Newspaper Page Text
The Times-Dispatch. Published Dally and Weekly At No. 4 North Tenth Street, Richmond, VA. Entered Janu? ary 27, 1903, at Richmond, Va., ?_, second-class matter, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. The DAILY TIMES-DISPATCH Is sold nt 2 cents n copy. The SUNDAY TIMES-DISPATCH Is eold at 6 cents a copy. The DAILY TIMES-DISPATCH by mall-BO cents a mouth! $5.00 a yean $2.60 for six months; $1.60 for three monlhs. Tho SUNDAY TIMES-DISPATCH by mall $2.00 a yoar. Tho DAILY TIMES-DISPATCH. In? cluding Sunday, In Richmond and Man? chester, by carrier, 12 cents per week or BO cents per month. The SUNDAY TIMES-DISPATCH, by currier, 6 cents per week. , The WEEKLY TIMES-DISPATCH. $1.00 a year. All Unsigned Communications will he rejected. Rejected Communications will not he returned unless accompanied by stamps. Up-Town Office at T. A. Miller's, No, 619 East Broad Street. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1W3. Marching on Panama. The situation In Panama becomes moro '.nnd more interesting. It is now reported that Colombian troops nro marching on Panama with a vlow to whipping the new republic back Into the union.- Whether or not Panama had a right to secede un? der the Constitution, wo have ncvor boon able to ascertain. On Wednesday last Sen? ator Hoar offered a resolution request? ing the President to communicate to the Senate "whether tho Constitution of tho Republic of Colombia authorized the se? cession of Panama therefrom, and whether Colombia was prevented by the action of the United Stales or by any otTl cer or force under tho jurisdiction of the same from attempting to assert Its au? thority or to prevent such secession, and ?what instructions, if any, had been given by tho government ot the United States to such officers, whothor civil, military, or naval; and whether, It any action had >een taken by such officers without spo Olal authority what action was so tolten, and whether such action has been ap? proved or disapproved by tho govern? ment of the United States." Perhaps tho Inside information will como by and by. But right, or no right, Panama seceded and gnlnod her indepen? dence, and set up a government of her own which tho United States government promptly recognized. Not only so. but the 'United States government is going to defend Panama against Colombia! Our government proposes to stand by tho now republic! It now .recognizes the divine right of secession, and will lend Its strong arm to the seceded republic! Tho United States government does not propose to stand off and see these secessionists whip? ped back Into tho union. U the Southern Confederacy had only had such a strong ally In 1SC1; If Eng? land had then come to our rescue, as the United States government now goes to the rescue ot Panama, the Southern Con? federacy would havo stood, and would to? day be an Independent republic. But the United States government vigorously pro? tested agalris tlntorterenco on tho part of Great Britain, or any other foreign power, nnd so all tho national. thq,.oarth stood by and lot the blocldy 'work go on. Tho North had Infinite resources, was able ttt draw upon the world for Its supplies, while tho South had to depend upon her? self, and was practically shut out from Ihe world. Happy Panama; sho Is more fortunate. A great change of sentiment has come over the government at Washington. Se? cession which was such an ignoble tiling when tho South socoiled, is now a very beautiful thing in tlio eyes of the admin? istration, a thing to bo recognized and championed and defended. Hanna or No? Sir. Hanna continues to protest that It is cruol to him to mention his name in connection with tho Republican presi? dential nomination, but his friends go sir-tight along putting In a good word for him, whenever thoy can. The truth Is that thero aro many Re? publicans who prefer Mr. Hanna to Mr, Roosevelt. In tho business world may be found no Inconsiderable number who at tribute to tho President tho chill that has fallen upon so many business enter? prises of late. When he went Into office ho was dis? trusted as an unsafe business man. This fact he knew and hence ho has boon on' his good behavior, so to speak, but it is argued that he will bo under no such restraint If re-oltctod, If ho bus made "bad breaks'1 In his flr.