Newspaper Page Text
A sure way to reach the buyers of Rich? mond and Virginia is ? to use the little V TEE'DEB WANT ADS. Before starting out to do your Christmas Shopping, read the TEE-DEB WANT ADS. It will pay you. V * THE TI MICH, POUNL-jD 1S60. THE DISPATCH, POUNDED 13C0. WHOLE NUMBER 16 428. R I.CHMON D, VA? WEDN ESO ? Y, DECEMBER '?t?, 100?, PRICE TWO CENTS. ? SUMMARY OF THE DAY'S NEWS The Weather. , WASHINGTON, Dec. 22.?Forecast for ! Wednesday-und Thursday: Virglnla-Falr Wednesday and Thtirs ?i?y; light to fresh varltiblo wind?. North Carolina?Fair Wednesday and Thursday; light to fresh north to north? east winds. Rather mild weal her, becoming sIlKht ly'colder after nightfall, marked-yester? day, Tho mercury reached 51 during"tho warmest portion of ? he day, and wan some degrees above froiln? point at mid nlglfl. STATE OP ??? THERMCMriTKI?. . ? ?. M.'.W Vi..M.G? ?I P. M.'..',.,. ti ? -P. M..4H 9 *. M. SO 12 midnight .St Average. <t?-0 Highest temperature yesLerduy.?.", .'.invest temperature yesterday. ?19 Mean temperature yesterday. l'? Normal temperature for December.40 Departure from normal temperature.. OC 1'reclpllalloti during past 21 hour?. 00 MINIATURE1 ALMANAC. Decomber 23, 1903. Sun rises.7:21 I HIOH TIDE. Hun set?.1:65 [ Morning...7:43 Moon sots.5:2? | Evening.7:51 ? Richmond. The discovery made that marriages per? formed since December 12th are not valid ?Senator Mcllwalno replies to thu criti? cisms of Delegato Duke-?Legislatur?) decides to take a recess to-day until De? cember 2!ith?-House extends tho time limit of the JaniOHtown Exposition Com? pany's charter to July 1st. but th? Senate falls to muster a quorum to concur ? Supply of turkovs for the ChrlRtmiis sea non adequate-Shoplifters busy In the big stores-No agreement ye', on tho K.1 mondson road bill?Drill and concert at the Regimental Armory last night-Su? perintendent Davis provides good cheer for the inmates of the almshouso? Houses are entered and rebbed?Elabo? rate muslo, at the Cathedral?Ano:h?r 'coUncllnionlc Investigation?Tl,e ?Ity's now bond plan Is submitted?UUnnin's ?tore robbed?Clerks ot Senato ana House receive Christmas gifts?Chair? man Dowdoln, of the State Board of Fisheries, repllCH to ?tntcinents mude In the Senate-C. ?-G. Fisher given twelve months In Jail-?Report of Municipal Investigating .Committee to be presented soon after'the holiday season?Tobacco coming In very slowly-Hcnrlco county roused over the dog lav,?; scarlet fever raging In certain sections of the county -Members of the Senato guests of IJcu tenant-Governor Willard. MAN? CHESTER?Rcapport.ioninent resoluci?n to be adopted at the Council*? next regu? lar session?Names of new members ?uggested-A paper factory to lie erect? ed?^Manchester Council, Royal Arcanum, elected omcers-Junior Order to chooso officers-Hiawatha Club to meet Chrlst 'inas" .t?ve-Mr. John Phaup'badly hurt by a-yard engine-Study of music In the .schools to be'discontinued-Red Men adopt new by-laws?Christmas goods. - Virgit mia. ..-... The dispensary won over the saloons at Farm ville dtter a hot fight; spiced with'personal ehcotintcrs-r-^-Traln wrecaer at Boydton confesses and Is given live years-Dr. Albert Nicholson loses his residence In Princess AJino a few days after bringing-home tu bride??-Very val? uable library given to 'ho University of Virginia-Charles Nelson cleared of serious charge at Suffolk?