Newspaper Page Text
BOUGHT JEWELRY, FARMS AND CLOTHES, JBut Failed to Claim Tlicin at the Time Thai He .In? dicated. Several business men In Richmond would like to know where Joseph 1-rnitk, of Dayton, l.'? Is nt Ihn present time Ho camo In Richmond "botlt tan dnjs ngo. nnd registered at tt hoarding on Franklin Street, not far from BlgMlh nnd then wont nut tr, see what wns going on Ho wont to Whltlocki lho tailors nnil ordered n suit and overcoat, costing . Thence ho went to Rtuld & Buchanan's nnd ordered $!.?"? worlh of Jewelry. He wool next I" J. R. Hockndny's ntul bought two farms In Chesterfield county, "I want to raise Angora goats, ho said to Mr. Hoclcnrtsy, "and 1 intend tu put $.,000 on these fnrm... ntidl want' you to ' go' out nnd manage, them." Then he wont to Syele's and ordered n whole lot of Htuff, and he told every? body that he paid his bills on the Wtll ol tho month always. ,,,.', When the 10th camo around he did not show up. and the various business men upon whom he cnlled sent out nn alarm , Mr. Whltlock had mndo the clothes for ' hltn. and he wanted tn' find him. but ho wns among tho missing, und then Cap? tain Tomllnsotl was consulted. Ho Is look? ing for Frank. WAS NOT "BAD" YEAR. 'A. C. O. Co. Successfully Fights Unfavorable Conditions. The Amerlcnn Cotton Oil Company haR lisued a strong statement designed to id-ow the relief In some quarters thnt last vcar was a poor one with that company "to be groundless. Those who have conic to this conclusion have compared the earnings of the company for the fiscal year ending August 31. 1903. with those of tho same month, ?K>2, going no fur? ther back and taking no apparently ex? traneous circumstances Into consldcro Tlie statement explains how many con? dition?, combined in .901-1902, to run the profit? of Hie company up to almost ab? normal; and unexpected proportions. In this conclusion nro tho following paragraph.-; worthy of consideration: "Tlie reader may not know that the rnw of the cotton crop and the prlc* of rotton seed aro not the only factors In the business of tho Cotton Oil Com _anv. The size of the corn crop Is an clement of equal, If not greater, lm ..orlance. When the corn yield Is short n diminished supply of hogH and of hog products Is tl? natural sequence. Such B situation In turn means hotter prices nnd a larger market for the products of the Cotton Oil Company, since many of these prnduets compete with tho oth? ers Hearing this in mind, and recalling further that tho fiscal yenr 1901-'02 fol? lowed . the corn crop shortage or tho reason of 1901 (ono of tho most disas? trous failures of the corn crop on record), It will readily bo seen that in that period of twelvo months, with prices slende? rising, the Cotton Oil Company got ad? vantages of no ordinary proportions, and a repetition of which could only be ex? pected In the case of a repetition of the conditions which produced tliem. "On the other hand, the. fiscal year "<?2--03 followed the phenomenal com yield of tho season of V.02, and the trend <*r prices In this period of twelve months was, therefore, downward. The contrast, therefore. Is between rising prices in ono care nnd declining prices In the other case." COAL SITUATION. Chamber of Commerce Takes Up the Rate Question. At the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of 'Com? merce at C o'clock yesterday afternoon Colonel W. O. Skelton submitted a report of tlv. action taken by the special com? mittee of the Chamber in the Interest of th-- -Anderson bill," relating to tho ques? tion of the extension of the- corporate limits of cities and towns In Virginia. In pursuance of suggestions mad._ at n. previous meeting ot the board, there was submitted from Mr. E. S. Good? man, manager of the Traffic Bureau of tha Chamber, a paper In reference to ihe coal situation at Richmond from a rate. standpoint. nnd^lthoufch quite n lengthy one, it was Heard" with marked attention tind Interest. Upon 'motion of Mr. Wor thntn it was referred to the Inland Trade Committee, with Instructions to hold an early meeting for the purposv) of taking such action as may be deemed most effective in the premises for re? moving such unjust discriminations ns may exist. Mr. A X. Nlcbolds, representing the Provident Savings Life Assurance So? ciety Of New York, and S. Ullman's Son, grocer, proposed by the president, were elected members of the Chamber, Members present woro: Mr. II. L. Cabell, president, nnd Messrs. A. Belrno Blair, M W. Bo.