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DOUBT IN THE MARKET Signs of hesitation Appeared at the Culmination o? the Rise, GAINS IN THE CASH RESERVE It Was an Agreeable Surprise, Since a Considerable Loss Was Expected. (By Associated Free?.) NEW Y.yRK. Dftc. 6.-Tr,cre wns a tone o( doubt and hesitation In to-day's stock m r. ??. which quito naturally followed the In yeslordiy'e market of etg. ? of u cumulation of the rise. Ye?? today's la ro volume of and the fcm .,1 nel ct.anges In price pointed both to he vy renll/Jn? and to large short et ven g-s. while the realigns Is a s'.rcisnorting tactor of tic tho 'Jod c lun of the short In'.ertst de. r.vcs It ??>( a technical factor of st cnclh. A iem wc;l of Brooklyn R.ip.d ? ran? ni, f Lowed .? the gor.erul Hit. A solllntf ? <>.? m r.t o.iowe.l. v,hlch c rr.ed a r.U?i-, lc-o? the leaders, such as Penr.ey.venia, Lti ifd Sates Sttol prciorred and A nal-1 gntnnteil Copier a po.nt,? last A r. veish and Inegulnr recovery suc? cedo 1 upon the pubi.cation, of the banli e -io cu. Tie gain of half a million ci"i;in:s in csh reserve was an agreeable HU.i.rUc com-a.ed with the expeotiLon ot a uO-routeiOf leverai hundred thousand ? ou a s, a d it is supioiod to bo due to ti ? ? aking up of dh(-rc|.a..clLS ti e other w?y. The Incr. ate In the loan Item of a little ou?, a ml.I.on dol.ars was not ? ; e ira ?et closed s.eadv and not lar im ,t ?ait righi? level. The eteri.n? ox C a f;o market was weak and declined lur i.or to a level which will afeaure the p?? o lent Iowa ds r^ew iork ot any u a.a ,ie gold supply In foreign motn.y ?? r etF. ?? ho bond ma ket has been somewhat lite a m?, obi ha gruwn stronger In E.v : ? a hv with Blocks. U L d a.ates 2 h and the new Us de? ci : ed i-l per cent, below the cj . ol last ?.eck. T^tai sa'.ca of etoch? to-day were 3j0, OAi s nales, NEW YORK. roc. 5,-Close: Money on <a:i io ilmil; no ljina. Time loans sLndy; t.x y d ys and ninety days 0 per cent.*! ti : u ??.ti s ? 1-2 to b 1-4. Frime mercan.I e p.? er ?! to O i -, Sieri.?_ cxcnar_e heavy, Wit,, b.u.n.a;, .n bar.i.ois' b.1.8 a: M.S-S.i? to ?4. ?.-L3 Io demand, and a; ??.?.!?.2? to 14.0.50 .or tlxty day tills. Posted la ci ?UO 1-2 and Ml and HU to ? It 4 1-2 t.o.i m.rclal b.l s *t*l to ?4S7 1-2. La, s.lver ?-? b-K. ?.??.?-an dollars 42 1-z. NK'" YORK D<"c. B.?The statement of nverng-?B or the clearing house bini.e of i? U 11 ? -or the week s..o*a: i.onns ?t2, w. no. ??-?a e *1,'.62??>: dt-pus.te lS? H ? ,; ?. Incrct 0 ?1.318.4?); circulation ?48, U'?, OT. inneane ?.? Gai; lufiiil tenders .6 . 41?.?. Increase tl.lU.SM; s/.ecle ?1.1611 ??). rie reise i-.-B.i (t. reserve? i-ii.wO 40). lu? ci ea c- $ G..2-.; re. e ve J210.7?>,H?, ;se .Itti.JO : surplus ^63o...OO, inc.e se S.?j.IO?; Ex-Unito! a.atea depot?*? ?Li. 6-.,07.?. Inciense ?<7,?? 0. I ?-? II. i<iciu.;v.: ????*?- I Richmond, Va., Dee 5, 130?. PTATi" FKCirn ?..?' .-J? I K?-,?'? fmollim 43. C. 1013. IO.? Virginia it. New, C. and IL. 191.2.. 94?? t??4 1 Virginia Centurie!. 2-3. C. suid.... ?4* ? . . , .-,L<. G IL UCS. H?cltmond City te. R-. ISA-DM.... 104 ... | . ?.?,,.?'.a?? I.UV11S. I Atlanta und Char. Ut 7a, lt., 1007..., 107 ... | X *0. L. H. tt. Con ,r. 4 ?. e. Wl ?i'vnr.a un.l Hac. Ut ?*. C, L?J....1.M ... Geo.g.a. So. limi fio., LrlJ.'.....'. 110 ... ? Cioli.u anJ .\io. Con. Un, VJ [?. k-o.i ... ? .N.h.k blld t, lty. 4n. vi ... | Tv. -llu >.. il/. ?',_~.?..1?.~?> U. WS ll.e'i nnu Mack lai 4?. .1)4?. ?? ' S. ?. L. Con. let 4a. IMO. TI 72 t.. ?. L. Collaudai 'Ir. Is. 1311. W Nvtotorn Niirlli Car. IM 6a, C. tat,.. :i? ... j .,.,?a? t? lucida, At'.-ntn anil Chr.rlHto.100 160 Allr.n'.lc Coaot Uns "A".100 106 108 Auntie Collii L.u? pfd.UH PJ At.uni.c Coa?L Line com.U"u 11? ?? C.ii:.;.,fito and o.ilo .lud 3? ... | :??? ., . unu i-?. iHi [il..L?i ;?? Norfolk? cn? W?f.trn co.n.100 57H ... I Boab^ard A.r Lina pfd.UO ? ? S.ul. ,ur ? A.r Lin.? c-,.?. " ?? ?? 6.)ulhcin Railway pfd .100 7SVi .?. Soulhern llalway cu.u.???? m ... .... ... aioCKt?. ' City liunU .?... UH F.'rsi .suiiuiui .lue 1.5 ? . ...n... ...mi nal .lu^.ulj Ridi. Tr- nnJ S D.p. Co.?OJ ... 125 ? ...i.; Lank uf ?.?,'???.a.luj ... .00 I \.,o.u? ??>?? y..-?..tun... lv? lA?UltA.S'CU C?MJ'ANIEM. Vilo'.p.u l'lre BllJ iLiiliia.25 KVi ... .,.,.A.\_uLiv American l.ocomctlvu pfj.100 75 77 C..IK.II.IUU, luii. |,fa 7 p. e.??? lu.' Cftyieul.'at.u?l ?.? 4 ?, c. u_n.o...,W, ? H ??? \?..??.?.G. i-.niin. l'fa 8 p. u..ivO D? 0.??4 Vu.-lum.ii? Ch.-.n.uil co.n.Lu ?0 2i Vu.-L.ui. L. Cu. Lui. 'ir, o p. L.. ai rflTTOM MARKET?.' KSW VOflK. Ucc 5.-5 ntlment tcf re the op?.n.n_ uf in? ovitun in-rrt l u>-d.iv eo-m.d to (uiui u ivHc'.iuii, uvri.iii t. t,. ar u .i-ni taut iu.i:ii?in.i.r. : uceo. n.B nuj p.-jL. b bo.n utli uwm-U up, ca.lea w.rv il.s i... bviuW ex-.e.i.i. n-, U..U uuliu .. w?, i.i ..