Newspaper Page Text
Letters to Santa Glaus Richmond. V., Dor. 17, 1003, Dear Sania Onus; 1 nm so glad Hint Christmas Is Coming n/tnln 1 don't know what to do. 1 hope you ?'III linvo plenty of money this year, ro you cnn bring us nil nice presi? fini?. I don't wnnt Vary much, so If you would bring me ? ?oot-bnll outfit I cer? tainly will he glad. I would, though, like try have a Christmas tree, as I don't think It looks like Clirlslmns without tho tree. 1 forgot. 1 do wnnt some randy, nuts nnd cak?s, loo. Now, good live, denr Santa Clans, and don't forget henry liuteasR? 14,'tO Floyd Avenue, Richmond, Vit.. Duc. 18, 1903. Donr Santa: I will now tell you what I want for Christmas. A set of furs, a gold nock lnt'0, a dolV, a box of candy, nnd a few other things, 1 can hardly wait for Christmas to come. I guess you are glad, too. For surely almost overybody Is glad lo seo It coming. Well. 1 guess I will doso. Your llttlo frt?nd, LUCILE) YOUNG. 8 Harvie Street, Richmond, Va., Dec.' ?8. 1003. Denn Santa Claus: 1 will write you a few Hues to tell you tvhnt 1 want Christmas. I want a sot of furs, a nlco work bos, a now dress, a gamo of old maids, a nice book called . Hiawatha nnd ? box of handkerchiefs. " And ? want a pair of kid gloves, ? new dress, a lot of fireworks, a dress for my doll, and a nice knife, fork nnd spoon. Now, Santa, bring me nuts and candies and fruit. I am ton years old. Snntn, please don't forget where I Ilvo. I Ilvo nt No. S South Harvie Street, Richmond, Va, Always your friend, 13 LSI E WALTON., Richmond, Va.. Dec. 17, 11H13, Dear Santa: I would like to have ? ntco little white satin, set nf furniture for my little friend's doll baby house, nnd I would Ilka very much to have a nice pony nnd cart, a doll baby machine and a nice doll baby trunk. I want a very nice sewing box for sister, an- ? nice watch charin for brother, and a nice big rubber sponge for father, and a waste basket for mother. Dear Santa I will close now. for 1 must study my lessons. I remain your loving friend. CLARENCE WALLERSTETN. Richmond, Va., Dec. 17, 1003. Dear Santa Claus: Christmas Is so near i I think I had botter write to you so that ! you will know what to bring mo. I do not ? want very much this year, because l havo so much already, I want a good many books though. Among the books I would llko to have the following: "The Children of Arctic." Miss AUcotfa "Little Men,'.! and "Little Women," and "Lucy's Won- j derful Globe." I would also like to have some new clothes for my dolls, some fire? works and candy nnd nuts. As my letter Js long I will now como to a close, Always your mend, NELLIE BROWN. Dear Santa Claus: I hope you will bring me a big doll, ? big tea set, flrecrncKers, randy, fruits nnd paper dolls with rt esos. It Is a lot or boys nnd girls in this house to bring to and I hope .??? will; remember all of us. There is a little boy living on Cary Street, and his nnme Is Saul, he fell down and broke one of his limbs and is In the bed and can't move, and I hope you will remember him, too. I am In tho j eighth primary, nnd 1 have a sweet teacher, and I hope you will remember j her, too, and I am nine years old. And I hooo everybody will have a nice timo Christmas. Santa if you ore not too tired when you get through going to see all little boys nnd girls, will you plea?e come by with your reindeer and sleigh and tike me to see grandma nnd grandpa, t will always be your friend, KATHLEEN PARRISH. 1100 West Avenue^ Richmond. Va., Dec. IS, 1903. My Dear Santa: Being no near "Christmas," I thought that ? would write to you lind tell you what I want for "Christmas." Well, first, I want a foot-hall suit nnd some cames, some, books and a suit of clothes,, and a pair of shoes, nnd a pair of boots, candy and nuts, nnd on>* dozen hnndker chlefs. Being as it is time to go to bed. 1 must close. Your b?>st friend, SAMUEL GRAHAM GRIGG. , ,.2OTi Grove Avenue. RIcwntmdM?Va.1, Dec. m, into. Dear Santa;'?' '*' * I have been so good for a month that I hope you will bring mo what 1 want. ? want a lot of flrpworks, a b'O.ycle. a large tool chest, a Winchester rifle. Ice skates, foot-ball, boxing gloves, nose guard. sV?d, writing desk and a few Htc-ry books, and a whole lots of cnndles nnd nuts. From your little ?friend, WILLIE KNOWLES. 