Newspaper Page Text
COMPLAIN OF CANNON iThe Committee Assignments Arc Not Pleasing io the Minority. i REPUBLICANS TWO TO ONE ) DcAf itiond ' Says They AVcrc Made Up for Partisan Pur? poses Entirely. (By Associated Press,) j V/ASHINGON, D. C, Doc, G.-Speaker ? Cannon lo-tlay compiateli tho organtza ? tl?n of tito IIouso to-day by announcing committees so that when tho Iloimo re convenes Monday It will bo ready to ? jiroceed at once with general legislation. At the request of Mr. VVIlllums, tho ml? ! iiorlly leader, an hour was given to gen? omi debato, during ihn qourso of which Mr. DeArmond (Democrat, Missouri,) criticised tho numerical representation ac? corded tho minority on ? the .Important ' committees. Mr. Payno replied on be ? lini G of tho majority. The greater por? tion of the time given to debate was taken up In a discussion of the tariff policy, and Its effocts. When tho speaker brought down the gavel to-day, upon tho adoption of tho rrlptlon to adjourn,? ho ? merely announced that thu House stood 1 adjourned. UNJUST TO DEMOCRATS. Mr. DeArmond said that on each of tho sixteen most Important committees, each of- which Is composed of seventeen mem? bers, tho Republicans havo eleven mem? bers and the Democrats six. This, ho (?aid, was unjust, and unfair, and was uh outrage to a minority which, ho said. Is entitled to a larger representation. Mr. DeArmond also charged that tho com? mittees were made up for partisan pur? poses. He said lie would propose a r?so? lution with a view to adding one Demo? crat to each of tho sixteen committees. Mr. Olmsted (Republican, Pennsylva? nia,) said that Mr. Clark, whom ho de? signated ns "tho Democratic statistician, | wit und prophet,',' had already predicted j a Democratic President nnd House In-, ?G-0-?, and added that If this prophesy should provo true, It would drlvo a hun . ilred million dollars Into hiding within thirty days, He characterized Demo? cratic doctrino as "a Happy Hooligan brand of staternanshlp, which brings dis? aster upon everybody roncerm.-d." Mr. ??????ap?? (Democrat, Mlsslsslsslppl,) challenged a statement by Mr. Olmsted that wages were never higher thnn now. Ho ?uid that ?the Republicans were so Insistent on the' protective policy 'thnt tl-.ey want to give things to people who do not want them. TUB COMMITTEES. Mr. Payno referred to tho criticisms of the committee assignments made by Mr. DeArmond. He reviewed the record to chow that the speaker had not departed from precedents. Tho committees are as follows: Appropriation??Hemen way, Blngham, VanVoorh's, McCleary, Llttaur. Brown low, Gardner (Michigan). Burkett, G 1 lett (MassAchusetts), Smith (Iowa), Marsh, Livingston. Plorco, Bouton, Tay? lor,' Underwood. B; andigo. Judiciary?Jenkins, Parker, Alexander, Warner, Llttlcfleld, Thomas Gown), Bow? ers (Massachusetts), Nevln, Palmer, Pcarre. Gillette (California), DeArmond, Smith (Kentucky), Clayton, Henry (Tex? as), Ulttlo, Brnntley. Banking and Currency?Fowler, Prmce, Caldcrhead, Lovering, Douglas, Powers (Maine), Spnldlng, McMooran, Woems, McCreary, Daniels, Thayer, lewis Pa gett, Bartlott. Thompson. Pujo. Interstate und Foreign Commerce?Hep? burn, Sherman, Wangcr/ Mann, Lever? ing, Stevens, Burke. Esch, Cushrnnn, Kyle, Towniend, Davey, Adamson, Shuck olford, Ryan, Richardson (Alabama), L?? mar (Floridi). Rivers und Harbors?Burton, Dovener, Bishop, A'cheson, Alexander, Laurnnce, Davidson, McLachlan. Lorlmer, Jones (Washington), Beile, L?sieri Bankhead, Sparkman, Ransdell, Burgess, Humph? reys. Merchant Marino nnd Flslierles?