Newspaper Page Text
F)EMBERTON RICE St <S Successor* to Thom?? R. Price ft Co. Shopping Made Easy. With a superb STOCK, a brilliant LIGHT and compe? tent SALESPEOPLE, shopping is not a strenuous thing. Thanks to your partiality, our service la bettering each day, and we beg of you to assist us by reporting any error of omission or of commission. No red tape to bother you and no cumbrous transfer system to worry you?through the entire house with one salesperson of, your choice. Your wants arc OUR wants, and our service must im? prove. ' HOLIDAY GOODS arc more in evidence day by day. Your spec Inl Inlorest'ls Invoked to the REAL LEATHER HAND SATCHELS, f 1.00 to flS.OO. Exclusive designs, SOFA ami COSY-CORNER PILLOWS, in endless variety of richness und colora. t THANKSGIVING DAY LINENS?These musfr*be of paramount Import now. Tho ttornl and eocontrlo beauties of Napkins and Cloths alike. Not too expensive for human nature's dally needs? Cloths, liOc, to f 2.C0 the ynrd. Napkins, f I.o<> to tpo.00 tho dozen, Linen Pillow and Holster Cases nnd Sheets at attractive prices. UMBRELLAS?Our strong point In business. The best values we havo ever known opened to-dny. A lino for tho Holiday Wants?$1.00 to f 12.00 apiece gives a small notion of tho goodness and worth wrapped up In each. JEWELRY FOR XMAS DONATIONS in a bizarre and striking line of new conceits; all worth while. 309 East Broad Street. MEMBERS TELL OF THEIR LIVES How Congressmen Use the Of? ficial Directory?Long and Short Sketches. Tho corrected edition of tho official di? rectory of tho Fifty-eighth Congress has Ucan Issued and Is a most Interesting document. In lookln* over its pages ono Js struck at once with the divergent view* of publlo men as to tho space they deem expedient for telling the story of their 1 Senator Chauncoy Mitchell Depew, of New York, still holds the palm for lot? ting the public into moro of his f? * Kocrets than any other member of either branch, his sketch occupying noa?ly*a page, and being considerably over COD words, but the new Democratic Congress? man. Robert Baker, of Brooklyn, takes nearly as much space vo tell how ho has Kpent the public side of his life. Congressman Adam Byrd, ot tho Fifth Mississippi DlHtrict, leads all the rest In brevity, ills biography reads thus: Ad? am Byrd, Democrat, of Philadelphia, was elected to the Fifty-eighth Congress, re? ceiving 3,0St votes." Next to tho shortest sketch In the vol? ume Is that of Congressman A. W. Gregg, of the Seventh Texas District. It is sim? ply 'this: "A. IV. Gregg. Democrat, of Palestine, was elected to the Fifty-eighth Congress wltnout opposition, receiving 13,162." Tho Virginia members do not consume a great deal of the volume. Senator Mar? tin employs about 2/jO words and Sena? tor Daniel WD, while all tho members of the House delegation from Virginia are exceedingly modest In tho matter, their sketches containing less than 200 words each. The Hliortest of them is that of Congressman Henry Leo Maynard, of Portsmouth, which is much aftur the or? der of those of Messrs. Byrd and Gregg. AfTHE" ACADEMY. "The Burgomaster," which contains more pretty music and good clean wit tiian any'muslcal comedy ot rocont years, will be seen ut tho Academy this after? noon and to-night with u big cast nnd a company of sixty. Musically, "Tho Burgomaster" Is un? doubtedly tho greatest of the light operas produced In America In recent years. While it Is catchy, It is of a higher type than Is found in many so-called Now York successes. Thta year the big list of principals includes Ruth White ns "Willie," Oscar L. Flgman, as tho Bur? gomaster, William Riley Hatch, Thomas Ricketts, Charles Sharp, P., J. Moye, George McKlssock, Helen Dexter, Harriot Sheldon, Louise Brackett and Josephine Dltt. "Hoity-Toity." Of the Weber and Field's production of "Holty Tolty," to bo seen at the Acade? my to-morrow night and Thursday mati? nee and night, tho St. Louis Republic sayst , ? . The production Is -the most colorful eten at the Grand In some time. Thero is a company of forty, who dlaport thom COULDN'T FOOL HIM Doctor Waa Finn and Was Rlflht, Many doctors forbid their patients to drink coffoe, but the patients still drink It on the sly and thus spoil all the doc? tor's efforts and keep themselves slok. Some tiroes, the doctor makes sure that the patient la not drinking coffee, and there was a caso of that kind In St. Paul, where a business man saldi "After a very severo Illness lust win tor which almost caused my death, the doctor said Postum Food Corfea was tlio only thing that I could drink, nnd ho Just made mo quit coffee and drink Postnrn, My Illness was vuused by Indigestion from the use of tea and coffoo. "The state of my stomach was so bail that It became terribly inflamed and finally resulted in a rupture, I had not drank Postum very long bffore my lost blood wns restored and my stomach was well and sttong. and r havo now been using Postum for almost a year. VvlivH I got up from bed after my Illness l ?weighed ninety-eight pounds, and now my weight Is 120. "Thero Is no doubt that Postum wan tho reason for this wonderful Improve, mont, and I ahnll never gn hack to tea or coffee, but shall always Htlck to tho food drink that brought me back to Itealth and strength." