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Second Hdttid Pianos $150 Up?Terms $1.50 per Week. {?g?gj?lg?S=====-=i~.. Lfe,st ^f eek of the Christmas Special Sale. WE ARE SACRIFICING A* STOCK VALUED AT $100,000.00, But we must get rid of it by December 24th. We are selling Pianos, uprights of the finest makes, at figures that will cause you to pause and think. Look! One lot at $195. This Piano is worth $275, One lot of beautiful Upright Pianos at $269, during this sale, This is a $350 value. One lot at $315. These are magnificent. The finest production of the Piano Maker's Art in an Upright Piano* is offered during this holiday sale at $413. They are practically new, having been Rented a little while. Then think of the price. This is a $600 Piano. There are only a few left. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Terms on the above make it easy for you. $6, $7, $8 and $?o per month, are what we are offering. We always look out for your pocketbook and make the terms to suit the conditions. Make your purchase now. It will be delivered when you wish between now and Xmas eve. STOOL AND SCARF FREE. WITH EACH PIANO. *** Chase ? Baker Player makes you a musician without the necessity of study. PHONOGRAPHS ani Graphophones CYLINDER ano DISC RECORDS. The Talking Machine solves the problem of indoor amusement at a small cost. They are sold on easy terms, There is no reason/why you should not possess one. $15.00 to $75.00 covers the price. High and low enough to suit all tastes. We are the only house in town sell ing Cylinder^ Records for 25c. Others charge 50c. We have just received 5,000 new Cylinder Records, which we will sell for 25c. each. Slieob music?Tho Largest Stock m the South?Instrumental, Vocal, Classical, and Popular1? Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, Violins, Accord?ons, Autoharps, Zithers. Small instruments of every kind. Criterion Music Boxes are the bost made. v.: <Ihe Cable Company, J. G.CORLEY, Mgr. 213 E. Broad St. -J Letters to Santa Claus (Continued from Eighth Pago.) Richmond, V.o., Dec. 20, 1903. Dear Santa Claus': I am a little boy eight yrara old, please bring me a horn; a ball, wagon and some candy nnd nuts and somo ?reworks, harp, please bring- mo a billy Boat with horns. Your little boy. ?????? LEO COLES. Dear Sania Claus: I want a bicycle and a book bag, nnd I want some games and a pair of shoes and some fire crackers. 1 want a book l>ag with two sides. MARGARET WALLERSTEIN, ' No. 507 North Tenth St., Richmond, Va. Manchester, Va., Dec. 20, 1903. Dear Santa: Flesse bring me a pair of vases and a new cloak, a new dress, ^malr of rubbers 'to wc-nrr"low'sciiodl and a 'Story* book" and a cup and saucer on a stand. X am eleven years old. From ono who loves you, BEATRICE SCROGGINS. Manehested, Va., Dec. 20, 1503. Dear Santa: I want yo? to.bring mo a Uttlo wagon, ? pair of shoes and a little train, a llttlo dog "on rollers, somo building blocks and fcomo candy and apples and oranges. I sun two years old. From your baby, MELVTN SATTERWHITE. Dear Santa Claus. ? nm ? good girl four years old. My first letter to Santa. I want a doll baby, also doll baby carriage, set of dishes, jumping Jack, stove, anything Santa wishes his little girl to have, but don't forget Lolla and Aunt May, From MARY C. MORAN, 2015 East Main Street. Dear Santa Claus: Mamma says I am a good littlo girl. I want a dolly, also carriage for my dolly, rocking chair, emuli house, horn nnd ? anything Santa wishes his little girl to have. I am two years old. Don't forget j me. HANNAH KANE .MORAN, 201 G, East Main Street, Dear Santa Clans: . Pleaso bring me a nice suit of clothes nnd a toy horn, my brother, Willie, wants ' some tin soldiers, so ho can play war and Leo wants a Xmas tree and doll baby. Pleaso don't forgot us and our cousin, Lcnnio Forstmann, Yours, GEORGE HULCHER, WILLIE HULCHER. LEO HULCHER, OK) North Third Street. No. 3,00 -Walnut Street, Richmond, Va,, Dec, 17, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: i want a locket and chain, a ring and not of fi?mlture, a dog that will run. Bet of dominoes, a large tea set, baby? . 