^aiy rucuioia Rui,o.l,ng tnla, th n o... n. il B.euUy nt u ?? losj of 4f15 p3lDla. A ? ...u UlIh-IIj d.-Vu,-p-U U. 1.1 ? w ,a\ ? iu.??\er. unj w<\ 'e ruad?ing con.lnuej heavy, ?.,?G.???? weru ,t?,???..}? ubsjio.u anJ P.. r-.;?.u to auoui Uml n._ .fj II aU raJing v.^b ru.i?,y olIiVu. but ii-c.^at.onj cj...,.u. tiV ?} I1...IUIV. A... ? ?.???,?? ??? ono lime ant aln t about Hjii ,.?????, tau iiiurK.l ius... o ? Util ?? W...U ciuPo ia.,i.r rcal.^itis, and wob ..nul ly .Miiuiy, nui a ?-'???? lower io I ? nun h.?..Li?. _..<.s Wvre uauniaiaU at lLu.uoU ubi iiikKU reoeiOiB ul l.ic p^rts to-day were f.l ?? .. l.ui.ti bSUinol ,4,1-4 .?bt Muck IHK. 4j,mv3 Inai y. ar. l-ur .lit' tvcok iI^Ojj b.ieu a?...i.,i e,?.??,? lusi wtiut?. and -??,,?? ut ymir. ?- ay' r.bvii'la ui Alw w^r. 11,114 b^ eR _gu.nai tl,ISa lust year, una ut Houston li,,62 Lu,i? iigunui 6,?U lt.ui year. In thu compara.', ve cotton sia temoni eont out linu ii.tiut t,iL? m?rir uvn. a.o k ahi 11 linn? I,. in -tOS.(h% Urn ? in s,,.ad of .I?.I..0 balea. Cotton fuiurva npunud steady at the uecllnu nn ? ululimi BleuU'/ Open. ? gh. Low. Clo?e. ? Ducomliur .i-.Jf U y?) U'.4| Junuuiy .L.40 L.40 L.8? 12.4. liii'?ry .L.llti L.O? l.,Jd l WJ Mare.? . U.iJJ u _ \?, 7 A.r.l .L.i>5 L.5S i;.J5 1.. ? M-y ...?.I..52 1..00 U.ul 12,5, .1..11.? . L.uO L.uil t.,W u.,.3 July .1-50 UuU L,P0 1..5. A,.yuBi . U.?1 U.i? I?.VJ 1.3f tvui cotton clortui) qulat; m.ddllnj uplands, L'.U?-, 111.a?.ill? ivail. I..J.; b?lLa, two uaua Cotton, quiet, nliUIIng. L'.?J; nit re ?Ota 45 baita; _r-Bs, Ki buiea; aa.w, la t,aL ? b.vlIc' ?.,,?? bulos. Tutu! tJ-da? ?. alj eeaporu -Net re ?luis. 64J-0 baiee; extiorl Uj tir??.t Lnjt.n, UU bu,T_T; ?.?? ?LLLsliKP ?04,) ??'?,?. Eli t:.v, 'ciUtcck ?ihmg?, l cw Vc?k Cciion Exohan?s. G????? WiRES ?) PIIKCEPAL ?? KITS, l?ivesliiienl SecurJiet fftffffttfftM?fW*0*4?M?0*?**^WWffW?^?n*vi?tMMtf*^^?^4? j Officiali Rana?? ?"?<* Sale of Stocks in New York j ?al eat By Thomas Branch & Co., Open. High American Snuff, coin,. American Can, com....... ' American Can, pfd.,. Amer, Cotton Oil, com. 70O Amer. Locomotive, com... ?(? Amer, Coeomotlve, pfd.... Ka> Continental Tobacco, pfd. 20.? Amor. Car and Foundry,.. two American Sugar. 1220 ?., T. nnd ?, Fe., com.... ??? ?., ?, nnd S. Fe. pfd. 8110? Amalgamated Copper ..... l?o? Bnltlmo-" and Ohio . 41'MO RrortM"n Rapid Tr.mnlt ..,, Vr/\ fnn-dlrtt Pacific ., 1250 Chf?prre?>l't? n"d Ohio . r".","tln f-'outho-n . 11'? rvio. ""t'thfrn. mm,.,,..,, 625 CHo. =????|?-<"??. ??? "M..., rv>|r,: ???i-tl-n-n, 2d ofd. (W r-M.. Mil. i.nd ?a. V . y.o.Yi rM? V 1. "*>? ?????,?...'... VYi ??|?. "?"?? "'?? ?-??;. |1M <r<.i. fi"?*t r"*?tt?-n. ??? <*|,y. r??*, , ri.i ?ml ??. I,.. Jl'rt <*n-.'^'M?t?rt n??. \tO r>-|.. ,??...?.?. ?r,/l T-T..H..ftn ,,,, t^?? ? ?-?, unii WVflom,, 7??? ?"-??. ??-?. tar? t?<-(? i?t ??/). n.~tf, ?/? ~i,i. ?"?. ?*??*'? fenfnl ......?.V.i.?! ?-?1 ' ?????-. ?.??>.,?..??,,???* ??d ic^i-vlll? .. nvi ;?",*"",,"? . 23C0 Mctropol'tan. I? 7914 IM 19% im ? 41 Vi 7f% 47% IH% m . 14V. ?? ?U . 1"% S1* ?.% 71 1W4 /*<% 7% t/vt 1/1 UflH % WA 41% ?% 46% urti an ?% '?ii% ?*% 1?H TH. |-*U 153% rr?t /?t? t8;i 121% LOW, ll% 70 W 103 1 122 ?7' 40% 7? 47% inv4 31% 'it 64% "\W TSV, 2? 1K% ?n )7? 180% r% r*t 1'?" 1?% 1??4 Mt% Cloning. Did. Ask? d. . i?o ii? 8% M e? 14% lo 70* 70% 102% ?a 10 Vi ??? 12.% 122% 07% 67% ?l% 92 ?IW ?? '?? ? 7f% 4f% 4Ptl 117V, ti^J 81% 31 (55 07 13V, 14*4 fr<% PR 22 22% 41H 41% 2S*t 2S% 20U ?!> ru m r?A 7'U )**%! is!?i<, 2^114 2//U ?T?'. ?rr4 ?71/. ?-*; <?n ?fH4! ?'? (?? T>4 7% 1?-^ ,??74 ,.?? 1?1%| 120%%121 ? Bankers and Brokers. SALESi 1000 LUSO SO) EOO 1200 1700 750 ?77?0 200 600 500 um 100 300 400 ?W ?rro 371 tni 1?22R 47"?/> too SVI 200 Mexican Central. MlBslurl I'ocinc .......... Mo.. Knn, nnd Tex., com Mo.. Knn. nnd Tex., pfd. New Vorlt Central . N? Y? Ont. and Went Norfolk and Western PentiRylvnnla. Preened Ptiel Car. Pree^fd Slip] Car. pfd... People'? Ops Trust . rterd'ufr, com. Head'n*. lit pfd. Reading. 2d pfd. RTiublle I. and S.. com.. Flou?. fi?se, pfd.??.? S. t.. a"d S. F.. 2d pfd... Bonbonrd Air t.ln?. cn-n. Ren board A'r t Ine. pfd.. fl. 7.. and ?outhwePt.. pfd ?Oi'tbfrn Pf*ifle. e'ni'ti'p'-n Rn'l'vay. cm.. om.fhP'i R"ll*"*v. nfd... ">n?i, G?-I "?d Iron. T*v*?, ?^???? .,,, ?'?'?? ???'??, <??~>. T'nlfwi ?*<??>. "fd. ?', fl. ?!??!. rn-?. ??. f?. Stool n'd. vo..r-.??. r'.o".t""l Vn.', Comical. T^fnh"?*!, ro?^. TTAhj.fih. rfrt. TVttet^-r, G'????. ?"??????? r"?nt""| . W'-on^ell ????~-1. pfd Total ealee 362.000. ci... pfd.... Open. High, Low. 10 im 30 lit? 21 ?? ?7V4 tic? 27 '?iti, 43ti rm "nv, S2V, 4"i, ??", 7",4 P. V", 75% ??", Ziti ?f>" SI 07H t?U 87H ' 45% 45U 32<4 4?'4 7G? r'/, V*>\ 7CH WM 21V, 31V, 37% 37% <?% 20% 7f% 33'4 2<"?'