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Thousands of $ $ $ $ are mat! e by T-D advertisers every week. T-D Ads. pay b:st. Thousands of $ $ $ $ are saved by T-D Want Ad. readers every week. Don't miss them to-day. ? H ti T?.MKS. Kin NU Kl? itili. 'J'Hl? DiSl'A'lL'll. I'Ul NUf.l? ?*?). WHOLE NUMB?* 16 411. RICHMOND, VA., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1903. PR-.Ci FiVE CBNT>. THE SOCIAL CLUBS NOT TO PAY SALOON LICENSE WANT HANNA, BUT MUST WHOOP FOR ROOSEVELT Senate Assesses Them at Kot A'.ore Than $350. NO MOR .CLUBS IN DRY DISTRICTS The Charters of Those Already in Operation to be Revoked. TO REQUIRE TELEFHONE COMPANIES TO CONNECT House Adopts an important Amendment?Building and Loan Companies Net to be Allowed to Charge More Than 8 Per Cent.?Terms of Circuit Courts. Both the House and Senate yester? . ?ay had Important h?ls lindar consid?ra? tion, and adopted a-nendments of wide? spread general Interest. In the Senate the bill In re'atton to social clubs, en? titled an act to prohibit chartered clubs from selling or giving away wlr.ea. ardent spirits, etc., In local option districts, and regulating the chartering of social clubs, was pns?ed a?'.or Important amend? ments thereto had been engrafted. The Senate refus?d to require social cluLs to pay the rotear saloon license, as was propoi>:d In the Bhackelfjrd amendment., instead, that the tax to te paid by any one social club filiali not exceed ?1.0. Another amend? ment rei,u.res appi.cants for cub char? ters to stale wh.jther or not It is pru? posed to d.. liqujrs, and in the eieni It is sj proposed, then a caie ts requ.ied from il.o circuit Judge to tho Loipjrailon Commission, thai ?, o o? such is not against sound puUtc policy. Under the terms of Hie L-.ii us pciodod by u.? oc.a.c, no cnarter s.iail ue a ciuo to d.s pen-e i.quj.s in iucji o*>?io,r and cli? pei, sury u.u^i.c.s, und in? 1.?.?-..bee of C.U.-S ll.lxujy Ll.-1'i.t?.uJ iti fclU.i la-OvI'lulS, are revu..ed. Ui.e ji^ude had under consideration Hou.e t.ii ?-i., cuii-.e.j..n? puuiic'-tiV.ue COiujiMUvi.b. ar.Q uujj.kuo l?.u wry l.ii Pui.u-ti ?.?vu-uiiuuIiaDU1, O..C O? t>.tod, Ll? ->-i. ^u-c, tu r*.u,?.i?u..i~.. I?? qu,ied ail le.epi.or.e cuuij.ii?..ej in I1.0 favJ-tB lu ?-w...^i U-..11 u.?vl'. ..... L?u? jo.t.?vi ini cu..?-.uue in uuvulUly o? tue u.iiciit?.nti.i, u..u u w~? ujw^.jj, So IO ... a ..a uLi.or important amendment was ofi.e.ed uy jai'. -..<>., <i?.j w.u.iu ...? ^a..u il.o uf-vi .u~.. _o--c?..^..o v^> .......0_ ?.?.?? . ll?iii'i o per ce.... ????'1'w.t. iii'o u.iu?u? mv.i.1 Wao UUJ,.w?U, U....uUgil V.ouivuiif/ ?Oj.^i.?eu, Tl.? Cl.'.Ol Ul U, .1 Ja./.U? ?? ; t..? Mil..?le iX.Su, W.ll, III ll.e V|' 1.11, pi'u?vik.u.iy ^?j.i'jy u?j......... ai.u icur. 'n.e ui.l, -s .....c.uea, in ineae i\%o 'purtuuiufn, wiu oi.ieicd tO CllglO?Sll..Jnt. The ?Oliale tpar.t consldcrablo? time fix? ing Ine Vu'.?.i <St' iXlti,\.'vu)?l&'i we u?? Jour.ied . butoio . tl.e, bili, to which many amendment's wore ohered, ? ue benage ?. The Senate, to. .order, at .11, ?. a?. L.y u-eui<5..ani.-oOveii)or ?. i.i-rd. W.iii ?bL,ui iwciu,.-?ne aei.<i.u.s present. There was no prayor. -* no]ri:h?i'.ica?.io.. nom tho 'House of ?Jeieaa.eo uiwuu?ceti ll.e r-Uai?aoe of sev? eral h.'l.'s, a'rrior.g' tho.n' the Jord?n bl.l to break the Baylor, suvyey; i'n.s moas? j uro wa.s orde:ed prime-, and w.ll noi be ? taken up by the ? Oaamiltee tor l? isn and ? G .me until Tuesday. \ Among Hie u.i.