Newspaper Page Text
t ?)?: DISTILLERIES (Allowed to;, Sell Tvvo-Gullbii Lots to Persons Other Than Dealers, TIGHT ON SOUTHERN ENDED (House Defeats the Polices Bill. Measure Limiting Interest of B. and L, CoVb Recommitted. The House of Delegates put 111 a busy May yesterday, discussing several -sub? jects of Interest, and Hiking some Im? portant action. ,Th6 Senato spent most of. Its lime considering the revision bill* on tho calendar and passed nlno of them. a:iio' most Important action wait* the amendment ot the bill hi relation to bVibcry hy striking out the word cor? ruptly, Ihns broadening the scope of tho ?measure. Tho House bill, providing for the es? tablishment of a bureau of Insurance ?wa* reported to tho Senato and made a npfcclfti order for 11:*J A. M. to-tlay. The House recommitted tho bill nnd nmendment of Mr. Klpe, limiting thft.ra.te r-r interest to be charged by building ftnd loan associations lo 8 per cent, after _t vigorous debate. ? 'The bill In relation to lho salary or the auditor was called up and reconsidered, nnd the bill, fixing the salary at $4,000. wan'passed,, and now the, Gov The' bill, appropriating .60.000 additional for repairs to tho penitentiary, was taken up and passed. , Mr. Folk.s again called up the bill do? nning the principal offlcn of a railway rompony, and proposed lo broaden Its scope by limiting it to the Slate of \ Ir Klnla of the city of Richmond. .Various members opposed the aniena m<mt, and It wns lost. . The Governor, In n communication to lh? Hohee, suggested an amendment, giv? ing' th?. Executive authority to appoint lj.? Capitol elevator conductor, rho -intendment was adopted. A vigorous debate- ensued over tho ?*f fort to limit tho quantity of liquor to be Fold by distillers. The quantity was finally fixed.nt two gallons Instead of one. The House. One of the featurca of the House ses? sion was the fight over the liquor qucs il'-n. It having arisen over Senate bill -reducing tho number of gallons of Jfc rjuor to be sold by distillers to one gal? lon Instead of two, as at present ?Messrs, Folkcs and "Whitehead conduct? ed a fight for amendments offered by Messrs. Tone'y and Jennings, respective? ly fixing the minimum quantity at ten and flvo gallons. Taking theso for his .M_t Mr. Folkes mndo a wurm speech oil the subject of the Mann bill, which hft declared was breeding distilleries on tho ruins of bar-rpoms, which it had de? stroyed. Ho wanted to fix tho minimum pj, high as possible, so as to put liquor out of the reach of as many people as ?possible in Mann bill districts. Mr. ?Whitehead spoko In the same line, and tha result was the adoption of an amend? ment, leaving tho law In its present r'r.ape, the number of gallons being placed at two on Mr. Whitehead's .motion. Mr. Newhouse and others spoko for I be bill, as It came from the Senate, fix? ing the amount at one gallon. BILLS OFFERED. The.following bills wore offered and re ^By6 Mr. L. P. Stearnes: To provide for the payment for the work of Indexing the journals of tha present General Assem By Mr. H. E. Lee: To extend the time for the collection of capitation and prop? erty taxes until January 1st. 1901, with? out the addition of the penalty. Senate bill 876. to reduce the number of gallons of appl* brandy which may be cold by distillers from two to one, was Fo amended on-motion of Mr. Whitehead as to a-raln make the limit two gal? lons, restoring tho law to its present status, except that an amendment was !p?rtod, on motion of Mr. Allen, of Botetourt, striking out tho words "ex? cept elder" and Inserting In lieu thereof "except pure apple cider." Tlie effect of this amendment Is to prohibit the sale ot medicated ciders promiscuously. Mr. Toney offered an amendment fix? ing the minimum amount of brandy to be.sold by distillers at tan gallons, and when this had been rejected, Mr. Jen? nings offered one fixing it at five. This was also rejected, the vote being: Ayes, 20: noas, 36. Mr. Whitehead strenuously opposed Mr. Slpe's amendment to the building and loan bill, forbidding building and loan associations to charge a higher rate of interest than eight per cent, for the loan of 'money. Ho contondod that the adoption of the amendment would drive a number ot as? sociations out of business, and ho pointed out at some length tho benefits arising from them to the poorer classes. . Tho amendment had already been ndopted. and. Mr. Whitehead was Booking to have tho bill recommitted. Mr, Gent, of Russell, opposed tho mo? tion to commit, nnd ho took occasion to rasp the building associations In the State. Mr. Whitehead replied warmly to Mr. Gont, and Mr. Angell supported tho motion to commit. Mr. Caton spoke on the Mtnt line, as did also Mr. Duke, of AI v-imarle. Mr. Mott opposed the motion Xt, commit, and It was favored by Mr. Oummlng. Mr. Churchman was opposed to, the motion, and It was favored by Mr. Jennings. ? BILL RECOMMITTED. Tlie bill was recommitted by a vote of .0 to 26. Mr. Boass called up Senate bill 603 to raise tho salary of Auditor Maryo from $8,000 to <t,00?, and Mr. Green