Newspaper Page Text
RADFORD SOCIETY. ! , (Special lo' Tho Tlmcs-Plspatuh.) rADKORD, VA,, ttec. 3.-Mrs. Vanning JWIlfs entertained the (Jurrenl Mvonts ; Club vcrv delightfully Thursday attor nomi. Afior the discussion of current ' iivciils tho nfl?rnDOb was tlovolcd to tiro clan mythology, various guests retatine or reading n, myth. A paper on the re 1 ll?loii nnd gods of the ?rceles by Misa ? Bujlard was rend by tho hostess, and' i copies of paintings of famous mythologl ? cn.I 'subjects were passed among the ffuentfi, ? Escallopetl oyetcrs, Waldorf (talad, hot biscuit, pickle? and coffee were served. | All of tho club members wero present, I and the following guest*: Mrs. 3. Jlogo I Tyler, Mrs, T, M, Turner and Mis? Bitf | lard. Miss Gertrude Venable entertained tho j 'Afternoon Idlers Tuesday afternoon, Tho I club will give Goldsmith'? "She Stooped I to Conquer" at an early date, and tho ? afternoon was ?pent In. rehearsing the ? play, after which deviled crabs, pickles, olvfiH, hot biscuit nnd corteo wero served. '??? young ? ladle? of the Christian Church gavo a hard timos parly at the homo of Mrs, .7, W. Worley Monday even j Itig. Old time games wore played and old time SOtlgs wero sung, after which '. Irults, Ices and sweets wo no served, Prizes : In tho thread-winding contest were won by Miss Clara Hunt and Mr. Nathnn Hendrlx, and the prlzo for tho best hard times costumo was awarded Mr. wnilam Robinson. The Ladles' Aid Society of tho Chris? tian Cburch have been holding ? solo this week for tho benefit of their now church building In process of erection., Mrs. William C. Rivers and little son. ' James Battle, of West Point, aro guests of ex-Governor and Mrs, Tyler. Mr. Robert Preston has accepted a po , Ultlon at Laurel, Miss., with the railroad company at that place.' Captain Hugh C. Preston was called home from Cumberland, Md., Stihday by the illness of his mother, Mrs. Sara Pros?? ton, Who was threatened by n, stroke ot paralysis tuet week. Mrs. Preston Is much Improved, und her recovery is now expected. Misses Hello and .Lily Tyler, Gertrude .Venablo, .Cary .Preston, Miickle ingles and Anna Wilson, Messrs, Truman Bui lard and Melville Melond}?,. will attend tho Thanksgiving gcrmun at V, P, I. Mrs. Beiden Longlcy and dnugbtor, Miss Lillian, returned Wednesday from an ex? tended visit lo Washington city, Mr. 'Clytlo Miller returned Wednesday from West Virginia for a visit. Mr, Ed. Stephens, Of Portsmouth, Ohio, spent Thanksgiving at home, returning Saturday to tho Buckeye State. Mif;s Anabelle Scott mid Miss Mollta Wilson loft Wednesday to visit tho for? mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlee Scott, at Lynchburg. Mr, Rob Taylor, of Atlanta, will arrive to-day to Spend the Christmas holidays wllh his parents, Mr, nnd Mrs, Wade Taylor. ? , ' Mis? Laura Jtigles left Monday to at? tend tho marrlngo of lier cousin, Miss Code Jury, at Louisville, " Tho woathor has been extremely cold this week, and the sleighing, coasting and hunting have been good. , Small, though enjoyable hops wem glvon by the Cotillon Club Friday and Tuesday evenings. Paymaster George Venablo, of the United Stales navy, sailed Tuesday for Pcnsa col?, Fla., aboard the Isle do Cuba, his three years' crulso having expired tho flrst of November. Mr, Venable, who Is a. nephow ot Col. Oeo. W. Miles and a son of Mrs. L. M. Venable, ot this place, ha? received'two Important promotions since his appoint? ment. Miss Anna Hull, of Marlon, Is visiting Mrs. Clyde Miller. NORFOLK SOCIETY. (Spoclal to The Times-Dispatch.) NORFOLK, VA., Dec. 6,-Mlse Virginia ? Carmtchao), of Frederlcksburg, and