<>. bills communicated | by ll.) House was Senate bill 4M, In ro- ] latlon to tho public debt, passed by ll.e House wUii amend ner.i. The amendment was agreed to by* the Senate, It being | niu.ily In ? the of perfecting the phraseology of the bill.. The first special 'o'rit?r on tho ?alendar was-pasted- by,' ar.dlheSen.ita took'up . the sacona, tho committee substituto for the Bruce fci i. to proli.bit the sale or giving away of and nrient fplrlts; ? Tho bill was dlscu'sed for go-ne .timo by the S-nato. and club3 came In for a geni ral assault.' The first clause of tho m:?afu!fl under fire was what li known as the S.inckoltord anij-ndment, requir? ing clvhs wh eh d spense liquors to pay lha rosu'.nr bar-room li:ense. This was o ntondod for. by .seye?al,seniors an. th? only way in curb tho neat Ion of rnush rcoTi ?lu'?s. Mr.? Keezell criticising the per annoi of some of thoie alleged ?-.nial clibs, and arguing for'the bar rconi II c?"se to te put uion the:n. Mr,' Mellwalhe, of Petersburg, came to the rosee 'of the-bon ? fide clu'-s, do cla Ing ll)U not ??? were ev'l, and that, on the contrary, many of them wo e ma "e up of gentlemen of the h.lgheit standing. They doslred a .buffu In con? nection with the club, though in many ceses, not more than twenty-five pi>r ceni, of ine monbej-s patronize the lar, It was an InJuUlco, ho conten'od to re? quire them to pay a regular saloon n eonre. When the amendment was voted on It was lot, and Instead, the S?mte Inserted a provison "tint the said tnx to be paid by any ono club shall not excood (? ? ?um of three hundred and fifty dollars," ??.s w"8 H'lonted. JUOGIS MUST ENDORSE, Tho only other change mado In the com mltiee hill was the Insori.on of a, ? ov| sion In tho latt chuso in legaid lu so cl-| clubs to he chartorod litreaftor. n. d the method of obtaining such chai te. a. ?;.? bill leportoii by tho ciumilUoo ru qiilred that any upplloilon for a pjuh chuitor herouite.? s.uill st.Uo In Its nppll cut.on whetlioi? or not It dasiros to dis. penso liquors and In tint eveiii the of tho court shall f nddltlon to the ?ent?lente required by section 1) of ?? act concerning corporat.ons certify ta the Corporatisn Commission that in his ConUnuod o? Second taso,) "~: LIVE NEWS OF TH? DAY PLAINLY PUT. GATHER IN WASHINGTON Very Important Meeting of the Independent Manufacturers . of Tobacco. FIGHT AGAINST THE TRUST The Otjen Bill to be Considered, as Well as Other Matters of Great Interest Nearly two hundred lnder.:ndent to Lacco manufacturing firms of the United Slates yvl.l bo rep.cscnted at a b.g meet? ing to be he.d In V\ asuington this week for tfc.2 co..sicerat.or. of inauers ?? v.iui Interest and Importance tu ina trade a( Urse. ? l.o ?inhering Is to be under the aus. plco?. ?? ilia ji.cUpehue..i iuu...-iu,?;..ui<ii ?' rt.e?Ji;.al?un, a i.-wur.dl ui6a...?iu.uii, \? ?.?c.? i.UhS Um iAiaclw,uu'.'n?re !.. lu.s City, i.e.tra u,, ,u li.ilo .iid.cne la., ? tue ftp. ??emu. luti vVl.i i>e .o.y Iurte, m>.lu^ coi.ceri.? from all sec- ? l.?..a 01 ??.? ' V.1.U..I. j . exit ut i.jj u.ui.ufau.u.eio un. lo un i.u..u. U nas generai.y loen uss?med ihai u.e ! bu1?j, ut, ai leus., ine enei, purpose uf U.e nieei.r.s waj tl.? dlsjuodiu.i ?? p.ui.a lui? 8ce?r.i.,? ti.e ? paa-a^e of the uijen bill, pjot.ibitlng bonus schemes, but ,1t ?b g ?incieli iromMi.e o..?ccrs i.ere eiuu ll.e.o vvi.l Le ot.ior mauere ul equal or greener i.npui\a....o thai wi.i De pri-ociued lor cjiibiUerai.or.. As for the oije.i uni itself, the astoe.atlon appears luntldeni of Siuccs., 'ine iimericn Tobacco Com? pany is