Newspaper Page Text
Toni 'Murphy Sent on to Grand Jury at Petersburg' foi Grand Larceny. E A BAD HUNTING ACCIDENT ? Stray Shot Fjrom a Load Fired at ? Rabbit Pierces the Eye of Mr. Ollic Waller. (Special to The Tlmbe?DJspMch.) 'PETERSBURG VA,, December fi.?Tom 1 Murphy, a white rhhh from New York, was sent on to tho County,Court of Dln Wlddic to-day, to lie tried for grand larceny. Tho accused has been working for some time on 111 ?''reservoir danv which . 1.? being built across the Appomattox by tho Virginia Passenger and Power Com? pany, and roomed with three ol her'work ,.?.. men. Yesterday morning the three men i, awoke to find their clothes scattered on I the floor, their threp watches gone and ? Murphy missing. Murphy was arrested V liefore he could leave l,he county. "He at first denied having committed tho theft, but afterwards confdsscd, and with an officer went to where the watches wero concealed In tho bushes and gavo them lip? COMING WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Robert CSillltim, have Is? lote/ invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Isabella, to-Dr. William Ham? ilton Br?ckford, of tho University of Vir? ginia. Tho marriage will take placo hi Jun?afy. A telegram was re"ceived this morning Announcing the death in Slaunton of Mr. 3nroos W. Hawkins,'a former well known , citizen-of Petersburg.''Mr. Hawkins was .','? for over, forty year's an omployo of the ?'?'? poBtoffico here, where? he rendered most ? natii factory servir?.' His health broke down? under the strain- of long and con? stant work, anil he ;retired from the offi'ce ? few years ago. Mr. Hawkins leaves a widow, two daughters and three eons and two sisters?Mrs. India Cox aiW Mrs. John Newman. The body will? be brought to Petersburg for burial, PIERCED HIS BYE. Mr. Olile Waller, a of Ettrlck, was the victim of an 'unfortunate gun? ning accident yesterday afternoon. While out gunning with a friend, Mr. Jerry Nu? gent, the latter fired at a rabbit. A s;cut terins shot from the gun pierced Mr. Waller's eye, inflicting a painful wound. Mr. Waller went over to Richmond In the'evening to consult a specialist. Petersburg -Lodge of Elks will have tbeir annual memorial service In the Academy of Music to-morrow afternoon, and have prepared a very attractive pro? gramme for the occasion. Every seat in the building has been taken, and the In? dications are for a grent crowd. The address of tho day will be delivered by Hon. Samuel L. Kelley of Richmond. A selected musical programme, Instrumen? tal and vocal, will be rendered. TAXES PAID. Fully $50,000 In State taxes have been paid in this city during tho past few day:;, constituting the -great bulk of tsjtes. .assessed here. Between twelve and thirteen hundred poll taxes have been paid. Henry Allen;' colored, wfi's sentenced by the Mayor tills mo'nilng to 'three? months' Imprisonment in Jail for the theft ?f a pair of trousers, ihe property of Mr. Wal? ter Alfrleud. The theft ."was committed nearly two months, ago. . The receipts of peanuts arc increasing rapidly, and the market is firm at &' l-?c. for Spanish and 3 l-'J.c. for fancy grades of Virginias. v. p; I;; PATRIOTIC. Practiced Hard for the. James? town Game. lie Tlme's^DlspatchO VA., Dec. ?.?According atom, the foot-hull team olytcchnlp Institute dis? solte on Thanksgiving earn returned to Blacka? hn rg o-.i the following day a telegram awaited them, requesting thorn to play th?:? University of Virginia a second game in Norfolk in the interest-of tho James RL. O til B?R< banded Duy. When the town Ex Virginia ' Hod the wllllngnei went i nt Regularly IJiBt the nn.l the ? ? ?Tiie manager of the oiiv-5jr.-.Clialkloy, noti. papor?t of tho team's s to play, tho loam at once training. Practice was belli each day in splto?of tho fact rround ? covered with snow thermometer ranging In tho neighborhood of zero; To have seen the practice, one would have supposi ,1 that tho team was prepar? ing for a championship game, in? stead--of a mero exhibition intended to raise funds for tho benefit of a. Stato ex? position. Tho team men desorvo tho greutost credit for the patriotism they displayed in this manner. This not only applies to Die 'Varsity eleven, but also to tho sec? ond team, who unanimously responded to the call, Tim team and athletic asso? ciation in senoral were greatly surprised when thoy were officially informed by the following telegram that the Uni? versity had backed out of lier own propo? li lion: Norfolk. Va,, Deo. 3, moi! To Manager V. j?. ?. Toani,?Every meana exhausted to get Virginia to play you, but she refusas, your patriotic ?willingness to play for the exposition much appreciated. (Sigu?di j. m. THOMPSON, Editer and Manager Norfolk Dispatch, ACCEPTS A CALL. Dispensary Election Ordered for Manassas?Wedding Cards, (Sped ? tu The Tlmes-Dlsn?tch.) MANAS'SAS. VA.. 1 lecfiiil.c.r (..