Newspaper Page Text
? ?? ? ? KVKNtJ?GS TILL 7 O'O LO UK, As Marct?s Aurelius" and we have said before, " No man Is tlrctl of rocolvltig what Ir nsofuli" ?' Wives and Sisters: Mow many of you have hus? bands and brothers, who would think you had mixed good judg? ment with your love, if you pre? sented them Xmas with a HAND? SOME FANCY WAISTCOAT. You know they're so''" in ' use now that no man can have too many. Our assortment is large?$1.50 NORFOLK'S CASE TODA State Central Democratic Co mittec to Take Up That City's Contest, TREHY FACTION CONFIDEI They Think That the Commit) Will Certainly Sustain Then Contentions. Suit Cases, Club I Chopping* Bags For Now if you want to be inte bestow?want to give somethi pient constantly for years to co our Trunk and Leather Goods E style of Suit Case, Club Bag, ? Caddy may be had here. Marke Suit Cases, $1.8S to ?20.0C Traveling Bags, Toc to $ BagS For Men. ' Ladies. nsely practical in the gift you ng that will impress its recl? ine?make your selection from )epartme.nt. Every conceivable clescope, Carry-All? and Golf d free. ? ? (fitted). 4?0O (lilted). Tho contending factions In tho Nor(? cijy political muddlo arc already h< in forco for the groat struggle bete the State Central Democratic Commit! to-day over sustaining or overturning t result of tho recent primary In Norfc city, In which tho control of tho city coi mittee is Involved. An appeal has bo mado to tho highest party tribunal In < Stato to overturn and reverso tho ? suit of that primary on tho ground of u usual methods savoring of fraud ?ind t lack of ?presentation of one ?aotlon tho party In tho'oillcer3 of election. It Is a rather old fight botweon t factions, headed, respectively, by Ca lillUlCB HUUU r>a?;5, s>i ?o eu f? O? Alen and Boys Outfitters, <Xc. ?B, HEATH'S RECORD CLEAR (Continued from First.) r to his office of a number of persons us employed without, so far us is j own, any protest or exposure." The report comments on Auditor Cas- ? h'B "apparent readiness to disregard the ! ?'",,?""'|? nralnat unauthorized ex- I coprnlzant of It as a punishment Indicted on ? .faithful servant, who had, by the honest discharge, of his duty,? Incurred the enmity of activo and Influential poli? ticians. It seems to have been preceded by no sufliclcnt Inquiry on the part of Aeli'n? Secretary, Vondorl p, and would render proper an/Investigation of the let? ter's conduct were ho still in the publie service. "Eleventh?While we express no opinion as to the propriety of Seymour W. Tul loch's removal from the ottico of by Postmaster Merrltt. bis removal was clearly rogrettablo In the public Interost, as lead.-'ng naturally to tho belief lint the cashier bad been. In fact, removed for Ills failure to comply with hregulir and oven lllosal demands upon tho funds In his euslodv." James V. Trehy, clerk of iho cour ?? which tho Trehy faction havo fl. grave charges of irregularity ogalnet t Dey faction, which was In complet? et trol of the election alleged to nave be conducted In a remarkaoie way. EAKOJ3 ATTENDANCE. The Indications at midnight aro tt the meeting will bo marked by tl>3 lai est attendance in person o? memb< of the committee thai has aitenaeu a meeting In recent years. As far as c be gathered from the meagre expressio heard, the Trehy faction appears lo confident of a verdict In their fai on the merits of the case, unless t i'ueta are vastly dllt'eneni from the generally admitted by tho press of N< folk and o? this clly, So far as can be learned, howev neither r.ide will yield the caw, and the suems no alternativo but a long sessi of tho committee, and a stormy 01 in which the factional quarrel, of whl *r.?? jior,?i? ?? Mil p nhaso. will ba fu could not be ascertained, and In allowing .Beavers' "illegal and fraudulent claim of 51.1-?? for exoenaes." The report says? "We find It Impossible to doubt that Mr. Heath. Mr. Van Cott and Mr. Bo:ivers ' himself all knew the payment of this ad? ditional compensation was expressly for? bidden by law. and that It was called 'ex? penses' to evade