( 70% '?2 F7 21% ?o" ' TP r?4 37% 67% 117 20% 67 9i% ?I3-4 77% 00 42 29 71 451/, 12% 21% VM 40 7.? 5*% 7?M y;u UM Rl'4 211/, ri "?1< 3--S F7 l?Tt 37% MfflNG rOND CUOTATI >Nv 17. ?. ?'-*"*?"'^" ??. r?f*?t?r?1.,.1??% 17. S. r?ritn1'Bf ?? coupon. 1rt? C. fl. X?. r?r'Mrr?d . 1<n T.?. R 3?. eoupnn . 1or 17, ,?. New 4?,' rcr'liitprMl...u. 1r*i i;. B. New 4?. coiinon .?.??? &?H 17. S. O'd 4?. i*elnlrrod.,. ??? J*? V. H. Old 4*. cupftn .,?J"j 11. H. h*. ?.???<????.?. '"'J* IT ? tm, rnmw,n ir? Int. ?. '?J?* Atdilron |?*n-ral i. . ?JJ Atohlun adjue' 4i. H At'nnilo Confit l.ln> ?f .;. ? tVIH-imr?? rM ???? 4? .'.. ??0* raltlmore rn-1 Ohm i'4. ?H Central of Georgia 5.?". ltn '"" ?? n'v'f r i !? ?ne. CMMWipoBke rnd Oblo 4??. ?Ili ChlcnjTO and Alton ?V4?.'?. ?L?. Cilcoco. P. end Qulncy n<;W U. w* Chicago. M. 0.1.J BU Paul ?en 4?. "?/ r*.i~f,r.rt end Nor'Weotern eon. 7a. 1*"% Chicane, ?. i. en.? Pao. la . 70?4 CMWiijo. R. t. and Pao. col. R?. ?d / C, C, C and St. Lau!? gen. 4?. 05: G?????? Torn'n il lu . 7" i*nn*n'Matrd Tobrcea 4a. 67H Colorado ani Snutliern tu. S \i Penvtr and Rio Orando 4a. 100 frle tirlnr lion ??!..'.:?.. ??14 fJrifl (le?era) 4a .J. 8'? Fort Worth and Denver CU y Ut?. 103 H-rlc'n- '--H?,? ?Up . 11M14 Louisville and N'aih. Unified 4a. 60'4 Manhattan cunaol cold li. l'i.' ?? ?"..? r??.,.,-.! <. .;.;,,. 7 Meilcan Central 1st Ine . Wt '?.'m und ?? ? p? ? ? -offered). W M'siviurl. Kansaa and ???? 4?. M Missouri. Kansas ?.ml Texae 2d*. "GH S'otlnnal R. R of Mexico con. 4?.. 7514 New 7ork Central icen ?'-i. ?O New Jersey Cenimi (ten. 6a. II 't Northern Pacific 4s . 1MV4 Northern Pacltto fr? .?. 7nvt ???^.??-.?V -?' 'V-ste-n o^n Jb . ?: , Orearon Short Line 4? and Parilo. 2*1 Pennsylvania co.nv. 3Ha. D"Vi Readlntr Oeneml 4a .;. 61? Rt. 7/)Uls and Iron ??.???? ron ?*. Ill , St. Mula an-1 San Frone eco (g Is. S3 Rt. Irru?a Southwestern lata . H'% Seaboard Air Lina 4s ..'.'.. 7156 Pii.iVfrn "'-"le'4* . ! Roulhem Ra'lwsy 5?. G?? Texas and Pac fio lata .;. 11 ?H -ro'.fio. "? ? rnil \? eatern la. 68 Union Pacific 4a. 102% Union Paclflc conv. 4? ..;;. M'i U. S, Steel 2d oa. 70 i tVevtpS 1st*.'.. 11 % WsHash Deb Pa . 65 \Vh>e!lnsr ani I-alce Erie 4a..... > -\ Wisconsin Central 'a . S9y. Colorado Fuel and Iron con. 6?. 67%, ., -nir? ?, i<?> r'1 I 4a.... s\ Central of Oeorcla 2d Ine . 2?% to Prance. 7,700 tale?; to the Contln-nt. 41.551 bal? s; stock. ?'f< 70 bales. Conajliuated m all ?eapor ??Nil re elpt?, 51305 balea: export to Great Driuln. 9a, bil a: to Franca, 7,iu0 balea; to the Continent. ? ..68 7 balea. Total since Sept-mber tat at all eeaijoitf?Not lecelpta. 4,061.ul0 tales?, exp rt lo Great trtal . 1.211,292 balta; ij Kr. nee, 445,311 balta; to the Comment. t.LS'.i.OIS balea. NEW ORLEANS, I.A.. De. 6.-COTTON? Bpol cotton, ve?? liitlj o? a; ? ? of cloudy weather: salea, 1,20/ bal a ni, ? .t. 2?? f o. b. term* anJ Ml to airl.o; d.l ered on contra? 1 400 halea. Quotations ???????t ' Futures openel quiet with prUea from 16??1J pointa lower thin yeat r aye cosi? 1 .... nt bulls then supported price? ?omo- , what, but nal nirjr.eeelvely, tonum? hem up .. t 10 minta. It la the gen.-ra] opinion that slump of 26 or 30 points would Induce a treat buying wave that wuu.,1 a;nJ pr cjs we. u to ard the lAc. mark. <n the traUlnc. which was com? paratively light, .he fluctuai! na were numer? ous, but narrow. The ' market cl a with nel tosava ? f H pointa on Deecmber, Il on January. 6 on l'ebmary. Maren an April 4 on May, 3 on June and ? on July. Cotton futuie? steady: December, 13.62012 I: January. U.G-it'1-??: February. l..,49ia.78; March, |2.**?>12 ?: A;.rU. 1???12??; M?,. 12.99913.00: Juni. ??.?*&13.??>: July, 13.0CO13.U7. PRODUCE MAKKET. I NEW YORK, Dec l.-FLOUR?Flour contin? ued ..rin anJ bold higher. Winter pat nla, I. i 4.Su; Minnesota j<auni, i .b~ ??!.,6; iiinuo?ot?. Lakera, ?..uS^Sj. Rye Flour?Steady ai .I.WJ t 3.W). Uuckwiieai Flour?Kit m at 63.8J?:' Zfc 1 Colunioai?Quiet; yellow uea.ern, ?LU3; kiln' dried, ,3ul?i liye?SUady. Mu . iveaurn, U^o. bi^riey?jujot; feeu ng, Zjc; :maJunf. ! Wheat?Sp?i ?tAdy; No. 2 red, ?144 c All things CuOjldereL' wheat In Ni?- To ?? vit/ stntuly early. 'At time? the price W.? ott with Wuakoj??. l'Ut li re-u.oj pu t.ttte .t., ou room covcr.N? ai d the ami.ll ?eck here. Tue clotfo wls dull ani easy, Innuenced by a bear? ish private crop report, Li-at p.lets showed ? partial V.o. May sloa.u at 8? .c : July, ?2!,?c. ; December. 91c Corn?t>i>i?t quis'i No. 2, Me, The com mar? ket was weak >aJ lower on se, Uj f.r lu.i< account and an absence of any su..pon : close woe dull ?nJ ?f*?. ?-? lowvr May closed ut ?J;?c. ; J'-oemuer, 51 -j?a Oaltt?Quei: No. 2, Il Vic Beef? steady; Ulroly, 8??f11: mea? ??0; beef hams, ..v.^-U^.