Newspaper Page Text
AUS BUYING BRINGS YOU l?o nlnrdmif in its holiday irnrb, and filled to overflowing from the world's finest markets, Richmond s biggest nnd bust store greets its holiday trade. ? f ! G',enUl v's cTe?ufto he public is behind this immune display of merchandisc-th ? largest and finest .stock ever s liowu in Richmond. While tire is om ih ng to fill eve ? Ct, from the distinctly ornamental 'to the most serviceable goods, there is Un uiun stakab e improvement in he 1, ? oi e ?IN.Zy uliich lilts the store to a higher plane of merehaudise excellence. In the Toy and Do 1 depar.meitts lie higher standard of work , 1 in,,terrils will strike you. Heretofore we were mistaken in thinking that our trade required the cheap, trashy toys, which last but a day 1Z^^^^^^^^^ittioiiamuch]^erproflt? T,tism?havc elimimltedMe:ement?ondcan81veyouc inoney-siiving prices in every department. A L??T?| F OM *m? Toy L-alid, December 1, 1003. My Dear Children: I am ko us to pay you thnt long t'i"ni Ised visit this year, und. the weather permitting, t will fetich Richmond on Monday, December 7. IPO-, about 4 P. M, 1 w.IIro directly to the Cohen Company's store, where I will be Until Xmiis Eve. Yours lovingly SANTA CLAUS. ?. ?.??? th?re is not likely to bo snow and I cinnot u?o my ro'nd'cr. I will come In an automobile. I don't like the pesky thins-, but 1 have to bo In fnshlon. I suppose. S. C. The above letter Is self-explanatory, ar.d comes enclosed in one to us. It seoais thnt Mr. Santy will leave Toy Land some time Monday, and ? w II reach the head of West Broad' Street about 3 30 P. M. and will pioeeed slowly down Broad Street, reaching our store about i P. M. where he will make h's heacquarters ur.tll Christmas Eve. We will arrange with him to en? tertain tho ch.ldren nt the store every day between the hours of 12 and 1 nnd 4 and 5 o'clock. ?C course, ho will receive thourands of letters If addressed Santa Clnt's. rare of tie , Cohen Company, R'chmondv Va., ard In order to get tr.o-e letters he w 11 viFlt different sections of the c*ty and collect them from the children. We w 11 give his route in our doily adver? tisement. While Santy Is with us he. says he will take pleasure !n vis ring the hou*e? of such of our customers as desire his presence to entertain the children. In order to give the children some? thing to gueis at. Santy has arranged to give two har.d?ome and.cos ly pres? ents to Ihe toy and g'rl guss'rtr'g nearest to the r.umb;r. of letters re? ceived by him durlns bis stay. The pre.'er. is?a full r'yg?d man-of-war a"d a I fe-stre doll, beautifully dresfed?w U he on exhibition in Earity's depart? ment. Every purchase from now to Christmas ?ve entitle? the pvrchaser to ? guessing card, which can only be us*d by a child not over twelve years of ag?. N. B.? If Mondai? Is rainy he will come on Tuesday at the same time, AR G Cv.ilD .-iS8SD Fancy Goods at Cohen's money-saving prices in every case. Lot of L'nen Color Bureau Scarfs nnd Table Cover?, w'th heiut'ful. nnl urnl color fru't ar.d flower designs, no-ylly hemstitched, tni'', each. Ilan?l-o'n? ?1.25 Embroidered Muslin Pillow Slinm?, scarf?1 to mutch, full ? ler.g'hs and s'zes, 7 lie, .ino Lithograph Cushion Tops, many new designs T-'c?. o->ch. Hand'ome Salin Cushion Tops. Orl enlal and floral de?lgnr, 7.">c Hundreds of Sitln Covered P'n Cish lon*. every des yn. l???. and S"e. ei'ch. French Satte-n Laundry Bags, pret? ty c!e"-lt;nF. full s'ze, -3e. Handsome f>!.9? Velour Lambrequins, variety of colors, heavy' hand Hod fringe. ??2.."0. Apri que Centerpieces. 