-, J. C. Freeman, W. O. Skel? ton, John M. Taylor, C. D. Wlngfleld. S. M. Woodward and Coleman Worlharn, til rectors. INDIVIDUAL EFFORT. tPcnitentiary Committee Worked Hard for Their Bill. The. bill passed yesterday In the House t<* tippr-iprlate $$0,000 additional for tmprnve inenta at the penitentiary, went through mainly as a result of the. persistent work of Messrs. Newhoiise, Harmon and I.aker, of Chesterfield; who constitute the Building Cotniniltee on the part of the House. - These gentlemen wero de? lighted with the result, nnd were con? gratulated on nil hands upon their fine success. The bill hns already passed the Ben ate, nml now only lacks the signa? ture of the Governor in order to became law. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY RATES, R? F. <&. P. Ft. H. One and iino-ihlr.i tl 1-3. fares, plus twenty-five c.nts, for the round trip be? tween all points on H., P\ & P, H, R. and W. K. Ry. Tickets on sale December 23, 24, 2.',. ?/> and 31, 1908, and January I, ._?>., final return limit January ., 1901; continuous passage In each direction. W. P. TAYLOR, Traffic Manager. Bean tlw> __j$lhe Kin(* -0*l,M Alwaiis ----2-1 ONt-Y ONE NIGHT VIA THE SOUTH. ERN RAILWAY. To New Orleans. Mobile, Htiinacola, Munlform-ry, Birmingham, Menu-bin and Nushviiio, from Richmond, Norfolk, -Washington und Intermediate points, via ..outht-in Railway. Through trains, convenient schedule*, and elegant equipment, Including latest Pullman Drawing Room <ais and South? ern Rallyvay Lining Cars, the servlco at which Is unsurpassed. Detailed infor? mation cheerfully furnl.slie.1. City Ticket Ottlces W> East Main, M& East Mala St. - ft 3V_ MKW&liMi D, f, A. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY, mSSi* Tliol-retllpst Piny?Tho ,1o1llost Star. UZZIE|nEVANS AT COZY CORNERS. B.!..., MmInrn, Sflo; fiOd, ?fio, rilC6S, NlKhl,!."'C, ?.??(-, Wc, Tfie, |li DIirMf -_. Frltlny iuttl Saturday WI.LLS-DUNNK.HARLAN MUSICAL CO. ?Presenting? THE MH GIRL. Bright anrl _.rcczy-Cntchy Mustc-l'rctty DAMcta, If "Imperial India, HlustralL-tl. Association Courso. FRANK R. ROBKRSON,Gon trill Y. M. O. Hnll, MONDAY, Decemhor 11th, 8:?0 P.M. Reserved seats 60c, FRIDAY, lho,h, 1:00P.M. , The Very Best Wood Heaters FLASH?-Oast Iron bottom and top (In four sizes,) STAR?Sheet Iron, with cast-Iron feet (In three sizes.) For sale by leading dealers everywhere. SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS, Manufacturers of all kinds-of Stoves. MEETINGS. _JV_ MASONIC NOTICIO-UOVR LODOG.-f XX 'i'li" atatcd communication of -DOVia *?> LOOOE. NO. 61, A. F. and A. MA Will bo held nt tlio Masonic Templo THlSHi-ridliy) 1-V1.NINU, December lltli. JM, nt ?:30 o'clock. Members will nttcnrf~uiul members ot alstur lodges and triinalcnl brethren are fraternally Invited. Uy order of tho AV. M. iu-hcu. .?en ,., AUUL,ST| Hocrctary. NOTICI- OF ANNUAL, MEISTIr-Cl.?THB AN mml meeting of tho Stockl.oMerH of tsA TMUAL, UI.IDGIS 1.13V1_1.01,J1I""N r CUM l'ANY will boi-lield in Room 11 ol the New; Loader Building WEDNESDAY, ?th day ot December. 190:1, nt 12 o'clock. ^ ' r a, PAXTON, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOUK ?&??o_th^GRA^NA'nONA^TBDAUl'O CIRAPH CU-tPANY will be held on WED? NESDAY December tho gth.HttW. at 13 o'clock M., nt Hoom No. '_ Merchants Na tlonal Hank ^ffjj^?g$ ,g&&^';. NOTICB. TAX NOTICE. Office Collector or City Taxes, Room 7, First Floor, City Hnll, Richmond, Va., Dec. 1, 1903. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS.-THE LAST HALF OF CITY TAXES, READ ESTATE AND PERSONAL, for 1003 is NOW DUE AND PAYABLE at this of _VERY male 21 years of nKO, and EVERY person keeping house or doing business in .the city is assessed for per? sonal taxes. Those who have not paid any city taxea during tho year will please call nnd settle, so as to avoid being post "o^dInTpA WPIPB AND SEW? ER CONNECTION BILLS are also due, nnd will havo to be declared delinquent if not pnid on or beforo end of year. FIVE PER CENT, will be added to last half if not paid on or before DECE.u Bi'.uerest' at SIX PER CENT, also at? taches to all bills as soon us reported do Particular attention is called to the above, as under an ordinance passed by the City Council there can be no avoid? ance of tho penalty. ,?,,,_.,. Office open from U A. M. to C P. M. FRANK W. CUNNINGHAM, dec l-t31lno Collector of City Taxes. NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I have recently purchased of Mr. John A Clark 31 Lots of laud In tho plan of "Robin Park," Henrico county, \ a., which were purchased