Newspaper Page Text
AMUSEMENTS, BIJOU-Every Night HARRY CLAY BLANEY ACROSS THE PACIFIC Regular Matlnoos. Popular-frlo-s.. MJust Between You and He," CENTRAL ?. ! Ar. C. A. 'HALL. , Mondayi December 28, 8:30 p.. M?, .association course.1 ' : :., iomund vance coo)?', the, ohio .poet?.- ? Reserved Heats, 1 P. M. Christmas Dny nnd after. '*?" .,,. -.??... The Confederate "Museum TWELFTH AND C_iA< ?THE_,_'_-.. Client dally Du m DA. ?1. to ? P. _L Admission. 25-cents.? Freo on Saturday* The Valent ine iVt?seum! SULW^EiiTH AND CLAY' ?TUJfiklU OPEN 10 ?. ??. TO 6 P.'M. ' f' ADMISSION 25C. '?!?? M-St FREE ON. SATURDAYa ? NOTICI. TAX NOTICE. Offlce collector of city Taue?; Room 7, B'lret Floor, .Cltyl >iall,. " Richmond, Va., Deo. 1,0903. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYuRS.-THE LAST HALF OF CITY-TAXES, REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL, for LOi ,? NOW DUE AND PAYABLE at this of? fice. EVERY male 21 year? of age, and ? EVERY person keeping house or do ng business in the city Is assessed for per? sonal taxes. Those who have not pa.d nny city taxes during the year will p.aiuo call and settle, so as to avoid betng post? ed its delinquents. GRADING, PA VINO, PIPE AND'?-iW J2R CONNECTION BILLS are also du?. I , nnd will have to bo declared delinquent if , Jiot paid on or beforo end of year. '< FIVE PER CENT, will bo added to last I half if not paid on or before DECEM? BER 31st. Interest at BIX PER CENT, also at? taches to all bills as soon as reported de? linquent, * Particular attention Is called to the above, us under an ordinance passed by the City Council'there can bo no avoid? ance of tho penalty. Office open from a A. 11; to G P. M. 0, FRANK W. CUNNINGHAM, ?,Adec LtSlInc Collector of Cl;y Taxes. DIVIDEND. NOTICE. ? 0i The Raving? Runic of Richmond, A 3117 East Main Street, ,,Jj Richmond, Va;, Dec. Ti, Vi ?. ?fyyilE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK ilA.'E it-rrj d&clarud the turna! semi-annual DUVDEND ?vi OF I PER CENT., free ol tax, payaolo on ft ,< and after JANUARY ?. l!?l V JAS. M. ?ALL, Cashier., VIRGINIA PIRE ? MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Richmond. Va.. Doc 17, ??5J. DIVIDEND.'?THE DIRECTORS OF THIS Company hove declare! a wml-annual _i,'V JDEND OF FOUR PER CENT, (fren of tax). payable to Stockholder? of rtcord pEOBMB It ?JCth, 1S03, from which dat. to Januar Id, 19'it, the Transfer Book? will b; cloved. Chock* for this Dividend will be mall ? to Stockholder* Chanxee o? afdresii ehould be notified the Company. W5i, II. M'C.VRTHT, Sccreiary. Richmond Trunt & Safe D'.poi\Jt Company, Richmond. Vu.. Doe.-2. iVti. THE BOARD OF DIREI.'TORS HAVE i'.ilS dny declared a <?L"AnTEK?Y. DIVIDEND OF ONE ID? PER CENT, on tho. cavitili stock, payable JANUARY 2d, 11)01, to tho ftockholdiru of record IV?Mtlber 23th, 1M3. ???? trainier bo?.kn win ?? cloned from De? cember 2?th, 1308, to Janau)y 2d, 1004. Divi? ; Ucod checks will be mailed. If. E. CABELL, B<scrot?ry. ---?'? attico"oT Mid' "?"" Capitol Building and turan Association, ? No. 8 Merchant? National Bank Bulldlnc? December 8, 1903. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THIS As? sociation have thin day de.lnrej il, DI I DEND (No. il) of THREE PER CENTUM out'of the net eamtngH for thedix month? ending November 3'jth. Checks will bo mail? ed stockholder?. JOHN B. WELSH, Secretali' and Treaaurcr. Virginia Trust Company, Richmond, V?., ???, 13. 1303. THE DIRECTORS Of THIS COMPANY have declared a icml-annual DIVIDEND OK TWO PER CENT, out of lb? rarnlnjs if tho past nix months, payable on JANUARY l?t. IWi. to stockholder? of record December 23d. 1003. Transfer books will b? closed at 3 P. M. December 23. 1903. and will be reopened at S A. M. January 2d, liwi. Dividend checke will be mailed. L. D. AV.ETT. Secretary. Richmond, Va,. Dec. 22, 1!)03. THE F.OARD OF DIREClOR? OK ? HS MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK of Rich? mond has this day declared a semi-annual DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT, out of iho prollts of tho last nix months, payable to tho atockliolers on and after the 2d DAY SEALED PROPOSALS. Central State Hospital, Poiorsbu.g Va., decomber 10th, 1903. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR FURNISH? Ina this nospital for tho qua iter ending March 31st, 1W4, SUPPLIES will be ??ce.ved until twelve o'cloclt, noon, Jan nary '.'d, ISO!. The special bo.trd reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. All Htipplies to be delivered at the hospital treo of charge. List and character of articles neooed muy be obtained at tho hospital, or from' JOHN 13. GRAVES, stewa^dj Petersburg, Va. . , _ afre am boats. STEAMSHIP CO. Night Una lor Norfolk Leave Blolinioim ?very ?wain? (foot of A ?a Street) 7 P? M? stop at Now por* New? m both directions, Pare $2,??, ?nciuoo? stateroom berth! meafs, ', 600.' eucn. ," ."'