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TO STUDY OURMETHODS English Committee May Come Across to Look Into Public School System. A FAMINE IN TURKEYS Most of Those Eaten Christmas Must be Imported From the Continent. BY PAUL? LAMBERT. . (Special Cablo to the Times-Dispatch. Copyright, 1003.) LONDON, Dec, 6.?England Is slowly ropognlzlng tho fact that not only in in? dustrial matters can she learn from America, but that also m other respects we can do nothing better than look Into tho methods and wuys of our American cousins. ' Tho president of tho London Board of Education has been reported as being In favor of sending a spoclul commltteo to New York to study tho American modern public school. The building, ho says, as well as the methods of teaching used In America, should bo carefully studied by the com mlttoo, which should rlumbor among its members pedagogues and practical archi? tects and physicians. Tho new American idea' of teaching public school children to play the games of the country boy, and thereby develop, them physically, us well as mentally, has especially appealed to London teuchers nnd physicians, and is being watched with great Interest. Should the committco bo sent over in tho spring this particular branch of pub? lie school work will be closely Investi? gated. Turkey Faminine. With Christmas only a few days off London Is threatened with a famine in turkeys. . The seriousness of the situation Is easily realized by thoso who havo wit? nessed tho , Christmas holidays In this country. ... A Christmas In Engirt*"! without tur? keys would, bo like a, wedding without a a groom. English and Irish young birds were rtarved to death In hundreds through,the wet weather, and tho liens refused to sit on thoir eggs, , British poultry farmers cannot compete with Continental breeders, who . send thousands of poorer birds annually into tho London markets, 'selling them, in some instances, ut 00 per cent, less than the BrltMi farmer can possibly do.' According to a well known Etrand dealer, enormous quantities of turkeys I ?sseWS^??-,? p e 1 ?00 Men's Suits, 900 Pairs Men's Pants, MUSTBE SOLD BY JANUARY 1st, 1904. Men's Business Suits now $3.50; Men's Dress Suits now $6,00. Men's Business Pants now $1.00. Men's Dress* Pants now $2.50. This sale includes the Ladies' Department also. THESE GOODS MUST BE SOLD. Now is your chance. Come be? fore the rush. LINDSEY W. ALLEN, Manager. J. H. Bushy, 00 Broad St. from Italy. Austria, France, Russia and Canada will bo on sale before Christmas, but English and Irish birds will be scarce nnd will command - much as forty cents a pound. Imported turkeys will sell at twenty-five cents a pound, except Italian, which will ' command a slightly higher price. Fiscal reform would help tho home tur? key breeder. Important Trust King Edward, and In fact tho wholo nation. If expecting great results from Lord Curzon's trir to the Persian Gulf. There I? probably no Englishman better acciualnted with this part ?G Asia than the Viceroy of India, who, as a young man, traveled extensively through all Persia. At the present moment the Gulf is crowded with English ships, and every? thing apparently breathes only peace and order; but there Is little doubt that were the British men-of-war to leave, were It made known that the strong hand of Britain ivas no more to be feared by evil? doers between the Straits of Ormuz and the mouth of tho Tlgrfs, the country would be a hell on earth. Russian agents are always present, working under a hundred disguises, and the task given the Viceroy, to strengthen tho hold of Groat Britain on tho country surrounding the Gulf, and put an end to the Intrigues of Russia, is as important as any confided to any British General in time of war. . The King has full faith in Lord Curzon, and by suggesting that he accompany the I'rlnce of Wales to St. Louis has In a way rewarded him beforehand. Kitchener's Accident. The accident which happened to Lord Kitchener seems to have been of a much more serious nature than 'at first re? ported. Of course his Ufe ?3 In no danger, but, due to overwork, his general health was poor previous to his accident, and the fracture of his leg Is of a very