^i; packet, 89-310.W. Cut Meals?llrreffular, pickled, <i Ivo ; pi it led shoulueis. ou., plck.ed hams, 10 .? lVjc per pound. LarJ?Stu-idy; western aitameli, . tj lined. Bioauy; co.ainciit, (..30; cimpounJ, 14 25j> S.u.). Pork?riu-edv; (aini.y, ???.??; ahorl c,?,r, 4l3.?5ftli.0o; mjs.i. ?3.??'<*1?..?. 'laliow?r Irca, ? Roa.n?Quiet atruined, J..4u. lJutter? Urm; o.ura creum:ry, j:o.: reno- ? vated, 13?18e. : factory, Mtulii?. ( he se - Quiet; amali colored, UVic : amali whlttt. Sep? tember, I.e.; lat? ma,e, lUUc. EegJ ei.ruii0; Western, cxtia. .He; ref..c>.ratur. -f? . Cortee?Spot P.lo Steady: No. 7 Invo Ce. *Hc l mild, tlrm; C'ordivo, l??gu?4c Iho mark... ??.? coll?e futures uoonuo a. un ha. g i prices to a lecl.s.i of 5 iio.nts unJer rea.lzln* anJ lather d.aap,*>.ntin3 Euro..ei.n cab.tta. Th. bull contingent sup,.urti>d prices ut tue part'a decline, an.? tati niurket w?u r-l.teu luu u... Ihe opemng lo ? level ab?u. u .t-h. n e t I pointe h.ttaer. Towaru the c.-sj ..o ?v.r. I rvtt, zing beoam? l.eavlt-r, and tvh. ? the n.a k ? | wiis Hnaily aua iy uruea w^rj net un.hanotu bo i uolnu lower. Sueur? Raw. ? minai; fair roflnlnt, 811-16;.; otnir.tugTil, be t?si; ?.????. : mo.oaais su? ?, 2 1d???&; ru.nel. qliei; co.ifecUonera' A. 84.?: moul.1 A, -H-iu: cur lout, vi.oi,. R,ee?b.nn, u iiitsiic, 3?43??" MuiueaeB?Steady; Nb.? Or? leans, 31 u?c . Potatoes?Stead ? ; Long la and, |3.t:4J2.37; Jera.y. tl.b.iji-.???; Jersey awe.i? 41 M^i.oi biute, Western. Batka, ?.@..3?. P.anuta? aitady, tunjy Ji?nu^teked, 4.,?6o.; otnei do. nieBi.cB, uU/4/sC Cuoougea?Sic dy; u.iieoliu, per M, i-trfi?rP^i barrel. 7uC,ial..a?. Cotojn? Ly ateain to Liverpool, 16c CHICAGO. P-.I. Dec 8.?LliullaHun by local lunga anJ an Ina gp Kit.un on ti pi t of traders In ff^n'ral to open new acco.nt to cany over Sunday reauKci In ?. set e a W Biv.? priuea to-i:a.>, ?nj May wheat o.oaeo Vi tower. Muy corn and oate were each down \%J ?J,o.j while januiry pruviaiuns closed iirm fro.,? ? Vk^t'VttC. lower. ?,.. ?u...... .,uii!iitl<iiiM rmigeil m fn||uwa: Upan. UlaTii. Low l'Ina? WMEAT-No. t Dec. (now) .. .. 82U ?? 8114 13 May . ?i? 8-?4 8;H 8J,, July . ^i% 78 71V? 7(4, ' It.N-Nu. 3. Beo. 4??4 4.T4 43 42tl July ..'. 43',4 %8',a ?,!i 43 May Dec . e?*4 8S>4 34H 84T? May . 84it 34H So 86,. July. .. M 837? m% 83,, M'i.-n I'uliK?I'er bill. Jan.1?.W 10.92V4 10.87H 10.g u. ? Muy .11.20 n-a u.:o u.uv, ? M.e'-l'vr 1?K? Iba. w Jan.?,?G?? 8.40 8.8;>4 6.87V, May .?.?? ?.i-Va ?.45 6?,'/, < ???1??|<? ???.????? 1W lb? Jen.6.9?V? 6.D-V4 687V? 5.?7V4 May .e.u6 d.O.?,!, &-06 ?.Oi i'asii uum-'iil'in? ????? ?? ? ? --? Firmer. Winter patonta, ?4T4.?O; t'ralT* t?, ??.??.10; ???.? patema, tifi*-?": air- * u, tJ.6i/if..i6. No. ? wheat, ?8f?2^.; No. ) red, Miuh?ViO. No. ? corn, Uuc, No ye,, low, 44'??, No. ? ?ata, ?i,Uu.? No. 1-wMtt, $J> 3i?c No. i tv? 61??? Ooucl feedln* pa, y. 3.?3.0. ; fair to ibolen malt nj, 45f?? NO. i tiuxaettl, 9lo.; No 1 ?.irihwust rn. 98o. ; Timothy soou, ?86. Moaa ? .k ? ...??*|??, ?U.U'.-iWll.-?: lai ?. por luti pounds, .-6_3,^j6.|.); H..uri r,te alueii Uju??). ??^??..?, ?h ?, ur a.ii.t iboX?d.. ?< '?4*?????. Whlak-'y, btn.e ?}( h.ff.l wln-e, .l..< Uluver, ???.?a?? (.tuie, n\, Lutter?ftttudy: iirutun. r e?, .ii'u/-n-.. 4?ir *, Hij.ic. ligga? Pt/ir .naik. cuses inoludod, i.y..t,c Ciioeat?ri, a) I W<i-l ?a?. I'AI.TIMORB. Ml)., Deo. 6-Fl.OUR-Qulet am unuliunBe'd Wluot-Dull; ap I, lonir ?t am ilia m .nth. WWuSiftg ; a u ho ? by ?...??|??? 76??8?O. Co.??firm; a^ot, od und the m ih \>au'.ic. ; upot, ni w, 4?>?c. ; u w, a u h m w . lo onn, 4.?iiJ<tSUo. Oats-.Ftrm; Nu. t wh.l 41c. Rye??????; No. ?). ?oc, ButUr an, tori' ftcfdy oitJ unoLanged. Cil ea ? ?ey ana q.i nliun?ud. augu,tv~<ir?P? ?nJ uncli-Lgeu. RICHMOND WiODUCE MARKET, FLOUR?Hooulpt? ?oiu.nuo IlsIUI markt? f. .ri/ active. ?????Light receipts; ateady. WHEAT?ConlliiueB bo.i o w III liant reclpts. CLR.S?Activo; duniund g.uu. CA. ci?buftUy. Hay?Muik. t activa (.>r the better Krad * m receipts are tunning Igln; utiur a a?eu,, IXU?i-Aotlve; ruua|..u very l.g t? liUT'l'i::t?Ucei'luta fu.r.y I lierui, market ac? tive for sweet froth ato.k; / imo.? and m.xei (tuck dull. puuL'tny-tveceipu 0t bou uw ?04 dcM ed continue licht and market active. VIRGINIA l.AOJ.N.?Hume active, aldea ani ?hou.iara quleu PO'IAiOfclS?Hoc-ulpu continue; market quiet but arm. APPLES? Ki-celpu lighter: market fairly ac? tivo. ORANGES?In good demand; receipt? ?be a. OAME? Receipts of rabbini liberal and mar-, bat lower; receipt? of ul oder ?itine ??,.,? a...l market active. ? RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK?Wheat, 45,12-' buahela; corn. 2L.-S? buahela; oaU. ??.t-? bue.i elai rye. ?? buahule-, Hour, ?,?? barreta; hay, z&o Uint; mill obal. a?.lone. 6TOCK IN ELEVAI Oft?Wheat, L'JSO lue ?- ? ?la; corn. -.'7.334 buahela; uau, bi..i: bushj a. | rOULTRr?LIVE ANLUMtESdEU Turkey?, lane per lb.