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Thousands of $$$ $ ore made by T-D advertisers every Week* T-D Ads. |>ay best, ? TUB TIMES, 'FOUNDED 18M, THE D1BPATCH, FOUNDED I860 Thousands of $$$ $ ate saved by T?D Want A'd. readers e very week. Don't miss them to-day? WHOLE NUMBER 16,416, RICHMOND, y/?., W?DNES0A Y, DECEMBER 0, 1003. PRICE TWO CENTS. ?SUMMARY OF THE DAY'S NEWS The Weather, , WASHINGTON. Dec. 8.?Forceo?t for ?Wednesday und Thursday: Virginia?Ruin m southern, rain or ??now In horthern portion; Thursday fair In southern, -riiii or snow In northern portion; varlahlo winds. ,/ North Carolina?it.iin Wednesday: Tiruiadny fair, colder; fresh southerly winds, becoming' vnrl?blc. The expected colder woathcr last nlifl't did not materializo to any considerarne extent, indeed, Jt was somewhat warmer. In' certain portions of Hju Butto lo-dny and to-morrow ruin or srioW is looked lor. ??i.'.'?'i STATE OF ??-??. THERMOMETER. 0 A. M....,.,.?W 12??.?/.?.f'-? S P. M.'.;../.W ? P. M, .;..,.,.,'.?. M S P. M.'..jt 12 Midnight ./.? ? ' Average.4,J. J-3 .Highest tompcratui-De yesterday....K Lowest temper/iture yesterday.24 Mean tempcrmuro yesterday.?}s Normal temperature for December.... 40 Departure C?um normal temperature.. 2 Precipita tu/h during past 24 hours. 0 WNIATURE ALMANAC. , December 9, 1903. Hun | HIGH TIDE. Hun s/.-ts.4:60 Morning.S:1G Moon rise"....10:32 | Evening.b:37 / Richmond. ?'. ????? known cashier missing and hli accounts short more than twelve inoux >?'A dollars?The Legislature declines to ?/lake provision for disabled flremon? .lordnn oyster bill reported to the Senate. but no action taken-Election trials to tie resumed to-day In Henrlco?Henrlco supervisors after constables for failure to collect dog tax-Charity organization? ' to get together Tuesday to prevent Indis? criminato uliiisglvlng?No decision yet In mutter of removing tho C & O offices- ? Fine showing made by the Bible'Society ?Bannister case to be called in the Io? lice Court this morning-Firemen to icnew tho light to ?ecure an appropria? tion-Minto Supreme Court to take a nhort recen??Mrs. J. W. Barnes, Inter ? national Hunday school secretary, to he hero to-day-A new Democratic club In Olny Ward?'Memorial service at Im? manuel ' Church to-night?Aerie of Eagles elects olllcers?Common Council to meet to-night-'?Work begin? o'n tho new nettling basin?Committee io report ??-day bill to erect State building at bt. J.ouis Exposition-Retail Dealers' Asso? ciation arranges to find out tho peoplo who do not pay thoir blU?-Commi!tee considers the Jaw of eminent domain? 'National olllc.flrs visit members of Post ?. ?. P. A. MANCHESTER?Question of clear water Is discussed-Superintendent Allen to give a house-warming Thursday ?Move to help the poor-Voters slow In paving their capitation lax?Council inust fill vacancies?Policeman Wright made a sergeant. Virginia. ' Crowds ot Democrats forco way Into building in Berkley, whore negroes wero being registered, and nil hands driven out; intonso feeling shown and further trouble feared?Judge Waller, of wpotsylyanla, . fines the Common? ? wealth's attorney for contempt, ' and Usues rule against 187 citizens for the same offence?Band of ghouls nt New i port -News disinter corpse? for ?rarmert* j they were bulled, in?Dr. J. Cleveland ' \ Hall, of Danville declines to testify be? fore the ?rand 'iiiryj and mtiy be sent to Jail ./or contempt?-The Spotsylvao'.a iiemocrallb* Coriitnltfta reorganized find new chairman elected-A young '. girl heroically eaves-her fntlier'?rpm.-.dentli while his root is liung In the .dflWnp''?.nd ??. frightened horse running??'-.Woman at TSiiroik drives her, huebahd away-.-fr.Mn ?nouse arid, lollt?wlii?r'liim, shot hlm with n shotgun; he claims his" wlfo scalded hlm In bed-Schooner reaches port at Nor? folk in distress with deck load gone?The Jamestown exposition seems to be as? sured, and meetings lo bo held to-day to definitely determine the part to be taken by transportation companies?The train tug squadron to leave Hampton Ronds for the Oulf?Mr. und Mrs. Joseph M. Seny, of Fluvanna. celebrate their golden Crowd of Democrats force way Into wedding?Richmond negro arrested in King William for stealing hote-r-'-Mrs, Blair Johnson pets a hard fall while'rid? ing to the ? 