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Miller ? Rhoauls. Miller ? Rhotwds. Owing to the numerous re quests of customer* who are un? tibie to make their purchases during the day and who thought It a hardship that the store should be closed at night during Christmas week?We began keeping open last night and will do so to-night and to-morrow night. The exhibition and sale of E ven ing Silks and Dress floods will he continued every day this week after S P. M, on the count? er s In the eastern aisle, ? toad street side, Pull electric light on all of these fabrics. Two Books of Great Interest lo Richmond People. Major Robert Stiles and .Dr. i\Vin. S. Gordon arc two well known Richmond men in the pro? fessions. Bolli liave wri.tten Looks of peculiar interest: to Vir? ginians. Jvlajor Stiles' work being a, narra? tivo of his personal cxper?eiico during tho Civil War, "Pour Years Under Marse Robert" read around tho flresldo tilia winter, will stir the blood of many a man who followed the fortunes of tho Immortal Lee. rind its perusnl should also stimulalo the sons and grand? sons of these veterans to imltnte in their lives the virtues of this great leader of rncii. Our price ?_.oo for this hand ??omcty bound volume. Dr. Gordon's book is largely I 'personalreminiscences of Tide? water Virginia in by-gone years. The dialect of Ilio old-Umo ne? gro of this section is portrayed perfocUy, and no one Interested In that portion of Virginia?and the most of Richmond people are should fall to read tltla work. Publishers price Si.oo?our ? ?price 75c. ?Pin Cushions for 50c, Worth 98c. (Art Department.) We secured a lot of them under prlco?nnd beautiful llttlo Xmns glfls they nre. Wo suy 11 ttlo?but they're, vcnlly n. goud Rixe?-fixD Inches?trimmed With ruffles over satin and tho cor? ners bound with ribbon. A Christmas Present for the Man That Smokes. Get out of the rut this year and get him a'smoking set?not one of the ordinary kinds?but a set that perhaps neither you nor lie has ever seen before?a brass set made by hand in Benares India. It'll not ? cost much?only $1.89, It's unique nnd nt the sumo time useful?5 pieces?largo tray, cigar holder, cigarette holder, match holder nnd ash tray. Bric-a Brae, Chinaware, Silverware and Cut Glass. Nobody minds a crowd at Christ? mas time, and if there's one place in our store that people flock to it's the basement. Why? Because everybody likes to look at handsome china, etit glnss and bric-a-brac, nnd there's not a store in Richmond where these things can be seen to more advantago and in greater variety than nt Miller ?fc.Rhoads'. It's the greatest Christinas dis? play that *. Richmond has ever seen, ? <Vli?6*, ?ySC^e* See our. Advertisement on Woman's Page of To-day's News Leader. FISHER GOT TWELVE MONTHS IN JAIL Waverly Bates Was Fined and Jailed for Shooting at a Man?Police Court. .Justico C'ruLelinelil finally disposed of tin; case of C. II. Fisher yesterday morn? ing by giving? tho aiTotiaotl six months In Jail on two counts, milking? ? year's im? prisonment in all. Fisher was charged with systematically Jobbing Chesapeake and Ohio cars. He "was employed ?is a day watchman, nnd liad been employed by tho company for a number of yours. The two specillo charges against him ? wero the tailing nf ?? Iqt of wearing ap . Jiarel and bed tTAihllig pu April -7th, and ? n lut of clocks'oil'britober 23d. .lohn Holmes wus sent to Jull for four ? months for taking a box of tobacco be-' . longing to Richard Washington. Waverly Bates went down for twelve months and was fined ?G? fur shooting at ? John Thomas. Henry Gartner was charged with enter ; Jug the Imperial Tobacco factory and ? currying off a suit of clothes, but Iho evl I denen was not strong enough to convict, i und ho was discharged, Sam Sibarman was dismissed of Ihn ? charge of. taking $1.1S from AI. IX Bur Ion. , Then Iho drunks passed along. QUICK RECOVERY. ? Detective Hall Finds a Stolen Coat in Half an Hour. An overcoat, hanging In front of Steiner j nnd Brother's pawn shop, on lower Main Sauce!, yesterday morning, proved nn ! irresistible temptation to ? passing negro. He gently "lifted" tho coat, look R !1u a neighboring pawn shop, ami ??. elinnged it for ?1. before Mr. Stelner ? liilRsea lt. When It was inltefrsn an alarm was sent ouf, and in less than half an hour Ser i c'rinr Hnll had recovered the coat and re? lumed It to Ils hook out in front of ihe door. He is now looking for the man. It Is the duly of a small boy now to 1 look out for that coat and the ulhcr things on the outside, of the store, WITNESSES FOR THE7 NEW INVESTIGATION While the committee of five named by President Sol. L. Bloomberg to look into ilio matter brought to the attention of the Council through the letter of Hon. B. B. M un ford, counsel for the Southern Hallway, In relation lo a pending ordi? nance of the company, have summoned po' witnesses. It is eald that several ' prominent persona will ho asked lo tes? tily. It is not known when the com? mittee will meet, but the following will likely bo witnesses: Hon. H. H. Munforii. 