GIVEN PLAGE rGetieraily Known Before . They '.Were' Announced, Bu> There ' ' We're Sonic Surprises'. MR.rF|.OQ0 GETS, THE PICK ?Virginia G.cts. no New Plums, ?' B'ut 'Holds Her Own' iri.'Mat "'?." "ter of Appointment. ? ?,7- .",; . ..* ?;*..* . ' .?"'* '?'.' !mi . ' , Tlmos-P^fltittlnh Burpnu, Colorado1 Building, ''? - * j?T??rteonfft und er Bt'roottV, N. V*'., ''?' ' Washington; D. C,Dec. 6th.': ??''Tho'''armouri'com?r?t of'the House com fnlttci's timi ??*????{??/???1:????1:?4??*^0a? ?'a? Uio'"feaW?'tof'-th?!'vd?J' Iti Congress. Tho c?mitnlU'oov:appi>ltitmtnft9 wero gener hity "ft?Vjw?; silt-limigli there 'wero- somo ritrprlhes, It'Vt?ld that Hho- entlro list S\S^nai mnd^;"(jp un'lll after?'Ihe session r. *1?:|odid ??s.p?c best f iti?' tl?o"wdy^oir r^ifl?ri?Uetj .?TiliqCe..'^i??;'iiaa '.been tm?u? a member of ilio Gpntm'ltteo j.on'-ifoitejgii Affair?. Of'do'tir??v llinro'?iro belter com Tnitt?? plaies held' by' Virginians, but It Is .'egjU'ded.thaL a?, place on Itytt, conyiilUeo ls--a.-ffoodlonp.ior a man'who has, served t?o longer than"-has Mr. Flood. ? ' ',,TJin' fact. tiin?.tfi?'Jnlnorftyplaces on the cornmTt?oeti Vero 'filled ijy Mr,' "Williams nccounts for. many -changes, Ile, t'lppiii'ii. ibW Appareiltiy 'overlooked the fact (hat tWirtaio ?hy Democratic mem? bers of the House from other 'than ! tho States of the far-South. 'Mississippi. Lou? isiana/ Texas;'-Alabama and Georgia..aro feivtJri cholee places, and -Virginia ariti tlie <3nrolinas''-liavo been allowed ??? have Vi-h at Is left.: ' 1'? -?' ?' ? -? ? '.?FIX?D'IHS OWN DUMI'LINO. * ' ?f- If tiiore-'wn? over 'any thought-that Sir. ?Wilfltims" Would rfcfd tli?cholc? ofth?-Dem ?bc rats' for the Bpcakershlp In' eaee of ?tifo ?elccf?oh'of'a' Democratic"majo?ltj?' to Congress, his method' of selection of? com? rftUtecnieii fibm this "minority "has-entirely dfttp?llc??'" Iti 'Democrats (tre generally criticising' Hlni? very? severely.' It' cannot 1v? regarded-as unfortunate that Mr._ Wil? liams took' (ho l>uIf thrown out by Speaker C'iintion when the latter offered to allow him-'-to'select th? men who 'we re 'to' go on the committees as members from the minority. ';'.,'?'- ' '.', ; ;..:', in the conreo of tho general discussion In; the llouso' -'to-day, Hcpresentativo P?yile, of New York, the-floor leader of Iho Republicans, In replying to some strie turi?? made Hy Mr. .DeArmondon.the j?er ppnnel of? tho-committees,.?said that Rep? resentative.? Swanson. of. Virginia.- had been left oft-the Cpinmltteo on.Postofilces and .Pqstroads by Air, Williams, .and not bv tho .Speaker. ,',','' ;.. .not,,friendly../ 'T do not think the relations which ob? tain between Mr.' Swan'son'-phd Mr7i"vl? li? ll? rriu-'-H re ?of' the friendliest.'It Is" cer? tain that the Virginian 'wai ?not allowed ?to hold his'place on""the P?stofflce Com? mittee, and that it was tho wish of-? tho l)(um>craMc:le?dpr nthat'.he rbo '.k>tt ?iff? Mr." Williams is the,,Co tig res s Spantiiig...Uie,-,?)uU^iiy?. to. tho Southern Hallway for tho fast mall servie?? between .>Vashli?gtwTnml? .New. Orleans. .' He . has always opposed'It. Mr. Swanabn lias al .jya-ys,favored |t..