Newspaper Page Text
gilt 8 AND Bloatlna, Gravel, Dull Oack Ache, Kidney Diseases, Urinary Affections cured by inking Stuart's Gin nnd lluchu. The worst iorms of Kidney and Bladder Trouble, after every Intelligent remedy has failed, are always curable by taking Stuart's Gin and Buchu. It Is a bland, do llfthtfully pleasant tasting medicine, that nets dirseli!!?; on the kidneys und bladder, tiulck'y draining out evtry Impurity, heal? ing ami litrehglhonlrig (he kidneys, giving them Hie ami vigor. Stuart's Gin nnd Buchu luvnrlnliv cures Bii?nt'n uleease nnd Diabetes even when the patient ban gl\en up hope, or where they had been tapped to drain off the nccuniulatcd ^diseased KIDNEY SYMPTOMS, Asronlning pal ha In the buck, swollen legs or abdomen, discharges from Ihe urethra, neuralgia of tin- bladder, burning sensa? tion nr difficulty In panning water, 'also a fi, (rient desire or even Involuntary dis? ohargo of the urine, catarrh of the blad? der, si one In tho bladder, dlsagreeablo odi?? of Hie urine, scanty and high-col? ored: ili'-umallsm, with aches and pains in borita hnd hack. Death may frequent? ly f'SiuH? ? hese symptom?, Por any of these symptom? take Sttiart'a Gin and BUchtii und you will be restored to health, and ynur kid? neys and iilndder perfectly cured. Stuart's Gin ??ml llltchu sxveeiens the urine, cleanses flic |liladi1er, removes all obstruc? tions from the kidneys and urethra, makes the blood pure. The highest grade kid? ney remedy made. Thoroughly tested for rast 'JO yearn in hospitals arid private prac? tice, tjrupglstn or by express, Tl. SAM? PLE BOTTLE, also circular, giving some of the manv cures made. FRFjE. by writ? ing Stuart Drug Co.. Atlanta. Gn. Special medical advice given If you describe your trouble. Sold In Richmond, Va., by TBAGLE DRUG CO., K?7 Enst Broad Btreet. Call or write. StuArt's Gin and Buehn ?cut Sy exnrrsa. THE COURTS OF . NORTHUMBERLAND jOystcrmeh Forming Leagues ? 'All Over the Northern Neck. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlsoatch.) JHEATHSVILLE, VA;, Dec. 5.?The last Circuit Court that will bo held here was Adjourned, by Judge T. lt. B. Wright last Friday night, after a three-days' session! Judge Wright arrived hero Tuesday even? ing and opened court early next morning, ??c? caves of much importance were tried. A fairly large crowd was in attendance ell three days. Although tho people of this section wore in favor of the new Constitution, they dlsllko seeing many of the old customs upset. Although the crowds Hint attended Ihe Circuit Court wero never as large as. those nt the monthly courts, still on the days that the court was held much business was attended to. People from all over tho county met and transacted whatever bus? iness was necessary nnd agents for ma? chinery would sell more during one of Illese days than they would all tho rest of the month put together. Judge Wright has decided to hold court for two days at a timo next year, lit? expects to ar? rive here Monday and attend to the pre? liminary business of the court and to go into the real cases the next day. The Oyster Tongers' Union, which is being organized all over Tldutvatcr Vir? ginia, Is establishing subordinates all over the Northern Keck. The following tiro the names of the places where sub? ordinates were organized during the past ?week by Mr. W. P. Moody, president of the 0. T, V. of Virginia: Weems; Mon? day night; MciCennoy's Store, Tuesday night; Mlile'ibeek, Wednesday night; Mo lusk, Thursday night, and Deep Creek. Friday night. All of these organizations linve a large membership already and many more tongers havo expressed a de Bire to Join In the near future. Tho oystermeii of this section report oysters as being very scarce, but they are bringing fancy prices, both