the prohibition." Grave Abuses. The summary and conclusion of the re? port aie as follows: "As a result of our Inquiry Into the ?Tulloch charges' and of the considera? tions hereinbefore set forth, wo have tho honor to report, that in our iudgmenl: "First?The 'discussion' of the Tullor.n charges' has revealed tho existence of de? plorable and gravely discreditable abuses during the years 1S3S, USS and 1900 in the Washington postoftice, and tho offices of the First Assistant Ppstmas'ter-Genera 1. "Second?These abuse.?, involved conduct on the part of various public officials, which were certainly often illegal, nnd may have been sometimes criminal, but such offenses, If committed, were In all cares, committed moro than Ihreo years before we were ordered to Investigato the charges, and. so far as we are clear* ly Informed, more than three years before Mr. Tulloch's Interview of May 1st last. "Third?Tho evcldence laid before us fugfiests tho possibility and even prona billty, but does not prove that abuses may have continued hoth in the department and in the postonico subsequently to the parly summer of 1MH), when wo lost .sight of them, and that in connection therewith, criminal acts may have been committed within the period of limitations. "Fourth?The ^report,, of Inspector Crowell and .|Jie...facts''' relating to the claim of Georgo W. Beavers; Indicate thu possibility that similar conditions may? have existed both within and beyond the period of limitations in tho New York postofBoes "Fifth?Tho persons primarily responsi? ble for the abovo men Honed abuses and the resulting scandals appear to have been Perry S. Heath, then First Assistant Postmaster-General, nnd George W. Beavers, then chief of salaries and al lowance division, neither of whom, Is now In the service of Hie United State-i Mr. Smith Shares Blame. "Sixth-Charles Emery Smith. Inte Postmaster-General; James P, Wlllott, laie postmaster of Washington, now de? ceased; John ?. Morrltt. his successor In the said office and ita present inr.tim ber.t: Robert J. Trncewell, comptroller, and Henry A. CaFtle, auditor for the Post office Department, all opr>*t>r to have shared, In some measure, their responsi? bilities; the 1-ite Postmaster-General for his seeming failure, notwithstanding ie pemtd warnings, to appreciate the gravity of their misconduct and the consequent necessity for Its prompt und ad?quate punishment! the two postmasters for tol? eration of these alaises and obedlonco to plainly Improper orders without exposure, or, apparently, pratesi, und the auditor and comptroller for acting upon lax and arbitrar:? principles In the admnlLxtfa tlon of their respectivo otlliet, whereby Uie payment of Illegal nnd seemingly fraudulent claims by the treasury win rendered postlblo. 'Seventh?The employment of subordt? nstrs' in ipsetoffl?cs about to become, elafslfled for the purpose of tlrjs se. curias th?lr administration without ox? amlnotton Into the classified servir? was A practice In fraude logli, and omciiils guilty of It tiiereby established tliolr own uji'l????, for puhlln employment, "Eighth?The employment of ?orcal'ed laborers' to do 'classified' work was elearlv llliital, -md. under ilio expr?s? di? rections of o.o civil ?ervico rules, 'o bo punlblH'd by dismissal from ofneo. Conspiracy to Defraud. "Ninth?An agreement by "Vny publ'O ftftlrer with any person, whether in 01 out of the public service .-u the i|m? thai the laitf-r shall ???.-???G.?.? tho emolument? of public employment under pretenso "i be. [ng employed, without rendering any Mir? vloa? to tho government, constitutes a conspiracy to d'fraud ihn l'iiiied gtLlvs, ?Tenth?The detall of Thomai \V. q>\, mer to different work of ?, lower grade and at ? reduced compensation by ??'. ?. Var.dtrllp, then urlio? fjtcietaiy o? tir? Treasury, under all the clrcunisUncoi ut? ter.dlriK |t, wa? apparently unjust ftrd oppressive, and certuinly disastrous t-?, the Dublin inferen, sin co li wool! bo ?en? ?rally and naturally understood i,y ifiose Always, {(.?member the V\\U Neme taxativa ?romo Quhmw fcur es a CoM la Oao ?