serious nature, and it Is not sold to bo healing as fast as had been ?xvirr%*C Altogether, tho Sirdar; seems to have met with a streak ofv bad luck, as tho present Is tho second mishap which ho lias encountered this year.. The earlier one was of not nearly so serious a character. It looked to possess ugly enough possibilities, however at the moment, for his ponies on tho road be Jjopkins Furniture Let Us Complete the Furnishing of Your House Before the Xmas Rush Begins. The buying will not disarrange your finances in the least, because we will grade the payments to suit your income or convenience. There is no good reason why you should not have new furniture and carpets for your parlor bed-rooms and dining room We offer you the freedom of our immense stocks to choose from, and we shall be clad to take our pay in small amounts, as you can best spare the money. Every? thing needed about the home is here, awaing your selection. Credit is yours without asking. Open an account with us to-morrow. The following specials should interest every housekeeper : Parlor Suites. You will find Parlor Suites here at all prices and in the newest upholsteries, in? cluding silk and satin damask, tapestry, etc. ' One of our^ big leaders cluring3| the week is a three-? piece Parlor Suite,? actually worth $40, to go at. Bed?Room Suites. Massive Solid Oak Bed-Room Suites are here in a great variety of styles, all handsomely Cixrvc^ti% ?gHtw AV^, PA and polished. In2kjj| ff|.0|J order to get your,, quick attention, wer offer $40 Suites dur? ing the week at.,;. Rockers. We have just received another lot of those popular Rockers. They are built of solid oak, with sad-A die seats, and areSl worth $4.00, but as^ a very special bar? gain, we offer them at.,,.... Reliable Carpets. All the best grades are here, in Velvets, Tapestries, Brussels, Ingrains, etc., including a host of handsome patterns and colorings. Dur? ing the week we will sell 75c.-grades of In- ? M M ?? 3 ?? grains for. Oak Chiffioneres. Handsome Chiffoniers in solid oak,with serpentine fronts, genuine bevel-plate mirrors, equal in every detail to those sold elsewhere at $13. Splendid bargains while they last, at. New Sideboards. Our stock of Sideboards comprises a host of beautiful and unique designs at all prices. They arc hand? somely mirrored and carved, and you! are welcome to a choice of them on credit, Beauties at.?..,,,,.... rand 9 W. Broad Street The Cheapest Cash or Credit Store in the City. tween Ismail Khan and 'Tonk ran away wfth him, and whirled Ills' conveyance over a small ravine. Fortunately ho was'able to Jump cle.-ir of the tonga as it was swung off the road. These two acldents, coming so close to? gether; havo served to''recall tho tact that Lord Kitchener is-a batchelor, and many have? suggested to some the ques? tion of suceaslon to the dlsroumy. Should ho .not marry, then tho title would pass to whichever of his two broth-' ers survive him, or to this heirs malo or the one entitled to succeed. . ,Earl Roberts, with whose Illness, cu r?ouHly enough, the accident to this dis? tinguished subordinate synchronizes, has no male heir; and his tltlo will devolve upon his elder daughter. So; too, will that of Lord Wolseley upon hie. aaushuy. , * NoWoman Hater. ? Though Lord Kitchener has never mar 1 Vied, and for this reason has gained the ! reputation of being a woman hater, this ? accusation Is very unjust.. , ? One of.'his frienda, who ,knows him I very Intlmatoly, recently said, of him I that though, the lago, he does not ''wear | his heart upon h's sleeve, he has a ? heart, and ? warm one, too. "Tho man who follows through Ufe the woman-who nursed him as a child, who never misses an opportunity of peeing that old purse; Is not heartless: and if I he has hesitated nt the lottery of mnr I riage. he Is not the only brave ?man who I has shrunk from tho edge 'of the pro carious cliff. . "No? It Is a canVadlction of all the laws of human nature to suppose that from a being so gifted there has been left out that supreme gift of fooling and lave." When Queen Victoria, tho greatest of England's monarch?, spoke of his first vhilt to her at Balmoral, sho said: "Thoy say ho hales women: I can only say ho was very nice to me." ?