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MARKET ON LOWER LEVEL ?Mad. a Fruitless Struggle Yes? terday 'Against the Reac--'.''' tion Tendency.. LIQUIDATION IN U. Si STEEL (This Was a Very Important.Ad? verse Influence?Tone of Bond Market Easy*. 'By Associated Prcs..) NEW YORK, Deo. 10.?The stock mnrltPt Biaau another sirugglo to-day apuin? the tendency to renct.on, but ultlitiiilfij auccumbed nnd yielded to a lower level. Net uecunes ran to botweon 1 aim * points lor many prominent stocks. , An Important Influence In dlscuuraitin-, ?ftorts lo hold lho market wft? .\ha W and persistent liquidation In United Stt't'-n Steol prof cried. The fuel.that much ot thl."soiling was attributed to PUffi'"* account fjavo It a elnlster Import to tho speculative mind, owing to the ,?P??ai of information as to trade con? ditions at that 1/on and steel eonteiv The weekly review by the leading au? thority In the trade wus also regarded rh decidedly unfavorable owing to lho continued accumulation of stocks of pig irori, notwithstanding a contraction In production In tho last two months un? precedented for suddenness and amount. The Increases In ncoumulntiori Is'sa.d to onnly to the Southern furnaces us well ns to the Northern, notwithstanding the heavv sales reported In the Southern m-ir ket. "The oxlstenco of a Better current de? mand for pig Iron failed to ofts.t lho effect of this unfavorable showing, ns A.d the favr-.-ahlH report of the bettor tone of the market lor structural steel, bulled States Bt-icl preferred ran off three P'-.nLi in the final dealings, thus deciding -ho tone ot the market, which hnd been,vv:iv_ erlng and uncertain up to that lime. The furious speculation In BrooClyn Transit continued but served rathe- to cause distrust than to foster an ndvirc-ft. owing to a lack of authoritative Informa? tion of iinv substantial grounds for the huyln-r of this stock. The slock oinrn-d at a decline .of 3-i, and after numerous fluctuations up to 53 C-3 fell back to the lowest und closed thero. It was not until near the close of the rnarhet that tho summary was published f;f tho dornesL'c exports for November J. These show an Increase over V-ifiT vember of last year of l31.,_.-o^. owini. to tho unprecedented , vnlue of the cotton c-xports which ro'iched nenilv S<S8,O0U lt?J. the largest figure for any month In the history of thu country. The persistent Inward movement of go,a, which was supplemented again to-doy, needs no other explanation; The stock market closed rather Irrear ular, but nenr tho lowest of the day. Tho tone of the bond mfuket was easy. Total sales, par va'luc. wero K.WXJOOO. United States 2's declined 1-8 per cent, on the last call. Total sales of stocks _'._,S00 shares. v NEW YORK, Dec. 10.?Close: Money on firm. 4 to 0 per cent.; closing bid ?., offered at 4 1-2. Time loans quiet; sixty nays nnd ninety days 0 per cent..- six months 5 1-2. Prlmo mercantile paper C; sterling exchange II.'m. wliliuotufil busi? ness In bankers' b:ils at ,i.ra.2u to .*<_.>. ror demnnd. and at $4.70.75 to i 1.79.85 tor Sixty day bills. Posted rates ...... 1-2 to .I-Kl and Jl.S-i to H.S4 1-2. Commercial hills, $4.70 3-S to $4.70 1-2; bar silver .it 2-*; Mexican dollars -It. a Wall Street Gossip. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NEW YORK. Dec. 10.?Tho market opened irregular with lower quotations for m si _ lho stocks, hut an early appearand, of slren-rth in the tractions and Atchison. The lower quo? tations from I-ondon hnd some Influence,; hut lers than might have been expect. d. " , PROFIT-TAKIXO PROFESSIONAL: ' The pront-taklng seemed to be mostly Pro? fessional.- Brooklyn Rapid Transit opened low .-r. but rallied quickly. Tho movement does not se'-m to bo over, and ono of tho strong-cat pools which sold out on Wednesday rep Html that the stock was very well taken. The earnings and tho concession of a loop connecting tho bridge aro considered as sufll clent bull arguments by very fair Judges. AMALGAMATED COPPER: Alraalgarraued Copper imptfived;.ea?M>V after nil ..met. tain opening, but Is said to avc R-en fold. Boston is still t_lking bulls, but It Is thought that some of tho Lawaon sto.k'hai been recently distributed. Tho Internatlonal Banking Corporation Has encaged for Imports from Japan 1.000.000 yon. ?rlie sum ot MO.MO yen hn? bosn re? celvod This makes thu total amount engaged l,K?,00O yen or SSW.OOO. HEAVILY SHOTtT OF STEEL: Apparently the bucket-shops in lho Western cities are heavily short of Btot-I prifcrr d. I very kind ot bear news on Unite, S.ates Steel has been wired to some of the mos. im? portant houseB on the Idea that the/ would communicate the news to their customers and influence them. The point Is<-. Irniurtanr. ?? allowing that tho customers of the -bucket Shops must be long of tho stock or th. rro prlutors would not be bo an-l-uj Lo g.-t It dT.w street was flooded with adverse fnreiaats of the next United States Steel, atatomeiit. It looks as If the shorts ill Pennsylvania woro being put out again. 