Newspaper Page Text
MR. DUKE ON THE SENATE ?Says That the People Slioult Know Where the Blame Is. THE HISTORY OF THE FIGHT Member From Albcmnrlc Says (lie House Will Slay Here. Has Done Duty? Hon. W. R, Duke, of Charloltesvlllo, , who'has been leading tho fight for a re? cess of tho General Assembly, in order thnt the Senate may act on tho corpora? tion bills, nuulo the following' statement list night: "The Legislature elected in November, IDOL was elected while tho Constitutional Convention was In session. It assembled In Richmond In December tho same year, nnd sat for some two or three months, when It adjourned nnd went home, leav? ing the Constitutional Convention still In session. In tho summer of 1S02 tho Constitutional Convention, having finished Its labors, proclaimed the Constitution, und In tho schedule attached to said Con? stitution they prolonged the life of the Legislature to the 13th of January, 1901. In .July of that year, namely, UI02, the Legislature convened in Richmond, took Ihe oath to support tho Constitution, and nfter being In session some ten days or two weeks, adjourned to meet again In tho fall of that year. The object that Ihe convention had in prolonging the life r>f the Legislature, and the object of tho Legislature iu meeting again, was to conform the then existing laws to tho hew Constitution. I After sitting some six months the Legislature became convinced that the quickest and best way to got I his work done was through a commis? sion. | DID THEIR WORK WELL. "Six of the ablest men In tho General Assembly?three from the House and three from the Senate?were appointed to do this work, whereupon the Legislature adjourned to meet on tho 10th of No? vember, 1903, when the work of tho Re? vision Committee was to bo laid before them. Oh tho reassembling of the Gen? era] Assembly on tho 10th of November these six gentlemen had performed their labors with great caro and ability, and presented to tho House two books of 1,200 pages, known ns House bills and Senate hills, At once both bodies commenced with great industry to work on thoso bills, which practically covered every sec? tion of the then existing Code, and also some amendments to the laws that were deemed necessary by tho Revision Com? mittee. Most of tho work has been .ac? complished; in fact, ono might say that all the work that the Houso of Dele? gates could do has been done. "There are now pending before the Courts of Justice Committee of the Sen? ate two of tho most Important bills that have passed the House during the session. They are known as House bills No. 3-13 and No. 317, being on eminent domain nnd public service corporations. FOR MANY WEEKS. "Houso bill No. 313, or tho ono pertain? ing to eminent domain, was received by the Senate on November 21st and sent to the Committee for Courts of Justice, and some ten days ago was argued before that committee by three able lawyers, who pointed out to the commttteo the ob? jectionable features in this bill?that Is, the objections that corporations hud to the bill. L'p to the present date, ns for as 1 know, no action has been taken by the Senate Committee on this bill. House bill No. 31", concerning public service corporations, was received by the Sen? ate on the 10th of December, was as? signed to tho Committee for Courts of Jti6tlce in tho Senate, partially argued some weeks ago, but no action taken on it. In this connection it would be well to state that practically all laws pertain? ing to eminent domain have been repealed by House bills No. 315 and 346, thus lenv ing us with no laws on this subject ex? cept the common law. Last spring the Senate passed a bill governing Insurance, on which no action was taken by tho House, the LIU, it was said, being defec? tive In several particulars. It should have been ?jla'tcd thut It created a. Com? mission o.f Insurance. WAS A BETTER BILL. "When the House convened on the 10th Of November, 1903, among other bills pre? sented to the House was bill No. 357, known as the Insurance bill, and which was believed lo be very much better than the bill passed by the Senato In the spring. This bill was passed by the Houso in November, received by the Senate on the 2.Sth of November, assigned to the Committee for Courts of Justice, argued before said committee, discussed tho? roughly by the Senate and recommitted io the Committee for Courts of