^Burglars break Into a store In Amelia and take goods-Dr. Jesso Ewell Jumps and es? capes, while his buggy is torn to pieces by a train?Cracksmen wreck postonico safe at Clarksvllle and get very little Claremoht luis discharged its town sur gennt since going dry-Pcnlsular Indus? try of Belling ovengrcons has glutted the northern market-Weems Steamboat Company to build new boat for Ruppa hannock, H.nd' Fredericksburg wants It named after that city-Two noted cracksmen traced a thousand miles by a letter which one of them dropped at Now;; port News-The police. <;f Norfolk pro? hibited from arresting sailors for purpose of securing reward for deserters??Un? usual number of ships loading coal at Newport News-t-'lre In clothing store In Petersburg does large damage, North Carolina. The Carnegie offer for a library ac? cepted by Wlnston-Salem, N. C.?Cap? tain Fowler assaulted by footpad at Salis? bury and badly hurt; his assailant cap? tured-New York capitalists to Unnico new cotton mill at Marshall-Mr. Van d?rbllt buys slxteon acres of ground to be added to Blltmore at one thousand dollars an acre?The deputy sheriff shot by W. ji. Gaultier is dead, and Gaudier will be brought buck from Atlanta to bo I lied. General. Stock market so near idle that many of tho, brokers leave town for the holi? days?-Cotton bus another wild day .tini prices go above thirteen cents to a. now high record-Charles M. Schwab files his answer to cross hill In sull for receiver for shipbuilding company, nnd makes gen? eral denial of any fraudulent act In con? nection -with the promotion or financing of! the company?Letters and cable? grams, alleged to havo neon used In pro? moting tho company In Franco, uro pub iinned, and on Inquiry will be started as how tho Information was given oui? Europe, it Is said, will look with approval on refusal on part of Ciilted Statua to refer Isthmian question to The Hague ar? bitration tribunal; It is supposed tnat General rteyes lu his forthcoming noto io tho Stato Department will suggest mich a reference-Bogota government is suld to b? determined to continua Bonding iroops to tho Isthmus If the United States refuses to come to an ngreement diploma. tlcally-Russo-.Inpallosi* situation Is said In bo graver I han ever as a result of Japan ? having rejected fundamental features of Russia's reply. MORE VESSELS READY TO SAIL FOR SOUTH (By AwucUU'it Pre??.) SAN FRANCISCO. CAI,., Dec. 22.-The United States emisor Now York arrived today frani Brqrnerton, Washington, it was understood that sho viil at once proceed to Panama, Tho commandant of the Mare Island navy-yard, has been ordered ?o draft 250 men from the re? ceiving slip Independence and send them hsre to join tho New York to-morrow. Supplies for the cruiser will also be in readiness. The torpedo boat destroyers Fi'vblo und Paul Jones, huvo roceived supplies of ammunition at Mare Island and are expected hero to?marrow. In leodlness to steam south with the Now York. GAIN IN NUMBER OF HARVARD STUDENTS (Special to Tho Tluioe-Plnpntcli.) CAMBUJ DOB, MASH., Poe. yi-In the Harvard catalogue, out to-duy, tho total registration of students Is given ns -i.rtTB, which, excluding summer school, now clpsed, Is a not gain ot 117 over last year, Virginia sends twelve and West Vir? ginia nine. Massachusetts leads natu? rally, -wUh ?,??D, REVOLUTION THE BATTERY, PANAMA, DELIVERED TO SECESSIONISTS BY HUERTAS. Revolutionists Were Confident of Support From Government of the United Slates. PROMISE OF OUR WARSHIPS Message From Buiiaii-Vanlla Was the Occasion of Remov? ing All Doubt of Failure. By MEHRILL A. TEA?H7E. (From a Staff Correspondent of The Times-Dispatch.) PANAMA. It. X'., December 12.?Pres? ident Roosevelt lins assured tho Ameri? can Congress that his administration was not privy to the scheme to establish titt independent republics on tho isthmus', There is absoluto!y no evidence discov? erable hero to controvert Unit statement in tho slightest clegroc, yet It is an indis? putable fact that, tho conspirators for Independence at Panama believed implic? itly, before they made a single open move for Independence, that advance assurances of support hud been given by the govern? ment ut Washington. This belief is llxod that those In tho conspiracy du not hesitate to say that tho tir?t ????? would never have been mado had It not been that Washington liad fri von a promise of, support. For this leading ?G the