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[HJaNDSOMELY fash? U ?OllGtl ?? J. & L." make Black Thibet, Blue Kersey, Oxford Gray and , Irish Frieze Overcoats, for boys of 10 to 18 years, that were mttdo to sell, up to $10.00, tA In grace of ?design., ele? gance of swing and quality of material, they can't bo matched elsewhere at much less than $10. m AND REEFERS FOR TOTS.. To-morrow we will place on sale fortj'-nine splendid little Overcoats and Reef? ers for Tots of 2. to 8 3rears, that were made to sell up to ?5.00 ??G They come in Blue, Black, Tan, Gray, Olive and Brown colors. Some with Box Backs, others Belted Backs and a few Brass-Buttoned Russians with Belts. Drop in early. Patent leather Top and Felt 75c Hats In Red, Brown, 131uo, Tan and Gray, 39c. Boys' Knee Pants, that sold up toil.00, 5yc. Gui?Uers to Mon, Boys and Children, ?5 EasS Broad St &l BEGINNING MONDAY THE STORE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. TOCAREFOREVER ?." Systematic Efforts to G^t Money to Relieve Suffering From Cold and Hunger. The colli weather of the past two weeks has brought into prominence two impor? tant matters In the practical life of tho city. Ono Is that the prayer for us elstanee from tho poor ot the city this -winter Is ???p? io ba general find per? sistent. The ottior follows close upon lt& heels. If tho 'demand la to he met anil suifer.'ng of tne helpless Is to bo avoided, a systematic ei'loil must bo made at once to get contributions regularly ?md to a considerable amount. That ihe comfort? ably-off people ul Richmond aro going 10 let suttering from hunger und cold exist here If ibey know R Is absolutely oui ot the question, Mr, it. A, Lancaster, treasurer of the Citizens' Relief Association, saiU yes? terday thai uurlng Uns coin .spell a great tiurnbei ? appeals Inni been mudo lo the associai.?., lor help, and no deserving person nus turne? uwiiy empty-liaiidea; though Hie quantities of food mid provis? ions ghen oui wen- necessarily amali, Mr. Lancaster said lurtlier thai this week or next sup? would io sent io Rich? mond citizens with the request for each person to put down how much he m will? ing io give weolcly or monthly to the poor from now until .May. Theso slips will be taken up, and each wooK ? hereafter authorized collector will call to iceelie t)ie contributions, Anotner et fort to relieve the poor of tlio suiienngs ino.dent to what promises io be a severe winter will he made. An ap? propriation Is to be asked from tho Cliy Council. The matter wlj| very likely come up at the nevi r?gulai meeting of thai hody. Whatever may be tei apart by thai bony v,?II bo used by -Ur. George l?. Lav..--, superintendent ol the City Alms? riouiii-. to the very best advantage of the "outdoor" poo:. O??icers Step Higher. Friendf, ot Mr. William M, King, of Company A. and Mr. Jerry li. lir.dy, of the same company, wore congratulating them yesterday on their promotion mi Fiidi.y evening. After the battalion drill on Friday eve? ning Mi. ICtig vras elected first lieuten? ant of Company A, and Sergeant Brady bocame second lieutenant. Reduce the Tolls Hon. R. fi- Blackburn Smuli, of Clarke, ?jecurfcd the adoption ot an amendment to the public tervice corporation I'll in the House yesle day. which compels toll road and turnpike cuipanle? lo charte gradir.ted toll to persone traveling over their lines Mr. ?mitli says ihat ?u pre? ? em person? up In the country art often Charged ivii %<jU f?r nv? or l',;," cr'il(?'