down the hay nnd In Baltimore. Some of the oys? ters shipped to Baltimore from Reed Viilo are said .to have sold for ninety cents per bushel. This i? the largest pi ice brought by any oysters whipped from this section for a number ?G years. ?Mr. und Mrs. Robert Peed, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. W. P. Anderson, havo returned to their home, In Hal tin, ore. Mr. and Mrs. Rosonberry, of Pennsyl? vania, who have been staying at tho Shir? ley Hotel, have returned to their home In Hanhburg. Mr. Will Allen and his sister. Miss El lice, who have been visiting at the home of their bflot-hpr, .Mr. David Allen, have returned, ?to ,'1iome in New York. Mr. J. M. Booth, who ha? been HI for ?evernl weeks, has Improved very.much during the past week, Mrs, I. M. Bunsells, of Harvey's Neck Je visiting friends and relatives In Baltl B'.ore. Lawrence Hi'mrnocki sergeant aboard the battleship Massachusetts, Is visiting nt the home ot his father, Mr. C. C, Hammock. COMPARE IT TO PANAMA French Press Have Much to Say on Revelations About the Ship-Building Trust. MONTE CARLO PROSPERING Number of Visitors, Particularly of Americans, Greater Than Ever Before. . PARIS, Dee. C.-Tho French press la makrng- uso of Ilio disclosures brought out In New York regarding of the Steel Trust and tho Shipbuilding Com? pany to warn their readers against Invest? ing In American securities of tiny kind, "While Amcrlcun railroad bonds havo always been considered an excellent In? vestment," writes this large Paris paper, "French Investors should uso considerable discretion In buying Iheso securities now, as tho roaU3 ore practically consolidated now, and,, should a railroad trust bo formod recent events havo shown what the holders of bonds aim.stocks may ex? pect. "We here In Franco havo had our Pan? ama scandal, but It stood alone, and tho swindlers wero denounced by every re? spectable Frenchman. "In 'the United States, however, ranking among thu.foremost financiers of that country are'continually concocting swindles besldo which the Panama scan? dal was nothing, and still koop their so? cial and financial prestige." Curse of Riviera, ., Monaco has stopped paying subsides to the French press, for during tho last month almost every paper in tlje city, even thoso formerly friendly to the fa mouR ?ambling resort, is clamoring against what they call call'tlto' curse of tho Riviera.. There are all sorts of rumors that the great International gambling house In a near future will bo forced to close ils doors bj- a concerted action of Franco and Italy. ..... . At Monto Carlo, however, there are no signs of tho threatening danger. Tho number of visitors, and especially American, was larger during the month of November than ever before, and at sev? eral of the Toulctto tables the players spoke only English, oven tho couples occasionally -changing their familiar cry, "Faites vos jeux,"' to "Make your bets, please." ?, Tho Casino has been: made very much larger, and, to accommodate the greater Influx, gambling now starts at 10 In tho morning and lasts until midnight, Instead of from noon until II; as formerly. A baccaret club has also been establish? ed, and ? will very shortly bo opened by the Casino management opposite the post? onico, where, the big plungers wll be able to vary he usual programmo of trente et-quarantl and roulette. Up to now tho rooms aro more than $600,000 ahead of last year's profits, und the money is rolling in all the time. Every day a line of twenty or moro clean?d-out gamblers make their way m solemn procession to tho offices of the Casino administration to bog enough cash to pay their hotel bills and take them home. All kinds and conditions of men? are to bo seer. In this group, and tho help af? forded by tho