-n icrm, what may b? expected of him in ids second, when ho will have a free hand? Huch ar? some of tho views held. The opposition to the nomination of Mr, Roosevelt is an undercurrent of the poli? tical seas. It docs not show itself, With tho Republican masses It appears that ha Is very strong, They like his dash? ing ways, his "rough rido," "methods," his "push" and "snap." But thero are home, who ponder things well, and who would prefer a safer man in the presi? dential chair than ho 1h. But can or will thoy assert themselves, and can th-.y carry the people with them? It seems incredible. Roosevelt will bo renominated unleBS ho himself brings on defeat, Two Great Writers. The other day when IlerL.rt Spencer died, tho fact was telegraphed all over the world, and there were many eulogies In the newspapers, Op th* sume day, died in the cliy of j-?U*d*i_>hla. S?v. lit. Uenry Clay Traw bull, editor of Iho Sunday School Times, hut Ids death attracted Utile attention, Herbert (.poticer wiia a groat philosoph? er, and one of (he most brilliant writer* of tho ngo. Ho contributed much to gclcnce nnd literature, nnd It has been j-ald of him lo read his works Is a lib? eral education, Henry Clay Trumbull was also n tnab of Intellectual force but his energies turned 111 another direction. Ho delved 111 tho rich mines of tho Bible nnd dug out Its most beautiful goniB of truth. Ho .plight diligently for the hidden trena mo and gave It goncroiisly to tho world. For ninny yoars he was, porhnps, tho foremost figure In Sunday School work In tho world, und no man contributed ?,oro to Sunday School literature. Ho had a genius for finding, the Irttirt of tho Sunday School lesson, nnd for bring? ing out nnd Impressing tho truth, lie loved his work and loved to do good, ilo believed in tho Blblo, and In nil that It taught, nnd ho wrote from convic? tion. Ho wns the Sunday school teacher's friend, and his aids nnd stimulus to tho study of the Blblo will bo greatly nilss Cd. , ' Spencer appealed to tho intellect; 'j rumbiill appealed to the heart. Spencer taught a cold, lifeless philosophy; Trum bull taught n living, llfo-glving, religion. Spencer ottered to his disciples "light;" Trumbull offered to his, faith. Which of these two groat writers did more for tho good and consolation of humanity? Galveston's Pluck. It, is announced from Galveston that bids for raising tho entire city seven foot' to a level with the sea-wall, so as to prevent flood by tidal wave, have been opened. Tho lowest bid offered to do tho work Is two million dollars, und the city will issuo bonds In that amount. The filling will reouli-e tho moving of cloven million cublo yards of earth. When It Is recalled that only a few years ago *Galveston was practically rwept from the face of the earth by a storm, It Is simply marvellous that tho city has now recovered from Its disas? ter, and Is able to do' this stupendous \.ork. It illustrates tho pluck, courage and he. lo'is'm of the Southern people. Tho some pluck, courage and heroism which South? ern men displayed In war, they have since displayed In building up their waste pieces and tho South Is now the grow ing section of tho country, und ono of the most prosperous. Hurrah for Galveston nnd Southern pluck.__._ The Capitol. Tho people of Virginia will never con? sent In this generation to havo our noble old Capitol building torn down, or even thrust asido as a museum. Too many sacred associations hang about It, and sentiment rules the world. But tho Capitol must bo repaired and enlarged, and when tho work Is done, It should bo done right. Let us have no ship-shod patch work. Tho State Is an.plyA.ble to put tho build? ing In thorough repair and provide add!