Newspaper Page Text
ROBBERIES IN STORES Much Shoplifting in Progress Along With Christinas Shopping. ASSAULTS MADE ON COUNTERS The Army of Christmas Pur? chasers Seems to Increase With Each Succeeding Day. The mad gnmo of ahopplng Is still going on. With many ladles It la shopping, ?hopping ,all day long. Broad Btroat and ?very thoroughfare which 1b barricaded by stores Is crowded to the limit by a hurrying populace bent on buying Christ mas presenta and provendor of overy possi bio description. The crowds Increase Instead of diminish _t Christmas, for whllo many''tako time by ^tho 'forelock," many others, "festinant lente," put oft their shopping until' the last minute. ' Tho orpwd Is a good naturcd ono, but ?orna of tho merchant? have not always found It a good one. Shoplifting has been Unusually rifo this Christmas, but thero has'o been no proeecutlons, tho mord?ante taking a different course, put of tho kindness of their hearts. Some of tho merchants havo caught Rhoppers at their practice, nnd have Kent detecllvcs ?? their homes. A bold accusation, with con? vincing evidence, has In nearly every Instance, brought a confession. The nr llcles wore given up and returned to the (lore. ? The frightful assault upon the counters by profitable shoppers causes groat havoc 1 with them In the course of a day, and by nightfall tho neatest look ltko tho head of a woman who has been riding In a sharp wind?very much dishevelled. As soon as the sign "Closed" goes upon the doors nt 10 P. M., the clerks and others retained for this purpose set to work to straighten up tho "terribly mangled romains" and "Mipply tho deficiencies of the present" from tho warehouses which were stocked a month ago for tho future. When the storo opens the next day their counters givo the impression of recently watered flower beds. By S:39 the assault of shop pera has begun again In earnest and the warfare Is waged all day long until an? other 10 P. M. The grocery stores ore doing a fine busi? ness. Their clerks aro on the Jump from ? In the morning until lato In the night, and tho horses which dash through tho city In front of dellvory wagons have de? clared that they "never want to see an? other Christmas as long as they live? rrt day will be ono day of "sweet rest for the work-stricken army, honestly earned, and as overy one hopes, greatly to be en Joyed. OFFICIAL BONDS. Attorney-General Anderson An? swers Important Questions. Recently Tho Times-Dispatch rocolved the following communication: Editor of The Tlmes-DIspatch: ? Sir,?Will you please give me tho follow? ing Information as early as possible? Where offlcem aro elected at the last No? vember election, their tenure of ottico commencing Jan. 1, 10W, and where such officers hove given tfielr bonds and qual? ified before the County Court of their county, under sections 812 and SU, V. C, beforo the amendment of the same, which was approved December 10, 1903, do they havo to again give bond and qualify In the Circuit Court, as required by tho amendment? The question Is simply: Is a requallflcatlon necessary undor the ex? isting law in such a case? Yours truly, WILLIAM M. FOSTER. Hillsvllle, Va., Doc. 20th. In response to this and a groat num? ber of similar Inquiries, and at the re? quest of the Auditor of Public Accounts, Attorney-General Anderson has made the following statement as to tho status of county, dlatrlct and town officers ejected at tho election on the 3d of November last, and who have given bonds nnd qualified tindor tho provisions of tho law as it stood prior to December 10, 1503: "On the 10th of December, 1903. an act. passed by the Cionernl Assembly, took effect, amending sections G12, S13. 811, S15, ?