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Sodai and ?Personal Bright"s Disease AND Diabetes, * -the MAN ABOUT TowIS The wedding of Miss Lydia Ionise llnr? rls to Mr. Wilfred L. Goodwyn was celo lirnted nt 7 o'crock last evening in Uie homo of the bride's parents, Mr. und Mrs. Henry J. Harris, of NO. BM West Grnco Street, and wns nn cvout In which society wns much Interested. House decorations were In palms, maid? enhair ferns, white roses' nnd pink car? nations, The parlors rind balls were run. vnscd In white und the front parlor, where tho ceremony was performed by the Rev. ?1?re Wlthcrspoon. of Orneo Street Pros bvterlnn Church, assisted by tho Rev. J." Y. Downmnii, of All Saints' Episcopal Church, nnd the Rev. C. R. K?yk, of I'arton Heights, was altogether In green and white, tho altar having a background if pnlniP. and rrjfthCbla ballig bunked tilth ferns nnd flowers Little ribbon-holders In pretty white costumes wero Miss Mario Moaby Wil? kinson nnd Mn-ster John 7\TnBh Irving. They formed nn nlsln of white ribbons bunched with while carnations, through which the bridal party passed. The bride came In with her father and was met nt the altar by tho ?room and his best man, Mr. Travis Epes, of Not It-way county. She wore a lovely gown of gray crepe de chine, trimmed In white laro nnd chiffon, ? picture hat, and car rled a shower bonnet of Bride roses. She was attended by her mairie of honor. Miss India Davis Goodwyn, of Nottownv, the slFter of the groom, und by h?r sister, Miss Mildred Shelton Harris. 1 ha maids wero handsomely attired In white organdy, with white tulle sashes. Their flowers were white carnations. Mr, James E. Anderson and Mr, T. J. Harris were the groomsmen. The ceremony was witnessed by tho ramilles nnd friends of tho contracting Pirtles. Miss Mary Anderson, of Amelia; Miss Mary Davis, of Goochlnnd; Jurlgo C. F. Goodwyn, of Nottoway, and Mr. Wirt Goodwyn, of Sunderlnnd, Mass., the father nnd brother of the groom, being among those present. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwyn left last evening for a Northern tour. They will,return lo make their homo at No. 836 West Grace Street, Mr. Goodwyn being tho Southern representative of the Richmond Paper Manufacturing Company. ? ? ? Invitations have been received In Rlch KMtli? rrom Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Jones for the celebration of tho twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. The anniversary will fall on January ?d, 19M, and tho celebration will be held from S to 11 o'clock of that day In tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Jones, No. 1304 West Lexington Street, opposite Frank? lin Square, Baltimore, Md. Misa Martha Gresham Pollnrd and Mr. John Gibson, Jr., wero nutotly married In the home of the bride's parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Henry Robinson Pollard, of No. 016 West Grace Street, nt G:!i0 o'clock last evening. The ceremony was wit? nessed only by the families of the. brido and groom. Mulford?Clark. ? marriage of decided Interest took place In Trinity Episcopal Church, South Boston, Va., yesterday, when Miss Phoebe Howlson Clark, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, of "Banister Lodge," and Mr. William Wheeler Mulford, of New York, were married, the hour of tho ceremony being 1:30 P. M., and tho cele? brant the Rev, Campbell D. Mayers. The bride, wearing white crcpo de chine end lace over a liberty silk? and chiffon foundation and currying Bride roses, cume In with her father. Her maid of honor, Miss Ethel Clark, ?who Immediately preceded her, had on ?white silk mull, and a white hat. Her bouquet was of La Franco roses. Miss Lina nnd Miss Eliso Clark, tho two bridesmaids, were In Nile green silk mull, and picture hats, their flowers be? ing white carnations. The church wns beautifully decorated In Christmas greenery by the bride's friends; Tho groom awaited the coming of tho bride nt the altar with his best man, Mr. Roland J. Mulford. his brother. Other nttendnnts wero Mr. Charles Bruce, o? Richmond, and Mr. G-oorge Wlnlock, of Boston, Mass. Tho bride and groom left after their marriage for SL Louis, Mo., their future homo, . . . Miss Belle Ruth Vaughan will be mar. rled to-day to Mr. Frank Powers Jones In the home of ? lier parents, Mr. und Mrs. Joseph H. Vaughan, of No. L'10 North Thirty-second Street. , '?