by him lor taxes due thereon from 1.93 to 1903. A number of these Iota were in 1S91 deeded to parties whose address Is unknown to me and who havo never recorded their deeds. Desiring that they may have further opportunity of nrotectlng their Interest, notice is here, hv given that if the holders of such unie corded deeds will present them ut. my office No. fi N. Eleventh Streot. Rich? mond*. Va.. within thirty days, and pay tlio just proportion of taxes and costs on.their respeetlye If,-S. sald lots *'"' De *?m?riSy* eel to them. E. A, CAILIN. decj-law- 4 w_ sealed" "proposals. PROPOSALS FOR CITY PRINTING-. STATIONERY, BINDING, ADVERTIS? ING, ETC.?Sealed Proposals for fur? nishing the city of Richmond with Sta? tionery, Printing; Rinding, Advertising, etc., tor the year 1004; will be received by tho Committee on Printing and Claims until 7 P. M. DECKMBER 15; 1903. when tlie committee will meet to upon same. Bids must be upon the blanks-Which can he procured of the Clerk at 17 Governor Street, and must bo endorsed on tho outside to show con? tents. Thov must ho left nt Boom 11. Third Floor. City Hull, before day and hour named. Every bid for each class of work must bo accompanied by a cer? tified ell-Jet. for $100. Bond will be re? quired of the successful bidders. The Committee reserves the right to reject nnv or nil bids in whole jr in part. By order of tho Committee. -HERBERT T.'EZEKlEL. doc 10-r,t Clerk. Two Complaints I don't seo why I cnn't get boarders; others do, & I havo #ooil rooms; I don't know why I don't rout them; others do. & One Remedy 'Phono 549, or send ft postal lo tho Want Ad. Man. Ho will soud you FHEE his now plan, whiiih is sure lo fill J'OIIV .muse ut u sin a I 1 . . . COST. , . . To Teachers and l-uplls, Schools and Colleges. Tho Southern Railway will sell-special tickets to teachers nnd pupils of colleges ami schools presenting certificates De? cember llith to S!'.M, Inclusive, with rotum limit Januay 6th, account Christinas hol? idays, at rate of one mid ono-tldrd first olutb _are_t plus twenty-live cents, , The Rate for crastfff?d Want Advertising Is 1'cent per word Net Cash In ADVANCE, with a minimum eost of 28 cents for each Imertlon, The same rate applies lo deaths, marriages, obituaries antf all other .elaanlllad notice... No. display type allowed In the classified columns. HELP WANTED?Male. SfAN WITH K.-rMlM-NCra KOR COMMMR clal -ukip.iiiitti. well known houso: .,salary IS 1 weekly.- riSP-llscS advanced. ,TIIE HA TIONAL, i.MMon Hldg,, Chicago. ANY INTELLIGENT -PERSON MAY EARN 45(1 lo Jtoo monthly corresponding for newspa? pers; t5 it column for work In .iparo time.; no cativnHBln-r. aend for particulars. NORTH? ERN PRESS .SYNDICATE, Loci-port, N. Y. RECRUITS WANTED FOR THE V, B, Marine Corp?Able-bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 3D. ior .Borvlce iiahoro and ulloat. Apply at Shufer Build Ing, next door to Genoral Postofflco. WANTED. POli O. S, ARAtY: Able bodied, unmarried mon, between agos of t'l nnd 35, citizens of Unltod States, of good character and temperate hnblta, who can speak, read and write English. * or Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 110 East Broad Street, Richmond, Va. WANTEDi BY AN EASTERN ft.A'MUKAC. turlnir Jobber, a Orsl-olas.. shoo salesman for Southwest Virginia. 'Applications from those who know- the trade only .will be considered! Mtlarv and expenses. Address No, lit. Ni Vnllon Ave., Kiilllinoro, Md. WANTED, InTiRUCI STORE. BOY, II TO if, to leui-n the business; small pay to herein. Address, with stamp tor reply, BROWO i.U.1 NINE, caro tills office. WANTED. TO KNOW IE YOU WILL DISTRI bllto Advertising- inatteri rollublo chunilcal conipnnv; Jir, weekly and e-cpensoB, TR1 L'MPI-I CO., Dallas, Tex.- . SITUATION WANTED?Male WANT13D-A PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON desires a salaried position with some Virginia corporation; has for the last two- years dono both hospital and outdoor work;, aged .7. Address /,. X. Y., caro Ottilia office._ HELP WANTED?Female. COOK?WANTED, A 0001) COOK. APPLY to 615 Sputli Laurel Street_ _JHRVANT-WAl?ErvFA ~G OODj.SERVANT to cook nnd do genoral houso work, ApplJ at 627 North Eighth Street._ WANTED, A?J BXSB'RIBKCBP YOUNG Wo? man as assistant .ashl?r and ft^??W|?fj must be accurate and quick. Address, glvln. references. Box 018, city. WANTED. GIRLS TO WORK IN BOOK 'binder.*: Apply W. II. ADAMS, No. 11 fa. Twelfth Streot. SITUATION WANTED.Female A WIDOW LADY DESIRES A. POSITION AS mother** assistant, nursa for .n_o?