'limerai C. .1. Anderson, Captain John ?. f'urtls, Messrs. II. P. Beck, Clyde W. Saunrlers, C. .Maiming, Jr., Joseph Firth Mid James Patnplln. WILL REPORT AFTER THE HOLIDAY SEASON Work lias not yet been begun on tlixi I report of the committee, of municipal in j "instigation. Tlio committee will meet t on Tuesday night lo map out plans, but ! It will require borne time to wrlU> ihn ' document, which will be prepared largely ?1))' City Attorney l'oliarti and Chnlrmun ? John li. Minor. , Mainly About People. Mr. O. rainier Sliey, of Now York city, ! hope* |o ? pena hh* l.'hrifcimu? with hill parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Stacy. His manv friends 'will be glad to know ho has declined "the offer of- a position from the United States government, in the Philippines, to remaiip with the Amer? ican Tobacco Company, In Now York. Charters Granted. The following charters wero granted by the State Corporation Commission yes? terday: .",??"_, , Longshoremen's Association of V Irglnia, Norfolk; A. F, dissoni, president. ?. Black Company (Inc.), Rlaoksburg. A. muck, president; capital stock, $10,000 to $25,000. Kork Union Academy, Fork Union; W. 13. Hacher, president. Twentieth Century Development Cor? poration. Charlottcsvlllo; D, II. li'oiiso, president; capital stock $1,000 to ?MUX?. For Stuart's Monument. Secretary W. Ren Palmer, of the Stuart ,Monument Association, makes Ilio fol? lowing report of cash received during tho ?neck: Black Horso Cnlvarymnn. oily.$20.00 lion. T. C, Pitcher, .Midland, Va. G,.?? ?, Cole .Tordan, city.2?.0O .lohn S. Fillett, city. 25,00 I. I. Montague, city. 10.00 William H. howls, city. fi.00 Judge I, O. Bew. city. 2.00 Stuart Cooke, city. 2.00 ? Vctorati, city. 1.00 Total .$95.00 Law and Equity Court. In the Law and Equity Court yesterday suit was in?tit)itod by Queries and Wing field vs. tbii Smokeless Fuel Company for $1,U50. Judgment was rendered In tho samo court In favor of Ernest Voting vs. Mary Kitting for $121. Pretty Scarf Pin. Mr, William R?eger bus received a handsome, scarf pin from Petersburg Lodge of Klks, ns a compliment In ap pr?dation of his services on Elks' Me? morial day. Mr. Rueger contributed lila fine voice during tho services. Failed to Agree. The conferees on tho disagreeing votes of tho House and Sennto on the Edmond, son rond law reached no conclusion on ib.? matter yesterday afternoon, and it will go over until after Christmas, To Reside Here, lion, ?. von N, Resenegji, mombor-olQet tit tho House riun? Henrico county; will to-day close bis limisi;, in the county, <nnl take rooms nl the l'owhutan Iloti?! during ilio sessions of the new Legislature, Seminary Examinations. The students of the Union Theological Seminary finished their Intermediate ex? amination? yesterday. Many will leave the seminary io spend the holidays with r.-la lives and friends. Retreat for Sick Board. The weekly meeting of the lady board of managers uf tho Retreat for ihn Sick will be held nl 11 o'clock this morning Instead of to-morrow. Marriage License, in the Hustings Court yesterday the clerk issued a marriage, license to IJdwaid Garrison und Hertha L. Von l'olile, PLANT THAT SHOWS STRANGE MAg' NETIC POWERS. In the forest of Indlu grows a plant which pOKSQiben attonls|ilng mognetic power. The hand that brfaks a. leaf re? ceives a elruiui shock. A magnetic needle In attracted nt a distance of twenty feet nnd In timo of storms Its Intensity Is won? derful. Another strange plant with won? derful healing power form? thu ililif In? gr?dient in !>r. Hiirkhurt's Vogctubl?? Compound, the greatest million) iJ|spov> cry of modern tlmeH. Hlic-uutntltim, lia tr.rrh, Stornarli Trotibh'? and nil diseases c.f tin? JjlODil yield quickly lo itti wonderful iiilliicnce. If yuu uro tired Rf diseuse and ti red of tin? nid methods, go lu ypur drug gist and buy .?< Ihltty days' Irealment of this great remedy for 2ft>\ and be cured quietly In your own home. Hi BOWDOIN'S POSITION Issues Statement in Regard to Allegations Concerning ?.'"'? ' Him, NEVER SHOWED ANY LETTER Op pascer Ali?. Matthews, But Did so as Individual?Started lie fore Present Administration. Hi?. J. W. Bowdoln, of Accollino, chiilr tiio.irof tho Stalo Board of Fisheries, nnd chairman of tho Democrnllo CohinilUco of his county, whoso name, has boon brought into controversy <by tho recent Htntomont of Senntor Btuksdnlr?, alleging undue activity against the return of Hon. S, WllkliiB Matthews to tho Housb, was In tho city yesterday, und gavo out the following signed Interview' on Ilio sub? ject: Tho slaloment to the Sonata of Vir? ginia; riH published in t.o-tlny's issue of Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch, in regard to my ?c Uo ?'linci position In tho contest, for the nomination for member of tho Houso from Accomac county, In the lost legis? lativo primary Is erroneous and un? true in tho following Instances: '?]