Newspaper Page Text
SORROW IN ?* ? ?t/vimcrnn TEE-DEE WANT ADS, f The Rats for Cfanlffid Want Advartlsln? la 1 cent per word Nel Cash In advance, with a minimum cost riAiiuiiLfiji ?>?> Sudden Death of Auditor John W. Hall Brings Grief. FUNERAL THIS AFTERNOON Veterans and Councilnicn to At? tend in a Body?Other Soutlisicle News. .Manchester Bureau Tlmes-Dlspatch. ( No. 1102 Hull Street. J Owing to the death of Auditor Hall the Board of Aldermen did not meet, In business session last night, but ndjournetl to Friday night. A committee was ap? pointed to act In conjunction with a sim? ilar one appointed from the Common Council to draff resolutions on the death of Mr. Hall. The' Joint committee consists of Messrs. Patram and Abholt, of tho Board; Owen, Grlzzard nnd Simpson, of the Common Council. This committee will meet to? morrow night and draft Its resolutions, and they will bo presented at a Joint meeting of the Council at 7:30 o'clock Friday night. At that timo the vacant andltorshlp will be filled. Mr. Barrett was appointed a committee of one to purchase from Mann and Brown ?. suitable floral design. Those present at the meeting were Messrs. Perdue, Aboott, Hooker. Kudd, Barrett and Patram. CAMP MEETS. A called meeting of Joseph Johnston Camp was held last night, and tho fol? lowing pall-bearers appointed to attend the funeral this afternoon: Messrs. J. T. Abbott, J. A. Llpscomb. J. J. Blanton, . J. W. Bronaugh, E. B. Howie. S. R. Owen, ?. ?\\ Wolslger and Judgo William I, Clopton. The1 camp will meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon to attend the funeral In a body. SEVERAL CANDIDATES. The importance of filling the vacancy occasioned by tho death of Mr. Hall has urged the Council to loso little time In electing some one. Several candidates have already pre? sented themselves, and on Friday night the vacancy will probably be filled. Expressions of sorrow and regret were general all over the city when the sudden death of Mr. John Wesley Hall was learned. Sir. Hall was esteemed by all who?knew htm, and those w,io knew h m best loved him as a man of integrity and honor. He was in good health, ap? parently, at 1 o'clock Monday night. At that time he was In conversation with a Tlmes-Dlspatch man and Alderman Pa? tram, while standing: on Hull Street, near Eleventh, and talked pleasantly and In? terestingly on the payment of the capi? tation taxes. He died at 1:16 A. M. Tues? day at his home at Twelfth and Buln brldge Streets, aiter only a few moments' Uliiess, in the^ presence of his devoted son. Just before (ils death he snt at a table writing. His son was In bed In the same room. The latter noticed a book fall from the table. Then l..s father arose, rubbed his hands and sa,'d In a strange voice: " believe J am losing my senses. CUnton, Is that you?" The son put his father to bed and called Dr. Rucker and Dr. Ma thews. Every? thing was done for him, but lie died in a few minutes. Mr. Hall was City Auditor and clerk ot both branches of the City Council. He was assisted In the work by his son, Mr. John C. Hall, and when he was stricken he was in tho act of writing out the min? utes of the last meeting of the Common Council and arranging Ills papers for the meeting of tho Board of Aldermen sched? uled for last night. The funerul will bo from Balnbrldge Street Church this afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the burial will be In Maury Ceme? tery. SKETCH OF HIS LIFE. Mr. Hall was born In Manchester August 2, lSvS. He was educated in the public schools of Manchester. In the early pan of his Ufe he engaged.In the commission business with Jonii?.R.? Jo.ler. He was also in. business v.'ith'Ciiaries II. McMur do. He became a member of tho Man? chester Artillery at the outbreak of the war. and was a prleoner at Port Dela? ware fur ono year. He was book-koepor for G. H. Murilen for two years, und was with John It. Jeter, in Richmond for ten yeara. Mr. Hull was also associated in business with Cliuniblin and bolgh. Later he was In business with Egberl G. Leigh, Jr., and Company. After that firm d s ?olved partnership he went to work for tho Union Brokeragi! Company, of Rich? mond. In January, 1SS5. he was elected to suc? ceed J. V. Vadun as City Auditor of Man? chester, Mr. Vacien having tiled while holding that position. o?r. lian maineii -uins i-iiuiu t., lune}, ? o? Manchester,?. September 23, 1SC7. The ! ceremony