Newspaper Page Text
Letters to Santa Claus ! fContlnued from Ninth Pago.) Richmond, Va., Dec. 15, 1!V3, Dear Old Santa: I tira a little boy Just nine years old. I wnnt you to bring mo some oranges, a drum, some nuts and some cutidles and a pair of Shoes, ? cop nnd nn express wagon and coal nnd Ir? wagon. Bring these things to your li'lund, LOUIS CLARK, No. 617 North First St. ' By-by, dear Santa. Dear Santa: I am a a little boy eight year old. Please bring mo nn overcoat, candy, nuts, fireworks. 1 did not write to you last year, so you did not not como to see me. I wnnt an express wagon, too. 1 wont ask much for my little Brother Willard. 1 Ilvo No. 610 Twenty-third Street My ?amo is DANIEL SHFjEHAN. Dear Santa: Please bring rao candy, nuts, ? turntable train, cars and lots of other things, Christmas tree, and don't forget the big boy, Andrew Bahen, ho Jives ai our house. I am Civo years otd, nnd my name is WILLIE SHEEHAN. No. E10 Twonty-thlrd Street. ', Richmond, Va., Dec. 15. 1903, Dear Old Santa: 1 am a little boy Just seven years old last August. I would like for you to bring mo ? Cap, a pair of Phoes, oranges, candles nnd some fire- \ works and an express wagon to haul wood in for my mamma. Now, Dear Santa please bring ma these things that 1 have asked for. Your dear little friend, DANIEL J. FARRAR. ?a 610 North First Street. Den 14, 1903. 3Hy Dear Old Santa: I will wrlt<? to you again this year, I am only a little boy fou- years old. Mi? nami is Russell. I only want a few Uilnjxf, a Police Patrol, Over Cont, trim? med In Brass Buttons, a white cap, a horn, and milk wagon. I will go to bed Boon, and sleep tight. Good hy. I remain your little boy, RUSSELL DUNN AVANT. I De? 14, 190? Dear Old Santa: J nm your llt-tle boy, Earl, and I wish for i on to know what I want. I wish a pair boots, air Rifle, cap, some games, book, horn and many other things and don't forget my mother, father, grannie and all. Good by. I am your little boy, EARL DUNNAVANT. Richmond. Va., Dec. 14, 1903, Dear Old" Santa Claus: j I will again write to you this year, t am a little girl ten years old. My name Is Ethel. 1 want you to bring me a doll, a carriage and a chair and a new dress ar.d ? horn and some games and story books, and some candy and nuts and some ?!re works. That's all I wnnt, I remain as ever, your little girl, ETHEL DUNNAVANT. 715 South Pine Street, city. Richmond, Va.. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring mo a lea set, para? sol, pair rubbers, pnlr mitts, ring, nice little game, and some good things. Goon bye. From ETHEL LAWRENCE, 123 Danco St. Richmond, Va. Dear Santa Claus; I ama little girl four years old. I wish you would bring me a doll baby and carriage, tea set, tablo, pair of little white mitts, and a sot of furs, and lots of good things. Good bye, dear Santa Claus. From little BADIE LAWRENCE. 1?J3 Dance St Richmond, Va. Dear Santa Claus: ' Ise going to ask you to bfng me a Ittle doat and Jumper, a Ittle horn, train, air ifle, pop tackers, pair ubber doots an ? high chair for my Hier slser a little rubber ball where 1 won't bake ummor's windows. Hfs li all, dear Santa, an a Ittle feetart. Good bye. From FRED PERKINS. 2307 W. ?Main St ? .? Richmond, Va. Dear Santa'* Claus.;' I. am it' little; girl seven years old. 1 wish you would bring me a doll baby, and carriage. tea set, table, pair of little white mitts, set of furs, and lots of good things. Good byo. I am SauTc'a llttlo sister. t?niltn. My ?amo Is RUBY LAWRENCE, 1223' Dorico St. Richmond, Va.. Dee. 10, 1003. Dear Stinta: I would llko for you to bring mo a train of cars, ? tiro engine thnt will run by Itself. Givo mo pomo flroworka and candy. 