPSIA Strengthens Weak Nerves and Produces Good Sound and Healthy Sleep. 1 claim that there is no excuse I for u person to be I Buffering withDys-1 pepsin or nny form of stomach Or nerve trouble. | My Paw-Paw rem-1 cu'y Is just as stiro Io cure those ail? ments ns water. Is to quench thirst. There Is no "guess It will euro" or "perhaps" It will euro, for wc have I ho positive and lift Impeached testi? mony of thousands of people that it has cured. MUNVON. Read 11)0 follow 1 n g testimonials which wo publish to-day. Those statements ought to convinces you that Alttnyon's Paw-Paw Is all that It is claimed to be?"A positive specific., for nil Momaoh and Norve troubles." MK. WM. E. DAVIS. OF THIS CITY, T. STIFILS. iMunyon H. H. R. Co.: uenuemen.?I have sunored with ner? vous debility and stomach troublo for mnnv years. Booing your advertisement 111 Tho'Tlmes-Dlspatch, I called und pro? cured a sample bottle of your Pnw-Pa.w, finding groat relief from tho few doses in the Sample Bottle. I purchased a large one from my druggist, and although I have taJton but half the contents, I Unci my stomach trouble has left mo and my nerves are as steady as an eight-day clock. I heartily recommend Munyon's Paw-Paw to all those who suffer the hor? rors Inoldent to a disordered stomach or debilitated system. WILLIAM E. DAVIS, 227 South Belvldero Street. .November 5, 1003. "I want .?very clergyman when he feels exhausted, to take Paw-Paw and then tell his irlends what he thinks of It. "I want every mother to Introduce Paw-Paw Into her home. It will prove a teticly agent In curing and warding off many diseases. "1 want every tired woman, nflot a hard day's work or nn afternoon's shop? ping, to take'a tablespoon fill of Paw-Paw aim see how quickly It will refresh and invigoiato her. "I urge upon brain workers particularly the use of Paw-Paw. It will Immediately givo tone and energy to tho whole ner? vous ss'stem. "It tho toiler who feels the need of a stimulant will step into tho nearest drug store and ask for Paw-Paw, ho will have no further use for whisky, beer or other stimulants." Sold by all druggists. Large bottle, $1. Paw-Paw Laxative Pills, D5c. a bottle. TRADE M/ARrv. TROUBLES OF A ; DISPENSARY TOWN Franklin and Courtland Make Heavy Tax Against Social Clubs. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) SUFFOLK, VA., Nov. 23.?Four allogcd "blind tigers" on Sunday w.-.-io raided In Franklin, Va-, and tho following per? sons, said In have been responsible for tholr operation, were arrested: Anderson Boyd. Jim Scott, William Lankford and Robinson Daughtrey. Franklin Is a dispensary town. Tho only legalized places where liquor may bo bought In Southampton county arc Franklin and Courtland, but tho traffic bus been going on surreptitiously. Courtland recently had chartered a so? cial club, on which tho town council put $1,000 license tux. Payment will bo re? sisted. Word from Franklin to-night says a social dub soon may bo In existence there, and It Is proposed to mako tho license tax 5r?,000, It Is claimed that tho Imposition of license taxes on this class of c.Uibs is illegal. To-night Lankford and Scott were fined $K? each. A FAILURE. Preacher Holds That Local-Op? tion Not Success in Danville. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch..) DANVILLE, VA., Nov. :?,1.~-John Wll eon, the negro who shot and killed Luther Brandon near Danville last week end was afterwards released under opin? ion that tho shooting was accidental was rearrested to-day on after-dlscov *roci' evidence, it is now known that Brandon was shot twice. The case be? longs to the county, Dr. J. Cleveland Hall, pastor of the Episcopal Church, pmached a sermon at that church yesterday morning, In which he took the stand that local option hero has been a failure. David Day, a colored youth, was to? day sent on to the grand Jury by Mayor wooding on the charge of criminally ft8?f?ultllJK a twelve-year-old n.>gro girl. Owing to the lack of funds the foot? ball team of the. Danville Military In? stitute has been disbanded for the sea New Daily Paper. (Boeclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) STAUNTON, VA.. November 33.?Prep? arations are being made by Mr. R. D, Hnlsllp and his associates to start another daily paper here the first of December, The new paper will be called "The Statin, ton Evening Dispatch," and already has a large list of subscribers. DESTROY THE CAUSE. 