? ?wiien ?hoy go only a few mile?. Mr, (/?Un/liti the amendment. ISINGLASS POCKETS Some of the Trials and Troubles of the Ashland Commuter Now Apparent, MUST SHOW TICKETS DAILY Miss Virgilia Pettit lintcrtat?s Ashland Musical Club With Recitations. (Special to The Times-Dlsputch.) \ ASHLAND, VA., Doc. B.-The trials nnd tribulations o? tho Ashland com-, | muter nre much In evidence these days, Tho railroad company havo recently Is I sued more positivo orders to tho con ? ductors, duo to several startling dlscov ? o-rlcs, that they must Inslsl upon tho actual exhibit of regular tickets each trip. Some tire Indignant and others | aro angry over this dally custom, as their veracity and Integrity aro thus continuously challenged. The residents of Ashland and other ' places on this rond havo the excep? tional privilege of n monthly passengor ralo o? travel, which is represented by a : card ticket, entitling lito owner to ride on all trains as often ns desired, back nnd forth, within the period mentioned, ? These tickets are supposed to bo shown ; continuously on demand, Of laU) the j conductors have become lax In many j cases, and have fulled to demand Ino ex- ! hibit of tho curd ticket dally?thereby hangs a tale of much chagrin. THE MAN RESPONSIBLE. It Is hinted that a well known citi? zen, of many years' travel on tho road, has forgotten to pura buse a now ticket since lust March, and It has occurred lo the oftlciais of the road that perhaps , some others have forgotten. This time honored custom of not requiring an ex? hibit of tho ticket Is now causing all torts of embarrassing situations. Men aro wearing thoir tickets In the hat bands, while others are considering a plan of isinglass pockets, and others may have theirs framed and. hung in Audi? tor Cox ? office. Tho Ashland Musical Club met last nlKht nt the Henry Clny Inn. Miss Vir ellla Pettit, daughter of Hon. Pembroke Pettit. entertained the audience with a few choleo recitations, which showed con? siderable talent in that direction. The Henry Clay Inn Is rapidly filling up for tho winter. Among ihe recent ar? rivals aro Mrs. I N. Vaughan and family. NEAV-COMERS. A number of families from the cold Northwest are arriving In this section to take up farming under less severe temperature. . I Mr. F. Mack Jackson, formerly of Ash- ' land, but now of St. Louis, will spend the | Christmas sen.inn here with his sister, I Mrs. J. F. Howlson. j Dally rehearsals are being given of the "Day Before Christmas" child's play, ? which Is to be rendered here In approved i manner during Christmas week. CURTAIL PRODUCTION. Less Made by Southern Mills, Smaller Will be the Loss, (Tfy Associated Press.) CHARLOTTE If. C, Dec. d.-The In? dications are that Tuesday's meeting of cotton roLii to consider the advisability of curtailing production will be largely attended, Ihe rise In price of cotton dur liiK the past few days probably caus? ine the attendance to be larger Ihun It would have been otherwise. In addition to mill men from all over tho South, It 1?- expected that manufacturers and corn mi.?, ?.ion men from the North and East will be present. The movement look? ing to a curtailing of the production of Ilio Southern mills Is being watched with a great deal of Interest by New England manufacturers, and it Is expected that any agreement for curtailment that may lit entered Into nt tho meeting here next Tuesday will include quite a number ot Northern mills It Is expected thnt the cloth mills will be more largely represented than tho yarn mills, since (tie latter, ns a rula. It is said, are in better condition than the former. It Is estimated that about 20 per cent, of the Southern mills havo a sufficient amount of cotton bought to run iherh until next summer, und it is not ex? pected that any of those mills will ngreo to curtail tholr production. Neither are the mills, which have contracts to fill In a position to curtail or shut down. A gentleman, who Is connected with one of the largest cloth mills In the South, said to-day: "The situation Is critical, view It any way you may, Taken us a whole, I be? lieve the condition confronting us to? day Is tho worst In twenty-five years. 