'Warrentyn ' hounds?rjudse Sorter leaves an estate of |125.CO0'ln?bonds without real (?state-?Old couple at Fred ericksburg taking trip In wagon' from New Jersey to Atlanta for their health ?Ml.?? Helen Gould visits Old Point to lulte part. In Y. M. C. A. dedicatory excr. cist-s-Petersburg to tako census for purpose of redlstrietine; new steamer to Norfolk; fire chief seriously shot while minting-Small boy crushed to death in coal mine In Tuzewell-Negro girl shot to death by jealous lover. In Charlottes vllle-Royaey removed in Petersburg-? Political rioting In Berkley and Alvrth Hi Martin and Treasurer Lyons roughly handled by angry Democrats; call for military, but thoy were not needed; charge of Illegally registering negroe? North Carolina. Southern States cotton spinners meet, in Halelgh and nppolnt a committee to meet like committee from New England spin? ners, in Washington to conter on the necessity of curtailing production?The Charlotte street cur striko over?Bold attempt of prisoners in Jail at Raleigh to escapo; choke jailer, take his keyo and lock him In cell?Carnegie's offer for a library accepted by Greensboro?-Highly prized Confederate relics received at Ra iPlgh-The last of the old olllcc-holding cases argued In the Supremo Court; It presents a curious situation. General. The bull In sfocks causes the advance to overrun the market, carrying average level of pricoa below Monday's closing; cotton market again excited, but unsteady ?Nixon ahd lJerklns plied with embar? rassing questions, touching the affairs of ihn shipbuilding company, and efforts made to suppress importan), correspon? dence-Hocond triai of Lungley result.? In wreck of tho airship, mut a dismal lulluro-Consul Davis being Insulted by Asiatic, Turks lowers tho American (lag ni Alexundretta, and loaves for Beirut; our government orders thorough Inverti ?ntlon, but does not expect trouble?' Ohio congressmen ungry with Roosevelt for calling in outsiders to get information concerning their State-Democrats In <? engross Insist-on Investigation of post olllce scandals?Roport that Gorman w|li not bo a candidato for the Presidency not absolutely "confirmed?-Mrs . J. Hampton Hoge will not be appointed po?t mlstress at Bltu-ksbuig-Representativo ?loiin.LnmB goes to Gloucester to speak ? -?Marriage licenses in Washington? htmi'p debate in Sonale over poslofiico frauds-Cuban reciprocity bill under tils. cttssion-Panama, treaty and Wocd nom? ination'sent to Committee on Foreign Re? lations of the Senate? Upton it nil McUregor convicted In J3a|tlmoro of con? spiracy to rob the government! Postonico Department's managomnui. severely crit? icised-.Marines from the Dlx|0 Inndcd at Piinumu to meet tho Colombian forcea miid to bo marching ironi Cartagena ?? Fruuleln Frieda unolke murdered In son? Mitiontil matter by Ferdinand'Tosslcr_? 1'ence between Russia and Japan now he. lloved to be assured?Texas Jury gives ti?gro one thousand years In ponlloniiarv ?-Death or Herbert Spencer, Hie great nuthor-?Joe Gans.?thu lightweight chain, lilon, defeated by Sam Luugfot'd, ? Cam? bridge nog'ro?Ono of the riders in ?lx clay hicycln race faint??Nearly entire lamlly perish in'flumes at Clarksburg. N. J. , , . BATTLED WITH NEGROES UNTIL 'BEATEN SENSELESS (By Assoi-iatud Press.) ' PITTSBURG, PA., Dee, 8.T-Slngle handeil and with no chance to summon ajd, Operator J, R. Lurgonol, stationed , m tha Pittsburg and Luis? Erio Rnltrotid Kilesraph tower at Allqulppq. I'lirk, u ? lade distant- froni any habitation, buttled with three negroes at un early hour this morning until ho wns overcome. He was lieaton Into Insensibility and robbed of about $50. His assailants left hlm-botimi In a chair. Lurganol drove tils assailant? back several times with a heavy club, lut eventually ho.was knocked'down und '. besten until he became unconscious, ?. TO CURTAIL Meeting of Mill Men of Six States. A JOINT COMMITTEE IS RECOMMENDED Northern Spinners to be Invited " to Send Representatives to Washington to Confer. ? ONE MILLION SPINDLES; THIRTY THOUSAND LOOMS There Was an Interesting Dis? cussion Following the Adop? tion pi Resolutions?W. C. " Heath Did Not Think Curtailment Practicable Without a Forfeit. (By Associated/PresB.) CHARLOTTI:, N. C., Dec. d.