^-aa?isJ.: ntu housekeeper or companion. Address .Vrs. T. E. K.. Keswick, Va. AGENTS WANTED. T.nrrA_.q TOR YOU-A LEGITIMATE n10'nev"maklnB scheme that will mak* you r" ch ' pTan and full P^!&__&_8& SS rreelnt of He. Address M. MAXfl, * *? BARGAINS. Tipq-r M:\''ARt'.s'I, 1-POUND PACKAGES, C cts per froSr* GEORGE L HAYNES & CO. it- N. Eighteenth Street. Richmond, Va, MOTHERS*'OATS,--?~CTsl PER PACKAGE, *GEOl?OE L PAYNES & CO., IIS N. Eigh? teenth Street. Richmond, t Va._ FIRST-CLASS .-STRING BROOMS, K CTS. "_h. GEORGE L. HAYNES & CO.. US N. .eighteenth Street, 'Bjohmond, Aa._ n_^T-A"MEORNTA"BAMS.~3 CTS. GEORGE t, lLVYXiJS & CO., us N, BUthieonth Street,. Richmond, Va.___t !^r-t.wnV'r_i-i_ATiNE, 0 CTS. PER I'ACK Wn? Jfr three packages for 25 cts. GEORGE U 1IAYNES & CO, US N. Eighteenth Street, POULTRY, BIRDS7ETC. _n"''fULL SONG-NEW LOT IMPORTED Broad._? Chicken insurance-con key'k roup iTScJER^Ul^Y^^'weat Broad. WAGONS TO SUIT YOU AT RICHARDSON HROS.'. G13 Brook Avenue._ ==^&\JD~M10 SILVEpTbUYERS. WAKTED?OLD GOLD AND SILVER In any c^dl^ou" highest casta prices paid, or; will riio Watches. .lewclry, Silverware In ex change A M. MBYBH AND BUO., Jewelers, No. 683 Mr.adJ^n*t.Jt^M^-Il_, tnSRjtS^AND MULES iron SALE-100 FIRST-CLASS MULES. AP FpfJ at JOS. LASITTER'.S STABLES; or 8. P. CLAY Thirty-first and Leigh Street., WINES AND LIQUORS. ^-.t, rriTH FEEBLE AND CONSUMPTIVE I * L i-iro Montreal Mali at .IS per gallon. aSd North Carolina Corn Whiskies atJ.LBO, sir, -iml $2 i"-r gallon; lino Sherry Wine at 5 ',,", m weet t-'ntawba and Blackberry Wine i sua and good Apple Brandy at ?2 per gal ,n A. W. ROSBNE, M and IS B. Tblrleonth II .Ml at BUc Inn. Street LET THE TEE DEE WANT ADS. BRING PROSPERITY TO YOU. BOARDING. GRACE, W,, ..17-BOARDV.RfJ WASTED; well furnished second-door front and connect? ing rooms; first-class accointnooallono. GRACE, W? .17-ll(.lARDEllS WANTEDj bright, plaasant roums; translonts aoeommo dntod. / _?_ ROOMS.FOR RENT. FURNISHED .ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, bnth convenient! Franklin bttwmtl, Baaand nnd Third Streats. Address PfflRMAN6.Nl,' LIO IG H, ET'^-rAlTGir WELL-FI) ft NISTIE D wecond-alory front room! reasonable, nRE^L^STATE?FoTSale. ~ FOR SALE OR EXCHANUE-tS'O ACRES, IM provod, near Doradt, ^owhatnn cotrnty, \ a. Particulars from M, M. PRESCOTT, Ellia beth, Va._ MIBCHLLANEOUS. PURE APPLE VINEGAR, 40 CTH. PER OAL lon. GEORGE L. HAYNES & CO.. 118 N. Eighteenth Streot, Richmond, ;X n._ ?' ' '? i..-ha ?u-A> -'-v '""' "tORNiA Hams. 10 cts. per pound. GEORGE L. HAYNES & CO,. 118 N. Eighteenth Street, Richmond, Vn. _ OLD HOMESTEAD VINEGAR, FULL QUART Bottles, for one week only. ? cts. per bottle. GEORGE I.. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. __lgh tecnth Stroet, Rlohmond, Va. ?_ GOOD LUCK BAKING POWDERS, UTOB cans, 8 cts.; small cans 4 cts. GEORGE ... HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elghtocnhtli Street, Richmond, Va._ YOU WILL SEE BEAUTIFUL CHINA AND BRIC-A-BRAC AT BROWNE & CON STINK'S OPENING. !<X> EASTJJRQAP. GROCERY SPECIALS. TOWN CLOCK WASHING POWDER, NONE hotter, 4 cts. package. GEORGE L. HAYNES __ CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Stroot, Richmond, Vn. _ BEST SALT, 100 POUNDS SACKS. 4G CTS. i 200 pounds, 00 cts. GEORGE L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Street, Richmond, Va. NO. 1 GREEN COFFEE. 9 CTS, PER POUND. GEORGE'L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elgh teonth Streot. Richmond, Va. FIRST-CLASS FRESH ROASTED COFFEE, 10 cts. GEORGE V. HAYNES A CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Street, Richmond, ".a. STRICT ATTENTION PAID TO COUNTRY orders; no charge for packing or drayago. GEORGE L. HAYNES ,& t.'O., 118 N. Eigh? teenth Street. Richmond^ *^a._ GDOD LARD. S CTSTT-ER POUND: BEST lard. 10 olB. per pound. GEORGE L. HAYNES & CO., HS N., Eighteenth'Street, Richmond, Vn._ T H PEACO CAN BE FOUND WITH GEO. L HAYNES & CO., 31S N. Eighteenth Streot, where ho will be glad to scu his friends. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DON'T YOU T.IINK THAT CimiSTMAS would loon brluhter to the fain Iy It that old parlor suit or couch wero newly Upholstered In some up-to dale goods.