'carriage, muff and furs, ear rings. Good eye. Yours truly. L1LLIE I, T1GNOR. 1019 Floyd, Avenue, Richmond, Va.. Dec, 17, 1903. My Dear St. Nicolas: Xman is almost hero, and I nm going to write you a lotter as I always do. .You will find my stocking In the same old Place by the fireplace. I don't want as many things us I did last Xmas. I want a seal ring Xams tree, doll, games, _la_ a alead and don't forget my grand -mas and grandpa, also my friend, Grace Unynes, IS North Beach St. Always your friend, NANNIE ALLEN. 1824 West Grace Street,. Rlohmond, Va. Deo. IS, 1903., j My Dear Santa Clans: As It Is drawing near Christmas I will attempt to tell you what I would like tu bave.? An express wagon, Harts Ander? sen's "Fairy Tales," und black beauty, Mr. Santa Claus, will you pleaso be careful In coming down tho chimney, so that lyour feet do not slip, and you get a full. I am going down town this evening to look at your presents you havo made. Pleaso watch your magic curtain and when it falls when tho little children go to sleep. I will close for tbls timo. I am alway your friend, WILLIAM MITCHELL. 1283 West Cary Street. \ ( Deo. 16, 1003, Dear Santa Claus: I have bin a good girl and don't forgot me Christmas, 1 will tell you what I want. I do not want eny toys as I hayo enough and I don't play with them, Iwant a locket and chain, a ring and a book of Aloott's little women, and a game of checkers, and a music roll, a pair of rubbeJH and a pair of kid gloves, and ? pulr of school gloves, and a doll baby, and some nice liandchlefs. Hoping you a merry Christmas, nnd a happy new year. Your friend alway, SUSIE PATTERSON. 1103 West Main Street, Richmond, Va., Dec. 17, 1003. Dear Santa Clans: G will write you this noto to tell you whin I want you to bring mo. I hope to got a doll, pair o? gloves, ring, ten set, table, pair rubbers, pair roller fckatct-", GQsmar, an umbralla, candy and nuts, fire works and lots of other things. Good bye, Santa. LIZZIE STARKS. Richmond, Va., Dec. 20. 1003. Dear Santa Claus: I nm a llttlo boy only 10 years old. I will only ask a few llttlo thing?. ? Please send mc a horn, a school bag, a Johnson's primer also a" doublo ?late, somo fireworks and nut/ and candy, I will thank you tor thoso'articles. Yours respectfully. LINWOOP HAYVVARD. Richmond, Va., Dec. 11, 1903. Dear Old Banty: Another Xmas hos al? most arrived and I must writo a faw lines to let you know that I am stil! In existence. Please be as kind and thoughtful of me this Xmas as you think best, and I will be satisfied. Yours truly, MATTIE LEO HUDSON. Richmond, Va., Deo. 20, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I Is a little dlrl;l llv? on 27th St. Please bring me a locket and chain a pair of kid gloves, doll baby dressed In long clothes and a Christmas tree, some candv and nuts. 1 will go to bed really early. From your, friend, BLANCHE BICKERS. Dcccmbor 20, 1903. My Dear Santa Claus: Doria suys slio wants a carriage and somo candy and nuts, and a dool baby, and a dool chair, and a pair of shoes and stockings, and two games and som? picture books, jin orange, an apple, and a set of dishos, and a sideboard with a looking glass In it; that Is all ehe wants, and wo will go to bed early and shut our eyes and wee wont peep, Prom your little friend, LOUIS EUBANK. Decomber 20, 1903. My Dear Santa Claus: I want n dool. baby, and a dool chair and* 4 games und 3 story books and some candy and nuta and a small box of paper nnd a pair of shoos and stockings, and don't for? get to bring Hary his Katsanjammor Kida book, and don't forgot to bring handker? chiefs, un apple, an orango, Thut Is all I want this Christmas. Your llttlo girl, EVELYN EUBANK. Dear Santa: I wish you would bring mo a doll baby, a bed, set of curds, a bicycle and a set of dishes, and some nuts and candy, popcrackers, and so good-byo deal Santa, and my nnmo la Margaret Carroll, and my No. 170S West Marshall Street. Dear Santa Clans: I thought I would let yon know what l want. I wnnt a muff and fur and a pair of kid gloves and a | blue cap and some candy and nuts and sonni fireworks, I am your llttlo girl, ESSIE C1ERMEUMAN. No. 1518 North Twenty-third Street, Fair mount. Don't forgot me, Highland Park, Dec. 