-Rev, C. W. Tritlnhnm, formerly of! Richmond, but lor the ?met ten years pastor of Hie Baptist Church at this place, has uc c ? ted a ?all to Marlon, Va., und will leave shortly to take charge uf his new flold, in response to a petition signed by more than one-fourth of the voters of the town on tin di pei uri ? ?? il the tlon will ho rio o. or Mil s Id ? ?? ri :. nt, ? ugl te ? -' : ,','.,': ter Merchant, of this place, lo .Mr. ?:, ?:. Re?d, pf ...',.:?'.. ?, Va Th.? weildln? will fe m ? .. ?...-. :? .n on ihe evening of December ldth, SHOOTING A MYSTERY. Last Term of Culpeper Circuit Court?Electric Light Plant. (Special to The Tlmes-DI pateji.) ?"??|.?'??:???:G-:, \ A.., Dec. 0.? 'J'hq utic-ot tnt' of young Quainttince I'atlun by an U??lIIOwi; hand U??t night Is Mill In? volved In entire in: lory. The coroner'? jury fulled to Idenlifj Ihn murderer, There la a ?reat di ?I if ippreaaed es? citi t;:. ut about I ha m .?? ? :. The tasi terni o? Culpeper circuit Court lindi ? tin ?Id Constitution began here ??? da , Judge Dalila) A. Qrimsley pre l?! ):l ,:. NO l.-tl?' IOCi.1 1*?* AO&Q U-'J(.,yt lluj ? Dead Brought Back to Is But Little More Miraculous Than Some of the Marvelous Cures He Performs Without the Aid of Drugs, Medicines or Any of the Healing Agents Employed by the Medical Fraternity. EXPLAIN THE WONDEREUL IH I Same as Those Who Call-in Ferson. Takes No Money for His Services, Says His Mission Is to Heal Disease and Teach Mankind a Secret Law of Nature Which Has Been Over? looked by Doctors and Seien?? tists for Centuries Past. (?Fremi Buffalo Courier.) ROCHBST?R, Nov. 13,-Professor Thomas F. Adkln, a wealthy resident of (Ids cily. has truly creiited a sensation ptnofig tho medical fraternity. By some mysterious law ?f naturo ho has done practically everything' but bring tho dead to life, nnd doctors nnd scientists who havo witnessed his work are looking for him to do this next, In fact, they have been so taken back that they would not now b.3 surprised at anything-. They admit Hint all their remedies ?ind treat? ment or? but toys and tinsel as compared with the wonderful discovery of this remarkable man. People say ho pos ac-SEOS divine power, Many of thoso who havo been cured by his mysterious pow? er look on him as ? god. But Professor Arlkin sayR: "No, I have simply discov? ered a secret law of naturo which has been overlooked by doctors and scientists for centuries past. G believe that any man's life can he saved so long as he Ir not actually dead anil tho vital or? gans of tho body have not bcon destroyed, ami I .further bollavo Hint when I per? fect my discovery a little'more'I. shall he able to restore life to any ono from dying, drowning or other causes which do noi destroy tho vital organs, provided decomposition has not set In. I know theso aro strong statements, but look at- Honlo of th.3 people I have cured. They were all but dead, doctors said there was no hope; yet in many cases I rid them of actual disease In less time than It takes to tell you about it. "Thcro was Mrs, D; A. Phillips, of Trawlck, Texas, who was the next thing to dead when I took hold of her case, Hero is ber letter; read what rhc says. I never saw her, but? G cur.;d her Just tho same as If she had been in my offlco." Tho reporter was handed several letters from patients, among them that of Mrs. Phillips. The following extracts aro taken word for word from some of.their letter's, Mrs. ' Phillips writes: ? "When I first .began your treatment. I had no, faith Yn 'it-lit nil', hail tried so many different kinds of medicines with no benoflt. I hud been under the treatment of twelve dif? ferent hospitals with no relief, nnd then I .employed two homo doctors, but they sonn got so they,did me. no good, and told me they could do nothing for me, and that If 1 could find anything that could do any good for mo to get It, for they bad done everything they could. I suf? fered from every disenso that flesh Is luir lo. I had been bedfast for five years, unable to stand up longer than ten minutes nt a time. If ev-3r a woman suf? fered I did. 1 could not lie on but one side. 1 had two largo bed sores that gave mo a great deal of trouble, and I suffered so much in other ways. I had kidney trouble, catarrh of the bladder and also gravel. ? used to suffer at times until G had spasms. 