was performed In tho I3a;n brldge Street Baptist Church by the Rev. Dr. J. L. urrows, Mrs. Hall was tho adopted daughter of Mrs. Thlrza Hatch? er Blaiiklagshii). The wife died May JO, ISM. Mr. Hall Is survived by four children John C. Hall, Mfss Ruuy Hall, Miss Mat tie J. Hall and Miss Marlon B. Hall, of ?Manchester. One daughter, Miss Salile ?. Hull, d.ed August 4, Itili. Mr. Hall was the son of Mrs. Salilo Brldgewater Hall and Zacharlah Hall. PERSONAL AND NOTES. Little Robert Jewctt, who fell from a porch and sprained his arm and lug, Is doing well under the treatment of Dr. Ingrani. Kev. John H a n non will address the Antl Baloon League of Bwansboro ut West End Church to-morrow night. John Toney wa.s fined by Mayor Mau? rice for being drunk and disorderly, and then he was lined $33 for contempt ami put under bond for six months. He went to Jail. Beth Ellis, who fell from a train neiir News Ferry Monday and ha^iy injured lilmt.aH', Is getting along nicely under the treatment of Dr. Ingrain und Dr. Merchant. ENTKItTAIN PYTHIANB. Manchester IJyihliins will entertain their brethren of Richmond al Anderson's Hall, Ninth and Hull Streets, at a o'clock to? morrow night, Thero will be music und refreshments. ACADEMY and Tomorrow, I Return to Richmond From a Fi GRACE Supported by ROBERT LOIA In Wm, A. Brady's Exc PRETTY Prie?? riatlawr, $1, 75c, 5 Oc. 25c? tsoaraers or io Your Rooms. There are Differ? ent people looking r->__-. rt ? .. f^? Dnnvrl marriages, obituaries arid all othe classified notices. No display typ allowed In the classified column! LOST AND FOUND. LOST- WATCH CHARM. WITH INSC tlon on ono side, to Dr. from Motile, on < nido smn 11 diamond set, Inaldo containing photoKraplie.I Finder will ho rewn'd?d ? turni pit it to BARTON HEIGHTS D or Rooms. If you put an ad. in )ne Day Only, you niss the searchers for he other Five Days. Put a Little Tee Dee Want Ad. in for Six Days, and catch them all. You will be surprised at the result. ? Very Best Wood Heaters .ASH?Cast Iron bottom and top (In sizes.) AR?Sheet Ironi with cast-Iron feet hree sizes.) r sale by leading dealers everywhere, SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS, inufactui-ers of all kinds of Stoves. he Valentine Museum HELP WANTED?Male. ANT INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY E $10 to $100 monthly In eparo timo corrosi ine for uowspaporsj nj canmesing. for particulars. NORTHERN. PRESS t DICATE. Lockport, ?. Y. RECRUITS WANTED TOR THE V. Marino Corp? Able-bodied, unmarried ? between ages of 21 nnd 35. lor. sot ashore and afloat. Apply at ShafT Hi Ing?, next door to General Postofflco. WANTED, FOR O. S. ARMY: A bodied, unmarried men, between age 21 and 35, citizens of United States good character and temperate habits, can speak, read and write English. Informaron apply to Rncrultlng Off 110 East Broad Street. Richmond, V. SITUATION WANTED?IM BOOKKBEPER-AN EXPERIENCED E. man College graduato desires by Januar; a position ns bookkeeper, assistant, ? work, or any position pertaining to I keeping or banking house business; ox enccd typewriter; can also at piar Tor ? ? torvlow at any timo; testimonials and references. Address W. L. E,, BvX L3, C mont, Va. WANTED-? PHYSICIAN AND SURO desires a salaried position with some Viri corporation; has tor the last two years both hospital and outdoor work: age. Addross ?. X. Y., care of this office. WANTED. A POSITION WITH SOME F (wholesale preforred) by strong young ? wilting to commence at bottom and Worl promotion; good referenoo. J. IL OYI Peers P. O., Va. WANTED. POSITION BY YOUNG MAt? years o? ago; noi choice In work; has office experience. Address HURRY, cure office. HELP WANTED?Femalt BRIGHT, ACTIVE SALESGIRLS WAS at MILLER & RHOADS'. Apply at LKV'KNTH AND CLAST STKfcliiiTU. Of EN 10 ?. ?. ?? 5 P. M. ADMISSION 2BC. FRER 'JN SATDROAVa WAiNAUiJK'? Ul' r lue, ueui mam uwyi. COOK-WANTED, A SINGLE WOMAN ? cook, family of thrco; must sleep on liren Ises. Apply I3u9 Giovo Avenue betweun Ua vey and PIurn. SALESLADIES?WANTED, TWELFTH AND CLAY STRKKTS. Opens daily from 9 A M. to ? P. M. Admission. 25 cent*. Freo on Saturday?. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Office of the Capitol Building and Loan Association, No. 8 Merchants National Bank Building. December 8, 191)3 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ? OF TrllS As? sociation have this day de-laroi a Dl I- I UK.NU (No. 41) of THREE t>ER CENTUM \ out of the not earnings for tho six months ending November 3uth. Checks will be mail? ed stockholders. JOHN B. WELSH, Secretary and Treasurer. LEGAL NOTICES. ? HE COMMONWEALTH OF VIR 1 UtNlA. TO THE SHERIFF OF T.iE CITY OF RICHMOND, GREET.'