Casino ranges from $25 to $2,fO0. Swindlers often try to take advantage of this privilege, but It Is seldom that they auceed. j A few days ago, however, a smartly dressed man, giving a well-known hamo and address at a loading hotel, claimed $000 and his faro to Belgium. He was given $250 and a first-class ticket home. Scarcely hud he left Monaco than It was found that'tho administration had beou caught napping, He was a notorious thief, who had ar? rived penniless at Monaco a few days before, and had stayed at a common lodging house on the Conclamine. New Saint. France will soon have another saint, who, In oplte of the attempts of tho Government to undermine nil faith In the Cathollo Church, will b.-s very popular all over the country, Cardinal Richard, who recently returned from a two months' trip to Rome, an? nounces that IJopo Plus X. Is very anxious to havo Joann? d'Aro canonized without delay, hopimr that this act will make the Church of Rome moro popular In France. The Cardinal'-'saya that tho persecution | of religious ordors by the French Ci'ov Walking Test. Perhaps yon think I am placing thu ligures rather high, but Ilio now "Dorothy Dodd " Shoo will malto ?? difference of fifty per cent, in tho amount of fatigue frulli ?: loiig cTay of shopping or work of any lumi which involves walking. Jt will make aim?! as great ? dlffercneo where long hours must be spent standing. And all because It Ih an arch-supporting shoe. Jt puts you on the p?me vailtqge ground as tho Indian, who, be eagba ho dOVS not v.ullt on his heel or toe?, but on |,|s whole font, can easily travel (lily wllcfe a day, ??? will find you can walk lwi>-?? us far In ;? '"Dorothy Dodd" as in any other shoo, Isn't ibis wrt!. ?ornr.-thlng lo youV Sincerely yours, Oxfords, $2.50, Boots, $3.00. Specials, 50c. more, Fast'Color eyelet?. u*e<1 exclu- fi-iTffl' '""h) ?r? "fWtWT?h/D Bf?OAO STRUTS AGENT? j FOR ?? ? I BookcasQ I The Best Yet. arwwwwww? AQENTS $17.50 and up. IS Ail? the newest, most'beautiful furniture, bought espe? cially for CHRISTMAS?and avast stocK at that; dozens and dozens of magnificent designs in all the very finest and richest woods. ' We would urge you to make your selections early while the stocks are complete. :?:..*? f -y "? ? A', foi' this Magnificent Pol f???.?? [shed .Golden Oak Side? board, largo mirror and swelled front, cost elsewhere $-15. <l?C 'JC for Pretty Oak Sideboard, ?pO? /O vvlth threo drawers and cupboard, cost elsewhere ?!?!. ?* ~, ' The largest line of Enameled and All-Brass Beds In tho city, from the cheapest to the best. $i A O for Good White Enameled I .40 Bed. tf?T Qc for Excellent Enameled Bed. f/?. JO brass bases. <p t? Q g for Heavy Brass Rail Cil '75 ^or Handsome Continuous ?PV. ?O Post Bed. ([? J1! gr/\ upward for All-Brass style. eds In every variety of $14.95 tor Pretty Gilden Oak China Closet, with oval glass ends, cost olscwhero ?2t.0O. $22.50 for II a n d a o m e . y Carved China Clos? et, with glass back, cost elsewhere $2S. for a Solid Oak or Ma? ??4?.45 hogany Finish Morris Chair, velour cushions. *p?5?j-'dU Pork Fino Silk Damask Suit, five larga pieces, spring edge, tufted back, flno iy polished-fraraq. <?_|E? 5?n?or Largo Flve-Pleqe Ve e?sc where rona-Covered Suit, cost i'W ' ?-;? ?? Threc-Fleee. Parlor Suits for,' up from. ?J? $7.50 A hundred styles of Couches in every style of franto and In an endless va? riety of coverings; ? ?/? ?? for Velour Covered and ?pU.DU Tufted Couch. <Eft ^? ?01' Very Largo Tufted. f ?,.'/O, aprine Edge Couch. $14 Cflfor Extra Quality Verona ?OU Covered: Couch.. ??Ladles' Fancy. Desks of every kind and finish. ?'?? d*j Eft for n^ Pretty Oak "Desiti f?-.OU worth $0. QC for Polished Oak" Desk, ."O witli drawer, worth $8. $5 $2 ne for this Large, Fine, Full Roll Rattan , Rocker; cost elsewhere $4.50. A beautiful Golden Oak Horn1* 1 (\E Bomely Polls bed'Parlor Tabl.iP? ???