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mli-h. Look In each package for a. copy of tlA famous little book, "The Road to V,'T<llvlllo." selves In tho costumes used In the origi? nal, production. Two scenes aro shown, the Yale campus, New Haven, and Monto Carlo. The last is, of course, tho most picturesque. The music, capitally ren? dered, would hardly bo recognized as that heard In ordlnnry revivals of "Hotty-Tolty." Prominent In tho or? ganization aro Nellie Sylvester, Joanette Lewis, Lillian Durham and Harry "WesL "The Cavalier." The new war play. The Cavalier," from George W. Cablo's Southern romance, has elements to make It popular with theatre? goers, of to-day. There is Americanism in It and there Is heart Interest; thero Is pathos, sometimes approaching trag? edy, though withal thore Is an abundance of light comedy to make the play, as a whole, a cheering and happy entertain? ment. The dramatization made by Paul Kester preserves with remarkable fidelity the'charming literary stylo .of. Mr, .Cable and holds intact the delicious atmosphere In which he has enveloped his stories of the Sunny South. "The Cavalier" will be seen at the Academy Friday and Saturday with Sat? urday matinee. Night of the Fourth. The audience that assembled at tho Bijou last night found that RIcbmonders have not forgotten their old favorites of the Bijou Musical Comedy Company, even though they return with a name as long as your arm. Tho "Wells-Dunne-Harlnn? that's all, I believe?Musical Comedy Comedy Company, in which are quite a number of tho principals of the old or? ganization, though there are many new faces In tho chorus, presented "The Night of tho Fourth," a piece that Is so familiar hero that it needs no word of description. Little Chip, as EH Frost, the Ice man, was as amusing as ever, and his llrst entrunco was grootod by applause that went the rounds from orchestra to the last row In the gallery. Otis Harlan also received his reception. Harlan, as one may well believe. Is Just as ho was when ho laat appeared upon the BIJou stage. He hasn't changed tn his work one Jot. Mr. John Dunne, though ho hasn't any part worth mentioning, was mado to feel thoroughly at homo by tho audience. Mary Marblo almost received an ovation, to say nothing of a bunoh of American beauties that woro passed up to her over tho footlights. Miss Henrietta Lee, who has been scon here with the company before, though not thoroughly Identified with It, wns acceptable as Elsio Bolivar. Agnes Scott, Mario Fanchlonetti, Dun Marblo and John W. Early wero ali wel? comed by the audlenco. Tho musical numbers introduced -were all clever, and Little Chip and Otis Har? lan received encore after encore In a singing turn which was full of good stuff. The entire performance pleased, B. C. Killed in Collision. (By Associated Frew.) WAYOROSS, CIA., Nov. St.?Two negroes wero killed In a collision between two long trains on the Tram road of J. F. <& T. A. Bailey to-night, about ten miles from McDonald, Tho trains ran together head-on as they wore rounding a curve. CONGREGATIONS WILL UNITE Thanksgiving Services to be J-Ield in the' Churches on Thursday, Services will bo held on Thursday by all the denominations represented In Richmond. The congregations of tho First, Second, Grace Street, Grove Avcnuo und Cujvury Baptist churches will unite at 11 o'clock Thanksgiving? morning ut tho Second Church. Tho sermon will bo preached by Dr, Weaton Jiruucr, of Calvary. Tho Pi-osbyiarlnn congregations will us somhlo at tho First Church, where a sermon will be preached by Dr, Egglcston, of the Third Church. A spocUtl service, for boys will bo hold at 0:30 A, M. In the Covenantes of the Second Churoh. Special muslo has boon arranged, The uddresa Will be delivered by Hie Rev, John I. Arm? strong, of Union Theological Seminary. Tho Methodist service will bo held ut Contenary, Tlio Rov, J. T, Whitloy, pre? siding elder of tho Rappahannock District will preaer. An offering will bo mado for' tho Home for Aged Ladles. A pounding, for'the benefit of tho Orphanage will be given Thursday afternoon at Trinity. Among tho Catholics spoclal Thanks? giving soWlces. will b<j. nt-Kl U\ each of tho' V'huiuhes. COLOMBIA'S PROPOSITION Would Remove Capital of That Country to Panama, But it Will be Refused. GENERAL REYES GRATIFIED No Diplomatic Rupture Between This Country and Colombia and Our Minister is Safe. fBy As.iooln.tefl Press.) WASHINGTON, D. Ci November 23.? Roar-Admiral Coghlan, commander of the Caribbean Squadron, cabled the Navy Department from Colon, undor dato of November illst, that General Roves, the special commlBslonor of the Bogota Gov? ernment, tenders' his Blnccro thanka to President Roosevelt and Socrotary of tho Navy Moody for Ills gracious treatment at Colon by our naval force. Admiral Coghlan confirms the press dispatches that General Reyes ban doparted for Washington, via Port Llmon, Costa. Rica, for a conference with Dr. Amador, a, momber of the Panama Commission, nnd who Is in tho United States. Before his departure ho Informed Ad? miral Coghlan that tho Panama Govern? ment hriB cabled Dr. Amador to await his (Royes) arrival. Admiral Coghlan states further that General