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$?00,000 Stock of Pianos, Org?vns and Musicai Instruments Must Go by Decem? ber 24th. The Cable Company Pianos s Conover, Cabe, Kiugjbury, Wellington, Schubert, Schirmer, De Koven, nnual Christmas Sade The magnitude of this sale is but another evidence of the vast extent of THE CABLE COMPANY'S business. The Christmas special sale of Pianos, Or? gans, and Musical Instruments is a creation of THE CABLE COMPANY, and the success we have met with in the past has guided us in our prepara? tions for this year's sale which is unquestionably the greatest event nijthc history of 'the Piano business in this State. Our past success has been noted by our competitors and they have endeavored to share the benefits by copying'our methods. This fact proves our claim?WE ARE THE LEADERS. , ' YOUR ATTENTION IS DIRECTED to the fact that our annual Christmas sale enables parties desiring to purchase Pianos to procure bargains offer? ed at no other time. THE REASON FOR THIS is that it has been our practice for years past to renew our entire stock with the arrival of every new year and these special sales mean simply THE SACRIFICE OF OUR STOCK AT CHRISTMAS in order not to carry any part of it over into the new year. DON'T WAIT FOR THE HOLIDAY RUSH. Make your selection now. It will be delivered whenever you desire. SURPRISE YOUR FAMILY and loved ones on Xmas morning with one of the splendid instruments which this 'company is now disposing of. WE ARE OFFERING INDUCEMENTS THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU. INVESTIGATE THE MATTER. * The Best m Xmas Special. Fifty full sized UPRIGHT Pinnos, now und wtirruntoil, $175.00. Terms : Si Per Week. You Cant Res;st This. For $195.00 SS300 Value. Twonty-flvo beautiful UPRIGHT Pianos, ???! make, fully war? ranted. Terms: $1.25 Per Week. See Them. $239.00 Xmas Special Wo offer fifteen UPRIGHT Pinnos, oli'gnnt Instruments' of national .opinion, Termi: ?l.50 Per Week. For $26900 Dont Miss. For this prloo you can liavo your solcctl ? from one lob of twenty lnrgo size Standard ' UPRIGHT Pianos?bust niako. Terms : $2 Per Week. f60O, Value For $425.00. Wo hnvo In stock nt thla timo Seven ICIcKimt CONOVER Pianos, rcntotl a snort whl o, but practical? ly now. Those fino Planos uro In? cluded In til Ih Hal?.!, Don't Overlook Them. O ? m Existence. Our Pianos &,re sold a t manufac? turer's prices to ever body. You Pay No Middleman's Profit. The Cabe Company ? Organs. J The Famous Chicago Cottage Organs. ?? ?0 Square Pianos will bo sacrificed. Wo need tho room they occupy, $25 2Mld #50 will givo you your choice. Terms : %2 Per Month. Guitars, Mandolins, Violins. Banjos, Autoha-ps, Ac? cord?ons, Zithers, Band Instruments. The Best and Lowest Prices. Amusements for the Evenings-Talking Machines. Phonographs. Cylinder and Disc Records. Graphophones. These wonderful machines furnish the key to the situation. When you own a Talk? ing Machines, you have the means at hand to amuse and interest your friends whenever the" occasion presents itself. A WORLD OF MUSIC IN YOUR PARLOR. From the enthralling, inspiring Grand Opera to the ever-fascinating Rag Time, which never fails to produce a general good feeling wherever rendered. Recitations, Vocal Music, Band and Ochsstra Concerts and Everything in the Mmical World Within Your Grasp. REMEMBER 1 We sell MOULDED RECORDS to fit any machine for twentv-five cents each. OTHER DEALERS CHARGE FIFTY CENTS FOR THE SAME ARTICLE. 5,000 of these Records Just Received?More Coming. Talking Machines $5 up to %7S The Very Best Made. Terms to Suit Customers. 