12x12 Inches, various kinds. 10c. 0L0 ES, Our Sovereign Kid Glove tor Si lias been proven?try them. Women's 25c. Black Cashmere Glove?. I*J I-lie. VV?nHjn's S8o, Golf Clloves, In fancy putt^-rns,?? I5cl* Women's -Two Clasp Silk Cashmere Oloves. "???i. Women's 95c. Iv'd Gloves. In ull sIz?s and culors, including black und white. ">?.?. The Caileton, Ihe flnost Imponed Kid Gloves, and fully guarunleed, Si.Su u .pair. WOHDEii SOLE OF GOTTO m funme?s. Prices less than ever, simply because they have to move, and selling at these prices even is cheaper than moving and packing. 10c. and 12 l-2c. Fancy Printed Flan? nelettes, ample choosing. 7 ?!-?1??. GOc. and T5c. Ellk Embroidered Bklrt inj; Flannels, 4Se. f.0c. Mercerized und Embossed Wulst, culoic-d ar.d white. -5e. AU Wool Eiderdown, in fancy fig? ured and solid Unts. 2.t?, Yard v> Me |0c; and 12c. Chambrny Pe? cales. ." !1-?1?. Dciui-.le Fold Woven Plaid Siberian - Fleece, ?- l-2i!, Wnven St:i|ictl Pajama Outlna. ? :?-?4??. All Wool C'Jc. French Flannels, every shade, -4 s ?. G?, Fancy Printed Lurk Flainels, (? ?-??. !>C. '"alicoes. gray, black und Caney, "UHILOR^K'S WFAR, Garments for the little folks at little prices. Sume wonder? ful viliu"-, here. Pozena of Children's Vc. Tain p'Shantci tap?, sold and fan? ? tolo..-', ?-<? each ? m m White Silk Cape, all n.-w do B'gna ? Din or elaborately trimmed, il if. MJCll, gtyll ii Black and Blue Volvei Caps, pii ' ? ? ti. ? r?. ? ,?.?..?? ?f in bon and mli k hei it all . for lisp, New ?Idi ?.,.?( irriage Rote?.?'pat? I lined, o'nbl d rod In fancy flow? er (!??- gnt. ?-? Large )?"? ? r Robe/ quilted salteen linlna, k:? .-u u ind - .?? r ? Fur it? be, witii pocket, full ?."ye quilted lining, ty3.l>?. SWiMERSsSHIRT-WMTS ? maker expected his price for some Sweaters, We paid ours and give them to you at yours. ? triangular duel, bul von are noi hurt. SO? Women?. ?12: Sweater?, ull the new colors, ehq C* Monday. if 2 (Jll> AH Wool Shirt Waists, perfect? ly tailored, colors and black. Ohe. at Nearly ?- aff Prices. 'All of tliein at a big reduction and some?which came in early in the season?about half-price. Buy garments from an up to-date and up-to-style store, then you get'the best always. We have just received fifty of the finest Kersey Coats, with the new stole front?black, castor, blue .and''gray?we bought them to sell, ?t $5, but as they arrived two-weeks late, we will nose them out at $3.50 each?the biggest'Coat "bargain of the season. Be=t $3X0 Black and Navy Melton Clnth Walking SI' r'i??, flve-goro. lapped seasri flare, for ?.1.0S. ?3.7S F.'n? Kersey; Coats^ black, brown and castor, S3. ?10 Military Coats all popular tshades, SU.oil. ?lJ.iO Military Coats, capos, high vel? vet collars, with heavy cords ?and Um sels. for SS.U.S. 5_0 Full Tliree-Quartcr Mil t?rj? enme, best styles,' perfectly tallo, cd CU?.?O. ?15 Full Length Kersey Coats, black and colors. ?S.3U-! Child.en s ?S.5J Full Length Military Coats lor ?*3. I? Uli Length kersey' Coats, with shawl collars and stole front, best shades, for 153.73. ?iO Har.dso.T.e Full Length Zltellno Coats. Norfolk effects, belted, S7.50. The Little (Miss Muflett) Coats of ZILel'ne, newest styles, muff attached, $10. C hildren'a Three-Quarter Coats of Kersey, blue, castor and red, $0 kind, for SUSO. Ch ISren'.s $1.50 Melton Coats, if:?. Children's Coats of Chev'ot?blue only?deep brniil-d collars, SJ-OS Women's Handsome Rain Coats of guaranteed waterproof cloth, trifle spit cape1?, plaited, and lelted . back, full sleeves, side pockets, all colo, s ; a ?'