not any t.tjni on tue inca&u.e Ui.e year. ^j.K?.Uii.NT LANDSTREET. | A matter of perhaps gieaier lmpor ; lance ih..n this, liowe.or, is the ques i t.on that W..1 a;l ,eof the general re.auon ' of the lr.def.Jn-ent manufacturers to U.o | retail dealers' and jobbers' aesoc.atlona 1 springing up here and the.e. yvu'v? 1 sosti, f.cslder.t Landsiroet, of tho asso cation. dec.aroJ that the independents were eaUoy.r.g an unprecedented period of protpriiy. According ' to Mr. Landstreet, one of tho mauers to como before the assoni-' Liod Independents w..l le the p.-oposulon of Jo.nlng hands with the organized re. takers and golns forth Into the field together for a s;cady aad pers.stent f.ght nga.nst the trust. The Retail Dealers' Clgir and Tobpcco Company, of New York, wi:i, In all probability, be on doused by the tissoi-uuiun. A coupon scheme from the Retail Deilera' Aa?? soc atlon uf America will alio Ue sub? 'n).tl<3d. It provides a certa.? reveuue tor the retailors, Sentiment on this po'nt Is divided, and the scheme will probably c.eate considerable discussion at the coming mee'lng. TOBACCO SAMPLES, AnotliPr Important matter will be a movement to secure tho reversal of the ruling of tho rovaiuui olllcu in tho matter of lobacc.i s imples imended for il strlbution. This decision prove te manufacturers of smoking tobacco from availing II enselven of tho pr.vl'.ise of uinploy ng lie ample schPtie. hut do?. not affect He plug and clairette trad?. The object of t.,i associa.ion Is iS Imvo tho law restoru 1 lo Its original form. , With this end In vhw a <,o*n-mir,"n,li>n ' lui a been addressed to General Vorltea, ' commissioner of tho involine, if i|ie commits oner (hies not reverso his ruling tho mitter will prot-n'ly bo takon Into Congrei?s, whovo nn effort will ho turulo lo hu .? the law Itsc'f orurged The nipoiing will ho he'd rjnivnbor "lOtli nn'l 11th In the New Willard Ilotol, of Washington, A CHAST?f ?E~ IS NOW SUSPECTED (?5"<?<"??) |o ?? o r.tiie?-Dlspaich.j WJ?4? ESP ARRE, PA, D?. 5?Whon the e>T?"*M body of? S?\uel ?. Kttmer was found tn the ruina o? a burned house at Berwick last Tuesday,. It was thought thnt he ha'J teen burred lo death. ." Th? reTiaIrs were shipped hers.: and a s?nrt'!rig rlls-o-ery ha?, been made,? which point? to murder. The? bori ? wr<"< ??"' clved here, was without arms,? legs or head, and a search mide In the ruins of Ih? hi"?o has revealed no trace of these members. Klsner lived alone, a hermit. In the h.ous"! wh>'i hu-''-?. a-tl 1? was su^pT-ed .that he had wealth ?-".creted. It Is.'now hn'icv-"! h? ws riurd^'ed for Ms t????.?, 'pnH that, the criminal chopr^d off. the .head, legs and arms and hurled them. STEPHE^n^:""7 . , ? WHERE THEY ARE AT; fSneclr] to TIip ? mef-Dlfp-t h.) ? . NF.'v vrflK, Dd?. 5;- ' ;.tf.-> Gn'es. Averti? Polo-?, fou-t, Rrooklyn. ' tc-dav,; 0P, f.j?^-^^^ ? npi-e..s .was tWore Mails- ? t-pt* Furli-s to explain why he had. ?fa>d to obf'ln a 'Icn-c for his 'Jog,.. ? '-."Vaii-' Hnpnr, I have, no. dog now.",'de.'" lt.)f>r??' Herman. : '.?.?'? J ?? t "Why. this Inspector here eays you' hav? ore." . ,-.\ "Oh. r have had lots of dogs,", said Hema'n. '.. ?,'-.-? "W'l wHt became of them?" . in-., ipi'red tVe court. . . V, . ,.' "1 could r'o? ?n'y,' .They carre and they, we-t. your "ihor." ' ' "Wi-at bnslre^s ?re you In?" "Me? Oh T'r>i In the pnu'ice, buslr ppsR.*' '"p'ied Herman, twjrl'riir hl? .hit ?.rH ?<M'H-cr f-o^ o-p foot io the oth?r.'' "D!sT>l=="d,"'snld the mail?trate. start Ine ? ??''Vi. which ran all around, the ; court room. ; ' i WOMAN ??? P'PN [ POTH GO SLIDING | rpr-v'-l tn Th* Tlme?