staled that ho should voto "aye." as ho would rather,be right than consistent Ho now believed that the funds wore siifllclent to meet this demand, as well as hla pen* nlon 1)111. Mr, Churchman opposedMhe bill, as It came from tho Senate, and offered to amend by striking out J1.000, ami Inrert WS.000. The amendment was rejectod and tha roll was called on tho bill, resulting -?ayes, 63; noes, 17, and tho bill was pass, fd. The penitentiary hill appropriating ffiO.OOO additional for repairs at that ln jilltutlon was passed, ayes, 50; noes, 7. The following veto message was re? ceived from the Governor, and on mq tlon of Mr. Boas, the. House unanimously Agreed to the amendment ^suggested: Peceinb-ir 10, llK)3, BV> the House of nelegates: ' ? r return House BUI Kg. 311. entitle-, a 1>||1 "To enact and re-enact sections 288 nnd _03 or tha Code of Virginia, In relation to superinten? dent of the public buildings, "to., and to re? peal an act approved January 10. 1900, cut tied -?n act to prescribe the duties of tho Register of the. ..and Office and fix his salary,' " with the recommendation that before approval tha following; words, found In lines 23, 21 and ;;, namely. "& conductor for each pr the oleya tors at the Capitol ana at the State I ";r?ry Buiiaing." be amended- so ," to read ?'?_? eonduetor for the elevator at tho State blbrury. Building." thus loavlng the authority for.'tho i(,polntnier)t of the conductor of the elevator UHb'e CajdtoJ the Executive,. SCHWARZSCHTLD BROS. Richmond's Leading Jewelers Corner 2d and Broad Sts. Schwarzschild Store /kgldw With Jfdeas, Yes, THERE IS SPACE LEFT IN the SCHWARZSCHILD vailUs for Christmas gifts to he laid away until wanted. But the -Die space will be less to-morrow, Yesterday, to-morrow and each succeeding day finds the store crowded with happy buyers, who sre doing their Christmas shopping now, for they know that their orders for engraving will'receive careful attention, and there will be no doubt about getting work on time. Diamond* are an Investment, not an extravagance, i Pooplo who bought them of us last year are bringing thorn back to-exchange for larger ones. In such cases, w| take the stone* hack at full prices tho customer paid. Can Jiny ono <Ootibt tl o quality of them, when wo, ourselves receive them as money? A taato for what Is elegant may bo gratified at small expense. No wonder that more buyers flock to the grand SCHWARZSCHILD corner. You may have the article charged if you like, You can pay for same at your convenience after the holiday pocketbook strain is past. By comparison, on all articles, you 'il find our prices 25 per cent, less than elsewhere. May we not see you to-day P j An Array of Diamondst All diamonds are mounted by ufl In such manner as shows the stone, to the nest advantage They gladden the eyes of every lover of beautiful stones. $10.00 Up. Dlemonds, Earrings, Studs, Rich Xmas Brooches. Pearls, diamonds and precious stones In artlBtlc designs of clusters, bowknots, sunbursts, hoseshoes, scrolls, etc. As? sortment varies from $4.00 to$700. Signet Rings a-Plenty. Only by examining the Schwarzschlld stock ot Slgnot Rings can you realize the novelty and wldo range of designs. Whether you wish a simple or elabo? rate pattern we can please you. No charge for monogram., Rings, $3.00 Up. WATCkES-Solld Gold, Sterling Silver, Gold-filled, with Elgin, Waltham and Imported works. Only ft visit can do justice to the variety and beauty of this do OPErTgLASSBS, CUFF BUTTONS, LOCKETS, CHAINS. CIGARETTJ3 CASES, Etc, OPEN EVERY NIGHT IN DECEMBER. ch1'oZ, SCHWARZSCHILD BROS., CMZ?L 123 East Broad Street Corner Second. n_rt.Ord.i_ Promptly Filled CorreqH.nd.enc.* Solicited, where it him always been exercised since tho establishment ot said elevator. I beg to sucgest to your honorabl* body that In view of the necessary close relations e.\Ut Ine between tho conductor of the Capitol ele? vator and the Executives ot this Common? wealth. It would be obviously unwlso to make any change in tho present methoa of appoInt ,,,,.,!_ A. J. MUMAuul.. FIGHT ON SOUTHERN. Mr. Folkes called up House bll No. 417 defining a principal office of rail? way company, and he offered a substi? tute requiring that they bo kept in Vir? ginia rather than Richmond, and asked, 'hat tho broader measure be voted for. Ho advocated the substitute, and it was opposed by Mr. Churchman, chairman of the Roads Committee. The substitute was opposed at some length by Mr. Caton, and he contended that the Southern Railway Company was keeping within tho provisions of its charter. _^ Mr. Folkes replied, to Messrs. Church? man and Caton, and said he presented the Issue squaroly between the city of Richmond and tho city of Washington. Mr. Cummlng spoke against the bill, and Bald thero was no reason for its passage. ; There was much further discussion In uulged In, Mr. Folkes again speaking, and being questioend by Mr. Lasslter, of Petersburg, and others. Tho pending question was ordered and tho substitute was rejected. Ayes, 18; noes, 41. , . , The House then rejected the original bill, and the body adjourned, SENATE BILLS PASSED. Providing for the appropriation of $50, WO, or so much thereof as may bo neces? sary to pay tho cost of the completion of a 'fire-proof steel building, including heating, plumbing, &c, nt tho penitent tlary. ' ,'.'