-'O garment, for Ifiy.?O. .- . Handsomely Tailored ?oa^s of Pr'es'. Icy'y cravenotte, In every corco v?.bio shade and ntylo, Priestley's guarantee, SIS to f?V"? . Handsome Fur Coats. In sheared, electric, near seal, Persian, lamb, squirrel and ni'nk, w th all the cif feront combinations, $13 to $150. Women's Stills of All Wool Cheviot, black and navy, blouse stole col? lar, finished with taffeta p.pings, fu.I flare skirts. *S.r>o, S22.?O Suits of Riamine Cheviot, new designed blouse coats, S IS. ??5 Suits"'0' Pebble Cheviot, taffet? trimmed blouse, new modJled sk.rls, SilO. J3D.50 Handsome Z'bel'ne and Broad? cloth Suits, new Kton blouie and straight cut coats. ?25. Drerslng S-icques, Kimonas and Full Length House Gowns of India silt, handsomely trimmed with Val. and Point de Paris lace, $4.50 to S^.-.. Full Length Kimonas of lilcerdown flannel. if-'.-iO.' Flannelette Dressing Sacques, all sizes, ."lie. and 3()f, each. Sue Flannelette Wrappers, all col- ? ors and sizes, ."lie. Other grades to flit. .Men's Bath Robes of all wool checked casslmere for ?1.0.S. Women s Shawls of every descrip? tion, i?5c. to S3. Some Are Aj:u? Ka fPric?}. There is no one material which enters more largely into the making of Christmas presents than Silk. The number of things that can be made with it are legion, and in acidition, no better present can be made than a handsome pattern for a silk dress, in order to stimulate the sale of Silks during December, we have ? educed the prices lower than ever. Richmond's Silk Store ex? pects to double its trade of last year with your help. These prices will do it. ?1 and $1.23 Brocades, In light blue, pink. I gilt green and white, suitable for fancy work and waists. Oli?. 51.25 Satin Liberties, In street and evening shades, soft, lustroue f.nlsh, full width, 75c. ?!3o. Sol.d Colored China Silks, In all colois, white and cream, ?U?. SI Vani Wide Peau da S-jlo, soft, mellow finish, guaranteed pure Bilk, special. 73c. ?1 Yard Wide Black All'Siile Taffe? tas., has a beautiful, lustroue finish, special ?!>e. ?1.."0 I.nce Stripe Soft Finished Black Lolilsine, 27 li ches wide for 73c. T5c. White Silks. In the corded ef? fects, only two styles, 3!>c. 6Pc. Black Peau de Sole, pure silk, with a sheen like silver, ?4?~?. SI Crepe de Chines. G? p'nk, 1'ght blue, maize, cronm. white, gray, vio? let, tan and other colors. *?Ue.- ?; 50c. Black Taffeta Silks, splendid wearing for linings and wa.sts, ar i-l?e. 4Jc. Siili Pongees. In light rhades, for evening wear; also shades-suitable for street wear, ?ilia, $1.50 Duchess Sat ns. In wh'te. black and colors, heavy, pure silk; has a beautiful, glossy finish, $1. SOc. Black and Colored Soft Finished Corded Taffetas, ,'ir.e. $1.00 Peau tie Soles, handsome, heavy quality, in black and colors, ?Se. Art Pottery of indescribable variety and beauty. This de? partment is making /?t SPECIAL SALE o? wares imported to have sold for double and triple the prices we charce for thcni. 130 pieces genuine Cloislno Ware, in most arlist'o designs. ?ll.ftfl buys Vasos lo havo been sold for $0.50. ???1.50 for those to have sold for $12 50. I?7.n? for ?20 Vases. Art China .Vases for $ 1.50. Others, large il.50 Vases, for IJI.IIS. Wedge wood Vasca for 76u; Urns that were nnsanl as $7 ones for P2..-.0. if 1.7.1 will buy ?3.7D Vases. Moravian Ware Vnse?, $1.7.">. P.oyal Bonne 8.eins for OMo, F>curlal China Ornamente for S:t.2."i. Tlplltz Ornaments. HHo. to SU.ul); a fuil half less than valuo. 