Newspaper Page Text
BLACKSTONE .Waiting for a Good Season to .Make Christinas -Buyers .. ? .Collie:to Market.' NOW A GOOD SHOW STAND ?New Pastors Arrive and Arc Gi ? c ? , a : ? Vanii. W e 1 coni e?1 li tcresting Coming Wedding. (Special ItiTho Times-Dispatch.) BLACKSTON ti,, VA.. Dee O.-Much eomplalnt la licurd Imre that tho'contin? ued cool; dry 'weather lB pi'ovetlng to ; liaccoJ from being marketed, and thus causing ? troiiornl depression In all lines of business. Two weeks ago a marked Increase was noted, hut since that time , tho pendulum* hue about stood still. ? good ruin and warmer weather would bring bright atrilles to all the faces here, All'alio store? aro ?lrossod 111 hollduy attire, ai?t? tho merchante uro ? waiting tho rush of Clirlslrnu? trade, which will surely como with tho first good tobacco season. " The prices on tobacco hero have ad? vanced sumo over the opening sales of tho season,' arid tho plu ? ter? are expre.s fc-lng thomselvos a little more hopefully. vVhcthcr they Will continue or not no man can tell. The buyer? seem afruld to ex? press un..opinion. ? GOOD SHOW TOWN. niackslono Is fast outgrowing Its pro? vincial ways, and Is now mado a point by the traveling'theatrical troupes. Sev? eral havo been here, recently, and on Thursday night, last night and to-night a. troupe has beeil llljlng it threc-nlght en? gagement at. the Musi?: Hull. The proudest man Hi Ulackslone now is Captain J. M. llarrl.?. owner of the line pointer puppy. Sambo Jingo, that took first pris?.! In all three clashes In which he was ente-red"lit Richmond.'?'Bench Show last week. Captain Marris has been re? garded ns a great dog man heretofore, lint he is very' much one now. Rev. ??, ?. -?atightr^?, the new pastor of the Baptist Cliurclt, arrived with his wife on Thursday?,* anil will conduct his first service to-morrow. .Mr. Duughtry comes hero from the "distent Shore and his departure'was much regTCtteil by his church then;/ Tho welcome extended him hero will be a cordial olio by nil the de? nomination?. ' ? Much Interest-Is felt here among the friends, of the groom-to-be In tho forth? coming marriage In Richmond of Miss Lydia I?u1?h? Harries to Mr. Wilfred Lacy Goodwyn, which will take place on the ISth iiist. "? Mr, Goodwyn is a son of Judge C. F. Goodwyn, of the County Court of this county, and has a great number or friends In this section, The horn? of his father Is at Nottowuy Courthouse. ?Rev, S, C. lliilchc.r. pas-tor'?if Market Street Church, Petersburg, will preach the third mormon In the"" ccurso. Mr VM* riude-ius?, of -the Fcmnn. Instituto on to? morrow morning. , MISS PULLBR RECl'IKS. ' I'o-iilgliL Miss Kate Puller, the accom? plished elocutionist, of Richmond. Is giving a reSitrttiOn In the intltiite chapc-l to the l roui I ly, students and .friends of that Institution. Some leo has already been gotten In this scottimi the flit( this early In the. Msuson ror.jj?ianyi'iyetcrs. tv I? wild, how? ever, that.. J ce ?gotten early will not keop -icar so we'll as that gotten later In tut K?il?On. . : ? , . . . The ThanKsglvIng offering at the msw Presbyterian Church on last Sundaj. amounted to about $150. There Is stilt a small debt upon th'a church, which Its members aro striving hard to remove. They hopo to accomplish this in a short FULTON NEWS. A sr.rprsj party wi'S tendered Rev. .and Mrs. A. A. Jones on Friday night. ? large number of.