. -?'?'??;"?-'. To amend and re-enact section 143 of an act entitled, "an act to raise revenue for support of the government and pub? lic freo schools, and to pay the Interest on tho public debt, and to provide a spe? cial tax for pensions, as authorized by noctlon 1S9 of tho Constitution, approved April 10. 1903." To amend nnd re-enact the fourth nn tlclo of section 183 of tho Code of Vlr: ginla, as amended and, re-enacted by an f.ct entitled an act to amend and re-en? act title 8 of tho Codo qf Virginia, in re? lation to salaries, mileage and other al? lowances, approved February 7, 1003. To provide for working and keeping In repair the public roads and bridges In Patrick county. __,,?_? Authorizing tho auditor of publlo ac? counts to rotund money In certain cases. HOUSE BELLS PASSED. To permit tho netting of partridges In Henry county. The Senate. Tho Senate of Virginia was called to or? der by tho Lieutenant-Governor at 11 A. M. yesterday, with a fairly large atten? dance of senators. There was no prayer.. Seventoen Houso bills and a Senate bill with House substitute, passed by tho House of Delegate* Wednesday, were communicated to tho Senate and referred to committees, most of them going to the Commltteo for Courts of Justice. Several Houso bills^relnlliig to revision wero passed. Mr. Mdlwalne for the Committee for Courts of Justice reported Houso bill 357. with Senate amendments, the purpose of tho bill belnc to create u bureau of Insurance and banking, etc. Tho bill was mado a special and continuing order for 11:30 A. Mi to-day. , ? ., The Chair was then vacated while tho Lieutenant-Governor signed seventeen Senate hills and elovon Houso hills. On motion of Mr. Walker, the fconato the nproceeded to tho consideration of the Bneclal order, and Senate bill -170 was laid beforo the Senate, This Is a bill to ninourl und .o-enact section 3741 and 3745 of the Codo lii relation to the giving or accept? ance of a. bribe und tho punishment there for. Mr. Mdlwalne, of PotorBburg. vigorous ly opposed tho bill as reported, und de. olnrod that It was entirely too broad nnd sweeping, and would make It impossible for a" voter to Inquire of a candidate whether or pot lio would support certain measures expected to como before Win as a legislator, tho candidate would bo liable to Imprisonment In tho peniten? tiary on conviction thereof. ' Messrs. Walker and Anderson, of the Revision committee, dofended lho bill as -reported, and denied Hint J. would ho such extreme construction as was put. upon it. * After considerable debate,.. Mi'... U?W walno offered an amendment which would seem to accentuato his very objection to tho bill, rnakin-r It broader and more dras? tic, than originally reported. ThU was tho striking out tho word "corruptly" In the first line of each section. Tho amend? ment, though opposed strenuously by Messrs. Walker and Anderson and others, was adopted; Messrs. Mann,' Shands, Wol laco and Walker voting against It; Tho bill as amended Is a broad and. sweep? ing ono. It is printed In full elsewhere. REVISION BILLS PASSED. " Tho Senate then took up and passed with slight amendment Senate bills front 470 to 4S6 Inclusive, almost completing tho volume of Senate revision bills. The titles of the bills passed are as fol? lows; Senate bill 479, title already printed. Senate bill 4S0, to provide for abating public nuisance and to repeal an act ap? proved March 5. 1SSS, in relation thereto. Senate bill -191, to prohibit the. ma'ntc nanco of smallpox hospitals or pest hou ea within fifty yards of any street, public road, etc., and to repeal the acts of March 16, 1903. Senate bill 4811-2, to repeal an act to prohibit tho uso of trading stamps, trading checks, and similar gift enter? prises. Senate bill 4S2, to amend section 3S33 of the Code, In relation to bribing voters at elections. Senate bill 4S3, to amend sections 3SSS, as amended. 3902, 3903, 3904, 3009 and 3911, and to repeaj section 3910 ot the Code, in relation to liow attempts to commit of? fenses punished; how misdemeanors pun? ished, how terms of confinement or amount of fine of person convicted of felony Is ascertained; convictions of mis? demeanor; keeping dcscrlptivo lists of persons convicted ot felony, etc. Senate bill 4S4, to amend sections 30K5. S91S, 3922, 3929, 3932 and 3033 of chapter 191 of the Code. Senate bill 4_5,- to amend an act to pre? scribe a penalty for persons, who undor tho provisions of tho Codo named therein, aro ordered to work In chain-gangs and escape from the person In whose custody they lawfully are. Senate bill ?