Miss Bessie Reed, of Baltimore, were the guests of honor at a charming entertainment given by Mrs. Louis Hllllard at her hos? pitable home In York Street Wednesday. Progressive eu?hre was played, and there wero twelve tables. , Miss Josephine Brewer, of Baltimore, nnd Mr. William ?. Wrenn. Jr., of Nor? folk, won tho first prizes, a book and a combination cigarette and card case, and Mies Fanny Roysier and Mr. Percy Jones received a book and a beautiful picture up pecond prize, while tho third prize, a ? tobacco Jqr, was won by Dr. Edward li. 1 Folld, who promptly presented it to Miss Reed, amid much merriment. Miss Katharine Heath and Mr. Calvert Day drew ttio consolation prizes, a bag and a picture. One of the most delightful supper? of the week, wo? that given at tho Hampton : Roads Yacht Club by Mr. Louis Van Renusellaer Smith. Hie guests wero Col. J. Hull Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Lewis, Miss Empale Smith. Mr. A. L. S. Wood, Miss Minnie Baker and Mr. F. B. Parrot. Mies Bessre Reed, who has been the guest of Mrs. Louis Hllllard for some time, has returned to her home In Bal? timore. Miss Woodward, of Staunton, is tho guest of Miss Lillian Kensltt on Bo tetourt Street. Mr. John Tabb, who has been visiting G? Warrenton, has returned home. Mr. J. Colter Grlnnan spent several daj-H In Richmond last week. Hampton Roads.has been thronged with dainty sailing and ?team yachts bear . litigi their.owners to -the-ducking'grounds of the Carolina coast for a week past. Many of theso visitors have been, enter? tained at tho yacht club. Miss Annabel Jenkins is the guest of Mrs. Elam in Suffolk. Great Interest Is felt in Norfolk social circles In tho approaching marriage of Mis.'J Martha Washington Phillips, of Tarboro, X. C, and Dr. John Francis Woodward, of Norfolk. The ceremony will bo performed at Cavalry Church, Tarboro, on the evening of Wednesday, tho 16th Inst. Miss Phillips Is noted as one of tho beauties of Carolina. She la a stately blonde, and la known for her winning manner as well as for her charms of person. She will be welcomed eagerly by Norfolk society. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce Cooke, Miss Josephine Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lane Kelly and Ml'ss Kelly, who attended tho army and navy football game in Phila? delphia, have returned. Preparations are being made for the reception to be tendered Miss Helen Gould on the occasion of her visit to Nor? folk next week. Miss Gould Is the pa? troness of the army and navy Y. M. C. ?., and the lady managers of tho Nor? folk branch thereof, the pioneer, by the way. will tender Miss Gould a beauti? ful .reception at the residence of Mrs. Barton Myers. FREDERICKSBURG. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) FREDERICKSBURG. VA.. Dec. 6. Two farces, "Bumble's Courtship" and "Box and Cox," presented In College Hall Friday night by the College Dramatic Club, afforded much pleasure and amuse? ment to a large and enthusiastic audi? ence, which was unstinted In Its applause, This organization has a great deal of excellent talent among Its members, and never fail to produco w?u fino effect any play attempted. The Miases Kolley cntortnlncd a num? ber of their friends at a card party nt their homo on Wednesday afternoon. Bridge whist was played, and a dainty collation served at tho conclusion of tho , game. The prizes, ilrst and second, were won by Miss Mary Moncure and Mrs, W, J. ChownJng, respectively. ? Miss Carrie Lee Scott gave a flinch par? ty to lier friends at her home on Charles Street on Thursday afternoon. A num? ber of