1 nm four yottra old. Bring sis? ter a rubber doll, Yours truly, ALFRED F. DIETRICH. Doc 14, ?03. Denr Santa Claus I I want you to bring mo a doll, carriage, horn, washboard and tub, doll trunk, candy and nuts, nnd act of dishes, If you can, With love 1 am Your llttlo girl, MARY ELLEN NETHERWOOD, ? 3310 E. Brond St, City. ; Doc. 14, 1003. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring llttlo Jim a tuto tuto horn, pop crackers, chock drops, nuts, nnd don't forget llttlo sister, JAMES NETHERWOOD, ' 3310 13. Broad Ct., City. Richmond, Va., Doc. 16, 1O03. Dear Santa: Will you pleas.3 bring mo two dolls, nn Intant and ono little larger, as you brought mo a big doll two years ago. Now bring me a big carrlago for her. Also bring1 me some paper dolls, some gamos, somo furniture, and a pretty ring?anything you choose to bring me, and than 1 want somo nuts, candy, oranges, apples, From your little friend, LILA PRTDDY. Eighty years old. 1010 West Cary St. Richmond, Va? Doc, 14, 1303. My Dear Old Santa: You are Just the old gentleman that I like to write to, You are always so nice to those little children that are good and kind to their parents. Now Santa, 1 am Just one of those kind of little girls, always try to do what my papa and mamma tell mo, So I know dear Santa that you are not going to over? look me. You are going to give me Just what I ask for. I would llko for you to bring me a gold ring, pair of glove?, bicycle, doll, baby house, nuts and orange? and candles. I am just nine years old. From one of your little girls. LEAH BELLE FARRAR. No. 610 North First Street. i Richmond, Va? Dec. 15, 1903. Dear Santa: Please bring mo a pair boots, suit of clothes, pair mittens, cap, book, game, some handkerchiefs, pop- j crackers, baby-wakers. skrockets, Roman candles, devil chasers, rod lights, cal'es, candy, orange and nuts. Now Santa please don't iorget your little boy, OTTO HILLER. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy five years old, and have to get my cousin to write to you for mo. I want a suple Jack, an Iron wagon, a bank, firework? and some oranges, and some candy, My sister Grace wants a doll baby go-cart, a doll baby, a trunk, flroworks, oranges and candy. Wo aro your little boys, GRACE AND LUC?AN THOMAS. Richmond. Va. No. 215 1-3 Suoht Cherry. Dear Santa: Please bring me a Henty book, a game and anything else that you have to spare, lours truly, COLTON WTLLIAMS. No. S07 East Leigh Street, Richmond, Va. Dear Santa Claus: Brlnpr me Atomoble. Please bring spess wagon, Candies and nuts nnd Plenty of fire works and Oranges and apples and trains. Good by Santa Claus. From WALTER BAHEN. E10 Twenty-third Street; S years old. Richmond, Va., Dec. 11, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I thought I would drop you a letter toll? ing you what I want for Christmas. I want a paint box and a llttlo kick-up, nr.d a wheel, and a tricycle, and a big doll and scrap-book. That Is all. Good by, yours truly, CLAUDIA MAY GARDNER, 1009 West Grace. Dec. 16, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I arc a little boy almost four years old: been very good, and 1 want you to please bring mo a express wagon and phllosa pruc and gun and fire works and candles. Pleas? don't forgot to bring my Sister Alelso a baby and carriage. My name is Rush! Rush!! Rush!!! That's just what shopping is going to he this week and you'll find it to 3'our ad? vantage to go to the store that gives you the quickest