. I did not use'my -Influence either ns "chairman of thu Board Of" Flshorles or ns chairman of the Democratic, party In Accolline county to defeat Mr. Mat- ; thews." SIIOWF.D ?O LETTER. 2. J did not. show Mr. Matthews a letter from Governor Montague alleging that Mr. Matthews had polled tho .Legislature as between Governor Montague nnd Sen? ator Martin; nor have I over shown Mr. Matthews any letter over received by mo from Governor Montague, in fact, 1 never received such a lettor. I diri ?stato to Mr. Matthews that' 1 I hnd heard that lie did so poll the Legis? lature, and ori his demand for my au? thority, I stated that Governor Montague told me so, whereupon Mr. Matthews admitted that he had done so. but said It was done In a "spirit of fun," und that It had "no significance." Tt is true that I did vote and work for tho defeat of Mr. .Matthews, but did so only after notifying him In persons that I should oppose him and do what I could In an open, honorable way, to defeat him, My opposition to him commenced moro than six years ago, and had he been Governor Montague's best friend. I could not have supported him. My op? position to Mr. Matthews was purely In my personal capacity as a citizen, and voter of Accomac county, nnd not as chairman of tho Board of Fisheries .or as county chairman. INDIVIDUAL POSITION. The Board of Fisheries had no connoo lion nor did It have anything tu do with this contest: nor was any of its machin? ery called Into opposition to Mr. Mat? thews; nor was the machinery of the County Committee so used. Tho fact Is. a majority of the. County Committeo were supporters of Mr. Matthews; nor did Governor Montague have anything to do With that fight. Any statement that partisan politics havo been practiced by the State Board of Fisheries at any time or in any way, is untrue. Sly personal vote has always been open, ami my position pronounced In all political contests In Accontile county, for the last tv/enty years, nnd I have always been both open and activo In support of my friends and in opposition to my ene. mies, and this line of conduct was cer? tainly not departed from In tho last legis? lative contest. WAS.NOT INFLUENCED; I have never allowed, nnd llover will allow, tho aceptauee. of any office or po? sition, to control or hamper ma in the. free exercise of my vole and influence In any political matter or contest, which may arise in my county, 1 can only add that in tho efforts to prejudice and-injure ine, my associates on the Board of Fisheries and tho Gov? ernor, have been ruado, to appear In a disagreeable and false position, without excuse or warrant for doing so. J. \V. BOWDOIN. Deci 22, ino:!:. CHESTNUT HILL AND HIGHLAND PARK . Miss Mary Catlln has been spending somo timo with her grandmother, Mrs. William Catlln, of Chestnut Hill. Miss Addio C, Huffman, who lins been teaching school Tor several months in Clayton; Va.. Is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents at Strawberry Hill, Honrlco county. ' ? Miss Julia Horno, who has been ?.ulto sick, is slowly improving, Mr, anil Mrs. Wilder filici son, of New York, aro visiting Mr. Charles Wilder. Mrs. Robinson nnd llttlo son, of Balti? more, will In a few days bo tho guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Mortimer Me? Cluor. Tho oyster supper and Christinas salo which was given last Friday evening nt tho mn.nso by tho Farnesi Workers' So elety of Mlzpah Presbyterian Church, rot? tile benefit of tho now Sunday school loom, proved a success. Master Edmond Braokshaw, who has been visiting his aunt. Mr?. Luther Bow? man, lins returned home. Miss Marguerite .-?ubatili, of Ktaunton, Is visiting Mrs. ilenley. Miss Florence Baker, who has been quito ?slek, Is some what improver? Miss ROOhOl McKlnney, who bus beep visiting her cousin, Mrs, ID.. ?. Walthall, left Monday for Furmvlllo. Misses Lottie Livesay nnd Arrie pel tus have returned home after attending n. houso party given by Mrs. Militan at her home In Ilenrleo county. Utile Uarclay Waltlinl) is rapidly im proving. Miss Allee Shafer, who has been spend? ing llie winter in Smuntoli, hits returned to spend tho Christmas holidays with her parents. Miss l.oulso Hooper has heen visiting her aunt, Mrs. Thomas I.. Whiting, ot Meadow Hrldge Road. Mr. Malcolm Huwllugs, who luis been attending school nt Fork Union, has been visiting Mr. Alexander Sliafcr. Miss Ella Bonnie, who has been teach? ing SChOOl al (lieu Allen, Is spending somo time, with lier patenta, Mr. ami Airs. Frank Itennle. Ming lk-sale Clark, ol' Shirley, has beer Iho guest of Miss Matti?