. ,"'-;-^T" FOR NEW YORK, By Chesapeaito and Ohio Ry., s A. M., i p. ;>?.? by NorfoiK ana Westorri'Ry., ? A. W.,,U P. M. All lines connect nt Nor-' folle with direct "steamers tor New York, ? Bailing dally (except Sunday! 7 P.' M.' . K. F. CHAL.KLE'-. City Ticket Ag?nt. WS E. Mairi -Street, ?, JOHN F. MAYER- Agent, Wharf Fppt.of. Ash Street, Rlchraond, Va. ., ,? ?. ?. WALKER, V. P. &.T. M.. Neiv Yorlc? Nlerchants and Miners Transportation Company. Steamship Lino;. Direct]' Boston, Mass., and Provldonoti R,'.|.' ?icuuit:ia leavo iNuiloili ior. ijuatoii i'.Uea? day, vveuueauuy, i?'riaay and buiiUAy?._'or. Providence iviouuuy, in?rsaay aim sjatwr day at ti ?, M. ? Passengers and . ireignt - taKon for all New England poinis, ? Tickt eis on sale at C, Jfc-O.? Ry. and H#&*W,i Ry. Offices? and ??, 810 East Hain Street,. H. H, WRIGHT, Agt? Norfolk. V?.-. ?iydo ??eamsS??p Bo.'s PHiLAUELPHI.v, ?. Wf RICHMOND AND NORFOLK'LINE.'? ? Freight received and. delivured rlally'-at? C. & O. R'w'y Co.'s depot. Be/veutuenth and Broad BtreetA, ?. . .: V1HQIN1A HAVIQATION COMPANY, ' , jAAtiift Riva? LA?.LiNE,'.? .?> 8TEAiU_.U pOCAHOiNTAU leaves ????-' DAY. WEDNESDAY ail* FR1DA? at ] A, M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport News, Claremotit arni. Jan/t?e. ?Uver landings, and connecting .'.n( Old. Point for Washington, Baltimore and the North? State-rooms reserved for the night at moderate prices. Eloctric .cars direct to wharf. Faro only J1.6? and,H So Nor? folk. Grand Orchestrion.. / " Freight received for above-namekpiaces: and all points In Eastern Virginia and , Nertb Carolina. ?RVIN WEiIger. 1 Generiti Maiiuger, RAILROAD?. W*????**?.""*.?.! ?'fr'Un^Hfff'rtfffftv'Hkk Q fJJ ? ? Richmond, Ftvidorlcke? MM ?? fX G? burg & Potomac, R. R, Tfalne t-eaye ftlohrnond?Norlhward. H:6l A. M.,'dally, ByM fat. Through. 0:4(5 A. M.. dnlly. Main?SU Through. 7:1G ?., M., wuolt days. Elba. Ashland acconimodnttan, ? ? '- ?'* - '? , 8;00 ?. ?.? Sunday., only. Byrd 8t. Through, Local bIoph. ? ? ? .? ? ..Siilo A. M, week days.. Byid St. '1'hroilgh. Local S tope, 1?:0d nooh, week day?. Byrd St.. Through. 4:00 P. M? week days. Byrd St. Pred crickaburg accommodation. ;6?????. M.?, duliy. alalii St. Through, C;2,-) P. Al,, wo?k days. Elba, Ashlund ac commodatioti. ' ..... ?I05P. M., dally, Byrd bi. Through. Trains Arrive Richmond?Southward. 6:40 A. M.< weolc daya, Elba, Aehland accommodation, j. >? 8:lo .A. M.,' weok'dnyeVByra. St. Kred ?rickabu^g accommodation*. ???'.' r ?,','???., 8:3d A. M., daily, Byr.rV Bl.: Thr?itBh. 11:45 A.? M,, week day?. Byrd St. Through, Local'etohs.' ? ?? . ?2:05 Pi Mil dftlly.-Mam-St. Through, ? 0:00 P. MS week day?. Elba. Ashland aecommodatloiii ? . ?**. ? ? 7:15 ?, M., dally. Byrd St. Through. jil.'?OrP. M.; 'dully.? -Bj-i? St',.. Through. Local stop?. 10!20 P. ??., dally.' Main Hi, Through. Note?Pullman Bleeping or Parlor Cars on all trains oxcopt local accommodation?. W. U. DUKE, CW.CULP. W. ?, TAYLOR, Ucn'l;Man'r, ABs't..aen'l Man'r. Tmr.Man. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURQ ELE?TRIC RAiLVt?Y BEGINNING APRIL 1ST, 190'.?. Cars leave corner Porry and oeventh" Strueui, Manchester, every hour ton the hour) from 0 A. M. to 10 P. M., last cur 11:50 ? M. :. \'? Cars leave Petersburg, foot of Syca? more Street, every hour from COO A. U to 10:30 P. M. Last car connecting with Norfolk and Western Hallway. 10:40 P. M. mW Ml^Western ?GAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 0:00 A. M.?NORFOLK .L?MiTuD. .Ar? rives Norfolk Uvai a.-il. Bioi/a only at Petersburg, Waverly and Sufioll:. ' P;0o A. M.-CHICAQO EXPRESS. Buffet Parlor Car, Petersburg to Lynchburg and hcuiioke. Pullman Sleepers Boanoku to Columbus. Bluefleid to Cincinnati: also Hoanoke to Knoxvllle, and Kiioxvllle to Chattanooga and .Memphis. 12:10 P. M.-ROANOKE EXPRESS for Firmvllle, Lyncliburg and Koanoke, 3:00 P. M.-OCEAN SHORE LIMITED, Arrive? Norfolk 5:20 P. TO; Stone only at Petersburg, Waverly and- Suriolk.? Con? nects with steamers to Boston, Piovt den.Vi, New York, Baltimore and Wash? ington. . . ' . 7:25 P. M.?For Norfolk and all stations east of Petersburg. 9:40 P. M.-NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleopers, Richmond to Lynchburg and Roanoke; Petersburg to East Radford! Lynchburg to Chattanooga, Memphis and New Orleans. Cafe Ulnlng Car. Trains arrive from the West 7:85 A. M., 2:05 P. M. and 3:10 P. M.; from Norfolk 1J:00 A. M. and 7:20 P. M. Office No. -?38 East Main Street W. B. BEVILL, C. H. BOSLET, for West Point ? . 3:15 P. ??.?Local for West Point. ' ?1:30 P. M.?Except Sunday. For West Point, connecting with steamers for Bal? timore and river landings.. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 0:65 ?. M. and 6:43 P. ??.?From all the SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT. NOV. i, 1903. ?:UU A. M.?Daily. .Local ror Ciiarlotte. , 12:30 P. ??.?Daily. Limned. Buriel Pull? man to Atlanta and Birmlngoam, New Orleans,. Memphis, Chattanooga und all Ule South. l 6:00 P. M.?Ex. Sunday. Chase City local. 10:WJ P. M.?Dally. Limited. ' 1'ullman . ready .9:80 *.-lMr> for. aU. the,Bouth,-- r '? ?.? YORK B?VER LINE. ... ? The favorite route to Baltimore and Eastern points. Leave Richmond 4:30 P. M. dally, except : Sunday. 5:00 A. M. Sunday. Local mixed Gen. Paas. Agent. Dis. Pass. Agent' SouUu ?j , .? ' 3;3o P. M.?From Charlotte and Durham. 8:40 A. At.?From Chase City. " 0:15 A. M.?Baltimore and West Point. 6:10 P. M.?From West Point C. H. ACKERT, S. H. HARDWICK, . G. M. G. P. A, C, W. WESTBURY. D. P. ?.. Richmond. Va. 2 hours and 25 minutes to Norfolk. LKAVK ?UUiiilU.\L>?KAt?XJUOL'N?. 7:00 ?, Al.?Hull}??a??? to Newport Now? und waj stutluus. ?iOO A. M.?Uaily?Umlted?Arrive? William?? burg 0:d? A. M., iiewport Su*'? 1U;3U A. M., Old I'ulut 11:00 A. AI,, .Norfolk Ilia A. VI., l'ortoniuuUi 11:46 A. M. ... 4:00 I'. VI.?Week days?Special?Arri rea WH. HrnjauurK 4:CW I'. VI., Newport Xt?i 3:30 P. M., Old Point 0:00 P. it. Norfolk ti ???6 l\ ??., Portsuiout? 0:-?5 P. II. 6:00 P. M.?Dully?Local to Old l'oint. MAIN LINK?ft'KSTliOUNI). 10:10 A. M.?LocM?Except Sunday, to Clifton Forge, 2:00 P. M.?Dklly--Special to Cincinniti. LouUvlUi, tit. Louis and Ctilcugo. 8:18 ? M.?V?a?k day??Local to Frederick?' Hall. lOtf'? V. it.? Dally?Limited to Cincinnati, LoulSTllle. Ht. UiuU und JAVIK8 RIVER? LINE. 10:20 A. ?I.?Ltally?Kxpceas to Lyncliburg, ' Cllfloo l-'orgo i.ud principal station?. 6:16 I', M.?\Ye?k day??Loeul ti? Bruuio. ??. THAINK 4.RR1VE RICHMOND PlIOM '. Norfolk aud Old Point 10:03 A. M. dally, 11:43 A. M. Ex. Suu., .and 7:00 P. M. dully. Newport News Local S:00 P. ??., dully. from Clnclunutl und 1:45, ?. M, dally nnd 3:30 P. M. dally. Alain Lino Local from Clifton forge 8:10 P. M. Kx, Sun. from. Clifton Porge. Fredericks' Uall Accorn. 8:30. A. M. Kx. Sun. James River Line Local from Cllftoo Forg? 0:35 V. M. dally. Bremo Accom. 8:40 A. M. ??, Sun, ? . , . C. B. UO?LR, W. 0. WAUTBEN. Qen'l Managor DlaL Pu??. Agt Nor, li lOOa. ..?? ? ATLANTIC COASTLINE X iUll.S? LcwiV?. XV1VIXJJ.UNU UAxijX ? BVtUJ-olrt?.?ii' ?siATlON.?. ?'? EFFfcCTiVUl WUft'UA-y,? SEPT. 21ST. 9:05 A. M. A- C. L. expresa to all pulnti South. 8:00 A. M. Peterahurs and ilorfollt 13:10 P. M. Peterebuift and ?. & W. West ?'??,?. M. Petetsburir, and. Norfolk. t4 10 P. M. Qoldsboro.Local. 6'60 P. M. Petersburg Local. . 7'?5 p. M. "Florida and West Indian Llm. Itea," to all points South, 9?40 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. W??t, 11 'SO P. M. Petersburg Local., "y ?: TRAINS ARR'.VB.niCHMOND. 3:13 A. M., 7:85 A. M.. S:?? ?. M.: Sunday only 11:25 A. M.; ll:00 ?.' ?.,.??? P. M.. except Sunday; 2:05 P. M.i ?:20 ?, M., 7:43 ?, M.. 0:10 P. MV lExcent Sunday. " -' '.?? C. S. CAMPnEIjL.-Olv..Pas8.ABt ,V7. J. CRAIG, Gon. P??>i..tA^.;i. , SEABQ?R13.. AIR XlNP RAjLW^y TRAINS LEAVE RiCB?UNO ::OW&, 8*0 P. M.-Seabo?rd ??(11-^?10:35? P.; ?;^,.> Seauoard txpiebs?To ? t?}n|iah,. JaiiH?? aonvillo, Atlanta and Southwest.?,??,,, .?8;?? Ai M?Looal-1'Or NorUna. aiid' Hum',. let. .?.V ." ??' TRAINS ARRIVE KICHu??ND'-D^lLY." 0:3$ ?. ?.*-???;??34~4??d?-?. '???:^??;G8???-: Prom Plorida... Atlauta .and BflutUweet,?.?? 6:30 ?,. ?.?-1G????? NorUAH.;? anil?. .J?cal, pointa. ?.? ? .... .... .... .... '? Cl|.y Ticket Office, 830 l3.:M?t? Street, 'Photic 405, '?, ? "' ,*,", '; ? ~ ? .???. STeAMBOAJS?:?. ..?,? , ?? SAX 'UN?, ?? ?AVtlUQUS,' vi Vi? 0. ?> V. ltwy. ?un- o.a. ??lai. V7e HAli.? *\t\i M. \ Lea?u Ulctiiuuud 'io ^? * O. Mil) ? ?wul Buu?ay,? al 4 ?*. ?,, cup- ? ?peeling al-Uld t'oint witu ulrauivra o? ?lif Way l.|u?,'.teii?iug .l?U.i?; If., arriving IliUtlrncrc il:BO-At U..' ? couoectlng North. Ba.?t and Wtst. Fut tlclet? and tnforaiatlon apply to a & ?. Rwy., ?ico? . ttviri ir?Mlw Cwawui, m im 9?lt ??(? it. Tire Bate for Classified Want Adwtlslne Is I cent per'werd Net Cash In ADVANCE, with a minimum 'cort of 85 tents for each Insertion. The* same rate applies to death"?, . rnarrlages, obituaries ariti ail other ?classified notices. No display type . allowed. In the classified column?'.' j^OST AND-FOUND. P?UMD-A" POCKETBOOKi . CONTAIN IN? I'rtltinhle. paper,) to owner; nl?o libino twJr&yi Apply to R, ?. ?'?????????- af iomlisr? ton, Price & Co.'?. LOST-? ROLL OF. PAPER MONnV MOIW day .morning. Btiliabio rhmhl ifiretdineflSitDij Timns-'Dlspatch Huainces Office...--' t /?'.-.-j RECRUITS WANTED FOR THE U. _., ?Gp????? Corp?Able-bodied, unmarried rt?onY between ages, of 2) and So, tor, ? service. ashoro and ailont. Apply at ahaier'BulId-. lng, next door to General Posloffice. ift WAITED. -FOR' U, 'S.' ?nMYl.'Abie-, bodied, unmarried men, between- ages -eft 21 and 83, citizens of ? United States, of good character and temporate habit?, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply' to Rncrultlne Officer, UP. East, Broad Btreot. Richmond, 'Va.y. . WANTED .M?LE STENOOiUPHER!"