-e, of the Codo, requiring every county, district, city and town ofllcor elected by the people, nnd overy county ctirveyor nnd superintendent of the poor, to qual? ify and give bond, In tho manner pre Bcrlbed In the act, before his Circuit or Corporation. Court, or before the Judge thereof in vacation, or beforo tho clerk ? thereof in his office. "Section 813, ns amendod by this act, provides that 'If any such officer fall to qualify nnd give bond, as required by tho preceding section, on or before the day on which his term begins, his office shall bo doomed vacant.' / "A very largo number of county and district officers had qualified and given bond before the passngo or before tho publication of the above act, or In Igno? rance of the fact of its passage, By tho terms of the act of December 10, 1903. nny such quallllcatlon will bo Invalid; and, without further legislation, unless those officers givo new bonds and qualify beforo tho day on which tholr respective terms of ofllce shall begin, in accord? ance with tho requirements of that act (as amended by an act approved Decem? ber 17, 1003, amending section SH of tho Code, to as to authorize but not to re? quire a guaranty or surety company to bo ?Ivon as surety in any caso upon an official bond), |t Is provided that their respectivo offices 'shall bo deemed va? cant.' "A quallllcatlon under tho acts of De? cember 10th and 17th Is necessary to pro vent tlm vacation of every euoh ofllce, unies? tho Clonerai Assembly shall, by proper act, amend tho law so ns to vail? date tho -qualifications and bonds given in accordance with the old law. Buoh an aot will have to bo framed with great care, in order to offeetttate this purpose and at lh_ eame time properly guard the publie interests. "A bill providing for this relief is now being perfected by the Legislature, ??? It Is hoped will bo enacted before Christ ma?, though there I? groat doubt as to whether any such bill can now b? passed before tho adjournment of tho L?gisla? ture. '"If Borne auch act Is not passed before January 1, 1901, it will bo necessary (or all officer? whoae terms begin on the first of January next, and who have not qualified under tho now law, to qualify and give bonds On or before that date, ae required by tho acts of December joth and 17th, 1*>3? or else theiroffices must thon bo doomed vacant." Property Transfers, Hii'iimond: Gilets ?. Jackson, special commissionar, to ?? J. Crono, 19 1-S feet on west sia.?. Fourth Street, i'? f?ct ?o\ith or Preston (Street, ?1,610.; John T, Jones and wife to trustee? of United Sons and Daughters of Jerusalem, IQ acre? adjoining tho lends Of Vi\ it. A. Pottereon, & als., ?150, Presents for old and young. And the very nicest, too, and at prices within reach of all. Don't wait longer. Christ? mas is right upon us. TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! These for the little folks at our Main-Street store. We are too busy to name the . -multitude of handsome and' useful things at our two stores, but we are well known to you. Come early in thevday, be? fore the rush begins. Wishing you a merry Christmas, The E. B. Taylor Co., ??? ? E. Main. 9 E. Broad. A HOLIDAY UNTIL 29TH The ; House and Senate Finally Agree Upon an Adjourn? ment Measure. JAMESTOWN IN SUSPENSE House Agrees to Extension of Charter, But Senate Fails to Have a Quorum. Tho General Assembly of Virginia yea torday agreed upon a Joint resolution for a recess from Wednesday, December 23, 1003, until Tuesday, Docombor 20, 1903. The House had paesod the resolution tho day be?oro. The Senate, though opposed to the proposition, and on record aB fa? voring adjournment sino die, wero finally torced to a mo to . the torme proposed by tho Huuso, nnd reluctantly agreed to tho Joint resolution. The final day In both houses was un? productive of substantial results. The House, aftor considerable debato, agreed to the resolution extending for six months tho period Within which the Jo mes town JCxposlllon Company ? may raise the million dollars agreed upon as a condition of the' availability of the 1200.00" appropriation .mado by tho State. When the bill reached the Senate, how? ever, It encountered opposition and be? fore a vote could be had on tho quos> Uou of discharging a committee from consideration of the bill In order that It might be taken up ongrossed and pass? ed, a quorum was broken and the Sen? ate adjourned, after refusing to order a call of tho body. With sixteen votes necessary to pans tho bill, . thero were | but fourteen for It and five against It, , two lower than a quorum. Tho fate of ' th? bill is very doubtful at present. It will certainly pase the Senate If a quo? rum can be gotten together before December 31?