Pana mainns into striking for Independence, credit could lie given to M. Bunau-Va rllla, as It was because of a cablegram from him promising most certainly Amer? ican support that the revolution was ac? tually effected. A cable from Bogota wns received at Panama early on the :11st of October, announcing tho adjournment, sine die. of tin: special session of the Colombian Con? gress an<l the definito failure of tho llay Uerrnn treaty. This news was no sooner reeelvetl than the conspirators, whose, names have already been given In this correspondence, gathered in tho parlor of the residence of Dr. Amador. The crux of tilo situation had been reached, and It was the consensus of opinion that IE the blow for a trans-Isthmian canal un? der American ownership, and, Incidentally, for Panamalan Independence, was to ho dealt ?it a,l it should bo dealt at onci?. The situation having been thoroughly gone over, nil accounts having been cast and a balance having been struck by the conspirators to discover their exact status, Dr. Amador penned u telegram to Mr, ?uliati-Varilla, and it was immediately dispatched, In this telegram it was .stateti that all the plans were perfected, and that it' Varilla could give ?my assuranco of Anior-, lean support there would be no further hesitation. As he linlslietl this cablegram Dr. Amador remarked to his fellow con? spirators; "If tills mall (referring to Varilla) ran move an American warship so as to piuco It at tho Isthmus to nclp us, wo need hesitate no longer." From Hint moment lite whole plan waited on the reply from Varilla; it was received oil tho tlrst of November, al? though tinteci the previous clay. As to Its contents there are two versions, and since Dr. Amador, who bus possession til' the original, Is in the States, tho disputo as lo Its contents cannot lie settled. Enough. Is known, however, Hi Justify the asser? tion thai It was this cablegram Iroin (Continued on Sixth Pago.) DISPENSARY WINS OVER THE SALOONS ?, A Wurm Elcclioi) in Firmvillc, With Personal En? counters. (Special to Tho Tlnies-Dlspatch.) FAHMV1LLE, VA., December 23,-The, dispensary won in to-day's election over the saloon by flfty-nino majority. Throughout the entire day an unusually large number of citizens congregated In the courthouse yard, and heated discus? sions, followed by a. few personal en countors, furnished stilllclent excitement. Tho election will go on record as one of tho warmest and hardest fought In tho history of tho town- The saloon men are Inking their defeat calmly, having very little to say, Now that the. dispensary has won by a handsome majority. It Is believed that the Council will meet at an early day, appoint n dispensary board und iruke all necessary arruneonienls for the im? mediato establishment of a dispensary. Following Is Mm ofllclal vote: Totiil number casi, fl?l; for dispensary, js7, . against 1-5; thrown out, 9? SUBMIT NEW BOND PLAN Report of Messrs. Anderson and Pollock oil the Sub? ject. STAND FOR M'CARTHY IDEA Recommend Adoption of Ordi? nances Putting at Rest the Question, Messrs. Gilbert K. Pollock nnd Charles J. Anderson, constituting a majority of the subcommittee to whom tho bond is? sue matter" was referred by tho Council, and who have led such a powerful and successful buttle for the principles?of the McCarthy plan for settling tho debt, have ?prepared the following report on- tlur sub? ject: Richmond, Va., Dec. 21, 1903. To tho Common Council: Gentlemen.?Your committee, to whom was referred tbe matters pending before your body, relative to the proposed bond Issue, respectfully beg leave to report: That several meetings were, held and the plans proposed considered carefully, your committee spending hours In making calculations and verifications. Your com? mittee, os a result of such consideration, believe that at this time the city, follow? ing the lines luid down by Special Ac? countant Carltori