Newspaper Page Text
4 l'Illl?AlL. ? ?1TE DULL t vuiviai m ?4 ?????????.?4 4 mm . FA LES: _VI Atrim>li<nli Rim?/ t.r,n-\. THE PRICES SUPPED BACK Below Level of Monday ': Night Before' Closing, Which Was Barely Steady. ..., ; (By Acs?claU'tl Press,) j' ' NEW XORK, Dec. l0,~Excopt tor.-.tli? considerable volutilo of dealings in' ??? or two stocks, to-day's market waudull nntl at times practically idle, Tho occa-' elonfti peti?ds of activity were buylns movements for the first part of tliOftyV but pricoB Bllppocl' tKick to bolowf.-l?et ?ilght'B level before tho closing;" and trie closing Itsolf was . barely stcudy.' During "tho early periods of <lullilft?.i, holder? of stocks' seemed content to aWalt the demand, unti thero was no pressure of offerings When buyers paused In lliclr operation?. Amalgamated Coppor'led tho market in peint of uciiv.ty und was lifted 1 1-n nt. ino top level. Even United Biates Steel preferred had some share in tho curly, strength of the marliot, and the urgent r.oiroivltlg demand for tlie stock for de? livery pointed to the necessities Of a short interest. The announcement of. the .ex? tensive economics contemplated by- tho company wore accepted as promising a'oJl tor thu not earnings of tho corporation. The Into reaction in the market, -nowavur, -tenteiod In tins stock, nnd its drop io over a point bctow lost night's price upset Uie whole list and wiped out the days gams, The report of tho passing of the divi? dend on Cruicblo Steel preferred was an inlluence on the stock, although that com. puny Is rooo?iu?od as tho victim ' of troubles peculiar to Itself. The consider? able decrease In net carn.ngs reportoJ:'??y Jiiiitlinui e and Ohio for Novembor waa un fiinucnce on the sido "of reaction, which was supplemented by icports of an Intuivi. ecl reduction in thu prices of soft coal. The speculativo element seemed to huvo put aside tiny misgiving? over tho Nortn crn Securities cuse. Sterling cxch;th_o developed a very strong tono on a strong demand .for blue; which was partly ni? tri buiaolo to tne need to cover engage? ments of gold in 'l?ndon tor Import. With aj? Increase. In valuo of exports over last year of ?j?.0??j,(>/j and a decrease m value of Imports of ?IO.Oai.OOO, the 'powvr. lui control of the international oxchar>ees in favor of Now York is made clear... . Ron?? were dull and steady. Total t:ales par value, J1.780,WQ. United States bonds were unchanged on cali. Total sales of stocks. 625.900 shares. NEW YORK, Dec. "?.--Money? on call Jitcudy, 0 to G;closlng bid d l-i; offered ut G? l-?. Time loans easier; Go days 0 nor cent.; 80 clays 5 1-2; six months & to 5 1.4; prime mercantile paper 6; sterling ox t'liang'o strong, with actual business in bankers! bills at $?3.7? to ?4?3.&5 for de? mand, and at $4SX36 to I1SO.I0 for sixty tiny bills. Posted rutes tisi and $l$-l 1-2; commercial bills Sitfl )-?; bar.silver 55 1-.?; Mexican dollars \\ 8-1. -. Wall Street Gossip. (Special to The Tline?-Dlsp?tch.) ' NEW ????, Dec 15,? Tho opening Was firm and generally,above tho previous night's cLsv. Traders wero bullish on the Idea that ???pa of Iho market leader? had taken the Ions blue nnd found tuff ?eleni short Interest to tncsur? a?e Ujsm. oyen lacking commission hqttse fol? ci wing.-?The- warehouse? had very. few?yrd<:rs. Mr. Keen? Is said to be in-the market ??tain fipeclallzlnsr In 'Southern ' Pacific and Union Paclrtc,. but giving soino attention to othor stock whero a Utile Judicious stimulus would help '.the more Important operation. GOLD IMPORTS: Heldelbach. ickelheimer & Co. announce tho ?ngagornents of iSeo.OOu Of gold, of whlcli amount 432,009 has arrived and RW,0O.j now on the way. ._. LONDON BOUGHT ERIE: London again bought Erio early and seoms to have created a following on this el_e. Tao tor sign operator? got the point on the etr. k ,vhen It was telling In the neighborhood of -?. anij have been no constantly correct In the past few months on tho market movement inai their operations are watched with Intoreet. KTEEL PREFERRED RALLIED! Steel preferred had ujnsldfirnble Influence In the early trading, and its rally waa a s urce ?f general strength. It did not act particularly well on Monday, but the large demaud Cor It*' In the loan crowd encouraged traders to put some pressure on the shorts. WEIL CROWD BEARISH: The Well crowd Is talking bearish on every? thlng but Amalgamated Copper and American Sugar. Tho street Is rather of tho oplnlo > that they are behind the times In the last-named ?tockk^He lower Wail Street seoms to think ? *w ??p???ap?a? i/onnccQ, pi?., ?\??/>, .???} 1000 Amor. Cnr and Foundry. loi 7000 American ??????? . 121"^ 124^ 14500 ?., ?. und H. Fe, com. 68% 69* VICO ?., ?? mi ri S. Fe, pici. Mfc IK) MO?lO Amalgamatoti Copper .... 47% 49 SOM) Baltimore und Olilo . 79*4 79?. 23D00 Brooklyn Rapid Transit.... 49'f, 60". 'IGOO Canadian Pacific. Ulli.; im lit? ClioHnpeukO and Ohlci ...... ?jy(.J 837 Canada Hotithcrn . 200 Colo. Southern, com. l.|U, 1515 loo Colo. Boulh?rn, 1st pfd. r,| 200 Colo. Southern, 2d pfd. 2314 !5H 17400 Chi., Mil. and 8.. ?..' 142% vm 4300 Chi., R. I. and Pacino,... SOU 261 300 Chi.. R. I. and S. ?. ?li?