_SG,.to amend soctlon 3941 of tho Codo In relation to Inquisition, evi? dence, etc., to bo returned to court, wit? nesses to bo recognized, Mr. Shands, of Southampton, offered three local bills In relation to tho town of Smlthfield In Isle of Wight coun? ty. They aro tho same bills presonted lit the Jtause on Wednesday by Mr. Branch. Tho Ponnto at 1:60 P. M. adjourned until 11 A. M. to-day. RECTOR OF ST. LUKE'S, . -;?I Ashburnhani, ' Ontario, Testifies to the Good Qualities, of Chamberlain's CouQh Remedy, ASHBURNHAM, ONT., April 18, 1903. I think It Is only right that I should tell you what a wonderful offect Chamber? lain's Cough Remedy has produced, Tha day before Eastor I was sa distressed with a cold and cough that I did not think to bo ablo to take any duties the next day, as my voice was almost choked by the cough. Tho sumo day I received an order from you for a bottle of your Cough Remedy,. I at onco procured a sample bottle, und took about thrae doses of the medicine. To my great relief tho cough and cold liad completed disappeared, and I was ublo lo preach threo time oii Easter Day, I know that this rapid and effective euro was duo to your Cough Remedy. I muko this testimonial without solicitation, being thankful lo havo found such a God-sent remedy. . Respectfully yours, B. A. I,ANGFI.LDT, M. A., Rector ot St, Luke's Church, This remedy Is for sulo by all druggists. CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY Christmas Holiday Rates, Holiday excursion tickets will ho nold to the pulilli) on December 22d, 23d, &Uh, Uotti, aotii. Slat and January 1st at onu ami a third fare between all C. and O. stations and ono and oxie? third fare plus twenty live cents to Southeastern Paesonger As? sociation territory, limited lo January 4th. Tp atudentH find tencbera going liopm for the. hall lays, on presenting and sur? rendering, to agent, certificate of pri-n| d.nt principal or ?superintendent of Insti? tution, IllQ lu'Hl-a.v Ucltols vylll bo sold Op jiccombw 161 h to 24th; and limited for p>; turn .6 January .lb TO PUNISH FOR BRIBERY The Senate Yesterday Passed a Measure Regarded as Vcryt . Drastic. 'CORRUPTLY" STRICKEN OUT Apparent Attempt to Make the -Law so'Severe That it Will Soon be Repealed. The bill passed by tho Bonnie yester? day In relation to tho giving or aceep. anco of a bribe and tlio punishment therefor, wris amended by Mr. Mcll wnlno lo strike out the word, "corrupt-: ly." As -imendod, it wim the subject of consldorablo debate,' bolng untngonlued by Mcssr*. Walker and Andorson, and championed In a rather Impnsslonod speech by Mr. Mdlwalne, patron of tho amendment,. Tho bill, It Is claimed, will have tho effect of strengthening tho Barksdalo puro elections law. By striking out the word, "corruptly, * tho drastic measure becomes much broad? er, and In tho opinion of many, would, if ?jiiforcod, havo the effect ot making a person Hablo to tho penitentiary It he nsked a candidate for tho legislature how ho would voto on a certain meas? ure, as a condition of securing tho elec? tor's voto. .. Be that as It may, Senator Mcllwalne, an open and oonfessod opponent of the Barksdalo law, offered and advocated tho amendment, which It Is thought by snmo will make the law so drastic that it will bo altogether repealed at tho first opportunity. Hero lit the full text of the amended bill as passed by the Senate: fee 3741. Bribes to Influence vote, opinion, &c, of officers, how punished; going out of State to give or offer, and &c, and returning. If any person give, offer or promise anywhere In this State, or if, being a resident of this State, any person shall go out of this State with tho mtentlon of returning for tho purpose of giving, offering or promising,' and does give, offer or promise and afterwards re? turn to and'reside in, this State, any gift or gratuitv to any executive, legisla? tive or judicial officer, after his election or appointmont, and either beforo or after he shall have been qualified, or shall havo taken his seat, with Intent to Influence his act, voto, 'opinion, decision or judg? ment on any matter, question, cause or proceeding which Is or may be then pencil? ing or may by law'come or be brought, ibefore him In hla ?.official capacity, ho s.iall upon conviction ;be confined in the penitentiary not less 'than one.nor more than ten .years. ',.-'', ,'?' ,?,_,_. Sec. 3745, Acceptance thereof by officer, how punished. If any-exccutlve, legisla? tive or Judicial office*: accept In this State, or if. feelag resident In this State, such officer shall* go.'.out of this State end accept, and'afterwards return to and reside In. this State, ffiij'-glft.or gratuity, or any promise to .n^ake a,gift or do any act beneficial to'isuch officer., under an agreement, or WlUfean Understanding that his vote, oplnldiiSdr judgment shall be given In any particular side of any question, cause, or proceeding, which is or may'berby law brought before mm In his official capaclttf.'-'or .-that 1n such capaclty...he.; ..Tojfee. any pu'"cular nomination or appblntftfenlt,.heshall upon conviction bo confined .In the penitentiary not less thftn one nor moro than ten years, and'shall forfeit his office and be forever Incapable of holding any post mentioned In section 162. 