*.; ? ??? ' ? The parlor of tho Rev. Father H. J. MeKeefrey, of St. Patrick's Churcli, was the scene last night of the marriage of Mies Hnttlo.Lee Jordan, the daughter of Mr. Gldwell Jordan, of Fulton, to Mr. John Daly, electrician of the American Tobacco Company, Mr, and Mrs. Daly will havo their future residence on Ful? ton Street. Daughters Tea. ? pretty entertainment of yesterday afternoon was given by Miss Lucy Claire Atkinson to the Old Dominion Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, of which tihe. is regent. A talk given by the Rev, Dr. Robert E, Eitrango after the business meeting, on the doctor's recent visit to Palestine, proved most enjoyable, as did the social tea which followed. Dining toom decorations carried out the Revolutionary colors In red, white i-nd blue, the table being daintily set In uiitlriu/j silver and cut ?Insw. The tublo center-piece was ,a mlrroi reflecting a liberty bell within a circle of gilt stars, depending from red, white nnd blue ribbons. Mrs. Sidney J. Dud? ley, of Hampton. Va., was assisted Ir nerving by Miss D.--w, Miss Anne Wise Mayo, Mis? Ethel Walker Atkinson nnc Miss Annie Reddy. Mrs. Christian Clarl? poured coffee and Meado Burwel vas at tho tea table On Friday, December ISfli, at 8 o'clock !n the lecture room of Christ Church, ? "BilvcT tea" will be given by the vest nent department of the Chancel Guili to rultf: money for vestments, A sllve: offoririe will be received nt the door Kidney Disviateti Urinary Affections cured by taking Stuart's Gin nnd Uuiiliu. 'l'ho worst forms of Kidney and Uladdor Trouble, nfter every Intelligent remedy has failed, ale always curable by taking Stuart's Gin and Bucini, It Is a bland, de? lightfully pleasant tasting medicine, that acts directing on the kidneys and bladder, quickly draining out every Impurity, heal? ing and strengthening the kidneys, giving them life and vigor. Stuart's Gin and dticnu mvarlaliy cures Bnsnt'e disease nnd Dutoetes evon when the patient hau given ur hope, or where they had bot?n tupped to drain off tho iiocuniuluicu waters. DISEASED KIDNEY SYMPTOMS, Agonleing pains In the back, swollen legs or abdomen, diselliliges from the urethra, neuralgia of the bladder, burning sensa? tion or difficulty In passing water, aisn ? frequent desire or even Involuntary dis? charge of tho urine, catarrh of the blad? der, stono In tho bladder, disagreeable odor of the urine, scanty end hl?h-col ureas rheumatism, with aohes and pains in bones nnd hack. Death may frequunt? Iv *?llow these symptom?. For any of these sympt?me tnko Stuart's Gin and Buchu. and you will be restored to health, and your Kid? neys and bladder perfectly cured. Stuart's Gin nnd Buchu sweetens the urine, cleanses the bladder, removes nil obstruc? tions from tho kidneys and urethra, make? the blood purei The highest grade kid? ney remedy made. Thoroughly tested for past 20 ypitra in hospitals and private prac? tice. Druselsts or by express, ft, SAM? PLN BOTTLE, also clrculnr, clvlng some of the many cures made. FREE, by writ? ing, Stuart Drug Co.. Atlanta. Gn. Spetlal modlrnl advice (riven If you describe your trouble. Sold In Richmond, Vs., by TRAG LE DRUG CO.. Ri7 East Broad Street. Call or write. Stuart's Gin and ?.,?