-. ? ' The Best and Only ,Way. How shall the visiting friori.d bo entor tuinad? Chiefly by letting hi in alono. Only the featherweights feel tlutt thoy must bo talked to all tho time, shown atout, "entertained." Such a person would complain of bolng forlorn If left alone with tho nightingale In tho Forent of Ai'don; of being desolalo, if sot down among tho marblo brodo in tho gardena o? the Vatican. Lot euch ne-isons. perish of tholr own ompUnoss. . Give tho guest the freedom of tho houso and tho gl/t of stillnesu if ho doslree It.?/. '???.,. 'T* '?, '.' T . l-oi him follow his heart's .desire. Lot him find eomothluK fpr urosolf- to do. ?a' ?hall he find Joy, and leave 'bollimi htm a pleasant momory who? ho.goes, eome mark of individual ty; oven as old xqontalgn, isullantly calling upon qvery prince along his route, always ioit Ins coat of arum behind Uo for remem? brance, ............. ?. ? <. ILLNESS OF Public Cease to. Doubt That Growth an His Throat is of Cancerous Nature. THE TROUBLES IN AFRICA Whole of Germany's Dominions There Are Said to be in Grave Danger. BY MALCOMB CLARICE, (By Special Cablo to the TImes-Dispatoh. j Copyright, 1003.) BERLIN,? Dec. O.-Tho fact that tho Kaiser has withdrawn his offor of a cup for a trans-Atlantic yacht race has cre? ated a tremendous sensation hero, and has strengthened tho general belief thut tho knows that he Is a doomed man, It was evidently immediately reallzod nt court that tho withdrawal of tho of? fer was a most serious mistake, and strong effort's we'ro made to make It ap? pear that the Kaiser's act., was due to reasons over which ho had no control, and It Is even said that officials of tho New Vork Yacht Club ?were appealed to to allay the anxiety of tho Gorman peo? ple. it splto ? of all, the publie, refuses to bell'evo that jealousy between tho New York and Atlantic Yacht Clubs mado tho Kaiser reconsider his offer. Details of the history of the Kaiser's Illness, which are leaking out from court, tend to show that the most elaborate precautions were takon to prevent the news of tho Emperor's Illness from be? coming public before the operation. A plain carriage- was sent to the Ber? lin station to. moot Professor Schmidt from Frankfort, who would have attract? ed attention by alighting at Potsdam. Ho was driven from Berlin to 'Pots? dam and admitted secretly to tho palaco, where ho was secluded In a suite of rooms 'for two days betoro the operation. No ono was aware of his presence ex? cept the Emperor, tho Empress, tho Em? peror's two personal physicians and tho Emperor's valet. A secret spiral staircase ' ? led from Professor Schmidt's suite to tho Empe? ror's a parimente. ' ....,!" Beforo tho. operation the Emperor do mnnded Professor Schmidt's word of hon- I or to Inform him of the full truth as \ to tile nature of tho complaint. It Is now the universal belief here that ? Professor Schmidt immediately after the operation, told . the lenisci?, that his dis? ease was of a cancerous naturo, and that though there was no Immediate dan? ger, the hope of euro was vory faint, What has strengthened this belief Is tho fact, which has become known, that the famous spechilist is devoting, ull his' time to experimenting with radium and its' effects upon cancer. In Grave Danger. Reports from Germnn Southwest Africa are anything but encouraging, though tho ofllclul news given out by tho govern? ment makes light of tho rebellion at Warmbad, nnd describes the affair as practically ended. ? . Cablos( received In'England from Capo Town s'ta'to. that tho Clermrin colonhts are In Sgravo'danger,' and that Inmenso efforts will bo necessary to restore order and eoer<?? the natives'. It is-said that? the Oerman1 forces liave met with, very serious1 losses, which aro beliitr concealed by tho government. The whole Gorman tori'ltpry in South? west Africa, It is stated, in In a stato of rel-olllbn, und the natives uro well supplied with arms of Ilio most modern pattern and plenty of ammunition, bought from Herman, and English merchants, On the surface there Is hardly a ripple,, and the German authorities aro eensor ftlg all news direct from the affected; territory, but It cannot bo kept a secret' from tho English in Capo Colony that the next few weeks may bring terrible inas snures of Oerman colonists, as well as soldiers. , ?? ? Ends Persecutions.. .It has been known for some tjme that tho Czar, who personally admires the famous author find philosopher, Count Tolstoy, has succeeded in putting an end to tho many persecutions from Russian officiais, Jo which tho CouiU has been subjected.' Not daring to thwart tho will of the Czar, the Holy Synod and the run..g bu roaumiy aro now '? ?.