-, tlonal nnd necossnry room to accommo? date Its Increasing business. And the sooner the work Is begun tho better. Penitentiary Bill. The Houso of Delegates showod a proper disposition and did tho correct thing yesterday In passing tho Senate bill making ah appropriation of $50,000 to complete tho new cell building at the penitentiary. This money Is needed, and will bo used to put In a sanitary system of plumbing, ventilating apparatus, steam heating, etc. Nothing will bo spent for "ornamentation." Tho building will be severely plain and solid, sufficient for Us purposes, and as "up-to-date" as could be expected from the amount invested? $180,000, plus $50,000, Alaska and Panama. In IS'17 wo bought Alaska for $7,200,000, and thereby acquired an area of terri? tory which Is one-third ot that of the en? tire United States. Wc also acquired ex? ceedingly valuable mining, ilshlng and sealing rights, notably the Prlbllolt Is? lands. Tha Trcadwell Mines alone havo produced ovor $10,000,000, which Is over iwlco tho. original cost of Alaska, and yet we aro to pay $10,000,000 of monoy earned by tho sweat of tho brow of American people for tho purpose of giv? ing Panama a canal, which will provo tho greatest revenue producer In Central America. All that can be urged In de? fense or this action Is that President Roosevelt has mane a bargain with Pnn ama and nust stand by It. A bargain Is a bargain, but It sometimes pays to choose a,good trader when $10,000,000 is to bo expend-td for the privilege of giv? ing somebody cist an enormous advan? tage. For Pure Elections. The Gcno'-nl Assembly seems deter? mined to strengthen tho pure olectiona law at every point and to make It as pearly uerfoct as human Ingenuity can oontrlvo, It Is a nb.'ilo work, and In doing this the members aro bucked by tho best and dominant sentiment of the State Let the good work proceed, Let have a law that will make It Impossible, an far as tho law can do It, to use money Improperly In tho elections of Virginia. The spirit niaiuti-i.ted In the General As? sembly 1's i.dinlrahle. and will oxert a wholesome Influence throughout the Com monwoitlth. A Hint to the President, They havo been drawing the deadly par allel Oil Roosevelt and showing ?wondrous si.nihility between that portion or his mess.iso leluilug to bribery and published remarks or circuit Attorney .lames W. J? ilk, ol St. Louis, on tho some subject. But Iho President may well an? swer his critics ill the following lines: "He lvriteth best who steulcth best, Ideas both git-at and small, For the great mind that wrote them first .-'run. nature stole them all." The most extraordinary teat In the way or removing a houso from one site to another Is now being performed at the cost or Mr, John M. Longyeur. Having become piqued by the construction of u railroad ih front of his premises at Mar tywtu. AUvi.- he is taking down his $300,000 dwell! ig, stone by slone, and la re? moving It to Brookllne. Mbm., a distance of 1.000 tnllos, Each pleeo of stone or lumber entering Into the construction .of Iho house has boon appropriately marked nnd hiltnbered. and can bo replaced nt Brookllne wilhout any trouble. And yet the now house, so lo apeak, la to be larger thnn tho 6ld oho Mr. Longyoar, ns may bo prosumod from thl's exploit, Is a mnti of great wealth. Brookllne Is n, place sometimes styled by its insldents "Ihe wealthiest town In the world," and Is, practically speaking, u suburb of Boston. , A somewhat similar font In tho way of Inftlnir down ri houso and removing It pleco by plcco was performed In tho caso of tho Lrbby Prison. That largo building was taken down hero and rebuilt In Chi? cago. Almost tho exact lines ot tho ntruc. luro wero reproduced on its new silo, hut tho Llbby was not a building of stone, but of brick, and wo guess that no nt tompt was. made to put each particular brick back Into tho precise place that It occupied in Iho old factory a_t it stood hero in Pvlchmond, The New York Tribune considers it "settled" that v..t aro to uso "Paiiumnn" and "Pannm-ins" ns descriptive of natives of tho Isthmus, it.says tho woll-nlgh uni? versal prnctlco In America In forming proper ndjoctlves alid names of peoples from the namco' of their countries Is to do so by adding to tho letter elthor "n" and "ns," or "an" nnd "uns," or In a few cases, lor sake of euphony, ",lnn" bans, Dominicans, Haytlnns, Jamaicans, Guatemalans, Nlcarnguans, Costa Rlcans, Colombians, Venezuelans, Bruzlllans and so on down to Patngonlans; therefore, wo must say "Panamun" and "Pantimans." and "lans," So we havo Mexicans, Cu What Richmond needs Is a genius who