271 P'-CE OF Ft JE CJT G'.ASS. Kample pleci?s of nlghest grade at a uff wholesale cost. Nipples, if'l.2ft and up. Bowl*, tt?t.Tft to ?15. Vasen, Coiery Tray?, Tumblers and dozens of others at like reductions. " CHI A'*ARE. G-pleco Full S;zc To let Sets, four d.MMiiulloris, for vl.2,1. 10-p.ecc To let jet. nicely decorated, full size, for Ijll.lAS. Heal India tujs and Saucers that Oint furn er owner $4.60 a duzen, fur ??"??, ? piece, lin) oried Cups niid Saucers, ve y fine, handsome d?corations, wojriii ?,? It ??ozili, for 2*?<?. eich. Jardiniers und Pedestals for ."On. lire ilif.isi or Dinner Miles, gilt ci ?,?\ with floral decoration?, for 12 I-Su, each. liar.drome ( li na ???1?>? Set?, |? a|) tin? new, solid colors, $il,7ft a set. Pig, D05{. Bee I live und Pony China Bank?, in.?, each. Pretty Picoi-olod China Umbrella Bland?, ??.-os. Full fil?e Fr?nch China Ten BelH, lianil-osnely decorated, ^."iUS; a set of ?io pieces. Imported |00-plece Haridtotnoly Dec? prated lMnnr Sets, fur #12. ?anelisi) China 10i-|iicco iJlunc-r Sets for Class Punch Bowls, Just like the cut glass, wit h cup? to match, SM.iW. Eerry Sets, complete, i'n Im.taLon cut glass. -INc, Lot of Glace Tumbler?, ,'toc. ? dozen. TI.In Blown Engraved Tumbles, 73j, a dozen. GARV?N) S ET j At L".??s Than You LViir u-u^'t Them. 2-plece' Carving Get. buckhom han? dle refined uteel. l)Sc. Extra Handsome Large Carving Sets, with buckhorn h indie, ijil.75. 3-p.oco Very Fine Carving S?t. reni bU'.'Kiiorn turullo, with sterling silver trimmings, tjKl.?O. HAITSOME SILVESTRE, Dresden Cracker Jars, with silver trimm ngs. ^!i.'-,"?. Handsome Cracker Jars, with crys? tal howl and silver trimming. SI.Ilo. Silver Baking Dirties, with porcelain lln-d baker. $-1.30. S lver Houp Tureen?. Hand=o:ne 4-i lece Tea Set. Jewelers price {20, for Sl-50. 4-picce S lver Tea Bel-, <H).30, S.lvcr Bread Trays. ?1.73, III? lur;;e. t -S ock 0G PAUS?ME LA "??3 Cv.'r S.rii In U dim mil, Br.-iB-i Body Lumps, complete, with globo. ?J3.5II. Biute Lamps, with wrought Iron k-gs nnd trimmings, iMi.nn. Carmino and niicii iron Lamps, very h'ind^orne, ??.G5<>. Old Copper Body LurnpB, comple'.u, ?li.73. CHAFHQ D'SirS. 2-plnt Chafing PlHho* on wrought Iron ?land, HH?.73. it-pint l-'huUng Uliih or, nickt) iilniul, Utit.Tfl, , ??quart C.'l af ug I) h, eb ny Irl rn d Will ? H?llt vXllllglllHli'l , ?01 ?"il ? ,? o'clock T?a? un lion stand, ??, ? o'clock 'l'en? on nichel stand, *?.iih. Let Your Children Some $ Toy Store. We ha ??? gathered together ?'ill the best ill service-aide and useful Toys: Trams, Autoiiitibilea, Drums, (inns, Uuats, Steel Climbers, Uaby Carriages, Wagons and Tricycles, of every kind ; Doll Chairs and Doll Go-Carts; prices are from 19c. to $6. A full aisle in the basement devoted to them. ??We have sold them all the fall at our prices, and now you take them at yours, Finest imported fabrics among them. Imported Zibelines, this season's newest fabric?. ?4 Indios wide. In plain and m'xed effects, $1.75 and $2 grades, at lfl.-5. ? All W:ool Golf Cloths, best $1.25 vailuo, 75c. . ' ? Angora Zlbelln-s. Juit as pre,tty us the 75c. goods, all colors, at BUo. All Puro V\'ool Granite Cloths. 40 Inches wldo, can't be ma'ched for ie*3 than C;c. special for ?Ilio, Every sludo? in 02-Inch French Broadcloths for DSc, ? yard, Best ft?;. All Wool Cheviots, double Width, :tl)e. Snovy'fldlto nnd otlier Fancy Wookns. special for -IMe, a yard. Wool Serge, ,'n all colors, 38 Inches wldo. for Sue, a yard. ?