17 Used Upright Pim?os received In exchange, to bo Hold for what they will bring. Regu ar Price j2$o to f600. ?2?'Sl50'up. ' Our Stock of Sheet Music 1h I ho InrRCRt In tho city popular hits, AU tho lu test Catalogue of 10c Music. The world-wide reputation of these elegant Organ s needs no comment More of These Organs Are Sold Than Any Other Kind. Make Your Selection Now and avoid the rush. Your purchase will be held and celivered as a Christmas surprise. J. G. CORLEY, Manager. OXiy9 213 E. Brosxd St, Make Your Selection Now and avoid the rush. Your purchase will be held and delivered as a Christinas surprise. World Now on Panama A Blue Jacket on the Cruiser Cincinnati Tells of Conditions at the Isthmus Which in Some Respects Parallel . Those of Recent Events at Panama and Colon. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) RADFORD. VA., Dec. 5.?In view of the prominent.role played by Panama c* late, and the Interest felt In her politics and people, history, past and present, anything, Indeed. In connection with the Infant republic, the following letter was resurrected from a batch rocolved last year from a blue jacket of the Cincinnati while in Carabbean waters. ,j .? Colon, Colombia, S. ?., .,. ; ... . '*' Sept. 21, 1902. My Dear Sister:?This has been a busy week. We save been doing guard duty jji the Panama railroad, a Une running 'rom Colon to Panama, on the Pacific ?oast, 47v?? miles distant. Steamers bring heir cargoes here and send them across he Isthmus by rail Instead of milling iround the "Horn." Tho road Is a standard gauge, built In 57, and is owned by Americans. The aiginecrs and conductors arc? white, but he rest of the trainmen are negroes, There Is a revolution In progress here, he leaders being two brothers. One Is ?resident of the country and tho other viints to be?a sentiment shared by most f the peoplo. as ho Is a better man than ils brother, and promises reforms. There are three rebels to on? federalist, ut they have neither the money nor the rrns that the government troops have, 'he rebels are In Ihe mountains and the tderalists hold Colon and Panama. ROGUISH TROOPS. The railroad offered to carry the gove? rnment troops free, but they broke open ars, stole everything they could luy ands on. and destroyed railroad prop rty. Consequently the company refused ,iem transportation unless they would ay tbelr fares and stuck their arms In ie baggage cai??. This they refused to ! o. They even went so far as to block j ie road and hold up trains, so wo were ? rdered out to protect the trains rind seo I iat they wont through. I was on the first trnln ?? trolled by , ue Jackets.. There were 4.500 govern ent troops at Colon nnd 1,000 nt Mount ope?the first station out?quartered In ie depot. Wo expected trouble ut this ilnt, but were not molestid. The rebels wear red and the govern. ent troops blue. Tho Colombian army the dirtiest, sickliest looking mob of en I ever saw. More thnn half of em are boys In their teens. I saw any imber carrying Remington rifles with lyonets attached who were not hnlf us n<? as their weapons. It Is same lie boys that the rebels fear most, us ty crawl through the grass like snakes, i<y put the butt end of their guni Binst a rock, or tree whon they fire. Their uniforms are made of blue do- ! t?, fashioned much like overalls, and j ey wear large straw hats with very I ?h crowns. Rut for that matter, they :er anything they can get hold of from coffee sack to a full dress uniform, They get 50 rents a day, nnd if not Id every night, they will desert und go ar to the enemy. Vow a Utile of the country and ranal. e isthmus, which Is 47',?. miles wide this point, is traversed by two moun n chains, but most of the country Is ?y low and water stands on it can- I ntly. 