-tho members of Mi Jozies'? congregation were present an.i .1 ? tint evening: was e???? Among ? tui-ic present were: Rev. and Mrs. ?. A, Jones, Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson, Captain oiid Mrs. George ST. .Rog?is. Mr. and ' Mrs. John Sllurm, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. and .Mrs, Henry 1*111, Mis. Samuel Mere? dith, Mr. Louis l-lensen. Mr. C. D. Par ish. Mr, J. M. Bryant. Air. J. W. Blngley, Mr. Winfrce Carr, Mrs. Charles Moshy, Mi>? Xovn'.a Moshy, M-.'s. John Yaughan, .Mrs. William Kelley, Mrs. J. Olilo Beams, Sirs. W. J. Mays. Tho s?rprifO ??? arianne? oy the Lu tlle-.V Auxiliary Society, ana was well curried out. The members of the Board of -Stewards vero the guests ot the aux? iliary society. At a late hour an excel? lent eollatio.i was "served by the ladies. Willie, th 3 mie son or Mr. William Tin ken, Jr.. addentai)}? fell from a chair at his father's honae, on Willlumsburg Ave? nue, Thursday .light. The llttlo follow ha?] a ti ti hern In his moutoaal tho tinto, nini tho force of the full drove tho horn far back In his mouth, cuttlnglng him quite badly. Tho-. won??? ' was tileedlng profusely when Or, Georjro Rnrksdnle, the family physician, arrivo?!. Dr. Bnrks (Inle soon chocked tho hemorrhage anil administered" tho tic-cc-ssary treatment. Tho sufferer Is getting along very nice? ly. Denny Street M. 10. Sunduy school elected the following officers for the en? suing year Wednesday iii?ht at the res? illar monthly meeting of the oficora and teachers; Siijiorlntenoein. George M. Rogers; asiststnnt 'superintendent, Eddie h, Edwards; socrolary, W, B. Christian; assistant sf.eretaiy, Thomas Whitlow; tree-surer, Le?! .lordali; epllector, James Avery, Jr,; ? I'brnrlan, C. ?>. Parish; fust .assistant, Leu Porrteli; second assistant, Tliomas Honerbougliori organist, Miss Beali Smith;! assistant, Miss Matilda Nelson; chorister, Samuel Jones. The.?'??????. People's Union of 'Fulton' Baptist Church Is progressing well. The topics for tho monili vvit-h tho lenders uro, as follows; To-night, ut 7 o'clock, "Tho Hoffman," leader. Mr. Gray Klickols. D-?cember 1,'lth, "The* Unhappy -Man," 'leailoi, M im "Willie Austin. De cembor 20th "Conditions of Success,'' leader, Mr. Charles Childness. December 27th, "How Love Came," leader Miss Maymo Jordan.. The meetings will he A Far-ReaGhing, Gigantic Sale of Cloaks and Suits! [rAofhim^'c INCOMPARABLE STYLE AND TAILORING. Whalhimer's \ I ha?himer S |LLiMiTABLE SELECTION AND MATCHLESS VALUES. I / "a?????*G ?? Noteworthy for its mighty events of the past the Thalhimer Store now outdoes its own greatness. ' It towers mountain high above ail previous efforts. The great and best garment manufacturers of America yielding to the pressure of big orders sold to us these irreproachable garments at tremendous concessions. Combined with these extra purchases is our present huge stock of women's garments. Winter Hi\s No Terrors for Ladies Who Wear Our Stylish Furs. WHEN YOU ARE BUYING FURS IT IS WORTH WHILE TO GET SOMETHING THOROUGHLY GOOD, AND WHEN YOU EXAMINE QUR ENORMOUS FUR STOCK YOU WILL CERTAINLY REALIZE THAT OUR PRICES ARE AT LEAST ONE-THIRD LESS THAN ELSEWHERE. ' Special Sale Furs. ?Black ? 12.00 to Lynx ?carfu, to Bjuo l-ynx Scurfy ?2.OT $30.00 $35.00 Squirrel Scurf? arid Col- t?; -j r (\(\ lurettes, ?tO.OO to. ?pOO.\J\J Moleskin Scurfs und <fIC ftft Collnrettes, $10.00 to,,.... ?POiJ.\J\J Mink Scarfs and Stoles, ??? (if) Isnljcila fox and sabio fox Scarfs, all lengths and different CEfk ?? qualities; ?U.-18 lo'..'........ VWV'WW Flat Fox Stolos, squlr- ?Ccn ftft rul lined, .$20.00 to . 3>U\J,\J\J 8abk> O'possum and Isabella O'pos Burii Scurfs and Stoles, <fc ? ? ?? Btuno Marten Cluster C "2 Q& Scarfs, $3.18 and. ?P?^?^1^ White l?rmlno Scarta, *| y SJA Seal J Muffs, $1.C0 ?(- |jf| O'possum Muffs, $5.00 CJ c(\ Fox Muffs, ?0,48 . $25.00 ,u"s:....$!?'!? $25.00 Lynx Muffs, $10.00 $20.00 Persian" Muffs',""*2.M $10.00 Ermine Mutis]'" ?