/ eli :m Colo. Fuel nnd Iron...,. 27'A 2S W0 Chi. Croat ??e???G?..,. 15? 16 000 Clev., Cln..'Chi. und S. L.. 77 77", 1100 Consolidated Osts .1U mri 400 Delaware and Hiidson.160 -160 Del,, Lack, ami Western. 430*0 Erio, com. 30?? 30? 3700 Erio, 1st ofil. 68% GS?"! 5? Erio, 2d pfd. 51 61", 300 Clonerai Electric .?W 105 1400 Illinois Central . 129W 130", ?230 Leather. 7?/, ?} ijC93 L?tilsvllle nnd Nashville. 107W 107", '7:>0O Manhattan.141% 142", 1300 Metropolitan.122% 122" 200 Mexican Central . - OT U, G. refunding !?, registered. U5V4 ! U. S. refunding Ss .coupon .10? U. ?5. 3s, registered,'..107A? U. B. 3s. coupon. W7H U. 5. Now 4s, ,rcel?lered...... UfU U. 0, New 4?, coupon. 133H ?. B. Old 4h, registered.109 U. 8. Old ?Is. coupon. U0 IT. B. C*. reorlstered,....? l.plVi U. B. C?, coupon Ctx lnt.5. ???1* 1 Atehlson general 4?.190W AtchlHon adjuitment 4b.?. % !4 Atlantlo Coaat Lino 4s . !'M4 Baltimore and Ohio 4?.101 Dnltlmora and Ohio Z<Aa,..... &51?? Central.of Ocorgla 6n .10?%? Central ?G Georgia 1st Inc.. B1 Chesapeake and Ohio 4',sH j. W-'a Chicago and Alton 314?. T&H early pront-taklng did not cause any reaction during: the day, and traders wero not looking for mugli movement tide ?Ido of Clirtetmai??. It IH thought, however, that thero 1* a '?airly extenelv? bull account, of ono kind or another, based upon expected public Interest In January. RICHWOT.T* .STOCK 'MARKET. Richmond, Va., Dec. IS, IS?, "8ALES. Virginia C?nturlts-U.0OO at 04??? 13,000 it ?IlCj.: I-'.OOO at 91'/,; ?l.OOO ot 94?i. L'nlpn Dank?I altare at 166, R. C. Virginia-Carolina. Chemical Co. preferred?50 ?hojee ni at1?, If. C. : 10 shares at 03U. Virginia-Carolina Chemical <d p. c. bonds? ?LOW at ??0: ?100 lit 99. ????G PPiTlMTIES. Bid ARked. North Carolina 4n, C. 1910....1024 ... North Carolina t!s. C, 1919...131 ,,. Virginia 3s. new, C. and P... 1?32.... !<IVi ... Virginia Centurie?, 2?J. G.?8nd R... 81 ?? .'?;.? ?.?..! ?SECURITIES. Richmond City 4?, R.. 1320-1930.... 104 ... RAILROAD. BONDS. Atlanta and Char. 1st 7?. R.. 1907.... 107 ... A. C, L. R. R. Con. Tr, ? p. c. 63 "forgia and Poe. 1st 6?, C, 1933.... HO Ga., Bo. and Fla.,. 1945.113 Georgia and Ala. con. p?, loia...... 103 >>'. ano \V. Fi:??. l'octtti'Jtiias 43:. S3 Rieh. and. Meek. 1st 4b, ???S. M , Ei A- L. Con.? 1st 4?, IMO. 721J 73*Vj S. A-.L. .Collateral'.Tr.'?a, IMI.-;.... 00 ..; YVesi?rn North Car. 1st es." C. ?814.. 114 RrttLROAD STOCKS. :?';- ?;' Atlanta arrtl Charlotte....100 159 Atlantic Coast Lino "A".'...100 IOS Atlantic Coast Line-pfd.*...100 100 ' .. Atlantic Coast Line com..100 IOS Chesapeake and Ohio.100 33 ?a.. So. and. Fla. .1st pfd.100 07 Norfolk and Western com........100 5S .. R, F. and P. Dlv. Obllg.100 ?00 Seaboard Air Line pfd...U0 12 S- , B?abourd Air Line com.100 13 14 Southern Railway pfd.100 76 Southern Railway com.IM M_ . BAN'K STOCKS. Broad-Street Bank .25 G1-74 ??? I'lty buiiK .?? ... Sift First 'National .100 MIS ... >.1?. ruhanta .saiir.nal .luj 31*J Rich. Tr. and S. Dep. Co..100 ... 125 Virginia 'trust Cuin,.an??.100 ... 102 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Virginia Fire and Marine.?5 33Vi ... MU?CELLA.NEOUS. Continental Tob. p?d 7 p. c.100 104 .,. Consolidated Tob. i p. c bond?....l0j 5? ... Old Dominion 6. S. Co.100 115 ... Va.-Car. Chum, pfd 8 p. o.100 ?5 ?a.-Carolina Chomlcal com.IM '?'?M 71 Va.-Car. C, Col. Tr. 6 p. c.... S3 9J BALTIMORE STOCK MARKET. BALTIMORE, MD., Dec 15.?Seaboard Air Lina common, 13?913'^: do. preferred. 22*?'323. Seaboard Is, 72ViS?,'3%: Atlantic Coast Lino common, 10S3109; do. prefeired, not quoted. er inn urta ally Ibi trai lerally prof? ions'. Londoi 2k bought ro buying tv oli. LLING OF 1 tiller's se.Un the room to n tn lin?, ut' ?amago of ti to buy on J tk openly, b >OLFF SOLI roolff Bros.' slbly for G the floor t no from Pitt resent a vie ibtsr quarter. B. t. mov: t-ople in the that Iho in Dn again, an ? strongtbei kot-shop fol NOOK BOU ondon won a TINO OF AMALGAMATED COPPER?? -?"?? loth Mr. Keono and the Standard Oil Intwest ?? credited with purchases In Amalgamated 3p*/. The advance In copper stocka In Lon I Was naturally a hull argument, an.l 'uiq de sentiment Is at least bull sh on the melai, nough tho Helnze reconciliation stories'ge? good confirmation. - >NKY TRANSFERRED: > ub-Treasury has transferred for hanks M*>,? to Now Orleans. The sub-Treue ry has d to banks ????,??? transferred by teioxraph ni Sao Francisco against deposit* of. Im 'ted Ja^ahosq yen. ?LL IN AFTERNOON: twks became dull and Inonilvo in the airiy Receipts at tho ports to-day wero 63.0DS bal against 79,HH ast week and 60,178 last vea For the week 800,000 bales against 332.1(30 la week arid 283,818 I as ? year. To-dayis reeelp at New Orleans woro 16,260 bale's against H ??? last year, and at Houston 2u,i6f bal ?.against 1V.'37 last year. Cotton futures opened steady steady: , Open. December.12.U 12.20 January February March .. April .... May .... June .... ...13.11 ...I2.R ...12.18 ...12..?7 H'gh. 18.18 ' 1?.?.(7 12.? ? ?d,?? i?.i-t is.ia mi: 1?.BS and Ixiw. 15.10 12.18 1?.M 12.38 12.42 12.13 12.?G cotton ma.? e@S points mg .hat sec ent In plW nterlor polr ?il cotton w and the tir , where prl due; 01 lierii juraging. 