2. This act shall be in force from Its passage,-' ? _ ? AT THE ACADEMY. "At Cozy Corners." One of tho season's prettiest attractions will be Lizzie Evans, in a domestic com oar. "At Cozy Corners," at tho Acade? my, matineo and night, on Saturday. Miss Evans, originally known as "The 1 Ittle Electric Battery," the title she won on account of her well known vim nnd dash has been a familiar figure to theatre-goers for years. Tho little wo? man is famous for her sparkling per? sonality, and her bubbling good humor. It has been several years slnco she has been seen In this city, on account of her absence from tho dramatic stage to play engagements In the continuous vaude? ville theatres of tho other cities. , "The Auctioneer." David Wartiold is to be' seen at the Academy Monday night. Tho production will bo bright and new. and the com? pany the same as the one seen at tho Bijou Theatre, New York, where Belasco presented his now star for his remarlo able four months' run. Warflold's repu? tation has extended to every part ot tills country, and Mr. Belasco's name Is a guarantee of supreme excellence. Seats -.vero put on sale yesterday. The Rogers Brothers. Advance sale, of seats.for "The Rogers Brothers in London" at the Academy Tuesday night opened yesterday. "Pretty Peggy." * Although this city was not Included in the list of bookings mado for Grace George, while sho was at tho Madison S-quaro Theatre, Now York, a turn of the wheel has enabled.William A, Brady to announce her as one of tho antl Chrlstmas attractions here. Miss Georgo will bo seen In "Pretty Peggy" on'Wed? nesday and Thursday, with Thursday matinee. The Knickerbocker Girl. The farewell performances ot "The Knickerbocker Girl" nro announced for to-night, to-morrow night and Saturday matinee. That the people appreciate tho clever work done by the company Is evidenced by the crowds which flock to the place at each performance. The music Is bright and catchy, the dances new and surprising, and tho plot of tho production Is h?>-dled In an artistic way by tho mombers of tho company, Tlio matineo yesterday was a good one, and the crowd at night wa3 up to the stand? ard. Little Church Around the Corner. The "Llttlo Church Around tho Cor? ner," which received emphatlo nnd In? stantaneous approval last season, comes to tho Bijou Theatre Monday for an en? gagement of ono week, The play tells an interesting story In a coherent man ner, with scenes that load up to stirring climaxes, RAILROAD NEWS. Among the well known visiting railroad men In the city (s Mr. Thomas .1, Ander? son a Virginian, now resident hi 'icxns, and holding tlio responsible: position of general passenger "Bent of tho Southern pa,c|flo Railway, ono of tho greatest rail general ticket agent. He reuiovetl l> Texas and tlierp his rlso to tin head of the passenger department has been rapid unci solely on bis- merits. He Is being c AYeratuliited by his pld friends on his rlso in the railway world. Mr. Anderson .'at the Jefferson and will roma n In the city to-day.' He 1s In virgin! i to spend the holidays-with his old friends, Wlills the -jedal holiday rutos (in tlie railways generally do not bocotrr. ,^>?tlvo until December 23d rotlueetl rates for Students will bo euoetlvt) next week, and most of llifsm In tho city who, purpose go? ing homo for tho Holiday* will leave hero bfttween the Kith, and 20th. For tho -ton ei-al public lho'reduced rnlCB apply from December Md to tho 23th and from J he 80th to tho {list with return llm t of Jan? uary 4th. usually lho,round trip rato Is one and ohe-thlrd regular faro. Ford Knlskorn, transfer agent of the Old Dominion Steamship Company at Plnr 2C, North River, has been -.ppulnled MHldtttlil to tho superintendent of the Virginia division at Norfolk. The onico of transfer agent has been abol shod. Th6 Old Dominion Steamship Company Offers to send to nny person sending name and address and a two-cent stamp a set of the handsome plotorlnl postal ca ds gotten out by tho company. Requests should bo addressed to lho O. D, 8 8. Company, Room 68, No. 81 Beach Streot, New York city. Reduced rates to Atlanta on account or Ui6 meeting of the Southern I.clmntlon Association nt-Atlanta December 29th <? jnmmrv 1st. are ofl-ered by tho Seaboird Air Lino and Southern railways. CAPITATION TAXES. Not Half of Those Assessed Have Paid Up. Commissioner Hawkins has Oil hl? books 22,500 eligible votes, or persons who nro charged with poll tnx?s. Tho rog Istrntlon Is l?,a.l, less than half of tho malo population. ,Bp to date, the num? ber of persons* who havo paid tholr capi? tation tftxes Is 4,700. j - ? .Treasurer Phillips Is busy receiving tho poll taxes, but It Is hardly likely Hint the f..ll I "II will "o . Thoso who pay up to Mondny, can voto In the elections next year, but thoso who fall to pay'their taxes, cannot vote; so It Is up to the.people between now and Monday. CIVIL COURT DAYS. Will be Suspended on Christmas and J New Year's Days. Justice Crutehfield- announced, yester? day that ho would not hold civil court nftor tho 18th of this month until tho 8th of January, owing to the fact