'JOOO Hanover Street, Richmond, Va., Deo. IS, 11)03. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl tpn years old. I will not ask for many things this Christmas, ns I know there ?ire bo many poor chil? dren who have no one to help them. And ? hnv.s so many to love nnd give mn nice things. Aa 1 have no little brothers nnd t-rlsters ? would like for you to send me a nice ohalr and a net of furs, also a set for my doll, some candy, n brush itnd comb to mulch my mirror, and some fireworks: also some fruits and candy. Hoping you will not forget m?, I remain, your loving ruth d'avis. 1608 Park Avenue, Richmond Va., Doc. 17, 1903. Dear Kanla Onus: I will write you a letter to let you know what 1 want for Xnifis: 1 want ? pair of gloves with fingers, and a fairy tale book, and a game of domin?es, und a gold ring. Please don't forget to nil my stocking, nnd bring me a Christmas tree with lots 'of pretty things on It. Byft bye, with love, Your friend. AUDREY DiM.ON. Richmond. Va., D.h?. 17, 1003, Dfrar Santo Claus; 1 will write you a lettor to lot you li'iow what I want Xmas. Won't you please bring ine a gume of flinch, sumo, pretty books to read, ;> pair of kid gloves, und an orango with my name on It. Fill my stocking, You need not put very rntich candy, but pul som?', gropes, I will close my letter. Uve bye. y Your friend, HAVEN STREET, J6?3 Park Avenue. Richmond. Va, Doc, 17. 1803. My Dear Bttnlft Clauei I hope you will V|hH me tl.l* ChrtetrnaB. I would like for y_u l'i bring nia a eel of furs, Writing de?k, large doll, pan of gloves and three, books. They are Longfellow'? "Hiawa? tha," "Adventures of a Hrownle," and "Klaek Iteauiy." Wishing you :, merry Christmas and a happy New Year, Always your friend, ?G??? KATHERINE /H.'NTIIKR. K<>- 1613 West Cary Street, No. 1311 Went Cary Street, Richmond, Va. Dear ?snta Claus: I would like- for you to bring me lots of nice things Christina?. I would like to cet. a bicycle, bora, eleigh, ring, doll baby, dress, hat, clonlc, tricycle, games, story books, set of furs, writing desk and a new ton set..! would nlso like, to got a trunk, tnbl<\ doli bnby carr lit g?', nnd ? wnnt ? story book, und would like ror 11 to be Robinson Crusoe. You havo been very kind to me on every previous Christ? mas, nnd I hope that you will not forget mo this Christ inns, 1 will close now. Your little girl, RUTH DELANEY. No. H?! Grove Avenue, Richmond, Vn., Doc. 10, 1M3. My Dear Sunta Claus: \ Santa, ns 11 Is very near the time you are going to give presents to nil good little hoys nnd girls. ? win't say I havo been very, very good, but I hnvo not been very bad. I want a doll, ring, set of flit's, tea set nnd bath robe, > Always your friend, SUZETTE HENRY. No. 1121 Grove Avenue. Richmond, Va., Dec. 17, 1903. My Dear Santa Claus: Well, Santa, ns I think you always want to know what little girls and boys wnnt you to bring them on Christinas, I will tell you whnt 1 want. A bath robe, bed-room slippers, flinch cards, gnmos, books and ninny other things. Santa, as you have so many letters to rend, 1 will close. Always your friend, ESSIE HENRY. No. 100 East Main St., Richmond, Va.. Dec. 17, 1903. Dear Snnta Claus; I want a pair of boots, some Henty books, .Foe's books and somo of Dickens'. I would like to have tho following books: Bonirle Brinco Charllo, Honty; Mario and Setter, Henty: The Boy Knight, Henty; Sturdy and Strong, Ilontyi set of Poe's books, by Edgar Allan Boo; Dickens' Cricket on I he Hearth nnd Dickens' Christmas Stories. I would llko to have my stocking rilled with fireworks and candy. Bring mo a plenty of them, too, for 1 will havo tho largest stocking 1 can Und. I would nlso like to have a toy automobile and a. -2 air rifle and | some shot for it, somo games nnd a nico sled. G'ood-bye. THOMAS D, STEEL. No. 1511 West Carv Street, Rlchomnd, Va., Dec. 16, 1903. My Doar Santa Claus: Yesterday I was at school and my teacher had to change my seat, and by this you need not bring me anything but a horse, wagon nnd some tlreworlcs. 