*? caused by a falling off of the sale of "Black." More colors than in years are being worn. We knew that this break had to come some time soon. Here is an importer's .lot: Black Mistici, tho always best ?1.25, 46 Inches the price 7ftc. Wiro Voil?, the heretofore best $1 goods; Monday, ???. Pitre Worsted Crepe Momtnle. full 59 Inches wide, cost wholesale $1.20, for SOe. Auto. Cloth, 42 Inches wide, to ' te sold for 2Uc. French BasV.ct Cloth, full ?0 Inches wide, for tailor dre.sses; $1.25 was this seifion's rotali pr'ce. er.ecljl Nile. Finest of Priestley's' ? tei ne, bea ever sold for $2; price 1(11.-5; OS-Inch Panne Cheviot, that sold for $3, now SS. All Wool Black Storm Series and Momtnlo Cloth, up to C5c. giade, Monday, -lSo. a yard. EN'S BOOK STO! Reaches every living reader that seeks for knowledge. It is by far the largest collection of books that has ever been shown a holiday buying community in any city in the South. Kot a department store in? New York comes up to its standard. Prices make state? ments that bring less to any reader that docs not ?r cannot buy their Bocks bere. ' The Bonks represent the bet publishers in America and are chosen with the rare judgment that is nnni fe=t by but few stores in this? country?that alone makes the prices wonderful, v. ??^,? ?G,? . tt-t???? ??'??? BniVs, ?? ,?-. j,?Fi ^urii'-^i-'vs in /?"rie? nre not of*cn. ?'?Id'u-ilT prie?. The f-ll'uv lncr i-e Just half (he ruH'^rer?' prl"??? ric'O"?. lS-vol?.. in 1?If calf. India parer S2S S3t. fir $15.50. rvm-p-'F Tfitvipr St"i''''nit or Sea T-f-". half l?Tther, for ?.?.70 a ?set; . El'ot's Complet" Wor'-s. in rinest b'Yidlrg ever m"de. In vllk cloth nrfl stamped In" gi'd. S vol?.;' for S":rWi; the sa-ju? In Irvin-?. S vols., fo- ??"!). Thackeray. 10 \;nls., for l?ir.25 a set. Jn?nphus or Plutarch, 3 vol. set, for ?yi.aa; ? <"'""' A?. complet?? ?fit of Thackeraj?, 10 vojk.-ufor.. tp' *! ..Life of Washington, by Irv'ns. per set. SX.?5.; Other ?eis, nre .Wood's Nn?u'-i| ITI?, tory, with ???? illustrations. 5'vols., for S'-'. 30. Briwer's Complete Works, 13 vols,, 9ft. ".I). C bhohs' History of Rome, 0 vols., flsl.?IS. Complete fer of Shakespeare, in 4 large vols.. Ijll.ll), There S^iake?.prare SPts nre the best now pubi shed; and at these prices complete sets of Shakespeare, with G??.?<<?t? '?'??'?.. f?r SU.'in? nnnf-T r?", ?fr? ?"!?'<?. IS ?"?'-.. ItvlrdV- '""? of Sh-?heireT? nnd ??"-o?, for $11.2". A new erlllion' of Sha^o-oT??. 'n 8 1/rVe ? Ms . In h re? tyne nnd ex*!?.?? c?u-t"-v ?-aper. ? b"rd'?'' ?et? lo rnUi nt S" "1 a set; the publisher's price was $6.75. Trie Idea! Handy Voln-re of Fha'-'iiiare, limp leather, 13 vols., for ?'!>*. Hnndv S'riitford Tdltlon, lllustrnled with steel er?rn''ngs. 13 vols., In rod leather, for i?H).7."j. , Another of thi Stratford, In seal leather. Is l?12.2."!. Literature bv the old m-sters d?'wp to IU'j inibi'catlons. barring copy? rights, for Oca volume; <G'J Miles. Other series of books at. Re, Thous? ands for 12 1-2?. The Gilt Top Li? brary ?>)c. l.o-Vs fell for 21 c. All the yourg fol'-s are''? nrl-'ed to coi-e he'e for tlio'r book". No' a good book 1* left out of the callectlon. Scrap nr.'d Postal ? Caid Albums Stamp /.Hums, ?utojrraih ?nul ?j] thing! pertaining to a full assortment. Waterman's Ppuntn'n Pens from 05e. to the fancy holiday g ft ones. 13 AT CO E".'3 THIS YEAR. Thousands were bought by our foreign buyer and selected as the prettiest faces ever shown in Richmond. The prices are at a saving of a quarter to a third of the usual value of ordinary Dolls. Beautiful Little DoIK In long drt'SR e?, with lace caps uV.d bisque head, 10c. -,? Little Soldier Boys In full uniform, In full dress bivquo, 12 1-2?. "?lu;, nue;? and 7liv, buys Dressed Dolls that are surprising; some aro $.'