that tho two Intervening court days fall upon Christmas nnd New Year's days, respec? tively. AUCTION SALE. Confiscated and Unclaimed Prop? erty to be Sold in Police Court. All tho confiscated and unclaimed property In tho Polico Court will bo sold at auction after court oh next Thurs? day morning. Was Dr. Blankingship. Dr. O. F. Blanking.hlp wns elected sec? ond vice-president ot tho Academy or Medicine and Surgery and not Dr. B. D. Garcln, as stated yesterday. Pay Christmas Eve. The employes of Hie city will bo paid on Clirlstmns eve this yenr as usual, an ns to have money for Christmas. CHRISTMA8 HOLIDAY RATES VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Tickets will bo sold between all'points on this line, account of tho Christmas holiday's, at rate of one and one-third first-class fares, plus twenty-five cents, for the round trip, minimum rato fifty cents. Tlckots on: sale., to. the general publlo December 23d, 24th, 23th, 30th, 31st, 1903. and January 1st, 1904, final limit January 1st, 1904; to teachers and stu? dents ot schools and .colleges, on presen? tation and surrender of certificates sign? ed by tho superintendents, presidents or principals, December 16th to 22d, Inclu? sive, with final limit January 8th, 1904.' For complete Information call on any agent of the company, or, C. S. CAMPBELL, Division Passenger Agent, 838 East Main Street, Richmond, Va, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of CUT FLOWERS. Roses Carnations. Violets, Mums, Lily of Valley, In largo quantity, at MANN & BROWN'S No. 5 West Broad Street. WINTER TOURIST RATES VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Seaboard Air i-,me Railway nas com? pleted arrangements to put into effect its usual splendid winter schedule. Tho best equipment has been secured, con? sisting of the most Improved day coachos and Pullman Drawing Room cars, lifthted by gas and steam heated) with every con vonlonco. Below please find round-trip rates from Richmond to principal points in the South. Rates from other points quoted on application: Southern Pines, N. C.51125 Camden, S. C.16 35 Savannah, Ga.28 00 St. Augustine. Fla. 37 80 Tampa, Fla.,. .47 BO Manatee, Fla.4D 40 Plnehurst, N. C.11.0 Columbia, s. C ;...:..;....."..,..1.35 Jacksonville, Fla..35 30 Miami, Fla,,..'.. ... ..67 SO Palm Beach. Fla,,............;.63 80 Sarasota, Fla.."......60 10 New Orleans, La.:........,.42 00 H. S. LEARD, District Passenger Agent, W. J. MAY, City Ticket Agent. 'Phone 405, Richmond, Va. O A. fc* ? jl- <-? -JSt, X u?W - Bstrstho >^Tha Kind Vpii Have Always Bought of C/L<zXif!W5U&&M CUT FLOWERS, ROSES, VIOLETS Tho largest stock of Roses, Violets, __lllos of the Valley, Chrysanthemums and Cut Flowers, Bridal Bouquets and Designs, shipped to all points. W. A. llaminond. No. 107 E. Uroad St. SPECIAL RATES VIA SEAEOARP AIR INE RAILWAY, Account Southern Educational Associa? tion, Atlanta, Ga,, December 29, 1903, January 1, 1904, On account of the above oocoslon the Seaboard will sell tlckots from all sta? tions on Its linos to Atlanta and return at rate of ono fare, plus J.,25, which In? cludes membership foe, Tickets on sale December Mtb, final limit January 3, 1904. Kor tickets nnd other Information, apply to tho undersigned. ^ ?_ ^^ District Passenger Agent, 'Phono 405. _Richmond, Va. OA&'i.'<u>H.5;Af Boar, tho /> ^ --'lnd -0-1____?__!__3 -to--1-1' (.ig.aturo of HOLIPAY EXCURSIONS, 1903-'04 via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. One and one-third fares plus twenty live cents, from all points, Tlckots on "aie December 'M. 2itn. ? soth and 3ist return limit January 4, 180-1. To pupils and teachers of schools und colleges, pre. ic-ntlnc certificates December JOth to 22d, ^th.i'CUin, limit Jam,arvri8tl^mv pistrict Pu._-.nj-vr A?eut, CHRISTMAS glntswarc to l>c most appreciated should bo Dorflinger Glassware I Up-lo-date dealers keep il. See trnde rnnrk label. tojIM JUSTICE JOHN FORAGES ON U. S. He Had no Jurisdiction in the Wood Assault Case. In the Police Court on Tuesday morn? ing Justice CrutohCIeld imposed a fine of 120 and costs on Messrs. C. B. and S. L. Wood, who woro 'tried on a warrant charging them with assaulting Attorney John A. Lamb at his office in the Shafcr building. In addition to the fine -.the MessrP. Wood wero put under bond to keep the peace, It has slnco developed that Justice Crutchfleld had no Jurisdiction in tho case, the alleged offenso having been com? mitted on tho United States reserve, over which. In this case, tho Federal courts havo sole and excluslvo Jurisdiction. Sec? tion 727 of tho Revised Statutes of the United States gives tho State courts power to servo process on the Federal reservations, and to mnko-arcsts and glvo preliminary hearings whero thero Is no resident commissioner. In this city, Whero thero is such a, commissioner, tho caso should havo come beforo him, to Inquire whether there was probable causa for holding defendants for tho Federal grand Jury. If held for tho grand Jury and in? dicted for misdemeanor or graver charge, tlio commissioner would certify