..-tVE': wish? t* {111 a'n important position by Jan .uiry'. ISl! ?alary (ado year; eleven monfh'J'., wiiyiji. and two months- In' Europe, ? SJ,,s{' ? ???'? ?? Smith Premier and ?how graduation pa.vfn rrom.-a ..high cla?? Academic. College. l'UE. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER-CO., !?-'' Eaet ?lain Street, Rlchmon.l, Va. '"?....,'. ', " WANTED, TO KNOWIP YOU WILIi'Dtfi tributo advertising matter; reliable, chemlcn! company!. 515 weekly and " expenses. TRI? UMPH CO,, Dalla?, Tex. ?' ' . ? WANTED, ? FULL REGISTERED AND A&i ?H.ilstant' registered drug -clerk". ?ArlJreg*: NEW STORE, caro UH? ?frico-.? -' _ WANTED. A REGISTERED DRUG CLERKi muet have good habita and best .l'AOmneii-r dation?. Address Box 7, Newport Now?, Vit. SITUATION WANTED?Male? ?. .?? ??,??.....,.^.,.-..??*??..,,..?..j -,:t_ WANTED..POSITION JAN. 1J5T BY EXPERI? ENCED CHECKING OR SHIPPING CLERK; AT PRESENT EMPLOYED, HUT WISH TO MAKE A CHANGE; REST OP REFER? ENCES -PROM PRESENT ? it ? LO Y u.R. ADDRESS >W. W., CARE THIS OF*100,.; WANTED. ?? AN EXPERIENCED -RE_K? ? tcred - drug clerk, a position; bubt.'?; iit?', erencee. Address "SALOL," care this ;'jfilc'e.; YOUNG MAN-WANTED, A POSITION '?NJ| city or country town by a y-ung man tf ex- ' perience in bookkeeping, and oltloo work; could as.ilsl In store aleo. Address S,, caro this ofilcu. ... - .? HELP WANTED?Female. MILLTNERS-??ANTED. TWO THOROUGH?, ly experienced milliners for select trade. Ad? dress Mrs. H:. POSNER, Granby Struot,. Nor folk,-Va. .... STENOGRAPHER?WE HAVE TWO 'r_S-( c'cllent position's by January 1st for. Jeiiialo stenographers who are ritiallflerl by supetlor English education; must operat tho Srrtith Premier Typewriter; ?alarv SCO. pei', mon.'.i, , THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO." (Employment DeparVneht), SO'J East Main. Street, nichmond, V.v. SEVERAL STENOGRAPHERS AT ONCE TO till positions; must be acevtate and "expert?,? onced; Oliver typewriter uyed. also two rapid Oliver copleu. EMPLOYMENT BURE ? C. Southern Stamp & mationery Co., Twelve Blx Main Street. _ " ' SITUATION WANTED,Female TEACHER-WANTED.?AN ' EXPERIENCED ? teacher desires position In private family;, hl?h testimoniale from former- employer?; best references given; terms modjrate. Ad? dress' SI;, Chance, Essex county, Vs., -. . ; ? . ? ? SALESMEN W?NT?tV WANTED. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN-FOR our line of ovt.-lls, pants and!shirts In; vuv. glnla, Went Virginia and North Carolina.; either exclusive or as aldo line; goods.union made; commission basi?. Address SMITH, j CRARY & DAVIDGE, ??? VVator St.,i'Ulne<'' hamtoD, N. Y. ? # SALESMAN-WANTED, .AN EXPERIENCED crockery and house furnishing salesman to sell factory lines In southern territory; ex? cellent proposition to right party. Box ?37, Richmond, Va. _HuE_. J2.00-ST1TCHDOWN SHOES AND GAITERS. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. ,711 E. Main.. .. ? .? _Hu? REPAIRING. EVERY PAIR SEWED: NO NAILS. ... NO uegs. Men's halfsoles "Go.; Indie? 60c.; best rock oak leather, direct from tnan.r, io wearer. DREW'S ELECTRIC- SHOE PAU TORY, 71G E. Main. 'Phono KW7. ? ANTiaUE3. DON'T FORGE G BIGGS' ANTIQUE STORE when looking for Christmas aud wedding presents; 615 East "Wain. "?',' - CALL AND BE.CONVINCED-A FINE.'C?L? leetlon of original Antiques at low prices.'L. N. ABNALL, 31? Brook.Avenue. ._.,,VJ. MOORE'S ANTIQUES?A* GREAT L-LI/EC tlon; ?01?-1?!) Semmes Street. ManchestOri ? PAINTING. LEE FORD, OENERAL PAINTER. OWF1CB 15 East Main Street. 'Phone 368?. t? .'iSiift I OFBOARDERS and Renters ;; of Rooms. ; ?,??? In the. Toa-Deo want au'.?? ?plunins for. advertisers . wiw ,.wajn,t bourel or t???? want to rout. ! i-poma.'. . ?"f boi You Know That . ..'.Theire Ar? Always . ? Strangers in the City -, ? iiai'li peonlo.wbo. .wttnt'.to mako. ..!VPJiu/i?q.?. ?Tlw?e jiooplo ull.rt-ud . :,raaVTE?-DEE.': Went Ad; Columns. If yijur'acl. is Ii( thorfl you stund,the. best .posslbla uhan?o ,., . 'of"meeting; thoso ricopio' fuco, tu ' '.fuc?: ;, ..', ? ? / ?,' . I ;pbn;tP0?ay,P?tYour Ai in To-day. ?Can t?u-buile ? steamship of thesis ELEVEN parts? : . gOARDING. "LENNOX"-GENTLEMEN'H APARTMENTS with board. Apply 1005- K. Marshall uirwt. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DON'T YOU THINK THAT CHRISTMAS tv'/lild.lo?n liHBl'.Uf io,the tardily If that old Iittflftr miil or MMoh wero newly upholstered n? some .up? to rial? (roods. JUH01?NS will do It at a, rnodtrat'i prlco nnd nunrantco satls f not Ion; ;4111.21 Broad Street. FOR SALE-WHOLESALE WINE AND LI mior Store; "snap," If .noil at. oice; flnoei. lodntloftin Washington, D. C.l no uppislti ?n. .J/<W,?. WILSON, ?11, Twelfth St. N. W., Washington, D. c. J?RGENS HA? \ MA?WtMOBNT SUPPLT of Heoilris Sloveni they uro exceptionally ?h?ap,'Lu; liti ?.'I East, flroad Strcot. READ pYbNOR..