- JURGENS will do It at a mode-rate price and guarantee satis? faction; 41H-21 East Broad Streot._ JURGENS HAS A MAGNIFICENT SUPPLY oC Heatlns Sioveni they are ? exceptionally cheap, t.u; 41t:i East Broad Street; LET THE TEE-DEE WANT ADS. DO YOUR XMAS SHOPPING FOR YOU. They will show you where to go. Contracts ought to be made now. 1,000 words at $9.00 per 1,000 2,000 words at S8.50 por |,000 3,000 words at $8.00 per 1,000 5,000 words at $7.50 per 1,000 'Phone 549 for the Want Ad. Man. Ho will come, so will re? sults. HERB IS A 'HORSE SHOE. DIVIDE IT WITH TWO CUTS ONLY IN A WAV THAT YOU GET SIX PIECES, EACH ONE CONTAINING A NAIL. '. Solution of puzalo In yeB.erday'B Tlmea-DlBpnlcli-. One lion tlio _rrnln, another the tooth. _____________________________ FOR SALE. BANKRUPT SALE OF THE WALL PAPER Stock ofV. L. HRAUER & BRO., comprising fu.l lino of Blank'. Gilts, Tapestries Ja imnos. Leathern, etc.; also tools and fixtures; WH? sell oi ? whole or In l"'?ow. Apply J. XV. 1IRA.UBH, Trustee, 203 N. -tltth Btreet, Richmond, Va. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TUK CITY l'OIt Baskets, Willow chairs and ^J&E_S*?l\ nil styles and shapes. Wo manufacture all our goods and Fell you at wholesale price. OLD DOMINION RATTAN A WILLOW WORKS, 400 N. Seventh,_ ALL WHO WANT~G001_ WHISKIES CHEAP wIII send to A. W. ROSENB'B, 23 and MS. Thirteenth Street, for "Mountain Do*-, -Pride of Virginia." "Old Monongahela," "Commonwealth Club." ote., for $2 per gallon. Goods shipped to all points._ PUT ON HALF StlcSflPYOU BRING TIHS coupon With allocs ivo will accept It tan-to. rn?h discount until December 1-th; regular price Me DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FAC? TORY. 716 B. Main. oiibi'VIRGINtA HONEY, IN COMB, ONE nound packages, 10 cts. GEORGE L. HAYNES: e- CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Street. Rlchmonl. Va- . _, ELECTRIC MOTORS, DYNAMOS STORAGE Batteries, Electric Wiring and Tolophonu- In? stalled! GEO. W. EUKER CO., 10 N. Seventh Street. _ ?___ FOR BALE?Three hori?.pow?r Oaiollnj EH GINB? GKO. W. BUKKH CO., 10 North _.. *nth Streot._ COME ANO S-T A SQUARE MBAL^COOK *d well at SCHLIEHER'S RESTAURANT, 607 East Marshall._ -mil KALE?FINE SEAL COAT: 35 INCH bist; reasonable price, Address SEAL COAT, caro this office. _. ..Ft-T SWEET MIXED PICKLES. 60 CTS. "pe^r gallon GEORGE L. HAYNES & CO., US N. Elghto'-n.h Street. __. KEEP WARM?THE CHEAPEST AND BEST KWood Tleatfra and Cooking Stoves at BRUCE HARDWARE CO., COS East Marshall. SAVES" COAL, WEATHER-STRIPPING PUT on C. B NORVELL, 2U',_ N. Sixth Street. 'Phono 486._ TO SAVE MONEY GET PRICES AT D. O-SULLIVAN-S GROCERY, 502 E. Marshall, beforo you X>uy._ DRAPERIES AND CARPETS COLORED TO "match furniture at 310 North Fifth Street. 'Phone 2522. Mrs- A. J. Pi LB. I rop._ rnw-n ?*NAPU. 2 POUNDS FOR 0 CTS. aICH30RGB L IIAYNKS & CO.. US N. Eigh? teenth Btr-iat, Richmond. Xa._ FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING GO TO 315 North Fifth Street, 'Phono 2522. Mrs. A. J. ..PYLE, Prop,_ TTrTrr, RROWNE & CONSTINB'S OPENING, ??0_EAST imOAD STREET; EVERYTRINU LOVELY AND. CKEAP^_; "stove repaTrinq. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to repairing hot ;.S ranges and Lutrobe stoves; Urat-claaa dty refomncea given It rcn-ilM'd. .AUES \V. CARY, T.3 Brook Avenue. ?-pa'i n t i no. LEE FORD. GENERAL PAINTER, OFFICE 15 Ea.t Main Street. 'Phono 35S8. I THE TEE jsiness E BOARDING.. Daily Business Directory ITeTI irectory I HISSES MARTIN'S toardlog houw; permanent and trauilent; nice room* and good fare: 109 North Seventh Street. ^_ ? t ~~ BOARD AND ROOMS. HANDSOME BOOM8. Best Board. raihlonaola locality; 60S We?t Qroca.__^ , . 8MOBS. . OKEAPEBT PLACE to buy i_o?a. H. BHIEET, 601 Kait Mar.bull Street. STORAGE. RICHARDSON AND CHAVTELL, BeWlde.e .-t MalnStreeti. Very cheap and dry itorage rooms. 'Phone S43. BOARDERS BOABDERS-BOS E. Orao. ?^fwAnriKLD' ways for trantlenta. Mrs J. A. WABHgLU. CHRISTMAS~WANTS. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY DEALING with OE 1RGI. I.. HAYNES & CO., IU North Eighteenth htruol, when you take Into con? sideration that you get full Wright* and measures. _.,_ BEST STIC.C'CANDY t'CTS.' PER- POtfND. * pounds for H-MI first-class Froach mixed, candy no gun, at 11 cts. per pound: good French irl.el candy at 6 cm. P*r pound. GEORGE L. HAYNES A CO 118 North Eighteenth Etvel, Richmond,.Va._?__ niTNrOP n.Ol'R FOR ONE WEEK, ONLY ?"eta GEORGE L. HAYNES A CO., 118 N. Eighteenth buret, Richmond, Va._ r-nnn VINEGAR TO KEEP PICKLES. 20 0?m per ?uli.m GEORGE A-?"AYNBB_;A CO., IIS N. Eighteenth Btreet. Richmond. Vs. REDUCED PRICES. PRIDES REDUCED on watch won-: Cleaalna, ? 1- Main Spring* ?1} twenty years' exper 6n.?