Newspaper Page Text
Tee-Dee Want Ads PaVe ihe Way j? Success. tee-Dee Want Ads Pay Best and Pay Always. THE TIMES, FOUM1 ~.D ISSU, tp?'???,?\,?t?p, founded is,o, WHOLti KUMBER J6 4'3, KlCltMO^D^VAM.WEDNiBS?AY'jDECEMBEll?a, 1903, PRICE TWO CENTS. UMMARY OF THE/DAY'S NEWS ;' The Weather. WASHINGTON, pec, HU.-Forocust for /fedriosdfiy and Thur*dayi Virginia-(fair \v tv.i.-cv.lny, ' coHnr tn' irth find west portions; .fronn wee t. to irthWest ?-hide. Thursday fair, wur i.or ; the Interior, ? '. . ? ,,?.?? yNot'th Wednesday and Thureday fresh wosl. winds, becoming variable ? * .??'?? ? Tho temperature? was much higher ye??.? lorday. tho weather being mos? dcllgiu , ful. Thoro will not bu and consi .er? Wiblo change-to-rlay In this, seetion, but ,n .other portions It-wlil be toldur. i STATE OF THE THERMOMETER.' 0 ?. M..1.. 23 ?12 M. .,.., ..; PP. M.G,2 <? ?. Al. 4S ,U P. M...'... -Il 12 midnight.'.. SO Average.42 1-3 Highest temperature ye&torday..52 Lowest temperature yes.eiday. 21 'Alean temperature. yCHterday. ?8 'Normal temperatine lor junutry. 40 Departure irotn normal,, irj .. MINIATURE ALMANAC. . I December ho, 1003. gun rises.7;26 I HIGH 'HDJ?, BUn 6ets.4:M I Morning.1:0) ?loon Bets...-...8:10 | Evening.1:31 Richmond. ,? Ifenrlco and other muir, ties to havo two treasurers attor January 1st?'First National Bank - to' erect a splendid ? i-ew structure?--City secures lean of $500.>?? from Merchante nation .,1 Bank?n.e Jotlerson will not be rebuilt?Captain A. O. Sullivan a candidate tor ro-elect-On a? doorkeoper o? tlie House of Dcleg.nea --^-Legislature falls to secure a qUor?nf 1?Alan.v Sunday school etiortulnnionts -??President John Skelton WU-Ums glvea out a. statement about ref.or ej cha.iges in Seaboard Air Dine -manageme.t? Mayo tobacco factory, to change Its out? put-Base-bull likely her,? next season f?Dinner-given to hundreds a. Mehto-? ?diet Instltu.e vesterdny?-Santa (,lat:e visits the Mile Orphan Asylum?Condi ,Uon of Mr. R. XV. Powers bhows imprjvo- I rnent-Search being made for the Galle? go Mills safe?Pietty Richmond girl 1* mirrled in Washington?Inc.ease in rie ftaiary of the Ci'.y Engti.esr IS recom? mended--?New i'ear's Day pro$r mue at the Y. _. c.-A. building. MANCHES ER ?--A serious cutting a.rray?'Fire' de? partment maltes a-record?A n. osperoaa company-Council comruUteoi?rCoticIl i-lon ot tlio city Jail?A m-.rrl.ige last night-Christmas celebr-tlon ?? West End Church-^?Schedule'o; meetings of the Woman's M.S3lonary Society-vv'jrk ?of the Mayor's Court, Virginia. ['Deputy sheriff? seve.'?I? reprimanded joy Judge Porilock at Portsmouth: t ',& 'past good record saves his o.ilce-?Wll \Jlamsourg votes against llctns? 02 to uO vNorfolk machinists io petlt.on govera ,mont to buiid 'battleships at navy-yar't ?Norfolk?Big British steamer tukli.g /coal from Lambert's Point to Japan Judge J. XV. ?. Blackstone qualities at Newport News as> Judge of t.-.e e rcult .State Senator Camptoil 'elected .without -onncsl'.ion in- Bedford and Rutk^rlage -Ot ?the long ter.-ri?-A mild co ea "ir "i Bicily to Staunton to wed the man of "ner fchoice-Colonel to aui?r?ss JPrlpce Edward,farmers "at Farmvil.e .o t?ay-t?An ugeil citizen of Keys v. 1 e, fai a nn th? flre-r-Bullct extracted from ? ? ? (Ighland county vttertn .achilie, -arpea'. prf>' ytai'B?Negro placeo in Ja.G at Lfeesburg. charged With crini.nal assault .--Youinful burglar whipped ih Fc-rs ?irg because'two y?un? lo send to tho {eformatory?George blund,.d, t Prince George, p-unfUly bUri.ed ,wtil.a yipersoiiatin? Santa Claus-Lost, rcco.-as . f tho Frederlcksbu.-g Cl.y,Cornel lound j pickling fac.ory-Scaie veerlna, t.n, I Ir. Fetneyhough, ? loses stable and r'.x ien horses by fire?r-Suainer Car.),.no ! th? Rappiihannock for repa.ia ?Boys at Hampton charged with ban.- ? ,t?? haystack worth a hundred du.lars-I Grocery merchant, by yard cugino ' ut Bris.ol?Burglars ho.d up U est ?' ?? i 'policeman and g.ig ?and b.nd him und l'nune lilm witness the -blcv.'l..g oa ot i.'.o door of the poxkofllcr? a.ii'e and Its rob (bcry-Tho Camp 'Manufacturing Com? pany at Franklin order new m.ichln-ry for their burned mili-North Carlina groom eloped without his collar, and In lour of parents fol.owing married hastily in Dunvl.Ie-The assalitine of Dr. .so? lanti in Caroline are captured and sent ? on to tlie grand <ury. f North Carolina. j I Pollcornan In Wlnston-Salem Justified "?by magistrate's court in shooting young I 'pian wno threatened him?Ke.elvcr.