McCarthy, should adopt some well defined general plan Tor hand? ling the entire outstanding debt; for recouping the sinking rund s? as to begin discharging the. debt not later than January 1, 1920. This your committee is convinced Is wise for many reasons, Tin?: city's hopk The city's hope for great development; nnd Improvement Is In being able to havo large sums of money available initially for Improving, beautifying and building a great city. Site cannot hope to do this troni her current revenues and must look lorward to bond Issues, made possible by the discharge from the sinking runtl of the present debt as it falls due, being re? quired to take from her current revenues only such sum ?is will provide a? sinking lund to meet such issues at. rnalurity. If Ibis plan is adopted, after tho year Hill) t?tere Will be un endless chain of largo amounts available annually, and tho an? nual : b?rden to carry out this plan, re? leasing to the city hundreds of thousands or dollars.annually, need never be greater tliuii thai which the city is bearing to-d?y or. account of Interest and redemption, und has borne fur tho past decade. ? ORDINANCE SUGGUSTKD. Your commi tteo reports Itere with an ordinance marked "A" which provides the general plan, and Is recommended for your adoption. Your committee, h?w?vor, feeling thai it might' possibly bo the dosiro of tho body not nt thin lime to adjust and settle ful? fill time the whole debt question, but simply to take caro of the debt falling tlue January I, 1004; return herewith an ordinance marked "H" which provides only for a ttlkln? caro of the. maturities m' January I. Util, without reference to lattile maturities. Respectfully submitted, Signed: c,.. ?. pollard, C. J. ANDERSON; HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS ALLEGED TO BE DUE (By Associated Press.) JACKSON, MISS.', Decomber 22.?Tho Stato revenue, agent ims entered suits against a large number of packing und brewing companies which do business in this Stato for back taxes on tholr re? frigerator ears. Among those sued are the Schlitz Hrnw Ing Company, Anheiiset? Husch Brewing Company, Stantiard Oil Company, Ainerl can Cotton oil Company, Armoni? Packing Company, Cutlahy Packing Company, Swift Packing Company and a scoro of other concerns, The agent asks, that these concerns be made to pay tho taxes on their cars used in this Slate for Hie last ten years. Tho total amount of the assessments on Which taxes arc alleged lo bo duo |s two hundred und ninniceli million dollars. y ENDORSES ACTION IN CANAL MATTER (By Associated Press.) ATLANTA, GA., Doc. 22,-A I a banquet given Ulis evening by tho business men of Atlanta to Brigadier General Barry, In command of the Department Of the Gulf, Gov. Joseph M. Terrell, of Georgia, was also a guest of honor. In response to the tonni, "Tho Stale," (???. Terrell said, among other things; With many tilings that President Rosevelt has tirine, indeed with perhaps most of the nets of hl?: administration, I differ, but there ?ir? lw0 "?lugs which 1 most heartily en? dorse. I endorse the establishment of tini Di partaient of tho Gulf and I most heartily endorse , (lie recognition of the independence of Panan|a, wiucii moans the construction of an isthmian canal, ? iliin.i In which wo, as Southerners, tiro most deeply alni most vitally Interested, It. is mil and t'linnot bu made ? jinny inalici',. We w'tnt Ilio canal and wo are in a falr-wuy ?? g'?? II, and w>> ilo not ?O1. Ji now, il will be our ywa fault," MR. SCHWAB FILES ms Denies One and Every Allegation of Fraud. ACTED THROUGHOUT IN GOOD FAITH. Made No False'''Representations, Nor Did lie .Promote ' Company. BELIEVED IN FIGURES PRESENTED TO HIM Only After .His Return to United States From Visit to Europe Did He Learn Statements in (he Prospectus Were Inaccu? rate. ? (By Associated Press.) N13W YORK, Dec; 22--Charles M, .Schwab to-day filed his