$ Turkey?, ?mull, pur lb. C.iiiKi-ne. ?,,,.??, ?.?????,.-'pcr Ib.. Chicken?, aprine, 'medium, lb,. Chickens, aprimi, ?a???,? Ib.... Ducke, lurt'u .,.'.'.'. Ducke, amai), per lb..:. t ....IO. ,.C yibLL, .,..,?-??..'... ?. a???? .?. t-,.,^?, uI't&BCu, UIIhUhH, ,b,. ??, .ir .? u. un.?iL..n lu. C? ?e, di-eaaetl, undrawn, Ib.... _?.....?? ??.'.???%? "i-l-'ili IU.. lu,keys, ureeaeU, umwn, Ib.... Ducke, dieaseU. drawn, lb. Ceeau. drosied, drawn, lb. Chicken?, arenaed, urawn. Ib.... GAME. Venleon'. whole deer, pLr Ib.... Ven.e^n. buukj, per ib. Wild turkey?, par lb.'.. ? 3 .01 ?- d 12 ti* 11 ? lo u Id 12 ? U ? G? a> ?- _ u w 9 ? W?j. 1? ?? ?? (f U W 14 ?* 11 f 1. ?J? 12 V 14 life U>? U l'ururiuBea, per Jlyn~, aitio.ii. Pneut>:iiiu>, each . Habbiu, large, freau. each. Ilubii.ta, BilU.ll. irce.ll. ouc.i. Bdulrrel?, each . HDLia. Bmal) . .UL-uiuin ?i2B w-iloice, lui.u KuL.,1 . BUTTER Cholea family p-*...-?. e unoy dan y pue*ed. LdlulLe Uu.l'y ^dl-lidd . Choice ?tor? packed... Medium .1. 15 ? 16 (?f 60 Onoice you-w roue, per lo. MiXeU, Dime and yui. w rj,ie, lb EGGS. Crate?, nearby, tr-.... _.d. Craua, ircaii buick. i^xrrcB and boxee. L? unica . FUCUS AND VEuEiAuUiS. APELES- ; v-i u-.., fancy hand pk. ?.?d ? 2.75 Per bbl., choice hand pk. 2.uo 27 ? ?3 18 Per boi., dVA.iLMd^?. l-r.?; ??? b.x.,.. Flo.Ida, wind Calla and fruan. Lud it Li6 _ Uu L6u (u> GRAPES Concord, per d-Ib. bakt. 17 ? IS ., --i_. .-u. u. ? . U BLACK PEAH . ULACKBVK r-EAS? Prime to fancy. l.-S ? 1.35 CLAY PEAS-Per bushel. no.ubial M.Adl pliUB . DuilliBal uiiA.'ir ..u.,,, No. 1 while . l.uo (g 2.15 Common white . u.V ,u -,m Mixed, per bua. Lea ? Lid Colored . Loo ^ Lui POTATOES car lots. 73 ? 75 ONIONS?Per barrel.,. L75 a ??? Uuaiiel, car lota. tW <f iw w.,. ...? ????-. ???. a iw ? , oj ? _? vU.v 60 ?i 60 2d v? 35 CELERY-I-aree, per dozen, binali, pel doA?u.. No. I Timothy, neu. 15.00 ?15.50 No. ?TlTi'tny. n.-w . 14.??; ?14.50 No. I Timothy .now. nominul Nu. 1 clover mixed, now. 13.50 ? UOIIIimUI Liu? ti L.5U ?o. 3 clover, mixed, now No, 3 clover, new I new. 14.., nominal Va. Timothy. No. 2. new. USO ?t 1.00 IVa. mixed, now . ??? it |,i.l4) Clover. Vn., new....... no,mimi SHUCKS-Balod, old. P.0U it ?.?) , ii^i.rt..?i,..,,..cBBLi4 . au< ? 0.50 ? |?"<f nrsscl. lorx- baleB,... 9 uo ? W.00 I toad vour care an that hay at do.'i'ib repra ?enta contenta, and tliua ?void rejection*, | . FLOCK. Family . 3.40 ? ?so i-iuicy .,. 3.i>u ai ?ou ?-?tent, choice to Caney. 4.U0 ? 4.10 Cholos extra. Extra ,.?.....,.??,,... ?.?? Superfina .,. 3.?? ft :?.t? CuH,s.MdAL-Clty aackud. 68 cni.iui . ? lieu, tw.ii.u?. .?? ? 66 MILLFEBO Shliistun, |ier ton. Backed. 19.00 ?20.00 Bran . 19,00 ? Se.Og WHEAT. No- 2 red, new.,,,,, d? ? 03 No. t rad, new. mi ?til Steamer, new . ?7 Rejected, new.,, 75 zp Ua? lota, fair to prime, new. tO ? COKN. So. 2 whit? . 61 ? No. 3 wmle .,. OoVa? No. 2 m.xuJ ,,,,,. 60 a No. 8 mixed . iJ ? White Cvrn, Va- t>ac lota. bl ., iviiito coin, Va. bu?- new.. lu ? OATS. No. ?.' mixed ., No. 8 mixed .,. No. i wiutu . R?B . MISCELLANEOUS, IHDriA pry flint, per n>. Dry SUlli'd, pel' lb.??.,?,,??,, ISlVVII Hattet, per lb. Groen, per ib. my IlilLi can' ??.??? put lb,,,. tjlit-cp .,.,. Ol'ucii bulled, calf uk.u?. Lutnb ekllia. lu u.? 41 .? 6o ? II ?? ui ? ?',3 (>'??? ?> o 65 <c 65 (j, ?? 81 ?a 61VS si 50 COI.N) IIV PUv.1)?l,?-? HULLS UUOnt\U...*:i? r'uuUil-i'.r I". l'L.VilL.H?> Ll\u Keebu, per lb,,.,,, 45 ? 60 Mixe?.. ,,t?, lb .,. HO uj 3? SLclla-T Oluver. wtiolcBiile, per bua. ? ?? ? 6 60 Tlltldliiy, WtldlLBUlU. 165 Jl llii Orouur fc-p???, wool aalu. ? 3j .".t buckivlieuti per bua. Uuiiiian nullet, per bua, U_lL?i>V AX-Per lb. DUJ..V ?? Pl.?.S? 81 leer, pur lb. Qui..ti-rt'U, i?r lb....,...,' Vt?'dWI? PJ SvHAi, ???" ?U? lu U J', 65- it LOU .6 41 ?6 S 244 ntU'lD PEACHES? Peeled, per lb. 11 Q 13 Petled, dark, per lb.-... S ?) 10 Un,.*eleu. per lb. 3 CHi-ItRliid Pltied mewj, dry order. 15 f Is llAbPUERJilEtJ, per lb. IB 9 U BLACKBERRIES. 4V? ? WKORTLEUERRIES. 10 & 12 WOOl.? Tub-washed, free of burr?..'... 23 ? 2j Unwashed, fie? of burr?. i, & 21 Merino, unwashed . 13 tj, 11 Luiry. - to 8 per lb. less ROOTS? ? Ginseng, per lb. 4.00 a 4.83 SciUca, per lb. 10 V 14 VI ?lula snake. a. ?if J> Muy upple. per lb. ZVitS 3 ? rue pink, per Hi...'..:... lu y 13 Wild ringer, free of libre. 9 (t? Li Wild ginger, natural...... 6 3 7 I'tiA.t?1 S?rannera, per lb..., { 2}?U 4 BACON Hanis, small, amoki d . 16 ? 17 Hmn3, lame, smoked . 13 it II Sides, am ked . 11 if 13 Kliuul-lera. smoked. Ill F 11 ljn.?w-.-^i iiuuu . d LARD?Country prime. 10 FLAXSEED?Per bushel . 1.3J TALLOW-JVr lb. 4?J WALNUT KERNELS?Per lb... 14 fll 15 CHICKEN COUPS . E5 & ?0 TURKEY COOPS . U il LZj EOO CRATES .?, ? *t il BUTTER BUCKETS?rar doz.'