-n!srat-h.) ' CUMBERLAND. MD.. Dec. B.-Mrs. Wlirani Kiddy, of Midland, this county, hnc a ?trilling slide for life this mcr-i :ng ' She was In the barn on the bill fide .and rad Just finished mllklner wh<-n the bern. loosened by frost. sti.T'cd from Its moorings, went fCO feet down the stoop Iraok pf show and settled, right side ur, or the level. It swayed In the lightn'ng descent, hut the woman clung fnntlcally to a post , while the tlmrers twisted and groaned I nront l-er? .With the otter hand she cintched her pall, and none of the milk . wa?i srllled, > ? When the hu'Idlng rettlsd 'he terrlf'cd woman, unharmed, emerged with the bucket of milk, leading the cow. , THE LOST CAUSE REVIVED IN PANAMA Dalhs Daughters of Confederacy Thank President Roosevelt. and the North. ^-???"'al to The"natch.i DALLAS- TEX., Dec. 5.-The fnllow ? Ing resolution was aJoptod by tho Texas j Chapter of the - Daughters of Confed? eracy by'a ur.anlmous vote: | "Whereas, the President of the United States, by his re-cent eourso toward the RepuU'e of Panama, lias shown to the world his endorsement of the principios l of the right of secession; and | "Whereas, the people of the Northern Ftates, by their accjptanco and approval ' of hie courto, have shown Uiat they liavo been led by him out of the fug of Igno? rance to tho tr.ght realms of truth at? [ tallied by Southern eiateanaun so many years ago; bo it I "Resolved, That we oxlend to the Presi 1 dent ilio hearty titani,s Dl ? lie uuu?luei's 1 of the Confederacy of Uni Stato of Texas, in convention uaseaiblu.l, for his enduise. ? ment of 'he pr.m anil his tion of .l-o' c-uao for' which the Huuili ? urn pool lo louant bu gluiiuus.y, bui so ' u,aas.rpus>.y, m ilio Wilf uoiweon tlw Stutos. Be it further ! "Resolved, Thai ,i uopy of liiufo icsulu tlons he tent to the President." ' The resolution was mal ed to president T?f.dsevalt by the secrotary o? the.con ? ???non last night, AN AWFUL Stowaway . for Fourteen Days in the' Hold of '?fie "Rapp?haii-:.-?'??? nock as in a Se^lejl'Tomb. li'J A PITIABLE CONDITION Left ..Liverpool a Man Weighing jDne Hundred .' and Forty and ' Fell Away to Sixty Pounds. . . iSpeclal to The Times-Dispatch.) NE .VPORT NEWS, VA., Dec. 5.?When the cirtro from the lower hold of th? British, steamship Rappanhonnock was telf.g discharged to-day. Robert Leslie, an American, who stowed away on the ship at L.yorpool. was found In a pttable co.-.dltlon, a living skeleton and almost un~on.:clous. The young-man went aboard the ship at.Liverpool, to throw himself atthe mercy of Captain Buckingham when the vessel had gotten to soa. He crept Into the hold to hide while tho cargo'was being loadsJ. AS IN A TOMB. It was dark, and ho could not see that box after box of merchandise was beln?: placed around him, and before he real? ized, whut.had happened he was securely sealed in the botiom of the ship. What he suilerod physically and montally can be !im glr.ed. Two pnun's of broad he carried Into tha ship with him was half eaten up by rats and the water was soon gone. For ten days he tried to attract the attention of' those on board by -shouting at the top of his voice, but no relief cama, and-he lay down to die, despairing if rescue . IN HOLD TWO WEEKS. For fourteen days he remained In the hold, and when he finally rescued to? day, he dl l not know whether hn was do'd or olivo. When ho left 1 Ivrpool he wae a rule. Virar'y man. weighing over 400 pounds; HAWTHORNE-POE AMERICA'S BEST Frofessor Smyth's Idea of Poe's "Rhythmic Creation of the Beautiful." (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) PHILADELPHIA, PA? Deo. S.