Newspaper Page Text
EXPERIMENT IN OYSTERS ?'Artificially Feeding in tha Beds S to Increase Their Size and Quality is a Success, CAN BE DONE ON LARGE SCALE /Would Rejuvenate the Industry and Restore the Depleted Beds to the Advantage of All. (Special to Tho Times- Dispatch.) NORFOLK, VA., Dec. ID.-Oystermon and packers hereabouts are greatly In? terested In tho experiments that aro be? ing; made by tho national government at Lynnhaven Bay, tho far-famed homo ot ?he most delicious, as well as tho mom profitable, of tho Chesapoako Bay oys ters, Tho FlBh Commission some tlmo ago hud" Its attention 'directed to the problem of preserving the beds of tho Chesapeake find Its tributaries, and tho result of Its deliberations on the subject took tho frrm of extensive experiments, conduct? ed under tho supervision of ono of tho experts of the department. It wus doclded thut the oysters should ho feu artificially In order to increaso their size, nutritive value und further? more to preserve tho beds. The baby, oysters, It was found, frequently remain ed culls till their lives for lack of prop? er nourishment. THE EXPERIMENT. Tho form of Colonel Blackford, two miles from Lynnhaven station, on tho Norfolk and Southern Hallway, was se? lected as Lho scene of the experiments, :-'or several months past these have boon In progress and the result is that the tie partment officials aro thoroughly satis? fied. Tho only Item to bo ascertained now Is the cost. If this can bo put on an economical basis, thero Ib nothing to prevent the adoption of this plan of ar? tificially feeding the oysters all alone? the shores of tho Chesapeake. The result of such a system would bo that the oysters would bo more market? able, tho depleted bods would bo ro I.lenlshnd an<| tho packers, tongers and planters would all profit. It will be prac? tically a rejuvenation of tho oyster ln d"8try, which, as Is well known, is now seriously threatened by the depletion of tlie beds. SIMPLE PLAN. The plan under which the experiments have beer mado ut Lynnhaven; is very simple. The oyster lives on the vege? table matter found In the salt arms of t>-e Chesapeake, It also requires 11 mo and phosphates for Its shell. These Itv grcdlents are simply mixed up In tho proper proportion ashore and pumped out to tho beds, where the oysters get the full benefit of them. Commissioner Everman, of tho Fish Commission, has been here for several days looking Into this Important and in leresUng series of experiments, and he le 01 tho opinion that the success that ha3 been attained, means new life for the oyster Industry, not only at Lynn haven, but wherever tho luscious bivalve it. to bo found; . ,,- ??-- -gfLK-MIUI--STRIKE, ? ' ? A strike of 123 of tho 150 employes of ihe Norfolk Silk Mills, followed a re? duction of wages to-day. Eighty of the strikers are women. The strikers say the cut amounts to 1-2 cent a yard and that they were not notified of the reduc? tion until it was mode. The women strikers, who say a hearing wns refused them, will form a union. MISS HELEN GOULD. Miss Helen Gould arrived hero this morning from Old Point Comfort, whero ihe yesterday dedicated tho ir. M. *-? A bulldlng sho has donated to Fort Mon? roe. She was greeted at tho pier at be well'a Point, to-day by the rousing cheers of SOO sailors from the torpedo flotilla. She took a snap-shot of the boys and promised to send them copies of tho pic? ture. Miss Gould and party are guests at the Montlcollo Hotel. They visited St Paul's Church and tho navy-yard to-day. This afternoon a reception was tendered Miss Gould at the homo of Mrs. Barton Myers, who is at tho head of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Naval _r. st. c. a. | To-night, a largo mass-meeting In tho Interest of this institution was held at Epworth Mothodist Church, Judgo laze well Taylor presiding. Admiral toii delivered an address. . BEN BUTLER LANDS. Land Grabbers Refused a Deed by Buchanan County Court. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) TAZEWELL, VA., Dec. lO.