A \J
The Trchy Faction Make De?
mand on Dey Faction for Sight
of Primary Tallcy Sheets.
A Norfolk Jeweler Shot by Man
Who Had Always Been
Friendly?Barn Burned.
Ihoy Vro "tho iilghest" priced peuple' ir!
Great Scott! What a gra?
tuitous tray full of "self-rais?
ing, advertising dough." The
joke is, we sell nine out of
every ten, who have the nerve
to venture in, and could sell
the tenth;? only this one gen?
erally' wants "something for
nothing," and our stock of
this is very low.
More Than Third of New Routes
Have Been Established in
Four States.
Rural Delivery, Reciprocity and
New Republic Discussed
in the House.
... JL U 1*
/\??? the Musical Novelties are found
OeST store tcTtrade with.
VAN'T do as well anywhere else.
/-/ON'T fail to visit our store, you'll s;
? . J
JH??? Ulli
G? introduce our famous
L8c. COFFEE to the cor?
ee' drinkers of Rich
nond, we will sell it for
Dne Week Only at 10c.
Der pound. This Coffee
;an not be bought for
ess? than 18c. after this
of tho Norfolk factions 1b
lo Richmond at once. Tl
ment has made another den
raan Dey for a sight of tl
at the last primary and hai
It will make a formal derna
and then will go before t
An effort was made to pat
to-day, but Ineffectually.
This afternoon, Attorney
lawless, counsel for severa
ci'idatoB and voters In the
waited on Captain Doy at
vas not In and the clerk
riot know when ho would
turners returned to their
useful present?$4.95 to $38.00.
Turkish Chairs and Rockers
A sweeping collection to
select from, in leather and
Ladies' Desks.
A very "natty line," $3.95
to $61.00?Imitation and Solid
Mahogany, Golden and Wea?
thered Oak, Bird-Eye Maple,
f~\ir1v RirrVi miri VprniQ Mar.
G??, Deo. 16.?llura] freo de
oolty with Cunada und tho
of Panama, wore all topics
In tho Houso to-day.
of rural free dellvory was I
y Mr. Maddox (Democrat,
) claimed that certain States
j rod In the establishment ul
esulted In a lively discussion,
(Republican, Iowa), and Mr.
{(.?publican. Indiana), among
on tho Republican side,
icker (Republican, Indiana),
course pursued by the ud?
iri dealing with the Central
nailon und replied to unti?
li five been made oh ine
of tilo chamber. Mr. t:rum
/"'ULL investigation of s
V-#IVE credit in easy mon
G? AINES Pianos give tin
/N full view?Steinway, K:
t/UST the factories who ?
? IMBALL Pianos neve:
\S LA S> Wut
iST TEAS ? 37
Hone better at an? price?
iey refunded if not satisfactory,
LIOll U? ill? UIUJ? IIIIVU1.0. . ..^.j -?
be refused and In that Instance will ap?
ical to tho committee at Richmond.
C. A. Englemann, a Jeweler, aged thirty
years, Is at St. Vincent's, Hospital, suf?
fering a wound, Inflicted' by Corbett
Grlmstend, who is about the same age.
The men were playing billiards at tho
New Century Club. Orlmstead claims
that Englemann tried to strike him with a
h.'Itlard cue;\durlng an argument between
VMM nvvnvi 01
When "at sea" as to what
to give, buy a Rocker. Always
useful and priced to fit any
pocket-book. Our line is sim?
ply "savagarous."
accept the stolen goods If permitted tu
condemn the act of taking. Mr. Williams
replied that while they could recogniio
the oharacter of the child they could tneat
it properly.
Gross Favoritism.
Mr, Maddox (Democrat, Georgia),, re?
plying to Mr Crunipackor, said ho had
arraigned the party, tor statements made
by a few members of the minority. He
ho had always been tr?enos
state that when an employ
stepped between the men
is. ? ? ?
ye I
to 11 am
Latest noveiucs m ?ruiiies
d finishes. A Flemish and
Uien spOKO on me rural irci; umircij ??
produced figures and declared that ot ill?