- Hose, at Har? t?n Heights. Mr. John Davis, of Highland Park, has returnee] after spending tilico months at lies wick, Mrs. N. K, Vaiigliun, who has been con? finer! t., her homo somo time with rheu? matism. |n slowly Improving. Air. ,|. 13. Austin returned from Rou noko Saturday to spend tho Christmas holidays Wlth Ills f:un|l.v. Miss Betsey I'oinberton will leave Hal iirrluy for Washington |o spend, several w.-eliM Mr. George i'l-.i.... (Jf Slauiilon. has re? turned allei? spending .sonic timo with bis .laughter, Mrs. t'. \v, Vuogliaii. miss Minan Mithin?, principal <.r ijuen Run school, will spend Um hoHduv.s ?? her hoine on Koiiith Avenue Mit. amlili left Saturday fur Rwkjsvllk?, ?. C, to spend several weeks with rel? atives. Owing- lo'ttio nearness ot Christinas Dny there will bo ho mid-week solv?aos n.t Mlapnh Frcsbytoi'lnn Church to-morrow evening. BARTOrHEIGHTS, Miss Fatilo Llgon. of Hnbnl, .Island, Is tiie guest of Mr?, f?. E. Long, Mr. W. T. Christian has lurt Tor King William on a hunt. Miss MarySmith, who hits 1x?oti visit? ing Mrs. George Lliwson, luis left for hoi' home,, In Alexandrin. Mis?, Editlt Estes, who has been visit? ing .Mrs. S. T\ Jones, has returned in Mansfield. - Mr. James Worlhum has loft lor Ra? leigh, after a visit to Mr. Frank Rohliv son. ' Mr, a..?].-?. Lynn, who has been visit? ing Airs. 13. C, Crenshuw, has left for Florida* Miss Molilo Duvni und Mr. Joseph'John? son will leavo. this week for Coochlaml. Miss Alary Jordan, who luis hoen visit? ing Miss Alurj1 Winston, ime rottimeli to Norfolk. -' Miss Elhel ?founders hns returned, to Alausrleld, after .11. visit to Airs, J. t?. ? Oveon. Alles Ida Leo, of Colmali! Is tho kuchI of ?1er parents, Air. and Airs. J, R. Leo. Air. John Hamilton, who hns been visit? ing Air. J. AL Rose, has left for Ports? mouth. Ailss II, Newton, who has boon visit? ing Airs. J\ ,W. Knapp, lias left for her home, in OrifL'In, Airs. I-I. .Lilly Smith nnd children, who havo been visiting Ali?.' and Airs. J, W. Knapp, have left for Griffin.. . Air. William Harper has rnlurnetl ?? his home In Lexington, after a visit to Mr. Frank Johnson. Alt;. George Alason. who has boon visit? ing Air. Henry Taylor, has left for Wash? ington. 'All?.. Wr'lglvL of Texas, is visiting? Mr. C. ?. HlgBuson. ? Mrf.. N. Chamberlain, who 1ms "been visiting Airs. C. C, Chamberlain, lins left for ?Hanover. Miss Ida Hawks, who hns been spend? ing the summer with her sister, Airs. Jenifer Bronddus, hits left for her homu in Rosemary. I AVIllie. Branch.has left for HanoA"cr to j visit his aunt, Airs. Branch. Miss Edna Estes, of Louisa, Is tho guest of Mrs. S. I'. Jones. Airs.??\'. 13. Cat?n, who has been visit? ing relativos In Goochland, lias returned home. Miss Ruth Crulehfield, who hup been quite, sick, Js improving. , Alias Daisy Prince, of Courtland, is visiting lier mint, Airs. George A. Minor. A?F3 Juno Phillips, of Amolla, who lias been visiting Airs. J. P.' Thomas, has left for home. Mr. Letcher Boonc has left for? Han? over. Mr. Charles Harris, of Goochlantl, has returned home, after a visit to Mi'. Wil? liam Wilkinson, Air. and Airs. R. Al. Bawling, who havo been visiting In Bnltlmore, have returned been visiting in Baltimore, have returned. FAIRMOUiMT NEWS. Allss Alolllo Anderson Is spending her holidays with relatives lit Petersburg, Master Alar?an Woclard will spenti his Christmus with his grandmother In Han? over county. . ? ? Airs. Leila Llvesny, who has been very much Indisposed for several days, is much better. .,,.'. Mrs. Sally .Alanly has relumed from Newport Now?, where she spent somo Unie with, her daughter, Mrs, .Harris. Thp Methodist Church -.will entertain hot? 'young folks Christmas night with a bountiful s,ilbply of. good-things. Chor? ister Sherman arranged a raro treat in m?sica Air. W. C.. Thomas.? and son, Blaster John Thomas, will-.spend a part of the Christmas with Mr. and Airs', John Tiffany in AVashlngton. Allss Ada Holmes, of Boswell, Hanover county, will be tlte guest of her aunt, Airs. \v. C. Thomas, next week. Air. Sain Stobbins, of North Carolina, visited his sister. Airs. George Collins, on Twenty-second Street, a few duys ago. Allss Lllllo McCann entertained her friends at a delightful pie party n few evenings ago at her homo or, Twenty first Street, for.'the' benefit of a needy widow with three dependent children. Many pies were sold, which brought fancy prices, ?ind a nice sum was raised for lier relief.. Among those present wur? Alessrs. -Lucer, Bernard Robinson, J". It, Oodsoy, Al. Tale; Fred Grecnstrect, IX. C. Robinson and Mr. Fidici? and Aliases Es? sie Robinson, Annie Quintino, Bello Forti, N'olile Green, HUIo McCann and many others. Airs. AlcCann and Airs, Adame chaperoned the young folks. Tho first