1 wish. If you aro kind enough, to bring me some candy, too. Don't comu down tho chimney, because you will be smutty and black and everything else. I forgot to mention some books, too. I want the Black Beauty, Hiawatha and Adventures of the Brpwnies. If I am promoted to the first grammar In February, then In 190-1 Christmas you may bring me some more, and I will thank you very much. Always your friend, PLUMM.ER MOSS. Richmond, . a? Doc. 17, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I am so glad that Christmas is so near, and 1 expect to have a good time and plenty of. fun popping: firecrackers. I want you to bring me a ring, a little lamp, a set of pins, a pair ot bedioom slippers, and u little doll. 1 hopo you will not forgot some poor little child that has no one to remember her. There Is a little boy in my room at school that has broken both of his hips, and he ?111 bo In bed on Christmas, and wo aro going to try to make him havo a happy Christmas. Well', 1 hope you will not for? get to bring, mo these things. I am your little friend, LOUISE EVANS. No. 1412 Grovo Avonuc. Richmond, Va., Dec. 17, 1903. Dear Santa: I will wrlto you my letter. I want a train, two books, gun, drum, and candles. I hopo you will not get very dirty coming down the chimneys. I will cu to bed early Christmas Eve to give vou plenty of timo to fill my stockings. Good-bye. Your friend, HOLT PAGE. No. 12 South Plum Street. Richmond, Va., Dec. 17, 1903. My Dear Santa Claus: As the timo is very near for you to make your visit to the little children, I thought 1 would let you know what I'd like to havo. 1 would liko a muslo roll, music cnblnct, ring, handkerchiefs, a pair of gloves, candy, nuts, oranges and many other things. ? expect to have a Christmas treo, fireworks and plenty of nice things to eat. 1 hope every little child may have the same, and that your visit to them may be as happy to you as It la to them. Always yours, EDNA L. CP.ENSI-IAW. No. 1301 Floyd Avenue. ' Richmond, Va., Dec. 17, 1903, Dear Santa: I thought I had better write you a letter, because Christmas is very near, and I would not get any presents If .1 did not. I would like to have somo books, a desk and many other things. I hav?j been wishing for a fairy talo booK for a long while, and If you will bring'' me a nice ono I shall bo much obliged. Always your friend, ADELAIDE R?THERT. No. Mio Grove Avenue. LIZZIE BTARKS. Richmond, Va., Dec. 20, 1903. Dear Santa: I am a small Hoy; wish you would please send mo a School Hag, Double Shito with Johnson's primer, also a Hlack Board, and Chalk to write on It, somo ??? works, a Horn and some Nuts an candy, ;,b I am only nino years old, 1 will thank you for those things. Respectfully, JAMES FRANKLIN*. Richmond, Va? Dec. 10, 1903. Dear Barita Claus: 1 want you to bring me a writing desk, u magie lantern, a horn, somo candy, nuts, raisins, oranges and .'ipples, that is all. From your good little boy, HERMAN KAUFELT, t<>2 Graham Street, Fulton. And a wagon. Richmond, Va., Dec. 18, 1903, Dear Santa. I haven't but one little sister and shn Is too binali to light. 1 want you to bring lier three doll babys, muff and fur and a Una, set of dishes, tub and wash board, nr.d some nuts and some candy, oranges, raisins, please don't forget them, ns I YOUR HAT May Be a Styllth One, But It Make? Trouble. A man usually buys a hat that's "In style/1 but the modern but for men has lots to answer for, Baldheade are trowing more nuriiorniis every day. liais make excellent breeding places for thu purnslili; germs which sap tin? llfu from the roots of the hair. When jour hnlr begin? to full out and I your scalp Is full of Dandruff It la " euro ? sign tii.a these fountless gnnM un; busily at work. 