Justice for further consideration. With these im? portant measures stili pending and un? acted on. on Saturday tlio Senate sent over t'j the House a Joint resolution which it had passed, providing that tho General Assembly should adjourn finally on the U.',d of. December, which resolution the House declined to concur'In, To-day a resolution was introduced in the House to adjourn the 23d of December sine die. A substitute for this resolution was of? fered to take a recess on the 23d of December to tho 2T?th of December. This ' resolution was adopted by the- House, which, if agreed to by the Senate, will (liable the General Assembly to recon? vene on the 29th ar.d completo ihe work which was delegated to it by the Con? stitutional Convention. WANT ALL TO KNOW. "1 hope this will be copied by every paper In the State, in order that Ihe peo? ple at home may know, should the Legis? latur,? fall to finish Us work, on whoso shoulders rests tho responsibility. In dis? cussion on the floor of the House to-day It was slated that the geliate, by Its res? olution to udjourn on the 23d of Decem? ber sine die, had sent Its ultimatum to tho House, and although the House might re? main in session, the Senato would refuse to pass on the laws necessary to com? plete its work, 1, for one, do not think this can possibly be so, and I think it very unfair to the Senate to assume that it will fall In its duty to the public." SWORD PRESENTATION. Lieutenant Gibson Receives Ma? jor Saville's Handsome One. Lieutenant James A. B. Gibson, ,-on of Sergeant C. A. Gibson, one of the of. fleers at the Virginia I'olytechnlc In? ptltute, 's home for the holidays. ?yesterday the young lieutenant was made happy by receiving with all manner of good wishes the handsome ?word, won by Major Charlie Seville. Mr. Savllla said It gave him great pleasure to plescnt the Bword, and Mr. Gibson felt as proud us a major-general v.lth the sword. Master Edmond Gib ion i* also at home on his vacation. First Christmas Gid. Mr. Joseph Shelton \va* the first City Hall ofllclal to receive a Christmas gift. Vc-stcrday morning his associates pre :?, nicti him a line Waterman fountain i,t?u ?lo jrttfoe It highly.? The Bell Book and Stationery Company, 914 E. Main St. You are missing something by not visiting The Bell Book and Stationery Co., 914 E. Main St. Some of the things to be seen are a particularly choice selection of artis? tic novelties in Bronze and Brass for the Desk and Library,? such as Letter Cases, Stationery, Holders, Desk Sets, Pen Trays, Letter Clips, Paper Racks, Thermometers, Scissors, Inkstands, Etc. Pictures and Calen? dars by Christy, Gil? bert, Gibson, Hel leu, Pierce, Fisher. The largest stock of Fountain Pens in the State. We sell the Sterling Standard Flange and Watermen, gold and silver mounted,' ranging in price from $250 to $12.,-,The ideal present for the business man. We also sell the best $1.00 Fountain Pen made. An exceptionally attractive line of Papers in Holiday boxes. A pretty and useful gift. Duplicate and Bridge Whist Sets. As for Leather Goods: A reputation second to none for handling only goods of merit is still sustained. Hand Bags, Card Cases, Pocket-Books, Wallets, Letter Cases, Desk Pads and hundreds of other arti? cles in almost every known leather. The stamp of quality is on every piece. The? there are Bibles? Oxford, Nelson, Bagster. A large stock. Special prices are being made on all Teach? ers' Bibles, And Prayer-Books and Hym? nals, too. A larger stock to select from not in the city. Sea Lion, Glazed, Morocco, Seal and many other bind? ings. Books!! Everything. Best of all pub? lishers received on day of publication. The largest bookstore in the city. Our prices as low as any one's; and, of course, you know the added satisfaction in getting your books here. Don't forget your Diary for 1904. The one y nit want may be gone if you don't see us early. 