*7 EQ Children's Fur Sets, oil Angora, Ijamb, Thlbot; Squirrel, Chinchilla, Brook Mink, Beaver, Stono Marten and Fox, ? f "5 CO ?1.00 to . f??.?? Rain Coats. Provide yourself with, one of our stylish Cravanctte or Rain Proof Raglans and you will be prepared for all kinds of weather. These come in plain and mixed material, also fancy tweeds, deep military and triplo shoulder capes, fitted and box backs, with belt, $1.0.00 to. .A. $25.00 Grand Holiday Sale of IT. Ribbons Now is the time to buy your Ribbons for fancy work for Christ? mas presents?Satin Taffeta, Taffeta, Liberty Satin, Gros Grain, Sash Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, colored and black; Pillow Ribbons and Fancy Ribbons?in fact, Ribbons of all kinds Persian Ribbons, all silk, used as a trimming; also for belts: No. 7, yard.28c. No. 9, yard.aito. An ???-Sllk Satin TafTcta Ribbon, Inali the leading shades, three Inches wide, per yard. All-Silk Taffeta. Ribbons, In black: No.. 22, yard.'.:10c. No. 40, yard...IS l-2c. No. CO, yard...,.'.13c. 20c Rug Bargains. 36-inch Rugs, special value Si. 50, to .close out for $1.00 each, few left. Extra Quality Smyrna Rugs, 36x72, for $3.48. Good Suit Bargains; Special values in Dress ai{d Walking Suits.of fancy mixtures, tweeds, suitings and zibeline. Brown and Tan Zlbcllno Suits, for? mer prices, $00.00; reduced 4 3C flft Zibeline nnd Tweed Suits, formov prices, $35.00; reduced $2*5 00 Norfolk and Prlnco Albert Suits, of fancy ' mixtures, former price, $2b'.O0; reduced to $20.00 tl 5 Qf) Tucked Norfolk Mouse Suits, deep poblum stitched skirts, fancy mix? turas, stitched walking C f ^ t fi skirts, $20.00 viiluo; choleo H> f ?"?V" Black Broadcloth.Suits, corset coats, strapped, skirts'strapped to match the coat; wo have had an unprecedented' salo in at $30.00, but last lot were de? layed inshlpment.'i?o wo ?OC fifi lmvo' marked them ...... F-**''"" S?.. Knit Underwear Bargains in Ladles' Winter Weight Fleece-Llncd Ve,sts, Pants to match, all ??G sizes,. special. *"* Ladles' 75c. and $1.00 Non-Shrinking Wool Pants, in gray and white, CA all sizes, for . tJUC Ladlfcs' Merino Wool Vests and Pants, In gray and white, nicely finished seams, French ?J | Cfj bnnds, 75c. to. ?PI.OV Ladles' $1.00 Gray Union Suits, perfect fitting, part wool, Cftr Infant's, Rlbbod Wrappers, fleece lined, pearl buttons down front, regular li3c. value, spe- 1 Cr? clal .'. l*>^ Infant's 50c. Wood Ribbed Wrapper, silk tapo in neck and pearl "2Cj? buttons, each for . ?JUW Men's Hygienic. Flecco-Llned Shirts and Drawers, that wero ?1.00, CQ/-> at this salo, each for .'.'.'..;.. ?"W< Men's $1.00 Australian Whito Wool Shirts and Drawers, at this (\Qr< sale, each . vfVC? Men's $1.00 Camel's-Hnlr nnd Nat? ural Wool Shirts nnd Drawers, ?yC/* at this sale, each .-.. '/*7v iBoys' Heavy Fleoce-Llned Shirts.and. Drawers, l?a tan. and gray, ? -^C/?* good 30c. value, for.....'.. '"??, :T Children's Heavy Ribbed Fleccct Lin?d Vests and Pants, warm .1cr and durable, all . *iO\* (jjQye?BaS!The World's Best. '?? i Nothing in the rapid and substantial growth of our business-is more gratifying to us than'the expansion of our Glove selling? the additional popularity which each new' season brings forth. Ours are dependable makcs'of the finest Real'Kid Skins, perfect in fit, finish and elasticity. . . . Fast Black and <Fleece-Llned Ladles' Cashmere Gloves, with and without clasps, 3?C. .value, for, per ?'V?r? nnlr . . . '?frOC pair Children's Golf Gloves, In all colors, extra heavy quality, for, per "? Er? pair. *60C Ladles' Silk Gloves, ' fash- 7Ca? mero lined, at, pair.;.... J,0\* Our, regular 05c. Ladles' Taffeta and Cashmere,. Fleece-Lined, Fait Black. Two - Clasp Gloves, for, EHr ?pair :?:.....; .......'..... ?s?? ?' Ladles' Golf Gloves, the'35c. quality, in good, heavy grades';'In all ^C/. -colors, for, pair ......?.......1."?*?"?? ? Ladles'. Silk Gloves, silk ?? i ?? lined, at, pair . .f?.?? Special Jacket Values. Jackets, regardless of cost, 19-inch and 42-inch Coats, double breasted and fitted backs, satin lined. $2.50 Choice of $5.00 Jackets, now . . Choice of $8.50 and $7.? F? Cf\ Jackets, now. ?pu.OU Choleo of $15.00, $1?!.?0 and ffE f\(\ $10.00 Jackets, now . f?.\?