guests enjoyed the game, nnd" ele? gant refreshments were served after tho game. Miss Wllmer Wheeior entertained the flinch club at her home on Thursday night Mien Julia Scaggs won the ladles' prize, and Mr. W. T, Thompson the gen? tlemen's. Mr. Llnwood Jones captured the booby. Dainty refreshments. were earved. Mfsses Mae Wood nnd Helen Dodge, of Handsome Scrap Books, To Preserve THE POEMS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW, Prices, 13 and 25 cents. By Mail, 55 and 45 cents. TIMES-DISPATCH Business Office. Honesdale, Pa.,, who have been visiting Mr. find Mrs. Maurice T. Church at their home here, returned Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ruf us King, of Atlanta, On., arc the guests of Mr. King's mother, Mrs. Anna C. King. Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton, of Erie, Pa., who have been vleltlng Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Purvi's at their home, "Little Whim," in Stafford county, have returned home. Mr. Hamilton Is pres? ident of "the big enterprise known as the Erie Car Works. Mr. E. Franklin, of Chicago, who spent some time In the .city, and made many friends, has returned lo his home. Misses Kate Doggett, Nannie Ficklon. Jonnle Maltland and Miss Carrie Lea Scott, spent several days this week in Washington. Miss M. Louise Stecle, of Richmond, has been the guest for several.days of Misa Nannie Willis at her homo on Princess Anne Street. Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Polndexter and thcfr son, Mr. Gordon Polndexter, of La plata. Md., are visiting Mrs. Bettle Gor? don Wallace, tho mother of Mre. Poln? dexter. here. Mr. ' Polndexter recently aecopted a call to'Emanuel Church, at WarrentOn, N? C, and will assume his dutlos there in a few days. KING GEORGE. . (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) COMORN. VA., Dec. _.?-It is stated that, the hard freezes for a week past have very considerably Injuied the late wheat that is Just coining up through tho ground. Dr. if. WTMfnor, of this place, Is hav? ing erected ton his Strawberry Hill farm a magnificent barn, one hundred feet \ long. The mall carriers, who are out before I daybreak and late in the night, have suffered terribly with cold for some days past. ITS CENTENARY. Shockoe Baptist Church Cele? brates iooth Anniversary. (Special to.The Times-Dispatch.) CHATHAM, VA., Dec. fi.?Tho one hun? dredth anniversary of Bhockoe Baptist Church was celebrated Sunday, Novem? ber 29th. The day was very cold, but quite a large congregation ? assembled. Mr. Jas. ?. Anderson, of Danville, gavo a very interesting historical talk, and was followed by Rev. Aylar, of Chatham, on the Baptist of one hundred years ago, Rev. J. C. Holland, of Danville; mado a very optimistic talk on the .Baptist of to-day. Shockoe Church Is about ten miles from thl's place. Miss Ethel Whltehead entertained largo party of friend3 Friday night at her home in South Chatham, OUTLOOK BRIGHT. Farmers Get More for Tobacco .Than They Anticipated. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) SOUTH BOSTON, VA? Dec B.-About half a million pounds, of tobacco have been sold on this market during the weeic. The average price has been nearly eight dollars. A good many lots of fine wrap? pers wore l'n the offerings, the prices for this desirable? grade ranging from |30 to |16 per hundred. Medium grades are not entirely satisfactory to the. sellers, while real common types havo advanced and aro quite active. It Is most gratifying to nnd that many Independent manufacturers have placed good orders here. Many farmers who have marketed (Ino tobacco say that prices aro nearly as high as they were last year for the same grade of goods, The outlook Is far brighter than was ex? pected one month ago. The weather has been harsh and cold, and hence sales have not been altogether as large as was expected. Some few who ralsod extra fine crdps have been averaging $20 for whole curings, .' '? ? s ? Mala testa Sentenced. Charles 1?