>t. The discovery having been made that an net approved December 12th, vested the circuit clerk with sole power io Issue marriage licenses In tho coun? ties and that many have been Issued since that time, it became necessary to pare a statute validating these Issues of license and the marriages thereunder. Senator Campbell offered such a bill and it passed by the Senate without ob? jection. Beforo tho House could act on the bill, however, a quorum failed, and all marriages in tho counties since De? cember 12, 1W3, are still Invalid, techni? cally, at least. A conference was ordered on the dis? agreeing votes of the two houses on amendments to the general road law and conferees were named, but thoy did not report to ,thelr respectivo bodies, before adjournment came to prevent. The House. The House was called to order at noon bv Speaker Hyan, and prayer was ortcrcd by Rev. P. B. Price, of the Presbyterian C'nurch. . .. Mr. Stearnes offered the following reso? lution, which being favored by Stesars. Kewhouse, Duke and Whltehead, was passed by temporarily: .... "Whereas, the House adopted a resolu? tion on yesterday providing for a recess, whereby Its members will bo enabled to draw their per diem for tho live days recess, and "Whoreas said action was inadvertently taken, It not being the intention of this body to requiro the Stato to pay for services not performed; therefore, "Resolved, by tho House, the Senate contouring, That tins General Assembly take a recess from 2 o'clock ?, M, on Wednesday, Docember ?3d. until .11 o'clock A. M., on Wednesday, December ?oth." Two companion bills, offered by Mr. Boaz, designed to allow outgoing county treasurers to collect pnstdue taxes, were tecommitted on motion of ?lr. Cardwell, of Hanover. Tho chair announced the appointment of Messrs. Edmondson. Card well and Green, conferees on the part ot tho Houat-, on the disagreement over the Edmondson road bill. Mr, Gumming offered a bill, designed to preserve and extend the charter of the Jamestown Exposition Company until July 1st, 1901, nnd he asked that tin finance Committee bo discharged front the furthor consideration of the Dill. He said that ?760,000 of the $l,00u,000, upon which the legislative appropriation was predicated, had already been subscribed Mr. Gumming made a brief speech In support of his motion to discharge, and it was adopted?ayes 42, noes 0. Mr. Bonz was absent and was In the fienaie Chamber. Four of his colleague? went over and brought him in by main torco, and Mr. Whltehead designated lilm as present and not voting. He was re? corded In the negative, and thus the requisite number for a quorum was on hand. ' ' THE RECORDED VOTE. The recorded U'Otc on the question wns as follows: Ayes?W. W-. Bnker, Barham, Charles Cat?n, Christian, Gumming, Polke?, Pul ron, Gardner1, Gravely, Green, Hurmun, tieermans, Hunley, Walter Jordan, Las sltor, Loake, ?. E. Lee, Lewis, Lion, Lyoll, Ma-thews, Maya, Murrelt, New house, Orgnln, Ovorby, Owens, Purdy, Iteafl, Reynolds. Rico, Snead, Stearnes, Taylor, ? Wallace, West, Whltehead and vvoodard?42. iSoos?Messrs, Allen, Bonis. Cardwell, Churchman, Duke, Edmondson, Lowrv, Uulsonberry nnd Mr, speaker?9. The constitutional reading of the bill was dlsponsed with?nyos 41, noes w?and by a voto of 42 to 9 the bill wns passed, Tho usual r?solution, providing extra Christmas compensation for the Janitors and chief paio, woe offered by Mr. Wal lace, and adopted, Mr. Cummlng, on bohulf of the members nnd assistant clerks, pruseulea Clark John W.' Williams with a beautiful sil? ver berry bowl, Mr, dimming was very happv In his remark?, and Mr. Williame responded In a most fittine: manner. The Senate. The Senato convened at noon yesterday, again w.tlj a quorum nnd Indeed a bet? tor attendance of senators than the day before. The Ai'st business before the Senato was the communication of tho House Joint resolution, proposing ? rocess of