20, 100,1. Dear Santa Clans: I am a. little b(>y sovon years old. ? wnnt you to bring mo soma'candy and nuts, u billy goat and wagon, a soldier suit, with cap, a sword, gun, horn. drum, all sorts of fireworks, and a doll baby and doll baby carriage und somo ico skatee, and a little whip. Your llttlo boy. COLSTON ? ROYALS. Highland Park, Dec. 20, 1003. My Dear Santa Claus: Briny me a? doll baby, a doll baby bed, a doll baby oarrlage, a rubber ball, with a rubber to It, a picture book,, some pop cruolcers, some candy, ??p? cako, oranges, and a horso. I am a llttlo girl three years old. Please don't forgot mo. Your llttlo girl, ISABELLA ROYALL. I'llgliland Park, Dec. 20, 1003. Dear Santa Claus: Pleaso bring mo a foot-bull, caridy, nut?, air rifle and two boxes of shot, nome big pop Crackern, rom?n candios and a ear cap, a big horn with a handle, und a Hied, u knife und sky rockets and somo oranges nnd apples and a sword. Your little friend, TOM ROYALL. 1120 Beverly Street, Richmond, Va., Doc. 21, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me this Christmas a nice blackboard, a school bell, a lunch box, and four nice handkerchlofs. Also somo candy, nut?, oranges and pop crackers. I am a little girl twelvo years old. Good byo until Christmas. IRENE KITCHEN, 1120 Beverly Street, ' Richmond, Va., Dec. 21, 1903. Dear Sim ta Claus: \ Pleaso bring me this Christmas a go cart, a gamo ot parch?3sla, four nfee handkerchiefs, and niy old doll dressed over. I am d iittio girl.nine years old. Also brrng mo somo nuts, candles, oranges and pop crackers. Good byo. From your little girl, ADELL KITCHEN. Richmond, Va., Dec. 17, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I -hear you havo arrived in this city and I am afraid you will get so many letters you will not have time to read them all, but I hope mine will not bo overlooked. I hope you have a largo stock of Christmas things, for thero aro so many children 'aYid all ofN thorn want so many things. Mamma says I ought not to bo greedy, so I will only name the things that I am tho most anxious for. I very much want a gun, un alcohol engine and track, a book of "The Adventure of the Brownie," a ' writing desk, and tho usual quantity ol pop erackcrs, candy and nuts. I am ten years old, and havo a brother and sister who want you to bring them some things, to?. Hoping yriu will bo sure to find us. I am Your friend, ARTHUR URBAN. Richmond, Va., Doc. 19, 1903. - Dear Santa: I will write you a few lines to let you know, what I want this'Christ? mas. I want some candy, nuts, oranges and apples, and somo story books, a game and a pair of gloves, ? now. dress and a gold ring, and a book called Slnderrllla, and a book about fairy tales. Always your friend. MAY HOUCHENS. Richmond, Va., Dec. 17, 1903, Dear*'Old St. Nicholas: All hall your glorious coming; And would that you could stay, You bring to us greatest of ploasuros, And dear St. Nicholas I hope you will find mo a bettor and wiser girl.ore your return next year. Bring for ino good books of knowledge and for same roceivo my thanks. With best wishes for you St. Nicholas. Your little friend. ELSIE NOEL, No. 3 South ? Street. Dear Santa: I want a sleigh, a sot of soldiers, candy, nuts, fireworks. I hopo you wont forgot me. Good-byo. I am ROBERT PRAIRIE. No. SOI East Cary Street. Dear Santa CIuus: I want a rocknig chair, a pair of rubbers., an umbrella, a story book and a little broom and some popcrackors and some ?ut?s and candles, and Santa Claus I will go to bed soon and ' will not peop. Your little girl, BESSIE -WITT. Twelvo years old. Dear Santa Claus: My brother Is eleven years old. Ho wants an automobile and a story book and a pair ot gloves to ride It with and ho will go to bed soon and will not peep, Your llttlo boy, HARRY WITT, Richmond, Va? Dec. 20, 1903. Dear Santa. I thought I would wrlto to you and tell you what I want. A doll, a carriago and a horn, a stove, a bandbox and a few nuts nnd some candy and cake, und the most of all 1 want to tell you Is -about going to bed. I will bo sleep when you como, for I'll go to bed at 8 o'clock, So I will close, hoping to lind what I want, Your little girl, MICHELEAN