-?,.? '-IJ, rrnrpn? tr.icltnp parties, Tho Fortnightly Flinch Club will meet Thursday evening at the homo of the M teses Ellott, No. 2702 East Graco Street, at 8 P. M. .* * ? Dr, Hunter Scott, of New Vork, will spend the Christmas 'with his parents, " '. nnrl Mrs. W. If. Scott. ? ? ? Tho bridal party In tho Goodwyn-Harrls wedding, which took place last evening, wore entertained at the homo of tho bride, No. 830 West Grace Street, Tuos day evening. ? ? ? Miss Anno Talbott, of Waynesboro, Va., who came down for Thanksgiving and has teen rlslltng friends since, has ro? ce I ved ? great many pleasant attentions since that time. ? * * Miss Sophlo Whlto hns proved ono of tho most delightful of December host? esses in tho serlos of entertalnmonts which she has boen giving. Mrs. F. Deano Meanley's "nt homes" We hopo when ho sees these few unes they may find him well and enjoying good health. Likewise his man, Friday, otherwise, Leo, tho trensuror, who.has a bill of.two plunks against us, because we made a bad guess. The next timo we get up a guessing beo with him, we are going to make suro first. '? ? '? It gives us much pleasure to record the fact thut our old friend, Manager Corbln Shield, of the Academy of Music, Nor? folk, Is ont only a poet, but an author, and we say tills in good faith, for he lias Just written and had printed in the Virglnlan-Pllot, a ban?-up story of tho "Theatres of Norfolk; Their Past and be directed to THE LITTLE FOLKS PATTERN CO., No. 7S Fifth Avenue, New York. When' ordering, please do not fall to mention number..'. No, 4521. Size, Name. Address. Then and Now. THEN, Here lies a pour woman who was always tired, Sho lived In a house Where help waa not hired. Her last words on earth wero: "Dear friends, ? am eolmr are among m? wcoKiy camnuur ui ux ceedlngly pleasant things for December mid January. ? ? ? The Milton Work Whist Club met last nfternoon In tho audience hall of the Woman's Club. Compass whist resulted In a tlo north nnd south between Mrs. Ben. Nnsh, Miss Martha Harvle; Miss Suo ?, Gordon and Mr. James Kolth. East nnd west winners v;wo Mrs. A, L Wellford and Miss Flor? ence Tyler POEMS YOU 01 Whatever your occupation mny with affairs, do not fail to securo ? refreshment of your iuuer life, with Norton. No AS THROUG BY TBi 1/1 I * i $ * ?? HARRYTUCK?R | We have been waiting for the chance to put out a beautiful pooni, but th? surrounding , circumstances havo boon against us. Notwithstanding this condition of things wo have made up our mind to do It, any way, and hero goes; The snow, tho snow, tho beautiful enow: Down whero tho W?rzburgers fitfully grow. Down whero wa gather tho daisies ec nice, Now covered up with slush and wot Ice, Down whero wo stand on the corner and freeze, With a cold In our head, and cough and sneozo. Down whero Its ? too and warm, by th? stove, To nibbio and chow the coffee and clove; Whero buckwheats and BausngoB taste so good, And a fellow feels that ho would If he could. , Ohi the snow, the beautiful snow; What mitkos your coming so backwari nnd slow? Oh, for tho time wo can wear our boots, When ? fellow foels chilly way down tc the roots; "When tho barefooted boys may ride Ir tholr sled, And It feels no nice to bo tucked up ir bod, ? ' ???? ? Wo love to got up on a snowy morn, Wo look on Jack Frost"ln wintering scorn, Come on, como on, oh, beautiful flakes? Wo really can't understand why it takes .,_ ,-?-? ..?., ,? ?????? nn flirt RC?tlO It required a great amount of research and preparation to write that story, .and we hove to congratulate Mr. Shield. Wre road It all through, and now have It in our scrap book. ? ? ? There Is going; to bo a rummage e?-Ie at cur house after Christmas. We expoct to have a large assortment of boxes and bottles, suitable to put things and toilet water in. Wo shall give due notlco ot tho srulo. JOHT TO KNOW be, and however crowded your hours it least a few minute? every day for a bit of poetry.?Prof. Charlos Eliot . 