., 8.74 Ht 3-v? RICHMOND GTtATN MARKET Richmond. Va., Dec. 8, 1503. QUUlAiiO.So. ?' WIIKAT? ._?.,'_... . Longberry fear lots). 92 &93 Mixed (car loLa) .?>r., i-j ?oi Shorilierry (car lots).?.? .-.?,-. 9_ (ati3 No. ? red (car lota). 92 y,.i3 Va. bag lota. %.? U'J COIt.N? White, Va. bag lots mew)....;.45 ?50 White, Vo, bag lota (old).51 <S5 >S No. - white (car lots).51 y?l , No, 3 wnlte (car 1-tts).....'.. Luv.'a 1 ?a 2 mixed (car lots).'..,.50 jr?o'.a No. 3'mixed (car Iota)....... 49 ?50 OATS No. 2 mixed (car lota). ?9 3"U'j No. 3 mixed (car lou) . 3$>i?39' Nu. i w.iile tear lotaj. 41>?@42 RYE . 6j afri CATTLE MAVKirrn NEW ??^?. Dfco. 5.?BEE\'ES-Receipt% C9 head. No sa.t-a ^.jorletl. Dressed bo f. steadv: city dreaaed nat've aides. 68-o pe p? nj; Texas beef. V{i0e per pounj. Calvee? .i> ru celpts; market unchanged. About 26. Woa e I calvee unsold. A few Bu.'.al . oilve s I at Il.iS; city drei???!, ?4.50; general sales, 8 ..v.iil. Sheep nnd Lamtia? Rtce.pts, 1,628 htad. Both sheep anJ Iamb? rathei glow and weak, ?ik.-o aold at ?3?rl: luivbs, io.5o//5 S.'^ a Kt:lo more than a deck at <i Dressed mutton, 5149.0. po' pound; drested, 7vs?Iuu. Hugu?itOuJjjtj, 4,155 head. CHICAOO, II.',.. Doc. B.-CATTLE-Re el-ts, 500 head; nomlnni Good to pr.nio it-er-, 6 I 5.75; poor to modlum. ?,???????, alo-kors and feeders, i:"1! ?6; ,'fiit't, 81.60F4; helfo s, t>@ .,.; cannera, 81 SO Hi. W? bulls, *2^4 50;talva ;2 ?H f ?.7?; Texas?fed sioers, $333.l?; Western steers. {? ft 4.-0. Huge? pia today, iiu, beau; Monday, 50.000 htod. Mnilut t 01 ? low r. Mixud and butchers, 44..?????.05; go .J to eh ce heavy. *4.40@4 V)? rough, heavy, 8.1&F4.35; light. 8l.2Utt4.irl; bul* ot "?1"3? *4 1.0 o. Sheep?Receipts, :!5,'<00 head. Sheep an . la-n , steady, (jood in ? holce weihe, s, $1.7 ?4 6 fair to choice mlsed 1^3.75; native lamb?, 44??u.73 UNION STOCK YARDS. PITTSBURO PA., Dec. 5.? CATTI,? -Steady. O.iolc.?, 5.05?pD.ji)? prime,>6.IM fair, 83?3 6i. Hogs?d.uw: prime heavlee. f) ??^?.d?: yoik rs, me,, me nul pigs, 84 5005 50' roughs. *. ?H-& Sheep slow. Prime wethers. iltSJ 4 00; oui ? and common. I1..5f?2.00; choice lambe, *?|3..?5.?0; veal cunes, ?7.6?<??7.75. CINCINNATI, u., Dec. 5.-HOOS-Act|v? nt ?3.30?3.35. Caltl^-Duli at J.'tfU.. Sneei? btcady at ?LpOtf-3 40, Lamb?? ouady ai *3. ,5? 6.00. TOBACCO MARKET. nichmond. Va.. Dec. 5, 1903. Tobacco?Dark Fired Tobaecu? Uteordere.,) Olu: rtuooipi* t*ini.iiuu lig.t und markt qul.-t. Now: Recoi.tta fair; m. rk-i Urn a, qu tu tlone. Brlghta? Unchanged, quiet; mo e.a o receipts. Bun-Cured?Uecoipta o ml ua mo.,. or??? with stiady mark t ut qu uit.ui.a. TIip quntatlona are aa folloival DARK FIREU TOUACCey-.VEW, Prlmm.iioia .4 1.00 ?j ...6 Lug* ...;...?' ?.26 & 3.3,1 Siu.rt io medium leaf. l.OO u .50 Long Inai . 6.6' & ?.o S?lections ami wrappers . 8.O0 u lu.uo DARK UrtED TOLACCu?iiEORuBU_D PrlmlnR*.4 ?,'? in<3..o Lugs, common t<> good. i.o q t ;j Lugs, ????? to prime. 4.75 <u r,./) Short leaf . 6.50 Q 0. 0 Medium loaf . ?.?? u? ..??,) Ixintr leaf . IM f ?.o AVrapiwrs and selection.. 10.00 ft 13.00 RRIOHT TORACCOa 8MO K ERS?uiniilon .?. ?0 4j 8.uo Medium . ?.90 9 10.00 Fine .,,,.,,..,,...,. lo.uo 'a i?.jo Cl.'TTER-??Common . tO.uO d ?,jo Medium . I'J.oO i, u.v'o Fine . 15.. (? Fancy . h.oo <?? un.uti FILLERS?Common . y .00 Medium . S.iii ifl. .00 Oood . 9.00 ti Fin? . U'.Od ?; | wnAi'PKits?Common . ?.'. a ?5 \*?? M.'dliim . 1S.00 fl 23 D ????? . '.?? " W :i .f^i Fin?. ?00 ? l'I ?( Fancy . 45. -n ass.)? .SUN-l'intEl) TOI A VO-N'KVv Prlmlnus. new . 10" ?7? 3.u) Lliga. coiuiii'iii lo good. 3 5 4f 4 1) I.lies, eiinil to prillili. 4 0 ? 8 U Blmrt leaf. f'.iw ? ??'? , .,.., .oo a u.o Wrupiier? . 10-00 ?) I?.jj LY.NCUBURn TOriACCO m.mikrt l.rnohbui'K. Va?. Oeo 6, laoj. Sales of tahureo un tile I II ' ?' ? Ulli??! for Ihu two weolte November 28, 1903, ieporied by Ju.iu ?,. Og.euu.., ? ?. il... tit. ? li'.i'Si?: Sold week ending NovoinbT i'lBt. ?IS.SiO pounds; sold week en .ini Novo uh'r h. ??,??? iiuiiii.ib; IneiouBi- for wotk ?????,?? No? vember .8ttt. 109,890 pound?? S Id from ? io ber I, 19.3, to November ?S, la ?... l.nis lnO pounds; ?old from October I. 19);', io No.'iiibor 28, 1903. 6.119,400 puuttuS; detrae- (or lw? 3.:Ol.ooii pounds The tobacco offered the past we It wni rntlii r more largtly of the better grade than her t.? .iute. Tb< tjuoJUty wtt? not oa ?"?'4 a? oyucv JOHN L. WILLIAMS & SORS. tAXKEfft. bealere In uirHMoND. VA. SOUTHEM fKVFSTMENT SECURITIES. MUNICIPAL ?ONL? A Sr*?_tALTT Correspondence invitad. ed, beine rnthor thin. The ????* wan very B"nd, bel nit ? llitht or dark rol or brn n. PrlcoB rather higher on good luta, Alle leaf and wrapper. The quotation? nru a? follow?: PilmlnRH .? ?.M _' ? ftd t>nrl< lue?, coni'iinn. 5.31 *t 8 1 Dark luca. tin?.Ilinn .......,..,.,.,. 