PETRQCHILLI. Dear Santa Clans: I have never written you a lotter, hut thought I would this timo to tell you all l want, I am a little girl seven years old, and have a little brother three years Old, We want you to bring us a big doll that can walk, talle and go to sleep, a ?ot of furnlturo, a tea set and a gun for my llttlo brother, drum and a horso and a Jot of good things. Wu all love yott vary much because you do not ever forget us, Your little children, ADA BLANDE PERKINS, 'VBSLEY ATKINS PERKINS. Blacks) one, Vu., Deo. 19, 1903. / Richmond, Va., Deo. 21st, Dear Santa: This |s my first letter to you. I am a little .boy seven years old, Pleaso bring mo ? - velocipede, uomo llruworks of all kinds a nice story book and a nlco gamo, Bring my llttlo brother Ray. a shoo-fly, rocker,-some candy and nuts. Pleaso don't forget grandma.; Good-bye. From your-Hltle -boy, GARLAN? BUTLER. No. 816 N. Twenty-eighth St. Dear Santa: ??. ' Please bring me :a largo size tool chest, molly mule, automobile, foot-ball, box of race horses, englno that: winds up and a plenty of^ fireworks and goodies. Your little boy) CLARENCE LEFTWICH. No. 91!) West Clay Street. P. ?.?Don't forget my best girl out on the Brook Road?Z, F.. You know who - sho Is. ,-, Richmond ~Va., Doc. 23, 1003. 'Dear Santa: " ",'?'. ? a little boy. seven years old. 1. want you to bring ' me a largo rubbor ball, horn,, boat, drum,., some candy, nuts, orange's and fireworks! ,!' . . Your,,little,boy, : ?'" ,. -' "JULIAN-LOTERZO, !s No. ; &G i-2 .^South . Fifth St. MVnciics.te?irA?ft.?, ?Dec.', 20, 1903, Dear Santa Claus: v-.-v.v? ? ; :, Pleaso hHng.rtlev,a little Morris " chair, an express wagon and also a fire neglne and a little Santa Claus, some nuts, can? dles and fruits. I will go to bed real , early and will not peep at you. , I am your little boy,; .-'.'... AUBREY NUNNALLY. No. 506 West Thirteenth St. ? Richmond, Va., Deo. 21, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little eight-year-old girl, and will thank you" kindly to bring me a pretty doll, a bed, set ot chairs, table and tea set; also a trunk for dolly's clothes and-lots of goodies. Don't forgot my brother Leroy. 'He wants an auto? mobile, a horn, drum and gun and a nice wagon with a horse hltchod to It, and we both want some popcrackers. We live at No. 190S West Main Street, and will go to bod by dark and close our eyes tight. -BBRNELLE and LEROY ? BOLTON. .?.??.-. :". .- ?Ma'rt?heeter, Va., Dec. 2.1, 1008. - Dear Santa' Claus: ??? Please bring mo a billy goat, whip, hamoss^and Jumper, candy, nuts, apples, .oranges, suit of clothes and anything elso you can. I have- been good all the year. Good by. From FRANK JONES, 1701 Decatur St.. Manchoater, Va. Dear Santa Claus: I am a llttlo girl twelve years old, and I want you to bring mo a now piano, an accordeon, a now dress, a pair of flat.Irons, a .white apron, a doll, some nuts and candy, rocking chair, a riti?, and anything you can spare, Please don't forget mamma and papa. If you don't caro to bring all you havo for mo away out here In' tho country you can leave some of them with my brother In Peters burg. Your little girl. LENA GALLOWAY, Chesterfled county, Va. Manchester, Va., Deo. 20, 1003. Dear Santa, Oluus: I ani a llttlo boy ten yeai-B old. Please bring mo an air rifle that shoots a thou? sand shot and somo candy nnd nuts, and some flroworKs, and anything olso you can spare, an"d pleaso don't forget my llttlo brother, night years old. Ho wants a hlg wagon and somo candy and nuts and flroworKs, From your llttlnboya, ROBERT AND CLAUD BOOTH, Wo Ilvo 217 E. Fifth Street. ) Richmond, Va,, Deo. 21, 1003. Dear Santa Claus: I um a llttlo boy over six years old. Pleaso bring mo a drum, a ' horn, a hook and ladder, a fire ongin?, I a ohalr,'?' u. paint box, "Grlnnln'e Fairy Tales," a toy pistol and somo nuts and candy. Your llttlo friend, CARLYLE BENEDICT. - No, 2307 East Broad Street, . Richmond, Va., Dec. 22, 1903. My Dear Old Santa:? Pienso bring mo a doll, with blaok hair and bluo eyes, and ? Christmas tree with ? present on It fop each ono of my cousins and my little friend Alease. Also bring nie a horn. Please don't forgot my llttlo