15,000 routes established last June more
?ANOLAS make artists
them from fighting, unmsieau reseii
?ound the other man and fired. The
took efte'ct In the abdomen, but
tbly not prove fatal,
?clai Master Thorp, in -whose charge
? officer of the United States Court,
3ay Shore Terminal Co., was placed
islcetl the court to allow him to em?
ail engineer to determine whether
Dt to issue $150,000 receivership cor?
tes to double track the road.
loss of several thousand dollars was
id by the destruction by fire last
. of an Immense modern barn and a
filled corn crib, on the farm of
John T. Griffin, In the Western
ch section.
ere was a continuous chain of out
tures between the house and the
ing? barn, but luckily the flames which
traveling rapidly toward the house
stopped at the third building. Two
is and live mules were burned. They
all tine animals, the horses being
Jrlvlng^ Btock of Mr. Griffin and his
ln-law, Mr. C. W. Coleman. The
s -wero especially valuable. Three
em, Mr. Griffin said to-day, ho would
have sold for $200 each.1
Uilt frame one at quz.uu iteepa
you guessing.
Don't miss seeing our splen?
did assortment of
China Cases,
Hall Racks,
Brass and
Iron Beds,
Parlor Suits,
Odd Chairs,
Odd Bureaus,
Box Couches,
&c, &c, &c;,
and many other articles from
which to select a substantial
and useful gift.
We .honestly believe our
prices to be the lowest in
than ono mira were lueuieu m luu.
States?Iowa, Indiana, Ohio and Illinois?
and that the first two named States have
more routes than twelve Southern States,
which he named. Mr. Maddox said wnen
his constituents asked hhn why he could
not secure more routes, the only reply he
could make was that he could not gut
up to the "pto counter." He said he could
show more rutes established In seven
counties In one district than wore to be
found In a whole State. Mr. Hemenway
replied to ' Mr. Maddox when colloquies
with Mr.' Clayton (Democrat, Alabama),
and with Mr. Robinson (Democrat, In?
diana), ensued, relaUng to tho number of
routes In dlfferont districts. Mr. Hepburn
(Republican. Iowa), explained as to routes
In Iowa. He charged the Democrats with
having opposed the rural free delivery
monsure when Mr. Maddox said that It
was a Democrat who Introduced the first
Mr. Gardner (Republican, Massachu?
setts), replied to the rfcmarkB of Mr. Llnd
(Democrat, Minnesota), relative to freer
trade relations with Canada. He said the
._.-._ ?? ffc|? ?n.intrv would
:errorraed by tho rector. Rev. John J.
^loyu, D. D.
Mr. II. M. Sackett was best man, and
?liss Bessie Lie Witt was maid of honur,
?nd Mrs. V. P. Marshall, matron of honor,
l'ho b.ldcHmaids wero Misses Amy Wal
?ole, of Kelson, and Annie Clark, of
-ynchburp. The ushers wero Messrs. W.
'. Clark, J. D. Clark. Hans buhllng, W.
1. Adams, John S. Witt, Guy M. Lang
lorne, Dr. George M. Preston, J. Owen
Junvey, John M. Otey, S. T. Withers
ind S. V. Kemp.
A reception was tendered the bridal
larty after the wedding, at the home of
he bride. Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner will
?isit many points of Interest In tho North,
>ix True Bills Against Light?
ning-Rod Man,v
(Special to The Tlmcs-Dlspateh.)
SUFFOLK. VA., Dec. 15.?Aftcrjjelng In
session nearly all day, ? Ni?isemund
?ounty grand jury to-night returned six
:ruo bills against H. L. Curran, a llght
"ling rod salesman. The indictments al?
ego forgery, uttering forged and altered
notes and larceny. Tho alleged crlmos
?vere committed In connection with notes
taken in payment for rods. Curran is a
ivell dressed young man, whoso home is
U Edenlon,-N. C.
Petit juries in Nansomond, county to
lay gave William Harris four years for
forgery, Charles Robertson and Stewart
Bernard five years each for highway rob?
bery, and Chester Boono, three years for
grand larceny. ?
Davina White, ? woman burglar, waa
?rlven three months for housebreaklng,
and Tom Mason was acquitted for piracy.
tracked by Blood Stains to His
Home?Dark Suspicions,
(Stieclnl to The Tlmns-Dispatcli.)