- WM. T01IIKN. Jr.. 408 E. Broad Street. IMrtmond. v.. Spectarlea and liyeglaee.a. 2B ct?, All work guaranteed. SHOE RUI-AIKINC1. MEN'S SHOES HALF SOLED 76C. I LADIES' shoos half <ol?0 COc.; every pair sewed; best feather DRBVVS ELECTRIC-SHOE FAC TORY, 716 Ea-'. Main; 'phonu 2667._ == BAKERY. GO TO ATKINSON'S BAKERY. Ill WES'I Hroad Street, and get your Fruit Cakes -".. also bako for private families. .'5c. Phom ANTIQUES. DON'T FORGET BIGGS' ANTIQUE STORE when looking for Christmas and wedding presents; 515 East Main._ CALL AND HE CONVINCED-A FINE COL lection of original Antiques at low prices. L. N. ARNALL, 318 Brook Avenue._ RICHMOND ANTIQUE FURNITURE CO., dealer lu ouly original antiques, brasa gooda and copper plalu. 21. West Ilrond Street. IT PAYS TO USE TEE-DEE WANT ADS. ' 'Rhone B4? for tha Want Ad, man, Ha will coma, PERSONALS. THE POWHATAN HOTEL ?B NOW open. r_> modeled and thoroughly equipped with new furnishings and with faultless beds. Manage, monl, GEO, L. TBYTON, of Whits Sulphur. Rockbridge and Jordan Alum Springs, ana B. M. BBRKBLY, 20 years' conductor on u. A O.' R. ?. _' _,_ ' LET SCHNURMAN mftkn . you a RalnprooC ? Overcoat to order for ?2_-mado In my own workrooms. Bob demoii_trnt on of qualities of Cravenetto In window. SCHNURMAN, Tail? or and Furnisher, P07 Bast Main. BEST llANOVIflR YAM POTATOES AT 1* ct". P?r I"l'?K' cr tw" I,ecKH' l"r ..!-t,?.^,_,? IIEOIIOH.I,. It'.YNES ft .CO., 118 N. Elgh t'eonth Hlrer.t, Richmond, Vn,_ i wnXl^lr^-i-ouirflKCoNtJ-HAND cloth. Ing, hills, shoos, etc. I good prices and spot. casii paid. M. SEIQEL. 100S B. Main Street. , WK liAVffl A yREHII SUPPLY OF GOOD old Virginia. ..Sorghum, hotter thar,i ever Worn. GEOItUt. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Eigh? teenth Str.e., ftlchinond, Va. /?>? aKNTtiEMKN1 B ? CIiOTIUNO'-THOROUP,itLY "cleaned and well pressed at WtNorth Wftfc Streot. 'Phone 2522, Mrs. A. J. PILE. Prop. ATLANTIC MATCHES, 4 CTS. PER JO ZEN. GEORGE L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Eigh? teenth Htr .o-., Richmond, Va.___i COME TO'BROWNE * CONSTINK'H OPEN INO. 206 EAST BROAD, YOU WILL BH, PLEASED._ GO TO ATKINSON'S BAKERY. 211 XVEST , Broad, for Hot RoIIh morning and evoiilng. 'Phone 2CI9. ___/ LARGE J AILS PREPARED MUST A HI), 5 CTS. per jar. flKUUIB L. HAYNES & CO., US N. Eighteenth Street, Richmond. Va. irsFEJfT~AT~D. D'SuIlIVAN'S GROCERY. 502 E. Marshnll, _____tf__>'^. ---60 w0r-h __ ~NOTice7~ ~"' PLUM, GRAPE, OLD PEACH, REYNOLD'S Sun-Cured, Rustic and Blue Ridge Tobacco, three plug* <->r ? cts. GEORGE L. HAYNES * CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Street. Richmond, Vn._' ...CkbiJIC-J FIG AND SILK: TIB TORACCpj ' ?lx nluiM for :-." cts. GEORGE L. HAYNES ft CO.. 1H N. .'eighteenth Street, Richmond, Vn._______.? LARGE COCOA NUTS 3 TO ?' CTS: JBACH. GEORGE L. HAYNES & CO.. 118 N- Eigh? teenth Street, Richmond, Va,_^^ HAVER rOAl_? WEATHER STRIPPING PUT on C. B NORVELL. 211% N. Sixth StreeL ; 'Phono 488.___ FmSTVcLAfli. BLACKEVE f'KAS 6 CTS. PF.R quart. OBORGH L. HATiNLh & CO.. 118 r*. WEDNESDAY IS KPECIAj, rLUaNG^jDAY f,>r private families at ATKINSON fa, 211 W. fl'road. -,1'hoi"-- 2019._'i Eireel, Richmond. Va. B SPENT AT D. O'SULLIVAN'S GROCERY, 5? E Maishon.wlll buy you 87.00 worth. WANTED. 1 OVERS OF STANDARD WHISKIES LIKE Thirteenth Street. Goods shipped to all points. j-j_, WA"NTED, TO SELL HAM, VEAL ^AND V-hlpken Leaf a! 0 cts. per can. CLORG1-. L. HAYNESft CO., 118 N., Eighteenth Street. Richmond. Va._ vnTTwilL FIND ALL THE OOOD THINGS Mi- n-ui.- r;nO.-ERY LINE AT THE IA.W 15t? ,ini.'PS VND PLENTY OF CLERKS T_S'ON%IWrVl.V AT THM AU'dUBT GROCERY CO.'SJTOnES^_ Wanted, To *kll' thistle-tiran d to: "A . .,_?,.? .k <mlv 0 eta. per can or lis N. ElBh^enth Street. Richmond. Mu .-v/1. vnr. ifVOH- BROWNE A CONBTINE DHAVE AN OPENING GOING ON AT 205 KAST BROAD STREET?_ WANTED, TO SELL COUNTRY MEAL. 12W pound- to tho l>--ck. at 2<j cts. per |?-X. GEOROH L. HAYNES & CO.. 1S8 -N. -Ign teenth Buse*. Rlchmon-hJ. a._ i'-lNTED, TO DISPOSE OF, AN EXPIRED Ruse of tt desirable south sidy ???*&-?# Htoro, near First Street. Apply to brORL. Box 230.________.:_? IF YOU WANT A STOVE THAT HEATS GO to jimcEN-i' Furniture store. 410-21 East Bro-id StreeL____; WANTED, TO PELL MIXED NUTS 5 CTS. pc?poind. GEORGE L. HAYNES & CO., Ill N. ElghK-entu Street, Richmond, Xa. MANCHESTER. HEADQUARTERS for homa-made eandlea and oysters In all atylea. Call ou O. E. KAY. Sitf Hull Stroet._ LEAKY ROOFS. T.n.