>*y> Ckffia 2 D*ye nereo. ?? it uns not oeen ajreaoy oraorra (?) of the administration of tho Wash? ington postoillce, (B) of the administrar tion of the New York postofrice ar.d (C) of tho administration of the ofllce of tho First Assistant Postmaster-General with- | In I he past three years, 2. That a carefully chosen, small com mission be appointed bv the President to report a plan whereby the work of the olllces of the comptroller and of the sev? eral auditors may be removed from till , political, personal or other extraneous In- ? flucnces. VADEN TRIED ON MURDER CHARGE (Special to Tho TImcs-D.'spatch.) CHKSTERFIELD, VA., Dec. 10?The irial of Mr, Walter Vaden for tho mur? der of Robert S. Webster, both of this county, on the ICth of July last, was be-1" gun In the County Court to-day. Judge I L. P. Pool presiding. Mr. Vaden, who has been ou? on bail I since his indictment, has been sitting calmly at the bar to-day between his ut. torneys, Messrs, J2. H. Wills and Charles !.. Page. Ills wife, who is a daughter Ol Ur. E. J. Fowlnes, of VV'interpooK, la ?at the coujihouse, and will ruina.? hete ? cium.s lue niai. Suo Is the mother ot ? t.glu children; ihe youngest is an infant I less than a year old. 'the trial will probably continuo several dayo longer, but Judge Pool seems dis posed to expedite matter? us much us pus. siblo without oo tri men t to the prisoner. WED IN BALTIMORE. ' Mr. Smith and Miss Smith, of Gloucester, Married There. (Special tu Tini ?lmes-Oispntcti.ji BALTIMORE, MD.. Doc. 10. ?Their ilrst trip ou a bay steamer and their lust visit to Baltimore, was the wedding journey of Charles A. Smith and ?Uiss Mary Ann Smith, of Gloucester county, Vo., who came Itero this morning to be married. The shvness of tho bride-elect ntti-iiet yielding, as somo predicted. Mr. Trehy, with his acoustomed activity?, Is also on the ground with his cohorts, and they have not been lule. I30ME WHO ? HE HERE. Among lite prominent local political notablea of Norfolk present besides Cap?; lain Dey and Mr. Trehy aro the follow? ing: Waltei 1-1. Taylor. M. Low, Leon Salzberg. Joseph T. Lawless, John L. Jolt ries. ?. is. Joyneo. Major T. J. Not? tingham, Ralph ? P. Gaue, 'vT: P. Ober? d?rfer, James E. Prince. W. II. Minor, J. T. Holland. E. T. Thomas. W. H. Jacques. D. A. Underdown, J. M. Swinsoh, L. C. Davidson, ex-Congressmun v\ A. Young, James ?-. Hlddick, J. O. Luid, E. J. Gorman, W. D. Wallers. F. H. Lew? is, Delogaift-elect VV. tl. Uunii. Muut?co Thurman. R. J. Malbon, J. J. 'Allen, J. N. Spcdocn,.M. J. L-uniion, J. R. Hudson, G. T. Darby, Joseph T, Duke and U. u. Tunstall. Colonel George C. Cabell. at? torney for. tho Ley ^forces, is! ill. I) b?rti, und has been In ilio city for a day or two. /A number of the members of tho com? mittee carne In lust night, and it is cer? tain that a mujorlty will bo pre;ont in person. Now In the city are Clanuetl li. Jones, J. Boyd Sours and R. L. All worth: VV. W. Dey, Geo. W.Joiiea, J. M. Curtis (will arrive ,n the morning); Jno. C. Eusley, p. v, Cogbill, Joun j. Lyiicn, John'S. Harwood, A. D. Nuiik.ns, It, A. James, George Mi Helms, D. U!. LygLr ston. A. i-\ cruddock. John S. Panari, P. F. St. Clair, T. A. Lynch, Joseph But? ton, Edward Echols, Irving P. Wniteaead and W. P. Barksdalo. There are twefi?y two already here; with tho prospect of many arrivals In the Tuo indi? cations uro that proxies will cereal,dy bo in a i minority; and will be equally di? vided between tho two facilone. ^.i.aiimaii j, Taylor Eiiy.-on btatcd last night that the committee was d.spos?d io give eacii' side a full and lair hearing. ..o believed, and woulcl decide t.,e cute, su- ct iv on Ita merits, Further than thin he Old not une io u? ciao.od. Nellu?i' uf lliu loaders of the rivai factions was disposed to seek publicity lust nislu. 