1 also suffered from falling of the womb, ulcera and chronic lndigest|oii, and, of course, nil of these illfiMisos left my nerves In a terrible con? dition, when ? finally wroto to you. Vou buvo done for me what no ono else c-ver did. But my friends all say that I have been raised from the dead. 1 was nothing but skin and bones; now I am fueling splendid. 1 say to every ono that If they would pince their ense. lu your hands you will do the samo for them. All they need tei do la to give yon a trial." SUhs Hattlo ti. Kelly, Seal Cove, Mo,, writes: "Words can hardly express the. gratltudo I feel for what your treatment has done for me. When I began talcing It I had given up hopes of ever being well Tho doctors unid I liad consumption and couldn't Ilvo long. Now, after taking one month's treatment, I am almost well, and I know that another month's 'treat? ment will entirely curo mo. I havo gained in flesh wonderfully, and think (hero Is no treatment on earth which am compare with it. You may uso this letter In any way you choose, and hopo It will bo tho means of bringing others to you," B. A? Wallen, ?Fincy, Mo.; "I was afflicted with paralysis for ovor four years, nnd was ttv?ated by different mng notlc healers and other doctors, and got no relief, I. think your treatment Is moro than you claim. Thoy all say It was like bringing the dead to life to bo restored to health In such a short time. I cannot'pralso you enough." Doctors havo sought out and brought th? very worst cases in tho country to Professor Adkln, thinking they might biifflo him, but they have gone away convinced that- ho uses som?? Invisible power or force unknown to them. They cannot .explain the phenomena. Profes? sor Adkln Is quito .wealthy. Ho lives in a fine homo in an aristocratic poctlon of the city. He has'a number of busi? ness Interests, but devotes most of his time to hcallng-tho sick.' ?? offers cer? tain I help to any one- without ? rncmoy or price. All you need to do fs- to call on him or -write .hihi.'? Tt' you write, Ktntn tho lending symptoms of your trouble, your age and sex.. Professor Adkln takes an Intenso delight In .curing ensos that doctors have given up to die, Hp disdains t!io uf-'e of Christian Science, osteopathy, faith Ihenilng or drugs. Ho claims his method Is scien? tific in tho highest degree, although. scientists so fnr havo bc??n utterly unnbln to comprehend it. One thing la aure, ;tnd that Is,-he ban some mysterious knowl-? ?dgo, asent, or process, by which he re? stores health to'poople in. the very last stages pf .l'a1al...dlsC'?i.f;es. Over twenty doctors havo taken up tho study of his methpds. . Some are staying right with him and daily wltnosa tho 'remnrlc ablo cures ho performs. Nearly every train brings Invalids to be healed .by his power, He gets an enormous mail from . persons. In .nearly all parts of Ilio globo. The most mysterious thing about his whole w-ork Is bis ability to heal nt .1 distance; but thoro Is no laok of proof that he dons heal those thousands of miles away the same .as those, who call personally. Thin Would snem to prove 'beyond doubt that thought, will-power or some mysterious, Intangible force can be sent through space the. same as wo ore now .nblo to telegraph without wires; but how this force takes hold and quickly rids the body fif material disease1 Is to? tally ihexnllcablo. In somo eases. Prii fessor Adkln sends a peculiar magnetized food product. In concentrated form, which he claims Immediately Tovttollzes tho whole system. What this food product Is, how be makes It. or charges it ?with magnolie fluid is his secret. Doctors nnd scientists are vainly puzzling their brains trying to discover It. Those who urn sick and would Uko to bo honied may communicate with Professor Adkln by addressing him ns follows; Thomas F. Adkln, box 11-13 A, Rochester, N. Y. Rich nnd poor alike receive tho same courtesy. Ho has an extremely nffnble manner, but is Intensoly earnest In everything ho docs. Leading businoaa men and bank? ers speak very highly of him, and say thnt bo has done more for tho morals and upbuilding of tho city than any other man hi Rochester. (jetting of a number of cases for futuro days of tho term. The Virginia Construction Company, of Richmond, havo now nearly compieteci tho additional electric light plnnt for this city, and tlv> current will be turned on In a few days. .