will glvo her a practical plan to got rid of the paper' trnsh nuisance. It Is too bad that our principal streets should bo so often and so long liltorod with brown paper, old newspapers and tattorod pos? ters. Tho streets can never look clean while this condition obtains. Lot It bo changed. "As wo seo it," remarks the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, "the fate of tho Expo? sition now rests with tho transportation companies." That wo tuke It means that tho Expo, will move. This is tho season for the-revival of tho ancient Joko on tho hon, that sho Is unlike Macduff, becauso sho declines to "lay on," or words to that etrect. Times change and wo Yankees change with them. Just think of tho United Stntes army, all clothed In blue, sus? taining and dcfendlngj-ecesjsh-n. If we aro not In a slnte of war with a sister republic, then why should Gen? eral Young rush Into print to proclaim his. readiness. Big hog killing yarns aro now In order and Virginia killers aro keeping up to former records?in yarning. Building fine cnpitols on paper Is a splendid Christmas amusement for little children nnd legislators. Cotton islnoToiiTy king, but It Is turn? ing out a lot of financial princes. Tho Virginia ice crop of 1903 is some? thing of a record breaker, too. Ono day wo havo Wentz and tho next day wo haven't. The snow storm Is still threatening to do something, Tho tickers havo the capitalists guess? ing this week. After all, our snow storm is something of a coquotte. With a Comment or Two. Tlio 'regular session of Congress was coupled right onto the rear car of t.-io special session, and tho result is that the members will get no extra mlleaso.? Staunton News. Thoy will llnd some way to work it out. Speaker Cannon woro tho North Caro? lina reunion badge all night while tho North Carolina editors woro In tho House gallery, but his memory of his mother Stato lapsed painfully when ho arranged hla committee assignments,?Rulolgh Post. Had the tarheela gotten him to iho Greensboro reunion In October some sen? timental tar might havo gotten on his ttoel. ' Tho cclilorlal association will hold its next meeting in St. Louis, that Is. If transportation win bo arranged lor?Dur? ham Uoruld. Just so; Just-so. -_ A Few Foreign Facts;. According to reports published In Pol grade papers. ex-Queen Natalie has in li.rrned the Servian authorities thut as sole heir of tho lato King Alexander she will iiccopt nothing that he received ns a gift from the State or from tho people attor his marriage to Queon Draga, Among Hieso gifts is a gold mine given to him by thu Skupshtinn, valued at .100,000. A vast amount of wrath has been raised in Athens over the presentation of ploys by Aeschylus and Sophook-s In tho mod? ern tongue. A great Indignation meeting was held In University Hall 10 protest against tho attempts at corrupting tho mcrcd language of tho tragedians. Phc vast audience was liun-poliilcal, and in? cluded leading statesmen, piul'es..ois, two lumpus octogenarian scholars now blind, MM. Kontos and Nlcholnldos; tho ex Premier M. Delyannis other nolnhllltlos, and students of all classes in tho com? munity. Prof. Misiriotla delivered n p,i trlollc speech branding the?'vulgarsors as national traitors and urging tho authori? ties to dismiss somo of tho officials Im? plicated In Iho plot. Mile. Do Fluudre, who bus Just ob? tained tho degree of doctor of science trom the Faculty of Boloneos of Parle, With honorable mention, Is tho fourth Frenchwoman who has over obtained this Honor. l.mporor 'William bus taken to smoking ti pipe, not in tho slung bouse of the torni, nut In tho most upproved German styl:\ and Germany la glad, DO hnd a meer schaum niinlo for him after his own <lo t_l_.11 nnd is going to color It in- have another opertatlou on his Ihroat. _ Daniel's Pilgrimage. Wonotor DanU-1 has departed from the Hub of the universe, where thoro will be a renewal Ot the onu'iito cordial be? tween Massiicutsous ami Virginia, is typified bv tho personal rt.