.NO: We command you to sumin.n The Ches? apeake and Ohio Railway Company, a corporation chartered and doing bus ?as; under the laws of the Siate oc Vhgi.ia, and the Cleveland, Cincinnati, U.Ieago and St. Lou* ? Railway Company, a non? resident corporation, to appear at the clerk's oilice of our Law and Equity Court of the city of Richmond, at the courthouse of said city, at the i-ulrs to te holden for said court on the TuiKu MONDAY In December, 1003. to answer ihe action of 13. C. Day.or and T. F. Minor, partners in trade under trio firm name and style of Bay.or cc Minor, o? a Bica of trespass on the eise in asoiimpist. lainages'; one hundred dollars, i And have then there th s wr t. I Witness, P. P. Wtnsion. clerk of our I said court, at Richmond, tue diy of December. 1DK?, nnd In the l-'&lh yodi? ?? the Commonwealth. P. P, WINSTON. Clerk. J. Kent Rawley, p. q. dec 16-law-lw NOTICE. TAX NOTICE. Office Collector of City Taxes, Room 7, First Floor, City Hall, Richmond, Va., Dec. 1, 1303. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYLRS.-THE LAST HALF OF CITY TAXES; HiiAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL, for 1.0; ? NOW DUE AND PAYABLE at this ot? tico. I EVERY male 21 years of ago, and EVERY p'eisun keeping house or do ng business In ilio city Is assess ad for per? sonal laxes. These who havo noi pa.d ? any city taxes during the year will please ? call anil settle, so ua to avoid poet I cd as delinquents. GRADINO, PAVING, PIPE AND S.JW 1 ER CONNECTION HILLS are alsj clue. ! and will have to ho declared delinquent if I not paid on or beforo end of year, I FIVE PER CENT, w il be added to lost half If not paid on or before DECE??L BER ?list. | Interest at SIX PER CENT, also at. I taches to all bills as suun aa reported do I illlqi.lMll. Particular attent'on Is called to the I above, us under an ordinance passed Dy the City Council there can be no uvoid unce of the penally. Office opon from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. FRANK \Y. CUNNINGHAM, dec l-t3Ilnc Collector of Ci y Taxes, Richmond, Va., Dec, it, 10*J, THE TRANSFER BOOKS OP THE BONDED DEBT OF THE CITY OF RiCrtMuND will he closed on aPTl ti Iter the 16th INSTANT and reopened the 2d DAY OF JANUARY, 11,01. EDW. J. WARREN, declo-HG Auditor. AMUSEMENTS. ?Il ? M _ ?very Night ta,"/ v"' *?* " Regular Mats I ITTI E nuiiDou bi 11 Li. ?p???p AROUND THE CORNER ? talo of Love, Honor, Villainy und intrigue, -TO-NIGHT Matinee and High!. va Mon'.hs' Run in New York ol GEORGE IKE and a Coimany of 70 in l'j'.sile Prasentmsnt of PEGGY. Night, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c. 35c, 25c SALESMEN WANTED. WAMTED, AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to travel and solicit orders for blank bonks, filing boxes, printing, lithographing ami ?,.? office stationery in Eastern Kentucky .ind West Virginia: only who are familiar with the needs of banks, clerks' offices und llnanclal corporations need apply. AiLlp'ss, with, references, slaloment of expeilenca In the business and salary oxp.Uod, VUE BRADLEir & CHLJ3ERT CO Ml? AN iT. Lo>dS ville, liy. SALESMEN WANTED, PERMANENT Posi? tions, to sell new map of U>e b'nued Slates and World, size ???46 mclu's, two mfaps In one; ? representatives now at work making f'J? ? ?0 per week. Address RAND. W ? ALLY & CO., M2 Fifth Avenue, Now York. WOOD AND COAL. rOR CASH-CORD SAWED PINE, ?5.J0: sawed oak, {6; coal at lowest prices, FLO?D TYLER, 'Mi West Car}?, 't'hone I?79. INSTRUCTIONS. PHYSICAL CULTURE. MRS. MARGARET WHITEHEAD NEVILLE Is Now Forming Classes for Women ana Children In PHYSICAL CULTURE At 008 B, Grace Street, REDUCED PRICES. PRICES RLDUCLD on wntcli wore: Cleaning, ?l? Main Sprint;?. $1; twenty years' expert' elice. WM. TUlllSN. .ir.. -IOS 13. Uroiid Street, lilctimoiid. Vu. Spectacles und Uye|?Ia?iet, 25 cts. All work cunrutitwrt. STENOGRAPHY. STENOGRAPHERS FURNISHED by our EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT (Male or Female) to operato any machine. Wn furnish thorn promptly ? we carefully ex? amine all applicants; we select to moot your r?fiul're niente! NO CHARGE TO BITHER PARTY. Call us or 'phone or write THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., 802 East Main Street, 'Phone 8449, Richmond, Va. MEETINGS. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OF ROSNdlY IRON AND LUMBER COMl'AN Y, LIMI I'.iD, The annual mestine o? the Stockholdurs of the Rosney Iron und Lumber Company, Lim? ited, will ho hold at thu olllco of tho Com puny ut Roaney, In Iho county of Bucking? ham, la the otate of VlrKinla, on tbo SEC? OND MONDAV of JANUARY next, between the hours of 3 and ? o'clock P. M., ?->?? the election of two Directors f.r tie on? .lag year, and Ilio transaction of such oilier uuil ness as may comu foofoiu the meellns. FRANK T. SHAW, Presluetlt. CHARLES T. HElFdMDER. Jr., Beere tury. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OP the Studinomi;! s of the PLA.vTiiitd NA? TIONAL HANK of Richmond, Va,, will be held on TUESDAY, January l?, ISM, at U M. o'clock In thu bank building. RICHARD H. SMITH. Cashier. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Richmond, Va... will be held at Us Uan.uiiK House, U(M E. Main Birout, at 1. o ul >.k TUESDAY, January Litli, 1901 JOHN M. MILLER, Jr., Canillar, BANKRUPTCY NOTICES. NOTICE ajT^HlTpmSTTdEETING OF CREDlTUit?. IN THE DISTRICI? CuURT OF THE UNIlED STATES FUR THcJ EASi. EHN DISTRICT Off VtrtGlNlA. In Hie Matter or \ Bankruptcy, GEO. U. PEYTON, < In Bankrupt. f No, -JO I. To the prod, tore of GEO. O, PE Y i ON, of Rlchmund. In the county of Henr.eo, und district of aforesaid, hankrup . Notice Is hereby given that on the 3d day of Dec, A. D, UU, ine said ti?j, t?. PEYTON was duly adjuil.cated a bankrupt; and that the Hr.-.t u.eollng ?? lis credliorH will be held In my ?-ftco, Room No. 10, Postoltlco Build., g. Huai iiiiuul, Virginia, on tho 17tu DAY OF DEC, A- D. 1!H)3, at 10 o'oiock m ilio tore? noun, at whlcr time the ?,??.? o uiluure may attorni, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, the bankiupt, and i.and aci sucii other business as may propjily com? before said meetlns. no. il. TALLEY, Reieieo ? Bankruptcy, December US, ?&\?. No ii.sibots returned in bankrupt's sclid. ulf-s. E. V. Farlnholt, Attorney for Bankrupt STEAM BQ?fSr SAY USL XO BALTUIUIU Vu Q, 4 0. ?,*?. ?.uu ?., ?-uiul. 11. u >???L ?gnu, Leuvv lllcliuijuil rie C, ?t U. (UH) ?icei'l tiuml?). ?t ? If. XL, cuu pcclluf ut Ulti l'Olili ?liti alt-nuier? Ut DUI iluj Une. leu ?lu.? ! : l u j', U., arrivili? llallluium li..'IO A. U., ceuuecllp? N u, m. K??t Sud Writ. Kur UcttM ? Gii liilurnihUiju ?|>plr tei O. te U, Uwf., ?tico? ?UDd TrittilU Oouhi?hj, et ?W ?.?t Utl? ?b Tee-Dee Wat BOARD WANTED. WANTED, BOARD IN THE COUNTRY? near Richmond, with quiet ? opio .muj? have J-oiited roam;-ternis moderalo! roforonie? oxeiiiSigod. Address Miss M? cara une ottica. ROOMS FOR RENT. LEIGH, R, oTl-LAKoETlvKLL-FURNIBr-IED Bocond-story front room;, ROOMS WANTED. WANTED, THREE COMFORTABLY VVTU , nlshod ? rooms for housekeeping by throe ? adult?. | Addrosii P. O. bius 277. _ REAL ESTATE"?For Rent. ! FOR RENT-FAMILT LEAVING CITY WILL rout seven furnished rooms on tirsi (loor .ioti two furnished rooms on second door; .rood Korvnnl on tho place Apply 3-'3 South Third I Street. 'Phone 238. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PARTIES HAVINO LARGE NUMBERS OF young appio Ireos, some hearing, ani ?'??? largo tracia of the very best apple land In tho Piedmont section, wish to assodato with themselves other parties wh ? can furnish twonty-flvo to fifty thousand dollars to tnrm a company for tho fuither development of the appio business. Address APPLES, care this office DON'T YOU ?????? THAT CHRISTMAS would loo? hrlitl-tor to tho family If that old parlor suit or much wero newly upholstered In some ???? dale goods. J?RGENS will do It at a modulilo price and guarautoo satis faction; flll-St East Broad Street. WANTED, A MAN WITH ?5.000 TO TAKE position as secretary and bookkeeper In maa ufacturlng business to ?11 place of ono resign, nd on account of 111 health. Answer Box 4SI, Norfolk, Va. WANTED, A PARTNER IN A FIRST-CLASS payable business; must have $10,000; business woll established. Address W., caro this of? fice. , SECRETARY-WANTED, SECRETARY AND treasurer for Incorporated company; must Invest J500; good salary, large returns on In. vestment. Address P. O. Box 277. J?RGENS ??3 ? MAG ??G-????? SUPPLT of Heating Stoves; they are exceptionally cheap, toj; 116 21 East Broad Street READ SYDNOR & HUNDLET'S "AD." TO DAY. MISCELLANEOUS, FRENCH ACCORDION PLAITING AND SUN I burst Skirts by Mrs. W. W. TILLER, Brook Road, Richmond, Va. 