-,- ft - . ' ? - ? TRIAL OF ALLEN. Charged With the Murder of His Half-Uncle. (Special to The Tlmos-Dlspatch.) JAWINUSTON, VA., Dec. li.-B. V. Allen, charged with the murder of his half-undo, T. J. Allen, was arraigned before (ho County Court Thursday, and Hie trial Is now In progress. Quito a large number of wit nurses have been examined, h. t, Gonion, Common weal thi a attorney, Ih assisted in tho prosecution by Allcnjah Wood, Commonwealth's attor? ney lor Alhemarlo county. Tin.? accused Is being defended by ?3. B. w imi.-lii.-uU. of ibis riluce, and Casillo and Coleman, of Dyiu.-iiourg. C. and O. Removal. Prosidont Qeorgo W, stovons. of tho Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, has been ali' nt Um groater part of thu week un a loue of ilio western end of tho system. Mi-mnvhllc, tho removal matter will nut be Bflitlod for several weeks yet. atmmDB?mwmamaBBm M Woodward ? Son, Hardwoods, Mahogany White Pine, Yellow Pine, Rough and Dressed, California. Redwood SHINGLES. Yards Covering Seven Auras. Main Olllce: Ninth & Arch .Streets. Richmond, Virginia. Sterling-Willis Affair Went Over for Further Information. Other Cases. Three grand Jury cases loomed up In th.o Police Court yesterday morning. Jamos Randolph Is charged with shoot? ing Daniel Green. Alfred J. King, charged with hitting IIolmi'H Hicks with a brick, And Oils Robinson, charged with strik? ing limitili Jones with a blunt instru? ment, All parties aro colored, Tho caso of Manly Hutes, ohargod with shouting Otis Htovens, was conllnuc.1 to Un Ulli, 0 Then "Indian Lucy" was called. She was charged with taking %'..\~\ from 10. ?J. liMwnrds, and Lucy was put under bonita for twelve mouths. Churlos Johnson and William Oakcs wero arrest eel as suspicious characters? They turned out to bo Himplo vugs, and wero put to, work on the rock pilo for thirty days. W, L. Granger's cime went over lo tho loth. . lie, Is chargea with having a con? leakid weapon. Johniilo Harris paid ?...ri0 for heating Lewis Rudil, Unies t Stephens and Maggio llttnloy vach paid Sg.tyO for fighting In tlie street. The caso of John Sterling ami 13. Willis, urresuad 111 connection with thu robbery ?;G tho Watklns-Cottrloll Comiiimy, went over to tho 10th Instant, for further In? formation, The pojlqo are probing tho mailer to the bottom, Ono or two drunks closed Iho list. Chirnboraao Hospital. A meeting of tho Chlnilwruzo Hospital Beard will ho held Thursday ut I P. M. at the residencio of Dr. 0. W, Mustio. Twenty-fifth and Broad Streets. At tills time arrangements will b<> |iiude for tho rrite'rt"uliimen't"tu bo held early in Jaiiu- j lieu WILL HAVE ? NEW CHURCH Disciples to. Organize One at Meeting; to be Held ; To-day. DR. W?TADEN BEGINS WORK Preaches at. ,Both Services at First Church To-day?Anni? versary, pr, Wi.therspoon. Tho Falrmoyht Christian Church will be organizod at' a meeting to bo hold at 3 o'clock this, afternoon in tho Sunday Rchool room's at Twenty-third Street and Ealt-iiiotitit Av?ttito. Tho ltov. ?, A. Cave, pastor ' of tha Third Christian Church, will presido over tho mooting. The programmo will bo as follows: Hymn, "All Hall tho Power of Jesus' Name"; Invocation by C. 0. Wood? ward; Scripture Lesson, by Hugh W. Sublett; Prayor, by 1-1. P. Atkins;-Hymn, "I Lovo Thy Kingdom, Lord"; Reading of tho Covenant, by U. II. Molton; Hymn, "How Swoot; How Heavenly Is tho. Light"; Growth of tho Disciples in Rich? mond, by \y. H. Clemmltt; Election of Ofllcers by tho now congrogatlon; Hymn, "Blest Bo tho T?o That Binds"; Bene? diction. Tho occasion will bo a most Interesting one to all tho Disciples of Richmond, The new congregation will,call a pastor and will probably erect a church bulldlig. Tho now,?pastor of tho First Presbyte? rian Church, tho Rev. F. T. McFadon, D. D., late-of Lynchburg. has reached Rich? mond. He will begin his work hero to-day, preaching at both services. Dr. M.cFaclen has received a most, hearty welcomo from his new congrega? tion, to whom ho has already been In? formally presented, and from the com? munity, at large. Ho Is exceedingly wo]] known and. well, l|ketl h?rc. .and ho was received with open arms on all sides. Tho congregations at tho opening of