-Tho cot? ton manufacturers of ??Ix States met In this clly to-day and decided to hold a meeting? G? Washington In the near fu? ture, at which, time somo de/llnlto ideas of curtailment would bo agreed upon. It was also afiiced thnt fifteen members of the diff?rent cotton manufacturers' as? sociations of the country bo Invited lo meet with. Uio Southern manufacturers and devise way* nnd means as to the best policy to pursue. It was the unani? mous ?4<yiso of tho meeting that the oper? ations should bo protected, and while no definite plans ?Atre launched, the mill mon ?ay.that in the event of curtailment the operators will not bo called.upon to for? feit their positions. A general reduction of the stand ?id of wages lias ?been spoken of, but even this Important feature of the situation waa not determined, as It was thought best to, have the .opinion of Uie manufacturers Of .the'-entire country .be? forehand. ???. RESOLUTION.? ... ->?;??* The risolutimi adopted rend sus. fol lows: "With the view at securing national curtailment,, which we think absolutely necessary, we recommend that a commit? tee of fifteen l?o appointed by .the chair t? meet In Washington city; that South? ern, Northern and New England ' manu? facturers be invited to appoint a similar committee, and thnt this Joint committee' forrmilate a feasible plan looking to tho curtailment of tuo production throughout the United State*, and that this joint committee immediately conveno in a na? tional meeting oi manufacurers at such placo and date an they cat? agree upon." In the /meeting to-day one million spindles and thirty thousand looms were, represented. . FORFEIT NECESSARY. After tho rending of tho motion there was an Interesting discussion, W. C. Heath, of Mompe, Is', C. president of the American Cotton Manufacturers' As? sociation, stated that ho did not think It would do any good to attempt to cur tall unless 'a .forfeit was put up" that would bo binding upon all men concerned In the rhatteri Ho thought that immedi? ately following the meeting there should bo held In the different Southern States meetings of manufacturers, at' ?nlttees could ht. nppolnted, and the sen? timent of the bodies could ho expressed at a meeting to be held conjointly with tho New Enpland or Northern people. He said the ?reetlng would bo unwise to put itself In a position where It seemed to ti?)? to depress tho price of. cotton, .Curtailment Is ?ill right, hut not now. Curtailment should not begin before July or August, when the proper caro could bo taken of the operatives. '-' IjIVE IN GLASS HOUSES. Mr. Heath ci'iticlsed the tendency that sought,to a?,???'?ho speculators; was tried of hearing, thl? .censure of '13rown and Sully and Frank Haines, ? Ho know-that Continued on Second Fiige.) HAVE YOU MET THIS F/EQlJIRt?MENT OF CITIZENSHIP ? THE AIRSHIP DID NOT ! PARTY RIOT IN BERKLEY Second Trial of the Airship Re? sults in Complete Wreck. Professor Manley Plunged into the Icy Water Be? neath the Mass, But is ' Quickly Rescued. ;? Inventor Crest- * . fallen. i (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.-Under weather conditions which wero regarded as per? fect, the Lianglcy airship or aeroplano to 1 day was given a second trial a. short dis? tance from Washington down tho Poto? mac, tho result being the complete'wreck of the airship. . . Everything had been In readiness for the trial for some days, so that it was felt all that was needed for the test was' the right sort of wind and weather.. This af? ternoon those conditions presented them-, solves apd the test was made. Op- the .word'being- given to launch the aeropliinc,; Ut-glided -.smoothly along the launching tramway untll'the 'aeroplano broke In two and funned completely over, precipitating Professor Charlea M. "Manley, who was ? operating it, into the Icy water beneath the tangled mass. Ono of hi? assistant?? leaped overboard and brought lilm aboard tho houseboat, on which the launching tramway .was laid. Projeasor'Langley was ? present to witness the test, and appeared j crestfallen when ho saw tho product of months of study and labor disappear be? neath tho water. At 4:10 o'clock in the afternoon when all was ready, and with darkness fast ap? proaching, Professor "Langley called his' clilejf assistant, Professor Manley, aside and give him his last Instructions. Tho latter donned his life Jacket and entered tho ear. After a fow moments ho set the machinery^?