1'i.eio us every prospocl that both s.des win be heavily re ? ito re ed to-day, and when the committee is called to order tho large- as? sembly roum In Murphy a lio.el w.ll be crowded. TRIAL OF .STRENGTH The flihi teal of Hiroacsnv in the com? mittee will, It is expected, bo precio taled over the effort by the Trehy faclon .o force the cominitteo to give Lhnm acuosa to the poll hooka, wh ch, it Is alleged, has been denied thern heretofore, '.I ho Ley In no other cut glass Is found such crystal clearness, purfoc?lon of cut? ting, beauty ot doslim and brllllauoo. THE E. B, TAYLOR CO., Exclusive Richmond Agent?, M? 1011 e. Main St. 9 E. Broad St ? STATEMENT OF FISHER Continued From Fir'st Pago.) resulted In giving your city tho best transit facilities In the South. I nm vary busy with negotiations nf much Importance to me. ar,d am, therefore, unablo at present to devote time to Rich? mond matters in which I havo no In? terest. Yours truly, (Signed) G, E. FISHER. ABOUT THE BONDS. In dealing with tho bonds charged against htm In the Northrop paper, Cap? tain Plzzlnl submitted tho following, sot? ting forth what had been done with them! Virginia Company, bonds nnd preferred stock, 169.000; A. B. Gulgon, bonds, $10.000; W. P, Jenltlns, bonds, tS.000; F. Slttftrdlng? bonds and preferrod slock. $20,000; J. D. Patton, bonds and preferred stock, $23,000; M. M. Martin, bonds and preferred, stock, $20,000; D. A.' Alnslle, bonds and preferred stock, $10,000; E. G. Wilson, Now York, bonds, $S0.0M; William Thorpo, New York, bonds, $25.000; ?. ???????, Jr., bonds, $50.000.,Total, $201,000. Statements as submitted by Mr..North? rop: Bonds to A. P. Jr., (M. M. and others), $120,000; bonds to A. P., Jr., tM. M. and others) $101,000; preferred stock to A.V.P. Jr.. and others, $30,000; pre? ferred stock to A. P.. Jr., and others, $10i00. Total, 5204,000. ' Tho meetrng was called to ordir at 8 o'clock by Chairman Minor, and a quo? rum of the members answered to their names. The chair laid before the body the let? ter from Mr. Gcnrce B. Fisher, which Is printed above, and Captain A. Plzzlnl, Jr., took the stand nnd was examined by Mr. PollDrd first. He was asked as to tho statement of the amounts alleged to have been? pa'd to him In connection with tho Papsonner and Power Company's fights. Tho Items were called bv Mr. I Pollard, and the first one of $2.R?O Put I I down ("A, Plzzlnl, Jr.?') (M. M. M.), the witness said, went to Major Martin. Me referred to bis public Interview, In which ho had culled for the vouchers cor? responding with the various amounts. WENT TO NEW YORK. Re said he heard nothing from Mr.? j NorthniD as to the vouchers, and so ha > went to Now York nnd saw Mr. Fisher. i . Here Captain Plzzlnl submitted tho ' slaloment made to him by Mr. Fisher, ? which Is printed above. Witness stated ho could not say from memory what had been done with each Item, but h? l--"w tho money had nil been properly used for the company's legitimate business. He was asked as to several of the larger Items specifically. but he could not say except In a general I way what the monev hij b^en used for. I NONE TO CO?KCILMEN, Witness again reiterated that eo far p s ; ho knew none of tho money or b mis ? wont to pay Councilman or city ? offici-il 5. When nslted by General Anderson If ? witness knew of any way In which to got 1 Mr. Fisher here, the latter asked General Anderson If ho knew Mr. Fisher. He then went on to say that the New York , man would norther come nor testify un ; lew ho should to do so. as he was I a man who would not be compelled to do I things against his will. ' \ The body at 0 o'clock excused Cnpia'n Pizzinl nnd went Into executive session. I When this was ovor Chairman .Minor an : nounced that there would be no further meetings for the purpose of taking testi? mony. While no definite arrangements i were miirle concerning the drawing of tho ? report, it Is expected thnt this work will be done by Chairman Minor and the City Attorney, and lhatilt mude to the Council In January. PLANT WILL CASE. Judge Reserves Decision?Inter? esting Points Involved. (By Associated Press.) NEW HAVEN, CONN,, Dec. 10.?In or? der io guard tho r ghtB or the possible Is? sue of an eight-year-old ci.lid .Judge Livingston w. Cleavoland In the Prob .to Court to-day reserved his decision on the petition of parties Intorested In tho estate of tho late millionaire Henry B. Pant, ask ng the court to.doclfire New York ln stondy of New Haven to have been t..e ?.