*, Mafatesta, " a white barber of this city, under Indictment for per? sonating a Federal offtcsr, was tried In the United States Dlstrlot Court yes? terday, Judge Edmund Wnddill, Jr., sit? ting. He was adjudged guilty and given a fifteen months' term in the Foderai penitentiary, In the suit of the Government vs. U, T. Jones, on a bond ot a postmaster, ^i verdlot was returned for two bonds, one for ?18P.05 and the other for ?103.46. Congressman Landis Coming. . The Hon. Charles B, Landis, "the. Boo? ster actor," who won prominence in Con? gress by his reply to Roberts in the great Utah case, will lecture at 8:30 OOlooW 'to-morrow evonlng under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association, His subject will be "An Op? timist's Message," Popular Conductor, Caplaln H. C, Qulsenbeiry, one of the most popular local freight conductors of tho Jaims River Division ot the Chesa? peake end Ohio Ralfway, who for tho past four yoai-s hna been running out of Lynchburg, has returned to Richmond to take a local from Richmond to Warren, His many friends will welcome him back to his old-home, No, 1000 Bist Clay Street. Extra Specials. ? Parlor Series of Largo Sizo Honni Gamos, your oholoo of sttoh ?emus ns, Krrnntl Boy, Snntu Olnus, tho Man O'Xr' In tho Moon, etc., regular ?Wo, special. ?v w " Pnrchonl," tho originai und goiiulno, reduced from ?."1* .fromtl.OOto.?. ?/c Ociiulno "Daisy" nnd Now King Air Klflo, full ?2? nickel?? luted ? regular nrlco ?1.00, ?????a?.,.. ??1 Bowling Alleys and Ten Pins. FOR PARLOR-cotnploto, with balls Ci 23 to $7 50 (JIJARLES, 105 Bast Broad Street. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY Dolls In Droves, In hundreds, In ntnaalng arid bewildering profusion?In ft?'?b?os, complexions and kinds. Jluhbor Dolls, Dressed Dolls, Kit! Dolls, Character Dolls, Doll Houso Dolls, Jolnltcd Dolls. Baby Dolls, And ovcrvthltip elsa over seen in dolldoml Also DolrHcuus, Doll Jiyos. Doll Legs, Doll Wigs, Doh Hands, -t,?,?? t???.??,? Doll Shoes, Doll Dresses, "? ^?A ' Doll Stockings, Doll Caps, ?oil Mtttons, Doll Jowolry, Doll Bath Tubs, Doll Fans, Nursing Bottlos, Doll Arms, Etc., Eto;,Kto. Over 3,000 articles to ohooso from, all pertaining to dolls! A placo of dollghb for little Collisi Thoro, too, you'll finti our Doll H?spitnl,xfor tho reconstruction nnd rojuvenatlon of d?cruplband disabled dolllosof all ages anil states of tllsaolllty. Dring your patients at onco, hoforo tho rush conies. Toyland-Where Santa Claus Reigns! A FEVER OF EXCITEMENT IN OUR TOY STORE, FOR CHEERY OLD SANTA CLAUS IS THERE, AND A WORLD OF TOYS WITH Our first week since the. opening the Toy Store has been a busy one, the children in town?hundreds of them-?have been here to welcome old Santa back. The store is Christmassy? from end to end?fuller of Holiday Goods and Toys than it has ever been before. There are Dolls, Doll Houses, Locomotives, Fire Engines, Patrol Wagons, Warships, Steam % boats, Flying Machines, Automobiles, 'Horses, Cows, Sheep, Mechanical Toys of every kind, and ,a thousand and one other things that it would take a week to tell you about. Qet in on the ground floor. Holiday Stocks are now complete, and the wise people are buying. ' Everything is new and fresh and unpicked over