-Profes sor Albert H. Smyth ilol.verod last night tho f.i'.h la.turo of his course upon Amor, lean Li.eruture al ino w'ldpJtWJ' i*iu?u.i'y? Ho said tinti ho had united the names of Hawthorne and Poe because they wore the .chief lltorary artists lias produced, Hawthorne wie tho most ?onsumuiato master of prose; Poo the most -subtli! master of.the melu'les of veno, The Ufo of Edsur Allan Poe was re? viewed, and tho numerous blunders many of them wt fui?ut h.? eurly biog? raphers, were suld to hnvo produced a Poo mythology. His theory of poetry wus said to ho "the rhythmic creation of the uoiutlful." Poo was convinced tlmy Ho YOBUer.tsa of oxultiUlon excited by a .?'.wcet air, which should be indefinite arid not too strongly suggestivo, was pre? cisely what wo should u|?n ut In poe'ry. His own poetry was In. accord with this definition. T'e Vciurer revd In lllu*?r? tion "The. Haunted Palace" and "The City ??.the Se?," "\j now h? lies at tho hoenpal a wreck, hard- | ly vft y, lug sixty pounds. ' ? ? ? The physicians fear that they will not; h* able to save the unfortunates life, but j the fact that ho went .through wl<h the ho-rlblo o-a-nl nnd came out alive, show?. rimarkatlo vltallty.'and It Is hoped that; he will pull through. MARS IS INHABITED, SAYS PROFESSOR LOWELL (SfPfliil to' The T! -RHILADBrPH-A. ??.G Dee. X.?Pro f*'50i' Perclval Lc-wcH, of .the, Institute of Technolojfy, Boston, who ma'd'e dally observations of the planet Mars ' from M* observatory' at Flagstaff, ' Ariz., from January? 1 tc July ,3J.|~st.. In a lecture hef?re the : A'iror??an. Plillosaphlcal .So ? l-le'y I a et night; do'clar^d that the wator 'in the canals of the planet-'s drawn off ?t certnln feaeope by artificial. means,. Which' c'lnyWes'hlnv that the planet Is tnhnb'ted.. Ha said! "I m.^de dally. obvpryBtlone. and often two an-ythre?. In'nil I made 375 draw, lnsra. iwhl^hJ'have cOTtrtvred. Our world dp^ords for life and .vP?<5*atlon tmon s?n and" water. As we have?an ahundnnce of wa'.er: t>*o s"n def^ma'pe'? where vpe-etn ton Is th!ck"?pt. -InLM->rs water d^ter ?nlnoa the ,fl'n',unt of v^iretatlon. There fore, vegetation Is thickest In. the nolnr ?,??? and i"ecva-i>s propo^tlor^t-plv to the equator. The Tnes of thn canals are -v.nn* d'stlnct toward the center of the plappt. "Nnw. ?he watp?? Fee*** to he sup-i]t?d to the planet hv th? ^?'ttrsj snow nt the polar can. Just before this melMng oc? cur? tho Uro? of tho onrnls boeo-n? al? most lrvl=|ble, nrovhis t>"at the water Is he'nn drawn <S<f bv artlfl-lnl "lon^s to prepare for the low from h>p nolar cap." INVENTOR OF THE TROLLEY DIES IK CHICAGO (By Associated PreFs.i CHICAGO. D^c, 5.?Albert H, Honey, rpiVo?"? <-v?ptn? of the n-dererouTl trol ihy'i ii dPad from a rtroke of paralysis. Ho was an-otdUlme telegraoh operator und was ore of the thron operators first ?rrploy-drv the /ips-r'n ?.?>?? Pr?ss In Chi? rac?. Tot?r h? entered Into tho employ of? the Union Paclf'o ^??-?? Company, -r>d oferwarfl superintended the eon ??p<<*??? of th* Tre? for the Northern Pacific from Bismarck to the Pacific coast. BILL FOR TRIBUNAL OF ARBITRATION Plan Proposed by Volney Foster to Have a National Court to Settle All Disputes. (By Araoclated Press.