& HUNDLEY.'? "AD." TO-. PAY. .-?_ QRO?ERY B?RQAIN8. CO. TO ,???, L.r HAYNES & CO., "WHERE yon iv(UI be Wsjled dn' promptly, an.t (tot ?yotlr g^ds ecri| out In good shape. WEWiLt, BE GLAD* TO GIVE SPECIAL, 'price? ' on goods given away by oiiurch societies, pio.. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., Hi North'Efghieonfli StroeL FULL LINE XMAS CANDIES. NUTS, CAKB3 ..and goodies. OEO. L 1U?NE8* CO., 118 North Eighteenth Street. " ?;._' ? ab?? .LARD oc.',' a POUNDS for kc. ui?O. L.'? HAYNES & CO., US N. Eigrtloenth: St. t: :'harvey'" peace ":"can be found with OEO.' L. HAYNEJs & CO., US' N. Eighteenth " Street, ' whoro - ho will bo , ? lad. tu uto "lila friend? and customer?. ._? A*??JaKgB "AND FRESIti SUPPLY Ox'? THAT "g06U ohi country meal, 121b pound? to puck, ?Qo. per peck. OEO. L. IIAY.nES" & CO., }18:N.'Eighteenth Street. FINE HANOVER YAM T'?TATOEB, 15C: PEU peek. OEO. U, HAYNES & CO., US N.". li|gntoenth Street, ' ?' " !;.?'.?. '.?.?". NO. 1 SALMON, i>C. CAN. ORO. h. HAYNES & CO., US, N. Eighteenth Street. , HAM.'.-.VKAL, CHICKEN AND BEEP- LOAF, ic. per can: better than potted ham. Gt?O. I,.? HAYNES"fclCO., lit Ni Eighteenth Street.. - ?' ' ?? x *; ' ???.-_??1 MOTHER'S.'OATS, OC. PACKAGE. GEO.' L. -HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Street. FULL QUART BOTTLE OLlf HOMESTEAD' Vinegar, only Oc. boltie. O'EO. L. HA ? NES 4; CO.. 'xlS.N. Eichteentli Street, ' " - / ?,?~.;??,-,-i-*.?,- .? ?- ? LARGE JARS PREPARED'" MOSTARD,? SC. each. GEO. L. HAYNES ,& CO., 113 N. Eighteenth Streot. "... , ;..'?. LARGE PACKAGE QUAKER GELATINE, 8o. ?"per-package. OEO.-TL.' MAYNES<& CO.-J 118 N, Eiilitoeuth Streot." ; _?' DIME BRAND CONDENSED MILK, oC.: PER cap?, GEO.' L. HAYNES & CO.: US ra, Eigh? teenth Street. ... ?'-?? rvf FUEL. 16 OUNCE PACKAGE TOWN. CLOCK , Washing Ppwcler.-.iurtiribetter)--ic,:per po?k : age. .OEO. L. HAYNES.!* CO.. H8N. Elgh-. teonln Street. _,.. ... HECKERiS BUCKWHEAT FLOUR? ::fV' pound . ?o,okages, . g?,",' GEO.. ,L. RAYNES . A CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Street" ,.;". ".,'.' L. HAYN? CO.J..14S N. _ElgUtj|e?Qv.^|riwt, WE GUARANTEE --''??H ?^WEIGHTS ??? measures on all goods. GEO. L. HAYNES &. CO., ?Hi ?. Eighteenth Streot. >' '..,;;.,,?': *?*?<: . ? ' ..' .-7~r.-. .' ' 'TV. A LARGE! -SUPPLY OF 'tTHAT GOOD OLD! ? Virginia Sorghum. Wo have the genuino; I don't ??? toolod with an'aftlclo Inferior.. ,a?? : ?//HAYNES &. CO., 118-? Elgnteenth ? St. . GOOD BLACKBYE PEAS,? OC. PER QUART. OEORGE.-L. HAYNES &-CO., US N. Elgh teenilv.Ktreot. . ?'?:?. ?.'_ t,;.?'?' LARGE.SUPPLY OF FRESH COUNTRY Eggs:?^ ha cold storace. GEO-.G.?.; ij. HAYNES ?&. CO., 115 ?. Eighteenth Streot. UUOu ?^RGAINS.' LARGE FLORIDA ORANG?2S. SO'AND IBC. doren, at MQSELBY BROS.' LARGE- WINE SAP APPLES. 30C. PER puck, at MOSELEY BROS:' " NICE '1 LOT'FRESH.' DRliSSED FAT TUR keye, Just received, 20c. per ?wund. MOSE? j LBY'^ROS. ,, . ..... GQOE LUCK BAKING POU'pER 4..AND, SC. p^r.pound'ft MOSELEV^.BROS.', , , ??????. BEANS, SC. QUART: MANY OTHSR gqod things fet just aa low' prices at. MOSb? LEY 601 E. Marshall. POULTRY, BIRD?, ETC. -CANARIES'AND GOLD FISH MAKE ?D?AL ? Christmoe gifts; cages and ailuunumn, ???? ? C?E US' SUPPLY CO. CIIICKON1'- lNSURANClC-~C:ONKEZ'8 ROUP Cure cavea tho sick onsf, bedp? ' well o*ieR well. '.FANCIEBS' HUPt'DY" CO., 517 VVeat Broad. ??i .' ': ? PLUMBING,. ? WHEN ? YOII CONTRACT . .WITH US f'OR UonliiK, plumbing ana y u may he suro It's done right. P. . 8-< DALTU.4 ' & CO.i! 14 Governor Streut. BAKeRY,'. FRUIT .CAKES 15, }0 AND_,,8SC. . A-.pOUNDl iinne bettor, our'motto,?"?Small jlrotits, Jiilo'K eKlee,'? Our 2iic. pound ?.'akefi arj. hui., to ???a?; 3 Ittyor chocolate, . ?sicotu?iif,', oranai), Jelly (??dY?arO?tt? caites, IDC,;' tig c4ko?, l5.?. J?jtlNlftVliU'r?, 423'? N?rttt,8ktrf; .... \ ?G'^??G????? F.LM?LV LAICED 'LAYER, Pound-'mat Fl'Ult calcia, ? im .kind mot.ur rfttjcle,; wl|y go m ATKINSON'S. ?'????? ;<Jl?? 511 ,W. Hroa<l Street. .. f. : DOES YOUR 410Q1' LEAK.? CALL 111' ARM? ITAGE- WAN ?1FACT?RINO COMPAN V, 'pilone 871, ?? write mm postai; wo win px? tun|no same and, ft-pori coat of putting-it m ? goon order.-.. ? " ..- '. .. | ?f ;.;;.? '*. ~ ~_^???1????"?7"~"'~:'G"" BARGAINS.' BARGAINS IN MILl'iNERY Muet le?uc? my ?took befor.? Juluat?. U\ to jpejio improvements in iny. store.? My on? tiro stock will bo ?old ivaaniU-s.-i o. cost, Mr?. JULIUS UBAR, U?4 li. Main..Stfeet. .' CHRISTMAS. SOMH'OK MOSELEY intOS/'GOODTmNOS: llTat Mixed Njttj lZt'.-Tn;/ pound.; FINE LAVEH UAiaiM*.*-10?.^ POUND, AT'! MOSELEY .BROS.'.. 