-,He,.and othcr.Vlrgihlans er?tto that .such falsi.service is of great value to, .tho .busing's nic'n ,ot[ Itlio State, _?upd the representatives from the other "States of tho South- are unanimously for thy .granting of the subsidy, if.they are 1 .from, gtauis.. affected by this 'feature. of liifs postoffice fippr'opVlatlo'ti b'ljl. ''. It Is,not unlikely thai Mr. 'Wllinrns, so ?strong'in' "his opposition to' tlie subsidy, ?nay. attempt to lino up the' Democrats 0} the House riplrtHt'lt this'year. "Thero Is a.; possibility of-Ills being able' to'de? feat It. but the Senate is certain to' vote tHie1 subsidy;? and -it is'believed'- that 'the House would have to yield. It Is said that tho railway may not-'tisk- for tho subsidy this year, as tho :fnst. service brought it in debt last year, It lseald. ;.?..' VIRGINIA "COMMITTMEN. '. 1 Although Virginian? did not-gain any-j thing new or Important-in? committee as-| tlliJnmonts, the Stato Is still? iiv good po? sition ?pn'commltleea.. Jones In-.tjio senior ? nymorlty member of? tho Committee on j Jp,stilar Affairs;,?'Lamb? Is the senio?? njl turlly member of the Comriiltt??*-on .Ag? riculture; J?ny Is second .nmong the ml- I riority members of itlic Committoaoh'-Mll- ? Uiry .Affair^ and practically the ..senior | ^,,'who Is ahead ;pf "him, ? ueluprn attends .^?t'o'committee,.rneetiiigs: ? Xtix?y la the senior Democrat Ott " the ? Naval Corntriltt?t?. It will bo seen that ! the Virginians havo only held their .'own. I . _T,'ho,committees,- u.s announced to'-duy, j ??? as follows)?'! . '.??'. I Jones, First District, Private Land | Claims;. Insula,!?. .Affairs, . , ; j .Maynard,? Second District,- Industrial, Arts and Expositions; lav?es .and Im- , jls|rlet, Public.Lands:,:Kx ?p?????????-??) the iPostof fico popart mont. ?rhv>v Sliveutti > District. ? Military., -?? fnlrs; Census. ??.'?" ?' IWxotv? BiBhth*-nisi.riot,,Nuvi?l Affairs. ". *Slomp; Nliitb'ff?lstrlet, District of Co 'l.'imlilii?;-I'lxpbndtnires In the War Depart? ment. ; ,.- - -, ., ?'-fIockI; Teiirh rJIfs'trlct, Foreign .Affairs; ExpondliurcB in' iho 'Departmoitl 'of- Ag rijcultui'e, ??? ' ?'? ?'? ?'? ? ','. ?. ' . AMA?EjUi?' ,'^?]????.?0??18'. Two Lodges o'f Elks at Wilson ??ll ','."? -" ' Co?.soUd?tc, 'i',/. (Sneplnl -lo--'fjid,'liiines'-,Disi'iatcli.) WILSON, .?? 0? ??%.5,-?)?? play glv?n at Ihe Opera House last night l'or tho linneilt'iof IbtvHplscppal Ohurch watt (itiito . a ?uecexH'?-n!td fcsnltocrin clearing? about Slim, 'j'luv, cast, was composed (if local talen!,?<??.,.?. . . '?.'l"IV.. ??..'.-< ? ?? - Goes''to Porto'Rico? "'Sydney Chalilo Swann, formerly of this "oily'.?.'but now employed In tho drafting ??orneo in ihoiNewpoi?'News Shipbuilding Company. ;o?vlll ???????.in- the near futuio tor???- .Porto Jtiop, nnd there enter Into .business ? representing larg?.flrms in New ,,?.?.''.??. Mr, Bwann'lias. perfect ?onimuntl I ^H *l?.e SvftplBh language? With the Symptoms Below You Should Get My Book, it yuu don't feel right, ? | , If you need moro strength, If you lack ambition, > Jt you can't do tilings llko you used to, ... If your nervo?your courago?Is leaving you, If your eonfldonco in youreelf la less, - If,you luck vigor or vitality, If something Is eating away your constitution, Try Dr. Shoop's Restortive A Month At My Risk. .. Not a penny If it falls. '"?",'" '."""