his pas? torale hero will probably be very large. For tho prosont, Dr. and Mrs. McFadon have engaged rooms at the Westminstor School on West Grnce Street. Dr. Jere Wlthcrspoon will begin bis seventh year of pastoral work at the, Clraco Street Presbyterian Church io rlay. His subject In tho morning' will, bo 'Tho Body of Christ n.nd Its Members." At night - ho will speak on "Tho way. Made Plain." At tho Men's Meeting at the Y. M,' C. A. tills afternoon, the Rev. Dr. J. B. Hawthorne, of the Grove Avenue Baptist, Church, wll spoak on "Lessons from the Lifo and Death of Judas Iscarlot." Prof. Georgo B. Gooklns, director of tho Wed? nesday Club, will sing a solo. The revival services at tho Second Bap? tist Church will close to-night. :JIr. R. D. Garland, '.who has been prenchlng with such effect, will fill tho pulpit at both- services. ?; There have been fifteen'' or twenty conversions. The Rev. H, W. .I-Joiiroll will preach In the hall "at Twenty-fifth n.nrt;Clay Streets to-night at 7*:*S o'?J$?k.: His subject will he "The.:.Rl!?p(?lalll?'(jProgress, of the Sev"-' cnth Day Advenmra." '' ' '? Tho'' s'irtgmg of Gounod's "Galla" In Monumental Church this afternoon at 4 o'clock will be"; under- tho direction of .AVU'a.m M. Jenkins, organist and direc? tor of the choir. \ The nntlphonal choir of Graca Episco? pal Church will? sing Bevornl special so loctions to-night. Tho Rev. Mt\ Morris will preach morning and night. Dr. C. S. Gardner- will preach In Grnce Street Baptist Church at both services. His morning theme, "My Enemy and I"; evening theme, "Tho Thoughts That Make Us." Immanuel Baptist Church will worship In tho Cavalry. Armory ap usual. Tho pastor, tho Rov. David A. Solly, will preach nt both services. At tho evening service he will speak especially to wo? men on "Lessons ? From Esther." On Wednesday night a service In memory of Ihe Rov.. W. Y. Abraham will bo held. Tho Rev. Dr. T. MoN. Simpson, pastor of Clay Street Methodist Church, will oc? cupy his pulpit morning and night, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Balles will sing at tho services In . .urondiis Memorial Church to-night. The Rev.'C. P.. Stoaloy will preach and his subject will bo "Gorl Loves You." His morning subject will ho "How Long Does Salvation by Faith Last?" ?; ? The Rev. P. A. Cavo will proaoh In tho morning nt tho Third Christian Church on "Woman's Work and influence.'? The Rev. Henry Poarco Atkins will preach In West-End Christian Church. Ills morning subject will bo "Servants of Rons." AL night his pubrject wil bo "Tho Way of the Prodigal." ?Tho Rev. W. A. Cooper, pastor, will proaoh at St. James Methodist Church, at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sacrament of tho Lord's Supper after morning sermon. At night Mr. Cooper will discuss "Church Union and Creeds." ?N FOOD The Rlrjht Foundation of Health. ?Proper food Is the foundation of health. Pooplo cnn eat improper food.for a time and not feel any ill result?, until thcro Is a sudden collapse of tho digestivo organs, and then all kinds of trouble follows, Tho proper way out of tho difficulty Is to shift to Ilio puro, sdentino food, Gropo-Nuts, for it rebuilds from tho foundation up, A Now Hampshire woman says'i Dliw't summer I wnu sud? denly taken with Indigesti?n and rovcro stomach trouble, and could not out food without great pulp; my stomach ,was so sore I could hardly movo about. This kept up until 1 was so miserabili Ilio was not worth living. "Then ? friend finally, after much ar? gument, Induced ma to try Grape-Nuts lood mu? null, my regular food. Although 1 hud but llttlo faith, I commenced to uso it, and groat was my BUrpllep to find that I could eat It Without the usual pain und distress In my stomach. So 1 kept on using Or.ipo.NutH and soon a marked Improvement was shown, for my stomach was i.arl?imltiif its regular work In a normal way without pain or distress. "Very soon tho yellow coaling disap? peared from my tongue, the dull, heavy tilling in my head disappeared, and my mimi felt light and r.Wnr; the languid, feeling loft, und altogether I felt tin If I had been rebuilt- Strength und Volgili l'inn? back rapidly, und 1 went lack to my work with renewed ambi? tion. To-day I am a new woman In mind us well us body, and I own It all to Huh natural food. Grape-Nuts." Ninno given I,y postum Co., natilo Crock, ftlleh. There's a renjpn, Look In cauli package for a copy of Ilio famous Utile book, "Tho Iluud ta AVellvilo." FLANNELETTES, 34 Indies vvldc, cut from 16c to 8?