1 ? to shan? o ? tho accuri ?; the weati lovtuueat, . -tlon regard ester, wh?r< on the or this prlv expert was ,1s citimi." on Novem s; reduce , and now rkui, howov ?..a of the ? argely prit btiynir ??, ? rabie il rinn the aiter?? points ?? hC USI HIIRI t was y br kera ?1 ? narrow market whim itwv rollday. Some fairly hoavj BRANCH & CO ILISHIW 1838.) ? MEMBERS ? York Stock Exoha ?ed'steadv;" middling uplni ilf, 12.70; ?ales, ftOO holes. middling. ?1.VH- not recel 11,813 balw; oajes, .600 ba t all s??portsr-Net .recel: ori to Great Britain, X ?37 b?l??.; :??'. ?;. . all seaports-^-Not recel. Total eine? September 1 receipt?, 4;4S7,04S bales; e; 1,316,661 bules: to' Frailee Continent. 1,320,443 bales'. nifn ????????? ?"?limici PRIVATE WIRES T3 PRINCIPAL MAKKETS, were ugiu. wuhi ul ui*f wow. ..-.? .- --.. held for delivery on contracts. Sale? ?- ,o titles, Including 1.125 to arrive, end 709 ball f. o. h. term?: delivered on contract 600 bale Quotation? unchanged. ' ? ?? Future? ? were quiet with prices 60fO poln above yesterday'? closing. The lilgiior ojunlr was cljaueod by unexpected Improvements ? Liverpool. Tho Initial advanco was ? soon lo by ??hurt Gelling. After the decline ? tho lu leader? ??.?? ibo market heavy eupnorf.. bld'llr for block? of 6,000 January, March and "? This buying, coupled with bullish advices fro, New Vork, eent prices up to $ point? aba Hi* nrmnloir level. On the tradlllif Januiry ||n lA'JtUCi XJL_U__?3 i/i or a j. t. ti, iv?vjiuuva.^i .-._., , ,__,*. ,^. _.,-, , and Sale of Stocks in New York | -??????4444444444?444?44444444'44-4 ias Branch & Co.? Bankers and Brokers. gh. Low. Closing. SAL?S ? "?. Open. Hiih. 110 sa 1.4% Bid. Asked 105 110 Low. Closing. Bid Asked. M 82 14% ra?l 301 10 101 i/j lOVi lmu ' ??a% 12-1 ?li .. ???? I'.fr H 10(i OS?? 02 li 47% 7D'4 4 03? i '?i'? G4 23 MV, SM 8$ IS'A 1S1 ... 1S8U '.% " 07% ?ro-il ir,4y, 120W 7% 103% 140% 12m 9% mi. 4791 7??? 40H .llf?? 83 W . ''" 141/t fil 23 1421/i 2S$ im 1?3W 16?? 210 30 C7?? mi 1G.4 129? 10G$ 141 121 ?4 9M 20200 Missouri Pacifie . M'i 600 Mo., Kan. and Tex., com.... IS 20M Mo? Kan. ami Tex., pfd.'.. 10O0 Now York Central. 2000 N. Y.. Ont, and Western.. 3000 Norfolk tiriti Western....... 11700 Pennsylvania..., .?.. 230 Pressed Steel Car. Pressed Steel Car, pfd.... People's One Trust. 12000 Head!ng, com.,,... llu&dlng, ISl pftl. 100 Heading, 2d pfd. 600 Republic' 1.' lirld T., com., 1500 Republic ?. miti 8., pfd.... Bloss. Bloss, pfd.'. 100 8. 1>. nnil 8. -??, 2d pfd. Beaboard Air Line, com.., Seaboard Air Line, pfd... 300 8. V. and Southwest., pfd.. ?KlVi KS?0 Southern Pnclflo. Iul: ?UGO Southern Kail way, com. 300 Southern Railway, pfd,. ?8120 Tenu. Coal and Iron..,.. 1200 Texas Paci fio ..' ?"? 43400 Union Pacific, com....,., 15 Union Pacific, pftl.,.. 2700 U. 8. Steel, com. 7?G?0 U. 8. Steel, pfd.,... 3600 Va,-Car. Chemical, com. Vu,-Car. Chemical, pfd. 200 Wn.bu.Hh, com. 1925 Wabashi pfd. Western Union . 141V? 1670 Wisconsin Central . 1221* 2000 Wisconsin Central, pfd... 10 *| Total sales 040,300. W K' ?70V4 40?4 110 ?? 23U 142% 20% 01% 17% 72?, 1??? ?:? 240 30% R8 RI 166 um m, ???%! no 23 B7% 26 ?'?Mi 41% '?? 7 40,' tt% 21? ' "n'A su ?Vi w. M 26?? ' 2M1 ?7'/i 3SVi mi 18 304? 119% 23 B8U 11? : W '? 'li? ? 7 ? ?tOU "mi. ?Vi 2H& 77% 33Vj' m &s 10% XS . '?o?; 3T& . "iva ? MV4 18 30 118% 21% h1% 117 : 20 '44'/t '?? *V4 30V? 21 '77% ?2 " 7S% ?.S 10% .r_% 20% 'm .37 '?7U 93 17% m 118% 21% 07% 117% 2e% 06 07%. 41% 76% ? fi% 30% 28% ? WA 13% 22% 32 4S% 77% 32% 20% . 8? 2>',V? '? 20% S7 17% 3S% J0HKL WILLIAMS & SONS. BANKERS, bealere la iUCHMONt?, VA* S0UTHFRN INVESTMENT SECURITIES. MUNICIPAL. ?ONDB A BPKCLUjTT* CofTesliondt'nce Invited. 03% 17% 86% 118% 21% S3 117% 20% fSfth 07% ! 44% ! 6<> m 40 30 *0 ? 22% S3 m m 77% 83 2S% 70 ?% 07 20? Mixed (car. lots). No. 3 rod (ear Iota) .,,?,.. va. bag- lots . cons- . . Whltei V?. has lots (new), White. Va. ban lots (old),,, No. 2 white (ear loin). No. 3 White (ear lots)....,,, Nn. 2 mixed (car jots). No. a mixed (car lots). OATS No. 3.mixed (car lot?). No, 3 mixed (car lot?). No. 3 tvlillo (car lot? . RYE '..'.I. . 02 W? , ? ?;>:?3 . 80 ?'1) , 48 '({50 , 61 ?Otti ? El it?l'i B0 ?il ?1,4 ?(60 48 Uh <i so'ion 2S1S1I33 UMi5? W SCI Chicago, B, ont! Qulncy now 4?. Chicago, M. and St, Paul icen. 4s..... Chicago anU Noithwcutern con. 7s... Chicago, "ft. T. and Pacific 4s....',....-? ChlcatO, It, 1. and Pac col. 6s..... C, C, C. and St. t-A?ls gen. 4s. Chicago Terminal 4e. Consolidated Tobncco 4s. Colorado anil South?? 4s . Denver and Itlo Grando 4e . Eric prior li?n -Is. Erio General 4s .???? Eort Worth and Denver-City 1st?. Hocltlng Valloy 4'/4b. Louisville and N'unii. Unified 4s....... Manhattan consol gold 4s. Mexican Central. 4s. Mexican Central 1st Ina . Minn, and Ut. 1-ouln 4s .;....?. Missouri, Kancaa and Tcxaa 4s .?.,...,.. MISHOurl, Kansas and Texas Stia........ National It. it. ot Mexico con. 4s...;.... New York Central gen. 3'it ....'., New 'Jersey. Central gon. is.....?. Northern Pacific 4s .?'????. 'Northern Pacino.3e.;....?.?.?.. Norfotlt and'Western con. ts............ -Oregon Bhrort Line 4a and Parti?. Pannylvanift ???????-3',4?. Rcttctlhg ..General :4s..."..'.?. Bu Louts-and? Iron' Mountain con. 6s.... St; LojjlM.and Son Francisca fg. 4s..,. 8L l.oulB Soutliwestern. lata. Seaboard Air Line 4s . Southern Pacific 4? ...,.??.;. Southern Railway 6s. Texas and Pacific lets. Toledo. 81. L. and Western Is,. .Union Pacific 4s .?.,...?;.>_'.... Union Pacific conv, 4a . U. <3. Steel 2d 6fl .?,???? Wabash lets ....'.,...i;.... Watooah Dab. Bo .,.-'...?. WlieellDK and Lake Er^o 4a..... Wisconsin Central Is.,'.,...... Colorado Fuel .anil iron con. Cs. Mi and O., collateral ? tro?t 4s. Central 0/ Oeorela 2d Ino. CATTLE MARKETS. CHICAGO, ILL., Dec. IH.?CATTLE-He. eclpt?, 8.11OO head. Market slow, Goo.l to ,??? io Rteors, 44.1)00:0.00; poor to medium, }3&t.76| stockera an/1 feeders, Jl.HtflftOi cows, M-5'jiii 4.00; helfRi'H. XL, 7601.60?, cannera, |1.60f?.8d| bulls, $1,76(?|.|.W? calvos, J?,. Hog ???? colpta to-day, 30,000 hoad;? to-morrow, 10,000 head. Market Be. lower. Mixiid and hutcjer*, ?l.40131.70; sood to choice heavy tt.6uQ4.CSi rough, heavy, tl.3631.60; light, ?I.20?I 1 G">l hi? ot sale?, f4.45ii'4.66. Sheep?nu.ieipta, 11,lO) head. Hheeii, slow; lambs, st?lti y to siroiig. Clood lo choleo wethers, HMO?.V? fair to choice mixed, i2.6083.40; native lambs, $4'3?.0O. NEW ????, Deo. 18.-IIBEVBS?ilocelpt?, !-l bead. No ?im reported. Dr ene 1 beef, fUcady; city drouscd, nativa sldcH, tlllSMc. por pound. Calves?Itecolpte, lot hood, VohIs andi baruyurd calven, uctlVe and l\)ghor. Veal?, sn, ; J4.60ij8.76; barnyard calvo?, f:t.60j?. Cliy dressed 17S? 1 veals, 7?t2c. per p?unJ. Sheep and Lambs? 30?/..? Itocolpls, 1,831 heud. Shoop, rather uulot; M j about steady; lambs, 10?lEc. hierher. 8,ieev?, ?;i'(M.i)0, exclusivo of a small number, partly ?- I for export- at ft.25; lambs al fO.?o?pe.50. D.eH. | od mutton, B'^oiVio. per pound; drepsad'lambs, 8?l014c Hoes?Kecolpts,' 6,604 head, No aaloe reported, vm 1',3 06H li_ 14 08 C6Ti 111 Vi 64% ,.'...., ?L . -?% frequent and fairly wide. The market, closed, steady with net 'gains, of-394 points. Cotton futures steady: Df-c-mucr, li20?12 32; January, 12.80ijl2.31; F'ebruury, , ??.4???1?. 17; March. l?.iilffl 12.62; April, 12.U7@12.60; May, 12.72912.73; June, ,j_.?6_-L2/TS; July _i.8^V.'..Si.. ; PRODUCE MAHKET. NEW YORK, Doc. 16.-FLOUR?Quiet nnd fttady. Rye Flour?Firm; choleo to ia.ioy, ?3.46U3.60. Buckwheat Flour?Steady at M.-aip i).3S. Cornmoal?Steady. Rye?steady. . Barley Steady. Wheat?Spot easy: No. 2 red, SOijc Option? opened (inner; small Northwest receipts hnd steady cabios, but slowly eased off all day un? der the depi?Mlnff Influence of big Soutirvesl receipt?. lUiuldatlon and poor cxfiort demand, 1...? - ??;?-' - ? EC-Go. closing %ai'/4c. not lower'.'May cluaed at 33 Hi? ; - - crate?, nearby, fresh laid.. July, S0??c; Documbor, i3!4e. ? ? ?' {'rates;-tniBh Bt?cKi.;.;..o Corn?8i?t steady; No. 2, 63c. Option market harr<:i8 and boxes ...,.,.?, at Drat was hlglier on good commlaslon cousu ?umea demand, light receipts nnd steady cubica, but Venison, ?addles, per lb........ Wild turkeys, per lb...:..;...? p?rlrldgeB.'per doz., largb. Partridges, pet' doz.. small. Pheasants, eaph .,.?.??????? Itabblts, large, frosli. each?...? nabblts, sma)l. fresb. each. Squirrels,- each ...?? butter; Choice family packed...,.;,.... Fancy dairy.' packed._...?... Choleo dairy- packed? ...,-..... Choice store pacltod....... Medium ;....-......-.',:.;. Cornino n .> ? ? '*** ???' Choloo? yellow rolls,, per. lb. Mixed," white and yellow rolls. 18 ? 16 ' IX <S 13 1.S0 <0) 2.W 1.'76 66 ? CO 8 SD 10 ' 6 if 7 3@ 6 17 ? 17 @ 111 <& 16 0 13 ? 12 (?f 16 @ ?14 ?p. 28 ?.-? 19 Dull. Tallow tine?Steady. , . Coffoe?Spot Bio. steady; No, 7 Invoice. 6'Hc; jnlld, llrm. The market ' for coffee futuras opened steady at unchanged prices to a de? cline of 5 points, following lower European cables and heavier primary receipts. Offerings In the afternoon, wheu demand vw& llsnt, weakened prices, Und thii market while fliuilly steady was net 10&15 points lower. Sales. fc?. ?*? bass. ' Sugar?Raw, steady; reltnOU, steady.' Rice?Oulet. Afolasses?Firm. ' Butter-Steady; extra, creamery. 2ic. dairy, I5&22c. Cheese?Quiet; State, fu.l.criom, fancy email; colored. September 12c. ; late made, 10c; ?mall'white, September,, 12c.: lata made, 10c. Eggs?Strong; State and Pennsylvania, nearby, average best,? 31c. ^_'?_? potatoes?Firm; Long Island. J2.12S2.37; Jer? sey, 1*32.23; Jersey sweets. $L60gO,60: State and Western, sacks, 51.raff2.25. Peamits? Steady; fancy hanjplcked, 4%siSo; other domes? tic, 3S?C. Cabbages?Firm; domestic, per .U)0, ?6.510; per barrel. Jl.Ui_2.2?. Cotton?By dteom. to Liverpool,' 12c. CHICAGO, ILL.,\ Dec 15.?Discouraging for? eign wheat markots started liquidation to-dav. May wheat closed at a loss of ">??.: May corn was unchanged; oats lie lower und provisions a trillo easier. ' lui- leading .|Uutuii .ua runged e? ?olluws: Upen. Hlcii. Low.' Cloe? WHEAT-No, _ r../. . 79?i 7S'.i 771? TSVi Florida, wind falls and preen.. LEMOMS?Per box ,.t,??,4i... GUAPES? J.?,.'? --.?