'Tie one great Jungle, with es and vines so thick one could no? slbly travel through th?m. Alliga- i ? and all kind? of venomous reptiles much in evidence. UVH IN HUTS. Ti? native? Uve in huts made of bam COMPANY OF PANAMA SOLDIERS. boo poles, and the roofs are thached with cocoanut leaves. These huts aro Kot j upon poles about ten feet uliovo tho ground to keep out the wnler. You will Invariably see a dog, a billy goat and a small broncho or pony somewhere about, Every native owns one or more of each. Most of the people aio a mixture of Spaniel), French, Indian and negro. 'Tls chprncterlstiQ of them that every man carries a matehete or stiletto. 1 have seen all kinds of tropical fruit? ' growing. Tho banana crop is enormous. ; Tho natives bring thorn II! On the bucks of their Utile ponies and mules, also In j lung canoes hollowed out of logs. Ba? nanas bring from 10 to 20 cents a stick. The canal was engineered by Ferdinand I lie teeseps, u Frenchman, who swindled , his countrymen out of ????,???,???. Much of this money was span ? in building pa? latial residences, baths, etc., and for Fervente und other personal luxuries. QHJ3AT WASTF. Immense sums were spent for machin? ery. Mid there aro millions and millions of dollars' worth standing around go ??{ to rack und ruin?locomotives, dredges, i-tcnm shovels, derricks. Iron cars, side dumps, everything you can think of. We only go to Mamerl, 3? miles dis tnnre. There we are net by blue Jack et? from the Ranger and Wisconsin, who guard the trains the remaining distance to Panama. Sept. 22. The Panther came In to-dav with about ?00 marines aboard, no our guard duty Is over, Vou have no Idea how I enjoy tho dally paper? you send. When I have finished ?Hiding them, they are passed from hand to hand until thoy are literally worn to shreds. With love for all at nomo, Your brother, FR.FD S nUU.ARD, U. S. S. Cincinnati. WARRENTON, (Special to The ? nues-Dlsputch.) WARRKNTON, VA,, Dec. 5.?The In. lenao.y cold weather, which prevailed h?iu during ll.e past wec.t, prove? even too muoh for tho huntarnen, This doos not necessarily imply that tliejr ur~or was fronen, for that would he nearly impossible, but when tho ground Iteli Is us hard as udtimant, then hunting be? comes a folly, Thu average Virginian has a high re? gard lor tho physical welfare oi his mount, und especially doe? that as eri.on hold good in this section. Very sensibly ho foregoes tho plensuro of an ox.immi? llile oros?.country chuso on du>a . lun thu ground is stiff and hard, hut tor to indulge in this pastime, there wo.ud simply mean gre.u Impairment io ihu dainty legs of his nn.rnab. And ft horse which has noi eloun limbs here, is} upon us nothing butter than a druy-hor.;o. Jumes ?, .Maddux and i'a. ty starei from tho 'Highlands" a few mornings .since, and Molly pushed sly Reynard for many miles ovor ? frozen conree. Out. slde of this there has been but I tile doing In tl>? flled. Major J. R. parcel) had ? winning I) inch Of dogs a? tho Richmond Dog Show, eleven ribbons falling to his lot. Mr. A. L. Clarke, of New York, Is nt tho n'a ito ? Croen. Mr. CJurko tas (Irmly established a reputation for hlm.uif In th's locality as u sure shot. Figli ecu or twenty of tho feutherei tribe swel ud his game pouch last Monday. Messrs. Richard Byuuiii and Charles I Harria, of Washington, d. c., aro the guests of?.Colonel, and M'ra Grenvllle Gnlu?s. .;';; "... ?f Mr. .Tohn.,.Thornly has returned to Now Tork: after a brief visit h?ro. LEESBURG. (Special to The TImos-Dlspatch.) LI3ESBUUG, VA., Dec. S.-Miss Cora Stovei, of Washington, is visiting the Misses Luta. Mrs. Jno. Foster, of Schuyler, Va., la visiting Mrs. Louis Powell, Miss Bayne. of Washington, Is tho guest of Mr.'nnd Mrs. D. li. Tenant. Mr. and Mrs. Stowart Bryan, of Rich? mond, arc guests of Hon. and Mrs. Henry Fairfax. Miss Ethel Newman, of Louisville. Kyv, spent Thanksgiving with Miss Mary Campbell, of this place. Miss Frances Cliow, of Charlestown, W. DREDGE ON PANAMA CANAL. Va., Is tho guest of Miss Winnie Bowsle. Air, F. C. Littleton, of New Yorlt, spent Thanksgiving at Ills former homo In Lees burg. m;hh Rosa McOormlck, of Berryvllle, 1? tho guest of Miss Leila Janney. Mr. B. Powell ????t????, cJi'll engineer, in tho employ of tho B. & Q. Rallro d, stationed nt Cumberland, Mtl., spout Thanksgiving at lile horno In Le?