Reyes expects to make amicable rolationa with the' spe? cial .commissioners from Panama now in Washington. TO MOVE CAPITAL. It Is believed hero that aside from a proposition for Panama to assume part of the Colombian foreign dobt, General Reyes' main purpose Is to advance tho suggestion that the capital of Colombia bo transferred to tho city of Panama. This would be equivalent to the annexa? tion of Colombia by Panama. The opinion In official circles here Is that, though flattering, the proposition will bo rejected by tho Panama Commissioners if for no other reason than be? cause through sheer weight of numbers tho Colombians soon would con? trol the administration of tho reunited republic, and the situation as to Panama would be as it was before the revolution and separaUon, OUR MINISTER SAFE. Mr. Beaupre's status remains un? changed, so far as tho ofilclals hero know, and notwithstanding the menacing tone of tho notes addressed to him by the Co? lombian minister for foreign affairs, as set out In tho press dispatches from Bo? gota, the Stato Department does not con? sider that there has been a breach In the relations between the United States and Colombia. ... Tho fact that tho Colombian legation here Is still open for, business, under in? structions from Bogota, Is confirmatory evidence of the fact that there has boen no rupture of relations. Mr. Beaupro has Informed the minister for foreign affairs that the United States has recognized Panama and has extended tho good ofllces of our government to patch up peace. Tho Colombian answer to this last proposition has not yet been received. FRANCE Will Demand That All France be Fully Protected. (By Associated Press.), , PARIS, Nov. 23.?Foreign Minister Del casse addressed the chamber of deputies to-day In reply to questions regarding foreign affairs. He opened with a state? ment with reference to a Panama ques? tion and said: "It was our strict duty to demand from tho republic of Panama assurances that all French Interests, Including the canal concession, bo respected. This assuranco has been given us in decisive form, tho following being tho textual form of the, promise: '. , ? " 'Tho republic of Panama solemnly, expressly and definitely pledges itself to vigilantly protect French Interests and to maintain and Interpret In their widest sense the contracts made beibre Novem? ber 3d, which referring to tho Isthmus, follow tho transmission of sovereignty and bind tho republic of Panama. All those contracts aro maintained, notably tho contract prolonging the concession un? til 1910.' "_ GERMANY. Emperor William Directs That Panama be Recognized. (By Associated Press,) BERLIN, Nov. 23.?Emperor William has directed tho German authorities to officially recognize the ropubllo of Pana? ma. An announcement of tho recognition of the new Stato is expected dally, MURDER TRIAL. Philip Alger Charged With Kill? ing Hia Sister-in-Law. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatoh.) LURAY, VA., Nov. 23.?The trial of Philip Alger, charged with the murder of his sister-in-law, Mrs, Annie L. Alger, be? gan In tho Pago County Court to-day. Judge E. T. Booton presiding. The mur? der took placo at tho foot of Tanner's nidge, In this county, on the 2flth of Sep? tember, and was most brutal, Young Algor stopping In front of tha woman, who was In tho publlo road, demanded with an oath, that she come no further, thon drawing his rovolvor shot hor, from which sho died In a fow moments. Alger, with sovorul companions, wan on his way from Mnrkavlllo, tho dead woman being in tho party. Tho testimony offered to-day showed that Alger evidently was bent on kill? ing tho woman, Soon after tho shooting HAD ASTHMA TOR 31 YEARS, Woonsocket (R. I.) Woman Tells How Father John's Medicine Curod Her. Mrs. Mary Innmnn of 308 Fairmount St., Woonsockot, H. I., says: "I URed Father John's Medicine for asthma and ? druadful cough that C bavu had every winter for thirty-one years, and must suy that of all tho medicines I havo used (and I believo lhat I have used every kind that' is advertised and every ono that anybody would toll mo of) I never found anything to help mo as Fntlior John's Medlclno has. Since taking it I nm able to do my work myseir, us I have not done for years. For the pust two winters I havo never boen without a bottle of it In the Iioupo, and Just na soon as I or any ono of the family have the least sign of a cold we tako Father John's Medicine and And relief at once. I cnuld wrlto something good about it every day, and I recommend It to all my friends and neighbors, I hope this lot tor will enuble others to bo helped as I have been. (Slgnod) Mrs. Mary innman." Father John's Modlclna Is for sale by Owons and Minor Prug Company, 1007 Eust Main Stroot, City Drug Store, Mi East Main Stroot, People's Drug Store, ilflOO Williamsburg Avenue;. Nortlisido Pharmacy, "JOl North Fifth Street: Pino Sheet Pharmacy, 331 South Pino Slreet; JJwti Pharmacy, '.HXU'Yenublo Utrout. he laid' down beside the dead woman and slept, porimps, half nn hour boforo the officer* camo upon the scene, Tho prisoner, who la about twonty-flvo years of age, lias a rather roinilslve np pearance, and gives ho Indication of realising tho crltno with which ho Is charged, Ho takes ho Interest In the court proceedings. His wlfa nttd child tiro constantly at his sldo, ns Is also his aged father and mot her, i??