-fiilp 'for tho Pilot Mountain- Furnitu.o Oo.ii pany mad? permanent-Acii\e prepara lions by Highway Conirai.?Klon to work ;foads of Guilford county-Boy dies In Raleigh from, lockjaw,?, caused by slight' wound from . cannon cracker??erman ,by Cotillon Club at Ruleigh?Cotto.i [manufacturer lakes, pessiin.stlc view of ?? cotton market. ? ;. General. Approach of end of year settlements ?uses a riso, in call money ra.e, and some not gains, are shown In stock It? the close Is active and woik with any prices below Ihe'-b?M-AvaUnVi o J cotton market and prices go clown In ape and bounds; there Is a tecov.vy, . iilch makes closing flrntei?-Wor.ian dies when she hoars' lier millions are a myth-Young girl, who. Is heiress to i.-.ii llons mysteriously disappear??Am irl can Economic and? Historical Association, In session in New Orl?ans, listens to ??.e ladrtiossBS?Oscar G. ?Murray ole?:,oil /prosident of the Baltimore and Ohio in place of L. F. Doree,; >vho Is macto head of "the Rock leland?rAppralso ..e.t of the Plant osiate shows it to be mo ? ? lian .twelve tnilllonsV-r?Secretary Root ? -s 'been designated to condu-'t the ? egotia tlons with aenoral Reyes and Colomb.a .?rOommittee lo, meet on Jan. ary? 0th and hear charges against Senator Rood Smoot, of Utah?Missionary In Ainca aiurdered with his followers two years or moro ago and.the now? has Just leu.ed out?Negro under electric ourrct eaows ,remarkabio vitality. , _. VIEWS ON SILVER ? ' cBy Associaied Pross.) 1 LONDON. Deo. 20.?Wm. J. Bryan bus returned to London from the Haguo, He ,?,??? sail lor New .Vorlt December 30th, on the White Star Lino stoumor Celtio, Jrom Liverpool. . - f, Mr, Bryan said to tho ?\ssoclatetl Press ^Jo-night' that ho hud found hla European iiip extremely Interesting and Instructive, ?asked wlH>ther.'his_ study of tho llnannlal ?ondltlona abroad hud rosulted In any chango In his views on tho silver question, fte repl.ed: -, : ','Not tho slightest.?.1 . j \ Asked concerning tho possibilities or ?? peniocrntto nomination for the pr.oi? Benoy, Mr. Bryan said that ho was eom "elled to decllae to d!acuss ihut mattai* 'ji any ivay because o? ilio posslblo mls ?Jiterpretatlon to. which Ills views might $o subjected In tlie United Stuteet (JEW YORK WANTS ' DEMOCRATIC. CONVENTION fBy ABSOc.aled Pros?, ? . NEW YORK, Pea 20.-A call for a .pift?s meeting here to-morrow to oonsdei? ways arid means pf eocurlng the Demo? cratic National Convention for Now York In June, 13./L was Issued to-day by Pre?' Went Fornes of the Board of Aldormon MR.R. W, POWERS WAS -BETTER LAST EVENING ..The e<ndUlon of ftlr. R. XV., Powers Jaet plsh^wag oonMcle.ri.d K?tter. and hie phyejerans-.^nd friend? t?lt muoh en? pouW??A ~" IN; COTTON The Prices Drop Twenty, Points at the Drop. DECLINE OF FOUR DOLLAIS ABALE Brokers Rush to Pit and Fight for Place in the Inner Ring. BULLS COME TO RESCUE, AND EFFECT A RALLY Market Swings Back Almost as ' Rapidly as It Dropped, and ?',- Amid as Much Noise . Closing Steady Net, , 41 to 53 Points' '?' J Lower. (By Associated Press;) NEW YORK, Dec. 23.?The cotton mar? ket, '.was' again sensationally active and e> cited to-day. Meeting with heavy llqul c'tui?ti at flrsL It opened weak at an ati vanoo of one point to a?'decline of eleven points and,with Liverpool showing weak?, hees as a result. It'was reported, of heavy American, selling, declined still further during the first few minutes, with Janu pry .selling down to 13.65, March to 13.03, ?S'?? 11'cents and July to 14.03. ' ??? tier* was exceptionally heavy buying ori the decline that. qeomed to come from nearly all sources.'lncludlng? room shorts, New Orleans and wire houses with south? urn and-western connections, so that thu rr.arket was-soon rallied to about'last night's prices, after -which It ruled veri? Irregular 'ahd' unset?cd. During 'the rest of'the forenoon, the arnera! "-tendency was' downward -und around midday prices; showed .a net loss ot twenty-three to -twentv-soven point?? w/jA the m^rket'-rullng.iappaxentJy about "?V?ady-'at that:leveL. wli?h very suddenly, UitYe wW an avalanche,?of.selling; orders sich aj has rarely been witnessed and March broke to 13.38. May to 13.48 and July to 13.50, the latter going from 13.56 tu 13.50 on two sales.? There were net ? losses of seventy-sjx to? seventy-seven r.olnts. Almost'as aulcklv. there Was an? other abrupt change of front und In less timo than It takes ,to, tell It. there hud been