0O1 k,. Marshall. F4??CY ?.OH-BlBTMAti. V..vNI?Y. ? POUNDS, for ?t>c.:; pic? Fruncli Ciimly. t'o. 'p.umi. Mp?HLMV BH08._' "' _' ?? " ?" ?EST"LAXER' FIGS, ? POUNDS ???',1 DATES, ' mi- poiil?a. tjo.l 'MUlaga &rNB?e. ?? pound.; MosKLpy? ?JR.o^.r ]!h_ ???at "swBpa?:,wff??i?i?PMt}l\ UP'*,?, ages, lOc.rolvau i''?t!. pound. ?????-' f,EY_1HVQS.__? J'MJ^ Mafiii?jilL _ ^'_ ? _ _ . ???L^i?~, FOR UASlt-CORP SAWED "P?NH. ?.10;. saw?d oitk. :'|?;??0?) ? lowest prices. -FpJIfD TYLKR? IW? W??t Cary. '"hono 1071?. ?12.60 KOL?rTO^irdVvla'N'A^'AY' AT T?r?p"??" KINSi? TOY HOUSE. 9U WEST .BROAD. Then? W ?Can t?u-buile ? steamship of thesis ELEVEN parts? j MANCHESTER'S .PROPER BUSINESS HOUSES FURNITURE. OF.? ALL KINDS, ,CASH. OR credit. i.DAFFRO.N'8, Sixteenth and Hull. Streets.,',-.?,.-(". ?,.,.?;..,'...;., ., L?a??p^TORNAMENTS, UMBRELLA S.AVDS. Couches.,- Ladles.',...Desksv Clo k ?, Mo.'i'ls Choirs, - .Polished Rocker*.'. PI tur;?, eta.. tor Xm?M. DAFPRON^S,- Sixteenth and Mult Streets. ' " ''. , SANTA CLAUS" IS STILL- ? AT 1203 HULL Street with a full line of toys for the children and ,????? things for. the grown up folks at prices to suit, all; full line Of? confectioneries and 'rtreWorks. - picture books, anJ lot* of things too.numerous to mention.' Call, convinced; Mrs. NICHOLS ivlll be pleased to see you. Como early and avoid tho rush. patctjOR..-suits, TcqmjhnAtion CASES, Hail Racks,;OloUi6BTreei, JarOlnlrosi, Ta'*.iu rotts, titani ;at ?bottora.prioea; DAFFRON'S, Sixteenth) and Hull Streets...;. - : CARPETS, RUGS, ART SQUARES, MATTING,' Oilcloth, etc. BAFFRON'S. Sixteenth and Hull Streets. . FOR SALE. FOOD BUYERS WILL FIND THE AUGUST GROCERY STORES the Ideal places to, get their Christmas supplie? and Have momy on everything they?? buy. Tonr. of good thing.) and plenty of clerks .to .vati on you; ?teat variety tri Reh,'? meats.and game; 611 tj SU E. Marshall, 720-722 W...<Cary, 1731-1733 E.. Main. '? ?'? .'? :?"??; ?:" ?' ..' . . FREE, FREE; ?25.0O SUIT' OF CLOTH?3.V i . With every $1.00 cash purchase until Doom- | ber ?list you get a chance on one of our 0 ?t tailor-made ?25.00 suits. Somo customer muse, gev It;:'you may be the lucky ono. POlN DEXTER-KIRK-PARRISH CO.. U3 E. Sroad Street, Genta'.,furnlehers,and tailors. , CHRISTMAS GIFT?. THE USEFUL KIND: ' Up-to-date Nccltwear, Hats, Shoes, Ulmr llaa, I Handkerchiefs, from the beat slue to cheapest I ! linen; free chanco-.on i25sUlt of clothes given ' with ..every ? .$t cash purchase, PObsuKi i TER:K;PJ?-'PARIU3H. C?.,,r 113 E. Broad SU ? _,ET:8CHNUPMAN -makM' you'a Rainproof' I Oy?rcoat to order;?or $26?made In my own workrooms,1 see'demonstration of qualities of Cravenette- In' window', SCHNURMAN, Tail? or and Furnisher, 007 East Main.' THE 'MOSTI APPRECIATED CHRISTMAS present for a gentleman . Is an , Impurted smoking novelty. You will ilnd a great ?a? rloty ?and ?reasonable prices at STALL'S, !WS E. Main, Street. ELECTRIC, MOTORS, DYNAMOS, STORAGE Ba,tterles,,EleoLrl?: Wiring and Telephones in? stalled. "dEO. W. EURER CO,', 18 N.Sevanth WE WISH TO NOTIFY THE PUBLIC ?11?? wo un noi. only hero for the holiday?, but permanently, . BROWNE A?? CONSTINE, 20? I3aet Broad Street. | TO SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR XMAS presents In Carvers, Pocket end Table Jut lury;. a most attractive line, BALDWIN & BROWN, 1?67 E. Mul? Sucot. I MOST? THOROUGH -PROCESS FOR CLEAN- ' Ine ."kid .gloves ; and slipptis. Mrs A J. , P>'LE, 315 North Flttlut?treel. 'Phono,-'iESli. TRY MY ST.RAl??T!WI?aK'?lSSJ NO RECTI lied ? u?ods sold ;, goods,delivered.. KELLETif, 17.U3 :Euit. Marshall Street, ' , COMB'ANt? ?-1/?*-A' SQUARE MEAL; COOK od well at SCHHESHR'S RESrAURANT, tin/ _uht Marshall, .. SAVES?' COAL.'WEATHER STRIPPINO PUT on. .0, H. NPRVELL. ailVu ? Sixth _tlo?t. ?Phohe'tae. -'? GOOD SMOKKHS -USB- TUB" "MAN ABOUT 'tOWS OKiAKSi." ASH YOUR CIUAU MAN FOR ONU.. ????' READ-'BYD'NOR fis- HUNDLEY'B "AD," TO? DA?. . -'??,- ?.-? .'. ?... WAOONa. IrTx' )1( A\ TO fiUITVXQU AT RICHARDSON eia Brook Avvimi). SERVICEABLE TRUCKS AND WAGONS built; repairing don? promptly at reuiionanla prices, We have une second-hand two-nors? Truck on hand. In good iirflor, cheap. W. li. MADISON & CO., 1450 B. Franklin, ? ' OLD MATERIAL. ? | PURCHASERS WANTBD G?? OLD BRICKS, I Sash, Doors, bieldo and numide Blinds, ' Door and Window Frames, Shooting, old Lumber. Joists, flooring, Beaded Onling,? Tin. etc., taken out old St. Cliuriva Jtu'vl. Aiiply ilAu.i- \ WIN & BROWN, IBM E, Main Street. . BUSY PEOPLE'S LUISCh7~ j JOHNSON'S, TUB WBi!l"KNOWN MAIN*? ! Street restaurant Ilrm, havo their now, up-lo.