*birg. Mr. Turner Loughborough. who In a civil engineer with the B. & O, Railroad, stationed near Cleveland. O,, visited his home In Lnesliurg, this week, Ml.'s ritiro Reliman, who has leen visit? ing friends in Washington returned on Monday. Mies Mahal Wllmarth. of Washington, P. O.i is tho guest of Miss Violet Alex? ander, ALEXANDRIA. fSpecinl to Tho Times-Dispatch.) ALEXANDRIA. VA., Dec. R-Among those who followed tho hounds of the Cameron Run Hunt Club on Tuesday were Mrs. Courtland H. Smith on "Chap? pie Lee," Mr. Laweon on "Potentini," M?as Mordecal on "Tip Top," and Mr. Low on "Catapult," Tho hunt took In a largo area of fino galloping country with enough fonce? and ditches to make it tarltlng. Miss Ciotta McCoy, of Rlvorton, who bus been visiting Mies Bull.'o {temper at her humo ou Wiisliiiigtoii Street, has ro ourned to her home, Mis. Charles Henry Lee, of Loudoun, le visiting her niece, Mrs, P. T. 'Veut man, on Washington Street. Cards are out announcing tho marriage of Miss Adelaide Merchant, of Munasaas, to Mr. K. E. Kcl'd, of this city. Tho cer ornony will be performed In the Epis? copal rectory, at the corner o{ Fourth end E Streets, Washington, on the evening of December IG. The, Misses Nicol, of Manassas, daugh? ters of Judgo C. E. Nicol, are visiting Miss Mary'o, at lier home on Pitt Street, Mr. and Sirs. A. Randolph Ploward, of Frcderlcksburg, have been visiting Mrs. A. D. Brockett. WINCHESTER. (Spoclnl to 'Ihe limes-Dispatch.) WNCHESTER, VA., Dec. 5?One of the most notable society events In Winches? ter will bo on January 4th, when Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Baker will present their daughter, Miss Virginia Cabel. The com? ing-out of Miss Baker will be the signal for a succession of pretty social events. She is one of tho loveliest girls in this sec tlon, and promises to become a beauty of whom Virginia can feel proud. Miss Baker ulrendy is looked upon as | a leader In the youngor circles, nnd Is a very popular young lady, Her father Is | a prominent business man and leading Freemason In the Valley, Mr, and Mrs. Melvln Green will sail for Europe, where thoy will spend the winter. Mr, Greon Is a wealthy young New York? er who was attracted to Virginia and lo? cated upon a large farm near Winches ' ter. PROVIDENCE FORGE. (Special to The TImes-D.'spatch.) PROVIDENCE FORGIO, Dec. bill, Gathering evergreens In this, section to be shipped North 13 becoming quite an Industry, Thousands of boxes are sold annually In the Northern markets, but It is not without a pang of regret that one sees the beautiful wlntergreens that this sec? tion Is so bountifully furnished with, ruthorless torn from their sunny clime and sont north to deck tho homes of tho rich and proud. Mr, und Mrs. Grant I.eet, of Wash Ington, D. C, visited friends at Stirling this week, Mrs. Loot's grandfather once owned the Forge estato, und for ninny years resided in tho historio old man? sion. Miss Salilo Terrell, of Louisa, Virginia, is making her annual visit to cousins at Stirling. Mrs, R. P. Coleman and little daugh? ters, Gladys and Mirlan, aro In Richmond, where thoy wont to attend the wedding of Mr. Huwch Coleman and Miss Jlai'd wieko that took placo on December llrst, Misa Anulo Onrl?tlan returned from i Newport News Monday, where she has been visiting friends. GORDONSVILLE, (Special to The Tlmce-Dlapatch.) GORDONSVILLE. VA., Dec 5,-Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Yager and little daugh? ter, Virginia, of Somerset, left Wednes? day for Pittsburg, Pa,, and