'I'hO only remedy I see Is a generili cur? tailment, the chief benefit from that be? ing that tho mills could run nt smaller loss. Whnt makes it worse for il-,?? South is that the mills In every other part of the cotton tiuinufactaring world aro better ofT, *o far ns supplies of raw material are concerned, than wo arc, Karl y In tho season, when we were hold? ing ijfi ?or lotvot prices, tue continental spinners came into the market and pur- ? ? ? mix??! their cotton, and, to-day, no mat? ter where the price of clulh may go, they can manufacture cotton m a con of from two to three cents ii pound less than we can. "Inasniu.'h as not more than a third of the American cation crop Is consumed In this country, we arc In no position Who lever to control the market, especial 1> on export goods. As I see It, tho only hope for un now Is to curtail production and run our plants at a reduced loss." GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE MAKING HIMSELF SOLID (Special to The Tiiiies-Dlspatcii.) WILMINGTON, N, C, Dec. ii.-R. U. Glenn, of Wh.sion, delivered an able ad? flic-Hs to a largo audience of laboring mim of this city to-night. Ho was given a big reception, To-morrow afternoon, Mr. Glenn will deliver th"" anual uu-morlul address be? fore the Wilmington l.onge of 131Kb, and later In Ilio ul u-fiiixni tie will speak to mon at the 1'ouiig M? n'n Christian Asso clnilon. ills visit here will greatly strengthen QINCE the WAR %$"Famous 4?? O Q ? 19 Preaorlpllon lUVJj.%>?H? NOW OVER HO YEARS?AUD LIKELY TO ?????? THE ONLY REftL C'JRE FOR Rheumatism *?oitb blood rciation?*. At <lni(!?rl?ti?, v:c. Jiuttlo. Pvxtut brings buekl?t, \\u. II. Mi i Lu-, fulvor?llj" i'lai-t?, Itpn l'orli, Our Formal And We Ar Opening? ely Ready If possible, batter prepared than ever before. Complete assortments of useful, giveable gifts for ladies, gentlemen and children are marked at our usual right prices, quality considered. We invite all Rich? mond to inspect our holiday stock aud become acquainted with the thoroughness of our preparations. -? ? ?- - __________>__ h___fc_w?_%_a_^_jE*WMfr_Kw^<?^0MMS0MMM? Leather foods Make Useful Xmas G'ffs, Ladles' card cases of seal, lizard, al? ligator, chameleon, monkey, etc., plain and trimmed, $1.08, ?S.50, $, (???.BO to.$0.00 Ladles' combination purse and card cases, In the new squares and oblong shape, plain and trimmed, 03c, $1,W, $2,00 to.I. $7.00 Ladles' card cases, of white morlo velour. warp prints. New and stylish, ?2.09 to. $4.08 The Netsuka bag of leather or silk, new and stylish, $4.05 to. 98.0.5 New hand bags, of seal, calf, etc., plain and trimmed, $1,60, ifl.69, $1.98, to.;.. ijHii.?o Gontlemon's and Ladles' Traveling Sets, ?ps to.?pia.?o eGntlemen's Card Cases and "Wallets, $1.00 to.? . ?ii.00 Polkor Sots, Wrist Seta, Traveling Sets, Music Rolls, Momo. Books, Note Books, Bill Books, etc., At prices -which you will will say are entirely right. Gentleimn'i Smelting Jaoks.s, Bath Robes and House Coats. Everyone now and fresh, exclusive designs and mbarked at prlcea which are sura to movo them off quickly, Gentlemen's Gorman outing bath . robes in new and stylish pat? terns and colorings? ?U.05, Bath Robes of wool and Italian silk, new and stylish designs? f5, ?7.50. ?flO to f25, Gentlemen's H o u s o Gowns of fancy plfiid mixtures, Maialasse, etc.? $8.50, l|5ta.50 to t??.