914 B, Main St. The Bell Book and Stationery Co, Open Evenings Until Christina*, CHIEF OF POLICE JS CELEBRATING Has Been on Force for Thirty eight Years*?Confede? rate Veteran, Chief of Police Howard' is eolobrating tho thirty-eighth anniversary of his sor vico on Ilio polleo forco. Ito sorvoli four years in Ilio First Virginia, just licioni that, going in us second nontenant In Company 1, Ho wue wounded soVornl tlni?s, onco sevoroiy, at Sown Pinoti. Ho catno out of tho Btrlfo as It euptnln, hav? ing? been promoted ut tho Second,Battio of Mantissas, ut tho death of his cnptnln. Major Howard line served In ovury capacity on the poKco force, from patrol ni?in to chief, and lina a tino record us nn oillcor, Ho wns enptnlii of thu First District hut about two weeks, when ho Was Bolectcd us chief to succeed tho Into Major Poo. There' liuvo hoen wonderful changes t'n tho forco during Hint timo. In 1S05 it nUiiibbr?? one hundred und twenty men. Then, ? few years later, It was reduced to ono hundred; and still later, about 1S70, It went down to eighty-five, and the present pollco board was orgunlzcd. Flf 1 teen yeai'4 ago tho force was again In croused to ono hundred men, und It has remained at that number ever since. Major Howard wns appointed ser? geant July 4th, 1S70; captaincy, Juno 10th, 1S05, after having been acting ctiptafn for sovernl years, nnd on Juno 2Gth of tho snnio year ho was chosen as chief. MR. MASSIE HONORED. Will Deliver Annual Address Be? fore W. Va. Bar Association. The Wist Virginia Bar Association has conio to Hlchmond to got a gentleman who is this year to deliver the nnnual ad? dress Tho association could not havo gotten a better man than Mr, Eiigeh? J, Mussle, nnd a moro suitable themo thnn "hand Transfers,1 Anclont und Modern," could not have been assigned him. Tho nineteenth nnnunl meeting of tho West Virginia Bar Association will ho held on Wcdnosdny nnd Thursday, Do. coluber SOth nnd Hist, In tho auditorium of tho "Chancellor" Hotel, Porkc?3burg. Mr. Classic's nblo and Interesting efforts to have an improved system, particul? arly the Torrens system, adopted, for tho transfer of land havo associated his hamo Inseparably with the movement. In years to come, he will doubtless bo known In the history of tho now system in Virginia as tho father of it. ENLARGE BIJOU. Its Capacity to be Increased by One-Third. Manager Wells, of the Bijou Theatre, has decided greatly to enlarge that play? house during tho coming summer. Tho two stores west of the present theatre will becomo a part of it.. The seating ca? pacity Is to be Increased by one-third, tho new theatre Is to bo a story higher, than the present one, tho stage Is to bo much larger and deeper than tho present boards, and many other altera? tions of an Important character aro to be made. Mr. Waldo M. Ciaf Un, of New York, Is the architect, who will make the plans, Tho improvements are to begin ns soon ns the weather gets warm and are expect? ed to be complete by middle fall. FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Leigh Street Sunday School to Celebrate Christmas. Leigh Street Baptist Sunday school will celebiute ite nuieth anniversary Ulla week with appropriate sei vices. - On Friday morning the children w 11 gather at the school and will onter'ain the old members, and a joyous Christmas morning will be spent. On Sunday the celebration will be con? tinued. The old superintendents and teachers will he present as far as they can. The present superintendent Is Mr. E. C. Garrison, tho. popular High Constaba pi tho city. He has been connected with tho school and church for quarter of a 'cen? tury. FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF LEIGH STREET SCHOOL The fiftieth anniversary of the Sunday school of tho Leigh Street Baptist Church will bo celebrated Christmas day, be? ginning at 11 A. M, A most attractive pro? grammo has been completed and has Just been placed In tho hands of the printers. .The occasion promises to bo a most interesting one. It is not expected Hint the entire service will consumo moro than an hour nnd a half. Tickets of Ad? mission to the scholars of tho school were distributed Sunday, and other tickets for thoso not then present are In the hands of the teachers. REV. MR. JONES HAS ACCEPTED THE CALL Hov. 13. Pendloton Jones, of Owenshoro, Ky., htis accepted tho call of tho'Hamp ton, Va.. Baptist church, and will enter upon his duties tho first of February. Mr. Jones, the second son of Dr. J. William Joncs, luis had successful pas? torates In Savannah, Ca.; Clifton Forgo, Va,; Columbus, Miss., and Owensboro, Ky, Ho Ih considered a fine preacher, inni has proven himself ? most oillclotit pastor. ? native of Virginia, ho, will come back homo, nnd tho church tit Hampton I? ready to give him a cordial welcome and hearty co-operation hi his work in that most