* motion, and the propellers rapidly revolved. Then ho gave tho sig? nal, and In an Instant there was a crash, the'after part Of the ship, fell upon the deck of the housebont while tho forward part, In which Professor Manley was I seated, was seen to rise slightly, then turn ! completely over and drop into the water a few feet away, not haying flown even the'sllghtest distance. The failure to fly was total and the wreck of the aeroplane was almost com? plete. TRAIN JUMPS TRACK; THREE PERSONS INJURED ? CDy Associated Fress.l ATLANTA. GA.. Dec. S.?While run? ning nt tho rate of forty miles an hour, thi'co Pullman oars and n diner on the ;iorth-bound Washington, New Orleans and Southwestern Vestlgulo Limited train of tho Atlanta nnd West Point Railroad jumped tho ti'ack to-day near 1m. Grange, On,, fvoventy-two miles south of this city. GO TO JAIL -' ?? ' ?lie r.Jeclines t? Give to the Grand Jtt ry the Evidence on Which ' Sermon .Was Based. A SUBPOENA; AGAINST HIM It is Believed-Hc Will Decline ; to Obey and go to Prison Before .Testifying. ' ^ (Special to ?Th?; Times-Dispatch.) ANVILL?,' 'VA;, Dec. S.-Dr. J. Cleveland Hail, pastor of th? local.Epls co; Val .C?hurchr>.whp,t^ree.lj?d suol? a : seri su' lion .heroVseyier^lisi^?iHrtiviMOro 'by'iils-aer i.-,('.jh..on- tho.:,looal?!temperance'-sHuaUoi?. in j'-whlch'lib nj'gued thalrHhe?local ?pU?n la? y had" mado the moi-als of *clty worse, w! Il probably.go to Jail to-morrowlf, ho po: fsists in. his refusal to divulge souixea of Jils Infoi-matlon to the grand Jury. I. Jr. Hall? was before tho grand jury this aft jeinoon. ? Ho refused to teetlfy, saying the) Information ho had gleaned for the serVnon- was secured upon the promise thajt-,It would not bo divulged. When Dr. ? Hull I'efused to testify, ho-wns ' taken uerbre Judge Alken, who told-the grand Jiir.?r It should proceed to got the Infor? mation doslred. The jury retired and in ?? sltort- Tfhlle Di?. Hall was excused. \ REFUSED TO TESTIFY. L?t\er;V,aj repon was made to tf.e court that Dr.', Hull absolutely refused to give tho jury his Information, although ho admitted! It was important evidence. Judge Al ken immediately caused a sub? poena, to Issue ugaliiBt the rector, rotui???? ?.ble at 101 o'clock, Indicating that ho will l,o compelled- to testify before the grand Jury. The helMof Is general In the city to? night .that} Dr. Hall will bo steadfast In his determination not to testify and that he will g ? to. Jail before doing so. If ho does, .there Is hardly a. doubt but Judge Alkpn will send him to Jail. NEW POWER PLANT. Tho Daijvllle Railway and Electrio Company -hus just secui-ed contro^ of valuable j|-roperty, together, with tho riparian ?dghts on Sandy 'River, five | miles frona Danvlllo, on" which will be erected a : mammoth power plant. Tho company will not abandon Its present plant In Iho city, but will maintain It for auxiliary use. It hasv not been de? cided yi?t what amount oC money will ho expended, as the consideration of Just what will bo Included In tho plant. Tho comipnny will have sufficient powor to supply, many manufacturing plants with motive powo??. County Officers Alleged to Have Been Receiving ? Poll Taxes of Negroes Driven From the Building hy Irate Democrats?Feeling In? tense and Further Trouble Is Feared. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) . NORFOLK, VA.. Dec. S.-The . trouble that: has been .brewing, between the county, treasurer and the members of the Stralghtout faction In Norfojk county, who would have been; dlsfi'atichiscd by not' being assessed for poll-taxes, came to a head to-night In'Berkley. ? Treasurer Samuel Vf. Lyons was at? tending a meeting In Berkley, and the' Strafghtouts believing'he wag receiving taxes for other parties,- than they them? selves, waited on him In force. They rang church bells to summon their friends, and appeared outside' the Martin building, where the treasurer was engagod, armed, and ready for.anythlng./The ,crowd learn 1 ed' that negroes: .we're.-boi?ig.'allowed ' sur? reptitiously to pay their-poll-taxes,- and this Incensed, the Stralgljtout yoter?. of Berkley, "who clnlmeii ?? have been pre-; vented from paying their taxes by politi? cal dodges. Assaulted Lyons. They sought out Lyons ?it the Martin building, and assaulted and kiclced him. It is claimed that ho was found with a dozen negroes, Commissioner of the Rev? enue Nichols and other county officers. After cleaning out his ofl?co tho crowd made.for the police station, whero Coun? ty Clork A.? H. Martin, leader of the Fu ! sionista,', .'was In conference with the Rev. J. Sumleiv a'colored Councilman. f ?The crowd broke through the police, who sought to Rtay their progi'ess, and attacked