-en ine cause. ROOT TO RESCUE OF GENERAL WOOD ? By Associated-Press.) ?? WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. --The Se?alo Commute?) on Military Affaira to-night concluded Ha Investigation of charges against Uonoral Lconavd Wood, Wed rot? mi? purpose of preventing in? coniinn'a? tion B8 .u.iJor-Ci-iieiai. . Heereiury Loot ...... me ouiy v>iliu.-.ij to-day. Ho nan aatabllshed over a Century, 1802-1003. THE THOUGHT of Christmas should not remain a thought? // is NO W lime for activa prepa? ration. Up to Decombor 18th, wo will bo pleased to send uoods out of town on (ppruval. .All correspondence rjlven very prompt and careful attention, Jililse cieavoinno uppoimcu uuuiu? r, Robinson, of Now Haven, counsol for tho grandson. Henry Bradley Plani, as his ail ?tom. Ha also nppoln oil William H. Ely, df this city, as ????;?p1?.?.?? ad lliem for tho three Hoadley children, VIRGINIA BRIEFS. (Special to Tho Timos?Dispatch.) nOANOKtC. VA., Deo. JU-Mll, ? V?f A Reyneias, ?on of Rev, J. NcD. Reynolds, oc itili city, was noolilonially klllod In l'itt*iuirs wttcidin- while workine for tli ? Amen un I'.iUv.ii company, Ho was nwoniy-four y?ar* ?N<fnrOLIC. VA.^-Mlss Olilo ?. Sauniers, whose liana WM ruined by being caunut pe? twiin two street cur seals, bus bnci) awarded a verdict oC S-.W!) OKUlnst tho utruot cur oom '"????????p??. VA.~Tho Lunenburg Taleph"he tin: foienooii session a?? o??upiid tue ui ????????? O? ilio ci.i.ninitiei.1 iu-ai?al noni ;, o clOCk uiilil H.-'J. 'ine collimine? will invi to-mono w ??, vii ojiar? its report, It is understood, tliiit omunii.iUim will i>o reooniuienijcil by u voie o( b w S. A minority report will be mude by the oji poslnii member? of the committee, The KtitiuiMiiy of Bocretary Bogt is Gait | Jewell?r?, Sllven I ?07 Pen nay i li. t?9 imiths, Stationers, 'vania Avenue, Company will l'uve its ?id? compiei?? w Counnouse by Friday. This lino will ba of tin! most ?iibstnntlul,? wltun compio ed, ? Bouilmld?, und Is the only WUr?e W}'.?.' nectS l.uiwiiburB with the outside 'world. ?noil supply off 'phones will ba put 1.1 Eranch lin? ? vs-tll bo run. wiu.iAMsnimo, /A.*Tli? W?*JK,? Allen Coni Nowmaii, of Maculer, Y?? ?.ou ? ??. Urlilo nubbins, of Sew.-Kenj, ? i:iH.'UUj uni M.llj- (ICI lUl.'ii! HIHI ll?lli Utili do -of Ouiiaial Wood in the hearing, ivi?, has ?Mended alane ub?:i| the hu? lling of the i-MrinniJiiiary sa?;?: Ion of igre-9*. This testimony, hov.aver, cov ,1 tii, entire range ?f tho evidence pro? ???il against ?o.?u ml IVood and was nun. ted in many Instances with corros idenc? and other itiu talion from re? ? is at ? in? War Department, covering jieiiwi of Genera] Wood's administra" ? as OoNenioi-r;eiK-ruJ of Cuba, Sec my Hoot undertook to ai-siinic the ole responsibility for the orders issued General Wood, affi-cilng the Judicial leu: in Cuba and concerning the eon. Jon granted to th? Jal Alai Company Havana. Ho jtihtlned tho accepta nee Washing'.on, O. ?, PERobNAL, If Mrs. Itebucca Payne, Mrs. Kiiflc I'nyne und Mrs. John Ilobinsuit idiould aev thl>? ad., would one or alt kindly con? iiiuilcntu with Mrs. ?, ?.'. JKiy. S ? j i n ? r iuiaiidf nt of Hospital Work fnrW. fl, T. V., tin, mo Fortieth Street, Nrooklyn. ?. V, HOTICE, FREE CONCERTS. O? r tiore will be open every evening unt'J ti o'clock until Xmas Day. Yurli Itlvur Church al 8 o'clock in vn? un "pOVPTOI?, VA.-I.lttle ?unico Or?l flflughUr of Mr. Molvlll OiiTory. fell ? ; ilr..? waterday morning and \W ??,?*4?'J??' ihm ?im dle4 ln?t night. '?? "tUc 0,le ' ftW&Vptt?A?'fe:? inai?, h cur lii*i>ocior for th? B?uth"in Itali? 