-..oo. Gentlemen's Smoking Jackets of plain back fancies and tricots, sa Un trimmed, special ? ip.-V.OI>. 'Other equally good values at? 90.00. ?T.r.o, ? SlO.OO, tplii.OO. GentlemenV high grade Smoking Jackets of Imported ' Covert cloths, Matalasse cloths, etc.? aia.oo, ?15.00, ifio.50 tO 91?0.00. Holiday Handkerchiefs ; An Important Sale. Ladles' all puro Unen, ?sheer Unen H, S. embroidered Handker? chiefs, In new and tasty patterns .10 2-ttc, Ladles' cxtna fine all pure Unen, sheer II. S. and scalloped em? broidered Handkerchiefs, 100 now and oscluslvo designs to select from. ? special valuo. .2Bc. Other equally good values? 50o, 75c,? 80c, fl.OO, 81.25 to f.1.00 each. Ladles' H. S. all pure linen, sheer lawn Handkerchiefs, hand embroidered Initials, special each .10c. Ladles H. S. sheor lawn Handkerchiefs, hand embroidered In; ltlols.'.?Be. and BOo. Ladles' H. S. embroidered all pure linen, six assorted pat? terns, put up In fancy boxes. Special, box of a half ??????.... ?? 1,00 Ladles' H. S. sheer all pure linen Handkerchiefs? , 10c., 12c,; tO ?i-?a. 25a, Gontlemen's H. S. all pure linen Handkerchiefs? / 12e, llt?-.Sc. ?Bo, 517 l-2c 00c, 7Bc. Gentlemen's sheer all pure linen full dress Handkerchiefs? ' BOe, Oil 1 -_c, 75o. Gentlemen's all pure linen H. S. Handkerchiefs, embroidered Initials, special .liil-?e, Gentlemen's all pure linen Handkerchiefs, hand embroidered Initials.25o. Gentlemen's H, S. all puro Silk Handkerchiefs? BUc, 78c, fl.OO, $1,28. Holiday Herkwcar, ' Now wash stocks In entirely now Ideas, ex? tra values .25?.?, Now wash stocks, ex? clusive designs to bo soon only hero? BOc. 7??, ?8e to $2,00. New silk stock of taf? feta, liberty, 1 ? c o, mousseline, etc.. In en? tirely new and hand? some designs? BOc, 00c, 08o, ?1,25, to f.'l.OH The new Fifth Ave? nue Bow, In white or blnck. new and stylish and shown only here? $j,ds to ?:j.?o. Entirely new Ideas In turn-over collnrs? 2iic. 30c. ?18?, BOc, 00c. New patterns In hand drawn linen turn-over collars.?50c ITnnd drawn collar and cuff sets, entirely now Ideas, set? ?1.08 to if.'l.OS. Now ruches, stoics and boas of chiffon mousse lene, liberty, etc.? ???.OS to l?27.50. Feather Bone,, In nil lengths. colora white, black, pearl, sliver and black nnd white? ?lO.OO to $.30.00. Ho?t?ay Umbrellas ; Monogram and Initials Engraved Free. Umbrellas at $ I and $22.50 Ladles' 20-Inch guaranteed silk um? brellas, close rollers, handles of nat? ural wood, sterling sliver trimmed, gun metnl, pearl, sliver trimmed, and gold, Prices 9?l,BO, ?-l, 9? to.8?0,00 Ladles' 20-Inch guaranteed Bilk Um? brellas, handles of sterling silver, now nnd handsome designs, 97, 9*. 910? 913,50 to .922.00 Gentlemen's 28-Inch guaranteed Bilk umbrellas, handles of Imported wood, ? sterling silver trimmed horn, gun melal and huck horn, 9?1.B0, 94. 9s, to. 9IB.00 Fancy Boxed Stationery Iror Kclicay fofis. Put up In fancy hoxes, all kinds, sizes, shapes and colors, 2,"o? ?.80., 50c, Otte;, 80c. and.... .OSo A Great Stationery Bargain. French Dlrnlty Writing Papers In the correct new shapes, actually worth 40c spec-liil, per lb...... 25c Envelopes to match, per pack.. 12'/4c Gentlemen's Furnishings For Holiday Gifts. Four-In-bands, ascots, bat wing and string ties In new and effective pat? terns .-r,c? 50? Gentlemen's mercer? ized and wool gloves, all colora .??0?? Gentlemen's kid gloves for dress or service, plain and unllned, pair $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, " $2.00. 