6H0RT. OF STEEL SELLING LESS Tho* sourc.Nof' the short Belling were fairly Well known, and It was. therefore, less r?.n vlncliig than It might have been otherwise. ERIE (SHOWED STRENGTH: KrU, again showed strength. alH t would .r-em that tho foreign position oil th,. long Md" has not been changed. Tho London mar ' |-et was regarded as the most Important factor, as they artT generally In fairy close touoh with lho HIH-Morgan Interests. It Is genera ly ex peeled that the .November stntcmont will miko ^o^movement In Consolidated Gas attra?tte.l less attention than that In the tractions, but was probably sympathetic, and some o the buying almost certainly had a political origin. American Sugar was bought for Washington. Tho Western houses wero tho heaviest onrl> .?Hers of Steol preferred. MARKET BATHER HEAVY The market was rather heavy after 13 o'clock, although prices steadied a little when London selling wis completed. The tractions wero about the best s>pp rt*d gr up. and after these Amalgamate jrCopper, but the- *Aest seemed to be aggressive.*- bearish eliewhure. GENERAL ELECTRIC FREELY ABSORBED: General Electric waa in request an I has ..boon freely absorbed for " somo week - p i?, _t\.i? believed that ony dcvelo->mcn la the traction Bituatlon must necessarily help --en einl' Eloctrlc, and the old story ot melon-cutting crops up with fair regularity. RESUMPTION OF LIQUIDATION: One ot tho significant features of tlio market wus the resumption of liquidation In u mo of tho minor Industrials, which recently rallieJ. VTho weakness In Republic Steel and Tonnes ?.c Coal and Iron was significant In conn-c.lon with the bearlBh rumors on tha trade outlook, The market'closed ut a'small rally from tho lowest, but with a general recesal.n on'ttia TCGMASBRAffCHlCO (ESTABLISHKD 1833.) ME8IBE3S dew York ^tcok Exchange. Hew York Cotton Exchange. PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL JARKETS. ^vestment Securities ?++1? + f 4 4 ? 444444 j 4^44-4 t-?4+?-i> ???.???? ^4-^*l*^>-^^'^ | Official Range and Sale of Stocks in New York | ' ^44i;40^Hi)M^444444HMT??HmMf??fTTT?HHf44444i>^ By Thomas Branch & Co., Bankers and Brokers. Open. High BALES! American Snuff, com. . 100 Amerloan Snuff, pfd. American Can, com. 200 American Can, pfd. 1M Amer. Cotton Oil, com.... MM Am'er. Locomotive, com.... 400 Amor. Locomotive, pfd.... 465 Continental Tobacco, pfd.. IBM) Amcr. Car and-Foundry... HMD. American Sugar .'.'. 3l2i/? A.. T. and 8. lre, com. 1170 A? T, and fl. Pe. lifd'.'i.'.-.. 69300 Amblgatnated' Copper . ?}4.fXi Uultimoro and Ohio.... 109.W Brooklyn Itnplil Tinnslt.. 2300 cunfinlon Pacific i. 2100 ChQsapcfiko, apd Olilo. Canada- Southern,. 62.. Colo. Southern, com. ROO Colo. Southern, 1st pfd.... ??) Colo. Southern, 2*1 pfd.... 29500 Chl? Mil. and S..P. 22400 Chi.. R. I. end Pactflo,i.i... ITuO Chi., K. I, and Pacific, pfcT.. Colo, Fuel nnd Iron. .SOOCIil. Croat .Western. Clew, Cln., C'lib nnd 8. I-,.. 11013 Consolidated Gas . 200 Delaware and Hudson..... Del., Lack, und Western.. 07990 Erie, com.r. .*)0 Erie, 1st pfd.'... .(fjOErle, 2d pfd.,-l.... '0. General Electric Open. tll_.h. : Low. ' Closing. Bid. Asked ioo i_u S2V_ . at 15V4 i.i'i 19'._ 124'/. IWV4 nW 46_? 7M4 60% 33% 'iiW 23%' 142% 20.. 61% ot% w%: 61 100' 391S Illinois Central . 129% 7-100 Leather.?? ???.. ' 14 3150 Louisville and Nashville.... 10WA 21?0 Manhattan.: .lw% SB 82% .11 m VOW 101% - 10.. 120, ?4!4 W ?17.. 78.5 63% 1.1 B 33%^ 'i4% -Ma ??% 142.4 M% ; 02 . .'io.'i' ?188% iI5?i... [aMi 188% ? 81% 1MV. UWH 8 103%' 1H14 SALES: feOo Metropolitan...?? ? ?< . 400 ftlexlca n Central . 30C00 Missouri Paolflo ',..',... 100 Mo., _<_in. and To*., com. 1S00 Mo., Kan. and Tex,, pfd... 3100 Now Vork Central. jjmai N. Y., Ont. and Western, 2U-) Norfolk and "Western.. 677.A) Peniisylv/inls.. 600 l'resood Steel Car . Pressed Steel Cur, pfd. 6100 People's Ues Trust,.;. 30300 Heading, com. Keadiii-r, int pfd.:,.;... Iu0 Readinff, 2d pfd............ ? 1000 Republic 1. find S.'..ocm... 1820 Republic I. and S? pfd.,, 200 KIobs..'.. 500 Sloss, pfd.??-????._??" 300 8. L. and S. F? 2d pfd..,. 8. L, and Southwest., pfd. 2J.OO0 Southern Pacific. .._,__. Southern Railway, com... 1160 Southern Railway, pfd..., 5000 Teup- Coal and Iron. 1JW0 Texas Pacific . 41600 Union Pacific, com. 110 Union" Pacific, pfd. 24200 V, S, Steel, com...wi...... 101200 U. 8. Btoel, r>fd.,...'...... -.IfO Va.-Cnr. Chemical, com,.. 170 Vn,-Car. Chemical, pfd,.. 1000 Wabash, com., .'? MOO Wabash, pfd. 1O0 Western union . 600 Wisconsin Control u......... 700 Wisconsin Central, pfd... Total sales 9B0.1CO. 123.4 M.J m* 80',. lid 21.. _8 117*i 20% '?07% 4-1'i 40 . 28% 47 20.6 78IA 33U 28% 78 ..-1 11% 59%' 2314 D2fe 2,1% _4 871,, 17 12414 10 93% 18% 3?.i 120 '-'?J.s. 64% 118% 20.1 'i>7% 43% 7.. 41! 20 33% 43$ "?% 20% 7SU 33% 26V6 78'/. JS 11% 66% 25% S>2Vj 2014 37% 87% 17% ss% Low. i.iH p-.i. 01-.4 17'/_ 39 11714 2JJ4 11UT. 2814 ?W.i ??_ 'f.i 'V.i 40 28% 33.4 45 '..% . 20! . :. tju .3114 25 ion 64 5s, 10% 30". 8714 1614 37% Cloning. Bid Asked. 132 12214 0-74 WW, 02% 02% 17% 30 ?118 2l!'i f>7 117 i?14 t!6 BOH 43.fc 77 C) OH 40 2*14 71 44'4 3114 mi 20V 3114 ''("a 77V_ S7 1014 54 2314 92 ' IP% 30% SO 16% 3714 U. 8. refunding 2s, rcslstered.VZVi V. 8, refunding 2s .coupon 06 U. 8. 