** ? .Concord, per 5-lb. bskt. ', per fa-lu. bsKt.i....'.. BLACK PEAS .,.?.... BLACKEYE PEAS? Prime to fancy .,,, Coitimon fd-Boort-rvrtrf? CLAY PEAS?Per. bushel Mixed peas .;...; ?tate i BEANS? 1.60 & ??? ?.uu . t? :?.?? .. ?3"@ J6 '? ? 15 ill? 10 .. ./'S5 ? '-00 ... U6 <3> L2S ?.'?????? Ci ?; 10 ._" ?omina! ... nominal ... 1:90..? 2.1,1 ,savy, ??,-?-white . Common whlto . 1.78 <it 1.60 Mixed, per bus. 1.65 f 1.75 Colored ..??.. L60 tp 1.75 POTATOES Per bushel, car lot?. ,7J @ . ?? ONIONS?Per barrel. L76 M 2,go Bushel, car Iota.,. 60 <S> 63 CAbUAGE?Per 100. 7.00 ?Ji ViO Per tqn .?.!.... 35.00 @ 4.0.W CELERY?Largo, per dozen... Small, per dozen. HAY. I No. 1 Timothy, new...15,60 ? ?d.'.??) No. 2 Timothy, new . 14.50 Qi ???? No. 3 Timothy .now. nominal No. 1 clover mixed, new..... 14.00 @ UM ?No. 2 clover, mixed, new... nominal .No. I c.uier. new.'. 13.00 ? 12.60 t'No. 2 clover, new. I Va. Timothy. No. 1,. new. 14.5? @ 15.00 Vb. Timothy. No. 2, new-.-.;..... 1..00 @ 13.00 ' Va. mixed, new . O.oo ?11.00 Clover. Va., new. nominal ' UNION.STOCK YARDS, PITTSBURG, PA.. Dec. ' 15.?CATTLE?Steady. .' Choice. *5?5.l0i prime, ?$_7O0'l.S5{ fair, ?f.??. Ho???Lower. Prime, heavy aud medluiuS, $4.75?!??; noavy yorkers, <l.So0J.S.T: light yorknrt and pigs, (4,80 04.90; roughs, $304.26. Slieeb?Strong?, PrPno withers, 44.1cHl.21,; cullsvnild common, $1.60? ?a ? 2.00; choice lambs, J3.S0ij:0,C0; voa| Calve/, "3 t i $0.50@7.00. _ lia? BALTIMOBE, >ID., Dec. 16.?CALVGS 115 Strictly choice veals, per pound, CtfeiKc, ; food OS veal, per pound. 6(lieWc. ; poor to good, per. 1J2H head, $5?U.O0. Lambs i\nd Sheep?Maryland to?, nnd Virginia ?ambe, ebooce, fnt, E?'?la?. por 6!),?? pound; poor, thin, rough, 4ff.-lVic. nor pound. JH Wool sheep, per pound, best stock. 2Vj'iJ3c. ? good, per heart, $2.50fl3.O0; Inferior, per beai, $H)i.60; old buck?, per pound, 23211,0. as to quality and weight,. CINCINNATI, O., Dec. 15.?HOGS? Aselvo and hlglief a?'53.75??.50:? Catllt^Strong at i'UQ 4.50. ? Sho?p?Str?hK"'at^?l.7643.iO. Lambs? Strong:at 448>3.66.^-? ?';. >.:<c ;..' TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond. Va., Dec. to, 1003. Tobacco?Dark Fired Tobacco? (Reordered)? Old: Continues quiet with Ughi receipts. N.iwt Itocolpts light and market llrm at quotations. Brlghts?Market continues qulel with moderato receipts. Sun-Cured?Market activo witli light receipts. The quotations aro an follows: DARK PIREO TOBACCO-NEW. ' Lugs .S 3.00 ?} 4.00 Short to medium l,,-,:,~7;.. 4.00 ?1 5.50. Long'leaf .......^.iv.U.........,;??.. ?.?.? ? ? l.w Selections and wrappers.....i,;,,';, g.oo ? ji.oo ' DA_lK.__BHI_T.OBAC;cp_TPEO.R DEREb. Primings .,:..,;..'..'.......'......s 2.7s 0$ 3.50 Luge, common to good. 1.0? ? i 7( Lugs, good to prime.'.;...........,. 4.75 f s.^j Short leaf:;.............,...,.....,., 5.6? ?j? e.;o 'Medium leaf. 6.00 ? 7.00 Long.leaf. 7.0? ? e.ufl Wrapper? aad ?election.............. IO.OO ?13.00 BUIO HT TOBACCUa SMOKERS?summon.?. O.Oi ? 3.00 Medium .;,... .8.00 ?10.00 Fin?.10.UU ? l_-M CUTTERS?Common .lO.OQ f 12,00 Medium .'. 12.00 ?13.00 Fine . ?17,(0 Fancy. 17.0U ? 211,00 FILLERS?Common .'. 6,00 if ,,U0 Medium .... ;. 3,00 ..? H.00 Oood .:..?'..*?.?'? 8-00 ? 11.00 Fine? .'.'..*:.,. ?.-... 12.00 ? 14,00 WHAPPERSMIomruon??;.'...'....... H.?0 # 18.00 Medium. 18.00 ir 25 o Good. 27.1)1) ? 36.00 Fine . 86.00 ? 40.OO Fancy . 45.00 ?65.0? SUN-CURED TOBACCO-NEW. Primings,'new . 1.00 Lugs, common to good. 3 50 Lugs, good to prime. 6.00 Short leaf ..,,.. 6.00 Long leaf . 8,00 Wrappore .12.00 LYNCHBURQ TOBACCO MARKET. """" ?? Richmond. VOj. Dea 16, 1?K>3. Receipts.of tobacco..on IheUynchburg market for the'two" weeks ondlrie ."Decomber 5, UW3. reported by Jehs L. Ogleaby,' tif'bynuh's Ware? house: -~- . ? ; - ?- ^..^ .. -Sold week ending"' November 2Sth, 461,400 poundsf "Sold'"week ending;Decomber 6th, 006,300 pounds; Increase for week ending Deco ubar 6th, 118,800 pounds. Sold from October 1, 1003. to Decomber 6, 1003, 2,4<L.30J pound*, s Id from October 1, 1902, to December 6, 1002, 0.1M, J?.?. r,n,mH?, rt../?reass for ISJ3, 3,6is,lOj pounds. FINANCIAL. THE M?NHATTM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Has paid to its policy-holders OVER FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS. Its policies are simple, clean, BTEAIGHT-FORWAED CONTRACTS. Its pinna are adjusted to nil needs and offer PROTECTION TO THE FAMILY and INVESTMENT FOR OLD AGE. WALTER H. GRIMES, Geni. Agent, No. 40, Chamber of Commerce Building:, Richmond, Va. Representatives wanted in unoccupied territory. yiRQINIUS NEWTON. COLEMAN WORTHAM.'