3.00 ?lie Dark lim?. Rood ..?...,?.,. ?..v *t 4 ?l Park Ipnf. rmnmnn . 4 00 ? I.JJ Dark leof, medium..,,,.,.,. 4M ft fl'd Di'He lonf. ?.nd . ?.? fll -jj Darli tenf. fine. ?.0? ?It.? Dnik wrajipora. 12.50 ? 16.00 MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS, PEANUT MARKE Vnrtrof.K. VA., Dec B.-PEANUTS? Fnrnior?' markM. fnncy. S'.ic. ? ?trlcny ?? i-ne. 'Pic: prime Jltfll;'**?:.| rn-n'rinn, i\\e "panUn. 70c SVw cron comma in frfelv P?TWIW>M?nn, VA. Dec 6.-PRANUTS Bpnnlan. Buiro-.'u.,. Mnrkat hrm. ?tuck mint fancy; market ?toady. nru nnniw ? ? ???>-? N'HW VORK. P?e. S.? T^i? dry sonde market ?hou-a Bonip ? er of BPtt'lnn d'iwn nnd a CeiV mnn> quotation? iirf available, hut thi? ful'-ra la Mill very hfl'.v nnd prediction? are nnt made with any r.?rtntntv I? -nnmifpctur"i? or ?all ore Th? htnlnr<? nf f -*av was nnt lar? r, although - linulrlc? wi fr-iquimt fi>. (''"?? tvhn tint?*? not ?iitiiilled their wnnta in Ihe full? f?t ext"nt tnr 'he comln- airlnr. and theaa are particularly nnxloua about price?. -naval stopes. ????.?G??-rON. ?, C. D-C. ? -TURPF.V. TINB?Nnthtne do ni?; reel te. 4'? casks, llnxln?Steariv ? fcU1? ree I-??? 28 ba r IB. Ter?Firm ot ft "i, recelptH. 331 hnrr I? ?A VANNA ?. (??.. Doc 4,-Tt'RPENTlNE? Firm at ite. ; ri-eclpte. 87S cak?: ?alia, :-.0 raxki: "xpnrls. it* en'lis. Rnain Firm ro ci'h't?. 3.311 barrel?; ?ala?, 40fl barrel?; exporta, 2,210 hitrrela. CHARLESTON S. <:.. D"c 6,-TURPEN TINE?Steady at Mite Roeln?Steady. COTTOS'l-BED OIL MAItKET. NEW YOP.iv. \')ec. 6.?C tt n?e-1 of waa dull and steadily held. Prima crude, f. o h. mill?. 2M3?'.",Vie. ? prime ?timmi-r yellow. 3-te. ; off ?ummer vello??, nominal; prima white, 3ic; prime w ? ter yellow, 88?83V4c I MARIKL VvTELLJifENCtt. PORT OF RICHMOND. DEC. ?. 1901 ARRIVE? Pr?am?"r Berkeley 'ley: Norfolk, marchan 1??? and l'OBbengere, Old Dominion Uno. Pii'niif-r I'li'-Hhontiin, limn?- .?.nrMk nnd J-iiTii?? RK-T Umilino?. ????-e.hnndlne nnd u ,-n pi'l-M. Vlrirlnln Navigation G? Barge E. A Souder. Mirri?, Cap- Charlea i City. Irish pota! ???. T. W. Wood and Son. j SAILED. Ktoamer Rorkeley. Ouy, Nnrfn'k. merchan Ile? and pansL-neera, Old Dominion line. PORT Or WEST POINT. DEC I, 1003. ARRIVED Cha-lotte. Murphy. Baltimore,, paaeengera and Cenemi coreo. ????.?? j Charlotti?.? Murphy, l.ulllmor*, pa*?en_er? and general careo PORT NEWPORT NEW8. DEC. 5, lOOt ARRIVED. Steamer Heartburn, New Orleans. Steamer Zumila, Portlrnd. Uarge Knkkero-ick r. Providence. SAILED. Steamer H?Brthurn. Haxre. Steamer Orion. Ponton Schooner P-iul Palmer. Portland. Schooner Ed. G Statraburv, Finland. 8chouncr Lvmiin M. Low. Pi-nvldenca. BALTIMORE STOCK MARKET. BALTIMORE, MD.. Dec. 5.? 6?iibonrd Air Line common, i2^?!8til do- preferred, nothlnx doing. Benbnard 4a, 71%. Atlantic C aa Lino commun. ??????????? <lo. preferred, nothing du.n0'. COMMON C??ivCIL AMD COMMITTEES The Common Council vv.'.l meet nt S o'clock to-morrow night In reg-ular ses slon. and beside? a large amount of other Importnnt business to be transacted, the two pi ins proposed for .selling bondB lo liqu?date the ????,??? falling; due on Jan? uary 1, 181)1, will be considered. The adv?? cate* of the McCarthy plan seem coh fdeni that they will win and their fight will be led by Messrs. Ellen, An? derarn Pollock nnd Mills. Messrs. Spence, Crenshitw, H'ei*s and Peters will have charge of the measure reported by a majority <xt the committee, j nnd the fight promises to be a lively ? oi o, The Committee on James River Im? provement will meet to-morrow night, and others will hold meeting? during the week. THE ALMSK0USES ARE IN PERFECT CONDITION After a thnrnuirh Inspection, the Com? mittee on Relief of the Poor yesterday nftornnor. ir-onounoed thp white nn-r r-ol ored nlmshouses In perfect condition ll-rnu-rhcut. Superintendent Davis deserves much '?redit for ???? excnllenl nrmagement, und he hn? a corps of cf-reful, conscientious nss'tdnnts. * Thi ?-???????? was ??specially struck with tin-- tnstefui Improvements In the nillce and reception room. Gone to New York. Mr. J-rnupi Fu'relle well known heiv. is a newannpor man. nnd who has heon w'th Ilio Gnoi-Re Fnwcett Compnny In Faltlmore for ? yeir ns press rop'>->?"etitn. "ve, linn re^lgred to nrcept ? slmllur po? sition with jToop '< Hnckett, with houd. qunrters in New York, Gone to Danville. Goverror and Mrs. A J. Montie-ue left yesterday for ? brief stny In Danville. Hie Excellency will return to tho el'y to-right hut Mr*. Montague will remain days longer. III4E. Main ?.real. Stocks, S; Cotton. Frivate Wires to U\ Ufarlo t. Con'pfc>|iom!eutt??W. E. NVouilonil tt Co., ?IpmbevK Now York Cousoliiliitetl btuok ExcJuui(?e. GKT OUH ??????G LKTTKHS. fORE!S,i CAPITAL Unubltnit uvvdura of approved ;r? i-rtli-a to UE\ dl.OP-E.VI END?EiJLMP INHUSI 'RIALS, RAILWAY'S. Ml KH and Minila ? unuTPrla ??? Addi' e? ?uh 'ull dctulla. J. S. wlll'iE. Mini ?t. rpal'lly Life luBiiinuce lOinjany, 01 WALL ?lUliUT. NEW lUltK. \iirginx-fjaro!iii]i irLeniiCai tompany, MUllUluLlw.lela ul lei HUCl'b. f'ol 1,1.4 lug Muiuiuil.s unit Liieiiili.