honor pupils of the graded scholl In Howard's' Grove, for the past month are: Junior grade?Lizzie Claiboi'i)o,\ Interm?diate grade?George Jones. .Senior grade?Palmer Coloniali. Freshman grade?Hattie Bryant, Botilo Bngby, Julia England, Gracia Gentry, Lizzlo O'Neill. Sixth grammar grade?Eu nice Fullon, Anulo Sears and Helen Camp. ULLMAN'S ROBBED. Thief Tried the Safe and Then Took $2 From the Drawer. The Alursluill Street store of S. Ullman'? Son was robbed of ?i Alonday night. When the storo was opened yesterday morning It was found thnt somo ono had tampered with tho safe, which, hotyever, had not been opened. Then It was learned that the money .drawer, where a small amount of change Is usually kepi, had been forced, nnd 52 takon away. Tho thief wns evidently secreted in the storo whan It, was locked ???. the night, (ih nono of ihn doors or wlnduws wore broken. COLONEL JOSEPH BUTTON KINDLY REMEMBERED When Colonel Mutton reached for hi? gloves tn his overcoat pocket yesterday afternoon upon leaving tho Sonalo Cham? ber, ho found a llttlo package, which con? lulried ? handsome ChrlatnniH token from his assistant clerks. The prosont wusin tho shape o| ? very handsome, gold scarf pin, .studded with diamond*. There, was no oratory In presenting tho gift, hut tho thing In Itself spoko eloeiuolitly of the high esteem In which ho Is held by thoso under him. Colonel Button greatly appro? 'plates tho gift, and will wear It In memory of tho pleasant clays of tho passing ses? Skill. Lieutenant McCabe Here, Lieutenant t?. R. Warner AlcCiibe, of the Sixth Unitoci Stales Iteglmoiit, regular cavalry, reached Richmond Inst evening nl'ter un absence of moro than Ihren years In thu Philippines. Lieutenant Mc?abe's: regiment Is stationed at Fort Koogh, Montana. He Js a son of Colonol W, Gor? don Atefal.e, of this city. Christmas Treat, The boyo of the cRy. employed in. tho oiiu-es, stores and factories, will enjoy a lie-it CbrlstmuH afternoon from i tn ? o'clock at tho-V. Al. C. A. An iittructlvo [Programmo has (men arranged ami ro tresliiixiiiin will bo served. The h|il), will M'tit ?l'IT?. The first li3."> hoys to apply will lecelvp fren (IftkoU, These etui 'bo ob? tained at the Association building, begin ulng this morning ut " o'clock, Again To-Day. Men's Suits und Overcoats that were 4* | A "7C $20, $22.1)0 and ?25, reduced to f 14?/u _? ? . . . ? ' . | " G' ' Men's Suits and Overcoats that were $12.50, > $13.50 and $15, reduced to . . ' ?11 Boys' Knee pants Suits, Overcoats and ltj?)e? ers that were $6.50, $7, $7.50, reduceclto BathBobes?Smoking Jackets?Umbrellas ^ *j Per Cent. $9,50 and Canes at ..... 33 Discount. fanJ-M CHRISTMAS AT THE CATHEDRAL Elaborate Services to be: Held, ? Beautiful Music by the Choir. At St. Potor's Cathedral on Christmas morning masses will bo said at tho fol. lowing hours: 5, 0, 7, l?, ?:3? nnd 11. Tho 5 o'clock mass will bo a high ono, und heneo sung by tho choir. Tho' Right Rov. Bishop Van do Vyver will nt 11 o'clock, celebrato Pontifical High Maes. Tho following prioste1 will take part In the ceremonies: Very Rov. J. J. Howler, vicar-general, assistant lo tho Bishop; Rov. John MoVorry, of St. Pat? rick's, and Charles F. Hnnnlgan, of St. Joseph's Church, deacons of honor: Rov. Cyril de Mtiynck, of Iho Cathedral, and R.31.'. John J. Massoy, deacon and sub deacon, respectively, of tho mass. Tho sermon for tho occasion will he preached by Rov. Cyril Do Muynck, of St. Peter's Cathedral. The Right Rev, Bishop will, a.t tho onci of tho muss, Impart to nil those present the apostolic benediction. Tho mass, under tho direction of tho organist. Miss Nina Randolph, will bo or a very elaborato order. In flic eve? ning thorn aro to be no services. Tho altar will bo beautifully decorated with flowers and candelabra by tho sanetu ary ludi'CB, directed by Mrs. C. O'B, Cowardln. Tho Christmas music will bo repeated on tho Sunday following Christmas, at the 11 o'clock high mass. AT THE ACADEMY. The dramatization of "David Harum," which has been finding so much favor, and which Is to be seen ut tho Academy Christmas Day, Is said to ho very clever? ly arranged. Of course, Hurutn la tho central figuro and around him aie grouped all the characters of t.ho book. Thoro is otd Aunt Polly. Pretty Mary Blake, the Widow Cullom, and John Lenox, who is the cashier of Harum's bank. Then Utero is Dick Barri bee, pert Cheti Tlmson, the miserable old usurer, 'Sicko awlimey; the sanctimonious, yet wiliiiil, horse-loving?. Deacon Perltlns, and Amos Elrlght, the landlord ot the Baglc 'l'averti, with his boast that his Is tho only Oiotol at which they give five kinds of pio for breakfast. General Wolsoy moves through Iho play, and so does the village tough, Bill Montalg, and Poleg Hopkins, the small boy at tho bank. The character sketches are all capitally drawn and