the case to Judge Wa'ddlll's court, and tho defen? dants would there have to stand trial by Jury. In any event the iionalty In the nature of a^flno Imposed ia payable Into tho Federal court, and tho 'city hns no right to tho .40 assessed In these cases. Thero is no doubt as to the Jurisdiction of the commissioner and tho Federal courts In this case, and, Indoed. It Is yet possible for a Federal warrant to be sworn nut against Messrs. Wood, and their being brought before the commisslone? for hearing. It is not regarded as probable, however, that tho United States offlclals wlll assert their Jurisdiction In the mat tor, and the oaso will probably end whero It is. MISCHIEVIOUS THIEVES. Stole Brass of Little Value, But Caused Much Damage. Thieves brolt*' Into' tho warehouse of the Richmond Mica Company, on South Ninth Streot, somi time Wednesday night and stripped the brass trimmings from'the dynamos. Nothing else was disturbed. Entrance was effected through a rear window. The actual value of the brass Is In? considerate, but the darnago and cost of repair will amount to quite a sum. Mrs. Gibson Better. Bishop Gibson visited Christ Church Wednesday night and confirmed a class of sixteen. The sermon was preach? ed by tho Rev. C. R. Kuyk, of Barton Heights. Tho bishop gives encouraging report of the condition of Mrs. Gibson, who is 111 In a Baltimore hospital. AUCTION SALES-Future Days "~*~ Bv J. B. Elam & Co.. Real Estate Auctioneers. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF THE Dwelling No. 406 S.Laurel St. By direction of the parties In Intorost, we shall sell by public auction, on Hie promises, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 14TH, at 4:30 P. M.. the two-storv live-room dwelling No. 406 S. Laurel Street, with lot fronting 15x135 6-12 feet to an alley. This house Is in nice order, Is rented to a good tonant at $10 per month, and will pay well ns an investment, or will make a snug little homo, and wo urgo all nar tles interested in such property to attend the sale, ns the parties in inteiost a*o determined to sell, and a bargain may bo 'TERMS?One-third cash, balance at 0. 12 and 18 months by notes with and secured by doed of trust upon the.??prop? erty J. B. ELAM & CO., dooD-St_Auctioneers. By Tho Valontlno Auotlon Company, Auctioneers, SPECIAL CH?STMAS AUC? TION SALE OF WILL CONTINUE THIS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11TH, 1003, AT 10:80 A. M, AND 3 P. M. Tho stock to soloct from Is large and varied, of ilrst class, finest quality goods, In order to dispose of same beforo the .,-.11.1,..... ........, Ki,i<,'lilr',>M .?ire huliiL. made. REAL ESTATE?For Rent, Tj*OR RENT, That Nice Dwelling, No. 2707 E. Franklin Ureet, WITH SEVEN ROOMS AND MODERN improvements. Rent rensonublo. posses, slim at onco. }{, SELDON TAYLOR & CO., 8 North Eleventh Street. ?jnuDt. RENT,' The Large Warehouse on spur track, at the corner of Canapnid Tenth Streets, now occupied by IMrvoy, Blair & Co. ' N. W. BOWE, 4 North Eleventh Street. IN NO. S03 BAST MAIN STRKMT. MODERN, olectrj_i lights. Janitor. \vash..tand?, .?tQ>. Oo 1.,,., second. t|l^^aUNN, ' AUCTION SALES?Thfo Day. By Tho V*_Jcntlnn Auction Co.. \_ f IBRAIty TAI/.KM, ItOLMSR-TOP DESK. l-NEW ntJOfT AND ART SQWARBB. .12 Bust Droad fitreot, v. BKWINO MACHINE^ PICTURE..). MIRRORS. FURNITURE, CARPKT8, STOVES', KTC, AT AUCTION. Wo will sell at our -vai-fOMVM. No. .13 Mm. ? Broiul Ktrtot, THIS (Friday) MOttNlNCI, DEC. llTtt, h.ftlnnln-,' 10:30 o'clock. 3 Polished Oak LlnrMy Tables, Roller-Top oak Desk, hiwcUomd I In* of Now Runs and Art Squarely Rich Ami Singer 6.-vln? Machines, Parlor Picture* Kfld Mirrors, Itundscinio F'rmm.lod Iron B.da, Ch.m bar Suits nnd Wardrobes, Extension Tables and Sideboards, Rockers and Oliolrb, Cro.korft Carpota, Stoves, otc. TUB VALENT1N1D AUCTION 00. , I3y Ollv.r tit .Tones, Auctioneers, Oil W. Broad. 'Phone 2276, HORSE, WAGON AND HARNESS, HOU3__- : MOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE! At AUCTION. Wo will sell nt our auction rooms, 410 West J. road, TIHH JJAV (FRIDAY.,. AT 10:30.A. II., 1 -tood Work Horse, 1 Top Delivery Wa*Jn, In suod condition! 1 sot Harness, 1 Slllt Co?._ ed, I Ilalr Cloth and 1 I'lusu Pari.'r Sud; I Flat-Top 'Desks. I Ortlco Clmlr, 1 Walnut Man. t?l Mirror, 1 handsome Walnut Wardreh , ? Oak and other Chamber Suits, 2 Cik Oh I tut I'resnoB, J Mahogany Cnblnut Sewing Maolilii., r, Oak und Walnut Wardrobe*.. I Hwlnpr l_u.ui_*? ' 1 Hull Rack, Sldoboards, Orxans, I_lamt_.s, Matting, Pictures, etc. Those goods must bo sold to mnko room. ' I, GEO. V. OLIVER, Salesman. AUCTI0T>Ts~AlL_ES^Future Day*, ? By .T. E. Elam & Co.. '. ' Reul Estato Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S PUBLIC AUCTION SALE ' 1 OF THE ATTRACTIVELY LOCATED. tVELIi APPOINTED AND VERY' DESIRABLE Detached iwo-Story and Basement Brick Residence, No, 2308 Fast Qraco Street* IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE THE Vlrgin.a Cub's Handsome Property. In execution of a certain deed of trust dated the 5th of June, ISM, recorded in D. B. 152 B? page 