57. ? THE LAND. SNYSON. i. No boiling! water and e? ion, Orange, ? have already appewoij In win eenes. AS thro' the land at eve wo went, And plucked the ripened oars, We fell out, my wife and I, O we fell out I know not why, And kissed again with tears. And blessings on the falling out That nil Ilio more endears, When we full out with theme wo love. And kiss again with tours! For when wo cuma whero lies the child We lost In other years, There sbovo the little grave, O thero above the little grave, We klsKed again with tears. There's Absolute Satisfaction in the Burk Clothing. Quality, style, character and fit, all essential points of good I, clothing, are em? bodied in an unequalled de? gree in this peerless cloth? ing. Right here is where the superior work o? our manufacturing experts tells unmistakably, The Burk clothing is produced for ab? solute satisfaction, for'the exclusive sale of the "Burk" stores and catered to the wants of a specific clientele. See What We are Doing in Suits and Overcoats at $10, $12.50, $15 BURK & CO., 1003 E. Main. DAILY FASHION HINTS. CHILD'S~?oAT. Ko. 4?21.?New designs in coats for thi wee folks are warmly welcomed, and t stylo that Is both simple and yot tho roughly up-to-date In design and cut, h shown hero In velveteen. It Is a stylt To where there's no cooking, nor wash? ing nor sewing; But evcrytnlng thero Is exact to my wlshos, For where thoy don't eat, there's no wasuing of dishes. I'll bo where loud anthems will always bo ringing, But having no voice, I'll got out of tue singing. Don't mourn foi me now?don't mourn for mo ni'V?r, I'm going to do nothing for evor and ever." NOW. Hore lies a poor woman who always was .busy; Sho lived under pressur? that rondered her dizzy. Sho belonged to ten clubs and read Browning? by sight. Showed at ltn-heons and teas, and would vote if h'? might; She served on o school board with cour? age and zeal, She golfed and she kodaked, and rode on a wheel. She read Tjistol and Ibsen, knew mi? crobes by name, Approved of Delsarte, was a "Daughter" nnd "Du.iu6," Her children wont In for tho top educa? tion, Her husband went seaward for nervous prostration. One day on her tablets she found an hoi? free? Tho shock was, too great, and she died instantly, B03TON PROVEJRBS. A new social game hinges on reducing to comonplaco ISngli.sli "Boston prov? erbs." Some person In a circle gathered round a table reals or recites "Boston Prov? erbs," which are Interpreted by players hi turn. Somo examples are quoted ? givo an Idea of the game, PROVBJKB8. 1. Desslcated herbage submit to pertur? bation. The while tho radiant orb of da$ affords I Humiliation, 0. A futllo superfluity of culinary aid. Destroys nutrltous liquids from osseous tissues made. 3, Your immediate environment submit tc circuivi-.fectlon Uro you traversi some feet of space bj muscular projection. i. Inhabitant? of domiciles of vltrooui format! m, With lapidary fiagments should ne'ei ?perform jaofatlon. 6. Who counts oro fractured are tin shells his biped gallinaceous. Is apt to tlnd ills calculations utterly fai iaclous. INTERPRETATIONS. 1. Mako ha ? while the sun shines. 3. Too many cooks spoil the broth, 8, Look befe e you leap. i. People who live in glass house; Shouldn't thr-w stonps. 6, Don't co-int your chickens beton thev are hatched. ANIMAL STORIES FOR OUR BOYS AND GIRLS MRS. FLAMINGO'S NURSE. Mrs. Flamingo Longnnecker wanted a nurso. 