service and the largest stock to pick from?that store in the Furniture and Carpet line, is A FEW REMARKS. We've had several dozen people tell ns that we had all the other stores skinned to death on Book Cases, Desks and Combination Cases. For a gift to an employer nothing surpasses a Leather Turkish Rocker or Couch, You forget you're living when you sit in one of ours. Our present stock of Rugs and largc-siml Druggets is as good as the one we. showed in September. Just a few more $3.85 Morris Chairs left?come quick. We hardly think it's ne? cessary to remind you that we've got a big assortment of Rocking Chairs, etc., etc., and we're busy, so won't say any more. 419,21 E. Broad St. Credit Given On Any Purchase If It'll Ifejp You. ' ?> _ CHRISTMAS! gl?Mwnre to be moit Appreciated ihoutd be Dorflinger Glassware Up.lo.dale dealer? keep il. See trade? mark label. 0^b Holninn Powers, my No. Is 214 South. Lau rei Street, I'csr Santa: Please bring mo' a happy horse, sota, doll baby, go-cart, wagon, Iron, uuts and candles, pimnute and fireworks. Don't torgot Miss Leila und Miss Barnes. Don't forget to bring my papa some good medicine? to make him well. Your little girl, JOSEPHINE MURRAY, 1000 AVest Clay Streot Dear Santa: Flense bring mo a writing desk, a largo bed, a set of furniture,' rocking chair, nuts and flro crackers, peanuts and can? uten, a tricycle, a tea set and my sister want? a ibloyclo. Good bye. Your little girl, , GERTRUDE MURRAY. Richmond, Va., Dec. 17. 1903. Dear Santa: 1 am a little boy 12 years old and I want, a phonograph nnd I want overythlng belonging to It and a drum and a horn. I want some candy, oranges, nuts and some fire works, I am. a good little boy. I will go to bed at 8 o'clock and go to sleep, I will not peep. Santa don't forget mamma and papa and aunt Annie nnd my two sisters. Good bye, from your little friend, OSCAR BAXTER, 612V6 China Street Dear Santa Claus: Wilt you please bring me a nice d>11, a work box, a comb and brush, an umbrella, a pocket book and j|cme story books. Please don't forget ?rt\y little sister and brothers In Brooklyn. Yours etc., 'ft CATHARINE GRIMES. December ID, 1903. Wyndham, Vn? Dec. 18. 1903. Dear Santa Claus: Will you please bring me a llttlo piano, also some candy, ap rles, oranges nnd nuts. I am a little girl seven years old. I will be much obliged to you for these, 1 am your llttlo friend, S. THELMA HARRIS. Wyndham. Va., Dec. 18. 1903. Dear Santa Clnus: I am a little boy four yc-ars old and I want you to bring me this Christmas a little banjo, If you can. ? I am so anxious for both. Please bring me also some enndy.; apples, oranges and nuts. Please bring me all of these If you can. Hoping you may come to see mo Christmas, I am vour little friend. GEORGE C. HARRIS. Manchester, Va.. Dec 16, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 7 yenrs o]d. I don't want much this Christ All I want is a doll and I want a teaset and a pair of rubbers and some candy and some nuts nnd some apples r.ncl some oranges. Good bye Santa Claus. This Is all I want this Christmas. HELEN PARKINSON,' 214 E Sixth Street Richmond, Va-, December. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a fire ongluo and a steam engine, and that Is all. Your friend, KENDALL .KING. Ago seven years. Richmond, Va,, December. Dear Santa Claus: ' Pienso send me an animal book and a set of dishes nnd doll baby and nuts and candles. Good-bye, dear Santa Claus. Your friend, RUTH R. ADAMS. Aged eight years. Manchester, Va.. Deo. 16, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: Please send me a train, a horse and wagon nnd a billy gont and ?. merry go round, a little cow und some candy and nuts and this Is nil 1 waril and hopo that you witl bring mo these thing*. Your true little friend. WALTER WlLLtAMSON, No, 601 Hull Street '' 'Only tnr?a years old. Itlchmohd, Vfl?, Deeemhor, Dear Santa Cintisi Please bring mo a "desk and a black? board, some oranges, windy, nuts: that Is all L want you to bring mo, So good? bye. From your little friend, ALTA HOPKINS. Age notion, years. Don't forget my teaoher. Richmond, Va., December. Dear 8anta; Claus: .Piense bring mo a doll.atul some candy and some oranges and some nuts, and, Santa, don't forget my teacher. Your llttlo trioni, VIOLET, SAELZER. Ago eight your?. . Richmond, Va., Docombor. Dear Santa Claus: . . Please bring mo a tool chest nnd eomo candy and plenty of fireworks. I am your little friend, \ HENRY BATLTSS. Ago eight years. .Good-bye. Ploaso bring my teacher somo things, too.. Richmond, Va., Decomber. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me an umbrella, a nice story book and some fireworks. Your little boy, Age ?seven years. CLAYTON RANLETT. Richmond, Va?, Decomber. Dear Santa Clans: Please bring me a largo doll and a drawing slate nnd lots of good things to oat, and don't forget my two little brothers. . Your friend, LOUISE NUCKOLS. Ago eight years. Dear Santa Clous: I hopo you will bo kind enough to remember me this Christ? mas as you said when I shook hands with you that you wns coming to see me. I don't want much becauso I know you have So much to carry around. I want a llttlo billy goat, about as tall as I am, a wheel barrow, some candy and nuts, wagon and horn and bring brother Gordon a paint brush and box and oblige your little boy. JAS. J. SMITH. ? 1107 N. 20th St., City. Dear Santa Claus: As I am a little boy living in the country, I wont ask you to bring me,much. I want a gun to shoot ducks on papa's pond and some gaso? line to run my little boat, a horn, some candy and. rruts. That's all. Your little boy, FRITZ FRANCK. East Richmond. Henrico Co. Dear Santa Claus: I am a good little girl and would like to have a lot of things but I am afraid you wouldn't be able to bring them. First I want a doll baby and carriage, picture > books, rattler and horn, a pair of red stooklnge and shoes and bring Cousin Llllle a .tricycle and horn and bring mamma and papa an au? tomobile and oblige your little girl. LILLIAN BURGEE. :? ?208 E. Broad St, City. Dear Santa Claus: Xmas times and you nlways bring everybody evorytrjlng, I wish you -would bring mo an ice wagon, pistol, popcrackers, candy,, wheel bar? row; would like a now suit of clothes and a hat too. If you have any to fit me. Don't forget a horn. Hope you are well, se.goodbye, from your little boy. .GEORGE LAMB, ! '.-..'? ,' 2S1? Q st? Richmond. Va., Dec. 17, 1303. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 9 years old. Please bring me a large doll bnby. 2 doll baby chnlrs and a doll. Par lot suit, a coffee mill, a pair, of gloves, a pair of over shoes, a horn, a large Xmas tree and lots, of candy, nuts, oranges and apples, plenty of fire works. If there Is anything else you think would ?ult me, you can bring It. Don't forget mama and papa Yours resDectfulIy, good bye BESSIE MAY. ENROUGHTT. No. 713 Louisiana Street, Richmond, Va. nicTimond, Va.. Dec. 17. 