ROANOKE, VA., Dec. 15.?Robert
3urehett was murdered with an axe In
ils home at Max Meadows, Va., last
light. His body was dragged some dls
ance from the house, where it was found
larly to-day, with tho head crushed and
nonglod. Suspicion pointed to Burchett's
vlfe and a man named McGlnmery, who
vent to Mas Meadows from North Caro
Inn, and they have been arrested,
When officers went to the Burchett
inme thoy found Mrs. Burohett engaged
r. washing up blood from the floor find
Mood stains were found on her clotti?
ng, The accused deny any knowledge of
ihe crime.
? ...
Weddings in Northumberland.
(Special to Tho Tlmes-DIspatoh.l
HIUATHSVTLUO. VA,. Dec, 15.-Mr. J.
L'urney, a prominent business man of
Portsmouth, and Mrs, Mary Mfcau. tho
accomplished daughter of S. P. Qresliain,
of Lancaster county, wero united in niur.
rlago to-day in the Episcopal Church, ut
Lu neuster Courthouse, Rev. Lawrence
Combs ofUclatlng,
After Ule ceremony they left for Porte,
mouth, whore they will make their future
Mr, James Payne and Mis? Nettle Ncw
blll, daughter of Dr. C, F, Newhlll. were
I negroes employed on the place and two
| mules kicked themselves out of thelT
box stalls In time to escape almost, un?
scathed, while tho two valuable driving
horses nearer tho exJt were burned.
There Is Insurance on about everything
Mayor Barton Invited to Fight
? (Special to Tl.o Tlmes-Dlspatch.)
-WllNOHESTlSR, VA., Dec. 15?The
Jllnlsterlal Association, compose! of
white Protestant ministers In Winchester,
took rndical measures to-day and pnssfd
?esolutions opposing long funeral services,
limerais on Suoday and lavish display.
This action has occasioned comment
anioni? old time conservatives.
Ex-Alayor R. E. Barton, who became
r,ulte famous as a mosquito exterminator,
nas been offered the presidency of .1 na?
tional organization, to be known ns the
society for the Extermination of
Mosquitos, with headquarters In New
Jersey. Ho declined the honor to?
day on account of nib extensive law prac?
Out of 1.45S registered voters In Win?
chester only OSO paid the poll tax, tho
tune limit having expired last night; the
other M)S will not bo entitled to voto at
t?3 next election. It 1b said tho Republi?
cans showed more Interest In the paymont
of tho tax than tho Democrats.
Tho total population of Winchester Is
now about COCO.
Judge Christian Much Improved.
Mr. Saunders New Fish Pond.
(Snodai to The Tlmos-WspntpJi.)
Dec. 15.?Mr. E. A. Saunders, of Rich?
mond, has completed his fish pond on
his farm, Buckland, In Charles City coun?
ty, nnd will soon stock it with chub and
Mrs. James Oliver, wife of Lieutenant
Oliver, of supply ship, The Glacier, United
States navy, is on a visit to her old homo,
?'judge Isaac H. Christian, who recently
suffered from a slight stroko of paraly?
sis, Is much improved,
Tho old grist mill, near Charles City
Courthouse, known as Waddlll's mill, and
at present the property of Mr, John R.
Waddlll, has been put In a state of thor?
ough repair and Is now running.
Boy's Skull and Bones Found in
Ruins of a Burned Barn.
(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)
SUFFOLK, VA? Deo, 15.?Sovon-yoar
old Bruce Brlnkley, son of Julian Brink
ley, yesterday was burned to death In the
fire, which ho had built to warm a
Bi-hoq and Limon Jarratt wero out play?
ing near Harrell, Va., when Limoti fell
Into ditch of water, Bruce went Into
his father's barn and built ? lire In the
corn shuoks. While Limon had gone out
Another Case of Criminal As?
sault?The Negro in
(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)
RQXBURY, VA., Dec, 15.-The usua!
quiet neighborhood of Qulnton has agnir
been thrown Into a state of great excite
ment. Handcuffed and tied and followed
by an armed poso to save his miser?
able life, was carried to the jail anothei
negro brute, charged with criminal as?