answer to tho cross bill of the Unltad States Shipbuild? ing Company and Jamos Smith, Jr.. Its receiver, in tho Uniteti States Circuit Court for tho Southern "District of New York. The case is that of tho company and Its receiver against the Now. York Security and Trust Company and Mr. Schwab." After admitting certain of tho funda! ' mental facts, which hSvo heretofore been I established, Mr. Schwab takes tip thor| various allegations ari'd, charges of the cross bill. ' He says: '? "I deny that I aver.was or became ono ?G th'j promoters of tho Shipbuilding') Company, or that I had a number of por-' sons associated with mo uciitilred the cap? ital stqojk of the Bethlehem Stop], Com? pany, as averred in said cross bill.". lSmphatlc. denial is made that he ever conceived any scheme, of transferring to the fi.lpbuildlng'^nji^nV the stock oC-the- above fompaily t?? un o?cossIvc rato or upon conditions! permitting bini or bis associates tu'' cintro! the ?Ship? building- Company. Continuing, Mr. Schwab says: "I dey? that, with any purpose of ac? complishing such intent, and purposes, otherwise, I or any associates nf ' mine represented to th? Shipbuilding Company, that tho said shares of stock were worth the sum of thirty million dollars." Mr Schwab denies that lie over mane any false representations regarding the Bethlehem Steel Company. Is Innocent. Mr. Schwab says the Shipbuilding Com? pany Is not ontltled to enforce any al? leged Indebtedness against him; l?o avers that neither .he nor his associates conspired with ilio "dummy directors of tiics Shipbuilding Company" to have ln-: sorted in tho mortgage to tho Security und Trust Company and In tho charter ??" the Shipbuilding Company provisions which would give him or them absolute control of Ilio .Shipbuilding' and Steel Companies, with tho power to so manip? ulate tho. corporations as to causo de? fault In the payment of Interest, thereby ilefi ?aiding creditors, stockholders and bondholders of the Shipbuilding Com? pany. ? Mr. Sohwab says that ho nnd his nsso clntos hud nothing to do with tho with? holding by tho Bethlehem Company of the dividend payments on tin? three hun? dred thousand shares nf its stock owned by tho Shipbuilding Company, for lb? pin-pose of wrecking ilio latter concern. The defendant continues: "1 deny that 1 or tho Security and (Continued on Second Page.) WISHED JURORS MERRY CHRISTMAS Alan Convicted of Murder in Hie First Degree lias no Grudge Against the Jurors. my Associated Press;) NKYV VORK, Oee. 22.? Willi a verdict that sends Frank JI.Burness, a self-con? fessed minderer, to Ilio electric chair, a Jury, before Judge Cruna this afternoon, muled one nf the most sensational murder trials heard in Brooklyn for mont lis. Harness' fourth murder was committed mi November 10th last, when ho, shot Captain C-eorgo H, Tiiwnscud, of 'the 'Behoniior Chufles ?. Buckley, bocausn tho latter would not pay him fft.30, Ihn prlsonor alleged to ho duo him. Tills und other killings were calmly described by Burness to-day on Ilio witness stand and Hit mui'iloror insisted that ho did the deed with premeditation ut?! In a full realiza? tion of tho consequences, The Jury brought In ti verdict of murder in tho llrst degree. Huriioss smiled broadly When tho jury was being polled. Judge Crane sa(d he would sentence Bur iicss on Monday arid lie asked the judge If ho would bo permitted to say some? thing. On being given ilio privilege, ho said: "There may bo till Idea on ilio minds in' sumo of tho Jurors that I hold n. grudge ngalnsl them for having found nie gtillly. I wish lo say tljat 1 do not feel that way In the slightest inni iliiiiKhingljv, all I can fill' I" i vvllil1 I'a'in all a. merry Chrlst liiiineHS. who is ulioiit forly-four years of age, according tu his own statement, was l?"'u In Butler. I'u. When aslteil whin he I bonghi would bo I In? result of his act. be coolly replied?. "I