-Hon, J. II. Stuart, of the County Court of Taze? well county, designated to sit In tho re? cent term of the County Court of Bucn nnan county, has just returned, having adjourned court. Judgo Stuart overruled the motion of C, W, Tenbault and others for tax deed covering about 200,000 acres of valuable coal nnd timber land lying In Buchanan, known as "Tho Pearson Sur? vey." This lan-d, which now belongs to tho'helra of the'late Goneral Benjamin F. Butler, of Massachusetts, has been re? turned delinquent for taxes for a great many years, and the amount due Is now over $00,000, The applicants some tlm._ since filed nn application under what Is known as the "land grabbers' net," to purchase same, hut Judge Beavers, of the County Court of Buchanan, being an Interested party In tho case, could nOt sit In the case, and bene, another Jutlse was desig? nated by the Governor of Virginia, Judge Stunrt overruled the motion on tho ground that tho applicants hud not fully compiled with the statutes. Tho appli? cants have applied to tho Judge of tho Circuit Court of Buchanan county for Pt-rlt of ?mandamus to compel lho clerl. of the Circuit Court of Buchanan county to niako tux deed. It Is generally be lloved, although tho lower courts have refused a tax deed, thut Mr. Tenbault will finally win tho case, on 1ho ground that tlray linvo compiled with tha law. Mr W H, Leonard, of Boston, and Hon' J. L. Jeffries, of Norfolk, wens for tho applicants, and attorneys W. 13, Burns, of I.ebnnon; A, P. Gillespie nnd A. 8. Hlgslnbotham, of Tnzowell, ugainst applicants. A land caso of lesser importance was decided In tho Circuit Court of Tazewell this week, Judge Jackson sitting, It was; the caso of Beavers ugnlnst Cummins, which Involved only a few hundred acres of coal land lying in tho northwestern part of Jills county. The judge docldedo In favor of Beavers. The caso grow out pf a paroled extension of tin option. Hiram Riddle was sentenced lo one year In the Buohnnan County Court for killing a man on Knox Creek ftaveral months ago. ., . * Municipal Investigation, (Snoelal to Tho-Times-Dlspatph.)\:? BRISTOL, VA.. .Deio.,-JO.-Accor.d|n* to a resolution offered In-tho City.Council of Bristol Va,, oi? Tuesday night, aud, unanimously passed by that body, a ccm aUttee ot nine business, men from tho ________tM I _____ M SWITCH! m-***/* ???-?" ?? "^^S *?*?? ?*4#?<? To use a homely illustration! Whon you find yourself in the wrong and the right l? pointed out to you to be honest with yourself, what should you do? SW11CHI if vou are using lard for frying and shortening, and we prove to you that Cottolene is purer, more healthful, more economical, what should you do? SWITCH 1 Natnrc-s Gift from the Sunny 5outh Shortens mr food-Loi^ftois mr life G Nov/, lard, as you know, is made from hog fat, It may or may not be pure, Cottolene is always pure, because it contains nothing but refined vegetable oil and choice beef suet. It is always uniform, and v/o guarantee the quality. ' Bosides, it is never sold in bulk like lard, but comos In sealed tin pails, and is not open to contamination. So much for purity and healthfulness. As to economy?Cottolene is richer than lard. It requires, therefore, but two-thirds the quantity to secure better results. This means economy. Why not do justice to your stomach and give it a digestible product rather than an indigestible one? Your grocer will start you right with a pail of Cottolene. TTUTTTT* Send u_a 2cstamp to paypoitaee and we'll mall you acopyor our book, rxvc-JC. ?? Home Help.," edited by Mrt. Rorer. which contain. 300 choice recipes from the country's rioted cooks. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Dept 513 Chicago k.,--.,.. mm.. -?_??..?__?? a ____m 7___wM^SXS^SE3SmS^SSS-W^^ two *? -i"- is to be r.pnohitcil 10 invejU gate tlie alleged Irregularities of the council of Bristol, Va. as brought >vt ln a report recently submitted to the council i-y Uty Attorney J. S. Ashworth. It Is charged that the irregularities were it- connection with tho d s-Ioaing of bondn bl the city. In which It Is alleged certain individuals and Institutions wore perhaps unduly favored, i ___ STEAMER WITHDRAWN. Prospects Bright for the Elec? tric Line to Rappahannock. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) FREDERICKSBURG-, VA., Dec. 10. Tho withdrawal of the steamer Tourist of tho People'3 Line from the Rappahan? nock River was a groat surprise to the people hero, and In tho Rappahannock Valley. This steamer has been a great feeder to the trado of this city for the past year from the section along the Rappahannock River, and It was expected that It was on the.river permanent. Tho steamer Caroline, of the Wcoms Line, Is now, and has been for some time, running on the old schedule ot the Tourist, and brings to the city each trip a large number of shoppers. On Its last nrival It brought up over 200 passengers, all of whom mado pur? chases of tho merchants here. Tho trips of the boat .ire trl-weekly, requiring ono day to go down to Urbanna, returning thn following day. The- prospects seom now very bright for building the electric line from Wash? ington, in Rappahannock county, to Cul peper, even if It is not extended to this H'-ctlon. Rappahannock and Culpeper have ei'ch voted a subscription of $33,000, and private subscriptions in Rappahannock county have reached J3C.O00, and $32,000 has been rals .-d trom the same source In Culpeper county, making $1GS,000 In hand towards tho construction. DIPHTHERIA SCARE. Huntsmen Find Good Sport in Cumberland County. fSpectal to Tho .imos-Dlspatch.) CARTERSVILLE, VA., Dec. 10.-A mild case of diphtheria near the vlllago has caused a good deal of fear on ac i-ount of tho younger generation of Car tersvllllans, and interferrod somo with I he school. As yet, no now cases of tho dread disease have been reported. Hunters continue to como from the cities In pursuit of game. Mr. W. R. Eng? land, of Washington, D, C, hns return? ee to his home, after a threo weeks visit to relatives, having spent a good part of the time in his favorite sport, hunting turkeys. Invitations aro out for tho marriage of JUss Henrietta Hooper, ot White Hall, Va to Mr. Harry Culbrcth, of Phila? delphia, on Wednesday, the 16th of De? cember. The ceremony will bo performed in tho White Hall M. E. Church. Miss Hooper Is woll known in this neighbor? hood, having many relatives und friends here. , , . Miss Annlo May Rhods, who Is teach? ing in Southampton, will return to hor homo in Cartersvlllo, on next Saturday, tho 12th, and will go to White Hall on lho 16th to act ns maid of honor for .Miss Hooper. She will spend tho holidays at Cartersvllle. TRAINING SQUADRON. To Take Part in Louisiana Pur? chase Celebration. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NEWPORT NEWS, VA., Dec. 10,-The fluff ship Minneapolis of tho training ship Kiuaflron, Rear-Admiral Wise In com menu accompnnlod by tho training ships Topeka and Yankee sailed to-day for New Orleans, La., whero they will par ? clpato In tho ceremonies Incident to the- celebration of tlio hundredth anni? versary of the Louisiana Purchase. Tho battleship Texas, flag ship of Tlr-nr--Wlnilral Sands' const defense miser Baltimore will on Snlurday con Yey tlie torpedo boat flotilla to the Phil Ipplncs,_ Richmonders in New York, fSneelal to Tho Tlmos-Dlspatcn.) ORANGE, VA.. Doc, 10.-M.b- Fannle s Dolln and Mr. R, R. Mason were rurrled the 6th at the Hotel Coleman, of tin 'place, Hov. J, M, B^J^.PMtW of ?|on Bnptlst Church, officiating. THE FAVORITE ROUTE JO BALTI? MORE, THE NORTH AND EAST.. Loavo Richmond, Southern Railway. Fourteenth Street Station, iMO P. W. dally, oxcopt Sunday, arriving Baltlmoto 8:30 P. M.: Philadelphia, 11:37 A. M-l N?w York, 1:40 P. M. Fare to paltltnoro one way, J-..50, round HIP $li to Philadelphia ?S.E0, round trip $9: to Now York ono way $.._0, rqund trip .13. After December 28th. 1903, steamers via this routo will bo run on a, trl-weekly gphedule, connection leaving"Richmond at 4:?Q P. M, Mondays,' Wodpe.aays-.. and Fridays. ? . .... ',-?' .'?' . ? - ' C, W. WBSTBUR\',,D,. P,; A., SO NEAR AND YET SO FAR Two 'Phones in a Stone's Throw Must Get Connection a Long Ways Off. IN TOUCH WITH THE WORLD Chesterfield Courthouse at Last Gets Good Telephone Ser? vice?County Court. CSpecial to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CHESTERFIELD, VA., Dec. 10.?Tho Petersburg Telephone Company, which for some tlmo has had Its telephone wires strung from this place to the Manches? ter and Petersburg turnpike, by way of Centralia. to-day finished putting In two telephone boxes here, thereby putting ihls village In connection with Richmond and Petersburg and nil tho principal towns of the State Ono box Is located In the county clerk's office and tho other In the store of Mr. E. XV. Ellison, where tho postofflco is kept. The two boxes are within a couplo of hundred yards of each other, and lho villagers wero surprised to know that any communication by 'phono between the two must bo dono by way of tho