'Phono 4673. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE SPECIAL GOODS we aro offering for this week. E. B. TAY? LOR CO., 1011 East Main Street. JUST RECEIVED, HUNDRED POUNDS of Trowbrldgo's Chocolate Chips to be sold at 35 cents a pound; don t miss the oppor? tunity. A. P. LUCCHESI, next to Bijou.. WE REPAIR AND POLISH TOUR FURNI ture as it should be dono at the very '-wo-t price. C. E. LYDA. 41? W. Main. READ SYDNOR- & HUNDLEY'S "AD.". TO DAY._ BARGAINS. DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR 6, 10, 25, 50, 'ta, $1 toy counters. E, B. TAYLOR CO.. 1011 East Main Street. _ ANTIQUES. DON'T FORGET BIGGS' ANTIQUE STORE when looking tor Christmas and wedding presents?, 615 East Main. CALL AND BE CONVINCED-A FINE COL lectlon of original Antiques at low prices. L. N. ARNALL, 318 Brook Avenue, LET THE TEE-DEE WANT ADS. BRINS THE Xmas Shoppers TO YOU. Contracts ought to be made now. 1,000 words at $9,00 Per 1,000 2,000 ""els atS8.50pcr |,Q00 3,000 words at $8.00 P<" 1,000 I 5,000 words at $7.50 PQr 1,000 'Phone 549 for the Want Ad. Man. He will come, so will re? sults. STEAMBOATS. Merchants and Miners Transportation Company. Steamship Lino. . Direct Routo to . Boston, Mass., and Providence, R. I. steamers leavu Norfolk for. Boston Tues? day, Weunes?uy, Fnuay anil Sunday. For Provldeuco Monaay, riivaday anil Satur? day at ? P. M. Passengers and Height Uilien for all Now England points. Tick? ets on sale at C. & O. Ry. and N. & W, Ry, Office* and i\o. $19'East Main Street II. H. WRIGHT, Agt.. Norfolk, Va. "virginia navigation company, JAMES HIVER DAY LINE. STEA?ia? PUCAiiUNTAH leaves MON? DAY. WKONEsOAIf and F1UUA? ut 7 A. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Ulu Point, Newport News, CUiemont and James River landings, and connecting at Did l'oint for Washington, Baltimore and the North. State-rooms reserved for the nlgnt at moderato prices. Eleclrlo ' care direct to wharf. Tare only 81.50 and $1 to Nor. folk. Music by Grand Orchestrion. Freight received for above-namel places and all points In Eastern Virginia and North Carolina. IRV1N WEISCH?R, General Manager. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. Night Un. lor Norfolk l*?v? ElchaiQuil every oneulu? (foot of Ail? etreetj 7 H. M> btaair.or* nop at Now port News in both uirettion?. Far? ?2.&0. inoluues stateroom berth) meal?? 60?. ??on. .??" ?? * ? *? FOR NEW YORK. By Chesapeake and Ohio Ry., S A. M.. 1 F, U.; by Norfolk and Western Ry.. 9 A. M.. 3 P. M. All lines connect at Nor? folk with direct steamers for Now York, sailing daily (except Sunday) 7 P. M. K. P, CHALKLEY; City Ticket Agent. &0S E. M?ln Street. JOHN F. MAYER. Agent. Wharf Foot Of Ash Street, Richmond, Va. ?, ?. WALKER. V. P. & T. M-. New York. Clyde Steamship Co.'s PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND ANP NORFOLK LINE. Freight received and dellvured dally at ? ?. r\ ???,'., <?? ?? fiAnot. Seventeenth it Ads. Satisfy Every Want. IT PAYS TO USE TEE-DEE WANT ADS. ?Phone 849 for the Want Ad, mart. He will come. , PERSONALS. THE POvVHATAN HOTEL rs NOW np?n. ? . modi? led and fiorouRhly equipped with tl*' furnlehlnite and with fnuliloM bed?. Mannt' merit, GEO. L. PEYTON, of White Hulphu RocklirldKu and Jordan Alum Sprlnca, ar H. M, BERRELY, 20 years conductor, on t ft O, R. R. THIS SCENE IN AN AFRICAN DESEI NAME AND THE NAME OF A FRAOI PARTS OF THE SCENE AND Rl MANCHESTER'S PROPER BUSINESS HOUSES NOTICE. CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS-GO TO MRS. NICHOLS', at 1202 Hull 8troot, for all lends of toys; dolli, a specialty, toys and everything olso In toy.and; co.ife tl .nor , I (lireworks and full Xmas lino; prices tue low? est! call and see. BROWNE & CONSTINE. 205 EAST BROAD, wish to announce to the puollo that .liey have come to stay. WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF IT BEFORE? Lovely Imported em.kins - njvoltles at STILL'S, DOS E. Main Street. VT SUGGESTS A PRETTY FEMALE \ANT FLOWER. GUESS THE FOUR ?AD THEIR INITIAL LETTERS. I THE TEE-lE? I Daily Business Directory! BOARDING. MISSES MARTIN'S bonding beuiei permanent and transient; nice rouais kdi) good fare; ion North Sevontb Htr'ot. 8MCES. CHEAPEBT PLACE to buy shoe?. H. SHIRE ?, SOt Bust Marshall Street. ______ RICHARDEON AMD CRAFF?.IX, ?