-Gros venor, Minor. Greene, Stevens, Fordney, W?chter, Llttlefleld. Humphrey, Flack, Blrdsall. Wilson (Illinois), Splght, Small, Davis, McDcrmott Lucking. Goulden. Agriculture?Wadsworth, Henry (Con? necticut), Wright, Haugcn, Scott, Ilns klns. Q'rnff, C'romcr,' Lorlmer, Brooks, Adams (Wisconsin), Lamb, Bowie, Bur leson, Lever, Brezealc, Casslngham, Rodney. Foreign Affairs?Hitt, Adams (Pennsyl? vania), Cousins, William A. Smith (Mich? igan). Clinrles B. Landis (Indiana). Per 1:1ns, Beidlor, Foster (Vermont), Oltjen, C.apron, Longwortli, Dlnemoro, Howard, Burleson, Scudder, Kehoe, Flood. HAY ON AGAIN. Military ?G?a 1rs?Hull. Ketehnm. Par? ker. Capron, Stevens, Dick. Mondell, Esch, Prince, Holllday, Young. Sulzer, Hay, Slaydon, Broussard, Mahoney, Danny, McGulro. Naval Affairs?Foss, Dayton, Loudens? lager. Butler (Pennsylvania), Mudd, Cousins, Roberts, Vrooland. Brick, Bran degee, Loud, Meyer, Tato, Rlxoy, William W. Kltchin, Yandlyer, Wade, Postoffices and Pfstroads?Ovcrstreet, Gardner (New Jersey), Sperry, Hedge, Sfbley, Snnpp, Goebel, Stocncrson, Staf? ford, Darragh, Murdock, Moon (Tennes? see). Grlggs, Cowherd, Wilson (New? Tork), Finley, Kluttz. Knlnnlannole. Publio Lands?Lacey, Mondoll, TMIllor, ? Needham, Martin, Fordney, Volstead, Dixon, Knopf, Shlrns. McCarthy. Khuf I roth, Griffith, Burnett,, Foster (Illinois), | Ruclter, Glnss. Rndey. Indian Affairs?Sherman, Curtis, Lncoy, . 'Marshall, Brown, Burke, Knapp, Iler I mann. Bucknian, Hlnshnw, Hogg, Ste? phens, f?eenpr, Fitzgerald, Dougherty, ? MeAndrows, Roid. Rodoy. , Territories-Hamilton, Brick, Cnpron, ? Southwleh, Power? (Maine), Jackson (Maryland), Spnldlng. Lllley. Sterling, Moon (Tonnessoe), Lloyd, Robinson (Marv. land). Thaynr, Bussoli, Re?d, AlcUuiro, ? .Wilson (Arizona). I Insular Affairs?Cooper (Wisconsin), Tawney, Crumpucker, Hamilton, Olm ?ted, . Smith (Illinois), Warnock, Need liatn, Fuller, Lntinlng, Klnltitltl, Jones (Vttglnln), Mnddox, William? (tilnols), Mallerunn (Tet'inossen), Robinson (Indi? ana), Ulli (Mississippi). Public Buildings and Grounds-Glllet (Now York, Bartholdt, ?ttrtelnh, Powell (Now Jersey), Conner, Marlin, Minor, nodenbttrg, '?????, Hnnkhead, Urnntly, Thomas (Norlh Carolina), Allers, Hhep pard, Scarborough. r.nbor?GErdner (Now Jorroy), Bar-' Iholilt, McCftll, Vrecland, Foster (Ver inuril), Gunner, Spaltung, CJoobol, Calil Wt-ll, Gilbert, Muddox, Hearst, Hughes (New. Jorsey), Afllltln-Diek, Hull, Clnlnes (West Vir? ginia), Smith (Illinois), Steencrnon, Ames, ?nilth (PenriHylvnnin), Crowley, Ruppcrt, Wiley (Alabama), Bassett, Kolllwr. invalid Pensions?Hitlloway, Gibson, Stununl W. Smith (Michigan), Cnldor hoad, Dnemer, Holllday, Hunter, Brad? ley, Fuller, Mlors, Cowloy, Lindsay, ttuook, Ducking, Hopkins; Pensions?I.oudotislagor, Patterson (Pennsylvania), Draper, Cnmpbell, Ames, Brown (Pennsylvania), Hogg, Longworth, Richardson (Alabama), Wiley (Alabama), MeLtiln, Houston, Croft, District of Columbia?Babcock, Sam? uel W. Smith (Michigan). Allen, Wads worth, M?rrell, Powers (Massachusetts), Morgan, Slump, Davis (Minnesota), Campbell, Wiley (N,aw Jersey), Meyer, Cowherd, Sims, McAndrews, Pou, Gooch. Irrigation of Arid Lands?Mondali, Reeder, Tlrrcll, Dwlglit, Marshall, Coop? er (Pennsylvania), Williamson, Under? wood, Hitchcock, Vanduzor, Boll (Cali? fornia). ' Immigration and Naturalization?How fll (New Jersey), Adams (Pennsylvania). Kkllos; Douglas, 1-Jvnns, Gardner (Mas? sachusetts), French, Ruppcrt, Robb,1 Ben? ny, Llvernnsh. ? Census?Crumpacker, Burlolgb, Hughes (West Virginia), Pcarro. Costwll, Dun- j well, Kennedy, Ames. Griffith, Hay. Bur- j Icsoh, Patterson (North Carolina), Robin? son (Arkansas). Library?MeC'Ury, McCall, Conner, Richardson (Tennessee), Howard. Prlntlng-Oharles B. Landls (Indiana), Perkins, Tato. IndtiHlrlal Arts and Expositions? Tawnoy, Shormnn, Gardner (Massachu? setts), Gardner (New Jersey), Rowcrsock, Rodenberpr. Howcll (Utah). Porter. Wood, yard, Bartlett, Maynard, Hamlln, Wynn, Legare Harrison. Mines' and Mining-Brown ("Wisconsin), Patterson (Pennsylvania), Scott, Huff, Dlxoti, Williamson, Howcll (Utah), Tabs, Dougherty, Howcll (Pennsylvania), Stan? ley, Shobor, Wilson (Arizona). SCHOOLHOUSE CAR. Prominent Citizen Accidentally Kills Horse He Was Riding. (Spfclnl to lilt? Tlmdi-DlspMcb.) ' SALISBURY. N. C.Dec. G.?The South? ern Railway school hotiso car, which was recently completed at tho Spencer shops, was carried to Greenville, S. C, to-day. whero it will remain for somo weeks In tho charge of Profcpsor W D. Titus, of Scranton, Pa,, who will give instruction to tho employes of the Southern at Green? ville and on branch roads. It is stated by Mr. Titus that the car Is the obly one of till kind In the known world, and it Is understood that tho