tho Gen? eral Assembly from December yJd to Lccqmber 29th. The attempt to secure concurrence on the part of th? Senate mot with lively opposition, as expeoted, but tho mutlon finally prevailed, and the recess Is, thore. loro, attroed upon, ?G, Shackelford was first In the field with a motion, it being to no amend tho House Joint resolution as to provide for adjournment; sine dip on December Aid. Mr. Opio, of Augusta, opposed Hie mo? tion to adjounv ?ine die, ami favored con? currence, believing that the House would not agree to the Shackolford amendment. Mr. Keeaell, of Rocklroghain, likewise lavorod concurren?a In the House resa lut.oii, as did Mr. Chapman. The Shackelford amendment was voted down, 7 ayes to 16 noes. Mr. Rlvei'oomb, of Alle?hany, then ot? tered as an amendment to the Joint ??.?solution that the General Assembly tnke a races? from Docember 23d, 1903, to January Iti, IBUI. Jlo ?poke wjth vigor jn suppoit 01; his urn encimen t, and others lavorod it also. He pointed out tjMJt this would savn the Stato a consid?rame sum In" the per aleni of members and employ?s under .the House resolution, nnd urged Uwt this *e considered, The por diem matter wax, In his opinion, the ''nigger in the wood pile," Continuine, Air. Rover comb, severely criticised those nwmbors who refuavd to adjourn (or a longer time than th? rivo day? provided for In the House resolution. WOULD-OQ?T 115,000, . ftfr. Bariwdale, of Halifax, also Book* In support of the ilovorcomb alno.?unit. The recess proposed by tbo Hotmo would cost tho Stalo tlB.tno to no purposo, and he was opposed to title useless expendi? ture. Tho lesponslblllty for this action was on the other botine, Ami hn proposed Id pill it Where It belonged, Mo favored tuo substituto of Mr. Kuvcrcomb, The pending? question being ordered, an ayo and no? volo was ordered on the itevorcomb nmondmoht. and It failed by a. Volo of 8 to 15. Tlin previous question woe then ur dorotl, It being on tho House Joint r?solu, lion. This wns adopted' by Ihn following votei AyoB?Jlossrs. Bryant, Campbell, Chap? man, Donohoo, Garrett, llalsey, Harvey, Jlobbs, Keozcll, Manu, Mnsslc, Ople, Itevorcomb, Sale, Tyler nnd Wallacc-Jl?, Noes?Messrs. Anderson, Harksdalo, Cromwell, Moon, Sears, rihaekeltord and w ickliam-7. Tho Jo:nt r?solution being agreed to, ! Mr. Chapman was delegated by the proal? dent to communicate tho action to the ' House, VALIDATE MAnniAOES. ! Mr. Campbell then olTered a bill to vol ' Idato all marriage licenses limned by clerks ol ?ho County Courts of the Btate sinew December 12th, whon the amendment to section 2210 was adopted and .approved, giving to the dorks of tho Circuit Courts that power and authority on and after thai ditto. Tho language or the now soe ? tlon on the subject, so far as It applies, ! reads thus; Marriage licenses, by whom Issued?, Every ?censo for a marrlaeo snail bo Issued by tho clerk of tho Cir? Ctilt Court of the county or of tho Cor-1 j poratlon or Hustings Court of tho corpor? ation in which the fornaio to bo married usually residen, etc." It Is further pro? vided lliat "Tills act shall bo in forco lrom Its passage," and the act Ih en? dorsed, "Approved December 12th, 1903." Tho Senato passed tho bill validating mari Inge licenses thus Issuod since ')u centner 12th, 1DC3, and tho action was com? municated to tho House for Its Immediate action, When the bill reached tho House, however, there was nota quorum of delo. gates, and consequently Ilio validating act could not be passed, Marriage licenses issued by county clerks since the date named are, therefore, still Invalid, and win remain so until after tho recess, un? less tho House can muster a ciuorum to-' ?Say. The action of the Genoral Assembly In making tho change effective Immediate? ly instead of Fobruaty 1st, 1904, was, of course, an oversight, JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. Mr. Hale, of Norfolk city, then offered a bill, extending the time within which tho Jamestown Exposition company may raise tho sum of one million dollars. In lorder to mnko the State ? aproprlatlon of J2W.0O0 ttvu.lable. Mr. Sale