8ho put an advertisement In the Forest Times, and her only answer was a little gray cat. "Dear mo," said tho Flamingo lady, "you look vory email. . tlitvo you had any experience with children?" ?1 hnVb raised sixteen of my own," repllod tho cat. "Sixteen," repeated Mrs. Flamingo I.ongnnocker, "That's a Very largo num bor of children. Did you raise them all it once, or by?or?on the instalment plan?" ? t-p???? four nt a time?four kittens, FREE! Candy, Nuts and Raisins That is exactly what we mean?if our goods are not strictly first-class, money shall be refunded and the goods will be yours?entirety free, See our goods first before buying, beyond all questions. ?? 3 Pounds Nice Layer Raisins - - 25c Good Cooking Raisins .. I pounds Best Currants da . 8 pounds Nico Fig?. 2Bo B5Q j Hist Layer-Figs'. lito I pounds Nice Dates. ?So you know," Pussy Gray rcpllod, demure? ly? Sultana Seedless Raisins Best Cluster Raisins.. ??reo ISO Largest and Fresh Cocoanuta Cryfttallzcd Citron and Fruit il IDS. juuBcaiei luiiimi Large Size Almonds Nice Mixed Nute, per lb. laV?o Fancy English Walnuts . lBo Our Best Shelled Almonds..., 08o 3 pounds Jumbo Pecans for., BOo Country Walnuts, peck. Suo French Bonbons and French Mixture, with Choc- ? elate . To I i-'CCI, ID, Pound ? ? 12 l-2c ? dozen Florida Oranges. BOo Albemarle Pippin Apples, peck 40o Nice Wlnesap Apples, pock..., 80o Large Lemons;' per d?son.... lBo Malaga Grapes, per lb. lavic Chocolates, lb. 12 l-2c | Fruit Cake, per lb. lBo . I Pound Cake . lS'/io 3 masi* ?' PUSSY GRAY. "Oh! certainly?certainly, I understand. Your chlldrori would not be Flamingoes, of coursa. Thoy would havo shorter legs, fur all over them and no necks?you haven't any neck. Pussy Gray looked very meek. "1 suppose you know how to handle a child and hold It and carry It," tho lady Flamingo said. Pussy Gray thought she did, and so the young flamingo was given into her charge to take out Into the park. Mrs. Flamingo -was going to a club nnd couldn't bo bothered. That evening when sho came home tho mother wont up'stiilr't tc see If her young flamingo was put properly to roost. On the first limb she met Pussy Gray. Til Ix tu res, 8 ids. l' 1????1? ??8????.-1? I.JIACU yc Noah Arks full of Cakes ?? Mn-unf. 1'plinlr 17 l'uro rtocK uiiiiuy, ? ?. .... Cream Chocolate, 2 lbs... 2?o Finest August Mixture, lb. lOo Best Elgin Butter, I Our Fresh Country Eggs. doz. !12c Good Country Butter, 3 lbs for BOc Mountain Roll Butler. l?o Finrst Country Butter. 23c Albcmarle Sweet Cider, quart. lOo Dressed Turkeys - Small Dressed Chickens, lb..., lBo Nice Rabbits, 3 for . OOo Cake; this Is pretty and handsome . 91.00 ound - - - 25c Best Mino Meat, lb.. 10c flome-Mado Mince Meat...... To Nice Plum Pudding, can. 12V4e Our Pulverized Sugar . 0%c 3 pounds Brown Sugar . 28o 16 l-2c t.nrge Irish Potatoes, peck.... 23<j Good Size Danish Cabbage.... Ko Gray said. "But I think his legs is most I y worn off from dragging over tho grav? ?is. ? Ho did havo auch a long neck ma'am." "Drugging over tho gravels!" slreamoi Mrs. Flamingo Longanecker? and let- rrn tell you that when Mrs. Flamingo Longa. neckor scream-ed it was real screaming "Dragging over tho gravels?how did yoi carry the child, wretched bolng?" "Why, I j?j?Just carried him !U<o UEod to carry my own babies," whim pared Pussy Gray, putting the cornor o her apron to ber eyes. "I took him b; his neck, and it was so long and twisty wlsty that most of him dragged on th ground. And ploaso, ma'am, I don't Ilk nussln' young" flamingoes, And pleaac ma'am, I want to quit." "Quit you will," shouted Mrs. Flam Ingo, "and' without a character!" as sh flew upstairs to put arnica, vaeellne an' noultrloes on poor baby flamingo's logs fine ?p?renos . Large Bunch Celery Kingan Block Indian Best Flour,' per barrel.f4.HO Smlthfleld Hams, genuine, lb.. 20o Fnt-Back Pork, lb. 7^bc Small Corn Pork Ham . ll?'/ao All large orders prices w out-of-town orders delivered orders must follow all mail c Our forces have been ine I llano vor Sweet Potatoes, pk.. SOo a Ham, Pound ? 14c Beet Dunlop Flour, per sack. 30o 1-2 Gal. Can Best Syrup. Wo 10 pounds Hominy or Grit.... SOo 1 Small Navy Beans and Peas, quart..'