-latliins betweon nuuscir and the senior Massachusetts honaiur .Mr. Hoar, In his recent hook Mr. Hour pays an olotiuunt irlbuto lo Iho eloquent Virginian', which, of, course, ml Up-to-date liily Slno pooplo have alrcaiij. Tlii, Journey of Senator Daniel N-w l'lnglaiHlwiiril Ib lot* tho purpose ol deliv? ering an address this evening before tie: .Meruhiints' Association. Senator Hour in unabjo to accompany the Virginian thlth.. cr, but tho trip has boon duly advertised und notice given that tho kui-hsirlng of thin particular section ot Yankeoinml win nc hanging out for the visitor.?Washing? ton Posl. WOODWARD & SON, LUMBER. NINTH AND AROHSTS. MUNYON'S PAW-PAW Is Not a Slow, Uncertain Remedy^ Says Mrs. Engieking, A Well-Known and Most Pleasing Richmond Lady. PAW-PAW BUIL.D8 UP AND KEEPS UP, SAYS MRS. ENGELKING. Munyon's Paw-Paw litis dono great things for me. It Is not a temporary tonic. It Is not i\ slow uncer? tain remedy. It does its work carefully, rnpldly nnd pcrman ?r,,., ently. In my caso I can truly any that Paw-Paw builds ono up nnd hoops ono up. I was dys? peptic and nervous, with Insomnia and despondency becoming tho banc ot ms- life. Thero weer no remedies found to help me until I hoard of Paw Paw. I was among tho first to purchase a bottle, and took it at each meal nnd on retiring, iln twenty-four hours I was relieved and Inside of six days, at tho finish of thobottlo, I was n well womnji. My Indigestion Is now perfect and I bo liovo I am permanently cured, (Signed) MRS. d. J. 13NG13LKINO, 003 E. Main St., .nichmond, Va. I want every tired woman, after a day's hard work or an afternoon's shop? ping, to lako a tablc.ipoonful or Paw Paw and sco how quickly It wilt rerresh and Invigorate her. I urgo upon bruin-workers particularly the use of Paw-Paw. It will Immediately glvo tone and energy to tho wholo ner? vous system. . Sold by all druggists. Largo bottle, $1. Paw-Paw Laxative Pills, 25c. a bot tir._;_,_ FIERY ORDEAL. Mad Rush of Audience, Some Blazing When Lamp Burst. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) . GREENSBORO, N. C, Dec. lO.-At an < ntertainmoiit given hero lost night by ? glass blowing traveling company In the old rooms of the Record, a "pressuro vapor lamp" exploded, set tho building on fire, produced a panic among tho thirty or forty people present, and set fire to several, a few of them being quite badly burned. When tho mad rush for tho door and windows was over, it was found that Miss Cora Jones, of tho Revolution fln l.-hing mill, who hnd, with hor hair on rire, and her clothes, crashed headlong through a plate glass window, was bad? ly burned, and cut with glass. As soon as sho reached the stroet, screaming lire, a colored man rushed up, throw his coat around her, smothered the flames, nnd saved hor life. AVlndows in .tho front and rear 'of the building wero smashed all to pieces by tho escaping crowd, and ono side of the double front door was torn from Its hinges, With several people blazing with flro from the sprinkled Ignited vapor, and everybody madly rushing for escape, it is a wonder that thero wns no fatal or very serious , casualty. Even Miss Jones is reported resting, easy this morning, suffering inoro fi'om nervous shock than from her cuts or burns. The ticket seller of tho show, who was counting his money near tho front win? dow when tho explosion occurred, was not only badly bruised by tho onrushlng crowd, but his money was scattered everywhere about the floor, on tho pave? ment and soma of it was found this morning on tho streot. While a great many of tho sight seers wero singed and slightly cut, tho following wore the moro seriously hurt: R. C. Prince, merchant, head and hand burned; hand cut by glass. J. C. Fowler, hand cut. John Robinson, leg burned; hand cut. Miss Cora Jones, head of hair burned off; scalp blistered; hands burned and glass cut. , _ James Benton, hand cut; face burned and blistered. ? OXFORD ENTERPRISES. The Approaches to the Town Are All Being Improved., (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) OXFORD, N. C, Dec. lO.