The victim was ono ef the most es?
timable ladles of New Kent county, the
young wife of Mr, Iva Gardner, who, he
fore marriage, was Miss Kate, daughtei
of Mr, George Tate, ono of tho coun?
ty's most successful buslnoss men,
The negro, Charles Wllks, tho vory pic?
ture of the lower bruto ' creation, 1;
charged with tho awful crime, which in
must pay for with his Ufo.
It has been only a few months that foi
the same crime a negro was hnngod Ir
this county, The speedy trial and oxocu
tion was thought to serve warning tc
all such, but it seems not to have had tin
desired effect,
The criminal has a bad reputation. Sonu
days ago whllo Mrs. Gardner was at homi
alone, tho negro took advantage of hei
lonely position. "I will kill you on sight,'
said tho brute, "if you ever toll yoiji
husband on me." Knowing the desperan
oharaotor of the negro. Mrs. Gardner kepi
from telling her husband until she wm
assured of protection.
Why the negro Is now living to brentlK
the air Is owing to the cool heads of tin
law-abiding citizens of New Kent.
A special grand Jury will be called tt
Indict the negro. Ills speedy trial wll
follow .
There are now no threats of lynching
ns tho lnst case assured the people of Nev
Kent that speedy Justlco will bo metec
out to all such.
(Special to The Tlmes-D.spatch.)
GREENSBORO. N. C. Deo, 15.?HI.?
suffer If thrown Into competition wll
labor In Quebec, which he declared to t
undor paid, and where ho said tho stani
ard of living was lower than In the cotlc
manufacturing districts of this countr;
Mr. Ralnoy (Democrat, Illinois), sald.w
Panama Canal now 1? an assurod fac
He had no criticisms to make regardlti
tho recognition of the new republic, bt
expressed the hope that free govornmei
will bo given the Philippines, who, 1
snld, yield unwillingly to American a?
thorlty. The Hduso adjourned until ti
In the Senate.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Decomhor 15.
Tho Senate continued the debate on tl
Cuban bill to-day. Mr. Perkins, of Ca
Ifornla, spoke for the measure, as d!
Mr. Simmons, of North Carolina. M
McCumber, of North Dakota, opposed I
Mr. Patterson, of Colorado, made an 03
tended speech against the bill, durili
which there were numerous colloqui
between hlmsolf, Mr. Aldrlch and M
Dolllver. With the former there ws
quite a lively debate on tho tariff, 1
which Mr. Aldrich sold the duty on sugt
was too high. Mr, Perkins maintain??
that the domestic*" sugar mdustry woul
not suffer by reason of the operation ?
the treaty, as, should wo buy the who
Cuban crop, It would only supply oni
third of the amount noodod. Cuba, 1
snld, had abandoned tho cultivation ?
citrus fruits on account of the vast sin
?ess of this crop In California and Flo;
Mr. Simmons (North Carolina) explalne
that ho had voted for tho treaty an
would vote for the bill. Mr*. Sl'mmor
closed his remarks with the statemot
that tho bill contains some provlstor
which ho would like to have amended, bi
that he realized tho time for such changi
was when the treaty was under consli
eratlon. He objected principally to whi
Is known as the (Ive-ycar clause of, W
measure, on the ground thnt tho action ?
one Congress cannot bind future Coi
Not Competent.
Mr, Patterson (Democrat, Coloradi
safcl ho was willing to place hlmse
upon tho platform of Thomns Jeffersc
on tliq protection of American Industrie
but In reply to a question from M
Aldrlch as to whether n Democratic cai
cus would endorse that doctrine, ho sa:
that the Democratic party Is not a fri
trnde party, but Is for Incidental pri
Mr. Aldrlch quoted from a speech t
Mr. Williams, of tho Mouse, and askc
If Mr, Patterson subscribed to tho do*
trino therein promulgated, but Mr, Pa
torson replied that Mr. Aldrloh's rol;
lions to the Democratio party are m
such as to allow him to draw propi
distinctions as among Democrats. ?
aliow that tho Democratic party was m
alone In not being a unit, ho snld It hu
not been so long ulnco the Rep?blica
Governor of Iowa liad conio down 1
Washington, and after a visit to tl
White Houso had returned to Iowa ai:
allowed Mr. Allison, tho sonlor sonati
from that State, tu write tho party plu
form for him. Mr. Dolllver Interrupt?
to say that thero hud been nothing 1
i- H Jr OU will be shown everj
ite I Jealous to seil, zeaiou
Walter D. I
103 E. BROAD i
All the Musical ?