\? ' "Juat a twelve of thoso Peau do Sole, Taffeta and Cloth Etons, formor prices, $7.50 to $15.00; (C^ Ef\ choice'.... . f?.?? Now line of Covert Jackets. Just received, C55 fift $10.00 to . **?.UU ? ' Special.?-Tan Covort Jacket, 27 Inch length, strapped seams, C?A fifi coat, sleeves, satin lined F ? y.*"" Black Broadcloth Coats, corset ef? fects, strapped and lapped seams, 20 ? inch's to US inches length, regular, sizes, and short wnlsted coat's' for stout figures, $10.00 ?C^O fift Prlnco Albert Coats, of Black Monter nac, lapped seams, plain coat sleeve, S eatln lined, 30 Inch length, stylish and.,' serviceable; $20.00 coats; Just a few left; reduced i?| fg ?? ? Kersey Coats, fitted hacks, volvet collar, shoulder capes, (1 ? AA military effect . 4?! l/.UV : Collarless Box Coats, black and tan kersey, satin .lined, $5.00, tf*7 CA $6.00 and . f/.?? Blankets WenS?/AeQ?^ Comforts. the Whatever the Price ? ... pigure is Low. -This-can be said of our regular values, and when we make spe-. cial. prices, as we have for to-morrow, it means bargain oppor? tunities very much superior to the ordinary. Odds and,ends in Blankets, In pink, blue and red border; a Ave d???? JO dollar value, for.:. F?5?4? 12-4 All-Wool Blankets, cheap at $650, our jj?g m*\ price..3/DtD\J 1?-4 Extra Quality California Wool Blankets, $7.50 value; a few pair Aj? ?? ' left for. COMPORTS. -, A-Good Comfort, whito cotton, filled, fot1. ."'?".'.'...'..' -. SllkoUn? Linen Covered Comforts, cheap at $2 for, each.. .. $1.00 . $1.50 Great Apron Display. The annual display, which is now in progress, surpasses all oth? ers and most attractive values arc offered. There are .plain Aprons and fancy Aprons, Maids' and Nurses' Aprons of fine lawn and India linen, trimmed in insertion and embroidery, fine lace and Tibbon bows. You will also.find Maids' Caps at the place.of the Aprons. held at 7 o'clock, and a welcome Is ex? tended to'nil. Mr. Al Cornwall, who has been 111 at. hia residence, "Wilton," Henrico county, Is improving under the care of his phy? sician, Dr. B. S. Reams. Alderman Louis Washer, who lias been 1)1 for several weeks, is now able to be up and walk around In his room. Mrs. C. C. Rice, who has been quite sick, is mudi improved. Louis D.. the Infant son of Mr. and Mrn. L. O. Schonb?rger, Is 111 at his father's residence on Louisiana Street. Mrs. James Childless died Thursday night at lier residence, 507 Denny Street, nft'er a prolonged illness, airs, Child I'oss' death was not expected. The funeral took place from Fulton Baptist Church yesterday nfternoon at 3 o'ciock. Rev, David Hepburn, the pas? tor, conducted the service, and the burial was in Oakwood. Tho morning service at 31 o'clock at Denny Street Methodist Episcopal Church will be conducted by Dr. Wm. V. Tudor, presiding elder of this district. At the evening service the pastor, Rev. A. A. Jones, will preach. Ills subject will be "The Result of a Hardened Heart." Rev. Dr. E. L. Pell will address the Sun? day School of Denny Street this morning. Regular services will bo hold at Fulton Baptist Church to-day. The pastor. Rev. David Hepburn, will conduct both ser? vices. At 11 ?. M., Mr. Hepburn will take for his subject "The Higher Lifo." At 8 P. M. tho subject will bo "A Pointed Question." "If the righteous scarcely bo paved, where shall tho ungodly and the sinner appear?" I Peter, iv:lS, is the text gelocted for the evening discourse. At the Apostolic. Church, Pastor Jno. W. Dougherty will preach at both ser? vices. The subject at 11 o'clock will be "The Restitution of All Things," At 7:30 P. M. tho subject will bo "Tho Lake of Fire." At the conclusion of tho evening ser? vice tho Lord's Supper will be ?tdmlnls- I tor ed nnd elders will be ordained. Matlaponl Tribe. No. 110, I. O. R. M., held Its regular meeting Wednesday night at Nelson's Hull, on Wllllumsburg Avo nue. Mr. Ernest Wliitlock, who was 'brought home from the Memorial Hospital about a week ugo. Is Improving rapidly. Tho oyster supper