Southern proposes to put additional cars of tho samo sort Into uso on the syBtcm for the benefit of its employes. The car is equipped with desks, maps, blackboards and stereoptlcon apparatus, ? and, In fact, everything that Is to bo j found in a modern school house. Tho nlr ! brake Instruction car, which has been operated-hero by the International Cor? res pondo rie?) Schools for the past month, was also moved to Greenville to-day. While out hunting Thursday, Mr. Gray Steel, a prominent citizen of Cleveland, acoldently shot nnd klljed a fine horso which bo was riding. The animal had been frightened by some object and was about to dismount its rijan!, who. In the attempt to bnlance ?ilins?l?, accidently fired the shotgun with the result as stated. j WANT JUDGE HANCOCK. William and. Mary Will Take Eight Days Holiday. _ (Special to The Tlmes-Di?pa,tch.) WILLI AM SBURG, Dec. C?Governor Montague has been asked to designate Judge Clopton. of Manchester, to hold a special term of the Circuit Court here nest week, commencing Wednesday, tho Uth, it Is understood that Judgo Clopton is willing to serve. ? William und Mary College will close for the holidays on December 2Id, and reopeii on tho ?Jth. ? ? Roller Skate Man Dead. (By Associated Pre?.??.) MU?CIE. IND., Dec. C?Thad. A. Nee ley, of the adjustable roller skate. Is dead, His death was duo to cerebral , hemorrhages. UNDER ARREST FOR SHOOTING A NEGRO Joseph J. Hart Hit Samuel Left wic!i in the .Leg. Mr. Joseph J. Hart, a well known stove worker, who lives at tho corner of Stato and Pulton Streets, Is under arrest on tho charge of shooting a negro named Samuel Leitwich. Tho shooting occurrod about 5 o'clock yesterday morning. Mr. Hart was in bed at tho time. His daughter called to him, and ha understood her to say that a negro was nt tho front door, and that ho liad struck her mother. Air. Hart got up hurriedly and ran down | | to tlie door. On his way ho picked up j his revolver, and when ho got to tho ? door ho asked tho negro what he wanted, Instead of making a reply tho negro started to run, and then Mr. Hart fired. Tho bullot took effect G? tho right leg. "I fired to scare him moro than nny 1 tiling else," said Mr, Hart. "1 then went ? upstairs to dress myself, with the inton i tlon of giving myself up to tho police, i when Policoman Koliani came and took mo In charge." Tho ambulance surgeon responded to a call and tho negro wus carried to tho City Hospital, whoro ho was mado com? fortable. The wound la not consi'dorod u serious ono. '9 AMERICA'S BEST CHAMPAGNE. "SPECIAL DRY," "BRUT." WINE CONNOISSEURS say Qold Seal is the ONLY American Champagne?it equals Prendi wines in quality, bouquet and flavor, Why pay twice as much for foreign labels ? "?OI.D SHAL " Is sold everywhere anil served ut all leading club* and cafes. URBANA WINE CO., UHBANA, N. Y? SOIE MAKER. MUNYON'S PAW-PAW DRIVES OUT DYSPEPSIA II Cures Indigestion, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. Physicians will toll you that Indi? gestion Is respon? sible for more dis? tress and suCIerlii? than almost any? thing else. It le brought on by Im? proper foods, by ? eating too fust, by over-eating, or by un acid condition of tho Btoinoch. When It becomes chronic It Is Dyspepsia, and an unhappy, Irri? table, despondent, ^??+??, '- YrJ??r?~\ ionie, ucsponaeni ^^m?W-wlV'?f?^ nervous and sleep ^m^WW^^ less condition I? tin ?-??Z' ?Si-^ result. There an very few people TRADE MARK. free from Dyspep? sia, of a more or less troublesome nature. Happily my Paw-Paw Is making tho num? ber less dally.