?with ? largo membership. Officers
the first year were elected as follows:
Thomas H. Walker, president; Canr
Hobson, vioa-prcsldont; Mrs. Randol
Boiling, secretary and treasurer; Hai
Vaughn, master of hounds.
Tho nbovo officers will apply to '
County Corporation Commission for
charter. The members of the club ci
template building a handsomo club hoi
?? ? at un early dato.
'!| WILL BE ABOUT 7,0(
Up to this timo the city treasurer 1
"j not completed his count of tho names
those who paid poll taxes oh Monday,
Mr. Phillips stated late last night tl
tho number would bo about fourteen
fifteen hundred. This will Increase ?
J" number of voters to about 6,000, To th
lt will be adtlod about 1,000 votorans, oxen
from the tax. Tho actual electorate of
city will amount to about 7,000.
Christmas Decorations.
All Saints' congregation Is roque*
3) to meet at tho church this. Wedr.esd
lf evening to arrange for the Christmas d
Tho quickest routo by ono hour and ?
minutes, traversed by trains superb
every nppolntmont, composed of tho hJi
est standard Pullman Sleeping, Drawli
Room, Observation, Library and Dlni
Carsr cuisine tho best tho markets
ford, served table do hole. Tickets ?
now on sale by this line to nil prlncl;
Wlntor Tourist Resorts in Qcoru
Florida, Cutm, New Provldenco and ?
Southwest, tit vory low rates, For <
scrlptlvn mutter and (ml Information, ?
ply to any agent of the company; or,
Division Passenger Agent,
838 E. Main St., Richmond, Vi
O.A. JESI __.
-???a Kinrl Vnu 11? Aknvs Rra
by Rev. Dr. W. E. Evans, pastor of
Monumental Church. Richmond, uncle of
the ?rldo, asBisled hy Rev. William A.
iiarp rector of St. Luke's Church, Nor?
loi?. Miss Katharine Newblll. sister of
the bride, was maid of honor, and Mr,
Walter Payne, a brothor of the groom,
wus best njan._
(Bpcrlnl to ???? Timon-Pliipatcn.)
ROANOKE,''VA.. Dec. 15.?Mr. D. H.
Brumbaugh and Miss Addle Huget, daugh
whereabouts'until his skull and bones
were found In the ashes. They thought
he had flown throUill fright and taken
refuge at a neighbor's.
Tod Johnson, seventeen years old, was
fatally burned In an open tire place near
Cypress Chapel, Va. While standing
before an open ?rate Johnson had an
eplloptlo fit ?n? fell among tho names,
When found portions of Johnson's ilesii
were literally roasted,
an interview i?i= mumme ?t???? ? (inv?i
States Judge James E. Uoyd, former
Assistant Attornoy-Genernl under Presi?
dent McKinley.
Ho Is holding court in Charlotte. Being
asked about tho presidential ticket Just
after comment on tho Incident at the
liunna banquet In Washington, whore Na?
tional Commlitoomnn Robinson, of North
Carolina, rsfusod to sit at a tmble with tha
eolorod national comniltteeman, Judson
ho said, "the results of tho lute eleolloi,
show thut ho hus not surrendered any of
his niujorlty,"
Opposed to Bill.
Mr, Patterson declared thai four out of
Ilvo sonatore would hold their noses while
voting for this bill, and said that many
of them would cast their votes against
It If thoy could break away from tho ln
IliiRiices of tlio White House, und ho com?
pared thuso who are controlled by this
inmunice to "a host of young robins
L^^-W' WJAfiiM
Christmas Holiday Rates.
Holiday excursion tickets will be sole,
tn the publie on December 2-'d, l'ud, nith,
"util auih, ?list and Jiiiuiury 1st at one .tini ?
third faro between nil C. and O. stations
and one and ono-third faro plus twonty
llvo cents to Southeastern Paesenffor As?
socia ilon territory, limited to January lin.
To students and teachers going home