given ut O e ff er t'A pavilion on tho Government road, near tho National Cemetery, wus.a successful nffulr. A largo attendnnco nnd a woll exeeuted programme made a pleasant evening for every ono present. The proceeds are for a very worthy ' ? cause- ; . .. ?.. - .... ..... ... Ezeklel Langston, the Pamunkey Indian who came? here for medical attention, is at tho homo of a relative, James Langs ton, on State Street. He is improving upder the care of his physician Dr. J. P. William6. Mrs. Louis Washer, who has been ex? tremely 111 at her home on Wlllamshurg Avenue, is Improving. Mr. Nelson Enroughty Is slowly im? proving, after a long spell of Illness. Many of tho stores-In Fulton havo taken on the appearance o? Christmas holidays. A large variety of Christmas goods are? displayed in the windows. "The "sliver tea" given by tho Ladles' Auxiliary Society of Denny Street Metho? dist Episcopal Church for the benefit of the church, at the resldonco of Mrs, Sam? uel Meredith, on Williamsburg Avenue, was a brilliant success. Mrs, Robert Craddock, of -Louisiana Street, -who has been ill for some time. Is now In a serious condition. Mr.-D. W. Shrecengost has returned af? ter a short visit to relatives at West View, Va. Richard Truoman, who has been 111 for many months, is now in an extremely dangerous condition. Miss Clara Champion Is 111 at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Antonio Silva, on Ful? ton Street. Mrs, John Crowder, who has been con flned'at her home with grip, is now able to bo out. Mrs, Andrew Boulware continues ill at her homo on Stato Street. Mr. John F, Whitlow Js able to bo out nfter a spoil of Illness. Tho People's Drug Store Is getting ready for Christmas. Mr. A. R. McCal loy, the eftlclent manager, will shortly In? stall ? largo stock of various kinds of tire-works. Mir. Dudley R. Johnson, who resides at Marlon Hill, Is able to bo out after a spell of sickness, ' The Ladles' Auxiliary Society of Denny Street ?. E. Church avili meet Monday af? ternoon at Nelson's Hall. Business of Importance will come up and nil members uro rcriuested to bo pr?sent. HIGHLAND SPRINGS. The Union League has discontinued mooting at night d?rftig tho winter, and will, as last ygar, meet directly after Sunday School on the first and third Sundays only, Miss Ellen M. Whiting, of Kcene, N, H., who has resided In tho South for several years tor her health, the last six months In Highland Springs as a guest at the Tower House, died last Friday. A suit Sd^ojuto CANDY CATHARTIC ANNUAL SALE-TEN MILLION BOXES Greatest In tho World A MILLION AMERICAN BEAUTIES keap their blood pure, thoir oomploxton. soft mXK tbW?fi Bwwt and thoir whgtafoglJ?a??^?^0? O ASO ABETS Candy Cathart c, The quick etteots of UAS?ARE^^,a!'^.y8,t^nia0l1^I1* era w!d Wood purlnore ? their pronip tneaa lu ourtasr plmplee, bolla, blotches, liver pnote? blackheads, and i? aweotenlnff a tainted breath, have become known t&rousrb tho ?hid worda of ladloa who have tried theni. Hence tho ?ale of OVER A MILLION BOXES A MONTH, The quickest, aureat way to beauty ta to ol?ense the blood, for Beauty's Blood Beep, Wie ?rat rule for purifying the blood la to beop the bowels free, gently but poaltlvejy with OA80ARET9. Al druggets, ???G36?, 60a Never sold tri bulk. The genuine tablet atamped OOO, Sample tu?! booklet ^eo-dresa stevltt,g ^om&dy Oo? s4???