> 24x2l-inch Top Oak Table QQ with under shelf...''.V.OL? CI 'IO'?' S'M'1 Oak, Leather Scat %P l ..?y Hocker. (J9 f}C for Quartered Oak and Pol ?P-f?.Vp Whod '.Saddlo Scat Rocker. <Czl OS? '?r the best value In a Fnr ?pt.VO lor Rocker,? highly polished, cost elsewhere $7,G0. ? ??0| *JS for Handsome .Polished ??* l.JO pedestal. Extension . Ta- ' ble, all quartered? oak', Hastings pat? ented lock attachment. C7 Ai f(>r Solid Oak Six-Foot Ex f?.?? tension Table. . . _?_"7 ?-?pjior Polished Quartered f? / .?5U ?dk . Bed-Unom Suite. large drossln? case, swelled front; cost elsewhere $50. . '?ari'? C?Aiov Fretty Oak Suite,. f??.??? .swelled ?front dr?ssing ease, with large mirror, co?t.elsewhere $30., . ".???? Ci ? 75 fnr Three-piece Solid Oak fX'J. JO Bcil-Up'om Suite; cost elsewhere $23. ?mmb W \^? ?S? Christmas Carpets, i arc. our chief c?i'o theso days, as a ? view of olir display will attest. To ? mako your home? atractivo for the * holidays, do ? not fall to havo parlor, V. sitting-room, dlnliig-roorn, and hall if " comfortably carpeted?iiot such an ex- ji pensive mutter when you come to con- S sidor these ligures: 2 Fine quality Ingrain Carpet..25c* Heavy Union Ingrain Carpet.45c\2 Good. Quality Ingrain; Carpet.55c? Tapestry Carpet.i.Wc? Extar Quality Brussels Curpct... ...75c;? Velvet. Carpet .95c 1 L'f,x51 Smyrna Rug...;...$1.25$ Carpot-SIzo Brussels Rugs.,.$12.50* $9.50. for Extra Largo Quartered Oak and Polished Morris Chair, with fino ve? rona cushion; worth $11. Odd pieces for the Parlor In endless Ya-"* rlety. Nothing prettier than a handsome Parlor Chair, daint? ily constructed, highly polished ma? hogany frame, dam? ask covered scat, up? wards from $6;50. and Broad Sts, eminent la a soiirco of sincere sorrow to tho mild-mannered Holy Father, who has always adored everything French. "1 would givo all that remains of my Ufe," tho Popo said to the Cardinal dur? ing nn audience at which Monseigneur Touehel, Archbishop of Toulouse, was prosent, "IC 1 could only redeem Franco from the wiles of atheism." And at tho thought tears ho did not try to conceal streamed down tho Pope's face. Enjoyed the Fight, The fri mous French Cenerai O'Connor, commandei-lii-clilef of tho French troops In Oran, has been reprimanded -severely by the .Minister of War for engaging In a (1st light in Uno do Courcellou the other day. Tho General, who Is of Irish extraction, resents Iho reprimand very milch, and bus oven threatened t o resign. Ho Claims that ho was force,] i'nlo the light, though ho admita that "being of Irish decent be naturally enjoyed It," 'l'ho map who attacked, him Is Captain M?ller, who wont's tho decoration of the Legion of Honor. He saya that the Cenerai, under whom ho served; has ruined ids military career by sending false reports upon his con? duct. . lie loft lliu nrmy lineo years ago, and although he alleges he baa been nctiiiltlcd of the. chargea made against him, noth? ing has been done to remedy tho dis rr.ico of his retirement. SHOT HIMSELF. Young Farmer Lets Gun Fall While Hunting. (Bpeelul ?? '??? Tlines-LIiipntehO MONTHHKY, VA.. Dec .V-An tho result or the accidental discharge of a Bhotgun, Andrew Revoj'PgP, a young farmer living u low miles north of hero, was seriously Injured on Thursday UihI, He w;>H hunt? ing over rugged tcrillnry, and lot the gun fall, In hU effort to catch It lie re? ceived the load of shot in his neck and shoulder, uflor having torn away part of one hand. Ills physician does not pro? nounce the Injury fatal. 