12 o'clock hy a noi thbomul train In H>o HI ?????,?, li?ederloksblilg amiPot in?? '?? ,f '0 city. It? had gone into the office on 1 ???? nnq iu* oa li? ?teppe, out on the main ir, hVt'miq ,G.???.??? hhu. mux Mft?J$M?i' Ik h, curvlvcl by a wlfu mid two cliliuron. Failed of Quorum., The Committee on Streets failed to 1RS. SYDNEY BASS HUR?BYSTREETCAR /as Thrown Out of Her Buggy and Very Painfully Injured. A little before 2 o'clock yesterday after? ?on two street cars, going lu opposite rcctlons, and a horse nnd buggy In .argo of Mrs. S. D. Bass, of No. 161fj oDon migli Stfcot, Manchester, got Ixed up badly at tho corner of Eigh enth nnd Franklin Stroots. Tho buggy us completely wrecked, tho car fendora ere damaged and the lady In tho buggy us painfully hurt. At first It was thought she had boen rlously Injured, but the physicians at ???Virginia Hospital, upon examination, und that she hud sustained a fracturo the collar bone, with soveral bruises >out the head and shoulders, l'ho accident created Intensa exoite ont, and several hundred peoplo gatli ed In tho vicinity In less than flvo The Cable Company. Ximw Special Sale. Our Special Bargains Are Going Fast. ? As Onristroas tlraws nearer Ilio thront,' of eaRor buy?rs in our store iticroascs. Tuo stock of magnificent instru? ments is rapidly ?growing small, but there are still loft great inducements to buy at this time. Bargains Innumerable. If! .Cirsi on rissi ? ?, ???r? Inutes altor the buggy had boon struck. The, car men woro detained by the First ilice ofllcors, because it was thought nt ?at that Mrs. Bass hud boen killed. ioy are E, J. Ryan, conduotor, and H. Jenkins, motorman, of Car No. 102; . F, Hamilton, motorman, arid J. C. 3ame, conductor, of car No, 3SI. rho ambulance, In charge of Dr. Rex, sponded to a call, and the lady was ken to the Virginia Hospital. Sho is unconscious, and no one know hor. ie only clue to her Identification was grocery list In her pocket, ? signed 1 A. Newman," VTrs. Bass was driving down Franklin reot. At Eighteenth she attempted oss the car tracks. Tho motorman ng his bell and the litarse stopped. Ho en started his car again. Meanwhile re. Basn, thinking/she had time to nss, whipped up,nor horse and tho ash (?me, neither h-slng able to stop time. The lady/was thrown out upon e ground. She |ay unconscious, and It is,at first thought she was killed. Tho her car was stopped, but the vehlolo is drugged against It by the first car. Urs. Base was In Richmond shopping. d had the list of things she Intended rchaslng written on a memorandum P. ?Yom tho hosp'tal last night It was re irtert that her Injuries were not serious, t quite painful, She remained uncon lous for a long time, due to tho blow tho head and shock. It Is likely that she will be able to bo moved In a few days. Santa Clans Club. The CTiureh Hill Santa Clous Club Is ?ins a splendid work In providing Christ? as cheer for the poor and unfortunate, ie work Is deservedly receiving general mmendatlon and assistance. HE QUAKER GELATINE PRIZES he Hustling Firm of Kelley & Dudley Are Distributing $200 of Prize Money. Messrs. Kelley & Dudley, merchandise okers and manufacturers' agents, of C ?\5 ? F/? VillUIU ig ht Pianos, ue, the holiday (195.00. S? Per Month, ecdfor IO Years. 1^ v. y* Kj . %j Upright Pianos Still Left. They formorly sold lori'SoO, dur? ing tho holiday? they go for $269.00. Terms : $7 Per Month. Guaranteed for 10 Years. and Scarf Free With Every Piano. ft Disposing of These Piano./? Vhile You are Making Up Your Mind. ) Our Store, We Will Convince You. d-Hand ight Pianos, rice from ?2D0 to ?O00, ng Irom 50.00 up. S 1.50 Per Week. Just the Thing for a Beginner. Square Piano./?. A number of good ones left, tlS to #50. Terms: 52 Per Month. iy Now, We Deliver Xmas Eve. ndle Everything in the Music Line. log'r&phs Graphophones nder and Disc Records, $15 to $7S> Talking Machlnoson easy terras. Our stouk is largoond 11 tbu standard makes, D New Recods Just Received. oml consignment tins number during this Hpeclal sale. 10 regular ftdo Becords and will bo sold for 25o each. East cary atroci, arc t progressive business Thoueh thov have been ? ? I M?..i J?J n??