a recovery of forty points ori .very heavy .buying and the, room was so. con? fused that brokers seemed to be trying t,< buy and sell at the same moment. Wild Collapse. May and July, cotton were selling at about 14.25. when the break started sell? ing from some quarter, causing the mar? ket to ease off and by peints, 11 went down to near 11 cents. ' Then came the rapid decline. It Is es? timated that thero wore at leust a mil? lion bales of cotton of different options iiotu subject to stop loss orders and they ni seemed to come on tho market at once. Every broker, who held'cotton for c stomers on the 20 point stop order, tried to' sell beforo something worse happen? ed. Tho market went down . 10 and 2(J tioirits at a droo. Brokers rushed to tho pit and,, fought for piuco In the Inner ring, every bro? ker shouting at the top of his voice and lighting for a chanco to unload tho cot? ton'ho had been fighting to*'.buy. only a few minutes before. ',.:". . .'. AVIthln a very few minutos active op? tions dropped \ about sevtmty-liv? points, representing almost four dollars a bale. Then tfie bulls came to tho rescue aha there was a rally. . Tho market swung back'almost as rap? idly as It had dropped. The murket was hardly loss wild, and there was as much noise around tho pit as when the market (Continued on Second Page.) CITY IS READY TO PAY BONDS 'The Finanae .Committee Accepts Mr. Branch's Offer. , Tho Finance Committee yesterday af lernocn adopted the report of the sub? committee, composed of Churlman Har? grove nnd Auditor Warren, nnd accepted tho olfor-of a temporary loan from tho Merchants' National Bunk (not tho First National, us iiiadventontly stated), of f?Ol.,35 to meet tho bonds of. the city falling duo on January 1, IDOL , ? no u void go rate of Interest charged by the bank Is -11-2 per cent, per annum, and tho time for which tho loan was negotiated Is three months', Three other bunks In tho olty put In bids, but ?tliey all named 5 per cont, ns the rate of In? tel ?,'st, so it did not take the com mitten long to determino upon Its courso. It lv? understood that tho other'bonks agreed upon a rato among themselves nnd contemplated dividing tho Joan, president Branch, of tho Merchants', was invited to the conference, but d?? clin?t?, and decided to put In an Inder pondent bid for the entire amount at an average rate of 4 1?2 per cent. The pe? eoilatlon of this loan puts the city m a r-c-sHtonof meeting her bonds'promptly? und Uie committee will before the expira? tion of the three months, prepare and offer for sale bonds lri ?sufficient quan? Uty ihe 1601,735, with Interest, arid to create a sinking-fund for the final redemption flf tri? new tjoijds, The policy just being? inaugurated is |o keep .up the 'elhklnj: (und/ of back' bond Issue and to use Its proceeds .for no /.*ii^ 1MW.MMM? tb?uk tona fed??ptKm? CORBETT IN 'Maintains Title to the Feather? weight Championship of the' -.World. VERY HARD-FOUGHT BATTiE Hanlon Puts Up Game .Fight? " and Repeatedly Floors / . the -Champion. '? CBy Associated Press?) SAN ' FRANCISCO, .CAI?,,. Dee. 29.?A merciful referee probably saved,.l?ddl*; .Haijlon from- being ' killed by "Yonne Corbett" to-night when ho stopped ttitelr contest In tlie, middle of1 the ' slxtnenth round.'. For. two ? rounds,jir?yl??e refere?? "Gr?lf?y"- liad - begged -Haiilo??'? ?ecotnl?- to *. take their man.,put"of the ring, but'lhoy kept the gam?youngetev at it and finally .Gianoy. fearing that a fatality might:fe sult,' ordered' the 'f,ght stopped. No 'man ever received such terrific punishment-In a' San ' francisco ring . and', pri bably "Young Corbett" .Is ^.the only map In. the country who! could administer' suolila' beatijiK to Hanlon. ' When the San Francisco boy was car? ried to his. corner, still conscious,' 'but ur.atlo -to walk, his seconds .-worked vigorously to revivo him. The. terrihlv beaten.Iad, however, commenced to vomit b|ood" and things looked very serious, for him for.'.