Mr,. Martin. ? They smashed hla hat and oholied him. Three of them, Clarence McCoy, W. IT. Groves and R. Mcore, lectured tho official while.he was propped against a cell door. Many guns 'we're exhibited in the police station, and at oho timo It wna feared .that murder might be ' done. Finally the pollco suc? ceeded In restoring order, and tho place was cleoi'ed. A number of warrants have bo rilssiied for those concerned In tho at? tach on the statlon-houso. ' Further Trouble Feared. Afterwards tho crowd marched about tho streets of Berkloy or remained near Ilio residence of Mr. Martin. Among them wero many of tho most prominent membors of tho Stralghtout ' party, in eluding somo of Its candidates for tho L?gislature and for high county offices ?in tho lato campaign. Koellhg runs high between tho two fac? tions over the dlsfranchlsoineiit of vot? ers not assessed, and further trouble Is feared. Chairman G. W. Jones, of tho Sti-alghtouls, w'as asked to-night If ho had any statement to mako Jn connection with tho occurrence, and he declared that ho hnd not. THE REPUBLICANS ARE VERY WRATHY LOWERS FLAG ANDDEPARTS Consul ..Davis Offered an Insult by Asiatic Turks and Leaves Alexandretta. CAUSED BY AN ARREST Consul Was Seeing Attarian on Departing Steamer, When Intercepted and ;Assaulted. (By Cable to The Times-Dispatch.) CONSTANTINOPLE, Doc. 8.-The United States flag over the consulate at Alexandretta, Asiatic Turloey, has been hauled down, and Consul Davis has left his post for Beirut, In consequence of a serious diplomatic Incident, during which Mr. Davis was Insulted and assaulted by the 'local 'police. Tho affair grew out of. the arrest of an, Armenian?Ohannes Attarian?a natural? ised American citizen, Attarian had been In prison at Aleppo during the last two months, and . had Just been liberated through the Intervention of the American consular agent, on condition-of his leav? ing'tho country forthwith. Mr. Davis wns accompanying Attarian on board a departing Steamer, when the police inter? cepted tho party, assaulted and Insulted Mr. Davis, and deeplto the resistance of the consul and his attendant guards,, rearrested Attarian and took him back' to prison. Lowers Flag arid Departs. Mr, Davis Immediately lowered the flag over tho consulate and formally broke' off relations with,the' Turkish authorities by | quitting, Alexandretta, leaving, the; consulate iti 'charge of the vice-consul.,. A mpb^of. .Moslems seized on tho occa-' sloii-rto "?make 'a,,hostile demonstration against the- consulate ? nnd -' against the ' Christians generally. The local authorities..assert that Mr, Davis struck the police with a. cune, and fn?t after'.tho* re?rr?st of'Attarian the consular canvasses (military couriers) at? tempted to resouo Mm, 'and' that' in- the fracas-whlcb'ensue*1 the ckvasses-broke the, windows of th<B priion, " . The. - matter Is engaging the ? energetic nttentloh of tho Uhltod. States legation hero. ? Minister'Lelshman has made ur? gent representations to the Porte, and Is now awaiting a f?llet' report before tak? ing further steps. AN INQUIRY ORDERED; TROUBLE NOT FEARED (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. Deo. 8.-TI10 State De? partment has received a brief cablograni from Consul Davis nt Atexandretta, Asi? atic, Turkey, saying that ho had', had trouble wt'th the local police at Alexan drotta, and had left .for Beirut, in canse-, quence. The' State Department cabled' Minister Lolshmnn at Constantinople, to Institute n. thorough Investigation of tho whole affair.' Tho Navy Deportment has so far taken no stops towards sending any wnrshlps to Aloxandrotta. The ?State Department does hot anticipate any'sorlous difficulty as a result r.f this incident; for it does not 'doubt "that tho''Tiirkl8h,1'govcrnment will make "proi?or'amends for any mis? conduct of its officials'at Alexnndrettn. GANS BEATEN BY NEGRO. Langford Surprises People by Defeating. Champion. (By Associated Press.) BOSTON. Dec. 8.?.Samuel -Lang-ford, colored pugilist from Cambridge, to-night surprised tho followers of boxing by de? feating Joe Gans, of Haltlmon?. the light? weight champion of the world. In 'n llf teen-round bout at tho Criterion Athlotlo Club In this olty. Although Langford won the decision he was not awarded the world's championship, "ns'? he was two pound? over ..wolght. THE ACCOUNTS OF A CASHIER SHORT An Employe of Life. Insurance Company of Virginia is . Missing. Regarding Ule absence of Its cashier, concerning winch many rumors have been prevalent, the Lifo Insurance Com? pany of Virgola yesterday i'ssued tho'fol? lowing official stutcimentH; , "Mr. T. It. jjrowii,' cashier In the home ofTlce of tho Lifo Insurance Company of Virginia, about two weeks ago asked for leave of abulico to go to Now Vork to take Thanksgiving dinner with ids sister. "Not returning at the tinto agreed upon. and no Information having been received from him. I it's accounts wore examined and have been checked up to date, nnd It lias been found (bat the shortage In his ac? counts amounts to $7,805,8;] over the amount or his bond, which is $5,000, "The assets of the Life Insurance Com? pany or Virginia on October 31, 1003, were ti,filO,670.Sa, and tho surplus ?vfaj' all lia? bilities was ?31,'?,?125.07." APPROPRIATIONS FOR TWO INSTITUTIONS The ilciuse Committee on Finance yes? terday reported to the llouso two Impor? tuni appropriatimi bills, with the recom ineiulutloii tll.ll they, pusji. One was to- make an additional appro? priation of $50,000 jor enlarging thp psnl tenttjiry, and lho other was for. .$30,000 for the University of .Virginia, toi be'., used in enlarging the hospital building of thut Institution?' Tho hill for the peni, tentlary appropriation y>fM advocated by Mr. Nnwh?iise, 'of ' O?lpeper,' who is a momboi? of the building DROVE HUSBAND AWAY AND SHOT HIM Claims That His Wife Scaldod Him in Bed?Have Many Children. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) SUFFOLK, VA., Dec. 8,-Havlng tired of her hus'iii'id, Wllllnih Bland, whom sho.drovu from lipr roof, Roberta Bland to-day followed him on Fifth Sti'eet In West ?lerl'cho, Nauseinomi county, nnd,. shot him down with a shotgun. WI?ou plcHed up Bland whs found to have hern struck hy about twenty shot, but his wounds hardly'? will prove mortal. Ac? cording to ?ho polipo. Bland had been separated, from his wlfo since last 'Au? gust, went to hit former homo to-day, und was repulsed hy his wife, who said sho had tired of l?lm, Bland Is seventy nino years old, his wi'fo tidrty-olght. Bland was soel((ag icfugo In the homo of u daughter whin ho was shot. Bland suys hie wlfo remarked when tho shot win? fired that ?he bought tho gun to kill him. Tho woman was arrested, and will havo a in-cllmlnary hearing to? morrow. Bland clnlms Hint his wife scalded him 'In lied Just heioro I hoy separated, and thnt ho, has ??ol fully recovered from his InJui'l'Bs yot. Tho humo property is in tho wife's ?inni?. Bland and his present wife nre parents of nino child m. Bland in a great-grand? father by. n former marriage. ,?,-?-? I One Rider Faints. (By Assocluted Prese.) , Nt?W VOHK. Poo. S.-Tho condition of some of tho ??dors in tlie six-day bicycle race ;?yb8?i.u<Io plain to-night, when Gal? vin fainted from exhaustion, and re? mained iincunstluoe for half nn hour. As ??-??:?3,????, Gaivin'B partner, relieved li'ii? ?4 ?*.?cy ttit? tvum. Kidt ?othl'iy., , MARINES LANDED FROM THE DIXIE Go Ashore in Order to Meet Colombian Army, Said to be Marching on Cartagena. (Special Cablo to Tho Tlmos-Dispatch.) ? COLON, Dec, S.?Owing to the rocelpt by Admiral Coghlan of news that un urmy of 8,000 Colombians hnd started to march ovorluud from Cartagena to regain possession of. Um isthmus, ? company of United Statr]s marines, under Captain Wirt McCroory, was landed from the auxiliary cruiser Dixie this morning and went by train up,the Panama Railroad to cunip In the'ciiual compuny's houses near Empir? Station. A second ? company of fifty marines under Caplain liruckott was landed and toon: the ?fternoon train. A third, num I erlug fifty, under Captain Little, will louve tii-m<>rrow uuirnlng. Chief Kimlneer Mansfield, of the Dixie, and a party of machinists, went along to overhaul the water supply system for Ihe camp. Dr. Amador, "Kathur of Panama,'' ar? rived here to-day from New York, and was welcomed with n big reception, uflot which ho went to Punuma In a special train. INSANITY THE PLEA ON STARKE'S BEHALF (lly AM?c|ule?4 Pre??.) JACKSONVILLK, FLA., Den. S.