? Jt Is a two-cont stamp Investment for you. ? ? ? . -With mo Ic Is a risk of $6.60, tho prlco of six bottles of Dr. Shoop'e Restorative, I will ask tho druggist near you to lot'yoti uso tilo Rei. utoratlvc a month on trial. Ho will not complain for I will toll him to bill tho cost, to me if It fails In your case. You senil mo no money ? > You tako no risk. Just tako tho .Restorative a month, then decido for yourself. If you say to.tho druggist, "it did not help me," that relieves you of all expenso, But you won't say that. You will bei glad to say, llko thousands havo said and aro s?yine, "It is the greatest remedy I over used."- ? . : . .. ? James Knowles, ; . . /? - . ?' . .tVroto mo. ,'-? Wilmington, Delaware. , , ' '?'Bright'? Disenso laid mo on my back Oct. .12,. 1002..Water, flowed out through my slipper? through a thousand breaks In . the skin. . - - - ' ? ?' ???? The tension from dropsy caused tho skin to break every? where. ? - Ail physicians pronounced my case hopeless. Then G learn? ed of Dr, Shoop'e Restorative. After six bottles I began1 to feel better. Tho swelling began to subside. Fifteen bottles ^ completely cured mo. I have not been so well In twenty-five . years. I am ?lxly-??? years of age, I considered this.medi? cine, coming Into my bonds,'uh a direct and overruling provi? dence of that great Cod In whom I believe and place my ? ??? trust. My physicians were astonished. My.pen Is over, reudy to urge tho use of Dr. Slioop's Restorative." . Physicians "shake their heads," when called to a case like Mr; Knowles. 8. A. Jones, . * "Wrote me. Anvil, Okla. "I was suffering with nervous debility, biliousness and a run i down constitution. . Now permit mo to tell you what I think of your Restorative. In my judgment It Is worth Its weight In gold. It has restored my health and I now feel as .when, C .; -, wus In my 'teens, going to school, allhough I am now past my oeth birthday. 1 shall always keep a-bottle of Dr. Shoop'.i Restorative In tho house, us It has been worth many times the cost to me. ???'??: ' You may use this letter In any way you wish, as I feel It my duty to tell those similarly situated what It has done for me. May the blessings of the nll-wlso Creator always be ' ? with you." J, N. Renfroe, , ,'??' .Wrote me. 48 Granger 8t., Atlanta, Oa. "New York specialists pumped my stomach. Called It Acid Catarrh of the Stomach. Treated me two years _nd failed. ? got six bottles of Dr. Shoop'e Restorative at the Jacob Pharmacy. Atlanta. It was to cost me nothing If It failed. After four bottles, then carao tho change. After six bottles I was c.-itlng most anything I desired, 1 am well now. Dys-, pepsin Nervousness gone. Use my letter privately or public? ly, for I feel that this Is as little as I enn do to show my grat? itude for the results you have brought In my case." Mr, Iienfroo used my Restorative because I took the risk. I maki. this same offer to you, Just to get a trial. 