explained Hie purposo of Ilio bill briefly, and earnestly urged Immedi? ate action thereon. He contended that the action la granting the extension of time would not Impair tho obligation of contracts In any way, and that the act would not apply to any other company chanered In the State. Mr. Wiekham, chairman of the Finance Committee, antagonized tho bill, first on the proposition, to d.fichargo the commit? tee from consideration of the bill. Ho argued that the measure was a gravo and Important one and should go to the committee. It would probably havo tho effect, If passed, of releasing all those who had subscribed to tho fund from their obligation to pay those subscriptions, ???a would In nil probability lnvo.vs the State In a great bundle of law sulns, growing out of such release from contracts. He earnestly and vigorously opposed tho mo? tion to dlschargo the committee Mr, Salo earnestly advocated the motion to discharge the committee and took Issue with Mr. Wiekham .as to the proba hlo effect of thopassage of the bill.' THE MOTION FAILED. While the debato on tho bill was in progress, the House communicated the pas? sage of the indentical bill by that body. Tbo.eupon Mr. Salo withdrew his bill, ard moved that the House bill be taken up and the committee discharged from consideration of the bill. Sixteen votes wre required to discharge the committee. The motion failed, Hjto S, whereupon Mr. Wlckhnm mado the 'point of no quo? rum, and moved to adjourn. Mr. Balo demanded the yeas and nays on the mo? tion to adjourn, and tho' being sus? tained, tho recorded voto was ordered. This still Indicated the lack of a quorum, whereupon Mr. Barksdale.-.-of Halifax, asked for a call of the Senate. This was not sustained, however, and the Senato at 2 P. M. adjourned until noon to-day. THE OHIO POET. Edmund Vance \Cooke to Ap? pear at the Y. M. C. A. fldmund Vance Cooko, the Ohio poet, whose poems are full of cleverness, and who is one ot tho happiest of poets, will entertain tho members of the Association Course, and those, who aro fortunate enough to secure reserved seats, ? ex l Monday night at 8:30 o'clock, In tho ioung Men's Christian Association audi? torium. *? Air. Cooke'b "Pot Luck with a Poet" presents an overling of raro fun and at? tractiveness. He will appear in "Jusl Between You and Mo." in speaking of his work, tho Hnrrisburg Slar-indepnn oent eays; "Delightfully unique. hlgh\v original and different from anything over given in the Sta)? Course beforo." RAINS OF SATURDAY ARE NOT WARM ENOUGH Contrary to first expectations tho re? ceipts of tobacco on the local market aro quite small. ? number of wag. on? aro coming in, but tho crop is still hanging back because, on account of the unfavorable weather, tho formera are unable to handle It. Tho recont rains did not constitute tho season It was believed they would, While It might havo been stylod ? warm rain hero on Saturday night. It was nothing like so warm in the country, and it was impossible to handle tho tobacco. Tho prices uro higher than thoy have boon yot this year. Somo of tho local leaf men declared that they aro up to those of last season. Tho farmers appear very well satisfied. THE DEDICATION OF THE MONTR0SE CHAPEL Mante?se Chapel, a mission of tho Third Presbyterian Church, will bo dedicated Sunday afternoon, next nt 3:?15 o'clock. Tho chapel Is located on the WllliamH burg Road, immediately opposlto tho Na? tional Cemetery. Tho dedicatory services will bo conduct? ed by the llev, Dr. P.. B. Eggloston, pns tor of tho Third Church, Dr. F. T. Mo Faden. of tho First Church will deliver tho address, and Dr. James 1?. Smith will ma ko tho dedicatory prayer. A special musical programme has been arranged, Judge W. E. Homes of Poydton, Va,| Is in the city on professional business, stop? ping nt Murphy's Hotel, ^^a??a?|3^?^?0??G?"^ Account Southern Educational Associa? tion, Atlanta,\ Ga., December 29, 1003, January 1, lou-t. On account of tho ubov? occasion tho peubourd will ?ell tickets from all sta? tion? on Us Unes to Atlanta and return at rato of one faro, plus |2.?d, whluh In? cludes membership foe. Tickets on salo Ducembor SOU), final limit January J, lUO-l, For tickets and other information, apply to the underslgned H. S, LEAPD, District Passenger Agent, 'Phono ?05, ; Jtlchmond, Va. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Betira tho Signature, ?? ? Rush! Rush!! Rush!!! That's just what shopping is going to be this week and you'll find it to your ad? vantage to go to the store that gives you the quickest service and the largest stock to pick from?that store in the Furniture and Carpet line, is A FEW REMARKS. We've.had several dozen people tell us1 that we had all the other stores skinned to death on Book Cases, Desks and Combination Cases. For a gift to an employer nothing surpasses a Leather Turkish Rocker or Couch. You forget you're living when you sit in one of ours. . ' > . Our present stock of Rugs and large-sized Druggets is as good as the. one we showed in September. Just a few more $3.85 Morris Chairs left?come quick. We hardly think it's ne? cessary to remind you that we've got a big assortment of Rocking Chairs, etc., etc., and we're busy, so won't say ' any more. ' 419.21 E. Broad St. Credit Given On Any Purchase If It'll Help You. GOOD CHEER AT THE ALMSHOUSE A Fine Entertainment There Next Monday Even? ing. Under the supervision of Superintendent Gocrgo B. Davis, an entertainment will bo given at 8 P. M. Monday for the benefit of tho Inmates. The following proprumme will be rendered: Overture?Mr. B. B. Burton, Music?Mr. Moses Bteln's Orchestra. Address?Mr. Marx dunst, chairman Committee on Relief of the Poor. Solo-Mr. Charles H.? Phillips. N Recitation?Mrs. Jennie Yoamans. Violin Oda Piano Duet?Mr. Victor Men sol, Miss Essie Phillips, lttcitatlon?Miss Bessie Button. Piano Solo?Miss IHorence Anderson. Recitation?Miss Alvln Hutzler. Church Hill Quartette?Mr. Roy Ford, Mr, Willie Ford, Mr. Harvle Smith, Mr. Charlie Meads, Violin Solo?Mr. Jacob N. Kaufman. Recitation?Miss Bleanora Stelnbreck er. Comic Song?Mr. Lonnle S. Jones. Old Virginia Quartette?Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Clowes, Mr. Oscar Lohman, Miss Itaehnel Bllllkopt, Sor.g? and Recitations?West End An? gels, Violin Solo?Mr. Freddie Evcnsen. Tobias and Terchunkor?Mr. and Mrs. John J. Westmoreland. Filino Solo?Miss Ethoi Ragland. Recitation?Mies M, Louise Davis. Marconi's Agent?Mr. Eugene Davis, SOLDIER BOYS IN MAZES OF DANCE Major Bossieux Drills Four Companies and a Delightful Social Period Follows. A very credltublo battalion drill of Companies A, B, F und H took placo In tho regimental armory last night, fol? lowed by a delightful dance, to the in? spiring strains, of lardolla's band. Tho drill was largely attended. The boys knew, from tho orders posted by Adjutant Bos8leu>?, upon Instruction from Colonel George Wayne Anderson, this would be their last general meeting In the old year, and thoy canto out almost to tho full strength of tho muster. The nowly chosen major of tho first battalion, Major Bossieux, who hits so long and etllclontly been connected with tho military of tho city, was tho drill master. Tho boys want through their paces with credit to their commanders I und lieutenants. At S:80 lardella's band oamo m and pretty soon the muslo began. Then tho I niazos of the dance took tho placo of the ? convolutions of the drill. Dancing was kept up until nearly mld I night. ; All drills and parados are ordered by I Culonol Anderson siispopded from ??? ? morrow until January 4th. ? PASSENGER ANOT?W?R MEN TO BE PAID TO-DAY In view of 'the approaching holidays, the pay rolla of the light and power de ptii'tinont. of the Virginia Passenger and Power Company, ordinarily falling due on Decomber 37th, will be paid to-duy. This is the substance of uu ofllclal announce? ment Issued by Assistant Secretary and I Treasurer William Norihrop, of the com I pnny yesterday, ! ?