.fO values; the clothes should cost more. lioautlful Frenoh and Duchess Dolls, w'fh ronl ha'r and fare of almost l'v ??.t rc-llty. BOo, lo KO. There are Kid Body Bloque Dolls, lO'J-2 Inches, for tOe'.j oth-rs for 15c, 211c'. and '2"c. thut will surprise the lovers of dolls. ?Os'.i 75c nnd ?1 for Dolls lint are a revelation. We want you to coivo to this doll house und bring tlie litt Ig ones; a full secl.on Is set ?tide for dolls. This department is in charge of Louis E. Hulbert, M. ?., an Eye Specialist, late of the New. York School of Opcics, who will test your, eyes and give you advice free. Nickel Pl-ted Eyeglasse? nnd Spectacles, plano convex lenses, Z'.'.o. Skeleton Eyeglassee. perescop'e lenses, patevt? ?uardp, (ino. Gold F.'llnd ll-karat Frames. s:raly ht or ?riding bows, 1-U. Solid Gold Evegl-'ss?s and Spectacle Frames, i$2.S0 to $5. Opera Glasses, lj<2.54> to 87. Our Blankets and Ce m for tab les take.up too much room, in fact we have twice as many as vvc ought. You win at these prices for' they are less than we can buy them for now?but we don't need them and you do. il 75 White Wool Bl-Miko/s. ex'rn hn-vy, d"0p fle?-e, full 11-4 fp- ???G?, fin-re JO?. B?,?3 Bl9.n"'ot?. ?13,30, ?8 r-iiif-irnla Whtn Wool Blankets, 11-r nnd ?!>?/, for Iflfl.fiO. 11-1 ?I'd 12-4 Ai'Ptnl'i>n Fl?-eru Blan? kets, t'-irl, ?-'ray nnd while, If 1.50. pi-! lambi' e???? Bljni'Ptr?, ??<>. ?-'.????-? Bed Blankets. Sie. Jl 75 1 -Hills' Wool rouifo-tahle?, c'lvrrd on both -lias witli fancy fig ui'-d ? I'Oillie, ?|??.??. fi Ik rovereti Lambs' Wool Com? fort ?ble?'. *5. ? Ik liest Comfnrtnhles, ll?ht nrd warm us down, cnverrd with farcy fl-'iir.-d moreerlz^d mnterlnK ?.lo?, Unitary Cotton Coniform bleu, hIIIs o|luii covWd. tufed, tf_.*u, l.'i'ii'nileil Cotton Comfort?? le?. If I. Cri'l-nne Covered Comfertubles, G????. and 73c, Cambric ?p.V'red Tilk ??-a G????? |o^?i, in nil si^ci'SJo, for an lS-lneh size and inward. TVv Co vere?-! Feather Pillows, Uree pounds, for ??!1?>. 3 1-2-^ou-il Feather Pillows, art tick covered, 75c, Live Goo?" rrnthor Pillows, art tide co'-o'-e:l, tfl.IJO. Holpt'T? to rrntch nil rlllO^'B? 2?V dozen I' How Case.!, 10 1-??'?, 42x36 and 4Sx'0, Si?, each. 102 do en Pillow Core*. ?G???, ???'? and SO.X36, hemstitched and | lain, ? G??. each. s_ n.Qicbnd nnd Brown Sheets, single ?lid double bed "lze, ??2??, Binalo and Rouble B~d Size ???-clnl SI o?;!s, heaistltrhed nnd plain, sover 1 grades of cotton, mio. (lliiseinent.) RfatHngs Less Than Ha!f Pries it is the penalty we pay for having to. sell at this season. 1'i'V're staple?buy at these prices, you won't regret it LIiimii Warp Mattings, www grounds, Inserted figures, fur ioc. a y Linon Warp Mattings, pew carpet effect, red, bliKuii^? green, tbe r.esit ???. to ?c. grades, any for ??2o. a yard, Fancy China Molting, Jolntloss. a, do/an |j:ii'i);i.-i to choose from, 12 l-2o. a yard. Heavy Jolntless China Multiusa, best SCc. grade, Cor ISc. a yrd. (Third Floor,) The whole right aisle in our big store is filled to running over with the fincst\ind best collection of holiday and other seasonable goods ever- shown In Richmond. Selected by -an export, who knows his, trade and can save you money! ? saunter through our bargain bazaar will interest ycu. The reason we sell .'solid gold anil silver articles at 25 per cent, less than regular jewelry stores is that it cost them more to sell. S'erlinp Silver,' 025 fine, at Cohen's price is about 75c. an ounce? a silver dollar weighs an ounce, Convincing, isn't it?; , I 2ia ?