1 take all tho risk to show my faith. I know what Dr. Shoop'e Restorative can and will do il you-try it. Send to-day for the book you need'and the name of a druggist near you who will give you six bottles Dr. Shoop'a'Ro storatiye a month on trial. Too much cannot be learned about how to keep well. Write how while you have It In mind. Mild cases, not chronio, are often cured by one or two bottles. - At druggists. . ' '? ' ? (.'?? ? Book 1 on Dyspepsia. ?{/<' Simply stato which book you Book 2 on the Heacjt... ??.':-..?? , ". want, 'and address Dr. Snoop, i^feS^^jSfiggBE Box 3288, Racine, Wi?, Book 4 for.Women. '? [iff . ". ""'Xirfi" Book 6 on Rheumatism; CAP?, ?????? SAYS Continued From First Page.) ho could sny, having made his statement on tlie stand the other night. In which ho said ho hnd no faith in Mr. Fisher's word, and that tho latter gentleman lost no op? portunity to set "M. M. M," opposite sums of money alleged to liave been sent hero In various street car matters. Below will bo found the statement se? cured by Chairman Minor from Mr. Wil? liam Northrop, secretary of the Passenger nnd Power Company, containing euch Items as aro charged to Captain Plzzlnl on a paper furnished the company by Mr. Stephen Little, nt New York city, purporting to represent an analysis of cer? tain largo items credited to Mr. George E. Flshor on tho boons of th ecomany: Oct. 22, 1000-A.? Plzzlnl, Jr. (M. ?. ??.), ono check.$ 2,650.50 Jan. I), 3900?A. Plzzlnl, Jr., ser? vices, franchises . 508.05 July IT, 1901-A. Plzzlnl, Jr., ser? vices, franchises .'. 382.50 Jan. 19, 1001?A, Plzzlnl, Jr., ser? vices, franchises . 632.50 Nov. 2S, 1000? A. Plzzlnl, Jr., ser? vices, franchises . C26.00 Feb. 8, IMI?A. Plzzlnl, Jr., draft (five mouths) services, fran? chies . 2,000.00 Fob. 2S. 1?01-?. Plzzlnl, Jr., . draft, services, franchises, 3,000.00 Jan. S, 11101?A. Plzzlnl, Jr., draft, services, franchises . COOO.OO Nov. :il, 1001?Sonboard National Bank check, services, Plz? zlnl, draft on G. 10, F. 700.00 Nov. 10, 3900?National Bank . of Commerce, services, Plz? zlnl, draft on G, K. F. 8,500.00 April IH, 1000? Seaboard Natlouul Bunk, services, Plzzlnl, draft on G. 15. F. 8,913,00 Feb. 21, 10OO?A. Plzzinl, Jr., sight draft pulii through Seaboard National Bank (sorvlcos), 2,053.85 .March ?, 1000?A, Plzzlnl, Jr, s?r? - -vices. 15,000,00 April 20, 1000? Electric Construc? tion Company of Virginia, , .? sight draft on G, E. F. (?. .Plzzlnl). 10,000,00 April 24, 1900? Seaboard National Bunk, eight draft (?. Plz? zlnl) . 30,000,00 Jan, 30, 1000?Central National Bunk (A. Plzzlnl) . 5,000.00 'Opt. 25, MOO?Andrew Plzzlnl, Jr., ' services . 2,500.00 Sept, 13, 3000?Andrew Plzzlnl, ?Jr., services . 113,82 Oct. S, 1000?Andrew Plzzlnl, Jr., services . 8S.10 ' Nov. 33, 18911?Androw Plzzlnl, Jr., services . 515.85 Oct. 13, 1*9:)?Andrew Plzzlnl, Jr., services . 10,000.00 May 15, 1000?Andrew Plzzlnl, Jr., ? Korvlees ., 870,530,37 Bonds: , A, Plzzlnl, Jr., M. M. Martin and others (including 18 bonds for M. M. M.). first inort ,. gage con. Jt. p. & P. C...,f 120.000,00 A. PJgElnl, Jr., nnd others, re- - celpt. A. P. (45 bonds first mortgage con. JH, P. & P? Co.) . 104,00000 . . preferred Stock: A. PlzzIrO, Jr,, ?- Mi Martin timi oll'.era. preferred, stock. ? R. p: & P. Co,, SOO ahuree for ... . . ... ' . .? :?*>,000.00 L. Plzzlnl, Jr., preferred "stock','?"', R. P. & P. ? Co., 300 " share?, for . -...?..;.".;;'..?.".;,. 