only seo imo way mil of It." "What Is lliutY" "Why ihe cliulr, o? course," lie {?aid, SOME JOYS OF THE CHRIST/MAS 5EAS0N. SITUATION IS GRAVER Japanese-Russian Controversy Is No Nearer a Settle? ment. NO ULTIMATUM IS SENT But, Fundamentar Points at Is? sue Arc Rejected by the Japa? nese?Ready for War. (By. Associated Press.) ?????, Doc, 22.?It Is assorted in of? ficial circles hero that the Japnneso reply .td Russia ? rejects the fundamental points?, at Issue, which arc understood to includo u'?tu?rgtiarahlees'for'the preservation of Chinese and Corean sovereignty while se? curing their individual Interests. The situation Is graver than since the commencement of the negotiations, but Is still susceptible to a pacific solution If Russia will quickly reconsider lier reply. The fact that Porfelgn Minister Komu'ra called on Baron Do Rosen, the Russian minister, instead of Baron Do Rosen call? ing on Komttrn,' is explained by the fact that the Baroli Is suffering from an ear affection. But Uto'explanation has ob? vious diplomatic 'significance and is in? terpreted that Japan Is determined not; to afford ? Russia possible' ground for claiming Japaneso impetuosity us an ox- : cusoV ..;. ?! \,, Nomura's communication is not believed officially; to bo necessarily tantamount to an ultimatum, as rumored. War prepata LoiiB? continue a pace. Tho transports un? the warships can sail at live minutes' ncllce, Tho Japanese government proposes Im? mediately to unclerttiko the completion of tho Seoul Ptisan Railroad, under tho direct supervision of Japan. Popular sen? timent nnd tlte pros uro eagerly urging the government to sot a limit to the "Rus? sian tactics of agression and Insolent neg? ligence," May Continue Negotiations. (n? Associated Frees.) PARIS, Decomber 22.?Continuation was obtained from oillclal sources to-day of tho reports that Foreign Secretary Lans downo ami Foreign Minister Delcasso have within the last row days mado .strong representations at Tokio wllh tho view to averting a crisis between Rus? sia and Japan. Thero is reason to'believe that these repr?sentations, coining at the critical moment, when Japan's reply was being handed to tho Russian minister, Baron lie Rosen exercised a powerful re? straining influence. Tills Is especially true of Lord Utitsdowne owing tu Great Britain being the ally of Japan. Tho terms ?G Uto Japanese answer aro not yet known hero but owing to the ac? tion taken by Clrcut Britain and Prance the officials here are coulldont that her answer permit? of a continuance of tho dlpjomntlo negotiations towards secur? ing common grounds for an agreement. Deny the Reports. (By Associated Press.) PARIS December 22.?Press dispatches from Tokio adirili tlial tin? Japanese min? isters abroad havo been Instructed to deny tlte sensational reports regarding tho rela? tions between Japan and Russia anil to say that while Japan replied in Russin yesterday her responso was not hi the nature of an ultimatum: that. It ilenuincls simply cnanges In some of tlte determinaci points, and ilnnlly, that Russia Is ready to continue tho exchange of diplomatic views. It Is added that the Japanese now give ovltlenco of a pacific tendency, This Information accords with the view prevailing in diplomatic circles here. Tho Temps to-tlay published Uni foli, ? vy? ing on authority: "Tho fears of a Busso Japatieso conflict at. present are without I foundation, ? is oven salti that an agree? ment. Is about tu bo reached on the main points at Issue, unti it is only a iiuestlon of form, or moro correctly, of p?lelo, which it) causing tho two powers to hes? itate. But It Is desired uml hoped that a compromiso satisfactory to both parties will bo arranged." - ? ? ?-_??