sister Mol. vin, s|io wants a doll and carriage. Please bring us lots of goodie?, I ehi your little girl, ELSIE MAY HARD?NU, No. ?8 North Thirty-third Street. Dear Santa Claus:,! am a little boy eight years old. I would like for you to brin? ma a box of tools and n sleigh, a horn, somo fireworks and ? wagon". ? FronV"your llttlo hoy, HENRY HOLLOWAY. Dear Santa C)au?: I am a little boy three years old. I want you, to brin? me a devil In the band-box, box of tools and a wagon, and would like for you to bring inn a .?winging horse, ?whip and fiver wurka, 1 urn your little boy, ami wo live on James Street Maddox Hill, No. 1205. Richmond..Va., Dec. 21, 1903. Doar Santa Claus: I am a good little girl, two years old. I want you to bring mo a doll baby, carriage, a cradle, a trunk, a doll that, will go to sleep, a work box, a parlor suit, a table, a set of dishes, a horn, two Irons and a Ironing board? somo candies, nuts. I will go to bed real soon. ? ? . From your little girl, MABLH MORRIS. No.? 191?' Pleasant Streot. Richmond, Va,, Doo. 21, 1903. Dear Santa Claus: I am a llttlo girl three years old, I will be four yoars old Christmas day. I want you to bring mo a doll baby, carrfago, a cradle, a high chair .for my doll, a doll that will go tosloop, a trunk, a work box, a parlor suit, a tatole a set of dishes, a horn, a Iron; and a ironing board. I am a good little girl. I will go to bed real soon, Your llttlo girl, . BESSIE MORRIS. .N0..1DW Pleasant-Street. , P. '.'.?Please don't forget my sister An? nie and my little cousin Annie, she lives In No. 310 Nicholson Street, Fulton. Richmond, Va., Doc. 10, 1903, Dear Santa Claus: . .1 am a very little girl, but I want a whole lot of toys,, Christmas treo and candy. Bring me a nice little go-cart instead of a carriage, , as I like a go cart the best. I would also like to have a gold lock, bracelet.. I pornaln - , . ? -Your little, girl. DOROTHY MAGDALEN BOSCHEN. - :.. -, ?N?.riD?l -W.0?1 Maln Stroot. Dear Santa Claus: '; I am a good little girl bight years old, and G will what I want. I want a doll, bed, tea set. table, picture books, parlor set. piano and stool, hair ribbon and somo nuts and candy and lots of flroworks. I will be a good girl. MABJORIE LEA. '.?? No. 803' East Leigh Street, Dear-Santa Claus":"" . ..' Pleaso bring me some nlco ribbon for my hair, some good books that you think I would like, some nice games, pair of kid gloves, and lots of candy and nuts. Pleaso bring mo lots of flroworks. I am only ten years old. I am your llttlo frlond, ELIZABETH LEA. Dear Santa Claus: I will write to you to lot you know what I wunt. I want a doll, baby car? riage, bed, a large" stove, table, tea sot to put on my table, Esquimo, parlor fur? niture, dining room furniture, Christmas treo. play house, book case, deek, sew? ing baskot, piano and stool, tricycle, gold ring, picture book of Foxy Grandpa and plenty of fire crackers. I will bo good and go to bed early. Your friend, GAY LEA. No. 803 East Leigh St, Dear Santa: As I am a llttlo girl and just going to sohool, I will write and tell you what I want . this Christmas. I want a doll baby that will go to sloop, a trunk, go curt, somo candy and nuts. Please bring mo a llttlo broom, lire crackers also. Don't forget little Bosquet Now. Ho only wants a few toys, Good-bye, Santa. KATHERINE BOSQUET, No. 2601 East Main Street. My Dear Santa Claus: As it la getting near time for you to como, I thought that I would wrlto you a fotv lines to let you know what we wanted this Christmas. I will not ask for much, bocause I have two other bro? thers and one slstor. Wo will thank you for anything that you bring. AVe all had scarlet fever this winter, and aro still sick, I am a little boy, ten years old. My llttlo sister Louiao would Ulto la have a colored doll, work box, hat, a gold ring and an Infant doll. Sho Is eight years old. My llttlo sick brother Percy, five yours old, would llko to havo an auto? mobile, merry-go-round, dump cart, train, fire engine, hook and ladder, clown, horn, drum, dog horse Noah's ark and a can? non. My othor Utile brother, Raymond, seven yoars old,- would. Ulto to nave a tool chest, ice wagon, hook and