'ou Cannot Cure Dandruff Without Da. stroylng the Cause of It. Many people wash their scalps Saturday night or Sunday to try to keep the dan di uff down for the week, but on Mon? day night the scalp has begun to Itch, and Tuesday morning will find, a gued supply of dandruff when tho hair Is brushed- There is but one real scientific way ?f curing dandruff, and that Is to kill the germ that causes. It and falling hair and finally baldness. There is only one preparation that will destroy the germ, and that is Newbvo's Ueipklde. It It an entirely n*w discovery and the only hair preparation that is based on the new scientlno principle. In addition, Herpleide Is a very refreshing hair dressing for regular toilet use. Sold by leading drug? gists. Sona 10c- In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.. Detolt. Mich- Ow?ns jL. Site Of Drug Co., special agents. % MANY CASES IN COURT The Atlantic Coast Line Moves Freight Bumiicsb From Poca honas to Their New Depot. COLORED CHURCH DEDICATION Firemen's Relief Association Are Accumulating a Snug Sum. A Small Night Fire. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) PETERSBURG, VA., NfVeWber -3. Tho corner-stone or First ^boneaor Bap. tlst Church, recently oi'k0!]1^ ^JiLnS laid November 2Gt.h at hal/'bufel.^o ciook by Abraham Lodge, No. 10, A. \- lV '/; M. A very atlrneflve programme has been arranged, and both white und col ored pa.stors will tako part In Uio.coic monlok Elder Watts, formerly pastor of Eisbn-Stre'ei Churoh. Is tho pustor of the First Eboriezor Church. CORPORATION COURT. ' Many cases wore tried before the|??"fig ration Court of thin city, which beganIts November term to-day. Josept?*J-Inn, colored, was convicted of housobnmktng and . sentenced to .the penltontlaJly^tot two years; Hetty Clrr.y, colored, charged; with larceny, was sentenced to jaIhtot five months; Milliard Mnnson, colored, charged with unlawful cutting, was sen? tenced to tho penitentiary for one year. Hattlc Jnckson and Emma Goodc, two colored women, were sentenced to tho penitentiary1 one year each on the charge of stealing from tho person. The case of John Pellam. charged with the; rmidor of Cornelius Walker, was continued until the January term. ... The business of tho Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, was .transferred from the Pocahontas freight depot to their now depot on Washington Street to-day. Hereafter all freight, both for and front the. North and South; will bo received and delivered from the now depot. FIREMEN'S RELIEF. ; Tho Firemen's Relief Assoclauon. or? ganized for the purpose of assisting mem? bers of i tho department in distress or those who may be hurt in the discharge pf dutv, is gradually accumulating a snug Slim for tho purposes Indicated. Several appropriations have already been made to members who havo been unfortunate. In this way tho association Is doing a most laudable work. The alarm of fire turned In about 10 o'clock last night was caused by a slight fire at tho home of Fannlo Lowls, col? ored, on Perry Street. "The Burgomaster." the. comedy suc? cess, will come to tho Academy of Music In this cltv next Wednesday night. CONFERENCE ADJOURNS. New Ministers Ordained?Dele? gates to General Conference. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, November 23.?At to-day's session of the North Car? olina Methodist Protestant Conference the Examining Board reported that Rev. G. W. Holmes passed all examinations and was recommended to the conference for reception Into membership, and that he bo ordained; that Revs. G'. L. Reynolds, E. G. Lowdermilk, S. E. Lucas, G. H. Leary, E. Suits and R. S. Melton be recommend? ed for license to administer' tho ordi? nances. The full list of delegates to tho Gen? eral Confercnco at Washington Is as fol? lows: Minlsters-AV. A. Bunch, T. M. Johnson C, L-. Whltaker, T. J. Ogburn, J. F. Mc Cullogh, D. W, Williams, C. A. Cecil J. R. llutton, R. M. Andrews. Laymen? W. P, Plckott, Dr. R. H