'l'h?re lb but one way to overcome the trouble and kill the germs?Hint way Is to apply ffewbro's Jlerplcide to the scalp ?It will kill the germs und healthy hair is sure to rr-sult. Sold by legdlgg druggist?. Send 10c, In stamps for sample to Tim Ili-rplclde Co,, Detroit, Mich. Owens & Minor Drug Co?, ?pedal agent. MIMONS PAW-PAW Cured a Very Popular Richmond Lady of oastrTc~fever. PAW?PAW CREATES APPETITE AND CURES GASTRIC FEVER, Munyon's Paw-Paw has done for mo what doctors could not or did not do. It has most effectively nnd positively cured mo of Gastric Fever, severo stomach troubles and long standing dyspep? sia. I could riot eat, 1 could not sleep and wns miserable; This has boon tho coso .for two years. Finally I wa_ thrown into Gastric Fever. Tho sight .?f food wotidl make mo sick. I could not sleep nnd was miserable. ? sample of Mun? yon's Paw-Paw was given "nto by a friend and I found Instant relief from It. 1 then purchased a bottle and began using it. It is not yet?at this date?finished, and I am simply surprised tit tho result. My Insomnia Is till gone my stomach trouble has left me. my fever has disap? peared, nnd my appetito Is such that I can cat anything nnd everything, relish and digest It, and I now enjoy Ufo as one should. (Signed) MRS. H. THOMPSON, 731 N. Second Street, Richmond, Va. If you havo dyspepsia, Try it. If you are nervous, Try it. If you are despondent, Try It. If you nro weak and run down, Try It. Cast away all tonlos, all medicines and all stimulants nnd lot Munyon's Paw r-\w make you well. It will lift you into tho high altitudes of hopo and hpld you It will give exhilaration without intoxication. Sold by nil druggists. Largo bottle, $1. Paw-Paw Laxative Pills, 2?c. a bot? tle. want them so bad. I am your little girl, MIRIAM KAUFELT. 702 Graham Street. Richmond. Va., Dec. 20, 1903. Df-ar Santle: Please bring mo a wheel-nnd some flro works, Don't forgot my llttlo sisters, Margr?tt and Doras. From a little boy, LEVY SEARS, Gl-I Louisiana Avenue, Richmond, Va. Sims P. O., Goochland Co,, Va,, Doc. 20, 1903. Dear Santa: I am a llttlo country girl; Sims is my V, O. I go to school every day and when tho new year cornos I'm going to turn over a new leaf and try to do bet? ter and stop tellln stories. Please send mo somthtng for Chrlstmast. Your, friend, DRUCILLA HUGHES. Weldon, N. C, Doc. 19, 1903. Dear Santa: Picoso don't forget mo this year, and ploag'e bring mo a pair of boxing gloves and a foot Ball, Billy goat, a sot of Har? ness nnd a cart for same and also Bring mo some fire crackers, Ro- ? ? candles and somo sky Rockets. Good by. Your little friend, MAYNARD ?. MOSBLEY. v Richmond. Va., Dec. 20. 10O3. Dear Santa Claus: I havo been to school ono year and a half. I can read and write good and havo never failed at school yeti and I obey my fnther and mother, and I hope you will bring me a doll and a tablo and a tea set and a bed nnd a pocket ! book. I will not ask any more from you, I I close by saying good-bye till I hear j from you. I wish you a merry Christmas and happy New Year. I am nine years old. Your little girl, MARGHERITE. GRANDE. Richmond, Va., Dee. 20, 1903. Dear Santa' Claus: ] am a llttlo girl and I cannot write, and my sister has to write tor mo. Dear Santa Claus, I want a doll and a bed and a tea set and a pocket book. I will not ask any more from you. I close by saying good-hye till I hear from you. I am only seven years old. I wish you a merry Christmas and happy New Year. Your little girl, LILLIAN GRANDE. Richmond, Vn? D?o. 20, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy four years old, nnd my sister has to write for mo. Ploaso, Santa Clnus, bring me a horn and an express wagon and a fire engine. I will not ask for more from you. I close by saying good-bye till I hear from you. I wish you a merry Christmas and happy Now Year. Your llttlo boy, VINCENT GRANDE. Richmond, Va,, Dec, 20, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I will not ask you for much this Christ? mas because I havo two little brothers, and I do not want you to forget them. So please bring mo a toilet set and a nice gold ring with a ruby sot, a doll and some nice handkerchiefs. Don't for? get my llttlo brothers, I will close my llttlo letter. I remain ns ever, Your llttlo girl, LONA PULLING, December 21. 