_ THE CARNEGIE OFFER HAS BEEN ACCEPTED (Special to Tho Titnes-Disputch.). AVNSTON-SALBM, N. ('., December '22. The Winston iildeiniiii have accepted the proposition of Andrew iiarnegln to give tills city fifteen ihtnisanil dollars for tie? ?slnhllshincut of a public library. Tito building will be located on Ilio West Kntl graded school lot. Chairman J. (J, Btixton, of the School Boatti, left Ibis afternoon for New York to notify Mr. Curneylu u? the city'a acceptance, CONSPIRACY TO MURDER Family of Miss Gillespic Accused of Encompassing Her Death. BROTHER AS PRINCIPAL All, However', Arc Accused of Murder in the First Degree. (By Associated Press.) RISING SUN, IND., Uoc. 'J'J.-ln its report of tho Investigation of tho assas? sination of Miss Elizabeth Gillespic on: Decomber 8th, tho grand jury Ho-duy returned true bills of murder In the" first.; degree against James Gillespic, a twin brother of tlw murdered woman; Mrs, Belle Seward, hor widowed sister; Mrs, Carrie Barboni?, nleco of Dr. Thnd. A, Roani}', an cmlnont physician of Cincin? nati, and .Myron? Harbour, hor ?husband. Mrs, Barbour is sistor-ln-inw of Dr, Wil? liam Glllosple, brotlwr of tlio mtirdorod woman. Bench warrants wore Issued l'mmo diutely by Judge Downey,- of the Circuit Court. Tho Glllesplcs wero expecting tho arrests, and Dr. Gillesplo dro'vo to tho homo of tho accused In a closed carriage and brought the Indicted persons to th? courthouse, surrendering all of thom to I tho court. A newspaper photographer attempted to tinto a snapshot of the party, and w. struck by James Gillesplo, who broke away from -Sheriff Rump and knocked tho cameni from tho hands of tho pho? tographer, Tho four Indictments were road to tho accused, A conspiracy among memtoars. of tho mtirdorod woman's own family to kill her Is charged. James Gillesplo, her twin brother, is tho ono who is charged as tho principal, although all are charged with murder in tlm first degree. Bach entered a plea of pot guilty. Captain Coles, attorney for tho defen? dants, presented petitions for writs of hnlions corpus, on the ground that thorn is not enough ovl'denco to Indict and that their liberty wns withhold on a charge of a. crime of which they wero innocent. Judge Downey ordered tlw writs roturo. able Immediately, and the petition was thou lioiird. with arg innen Is. ASKS DAMAGES FOR ALLEGED MISREPRESENTATIONS (By Associated Tress.) KNOXVIDLK, TKNN., Dec. 32.-?-Men, who were brought from Bt. Louis to Coni Crook about tlfteon days ago to work In the Coal Creek Coni Company' >VU|K ?? ?'? ? Oil ? i.imi , .yill|,il(l? :> mines, hu.vo brought suit for damages ti gal usi Ilio company und Manager George M. Camp. Th?y allego that false repre? sentations wore made to Induco thom to conic to Coal Creek. Two of tho cases bave been tried, and tho court returned Ilio'verdict of jilo, costs and attorneys' lees In ouch caso, Thu litoti sued for COTTON GOES UP TO NEW HIGH RECORD Market Becomes Very Active and Excited ou a Kusli of Buying Orders. (By Associated Bros?,; NKW yOKK, Doe, 33.?-Tho cotton mar? ket became very activo und excited this afternoon on a rush of buying orders led by New Oilcans. As prices worked up? wind, there was activo covering, 'l'ho list was forced up to now records for tho sea? son with January selling at Ki.17, March at 13.38, May at 13: 111 and July ut 13.50, According to room gossip, the advance was lurgjjly duo to reports that a tip was In circulation in New Orleans, regarding tho forthcoming Census Bureau report, making it appear limi nlioiit i),000,000 bales of cotton had been ginned between November Ulli and December ) Kb, with the amount remaining to be ginned about Hevea pur cent, of tua crop. The market closed steady within a point or two of th?? best of the session with .?? nuary (piotod ut 13.31. March at Kl.lp. May at 18.6?, and July u? 13.on. pelm; '? net gain Of 15 to 53 points. The salcd vui'o catlumUd. ul ii^V^ U^' WEDDED, BUT NOT WEDDED Startling Discovery ' About Cou? ples Married in Counties Since December ist. A NEW LAW IS RESPONSIBLE Licenses Should Have Been: Procured From Circuit In-? stead of County Clerks. ? Tho startling discovery was made year lerday that, 'technically speaking', .'almost^ overy couple married , In .Virginia on licenses Issued by the-.county clerks Bitieo Documl.