Speight, Dr. L N. MoCloan, S. R. Harris A. A. Illcks, Charles Ross; Professor J Allen Holt, Captain A. M. Rankin, J. N Norman Wills. Alternates: Ministers?J. S. Williams W. IS. Swaim, Winiarh Portls, W. R. Low dennllk, A. G. Dixon. Alternates: Laymen?Dr. J. E. Brooks W. C. Whltakar, R. T. Pickens, J. C Roberts, W. W. Hunter. Tho conforonco adjourned laic to night. LIBERAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Line From Rappahannock Coun? ty to Fredericksburg. (SpocWr'to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) FREDERICKSBURG. VA., Nov. 23. J3esldes the $50,000 voted by Rappahan? nock county towards tlw building of an electric line from Washington to the county seat, by Culpcpor, to this sec? tion, private subscriptions to the amount of $30,000 have been nindo recently aud others aro being secured dally. These amounts subscribed at tho other end aro to be applied to tho building of tho line from Washington, In Rappahan? nock county, to Culpeper, and those sub? stantial contributions indicate that tho road will certainly be built, at loast be? tween those two points, oven If It does not extend to this city or neighborhood. Mr. Joseph Smith, after a service of thirty-six years as sheriff of Green* county, has resigned the position. Ho declined to ho a candidate at tho elec? tion this month, Mr. Rice Hooes. of King ?sorgo! has purchased Ihe Alto Mills in tha'jt county from Mr. B. R. Grymes. MOONSHINER WOUNDS A REVENUE OFFICER (Soecial to Tho.Tlmes-Dlspatch.) LYNCHBURG, VA.. Nov. SS.-Speolal United States Deputy Collectors C. K. Nelson, George T. Rives and M. M. Tucker want to Staunton River yester? day to look for illicit distillers, one of whom they found doing business on a small Island In the river. They sought to capture William Elliott, who, they claim, was engaged In tho business. A man was seen In a boat on tho opposite side of the river, and they were told that this was Elliott Tho olflcors called to him to stop and fired u shot to attract his attention. The man at once grabbed his rifle and flrod at the officers, who had ' Jumped behind trees. The bullet struck Rives In the leg, Inflicting u flesh wound. Quite a fustlade of shots worn then ex-changed, but nono of them took effect, The boat in tho river gradually drifted down stiwam, and. the officers, seeing that they could not capture tho man, re? turned. The officers say lhat Elliott has vowed thut ho will not bo taken alive. WOMAN'S SUICIDE. Took Her Husband's Razor and Cut Her Throat. (Special to Tho Tlnies-Dlspatoh.) CHAItLO'1'TEBVILLE. VA., Nov, 23, Dcsjion-'lent because of falling health, M-.h. Rajah E. Taylor, wife of Richard W. Taylor, a bridge builder employed by the Southern Railway, committed suicide yes? terday at bur home near Burnley'e Sta? tion, fourteen miles north of C'harlotus vllle. Yesterday morning, while her husband was sharpening hUi razor, hU wlfo enter ed from the dining room and Invited him to breakfast. He left the chamber,- and in CHRISTMAS and1 GIFFS arc synony? mous term*. , A gilt of genuine Dorflinger Glassware is certainly highly appropriate. Look for the trade-mark label on each piece. WSStidt his absence the .depressed woman soverod her throat from ear to oar. Sho Is sur? vived by hor husband and two children, having lost two children but a few monllw n go. JUVENILE TRAGEDIES IN ROANOKE CITY (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ROANOKE, VA., Nov. 23.-RUSS011 Sheaf, a nine-year-old son of Mrs. Rosu. Sheaf, of Vinton, was killed by No. 3 Norfolk naid Western passenger train this afternoon. He had been ? taking a ride on an eastern bound freight train and stepped off In front of tho passen? ger. Herbert Saunders, tho two-year-old son of Mr. aud Mrs. C. W. Saunders, died yesterday from burns received Satur? day. The mother left the child In the house alono and returned to find him in a blaze. Ho had been l?ft in a chair near'the fine, and his dress became Ig? nited. FATAL SHOOTING AFFRAY IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA.. Nov. 23.?A fatal shooting affray occurred Saturday night at Stony Point, in the northern edge of the county, resulting In the death of Charles Campbell. Campbell, it is alleged, visited the home of Jarn&s Brown, a respectable farmer, and during th?