-Tho new cot? ton mill organization In Oxford, under the management of XV. A. Erwln, of Durham, Is doing well, nnd Is now one of Oxford's greatest enterprises. Tho Whilo cannery Is another new enterprise horo, which Is doing a large and profitable business. This firm cans fruits and tomatoes; Most of tho toma? toes aro raised on tho farms of tho com? pany near town, and thereby tho com? pany Is enabled to operate with greater profit than If they bought all (heir sup pi lei*. , m The tobacco market hero Is ono of tho best In tho State, being larger than even tho Durham market or any other market In this section of tho State. Thero nro flvo mammoth sales warehouses here, and a largo number of prlzerles and other tobacco buildings. Perhaps tho loading leaf tobacconists in the State, with the exception ot thoso at Wilson, resldo here. Tho market has rapidly advanced In price for sevoral weeks past. Tho good roads movement Is being rapidly developed hero. Botoro long the principal roads loading out rrom tho city wll bo mado good turnpike roads. Granville county now has a good "con. vlet system" for road working, nnd nlso n twenty thousand dollar bond Issue, which will ho spent on tho roads, nnd these together With tho provision that each hand In tho county of road age, sh 11 work four days por year or In lieu there? of pay W each year In his discretion, will glvo this section good roads, and thereby greatly adviuico the value of property in the county, and build up tho town of Ox? ford, - t MR FOSTER RESIGNS. He Was Fined for Contempt by Judge of the Court. (Special U> The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) KK.'n.'l.lCKSHUI.G, VA., Doc. 1Q. Mr, Charles P, Foster, of this city, has tendered lo Judgo It. K. Waller, of Spot? sylvania County Court, his resignation as ? prosecuting attorney In tho trial of for? mer clerk J, P. 11, Crlsinotul. which will como up. In that county on December Mi. Foster was fined by Judge Waller $_.. lor contempt on the ground that be was connected with a petition asking j?dg0 Waller to secure some other judge to try tho Orlsmond casus. Ho promptly paid the fine. -1 Judges Swing Corners. (Bnectai In The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WILLIAMSBURG. VA., Dec. 10.-Judge William i riupioii, P. Manchester, s heldnu; u spoofa) tei-m of the Ow-iiit (,ouit hern, and has been engaged hi .earing tho cruo of Hundley against Judge Smith is in Now Kent, boldhig .ccuri for Judge Christian, who Is sick. GOOD SHOW FORPARKBILL Congressman Gttdgcr Regards the Prospect for the Appala? chian Reserve a. Good One. KING KELLEY SIGNS SOUTH Wanted'to Flog Man for Asso? ciating With Negro Woman. She Was a Prisoner. '(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) RALEIGH, N. C, Doc. lO.-Congross. man Gudger, of tho Tenth North Caro? lina District, arrlvod from Washington tt--dny on buslnoss connected with tho Supremo Court. Ho says ho regnrds tho prospect as very good, for tho pass? age ot tho Appalachian Park bill during this session and that tho matter will to pressed with spoclal vigor Immediate? ly after tho holidays. 1 Tho Corporation Commission issues nn order directing tho Carolina nnd North? western Railroad Company to apply tho standard freight rates to Its road, which runs from Chester to Lenoir. Tho order Is effoctlvo at once. KING KELLY SIGNED. Georgo Kelly, familiarly known in baso-ball circles, as "King" Kelly, bus signed as manager of tho Jacksonville, 3?la? team for tho coming season. Ho was manager i for tho Ralolgh team for .two seasonB?1900 and 1901 and for Greens? boro last year. , Cards ore lssuod fo_ tho morrlago ot Miss Kate Skinner, daughter of Mr. B. S. Sklnnor, of the Agricultural and Me? chanical College, to Mr. J. W. Hunter, the cei-omony to be Wednesday, the 30th, In tho Church of tho Good Shepherd. Johnson Petogrew Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy, have secured Cap? tain S. A. Ashe, of this city, to deliver an address on General Leo on tho occa? sion of tho celebration ot Leo's birth? day, MANY CHARTERS. The nam. of tho Stanly Light and Power Company, of Salisbury, Is au? thorized by tho Secretary of State to bo changed to tho Salisbury and Spencer Railway Company. The object of the chango is to construct and coperato a street railway In Salisbury to bo extend? ed later lo the town of Spencer. Tho Carolina Coupling Company, ot Ashevllle, Is chartered with $50,000 capi? tal to manufacture thill couplers and other kinds of couplers, etc. Tho Dcmcnslon Lumber Company, ot High Point, is chartorod with $3,000 