-er T'2th, ; aro not legally . married, This!? 'd'ui{ to an oversight'hr' .the General Assembly, ??1???1?^???.,?:?8?1??? it law vesting tho power hensiciforo^hcYltl1 by county clerks to Issue licenses, In the, clerks of tho circuit courts, failed to prescribe that tills, act shall bo In? force from and after. February 1st, 10O4,- but making the act In force from Its passage.' As the bill was approved December 12th by the Governor, It lias been a law and In full force and effect since that date, However, as the passage of .this mensuro December I'-'tli repealed 'the ( old statuto vesting authority to Issuo. licenses- In county clerks, the acts of such clerks In issuing licenses are, strictly speaking, null and void. Just as soon as the discovery bociimu known, Senator Campbell, of 'Bedford; ! offered ? bill validating the acts of county clerks In issuing marriage licenses -a flor December i-'tll. This bill was 'Imme? diately passed by tlte Senato and com? municated to tho House, bat boforo It' cuiild be acted on by that body a quorum was broken. Unless tho retittlslto num? ber of members can be gotten together to-day tho law will contimi,? in effect until tito Assembly reassembles after tho recess, anil all marriages solemnized?! by authority of licenses? Issued by county clerks .since tho 12th will bu still Invalid. Furthermore, from now on alt licenses lo wed In tho counties must bo Issued hy Ilio circuit clerks, While It is hardly possible that's?ch? il, case will arise, II. would be possiblo for a man married since Decomber 12th tu marry again without laying himself liable to prosecution I'm? bigamy, for until the fust marringo had been validated It would bo of no effect, in lav,?. Any stnt tttti passed thereafter would not make a man liable for bigamy, for it would he in tito nature of ; un e.v post facto Inw, which Is specifically forbidden by the Constitution, in fact, this would bo a fino opportunity fur polygamists to Rot? ili their work In' this State. HANGED HIMSELF" WITH HIS TOWEL (By Associated Press.) PHILADELPHIA. I'A.. Doc. 22. Chatlea D. Foiisteiiiuchcr, aged furty-clght years, who was yesterday convicted in the,United States District Court of using Urn uialls to defraud, to-day committed Milk-idi by hanging himself with a towel In a coll In the county prison. Whc-n arrested, Fenstemacher was em? ployed as ;i bookkeeper for a firm of com? mission merchants, Postal Inspector Hol? den Kiys. this criminal record extends oy'Or n period uf thirty years. Ills pieu was to mail lettor? to fanners In various sections of tho country through which he secured largo consignments, of piotine.!. This he sohl, but failed to make adiv?nate financial return to thu fanners, During his trial, witnesses from Ninth Carolina, Georgia', o?do ami New York testified that they Intel been vie limiseli by Fqnstemnohor. He was com milted to the cQUIlty prison pending the re: nit of an appeul for a now trial. AGREES TO FINANCE NEW COTTON MILL (By Associated Press.) AS1I10VILLD, N. C, December 2.'.-II. II, Pottle, a banker and broker of New Voile, has undertaken to nuance, the new cotton mill >" l"' '"||U itl Mat-hall, for which a charter was granted recently. The mill I? <o be locateti on the French llrutul River, will havo an wiulpment nt Inn thousand spindle.?1, and a full comple? ment of looms for tho inanui'Hi'turo of sheetings. An Innovation will be the Im? porting of working people from the crowded tenements of New Volk city to onerato the mill. Mr. l'ottle anticipait;* ?? tlllllciilty in inducing a sulllcieni ?uni iH'l' of these people to |< their environ. nietils for a life uf comparative freedom ,ju Ih? mountains of Nuith Cajohuti,