3 Badwsar. 81 Eiderdown comforta? bles, satino or silk cov? ered? ?5.00, $7,50, to $15.00. Robe Blankets In en? tirely new designs? tVi.bO to $7.50, Ask to see our 5?.0U 11 -4 All-Wool Blankets, Actually worth, Pa'r~ Burnt W cod and Leather Kovslfies. Card Cases, Purses. Stamp Boxes. Curd Boxes, Music Rolls. Address Box. Picture Frames, ..:, ' Momo. Books. ?.> Laundry Lists, etc Prices 2?c to $3.08 ?-?SS* eiOVSS f?ake Useful KblTd?y Gifts. Our $1 Kid Glove, titteavatid? gtiar anteed at our glove counter, Is Yocog nlzed as the best .Gloye value. Jn.. Richmond. Every W'anted shade.." . Our $t.."i0 fully guaranteed kid and suede gloves Is unequalled, every now and wanted shade. Our $2.00 sllk-IIned ?Mocha, Is both dressy and warm. Ask to see them. Tha Kinds That Wash and Wear?at Prices Asked for Inferior iCak.s. Infants' Wrappers of Merino, Wool Silk and Wool nnd all Silk .?.25c, OOc. 75c, 91.00. 91,50, Misses' Ribbed Fleeced Lined Cottbn Vests and Pants, heavy winter weight .25o, Misses' Ribbed Merino Wool Vests and Patita, warm and com? fortable.BOc. Boys' Australian Wool Shirts. Pants and Drawers, white ana natural .50o. Ladles' Ribbed Merino Wool Vests and Pants..00o? 75c, 91. Ladles' Swiss Ribbed Silk Vests.91.50 Ladles' Swiss Ribbed equesllenne tights of Merino, Wool and lllk. ...'...'..81-20 to 83.50. Ladles' .Ribbed Combination Suits of Cotton Merino, Wool and Bilk.91.00 to 8S.00. Ladles' Strictly Non-Shrlnklng Wool Vests and Pants? 70c, 91.OO 91.25, 9I.GO. Gentlemen's Strictly Non-Shrinking Merino Wool Shirts and Drawers, whlto and natural _91-00, 91.25. 91.00, 92.OO, 92.50. Agents for Dr. Jaeger's Underwear. . Rich Cut Class. Bric-a-Brac, &c. An Immense assortment, new and unique designs, marked at prices that are bound to make you a ready buyer. We Invite tho public to Inspect our largo assortment of hammered brass Jardinieres, vases, umbrella stands, etc., In both bright and dull finish. Seo window display. Art Department. About 200 fino embroidered and leather and Oriental sofa pillows, not In entire lot worth less than $8, $10, and $12.e?. Special bargain. 9-I.OS Jewelrv?Solid Gold, But at Dry Goo's Store Prloes, Solid gold stick pins, Brooches, cuff buttons, etc. New belt buckles and belt pins In ex? clusive designs. Ask to see our 23c. showcase of brooches, ?tick pins, cuff buttons, etc.; former prices? 000. ?lie, ?So. St^'in^ilv'r Novelties! Shoo Hooks, Nail Flics. Scissors. Combs, Brushes, Mirrors. Salve Jars. Tooth Brush Jars, Puff Boxes. Salt Bottles, Whiskey Flasks, etc. at prices which you will say are small. A Word flbaut Coats. A special Jacket bargain made of tau, covert and black broadcloth, eighteen gores, full tailored, strapped seams, satin lined, 33 Inches long. Perfect fitting and thoroughly stylish, special at.: .$12,50 Immense showing of one-half and three-fourths length coats, loose and fitted backs In Zibelines, Cloths and colors! black, navy, brown and tan, Special values, $12.G0,$1B,$10, ?to.r.o and.$2-1.50 Evening Wraps at Gssf. 1 Handsome white Zibeline, loose fit tine, short wrap, handsomely trimmed with fancy braid, cords, and tassels, lined with white peau do sole, trimmed with Dresden buttons. Was ?S).CO now. $.10.50 2 Wraps made of the finest French broadcloths, one white and one chum? paghe, military capes, loose fitting, 'trimmed with violet velvet collar. Was ?