-P--'- v Snatched Purse. Thi-oo young Indies reported last Satur? day ovonlng that a man ran up to thorn Oil Foushce Blreot Just ns they turned In from Ilrond, on their way home, and grabbed the pockot-book of one nt them, lie tlieii ran away. Tho pollco havo boon tiotlllcd, __ An Ordinance. (Approved Nov. 30th, 10O3.) GRANTING PERMISSION TO It, A. PATTERSON TOBACCO CO. TO CON? STRUCT AND MAINTAIN AN OVER* HEAD Bill DOE. ACROSS OVERTON STREET, BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIGHTH STREETS,. / Bo It ordained by tho Council of tho city of Richmond: 1st, That pormlsslon bo, and thoennio la hereby, gran tod to the R. A. Patterson Tobacco Co. to construct anil maintain an Overhead Bridge across Overton Hlroet, between .Seventh and Eighth Streets, tho bottom of said bridge to bo at least ID feet above tho street,, and said bridge Is not to be moro than C foot wide ntul capable of .bearing at least 500 pounds weight, subject to tho following condi? tions: 2d. That the said Brldgo Is to In con? structed according to tho plan prosontod by said R. A. PttttorBon Tobacco Co.,'and now on Ilia In the ofl'lce of City Engineer; and iilno In such manner, and with such materials as shall bo satisfactory to the City Engineer. 3d. The said R. A. Patterson Tobacco Co. shall at times keep said Bridge in proper repair, and shall mako such repairs as tho Committee on Streets may at any lime dem reasonable for the safety <if persons using tho highway under said Bridge. 4th-. The said R. A. Patterson Tobacco Co. shall pav tho rate nxed by tho ordi? nance of the city allowing construction of ureas or vaults in sidewalks or nlloyn. Eth. The permission horeby granted shall nt any time be subject to any nniondinciu or revocation by the City Council, Upon n revocation or amendment of said por? mlsslon, tho said R. A. Patterson Tobacco Co., or any subsequent owner of ?nld souse, shall immediately conform to such amendment or revocation. 0th. The said permission Is glvon sub? ject to the -conditions that the said R. A. Patterson Tobacco Co., or any subsequent owner of said house, will indemnify, re? imburse, and savo harmless the city of Richmond for any charges, damnges^or cost that the city muy bo required to pay by reason of nny person being Injured or damaged in any w^y, 1> property or per? son by the construction, existence, or maintenance of said Brldgo. 8th. For a falluro to conform fully to tho provisions of this ordinance, or any amendment or revocation thereof, or any requirement thereunder, tho said R, A. Patterson Tobacco Co., or any subsequent owner of said house, shall bo liable to a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars', each day'a falluro to bo a soparato offense. uth. All ordinances or parts ot ordi? nances aro hereby repealed, so far as tho same may conflict herewith. 10th. This ordinance shall bo in force from its passage. ^ ^ ^^ nov21-5t. G'ty Clerk. BANK STATEMENTS, STATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE UNION BANK OF RICHMOND. LOCATED AT RICH? MOND; IN THE STATE OF VIR? GINIA AT TUB CLOSE OF BUS! ??NEHB NOVEMBER 17. 1003. MADE '1O THE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC. AC? COUNTS OF VIRGINIA: RESOURCES. .,?,??,,??, Loans and discounts,,....*M2H?5 S Stocks, bonds and mortgages.,. .?3,WJ> ia Other real estate.;...;.... WOO 00 Checks and other cash I toms.... , .Wj 78 Due-'from.'national bank*:;'.;....; i?,0SJ &< Specie, nickels and .cents.1.-.v.... 0 iO Paper currency .....'.....,'?'-____ Total .........i...;.'..!i.$2,007,824 12 LIABILITIES. Capital stock, paid in.,.$ 219,750 00 Undivided profits, less -amount paid for interest, expenses und taxes..>. ??,air ?J Dividends unpaid .;. UJ 00 individual deposits subject to cneck, sixty days' notice.1,32S,303 i4 Time certificates of deposit, sixty days' noUco. m,m M Interest on deposits in advance 3.>,0OO 00 Total .$2,007,1-24 12 I, J. B. Beasley, cashier, do solemnly, swoar that the above is a true statement of tho financial condition of the Union Bank of Richmond, located at Richmond, In the Stato of Virginia, at the close of business on the 17th clny of November, 1903, to tho best of my knovvledgo and Uell0f' J, B. BEASLEY, Cashier. Correot-Attest: ug lNRWrr0N< B. T. AIUUNGTON, B. ALSOP, ? ' Dlreotors. State of Virginia, city of Richmond: Sworn to and subscribed boforo me this 23d day of November, 1003. ? ' j. E. JOPLIN, Notary Public, Commission expires December 19, 1903. STATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL CtifllimuN OF THE CITY BAi>K OF KICHMOND, LOCATED AT RICH? MOND, IN TI113 STATE. OF VIR? GINIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSI? NESS NOVEMBER 17, 19M MADE TO THE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC AC? COUNTS OF VIRGINIA; RESOURCES. Loans and- discounts.$1,189,193 90 overdrafts . 2,808 03 Stooks. bond? and mortgages.. 87,624 78 riunktng house. 86,000 00 Cheoka and other cash items .I o85 ? Exchungea for clear ing-houae .? 80,697 tu Duo from . national Danks .302,36118 Due from State banks and private bankers,. 