/3c. E. T. FAULKNER CO., The Daylight Cash Store. VVB AUE AtiENTS PQR STANDARD PATTERNS* LACE CURTAINS? 31/u yards long, nllglil ly soiled, sold from $l,BOtu $3,00, for 98c. THIS ST?RE IS READY FOR CHRISTMAS BUYING. SPECIAL-VALUE G LYING OCCASION; Hi?luST THINK OF IT, only sixteen more baying Christmas, Soon tho Pyy Great Holiday Rush will bo on and you will find it much to. your advantago to WMM do yom. shopping early. . We; have planned exceptional offerings for Monday, just to induce you to buy before the rush. THIRD FLOOR SPECIALS. Bleached Shooting, 2 1-4 i Q? yarda WttlO; oxtra heavy, for.. ?"* 10c 48c rillow Cases, extra largii slzo, for. Ready Made Shoots, 2 1-1 yards wide by 2 1-2 yards ' long, for .'.'. Comforts, extra largo slzo, lnndo of clertii cotton, nicely covered (ti 'TIS: in sllkollno. a spcei'ut. ?.'..'. <??'?<?? Sofa Cushions, tapestry covorod, a regular 75c. Cushion COr? for ,..,,;...'.......... ?-?V-v ?t'apcst'ry Portiere.'!, slightly.?' polled, to bo sold at ridiculously low prices. LADIES* NECKWEAR BARGAINS. ; Manufacturers' sample Hue of La? dles' Pino Neckwear put on sale Mon? day nt ridiculous prices. TAILORED SUIT SPECIALS. Manufacturers' snmplo of .Tailored Suits Svili bo sold Monday ut.Hpcciul prices. .? . PUR BARGAINS. Short nnd Long Scarfs, double and satin lined, .with Muffs to match, ut December prices. ? DOLL DEPARTMENT GENUINE BARGAINS. Risque Dolls, with open and Tt shut eyes, 13 Inches long, for.. *wC Binriuo Hend with Kid Body Aun Dolls, 15 1-3 Inches loiig, for.. ^Olw Dressed DoIIh. with ppen and Afir. closed eyes, 10 Inches long, for ""v BlHium Dolls, with shoes and stock tigs, 10 huge; for infis, 10 inches long, extra HT.r. -Bisque, Kid and Dressed Dolls, ?a large assortment and iho cheapest In .town,-ranging In juico from (t? "? f?f\ UNUSUAL HOSIERY ITEMS. Ladles' H?so, good black, Qn for. ?C Children's Hose," extra heavy,' t ?? Ladles' Hose, regular f Tl_/ r 17c, ynlue, for. \ ?/2r* Ladles' Hose,' black,? ? black' ^ GL with white foot, for,',.,?..%.?.'.?..?\^OL? Men's Hoso, nil sizes, extra i ftp heavy, for . , W Men's lioso, very fino qunl- ^nr? Ity, for .v..... TY'* Men'3 "Wool lioso, special \f)r> LINEN- VALUES. Scarfs, with colored centers, | Q for . I VL 10c 39c 25c LEATHER GOODS. Tray cloths, hemstitched, ^CJ,, good size, for. Hemmed Doylies, all pure lineili for.!. Doylies, frrnged, colored border, for. Damask Towels, extra largo size,, for ,. Patent Leather Belts, red ij ? and black Crushed black,' tor Crushed Leather Belts, In fl (?? Crushed .Leather Belt3, tan, TiC.-. red and bltick. ?tO\* Wrist Bags, with chain, ? ? worth GQc'., for. i&oC Wrist " Bags, with . leather . han-,. dies, in several colors, '.','?'?' Aun for-.,.-...../.........:.. 7OL Wrist Lags in colors, p'll nQ,, "slzts, from' 75c. -to.,.'.'hi.-.:?.?.?? VOL BLANKET SALE. GREAT BARGAINS. A Blanket that Is all ??2 ?G? wool, 10-1 size, worth $f>, for ?P ?-'??'*??' A Blanket ' that Is extra heavy nnd 12-1 size, worth JV3.50. &A Qf2 A Blanket. 11-4 size, an <?? C"Q xtra heavy epeclal ut..,. ??"?1''' Another Blanket, whl'ch is (TJC QQ 12-4 size and worth S7, for F?-?.>? UNDERWEAR SALE. Children's Vests and Pants, 1 Cp small sizes, slightly soiled, for '??> . Ladles' Vests and Pants, flccco lined, tho greatest vuluo ever TSp r.rtVrprl ._ faUL. Ladles' Vests and ^ Pants, wool mixed, and special - ? G?Of Men's Shirts and Drawers, A Q/? extra- heavy, for,...-.. tOC Men's 'Drawers iapJ? Shirts,',.. rrCf, about half wool, for. /?3tw DRESS GOODS DEPT. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Melros'o Cheviot, in brown TC? and black, worth 30c, for.'.,. &0\* Blue Cheviot, 12 Inches w-rde, Afir worth CPc, tor...'...-' W Banket Cloth, EO Inches wide, only In brown, worth C5c, """?Or 25 Dross Goods. 40 inches HCr? wide, special for Monday, at Melton, 50 inches wlilo, only ? ? a few pieces, worth $1, for.... ??, GLOVE BARGAINS. Children'? Mitts, all colors, f ?.-, Ladles' .Gloves, fancy and Tc? flocco lined . &0\* Kid Gloves, nil sizes, ???* for Tho Argylo Kid Giovo for .? $1.00 Boys' Wool Gloves, special Tr? value Mor 50c, for HANDKERCHIEF Men's Skin Gloves, worth "lQr> SALE. Lacs Edgo Handkerchiefs ?? ir . t-"?-? for . Linen Handkerchiefs, hem- f (\? ? stitched, for. '*VV Sheer ' Handkerchiefs, | "11/ f. embroidered, for . ??^/2*?-' Linen Handkerchiefs,., .all ?Cv? initials, for ....:,.?;.,..'