-G.?.?), now. $50.50 h SENSATIONAL Si Stylish New Suits?the Perfidiati o? Stylo aid ?forkmiaship. A sale of hieh-grade Suits, priced at one-third to onerali off of regular price. These are not mark-downs/old stock or antiquated styles, but complete sample lines of several *ew \orks swellest Suit and. Costume, makers. Each and every one made in the top-notch of fashion. ?? make this sale doubly interesting, we have so marked prices on our entire stock to fit the low price of these fortunate purchases. Our. entire stock divided into eight lots, as follows: LOT 1. Now $12.50, Worth $22.50. 9 styles of dress and walking Suits, which cannot bo match? ed In price.$12.50 LOT 2. Now $17.50 Worth $25.0O. IB styles In dress Suits, which cannot be matched at $25.00, special.$17,50. LOT 3. Now $1?.50, Worth $20.50. 12 styles In dress and walking Suits, which cannot bo match? ed at $29.50, special .$10.50. LOT 4, Now $2!J.50 Worth $?2,50. 10 styles In walking and dress Suits, which cannot be match? ed at $32,50, special .$211,50, Silk Waists?A Rare Bargain. 100 Silk Waists, black and colora, mudo In the top of style, now marked t?.$5,0?. If you wish theso goods, call at once, as at theso prices, they will be In our house fcut a short time. LOT 5. At 927.00 Worth lf.15.00. 7 styles In dress Sulta, which cannot bo matched at $35.00, special .If 27.00. LOT 6. At $27.00. Worth 9?7.50, Ono stylo broadcloth and rough cloth dress Suits. This I? a special suit, made expressly for us, of fine French broadcloth, entire suit Silk lined, made long skirted, col larless blouse, triple capo shoulder, plaited back, short nino gore nnd eluborutely trimmed, 15 sult3 In all colors, navy, and black, special bargain.9a7.uo. LOT 7. At 9-0-00 Worth 9?'?>?00. 17 styles oi fancy dress Suits of Imported material. Can? not be matched at $30.50, special .920.50. LOT 8. At 9:10.50 Worth 955.00, ? styles to select from, every ono mnde In the most elabor? ate munner of Imported novelty cloths. Cannot be match? ed at $50.00, special., .#110.00. Special Bargains for M onday In long, loose and fitted coats, hand? somely made, for street and evening wear. At $17.50?3 coats, three-fourths length, made of black and white and fancy mixtures, sat;'n lined through? out, for street wear. Former price, $21.50, special.$17.BO At $10.50-1 full length, light tan. students coat. Just tho garment to wear over your evening dross. Was $21.60, now. $10.50 At $20.50?3 black French broad? cloth wraps, made full sleeve, with extra capo sleeve, loose back, hand? somely trimmed with silk drops and cords, white satin lined throughout. Was $30,50, now. $20.50 In handsome tan, full length, loose fitting coat, mudo similar to above, for stveet or evening wear, Was $12.50, HOW. $20.50 Ills position In the east In his race for Governor, HOT SPRINGS JOCKEY CLUB ASKING FOR RECOGNITION (By Associa ted Press.) HOT SPRINGS, ARK., December 5. Lymnn Vay, president of the Hot Springs Jockey Club, and Humphrey Devereux, and General Superintendent Tex left for Chicago to-night, They will Join George B. SUIenor, general managen Joseph ?. Murphy, presiding Judge, und other of? ficials In pressing tho claims of tho club In Us petition for racing datos, which will bo presented to tho Western Jookoy Club Monday. ! The application of the club will be for ] recognition, approval of officials and sixty days' racing, beginning January 2?th. Tho club has virtually completed tho plant, tho track having been given ovet? to trainers ami the grand stand nearly finished, AFTER EXHIBITS. Commissioner of Agriculture Koiner Goes to Tidewater. Commissioner K?lner will spend to? morrow, and perhaps Tuesday and Wed? nesday, In Tidewater Virginia and on the Eastern Shore, wlietw he will confer with the board.