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I write to nsk you to please bring me an express wugon, a rlilo, tool chest and a horn; also a drum, some nuts, candy and oranges, and a.bicycle for llttlo bro? ther, live years old. My number is 1S0O West Cary Street. GRATORO HEWITT. rieaso don't forget some Romnn candios and popcrackors and sky rockets. Richmond, Va., Dec. 20, 1003. Dear Santa: As my mamma and papa havo been sick wo liad no time to think of Christ? mas, so we will write to you, hoping you will bring us a doll and go-cart and a waahstand, coffee mill, somo nuts and candy, and In my bank you will nnd somo money for tho missionaries, and please don't forget my mamma and papa, From your two little girls, ALICE WA?IIBR, LOUISE WASHER. December 31, 1003. Dear Santa Clans: I want you to bring me a tricycle with rubber tires, it m.iuth harp, a itoli baby dn.ssod In long clothes, a rubber tired go-cart, a table and set o? dishes, a Sreat big Chrislmaa tree and a little Iron bed l live at No. 320 South Cherry Htrcot. Don't forget to come. From yeuf own little, girl, MAGGIE CAEt, Deo. 23, 1003, Pear Santa Claus: I Intended to write beforo tills but did not git tho chance. I want you to bring mo a large black-halr ,?1 doll that Will g<> to ?le?!) and a go-cart to ride her In, some nuts and oranges, a , new pair of nhoea for myself and as many other little toys as you bave In sparo. Don't forget to bring them to No, No 1100 N. 21st Street, Fairmount.^ El.ail?] SMITH. Doe.omber 20. 1908. , pear Old Santa; My euter wrote to you Rfi ? will wHto too, I am five years old and yon kh?w Santa llttlo girls Mo??je want so much but If .Voti enti bi'lhg ma a big blnck-holred doll thai shut? Its eyes, dressed like a Indy nnd 1 want a little doll with long drosses on 1 woiilii like to havo a kitchen set, somo candy, ntits and ornnges and mama Is go ng to give us a tree. ? want you to All It wltH liico things so good b^^lj^sgi. N, 1100 N. ?1st, Fulrmount. ri?cniti?i?dTVn.? Dec. 20. 1903. Dear Bntita Clans: Pienso bring mo a big doll and a trunk with a little doll in It nnd a. ?able and soma chairs and a ring and some good things, from LOUISE MALLORY' Richmond, Va. Dear Santa Claus: I wish you would bring mo a writing desk, work box, a story book, nnd a gnmo and some candles and nuts. Don't forget my pupa, who Is far away. Ho says he, Is going to tiling his socks up and remember my little cousin, who I Ilvo with at No. 102fi Ran? dolph Street. Your llttlo girl, ?.??. | VIRGINIA D. SMITH. ' : ~Dccombor. 21, 1003,. Dear Santa Claus: Pienso bring mo a big doll, somo candles and nuts and my llttlo brother wants a monkey and veloci? pede and somo.candles and nuts. Your little girl, MARY VIRGINIA CRICHTON, December 21, 1003. Denr Old Snnta Cimisi I have been sick, so G ask you to send mo somo fireworks. That will do for mo.; ? will go to bed and go to sleep by a o'clock, So good by. Don't forgot mo. I am, ns over, your llttlo boy, IRA D. LEBER. December 21, 1903. Xtear Tanly. Tans: I I am a little diri two years old. I want a Chrlstsas troo. a doll, a book, a go-cart nnd somo candy and nuts. Ploaso don't fordet by little bozer Charlie. Your little diri, ELMA MITCHELL. Richmond, Va.. Doc. 21, 1003. Pear Santa Claus: I am a llttlo boy one year old. Please bring mo a donkey, a supple-jack, a go-cart. From your little boy. CHARLIE MITCHELL. . Richmond, Va., Dee. 21, 1003. Dear Santa Clnus: . Please bring me* ? pair of gloves, a pair of skates, a foot-ball, a harp and a pair of shoes, and some fireworks. From youi little boy. CHARLEY TAYLOR. Richmond, Va., Dec. 21, 1003. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl nine years of ago. r will toll you what I want. I want a big doll and ? little one, and a pair ot overshoes, and a ring, and some candy and nuts. That's all this Xmas. Your lfttlo girl, MARIE STUTZ. Richmond, Va., Dec. 1003. Dear Santa Claus: y I am a little boy six years of age, nnd all I want is a horn, a wagon, a foot? ball, ? harp, a box of building blocks, a devil In the band-box, a pair of gloves, ? sleigh, a supple-jack, a rifle. So sbod by. My riamo is / GEORGE GERMELMA?. Manchester, Va., Dec. 31, 1903. My Dear Santa Claus: 1 am., going', to'.write to you and toll you what"1.want!Xmas. I want a sow Irg machine' and a'pair of kid gloves. I don't -want a ?pi?~b"aby, because I have one. Well, I .think'"'this is-al) this timo. Good by.. From your'? llttlo girl, '? ?