equally well portrayed, and to play promises to win oven moro suc? cess than did the book. It has much to commend It, inasmuch ns it is clean and wholesome, tolls a most Interesting story, Is repleto with bright lines nnd quaint sayings, nnd has a delightful and re-, freshing atmosphere. "When Knighthood Was in Flower." ? Few plays that have been produced In roeent years havo created more animated discussion than "When Knighthood wus in Blower." Paul Kester's dramatiza? tion of Charles Major's beautiful romaneo of that name, which Will ho seen at tho Academy Saturday, matlnco and night, with Rosello Knott, a beautiful young emotional actress, to whom Manager Frank L. Perley has entrusted tho role of Mary Tudor, tho part In which Julia Marlow gained lasting fame. There has naturally been causo for tho discussion tho play has aroused, tho fas? cinating story of which Is tho foundation of tho picco, It gives a vivid description of tho shady slclo of royally during the rpign of King Henry Vili, of England, as woll ns a characterization of probably tho only good woman at the court, "Mary Tudor." tho King's sister. Miss Knott's exquisitely finished performance of 'tho madcap princess, It Is sold. Is a pro tralluro. that will Ilvo In the memory of those fortunato enough to sen hor, That tho play will be most liberally patronized at Its presentation here, goes without ?dying, and the, piece deserves it, lor Frank U. Perley, tho. manager, will bring tho entlro Julia. Marlow pro? duction (built expressly for tho Criterion Theatre, Now York,) here, together with an excellent company Including Frank Hylvtslcr as Churlos tirandoli. Across' the Pacific. Melodrnmntio lovers aro glvon all thoy nrc looking for In t.ho hill which Is being offered this week at. Iho Bijou Theatre. Barry C. Rlaney, In his trip "Across the Pacific," lias all sorts of experiences, many more than are. usually ascribed lo the ubiquitous newspaper reporters. And What Is moro, tho box olllco buromotei? Indiente* that tini people tiro fond of good, lively, bristling, oscillile \wU> drama. ' '.' performances each night Ml ?>:J0. with platin?os Thursday, Friday and ?-Satur? day, RAILROAD NEWS, Tho daintiest and most popular bit oc advertising scut out In reeout years by any railway Is that recently Issued by the Seaboard Air Bino In the. form of u neautlfully gotten up booklet, embrac? ing tho sweet Htoplet'lo entitled. "A Brido and a Urldlo,'1 by Julian Street and ? Prank Flnnoy. So great was the demand for 'llalli that, tho supply was early ex? hausted. Thoy can be hail, hownver, on application to tho publishers, Tho Colonial Advertising Company, No. HO East Twen? ty-second Street, New Vork, by sending postage to cover cosi. Tilo Seaboard Air I.Ilio Hallway Compa? ny is now running on Its southbound trains extra sleepers lo accomodate the lioiivy Florida und other southward trav? el. Tliu celebrated through halus of lhu company'will soun bu put oil again. Cenerai Passenger Ageiil Henry W. Ful? ler, of Ilio (.'liesupeiike and Ohio Railway, was In the city yosUmlny fur,a few hours ??? a brief business trip. Colonel Fuller is one of Ilio best, as wellas. most goner, ally esteemed, men In'the rujlivay world, und Ih especially popular lu this Stalo, where ho formerly resided. Mr, Fairfax Harrison, a well known Virginian, for years attached to tho legni ?Opartm?nt of the Southern Railway, und locateti In Washington, luis Ticen appoint? ed assistant to the presfdent, with head? quarters at No, 1301) Pennsylvania Avenue-, Washington; Thu Southern Railway will inauguralo Its mugnliloont train service known a? tho Southern Pniiii Limited, between New York nnd Florida. This train Is the tieni". of magnificence and affords tho highest ciegreo of comfort possible In travel. Tho statement of thn earnings of the Seaboard Air Line Hallway system for the second week In December has Just been issued. It shows earnings for the week ended December 15th to bo $2?2,??78, compared with 1210,187 for the week ended same ditto last year. For tho two weeks of December, this year, efiralngs were. ?30,058, compared with ?ID5,!)9(I for the same period of lasl December, an Increase of $31,062, From July 1st, 100.1, to "Decem? ber J6th the earnings wero $5,821,203, com. pared with $51133,315 for tho same period of last year, Uli Increase of $170,918. Railway passenger traille, and express shipments have already bocoinu heavy" und will grow more so ovcrv day this week until Christmas ove. ."All the rail? ways entering this city report business good In this line. Tho reduced rate tick? ets enable many to rovin?i tholr old homes or to visit friends In tho country or In other cities of thu Hiato. Tho rush will continuo until about January 5th, thn special rate tickets being limited for re? turn passage unlll January 4th Captain