*) of supervisors of,several conn? ties relative to exhibits for the St. Louis imposition. Mr. K?lner is extremely anxious that every section of tho Stale shall bo well represented at lliu ex. posi (ion, and lie Is energetically working with that end in view. He recognlju?s the vast resources of Virginia which are found west of tho Blue Ridge mountains, and a most creditnblu display has al? ready been gathered from that section; ? ut he also knows that Eastern Virginia, while lacking in mineral wealth, grows products that surpass those of any other purt of tho world?the potato and peanut E<mong them?and he bellows? that the trucking and the fish and o?*uu? Lidua. try should be woll advertised at the great exposition to be holden St. Louis next year. ATTENDANCE MEDALS OF RICHMOND HOWITZERS The Richmond Howitzer Battalion Is now in excellent condition. A. dr II team has boon o.g.nlzodand reg? lar di Ils are iie.d. A number of periodicals hu\e uion added to thu library, . d'iBtrlb, Trie attendance medals will oe maino?? utod about January 1st. THE ROCK OF .GIBRALTAR Is a back number nowadays, declares it British engineering olllcer, discussing thi? compara live merits of the groat fortresses of the world. Glbraltor oould be ouslly inked with guns from Ceuta or from the Spanish mainland, Tho Russian fortress of Kronstadt is stronger, as Is also the Brillali fortrcHs at Halifax, but ha strongest fortivss In the world Is Ur. Burkharfs Vogotable Compound, against which disease can malto no headway. It fills the veins with puro, rich and healthy blood, heals tho diseased organs and re? stores them io ii healthy condition. An army ot 8.7K.OOO wero cured In 1002. Any druggist will supply you with a 30 days treatment tor ?o, or a six montile rea. ment for $1.00. Eao helx months treat? ment contains a guarunteo that the dollai will ho refunded- In every case where a cure la not uffoetod, To Teachers nnd Pupil?. Schools and Colleges? Tho Southern Railway wilt sell special tickets to teachers and pupils oi colleges an schools presenting certif?cales Le c nibcr lOt to B4? Inclusive, with return ! ,n Ja ,u,y Sili, account Christmas ho ? 1 du s. at rate of one and one-third first class fares, plus uventy-Hvo cents. ? ?. IO ??? <ss> 33*? ac A. ? pi?aaturo Dt Men Prominent In the Public Eye The Times-Dispatch Bureau; Colorado Building, Fourteenth and G Streets, N. W., Washington, D, C? Doc. 6,1903. One of the most lovable characters In ?6lt her branch of Congress Is Senator Samuel Douglas McKnery, of Louisiana. The old veteran is well along on the road to tho seventieth milestone, and he duos not hear as distinctly as he did when a dashing young soldier under John Bunk head Magruder In Virginia, but time has mellowed and softened his character un? til all of tho harshness negation by war and political strife hns disappeared nnd left him as geiUle as a woman. ? schol? ar, a student still, a man of extensivo travol, and of long political experience, which has given him the deepest knowl? edge of men, lio Is, porhaps, as well equipped as any man In tho Sonato for tho duties of ills high office, But ho is past the age where ambition i? the strongest motivo tho heart mnv know. Ilo has held the highest office in tho gift of tho people of bin State, and thn hiebest In tho nation after that of the 1'resldent himself, Ills willingness ti? pass on to youngor moa honors offered him received striking Illustration ut the ?? ??sent session. Tho Democratic Steering Committee of the Sonato decided upon Senator McKn? ery for one of tho two vacancies on the Committee on Commerce. Ho was noti? fied of the selection, but ho declined. Ho appi eclated the honor of an nppolntinnt to one of the most important of the