-.a short time. Ho to finally revived -and was carried from the rlnJB by olio of his seconds.. ( Fight by Rounds. Round .1?Corbott tried several times to penetrato Hanlon's guard with right and left swings..but failed to get uhdor Hanlon's peculiar defense. . Finally ho got In his right to the nose, a the stomach and two lefts In the face. Corbet 'kept pegging away relentlessly, and forced Eddie to cover. Corbett" dId most of the leading, poking straight lefts for the face and right upper-cuts. b"t Hanlon did the effective work In ,the break-aways. There was no damage,', Round 2?Hanlon swung loft and: right for. the .face, but Corbett put in .two straight lefts? to the face. Corbett put In d terrine: right under Hanlon's heart, which "rattled and hurt? Hanlon, who ? fought back wildly. Hanlon swung right and left to the Jaw,? forcing-the champion tothe ropes. Hanlon'made a bettor show? ing this round. Round 3?Corbett straightened Hanlon with a right upper-out, and they ,mixed It viciously, both landing good lofts to tho faco. Corbett sept a straight, right to the face, and Eddie's nose began to bleed, Corbott upper-cut-with' rlght'twjce OSCAR G. MURRAY MADE PRESIDENT Succeeds L. F. Loree as Head of Baltimore and-Ohio' Railroad, (By Associa ted Press.! NEW YORK, ..December 21l.-0scar. 'Cl. Murray,.first vlce-pr?sidont.of tho Balti? more atid Ohio Railroad Company, wus to-day elected president of tho company, I succeeding D, F, Loroo, wtio resigned io? I accept tho presidency of the Rock lhland I Company, At the special mooting of tuo I Baltimore and Ohio directora hero; at | which Mr. Loree s resignation waa no cupted and Mr. Murray elected president, the selection of a successor to Mr, Mur? ray as first vice-president was doferrocl to a later date. > . Mr. Murray, the now president, has been prominently identified with the Baltimore and Ohio for; sevwal years, and is a man of long? exp?rience lu railroad work. IJo took a leading part In building up the ; Chesapeake and Ohio terminals at Newport. News,. Va? arid In the mantigu? ment of tho operatimi and trafilo depart? ments of the Baltimore and Ohio during the receivership Into livliloh that road fell. L, F, Loree, lato president of the Balti? more and Ohio, was to-day elected pres? ident ojf tho Rock Island Company, <?f New Jersey, tho holding company con? trolling the various railroads in the Rock Island system, Tho elontlon took ? plano at a special meeting of tlie directors, at which President \Y. B, Leeds ? presented his resignation and wag chosen chairman of tho Board of .Directors,, a position hith? erto unfilled. ,Mr, Leeds ?as also,contin? ued.?s head of the operating company, being -re-elected president by the Board of Directors of ? the Chicago, Rock fs?. latiti'and Pio'fja Railway Company ear? lier: In.the. day, All .tho other old oihcers of the Chicago... Roch Island,and'Paclfle ?/*t$ re-elect?^ except third vice-president;.In which po.? sltlor??I?; rL- WlnobeJi, succeeds; J, 'u. Jobneckfti ? -i ? . .., ^ THE OLD YEAR'S ?OURS? TS ALMOST RUN. to tho face... It? was,,'e round. Tho pa'ce Vas'1 very* fast " '?? '?'',? .. : Round 4?-They fought, a mix up, ' both i landing right' anil ?lef t ' ,to jthe body.' The champion appeared to be slowing down ? bit. C#rMtt,-sent' Tgbt straight lejt .to the.' face--,?nd" protected himself cjevorly from a;? return. Corbett ducked a vicious ?right-swing, and, gave Eddie a smart fap wlthragtit td thej?w.' Corbett rushed; as "'the? rounai. .closed, but failed,to land.?.? ?'".'?? - ':}" I Warned by,?-? Cdjeretfi Round. B.?In mlx-up,, ?orjbett, uppercut right, to.body, In.'the Braakaway., .Harikn landed hard right ion the, :heacl, ..Corbett then sent .Eddie .back, to* the" ropes .with a clean .right- to. the-ijaw.. remarking "How do you like .that?" Hanl?? lfeot:iri*.a::rlght "upperoutHp th? body, orbejtt?struck'.v?ry low and' was :warnedJby. th?'.reJ?eree'-t^ be Icare'??l. ?-Botn;_.nilssed;. seyjera! ' stra' lefts,.? ?nd they '"came to. a^llijch. Hanlon 'haying the bettAr^hf ILixhe.pace con? tlnu?d vers fast . , J? Round <?.?Both .men. dhf -considerable ?talking.v.Hanlnh^etpp.ped-^flie?- champion? ?talk? with? a. euece?slnn,-?rf::.rlKl.ta ' and defts to-'the daw??ihd''COtnp?rilnftd to the' ?ref eree, that- Corbett^was-^dlng. "? Furlbit? '?ln*flgntlrt??' jf??l?wjeil. ' Ha?ljoti ;dolng Hli?' 'better*V.w.oric.; 'Coroe,tt' 'yfcx. ; apparently1 'an'xldus'to mlx'It at.ail.Unies? ' Round ?.'-rBcith inen, gav* remerltabie Axt?"J.lXpopsj['.^fft.,v?'i90jV'ee -?ip?p.?!!; ;j,rpt?.c,t?ng '.tb?^f elves'; .(Sca'pcy,? onca,,iy t^'-castf???!. ?prb.?tt? ??t; hitting" m.w,;"i4?p!on ?swing?; .?erVard witli' left ?*nt thft'?foamplon'to ? t lib fliqr:-THTe .got Up .Instantly and-'foueht 'baax-hard; Hartlpri/tcaught Co.rbe?t Pelean 'oh Vtho point of?'the ?jaw-and floored-. h ??. When.vthy?aongsounded both' m?ni.were fjphtlii'g, fnr'ously..' ; ,. Rc?tid iS-^.Corbett. was more- careful, "and'?' the'Vrnfl.V.'