Canton, Ohio, to spend tho winter. Mr. Garnott Conrad has gone to Pal? myra to spend the winter nnd clerk In the storo of \V. H. Hordln & Son. Mr.? J. A. Floyd has moved his family Into the property which ho recently pur? chased of Mrs G W. Thomasson, on Diamond Hill. Mr. J. W. Bradley has moved Into tito Beckham property on Main Street, and expects to open a wood yard thero In the near future, Mrs. Dr. E. H. Lewis, of Culpoper, la Specimens of the Kind of Troops ?That Colombia., Threatens..the United States With Have Been Handled Before by Uncle Sam's Men?Canal and Its Condition. on a visit to her father, Mr. B. N. Thur mnn, In this pinco. MrR. H. Hughos nnd son. Richard, la Kutnll, W. Va., are visiting their rela? tives here. Miss Virginia Cobbs, of Somerset, haa been spending tho weok with Mrs. T. M, Uroadus. Mr. James Boston, of Richmond, baa been visiting relatives In town this week. Mr. W. A. Faber, of Richmond, Is on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Faber. here, , Mr. R. II.; Hughes had the misfortune to lose a very Uno mare one night this week. Miss Mary Sneed Is visiting relatives In M'wllson county. Mr. James L. Faber Is out again, after several days of Illness, Mr.? and Mrs. N, A. Llnnoy are visiting relntives in Richmond. Miss Lizzie Stratton has been spend? ing the week with relative? in Richmond, Game Scarce. (Special to '??? Tlmei-Dlspatch.) HOLDCROFT, VA.. Dec. ?.-The hunt hunting season has not been profitable In -season . has not been profitable ]/ln this section. Deer and turkeys aa well as smaller gamo, aro very scarce. Wild ducks aro more plentiful than for' several years, Mr,' Richmond Walker, ? woll known local sportsman, has fuiccfled?il in bag? ging about fifty In the last few days. The Ladies' Aid Society of thd Mt. Pleasant Baptist church will givo their nnnual oyster supper Christmas evening, Mr, C. H, Morecock, a well known young citizen of this? place, has opened a general merchandise store In his newly eroded building near Mt, Pleasant church. iC^J^f THE BEST TONIC jh S. S. S. Nature has provided a, tonic suited to every requirement of the system when in a debilitated, run down condition, It contains no strong minerals or drugs, hut is a pleasant vegetable preparation, You can find no better remedy for toning up the nerves and bringing refreshing, restful sleep when in a low state of health, or sick aud worn out with work or worry, S. S. S. improves the I havo no hesitancy in rooommonding your B, S.S. ????,iZl ???a i\,? Hirrpii. ?s tho best t?pring tonto on the market. I have used appetite, aids Hie cligeh- m othor ?,otl?{neM but find B. B. B. to bo undoubt. tiou and reinforces the odly the only tonio that will build up tho system. I Sm ??? Bs o-nnrl ef. ?hall tako pleasure in toi ina all whop I think in bystetn, and its gooa ei- *? ? oi a >ootl b,ood toniQ of yoiir mediamo. fectsareseenalmostfrom M yours {Truly, * I??Wie B. jiBBHa, the first dose. It acts Caro Btoll, Hamilton ? Co, Los ngton, ?Cy, promptly in cases of chronic dyspepsia, indigestion and all stomach troubles, and does away with, the uncomfortable fullness, nausea, shortnessof breath, drowsiness and dizziness that so often come after eating. ? ? S. S. S. is not only the best tonic but possesses alterative or purifying? properties, and if there is any taint, humor or poison in the blood it searches it out, and removes it. Many times a low state of health is due to a bad condition of the blood and can only be remedied by a blood purifie* and tonic combined, or such a remedy as 3. S, S. If you suffer from debility, insomnia, nervousness, loss of appetite, had digestion, or any of the symptoms of a disordered blood, nothing will go soon put your blood in good condition, juvigorato aud tone up the eyetein as 8, S. S. . ^?HESWiFTSP?GifW CQ,? ATLANTA, CAs