'l'ho demand for turkeys in Highland la" unprecedented? Luyera are riding In every section of tho county, and the farm? er la allowed, to cimoso bolwoen 15 cunts lu iiiercbiiiuJisH or II cents iri cauli, Un? der euch circumstances, the Thanksgiving bird has cause to "strut." THE HOLLY AND THE MISTLETOE Great Demand ior ' Virginia Evergreens at the North, The Oldest Grave, (Special, to The Times-Dispatch.) YORK-TOWN. ???., Dec. D.?Holly, tho grout Yuletido evergreen, Ik being bought up in targe qualities by florists, specu? lators and investors, for d?corations tim? ing? the approach i 1115? holiday?. Tin) species found here Is especial y valuably, bc.nii ol exceptionally fino quulltly; Agonis aro hero from New York and Canada, who obtain the holly from tho farmer:?, have 11 haulod to station and shipped In box? cars-to various destinations all over the north. The specimens o? mistletoe;?wnmh abound lier*?.? uro ??moro perfect than sel? dom over luund In this part ol ilio conn try. Whon Mr, Win. p\ Vaudra, lute super? intendent of the National Cernetemi ap? plied ut tho post at Kiioxv lie, 1 enti, Whence lie was ordered by thu dep..rt. ment nt? Washington. ?If? was refused the Bharso of Iho post by the Incumbent. Mr. Thus. rUdfc'0 who had been ordered hero, The department later, advised h m by win?, io assume olmrs? ,pc the l^t-?las? posi al Mound City, Illinois, whoneo li? proceeded. . ., , , The.-!;, complications leave ?lie post he re vacant, pending nil fipVR.'Hi^i^.ftL'lw' Mr. Juo. 0, Ueur Is siili ucllnir stipetln \mi\'nid'i"<i |s understood to havo refused "ori'ft??! district still continues without publli: school service?, the Crab Noik neighborhood heilig ospcclully ufl'Ih-lod. The patron? of tho schools In some In? 81UI1CU& ar-j Boliajn? tl>el>' children tu pil V Kevl.uu'Mrs. W, U Hull, of Hj?>k;-nu, Wash., were visitors boro during til? week. Whllo on an extended tut ? of t-.o south, the couple in.alo un m >?hil pl, urinili?? lo Templo pMrm and Um grave o ? M .lor a. ich which, by ,lhu WO'. Is tho uldosl iiutli?nllc grave In Amorlcu, being i'on'ibly antedated a year or two by ? KiMinii'liifl nt Plymouth Rock, Mas?. Tim1 topf tuo V&ent ?p? back o Ih., ? ?lghbp h?pd of UM?. U Urs r gi'. t ? midst of tlo old 'Temple, fiom IvhU-li Uie celebrut?d C.irm MM? H? ?aPW. I : o For Your ; Holiday Announcements Yon will bo surprised at tho results obtained by using Tho Little | Tee-Dee Want Ads H'Thoy yvillgo inloovory Corner of tho Homos and.they . aro road by Everyone ....... TRY THEVW-?:Thoy are Cheap, Speedy and Sure 'Phone 549 for the Want Ad. Man. ''He Come. MISS A. T. DANIEL'S CLASSES. CLASS IN MODERN HISTORY AT 613 EAST GRACE STREET EVERY TUESDAY AT 11 A. M. Ci?eses in Literature und History of Art at lSr'>. 13 West draco Street ovory Tuesday nt ? p. m. ns It Is written In ? ' Loam to wrlto Shorthand as' It Is WRITTEN by congressional REPORT? ERS. The short cuts of congressional re i porting??oo wurde a minuto. A limited number. Full scholars taught by MAIL. Congressional Correspondenca JUlUULj Wellington, L>, C. NEW CHINA STORE Z?S &. Broad Street. Wo will ope? about DKCKM? BKH I with ? hill lino of Brio. ? u-Binu, UrooUnry, Jlousoluni ishliigs nnd Pictures, Watt for our bargains. ? ? The Confederate Museum TWELFTH ANH OLA? STREETS. Opens dally Hum !? A. it. to ? F. M Admission, Ka ceniH. Fw on Saturday* CUT FLOWERS, Roses, Cumulions, Violets,-Mums,- Lily of Valley, In large quantity, ut MANN ? BROWN'S No.'5 West Hruad Ktieet. of Clothes Wo are giving with' each dollar's cnsh purchase ? chance at. ono of our boat ?-0 tallor-niado suits. Somebody ty.ill Win, Why Not You ? Investigate! Polndexter, Kirk, Parr is fi Co., 418 E Broad St. Wo limitilo all grades of COAl, anil WO'Jl) of tho RUST QUALITY at LOW liST Market Prices. Your traile solicited. IH?*l Lumi) Coni in the City ut $5.00 a Ton Pv'llvcred. FHONF. 169. WALKE & BALLAUFF, 17th and Cory &\s., Richmond, Vn.