.ha'd' gon?vfrom his; face. Hanlon.. ftaio.wad.hI-n , around ? the 'ring, .sending., straight lefts to 'the, face and .a_ r' the jaW;.t,K?t staggered Corbett. Corbett 'swung-wTtliy, .and BOt'.anothor .left ; on', the' 3 iw -from Hanlon" that hurt ,htm.? In 'a' fl.err-e; mix. Corbett nut.In. sev?. .eraU-haiid "-?rights: oaid lofts to ? tho face with '-forceT enough -to knock out an Ord?? n?ry.'flghter. Vhut .-Hanlon? smiled.'. ' .":Round.l>-^-Gorbett-got In a terrible rrght uppercut" to the ' ch'n which onlv mide ?Hiiiil?n' tlie "more vicious. The .fighting | during/thfs' round.' was not ,so: Cast, ex? cept : at -the - close, when Corbett. landed his terrific upnercut to the chin. Round lu-Cortictt sent a right upper out to the'ch'n", and they hung to.each other. In tlie break-away both exchanged rights and "lefts to the face; Corbett planted his loit-to tho face and followed wRh a right upper-cut for the Jaw. Han? lon sent Corbett-back with right high on.the head; Lut did no damage. This rounds? was-Vabo?t- even. Round 1,1?Hanlon caught Corbett with a" right swing "to the Jaw, and followed ttwlth. anpther to'tho same place. Cor? bett staggered, Hanlon with right, and left to the Jaw,, They, wore lean'ng shoul? der ? to, shoulder, both peppering away at the face and stomach, with Corbett ap? parently having the advantage. Tho blows that Corbett. had landed on Han? lon would havo finished . the fight long ago with any boxer of mediocre aual.ty. Rouhd 12?They rushed into a clinch, Both seemed fond of in-fighting. "Hanlon got in a'loft upper-cut and followed It with right and left'to the face. Corbett did'not lose ' h's head, and fought back viciously.. Corbett received a terrific right upper-cut on ' the stomnch, which made him look slolc? Ho stalled, however, and protected' himself from further harm. Corbett appeared a bit tired at-tho end, with Hanlon-doing all the forcing. ' It was Hanlon's round. Round 13?They mixed It, both ?wlnplng and landing with right and left, They stood shoulder to shoulder, fighting like demons, both-landing hard, rights to the Jaws, Corbett sent left and right to-tho Jaw and right, to the stomach.. Hanlon looked groggy for the first timo and wob? bled a bit. Corbett kept after him., and they still fought shoulder to shoulder, Hanlon hanging-on. This was decidedly Corbett's round. ..Round 14?Hanlon sent Corbett? hack with a right to the Jaw, staggering the champion, Corbett, however, fought baok violently, and landed soma telling, blows on Hanlon's body. Corbott sent HnnFn to the floor with two lefts to the Jaw. Ilo wits down nine seconds, They went to a mix-up, and Corbett planted right nnd loft to tho Jaw. Corbett stood away, peg. ging away at Hanlon, forolng him to.tlio ropes. The gong apparently saved Hanlon from a knock-out. Round 15.?Corbett caught Hanlon with right, and left to tho stomach nnd a right tippor.cut to tho chin, that sont Hanlon's head back, Corbett wndod In and landed right and ,-t hard to the Jaw,? Oranoy asked Hanlon's seconds to take their man out of the ring, but they ? refused. Hanlon oould hardly protect himself. .Took the Count. Round 16?Corbett missed a hard right upper-cut. for the face, but. a moment It-1 pr cent the ^ tho Boor with right and left to the Jaw. Hanlon took the'cQunt.oC nine. He then clung-to CPr? Imtt, the latter trying vainly to ; knock him out, Qprbett sent In a succession of rights and.left to tho face. Corbett yel? ?e?j to Hanlon's seeonda to stop the oqn? "ttst, which they refused to. dp. . Corbeljt then delivered aw avalanche pf blows on U;e California!,'* Jaw, sending him bac?i i-jalnst'the rpoe.?. ? The orowd yelled tp .the referee to /ipp.tbe> contest, aa "Hanlon ?as genie to the*, opre and ?ri-/'iiie4'to',i?ei ? knocked out- Granoy. then ihietfered and jf.warded the decision t? Cprbett. . .J^fver the tight;. Corbett' want -ovar, to Tr?anJ?p? end Wgsed him- JiapJo? Mid: | /'Toucan, ).pk/,tbim.'??,'?- ??? <?'-.?:?'I TO ERECTA NEW BANK First 'National to Put ? Up a ? 'Thoroughly?Modern, Fire ? 'iPr?of Structure.' COST NOT LESS THAN $75,000 The Classic Front ?f "the ?Bank ? Not to be Changed?The Same Site Is to beUsed. \ The' otnoeji>vine^tx?rtS~;pi dtreotors^ef" th?' ?iret-'National ,Bank: have reached tho decision to erect, in the place of the pr-ssent' First National, No; rllM Efcst . Matn Street]'-a thoroughly modern,-flre jjrooi ?try?i?.rV ? "*? .'" 