.-.-.-.,. AOL. Dr. . J. Allison Hodges Trans? forms Langhorne Residence Into Splendid Hospital. Richmond has taken another decided step forward as. a medical center. On Wednesday of thl3 week-the doors of the Hygel? Hospital, the private sanitarium of Dr. J. Allison Hodges, at tho south? west corner of Adams and Grace Street?, will be opened.?. The house, purchased soriio months ago by Dr. Hodges and slnco handsomely Im? proved and fittili for hi? purposes, l'a tho former residence of Mr, C, D. .Langhorne, and Ip it Mrs. CD. Gibson lived when, as Miss Irono Langhorne, sho was tho society favorito of Richmond. ..? This hospital, with Its equipment and baths, IS a now' doparttlro I'n the South, and, it is bclloved, will bo a distinct suc? cess. Already moro than half of its .en,-, paclty has been engaged hy patients, Accommodations, strictly scientific ' nnd modern, aro offered for eighteen to twen? ty patients." All of the appointments are of the bc3t and thoroughly up-to-date.' There arc two -lnrgo sun parlors, ci beau? tiful reception hall and writing room, Two parallel lines ot effort will bo pur? sued In the treatment of 'patients'; Plvst, the hospital method, by which tho disenso Itself is treated, and, second, tho sanita? rium method, by Which tho patient's at? tillalo ' toward tho disenso is" treated, Vi'hon that Is necessary. No surgery will be done, but all klnde of medlcnl diseases will bo fronted ex? cept insano or contagious cases. ' The equipment for tho treatment of all cases Undertaken, bolli ncuto and chronic. Is as completo as any hospital Iti this coun? try. Special'attention will ho paid to diet and systematic regimen In tho dally? lives of the patients. Part of the cooking for tho patients-will bo done electricity.. Dr. Hodges hns secured graduato nurses, with .assistants, .nil, under MIsh W. B, Williams as suporlnlonil?nt, in tho baso ment tiro the offices, thti lounging room, tho doiiclio and bath rooms,Uto 'electrical room, the eloolrlo light baths and so on. In tho ol'cetrleul room aro 'machines for Ilio application of? all Hindu of electricity, X-ray, vibration, miiiifiiigo, hot air, etc, Tho laboratory also adjoins ?hla? room. Tho baths am iloslguod according to thu famous Baruch system, ,Pr. Baruch being ihe highest authority on hydrothe rapy, and are for hygienic as well us therapeutic'purposes, '? They will bu open to tho public ilurlng certain hours, tho Indios using tho morn? ing hours and the gentlemen tho after iiniin and evening hours. Mr, anil Mrs. U. <J. Benson, of Auburn, Mn? who uro exports In this lino, will have charge of this department. FIRE AT COLLEGE. Quick Work Saved Ryland Hall Yesterday Morning. ? great deal 0( excitement was caused yesterday morning ?it tho college by a flio which broke tint In Hylnnil Hall, duo to u defectivo flue. The fire started In thu (ii-eek room, and .would have soon been beyond control hud It not been rol? lile timely discovery of DlV Harris, -\\lio Was hiildlng recitation at tho tlniu. ?y the strenuous efforts of tho students (lio fluito was controlled" untIL'. ??? arrival Remember the Loved Ones. This Is a season when everyone, rich and poor alike, la comfronted with the question, what shall ? give to so nnd ho, for a Xmns present? I venturo to sug? gest that there Is nothing that so pleases und delights a person as some trinket In Jewelry, such as you will find in my immenso stock. 1 have them suitable for all ages, from tho infant In arms to tho grandmother, and at prices that will meet any legitimate competition. For everything in strictly high-grado Jew? elry, Diamonds, Watches, Silverware, Rich Cut Glass, Opera Glasaea, Sliver Handled Umbrellas, seo JO&-I?M F". S^OML?r^R, . The Reliable Jev/eler, NO. 209 E, BROAD STREET. - 'PHONE NO. 2643. of the fIr? department, which soon be-, camo masters of the situation. Tho dam-' age was slight.? Tho graduating class of 1?Q1 met Fri? day evening for the purpose of electing officers. The result of the olcctlon wan as follows; Mr. Clarko president; Mr. Turner, vlco-presldcnt, and Mr. Isti, sec? retary.' Tho remaining offices of ora? tor, historian, etc., will bo filled at the next meeting. Tho Richmond Collego Dramatic Club has decided to reorganize this session, and will begin "work on whatever play la se lectod immediately after Christmas. Mrs. Chandler and Miss Bowes, the stars of last season, will Utko parts tills year. Among other prominent ones