ladder, fire noglne, pistol, horn, drum. pump,, horse, tablo and a Hag, and I would I ke to havo an overcoat, a cap to come over my ears, a monkey that can ollmb a string, a pair of gloves, air rifle and a book of adventures. Good things for all of ue. I live at No, 10 South Beoclt Street. Good-bye, wishing you a merry Christ? mas and a happy New Yea)'. Yours truly, RUSSELL KUHN, Rev. Dr. Murdoch Her?. Tho Rev. Harvey Q. Murdoek, Hold bt-crotary of the Boclety of Soul Winner?, a brother of Mr*. Jere Wltherapoon, will be present at tho prayer meeting In Grace Street Church this evening and make tho address, ' DEPRECATES THE PLAN Dr;.Murphy. Says Wing of Peni? tentiary Cannot be Made Suit . able for the Insane. TO ENCOURAGE IMMIGRATION Committee Is Appointed for This Purpose?May Enlarge' th? Academy of Music, (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) ? RALEIGH, N. C. Doo. 22.-Dr. P. L. Murphy, superintendent of tho Stato Hos? pital for the Insane, at Morganton, Is out In a strong card, arguing tho Impractica? bility of tho Idea of converting a wing of the Stato penitentiary here mto a ward for the molo Insano other than criminal Insane, who aro now kept hore. The last Legislature appointed an ar? chitect to prepara plans for tho conver? sion of tho entire building rnto a build? ing for the'malo lnsano. Dr. Murphy.says If it Is. the intention ot tho people to merely imprison their unfortunate insane relativos and keep them out of the way, then the prison Is admirably adapted for the purpose; but if they wish to Provide a hospital In which they shall live and bo treated, with a view to restoring thorn to useful? ness, then. the place Is totally unfit and could not be so changed as to malto It In any way fit. TO SECURE IMMIGRANTS. President J. A. Long names the follow? ing commlttoo of tho North Carolina AgrlOultural Society as a commiato on Immigration, with an ?special view to scouring the location of desirable emi? grants who will develop Into good farm laborers and tenants: Hon. James A. Bryan, of New Barn; General J, S. Carr, of Durham; Judge Walter Clark, Mr, Ashley Horno, Hon, J, Bryan Grimes, Colonel John S. Cunfnghnm, Mr. Thomas B, Parker, Mr. E. S. Dautrldge, Hon, S. L. Pattors?n. Hon. R. H. Battio. GOOD WORK. Rev, W. C. Tyroe has just completed tho first year of his pasturato with tho First Baptist Church, In this city, and a statement of the work of the church for the year shows 77 members added during the year?40 by baptism and 87 by lettor; contributions, foreign missions, JT80, as compared with $140 during tho year pre? vious; homo missions, $604. as compared with $183 during the year previous, and State missions. $604, as compared with $508 during 1002. Dr. Tyroe paid 5G0 pastoral visits nnd preached 88 sermons In hl's own pulpit. A mooting of the directors of the Ra lolgh Auditorium Company Is called for Decomber 80th, to tako some action looking to the work of remodalmg and enlargement of tho Academy of Music, which tho company purchased several months ago with a view to enlarging It for the purposo of providing a suitable place for holding great State conventions and other great gatherings of State Im? portance, BELLS BWAMP LANDS, At a meeting of the State Board of Education to-day a tract of 800 acres of swamp lands In Jones county was sold to T. C. Wootten for Jl per acre. Several other propositions for large tracts were under consideration, but wore not ap? proved. Dr. Hubert A. Roystor, dean of the University of North Carolina, medical deportment, In thl's city, acknowledges a donation of seventy-two volumes from tho library of the lato Dr. R. B. Roy. ater, of this city, and they bocomo a part of tho reference library of the school for the use of the students. CHARGES AGAINST BOYD. Ready to Inaugurate Charges Against a Federal Judge. {Special to The Ttmes-Wsnatch,) GREENSBORO. N, C, Dec. 33.?A spe? cial from Washington says charges havo been made against United States District Judge James p. Boyd and that tho House Judiciary Committee, Chairman Jenkins, U ready to Inaugurate Impeachment pro? ceedings. The nature of the aoousatlon Is not stated and tho report created sur- ? prise If not Indignation here. Judge , l-oyd In answer to Inquiry says: "It Is ? simply a piece of rot, concocted by some person.