-'- TOUR ROOF LEAK? CALL UP ARM ?TAGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ,,,?.? .71 or write u* a poBtaI: wo will ax nPmlne sameand"report cost of putting It in good order._ ??, M"lLLINBRYi BARGAINS, BARGAINS IN MILLINERY \tust reduce my slock beforo January- 1st to make Improvements In my store. My en? tire stook will'be sold regardless ot cost. Mrs. JULIUS BEAR, 1423 1_. Main Street. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. ._ nichmond, 'V?.,'Deo. 3, 130:t. TI1R FIRM OF DORSET. SNEAD ,t CO.. dolligLi? nosa "I 71K East pa_y Street. Is this ri v>-d by mutual consent, G. F. Snead r,tlr Ins Vr m the. wncerif! L. W. Dorset, who win continue the business In his own name, a.kurn ? i 11 outBiandliig obi eatlons of the firm. l'. W. DORSET, Referring to tho above I beg to announce that thatUli or'levH1 will receive prompt attention and all work he properly done. _~ v(mmv, vteamToats; Clyde Steamship Co.'s * PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK LINK. KrelBht recelvod nnd delivered dally at & O R'w'y Co.'a depot, Buventeonth C. . und Broad Street-i VIRGINIA NAVIGATION COMPANY, JAMIiS 1UY.1SR UAX LINK. STBAMBK POCAHONTAS, lea YOB WON DAY WKUN1S8DAY and FRIDAY nt I AM* for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newnort NflW?. Claremont and Jutnos RWer Imullngs, and connecting at Old "nt for Washington, UaltUnora and the No th. Htato-rooma reserved for the night i, moderate prices. Electric car?[direct t, wharf. Pare only WXu and Si to Nor? folk. Music by Grand Orchestrion. Kreielit recelvod tor abovo-iiamol places and all points In Kuatorn Virginia and North Cwliia.1" 1KVW WEIBGIflB. Qe-ierHl Manager, Merchants and Miners Transportation Company. (.tottmahlp Line. Direct l.oulo to Boston, Mass., and Provldiiw, R. I. Slearmus leave Norfolk for.Uoston Tueg. dav, Wednesday, Friday end Sunday. Itar Providence Monuay, fturaduy und Satur? day at b' P. M. Passengers and freight taken for all New England points. Tick? ets on aula at C, & O. By,.and N, & W, By. Offices and iSo. 819 East Main Street. JR. J3. TVIUGUT,'Agt., ? Norfolk-, Va, RAILROADS._ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 1. 1903. 7:00 A. M.?Daily. Docal for Charlotte. 1_:30 P. M.-Dally. Limited. Buffet Pull? man to Atlanta-.and,Birmingham. New urlenim, Meiimtila, Chattanooga, and all the South. ? ', _ ? _., , . 6:00 P. M.-Ex, Sunday. Chose City looal. lo:_0 P. M.-Dallyi Limited. Pullman ready *J:30 P. M.. for all the South. X YORK lUVEU LINE The favorite route to Baltimore and Eastern points. Leave Richmond s.-30 P. M. dully, except Sunday. ?? - - 6:00 A. M. Except: Sunday. Local mixed ^Gen. Pisa. Agent. Dig, rasa. Agent. 3:35UP. 'M.-From Charlotte and Durham. 8-.0 A. M.-Prom Chase .CJty. _ !>:15 A. M.-Balttmore and Woat Point. C:10 P. M.-From.. 'Wg?t. Point. C. II. ACKEIVT, S. II. HAilV^c3^'j_ C, W. WESTBURT. D. P.'aJ Richmond. Va. STEAMBOATS. ? 1?t LITE TO -iALTIMOM ?_K__S___ V ' *. sT O. a*y. aud uio. _-tf_L 1?1 *'* W'u7 6 MAIL H0U-_. \m__m '- ?? i?cijo.Uud ,u o. - o. d.u, UW____L t.L-.ut Hutidur. ?t ?? .-? ?,, coo \ 0 ? Olcf ??y Mae. laa.lna T:10 l'. V M.i arrlflog B?l?law? SM A.M.. coooscUag North, Ba.t and Waal. For tl?k?M sod luroruiatloa apply to 0. * O. ?"'.."-J* tound Trao.Ur Compaaf. "? ?tao ***** M*"- *"? OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. ? Night Una for Norfolk i___v_ Kiclixooud evary avonim (f.a. of A?U 6?r?t. 7 PTM. Staamara Mop at New Srr'%w, m lU direction.. Far. **w, includoa atataroom barthl meala. 60c *agh' FOR, NEW YORK. . ' ? 13v CliOBapeane una uinu ?>/?, ?? ?* . P* Mi"by Norfolk* end Western By.. folk with direct Pteamers for Now^York, ?"?? *? *-1-A-J*v--'-=- ^ B. Main Street. JOHN F MAYER. Agent-Wharf *0O| Of ./?>? Btreat. Rle*.mo?d. Va. - ? , Aim Street. Blclirnona, va. ? ? i H. ?. WAI.KBB- .Y. P; * V- --*'?Ne* *'r"* RAILROADS. LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 8:00 A. M.-NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar? rives Norfolk. Uvm A. M. atpt-a only at Petersburg, Waverly and Suffolk. (_ . 0:05 A. M.-CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Parlor Car, Petersburg to Lynchburg and Roanoke. Pullman SleeperB Roanoke to Columbus Uluetleid to Cincinnati j also Roanoko to Knoxvlllo, and Knoxvjlle to Chattunooga and Memphis. ?_?! ??? ? 12:10iV. M.-KOANOKB EXPRESS for Farmvllle, Lynchburg and Roanoke.; 3-OCIP. M.-OCEAN SHORE LIMITED. Arrives Norfolk'6:20 P. M. Stops only at Petersburg, Waverly and Suffolk. Con. nocts with steamers to Boston, Provl denfto, Now York, lialtlmoro and Wash ln,f:26np M.?For Norfolk and all stations nVp.