^. rl Remember, We Sell 50c I ai...u? business together only nine years, ,' are to-day In the front rank In r lino; and represont some of tho rest and best known houses In the ted States, Both are young men, yet forty years of age, but aro brlm of business, ftnd owing to their repu on, business sagacity and facilities Introducing now products to trse sery trado, their services are often cited by foreign manufacturers and Icrs. They believe in advertising, and ?79 Guitars, Mandolins, Autoharps, 2 Small Instruments < Criterion M? lucu rsccmuj ??? ?.^l, ? I ?anjos, ^ hers and Accord?ons. ?' Ail Kinds. ic Boxes?Best Made, f It betoro ino punite; je?nng nssiirna mat tho merit of tho goods will suffice to hold Its own after a proper Introduction. They handle to-day ? volume of business and havo connections from New York >.o New Orleans, and penetrato considera? ble of tho West. They have Introduced some of the most popular goods now used here, and are at present actively engaged in tho Intro, auction of "Guakor Gelatine," and, to quote them, they say. "Wo Intend to make tho Quaker Gelatine ns famous as rhe Fox River Butter, which has a world-wide reputation, and which, you Know, we Introduced here." They have also Introduced on this mar? ket, besides tho products of the Fox niver Butter Company, who, by tho ivay, claim'to be the largest producers of pure butter In the world, the famous five cent package of Brazil Shred Cocoanut, manufactured by tho Franklin Baker Company, of Philadelphia; the Yellow Stone Park Cigar, one of tho best nickel cigars mudo (If tho writer is any judgo of a good smoke, and ho Is an Inveterato smoker); the J. 13. M. Flour, an exception? ally high grado patent winter-wheat flour, made in tho "Blue Grass State," and which has an enormous sal?, as wotl as the famed Hummer Soap, which, In its day, had a powerful run, and which they advertised mostly In vorse, written ny a member of the firm, ono ad. of which the writer yet remombers as run? ning thus: "The quality's up, tho ?price is down, And Hummer Soap now rules the town." Many other first-class articles have been Introduced hem by this enterprising firm which cannot ho enumerated at tl-o moment. At this time they aro pushing the Quaker Gelatine, and a? they are In this Instanco, as with other things, giving It a wldo circulation. It is evident that "Quaker Gelatine" has become an Impor? tant factor In tho table cui sino, In our Interview with Messrs. Kelley & Dudley, they report having sold sev? eral largo consignments ?lnce their first advertisement, and they claim that from now until Christmas the consumption of this article should greatly increase as tho holidays draw near. They say that the denl they aro now making on the Quaker Colatine Is tho host they have yet offered. Thoro will he $K00 distributed on December 20th to tho twenty-eight ?jpnrsons who turn In the largest number ? if coupons, The prizes rango from $1C0, tho first prize, down to $2, the lowest prize. In addition t? this, they offered a Kruphophone to the person sending In the largest nuinlttr of coupons to date of Novombor 28th. This handsome present lins been awarded and delivered, as here? tofore recorded. Thoy also solicit the good will of the grocer by offering to thorn four prlnes, aggregating S10S, for the four host window displays made with Quaker Qelntlno. Whether or not tlioro aro olhnr prizes yet to follow, Messrs. Kelley & Dudley ?<'<iuM not any. Would only eny that ?G thoro wore others thoy. would notify tho publie through tho papers, as they have, dono previously. They did say, how? ever, that thoy anticipated something further that would be novel and Inter? esting, und they ndvlse everybody to tavo up tha Quaker Gelatine coupons r.nd to mail them to tho Interslut.j Chem? ical Company, Baltimore, Md., who are ??? manufacturers of?- this article, noi later than the l?th of this month, so ns to have a chance of winning some ono of tho pr)K9l offered. Tho drafts are inart.j out already, and are on exhibition in the window of Rothort & Company, yourtu and Broad Streets, and will be paid oat on the 20th of December to the iucky winners, by ? Meier?. ' Kelley & Dudley themselves, 213 East Broa>d Street. J, G. CORLEY, Manager. o [MENSE CROWDS lEAR CHAMBERLAIN ?mer Colonial Secretary Makes Last Speeches of the Year on Fiscal Policy. (By Associated Press.) 