.. DAVENPORT & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, Liverpool and London and UJobe Insurance Building:, II13 MAIN STREET. Richmond Cily 6% Bonds, Due Jan. 1, 1904. Wobcgtoatlvlscholdorsof tho.aboro uoutls that we xrili tako.pleasturola. collecting saino for thoir account without commission charge. " Wo will alto givo curoful attention to rein ros tmen t of proceeds t? bo deslrod ? DAVENPORT 6 CO. VIRG?NIA TRUST CO. 1200 E. Main St This Company is authorized under Ita charter to act as Executor and Trustee under wills. Administrator of Estates. Guardian of Minor Children. . Assignee and Receiver. Registrar and Transfer Agent of Bonds and Stocks. Trustee for the Execution of Trusts of every nature. Loans Mon ey on approved real estate and collateral security. Pays Interest on Deposits. Issues Guarantee, Judicial and Contract Bonds. Rents Safety boxes and stores silverware and other valu? ables. Vaults Burglar and Fire-proof. JAMES N. BOYD, President. MANN S, QUARLES, Vlce-Pree. LEWIS D. AYLETT, Secretary. JOHN H, SOUTHALL, Trea?, BANK ?a once secured, oncourng-os Uie habit of saving. Help ycur boya and girla to opon a Savings Account, small though It may bo. What applies to children should also .br praotloed with regularity by every man and woman. Be? gin saving now. Deposita by moil recelvo also our careful attention. ALL SUtiS ACCEPTED, INTEREST ALLOWED AND COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANN ?ALLY. Provident Savings Bank, 911 East Main Street 5. pAUESKI, Pre?. mmammmmEam W. QP.AY WATTSON, Cashier. SENATE WILL PASS THE KELLEY BILL The St. Louis Exposition Advo? cates Claim? That They' Will Succeed. The bill offered by Hon. S. L. Kelley, of Richmond city, to appropriate $10,000 lor a Virginia building at the St. Louis Exposition, which passed tho Housa by ASSETS, $903,200. Virginia Fire & Marine Insurance Company. Office: I0IS East Main Street, RICHMOND, VA. All Descriptions of Property ia Country and Town, Publio nnrl Private. Insured at, July,. :77 77 75;? '.?U: CO H M-.No. ?. Dec . 41?, 42'.'? 4154 41?? May. ??Vs.- 43<? -|3U 13-)* July . -13!? 43?i -IS1.? 43% OA IV?Mo. 2. Dec. :. 35 3G, ? 3t?s 34T? May . 36?1 .17 3>l3 ~3a*a July . 34 'SI 33?? K?i-, MRael PORK?Per bbL Jan.- .11.32V? 11.40 11.30 11.40 . May. .11.7754 11.1754 11.65- -11.75 -, t.AUD-Per 100 lb?, . I-, O Jan. 6.45 6.4S 0.5254 0.45 May . 8.6254 6 6214 0.60 0.0254 CHOUT HlUe-Pei luu lbs ? Jon.?.0754 6.10 6.0754 0.10 May . 6.30 6.30 0.25 6.W i.'atih quotations ?urc as (olir.?? - -L?'!.' < it? I Steady. No. 3 spring ' wheat, Sl*tfS2c, ? No. 3, "Sc. : No. 2 red, ????f????. No. 1 corn, -?2c: No. 2 yellow, lie. No. 2 oate, 3l*iii3l!?c. No. 3 white, 3l?iS37c No. 2 rye, 5154c. Good feed? ing barly, 30c.; fair to choice malting. 43*Jil2c No. 1 llaxseed, 93c: No. 1 northwestern, ?1; prime Timothy seed, $2.75. Mess, l>ji- bur? ro), $11.30*311.40; lard, por luO pounJs. W.'+llif}) 6.45: short ribs sides (loose), (6.1354t?G.S7H? shore clear sides (boated), S0.25?1.3l'/j. Wh eke/, basts of. high wines, $1.27. clover, contract grade, ill.00. Receipts?Wheat, S9.800 bushel?; corn. 223.100..bushels; oats, 214,000sbushols. But? ter?Market steady; creamoi'U ?, lSQSSc.": cji?rifs,. 144/.21C Egg??Firm at mark, cases- Inolii'lod,?.' Si5feliS9c. Cheese?Steady at ??f^??, . ? BALTIMORE, HD., Dec. 16,-FLOUR?Quiet and unchanged. TVheat-rFlrm? spot, ocmunct and tho month, 6651?J.S6??c.: No. 2 red, cestoni, ' S7c, ; soutlierii by sample, 72'(7S?>Jc. Cor ?Flr.ii tr; spot, old and the monthi 4S?@4S5to. ; rpit, now, 47T4S4SO. : new southern wlilto corn. 40\ffp 479io. Oats?Steady: No. 2 white. 4QH3HC. B,yo-*F|rm? No. 2, 00c. Butter?Firm; fan;y Imitation. lOiJiOc. ; fancy creamery, 26c : fun.;, ladle, lefllSc.; store-packed, 1501 ?'?. Eg* ? Firmer and higher: fresh. 30331c. Ches e? Quiet and |o\ver; large. U1/U5?0. ? smalt, Un<? ll'ic. Sugar?Steady and unchanged. RICHMOND PRODUCE MARKET,'" ""I FLOUR?Receipts continue light and "market fairly active at unchanged puuotatlons, RYEt-Unchanged; ?leady; light recolpts. ' WHEAT?Receipts continues Ughi and mar? ket active. CORN?Light receipt?; active demand. OATS?Quiet, " ? HAY?With very moderate receipts market activo at the advanced quotations; oxiraiiiu price? can only be obtained for the best of tho wades of No. 1 Timothy; No. 3 Timothy awl No 1 light mixed. EGOS?Receipt? continue light a*nd market active; eggs for Christina? lindo sluul ? ha shipped at once its wo untlclpute lower priced just before Christmas. 13 ut toi??Receipt? light; choice-sweqf rolls In active demand at quotations. POULTRY?Rccelpts of both live and dressed moiu liberal, and price? lower. VIRGINIA BACON?Hams aotlvo, side? and shoulders Millet. . ' > POTATOES?Active ? very light receipt?, ? APPLES^-Uecetpie Increasing; market ?toady I at quotations. ORANaES-Qqlp.t; heavy receipts. . GAME?Receipts of rabbit? continue liberal; other gaine In light receipts; market acil.e for all good ?lock at price? quoted. ? RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK-Wheat, ?S.S2? bushels; corn, 12,642 bushels: oats, 3,011 bush? els; rye, 1,410 bushel?; Hour. 1,251 barrel?; hay, 147 tons; mill, offal. 93 tons. STOCK IN ELEVATO R-Whoiit, 8.D6J bush. el?; com, 21,393 bushulsj oat?, 4?,M1I bushel?, rOULTRY-HVia AND DRESSED. Turkeys, large, per lb.$ 12 @ff 13 Turltuy?, snnill, per lb...., 11 f 12 ehielten?, . spring, ?mull. lb.. 11 Chickens, spring, medium, lb..,, 10 ni Chick'.?us, spring, lurgo, lb. llene, per Hi .,.. Duck?, Iurte .,...,,.....,.,. Duck?, ?inali, peril),....,. ii?.,HUTii. per piece,.,,..,....,...'. 