- ? date i.iiiii'h Counter .opuni.. - ? ENTIRELY NICW TO RICHMOND JOHNSON'S up-to-tlatii Lunch f?,??? s Smith Tuiuli street, nein? Main, ??????',?IU*: iw>v Ajiicrluun mn? Uulldlng. For thy busy I man. , HAVEN'T TIM ? TO C?O IJOMl? TO LUNOHf Then tho next placo to li?me U llij uii-'to dan? Lunch Counter of JOHNSON'S, ? tioulli Tenth Street, hour Main, THE NEWEST IDEAS, THIS ~????ck??sT.. and neatest survie? and most modeiHto ,-*tw. Como look ?round at JOHNHON'fc up-U)..UUo Lunch Counter. S South Tuiitit. Hiis|u ss nieii's uoiivuuleiit piace.' ? WOOD AND WOOD, B..T. LONG, &?^??a?G7!1,??G"?8 STILL soiling'? N. .& if, P. Wood at ?j.fio huit cord, DENTISTRY, DR. DORSET, in B. BROAD. GOLD, t'R-AVNS and brtdg? .work, tu p?r tooth. . D?T DORSET^ "?Tb? "?????G????? "??G? ; traeteli paini*?. I THE TEE-ti EC I I Daily Business Directory | BOARDINO. MISSES MARTIN'S boarding homo; permanent And transient; tile? rooms end good rare; 10!) North Seventh Street. 8HCES CHEAPEST PLACE to buy' shoes, K. BHIREY, BOI E?Bt Marshall Str?et. WANTED. WANTED, BUYERS FOR THE STOCK OF ?INO, A; WATERS & CO., consisting at a large stack of Engines and Boilers, Pulley?, Hangers,! Bolting, and almost e.very de? rlp tlon of manufacturing, machinery. Call an premises, .toot ot Balnnriilgo,- Street, Man? chester..?. GEO. L. PENDER, Receiver. WHY OON'T YOlfkilVB" YOUR'GENTLEMAN FRIEND A BOX OF "MAN ABOUT TOWN" CIGARS": POR-.-A'..CHRISTMAS GIFT. HE ? WILL: APPRECIAIT! IT. ?.? OUR METHOD OF COLORING WOOLLEN and woollen and cotton mixed goods la tho best; try It. Mrs'.' AVT. PYLE ,31B N. Fifth Street. 'Phono 2??2. WANTED, TO BUY TIMBERED LAND OR standing timber near. Rlchirond' or rallrjad station. Apply to S. P. CLAY. COI North Thlrty:tfl.rst,..._._.' '. I AM PROUD',TP,SHOW MY 'iTfltENDS THIS odd arid ,unlo.U?'Ihtported smoking srtlcln; It Is so useful'"and a'ttraetlve. A large assort? ment at STILL'S, 008 E; Main" Street. TO CLOSE OUT OUR RTOCIC OF WOOD Heaters; all sizes and k nds; w It milite the price to movo them; now is your chanco. BALDWIN & BROWN. 1557 B. ' Main Street. IF YOU WANT A STOVE THAT HEATS GO to J?RGENS' -FURNITURE STORE, 413-21 East Braid S-lriiot. WANTED, G GOOD '? SECOND-HAND .1013 PRESS. .Adross .VENABLE. Box 210, Dan ville,) Vs.* -,? .,? , .??? .,?'. . -, BEAD SYDN?I?':S: HUNDLEY'S "AD," TO? DAY.,:' . BICYCLES. CHILDREN'3 WHEELS, NEW AND SEC? OND HAND, ALL SIZES AND PRICES. TOMPKINS' TOY STORE, 311 W. BROAD. ? ERNEST YOUNG'S ART STORE, 3 NORTH ? Seventh, has Just put on display, the lineai I Upo of Importations ovor seen tn Richmond. YOU " APPRECIATE ART?. THEN GO TO YOUNG'S ART STORE and see tho beautiful I lino of Etchlnge and Engravings; something ? entirely new; 3 North Seventh. SOME OF OUR IMPORTATIONS ARK G?? loveliest water colors oluiiinuulo In the old country. ERNEST YOUNG'S, 3 Norlh So. J erith. ! YOU HAVE NEVE RSBKN SUCH A COR Komis lino ?? Frame?, j'liey reach tho top ot j ladder on style. ERNEST YOUNG. NEVER BEFORE SEEN Ili-EEr. IMPORTED directly. It is Roll?C Copper Work; any sub j Ject; cuino to seo It. ERNEST YOUNO, YOll ARE WELCOMED TO OUR. STORE; it's a treat; don't miss It. ERNESi' YOUNG, a North Seventh. ? MISCELLANEOUS. A BOX ?G "MAN AIlOUT TOWN" OIGARH Wll.l, ASSURE Till?; UiiATlTUDI-J 01?' Vili It (?l!.\ll.l-..uA.\ t'lUEAl). AS HE WILL KNOW .THEY AUE THE BEST. WI3 REPAIR AND POLISH? YOUR FURNI .ture an u should bu domi at thu very 'we-t prico. C. I?. LVDA, <1U W, Malu, w"?i~SY?>NOR ? & "HUNDLEY'S- "???^? DAY. LADIES' COLUMN. JUST LOOK AT THE PRICES AND BE c.utivinoed thai you ?ul tivvi jtll.lig tuo i-niMp esi here. MOSULE? tlltUS., >?i >:',. Marinali, BEST GRANULATED SUGAR, P/fcC. PER pound, at MOHIlLEY HHO-,' BEST ELGIN BUTTER, I'SO. PER POUND, at MOSKLIOY bROS.'i ?01 E. Marshall. LA HG ? GANS OF TOMATOES. ?VkC PER Ostiti' '.'-puiiud ceil Tomato??, 5?, per vi" MwEL*,* URUd. EVERYTHING GOOD IN THE GROCERY Him, ut tuo .e)ivupe.ii prlci.s un-i duiiivi-ml lintmptly at MOSHiLEV BROS,', iiv\. t??, :-Iar hiisii.' " INSTRUCTIONS. ^??V^^^^/V?^*?W?^?*^*^VM^yV>^>?^y?^>^^^?^??<yM??/? PHYSICAL CULTURE MRS. MAKOAllET WHJ?SHBAJ? li NOW Farming L'i&sst-s fop Women end ' . . Chllutmi ui PHYSICAL tiULTURB At-.501 E.'Oruv.e Street. REDUCED PRICES. PBlQbfl REDVOfcD pn w?Wb wore: Cltminim, ill Jliili) ?t'rluga, ??, tweuly JiiMrn' M,|ivrl> tuce, WM. TUjIlKN, ji?,. lUS E. Brusi? ?street, UlchlUOUd. Vu. rtiieciiu'l?!, und ISyvS'wM??, ih cts. All work' giispuiiturii ~ gold " an'd'silv?pb.uybr'sT^ ?/? ???fT-?*j*t*'*--??-?? ? '? .?""? ?.?j WAMTi.IK-0tO? OOJtP\&9V.' BlLVftt in ?ny condition; lihj?w?.. fifi?) prie*?. paM.? ?? will aWo'WstcB'ss- r?w?lri??tiilwww* lu ?