3s, registered .-,-..j07'* U. 8, 3s, eoupon .;.?'??? -"?'?? U. 8. Now 4s*, registered....'..????___.! U. 8, New 4h, counon . U. 8. Old 4s. registered.'. U. 8. Old 4s, coupon . U, 8, 6s. re-Matured.;..,... O. B. Ds. counon (ex Int.). Atchison general 4? . Atchison adjustment 4s. ..altlmorc find Ohio 4s . Baltimore anil Ohio 3V.B. Central of Georgia 5b . Central of Georgia1st Inc. Jj Chesapeake nnd Ohio 4.4s.?-? -"'?<? Chicago and Alton _V_h.??. '' Ctiicdgo, 13. and Qulncy new *>>? C! OS]NO FOND QUOTATIONS. Chicago, M. nnd SI, Paul gen. 4s. 110 Chicago and'Northwestern con. 7?.WS Chicago, It. I. and Pscino 4s. CJU Chicago, n. I. and Pile. col. r,o. 'f't* C. ,C? C. and St. Louis gen. 4s. WV. Terminal 41 . ?" Consolidated Tobacco Is. v?H Colorado and Southern 4s. r-.J4 Denver and Ttlo Clnindii 4o. SJ1.-: Erie prior lien -Is .????? W? Erie General Is .?. ? JTort Worth.and.Denver City lets.......... 02., Hocking Valley 4!_s ......,,..;. "* Louisville nnd Nash. UnlOed 4s. \Y> Manhattan conwl gold 4s.?? I'd.* Mexican Central 4..'.!?< "Afi Mexican Centra! 1st Ino . Ms Minn, nnd St. Louis 4s . ??? Missouri. Kansas and Texas 4s. S6.? Missouri, Kan. nnd Texas 2dn.... .7 National It. It. of Mexico con. 4s. 75V4 New York Central gon. 3:,_s.?. WJ? New Jersey Central gen. 63.l-'Oi* Northern.Pacific Is .,.lt-'/_ Northern Pacific 3s . "Ms Norfolk and Western con. 4s. t.JS Oregon Short Lino 4s and Panic. '62% Pennsylvania conv. 31_s..,.. .JV4 Heading eGnornl 4s. so j BU Louis and Iron Mountain con. 6s. ."Hi 6t. Louts and San I-'ranclseo fg. 4s. IS St. Louis Southwestern lsis . W Seaboard Air Lino 4s . '?% Southern Pacific 4s . ?| Southern Hallway 6s. ?{_V4 Texas and Pacific lain.???. *??? Toledo, St. L. and Western 4s. .0 Union Pacific 4s.??. ''_"? Union Pacific conv. 4s..4. _> U. .8. Steel 2d 5s.?..??? Wabash lst? .;. .J.-* Wabash Oob. Ps ? ????'!'?.. TO Wheeling and Lalto Erie 4s . r Yj Wisconsin Central 4s .ii..... t.'A Colorado Fuel and Iron con. 6s. "? M. and O., collateral trust 4a. ?4.4 Central ot Georgia 2d - Ino . ? u\i dny. flteel preferred and common continued the seriously depressing fMlanKS an J tna floor traders who covered their sn.rvs sua i.u had not much difficulty In getting stock. Sti'CHKpT--''- ?"?'-,<JV-K -^nKET Richmond, Vo- ,Doc. 10, 19KJ. SALES.' Virginia 3s-?5W at ?414i? M? at 941s. BTATB SECl'lUTIES. Hid. Asksd. North Carolina' 4s. C. 1010. 1OSV0 ... North Carolina 6s. C. ?? ???????? ?? ?*: \*i_"?itii_4 *n New. C. ana B<. ij-j*.- vj *:? VlS Centuries ,2-3. C, and K. 9414 R. CITY SECURITIES, niohmond city is. R.. 18J0.UJ0.... ?4 ... HAIt.ltOAD BONDS. Atlanta und Char. Ut 7s, R.. 1907.... 107 A. C. L. R. B. Con. Tr. 4 p. c... 93 Col. and Greenville 1st 6s, C. 1M6.. 116 Georgia and Hoc. 1st 6s, C, 1932.... la) Georgia, 8o. ond Fla., 1915............. 1W Georgia and Ala. Con. os, IOJd. 100 N. an. *.V. Ry. Pocahontas 4s. is ... Rich, and Meek. 1st 4s. 1948... 90 S. A. t_. Con. 1 st 4s. 1M?....... ?-. ???-; S. A. L. Collateral Tr. os, lSU...... 99- ... Western North Car. 1st 6s. C. 1911.. 11* lUlLHOAD STOCKS. Atlanta and Charlotte.....100 luO ... Atlantic Coast Lino "A.".J? J?'-1 m Atlantic Coast Lino pfd.100 100 ... Atlantic Coast Line corn...100 ton. 110 Cheenpeakc and Ohio....100 33 ... Co., So. and Fla. 1st pfd.JM 97 ?3 Norfolk and Western com.100 M . R? J.,.apd P Dlv. Obllg.??? $-'??? _? Seaboard Air Line pfd.JM -.' .? Seaboard Air Lino com..100 1-V4 "/j Southern Hallway pfd.,.JM .S Southern Railway com.100 20 . RANK STOCKS. Broad-Street Bank ...2_ ??? ;6 city Hank..miss Flrut National .nw UKj Merchants National.JW 8M Rich. Tr. and 8. Dep. Co.10O ]_j State Hank of Virginia.100 ... Virginia Trust Company.iuu ??? INSURANCE COMPANIES, Virginia Fire and Marino.23 3SV_ MISCELLANEOUS. Continental Tob. pfd 7 p. a..190 103 r-onsolldatcd Tob. 4 p. c. bonds....10- GJ_. Va..Car. Cltem. pfd 8 p. c. 00 9114 Va..Car. Chemical com.100 31 Vn_-Car. C. Co. col. Tr. 5 p, c^,. 90 BALTIMORE STOCK MARKET. BALTIMOREi MD., Dec. I0.-8eaboard^ Air T.lno common. 12'(.l3ti: do. preferred. -_ll_-j.2.V?. Seaboard .a, <3fc72._.. Atlanilc Coast Lino com? mon, 105 bid; do. preferred, nothing doing. COTTON MARKETS. NEW YORiv, Dec. 10.?Tho cotton market opened steady nt a decline of 7 points to an ndvanco of 2 points, the declines be ng 111 sympathy with disappointing cables, which In? duced liquidation by room longs. Almost Im? mediately, however, thu market ..a- ml led | by a renowal of hull support and reports that northern spinners have been buyln. .flry fn-ely recently, and with outside buying or-ie" thu market was advanced until mar the end nt the first twenty minutes prices were net 4-JG points higher. The advnnco was tho signal for considerable hear pressure, und a. tho market .started downward rumors were elrcu- | at Ing that a strong hour clique had be ;; | formed on tho theory that tho continued l-ul | movement is offsetting in the pip-lar nilml . the government's small crop estimate! While? R was also reported that demon 1 In the South- | em spot markets was falling off. Interior;-re celiits also wero running full, although 'he port movement shows a subsiding tendency, and the accumulation of stocks at Interior towna.U believed to point, to a good Increase Io ho week's visible supply figures. Notwithstanding theMj factors, the market showed great .tt.ib hornesa under pressure. At ono tlmo JimW: foio mid-day It was at a net deolln..