4. ?;?,iMf.'rJpWn';jpji :Mil}er. '^Sr:?i'eaihl!en--n\a:? last': night"" that- tw?'.'?rcTilt.'e.o't? .$5r*,' now In ' periodical conf?rence" wjth the nrianage ment in. reference-to ' plans. As for do ? tollts, nothing: definito.'hail? yet been de? cided. ?? Ho "said'tho;? new.istru?tu'ro would not be a'-.tall one.'." It would bo'the; home of t??.'Flrst-NatlonarBarik;?and .nothing else. As "the site vis' in., tlio middle of a squaVe.lflight .would -, havo ??',??'?., gotten from aboyo?not necessarily! ao'far-above. And so, the structure would 'be, like' sev? eral other bank homes ?f', s?mil larly located,-just,oho1 tall'storyhigh, Front to. Remain.... The management jhiia ''reached? a: very happy ! decision,' also, hot ?. to change the classic,front of the bank. The fact? Is, the present front' will'b'o-used in Its? en? tirety, and tho fireproof structura will bo built (io It. : It is expectedr that tho oost of the proposed establishment will bo ?75,000. This large expenditure be? comes- necessary from? the fact that tho bank ? will bo? so constructed that It couldn't bo sot.on fire If somo one tried, Asked when the improvement' would bu begun, .Mr. Miller sa-i'd. he thought "in the spring." l?e expressed the opinion tjiat the First National would got Into tlio new quarters in twelve or. fourteen months. .The same site will be used.? It Is under? stood that the Union.3ank, now occupy? ing a part of tho First. National's build? ing, ha-s already; boem asked to? find new quarters. What tho. First National will do' for ft "local habitation" during the rebuilding ' period probably has not yet been determined, ? ? The First National Bank building, with Its stalwart columns,? Is a landmark <>t (Continued on Second Pago.) - TO HEAR CHARGES AGAINST SMQOT Committee Will Meet oivgth of January for Continuation ? of Inquiry. ; , , (By Associated Prese.) WASHINGTON, Dec l!9.?Senator Bur? rows, who Is chairman of the Senate Com iinuteo. on Privileges and Elections, which Is conduotlng tho ' investigation of th? charges against Senator need Bmoot, of i^iA?, said to-day that the -committee probably would moot on January 9th. for continuation of the Inquiry. u Mr. Smoot's denial Is such as to challenge the authenticity of the Informa? tion upon which, tho accusations aro 'based, It Is the, opinion of somo of the members of the committee that the au? thor?, of the chargea will be given un op? I.ortunity to prove them, and In that event, thero probably would be ? quito | general Investigation Into the present-day .prootl??? of the Mormon Church with re? ference, both to marriage and politics. LAPSLEY IS MOORED BOTTOM SIDE UP (By Awoplated Press.) NASHVILLE, T*.NN.(.Ecc. ?8,_a cfi.ble? .gram ea-ya the steamer Lapsley Is moured 'bottom '?We t>P \n ih? Congo. River; and thai' eftprts to ?ava her. are beine*-made, . .The craft-foundered ?bout eight wobkh ago, and carried down with her twenty?' three of the native'cr&w, and'two Ameri? can "juiselQi)a,rJ<ui,.:S{lft>? rn'sfdonary boat of the Southern .Pre*byterlan Church ,4a ti* ??iiKO.jrw? 4tB?* BRAUER WILL RETAIN BILLS BIG DAY FOR THE T.D.CX. First Annual Reunion to be Held at the Bijou This After- , noon. TO BE NOTABLE OCCASION Hundreds of Boys and. Girls to . Enjoy s an Entertainment Especially for Them. This Is T. G? C. C., day. The first annual reunion of The Times Dispatch Contributors' Club will be held at the Bijou this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The occasion will be a notable' one. A special programme has been arranged,, the. G'overnor, the Mayor and other proml?' nent, gentleman will be there to greet our boys and girls, and the entire house has been reserved for them. No Ucketa can be bought for this en? ? tertainment. It Is for the T. D. C. C, members exclusively, and.admission will be by the . member's badge. Every boy and g|rIwho comes must show his or hor badge. No other passport'will gain ad? mission. The doors will opon at 1:30, and the 'exer?isee ' begin at 2:30'. Thero will be no, reserved seats. Thoso who enter first' will, have the choice. All Will be There.' ..The capacilty of th? .Bijou will, be-taxed thls.-aftoruoon. The T. D. C. C. has over 2,0?0 members, and every one" wno can possibly, do so will - attend the reunion, ?Judges have been lm demand this week, Boys and girls who -liad'misplaced have- been busy hunting them up, und metnbers-.whose? badges' httd not bean' se..t to, tn?m have called at .the o.tice t? get them, The;.chlldren are intensely Inter? ested. . ?..