} CHICAGO, Dae. 5.?The croatlou of a nations! arbitration tribunal, named by Iho President, lo which shall be sub? mitted al) disput?e between capital and labor, le the aim of Volr.ey foster. He has drawn up a bill, copies of which have boon sent to leid ng business men, manu? facturers and labor loaders, with a re. ; quest that they suggest such amend | n.enta us thoy deem necessary to mal.e I tho bt-1, If enacted into u law, as ottoo j live as possible. I Tho b.ll ptov.uos for u commlttoo of six ? muniLci-h, ut a saury oi ??,???? u >oa.r, ' with the Secretary of Commenti and Labor us an ex u,?.co inumoor anil cliuir. ? nuiii, The niombere are not to uccc-ui ' prirtiutsiteu aslao lnun tlio.r salaries, un? tici' a Lvnalty of a fine of ?'?,??? ur iwo j yuira- Imprlsonnient, or both, Tho heucl iiuai'le>ra of (he tribunal uro to bo In l Washington. | Tliu ptoposeil bill provides that the Irl ! hiinul determine all cuses, either In the ? ulllrmatlve or negative, on tho claims of both parties, I it provide? that t'>ero shall bo no strillo or lockout pending tho convolution I mul both parlies to tho controversy are to resume and continue their former relU'pne. This condition u to remain until ft docUlon luis been rendered. DROPBACK ONE GRADE Major-General? Wood' Will Be? come a Brigadier-General on Monday at Noon? MANY OTHERS-LOSE A GRADE Wood? Will-be' Renom mated by President?Changes to. Become Commander-in-Chief Good. . ; ,?;) .TlmtisrDisnatch Bureau, Colorado ? Bull ling Fourteenth and G Streets, N. W., . Washington, D. C, Doc?mt er 5th. ? At noon Monday Major-General L?o? nard Wood w 1G become a brlgad er-geu oral. and one hundred and sixty-seven officer} under him, who were promoied as a result ?of his advancement, will Ilkewhe drop back one grade, This somewhat curious fact was made known to-day and appears to hove been overlooked. The law and the constitution:!! provisions gov? erning nom to office by the Pres? ident are vsry plain. It Is provided that whero the President makes nn appo'nt ment when' Cnngross Is not in fcs o;i the offic'al F.haH'a?sune the duties and recelvs the pay attached to such office. P-ul It is provided that when app?lntn ont Is made wh le the Congress Is in Session the appointee shall not receive tho" pi'y attached'until the 'appointment is con? firmed by the Senate.' '. Wood and the other officers promoted at tho time of hh appointment to the rnnkof major-general love been receiv? ing tho pay of their.? new rank.? ' -OLD. HANK AND PAY. The Senate Committee on M lltary Af? fairs Is still'Instigating-the fl nees of Wood for tho rank of. major-general, and tho extra soss'On will end Monday wl h out any action be ng. taken.. At once the officers will -have' to go back to. Uie.r old tank nnd pay. Of course, the ? President w'll send the nominations to the Senate again, but. this does not alter the faci that the oiflcers promoted will have to go back to the Old rank. It Is regarded as settled that the cam mltteo will report favora'tly on the nom? inaron of Wood It Is said to-day that all the Republican members of the com? mittee w.ll vote for ? favo:nb!s l'?ppnj, and that Cocl-rell, Pettis and BlacUturn ara for car.fli motion'. Thero Is doubt as to how Bate, of Ten? nessee, the other Democratic mem or, elands, but It is thousht he Is probably opposed to confirmation, WHERE ?????? ?TANDS. 6enator lias not as yet lnti*rated who'hsr he will f'sht the r.onln to:-, whether ihern bo a 'favorable repo t or nor. it is sild t-y ?omo of h s frl-nrls that he will hardly do so. however much he would like to, for the reason that ha would not risk d?feat against slm heavy odds. So the outlook for the Doctor to be confirmed in the rank o? major-fonerai, which will make him the chief, of safe and v.rtuil cam:rando:--)n-e:a of of tho army in 1?