*Wldere an?) Main Streets, Vrrjr cheap asd dry momve room?. 'Itone 843. HAVE your BXOVL8 tua ruKnau?B rapante In firn ?-olii ?? order nt n roiieoiinblo tirld> lir the l'IMl-Ml'H-llOni?IlR CO., 818 E. llronil, Tinning, sanitary pltiuitiing ami gita llttlng drnc promptly. BROWNE A CONSTINE HAVE COM.'? T? stay and will always havo a larga sto' ? of Crockery, Glasawaro and Brlca-Uroo: 'ik Enel Dromi Street. ? WILL BUY YOUR SECOND-HAND CUOTlf. lng, hats, shoes, ?to. ; good price? and apo1 caaii paid. M. KEIOEU WON E. Ma.n Street. I SELL NOTHING BUT STRAIGHT WIHf klee and guarantee ttunllty and quantity goods delivered. KELLEY'S, 1703 E. Mar ? ?hall Street. HAVE YOU EVER THIED OUR FRENCH process for cleaning gentlemen's olrt thing' Mrs. A. J. PYLE, 315 Norto Fifth Street. 'Phone 2523. THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK IN THE city to ?elect your Xmas present from. E. ?. TAYLOR CO., 1011 E. Muln Street am: 0 E. Broad. HAVE YOUR PLUMBING DONE PROMPT!/! and Cfirroctly by an cxpeit at a moderati cost by DAN'L. O'DON NBL. Zi N. Nlntt Street. 1 AM NOW READY TO KURNI8H .?LI Christmas goods?best quality at lowaa prices. CHAS.' KINO, Grocer, ?25 Ni S.x.h flt MEW BOOTBLACK.PARLOR?Fine thine, onlj best pottab unfit, no .w? I ting, (lie me?; 101! Kiiat Main Street, next I'oatnRlce (basiimnnt) 15 SPENT AT D. O'SULLlVAN'S GROCERY 502 E. Marshall, will buy you 17.50 worth. BEAD SYDNOR &. HUNDLEY'S "AD." TO DAY._,_ FOR SALE. BANKRUPT BALE OF THE WALL ????G? Stock of F. L. BRAUER & BRO . c raprlemj f?ll line of Blank's Gilt?. Tapce.rlcs, Ja? panese Leathers, etc.; al?o tools and .tlstur? Will, sell as a whole or In portion?. Apply J W. BRAUER, Trustee, 20S ?. F.f h Street debts unless personally contracted by myself. J. B. HORNER 5 SPENT AT D. O'SULLIVAN'S OROCERT,. 502 E. Marshall, will buy you ?7.60 worth. U3AD 8YDNOR & HUNDLEY'S "AD." TO? DAY. WINES AND LIQUORS. STRAIGHT WHISKEYS-OVERHOLT fFIVB years). f3.60 por gallon; Montlcello tflve yeare), ?3.50 per gallon; Carroll Spring (four years), ?2.26 gallon; Clifton Springs, best U good? on earth; Old Ohaiter ifull quart), bottled In bond, il; gO".?ds delivor-d. KEl._Y, ?03 Franklin. POULTRY, BIRDS, ETC. ? FULL SONO?NEW LOT IMPORTED ? Hartz Mountain and St- Andreasberg rius. FANCIERS' SUPPL? Co/, 617 West Broad._ h?ickEn~insurancb.-conkey's ROUP Cure saves the sick ones, ko-pj weh oiws well. FANCIERS' 8UPPL? CO.. 617 West Broad. WAGON8. WAGONS TO SUIT YOU AT RICHARDSON BROS.'. 613. Brook Avenue. SERVICEABLE TRUCKS AND WAGONS butlt; repairing done promptly nt reasonable prices. We have one second-hand two-horse Truck on hand, In good order, cheap. W. IL MADISON _ CO.. ?50 B. FjrajikUn._ FREE HEELING^ with shoes and havo men's shoes half ailed 75c, ladles' 00c., wo will put on 2.V. reel freo. Good until December 19th. DREW'o ELECTRIC POWER SHOE PAOTuRlf, ne East Main Street. 'Phone 2?!67. BICYCLES. CHILDREN'S WHEELS, NEW AND ?EC OND RAND. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. TOMPKINS'. TOY STORE, 311 W. BROAD. I0ARDE?8?805 E. Once. Street. A room el? way? for tratnlont?. Mra J. A. WAItKIKI.D. WANTED. 'HERE ARE ALL KINDS OF BAROArNS AT THE AUGUST GROCERY CO.'S b'JO ES SEE OUR LAROE AD. IN THIS PAPER FOR SOME OF THEM. OUR MEAT, ? ?? TER AND GAME DEPARTM .IN : Ci!*TilE BEAT. 'PHONE YOUR ORDER IN AND IT WILL BE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. rOU MIGHT MISS THE LITTLE CHURCH around the corner, but you can't miss t'-e lit? tle store around tho corner, whore you ? an get all kinds of'mixed nuts nnd Christinas candles. A. P. LUCCHESI, next to Bijou. AM PROUD TO SHOW MY ?tlENDS THIS odd- and unique Imported smoking artici?; it Is so useful and attractive.' A large assort? ment at STILL'S, W8 E. Main Street. VANTED, TO BORROW ?8.000 ON VAL uable piece of real estate for a term of years; no real estate agent need apply. Addruas P. O. Box No. VX, Richmond, vs. JET YOUR WATER KEYS FOR TURNING off water at A. D. JENKINS'. General Blackrmlth and? Repairer. 40? - N. Madison StroeL A supply always on hand. r~you"want'a stove that heats go to J?RGENS' BURNITURE STORE, .13-21 East Bro-id f-ireet. XiOK OVER THE LIST OF XMAS GOODS advertised by THE E. B. TAVLOR CO. for thia week. r?AD 8YDNOR & HUNDLEY'S "AD." TO? DAY. IPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK ON DOLLS, E. B, TAYLOR CO., 1DU East Main Stniet THE MOST AFt'K.i?UiAic.u ?,.??