10,000,00 Common Stock: ?. Plzzlnl, Jr., and others, com.-- -v mon etock, R. P. & P.- Co., /.,'? 1,000 shares. - " * '?>.?"-'' ? t; plzzlnl. Jr., common, stock, R, P. & P. Co.,"1,250 shares/ """^, ? Grand Total, not Including "common stock" .?334,639.37 , PLEAD GUILTY. Former City Officials Acknowl . edge Wrong-Doing. (By . Associated Press.) GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.,' Doc. 5.?Xe was expected, six ex-city officials, whs had waived examination in Police' Court on the charge of accepting bribes/.-.from cx-Clty Attorney Laut ?. Salsbury,, went into the Superior Court to-day, and plead? ed guilty. Judge Ncwnham deferred sen? tence, releasing them on bonds, to'.appfcar whenever ordered by the court. Thoso who pleaded guilty were: Corey 'P. Bis? sen, ex-member of-tho Board of Pubilc Works, and ex-Alderman John T. Dono? van Chirk Slocum, John McLachlin, Rey noii Htonehouse and Abraham. Ghysels. In addition to tho punishment to' bo pronounced by tho court each of those who havo pleadod guilty to accepting a tirlbo will bo forevor dlsrtuahllod from holding a publie ofilce o? trust. This pio. vision Is Included In tho statuto proscrib? ing the punishment in such cases. ? ? j m j Open Corean Port., ? ? ? (By Associated Press,) S5U?UL, COREA. Deo. 6.?Uniteci States Minister Allen hnd a? long-Interview with the Emperor of Corea to-day on tho-sub Joct of the request of the United States ror tho opening to tho commorco.of tho world ot tho Corea Port of WIJu, oi) tho Yalu RJvor. No definito decision was arrived nt. Tho government has been placed in- a dilemma by the demand of the United States. TWELVE CHICAGO MEN indicted; Charged With Efforts to ?Pre-'' vent Witnesses ????? Testifying, ? , (By Associated Press.). CHICAGO,' lu,., Decomber. 5,-Twelyo Indictments wore votod to-night in con? nection with alloged efforts to keep wit? nesses from testifying,against John Ral? longer, iicouseii of assaulting a hcm.unlon man, nnd Polkus, charged, with accept? ing a bribe to delete the caso against Gallagher from tho call of tho Criminal Court. Tho men a'galnst whom Indict? ments were voted aro: J. B. Wilson, James Armstrong, J. 'G. Kingsbury, Charles I?,'White, John H. Mahoney, William Cleff, Puijl lilpnort, Gustav Sauer, Samuel ?rlmblat and Phil? ip j, Angel. -?' '? Wilson is business manager . for, the Electrical Workers' Union. Kingsbury is said to have been a party to the pimi to keep Dlppert away from Chloitgn. White, Mahoney, Cleff and Armstrong were members of the Advisory Board at tho time the bribe money Is said to have been paid to Pelkus. i.lppert Is tho wit? ness Who fled, and Bauer, Grlmblat and Angel aro charged with having' guilty feucwledge'of the payment of tho'bribe money, to PelUus, '.?'"'? THE HUNT CLUB'S MEET A Field of Twenty-five Enjoyed an Exhilarating and Ex? citing' Chase OVER SOME .ROfJGH COUNTRY The Course That Was Taken and Those;,V/hp',Followed [ 'thc.vHcmn'ds, ' ... ' ?''?- .'"?.,. "J ' "To ,tho rich ho-prieorllicd und took pay, To. the .poorVlie'/adylco,gave away; But to; each, ono "' hoi. said,' Y?u will siiortly -be 'dead If ydu don't go,ii-huptjng to-day," Wlien; tho. master, ^l'r, 1I..C. Beatilo, cantered .across,'to tho meet of the Deep Run iioutfdsi at;Y(?ung's -Pond yesterday, riding Pathflndjuy.ia? toppy-looklng chest? nut, with? hia^.llUle. saon'at his sl'do, ?1?? found a .s!