*? cliuiiR*. A. M. MEVI?U AN'P lUtO.. JgW?lSH. fit), B?3 Bread Street, Uleuiuoud, V?, IT PAYS TO USE TEE-DEE WANT ADS. ?Phone 849 for the Went Ad. man. He will come. PERSONALS. THE POWHATAN-HOTEL--IS NOW OPEN,? remodeled and thoroughly ?quipped with uew furnishings and with faultless beds. Mannes* ment. GEO. L. PEYTON, of White Sulpnu?v ? Rockbrldge and Jordan Alum Springs, nnd B. M. PERK ELY, SO years conductor on C< & O. R. Ri . WANTED, TO BORROW SIN HUNDRED dollars on real eeuite'worth three thomand dollars: will give ton per cent. Interos, and twonty-llve dollars attorney's lei for quick loan: Invite thorough IrtveWlgatlon. Addtes* GILT EDGE, care tills.oft'ico.. A SATISFACTORY PRESENT TO GIVH' your gentlemen friends is a Tiundo Dr:s? Shield; or one of thn li-test HtyU Tuxedo' Vents. MUSCOE H. GANNETT, 801 ?. Main street.. . ? . . HAVE your 8TOVE8 and riTRNACES repaired; in first-class order at a reasonable prie? of. the PHILLIPS-ROGERS CO., 818 E. Broad. Tinning, sanitary plumbing and gai fitting, done promptly, . :?'.. WHY NOT TRY "OUR COUNTRY AND' miger-oured Hams at Ut?C per pound, Und? everything elee Just as cheap at I>. O'SULLt VAN'S GROCERY. SOS E. Marinali Street/ FOR CHRISTMAS, REMEMBER GOOD' home-mndo Mince and Pies ot all kind can he had at ATKINSON'S, 211 W. Broad St.; 'Phone 2810. I SELL NOTHING BUT STRAIGHT WHI3, kles and guarantee quality and quantity; goods dellvorod. KELLEY'S, 1703 E. Mar.?, shall Street. . - .- - .'.".'.!.! BROWNE & CONSTINE HAVE COMETO: stay and ? will always have a large etc.* of Crockery, Glassware and Brlo-a-Brao; 208 East Broad Street. HAVE YOUR PLUMBING DONE PROMPTLY and correctly by an export at a mod?r?t? cost by, DAN'L. O'DONNEL,: ?3 N. .Ninth Street. WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO i>BT to. eat try H. C, -HECKLER S. SAUSAGE; they aro ???; sold everywhere. Office: Stall 20, First Market. ??*?';.'? NEW BOOTBLACK PARLOR?Fine shine, only tient polish used, no wultlug, five men; 1018 liest Main Streot, next T-Oswfflce (basotnsnt). I AM NOW READY TO FURNISH? ' rtLI? Chrlatmas goods?best quality At lowest prices. CHAS. KING, Grocer, 423 N. SlxtrTSt. DRESSES DYED IN DELICATE SHADES for evening woar. Mrs. ?. J. PYLE, 3xJ.N. .Fifth Btreet. ? 'Phono 2521 USE THE "MAN A ROUT TOWN" CIGAR, Itf YOU WANT A GOOD SMOKE. READ.SYDNOR & HUNDLEY'S .'AD." DAY. .....?... :. . NOTICE.^ _; BEFORE BUYING VOUR CHRISTMAS gifts sea tho useful ones wo ha-c. Latest inv?i, in Hates, Gloves, Shoos. Umb.ellaa on.l many other things, at - pricoa tj euu your, pockqtbook. A chanco given on o.ic of our. best ?2? made-to-order eulta w.ti ev.*? If cash purchase. POINDEXTSR-KIRK-PAR R1SU CO., -113 E. Broad Street. ! DON'T YOU HEAR THE "SLOGAN? NO nails, no pegs; evory, pair buwoj-. Man's., shoes halfsolail 7?u. ; laulos' iLc, DRE.VS ? ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY, 71? E. Main. WANTED. TO SELL RED LANTERNS TO' warn peoplo not to puss our place: .j ol things Inside. BALDWIN ? BKuw'N, 1551 East Main Street. THE BEST CIGAR ON THE MARKET US THE "MAN ABOUT? TOWN," ALL REGULAI! SMOKERS KNOW IT. TRY A BOX FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFT. BROWNE. & CONSTINE^ 205 EAST BROAD,, wish' to announce to tho .puollo that ?.hoy have come to stay., -, . , WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF IT BEFORE t Lovely Imported sin.kin? . uovoltiua ?I STILL'S. 0U8 E. Main Street. READ SYDNOR & HUNDLEY'S "AD." TO? DAY. HOT ROLLS. CHRISTMAS MAY COMB AND GO. HUT ATKINSON'S Hot Rolls aio here for ever? more; hot morning and ovonlng, 'Phone ?UlO? 2U W. Broad Street. ? ??? ?'?.? ?? I ',=??=:=?'? ? '=3 ?-?p? ?inU ?A?oAOE. l H. C. HECKLER'S SAUSAGE ARE THE real kind for flavor and purity; ?old all over tho city. Offlcn: Stall 23,- First Market. no ? o ni>u ubul'? KuHiN loH ING. MUSCOE H. GARNETT. SOLE AGENT FOB. the Stetson and Miller Derbies; also epealal line of Soft Hats; 801 East Main. WINES AND LIQUORS. STRAIGHT WHISKEYS-OVERKOLT (FIVE years), 13.60 per gallon: Monticano itlv?, yoars), 13.60 pur gallon; Carroll ?prln? tfour years), l?.25 gallon; Clifton Spr.nga, b*?t M goods on earth; Old Charter (full ijuortV bottled In bond. 111 good? dulivirud. KELLY? 1703 Franklin, ~it*"s? V XMAS CANDIES,AND NUTB. ; ' NEW MIXED NUTS. ? 12K.C; ENGLISH Walnuts, lSc; Brazil Nule, lio.: Fruruli Candy, Co.; Xmas Mixed Candy. TVjo.; Broken Mixed Candy. "He. ? Chocolate Drop?, x2><?<;? ?. M. TRAINUM ? CO.. US N. ElgliUoutll Stfee^______ GROCER??S. "~ YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING IN TflM grocery line tit our sime. Fresh OOUUtrY eggs, 32c. do?on. MUSELV?Y BROS. ? - ",-: OOOD^?aRD; SC~PER POUND; BUTCHERS' lard, inc. per pound. MOSELEY BROS. .?.- ? b17s_T~hTmS, ISC. PER POUND, SMOKED, trosh or corned: California Hams, So. pe? pound ut MOSELEY BROS.? GOOD COUNTRY BUTTER i'C. PER POUND: (lue Mince Meat. Oc. per pound, at ?03????? UROS.', Ml E. Marshall.____?_; CrtUQPODi AISUMAlCUr? ?]'; CHIROPODY AND MANICURE PARLORS Faclal and scalp massage, shampooing -and superfluous huir removed, 'Phono m;3, in E. Broad. ""CARRIAGE PAINTING. DON'T STOW YOUR CARRIAGES OR BUG. Hies during the cold wuather, but tak? th'.ii? to MILLER'S. I'M W. Main Street, and hivv.? them done up light and icnsoiuibUi. Solution o? puzzle. tu"}o?tetd*y'? Tin??'? ? Dispatch,