- latter's absence used very Insulting and abusive language to Brown's wife. The two met afterwards and became ongaged in an altercation. Campbell drew a dirk and threatened to kill Brown, whereupon the latter reached for Bis re? volver and shot Campbell. After tho killing Brown surrendered to a ffiaglstrato and was brought horo and lodged in the county jail._ GROUND TO PIECES BY A RAILROAD TRAIN (Special to The Times-D.spatch.) FKEXI1SRICKSBURG. VA., Nov. 23. Wllilam Carter, a young colored man, was killed at Guineas Station, on the Kichmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Kallroad, by n train early Sunday morn? ing, and his body strewn along the track ror half a mile. An inquest was held Sunday evening-, and what oould bo found of the remains were burlod by the railroad company. BURGLARS BREAK S~AFE IN BUCHANAN TICKET OFFICE (Special to Tuo Tluioo-IUapntch.) BUCHANAN, VA., November 23.?The ticket office of the Chesapeake and Ohio hero was broken into early Sunday morn? ing and tho Iron safe blown open. Thero were only a few dollars In tho safe, and tho chief loss wns in the damage to tho office. It is thought the burglary was the work of two strangers who wero seen In town the day before. ? Bishop at Blackstone. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) BLACKSTONE, VA., Novmober 23.? Right Rov. A. M, Randolph, bishop of this dlocoso, held confirmation services In Epiphany Church, tho colored Episcopal Church oT this place, last night and con? firmed a class of seven. This church has recently been moved to a now location and thoroughly re? paired, and Is now In a prosperous condi? tion. Tho church la now tinder tho rector? ship of Rev. R. W. Bagby; a recent grad? uate, who has mado a favorable Impres? sion on all. Ho also has two other charges, both of which aro In Lunenburg county. .'?";'. .. While hero Bishop Randolph was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hurt. Ho left at noon to-day for his homo In Nor? folk. t "? Contest Forestalled Him. (Special to The TJmes-DJspatoh.) ALEXANDRIA, VA.. Nov. 28.-Tho No? vember term of the Alexandria County Court convened to-day; Judge J. M. Love, presiding, To-morrow argument will be hoard In tho contested election caso, In which Capt. Crandall Mackoy, Democratic candidate,who by the official returns was declared elected Commonwealth's attorney by a majority of only two votes, Is charged by Mr. R. W. Johnson and Mr. w. U. Varney. the defeated candidates, with using unlawful Influences in secur? ing his election. But for tho contest, Mr Mackoy would have boen Inslnllod ro-day, but under the law, In case of contest, the installation is postponed until January 1. ? One that we can guarantee I 'Handsome mahogany case,' full, rich tone; nil improve^ menu. Was tnlton In os cluuife'o us part | nyuiont on a NEWSTIEFF UPRIGHT. fcTerms, $10 Cash, and/ $7 per month, STOOL AND SGAHFFREE If you wunt a now Piauo drop in ami hem- the Artistic StlefT, on i he nuu-kot Jor past hall' eemury, - 431 L Broad St. J. E. BlIHiiAR, ?8gr. 'K SOME MAY LOSE SEATS Forty-four Legislators-eicct Fail to Comply With Barks? dale Law. CERTIFICATES ' WITHHELD Unless They File Expense Ac? counts by December ad, Will Stay at Home and Pay Fine. The Board of Stato Canvassers mot yes? terday nnd Issued certificates of election to thoso of tile now Houso and Soimlo members who have compiled with the provisions of the Barksdale pure elections law, but to tho surpriso of tho hoard it was found that thirty-five Houso mem? bers and nlno Senators had not filed their expense accounts In compliance with the law, and their certificates wore, there? fore, withheld. Tho board declines to give dtit tho names of Mio delinquents, but unless they shall send their accounts in to tho secre? tary of the Commonwealth by December 2d they will not only be deprived of Uielr seats In the coming General Assembly, but will be liable to a fine not exceodlng 55,000, it being the duty of tho Common woalth's Attorneys or tho countle.s and tho Attorney-General to proceed to en forco tho law, the fines so collected to bo