important field. STAG GATHERING. Elks' Home Club to Entertain Members and Friends. The Flks' Home Club has sont out at. tractive Invitations to Its members anil friends to attend tho annual stag Christ? mas gathering at Home on Monday even? ing, the? Tulli Instant. There will bo a OhrlstmUH tree nud u, programmo of un? usual attractiveness, WARROCK-RICHARDSON ALMANAC IS ISSUED The eighty-ninth issue of ihe Wurrock lilchaid^on Almanac has made Its appear, unco. This excellent publication Is frort) the presses of Clyde w. Saundors, now owner und publisher. Tho Almuniic consists of ninety-six pages, tilled with valuable Information. It Is a necessity In every household, SOUP KITCHENS WAS OPENED YESTERDAY At 11 o'clock sharp yesterday the soup kitchen of tho Institution for Christinn Worll Wa? opened. It will remain op?-? every wuek day fur the next tli roo months. Tho soup wns good enough for u 'first class hotel. It was mad,, from excel lent beef, tomatoes, potatoes, r|ce, ete. Though thero had peep, no public an? nouiu?;mr:iil, within a short timo a scoro Of women und children had passed buck eta and pitoherK over the counter ami twsniy.iivu (luut'te were measured out of Dio big and bright iiiolnt boiler, lo bo eiifrloil home. Mr, Wiley expects to make from sixty to eighty -filiarla a day for ninety tiny?. milking at least B.COO miarle tlurl'u? tho. winter. ?l*ty or nighty (|tmrts of notili a day menus food for several hundred |ioo plo, many of thorn sich nnd the most of tholtt unavoidably doppntlont, It also meaiie milch expenso, on this imlnl ?Mr, Wiley soomh to iniv? no lumlnly. Me says (hat-ho Is satisfied that tho ?????? of Richmond will givo ollho'r tho mitto rlnl or Llie tnOnoy ilcaessnry. Tho soup Is not to bo (?riven out lmllnarlinfnatcly, but tickets aro placed In tho hunde of tho Indies connected with tho City Mis? sion, tho worker? of tho Instituto) tho Row Junios 13. Cook, who la vory much Int?fcstod and la helnlm? to support It, and othors, for tllslrlbutlon. Charters Granted. Tho following charters havo heon granted by'.tho Sluto Corporation Com? mission: ' ? - ?Oopln's Aid and Bnnoflt Socl'oty (In? corporated), James City county. George W. Blgg?tt, president. Capital stock,' $000 to $10,000. Beonio Construction Company (Incorpo? rated), inchinanti. A. Plzzlnt, Jr., presi? dent. Capital stock, $10,000 to Jlob.OOO. Tomperunpo, Industrial Instituto (Incor? porated), To?na. ?. Taylor Whiting, prosldont. Capital stock, $5,000 to &!?,000. Staunten Printing Corporation, Statin ton. W. IT. Landes, president. Capital stock, $1,000 to $5,000. Tho Princess. Anno Hotel Company (In? corporated), Virginia Beach. Jamos S. Graves, preSldont and treasurer. Capital stock, $10,000'.'to $50,000. Tho charter, of Flint, Hddy & Co. (Lim? ited) was amended so as to change tho natilo of tho concern to tho American Trading Company (Incorporated). Tho homo oflleo Is Norfolk. Church Notes. The Rev. Carey B. Morgan, formerly of tho Seventh Street Christian Cherch. of this alty, will be In Richmond next week; to attend ? dinner to be glvon by Mr. O. A. Hawkins to his Sunday school class, The dinner will bo given on Thurs? day evening, and Mr. Morgan will bo the guest of honor. Tho Rev. Mr. Kuyk, of Barton Heights, who has boon 111, Is improving. Christians services will bo held In tho church Fri? day morning. ,, The Itev. D. K. Walthall was on Sunday Installed as pastor of the Barton Heights Presbyterian Church. Tho Rev. J. J. Haley, new pastor of tho Seventh Street Christian Church, Is ex? pected hero next week. Banker to Underwriter. Mr. Joel S. Perrin has decided to leave the banking for the Insurance business. For five years he has been connected with the State Bank, of this city, but on January 1st will enter upon his duties as ngsnt In this city for the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company,' Mr. Duke A. Putney, manager, This Is the second attache of tho Stato Bank who has in tho pnst few years en? tered the underwriters' field. Mr. E. N. Newman, now holding a responsible post, tlon with the,Massachusetts Mutual, was connected with tho State Batik until a few years back. As a rule, good bankers make good Insurance men. .Property Is Sold. Messrs. J. D. Carneal and Son, real es? tate agents, yesterday afternoon sold a tenement house at tho corner of Twenty ninth and Q Streets. The' price was ?l 