. fMo ill be cut to suit the buyer. All to depot free of charge. Money irders.. i. . .[. . ? rreased to meet all demands. ut tho dear llamingo may nuvui uiuusiu ir a moment that if she had stayed at ome from her club to look after her ing-leggcd baby theso Bad happenlnga Ould never havo been. OF HUMAN INTEREST; friends, we are, Respectfully, The August Grocery Co ?-jt.j_ ii;i,,fA,?i. n-j,. i^-J In Tennessee. Prof. George Lincoln Burr, ot Cornell, who Is touring New England on his bi? cycle In order to gather facts about witchcraft, Is an authority on the his? tory of superstition and persocut.on, and he Is also an Indefatigable wiioeim.m, says the Boston Post. Prof. Burr, with his bicycle, has penetrated many primi? tive and socludcd parts of tho united Stales, From those Journeys ho roturns with little stories that are now quaint, now strange, now humorous. .A story of the latter sort concerns a visit to Tennero "f arrived ono ? ght at a mountaineer's cabin," said the professor, "an.l a-s.ted for shelter for the night. The good peo plo wero very hospltablo, Thoy gave ine a comfortnble bed and an excellent meal. "Wh.le I was eating my meal my host watcnod mo harrowly, fo sdo that 1 nad everything 1 wanted. Ilo kept ordering his wife to fill my glass, to bring :no more broad, and so forth. Finally, whor I began to oat a ploce of apple pie, ho oxclalmod In an Indignant tone: ? "Jane, why don't you bring the gen? tleman a knlfo? Do you seo him hero trying to eat pio with a fork?" Educational. . It was Johnnie's first day in school, says tho Now York Sun. Ho did not know tho lettor A from a sawhorso, nut this doflcloncy was more than balanced by his assurance. The teacher cai.ed him up alono. Tho old method of teaching reading wus then In voguo. "Can you read?" said the teacher, "Yes, ma'am," ropl.ed Johniilo. "Well, now wo shall seo," said tlie teaoher. "You read over after mo. Bo sure to road just what 1 ilo." So she began slowly, running hor fin? ger along under the words. "Did?you?over?seo?a?donkey?" And Johnnie, In the sumo deliberato, sing-song voice, running his finger along the page, replied: "No?ma'am?X?never?did." The Death Substitute. "I had In my employ," Bays one of the missionaries to China, according to V, d "a very valuable Ch tieso servant, upon whom I leaned with Implicit, confi? dence. One day he came to me and f-ald: ? shall bo obliged to ask you to l.i.d somebody to take my pisce, aa in th? courso of a few weeks 1 am to bo exe? cuted In place of a rich gontlem in, who is to pay me very liberally tor bocomn.g nia 'substitute,' "1 asked what possible indueuinent there would be to forfeit hla I.lo for any amount of money. Ho lopliud: ? have an aged father and mother, who urn vory poor and unable to work, and tho money I am to reuslvo w.ll malto them comfortable as long ?is they live, ? think It Is my duty to give up my Ufo re, accomplish this" " TO BE TAXED BY WEIGHT. Swede? Weighing Over 125 Poundq Must Pay Tax. The men of Sweden uro to be taxed by weight. Every man tipping the scales al 125 pounds must pay a certain sum an? nually, while thoso who weigh 180 will be required to pay double that sum. Tht government could largely increuse Its rovcniiu by requiring overy one to tBkc Dr. Burkhurt's Vegetable Compound, foi it digests food so perfectly that tho usei gets ilio full strength unii nourishment ol what Is oaten. It makes tlesh. tills tin veins with pure, rich and healthy blood, and makes strong, robust men und wo? men. Costs only 2gc. for a thirty days treatment at drug stores, or 14.00 for a slj months' guaranteed to cure treatment. 61t to 615 E. Marshall. 