^.?. ...? present for a gentleman Is an ?.?,??a?'?: smoking novelty. You will And a great va rlcty and reasonable prices at BTIl.L'8, sos E. Main Street. LET SCHNUUMAN ma?e you a Halnprool Overcoat to ordor for $2S?made la my owr workrooms. 800 demonstration of quelita?? ol Cravcnette In window. BCHNUHMA-N, Tall. 1 or and Furnisher, Se7 East Main. ELECTRIC MOTORS, DYNAMOS. STORAGE Batteries, Electric Wiring and Telepho..*.??? In stalled. OEO. W. EUKER CO., 16 N. Sivintt Btreot. OUR PROCESS FOR CLEANING PLUMES ! and feather boa? Is the best. Try IL Mis A. J. PYLE, 315 North Fifth Street. 'Phou. I 2523. THE E. B. TAYLOR CO. HAVE lOO-FlECE I Havlland China Dinner Sola complete, will squp tureen, for ???. TO SAVE MONEY GET PRICES AT D O'BULLIVAN'S GROCERY, V)? E. Marshall before you buy. ' ?2.00-8TITCHDOWN SHOES AND GAITERS our own make. DREWS EL?LTRIJ SnOfc FACTORY! US E. Main.? I TRY MY STRAIGHT WHISKIES: NO RE'ITI lied goods sold: guods delivered. KELLEY'S 1703 East Marshall Street. TO GET YOUR PLUMBING. HEATING ANf tinning done properly go to t, B. DALi'Ol? & cu.. Iti Uovornor Street. SAVES COAL?WEATHER STRIPPING PU1 on. C. B. NORVELL. 211V4 N. SUth Street 'Phone 156. COMB A.S'U --T A SQUARE AiEAL: CuOK ed well at SCHLIBHEK'S RE01AUHANT C07 Cost Marshall. READ SYDNOR & HUNDLEY'S "AD." DAY, nOkS. ? ANOMUt-tii FOR BALE?100 FIRST-CLASS MULES. AP? ply at JUS. LASllTEU'S ti'LA ULES, ur ti. P. /-? ?? ? inriv.ilrai nnd Lemb Strebt?. ?12.50 DOLL TO BE GIVEN AWAY' AT TOMP. KINS' TOY HOUSE, 311 WEST BROAD, ?Phone 31115. Chlr.OPOD' AND lYiA ICUU CHIROPODY AND MANICURE PARLORS Faclal and scalp massage, shampooing am] superfluous hair rernovod. 'Phono 11)23, 117 E. Broad. 3 GOLD AND SILVER DUYERS. WANTtD?OLD GOLD AND SIL VES In any condition; blphest rush prices paid, or will give WatcheH lewolry, Silverware In e*? chiinge, A. M. .MKYEH AND 11HO., Jeweler*. No. C23 Broad Streot. Ulcbaiood. Va. RAILROADS. ^WNvtt^Wntn ?m. mmm LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 8:00 A, M.-NORf'?LK. LIMITED. Ar? rive? Norfolk U:ai a. M. fcilops only at Petersburg, Waverly and Suffolk. P;05 A, M.?CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buft?l Parlor Car, Peteraburg to Lynchburg une Rcauoke. i'uiliuan Sleeper? Jloauuku to Coluuiiiua, Uluolleid to Cincinnati; also Ruuuoko to lvnoxville, and Kiioxvillo to Chuiuuioogu. and Memphis. l_:iu t, ??.??iUAXNUjia EXPRESS for Eat inviliti, L.? ueliuuig aim ruuiiuko. a;ud P. M.?UCivAN bHuRlii LijutED. Arinca iMiriuiK o!S0 f. ai. ?lopa uiiiy at i-uiuiBuuit?, Waveiiy and buuuik. Con? nuota wiui aiouuiui'd tu ttUalUll, i'lUVI?, IsotV lui'ii, Baliwnuru und Hast.? Riattili. ?vi? 1J. M.?For Norfolk and all stations tahL ui Puteisburg, 9:40 P. M.-.NlsiW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleepers, Hichmund to Lynctiburg and Ruuiiuko; Petersburg tu Lam luiuioi _; Lynch mira lo Chuiianuugu, MoiupniB uiul New uriuuiid. ?Julo uunug Car. ' Traine arrive from the Weet 7:35 A, M., 2;Ui P. M. and U:w P. M.i fioni Norfolk 11:00 A. M. and 7:W P. M. Office No. Mi> Hunt Main Street. \Y. B, BEVILL, C. H. HUSLKT, for West PolnL .1:15 P. M,?Local for West Point. I :S0 P. M.?-xcupt Sunday, for Weet Point, connecting with steamer? for Hal? timore and river landings. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 0:65 A. M. and 6:43 P. U?From all tl?? ATLANTIC COAST LINE ??UUIND t/??lVIl JV4_ll?UU'1liJ UAit.1 ? ? V HU-tiXrtlSiE'i? HIWV ION. EFFECTIVE MONDAY, SEPT. 21ST, 0:00 A. M. A. C. L ??J?presif to all point? South. 9:ou A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:10 P. M? Petersburg and N. & W. Went, 900 P. M. Peteisburg und Norfolk. ti'iu p. M. Uoldsburo Local. Ci'?O P. M. Petersburg Local. I'M P. M. "Florida and West India? Llm, Red," to all pointe South. ??40 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W, Wen. 11'30 P. M. Petersburg Local. TRAINS ARJUVB RICHMOND. 9:43 A. M., 7:85 A. M? S:.'5 A. M.i Sunday only 11:25 A, M:; 11:00 A. M.. 1:05 P. ?G, oxcopt Sunday: ?:05 P. M.^*i:20 ?, M., 7;43 P. M.. 9:10 P. M. - TExcent Sunday. _, C S. CAMPBELL, DJv._feM.AfV v?. _. riRAiOv Gen. Pua. Ait. ? Solution of puzzle In yesterday's Tlmes Plspatch. RAILROADS. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 1. 1903. 7:00 A. M.?Dally. Local for Cnarlotle. 12:30 P. M.?Dully. Limited. Buffet Pull? man to Atlanta and Uirmliienain, New Orleans, Memphis. Chattattowta and all ttie South. 