com? mittees of the Senato, but there wero ollwr and to him more weighty consid? erations than those which would have come to the mind of the average sena? tor or conxresaman. He asked the com? mittee to appoint his colleague. Senator Murphy J, Foster, lie used all hi? la? fluence to secure tho appointment of Fos? ter, und the thing was done, Foster and McEncry havo not always been so close In politics. In 1?92. McEn crj, thon a Justice of tho Supremo Court or Louisiana, was nominated by tho Dem? ocrais for the governorship and was de? feated by Murphy J, Foster, In IS?? Wal? ter Denegro, a millionaire Republcan, a ron-ln-luw of Phil. D, Armour, was about to ba elected to tho United States Ken? nte to succeed a Democrat, Hon. N, C. Blanchard. It was realized that there wag only one thing that could prevent the election of toe Republican tho follow? ing day, Thut one thing was the an? nouncement of the candidacy of tho most, pcpular Democrat lu the Stato, Samuel , Douglas McEnery. It was doubtful If .lustico McEnery would take tho t.oml I nation. His place on tho Supremo bench ? wns uno suited to his taBtes. 'l'ho tnl I ary wua us ?rent or greater than that which ho would recelvo as a senator, Ho could Ilvo at home In Now Orleans, in? stead of having to spend moro than half i ot overy year among strangers. I It was with a clear knowledge of tho 1 reasons why Justice McKnery should not accept tho nomination to tho Sonato that Governor Foster wont to New Orinanti one afternoon and laid bet?re Justice Mc? Enery tho whole situation. Tho Stute would have a Reuubllcan In the Senate ! and he would ho elected the following ? day unless somo strong man should como tuli agalii3t him. Ho used till his olo qtenco to persuado him that ho was tho man. As Governor Foster expected, lue? tico McEnery was slow to bel eve thut tho salvation of the Stato depended upon himself. And then ho used the arguments against his resigning from tho bench to go to the Senate. But the Governor insisted. He urged. He begged Justlco McEnery to go buck t< Baton Rougo and declare his candidaci at once. Justico McEnery yielded. He went t( tho railway station, bought a ticket tt the Stato capital, and tho next morn? Ing It was known that lie was a candi? du to for the Senate to Bticceed Mr Elanchard. And that afternoon he wui elected. There bo many who say thnt Sena? tor McEnery still regrets having give? up his seat on the bonch. And now ho has added another to tin list of kindnesses, he has dono for a one time foe. May ho live long to enjoy tin deeds of graceful kindness with whlcl ho lovesto mark the days of his Ufo. Impersona tons o? the "Old Southern Darkey." By Mrs. Alary E. Bell, of Charles Citj county, at the Woman's Club Audienci Room, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10TH i.t 8:30 P. M. Admission Sue Tickoti freni Janitress at the Club, Jelfoisot Hotel, Poythress Drug Store and Roll Miller Drug Stores, T. A, Minor's Dun Stove. Centennial celebration of transfer o the Louisiana Purchase from Franco ti the United States, Deci-mbor 1S-C0 American Economie Association am American Historical Association. Docem ber 28th, January loth IMI, G??\? Orleans Da, Very low rates via Southern Rail way. "Tho Now Orleans Through Ca J.lne." For details, apply to agents. C. W. WESBURY.. District Pussengor Agent O.A..C .... X .?.? ? Boers ib? si Th? Mil You H8W. AlWjffg BOUgh ^?u&ss?Sif BEST MAKES OF PIANOS, Cblckerlng Piano, slightly used, bargain Davenport & Treacy Piano, real tftrgair. Stelnway Piano used short timo, bargain Knabe Plano used short time, bargain FERGUSSON ?KOS. li WEST BROAC