_ht.'to^.igi?dden tho heart of every\M;'P.; H?? iAVflejd of about twenty five were? tirrned:,?ut, and 'everybody In a good\hurpor. .Tllc're w;ere also many out In traps and. on horseback to wit? ness.-the .meel..'? "''?*''?'.;' to a welcomo chock. Aftert a short breather they wore car? ried' 'on", toi Quarles' field, where they .'ag??r. round, 'taking': tlio hunt through Quakes/ yard and over several burn yard fences, which kept everybody busy, i Thoso who .wanted moro 'Jumping got It along the'.Lukeslde car Une, where Mr. Hobs'on came un ugly cropper. Fortun? ately ho woe not seriously hurt, and plucklly. remounting, continued to follow. Hounds, nftor being at fault In the ;Glnter estato, caught the line again, .n.nd doubling adross the.Hermitage road, finished .at the kennels.' ?? Among' .those who followed were H. C. ,J3eattie, master of fox hounds, on "Path? finder"; tho two'honorary whlppers-ln, Spencer i Carter, oh '.'C?erivln," and J. R. -Anderson, on '.'Hildegarde"; Mr. and Mrs; Thomas Ni 'C?rter, oh "Arthur Charles" and, "Squeedunk",? Miss Claudia Palmer, (oo, \"Jim"; I Mrs'; -F. ,iW. Christian,, on "Virginia C."; Randolph Holladay, on "Warmlnster"; John-Bryan, on "Dame Partlctt"; Mr. and-Mrs. Andrew Chris? tian, on "Modoc'/.-jfiigti; "Klskot"?; Dr. J. A. White, on'-'ORtri^i^ck"; Mr. Porter, of Louisa, ?ri '"IrisKiS?ass'; Mr. Blanch? ard Forbes,; ??n^^ifSaii.'KIng"; Mr. St. George Bryan,'on-;'?(rlj|is''-'; Mr. J. T. An? derson, on j'Bpneinljwi i'Joo" ; Mr. Or mond Young,\<>h|i^W->-Hussn-1'" ? c- W. Saunders, on?M?jHgiMuj?ariOn"; Mr. D. G. Hobson, ca?;'H_}_|;^Brunswick": Mr. nnd Mrs. ?^^.-??|(??.?.??? "Rex" and "Baccarat"; ^?OiKAialtlng, on "Kis? met"; Mr. &?Tnsf?*t&dffk.?tis, on "Lady"; , Mr. Archer ?xfuufiwri? -??? "Bohemian Belle"; Mt???Sr?rett r Wad'dey, on "Top Walkor'Jf^'/Mr.'? I?.'^C. ' B??aUIo. ? Jr., on | ''Wlilto'i Kintiw:'?---:- .;| ? '? ? ??'?jyiflS} Tii?ltvM' at tho' meet .were Dr: R.V C. Bri'ar(.fniiid MVs. Elllspralbott,?' MiviWU lkfnv:-'Parrls: aud Mltis?-Travis, -Mr; and ?jirs^^r.} D.. .Mrjanley,. Messrs. Grant and Ettmundsi driving a showy tandem; Mr. Jenriltier, of Baltimore; Mr. Spllman and other's.': ' L .Atjth?.'club-house the,reception comnilt tti,a!:'c?a8lste?"Of Mrs. Vlrglnlus Newton, M^?oB.n; Randolph Williams. Miss Berla A'tkihson,: Miss .-Filio Branch and Miss Flirtees ? Scott, and among those- prosent w.cfei'Mrs.; James W,. .'Allisbn, Mr. .and Mrs.'?' Dabney Crer?sli?w, Mrs. Culvtn, Wl'iitely., (Mrs. W S. Hutchins, Misa Sophy ' White, Miss Doyle, of Norfolk; Miss ,'Mooro, of Charlottesvllle; Mrs. H?rwOod,! Miss Fanny-Ross, Miss Aline S??ko8,!"Mlns Belle Perkins, Mr.' and Mrs, La'bpntpi, Miss Lona Mayo, Mrs. l?ll.lng t?-'n, Mr." J. W. Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Bills Trillion, Mr. C. C. Pinckney, Mr. t?ri, Mr.'ttpbert Iian'cas.tef, and others, .THE. GOVERNORSHIP. Attorney- Gen eral W. A. Ander ;!-">.'