-. ??'? billig tin? p mor that tho Count is Insano. Tho famous orlrnnologlut, Professor Ce? sare Lombroso, Wim hau Just returned from Russia, tells how ho became a?/aro of this fact. Arriving at Moscow, lie eent a tale pooocooo?oc-ixxxx^^ JUST what you want and th?' price you fixed upon as the amount you wish to invest often coufronts you?THAT is just where our long established business, unexcollpcl stoidc, and well methods of fair dealing comes to the front. IJ?1 you aro think? lug of a Tlioro is no other place that you can do as well. 9. ie "Ijfi YOU don't have to search in books, Of easily written up for a consideration account, to ascertain what is c aimed by that particular booklet, when you deal with us, for till of the Pianos we handle are made by the WORLD'S BEST MAKERS, and if you have aay decided preference for touch and tone, we can furnish it with a Piano of tho most reliable make obtainable. RELIABLE SUBHTLY USED F?ANOS of Well-known makes always to be had... You'wish to know the most acceptable small Xmas present you can.give? Why a ?,,.,? Oh! yes, you'll laugh when you hear them?everybody does.. Best amusement you can find. WE HAVE THE BEST OF EVERYTHIHQ IN THE MUSICAL UNE AT LOWEST PRICES. SES & CO,, 8 103 E. 'Broad Street, R1GKM0H0, V?. ooococxdooooooooooooooooooooo^^ s Come Now to the Grand Opening of My New Store. Open Every Evening Until 9 o'clock. Cash or Credit. S. JAMES'S STORE herein we view, \\T The Finest JEWELRY of Pattern ne W plendid GEMS, it is clear, A To give satisfaction is his ide/V Just call at SEVENTH AND MAIN STS., ? Choice-RINGS,-PINS, BROOCHES we raee 1 Admirable WATCHES, styles artistic, ? Accuracy their chief characteristic aitchless. CLOCKS of value true |j Unsurpassed the CITY througil xceiling with SILVERWARE it would seem, G} In OPTICAL WORK he stands stiprem LJ Skillful and correct all patrons confess, ^ James's CREDIT SYSTEM commands successo ; Payments Weekly or Monthly. \J, O. \Jr\/vl?ZO, Formerly Richmond Watch Co., Call for a Calendar. Jeweler and Optician. 7th and Main. ismmcM BBasggnaaECTi ?2X.V&C ?^iBnrtWTCViTraaciwaBi ? ? Invest it in a Wilson Wood Heater, and the amount of fuel saved will make the differ? ence in a very short time. A new line of Carvers for your inspection -? OREA ? VALUES Come and See. Reduced Pstces on Guns?A full line of Ammunition. . . ?, ??????/???, RICHMOND, VA. Hardware, Rooting, Tlft Plato, tilm?, Coment, Terra Cotta Pipo. Opposite CEd Market, Qf?s of ?Diamonds! What cou'il you buy "him*' or Miei? ' ? hut woukl bo inoro suitable ?r inoro iipprei'iiiblur Suino ii?oplv refer to u.?. as Diamomi llentlqunr. ?era. Wo jrot the piok ot tho Kuropcaii markets, ami uro oxpoit jmlgu of genial l'nino in, take a look, ami get our prices. ????? aio ?uro to limi jus wluu you want here?uu4 the nu h ir?eul Cresi-, und coats ol uruis eu. ? ilio h'??.?, gram to Count Tolstoy, announcing his Intoni Ion o? paying bini a viali. Hu liad hardly sent tho dopateli who?, a police olllelal ontored hlu 'room at thu hotel. "Mr. Lombroso, you have sent a tele- ? gram to Tolstoy," bo blurted out. I Tho professor admitted that ha was j Indeed guilty of thu offence. ? "But do you know that Tolstoy is hope? lessly Insano?" I l?uibros? took m tho situation at a glance, nnd told the pollco commissioner that he was very well aware of this, an) that being a physician especially Int^r? ested in Count Tolstoy's form of Insanity, ho wanted to visit hlni for this vary rea? son. ? The bullied olllo'.'al could do nothing more, and Professor Lombroso according? ly wo? allowed to visit the Count. "Wh*n. 1 told him." :pn>f?asor Lom? broso says, "wo both bad a. hearty laugt? at the expeus? oi tho Moscow polle?."