central office in Petersburg. A message to Richmond must also pass through the Petersburg office. TELEPHONE RATES. ? Tho rates to bo charged by tho tele? phone company will bo fifteen cents for a ihree-minutes' talk with either Richmond or Petersburg, and flvo cents for tho samo time for tho stations between here and tlw turnpike; flvo cents for each additional mlnuto will be added. Tho rate to Chester will be ten cents when tho lino from tho turnpike to that place shall have boon completed. The 'phono will bo a great convenience hero, Inasmuch as the courthouse Is three miles from the railroad and telegraph stations, and tho old telephone lino which passed by hore was abnndoned several yoars ago. COUNTY COURT. Judgo L. P. Pool, who on last Satur? day qualified as judgo of tho County Court of this county before Judgo Clop Ion, of the Manchester Hustings Court, Is expected here to-morrow to furnish tho list' for tho venire to try the cases of Mr. Walter Vaden, Berkeley White and Henry Loe, all charged with felony, which will come up during the term be ?tinning next Monday. The Vaden caso hns been sot to begin on Wednesday, the 10th, and tho cases of tho two othors, who are colored men, will probably bo finished before then, VIRGINIA TO PLAY IN MADISON SQUARE (Special to Tno Tlmos-Diepatoh.) ' UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, Dec. 10. John L. do Saulies, a former coach of the Virginia foot-ball toam, is arranging for a contest at Madison Square Garden, Now York, on Wednesday of tio"xt week, between tho Virginia team and that 'rep? resenting BuckiK-ll College, Pennsylvania. Tho occasion Is a big Indoor touiua mont, and tho proposed foot-ball gamo is to bo a ulde attraction. Tha final word la expected from Mr. Do Suullcs to-mor row, and If It is' favorable tlio players will go into training at oneo for the con tost. Nearly every member of tho team has signified his willingness to make tho trip, Broke Off in His Head. (Special to Tho Tiinea-Dlstv.teh.) UBADESBORO, VA,, Deo. lO.-On Oat urday night December 6th, near Utt postofflco |n this (Carroll) county, un ul toi-atlon took place at a .drunken frolla oetwoen Frunk Gwynu nnd Jesso Ayros, in which Gwynn stabbed Ayrea in sovcnti places. Tho bludo of his knife was broken eft' In Ayrea' head. Dr. Bran-scorno at? tended him and thinks ho muy rocovor. ?- " 'Phones in Greene. (Spoclnl to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch,). STAoARDSVILLE, VA? Deo. lO.-Tho opening up of feloplioi.lo communication between Greene county and the railroad, which event long looked for and yearn? ed after, took place Friday la,3t, marks an epooj-i In the advance of this sec? tion, ?' Another company Is now engaged In perfecting- plans to connect this lino with the va))ey system; VIRGINIA IS DISREGARDED New Jersey 'Declines to Honor Governor Montague's Requi? sition for Colored Preacher, COLPdRTERS ARE APPOINTED The Body of the late Wade Mc? Gee E.Ntimed and the Cause of His Death Ascertained. (Spoelal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) PETER8UURO, VA? Doc. lO.-Tho po? lico officer who wont to Now Jersey after tho Rov. James Flshburn, charged with swindling Petersburg negroes, returned this morning without his man, Tho au? thorities ot Trenton refused for lho pres? ent, to honor tho requisition from the Governor of Virginia, and Flshburn will bo hold thero until Tuesday, when ho will bo given a hearing .as far as New Jer? sey is concerned, i WILKERSON-MEREDITI-I. 10. N. Wllkerson and Mrs, Erma '?. Meredith, a well known couple of Diu wlddlo county, wero married In Washing? ton this week. Rev. Father O'Farroll to-day had as hla gueits Rev. Father McVerry, of Rich? mond, and Rov. Father Lynch, of Roa? noke. Messr_. Charles and Ben Turner are very sick at their, home In Union Stroet. At the Petersburg Young Men's Ch'r.s tion Association Sunday, "Wireless Tele? graphy will be discussed by S. L. Thomas, of Richmond. BIBLE BOARD. The annual n.eotlng of the Stato Bap? tist Sunday-sU.cul and Bible Board was held Tuesday night In tho First Baptist Church of Petersburg, with Dr. W. C. Taylor preslJlug. The appointments of colporters for the ensuing year was mado, as follows: W. J. Sadler, from Cumberland and Buckingham counties, to Albemarle coun? ty, with Increased Balary. Dr. Jenkins was appointed for Frank? lin