-?? AGNES-BARRETT, 1314 McDonough Street. Manchester, Va., Dec. 21, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I don't think ['want much this Christ? inas, If you will bo kind enough to bring me ? little baby and a big babv and a carriago and a bed, Goid by." Fr m ~ CARRIE PACI ? I. 1321 Hull Street. I am three years old. Manchester, Va., Dec. 21, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I don't think I want you to bring mo much this Christmas. If you will bo kind enough tp bring mo a doll arid a goat cart and a ring and a tea set and a table. 1 am bout flvo years old, THELMA WILLIAMS, 1331 Hull Street. Manchester, Va., Dec. 21, 1903. Dear Santa Chfus: I don't think I want much this Christ? mas, If you will bo kind enough to bring me a doll with light hair and long clothes .and a ring. 1 am about seven years old. LOUISE WILLIAMS, 1321 Hull Street. Richmond, Va'.; Dec, 21, 1903. Dear Santa Claus; I am a little girl nine years of ago. I want a big doll, a set of dishes and a piano and some candy and nuts and somo firoworks. So good by. From your little girl, LOTTIE MAY GERMELMANN. Dear Santa: The pleastii-o I took to write to you waa a whole lot. I want a doll, a carriago, a horn, some candy and nuts, a set of furniture, a blsciuo doll and I want you to visit me. I am six years old. Your little.girl, ESTELLE PETROCHILLI, 734 N. Fifth St., city. Richmond, Va., Doc. 21, 1903, Dear Santa Claus: l hopo you will come around to our house. I am twelve years old. I want a ring, work box, trunk, baby carriage. ChrlHtmas tree, whatever you Beom fit to send mo, Candy, Oranges, ifits. Good byti. , Your friend, GRACIE HEALY, No, 1002 W. Broad Stroot. Richmond, Va., Dec. 21, 1903, Dear Santa Claus; 1 hopo you will como around to our house. I am eleven years old, and I vvnr.i a work box, trunk, baby carriage, Christmas tree, whatever you seom fit to M-iid mo, candy, oranges, nuts. Vour frlond, EVA HEALEY, No. 1002 W. Brand Street. Manchester, Va., Doc. 21, 1903. My Dear S'unta Claus; ! am if lug to write you to lot you know what 1 want Xmas. I would like for you to bring mo a machine and a pair of kTd gloves and a nice doll, and my mamma keeps a confectionery store and 1 don't want any candy Or nuts, flioworks olliier. I will suy good by, SINOB THB WAff HEUfVlATISM cured in every Casi;, Mu?oul?r, Uouty, tolette, Influnmttory, p?_bchii?t*on / ? 0, 3 o 4 A llAHMI.KSM ?|???????? linocil on PofKNCe anilhwse?. (.'uri'?"liiuur?bliH) " "0?d'( ??????," At dniwi-i. Tin Unii)?. Booklet mall'a/?,$, WH II MUI.I.I '?, UKIVIM'TT l'I. CD, K'WTHI? ONE MORE CHANCE TO SAVE A DOLLAR ?\^?? ' Wo havo tloiio all wo could tb let you know tho ad van higos in dealing at this store] the low prices, tho liberal credit system, the courteous'treatment, ote, that thousands havo enjoyed and aro enjoying to-day. If you aro not ono of the thousands, you are not taking advantago of your bost opportunities. Here Are Some Things That Are Very Serviceable and Reasonable In Price ? China Cases In the Latest Styles, S20 to S45. Combination Cases in Oak or Mahogany, $15 to $40, Parlor Tables In the Now and Fanoy Shapes, $2,50 up. Pretty Lamp Table, $1.60. Lamps In All Colors, the Largest Red Lamp on the Market for SB. Morris Chairs !n a Great Assortment, at any Prioe You ?font to Pay for Them. Ladles' Desks, Hew Sh pment to ilo Shown Mon* day, Prload from $5 to $10. Children's Hookers, 75o up. I We are closing out our Jowolry Department and can save you monoy ou Watches, Chains, Lornottes, Broooho?, Cuff Buttons, etc. ?Storo Open Every Night Until Xmas. RYAN, SMITH & TALMAN, 609 East Broad Street. <am mean With lots ot lovo. From your good hoy, EDITH A. PACI NX. And my number Is 1321 Hull Street. Richmond, Vn., Doc, 21, 1003. Dear Santa Claus; I hope you will como nround ? to our houee, I am ono year old,'and I wnnt a dull buby, chair, cow, sheep, candy, nuts, orttngco and Christmas tree. Your friend, ROSALIE IIEALEY, No. 1002 W. Broad Strcot, Richmond, Va? Doc, 21, 1003. Dear Old Santa Claus: ? I hopo you will como around to our house 1 nm four years old, 1 want a dog, monkey, flro engiri?, hook ladder, tram, track, horso, oranges, candy, nuts ? and suit of clothes. Your friend, THOMAS HEALEY, No. 1002 W. Broad Street. Blchmond, Va., Dec. 21, 1003. Dear Old Santa Claus: I? hope you will como nround |o our bouse I am six years old and I want a horn, drum, tool box, desk, wagon and a suit of clothes, candy, oranges, nuts and book bag. Your friend, . 