by the holiday crowd. Just to show you how low our prices are, we quote the following as being.fair samples: HIM. for nearly all VEL?CIPEDES, with steel wheels and gearings, will delight t'ho heart of every boy? ?1.2C, iJi.TC; and $2.75 With rubber tlreg instead of steel? '?3.2S, ??a.7G and ?1.BO TRICVCLES. Just the thing to make tho little girls happy? -, .?. .??.02, ijCJ.75 and 1J4.00 EXPRESS WAGONS, made of wood and very strong; will please any small boy: all prices g, from S?c. to. F4?00 STEEL WAGONS, all sizes, 00c. to $2.50 POUCE PATROL, with steel wheels and gearing, small size.$??.?7 Largo stzo...?7.47 CYCLONE WAGONS, like illustra tlon, for toy . unusually good value unusually goodiC ? SHOOFLYS, very pleasing to the children....45c.,.'???., 91.05, 91,45 FOXY GRANDPA, Imported walking meohanlcal toy, a great novelty . and very entertaining; sale , price .,. 45C TOY TEA SET TABLES, specially -priced- for--this.week at. _ 23c, 45c, ?d?. and 92.50 FLAT-TOP DESK?,'!wltrr'blackboard, aa in illustration,? special .values at ' , ' '?"_ '?.;;? TSs- and 91.45 CABINET' WRITING? DESKS.' fancy and very nicely flnlshold, ?? ?? 91.05 to ........ .1.F?.?? ROLL-TOP DESKS, made ?A An of oak, #1.00 to...?PU.UU mm TOY FURNITURE, fancy and very nicely finished Dressers irom.25c. to Sideboards.45c, to 9.1.50 91.45 with each MECHANICAL TIN TRAIN, circular track, is well made, packed in separate box, ?- (*-. salo price, guaranteed. ??????? Extra track, pieces, curved or straight, each Mechanical Trains,....91.00 to LARGE ASSORTMENT of fancy painted mechanical Toys, .__./, Automobiles, etc., sale price 25C Many other styles up to.9:1.00 IMPORTED STABLES, have 3 stalls, well constructed, sale prico _,?~ 25c. to .;.\... 5?<" FANCY PAINTED DRAY WAGONS, wlt.h skin-covered horse, large size; sale price, 50o. t, .n FINE IMPORTED MECHANICAL BOATS, will run In water, enameled, in bright and ? (tractive col- C ? ' c.t\ or?, all sizes, from SBC. to*4'U". SKIN-COVERED HORSES, on plat? form, with lion wheels, <?? ?~ DOLL CARRIAGES and DOLL GO CARTS, upholstered in fancy den Ira; have steel wheels and parasols? 91.29, $1.85, 91.75, Ifil.OS, 92.50, 92.08, 98.05, 94.75, ?0,25. WHITE .ENAMEL TOY FURNI? TURE? Sideboard .?.....45c, Dresser. ........ ..........50c. WOOD BEDS, white enamel brass nobs, with springe ,...25c. to 92.15. BRASS BEDS, with woven wire springs?prices .14c, to 9L15. BOYS' SLEDS. ha.vo good stool win? ners, nicely painted, assorted size?? Also complete line of tho celebrated Flexible Flyer Sleds?prices 20c, 75c, 91.00, 91.25, 92,25, 93.75. GIRLS' SLEDS, nicely painted and In oak finish: .bave good steel runners? 50c, 75o, SCO, 91. IS. K1.25, ?1.50, 91.75, 92.60, 9a,75. ROCKING AND SWING HORSES, wood frame, nicely palntod and "fin? ished?prices? 92.45, 98.45, 94.05, 96.16, 90.IB, 911.15, SARATOGA TOY TRUNKS, la-inch, fitted with separate tray, o er nicely, finished? SoJo price.... yOv FANCY ROCKING CHAIRS 25c, 91.35, 91.75, 92.25, 93.OO. BOYS' TOOL CHEST, with complete set of tools, put up in a well- ?, ,r made chest?Sale price. ^Ow Alno other styles from..45c. to 93.GO. CLEVELAND WiHEELS, HART? FORD TIRE, best mado, 30 and 22 inch frame, tho best present in tho world for your boy? C->?_ ?? Salo price. f35??? FINE IMPORTED TIN KITCHEN.' fitted: up with complete kitchen utensils, large size?Salo price. Oc. to ._. ?...._ 95C FIFTEEN-KEY TOY PIANO, the best In tho market, : is well con? structed and in good tone? ?,-,-. Sale prlco.VO*" Havo all sizes from ..25c. to 910.OO. BOYS' SHOOTING GALLERY, a very amusing and attractive toy. Is fitted with a harmless rubber ball 1 gun?Solo prlco O5o. to. '$5.0O $1-35 BOYS' SNARE DRUMS, with calf? skin heads and pol? ished wood' rim?14 Inch diameter Sale price . Have all sizes from 23c. to 92.45. FINE IMPORTED LEAD SOLDIERS, put up in fancy taoxes, various Btyles. artlllory, cavalry, ?