-"Ino Brooch P'rs. Hi's very lat? ent Imported novl'les. nrd made to sell nt cOe.. for 25e rnch. S'erl'ni? Sl?v.-r.-, Plac?e, a lot of goods ?wnMh ECo.. fro f-elllns it S~n. each. S'.trl'np Silver M'iteli Boxes, cop'ns of the flrest designed goods, made like tho ?'.'.'O kind, are priced 30c Ebor.y Mirror.?, Brushes, gray, sil? ver trimmed, a good '9c. artlcio for 5l)u. each. ? I ET'. 200 box???* Dr. Sheffield s Dcntifrlco at t5c. a box. Woodland Violette Extracts, a box of. five odors, for 23c. a l:ox. Htidr.ut's Napoleon Vloicttc Ex? tracts, 50c an ounce. Cnivn Perfu:n-ry Company Crrb Ap? ple and Violetto lixtrict, best ? rice everywhere Is ?1 a bottle; sale at 75e. oil') boxes Fine Palm So'Jp. wnr.h 13c. a do^en, at 25c. a tlozen cakes. inrtm l-lreh w't?c gn'ln Taffet? Blht-^ns In ??very color, at -lo. a yard, or ?l)r, a ??'e"?? of ten yn?i. ? 4-Inch Fine Qual'?y Taffet? Ribbon, nil ' shT'e., host price has been 25c.; sale at 10c. Another lot of tho'e i-ineh wl-'e Persian rt'bboi", for f~ncv work, all colors and worth Gflc, for 2l)c. FA VOX ? O?S, 1.200 Medallion Plc'u-es 12 subjects to select from, nt inc. each. Inkstands In shape of crab?, ten \c-ri on same. $1 v?lue. nt Jl4ic, 10) Larre Ollt Cuo'd Brass Clocks, g-md ?2 vnlue. tit *n.24. Celluloid Ba?k / Ibums, only e'xty to ?ell. at fine, each. Lcath-r Collar and Cuff Boxes, worth *Sc. for ? fiOc. each. le?t?e> oros Women's F no Leather Bag", In bb'c1?: nrd ev-ry color. Including red and blue, and worth ioc.; special price Is fiOc. t"r"rhcd Leather Belts, a 3l>c. value at 2"u. rteal Eea] Leather automobile Bag?, nn excell-nt value at $1.75: special pr re Is i?l 2", Sron's Wallets, ? good valuo at 70c.; special price Is BOe. LIMI GS, 1.210 yards Gray Lining Joans. be?t price Is fl l-4c; special at -4 I-So. a yard, Illico B'lk Finish Percnl'ne Lln'ngs, beat 12 l-?c.'i l?e. ard 18c. nuulltl s only 1 1.4 and 2 yard lengths, -at Ho. a yard. G1 ick Salteen L'nlngs. "horl lensths of 2 to 5 1-2 yards and worth 20c., at 12 l-2e. a yard. l THE.'R: 7C31T > ? LF, Ample time to hang your Curtains before Christmas, and at these prices, it is cheaper than doing over the old ones. Brass Goods of similar values. ?'H.'O r?????! lr"'h rv-Int Lace Cur ta'ns reduc-d to ?s.fl.s. $2.73 for M Handsome Arabian Lace Certains. ?. Bornio Femme Net Ourta'ns whlie and with hnr.rl-p-iid? rTi-l'sarce lns?rtion, bands and ed_c. 1JI2.50 each. Plain Mu'lln Curtains, ruffled, with Battenberg Insert on and edge, Sjli.73 a rair. Extra Fine Grade Nottngrrim Lace Curtains, In plain net centers, $1 a pair. ?ff? Pero'hh Stripe Portleres, wl'h w'rle, heavy fringe, sixty Inches w de. ?,? ~0 a pair. v ?2.23 Tn^estry Portieres, variety of colors, w.'th wide, heavy fringe. *t.4lli a nalr. .... 23c. F'?h Net, for Curtains, white or ecru. Ill 2-.'lc. Full Length Enamel Poles, with com? plete set of brass or sliver 2.*?o. Brars Rods for sash curtains. In assorted styles, wl*h complete set of f.xtures, 10c, each. ? FjEAftT OF H?iMERCH?EFS. At the least prices that such values ever sold at in Richmond. There are acres of them and the saving will average over a half. We bcx the best malees, if voti want it done. Initial H'TdVefeH"'". In box-?, fcr v-on-pn. r.-ai "?'