1 CHARLES HEALEY, No. 1003 W. Broad Street. Richmond, Va., Dec. 21,. 1003. Dear Santa Claus: I hope you will como around to our house. 1 am eight years old and I want a horn, drum, tool box, desk, wagon and a suit of clothes, candy, oranges, guts and book bag, Your friend, ' JAMES HALEY. v ? No. 1002 W. Broad Street, Richmond, Va. Dear Santy: Pleaso bring mo a miller, a horn, a drum, a horso, a wagon, and don't forget to bring mo a pair of crutches, as I fell and broke mine. From your little crippled boy, WESLEY PATE. Doar Santa Claus; I am a little girl, and I only want a fow presents. Pleaso brir.g me a mule and a wagon, and a born and doll baby. Your llttlo girl, BERTHA PATE. Howard's Grove. Dear Santa Glaus: I am a very little boy, and I wish you would bring mo a few presents. I want a bottle of milk and a rattler and a devil In tho box. From your little boy, JIMMIE SHURN. Richmond, Va. Dear Santy Claus: Pleaso bring mo a horn, an old miller, a wagon, harp, and some nuts and candy and don't forget to como soon. Your little boy, JESSIE PATE. December 21, 1903. Doar Santa Claus: I am a Utile girl nino years old. I wont ask for much this Christmas. I would be vory glad If you would bring me a gold ring and a doll with hluo eyes, somo candy and nut*. ? have been a very sick llttlo girl since you was here before. I will go to bed at 9 o'clock, and go to sleep and bo quito all night Good-bye. From your llttlo HERMIE LE3ER. < Richmond. Va, Dear Snnta: Please brim? me a biff doll piano and a horn and my brother'Lea wants a velocipede nnd gun. and little Mary wants ? go-cart nnd ten Hot and don't formet my little brother Dannie, bring htm something too. Pienso don't forget ns. Wo live at No 303O Williams? burg Avenue. JEANETTE M' ?AMARA. City, Dec, 19, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I um your good lit? tle boy. Will yon please bring mo ? box of tools and a piano and a big hook and ladder wagon and ? whole lot of pop crackers and sky rockets and a Xmas ti'no nnd some nuts and candles and whatever elso you can sparo. From your own llttlo boy FRITZIE PUTNAM. 1313 E. Franklin St. Richmond, Va, .Dear Santa Claus: Pienso bring mo a pretty doll with light hair and red dress, neme games nnd a pretty book and candy and nuts, I go to scl/iol and would like to have a gosamer to wear when It Is raining. Your little girl. OTEY MAY PALMIER. Richmond, Va., Dec. 21, 1903. Dear Santa Clans: As the time 1b draw. Ing near for you to visit our homes, I am a good llttlo girl, Santa, and bring mo some pretty toys. I thought I would write you a letter as you would not for? get mo, Dear Santa pleaso bring mo a big blsquo doll and u new lint and a pair of shoes. I hope you will visit mo soon. Your llttlo girl, MARGARET PETKOCHILLI. Richmond, Va., Deo, 21, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: Pleaso bring mo a pair of gloves, a drum, a devil In a band box, a sleigh, a pistol nnd a horn, a box of building blocks. From your little boy CLARENCE TAYLOR. Richmond, Va., Deo, 21, 1903. Dear Old Santa; I thought 1 would drop you a few lines to let you know what I want. I am a little boy flvo years old. I want you to bring mo a drum, a harp and a horn, wagon, sleigh and some story bcuks and please bring mo a bank so I can save up somo money frr you next year. So gond bye, from you; little boy. HOWARD TAYLOR. Dear Santa Claus: I urn a little girl, 11 year? old und I want a dollj a pair of gloves und a story book and ?) gamo and a pair of leggine and some [candy und nut? und please don't forgci my fire? works. ' So good by from you attlo girl. RUTH CLEVELAND CERMWLMANN. ACoutlnuea on Ninth Pike.) ~~ ' WE SUGGEST X M A S A XIOIO ??1?? OF GOLD SPECTACLES OR EYE? GLASSES for tho mother, hatnor or friend, A HANDSOME PAIR OJi1 OPERA GLASSES. A gift tipprcclated by anyono. AN