> /?., ' ?-....?' ?.?'": , This afternpon's programme has been especially arranged for, tlie ?. D. C, C. Every feature will bo adapted to tue juve? niles, and at the close of the last, act?a flash-light ' photograph of ? the aud,enee tr/ui, ?\i,Wte<>? Vf??? ?- '?u ? ;/, > j;.;?. ..;..? ?v?* The Programme. This Is the programm?: I; Overture?Bijou -Orchestra,. . | 2. Welcome?Jar. .John -?tewart Bryan. 3..-Words-of. Greeting?Major ,.James H. ' Capers, ' Mayor. Richard. M.? Taylor, .GoyT ? eruor ?r'J, Montague. ? ??.:?.' '" Through the eou'riesy. of, Resident Man- I ager- Charles I." McKee, of .the-.BlJou The-? atre Compqny, /nnd- the? volunteer assist- | ance of;? ilio, ..-following -.??members of the, Ross andvF.enton Vaudeville Company, tho programme will, bo-.continued as bo low: .' ; ,. ;? 1 , ?'?. ??? ?i, R?no? and Smith, Acrobats. 5. The Two Puoks,'Juvenile Entertain? ers.' ' " - ?? ??: ? ' ? ''?'? ' " 6. Van Slcklln and West, Musical Nov? elty. 7. Mr. Charles J. Ross (of Ross and Fenton), a Few Cheery Remarks.' ? 8. Ford and Wilson, Blackface Vocal? ists and Dancers. 0. Shormnn and De Forrest, Knook About Artists. HEIRESS DISAPPEARS IN MYSTERIOUS WAY ? , (By A ??opiated Press.) MERIDIAN, MISS.. .December 29,?It Is Is reported here that Miss Ethel Rovell, of Birmingham, Ala., who Is said to ho an heiress to a largo fortuno, has disap? peared, and relatives are anxious about her, ':'??. . Miss Rovell had been In Meridian slnco November 1st, vlslUng her aunt, Mrs. J, M. Husltoy, and was to remain horo until February. ?? Wednesday last sho .left her aunt's residence to do somo shopplrg nnd has not been seen or heard of since, The disappearance hris been reported to the police, Miss Rovell Is said to have Inherited' an estate loft to her by Mrs. Minerva Benford. of Denver, Col. JEFFERSON WILL NOT BE REBUILT Positive Denials of Rumor From Messrs, Jeffress and A rents. "If thero wero a word of truth In It, It would give mo ne much pleasure ??' tell ,wou|d you to hoar it," said Mr, Thomas F, Jeffress, one of tho exe? cutors of .Major CMnter's .wi(l, speaking of the report that the Main Street side of the Jefforsou. Hotel would, shortly bo rebuilt.? Mr. Jeffress ?aid that tho thing had not recently beep even remotely euute.m pluu-d. Tlier? was no reason l'or concoai ment. If It wore true that Iho ruins would be removed and tho magnificent hotel restored to Its pristine glory and (| benittv, It would give hhu groat pleasure to tell th>* pcoplo, Nn architect was at ills house und the gvnticin.un who was there nolthcr drew nor considered any plans Cor the Jeffer? son, said Mr. Jeffress.. liq did not know where tliu report came Irom; It was ali-, solutiily untrue, Mr? ?rente, of New York, multes a eluvlar , positive and unreservod suite ment regarding? the rebuilding myth. Tho appended special telegram, was received from New York last night: ' ? Wien seen at his homo.. No. 3S West Fifty-seventh Street, in this, city, to-night. Mr. George Arents positively, denied the r-mor that he- proposed rebuilding the Jefferson Hotel at Richmond. Mr< AVents is?ld: "I can. In no way nc?ouiit for the rumor thiU l contemplate rebuilding the Jefferson. J have oonier Ted one about,the matter, and have dene absolutely nothing to'give the sllghUst gTPU.pd.8 for, th.e rumor. In fficl, I.have not ?lyeiitha"matter a sin? 'ele-tlwteht, #nd any report tothe:o?n ?*>??>? w ?beijjyjw^; untrue.?" ;?.. Two Treasurers In ??? rico After Next Friday. THE CHANGE IN THE CONSTITUTION This Is Responsible for the Pr?s-? eut Very Unique Situa? tion. WILL AFFECT OTHER SECTIONS OF THE STATE Unless Some Action Is Taken by the Legislature' or by the Courts th? Outgoing. Trea surers ' Will* Put?' in , .Six a . Months Collecting the .! Taxes. Overdue. although but. forty-eight ; hour* not* .Inteivene between the present and, the sweeping changea that the opening of the New Year will' make In the office, all - W , not yet smooth and serene'In the Jong ' disputed, long discussed treasurershlp af? fairs of Hunrlco county, ?..'?.? ' In fact there-Is revealed another com? ; plication which.' though of an ese?riUaUjf different sort, is no. whit less Inter'estin'e or? Important than what .hns. preceded -In 'this unique fight. It was ascertained-yes?, 'terday, that Treasurer Brkuef. will'.d?clin^ ; tp doilyer to Mr.. Touu.-hls successor.'.th?