- of UU... points on the .active months, but was rallied gain, and In the early afternoon ruled^Atner firm and closed very Irregular.. The cIjso wai | steady with July 1 point higher, but tho other , ninths uii.liat.ged to 10.points lower, dales ve?e ^tlinated at .500.000 bales. B*port?n;\St*J full Estimates for to-morrow's lending points about a standoff, and tho Southern spot mar ke?" easier at unchanged pr.o.s t_ a decline ?frte,colnts at the ports to-day were 47.4.2 bnleo . m-a.nst 47,963 last- week and S...743 last year. , For the week 350.000 bales aga list 313,85. lost wniit. and .61784 last year. To-day's receipts at New Orleans were 10,887 bales against l ,93, fast year, and at Houston 12,777 bales against 6,447 lost year. Cotton futures opened steady and closed. stendyi p H) h> l(0W- cloae, December .fl.01 1J.M M.J . j January .W.W V.v>; {, ^ ,, CD February .?:;??_ iif, loo 12 3) 93 .2.19 1J.2J ".00, 2 V ?:...- J5 _ J-...7 W.U.1 12.23 APrtl .'.V-jS1 ?ij.os ]2.W 12,2/ 'V'V,.I'M 'IMS 12.W iz,=i 5IaV ._? .2.2. 12.21 12-21 J""8 .[ill Mil- 12.15 12.25 i^usr::::::::::::i-:?- --?-> >v-- , )1-8J Soot cotton closed quiet, j?, Pol?-f. lo,w?!;i mldcUIng uplands, l?,?o! middling gulf, ),\60), sales, 4,310 bales. Cotton aulof: middling, 12.25; gross .receipts. 7?0 b_.?cs- "ales, 4,310 bales; stock, 67,767 7'Tobta (o-Z'at all seaport^M^m . luo.u. bules; to Japan. 1--f0?,l^?es-?anolts-Net to Mexico, 16,853 bales^_ - NEW ORLEANS, LA.,- Dec. 10.-COTTON? Spot cotton nu et. There was good Inuulry from' aidnnew. but they demand ^gk^Th which factors generally refuse to make. he nxport demand Is limited, gftlep^ J,100.-lalee, including 950 to arrive; delivered on contra.ts, 800 bales. Quotations reduced lio, The future market was nervous at the vOPJn Ing, March and tho more distant rosltlons lo Ing 7-td0 points above yrsnrday s --lose. Throughout the morning hill su p?rt was strong, und prominent longs by heavy nuflnij prevented the market for a. lime from M\V%\ ing New York and Liverpool lu their lown wurd turns, but later they withdrew rind al? lowed tho bears to pull prices down. A Kifd uai slump followod, December losing 1. points. January 16,. March 22.'May and July: 14 points ?ach. Later there wan a recovery on th^ a<; tlvp. m,oath)i .of 13@17 points, the ,U.t at-, the close'.howlng'nel gains of 1$3 i)ollit;,v , ?. ;? future* closed .teady: December, n.98?it.vy, January, 12.07ffl2.08i ? February. J2.22S12.J4; March. 12.37012.8. ;Aprll, 12.43312.4c- .lay, 12.493.12.50; June,'12.63312.55; July, 1E6,?12.6J. PRODUCE MARKET. NEW YORK, Dec. 10.?FLOUR?DuU, hut steady. Ryo Flour?Dull. Buckwheat ?Hour Quiet. Cornmeal-Stcady. Rye-Dull. Barley? SlWhlat-Spot easy; No. 2 rod. ^Mc. Optlona opened easy on cables and favorable Southwest weather news. Rallying with tho West they subsequently broke under reports that promi? nent Chicago bulls were unloading. 1-roni his a second rally occuma on ta'k D-, ? Pu !! !_ crop report ,blg flour cearancos.and a bullish Michigan Stato report, .closing K __Vj "? higher. May closed at giJici July, 8114c.;. De CeCorn-Si.o\C'flrm; No. 2, 6H4c Option market was fairly active and strong all day on less favorable weather news, light Interior ro.elpU covering and good bull support, the close iiemg HflVic. net higher. May closed at loftc.; De? cember. 61'._c. Oats?Quiet; No. 2. ilVtC. Be*f-Quiet. Cut Me-ts-Dull; pickled bel? lies, SH@eHci per pound. Lard?Steady; rulitt cd, suady;.continent. 47.15; cpnippund, I6.25fl. 6.15. Pork-Steady; family, *U#?------ n"?^ clear, S13.lKJiffl5.50. Tallow?Firm. RobU*? Firm. Turpentine-Steady.^ . Coffee?Spot Rio. firm; No. 7 ln\olce, <c,, mild, llrm; Cordova. 7...?*12c. The market for coffee futures opened firm at an advance- of 100 15 i>olnts. following unexpectedly higher Euro? pean markets. On tho advonc.tJ.r-wa neavy realizing, but there was a good demand from abroad and considerable outside buying, so that prices continued nnn and the ma-.^et closed 164.25 .points higher, with saiea o|*167.7?0 bagr Sui^r?Raw, nominal; retlned, dull, nice?Firm. Molasses?Firm. . ? - l.uttcr-Quiet: extra creamery, 2Cc; otato dairy. I5&22C. Cheese-Quiet; full .cream, farfey small colored, September. 12c.: ate made, .Kv; small white, September .12c; late made, Wo. Bgg_^l?|rrai SUito and Pennsylvania, nearby, averago best, 31c ? , . Poiatocs-Flrm; Long Island. #.1202 37, .?r sev $2c.2.2j; Jersuy sweets, ?1.60^,3.50, ht.ive Snd Western, sacks. ...1202.25; Pen nuts Steady; fancy handplcked. 4%?5c.; other do mestlc.' kt*. C-*b-'af'-,T^^:__d?'