A. C. Berkeley, a popular Ches, apeako und Ohio conductor, on tho ilyer between this city and Newport News'und ubi Point, who has boon detained from duty for weeks now, owing <o Illness and a surgical operation, is not yet. well enough to return to duty. He 1s at Gor? dons villo, und, though reported improv? ing steadily, will not be strong enough to resumo work before tho end ot the year. Captain Rerkoley Is a brother of Captain R. AL Berkeley, of The Powha tan', and of Alossrs. L. C. Berkeley, J. ],, Rerkoley and W. N, Berkeley, Jr., of Danville, Captain It. S. Fehles, a Norfolk nnd Western conductor, known to everybods' along the route of the Cannon-Bail train, has not yet stifflciently recovered his strength slncu his Injury In tho wreck near Petersburg months ago. Ills broken wrists are slow knlttjng together and resuming their normal strength. A New Way of Usino Chamberlain's CotiQh Remedy. .Mr. Arthur Chapman' writing from Dur? ban, Natal South Africa, says; "As a profit mat (.humberlaln's Cough Remedy Is ? cure suitable for old and young, ? n'en you the following: A neighbor of mino , l:atl a child just over two months old. It hn.d a very bad cough and the li?ronla did not know what to give It. 1 suggested that If they would get it bottle of Chum t.crlaln'H Cough Remedy and put ?omo upon the dummy teat ilio baby was suoje Ing It would no doubt euro the child. This thoy did and brought about a quick re? lief and cured the baby." This remedy is lor sale by u" druggists. FLORIDA AND THE SOUTHLAND via ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Tho Quickest route by one hour and five minutes, traversed by trains superb In every appointment, composed of the tdgh est standard Pullman Sleeping, Drawing Room, Observation, Library nnd Dining Cars; cuisine tho best tho markets af? ford, served table de hoto. Tickets are tiow on sale by this all principal Winter Tourist Resorts in Georgia, Florida, Cuba, New Providence and tho Southwest, at. very low rates. For de? scriptive matter and full Information, ap? ply to any agent of tho company; or, C. S. CAA1PBJSLL, Division Passenger Agont, S3S 15. Alain St., Richmond, Va. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY RATES VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Tickets will ho sold between all point? on this line, account of tho Christmas holidays, al rato of ono and one-third first-class fares, plus twenty-flvo cents, for tho round trip, minimum rato fifty cents. Tickets on sale to tho general public December 23d, 21th, 25th, 30th, 31st, J903, and Junuary 1st, 11101, final' limit January 1st. 1001, to teachers and stu? dents of schools apd colleges, on presen? tation and surrender of certifica ter sign? ed by thu superintendents, pr?sidents or princip?is, December 16th to 22d, inclu? sivo, with final limit Junuury 8th, 100-1. ' For completo Information call on any agont of the company, or, C. 8. CAMPBELL, > ; Division Passengor Agent, S38 Fast Alain Slroot, Richmond, Vn. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COM? PANY. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY RATES. Holiday excnrslou tickets will bo sold between Richmond and Norfolk and re? turn at speclnl rato o? ?.'?.??. Ticket? on salo al either Richmond or Norfolk December 22(1, 'J.'ld, 21th, 25th, ,'tOtli illst, ?' I'M'., and January 1st, litt-!, good for re-, turn pnssago nulli .laiiiiury -ith, 1901, On presentation nnd surrender of cer? tificates signed by sup-rlntendent, prin? cipal or president of collego or school, excursion tickets will bo sold ut tho ubov? rales to students, December IGth-to 2Sth, Inclusivo, good for return passage unlll .TOUN F. A1AYFR, Foot Ash Street. .11, B, WALlvrCR, V, P. & T. M? Now York. ?, Y, K. F. CHALKLFY. City Ticket Agt? . 808 Fast. Alain Street. FREE CONCERTS, Our store will bo open to all callers cvory evening until ?0 o'clock to ,\' Day. You aro cordially Invilcd to call and examine our Immenso stock of F(ria Piano?, IManolau, Regina .Muslo Boxea, and many other Instruments of the lates? musical novelties. Including tho most wonderful Talking?, Singing apd .Musical Automatic Alachino. over invented, "The Victor." Call and hear this wonderful Inslru? ment. Wo have, now -in stock K,00(l Inde? structible records, including all the Intesi up-lo-diitc Vocal and ' Instrumental Aluslc -Dialogues, Alinstrel Jokiw, ?e. \Vu will be pleased In havo you call. WALTHR D. MOSNfi & CO, . 