* who dislike mo and sontl out such dispatches to Injure me. Whenever any chargea as to my official conduct emanate fror? a respect a bja source, I am ready to meet thorn fully, I have dono nothing as judge, which was not.prompted by mo? tives of Integrity and tho sole purpose to faithfully discharge my officiai duty,". It Is know here that Ex-Congressman Blackburn, who Is In Washington, and an'inveterato onomy of. Judge Boyd, has b< en talking of preparing chargea for failure to hold court In Wllkesboro, and. left hero Saturday expressing that tnten?. tion, but It was takan as a joke. footpad Arrested. ' Captain Fowler Assaulted by a Burley Negro and Badly Hurt (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) SALISBURY, N. C, December , 22.? Captain J. A. Fowlor, an employe of the Southern Railway, was knocked down and robbed near the Spencer shops aft a late hour last night by a negro then unknown. At the time the deed was com? mitted Mr. Fowler was on his way to the depot to take a northbound train. While crossing tho yarda, and at a point where It Is very dark, Mr.? Fowler noticed a dark figure approaching him, but? p?ld no-at? tention to the man untili he..stepped,Up. behind him ! and struck htm a terrible blow on the head with a larga stick, cut? ting his head severely. Tho negro, who appeared to be strong and burly, then snatched a suit case which Mr. Fowler was carrying and made Ills escapo, leav? ing his victim prostrate and In a semi? conscious condition. Mr. Fowler was found somo hours later, bleeding and suf? fering. Burt Finger was arrested for tho crime and lodged In jail hero to-day. A par.t of the clothes takon from Fowler wero found In his possession. ? ? ?' "' Popular Young Lady 111. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) SALISBURY, N. C Dec. 22.?Miss Jan nett Smith, of Wlnston-Salom, was oper? ated upon In tho Whltehead-stokes San? itarium hero yesterday for appendicitis,. this being the third operation for the same disease. Tho patient stood the operation as well as could be expected, considering that she has been confined to her bed for olght weeks. Miss Smith Is a socLa.1 fa? vorite In the Twin City, Charlotte and other places In tho State, and ha? many Mends who will regret to learn of hor serious illness. Sho was brought to Salis? bury Saturday, being accompanied by lier mother, Mrs. ?. ?. Smith. 3 NEW ROUTE TO THE SOUTHWEST, via the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL" RAILWAY. The Southwest Limited, Chicago to Kansas City, runs via the new Short Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, and offers u now route to tho Southwest, and excellence In service and equipment not obtainable elsewhere, Ono of the reasons for this IS the fact that the Chicago, Milwaukee & SL?paul Railway owns and operates all of th* slooplng, dining, library and other? cars on these trains. This Is the time to ?* to the Southwest, and this Is the way. Descriptive folder freo on application to GEORGE J. LINCOLN. Commercial Agent. 818 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. ? ?. ??"??*." Co ini ? A ? ' Bear?the ^?The Kind Yon Have Always Bo?tfl NOTICE, FREE CONCERTS. Our storo will bo open every evenine. until 10 o'clock until Xmas Day, WALTER D, MOSES & CO.. 103 East Broad Street. O &. & '*.- %? -ir*. I -A.. Bean the _^ 1ne Kin(1 ^u ,,av8 A'wa?s ??F NOTICE, FREE CONCERTS. Our storo will be open every evening until 10 o'olock until Xmas Day. WALTER D. MOSES & CO. 10(1 East Broad Street. ???3???3????. Bean the /f ? Kind Von Haw Alwys. Bought Mentitore SI* ?/JStf+-? " Silver Mounted Cane? and Umbrella* for Gentlemen, Novelties. In Ladles' Umbrella?? Bath Robes, Fitted Suit Cases and Hand Sage, Initial Linen end French Silk and Linen Novelties, In Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Gloves and Hosiery, Underwear, Pajamas and S.'lpper?. All of these make an acceptable and useful holiday present. New good?! all this season's Ideas? Schiumimi), Tailoring and Haberdashery, Head and Footwear. 907 Cast Mal? sueot. ,