3, Richmond Chancery Court, and at the rcciucst of the heirs Ot the deceased grantor, the undersigned) Trustee will soil by publlo auction, on the premises, on I TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1903, at 4:30 o'clock P. M., tho ron.1 estate de* scribed In said deed, It being the abova named, very attractive and valuable resi? dence on tho north sldo of Grace Street, between Twenty-third arid Twenty-fourth' Streets; tho lot fronting 29'4 foe: and running back within parallel lines 150 f?et to a wide alloy in the rear. The dwelling Is of brick, detached, two abjve tho semi-basement (which Is light and dry), containing eight rooms of fine size, in nice order, having the modern im? provements, range; porcelain bath, net and cold water, and being of tho most substantial and desirable construction and character, and there Is on the lot a, spacious and substantial brick kitchen, largo coal house and other improvements. This property overlooks tho beautiful grounds ot tho Virginia Club, and th? location and neighborhood are especially hoalthful, convenient and desirable. Pos- ? session will be given at once. . '? TERMS?By consent and in- lieu of the. terms presbrlbed by the deed, one-th.rd cash, the reslduo In two equal instal? ments at one and {.wo.years by negotiable notes with Interest added and secured-by dood of trust; or the whole in cash, at the option of the purohnser. JAMES B. ELAM, Trustee. J. B. Elam & Co., Auctioneers, deo 10-5t _"_ By A. J. Chewnlng. Co.. , Real Estate Aucstloneers. AUCTION." SALE OF No. 5 East Oharity St. on TUESDAY, 15TH DECEMBER, 1003,' at 4:30 P. M., IT MUST 00. TERMS: Reasonable; come und buy. ?A. J. CHEWNING-. CO., . Auctioneers. By Pollard & Bagby. Real Estate Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OP SE.MI-DETACHED THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, NO, 2003 EAST BROAD STREET. In execution of a deed of trust dated July 20, 1900, and recorded In clerk's oKlce of Richmond Chancery Court, D. B. 1_8 B, page 401, I will sell by auotlon, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER IS, 1903, at 4 o'clock P. M'., the above mentioned three-story brick dwelhng, containing about 8 rooms. The lot fronts 29 feet 2 inches on Broad Street by depth of 79 9-13 feet. TERMS?Enouffh In cash to pa-" cost oC. salo, any taxes that may be due, and a note for $1,000 with"Interest from July 20, 1903. tho reslduo at 1 and 2 years; or all cash. H- R- POLLARD. Jr., Trustee. N. B.?Terms can be arranged to pay ono-thlrd cash, balance at 1 and 2 ye-rs. if ho desired. r _dec 10-tda By N. W. Bowe, Real Estate Auctioneer. T N EXECUTION of a deed of trust -- from Harrison Meredith to J. H. Tim berlaUe. Trustee, dated November D. 1SW. and recordord In Henrico County Court In D. B. HI B, page 0U, we will sell by public auction, in front of Henrico County Courthouse, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1003, at 1 o'clock P. M., the tract of land con? veyed by said dead, contain ng fifty acres, more or less, and lying in county at tho junction of the Crelghton Road and Chlcknhomlny River. / TERMS?Cash sufficient to pay the ex? penses of sale, and a iota for $16.. due November 9th. 1805, with Interest from ?unto; subjoot to a credit of .il.oO as ot November 9th, 1902, and the residue- on terms to bo announced at tho tlmo of sale, E. G. TIMBERLAKE. CARRIE C. TIMBERLAKE, A. B. TIMBERLAKE, Exeoutors ot J. II. Timberlal-o, doca. By J. D. Carnoal & Son, Real Estate Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OP* A SEVEN-ROOM FRAME DWELL? ING, BEING NO. 814 N. SECOND ST. "By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated March 30th. 1900, and recorded In the Richmond Chancery Court. clet'k'B ofllco. In D. B. 1<H C, pago HO, de'a.ilt having beoii made In tho payment oi a portion of tho debt secured thereby, and huvlng been required by the bonellctary so to do, I will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1003. at 4 o'clock P, M., on tho premises, pro? ceed to sell at public nuet.on tho property eonvoyod therein, viz, : All that cor.'am lot of land, with all Improvements there? on, lvlng and being In the city of Rich, monrl, Va? beginning at a paint on ih? wostorn line of Second S wet 101 feet south of tho southern lino of B-u,er Street, theneo running southwardly and fronting on the 88 d western line of Second Stroet 22 feet, und extending back wcstwardlv from said front between Hues parallel with Baker street 120 feet to an months theVeafter until all. have become duo and residue at a credit o twelve months. J- D. CARNEIAL.^ dec-9-5t liustoe, TERMS-Cssh sufficient to pay all cost of salo, all taxes lo day of sale and a dob! of $104.25, now due. and balance of the Bum septired in tho deed to be paid In 12 notes of $50 oac-h and ono note of #9 25: tho llrst one will bo duo on Duc.*m b?r 3Q;19i'j.__-ind one due every three FINANCIAL, 5 Per Gent, Money to Lend Without delay on Richmond City R?.-a| tJ3UU?- SUTTON & CO.. Tenth and Rank Stieeu, ON YOUR LEE DISTRICT PROPERT* u> FKOM -MoVEIQH ft QUHN