1903, Dear Santa Claus: I nm a llttlo boy 7 years old, so please bring me a magic lantern, a horn, engine and two read coaches, pair of gloves, a cap, a pair of over sho?s. a suple Jack, a Xmas tree, lots of candy; nuts. Oramos find apples and plentv of (Ire works nnd nlso a wide, plain gold ring.' You en ? brine me any? thing elpe you think that would suit,me. Dr not forget mama and papa dead Santa Clnus. r ? ' ' Yours tmlv. gond bve HARRY ENROnGHTY. No. 712 Louisiana St., ' Richmond, Va. Richmond. Va, Dear Santa Claus: Please bring mo a large doll and a carriage and nuts and candy, . Your frli>nd. VIOLET OTEY. Age oight years. No, 1008 East Marshall Street, Richmond, Va. Dear Santa ClauB: I am a little boy not ?ulte seven years old. My mother and father are dead nnd I have two little brothers in the coun? try that I hope you will remember. I live here with my aunt nnd uncle, and If you will bring mo some toys I will try to be ? good little boy. I will bo glad of anything you can bring mo, With lots of love, ?JOHN ANDERSON. Dearest Santa Claus: I thought you might forget me, so X thought J would write you a reminder. I smashed everything you sent me last year, LYNW'OOD ????. Richmond, Va.,,Dec, 13, 1003, Dear Santa: Please bring me a doll, a pair of shoos, set of dishes, stove, piano, coat, hat. pnperackers, Roman candles nini do vii chasers. I wlil go to bed at 7 o'clock sharp. So good-night, dear old Santa. From your little girl, . GERTRUDE JACKSON, No. S06 North Fifth St, Manchoster, Vn? Doc. 10, 1003. Dear Santa Claus; I am a little boy three years old, I do not want much, but I would llko somo hobby horses,,?a large rag doll, a little coffee mill, a wogan with 2 llttlo sheep In It, a nice horn, a nice book and any? thing elao yon have to hrlng. You can bring mo some candy and some nuts, somo llgH, some rnlslns, some oranges. I will bo a good little boy until you como. I help my mother bring In wood and do lots of little things for her. Be sure to think of my little cousins In the country, and do not forget my mother and father, nnd think of all the poor little children. I will have to close, so good-bye, hoping you a merry Christmas and a happy New year. From your llttlo boy, ELMO R, WILKINSON, No. 121 East Ninth Street. "edna aydlotte. Richmond, Va., Deo. IK, ???a. Dear Santa Claus,-I want you to bring nfe a pair ot k.d gloves and a doll uno a little tea set and a llttlo baby carriage and somo oartdy and some nuts. ? nur little friend. ALVA QR1TTON. ?Continued on Eleventh Page.) 694 re Ci GARS Sold Every Minute 41,640 every hour, 1,000,000 every day. The largest selling brand of cigars in the world. You owe it to your? self to find out why so many people smoke the Cremo. 5 cents invested in a Cremo will explain it. Sold in every store, in every town, in every ?State. The Band is the Smoker's Protection. m m A Little Investment Is not to bo despised, for It frequently happens that tho smalloat Investment brings tho Biggest Returns (j One ot tho smallest In? vestments one can make Is an ad. In tho TEE-DEE Want Columns | . and experience has proven that the returns are Im? mense. Tee-Dee want ads. pay because so many thousands of people read them every day. TEE-DEE WANT ADS Bring Buyer and Seller Close Together, THERE IS NO TOILET SO FRA? GRANT. SOOTHING AND HEALING AS BLANKS' VELVETEEN LOTION. It gives life and beauty to tho skin and keeps It soit and smooth. Try It; you can't help from liking It, Can be used at any time; contains no greasy, gummy or sticky substance. ? Uso It just before going out; will prevent tho wind or raw weather from chapping. It Is used by quite ? largo number as a provontntlvo for rough and red skin. Price 10 cents for a full two-ounce bottle. PREPARED ONLY BY J. M. Blanks, THE* PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. Hancock