310, and the German-American Bank? ing and . Building-Association was tho purclinser. i3'hie ',is excellent- Investment property, nnd wSs bought as such. This nXt?rhoon at 4 o'clock Messrs. J. ? nompson'Brown and Company will offer ??. H12 West Gary Street. This Is valu onlc property, for Investment. No other sales at auction are advertised tor tho week. Dr. Bubose Corning. The Epworth Leaguers of the city will hold three unions services next Sunday and tho Rev. IL M. Dubois D. D., general secretary of the work, will address each meeting. Tho morning service will be held In Central Church, Manchester, the after? noon In Clay Street, and tho night in Union Station. Special Offering. The lecture room of Seventh Street Christian Church will be open to-day from 0 A, M. to ? P. M? at which time pack? ages will bo received for Christmas offer? ings for the poor of tho church. ? liberal offering Is earnestly asked. For the Holidays. -MlSB Frances S, Bell, who Is teaching elocution at St. Mary's. Raleigh, N. C, i.? spending tho holidays with relatives In this city. _ t ne In all our sixty years of Piano mak? ing and selling, we have never had- a sale that so thoroughly demonstrated our de? sire to sell taken-in exchange Pianos re? gardless of profit. This is not profit-^ making time. The floor must be cleared ? of these slightly used' Uprights?we haven't room for them. HERE THEY ARE s S6C0 Piano, $290 $500 " $260 $400 " $250 $300 " $220 $300 " S200 $300 " $190 $300 " $150 TERMS TO SUIT. . NO INTEREST, STIEFF 431 E. Broad St. w J, E. 0UNBAR, Ngr. At ?chwnrMulillil'ti you fro tiuontly ??euro two prfinontii for the amount you thought onrt would cant. Schwarzschild Bros>t Richmond's Orandosi J?welry Storo We appreciate a imall pur? chase nn well as ? large one, Wo cater to each n-d all alike, Jewelry the M?st Appropriate and Lasting Christmas H Gifts. Christmas-tide is the one happy season?made so by gift-making?. What's, sweeter to the hearts of man, woman or child than the thought of being remembered, And jewelry from time immemorial is first and foremost'among givable things. Whether it costs little or much, it is lasting, substantial and ?atttiful. When you think of jewelry?the next thought is the SCHWARZSCHILD store radiant and brilliant as it always is with a stock embracing the finest Diamonds, Precious Stones, Jewelry novelties, fine Watches, Silverware, etc, and there is not an article in this vast stock that can be bought elsewhere at such low prices. The tremendous buying and sell? ing done here?you can see it with your own eyes.?has proved that the goods, prices and methods maintained at the SCHWAR.ZSCH1LD store has safely placed us in the hearts of the people. Our aim will always be to merit the confidence placed in us by selling only reli? able jewelry at honest prices, backed by a guarantee?if goods arc not right in price and quality?the purchase price will be refunded. We want your charge account. It's the same to us as cash?and may be more convenient to you. Ladies* and Gents' Watches. This is a gem for a*womnn. Wa have In plain designs, also for monogram engrav? ing on back. Choleo of Elgin or Walthnm works. Pretty and serviceable, solid 14-k gold? $22.50. Bright and Scintiiiating Diamond Rings. Diamonds, mounted In Tif? fany, Belcher, engraved or gypsy mountings. Fine qual? ity. Something to gladden tho eyes of lovers of beau? tiful stones and artlstlo mountings? $10 up Artistic Seal Rings. Tho popularity of seals with monogram engraved on top will never wane when a ring of such beauty can be bought so cheaply? $3.00 up. Special for Tuesday. Initial Rings for Misses and Youths, solid gold, regular price, $3.00, special price, $1.50. These make pleasing and pretty gifts. A gleaming sunburat of diamonds and pearls. Can be used as hair ornament, breast-pin or watch-pin. Solid gold. Remarkable tor the price? $20.00. Pearl Opera Glasses, Sterling Silver and Gun-Metal Cigarette Cases, Chatelaines, Hand Bags', Silver Toilet Sets, etc., in excellent variety. Open Every Evening in December. Rich and Elegant Diamond and Pearl Brooches and Pendants. Christmas Corner Schwarzschild Bros., 123 East Broad St., Cor. 2d. Christmas Corner COL J. S. HARWOOD AGAINST THE BILL Fighting Measure Which Would Affect Insurance and Other Lines Here. Colonel John S. Harwood, chairman of \ the National Legislativo Committee, of tho , T. P. ?., has received a letter fronj Mr, I Louis T. La Beuume, of St, Louis, secre? tary of the association, nsklng that Colo- I nel 1-larwod take up tho fight against Sen. > ato bill No, 12f?l (a copy of which Is en- ' closed), offered, by request, by United States Senator Dryden, of New Jersey, ', having for Its ?object tho amendment of | tho rational statutes for tho suppression of lottery traffic through tho United Ktnlea malls, so as to Include tho lltcrar tino of wildcat insurance companies, 'l'ho bill was referred to tho Senato Commit? tee on Postoffice Affairs and Post Roads, und It Is evident that there Is about to be an crgunlzed fight made agnlnst Its pass? age, | Colonel Harwood has -wrlten to Senators Daniel and Martin, and is now engaging tho assistance of the insurance and busi? ness men generally to help fight tho measure, -which, It Is said, will not only at feel legit?mate Insuranco ?.mpanies, hut also largo business concerns carry? ing policies with them. It is contended that tho bill, whllo de? signed to euro an existing evil, It so crude)?, drawn as to work groat hardship upon tho business Interests of tho coun? try, nnd Colonel Harwood and his as? sociates will sparo no pains to bring about Its defeat. GONE AFTER COLLYER, Captain Tomlinson Left for Washington Last Night. Captain Tomllnson went to Washington last night. Ho will bring back wi'th him to-day tho young man, A. S, Collyor, who Is wanted here on tho charge of de? frauding tho Jefferson Hotol out i?f $210.23, Horse Show week, 1002. Tho warrant for Collyer's arrest was sworn out by Manager P. M. Fryo, of tho hotel, Collyor was arrested In Washington five months ago on the ohargo of at? tempting to pass a bad chock, and was given five months In the work-house life time expires to-day, nnd ho will be turned over to tho Richmond authorities, .The young man comes from a fine family In Kentucky, CITY TAXES. Pay Early in Order to Avoid the Rush on the Last Day. Collector Cunningham urges all city tax payers to call upon him early ao that tho mad rush on th last day may be avoid? ed. Taxes must ho paid bofoie the first of tho year. FOUND DEAD IN BED, Funeral of Mr. E. A. Jones Will be This Morning. The funeral of Mr, Elijah A. Jonos, who was found dead In bed at his room, No. 415 North Fifth Street, yesterday morning, will bo from Bllloy's at 11 o'clank to-di?y and tho liii^rmont will bo In Hollywood. . Mr. Jonos was ? well known huckster In the Second Market. Ho did not ap?? pear at; Ills placo yesterday. raornln?t i and fearing that something wns wrong. Policeman Bradley went In search ot him, and found him dead. Coroner Taylor pronounced death due to congestton of tho lungs, and tho body was turned over to his son-in-law. Mr. G. B. Browning. Bllley prepared tho remains for burini. MR. FISHER'S SECRETARY. Mr. Spencer Here for Pleasure j and Won't Talk. ? Mr. L. B. Spencer, formor secretary and ? treasurer of the Virginia Passenger and I Power Company, is In tho city to spend ' tho holidays with Mrs. Spencer's people. Ho came up yesterday from South Gaf 1 ollna, whcro ho has boon looking after . uomo privato affairs for Mr. George B. , Fisher, of New York, with whom he has , been for some time Identified. Mr. Sponcer declined to discuss tho ques? tion of Mr. Fisher's probable action with reference to the request of tho investi? gating committee, and said the forged letter recently received by. Mr, Minor was a great mystery both to himself. and Mr. Fisher. TOBOGGAN SLIDES AT THE NEW RESERVOIR Tho Corporation Commission yesterday chartorod the Scenic Construction Com? pany, of which Captain A. Plzzlnl, Jr., is president. The capital stock Is fixed at from $10.C?0 to $100,000, and It Is proposed to erect a plant In tho West End for tho purpose of building tho apparatus for a novelty In tho summer amusement Uno. The noiolty will consist .of toboggan slides and waterways nfter the, order of the "old mill," nnd Is to cost about $12.? G,??. It is proposed also to equip such at? tractions for other cities and watering places. Property Transfers. Richmond? Mills T. Burlow and wlfo and Lavinia A. Barlow to James Hart? ley, 15 feot south nido of Nicholson Street, 221-2 feet oast of Eighth Street, ?U00. Mrs. Margaret ' D. Pnco to James B. 131am, 22% feet on south side Franklin Street, 22% feet east of Ei'ghthos Street, $5,000, Henrlco?Ida, ? M. Crouch