?JS, l0V_y luo, {"010; por barrel. .1.60?2.2e,, Cotton-uy steam to Liverpool, 12c. CHICAGO, ILL. .Dec. 10.?Heavy aolllns in the wheat pit to-day with an absenco of any substantial support caused a decline of lUC. from the high point of the day in fteyMay option and over 2c. In Doce.iiber. A rally, however, preceded Ihe close which, compared with lost night, showed a net loss ot 9i?i_c. 0 her fc-ratns won. strong, May corn cloning uV-_c. higher, with oats u^ lie. May. _10 flSons closed fro m7',.912V4c higher. Thu leadiui,' iiuut:itlon-> runted Hi follows; Open. Ilicb. Low. Close. _^?^ 801. 8014 78 U [:m SK :::::::::::::: 7$ ..b -ft $ cnt?-s?:.f:. 411. 41% 4m m Mav 43 434. .... 43.4 Ju"y :."...... 42.4 43H ?$ ? pdIc~n.?:.~.. ?h .^i *??>? ?. M?y . 36!. 36.? 3r,._ vO.. July . 331-4 ? 3_.i 33.. KHi iqq J->-_-_-nilM ssai. Jnn.U.I7?i 11.17% H-l-H ?-!* May .......H.421_ 11.55 1U2V4 il-K.e l_AKD-Per 100 lbs. ; ,tn?.6.42._ 6.4214 640 6,|_U May ..6.55 6.60 6.65 C.JO f"HO_.T RIBS?I'ei 10u lbs ? ' ran.6.97U, 6.02". 5.93 H.toVJ jlay .?.I5 6.221. 6.15 3-.'?> Cash quotations were us f llov.s? Ff.Ol'R-. Steady. No. 2 spring wheat, 81e.; No. 3, 78..; No. 2 red. 81>i.i!>l._e. No, 2 corn. 4l._c; No. 3 yellow, 44c. No. 2 oats. 3?._c. ;No. 3 whte, 35?37c. No. 2 ryo, _0t-j@5U*. Gooding feeding barloy. 36_i 37o.; fair to choice malting, 43<cTo,e. No. 1 flaxseed, 92c.; No. I northwestern, _ _?>e.; prime Timothy seed, ?2.S5. Mess pork, per bar? rel,. 4H1.37"_1.1150; lard, per WO pounds, |?..0@ 6.1.".; short ribs sides tlooso), .6B0/551 short clear Hides (boxed), ?..12.,<_'5._5. Whiskey, ':i?UJ of high wines, 81.27. Clover, contract gr*do,. $11.00. Cutter?Steady ;creamerles, IStf-ik'.; dairies, 14-_-lc. EgRs?Firm at mark, cases In? cluded, 26@27i4c, Cheese?Steady at JOQ'lOlsC. BALTIMORE, MD., Dec. 10?FLOUR?Q4let nnd unchanged. Wheat?Weak; spot,, contract und tho month, S0....S-C.: spit, No 2 led, western, S6._ZS6.ic.i southern by sample, liiv S6e. Corn?Firm; spot, old ani the moith. 4S>Mi74S>ic.; spot, new, 47*ic.; new, southern white corn. 391.04,140. Outs-Quiet; No; 3 white, 410, asked. Bye?Firm; No. 7, 60e, Hut tcr and Eggs?Firm and unchanged. Cheet.-? Quiet and unchanged. Sugar?Eujy and ,.nn. changed. _ . RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET, Richmond, Va., Dec. 10, 'Up*. ' QUOTATIONS. WHEAT-- .? ?, Longberry (car lots).93 091 Mixed tear lots) . M- ?,4 Shortberry (car. lots . 93 a.i No. 2 red (car lots) .fW.-VM Va. bag lots .,.'.. SO ? 93 CORN? , White, va. bag lots (new).4J fi50 White Va. bug lots (old). 51 Wilis No. 2 whlto (car lots).51 Wil'A No. 3 White (car lots). iO'.Jj'l No, 3 mixed (car lots). ?li'lii'.c.oO No. 3 mixed (car lots).171.1.-!.. OATS? ., . No. 2 mixed (car lots). S9 mm No. 3 nitxed (car lots) .,,,. 3jHJM9 No. 3 white (car lots).UHifll RYii .,.?????.6. W?l . CATTLE MARKETS, CHICAGO, ILL., Dec. lO.-CATTLE-Re celpts, 12,000 head. Market, dull and lower. Good to prime steers, ?5tjo.75; poor to med.-.u... 53.26-J4.75; ^tuckers and feeders, $1.7&?? BOO; cows, 51,50.13.90; heifers, J|,75fl'I.B.i .ann-jrs, Il.60.ft2.49i hulls, .; c.,'. fjfli. !.i Toxas-fed steers, W.CBffl.OO. Ilogs-Ro eiptf, 33,000 head; to-uiorruw, 20,000 head. Market active, EfllOe. higher. Mixed an. but hnri, JI.;iori4.65l good to cihoico heavy t*.fC(f/-4.f2.i; rough heavy, <t.3u?4.60; light. S..1604.00 ton/if of littles, ?4.451-i4.55. filisap-Itecolpls, IJ.wO i-,l'|, Blieop, slow, 10016c. lower. Lambs, stu^iiy. Good to choice wethers, .3.7. ftjl.0; jM to choice mixed, Sf3fi3.75; native lambs, $i'i|!5.1B; fed Western yearlings, $4,70. NEW' YORK, Dec. 10.~I1EEVI_H--Recolpte, !l head; no sales reported. Pratige I' mkt, 6teady; city dressed, native sides, 6<l-.?4c. jier pound; Texas beef, 6a6o, Culves?Receipts, '_W head. Veals ruled slow; about steady In u""l"r; no trading of much Importance In anything els>. Veale, 8i_,7.60. City dro.ssd veal., g-n. oral sales, 7i$ll._o. per pound, tlio 1. and Lumbs?Receipts. 1,493 head. Siitep ra'.ed dull and weaki- average sale of lambs po?tblv a llttlijtroliger.than yenterday.. Sh.dP, Wfl'3.'Ji lnmbs al {3.50JJ6.00. Drc.sod mutton. geiWJl _?le., Hli. per pound; dresicd lamb.. ?nyral sales, 8-79',ic per pound. Hogs-Receipts, .,459 heod ;nll consigned direct.; UNION STOCK YARDS. 'PITTSBURG. FA.. Dec. 10.?CATTLE?Slow. Choice, S5<35.t0; prime, 54.70S4.85; fair, $303.60. j Ho_s-H -rtior, Prime heavy, ? J4.70J.4.73; mediums, $4.60r,_4.G5: heavy yorkers. M.555.4.60; light vorkrrs. 14.4,31 4.50; pigs, .4.35<3?.40; /rough, ?3ft4.l6. Sheep? Firm. Primo wethers! ?.65?i.O.; cull* and common ,Jli25@2.0O; choice lambs, 85.3ogu._0; yea] calves, 87Q17.50. _ CINCINNATI O., Dec. 10.?HOGS^-A-rtlve and higher at .3.65 .J3.67.4. Cattlo-Dull at J2*j> 4.25. Sheep-Steady at 5L5.83.40. Lambs Steady at 8405.60.__ MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. PEANUT MARKET. - NORFOLK, VA.-, Dec. 10.?PEANUTS? Farmers' ninrkot nrmer. Fancy, 314c.; strictly prime, 3l4?i.3*>4e;.; prime, 2"_%3c ; common, _.j? t%c ? Spanish, _3#85c.; machine picked, -2V_(_" 2.4C. ????.: ? PI_TERSBUHa. VA., Dec, 10.?PEANUTS? Spanish; fW__V_K. Market nrm. stock llgnt fancy; market steady. :?-.'?. % _i h nn*. cooim ^lAntcr.T. .'