103 Faut Broad Street. WEST END HOUSES ARE ENTERED Was Frightened Off by a Piece of Falling Glass?Bag. of Silver Left Behi?cl. Shortly after midnight yesterday morn? ing t'ho falling of a pitno of glass from a window at tho homo of Mr. Edgar Cl. s????, No. 304 West Franklin Street, Is believed to havo 'frightened _/>ff a burg? lar. ' Just before that hour, a. man servant employed at tho home, hoard a nolsu ns of como ono walking about. He rained tho window to see and tho stranger bent a retreat, because upon raising tho wln-| dew a pleco of glass fell out and made' a noise. Upon Investigation, a. bug of sllverwan] was found In the front hall way, ?vident-, ly placed there by tho burglar, but which! was loft In IiIh hasty exit. All that Is] missing Is a set of four heavily plated sll-? vor spoons, Mr. Ounn Is of tho opinion That th? house was entered by means of a false key. as no placo wo? broken. FULTON NEWS. Tho pupils of Nicholson Streot school will render the following programmo at their Christmas celebration to-day: ? Song, "Welcome." school chorus; song, "Joy to tho. World," school; recitation, "Preparing for Chrlstmus." Irono Lynch; rocltution, "December," Arnll.i. Christian; song, "Santa Never Conies," Edna Jolloy; reading, "Night Before Christmas," Ruby Currle; song, "Ring and Swing," school; dialogue, "Christmas In Other Bauds," ten children; recitation, "Christmas EVe.'J Mary Maun; song. "Christmas Tree Song," school chorus; reading "How. We Hunted a Mouse," Graco Seay;. recitation, "Nonsense Calendar," Bina Bowles; duet, "Christmas is Hero," Allen Reams, Corintio Day; reading, "The Fly," Willie Smith; song. "Sunshine and . Rain," school; recitation, "Sing a Song of Christ? mas," Myrtlo Thompson; song, "Christ? mas at Sea," sixth grammar, and chorus; recitation, "Why Should Wo bo Happy?" thirteen children; song, "Tho Lord Is my Shepherd," six children; recitation, "Hang Up tho Baby's Stocking." Mary Conway; recitation, "Give," six Ulti? girls; reading. "Tho Witness," Vernon Rice; recitation, "Tho Telephone Mes? sage," irono Day; song, "Santa Claus," seventh and eighth primarlos; recitation, "Santa Claus' Home," Kalo Bruckwell; recitation, "The Two Stockings." Felicia Walker; song?,. ".Music la tho Air," school. Miss May ID, Klrhy, a well known young lady of Ilio West End, and Mr. Richard F. Williams, of Fulton, will bo quietly married to-night ut tho residence of the bride. No. 1010 'Floyd Avenue., Tho attendants will bo Messrs, Manly Brown and John Seay. Tho ceremony will ho performed by the Rev. Weston Bruner, of.Calvary Baptist. Church. Mr. and -Mrs. Willliiins will make their homo with tho groom's mother, No. 414 Denny Street, Fulton. Hugh Davis had his left hand severely Injured whILo operating a saw at tho Ce? dar Works yesterday. Ho was attended by Dr. 13. B. Reams. 'Mr, Andrew Butler, who has been ill for somo limo, is now in a very serious condition, Tlio Rev.'?, ?. Jones, pastor of Denny Street Methodist Episcopal Church, left yesterday for Norfolk, \^a._ whero ha will spond tho Christmas holidays with his son, the Rev. Georgo Wesley Jones. Mrs. Jones ?ccompapled her husband. Isham Wnyrnitck, an employe of the American Ether Works, just below Ful? ton. Is 111. ? Mr. Ernest Whltlock was on tho street yesterday after nn Illness of sovoral months. Mrs. Hugh Rico Is in Gates county. N. C, visiting frlonds and relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Cortland Blpford returned Monday night'from Halifax, N. C, where they wero married. Mr. and Mrs. Bipford will reside with tlio 'bride?'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gatildliig, on Seventh Street. Mrs. Clarke, tho aged mother of Mm. WllliA'? Menidew, Is quito 111. Mr, O.-A. Argcnbrlght, track foromnn pi tho Chesapeake vand Ohio Railroad, Is spondjiig? his holiday with his family in Kentucky, ?Mrs. William Christian, who has been HI nt her homo on Nicholson Strool, I? improving slowly. Miss Octavia Wooflson has returned after nn oxtendod Southern tour. On Iba way back M|ss Woodson visited Lynchbitre nnd Natural Bridge. Mrs. Mnry Wyatt continuos 111 at her .home, "horsey" Throckniortnn; who has been I'll Tor tlio past week, |s able to bo out. Mr,'Jack Snend. who was attacked on his placo at?Powhatan by several negroe? a??? received several gashes across hi? face from a leni fe,. 1.s getting /welj. The remains of Mrs, Robert' Craddock, who died iit Juar residence on Louisiana Street, Stturday morning, wero taken lo lower Henrlco county to be interred In the family burylpg ground Monday morn? ing;- .'" Mr,-Lucius A. Daugherty, secretary and treasurer of llie Virginia Osdar AVorks. of West Norfolk, Va., will "spond his Christines holiday with his father, the Rev, John W. Dougherty, on Graham Street. , . ., Tho Christmas entertainment of in? Apostolic Sunday School will bo hold Christmas morning at th* church. Mr. Chester Dwyor, formerly of 1*ni? ton, wlio Is how associated with Heller, Hirelb and Company, fertilizer broker?, of. No\v->'ork, Is spending his Christum? holidays with his father ?it "Belniont," near tho National Cemptory. , Mrs. Ida? Ivline, who has linen ill nt her residence, ?Hi Wllltanisburg Avena?, |s improving slowly.