48,005 88 Specie, nickels and cents . 25,170 21 Paper duri-enoy. 02,094 00 . ??? 416,813 70 Total.$1,740,389 315 LIABILITIES. ,"' Capital stock paid In.$ <W,000 oo Surplus fund.? ???? 1W,000 Oo Undivided profits, lass amount paid for Interest, expanses iiiitl taxoa. M'{Ji?I Dividends unpaid. -'(150 individual deposits, subject to chock....$l,0OS 009 32 Demand lecrtlflvutos of deposit. <5.04a 06 Uertlllod chocks. 1,8J7 90 Dun to national banks 3Mi3 42 Duo to Stato banks ?l j??*?? ._i^iii.3i,207,307C-2 Notes and bills rodlscountod.., n.aao H7 Total .$1,710,1)89 30 'I, J, W. Klnton. cashier, do solemnly swear that the above Is a true atalomont of tho financial condition of tho City Bank of Richmond, located at Richmond, In the Stato ot Virginia, at tho eloso of Uusliui.-ia on tho 17th day of November, 1008, to the best of my knowledge and bo l-?C' J, W, S1NTON, Cashier. Correct-Attest: }j J?j|BGN, S. H. HAWES, JAMES H, ANDERSON, Dlreotors. Stato of Virginia, city of Richmond? Sworn to and subscribed before ma this -1st day ot November, 1803. ' * VVM, SINTON, Notary Public. Notary Publlo ? ?? i z=*X AUCTION SALES?This Day. By Augustine Royatl & Co., Real Estate Agenls and Austloiieors, Loader Building. Matichestm', Va, T RUSTEH'S SALE OF FOUR HAND - HOME LOTS ON THE PETERS PURU TURNPIKE. IN CHESTER* FIELD COUNTY, NEAR MANCHES? TER, VA., ON TUESDAY, NOV. 21. 1903, AT 4 O'CLOCK P. M., ON THE PREMISES. By vlrtuo of a flood of trust dated Nov. 3d, '1003 ,and executed to tho undersigned and duly rocorded In tho County Court ttcrk's ofllco of Chostorlleld county, In V. Ji, 101, pngo 177, and bolng required so to do by tho beneficiary, default having been matlo In tho payment of the debt t>ccuro<l, 1 shall sell on tho day, hour and place named abovo thoso four (l> handsome building lots located on tho Petersburg Turnpike, in Chesterfield county, near Manchester, Va,, and desig? nated on tho plan of Mason Park Land Co, as Lot* Nos. 0. 7, 8 and 9; J-.0I8 Nos, l>, 7 ftnd 8 front 33 foot each, and Lot No. P fronts 68 feet on said pike between Uela v.uro and Edwards Streets. Lots Nos. it, 7, 8 have a depth of 140 feet to an alley; Lot No. 9 is a triangular lot at the corner, of Edwards Street. These are beauIIftil lots, and should attract tho attention of those seeking surbufhnii homes. TERMS?Cash aw lo expenses ot sale, toxrs If any arc duo, and to pay off a note past duo'for $01.83, with interest t-inco Nov. 3d. 1003, till paid, and on crndlt as to a note of $00.09, duo May 3d, 1904. The residue, If nay, Upon such terms as will be announced at Balo. i HENRY S. HUT55LER, NO 18,20,21,22,24. TrUBteo, By Edward S. Roso Company, Roal Estnlo Auctioneers. HERE IS A aoOB BUILDING LOT; WE THINK IT IS GOING TO SELL CHEAP. At tho request ot tho owner, a non-rosl dont, we will boII by auction, upon the PTUE8DAY. 24TH DAY CUT..NOV., 1903, at 4 o'clock P.. M., 40x150 feet to an nliey, on the north- side, of Beverly between Temple hnd Carter Streets'. TERMS?At sale; ? EDWARD S. ROSE.COMPANY. novlO-tds Auctioneers. By Tho Valentino Auction Co., Auctioneers. A UCTION SALE* A OF ICE-CREAM PLANT, BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY OF EDWARD C. REES & CO., NO. 71.1 WEST , MAIN STREET. THIS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1908, On account ot declining the business, wo will sell for Edward C. Roes & Co., No. 713 West Main Street (opposite Monroo Park), on THIS (Tuesday) MORNING, NOV. 24TH, commencing at 10:30 o'clock. This Ico Crenm Plant, Bukoiy and Confectionery, comprising Hand or Power Ico-Crenm Ma? chine (cost $12fi), Electric Motor, 200 Ioe oream Tubs und Cans, Broad Trough, Box and Tables, Bread and -Coke Pans, Candy Stones and Beach. Marblo Almond Mortar, Ico-Cream Moulds, Tuft's Soda Fountain, of Italian and Tennessee mar? blo, and two mirrors, with 22 syrup cans, 3 soda nnd 6 mineral water spigots, mar? ble serving counter and 2 copper tanks, 'cost $2,200.00; Soda Glasses and Holders, coco-Cola CCan, Milk Shako Machine, about fifty gallons ot assorted Syrups, Coca-Cola, &c; 4 Electric Fans. National Cash Register, 3 Nlckle Framo Showcases, Iron Safe (combination lock). Counter Scales, Stools, 12 Marblo Top loe-Crcum Tables, -J2 Oak and Walnut Chairs, Stand? ing Desk, Walnut Hat Rack, Pedostals arid Statues, Mirror, C5 yards Inlaid Lino? leum, Ico-Cream Chest with 5 and 10 gal? lon porcelain lined enns; Ico-Cream Saucers and Glasses, Candy Jars and Dishes, Cnndles, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, &c.; also about 3 ton3 Anthraclto Coal. Sulo posi? tive. . TEUMS-Cash. THE VuVLENTINE AUCTION CO,, No 22-2t. ' Auctlonoors, REAL ESTATE?For Sale. GHPAN & HUME, Real Estate?Insuranoe?Loans. FOB SALE. $1 SftA A SMALL FARM OF 25 1 tO\J\f acres, with good 6-room dwell? ing, now rented to a good tenant; at Tuylor's crossing, 10 miles from Rich? mond, and about ono and a half miles from Glea Allen, on tho R. F. & P. R. R. Aiarn and outhouses. Excellent wator (pump). Good orchard. Nlco grovo In rront. Right at station. Thla Is a bar? gain. $1 I (\f\f\ FOUR NEW, MODERN *.-!>V.V." brick dwellings, up-to-date in every respect. All occupied by excel? lent tenants. Now renting for $1,100. Splendidly located on Church Hill. A sai'o Investment that brings 10 per cent. $1 ^ft TWO STORY. FRAME s )?uu dwelling of seven rooms, on j .?lrty-fifth Street. Oood tenant. 