-MUNYON. ?? Are you distressed after eating? Does the food you eut soem to lie like a ball at tho pit of your stomach? Docs your stomach seem bloated aftor eating and full of gas? Do you havo dizziness and a heavy headache, as though your head weighed a ton? Do you havo what Is commonly called Sour Stomach, or Heartburn., with water coming Ihto tho mouth? Do you have throbbing or palpitating of the heart? Do you have pain under tho shoulder blades or in the chest? Aro you nervous, irritable, despondent and sleepless? If you have any of those symptoms you havo indigestion?possibly dyspepsia. You are not digesting your food properly and tho stomach needs help. A few bottles? maybe one bottle?of Munyon's Paw-Paw will set you right, It will euro your indigestion, or other form of dyspepsia or stomach trouble. It will tone up the nerves and bring back appetito and sleep. Hundreds of your neighbors have been rid of dyspepsia, nervousness and sleep? lessness by Munyon's Paw-Paw. There Is no reason why you should suffer or be distressed another day. Munyon's Paw-Paw (Large) bottle, $1; Paw-Paw Laxativo Pills, 25c. bottle. At all druggists. FARMERS HAVE WAR PAINT ON Rally at Farmville and Organize Tobacco Growers' Asso .. ciation. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) FARMVILLE. .VA.. Dec. C.-A large body of representative farmers met at the courthouse to-day and organized a "Tobacco Growers' Association" with the following officers: President, J. R. Morton; vice-president, W. D. M, Stokes; secretary, W, L. Clark. A committee was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws, and an adjourn ea meeting was ordered for Hampden Sjdney College next Saturday, tho 12th Colonel John S. Cunningham, ot North Carolina, who was expected, sent a letter, In -wntch he expressed lively Interest In the organization, and offered his ser? vices to contribute to Its success. Enthuslusm ran high, and evidently the faimers of this secllon have the war paint on. The courthouse was packed during Ihe meeting. GRAND JURY WILL MEET TO-MORROW _______ ? The December trem of tho Hustings Court will convenu to-morrow at 11 o'clock, and the day will bo devoted to the work of tho grand jury. There aio about twenty coses sent on, nnd tho fol? lowing gentlemen will composo the Jury: Messrs. 13, S. Rose, I. Cohen, W. C. Camp, Jum'us B. Mosby, J. C, Phillips, G. Watt Taylor. R. T. Hill, N, E. Ancar row and C. Ullman. ALLEGED GAMBLERS. Six Negroes Arrested by Sergt. Sowell and Officer Wyatt. Sergeant Sowoll and Policeman Wyatt arrested a negro named Sam Birch, living In tho rear of No. 607 East Main Street, charging him With keeping a disorderly house, last night, Flvo negro men were arrested at the samo time charged with being disorderly nnd gambling. Tho case will bo hoard by Justice John to-morrow. Christmas Sale. A pleasant annual event 13 the Christ? mas salo of the Circle of Industry of Contonnry Methodist Church, and Its for? mer success Invites tho renewal this-year. Tho sulo comprises the handiwork of Its energetic members, and, therefore, has an unusual Interest, sale will ho hold Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, nt Miss L. 13, Morris' store, No, 20S North Fifth Street. Sent Contributions. Follow! kg Is an additional list of per? sons who havu irmelo contributions to tho Confederate Homo for Needy Women; .lumen D, Cameni, Mrs. ?'. L. Stratford, S. UUm?li'? Son, Mrs, Catharine D. lla? gan, Captain McCarthy, Mrs. William ?* Royall, Mrs. Marga rotto W. Neville, Mrs, A, J, (?dawning, Mrs. J. E. Stansbury, Mr?, Iti, 11. Mcl?oorgo, Mrs. L. ?roniin, .Mrs. D. M, Hurgojs. W. A. Hammond, ai. G. l.'opifland & Co.. Mann & ?rown and Richmond Dairy Co. London Evangelist Here. The Rev, Mark Levy, the welt known evangelist of London, will preach every night this wouk at the Methodist Insti? tuto, on East Main Street, beginning to-night. His lectures will bo on tho general subject "Tho Prophets." All are Invited. Mr. Gibson Better. Mr. J. 13, Gibson, of Louisa, who was hurt In a runaway accident on Friday, und who was talion to tho City Hospital, was reported last night as gottlng along nicoly. Ho will bo able to leave In a day or two. Ills daughtor Is with lilm. Air. J. C. Shafer. of this city, Is Jn J???? York, stopping tit tho Hoffman* ; , ALL QUIET IN MANCHESTER Only Two Arrests Made in the. City ' Last Night. THE FUNERAL OF MISS M'RAE Mr, Lawrence Pool Goes on the Bench?Manchester Elks. Personal. Manchester Bureau Tlmeii-Dlspatch, 1 No. 1102 Hull Street. J Up to a Into hour lost night thcro were but two arrests mado by tho Manchester pollco force. Tho city was Unusually quiet for a Saturday night Georgo Meredith, a young man, well known in tho