*? or New York. 01B ablo and impressive'funeral service was. conducted oh ? Sunday* afternoon ? by Rev.' A. N. Somera, minister*?? itlie Unitarian. Church, of which church -Miss "\\ hltney. was a life-long communicant. Mr, Harvey Atkisson, a popular," young business man, deserves much credit for tho manner in which, lib acted the part he portrayed In the entertainment given on Tuesday evening at tho Methodist .Hall. . It was an original monologue- of his own production, and was nounced success. Mr. Atkisson is one of Professor Daniels' most promising pupils. Tho ?ystor supper and entertainment given at the Methodist Hall was In every way a grand success.' Tho Christmas sale held in Library Hall by the ladies of tho Woman's Alliance was closed Friday, evoning, an,d was a great success. The fancy articles, which were both boautiful : and useful/ ..were all sold, as well as everything else. The Woman's Study Club of ni'ghland Springs held their regular meeting Tues? day with a good attendance, the presi? dent, Mrs. Matulo Storer Collins, presid? ing. Mrs. E. S. Read opened tho liter? ary exercises with a: sketch of tho life of Longfellow. Mrs. Isabel Bilbi'e favored the club with a reading of "Tho Wreck of the Heseprus." Miss Do 'Wolf gave a selection from "Tho Haunted House," with dramatic skill. ' Dr. Roopo recited "The Day is Done" In an oxqulslte man? ner. The roll call was responded to by each member with a quotation from Longfellow. A parliamentary drill wns led by the vlco^presldent. Mrs. Lilllo Dan coy, after which physical culture exer? cises were taken tip, conducted by Dr, Roopc. Mrs. Mary Christian, of Richmond, spent a few days with Miss Jennie Hud? gens at tho "Refuge" during the week. Miss Besslo Hudgens, accompanied by a number of friends from Richmond, drovo down Wednesday, cnlltng at the home of her aunt, Miss Jennio Hudgens, and later attending the oyster supper tho same evening. Miss Katie Grlggs, of Richmond, friend of the Misses Atkisson, of Daisy Avenue, also enjoyed the oyster supper on Wed? nesday evening. Mrs. Maggie Hubert, who hus been staying at tho Tower House for several months, left on Thursday for Richmond. FAIRMOUNT NEWS. Miss Blanche Hechler, who recently graduated with high honors from the Roosevelt Hospital, of New York, is vis? iting, her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hechler, on Twonty-flftli Street. She expects to practica her profesi?n of trained nurse in New York In the future. The ladles or tho Baptist Church aro getting up their Christmas entertainment, Tho regular meeting of tho Lades' Aid Society of Fnlrmount Methodist Church will bo held tomorrow afternoon nt it:30 o'clock.' Mrs. Mary Miller, who has been quite sick for several days, is Improving slowly, Mr, Richard Rowland lutti rottimeli lo New Jei'Boy after visiting his br'othor, W. l?, Rowland, in tho West L'nd, nnd niece.?, Mrs, J. W. Ralnoy and Mrs. C, H. Clay tor, op Twenty-second Street. ,. Mrs. Thomas Anderson Is very much indisponed ut lier home on Twonty-sceoinl Street, Mrs. O. C. Cox gave a liox party Tues? day night nt her homo on Twenty-third Street for tho purposo or furnishing the pulpit nt the new Baptist Church. Quite a. good crowd was In attendance, and a IIIco bum was realized. Miss Frances Womack, of Baltimore, Is visiting Mrs. Mary Millor. Tho iJidy Maccabees will have a unique entertainment in the near future. Tho fol? lowing ladles am the commltlou appoint? ed: Mrs. B. II. Thompson, Mrs, I3lla It. Rulney, Mrs. Lizzlo Slutts, Mrs. Francis Rqliiey, Mrs. Noru Durvln, Mrs. Mattle MeDowoll, Mrs. t-ndlo Gary and Mrs. Florence Beadles, Mrs, 15, 19, Kleluirdson Is quite sick at hor home on tho Avenue, Bercio Patterson Is out again after several days' indisposition. 1'. B. Morrison Is I'll KliiB William coun. ty o)i a hunting trip. ?ira. Belilo Meyers ia sotUliff OU lis | . ?F?}}. a.B i?.an ***: expected, liaylhg ' uhder , gone ? second operation- last Tuesday. She Is at the R.etrcat.for tho,Sick. .?. ' Mr. William ' Velander, will move Ills family fron? Hanover county next week' tp 1205 Twenty-second Street. . , Mrs., Beck, who formerly HVcd on Twen? tieth Street, lias moved to Petersburg. Mr. Scott Tidier, who has. been 111 with.rheumatism for soveral months, has .been removed to. the. Retreat. Mrs. L. ,.T, Gore has moved.from Balti? more to this. city. ,-Mrs. Gore was well known here as Miss Teskl, and is a .sister of Mrs. J.. Samuel Brauer. ??,'. ?Mrs. .Higglfibotham Is quito indisposed . and is confined to. her home., *. '.?, BARTON HEIGHTS. . Miss Annie Laurie Pitt Is confined to the house'with'-a mild atta-ck of scarlet fever, ' ?'