-.. ,; NEW YORK, Dec. 10.?The dry goods . r.uar i Vtot has been -quiet tp-day. with buyers openit ! Ing only tor Immediate necessities. The uu-ta 1 tlons which are made In some cases prohibit m, but sellers nro In every case treating orders , Individually and-m-e-d*ncrrrrmea~to sccuro'a profit on everything sold. *. ., ^ NAVAL STORES. WILMINGTON, N. C, '.Dec. 10.?SPIRITS TUHPENTINE?Firm at 55c; receipts , 186 casks. Rosin?Nothing doing; receipts 247 bnr relsTar?Firm at 81.70; rcceltts. ? 95 ; barrel.<. Crude Turpentine?Firm at. 82:2583.80 ;recelpts, 20 barrels,- ' -?' '?' SAVANNAH, OA., Dec. 10.?TUPRENTIN-'-? Firm at 90c.; receipts, 4f4 casks; sites, 338 casks; exports, 52 casks. Renin?Firm; receipts, 1.884 barrels;' sales, 1,355 barrels; exports, ..830 barrels. CHARLESTON, S. C, Dec. 10.-TURFEN TINE?Steady at B514c. Rosin?Steady. COTTONSEED OIL MARKET. NEW-YORK, Dec^ 10.?Cottonseed -oil v.-ag Arm and fairly acttvo without further change. Prime crude, f. o. b. mills, _6@--7c.; primo sum? mer yellow, 35Q.35._c.; off summer yellow, nom Ihal at 38c: prime white, _7@3So.; prime win? ter yollow, 3SO40c_ MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICHMOND, DEC. 10, 11)03. ARRIVED. Steamer Hrandon, Rh?Jea, Norfolk, merchan? dise and passengers, Old Dominion line. ! Steamer XJocahontas, Graves. Norfolk and I James River landings, merchandise and j as.eii. gers. Virginia Navigation Co. Steamer Maud, Clifford, James River, shu:ks, J. F.. Jacobs and Co. BAlLEn Steamer Brandon, Rhodes, Norfolk, merchan? dise and passengers, Old Dominion lit,*. Steamer Maud. Clifford, James River, lumo_r, W. B. Bradley and Co. PORT OF WEST POINT. DEC. 10. 1903. ARRIVED. Charlotte, Murphy, Baltimore, passongers and general cargo. Elm City, Haynes, Muttaponl River landlnr*. passengers and general cargo. SAILED. ! Charlotte, Murphy, Baltimore, passengers and general cargo. Elm City,- Haynos. Mattaponi River landings, passengers gnd.goneral cargo, PORT NEWPORT NEWS, DEC. 10, 1903. ARRIVED, United States, cruiser Baltimore, Hampton Schooner Vim Alien pi-,|-,h' ,ti, Itixuon. Schooner Joseph Ohivenl, N-nv Y-irlt. Schooner George W. Wells. Ronton. Barge Theodore Palmer, Allyn's Point. Barpt Volunteer, Allyn's Point. SAILED.. Schooner Alice E. Clark, Providence. Ctiina s Cotton Crop. ? ?? (By Associated Press,) SHANGHAI, Dec-10.?Tho latest reports! estimate .tiiat the cotton crop will he (Sevan"}* perdent, of the average". - '? ' - .. Miss Orthard, III. , MIbs Helen Orthard, one of tho nurs.w who graduotod In this year's class of the \ irglnia Huspltnl, is very HI at tho lios Lee Monument Bill. The Houso Finance Committee yester? day reported a bill to appropriate (in '.icl ?ilfion.-ii .500 for .fencing the Leo Alonu ment. ,., - ;' . ... : ' g ._-.BALLTH?Mtf..'AI_ EUROPEAN MARKETS, -SHIP TO-, a Ma Va ink a**, fa. i W VUi| hi' (Jovent Oardon, London (Tho Fruit Auction Co., of London), and 7U-7S Park place, New York; City, We were selected by the United Statoa Goyenuneni to handle experimental ship. Rienta. . , , Also by the Tii.-nianlan (rovernment. Also by the Georgia '? nut Gioivers' As? sociation (the most conservative In tha United Suites). We further refer yon to the Secretary of Ihe Virginia Horticultural Society CCro?et, Va.,) and to Dun's Agency, and any of the Prult Trade Papers, h'ov information, stencils, etc., Hddre-s ' + T 6- GRliENlv-AY. Gmi'l Manager, 76-78 Park Place, tfsvy >pik, ? ?-. . or . ??. ? ? . B, c, GREEN WAY. Gen'l Ageej, JOHN L WILLIAMS & SONS. BANKERS, Canter- In RICHMOND, VA* SOUTHFP INVESTMENT SECURITIES. UUNICIPAli BONDB A 8PJCC1AJ-TT. Correscondence Invited. THE CASE OF MR. BRAUER Will Present Striking Situa? tion in Hanover, it is Decided. STATE OR CO. COMMITTEE? Decision/of the Court.Will Show Which , ,, - .l^ight?County Court Meets' Monday. Tho last of the Henrico election excite? ment will probably be dissipated to-rnor. row, -when the two remaining warrants In tlio list of ton will be called up for trial. Tho troubles of Mr. Todd, the treasurer elect of' the county, aro at last at an end,, Ho has won ?at every point,, and on the first of next month ho will assumo . the reins of government. Beforo Justice Crutclifiolc! yesterday tlio Richmond caso against him was called. The two wit -nesses, Thomas, and Hlndle, wore ex? amined, and on the strength of their tcs. tlmony tho court refused to Issue a war? rant, and doclnred Mr. Todd a free man. Phomnn said he saw Todd pull money trom his pocket nnd hand It to Hlndle, while drinks woro being bought for tho crowd. Hlndle denied that ho over got ruiy monej' 'from Todd, and said that he paid for the drinks and sandwiches out of his (Hlndlc's) own pocket. The cases to bo heard to-morrow are those of Treasurer XV. H. Brauer and Pat McDonnell. Tlio very greatest In? terest Is taken In the Brauer matters. The testimony that will go before tho court will bo tho same as that which was given before tho county commltteo. The specific charge Is that the trcasuror paid to one L. D, Green certain sums of money with a view to influencing his vote, Mr. Brauer says ho feels no con? cern, and that an Immediate acquittal will result from the