12 por cent. Investment, FOB RENT. FURNISHED DWELLING OF TWELVE (12) rooms, with nil tho most modern conveniences, together with fourteen (II) acres of ground, on Dill's Road, within a very short distance or tho Chestnut Htli oar line; convenlont to the city, aas, hot and cold water, range, bath, sewer, etc. The wholo houso heated by hot water, The owner has moved awny from tno city, and is desirous of securing u tenant Immediately. To tho proper party special Inducements will bo made. This Is one of the best built dwellings In tho county. *330.00-10-room dwelling; Chestnut Hill. fcUO.OO- 8-room dwelling; Chestnut Hill. $270.00- 8-room dwelling; Chestnut Hill. ?13.60- (i-room dwelling; No. 3417 E. Clay. $9.00?0-room dwelling; No. 821 Spring btrest.. Also several 6, 7 and 8-room dwellings In west end. MONEY! ~~~ MONEY! IN SUMS TO SUIT. CHARGES REA? SONABLE. COLLECTION OF RENTS , A SPECIALTY. FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN. PROMPT AND COUR? TEOUS ATTENTION TO EV? ERY INQUIRY. 13 N. Eleventh St. Farms, Mills, &c. For Sale. GEO. 13. CRAWFORD & CO., Ontnloguos Freo. Soil E, Main EXCURSION TO NORFOLK THANKSGIVING DAY. Via. Norfolk and Western Railway; Jl.25 round trip. Fast vostllmlod train leaves Richmond, Byrd-Street Station, I) A. M.; Petersburg, D::t3 A. M., Returning, leaves Norfolk 7,-JO P. M. BETWEEN RICHMOND AND LYNCH burg. Must have good buildings, near Station, with river Ijottoniu, anil pl'K-o must bo rensnnuhlo, JNO, STEWART WALKER, LYNCUI'IUIIC, VA. MEETINOS. t mabonio'fw\Tilvi7",notk!E.--tiir *Af mumticrs of DGVK l.dliiU-.', NO. SI, A. /y\ (.'. mill A. M-, will utti'inl a tailed com iniiiiloatlDii gf their lodgo at IliaMasonic Titni. M.-. of which the rteceawd wa? ">?a ,"? member, ure egpeclnlly invited io unllu will in. Tli.1 offU-vr* and niuinliei-s of sister lolg.-s ?IH| transient brethren tiro also cordially ami fi? unuiily unite with us. lly order of the W. III. ' UEN T. AUOUliT, Seorvt W/. AUCTION SALES?This Day. By II. A. MdCUrtly, Real Estate Auctioneer^ PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF THE .,?,??? LATE RESIDENCE OF L. BOUCHERS, ESQ,, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21TH, AT 4:30 O'CLOCK P. Mi, NO 307 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, GAMBLE'S HILL. By direction of tho owner, who has re? moved, and who is desirous ot disposing of tho property, even at a sacrlflco rather than to rent the same. I will offer for sole, on tho premises, at the time staled, the above vorv DESIRABLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY abovo mentioned, 'lho build? ing In thrco story brick, and contains every modern convenience and comfort, such- ns tllod halls and bath, tho laitar fitted Willi the most oxpenslvo sanitary arrangements; Inlaid floois In parlors and dining rooms, walls ot most of tho rooms nnd stairways handsomely frescoed, sttf tlonni-y wardrobes and stands, eloctrlc lights, otc, etc. In tact, no expense was spared to mako tho property cqmpleto In fivery detail, and few, It any, residences in tho city can compare with tho Interior finish. There Ib Immediately In, tho rear, but separated by an alley, a IWp-brORY MODERN BRICK STABLE, with amplo accommodation for several horKCS and carriages. Although the ownor has .Spoilt a very largo amount on tho property; he dfie? not expect a fancy prlco, and those In search ot a first-class property can at? tend sale with tho assurance that a great bargain can lie had. To properly appre? ciate this property It must bo scon, and tho auctioneer will be pleased to Inspect aiimo with any ono wishing to mako ex? amination before tho sale, und t Is well worth the whllo of any ono to do so. bee him; you will not regret It. TERMS-W1II be very liberal nnd an? nounced at time of sale. Most of tho pur? chase pr co can remain on the proporty. POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY. nov 18-tds H- A- M CURDY. By A. J. Chownlng Co., Real Estate Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE q^ TUESDAY, NOV. 24, 1903, &%fi! VS ?TWENTY.EIGHTH STREET; I ,??, NO. 2U2 EAST CLAY STREET; NO. 2714 EAST CLAY STREET: NO. 2710 EAST CLAY STREET, corner Twenty-eighth nnd Clay streets. ON HILL. Chance for good investment or home. TE RMS-Reasonable. Von,tMl VWiuSng CO.. novlBrtds . Auctioneer^ AUCTION SALES--Future Days By Pollard & Bagby, ,. Auctllneers, Auction Sale for Account of Party Leaving Town of Nice Corner Church Hill Home at Northeast Corner of 34th and Marshall Sts. Very Large Lot. Wo will sell at Auction . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH, 1903, at 4:30 o'clock, tho abovo mentioned de? ferable property. The houso has about 8 rooms, and Is modern. Lot fronts 100 loet on Thirty-fourth Street, and Is very desirable. ?Property' 19 sold, subject to a mortgage of $2,000, ? TERMS?On balance easy and an? nounced at sale. ? POLLARD'& BAGBY, Auctioneers. No 22-tds Auctioneers, "~ By J. Thompson Brown & Co. TKUSTEE'S BALE OF HOUSE AND LOTS IN BARTON HEIGHTS. As substituted trusteo In deed of trust dated August 9, 1S94, from A. F. Miller and wife, recorded In tho County Court of Henrico; and being requested by tho Deneflclarles therein so to do, I will pro? ceed to oxeouto said dood by selling at public auction, on tho promises, FRIDAYS NOV. 27TH, 1903, at 4:30 o'clook P. M., the property de? scribed in said deed as LOTS NOS. 8 and 9, )n Block E, In Barton Heights, at the northeast corner of Montelro nnd .t'oe Streets, fronting 65 foet on Montelro btreet, with all the buildings and Im? provements thereon. TERMS?Cash as to tho oxponse ot sale, and 52,158.76, being tho amount ot money due upon notes scoured by Enid deed, and balance In monthly payrnonts of $25. with Interest from Juno 1, 1891. HENRY S. HUTZLHR, Substltutbd Trusteo. Brown & Co., Auctioneers. By J. Thompson Brown & Co. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT IN BARTON HEIGHTS. As substituted trustee In doed of trust dated Octobor 28, 1893, from AVllllarn R. Brown and wife, recorded ,ln the County Court of Honrlco In D, B. TBO B., p. 253, nnd being roquosted by the bunoflclarles theroin so to do, I will proceed to exe? cute snld deod by selling, at public auo t.on, on tho promises. FRIDAY, NOV, 27TH, 1903, at 4 o'clock P. M.. tho proporty described in sa.u deed as LOT NO C, In Block 28, ?n Barton Helghti Addition, together with the Improvements thereon, being ono of the most attractlvo resldonts in Barton Heights. TERMS-Cash ns to the expense ot tale, and J1.CG3.20, being the amount ot money duo upon notes secured by said oeod, and hMaiiee In monthly payrnonts of $20, with Interest from November 10, 1805. HENRY S. HUTZLER, Substituted Trustee, Brown & Co.., Auctioneers. ~ By N. W. Bowe, Real Estate Auctioneer. THAT MOST ATTRACTIVE BUILD? ING LOT ON THE SOUTH SIDE OR GROVE AVENUE, between Sycamore and Strawberry Stroots, Just 80 feel west of Mr. Henry Holzgrofe's reslaenoo, WILL BE SOLD by uuotlon, on the prom? ises, on WEDNESDAY, NOV, 25, 1903, at 4:H0 P. M. ? , -^ This is a line, d?op lot, nnd tho many now and handsome dwoltlngs now going ui> on that most attractive drive way attest tho popularity und desirability of tho bcatlon. TERMS-At sale. N. W. BOWE. nov '-'1-lds Auctioneer. By Goo, W. Mayo, Auotlonoer. RECEIVERS' SALE OF THE ASSETS OF THE WALTHALL PRINT INO AND SOUTHERN TOBACCO? NIST COMPANY, By virtue of nn order of tho United Btntes Dlstrlot Court fur the Eastern Uis trk-t of Virginia. entered on tho 17th day of November, uhm, in the cause therein pending under tho slyle of Tho Walthall Printing mid Southern Tobacconist Com? pany, Bankrupt, Hio undersigned rccolv urs will noli ut public auction for cash, mi the promises, No, 109 South Twelfth Stroot. RIoliinoiKt, Va., on ?WEDNESDAY, NOV, gS, J9t? at 12 o'clock M'.i Hio ftBSOls, Including the good will of tho Walthall Printing and Southern Tobu.-conlsi Company, consist? ing principally of Printing Machinery, Typo. Stock, etc., and the miblii'itt on known as tli.i "Southern" The assets Incliul" Onion Kurnituni und Fixtures, 2 cottroll Cylinder Presses, 4 rimiHi.'or mid Gordon J"h Presses, and u full supply of J"b and Hook Type. Tlio assets will llrst bo offered, in detail and then as a whole. Tho sulo will bo subject to the combina? tion of tho court. An Inventory of tho assuis can be seen, with the papers In tho said cause, in the clerk's ofllce of tho United States District Court of Richmond. Va. Tho i-ecelvovs will gUdly furnish mfor mut.ou to tno>gtol.^(|jl. nwnm> and , . R. ?. WALTHALL. uov 19,21,22,21,85 Receiver*. AUCTION SALES-Futtire Day* i E By 3, B. Elam & Co., Real Estate Auctioneers. bi'ATE SALE BY~~ PUBLIC AUCTION OF THAT ELIGIBLY LOCATED MODERN* WELL BUILT AND ATTRACTIVE ^ THREE STORY B1UCK. RESIDENCE, No. 926 W. Grace SI., On North Side Graoe Between Sha* fer and Harrison Streets. By direction of the owners, who art selling to oloso an estate, wo will sell btf Ptibllo Auction, on the promlaes, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH, 1903. fit 4:30 o'clock, P. M,, the above named specially attractive and desirable real* r.once, containing about ten rooms, havln* tno usual modern conveniences, well appointed, substantially, built and In good condition, bolng comparatively new, the lol fron'tlng nineteen feot, more or less, und running back botweon parallel linos ono Hundred and fifty-six foot, moro of It-ss, to an alloy In common. This sale presents to tho homeseekor at! unusual opportunity to seouro at a mod* orato prlco a really desirable, modcrnly constructed and well located homo, and 1r. tho capitalist a perfectly safe and desirable Investment', tho proporty com? manding at ull times good rentut, and increasing steadily In value. , 'J iUHMS?Very liberal, aiid to bo .ai??4 nouueed at sale. J. B. ELAM & CO.. No 20, tds. Auctioneers. B* James H. Crenshaw, Ronl Estate Auctioneer, | 1013 E. Main Street, /"?OMMISSIONER'S AUCTION SALB. v-* OF BRICK STORK AND DWELLING NO,^ 408 NORTH EIGHTEENTH STREET. i By docrco ot tho Chancery Court of th#i city of Richmond, entered In the suit oft Mary Caroline Allan vs. Genevieve Mon? tague and als, on Novomhor 3d, 1U03, w* will sell by. public auction, on the prenvw UeS' ?