. ' ? ? - ? Mr. Geo. ?, Carter, will lcavo in a few'days for St, Louis.- ? Mr. 15. C. "Mathews, of Goochl?nd, la visiting- Mr.' J. P. ' Harris.' ' ? Mr. Geo. Hughes has left for Bal? timore on business'.' Mr. J. R. Bowles, -who has been visit ting in' Louisa, has 'returned home. . Mr. and Mrs. L. R.? Mooro of Bucking? ham, is. the guest, of Mrs. ;F. L, ?lfiro mtyer. Miss. Edna Daniels, ;of Louisa, Is veil? ing Mr., and . Mrs, R.. J. ' Lee. Afrs. Ciiirkson who: has been visiting friends On tho: Heights, has returned to North Carolina. ' ? Mrs. Fannie Johnson, of Hanover, is visiting Mrs, Robert Scott. Mrs. Charles Walls, or Now York, who ' has been visiting Mrs.Fred. S. Jones lias returned home. Mr. J. P.' Haupt will leave soon for Florida, on business." Dr. T. D. Jones, of the. Medical Col? lege, who lias been quite indisposed lato ly. Is out again. Mrs, Wm. drtigory, o.f King William, le visiting Mrs,.;N, Jf?. Craxton. . , Airs, ? Franklin, --who has-been vlsltlnB Mrs, AV. ?. Faton,-luis left for her home In Newport Nuws.v ??...?? Mrs..Win..Gregory, who has been visit? ing Mrs. N. B. Croxlon, has returned to her homo irr King William county. Mr. nnd Mrs. : Horneo Chlshohn have returned .home, attor a visit to frionds in Louisa. ' ' ' Mrs. MoMuran, of Hampton, Is visit? ing Mrs.'W. G. Cosby. "' ', Miss Ida Birch has- returned from a visit to friends In Augusta and I.oulsn. Mrs. Bowie has loft for hot? liome in Charleston, S. C, after a visit t?-Mrs. W. R. Jones,' ? ? Ml'.-W.-F, Lewis, ?G? Hanover. C. H., Is tlio guest of Mrs.; Nl B. Croxton. FULTON PARK, Needed Improvoinentu, such as lire plug? and connections that will arford protection to (ho pavilion and other prop, orty of tho company, aro being pushed with ail linslo, and everything is hoped to bo In readiness for a grand inlct-wlnter opening tit Christmas time. Little Looniird, infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Stewart, died ut Black Crook. Han? over comity, a few days since. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart for a long time wore resi? dents of Fair OakB. Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Powers liavo re? turned from a visti to their daughter, Ales. Parsley, of Old Church, Hanover county. Little Ruth AIcKlnney, who recently suffered sevoro Injury by fulling op the hkivo, one of lier arms being terribly biirnod, is slowly regaining Its use. FORT LEE. Chaa. Wagner gnvo a moot delightful dauco at his liouso Wednesday evening, to which was Invited ? largo number of residents. A generous repast was served by tho host. A pound party was lendorcd Miss lenir? Doggett at the homo of her parents, when a most onjoyublii ovenlns was spent, ? Air. Dina Mr?. Coniati ??a?? Invite, the I* The Busy Season is On, But. we made ample preparation by buying largely ; so our. stores are still filled with, reliable up-to-date goods, such as Parlor, Chamber, Dining-Room, Kitchen &nd Hall Furniture, Bedding, Floor Cover? ings &>nd Draperies. TnOur Stove and Heater Department you will find about 50 to seleo ??? ? from of the best makes, put up free and guaranteed. LOW PRICES JONES BROS, ? CO., I406-J409 East Main Street. EASY TERMS friends to attend a house-warming- on tho completion of their now home. : Mr. and Mrs. Qeo. Larson, accompanied by their daughters, Misses LiiU'o and An? nie: Laraon, o? Church Hill. Richmond, spent Sunday at the homo of their friends,:Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bendle.' . Mrs. Chas. Whltlock spent Thanksgiv? ing-at. tho home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.? Frank Bendle. Mrs. Jacob Keller, and daughter, Katie, spent a pleasant day In Richmond