-iila Import? ? a ni I'otunli ?~???? und ? im rea flip,icily. Une tliouHund ciirlcada of Manufactured l-er.iu?i'i-i* per day Ul. limolili, Viu OP ISTBI.I.KIENT WORK WILL HRLSM ?.????? RKMUNBHATJOiN, ADDH'.Si, WITH RRi'MltMNCBS. OIVINO PRE VIOUS (?'G??'?????, pOaTOl'T'TUB ??.? W, NBYV VOUIC FINANCIAL. THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Has paid to its pulley-holder* OVER FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS. Its policies are simple, clean, STRAIGHT-FOlUYAliD CONTRA CIS. Ifri plimn nre acljttstpd toiill needs nrd nfler PROTECTION TO ? BE FAMILY tiiid INVESTMENT FOR OLD AGE. WALTER H. GRIMES, Gen!. Agent, Nau 40, Chamber of Commerce Build.up;, Richmond, Va. Representatives wanted in unoccupied territory. VIRGINIA TRUST CO. ?????? ?) is Company is authorized under its charter to act as Executor and Trustee under wills. Administrator of Guardian of Minor Children. Assignee end Receiver. Registrar and Transfer Agent of Bonds and Stocks. Trustee for the Execution oi Trusts of every nature. Loins Money on approved real estate and collateral security. ta) s Interest on Deposits. Issues Guarantee, Judicial and Contract Bonds. Rents Safety boxes and stores silverware and other valu? eblcs. Vaults Burglar and Flre-proof. JAMES N. BOYD, Presiden?. MANN S. QUARLE3. VlcerPre*. LEWIS D. AYL.ETT, SecreUry. ? JOHN H. SOUTHALL. Tree?, THE SAVINGS BANK OF RICHMOND 1117 Lout Main Street, Ncx; to tlJtJl U:xi.ij:ji. THE INSTITUTION FOR THE PEOPLE. Deposita In sum? of ONE DOLLAR ?ndl upward?) received and vIntere?! allowed, uu?n? made on real estala. Negotiable paper discounted. ?v. A. tAT'lLhtuUN, President.' L. ?. ilOJi.lU, ?\*???\??? Ij ?. .lAMhS ?. ?ALL. Cashier. DIRECTORS?George L? ?hrutinri, ?. b. Hargrove, P. WhltlucK, II. Theodore Kllynon, \V. H. SSitniiiarman.' R. AUop, It. A, Patterson, L. 2. Morris. F. Sltterdlng, H. Seldon Taylor. O. O. Owens. Juhn W.-Gordon. O. G. Valentin? First Class Fire Insurance Department. which? ivi!] you be??tlie bee or the grass lioppor of the o!d lale? L:t.v usiile something tortile Winter?l tulversil.v.,. like lin? busy bee, or run the risk ol?? starvation ?md cold w ben li a id tintes conip, like tho improvident, gruceiess grasshopper/ Wliy nut save i?om ?Summer plenty I y depositing dimes, doilars.eug'es or double ong avvitii us uow to help you out vyhen coine* t ie time thut pinches? Ask us about in? terest rutes. CAPITA SAOSSBAKK Ihe People's Depositor;. ? 1111 E?! M?in Straal, MERCHANTS NATION IL BANK Cep?af S20C0C0, Surpusand Profil?. $672,445.75 Desiynated Stati), United State? and City Depository. Mercantile and Bank Accounts ? Largest Bar.k Depository South respectfully solicitud. | ot Baltimore. 3 per cent, hitaras! Pili ?? DsoiiNi h Savt.ijs D3part113.1t, Parable on remanti, JOHN P. BRANCH, President. JOIiIM KCRR BRANCH, Vlco-Hre?. JOHD F. GLENN. Caanler. ?~4> +4++*+? f-f-f ?>??? ++4?++4)-?4? ??? 4 4- < ?'??-M-.4 **+?+4-f 4-4?-?> 4^4> once secured, enrouragee the habit of saving. Help yrur boya and B"'ls to open a Savings Account, amnll Lhough It muy be. Whnt applies to children should illso be prnctlced with regularity by every man and ivuman, Be? Bin saving now. Deposits by mull receive ulso our. careful attention. kli SUV S ACCEPTED, INTE1EST ALLOWED AND (0. POUNDED SEMLAhHinLLY. Provideni Savings Sank, ?11 East Main Street. 6. GALESKI, Prea. W. CRAY WATTSON. Cashier STOCKS! We uro in a position to esQCUt? ordersili Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions on easy marline., bervice unex? celled. Direct wires to ull ni'iu ????? exchanges. JOHNSON & CO., Mui'iiUy's Hotel, 8tli opti Broad ?t. Down-Town OWoo 4 t?outli Twelfth Street, Business and Ferscn?i Accounts IJ?LILUTKU UY THE Stete Bank o? Va. Uli IC. mani. Rullinoli ?, Va. LANCASTER G L?CKE, Lr.n'cert and Brokers, KICHMOND, VA. tligli-?radc Scut hern Securities, toi'H'jpon-ciiCB _ol.?LcO. ASSETS, - 903.200. YirginiaF?re & Marine Insuranca Company, Offhei 1015 East Mah Straal' RCHMND, VA. All Discriptions of Property in Country aud Town, and Pi'ivute, Insured at Fair li?tes aud Accommodat? ing Terms. AGENCIE IN EV5RY T?WM AitD ?OUNTK. WM. H. PALMER, President. W M, M. M'CARTHY? Secretary, Smith-Courtney Go. RICHMOND, VlfUim BouiliL'tii aacuis io, tile 1 ??????,-? nato Cui liba 1VM_-?--. aliCiiiliwi'V, j ui;;;.i. lli-l?. Ili?, ???'?? Ulivi huhu 4'ullt?ju. fUM?lWg I und Hunger?, ii.ulrn.iiii. Mme. mu? uni} Vuwwiure' Supplici?. b'Iiui Uot? Hvuflm*.