\VEDNESDAY, NOV. 25TH. at 4 o'clock P. M., tho following property, < as described In the decree, as that lot,. with improvements thereon, No. 408 Nurt& Eighteenth Streot, in the olty of Rich? mond, and bounded as follows: Commenc? ing on tho west lino of Elghtoenth Street 8-1 foot nnd 0 Inches north of Marshall Street, thonco running northwardly and! fronting on said Eighteenth Street 2o feotij and running back westwardly between! I parallel lines 132 feet. i TERMS-Ono-thlrd cash, and the resldu# In three equal Installments, payablo re.i spoctlvely at six, twolvo and eighteen! months from tho day of sale, tho credit installments to bo evidenced by notes ofl tho purchaser, with 8 per centum per an? num Intcrost from the day of sale added, and the title of tho property retained as security for the said notes until the wliol?). of tho purchaso money Is paid and a coa?H veyanoo directed by tMt^ ^ ... Special Commissioner. |5 Jamos II. CrenBhaw, Auctioneer. I ], The bond required of tho Commissioner in the above "ult^been executed^ . novl3-tds Cleric ! . _:_'--:-?-*{: Wm. B. PIzzlnl Company, Real Estate Auctioneers, j Tenth and Bank.-Streets. COMMISSIONER'S AUCTION SALEf OF EIGHTEEN LOTS OF LAND, ??ELEGANTLY ADAPTED TO BUILD-J 1NG HOMES, AND' SITUATED IN "L1SBURN." -'JUST WEST OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF RICHMOND, ON HANOVER, IVY AND ICENS1NG* '!>*-, STREETS, AS EXTENDED. By virtue of a decrco of tho Richmond : cnancery Court, 'entered on the 16th day of Novombcr, 1903, In the suit of Mathew GUmour, who siiEs, etc., plalntlh, vs. The Llsburn Land Company, etc., dofondants, I will sell at Public Auction on tho prem? ises on ? . ,; WEDNESDAY, NOV.' 25TH, 1903, at four o'cloclc P. M., tho'eighteen lots In ? he plan of Llsbuvn, on the east sldo ofl Gllmour Avonuo, which are referred to In-' said plnn by tho following numbers, viz.; M, C2, 73, 74, 7D, 109. 125,. 126. 127, 171, 172, 173. 179, 180, 182, 183 18'1 and 18S. TERMS-One-thlrd cash and Lalnnco ad six and twelve months with Interest, evi? denced by negotlablo notes, and socurod bv trust deod on tho property, or all caeh, at tho option of the purchaser.' Those lots will bo offered olthcr scpar* ately or In parcels, or.ns a whole. * JOHN' B. WELSH, | Special Commissioner. Tho bond required "of the special conn missloner by the abovo decreo has boeit culy given, j CHAS. O.SAVILLE, No 20-6t. Clerk. By Douglas E. Taylor, jj Seller and Renter of Real Est*t*. iJ A CTION SALE ~~ |] r\ of \\ Main Street Properly. Dwelling No. 7 on south side of Main Street, botweon First and Fousheo Streets, with a beautiful building lot ndjolning. Ai the request uf the owners, who arfl anxious to close an cstato, I will sell at Publlo Auction, on the premises, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH, 1903, at -1:30 o'clock P. M., tho abuvo described) proporty. The 2-story and basement brick' dwelling contains about 7 rooms, Scj This property has a frontage of 66 S-H reel by a depth of 163 4-12 feet. Its lo? cation Is central and Improving. Imme? diately on the cur line and an udmlrabla opportunity Is hero afforded to purchase a desirable home, and for the same rea? sons. Improvements put upon tho vacant lot will prove nn excellent Investment. TERMS?Liberal nnd announced.ot sale* DOUGLAS E. TAYLOR, No 22-tds. Auctioneer. By A. L. Adamson, ltoal Eslato Auctioneer, ;, Manchester, Va. f TRUSTEE'S AUCTION S.-vuE OF AJ VERY DESIRABLE TRACT OF) SUBURBAN LAND, CONTAINING 26) isCKKS, CLOSE TO FOREST HILL) PARK, IN CHESTERF1EU3 COUNT!'. VA. By virtue of a deed of trust dated Oe? touor 18, U93, and recorded In the clerk's! ctllco of Chesterfield County Court, In D. B. 87, page 481, and having been sub-t tlltutod trusteo in the stead of A. C, Attklsson, aocoased, by a decreo of th<3 County Court of salt! county, eniorod Nov. fr. 1903, in tho suit of Charles \\ ell and! A brum Hollstoni vs. Kntherlno fatoin eg els., default having been mado In tha rnyinont of tho note secured thereby, and, t-oliitr directed so to do by the holdoM ttieroof, I will soil at Publlo Auction ort tho promises on .?.??. TUESDAY, 1ST DAY OF DEC, 1903. at 4 o'clock P. M., the above twenty acres rf land fronting on the Midlothian (Man Chester and Coal Pit) Turnpike, running back to Roods- Crock and the land ot 'j' W Wood, Esq. tit als., bounded un tha west by the land of Judge II, A. Han? cock, and on the east by the "Stein" farm, owned by Messrs. Well and Hell? s') ern, Tho land is high, rich, slightly rilling to tho rear, near olectrio curs and, is admirably located for suburban homes, TERMS?Gush as tn the rest of exe? cuting this trust, taxes, and to pay a not* oi }ti,QO0 and interest thereon, duo Goto* her IS, 181)8, E CRAWFORD> Substituted Trustee. Liberal terms may be bad if deslrod. II A. L. Adainson. Aueiloiieor. No W1ai.-2,24,2i,26,27,2?.8i) & Pel. By Edward S, Rose Company, Ri-al Estato Auctioneers, _ i A UCTION SALE OF NICE DWELL* A 1NU NO. 19 POE STREET, BARTON/ Heights, Lot 93x200 feet l?> an alley Wi feet; tho last belonging to an estate winch; must bo closed. As directed, wo will on WEDNESDAY, 23TH DAY OF NOV., 1WI. at I o'clock P. M., upon the premises, self hv auction tlio above homu. It's going. It's almost gone. The hwky one will u?< named at sale. Come, It may be you. TERMS? At Balo. ' ,,?.^,? ' EDWARD S. ROSE COMPANY. . uoy 19-tda Auctio-n-.en