>U. Is exceed ngly bright. THE WHITE HOUSE" BECOMING A 200 (Special to Tho Tinie-f-Dlwpateh.). WASHINGTON, Dec. G?.-???? contri? bution to the esecutive inouugoi'le yes? terday was a snake, This y,sitar was not mona welcome to thu unlformeil at? tendants of thu wi.iio ????? than the wildcat that? proco'04, It. Th? rvpHW had traveled from Ilio 'swamps of Nor Ida, und was of ? variety known as tho "glass" Blinket. Tro enalte is alive, but Ihoi'o Is always Impending pftti? Il the possibility o? broaklut- jntu fri g monts ou aceoi'iit u? t|ie brltth>i:vss ni Its tissue. A sudden Jar ur h sharp blow will simp Il Into pieces. The snake was. bv tiv? President's d|. r-etlon, rent to tho Zoo bui when it was HfiAd out of th?.t'.ox there rH-"?*1*?* ???sev iral good sl?ed ?iece* P< its anatomy Meeting of K?publican National 'Committee situation is unique - Ohio Senator Afraid to be Can? didate Because of State of His Health. ? WHY MR. ROOSEVELT MUST BE NOMINATED^ Though Opposed by the Drains of His Own Party, He Has Made Himself Popular With Masses by His Strenu osity?Does Things in Impetuous Way. The Times-Dispatch Burea>\ Colorado Build! g, Fourteenth and G Streets, N. \V.. Washington. D. C. Dec. 5. 1903. The meeting of the Republican Nation? al Committee In this city on the 11th Inst /-III be one of the most Important,, and decidedly . the most unique In. the history of the party. It will be Impor? tant because ? of 'the Indisputable fact that the Republican lendars see that there are many elements of weakness develop? ing every day In the position the Repub? licans hold as rulers of this country, and unique because it.Is conlidently expected? ot. all sides that It will take some step wh:'ch will ' rogarded as endorsement of the ?ai.dldacy of President Roo.evel;, who Is not the candidate of a majoikyof h.s party. 1 doubt If In the history of pn.UU cal parues there has ever teeri ? time when a man who Is so conspicuously .out of lavor with the'le.tdeis nus so corn-, pleteiy domnated the s.tuatlon. There' Is not on the committee one single' man who ?s ut heart a Roosevelt m-n. ? it s believed that every one of them, ' with probably four or five excei-tlons, are for Hanna for the nom.nation, But there Is ' no duuot ihat-ihey will have to whoop'; It up for the man they thought they; had Disposed of'forev?r three? years ago,? when they drpve.him to accept the ?enondi place on the' ticket! ' William Mc? Kinley, j . HANNA NOT A CANDIDATE.., There Is n?, likelihood that Senator. Hanr.a. will bo a candidate for the nom-, lnntlon. He Is the vlct'm of ? doublo mind, but he will not make the race. Ho' will retire from the cnmm.ttee ?rd.devo e .'? tho le.Tialnder of his life to his so t in tho Senate. This is legarued aa ' absolul?.'y'V correct. Hanna has had an arrb'tlon to fcecome j the President of "-e United State. His doctors have told him that he wps rot strong enough to make the campaign. Ho would at the present moment he? an avowed candidate.'? for the nomination against Mr. Roosevelt were It not for.the ' fact that he had a very severe a't^ck list winter and spring, and that his phy? slc'nn has told h,vo with the u'moH ! plalrn^s? that his life, or the very ma? terial .shortening of >'* r'pvs. ?????|?" be ? . tho tesult of the work and worry of a en-id?'