and Clay Streets, and Beverly and Randolph Streets, RICHMOND, VA. BIG BARGAINS IN GROCERIES. Dressed Chickens and Tur? keys at Low Prices. Beet American Granulatv- ugar, A\/ r pound. */'2r' Fresh Country Eggs, dozen.30c. 3 pounds California Peaches for.25c. New-Seeded Ftaleine, 1 lb package.10c Horne-Mada Mince Meat, pound.Oc, Mountain Roll Butter, lb.15c Small California Hams, pound.9c 2 pounds New Hominy and Grit? for..5c, Three pounds Seedless Raisins.for.,,.25c, Large Juicy Lemons, dozen.12o. Best City Meal, per peck..,18c. or, bushel .65c, New Cleaned Currants, 1 -lb package...8o Best Cream Cheese, pound.1Sc Canned Tomatoes, large cans.7c Large Malaga Grapes, pound.,..10c, Good Lard, pound....,..,.,8c. Whole Sweet Pickles, quart.10o GlbBon, XXXX, Mi. Vernon, Oscar Peper Old Brands Whiskey, bottle,.75c 3-lb Jars Home-Made preserves.18o. Blackberry or Catawba Wine, quart 12c Now Dates. 5c or 6 lbs for.23c Salt Pork, per pound.,..7o Smith field Hams, pound....17c, Cranberries, quart ...,?,.10c, 8 bars Octagon Shaped Soap for.25c, Good Green or Mixed Tea, pound..,.,.25c, New Virginia Buckwheat, 7 lbs, for,.25c Canned Sugar Corn .,,,.,??, Doride Oranges, dozen.,..,.12c Best Leaf Lard, pound.,,??, Duffy'? Malt Whiskey, per. bottle.,,.80?, S. ULLMAN'S SON, Downtown store?, 1820-1822 East Main Street. Uptown Store, 505 East Mar? ?hall Street. 'Phone* at our two Stores. Jypewrltsrs? j^lj Kindt ?11 ?tandard makti ?old, oicbangod, repaired and routed anywhere. Mom good ?? new, Vof manufactur? er?' price?! Jiun't liujuuiil >ou gut itumple? of writing on our??unpreiuilli-td ?jvloe. M achinen?hipped on ap. trovai. SOUTHERN d,??? & STATIONKI.Y CO, tevn? ?m. umili bub , 'twill? Sii Nilu, Ultimivi??, Va. ?Xm&s Gifts Come now and you will find a complete line o? fine Jewelry suitable for pres? ents?many things that you have never thought of suitable for ladies, or gentlemen. - ?-. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN WATCHES T, PAYMENTS MONTHLY. All goods guaranteed to give satisfaction. OPTICIAN?Examination Free. ... ,. ?_ J. S. Jame./* FORMERLY Richmond Watch Company Corner 7th and Main Streets. Open Until 9 P. M. SPENCE, Eas! Broad Street. Wrong Side. Xmas gifts for old and .voubr?D. S. Cases, Toy Trunks, Fitted Satchels or D. G. Cases. All kinds of Bugs, Cases, Trunks?from the lowest to the highest price. ?. H. SPENGE SHOE AND TRUNK HQTJSE. HOW TWICE 2 MAKES 5 .. Invest it in a Wilson Wood Heater, and th? amount of fuel saved will make the differ? ence in a very short time. . '. L A new line of Carvers for your inspection?QREAT VALUES Come and See. BALDWIN Opposite Old Market, Reduced Prices on Guns?A full lino of Ammunition. . . BROWN, RICHMOND, VA. Hardware, Roofing, Tin Piati?, Limo, Cement, Torra Gotta Pipo, HARRIS, FLIPPEN ? CO. have at last finished moving their stock of SPORTING GOODS To No. 1219 ?. ????, and avo in better shape than over to serve you. We are fixed to do all kinds of Electro-Plating and Gun Eepairing, Prices are right. It's Not too Cold to paint your house provided the weather's clear. If you give me the order for the work, to be done as the chance comes, it will help us to make Christmas merry for our men, and will save you some money. HARGROVE. Practical Painter, 810 East Franklin St, ?Phone ?848. _ Why Pay Fancy Prices for Hunting Shoes When You can Buy Our Own Maue, Stitchdown Shoes For $2. Briers wi'.l not scratch them? You can walk 5 miles an hour easy. Men'a Shoes Half-Soled, Sewed, 75c. Drew's Electric Shoe Factory ilo E, min, Phone 2667.