capi? tal. D. T. Knight Is tlio ugent In chargo. A charter Is granted to tho Underwood Pharmacy, of Southern Pines, the capi? tal being ?S,000. J. T. Underwood Is the principal Incorporator. Another charter granted to-day was to tho Stanly Mining and Realty Com? pany, of Albemarle, Stanly county. This company has a capital of $20,000, and J. M. Morrow Is tho principal Incorpora? tor. RACE PREJUDICE. .. typical cay. of "race prejudice" run to seed occurred hero this morning. A number of gentlemen, a prominent West? ern North Carolina lawyer being among the number, were very indignant and some wanted to flog a white man, for, as thoy thought, traveling with a negro woman, as tho whlto men presumed as his wife. At least tho man was noticed occupying a seat with a negro woman In a car ot a westbound train. When the excltemont was at fever heat/ It was as? certained that tho man was a doputy sherin, bound for Durham from Raleigh with an important witness In a murder trial sho being held as a prisoner to make sure of her being on hand to testi? fy. __-m SCHOONER CAPSIZED. Captain, Crew and Two Pas? sengers Drowned. (Special to Tho Tlnios-Dlspatch.) WILMINGTON, N. C, Dec. lO.-The coasting schooner Clarence H., trading between Shallotto. N. C, and Wilmington, capsized off this coast in a gale of wind last night, and the five porsoas on board woro drowned. Not ono was lert to toll tho tale of their fearful experience, those drowned wero Captain L. II. Hewott, tho master; Morrison Calson, and Jim Rich? ardson, sailors, nnd Captains William Lewis and James Lewis, passengors, all from Shallotto. Tho wreck Is lying on the beach with bottom up. A small sailing vessel which arrlpod In port to-day passed near tho wreck early this morning, and the cap? tain brought tho news of the disaster, The Clarence H. camo out of Shallotto yesterday and ran Into a storm. Tho wind, blow a gale last night nnd tho ves? sel capsized. Ships arriving to-day report a terrible experleneo at sea. The body of Captain William Lewis washed up on tho beach near the wreck this aitornoon. A careful watch Is being kopt for the four miss, lug bodies. Tho members of tho crow wore young men. Tho Lewises wero prominent In their county, and leavo largo families, $5,000 FOR *A FINGER. City Council Turns Down Car? negie's Proposition. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, Dec. 10. Jtdgo McNeill to-day Issued an order removing the caso of XV. 8, Ncodham, aBalnst the Norfolk and Western Rall ?vay to tho Federal Court. The plain tilt' 'is a lawyer, and his homo Is at Pilot Mountain, During a trip to West Vir? ginia some tlmo ago, ho was struck by an engine on tho Hue or tho Norfolk and Western nnd knocked off the track. Ills Injuries consisted of a broken finger, He l.istitulcd a spit in Forsyth Court for $5,. 00., '? , . , The joint committees appointed somo tlmo ago by tho Winston and Salem nu ?horltlos to act upon Andrew Carnogto's proposition to glvo $25,000 . for ft public library, declined to accept same. Tho winstop aldermen will now be asked to accept $15,000 tunf to make an appropriation of $51,500, mnlntnli. tho li? brary, tho building to be erected on West graded school lot. Q5NCE the WAR Prescription 100,384" NOW OVER 40 YEAR8-AND LIKELY TO REMAIN THE ONLY REAL CURE FOR Rheumatism and its blooo rclation., 4t drugs!*'-, 76o. Bottlo, Pottal brings boohllt, Ws. II, Mulub, UnlTertlty flaco. New York. Christmas ?the Booklo vers A good .book is a comforting kind of Christ ' mas present; arid.a good book which you can exchange for another good book as often as you like keeps the pleasure of the gift revolv? ing from week to-week. We shall take care of your order in a pleasing way.; Here arc. a few of our special Christmas offers: $1.50. A new Tabard Inn book exchangeable for ovor. . 5.00. Uooklovc-s Membership (one year), also Dooklover.. Magnzlne 5.7S. Bookiovers Membership and two Magazines: Bookiovers and Book 6.25. Bookiovers Membcrfihlp and three Magazines! two above and Cos? mopolitan. ' ri-igozlnca may b* sent to dllfcrent addresses. Call or send for circulars; RICHMOND LIBRARY: 421 West Main Street. ___. Remember the Loved Ones. This Is a season when every ono, rich and poor alike, Is confronted with tho oucstlon what shall I give to so and so, for a Xmas present? 