ORNAMENTAL OR PRETTY THERMOMETER. A KODAK would pleaso tho boy or girl, or nnyono Inter? ested In Piibtography, \Vo will givo them fieo Instructions, 'BEADING GLASSES for hand uso. MA UNIFIERS, COMPASSES, TELESCOPES, MICROSCOPES, &o. Wo would llko to show you any of theeo. G I F ? S The S. Galeski Optical Co., 9th and Main Sts. r-*\ We Are Not Ojod Talkers. Don't have to bo, ns tho Carriages of tho manufacturers we represent sell on their merit. Quality nnd prices does for us what clever talk Is forced to do for others, ? We Represent the Toomey Racing and Road Carts and Brockway and Buckeye, Columbus, Ohio. Stylish, up-to-dato and hlgh-clnss pleasure and business vehicles. Ro pnlrlng of all klnda and rubber tlrlng done; Bargains In several high-class Victorias and Station Wagons, also ono Automobile, Smith & Murphy, 315 North Fifth St. _ J YOUR XMAS I BREAD WILL BE LIGHT, SWEET AND WHOLESOME If You Will Use ?A? Fulton Yeast Gake AT ALL GROCERS. Wo handle all grades ot wlML and WO'JD of tho BEST QUALITY at LOW? EST Market Prlcop. Your trnde solicited. Beit Lump Coal In the City at $5.00 a Ton Delivered, wtnc ? we guarantee to give perfect sntlsuictio.i. F HOME 169. 17th and Cury Ms., Kicnmonu, Va. When a CAST IRON PIECE of your machino breaks you have a dioico o? three things: 1st. Got a now place. 2cl Patch it with plato* and bolts. Ud. BRA ? ? IT WITH Tho first requires from 1 to lu days. Tho second is only temporary, ns patch war ? ? loose. Tho third is immed ato, cheap and per? manent. Which ilo you prefer? Cameron- Fermant Machino Works, 'Phono 1180. 24IJ4 E. Main Street. Largest and Most Compl?te Stock of Pipes In thj City, JASPER L, ROWI3, 223 r.ast Dromi St, 2nd Door From Third Street, CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY RATES, R? F. & P. R. R. One mid one-third (1 l-aj faros, plus twenty-five cents, tor the round trip tie tween all points on R., l<\ & P. R. R. and W. S. Ry. Tickets on sale December 23, 24, 25, ? and 31, 1D03, and January 1, 1S01, final return limit January 1, 100-i; continuous passage In each direction. W. P. TAYLOR, ?Trafilo Manager. WE SELL FOR FULL NICKELED PERFECT Oil Heaters, ALSO AT CUT PRICES, AND RADIATORS. ANDERSON 710 MAIN STREET. THERE IS NO TOILET SO FRA? GRANT. SOOTHING AND HEALING AS BLANKS' VELVETEEN LOTION. It gives life and beauty to the skin and keeps It soft and emootli. Try If, you can't help from liking It. Can be used at any time; contains no greasy, gummy _r sticky substance Use It lust beforo going out; will provent the wind or raw weather from chapping. It Is used by aulto a large number as a preventatlve for rough and red skin. Prlco 10 cents for a full two-ounce bottle. PREPARED ONLY BY J. M. Blanks, THE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. Hancock and Clay Streets, and Beverly and Randolph Streets, RICHMOND, VA. L J. Hayden Manufacturer ?>! KEUitiJJl-, Is ono of the Greatest Healers of tho Sick an litirui. Cures nil d.Scus?s or no Uia.yu, 1 cu.m ail diseases that .are known to tnu human rao? or no cnut_e, no matter what diserte, elais. Hess, or a,melimi muy be, und restore you ta perfect lieultli. I cure tho following diseases) Heart Disease, Consumption, Utoud, tviduqy, Liver, Bladder, IJilta In any form. Vertigo, Quinsy, Horo Throat, Lunge. Dysp pslo, In-.le??? nun, Constipation, Ilhuumal.Bin In any form. Pains, und Aches of any kind. Coins, Btonehlal I Troubles, Seres, slim Diseuse?, ull Itching Hen I Buttons. Ui Grippe, or Pneumonia, Ulcere, Car? bunelis, Bulls, LUticir, i, ;?>, fian., wiui. . fin tho usa ot knife or Instruments; Eczema, ! Pimples on fuco und body; Diabetes of Kl-n ?. ?, or Br gilt's Disenso of tuo Kluiioys 1 ? ure any disease, no matter of what nuture, Medlcln? sent to uny address by express, For full pur tinuliire send u 2-eont stamp tor answer Brawn stnre. No, tOJ. West Broad Street, Richmond V&? It's Not too Cold to paint your house provided the weather's clear, If you give me the order for the work, to be done as the chance comes, it will help us to make Christmas merry for our men, and will save you some money, HARGROVE:, Practical Painter, 8(0 East Franklin St? ?Phone 2848.