to Frita Sit-, tordlng, 108 feet on west sido of Ma? chanlcsvlllo Turnpike, 111 feet from Cedar. Street, ?200.0.1. James P. Mallory to t* E. Whitehurst. nino acres about eight miles north of Richmond, $175. Richmond College Notes, Much Interest Is now being manifested in tho organization of the 'Richmond Col lego Dramatic Club, Its efforts were attended with much success last Ben? son, and it i's tho intention of tho pro? moters to prepare a much moro elaborato programmo for tho coming season. Tho company will probably begin work on "Sweet Clover" directly after Christ? mas. Tho following offlcors wero elected last week for tho coming season: Mr. Walter Tyler, president; Mr, M. Lank ford, bushwss manager; Mr. Hiram Smith, secretary; Mr. Percy Alley, dra? matic manager, nnd Mr. Douglas Free? man, etago manager, For Defendants. The jury in tho caso of Pollard and Bagby vs. H. S. Winston and W, B. Plzzlnl Compj-ny yesterday found for tho defendants. Tho suit was for $300 alleged damages, and was tried in the City Circuit Court. ?oes to Louisville. Mr. Charles E. Harm has gone to Louisville, where ho w(ll represent tho Creditors' Mercantilo Agency Company, of New Voi*, POSTOFFICE AND EXPRESS CO. BUSY Large Force of Extra Men Help? ing Santa Claus to do His Duty. Both the postonico and tho express of? ' flee are crowded and packed with peopl< and things. In the formor departmont, Postmastei Knight will havo nine extra men to helo; handle the big business. Four of these ; men will be on duty Inside, the others will as?lst In collecting and delivering. "There fs a big rush going on," salo! Mr. Knight, "but tho actual amount o< business, so far as the sales" of stamps Is concerned, -will not he as large as upon ordinary occasion?. Tho salea now arc hi small lots, and nearly every package has to bo weighed for tho sender before the stamps are put on. "The business men realizo al} this, and those who do the most business with tu are holding off until tho holiday rush Is over," At tho express ofllco everything-Is on a rush. Outgoing and Incoming wagopl are packed. Manager W. A. Mehagan has employe^ about fifty extra men to holp In the of? llco and on the wagons, and they will bj kept busy far Into the nights until th< closo of tho season. In both places It was said yesterday that this year's business would probabljf exceed that of any yonr for a long time, ??--?? --?:"--?'? ' ===== -=j BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD AND THE WORLD'S FAIR. The Baltlmoro and Ohio Railroad will' Issue an elaborato World's Fair Foldof on tho first ot the year, giving full Infor? matlon, with Illustrations, of tho gr?a? Louisiana Purchase Exposition nt St, Louis, Tlckot offices on' the ontlro si??? tern will bo furnished with all details con? corning tho roulo to St. Louis, together li with advance information concerning bo tels and boarding houses. Tho Baltlmoro and Ohio Is the original Une from the east to St. Louis. Early In li'Si tho founders wished to connect Bal? 1 timore and the seaboard, by the most ?fi rect line westward, with St. Louis on the Mississippi, From Baltlmoro to Cum? berlnnd tho lino followed tho old nation? al plko; then a direct line waa built to Parkersburg, on the Ohio River; other companies built lines from Parkersburg direct to St. Louis, and all of these lino? havo merged Into the Baltlmoro and Ohio System, which forms tho most direct route between tho East and tho West, Solid vestibule trains run daily fron? New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburg and Columbus to Cincinnati and St. Louis. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COM? PA NY. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY RATES, Holiday excursion tickets will be sold between Richmond nnd Norfolk and re? turn at spadai rato of ??,60. Ticket? on sale at either Richmond or Norfolk December 22d, 23d, 24th, 25th, 80th 81st, 1003, and January 1st, 1004, good for re, turn passage until January 4th, 1904. On presentation and surrender of cer? tl'flcato? signed by superintendent, prin? cipal or president of college or school, excursion tickets will bo sold at the above rates to students, December 16th to 25th. Inclusive, good for roturn passage until JOHN F, MAYER, Foot Ash Street. ?;, b. walker, v. p. & t. m., New York. N. Y, K. F. CHALlvDEY,"C|ty Ticket Agt? 80S East Main Street,