720-722 Phone 12.32. Pho Call those numbers or di prompt attention. GOT TOGETHER, THE POLICE BILL Pending Measure to be With? drawn and Another to be Frame'd. At a meotlng of the Committee on Leg? islation, hold yesterday, the differences between tho City Council and tho Police Board wore adjustod, and an agreement was effected, whoreby tho disputed bill, now .pending in tho Legislature, will bo abandoned, and a now one, with tho en? dorsement of both bodies, will bo offered in the next General Assembly, that meets in January. The session of the committee was an unusually interesting one, and waa high? ly satisfactory to both sides. The board explained that it meant no discourtesy to the Council, nnd the Council, through ils committee, uccepted the explanation, and agreed to stHnd by tho board in its contention for the absolute control by tho Police Commissioners of the 'entire police department. The resulta of tho meeting are summed up in the following brief, hut comprehensive, official statement, given out yesterday by a member of the board: The bill nmondlng tho city churter. pre? pared and introduced in the Legislature by tho Police Board, and sow beforo tho Senate Committee on Couniles, Cities and Towns, will not be pressed by the board. The matter was considered at a mooting of the Council Commit loo on Legislation yesterday, and Mr. Alnslle, of the Po? lice Board, appeared before the commit tee to explain the provisions of tho bill; Tho committee waa assured" that the board meant no discourtesy to the Coun? cil by Its action, and the mlsunderstund lnp. between the members of the Council and the board was cleared away. The committee wished an amendment, which vas perfectly acceptable to tho board, bul was of the opinion that an entirely now bill should bo drawn, which would place tho entire control and management ot tho police department In the hands oi the board, and givo It even greater pow? ers than tho present bill, and a resolution was unanimously adopted requesting th? Police Board to do so. Mr. Alnslle will prosent such R bill to tho committee In a few days. Wedding Cards. (Special to Tho Timos-Dlspatch.i ?TAU ????. VA., Dec. 15.?invitation! are out announcing the marrhigo nf Misi Annie Hill Todd, daughter o? Hon, ani Aire. John W. Todd, of the county, tc Mr. Leon Conner Ware, of this city, Th? ceremony will take place Tuesday morn ing at 0 o'clock, December 28th, at Glen more, the beirutl.'"! colonial residence o, ??t??,?0 *.????G??:?????:??. West Cary. 1731-1733 E. Main ?6 304. Phone 1997". ?op us a line?we will give you Handsome Scrap Books, To Preserve THE POEMS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW, Prices, IS and 25 cents. By Mail, 35 and 45 cents. TIMES-DISPATCH Business Office. WINTER TOURIST RATES VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. ?eabonrd Air unie Railway lias com? pleted arrangements to put into effwt Us usual splendid wlntor. sohedule. The ? be8i equipment has been secured, con? noting of tho most Improved day coaohoe nnd Pullman Drawing Boom cars, lighted by gas and steam homed, with evory con? venience. Below plouso find round-trip I raies from Blciunond to principal points ' In the South. Kates from otnur point? quoied on application: Southern Pines, N. C,.?It 26 ?uiuden, S. C.,.?SO Savannah, Ca...i..28 W bt. Augustine, Fla.37 60 Tampa. ?Pi?..? .*[? Manatee, Pia.W ? Pluoliurat, N. C?.UM Columbia, S. 0. .\\ ? Jacksonville, Fia.?80. Miami, Plu.?."? Palm Beach, Fla......MM Sarasota, Fia.,.. .?W New Orleans, La,,..,. ,, u w JL S. LEABD, District Passenger Agent, W. J. WAY, City Ticket Agent ?Phono 405, Richmond. Va, CUT! FLOWERS, ROSES, VIOLETS Tho largost stock of Roses, Violets, Lines ol the Valley, Chrysanthemums and Out Flowers, Bridal Bouquets and uesigns, shipped to all points. W, A. hammond, No. 107 E- Oroad St. CUT FLOWERS. Roses Carnations, Violets, Mums, Lily of Valley, In large quantity, at MANN & 1 BROWN'S No. ? West Broad ?trpet,