?on Makes a Statement. ??'A, representative of. The Tlmos-Dlspatch called?'on -Attorney-General yes? terday and oskod him as to tho rumors recently circulated to the effect that he Would-probably not bo a candidate for the; governorship In 190i5._ ? , ? .Majo)?, Anderson stated In reply that he ;had,,never .authorized the statement tiiat's tjcv'wpuld hot bo, "a ' candidate , for Governor two years heneo. ' His name, h.e?,8ftUT,: had hee'ii repeatedly connoctod wl(h the"' BfubprniitoflalT nomination clur InV'thq past two yetirs, wilhout any sug? gestion,, dlreutly or indirectly, fronihlm. and assurances of strong support In tho ? event of his candidacy hud boon goner? >ot,sly: given him from, every section ot 'the 'State, In view of those lio hud nut Indicated to any ono a purposo not to ? bo a'?niidfdate, but ho regarded Is ns pro maturo to'-announce at this time his can? didacy for mt office, .which would not bo filled for two years. ? MuJorr'Anderson further stated thn'j. thero wero sonic considerations, which might make It advisable for hlni to bo a candidato for re-election tn tho office ho ?,???.. holds.. ,Ho stated, however, that ho wou?iT??of?fmlno tho question us to his eniidldnoy. and make Ills decision known In ampio timo for action by Ihe voters in the ^primary, which will oliooso tho nominees of tho Democratic purty. ... . PRIMARY 'BILL. . Members of Congress Favor the '?? :' " Keezell Measure." ? Tho Keeaell primary plan, now pending hi the Stato Senato, In not favored gen? erally by tho Vlrgliiltumemboru of Con? gress, it Is said, ami I hero euonia to bti no vigorous ul?ort on anybody's part io push tho muaeuro hi th? Senato, Mr. Ken ?soll, Its patron, suites that Im had lui purpose In offering tho bill except to ine'ot objuc.'tloiirf that he litui heard on nil sides to tho present prlinury plan^ but .pprsonully. lio enrea v^ry little whether .the bill be enacted or not. if Ihe General Assembly wishes it, It Is nt liberty to puna pr amend, it us it chooses. Jt Is said that tlio. members of Con? gress (?i-o gonertilly siitlsfleil with the pr?sent primary plan und prefer It m the bill now ponding; lu fact, tho gonernl Improsston is that tho mouthers of Con? gress now In ofllco stiinilB-ii bettur ohanre ofro-eloctloii under Ihn prlinury bill tlmii 'otherwise, for tho reason timi with Bovortil aspirants he etui gonorully poll a largur voto than tho divided opposi? tton, whereas in a convontton tho man who got tho least voto In the prlnmry might bo the successful aspirant. ? Tho fact that the Virginia Congress? men'generally favor tho present pri? mary plan with the (?possibility, of i^luorjly THE ONLY WAY DUFFY'S IS SOLD BEWARE OF FRAUDS! Duffy's Pure Melt Whiskey is sold in scaled bottles only??never in flask or bulk. A fac-simile ?? the centrine bottle, full size, is printed here, so that you may easily recognize it, It is our own patented bottle?round, amber colored,' Hid with "Duffy's Malt Whiskey Company" blown into the glass. The trade-mark?the Old Chemist's Head?Is on the label, and over the cork there is an engraved paper seal. Be certain this seal S|l is not broken. Beware of Bogus Goods! Unse rupi don h dealers, mindful only of profit and caring nothing for the health of their customers, are j offering for sale low-grade, impure