^-NEw' OBLEANS SHORT Baa esses sswa fc Eas.aid ford; Lynchburg to Chattanooga. Memphla and New Orleans. Cafe Dining arrive from the.West 7:fflI A. M.. 2:05 P. M. nnd 8:10 P. M.i from Norfolk 11:00 A, M. nnd 7:20 P. M, Office No. KM East Main Street W B BBVII-L, O, II. BOSLE*. ^pW-Loc^for^troint. ' PMPM-Except. Sunday. For West Point, connecting With ateamera for Bal &lf ftttf. rffli WfeinioND. 6:65 A. MT and 0:43 P. .M.-From all tha RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY, . BEGINNING APRIL -1ST, 1003. Cara leave corner Perry und Seventh Strouta, Manchester, every Hour (on the hour) "from U A. M. to 10 P, ?t, ?-?-?! car "cars1*'lefi'vo Petersburg, foot of Syca, more Street, avery hour from 0:30 A. M. t0LM? carMco?nectlnM with Norfolk and Western Railway, ?>;?? P. SB. The Confederate iuseurn yU?5_aou. * etmU, ITTM ?i> e*-tuid*y* ? RAILROADS. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. 2 hours and 25 minutes to Norfolk. LEAVE UIC'liilONl-?BAHTUOUND. . 7:60 A, u.?I>?ll_'-LLocal to Newport Newa and way uttitlona. >;;.'_?? S;00 A. al.?Dally?Limited?ArclT?-a Wllllunia liurg D:0U A, II., Newport Nana 30;U0 A. Id., Old 1'ulnt 11:00 A. >!., Norfolk 11 :'?> A. U? t'orttunouth 11:? A. M. - 4:00 V. M.?Week dny_?Special?Arrlrea Wll? i:6? V, M., Newport h.wa B:d0 V. M., Old l'olnt 0:00 I?, U,. Norfolk OiA". I1, M,, l'ortauioutli 6:45 1'. II. 8:00 V. M.?Daily?Local to Old .Point. ?UIN LINK-WESTBOUND. - 10:10 A. M.?Locil?Except Sunday, to Cllftea 8:00 l>"rfc*.'?Pfcllr-Speclal to ChieluaaU, Loula.Ule, dt. Loula and Chicago. . -... - 6:16 V, II.?Week days?Local to .redurlcka 10:80 P,aM?Dally-Llmltra _. to, ClnclauatU LouUrllle. St. Loula and Chicago. . JAMES lllVBtt LINE. 10:20 A, _J.-l>ally-E-.'.re?a to .^m***** CJIIftoq Korgo and principal aUtlona. fi-ll. J'. M._Week duya?Locul ti? ?Brcuio. ?' Tl UlNH ^UIVB HICI1MOND FBOH Norfolk atid? Old polut 10:05 A. M. da y, 11: .5 A. Id,- Ex, Hun., and 7:00 r. al. oany, "o'*?rt hvw. L-k-uI sjoo P M., dumr. CIlto3D^orK'e 8110 IVU. K?. Bun. from ClUtoa v"r??Frederick*' Uall Acconi. B:30 A. M. K*. HUJamea Hirer iW Local '??-? <-_.Sj. ?'<_? 0:351-. M. dally, llri-mo Accoui. 8:.Q A. M. Sf-l?MBbTL_, W. 0. WARTBBN. Oen'l Man-get ,????? **"' *?-? SEABOARD Air IviNE Railway -r TRAINfS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY,. TO7-SeaUoard Mull-lO:35 P. M.r, Beaboard Express-To Savannah. JacU nnnviiie Atlanta, and Southwest. 9?10 A." M-rilocBl-W Norllna and Ham TRAINS ARM.VO RICHMOND DAILY. a-ss A M.?No, 3.?4:56, P. M.?No. 68-r From Florida. Atlanta and BovUivai^. - 6:ao.P, .M.riFFom Norllna and local P cfty'-Tlokt't'OfflCOi MO W ???-?- 8%*$. Thon^ soj,'-".; RAILROADS. READ Richmond, Frederick* a f*a Q[ j a burg A Potomac, R. R. Trains Leave Richmond?Northward. 3:01 A. Mi. dally. Byrd St. Through. U 15 A. M.. d'-Uy- Main 8L Through. ?!l6 A. Al., week days. Elba. Ashland accommodation. 8:00 A. M., Sunday only. Byrd St. ( Through. Local stops. ? ?_...? ? 8:40 A, M, week days. Byrd St. LKM noon.'week days. Byrd St. Through, j ' 4-00 P. M.. weok days. Byrd St. Fred- | ericksburg accommodation. . 6:115 P.-M? dally. Main St. Through. . , 6:25 IJ. M., week days, Elba, Ashland ao. , cotumodatlon. . ?.' , ?'_.?"?"??, 8:00 P. M? dally, Byrd St. Through,y ' Tralpa Arrive Richmond?Southward. u:40 A. M., weok dtiyB, Elba. Ashland : accommodation. _,.'__'.'.___ .*_._... 8:16 A. M., week days. Byrd SL Fred? ericksburg accommodation} ? 8:36 A. M.( dully. Byrd HL .Through. 11:45 A. M., week days. Byrd St, | Through. Local stops. . ? . i 2:05 P. M? dully. Main St. Through, ? ? ti:00 P. M.; week daye. Elba. Ashland 1 accommodation. ? ? _-. ,.?. 7-15 P M.. dally. Byrd St, Through. ?;_o p. Mm dally. Byrd SL Through. : Local stops. ?, , 10:_9 P. M., dally. Main St, Through Note-Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Cara on all trains except locauccommodatlona, ! W. D, DUKE, C.WCULP.W, P.TAYLOR, Uen'i Man'r. Aas't. Gen'l Man'r. Traf.Man,, ATLANTIC COAST LINE TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY BYRD-STREET STATION., EFFECTIVE MONDAY. SEPT. 2IBT. , 0:06 A, M, A. O, L express to all polnU 0:00?A,UM. Pelewbuw: ?AJ*%r*?fcw_?__ ' 12:10 P. M. Petersburg and N. AW. WaiL . S:00 P. M. Peteisburg and Norfolk. t4-10 P, M. Ooldsboro Local. < 6.50 P, M. Petersburg Local. 7.6 P M. "Florida a,n4 West Indian Llro- ., _:?M.tPe^rs,b?urVaK*& W. We.t, J 11:WMNSeiTRlV_Lm?OHMOND. " a-43 A M 7-S5 A. M"8:_6 A, M.i Sunday , oA*Ui?6VM.j ?&>. M-. i:06 P. M. except Sunday; Z:0o P. M., 7.20 P. M.. p, J... 0:10 P. M.- j tE*TtS&famLI, DIV.JPM..A.U '