15 (?emu :. Turkey?, dressed, undrawn, lb., Duck?. dreiisod, undrawn, lb,,., Gieso, dressed, undruwii, lb.... Chicken?, dressei}, uatlrawn, lb.. Turkey?, dressed drawn, lb., Ducks, dressed, drawn, lb. (let?te, dressed, drawn, lb. Chicken?, dresaed, drawn, lb.. ? ??' ? GAWB. v.nisnn. whole a??r. D?r'lb...; U <ffi 11 shucks?saieu. on. <u v,#? STRAW?ComproBeed . D.BO <g> ??,?? ' Loo?e prisaed, lurge bale?.... O.ou *f lO.OO Load your cars co that hay at doois repre. eonts contents, and thus ?void rejections. ?? FLOUR.' Family . 11.40 ? 3,60 Fancy. 3.85 @ 4.00 Patent, choice to fancy. 4.00 ? 4,10 Choice extra. 8.10 Extra.-?.'...-'. 2.85 Superfine ...,,..... Z.tiQ O 2.70 CURNMEAL-Clty sacked... 68 country ' bolted, euciieci,.. 65 @ 66 MII.LFEED? ? Shlpatuff, per ton, Backed.10.00 ?20.00 . Bran .,.19.00 ?20.00 WHEAT. No. ,2 red, new .-, 03 $ 01 No. 3 red, new. 01 >,t> 112 Steamer, new ...;... ss & ?? Rejected, new .,,.. 75 ? S7 Heg lots, fair to prime, new. SO @ U3 COKN. No. 2 white . I 01 No, 3 white . ' CO Sj> No, 3 mixed..... 405?f Nu. 3 mixed ...;. M'alie curri, Va, bag loi?..*.... White com. Va. bag lots, new.. '?'- ' OATS. Ne. 3 mixed. No, 3 mixed 7..i7..;. No. 2 white .1. RYB.-. MISCELLANEOUS. HIDES. Dl-y nini, per lb. Dry salted, por lb. Oreen salted, per lb..?.?,-..." Green, per lb. Dry tiltil, calf skins, per lb.,.. ?Sheep skins ,,. .Green suited, calf skins....,. Lamb ?kin?. ? COUNTRY PRODUCE-WHOLESALE. BUCKWHEAT FLOUH-Per lb. -J FEATHERS? Live geese, per lb..,;.... 46 ? 60 ' Mixed, [KH- lb.:. 30 ? 35 BE13RS- - ? ?--?" ? Clqver, wholesale, per bus,,.... 6.00 tf 6 60 Timothy, wholesale. 165 " ' ' Orcluu? grass, wholesale. 1.30 Huoliivheat. per bus, g?ripai? ??????'?', .per bus,, REESU'AX?Per I DRIED Al'PLES Slleod, per lb...... Quartered. p?r lb,. ?Commou to good . PRE1U PEACHES Peeled, per,?lb peeied; dark, per |b. .Ih Unpee?ed, per ib...Vu_ CHSfmiES Plttoil (new), dry order. RASPBERRIES, per lb. BLACKBERRIES .,. WHORTLEBERRIES . WOOL Tub.wnahed. free of burr?., UnwoBhed, ?r?io of burr?...?.? Merino, unwashed . 13 <ip Hurry, li to* 8 per lb. less ROOTS- ~A (llnsetig. per lb.,. 4T00 ? 4.S9 Bellica, per lb. 40 f 4S Virginia aniiko .,,.,.,.,,, 20 & 25 May appio, por lb. 8>A? 3 True pink, per lb.,.., 10 ??? 13 Wild glnsoi?, free of Obre. 9 4> 13 Wild ginger, niiturul...,,,.,,.., 6 (to 7 PEANUTS?Farmer?, per Ib.... 8?i4? 4 BACON? llams, ?mall, smoked . 16 ? Hams, I111-KO, smoked ,..,,,,,., 18 " (ilile?. ?itioked .,.,. U Shouldorfl, smolttd . DRKBBB? HOGS . LARD-Oountry price.......... FLAXSEI3D?Por bushel. TALLOW-I'er lb..?... WALNUT liERNELS-1'or |b CHICKEN COUPS . . TURKEY COOPS. LIB ? 1,35 EQG CRATES ...?.,.,,.., 45 u> 69 BUTTER BUClvETB-Perdoz... 3.75 ?J) 3.0) RICHMOND GI?A?P? MARKET. Richmond, \\i? puo. 16, 1003. QUOTATIONS, WHEAT?-, There la no change to report In the tobacco market, price? ana'-receipts? being about as heretofore. The quotations aro as follow?; Primings .8 1.60 ?>i 3.00 Dark lugs, common. 9.50 & 8.(4 Dark luga, medium. 8.00 ?3 .3.50 Dark luga, good. 3.50 (if 4.00 Dark leaf, common ................. 4.00 iji 4.53 Dark leaf, medium...< 450 (? G> ? ? Dark leaf, good.,.,.....'.'.;?. 0,50 ? 7,W Dark leaf, doe ,,...,. 8.00 ffl 11.00 Dark'wrappers-,..?....,??G.?;;:?..'... lii.50 ?i lo.oo MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. PEANUT MARKET. NORFOLK, VA.. Dec. ?.-PEANUTS? Farmers' market ftrmer. Fancy, 85*?o. ; strictly prime, 3544)8%?,; prime, 2Ti0iSo. ; common. ?IjO 21?c. Spanish, SjySoc. ; machine picked. 2?a S?ic. PETERSBURG, VA.. Doc. 15.?PBANUTS Spimlsn. wii!i2!...u. Market, iinu, stock light Cam-y; market steady. nif\ (TnniiR MARKBT NEW YORK. Dec.. 16.?The dry goods mar? ket ?till shows an ..upward tenancy with operator? placing, orders fur only their Imme? diato . needs. Sellar? uru vory Independent, making no concession? from asking prLoe, oven on largo lot?, ' ' ? NAVAL BTORES, WILMINGTON, N. C? Dec, 13,-SPCRlTS TURPENTINE?Nothing doing; receipt?, 25 cask?. Rosin?Nothing doing: receipts, 13 Bar re?. Tar?Firm Bt ?1.70; iwel?ts, ?160 bannis, Crude Turpentine?Firm at ?2.25JM.S0; rocolpt?, 161 burrels. SAVANNAH, GA., Dec U.-TURPENTINF?; Flrmi receipts, 510 cask?; ?ales, 638 cask?. Bo?In?Firm; receipts, 2,815 b?rrele: ?ale?, 384 barrels; export?, 9.811 barvels. CHARLESTON, 8. C, Deo. ?.-TURPEN? TINE?Steady at HHe. Roeln?Steady. COTTONSEED OIL MARKET, NEW YORK, Deo. 15.?Cottonseed oil was firmer and more autlvo, Prime crude, f.* o. b. mill?, 97S>?8c. ; primo ?iimmer yellow, 39o,; off summer yellow, nominal; prime white, 3,BJSo.t pi-lino winter yellow, SSiflOc. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT O ^RICHMOND. PEC 15, 1003. ARRIVED. steamer Pocolionta?. Grav?t Norfolk end Jame? River landings, meraliimdlao and (.aasen. ger?, Virginia Navigation Co. Steamer Brandon, Rhodes, Norfolk, incrchoa dise and piiscenger?, Ola Dominion line, BAILED, Steamer Brandon. Rhodes, Norfolk, merehan 'Uso and passengers, Old Dominion In,.., PORT' OF WEST POINT, PEC. 15, 1003. ARRIVED. Charlotte. Murphy, Baltimore, passons ore and gonuiul curgu. Elm Cliy, liuyntH. Mattaponl Rlyer lan?lngi,. paseeiigera and general curgo, BAILED. Charlotte, Murphy, Baltimore, passenger? and general cargo Elm City, Uayne?, Mattun?nl River landings, passenger? and general cargo. PORT NEWPORT NEWS, PEC. 16. 