-, >i__ etc?Sole price, 25e. to .... ?J>-??VU FANCY DECORATED CHINA TEA SETS, complet e?Sole C_ ? n prioe, 23c. to.?,4?7? FINE IMPORTED DOLLS' FURNI? TURE, complete sets, bedroom, par? lor, etc., packed In fancy C-, .?,_ boxes?Sale price, 45c. to ..'v^'^O ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING BLOCK WAGONS, largo size, Just tho toy to ploaso tho boy, le uale price, loo. to . -*_?v STAUNTON SOCIETY. (Spoetai to Tho TlmoH-Dlspatcli.) STAUNTON. VA., Doc. 3.?A now whist club, tho "Spinsters," was entertained by Miss Margaret Tlmberlako at her resi? dence on North Lawls Street Wednesday evening. The color scheme of the parlor decorations was artistically carri'od out in red, and enhanced by sparkling lights from a number of candles and candola bra. Mrs. S. D, Tlmberlako, Jr.. and Mrs. Thomas Hogshead assisted tho host? ess in receiving. Drive whist was tho game of the even? ing, after which a salad supper was served, Thoso present wore: Misses Mnhel Llt tlg, Bessie Baker, Mary 'Ranson, Kate Hoge, Elizabeth Jones, Eugeno Bumgard nor. Helon Hutchesoii, Mamie Grimly, Bollo Mnson, Daisy Larbrough. Jonnlo Crane, Sophie mugen, Mary Berkeloy, Joe Duncan, Mattie . Shreckhlse, Mota Russell, Mesdames G. A. Sprinkle, R. S. Ker, t?, C. Miller, Carter Braxton, Jamee Poster, Frank W. Bell, G'llpln Wlllson. II. D. Peck, Herbert Taylor, Glasgow Armstrong, J. H. Hospital and J. It. F?sh hurpe. ' t The Married Ladlee'l Whist Club' was entertained this week at the residence of, and by Mrs, Glasgow Armstrong. Sha wag assisted In receiving her gue-ais by two brides of this fall, Mrs, Frank Bell and Mrs. Juiilus n. Fishbumo. After some The regular session of tho board of tho King's Daughters' Hospital was held Thursday evening. The chief topic of dia. eussion was the new proposed hospital timo spoilt In playing whist' an elegant supper was served to those* present, building. This hospital now has fj.coo in the building fund and ?1,000 worth of property, The hospital, which is |n ex? cellent shape at this time, Is under tho supervision of . Miss j. ,8. Cuonard, a graduate of t|ie Garllold Hospital, Wasli ifij?^::. .The following ure Ihe otngectj who -will manage tho hospital affairs for the current year: C, R. Cnrdwell. presi? dent; Mrs, C, R. , Cardwell, ilrst ? co? pr?sident; Mrs. R, M- Guy. second vice president; Mrs, Chnrles Curry, third vice president; and Mrs. Charles Wheat, fourth vice-president; Miss Janet Wood, secretary; and Mrs, Heber Ker, trens urer, .... -. Mrs. W. M. Allen, who lived In Staun tqn for years, and who has recently been malting hoi? homo hi Hampton, camo to Staunten to pay a visit soveral days ago. She was takon sick and Is now 111 at "flaymont," the residence of hor brother, II, B. Clny, near tho city, Mr Gao. E. Slpe and wife, of Harrison burg, were In the city this week on their way to Richmond, _'_!*'?