trial. He will bo rep? resented by Mr. H, M. Smith, Jr.. The result of this Brauer case will bo Interesting, however tho decision goes. If Mr, Brauer Is acquitted tlio action of the court will sustain the position of tho State Committee, and will be a hard blow at tlio county committee. If he Is not, the situation will bo just reversed. These considerations add very greatly to the Interest of the hearing, and-the entire county Is awaiting tho. result, "Squire Friend will probably not sit any more with his colleagues. Tho magistrates who wlli try the caso aro 'Squire Lewis, of Tuckahoe, and 'Squire Thomas, of Fairfield. The County Court.will meet on Mon? day. All of the recently elected ofllcers will qualify unless they have already done so, Ono of the most Interesting matters be? fore the court will bo tho resolution ot tho supervisors coiling attention to tho failure of the constables to enforce tho dog laws. The resolution will suggest un Investigation, nnd one will probably bo ordered. The evil Is becoming a very aggravated one. and a number ot people aro reporting damago to flocks by stray canines. Judgo Wiekham will also, at thla.. court, consider the grand jury report' charging contempt of court against C. XV. Childrey, commissioner of tho rev? enue, A white,man named J. P. Dlllard was tried yesterday beforo 'Squire Lewis, charged with creating a dlsturbanco on a car. It was alleged that In nn alter? cation Dlllard struck the conductor. Ho was fined *10 and costs. A Correction. Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch: Sir,?Your -correspondent from Buch? anan, Va., in his letter, published on tho Oth, Is made to say .that the Haloons of that place, when tho. town was wet, look In 513,000.or $20,000 per month. Hn, Intended to .write -..13.000 or $20,(00 poi year." ' O. U. P. Buchanan, Vn., Dec. 0 1903. I Conference Prayers. Tho Bnptist ministers of Richmond havo appointed a commltteo, consisting of the Revs. J. B. Hutson, D. D., C. S. Gardner, D. D., and Weston Brunor. D. V.. to nrrange for tho holding In Rich? mond of one of the week.of conference prayers, recommended by the State Mis? sion Board, with a. view to reviving and denperilng "the s'plrltunl lifoof the peo? ple ot tho donomlnaUon: On the Floor. Among the visitors on the floor of tho House vesterdny were Ex-Mayor Jumps J' Woo'ds. of Roctnoko; Commonwealth's Attorney Ro, W, Kino, of Roanoke coun? ty, and Mr, W. F, Wlnoh, of Salem. THE CONSECRATION OF ST. ANDREW'S Great: Occasion Among the Epis? copalians on New Year's Day. The new St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, of this c|ty, of wli|clv'tlie Itov. Thomas Remmes Is tho rector, will be consecrated on January 1st. Tho ov/.nt will bo ono of tho most notable In recent Episcopal history In Virginia. St. Andrew's Is one of tho best 'known parishes In the State, and tho church building Is one of the flnejt. The ' consecration of the beauti? ful now house of worship will probably be mado tho occasion for elaborate and impressive services, At a recent meeting of the Standing, Committee of the Diocese of Virginia tlio Rev. J, S. Gravatt, rector of Holy Trin? ity, wns elected to membership on the committee, to fill tlio vacancy cuusod by tho removal of tho Rev, E, S. Hlnks from the Stnto. Tlio commltteo gavo its consent io tlio consecration of tho Rev. David Hummoll Greer, D. D., us blshop cottcljutor of Now York. Tho Daughters of tho King of Rich? mond hold services |n All Saints' Churoh on Wednesday. The several chapters In the city and vicinity were represented In the congregation. The jormon , was preached by the Rev. Robert Strange, D. P.. r?etor'ot'Bt. Paul's, FINANCIAL. THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Has paid to its policy-holder-. OVER FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS. Its policies aro simple, clean, STRAIGHT-FORWARD CONTRACTS. ?. ,_?,?,--,-..-,? Its plans are adjusted ionll needs and offer PROTECTION TO THE FAMILY and INVESTMENT FOE OLD AGE. WALTER H. GRIMES, Gen!. Agent, No. 40, Chamber of Commerce Building, Richmond, Va. Representatives wanted in unoccupied territory. WHICH? ?will you be ??tlie bee or the grass? hopper of the oJd tale ? Lay aside something for the Winter of adversity, like the busy bee, or run the risk of starvation and cold when hard times come, like tlio improvident, graceless grasshopper. Why not save from Summer plenty by depositing dimes, dollars, eagles or double eagles wi thus now to help you out when comes the time that pinches? Ask us about in? terest rates. CAPITOL SAVINGS BANK The People's Depository, III! East Main Street, First Class Fire Insurance Department. onco secured, encourages the habit of saving. Help ycur boys nnd girls to -open a Savings Account, small though It mny bo. What applies to children should also be practiced with regularity by every man'and'worrinn. Bo-, gin saving now. \ Deposits by mall receive also our careful attention. ALL SUMS ACCEPTED, INTEREST ALLOWED AND COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY. Provident Savings Bank, 911 East Main Street. S. GALESKI, Pres.