Mon? day, takln glunch with their friends. Miss Alleo Allard has returned to Rloll* mond after a visit to her parents at Mel rose Farm. Mr. ?, J. Allard le on a visit to his pa? rents, Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Allard. seven'pines. ? Last evening a delightful hop was glvon at tho pavilion at "Pino Grove," tonderod thoir friends by Messrs. Powoll and Bel?i. Many couples responded to Invitations sent thorn. ?The box social recently given at tho pavilion by Mrs, Lyne and Mrs. Hess, for a church benefit, was, considering the very cold weather and tho many attrac? tions of the week, well pntronlzetl, Mrs. John Clarke, of Now Bridge, visit? ed her friends, Mrs, A. J, West, on Thurs? day. The roll of honor for Seven Pines School Is as follows: Bernard Bottoms, Raymond Bottoms, .Louis Bottoms. Earl Rold, Sam Taylor, Ethol Clarke, Rdrllo Wright. Willie Irby, Hazel Bold, Nellie Werner, Canio Wright. EAST RICHMOND. Improvements are still being put on the property adjoining the postoffice, recently purchased by Mener?, l?latikenshlp anil Jordan, who will conduct a poultry farm on a large scale. ????Gt- poultry already makes a tine showing. John Pero, of New York, who has been on a visit to friends here, will return homo Monday, Mrs, J. Jones Is suffering a great deal with a rising on her hand. Meiisrs, L. M. Leonard and Bobort Men fortl inaile a recent successful hunting trip hero, carrying homo with tliftm four? teen rabllltB, and other small gatuo, The ISllto Orchestra, under the direc? tion of Hugh P. Fl?ge, which has been recently organized, will bo open to on gagomuiits at mi early date. The work on the electric lino still con? tinues, INAUGURATION ADDITIONAL PULL? MAN SERVICE, SgABOARP AIR LINE RAILWAY. On December 5th tho Soaboard will In? augurate through Pullman service on No. 37, leaving Richmond IMO P. M, for Tampa, Fla. Reservations can be minie by.upiilylns to a. .V. L. ottlce, wv East ttaiii Street, " - ? ?" Hon. Charles ?. Landis, Congressman from Indiana. Brilliant, Eloquent, Fascinating. ASSOCIATION COURSE, Central Y. M. C. A. Hall, Monday, Dec. 7th, 8.30 P.M. Reserved Seats 50 Cents. Friday, Deo. 4tb, 1 P. M. .".? - ',? , ?? ? ;??? WINTER TOURIST RATES. VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Seaboard Air .? Railway sas com* ploted arrangements to put into Ita usual splendid wlntor sohodule, The best equipment has been socurod, con? alstlng oc the most Improved day coaoiic. and Pullman Drawing Room cars, lighted by gas and steam heated, with every eon venlonce. Below pleage find round-trip rates troni Richmond to principal point? In the South. Kates from other point? quoted on application: Southern Pines, N. C.jij ??? Camden, S. C,.je 33 Savannah, Ga?.28 oa St. Augustine, Fla. 3759 Tampa, Fla.,.47 SO Manatee, Fla.43^1 Plnehurst, N. C.11 6Q ' Columbia, 8. C.,.1$ 35 Jacksonville, Flu.3d 8(> , Miami, Flu.87 SO Palm Beach, Fla.63 M Sarasotii, Kla.60 10 New Orleans, La.,.43 oo H, S. LEARD, District Passenger Agent, W. J. MAY, City Ticket Agent, 'Phone 105, Richmond. Va, CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY RATES ON NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY. Tickets will bo sold at greatly reduegd, rates to tho sonerai public on December 2Ud, ?'JU, ?ith, ?5th, 30th. 31st and January 1st, good for return passage 'unlit January 4, WO!, and to etudents and faculties of schools and colleger Theso tickets will bo sold on December IBtn to v'M, good for return passage until January 8, ll?l. Round trip to Norfolk, $3.60; to Lynchburg, *5.u), and coreenond? [ Ingly low rates to other points on Nor. '? folk and Western Railway. Apply to \y, l Steele, Ticket Agent. Byrd Street, Onion Station, or to tho Richmond Transfer ? Company, or to John B. Wugner. City, Passenger and Ticket Agent, OKlco of th? . Company, S38 Main Street. C. li. BOSLKT. , district Passenpr ??*?%