who havo roturned aro Messrs, H, M. .Smith, B. P. . . A .NEW ENTERPRISE, On next Tuesday, December Stn, Mossrs. Browne & Constine, will I h row open, tho doors of tholr' now crockery store at NO', 205- Kaat Broad Slreot, tin? building formerly occuplod by thu Singoli Manufacturing Comptuty. As an "example of enterprise and push,? tho opoiil?g of this sloro Is, indeed, re? markable; Within tho spato of olio week, tho former tonants have vacated tlio | premises, tho entiro building from- cellar I to roof hua boon remodelled, ' painted, I papered, and furnished with modern fix? tures; tho enormous stock of china, glnss waro, lamps, ole., has been unpacked, marked and .arranged In the most at? tractive manner. Messrs. -Browno ?*&' CotiBtlno, who uro both successful young business mon, ana .well known In; lille city, liave buon tin? tinnito in. effecting arrangements with Kovoralof tho largest potturtoa and cliiiut manufacturers In this country, by widen they aro to: havo the ontlro control of? tholr products in this section, They ?inv? also placed'Import ordoru, inni'iy ii)ontns ago, for the very latest novelties and uttlti tlo productions In their Hue. These enor? mous slilpniciUs.'-togother with their largo purchases from factories throughout thin country, will bti displayed on tho three floors of their now ?storo'for tho-Inspec? tion of tho publia iiuxt Tuesday, Decem? ber ?tit, ..???. Tho advantages of such a favorable ar? rangement with largo factories will bo' easily recognized by art Intelligent public when tho goods aro inspected, and prices compared with similar goods elsewhere. Messrs, Browno & Constino will givo no souvenirs on tholr opening day, nor will thoro be any batid to fiirnlsh music for tho occasion. Such inducement* will no.t bu iiueassaty to Influence tho people o?'. It.'chtpgnil to visit tholr aloro. Tho prices of tholr goods, t'ho ultrucllvem-HS of their stock, the politeness and Intelli? gence of their salespeople, and then? up to-date methods of conducting business, will'ma'ko them many' friends, and will, quicker than any other means, mako their business grow to the proportion's' Huit such ..enterprise deserves. Beaux and ' Friends, there are Candles and Candy. Our Can die?, aro guaranteed to bo tho purest and freshest hi tho city, A great assortment nt.lUo. and -Oo. per pound. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY; Chocolate Drops nt 10c, per.pound; one pound to a customer. The Huh' tody Kanfg* Co., 1CC East Broad Stroet. Alloy, Julian Winfree, D. W. Freeman and .folin Tyler, THE JORDAN BILL. Will' Probably be Considered by .Senate Committee Tuesday. Tho Jordan oyster bill, proposing to break tho Baylor survey, which has been passed by tho House, was communicated to the Senato yesterday, No uctlon was taken on tho bill, .arid It will, probably not bei taken up by tho Sonato Committee for Fish, and Game before Tuesday. Tho committee, having tint with tho House committee? during the hearings ' on the bill, will give no further hearing, but will loso no timo reporting the bill, either fa? vorably or adversely, Tho House com? rnltteo reported the bill adversely, but tho committee was reversed by tho House, . Tho Senato Committee Is composed o? Senators Kco::ell, Hunter, Tyler, Walker, Shand.s, Clold, .Sears, Bryant, Hulcheson, Cromwell nnd Ilnlsey, It In oxpected the committee will bo very evenly divided on i tho mensuro. ?' Tho into of tho bill In the Sonato Is i regarded ns doubtful. The Tidewater . senators, generally urn oxpected to op j poso tho bill. Many members of the Son? ato aro doubtful how they will voto on the measure, regarding It from thO'slnnd point of political and business uxpedloncy, I Some openly intimato that tho passage of tho bill will be hurtful to tho Interests of tho Democratic party in Tidewater Virginia. WOULD NOT CANCEL. Judge Witt Declined to Set Aside Certain Papers of Adoption. Mr. S. C. Tunstall, of Now Kent coun? ty, was in tho city yesterday to see Judge Witt about setting aside certain papers of adoption, but ho was unsuccessful. It is tho sumo caso that was written tihutit several months ago, Mr. Tunstall adopted a foundling ubout four years ago, believing U to bo while. Since then a suspicion has arisen that tho child has colored blood In lila veins. Mr. Tunstul) himself thlliks the child whlto, but some of his neighbors do not. Ho could not get the papers cancelled, and the caso romains as it was.