-"7" W. GRAY WATTS0N, Cashier. SHE CRIED FOR ARRESTED MAN Curious Spectacle "Witnessed on a Street Car Yes? terday. Silent amazement .sat. up.qri the faces of tho occupants of an Oakwood car yesterday while tlio llttlo sceno to bo niontloned was enacted. The sheriff of a Virginia county board? ed' the car and ho had In his custody an evll-looklng Individual who had been re? cently sentenced to ' threo years in tho Stare penitentiary. There wore also sev? oral ladles. In tho car. Ono of them be? came highly Interested In tho caso of the arrested man, and made Inquiry of tho sheriff as to what ho had dono, and how long Iks was to bo cbnCtnod, and so forth. She pitied tho. poor' man. She wept aloud, the tears streaming down her fnco. "Some poor mother or wlfo loves him and Is weeping this day." she said, or words to that effect.' Tho passengers stirred unoaslly and tho sheriff shoved up several Inches. His destination reached, ho rose with an evident sigh of relief and marched tho Jail-bird out, and the sympathetic tears ceased. WILL REPRODUCE, OYSTERS IN WAX Mr, J. Lyman Bnbcock, of Bny Shore, Vn., who Is one.of tho assistants to tho Vlrglnia-St. Louis Exposition, is In the city, and Is stopping at Murphy's. Mr. Babcock has with him some, samples of oysters reproduced in wax on intturnl half shells, und they aro as perfect as uny Imitation could woll be. Mr. Bab? cock snys tho eastern section of the Stttto Is deeply interested In the success of the Vlrplnia exhibit, and will take advan? tage of tho opportunity to adv-artlse tlio commercial nnd naturnl advantages of tho section to the world. Not only will oysters be reproduced nnd put on exhibition, but potatoes and other products will bo exhibited, and all tho counties are preparing to join In-the affair to make It a success. Mr, iBnbcoclt is on his way to Washing? ton to look nfter soma matters In con? nection with tho Virginia exhibit. RAISE SALARY OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL The bill offered In the Houso to raise tho salarv of the Attorney-General from $-,r.(K> to S-I.OCO, to take effect at the end r.r the present term, was favorably report <d from tho Houso Commltteo yester? day afternoon. Mnjor Anderson sent a letter to tho committee asking that It bo amended so as to take effect at the time mentioned, ho bclnn of opinion that there wus some constitutional question Involved In the Immediate increasing of the salary of the office. VESTRY 7s~fRYINei~~ TO HELP THE POOR The vestry 'of St. Luko's Mission, through their senior warden, have made an appeal to tho more prosperous mem t.jrp of the Episcopal Church for a por? tion of -???-1' annual contributions for tho necessities of tho poor of Richmond. Any contributions to this end will be judiciously distributed In tin- name of the church to the poor In St. Luko's vicin? ity In tho West Hnd of the i.-ity. Gifts should be sent to Mr. Hleluml II, Meui*._. posto.!)*-- box -111, Richmond, V;i., marked "For the poor." ASKED TO OBSERVE THE "BIBLE DAY" As was forecast by Bishop Ileudnx ut tho meeting of the Virginia Confeivtuo If, Charlottesville, tho College of Hlshops of lho M. E. Church, South, thiuugh 1(9 secretary, Bishop W. A. Candler, has Is? sued u call for tho observance of "Blblo Pay." on March ii, 11*01, by way of cele, the one hundredth finnlversary of tho British and Foreign Bible Society, the oldest of the existing Bibl* socle ties. The armlvei-ary falls on Mon ASSETS, $903,200. Virginia Fire & Marine Insurance Company. Office: 1015 East Main Street, RICHMOND, VA. All Descriptions of .Property in Country and Town, Public ' and Private, Insured at Fair Puites and Accommodat? ing Terms. AGENCIES IN EVERY TOWN AND COUNTY. WM. H. PALMER, President, WM. H. M'CARTHY. Secretary. We ure in a. position to execute orders in Stocks, Cation, Grain and Provisions on easy margins. Service tin exr celled. Direct .vires to all prin? cipal exchanges. JOHNSON & CO., Murphy's Hotel, 8th and Broad St. Down-Town Oillce , 4 South Twelfth Street. Spoclnl Agents." Business and Personal Accounts SOLICITED BY THE State Bank of Va. I III E. Main. Richmond, Va. LANCASTER & LUCKE. Bankers and Brokers. RICHMOND. VA. High-Grade Southern Securities. Correspondence Solicited. ilny, March 7th. Tho bishops suggest that lho occasion will furnish most fa vara-!? opportunity for discourses, ex? hibiting tho triumphs of tho Holy Serlp turoa Jr: all lamls; and that It will also ho a suitable occasion 'for mailing offer? ings to thu Bible e;uiso. Normal School Bill. The Home Finance Committee lam hveiilngr adversely reported ton hill oKoied by Mr. West, for iho establishment of i.,? ....! norma.! -chuol In tho Stat*? Tho patron asked that tho colnniitio*. report one way or another, so mat tho inatu-r aught como up on tho floor, Getting on Well. Won. S. S. SI miner man, number of th? IIouo from Wythe, who was sick *n Ion., is ubln to be In his seat in tho. Hou... Mr. i-i.nm.rmaii was by Dr. Joan* _loh ye-terd-.ty, and the t-urguo.) do<t-? i.ot think the member will ba.v* to un4*r? jc another operation.