city, was arrcBted by Chlaf Llpscomb nnd Policeman Smith on the composito charge of drutik and dlsor dorly, and being a vag. Ho was also faced with tho cliargo of reslating the oillcers In the discharge of their duties. Ho was quito penitent a?ter having been placed behind tho bars, and professed a profound willingness to become one of tho best behaved of citizens. Lesilo Garbor was arrested for beine too drunk for his own good. CHIMNEY FIRE. An alarm was turned In at G:15 o'clbei yesterday afternoon, caused by a chimney nflro at Sixth and Hul Streots. Tho do pnrtmont reachod the scena speedily, and no damage was dono. ? CHRISTMAS GOODS, Mrs. Nichols has Just.began to fill cp her toy atorq and confectionery with Christmas goods, Sho has tho largest stock and the greatest variety sho has ever had, and has goods suitable for all kinds of gifts, FUNERAL OF MISS M'RAE. Tho funeral of Miss Ollim MeRao will bo from Meado Memorial Church at 1? o'clock to-day, and tho burial will be In Hollywood. Miss McRno died on Friday at Farm vllle, aged sovonty-flvo years. Sho was the aunt of Mrs. J. Henry Patterson, Mrs. Benjamin Wolslger and Mrs, Augustine Royall. COURT NOTES. Mr. Lawrenco Poole, who has been chosen to fill the unexplred term of Judgo V. I. Clopton. as Judgo of Chesterfield county, has qualified, and will presido at tho December term. This court goes out of commission on February 1st. 'Squire Cheathh.m yesterday continued the case of Butler Keys, charged with robbery, until next Friday. Georgo Clarke, charged with creating a disturbance at Oak Grove Church, was fined $2.50. Jeffress Mosley paid $2.50 for taking sand from tho street in Oak Grove. Canaan Deane was charged S2.50 for beating his wife. PERSONAL AND NOTES. Master Richard Alfred Bowen is better. Tho fourth anniversary of Rev. W. W. Bisk's pastorate will be celebrated at Olopton Street Church this morning. Installation of th? officers at Central Methodist Church wfll take placo after the services to-night. ?* ? Rev. A. B. Sharps ?Will, preach to-day at Fifth Street Church.'' / ?? ? Rev. Father.Waters', s^bje^t to-night at Sacred Heart' will- bp,", "Afe Catholics Idolaters?" ,' ,, ..,,', . Mrs. W. R. Smith, Of Port Norfolk, Is visiting Mrs. Vernon Bradshaw.'?'' Miss Ada Galyon is vislthig friends in the city. MANCHESTER ELKS. Manchester Lodge will-, meet at the lodge room this morning at 10 o'clock and hold memorial services. At 2:30 o'clock tho lodge . members wlll^Join Richmond Lodge at lattor's home In Richmond and go to the Academy of Music, whero the "Lodge of Sorrow" will be observed. The Reception Committee of Manchester Lodge at tho Richmond exerclsos consists of the following Elks: Judge John II. Ingram, Augustine Royall, AV. W. Friend, C. L. Page, ?. ?, "Vaden and J, ?. Moore, Jr. WELL DESERVED HONOR. . Dr. E. L. Brandis, son of Mr. Welling? ton Brandis, of Manchester, la now profes? sor and lecturer on pharmacy and taxl cology at tho University Collego of Med? icine, in Rl'chmond. He Is Highly esteemed by his associates on tho faculty and tho students. ENJOYABLE TEA. A most pleasant time was had at tho residence of Rev. I Ben Dennis on Friday night; the occasion being a tea for the benoftt of Meado Memorial Church. A programmo o?" rare excellenco was given, which was taken part In uy Mrs. Kate Barbour Howard, of rtichmond: Misses Lucy and Marglo Owens and Professor Rltchlo. ART NEWS AND GOSSIP. Will R. Barnes, tho Australian artist, is engaged upon a portrait of Lillian Russell. An exhibition of Italian painting and sculpture will bo 'held noxt year all Earl's Court, In London. A committoo hn&- been formed In Rome, with Prlnco Prospero Colonna, Sydlc of tho city, at Its head. A cast of tho equestrian statue of tho Condottiero Gattamolata at Padua, by Donatello, has been presented to Iho Bos? ton Museum of Fino Arts by Francis Bartlott, who last year gavo mo Museum a cast of tho equestrian statue of Barlo lcmmeo C'olleonl. Judgo 1-Ialsey, of tho Superior Court of Wisconsin, recently decidod that a newspaper hud tho right to criticise tho work of an artist as long as It did not personally attack the artist