-Tlin case of thu Stato vs. J. 13. Starilo, ac? cused of Um murder of John li". Angel, was taken up to-day. The day was tulto.i up in the selection of a Jury,; and only nine jurors were accepted. Tho Jury will be completed to-morrow. Both the par.ia.i to the tragedy were prominent. -The de-1 (en^ Wilt 4lm to ?yrovq Insanity. TWO CONVICTED OF CONSPIRACY Upton and McGregor Found Guilty in Baltimore?Counsel Scores Department. (By Associated Press.) BALTIMORE, MD., Dec. 8,-Columbus Ellsworth Upton and Thomas W. M? Orogor, on trial hj the United States Dis? trict Court, lioro for conspiracy, to rob Un) government In connection with a contract for leather pouches, wore found Millty this afternoon, So donee wlii ?his pended, pending a ?notion for ? now Iridi. To-day's session of tho court wns ?,??,?'?? ??!'. entirely hy arguments of cuunsel for tho prosecution nnd defense. District Attorney John C. Koso nnd Charles J. Bonaparte addressed tho jurors for the government, and Messrs. A, K. L. Lncklo, of Washington, und William S. Bryan, ,li., of this city, for tho defense. In tho course of his remarks, Mr, Bry? an, touK occasion to criticise tho meth? od?, of tho postofflco Popiirtnicnt. Ho said in part: "First Assistant Postmaster-General Wynn Is overpaid for merely signing lullois lio doesn't read. 1'he whole Post? onico Popurtment Is 'Incompetently nnd shumoless run,' and the government Is hounding McGregor und Upton ne scapo? goats, because of gross Inoompetonoy In conducting tho uffah's of the depart? ment. He ridiculed Mr. Wynne ns a "high roller," and a man who lived on cham? p?? gno, green ? poos and canvas-buck ducks, and didn't attend to his hifsl ness, and called attention to the-way the government had sent special counsel be? sides the district attorney to persecute McGreivvr and Upton , ? THREE-SCORE IN CONTEMPT A Petition Which no One Was Brave Enough to Pre? sent. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) KREDBRICK?RURG, VA., Dec. 8. At Spotsylvania County Court three more Indictments wero fo.und against former Clork J. P. H. Oriamomi, and ho gave bond In the sum of $0,000 for his appetir? anno on December 17th, when the eases will camo up for trial. A petition was circulated at court, requesting Judge R. Jt), Waller nit to sit In tho case when tt Is tried and signed by sixty-seven cltians. The petition was handed to Judge Waller, but no ono would assume the responsi? bility of pi'.Dent ??? It. Tho Judge charged Acting Common? wealth's Attorney Charles D. Kostet-, of UiU city, with being connected with tho pct'.'llmi, ?nul lined him $25 for contempt of court, which was promptly paid. The Judge also Issued a rule agulnst each signer of tho petition? summoning them to appear at court on December 17th, to answer the chargo of contempt of court. ONE THOUSAND YEARS BEST JURY COULD DO .(By Associated Press.) HOUSTON, TKXAS, Dec. S.-In tho District Court of Cherokee county to-day. Allen Brown, a negro convicted of at? tempted criminal assault, war sentenced to ono thousand years In tho peniten? tiary, Under the Jaw, the Jury coul4 not Impose a d<ath sentence. At the time ot his arrest. Broiva 'narrowly escaped be iW? U'ao?*4 Ohio Congressmen Criti? cise President's Course?. HAS CALLED IN OUTSIDE PARTIES And Inquired of Them' What* Are His Chances of De? feating Hanna. THE DEMOCRATS WISH TO INVESTIGATE FULLY?7 Led by Gorman, They Are De-^ tcrmined to Force Congres??.:' to,go Into P?stoffico Scan?, dais?Report. .That ? Gor- , man Will,Not Run Not' :U Absolutely Confirmed, (From Our Regular Correspondent.)'1 WASHINGTON, .D. C, Dec. . 8.?Th?] ' Republican members of Congres? fr?reii. Ohio aro outspokenly wrathy-with th<? President for his course in regard to af->J fairs in that State. Tho latest causej of wrath is his having to dinner y?eter-??! ; day former' Lieutenant-Governor'?Qof-?l-, don, of *OhIo, who 'resigned his' poslUoivj to become prosident of tho Board ofAl??j;, dermen of that city. The , President ?*?; said to have ' Questioned' Gordon closely j.. regarding tho ' situation iti - that Stated especially as' to' whether he could carrty] ? it' an against Hanna. The repreeontai>'L?: ;tives charge, that for .' some time Hr.?'' 3>oosevelt has been calling In outBlders.-?v; a? -they term other ? than,: mombore. off.? Congress, and questioning them\, alone?)'; the lines of those .put to. ? Mr. ? Gordon.r. That thoy ?do not like it la .putting loi?> rnlldly. There hns. not (been hoard-anyx' party, criticism.'of Mr,1 .Roosevelt as? blu?)'?. tor as that.the Ohloans. are'lndulglhg'.ln?^'',.1 Object' to Gordon. ";';'?'; '??'