6:00 P. M.?Ex. Sunday. Chase City local. lu:2U P. M.?Dally. Limited. l'ullmun ready 11:30.P. M., for aU the South. YORK RIVER LINE. Tho favorite route to .Baltimore and Eastern pointe. Leave Richmond i.?o P. M. dally, except Sunday. 6:00 A. M. Excepi. Sunday, Local mixed Oen. pas?. Agent, Ole, Pass. Agent, ?outh. ' ? 3.3? ?, M.?From Charlotte and Durham. S:40 ?. M.?From C|ia8e City. 11:15 A. M.?Hal timore and West Point. 6:10 V. M.-From West Point. C. H, ACKERT, S. ii. H ARD WICK, O. M. G. P. A. C. W. WESTBURY, D. P. ?.. Richmond. Va. Chesapeake fif?ff & Uh?o Ry. 2 hours and 25 minute? to Noriolk, LWAYt? KiUUiiUoU? t?AS'li?OUM). 1:60 ?. Ai.--Lujly?lAKlel lu Kuwiuri New? sud wuy biuiiuus. 8:00 a. a?.?Duiiy?muilted?Arri?*? William?? bur? 0:l>a A. M., .Nuwpori .Nt?*? 10:30 A. M., Old t'iiiut ??'.??'?. M., .Norlolk ????? A. kl, l'ui-tsinuuth 11 ?45 A. M. 4:00 P. M.?ttfi'k duys?t?pi'clul?Arrlre? VVll lliiutlmrg 1:60 P. M., Newuort N?w? 3:31) P. U., Old l'oint 0;ou 1?, M.. .Norfolk UM P. M., l'oruiuoutli 8H5-P. Il, ?:00 P, M.?Uelty?Locul to Old l'olqt, MAIN UNE?WESTBOUND. 10:10 A. M.?Loc-il?Except buudxy, to Clifton Forge. 3:0O P, H,?Dfclly?Special to Ciuciano M, Loulavllh, nt. Louis and Chicago. 6:16 P M.?VNwk days?-Loe?! W l'iederlck?' Hall. ? JOiSt i>, M.?Dally?Llmttea te Clacluu?iL Louisville, Bt, LouU and Cblci go. JAMES lUVEIl LINE. 10:20 A. M.?Dalli??Exprua? to Lyocbburg, Clirtun Jorge t>ud prluclpal station*. 6:J.6 I?, M.?'Week duys?Locul tu lirvuat. TUAINH ?tllUlVU lllOUMUND l'UDJl Norfolk sud Did Polut 10:05 A. M. dally, 11 ?46 ?. M. K*. t?un., and 7:00 |?. M. dully. Newport News Locul 8:00 p. M?, dully. From Clucluimtl sud IVeat 7:?^ ?. M. dally ?ad 8:80 P. M. dally. Main Milo Lueal from Cllftou l'orge 8:10 1'. M. IS?. Buu. from Cilfluo Forge, Fredericks' Hull Accom. B:.1d A. li. Vi. Bun. Jeme? ItlTor Lias Local from Clifton Porga ?;3? ?. ?. dally. Bremo Accom. 8:10 A. 11. Ex. Sun. ^ C. B. DOVLB, W. ?. WAUTHEN. n^ii'M.n.??. D1*L Paia. Ast. LEAKY ROOFS. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? CALL UP ARM ITACI E MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ?phone 871, or writo us a postal; we will ex? amine sumo and report cost of putting It in good order. G ? -- MILLINERY. BARGAINS, BARGAINS IN MILLINERY Musl reduce my stock bit r.? Jan ar i?t to mako Improvements In my ?tore. My en? tire stock will be sold r b? rdloss o. oiaL Mrs.'JULIUS BEAR, ?23 E. Main Street. RAILROADS. Rr ? ? Riehmond, Frederick?. ? ?? Ot G? burg & Potomac, R, R. Trains lieave Richmond?Northward. 3:61 A. M., dally< Byrd St. Through. 0:45 ?. ??,, daily. Main Bl. Ttiroutsh. 7:15 A. M., week auys. ElDa, ?vonland accoihmooation, 8:00 ?, M., Sunday only, Byrd St, Through, Local Htups. b:40 A. M. week days. Byrd St. Through. Lovui dtope. 12:0o noon, week days. Byrd St. Through. 4:00 P. AL, weyk days, Byrd St. "Fred? crtcivBijurir accommodation. 6-.U5 P. M., dal.y. .?lain St. Through. 6:??.*i P. M? week days, Eloa. A?hiuud a?, cuiumodattun, 8:06 P, M? dally, Byrd St. Through. Trains Arrive Richmond?Southward. 6:40 A. M., week duya, Eloa. AsUiand accommodation. 8:1a ?..M., week days, Byrd.St. Fred enciisbu'-g accommodation ... 8:35 A. M., daily. Bylil St. ThiougU. 11:45 A. M., week days, Byrd SL Tnrougn. ? Local stopB. 2:05 ?, M., dally. Muln St. Through. ti:(W P. M.'? week days. Eloa. Ashland accommodation. 7:16 P. M.; daily. Byrd St. Through. p. M.. daily. Byid BL Through. Local stopu. 10:29 P. M., dally. Main St Through, Noto?Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Car? on all traine except local accommodation?. W. U. UUivE, U.W.CULP, W. F.TAYLUK, uen'l Man'r. Ass't. Oen'l M'an'r. Traf.Men, SEABOARD Am Line Rajlwav TRAIMI LE? ?*. iiivwAiUiNJ? JJAILf. ?xu p, M.?ouuooaia wail?lu:35 P. M,? Seauoard iiXplObs?To bavatuitth. Jack? sonville, Aliatila and Boythweut. ., K-,10 A. M.-Local?For Norllna and tiara? let. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILY. 6:85 A. M.-No. 34-4:55 P. M.-No. t* Froin Florida, Atlanta and Southwest. 6:S0 p, M.?From Norllna and loc*| points. . City Ticket Office, 880 B. Main Street. ?Phonf ??. ' _ RICHMOND AHD>ET?FSBURQ ELECTRIC RALWAV BEGINNING APRIL 1ST, 1903. Cars leave corner Perry and beventi? Streets. Manchester, every hour (on the hour) from a a. M? to 10 P. M., last car 11:60 ? M. Cars leave Petersburg, foot of Syca? more Street, every hour from 6:80 A. M. to 10:30 p. M. ?tir? with Norfolk an*