himself. Tho decision was in u caso in which a sculp? tor sued a nowspaper for heavy dam? ages because of a critical article publish? ed In roforenco to a model-proparcd In the competition for tho making of u monument. Four hundred and slxty-alx original drawings by tho late Phil May wero ro of.r.tiy sold In Sydney, Australia, for $6, 1,%,? an avcrago of. a lit Lio ovor $13 each, Somo of tho better prices wore as fol? lows: "Paddling Uie Own Canoo," $37.50; I I "Tho Mongolian Octopus," $06; "Tho ? ? Power Behind tho Throne," $5, and "Tho- i , atrlca! Portraits," $50, Luring tho stilo \ nn entorpt'tslng citizen made off with four ; I drawings. I Tho death Is reported of Alphonse Au* debert, the well known D'ronch litho grapher, at the ago of forty-six years, lor twenty years ho was one of the lead. ing members of the Parle Soci?t? do LuhoeiOphea? One of his most success- I fu' works was hla r?nderlng of "Le Plus : I Heureux dos Trois," attor Deschampe, ! 1 which attracted much attention |n tho ? , Salon of 1807. HJs work won him medals I at the Salons of 1SD1 and ?93. i A notable ovont of tho protient art sea- ] son In Now York Is tho opening of tho1 Blakeslco Art Gallorlos, Occupying tho entlro second floor of tho new murblo homo of tho Knickerbocker Trust Com- j pany. directly opposite tho Waldorf-As- ' torla, at tho northwest corner of Fifth Avonuo and Thirty-fourth Street, tho new calieri?! aro v?ritable marvels of beau- ! ly and a fit homo, even though but tholr temporary abiding place, tot tho ?it) treasures .tliey contain,, PE-RU-NA PROTECTS THE LITTLE ONES Against Winter Catarrh In Its Many Phases. Neglected Colds In Children Often Bring Disastrous Results? Poru?a should ho kept In tho liouso all tho time. Peruna should bo kept In every houso whero thero aro chlldron. Don't wait until tho ohlld Is sick then send to a drug store. Have Poru?a on hand?accept no substi? tute. f>o*ru>na Protects the Entire House? hold Against Catarrhal Diseases. Ah soon as tho valuo of Peruna is fully appreciated by every houso? hold, both as a preventivo and euro of eoturrhnl affections, tens of thousands of Uves will bo saved, nnd hundreds of thousands ot chronic, lingering cases of disease prevented. Peruna Is a household safeguard. Pe?ru>na Kept In the House for Five Years. Mr. Albert Lletzman. No. 1590 Milwau? kee Avenue, Chicago, III., writes: "I am only too glad to Inform you that 1 am feeling splendid nnd havo never felt better In my Ufo, Through tho ad? vice of a friend'I tried-P?rima, and am glad to say It cured mo to perfection, 1 began to tell a friend about Poru?a tho other day and I had no sooner com? menced than ho told me his folks have kept Peruna in the house for the last five years, I am sure I wouldn't' bo with? out It. ' Mother also uses It 'to keep her? self In good health." ? - ANNA R.BPOWN , ALICE SCH?FER. Mrs, J. M. Brown, D?n? neren Springs, Mo., writes: My llttlo daughtor. three yt irs old, was troubled with a >ery bad cough which re inii ned after an attack of cF..'trrhat fever, Sho ha? t: <?? ono hottlo ot Peruna th lUgh which nho haa ob? iti! od a completo cure. She is . ow as well and happy on a Vttle girl can be, When o ? friends say' how well sii , looks I tell them Peruna did it." In a later letter sno aay?: "Our little daughter con? tinues to have good health."? ; Mrs. Sch?fer, 436 Ropo Ave, St. Louis, Mo., writes: "In the early part of last year I wroto to you for advice for my daughter, Alice, four1 years of ago. She has been a puny, sick? ly, ailing child since her birth. Sho had convulsions and ca? tarrh,! I fevers. I was always doctoring until we commenced to use Peruna. She grew strong and well. Peruna Is a wonderful tonic; the best medicine I have ever used. . ? "\ was in a very wretched condition when. I commenced to take Peruna. I had catarrh all through my whole body, but thank Qcd, your medicine set me all right. I would not have any other medicine. "Peruna cured my baby boy of a very bad1,spell of cold and fever. He Is a big healthy boy, fifteen months old. I have given him Peruna off and on nlnco he was born. I thlnK that Is why he Is so well. I