^??? c ? m m? nvveaV.ti i ok m?". * ?????, TO Tilia SHERIFF OF TH|? CITY OF RICHMOND, GREET. NO: Wo command you to ?uniinori The C'Nh? iipoake and Ohio Hullwuy Company, u corporation chartered and doing bus ness under the laws of the aiate of Vlrgi.i n, ?ml the Cleveland, Clnolnnntl, Chjmgo and St. Loir a Railway Company, a nun resident corporation, to ni.peur at the clerk's office of our Luw ami tficiiilty Court of thu? city of Rlehnio,.d. at the court house of snld city, ul the rules to he holden for ?aid court on the TniRU MONDAY In Pecember, 1903, to answer the action of B, 0, llnyior and T. F. Minor, partners In trade under the firm nome and stylo of Baylor <fc Minor, of a plait of trespass on the case In uasumplst. Damages, one hundred dolUre. And havo then there th.s \vr t. Witness, P. P. Winston, clerk of our said court, at Richmond, tho 13.h- day of December, WW. and In tho t?sth. your of the Commonwealth. P. P. WINSTON, clerk. J. Keut ?a-wley, p. v.. deoW-iuw.jw Fot9 Christmas Delicacies We are the headquarters in the South in best quality of goods, attention to our patrons ,and prompt delivery, and prices the lowest on record. ?_ -_-,-,-,-. Best American Sugar, per pound, 4 l-2c Best F.-ench Bonbons . l2V4o Xmas Mixturo, 3 lbs. for. 25c Chocolate Drops, 2 lbs. for. 2Bo Best Albomarle Pippin Apples. peck . 4<>c Large Florida Oranges. 2Bc Best Malaga Drapes, 2 lbs. for.. 25o 3 Quarts of Cranberries for 25c Dressed Turkey, lb. 18c Dressed Geeso . 1-V?c Dressed Chickens. 15c Large Rabbits ..,. lfio Country Snusage ..,,. 12%c Best Country Butter . ??Io Cooking Butter, 3 lbs. for........ OOc Best Elgin Butter. ?Oc 1,000 Nice and Fat Birds at 12 l-2c Fresh Pound Cake . 121,4c Fresh Fruit Cnko . 15c Best Mince Moat . 12V4c Armour'a Plum Pudding, can... 25c Nice Mixed Nuts. 2 lbs. for. SHc Large Size Almond?, lb. 1-V4c Finest Layer Figs, lb. 12%c 4 lbs. Dates for .".? sac \ 3 Pounds Layer Raisins for ? 25c Spring Wheat Flour, good as Pittsburgh Beet, for? Per sack . 3-to. Per barrel .J5,38 Finest Virginia Patent Flour, per sack, 29c _Per Barrel, $4.60._] And thousands of other articles at same rates as above. Satisfaction guaranteed or money cheer!ully refunded. All mail orders must be accompanied by money-orders.,. Prompt attention to packing and delivery to all depots? free, The August Grocery Co. Retailers ot Groceries at Wholesale Prices at AH of Our Stores, 611 to 615 E. Marshall. Phono 1232. 720-722 West Cary, 1731-1733 E. Main, Phone 1997. MEETINGS. Vlreliila Fa?soiiifer und Power Company, I'otursbiii-K, Va., Deo. 10, 1W3. THR ?????,?? ANNUAL MKF.Tl.VC, OP tb? Bioekluildoi. of the V1KCI1N1A I'A.-iSiC.S CJKR ANO POWER COMPANY will b> held at tini Borierai pitico of the company. No. ti Norlli byi'umoro Street, r'nurulnii'if, Vu., on MONDAY, Junuury ?), MM. nt 11 o' lo |c noon, for the purposo of electing diro tor? and fur tho traamiL'tlon of mich utln-r bualiiJis its may Properly come beforo thi mentili**? AVM, NO UT 11 HOP. Aesutun.'i'. The Saving? tiimlt of Richmond. 111? Kam Malti all'eoi. Richmond, \'a., I)?c. li. MM TUB RKOULAll ANNUAt, MKKT1NU OV the atuelilialdfcra of this Dank \vl| bo 1???1? at the Unnklng House Tlll?ts 'AV. JAN? UARY M, MM, at l Q'oJflplj P, M, JA3. M. LALL. Cablili?)?.. T??K KKClTj L Ait "A??U AI. M15KT1N? OF the Bt?t.dioldoi?? of the PLANT?IS NA? ??????. HANK of Richmond, V?,, will be hohl on TUESDAY, Junuury 13, MO', at U M. O'clock 111 the bank building. RICHARD lb SMITH, Cashier. Tilt: ANNUAL Ml?l?TiNO OF THfl 8TOCK holdor? of tho FIRST NATIONAL BANK of ' Richmond, Va., will bo held at Un Hun ;inb? House, UM ?? Mull) Sire?!, a. ' o . 1 ? k TUESDAY, Jai.uury l.'ih, 18M, JOHN M. MiLL-H, Jr., CuehWr. CHURCH NOTICE. EPISCOPAL. SPECIAL KURVKUiS l'ilMSTMAS DAY C'lU'liOH OF TUB U?I.Y COM ??. . .'? tarers Avenu?, corner llolmi I Stivi-O.-Kvv, JOHN llAU.OWEl.I. DICKINSON, vector.? Service? nt 9 u'ciuoii and holy communion. The Very Best Wood neafers FI-ASH?Cast Iron bottom and top (in four sites.) STAR?Sheet Iron, with oait'lron foot (In three elees.) For ?ale by leading dealers overywhar?, SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS, Manufacturer? of all kind? of Stove?. PURE HOUSE PAIN S, Koml-I'usto Value, VarnUh. Wax and Weighted Brushes for polishing Hours. TANNER PAINT AND OIL QO,, Js'o, H10K Main St. Telephone??, VVc deliver good* free ?ucl promptl/t \