county, aid the following wero reap? pointed: Rev. J. W. I-Iorton, Carroll coun tv, with Increased salary: Rev. D. J. Har? ris, Scott county; W. P. Terry, Bruns? wick and Dinwiddle counties; Rev, Jos? eph Leonard, Washington county, with increased salary; Rev. O. L. Terry. Buch? anan and Dickenson counties; J, W. Bar? ker, Grayson county, with Increased sal? ary; J, B. Dulln, Prince William and Fauquier counties; Rev. R. M. Gibson, Lee county; Rev. J. H. Masslo, Shenandoah county; Rov. Charles E. Anderson, Bland county; J. F. Kerfoot, Shenandoah Association, with increased salary; Miss Mary XV. Apper.on., Blblo woman for Pocahontas, wltl, permission to labor dur? ing the winter in Newport News; Miss Mary Lou Williamson, Bfblo woman for Petersburg. RESOLUTIONS. The following resolution, presented by the Rov. G. B. Taylor, was adopted: 1. "That the Sunday-school and Blblo Board heartily endorses tho appeal of the State Mission Board to the pastors and churches of Virginia that earnest prayer be mado to Ood for a: revival of religion throughout- our- bort5#r_:" ...' 1!. "That ns a trie-ins 'to'this desired end' conventions bo held throughout the State, and that emphasis bo put on evangelizing in tho Sunday school." BODY EXHUMED. Tho body of the late Wade H. McCeo was yesterday disinterred 1'n tho presence of physicians repit-scntlng tho Travelers' Protective Association and the family of Mr. McGee. The autopsy held Is said to ha\o dselo.ed the fact that doath re? sulted from an Injury caused by Mr. McGee falling down a stairway In the passenger atutioa of the Atlantic Coast IArio Railway, ni Richmond, t -? MASS-MEETING. Called by the Mayor of Farm ville to Discuss Dispensary. (Special to Tho Times-Dl-patoh.) FARMVILLE, VA., Dec. 0.?At tho re? quest .of a number of citizens, Mayor Blanton issued a circular to-day calling the district to assemble In tho court? house to-morrow night to discuss tho merits of tho saloon versus dlspensarj, in order that tho people may bo more fully Informed on tho guestlon. It is understood that Senator Wat kins and Mr, Gravely, of Martinsville, earnest advocates of dispensaries,' will be present, and a lively gathering is expected, as tho question Is tho tojila of conversation here now, and every voter has tho town's uniquo whiskey situation at heart. The date for the holding of tho election has not been sot yet, but It will most likely take place on Tuesday, tho 22d. of this month. Tha saloon people havo received a sup? ply of llteraturo thoy contemplato dlstrl uutlng, and In tho local paper this week and last week strong artlclos advocating a dispensary appenred. To deckle between the dispensary and saloon is, In the judgment of many, going to bo ono of the bittorost and hardest fought battles on record In tho town, . THE CULLEN TRIAL. The Prisoner Shows a Model of His Ball-Bearing Guns. -(Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) HARRISONBURG, VA., Doc, 10.?The trial of Captain Orlan Clydo Cullen, In tho United Status Court Is progressing very rapidly. Tho evidence shows con? tinual successful efforts to defraud, anil tho general opinion among tho pooplo who havo hoard tho testimony so fur Is that Cullen will bo convicted. To-day In tho court room, Cullen gave an exhibition of tho workings of his ball boarlug gun. Of course, the gun Is ratlur mlunturo. but It shows tho result of tho invention of an Ingenious mind, Messrs. Aulton & O'Flnherty. of Front Royal, aro conducting tho defense, und are making a favoiublo Impression on tho.o who hoar their legal points. District Attorney Moore, assisted by Mr. Blair, ouiouotad tho prosecution, PAYING UP. Married a Young Girl When He Had a Wife in Tennessee, (lly A?soeliiti;iI Proas, I ?wyTUKVILLlC, VA., Deo, W--Up to Monday only about 150 citizens hud paid t|iolr capitation tux, and entitled thorn .elves to voto In tlio town election In Wythovlllo next Juno. However, this week thero has boon u steady at ream of citizens to tho treasurer's office, and ninny nieii have qualified themselves to cast their ballots. In that elootlon. Some tlmo ago William-S. Mooro came to Wythevlllo from Tennessee and soon afterwards married a young girl of this placo. it-now-transpires that he has a wife and several children in Tennjessoe. j}?