cannot praise Peruna enougn. We have not had a dector since we began to use Peruna?all praise to lt.? Mrs. Schaler. . Bo Sure to Havo Pe-ru-na on Hand Dur. lug tho Inclement Months of Fall and Winter. v Croup, capillary bronchitis, and artic? ular rheumatism nre the epeclal banes of childhood, Theso all alike result from catching cold. Ono child catches cold and scares Its mother Into hysterics by haying croup In the dead of night. Another child catches cold, develops a stubborn cough that will not yield to or? dinary remedies. Tho parents aro lin? ed with forbodlngs. Still another child catches cold and do velops Ihnt most fatal-malady of child? hood, capillary bronchitis, Tho doctor Is called, pronounces the case pneumonia, and If the child Is lucky enough to live, It has developed weak lungs from whlc' It may never recover. And yet another child catchc? cold and articular rheumatism is tho result Ankles, knees, wrists and elbows bo conio suddenly swollen and painful. A -, leng disastrous illness follows. Tho child may Ilvo and become convalescent,? a miserabili Invalid of valvular disease of the heart. All these mishaps aro the di? rect result of neglected cold. Peruna is thn safeguard of tho family. If a child catches cold, Peruna should bo used Im? mediately. A, fow doses of Peruna and a child's colei is gono. The approTionsloh of tho parents fleo away. Tho household Is free from fear once more. ... If you do not receive prompt and satis? factory results from the uso of Peruna, writo nt once to Dr. Hartman, giving a fill] statement of your case and ho will bo pleased to giva you his valuable ad? vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman. President of Tlie Hartman Sanitarium., Columbus, O. Ask Your Druggist for free Pe=ru=na Almanac for 1904 SPECIAL LETTERS FROM ISTHMUS OF PANAMA Times-Dispatch Sends Experi? enced Correspondent tu Write Up Real Conditions There. Tho events ot tho last few weeks on tho Isthmus of Panama are of world? wide importance. A revolution oc? curred there on November 3, tho peoplo of tho Isthmus casting off thu bonds that hold them in nailonal unity with Colombia, , and establishing tho Repub? lia of pnnamn. That republic, the youngest of all tho nations, now ex? ists as nn Independent do juro govern? ment, having teen recognized by tho United States, Germany nud Franco. Its permanency Is assured by tho fact that the United Stales has assumed a protectorate over It, that action hav? ing been taten with a view to guaran? teeing our own rights in tho ship canal it is proposed to construct across tho Isthmus. All of theso things tho people know; but tho true inwardness of tho situa? tion In that tropic land Is as a sealed book to tlio people of the United States. The revolution was. a blood? less one; but who knows how It was brought about, tho eteps leading up to It, and the nature of tho sentiment which caused the Pannmnlnns to cre? ate for themselves an independent na? tion? It is known that tho provisional government which has been established Is In the hands of a Junta; but who knows tho caliber of men compiling that Junta, their capacity for govern? ment, their capabilities for administer? ing the trust reposed In them, and thoir standing before tho pooplo? It Is known that there, nro fair prospects of an early conclusion of tlw canal negotiations; but who knows the re? cent filato of tho canni project, and the various other questions with which this new republic will hitvo to do? Who knows the prospecta of the country, tho outlook for Its n,?w government, Its sources of revenue, resources, meth? ods, etc.? Those uro things about whleli tho American publi? le in Ignorale, ami it Is essential that that Ignorance |m dis? pelled before CongrcBS settles Itself suri- j ously to conrldoratlou of tho canal pro? ject. Tho Times-Dispatch proposes to havo Its shore In enlightening (ho Ameri? can people on nil of theso points, and with that Idea m view, Mr. Merrill A. HAPPY RESULTS OBTAINED By the Use of the New Scslp Anti? septic. It wouldn't take long to number tho hairs In the heads of somQ people, the reason being they haven't many to num? ber. In motft instances, however, the fault Is thoir own. A germ at ??? root soon playa havoc with th? most luxu? riant growth and causes It to fade snd fall out. A remedy for this has recently boon discovered, called Nuwbro'o Heipi ciilo. thut acts by destroying the germ that does the darnngo, besides removing all Impurities from tho scalp. In addi? tion It permits now Ilio and vigor to en ter tho scalp, aud happy results aro suro In ho obtained from iU usu. Try It. Bold ! by leading druggists. Send 10c. In s.t.amps ; for earnplo to Tho Hoiplcluo Co., Detroit, Mich." "Owens & Minor Drug Co. Spo- , j.