applied to tho public school fund ot the Stato. A featuro of the law which seems to have been overlooked by many Is that defeated candidates In both primary and general elections are required to make their returns, as well as their successful opponents. ? DEFEATED CANDIDATES. Hardly any. Of the dofoated candidates havo compiled with the law, and unless they, as well as the successful ones, do so by Docember 2d, tho school fund may be greatly enhanced as a result of fines Imposed and collected. All tho members of tho board wero present at the meeting yesterday, and Upon an examination of the law It was found that the certificates of the delin? quents must bo withheld until thoy com? ply with tho law, and that it Is tho plain duty of tho officers named above to pros~ ocute both successful and unsuccessful candidates who fall by December 2d to comply with tho law. Sections four and five of the Barksdale law provide clearly that the return re? cited above shall be made within thirty days aftor such election or primary, and thero Is no escape from their provisions. WHAT THE LAW SAYS. The sections read as follows: 4. No officer or board authorized by law to Issuo commissions or certificates of election shall issue any such cortlllcate or commission to any such pernon until such ttatoment and outh shall have been so mttdo, verified and filed by such por sons with said officer, 6. Any person falling to comply with the above provisions by falling to tile said statement and oath In tho manner above proscribed, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, to bo recovorod In an action or motion brought In the name of the State by the attorney General or by the Commonwealth's At? torney of tho colinty or city of the candi? date's rosidonce, or by any person suing In the namo of the Commonwealth, tho amout of said fine to be fixed within the above limits by the jury, and to bo paid Into the school fund of said county, NEW PASTORS. Committee to Secure $Dr. Mc Faden's Successor. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) LYNCHBURG, VA., Nov. 23.?At a congregation meeting of tho First Pres? byterian Church, held yesterday morn? ing, after tho usual sen-Ices, a commit teo consisting of Messrs. N. C. Manson, Jr.. George 15. Caskio, D. H. Howard, F. S Klrkpatrlok, R S. Terry. B. F. Kirk patrick, W H. Snead, A. S. White, and Dr. J. L. Kent, to take stops towards securing a pastor to succeed Rev. Dr. F. T. McFadeu, who has accepted a call to tho First Presbyterian Church, of Rich? mond. it la understood that the congregation will ngroo to nccept whomsoever this committee may unanimously agree upon. An Itnmenso congregation assembled at Court-Street Methodist Church yes tordav, both morning and evening to henr the pastor, Rev. Dr. W. J. Young, preach his last sermons before entering upon his duties as pastor of Centenary Churoh In Richmond. In the morning. Dr. Young preached from Romans jcli:l. and at night his texts wero St. Matthew xi:28 and St. John, 1:13. In bringing his Sunday even? ing'!! sermon to a cla3e, Dr. Young spoke briefly of his transfer to Richmond and said that If ho woro to try to express the thoughts of his heart, he would fall. Ho declared that he had never loved a congregation mora and never parted with greater sorrow. Dr Young left this afternoon for a few 'days' visit to the country, but he exp'ots to return here on Thursday and will leave on Friday for Richmond. THROWN FROM WAGON. A Citizen Extremely 111 With Pneumonia?New Store. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) BOYDTON. VA., Nov. 23.?Mr. Harper Moore, a farmer living a few mile3 from hero was thrown from his wagon On Sat? urday afternoon and very severely hurt. It was thought at first that bis back was broken, but it was only wrenched, and hie condition Is better to-day. Mr. Allen Mason, a highly respected citi? zen of Meoklenburg, Is lying at his home In a oritical condition with pneumonia. Mr. Mason Is over seventy years old." and grave fears are entertained that bo can* not stand the ravages of the disease. E G. Dowllng is building a now store house on the stand that Henry Jones oo cuplod, which was burned early In the fall. Bowling Will ?U In with a stock of goods as 6oon as tho store la com? pleted. Mr. Alexander Hamilton, of Petersburg reached here yosterday, and is the guest of his uncle, Judge Charles Alexander, of this place. A HEAVY LOSS. Valuable Bain and Contents Burned by Incendiary Fire, (Speelul to Tho Tlmos-DlKpatoh.) SCOTTSBlJRG, VA., Nov. ft, -Mr. Chark-s Guthrie, living only two mllQa from here, lost his stables hy Incendiary firo last night, containing all of his corn, feed, buggy, wagon, harness, plows, tlr II: and |l|B only two horses. It was the work of an Incendiary. Mr H 0, AVhitoworth, who was so seriously hurt from a runavyay team Iwo weeks ago. is now Improving, and will soon be out again. -. -...-v Mrs J. P. Spencer, near Wolf Trap, about four miles from here, died yester? day. She had been a great sufferer for many years from asthma. Cards are out announcing the oiai rla'ae of Mr, Joteph Martin, of South Bcston. Va.. to U>n Isabella A. ? Hu4? Jon, on November ?5t|) Instant, at half Select Your Piano For Christmas Now. $!o.oo Cftsih Will Secure it for Christmas Delivery, I ? V ' Chase ' ftacktey Piano Company. "The Leading Piano House of Richmond." past 10 o'clock -A. M. The wedding wll take place at Aspon Hill, the beautiful home of tho Rev.. W. M. Hudson, a brothor of the bride. - ., i s ? SAFE CRACKERS. Death of the Wealthiest Negro at Newport News. /(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch-) NEWPORT NEWS, \~.. Nov. 23. Some time Saturday night safe-blowers made an effort to crack the BHfo of the Newport News Furniture Company. The knob of the safe door was broken off end throe nole3 wero uruled Into tho com? bination, but tne craoksmon were fright? ened off bofora they finished tho Job. The men entered tho building from i a flro escape at the third story. James Marshall, a domonted nogro, tried to commit suicide in Jail last night with a razor, slashing ..Is throa.. Ho may recover. It is thought a friend who visited him during tho day furnished him with the razor. James A. Field, possibly the best known and wealthiest negro In this section, dlod to*day. He was a native of Hanover county; was twice a member of the Leg? islature, and for a long time Common? wealth's attorney. \.-? i ROASTED ALIVE. Young Man's Cigarette Set the Bed on Fire. (Speolal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) LYNCHBURG, VA., Nov. 23.-A. L. Smith, who has relaUves In Richmond, was fearfully burned hero Saturday night by the bed catching afire from.a clgorotte he was smoking, and died to-day Mr Smith was literally roasted alive, the skin from his chin to his knees be Ing burnt hard and brittle ? Built Fire on Floor. (Sneclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch. WILLIAMSBURG, VA.. Nov. 23.-Goorgo Green, alias Bailey, colored, was sent on to the grand Jury to-day to answer to the charge of attomptcd house-burning. Green, who had been employed by Mrs. R. R, Cole, on hor farm last Thursday, built a flro In tho ro??ie of tho kitchen floor. The tire went out after burning tho floor and tho log of a table and was not discovered until tho next day. Green claims that he made tho fire on the floor Instead of in tho stovo because his feet were wet and he was in a hurry to dry them. Mr. H. F. Wynkoop, engineer at tho Eastern State Hospital, who Is very slck at his home. Is reported a little bettor to-day. s Snyder?Purcell. (Special to Tho Tlmos-DIspalch.) WINCHESTER, VA., November 23. Unknown to her many friends. Miss M. Louise Purcell was married late this af? ternoon to Mr. John M. Snyder, a prom? inent business man of Baltimore. Tho ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Purcell. and they left on tho evening train for Baltimore. Tho bride is very popular, and Is active In church work at Century Reformed Church, the pastor of which., Rev. 7.'. K. Comer, performed tho ceremony. i-? Graves?Davis. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) SPOTSYLVANIA C. H.. VA., Novem? ber 23.?Mr. Lee J. Graves, tho Common? wealth's Attorney here, and Miss Kato I. Davis, a trained nurse of Washington, were united In marriage in Mr. Graves homo hero yesterday evening, Rev. I. S. Chestnut officiating. Mr. Graves is Just recovorlug from a severe attack of cOngostlvo indigestion, and was married lying on hio bed. Miss Davis nursed Mr. Graves in his recent Illness, soon after Mrs. Craves died. _-1 . Graves?Davis. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) FREDERICKSBURG, VA., Nov. 23. Mr. Lee J. Graves, Commonwealth's at? torney of Spotsylvania county, and Miss Kat.s 'Davis, daughter of Dr. J. W. Davis, a prominent citizen of tho same county, were married yesterday at. Spotsylvania Courthouse, Rev. I. U Chesthutt, of the Christian Church, officiating. . * ? Rostj?James. (Social to The Tlmen-Dlspatoh.) SPOTSYLVANIA. 0. IL. VA., JfflVWS' be- 23.-Mr. George R. Rose and Miss Goorglanna James, of this county, were marrlod yesterday at <he Disciples' Church hero at tho regular services, Rov. I. B. Chestnut officiating. _ CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY CURES COLDS ON NATURE'S PLAN. The most successful medicines are thosq that aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It aids ex neotoratlons, relieves the lungs, opens tho Secretions and aids nature In restoring tho system to a healthy condition. It not only relieves, It cures the cold effectually and permanently, and Is unquestionably inn most successful medicine In use for his purpose. It is pleasant to take and contains) no opium or other harmful drug. For srtlo by nil druggists. "I noticed in going through Sydnor & Hundley's stores, thoy have blue, yellow and pink tags on some lovely good; what does it'mean?". "It means 50 per cent, off on those with blue. S3 1t3 off on thc*? with yellow, and 35 ptr cant, off on those with pink tags attached. * Don t miss this sale; it begins JUonaay, Ttovein be'r 23d, ' ' ? WE ARE showing ppl a very hand? some line of heavy Curtains, of all the latest designs and colors, in Tapestries and Velours. "See our line and prices. They are sure to please you. RUGS Window Shades. CARPET HOUSE, 215 East Broad Street. A CURIOSITY. Breeches Made From Deer Skin Killed in Manchester. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) KEYSVILLE. VA., Nov. 23.?While at Calhoun Falls, S. C, recently. I saw fiultc a curiosity, which may Interest Rome Richmond people. Mr. Di-ury Bur foot, of that place, has in his possession, a pair of pants made out of a deer's skia. killed by his grandfather, Thomas Bur ford, on tho present site of Manchester, which was then a wlldornosB, in 1766. Tli* panto were made by the only tailor In Richmond, an Irishman, and sewed to? gether with yellow silk thread. Both the thread and pants are In a porfoot state of preservation, and look as if they might, last forever. They are knee breeches and fastened together at the knees with-sil? ver buckles. At the time the deer waa killed, Mr, Thomas Burford lived In Richmond. Tho cotton crop In the South Is a short one, not over two-thirds. The present high price, however, compensates for the short? age, nnd the farmqrs aro In a more pros? perous condition than they havo been for years, Tho merchants report much money In circulation and a good trade. Most of the crop has been gathered and sold. B? the present high price continues, the im? pression prevails that a large crop will bo planted, but the great scarolty of labor may prevent It. -.? Lodge News. " (Hii?ein| to ThoTlmafi-DiPpatch.) . PHOEBUS, VA.. Nov; 23.-The past week has been an Interesting one here In lodge circles. Monitor Lodee, No, 1ST, A. F. nnd A. M., conferred Hie masters degree on two candldaUfa. _ ' '. _ Greblo Lodgo, No. 137, 1. O. O. F., Initiated two candidates. Chesapeake Lodge, No. 01, conferred second and third degrees on one. Old Point Lodge, No. 114, had four pe? titions for initiation. ? ?? ." n Ruth Rgbeckah Lodge, No. 8, I. O. O. F. added four to Its membership, imn lodgo alr.o gave a series of suppers on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights for tho benoflt of the Odd-Fellows Or phanuge In Lynchburg, realizing about This lodge Is ono of the most active In the State, and has already contributed $"& to the Orphans' Home._ PERSONAL. Miss Mayneo Atkins can now br found with Peraberton, Price & Co. Sn* will be pleased at all times to see and to &ervf? toer friends.