3BDS. Decomber 16. Joseph Chamber addressed two 1'mtnense audiences ? to-night, malting the last specch-S his fiscal campaign' fur tho present ie feature of Mr. Chamberlain's speech he Coliseum was his annoui,cement of fact that ho has been engaged in gei toKuihor a uuntuiilicu io make in? ?. Y. CONFEDERAI DAUGHTERS DAI Annual Celebration at Sir a Brilliant Social Event. (By Associated Press.) NTSW YORK, Dec. lO.-The Xev Chapter of thn Daughter? of the C erucy gave its annual dunco at S this ovonlng- In tho small ball-ro was a large and brilliant affair, r tended by most of the fashionable rrr set in town. The guests wcro r will result In clearing away many dliu culiles, When the reports nre completed Sir. Chamberlain ?aid he expected to bo In ?? position to formulato a tariff bill accept? able to the country, which will not only foster imperlai trade, but wiilon will en? able ?'roat Britain to ^glve trade advan? tages lo those who are prepared lo len? der hor slmllur favors. Mr. Chamberlain spolie sarcastically of tho free ??odern, who, he salu, had gone to. tho bottom of nn Inclined piano with the home rulera and the ljittle Engl?nd? ers, and he wished them Joy in their com? pany. In conclusion Mr, Chamberlain sa"d ho advocated "tho splendid Isolation" of the mother country and hor aolonlul ohildtoii us a famiily, stuudlng together through good and ilirough ill. This might be a uruam, said Mr. Chumberlaln, but they hud the power to make it a reality. CRESCENT CITY RACES. Two Favorites Land First Money. Horse Falls in Third Race, CUy Associated Press, ? NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 16.?The Bobby and [verni*, wero tho winning>. favorite? to-day. Of the other winners Both JSvs Russell and Cardinal Wolsoy woro well supported. J. ?P. Muyborry, favorito lu tho third race, fell ut tho half-mile polo. Tho colt and rider, W. Hieles, both es cupod injury, Summary: Finit race?fivo furlongs?Evn Russell (E to 1) first, Palmist (lu to 1) eecond, Bid Silvor (5 to 1) third. Timo, 1:03. Second ruco?selling, one mile and n quarter?Tho Bobby (?! to 5) llrst, Free Admission (S to 1) second, I-IayvJ.rci Hun? ter (5 to 1) third. Timo, ?: 10 -l-?. Third race?two yon ri olds, s!k fur? longs?Morning Star (1 lo 1) flret, Mr. Pickwick (8 to 1) seoond, Bronx (10 to l'i third. Time, 1:15 2-5. Fourth raue?selling, mile?Ivernln (7 to 2) llrst. Mynheer (10 to 1) second, Mae Beth (5 to 1) third. Time, 1:43. Fifth race?six furlongs?Cardinal Wol sov (3 to 2) flret. Bon Mot (Q to 5) sec? ond ? Major Manslr (100 to l) third. Time. J:15 2-5. Sixth rape--?v?He. eelllnKWriie Messen gor (5 to ?.) firs1? Lee King (30 to 1) second, Pompino (15 to ?) third. Time, ? rfruwn, Airs. J. 1A H&rton. ftirs, wiuuni xt .Martin. Mrs. John J. Crawford, Mrs. William D. Chlldu, Mrs. M. L?, Brondna* and Mrs. lilytiic, president of the Phlla?? a?,???a chapter, ! On account of recent Illness, Mr?? Jeffer? son Davis, tho honorrtrv president o,' Ih? oliupter, who was to ??a?? bf*-n an Ihr? reception committee, was unable to b? present. A iniiff-t kuptw was served throughout tho evening. Tho ball room during, the iuineln.<t preseniPd a charming tcono. it was docoratod with quantities of South? ern eniiiux, and (hi* music .sallcry was druped with tho stars and stripes und ih? con todera to Hag. Woodward ? Son, Lumber Hardwoods, Mahogany White Pine, Yellow Pine, Hough and Dressed. California Redwood SHINGLES. Yards Covering Savon Aores, Muln Ottico: Ninth & Arch Streots. Hlohniowl, Virginia. HOT DRINKS. While down-town ?hoiiplng drou In and try some of Ilio d.llclnue hsl druiks at our fountain. Vou'll enloy ,he drink?the rest will do you good ln cliK-iitally, you imii MUililllj our ria Kaut eai'Oi'tmcnt of Chrli I mat no cltlus. POLK MlU.litl DHUO CO., ?a. ??i 13. Main ?troot.