<Ui O-geiits," ' MERRILL A. TEAGUE, Who Has Gond to Panama to Write Spe? cial Letters for Tho Times-Dispatch. Teaguo, our accredited representativo, sallod on Tuesday, November 17, from Now York to Colon, tho Caribbean sea t,ort of tho now republic. From Colon ho will cross tho Isthmus to Panama, following tho route of tho proposed canal, and during a stay of sovorul weeks on tho Isthmus will niako a thorough Investigation Into overy phase of tho situation there. His researches will Include every dotali of tho forma? tion of tho new republic; Its present elate, futuro prospects,;? us woll us personal studies of tho character und caliber of the men in chat-go of affairs. In order to do tills work properly, Mr. Teaguo will visit overy accessible portion of (tho Isthmus, talking with the people, learn- I lug their sentiments, and by overy tost l of Intelligent Investigation inquire Into all that can concern tho prospects and prosperity of title new baby among na? tions, with whom Ilio United States Is about tu cntur Into thu must intimate ! associations. Tho result of this Inquiry will bo re? I ported In tho form of spoetai lotter? to The Tliiws-Dispatch, each on? of which , will bo illustratoti by photographs j taken by tin? correspondent, Tho serles ? will includo about twenty-five letters, ? each one written in an entertaining; | etyli, and dealing with soma plisse of | .ne Panamnlan situation whlth is rl portliiijnt Interest. Coming ae tt;e?? will Juut about the timo Congress takei UP the Panama question lor .?jonsidor atlon, thess letters will go a long way toward enlightening the American poo? pio as to into conditions on thu Isth? mus, Contraband Birds. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) GREENSBORO, N. 0., Dec. C.-Gamo Warden John Woathetly l.itft tt?b;ht nt High Point seized a package addressed to W. M. Luc!., Rlchmoiul, and shlpp'id by C. S. Sponcur, of Edgar, N, C. Tho puck? ,??? was shipped as containing .v-e?^? Ilvo pounds of rabbits. It contained eight partridges. Another box was also seized last night at the express offlco here. It, was sent from Durham, addressed to Mrs. W. W. Reed, Mount Verhon, ?. Y. The agent of tho express company at Durham says ho cannot remember who shipped them, but thinks it was a colored man. ; Mr. Weathorly says ho will aid his memory by instituting a prosecution, and ho has no fears of not finding the party who sent them, and from his tone he has no Idea a darkoy had anything to do with it. * - ? ' ?- -' ? CONFEDERATE CAPTAIN, Who Does Not Want His Money Refunded. CAPTAIN RUFUS AMIS. "Slnco 181)1 I have been afflicted with Chronic Diarrhoea, About six months ugu l commuticeli using your Concen? trated Iron and Alum Water, with the most wonderful nnd satisfactory re? sults. For lineo nr four years past t have been deprived of the privilege of visiting friends or going to church, ns my trouble kepi , me In constant apprehension, having Jost almost ? ? - tlroly thu control of my bowels; but now J am happy to state that after using about a half dozen bottles of your Runiedy 1 am entirely cured, not ?riving used any for the last four months. I can confidently and moat gladly recommend your Remedy for Chronic Diarrhoea," RUFUS AMIS, Vlrglllna, Va. If you suffer with any Chronic DIs wsn you can be cured with ECHOLS' riEDMONT CONCENTRATED IRON and AJ-UM WATER, or your monuy will be refunded. For sale by Owens and Minor Drug Company and ull druggists. 8?o?. bottles, CO cents; lS-oi. bottles, ft 3 M. EGKOIS CO., IA'NCHBURC, VA.