whiskey, which they c?ill Duffy's Malt Whiskey. It is a bogus whiskey and a'fraud, intended, to de? ceive the people. ? Of course, when a remedy has been before the public so long, has been prescribed and used by. th? best doctors and in all the prominent hospitals, arid has carried the blessing of health into so many thou? sands of homes as DUFFY'S PURE-MALT W-HlSr - KEY has, imitations are bound to arise.,.But they can/ imitate tho bottle and label only?no one can imitate the contents. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY '??-?". is a formula worked out fifty years ago by one of the greatest chemists the world has evir known, nnd while it. has cured million? of people during the last half century, the secret has no'ver been discovered. ' j , Any llrm'tlmt will sell Imitation goods will sell Impure drugs, Tho llrm that Is dishonest In one thing would not hpsltato to be dishonest In another. Whenever you sec imitation goods with th* llrm's name on, hownro of anything and everything put up by,that firm. You endanger your own life and tho lives of your family ?n'd friends by dealing with them. _ '? ? "I Prescribe Duffy's Exclusively," :'* SAYS DR. JOHN O. WALKER. .:?,, SURGEON SOUTHERN RAILWAY. "I never found an Ideal whiskey until ? was Inducivi to proscribe' DOT*-' F5"H PURE ???.? WHISKEY. It Hilft every requirement hs a pleasant.? palatable nnd diffusible s;tmulant, I never think of prescrib?a? any, other whiskey. Duffy's ts easily horno by the most delicate stomach, and ..wt.U., do moro to stay the ravagea of Incipient tuberculosis (consumption), than any other treatment. "I have boon practicing medicine for fourteen years and know whereott I speak."?JOHN O. WALKER, M. 13., Raudclinnn, N. C. ? - " REFUSE IMITATIONS AND SUBSTITUTES. When you ask for DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISK-BY be eut;? , you got tho genuine, which la the only absolutely pure malt whls- ' key containing medicinal, health-giving citinllties. Imitations and substitutes, far from relieving the sick, arc positively harmful. Db-; nutnd DUFFY'S and bo suro you get It. Bo on your guarjl against refilled bottles. ^^SS^L*^~5a? ?DUFFY'S PURE MALT j^VllRE^ WHISKEY Is a gentle, lnvlgo- ^W? ? ^ rating tonic and stimulant and Is recommended and. prescribed by over 7,000 doctora and used exclusively In moro than 2,000 leading hospitals as the only complete, perfect and permanent preventive and euro for ciiuirh?. colds, catarrh, grip, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, pneumomoniu., consumption, nnd nil diseases of the throat nnd lungs; linllcs lion, dyspepsia and every form of stomach trouble; nervousness, malaria and all low fevers, and for all weakening, wasting, din eased conditions of body, bruin, nerve nnd muscle. DUFFY'S Is invaluable for overworked, worried men; fag? ged-out, nervous, delicate wo? men; sickly children. _ DUFFY'S PUKE MALT WHISKEY promotes health and longevity, KEEPS THE OUhYOUIW-THE ????^? STR?M >.i SnWMl?K? 'Wli'A??A*0' H8"'??1.^ .??Govern ,?.?? B??u,,l,m\1'! 8?? Piano used short time, bargain, l'TCROUSSON UROS. 11 WEST BROAD, JAPOLAC FloorF?niah, for sal?? nv ?ANNfcR PAINT ANO Oil 0U? 1419 li, Main ?troot, ?"