- now reposes w *--e Wythe county jail, awaiting tho arrival of his first wife's people, when ho will be given a preliminary hearing. CHECK" FLASHER, The Rockbridge County Board of Health. (Spoclnl lo Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) LEXINGTON, VA,, Dec, 10,?A young chock flasher Is wanted hero, vho at? tempted to pass ft raised check on a bank. Tuesday morning, a boy of Uf. teen arrived, registered at the Motel L-.tlngton. That night ho entertained a rrowd With "sporty" talk, and ho scorn? ed to bo very bright and "knowing," On tho day following ho solicited a sub? scription from a professor at Washing* ton and Lee University for a mnguzlno, The payment was mado by check for tl. Before presenting tho chock nt lho bank thu young man "raised" It. to $9. Tho batik toiler discovered that tho check had been tampered with, and re? fused payment. Whllo tho matter was being Investigated, tho youthful sport lutt Cor parts unknown, lio registered at the hotel as ."Harry N, Jones, Cin? cinnati, Ohio," Ho said he came from Richmond to Lexington, and that ho was birn In Boston, Mass., whero ho had a wealthy grandfather living, Tho Itockbrldgo County Board of Health has been organized, with Mr. J. J. U, Klnnear, chairman of the Board of supt-i-vlsors as president; County Clork A. T, Shields Is secretary. Dr. A, D. Estill, chairman of the Lex? ington Board of Health, was made health _?.fleer. The other members of the board nro Dr. Robert Glasgow, of Lexington, ana Dr. II. R. Coleman, of Colllcrstown. Tho Board of Supervisors was request? ed to purchase several fumlgators for use In tho county. elope'ment. Telegraph Operator at Doswell and Weil-Known. Young Lady. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ? DOSWELL, VA., Doc. 10.?Mr. J. Thomas Cussons and Miss Corrlo Holmes loft for Washington yesterday for the purpose of getting married. They were accompanied by sevoral Cricnds. Miss Holmes Is -tho popular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holmes, of Hanover county. Mr. Cussons Is tlio night tolo- , graph operator for the railroads nt this placo. and also a native of this county. Several new buildings aro In course of eroctlon, which aro very desirable addi? tions to the village. Tho citizens express tho hope that the railroad companies will arrange to better accommodate tho traveling public and shippers when tho doublo track problem for this station is finally adjusted. 1 ? Taylor?Whitman. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) PULASKI VA., Deo. 10,?The Presby? terian Church was tho place of an ex? ceptionally pretty, wedding last ev-mlns at eight o'clock, wfien Miss Nanci Coueon Whitman, of this place, became the brldo of Mr. Frederick Southgate Taylor, of Nortolk. The Impressive coromdny of tho Episcopal Church was performed by the Rector, Rev. W. A. Brown. Tho church was artistically decorated with evergreens and potted plants, 1 he bridal party was as lollows: Best Alan, Mr. A. Brook Taylor, of Norfolk, brother of tho groom; Matron of Honor, Mrs. C. M Galway, sister of tho bride; Ushers. \V. F. Irvine. James Hume, J. N. Young, A. B. Carney. C. R. Day. Norfolk, ".a., and Gus. Aston, Radford; Bridesmaids, Misses Anna Gleaves, Wythevlllo, \a.; Nora Richardson, Marlon, Va.; Margaret venablo. Marion; Sarah Bentley and LI Ut, Trilling Pulaski. Vn.; Lucy Whitman, Pulaski; Flower Girls, Elizabeth Jordan and Virginia Haller, nieces of the bride. song, "Because I Lovo You Dear, by Mrs Ira C. VanDoren; Organist, Miss Brown, of Wythevlllo; Violinist, Joseph P. Campbenn Pulaski. The brldo came In with her brother-ln law, Mr. A. H. Jordan. The bride is a charming young Jady; who _endeared her? self to the people of Pulaski. At the rcsldenco of Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Jordan a delicious supper was served. The brldo and groom lo'l't for Kontucty and tho South. ?- , ,, Those from a dlstanco present at tlis wedding wore Mrs. A. Brook Taylor. Mrs. Robert M. Wllkins, Mr, Tar.ewell Taylor and Mr. Seldcn Taylor, of Norfolk. McCarty?Dickinson. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) . FRl-DERlCICSBURG. VA., Dec. 10. Mr. Arthur Peyton McCarthy, of Brook? lyn, N, Y? and Miss ,EUlo Spottswnod .Dickinson, daughter of Mrs. AVllllam U. .Dickinson, of Caroline county, were mar? ried yesterday at Grace Episcopal Church, Hi that county, at two o'clock P. M.. Rev. S. S. Ware ofliciatlng. After a Southern tour Mr. and Mrs. McCarty will reside In Brooklyn. . Mason?Dolin. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NEW YORK, Dec. lO.-Evorott, Miss Butler, ~-II_s Sanderson, Mrs. A. C. Bruce Sinclair, W, W. John? son; Broadway Central, B, Bear; Albemarle, JUss Boshor; Earllng ton, A. Anderson, Jr.; Herald Square. H. R. Wayt; York. W. B. Nolson; Barthold, G. T. Uhlniun; Navnrree, XV. J. Kini brough. Bell?Floyd. (Special'to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CAPE CHARLES. VA.. Dec. 10.-Mr. A. T Boll and Miss Sallio Floyd, of Mailon vlllo; woro married this evening at Red Bank Church, Rev, C. L. Corbltt offielat Tlio ceremony was witnessed by a lar_-p number of relatives and friends. Boll aro well known and popular young peo tlo In this section. -? - Brubaker?Long. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) I.URAY, VA.'}' December 10.?Mr. Wil? liam ?Brubah.r, son of tho lato A. D. Brubaker, of this county, and Miss Sadlo Long, daught r ot Dr. John XV. Long, a prominent physician of this county, were married at the home of tho brides father, four miles south of Luray, this evening. Elder John R. Daly, of tho Prim? itive Baptist Cuurch, ofliciatlng. Surprise Marriage. (Spoclnl to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WVTHI3V1LLK VA., Doc. lp.-_.ii3S Willie ?Geogro Slmmermnn, daughter <>i Mrs. Rhotla J. Simmer-man, ana u ?w?in|. Iiont young lady of Wythovlllo, and Mr. {?hnnes II?- Hilt, nt Dotiolt. Mich., wvr. married at seven o'clock this evening u>' iho Rov. Mentor P- Logan, D, D. Tho affair wus kept secret and ,.>>' a few filends wore present on thoi,occ?8lon, The brido Is a nloco of Hon, Stephen t*. Mmmorman, Wytho county's .apri'soni.-. tivo In tho Houso of Delegate:!, nii-l ia nitrootlvo and popular._ John Paul Jones' Home. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ?-. FRl-.lHOniCKSBURG, VA., Doc. IJ. An entertainment was given Wednesday night under lho auspices of the Daughters or lho Revolution, at "Kenmore, he his? toric residence of Mrs. JV, Key I ..war-l. lornierly tho home of Betty Washington i.ewls, sister of George Washington, dur. ing which a well prepared paper was delivered on John Paul Jpnes by Captain S. J. Qulnn, ot this city. Tho paper w?? i-omurkublo for Its historical accuracy, and domonstruted the fuel that the nrst find only homo of tho groat admiral of tho navy was in America und here In the city of Fiudurlrdtshurg._,_ IT 16 FOR LAD' 58, TOO, They Can Stop Their Hair Falllnn Out With Hoi'plcldo, Ladlos who liavo thlu halt- and whoso hah- is falling out, can prevent tho hair falling out and thicken tho growth with Newbro's "Herpiclde." Besides, Ilorpl clde la ono of the most agri-cable halt dressings there Is. llorpli-Wo kills lho dandl'lll? germ that eats tho hair off ut tho root.. After tho germ Is destroyed tho root will shoot up and the hair grow long us ever, Even a sample will con? vince any ladv that Newbro's Herpiclde is an Indlspi'Vi&able tollot requisite. It contains no oil W grease, It will not ptaln or dye. Sold by leading druggists. Send lc. In stamps for sample to The Herpl old* Co.. Detroit, Mich- Owens and Minor Drug Co., speoial agents, ... ?CX_OOQPOOOCOOOCOCO^ nnifirl JUST what you want nnd tho price you fixed upon as the amount you wish to invest often confronts you?THAT is just whore our lony established business, unexcelled stock, and well methods of fait dealing comes to tho front. II? you aro think? ing of a There is no other place that you can do as well. is!. The Most Reliable Hanufaefuras. 2nd. The Lowest Possible Prices. 3rd. Tha Easily Arranged Easy lonthly ? ^OU don't have to search, in books, of easily written up for a consideration account, to ascertain what is aaimedhy that particular booklet, when you deal with us, for all of the Pianos we handle aro made by tlio WORLD'S BEST MAKERS, and if you have any decided preference for touch and tone, we can furnish it with a Piauo of the most reliable make obtainable. E, RELIABLE SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS of well-known makes always to he had._ ^. You wish to know tho most acceptable small Xmas present you can give? Why a Oh! yes, you'll laugh when-you hoar them?everybody, does. Best amusement you'can find._ -.. WE HAVE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN THE MUSICAL LINE AT LOWEST PRICES. S & CO,, \ (03 E. Broad Street, RIGHMOiiD, ?A. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^ooac The Busy Season is On, But we made ample preparation by buying largely; so our stores are still filled with reliable up-to-date goods, such as Parlor, Chamber, Dining-Room, Kitchen euid Hall Furniture, Bedding, Floor Cover ings a_nd Draperies. In Our Stove and Heater Department you willfiud about 50 to seleo from of the best makes, put up free and guaranteed. LOW PRICES JONES BROS. & CO., I406-14OQ East Main Street. EASY TERMS HIS MIND IS STILL BLANK Young Farrar Cannot Recollect Anything Previous to His Injury. (Special to Tlio Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NEWPORT NEWS, VA., Eoe. 10. JobcpIi uTarrar, tlio negro who was ar? rested two weeks ago on the chm-go of assaulting Charles Pierce, was discharged in tho'pollco Court this morning. Plorco, who was found at tho ship yard In an unconscious condition, with nn ugly wound on head, several weeks ago, Is rapidly Improving physically now, and would ho able to appeal- In court shortly It his. mind was not nrfocted. Tho young man's mind is blank, and ho does not even remember that ho over worked at tho yard, Tho polico aro Inclined to believe that Plorco was accidentally hurt in somo way, hut the friends ot the Injured man doclaro that ho was a victim ot foul play, and Hint tho wound on his head could not have been received accidentally. Joo lfarrnr, the negro, was arrested ho cause It was reported at the yard that ho was seen shoving Pierce through a manhole on a ship tit tho yard on tho day Plerco was found wounded. lho niv-rc doclnrcs that ho does not know the young man and the police have not boon ahlo to disprove his statement. Watklns Stevenson, an old negro man, who was run over and Injured by a horse and wagon belonging to Max J.evlson la.-t February, was given Judgment for .1100 in the Corporation Court yesterday. Tho negro sited for $3,000. Troa.uier Curtis la -^t111 kept Imsy re? ceiving rmll taxes. lie will sit untiliS o'clock Saturday uislit beforo closing his books. It look-- now as though tho vote of the city will bo cut down to about 1,000, In Iho municipal elections In the past tho vote used to bo'nbout H,W?. There are now nearly 11,000 yeglstored voters, but they nro paying tholr .'oil .taxes slowly. -_-? TORPEDO FLOTILLA. Naval Inspection Board Watch Result of First Stage of Trip. (Special to Tho Timc^-Dlspatdi.). NORFOLK, "S A,, llocembor 10.?Orders wero to-duy received at the connnund nnfs office, directing the commanding OffleOP of the UaUininre. now In tho Roads, to convoy the first torpedo flo? tilla, now nwrty .? Wll <?'\ ^-----!---- ,',s far as Key West, where their regular convoy, :U?* Uuffalo, will, join1 them. They will t.iko the Naval Inspection Hoard, headed by Captain 0, J- Train, to Key West. The board will observe how the Utile dohf-oyc-rs stand tho trip down tha coast, and If they are convinced that It will bo entirely safe to p-.rinlt.them tn 1 proceed, thoy will continue on their way Does Not Want His Foney Refunded. CAfi'AlN XUFUM AMIS, "Since 1S9I I havo been afflicted with Chronic Diarrhoea, About six months ago 1 commenced using your Concen? trated Iron nnd Alum Water, with the most wonderful and satisfactory re? sults. For threo or four years past I have boon deprived of the privilege of visiting friends or going to church. as my trouble kept mo hi constant apprehension, having lost utmost on. tirely tho control of my bowels; but now I am happy to stato that after using about a half dozen bottles of your Remedy I am entirely cured, not having used any ? for the last four months. I can confidently and most gladly recommend your Remedy for Chronic Diarrhoea." KUFCS AMIS, Virglllna. Va. ? If you suffer with uny Chronic Dis? ease yon can bo cured with .ECHOLS" PIEDMONT CONCENTRATED IRON AND ALUM WATER, or your money will bo refunded. For sale by Owens and Minor Drug Company and all druggists. S-ois. bottles, _0 cents; 18-oz. bottles, .1 ?J. M. GGKOLS GO,, LYNCHBURG, VA. to the Philippines under the wing of tha big cruiser puffala. If tho board, which is compo-ed of Hi* most experienced, ortl cers In the navy, should determine, how? ever, that t>* tr'P I* l?? hajudoua, tha little boats will he ordered basic. Naval oincers think the? |* llulo pQMlbUliy 9f anything of I his kind, however.