1 venture to sug? gest that thero Is nothing that so pleases and delights a poison as some trinket In Jewelry such us you will rind In my Immense stock. I havo them suitable tor all litres' from the Infant In nrms to tho grandmother, and at prices that will meet any legitimate competition. For everything In slrlctly high-grade Jew olry; Diamonds, Watches, Silverware, Rich Cut Class, Opera Glasses, Sllvor Handlcd Umbrellas, sco JOHN F\ KOHLER, The Reliable Jeweler, NO. 209 E. BROAD STREET. 'PHONE NO. 2643. -?-^ We Are Not Good Talkers Don't havo to bo as-tlio Carrlogcs of tho manufacturers we represent sell on their merit. .Quail y and prlco does for us whnt clever talK Is rorced to do for others. We Represent the Toomey Racing and Road Carts and Brockway and Buckeye, Columbus, Ohio. Stylish, up-to-dato and high-class pleasure and business vehicles. Ho Calrlng of all kinds and rubber tiring'done. Bargains In several blghfclass Victorias and Station Wagons, also ono Automobile. Smith & Murphy, 314 North Fifth St. J BIG BARGAINS IN GROCERIES. Dressed Chickens and Tur? keys at Low Prices. Best American Granulateu i ugar, 4I/? pound.?. /2 Fresh Country Eggs, dozen.zbc. 3 pounds California Peaches for... ...2oc. New Seeded Raisins, 1 lb package.10c Home-Made Mince Meat, pound.Be. Mountain Roll Butter, lb.......IBo Small California Hams, pound.........9c. 2 pounds New Hominy and Grits for..5c. Three pounds Seedless Raisins for. ,.,2->c. Largo Juicy Lemons, dozen.12c. Best City Meal, par peck.18c. or, bushel .? ? ? ?.?.650? New Cleaned Currants, 1-lb package...8c Best Cream Cheese, pound.15c, Brown Sugar, pound .-to Canned Tomatoes, largo cans...7c Largo Malaga Grapes, pound.....,.. ..10c. Good Lard, pound, 9c| or 3 lbs. for..25c. Whole Sweot Pickles, quart......10c Gibson XXXX, Mt. Vernon, Oscar pllcr Old Brando Whiskey, bottle..75o. 3-lb Jars Home-Made Preserves.... ..18c. Blackberry or Catawba Wine, quart 12o. N_w Dates. Be. or 6 lbs for.25o Salt Pork, per pound....??? 6 lbs White A Sugar for.23o. Cranberries, quart .?.?= Cood Green or Mixed Tea, pound..... ,25c, New Virginia Buckwheat, 7 lbs. for..Z5o. Canned Sugar Corn .??? Florida Oranges, dozen.i^o Best Leaf Lard, pound.-0? Duffy's Malt Whiskey, per bottle....80o. S. ULLMAN'S SON, Downtown Stores, 1820-1822 East Main Street. Uptown 6tore, 608 East Mar? shall Street. 'Phones at our two Storss. ^KNOTST IF YOU WILL USE WOOD STOVES, why not havo tlio host WT MATS to burn In thorn P Jml^V/ * W Wo have PINE and OAK KNOTS The BEST p| Tip I Alfiu woodstovo f ULL? prepared Lteht Wood, ling fchosp or any other flros In tho best way for tho Ions, money. _ : S.H.HAWES&GO., Eightaenth and Gary Streets. -Phones 57 and 38.7, i'nAU^U^ATIGN ADDITIONAL PULI.. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY, On December 6tl? the Seaboard will Jn. augurate through Pullman service op No. 27 leaving Richmond ?:.0 P, M.. for Tampa. Fla'. Reservations can be made by applying to S. A. U olllce, WO East Main StreeC WE SELL FOR I FULL NIOXELED PERFECT OIL HEATERS, ALSO AT CUT PRICES, RADIATORS. ANDERSON 710 MAIN STREET. The Painter Wants His Christmas Dinner just as inuoh as any other man. Let mo help my joumoymen to buy their Christmas turktys by glviug mo tho contract to paint your houso now In? stead of walling till spring. That will bo nn act of practical charity, and you'll got better work than If you put it off because I have nono but skilled mechanics now, but in tho spring rush Iofton havo to hlro stranger* that wo know little about. HARGROVE, Pointer, 8l0East Franklin St. 'Phono 28-18. 'FERROFIX' ii Will Mend Your BROKEN CASTINGS and will save you tlmo and niouoy. Guar antccd as strong us now. Caiiiercn-Tennant Maohina 2404-24U6 E. Alain Street. Works, RICimOND. VA. Machine Work., Casting and Blacksmith. Work. w? bandlo till (.ratios of COAL and WO'Jl) III the UES'l- QUALITY lit LOW EST Market Prlcos. Your trado solicited. Ucst Lump Coal In the City ut $5,00 a Ton Delivered, PHONE 169, f 17th and Cury sts., Richmond, Vn. Largest and Most Complete stock of Pipes In the City* JASPER L.. ROWG, 3>3 Ea-t Br<_ad St, Door From Third Street,