?roldered letters; a b-?? of s'x for flOc. Men's Irlt'-l H*nfl'""-chler*. nratiy box"!]; half doren for 5f>i>, Children??? Inlt'al llarrlVefrVi'??^. In far.ey holiday boxes, a box for 2.~c. Whlto Silk Hn-rstitched Hnrd'i'r? chiefs, fo- ???>??'?*??G??, embroidered Ini? t'ai?, for 12 l-2u, Ovr 70.1 il izen Women's; Men's and fi'Ilri-e-'s lle-nst tc'"d 11 mdkerc'..lofs, iic. to 10c. choice ,'k?. Shier, Puro Linen Hemstitched Em? broidered Ilannko'rcli of?,, several hun? dred dozens of the dainty lace trimmed !?'!:.d, all priced, each, 10c; IIuncLeds o? the Finest 50c. Val. I-?ce trlfmed Handkerchiefs, pure linen centers. 2~c. Fire S'-eer All I"nen Embroidered H-?nd'-erch>fs. In fVrcy boxes, liulf drz-n to bix. each. 2"o. . Thousands of Pretty Fine E-nbro'd e-ed Uandkerch'efs. pcallorcd and he-rist'tcl'f'd; soTie of the predict 2Sc. and 3'c. Hanr,'"?rr,-lefs aro among this lot: choice 12 l-2e,: . Men's All L.nen Il-m-tltched H?nd l-.crchlefs, In 1-4 and 1-2 Inch heme, for He Uc. each for ? lot of Sheer Fine Em? bro'dered Handkerchiefs, usually 12 l-G?. and lcc. 10 2-:.c. for Men's Puro Unen Mund H.o-rstlfch-d Handkerchiefs. 1-4; 1-2 and 1 Inch hems. ? a ? But all the Furs are at Cohen's prices, not fur store prices?that is why we are selling so many. You can save nearly ahalf on all riese: S'2 Sallo Oalor Lynx Pelerine, FM Shire Serfs, 6atln lined, with six toll?, ifsr.r.o. Flit r,li:"d Peler'ne Shape or Double Bo^s ,af Bine*' French Hare, with cord and tails, S!l,??.S. 7C-lneli Isabella Vox re if, that nnvcr sold for iocs than 510; Monday, epo? ch I, f,Ui.7.i. Sable Colored Wolf Shnped Sea-fa, 72 lrcuoa leng, w th largo fox bru. h. ?'.d Valu?, for t?.'l.7B. t7.S0 F?:< Scarf, with brush and claws, t?."!.))?!. Lot of Black Electric and French Ccrev Scarfs, to he sold for 70o, each. S^ble Fox Double Scarfs, extra lengths, *n>. Baum Marten Stole Shape Pelorlne., ?25 Genuino Mink Stoles, natural oolor, aft ii),73, Chinchilla Flat Shape Pelerines, for mlrres, lf?.08, Fiat Muffs to match. tfl.liM. Children's White Lamb and Angori^ Ssts. 91.23. MIhs's' ?ets of Water Mink, gray and sable hare, a F?t for 1(12,75, Other Furs to $123 a sot, You should before Christmas look over your linen stock, These prices will remind you to replenish it. They are less than cost, I ecause thev were bought before Linens went up. o.v'd long P'-ro ? Iren Bureau ?c"-fs. farcy s'ylni, ??? priced 25c I,lini ('-???t" -con 21 li-che? Fouiri\ ko-iriltclied ard open work, iiltv. l'i?, far Linen Trav ???'?. "pon. d""'vn w?r'? orci p?-">-?'iov<>fi bor''"rs. 15?. f r Ho st ichsd ar.d Opan Wjik Wi?hst,'ii.(l Scarfs, puro white. Damask Burean Serf", nil l'ncri, op"ii Mexican centers, 5iO. vilue, .'l'ic Fancy Hemstitched Linon Tai le Matv, 111?. An imaionse lot of Fine All Linen Damask Towels, some with open work und (Jed fringe borders! others horn Hllteliod, s'zos 22x48 Inches, 25o. Finest Satin Damask Pattern Table Cloth??, ???!tu tiapl'-'n?" to rntch: cloth. S-:0, f?r f'4,H')\ napkins, a d -z^n. I?- ?IO. Fr ngod All I-lnen G?: nsk T'blo Cloths, open work borders, ?-10 size, for fl.KO. Finest /ll Linen Damask Carving Cloths, liguai best price 75c; these, specilli ?Ule, IIoTistltcliPfl Unen Dinner Napkins, a ilozen, Ift9.75. Heavy Natural Round Thread All Limn D'rner' Nnnklns, a doz"n, if 1.25. Fanny Colnr'd Mercerized TtlUe Cov? ers, look I'ke silk, 75??, SPECIAL.?Ton ploces Puro r*-'sh Linen Table Damask, two yards wide, in handsome designs, to bo sold, u yard, 5U?u. THE BARGAIN BASEMENT v\\] mnli6 way for the Holiday Basement until a?tor Christinas.