-; tax bills now ID- his possession,? but; act* 'lng under the: law, ' wjl.?" olalm therlght'-to collect them himself. The bills represent perhaps' $50,030, and lu will take.about si* months 'to get -the money in hand..Durln? ]th|s. timo' there; will'?' In effect 'be two .treasurers In Henrloo, ? Mr. Todd .will? amuse himself .dplng nothing, and -Mr,-, Brauer will have an office somewhere and, - will transaot the affairs of the ct?unty? It'i will bo,-a curious spectacle, and;one .that ?.?w.Ul 'eventually .land ?the-^wiiole .buslnese ? fitIh?cblirts' "r'~-'J^"'G^ 7?."". -: A .Curious? Complication. x~, - The situation Is>of peculiar Wet'eii In ' that It Involves hot-only i-iehrlc'o county, but"tke?. lutato at: largo...Every outgoing :. treasurer In Virginia-may'take a positi ? V similar to that of Mr. Braiicr'and some of them, It'Is said, arc preparing to doso, i There.Is everj' promise of new complica- - lions at pvury bend, and th.?y.rhavu tlicit causo hi the actions of the'lato Constitu? tional Convention. "When the? convention proclaimed, the new organic law of the State; It append? ed the usual schedule.'designed to faJ; c.-ate tho work of piittlng'tlilsinow law.: Into' effect. Changes were 'made? In ' th.0' terms, of rnnny offices make all' uniform, some of the current terms . had to be extended. " This ' happened; In . I lie case of the Treasurer of Henrlco. whose term was to ond?. not on January. 3lst"as hitherto, but oh fJanuary. 1. 1?04. 'j he chief work ' of ' the' treasurer, ' Is of cniirse, the collection of taxes." The bilie . tire returned by the,Commissioner of the Revenue In September of each year arid? ere ut once collected. The oltizens have until December 1st to pay them, after which date a interest ;of 5 per 'centum '.' is added. Under the schedule of tho Con? stitution they wero given this year until' January 1st to pay up.. Tho. bulk of; tho taxes is always paid but thero re? mains a pretty long list of delinquents. who have to bo looked up after the limit I has been passed. These people have to pay an additional per cent. ' There will . bo a list of them this yoaf and the list will represent taies- amounting to about $50,000. ? "' . ?liad tho treasurer's term begun as iiftial. In July, there would have been no? complication. The.Incumbent would have -stepped down and out and the new man would hnve come In and1 taken up and) collected tho September bills when they were duly returned by the Commission? er But this particular term.' as It n?p-. pens, begins on January 1st, six months after tho usual timo. The September K..S of 1003 have boon partially collected by Mr. Brauer and only, the' above men? tioned list of delinquents, about $50,000. will remain when ho goes.out, Over these ino complication arises. Mr. Todd goe*. In on Friday and expects to take hold o)! tho affairs of tho treasury? Mr. Brauer goes out on that day, but he will take the tax bills und certain of the books with him und win go on collecting ns ho has been doing In the past. Ho claims this right under tho law. Have Two Treasurers;. Dining yesterday Mr. Todd luoked Into tho matter cnreiully and'consulted the statutes unti a muntici? of officials. Ho luis not teen ?1??." Brauer on the subject. The now treasurer admits that Mr. Brauer has some authority for hla posi? tion, but hu declares It to be an un? businesslike proceeding that will prove veri confusing unti G? ? the end detvl? moulai to the best Interests of the coun? ty, lie Is wulilug to see what Is going t-> happen. Mr, Brauer himself could not Le reached. Deputy Jeter was seen, hnwevor. and ho admitted that the treas. liter would refuse to givo up the bills. Mr. Brauer holds that thoro Is no opttun fur him; that the law distinctly aays that t|io treasurer "shall" collect the ta:> bills, Tho practical efioet of this new com? plication will hu to put two treasurers In tlm county for some months. Without tlm tux biil? air. Todd will have prae? lieallv nothing to do until tho (Iceneea begin to fall due about May, and not v-yrv much then. He waa asked yester? day about his deputies, and replied, a laugh, that ho wouldn't need any. He luu consequently made no d?finit? ar. rangements whatever. l'copie who wi?h to pay their ta*ee will not bo ab)?, to do eo to the n*w Treasurer Todd at the courthouse, hfi causii h? will not-have the bills.. They will have to find ex-Treasurer Brauer. May Gq to Courts, jt is understood that State Auditor .Mary,? ?4i tafc? getip? in th? niatw*