_ . _. ' Mr. L. A. Coultw, of Richmond, State secretary of the Y, M. C, A? Is In tho city this week. _ A SUPERINTENDENT TO , BE CHOSEN TO-MORROW Tho fltiite Penitentiary Board,' com? posed of Messrs. T, II. Eilett. W, D. Choatemian, R. L. Winston, W. B, Brad? ley and M. 13. Marcuse, will moot to-mor. row aftornoon to elect u, superintendent of that Institution, and ihoro Is much speculation as to the probable result of thn meeting. Tho candidates are Major George M. Helms ilneumbc?nt), and Mr. S. M. Boll lug', of Bedford, while Mr, T, L. Kompor, of Rappnhannook, head bookkeeper at the Institution, ia said to stand % good chance, though ho la not an avowed aspirant. Heretofore- Die olUce has been flllod by the Joint vote of the two houses of the General Assembly, but the. new Consti? tution placed th? majter in the hands of th?? hoard. The term of th?. olllce Is four years from January let. . , NEW EXAMINATION A STEP BACKWARD Students at the Theological Seminary to he Examined, ' Beginning the i6th. The usual mld-seBslon examinations at Union Theological Seminary havo beoti announced, and will be held between the 16th and tho 22d of Decomber, These ex? aminations will be held according to the new system recently adopted by the Board of Trustees of tho seminary, Tho now system, which tunny regard oa a distinct backward step, requires that tho students write out tho examinations In tho class-rooms, under tho eyes of tho Instructors, and atllx to every paper a piedga that no help was received or given by the writer from tho beginning to tho end of tho examination. Two spo rudl'o examinations have alroudy been hold-Uiuler thulr system, one In each the ninnila and the Junior class, Heretofore tho students wore allowed to writ? out their examinations In their private rooms, the matter of cheating or unfulrnesa never entering tho minds uf either em dents op instructors, so far as Is known. Tho students do not object to the new "departure, uxcept as to Its implications and insinuations of at leust a, possible unrairness on their part. They contenu, Vioreover, that If they desired to cheat, \t could ba ?ipne In the class-room with Slmost the samo facility with which It ioti Id bo done in their private rnonis, and that tho appending of tho pledges means nothing, us a man who would act Unfulrly upon an examination would.not hesitate to tell a falsehood about it at 'ilio oud of his paper, U m ulso ??, ?lu? lire on tho part of the students to know fully why the now system was ndoptea, ilnco up to this time no explanation ot ? has been vouohsafed by any member of the Board of Trustees, who passed tho measure. Tho Christmas holidays at tho semi? nary will commence on December 22d, and end Decomber 31st. Most of the students will leavo tho city for their homes, and some to. spend tho holidays with friends. TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ASSESSMENT LAW Voters registered nnd not assessed for poll taxes are taking advantage of the law Just passed by tho Clenoral Assem? bly for tholr protection, and yesterday the clerk of, the Hustings Court issued certificates to somo flftoen or twenty voters of this class, and they are now qualified to take part In the comlr elections. . - - . Votara havo but one week in whloh pay their taxas, . tho-. timo expiring c December 14th. The .'city? .treasurer kept busy receiving taxes, and It look as If nearly all will bo proporly on th books, Mr. Kahn's New Position. Mr, Edmund Kahn has accepted a pos tion with the National Correspondent Instituto of Washington, D. C, to act ; its representativo In this territory, . The Instituto Is the only institution t tho kind in the United States whloh hi the power, conferred by Congress, I grant colleglato degress. Dr. 10. N. Caliseli, of Beth Ahaba Syi agogno,? will to-day deliver the annul memorial address before tho Elks t Loxlngton, Ky. DO YOU KNOW that avo can fit up a bath room in most modem stylo at moderate cost. ??? guarantee all our work to bo of tho highest grade, and ???11 ohoerfuUy furnish yon estimates at any time. RICHMOND PLUMBING AND MANTEL 60., Phono m, 26 N, Ninth Strie.,