???? for the presldencv. I No*hlntf could mor? dellpht the heir's | of the groit majority of th? co?"?"ttee t thin the nr^iimcerppnt.o' th? G""?*'?:????< of Senator Hanna. He Is by nil odd? the . strongest m-'n In the Repurll am narty. "a . would gpt moro Democratic vet"!? than any man tho Republicans could nomlrato. Tt I- thcirht by m"ny Pemocrits that ? :enator Oonm would? roll ? larger vt? nmong concervntlve Repuhl'on? than ' I any Do-oo-r-? thn? could be n'o?Irnted. OPPOSED TO RUOSKV'E^T. There Is no dlssruts'nc the fact, and *?w I make the ntt"mot. that the ?-en who I ?"?"ttt-t the Re^uhllcan cimtnlgn? are . IV'tt.erly opposed to t?~e po?nlrn.t!onof Mr. Rnoopvalt. H? I" un'versilly regardai among tho lender?* of his party a? unpnfe, ,. a^d I'nbl? to go of ? ? tanr,?r,t "' p-y " moment. He Is dhl'Vert by mmv Fept'b 1Ip-p-> "'?o't c? ?OTtlIv a? ?-? I? K.->.'t??.*?'.'?? great bulk of Democrats. The fact that ho h->s not the pyrt??tp'.v of th? >-??? ??? In the party, and that he cannot control the bra'ns of it, 1? be'ng ?xe?pllfled every day hero now. whon- the Sem*-?, o-lled In ex'ra <-<>?r!on to n?""? t>-? Cu'-nn recl uroc'tv bill, meets ev?ry third d^.v. 1* In v ??e??|on ? f"w -.i?"i, iu-ltig which !t '?? formally re'iis?? to discuss the measure, and then adjourns. Too ou?tt|on hnw Is It that Hip nomi? nation of Roarer?!t I? ? foreeon? <"*?<?1*? fion If! h? !>? so unpopular? 's a natural ?no.' I-t" I?"- mid? hlm??lf "o'rul'r *'i?h ? '?e .h|rt?lr?f r-*?????.?. Tu? ?v?'5-'i American, to hh discredit, profe-s rash ind tnth'p,'.ln? nctlnn and ?r??ch to d> lo-T.a"" u't-erupp?, ??a? o do-ro'h'n?? t-??? ey. T'-or?, I* al^av? "?o-?-?h'r?r ??""'n^' S ? with Roosevelt. It Is eonerall?? someth'rg wv,,"'i i-i'-e?? hl~i the laiiTh n?* ?'o-k ! of the oar'v loader' 'rd of the G????? I crats ger???'?. hi?? ?'- ?- ???*.?? Idle. VERY ??.^???'?'?, ?? ha" h??n ? v?-y <*????-??? P'?st-? ! dent.. "There ore no air? ??lnu'? ?"','' hi ?ci-ns ?o .a?? In p" <?? d-??, f? .I't^rs hi? hnr??? iv? ? ?'v-foo* fo,.,?_rti??,,?. he h-ive ?>? F S'-'ot rhoto-nnhar tv?r? to taVn h'm in the ici. ard h not ??-- n'c K\??- I- (><?> ?'t|?t'i ?'??-??>..? ?r. ? '.-..-? ? |f | fei?he ??' ????????<1 th? o'r?'e fo th.> dl~i"-^? of 1'fO'i v"-l?s. 'h-'-irt aa , : r?py hn-d' as he co r?-?p "? th"?? t|o-e ' or-? ?,-|.??at ill'? ?'?'"-'??? than ~1"t.y f\ pol'fViin h',c the ??'G?? to ???->'?? |,, 1 th? corr'p of <i IIOt'?-", to ??>.? ???'-G?{ | of tho t>-ol|<^pcl? nf bahl?'? I'ls'pd ?rd t'e j otf"t'tlv of soft ao-ip pMsrepxPd at 1<??????? ' Who?" natre1? Hi'?? on the ?????? inly li the (lne = t of t.V'P. I'e I? ctre>'tlopn t?^ ???-??'?? a love of hard wveV nnl ('?ihlrg. He thinks h'n'fOlf '""-eclally ti't^'d to tho role of the lnd"',",ldiMH ?????, Ha irp->'pft? ?;a-.mops m o'"ce ? Sou'hern Sta ?.?< figalnst the advice of tho gray-hoat's of lily own party, and writes let ??rs boldly si'iirnig tho counsel offer??! him. And n.sii-M hi-. clo-iOft t'r'i'iuH liow his uf on Will affect the deles itlon from that S u'o to the national o invent On, Hu cultiva re ,??-,?? ??; co ma g es tho stern virtues of cur? ago and honesty In the administr?t on of the ?lutto of oTce, and consulta with h'? ohU>f pol'tlcal advl-er befitio ?lawn at tho Wit te Hot se with a view to la it how the probing of charges of 'hlevery utul giiisral corruption In tie I'oslnfll ?j Department can test be stopped, and ite eftticts upon the n<!Xt election and hie own nomination <'Vult*ed. JOKK ON REPI'H! ICANS. ?U? ioli? uuiiM R?oublicune. ar.a Ua?