?) They say that '. Gordon' le , not the. muai.' to keop the President Informed concern'-... : Ing political, conditions lri'.i.the.,? .Buckeye. ; Slbte, and; that'?,- furthermore;?. it .ls.".de-,: ;' cldtdiy ', Improper;ICo]*-.the-, president, to J"??; ,J. ?naklng Inquiries,ae?,to,the pQsslMlitV.'.oiV his beating Senator .t??wna,>,S:wbeni?thei; latter is'expected to. do all he curi, to ';: help Mri Roosoyolt ca?;ry the State,.'In ?7 : the general election. . . ; ' ??. Mr. Roosevelt's cotn'se In this matter is thoroughly' Roosevcltlan.'? ' ? ' ???,?'";?:??' ' Tho Democrats of the'Seriate, ; under' the leadership of Senator Gorman,' .ai-o ? ',: uctermined to have the Congress go Into . nn investigation oCthe scandals. In ? thn ; Postofflce Department. The speech of Mr. Gorman In the Senate yesterday, c-u.-?'? thli? question thoroughly'disclosed the,at-, t'tude of ?ho minority,.and-the fight, will bo kept up to-day. ?Senator Gorman has ? notified the minority, members ? of the'? Postofflco Committee ' that' he expect.??. Horn' all to sponk on the resolution to-? day, If opportunity permits. This means) ; that they will.'fight to tho last ditch] ; to have ' Congress tako the inlUaUva in ' the investigation of ' tho' higher officials- ?. of the department; In his speech to-day: \v Senator Goi-mnri alluded, to tho fact that i ./ charges had been mado against Fourth v.': Assistant Postmaster-General Bi'Istow,;/.' who Instlgatod tho Investigation of offl|-' '.; clals under him, which resulted in thai .?; d.scovei-y of fraud greater than had,?been; ; dreamed 'of before..','Naturally enough, '?'?: tho question Is being- asked by the Diamo-, / erats and tho publlo generally, who Hi ,'. to Investigate, Brlstow; The Dem?crata? ; tny that Congress should do so, '.', But tho Republicans are going to re* cist every attempt mado to. have any? thing l??>.e a thorough congressional in??] ?" qulry Into postal affairs. They are very) tired of tho wholemess, and -as the pres Idt-ntlai eloctloh draws nearer they are even more determined than evor to hav?. it all done with. , Rumor About Gorman. .?? '? The rumor In circulation In .this, city,? ;?' last.night, to which, attention was calleijl? - In this correspondence, that Senator GorJ !. man would In a short time issue a state? ment', in .which he would declare that haj Is not and.would not t? a candidate.for?]., tho Domocratlo nomination for the presi-? . : denoy, is not absolutely'confirmed by {he? . friends of tho soiintor. Senator Gornian ...' will not discuss his candidacy for pub'll.J ? cation. A repi-oeentallve from ono of the South-1 , ern States, who Is? vary close to Senator ? '.'? Oormun, says to-day that'the rumor I* I perhaps founded 'on/'the very recent ! ? declaration ?hade hy Senator Gorman j to several of his friends that he did not ( propose to lift his hand in behalf of hi? candidacy. lie said emphatically that,' ha would not take the slightest ^ctlbn : looking to the furtherance of his own ' Interests; that he thought the nomina- j tlon should not be sought, and that h? '. t tood ready to give the heartiest support to tho nomlnei? of his party. Tho repre rontntive to whom I have referred said;' he . thought the , rumor had Its origin In this statement of Senator Gorman's, Two distinguished ?numbers of the Sen. ato fron? tin? minority, neither of them from Virginia, are authority for t|)t> statement that It is the purpose of Sena? tor norman to Issue a formal declaration' to tho effect that ho Is not a candidate. ' Thoy ?ire still of tho opinion that ho will take this notion. There appears to be some truth In the report. Mrs. Hoge Fails. Mrs. Hoge. widow of tl)u late J. Hampton Hog?-, who was a candidate against Gov ?rnor Montague for election to tho gov ti'iior.ihip, will not be appointed post? master ut Riueksburg, for which posi? tion she Is an applicant. Mrs. Hug?, accompanied by Representative Slump. went to see Ihn President to-day. Th* result of tho call could not havo buen satisfactory to her, though It was to Mr. Blomp, who has recommended that Post? master Elliott he reappolnted. (t was r.ot thought that Uio appointment would ' be mad? for some dnye, but It la under? stood that it will be announced \ery. soon. There was something of a fight over the place. It .-was thought by many of j the friends of Mr?. Hoge that she' should have the position In v1>w of. th* \ sei vices rendered the Republican party] In Virginia by her husband, but th* lead-1 or* of the party In the Ninth District dhj J ,*_ot think eo, am) tur implication ?u I