1903. ARRIVED. Steamer Falliti, Gloucester. Schooner John Twohy, Portland. Barge Frank Pendleion, Boston. Barge Ohio, Providence. Barite Keittaclty, Fall Hiver. SolioQiiei' Luther T. Garrotson. New York. Kchooiier Laura L. tmrague, Lynn. Barge Gweunle, Norfolk. HAILED. sicamor Fall?a, Cooeawa. ' S Intimer Orlon, Boston. . Schooner Van Allan Bougbton, Boston. Burgo Lawrence, N?w London. fargli \'oluiit*?er. New Haven, argo. New York, ?????a^aa? ------ ???, M? mxTaII? rtft.trtn euch a handsome voto on yesterday, Is now In the Senate Finance Committee, snd will probably be considered by that body and reported this afternoon. Those who engineered tho measure through tho House so successfully, will now press It with equal vigor In the Sen? ate, and a partial poll of the upper brandi shows that It has great strength there, Immediately upon the adoption of tho hill In the House yesterday. Mr. ISarly, o? Greene, offered a bill, allowing cer?. tain pictures and statuury of tho Univer? sity of Virginia to be sent to St. Louis next year, to adorn the walls and Interior of tho reproductions of Mr. Jefferson's famous home. Arrangements aro fast making In every dlroctlon to have a showy and successful Virginia exhibit on the part of Virginia, and Indications aro that the maiertol prosperity of tho State will be greatly enhanced through the agonoy of the pro? posed Exposition. The famous home of Mr. Jefferson, which It Is proposed to te. produco at St. Louis, ns tho Virginia build irigu was commenced by the grout Vir? ginian In 17(51 and completed in 1771. Mr. Jefferson died thero'July 1, 1823. It was purchased In 1828 by Commodore "W. V. Levy, of the United States navy, and In? herited by his son, tho present owner, ?on, Jefferson M. Lovy. Messrs. Kelloy, Bowman, Murre?, Ba iwr and others will probably appear be? fore the Sonato Committee for the bill. THE GREAT HIGHWAY OF TRADE AND TRAVEL. Reaching all Important points In the South and Southwest; penetratimi the most attractive sections of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia. Flor? ida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana. Ten? nessee and Kentucky, Is the Southern Railway, Its frequent and convenient schedules, palatial trains, Its rock bal? lasted tracks, complete and unrivaled Dining Car Service, and through cur arrangements, commend It to the travel? ing public. Through tickets to all points, And Pullman reservations made upon ap? plication to any agent or representative of the Southern Railway, Correspond- i enee solicited, "Ko trouble to answer questions." ?. W, WESTBURY. pistrlct Passenger Agent. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY RATES ON NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY Tickets will bo sold ut greatly re?ikud ratea to tho seiiurul public on December 22d, 2Sd. 21th, 2?t!i, 3uth, 3lst und January 1st, good for return posalo untu January I, 1901, and' to student? and faculties of schools and collides Those tickets will be ?old on December lBWi to '??M. good for return pussugo until January 8, UHJ4. Round trip to Nori'oln, $3.51); to l.ynohburg, *">.00, und cori'sponu Ipgly low ratea to other points on Nor? folk and Western Railway. Apply to W, Sloele. Ticket Ageut, Byrd Street, Union I j Station, or to the It I?h m and Transfer ? Company, or to John E. Wagner. City ; Passenger and Ticket Agent, Qtiice of the i Company. S38. Mal? Street.. C. H. BOSLKY, - ? ?lutate? ' Fuesenjiei? Aeeat. Fair Bates and Accommod?t? in g Terms. AGENCIES IN EVERY TOWN AND COUNTY. WM. H. PALMER. President. WM. H. M'CARTHY, Secretary, Business and Personal Accounts SOLICITED BY TH-B State Bank of, Va. III! E. Main. Richmond, Va. LANCASTER ? L?CKE Bankers and Brokers, RICHMOND, VA. tiigh-Orade Southern Securities. ; "Correspondence Solicited, CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY RATES VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE, Tickets will be sold between all point? an thla line, account of the Christmas holidays, at rate of ono and one-third first-class fares, plus twenty-five cent?, for the round trip, m.iiimum rate fifty cents. Tlckots on sale to the general public December 23d, 21th, 25th, 30th, Slit, 1D03. and January 1st, 19?, final limit January 1st, 1M-I, to teachers and stu? dents of schools und colleges, on presen? tation and surrender of certificates Binn? ed by the superili!ondonu, pr?sidents or prlnctpuls, December l?th to 2?d, Inclu? sive, with final limit January 6th. 190-1. For complete Information cull on any agent of the company, or, C. S. CAMPBELL. Division Passenger Agent, S3S East ulula Street, Richmond, V4. SPECIAL RATES VIA SEAJ0QARD AIR INE RAILWAY. Account Southern Educational Associa? tion, Atlanta, Qa.. December 29, 1903, January t, 1904. On account of the above occasion th* Seaboard will sail ticket? from all ?ta? llona ou Its Unes to Allanta and return at rato of one fare, pJuu ?2.2S, which Ip? Mudes membership fee. Ticket? on ?al?? Dcc-mber 20th, final limit Januiry 8. 1*M. I'-or tickets and other Information, apply t0 the under? ? ^Am Dia trim Pommrkw Asent, .,