Read the Tee?Dee Want Ads, They Will Save Money for You? TltH TIM-IB, liOUNi. -?? 18811, Tlll? DISPATCH, iroUND?D ISM. The Tee-Dee Want Ad. Page is the Family Business Directory? WHOLE NUMBER 16,440. RICHMOND, VA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1004. PRICE TWO CENTS, SUMMARY OF THE DAY'S NEWS The Weather. . WASHINGTON,, .imi. ?.-Porc-usl. for -'.lurs'lny nini Fruitivi ,, ? , . Virginia ?t?a North Cu rol Inn? Un I ? anil Warmer Thlireiiavj -Tidily min; variable Wlll?S. I Tin-i t.iennniiio.lor went mie degr?. iqW-i' 'enilv yesterday morning Ihdl? It lina dono Ilio rlnv liefere. 'J'lierc wns il tjecideil rlB? in letnnei'nture, though curly In the day mid lust night the ? merett- was ?tul rising, -with promise ot Milli and' warmer weather to-tliiy. STATI. Oli" TI?10 TH_7ttMOMl-_-I_tt. .? ?. M.'. " ?Vi M.?. g ? P. M. ??? tl? .cresting letter from youn- Richmond -nun now in l'orto Rico-Governor ?1 ontatruo thinks e-rent good will result tn the Democrat?' from ?lio gathering-'at ..he Modellini dinner In New Vorn Several Interesting contests for oflico to ??omo lieforn tho next Legl-Iatliro-Mon? 'liment to Dr. McCiulro to be unveiled to? ?lay with impressive ceremonies-? , Further trouble In tho Terry family In 'Henrleo-New curs of tlio Passenger [?- Power Company tielng gotten ready for use-Messrs. Mullen mid Caten to nsk relief from jail on the ground of , insolvency-Miss Mary Greenhow retire:, from presidency ot Homo for Incurables tn the deep regret of the managers City departments making up their wants ;!ind will ask for larger appropriations? Movement on foot to raise funds for ? great building io be erected In China as n memorial to missionaries who havo met ?? mnrlyr'H death-Senate passes bill jirovldlng for another Slate fcmnlc nor? mal school, and there will lie a lively tight between varimi? sections of the ? tate to neeuro tho school-Many prom? inent men to address the State Antl-Sa . loon Convention-Prof. Mitchell ap? pointed on committee to award' Cecil Rhodes scholarship for Virginia-Tlio ?'Richmond Hotel lo bo opened In about thirty daya-Bijou actor tak<*s part uf hero and stops a horse-lion. C. ?. Jicermati.i ha-i Ills I?-g broken by fall on ???o?Police 1-Oard hop? to secure tweft*? ly-five more men-Senator Hulsey's bill to dotine and punish vagrancy becomes ?. law. MANCHESTER-Important ?weUriB of tho Finance Committee to bo held to-night-Membership of tho As Hembly to be enlarged-?Mr. Toney being talked of for Mayor-Mayor returns from a hunting trip-Richmond mer? chant heavily lined for selling goods .'without a license-Marriage license 1s (?ned-Funeral of Mrs, Iloshor-Pas? tor Routten pounded. Virginia. Fire destroys six buildings in Olaremont nnd. Injures a newspaper offiee-r? The ??"rlsmond caso at Spotsylv/mia postpottnl <>n account of tlio Illness of a witness?? Fire destroys a iilionosrnpli estnblisltm-nt? in Roanoke-Men tlpht like tigers at a .funeral In Carroll colnty and run mourn? ers from tho cemetery-Stovo explodes in. Portsmouth and Injures ihe lady ?it the house-Oirl of fourteen? elopes; from -Ceysyjilo to bo married-Circular Issued frrai" Seaboard Dine headquarter? Portsmouth tells of abolishing office, of general agent at. Wilmington, N. C. iirllllnnt New Year weddings at many Virginia points?Kirn captain In Peters? burg g?ts a serous fall l>v tho breaking of a ladder-The cold weather killed the spinach crop around Norfolk and did many thousands of other damage. North Carolina. Sensational arrest of Southern Railway ?igeiltat WO-dl-S*. Rowan county, ch/irged with burning the depot?Tlio dispensary ut Wilson partially destroyed by Incen ?iiaiy (Ire: sUveral barrels of wh.skey burned-A lumber-laden schooner, which wns stranded, pulled off and floated Into BOuthport harbor?Dr. Caldwcll'?! funeral ut Greensboro largely attended -Wilmington making extensive prepa? rations to celebrale ihn birth of Lee Malignant small-pox causes death of Airs, llcdrlck at Golii Hill; other members ot family stricken down-Boy falls from wagon at Newton and Is run over and lillled. General. Violent break In stock prices, due up parent!?* to double Influence of w r ? rumors and poor statement Of United Statos Steel Corporation-Seventeen ?'or? nons killed and tliirly Injured in head-on railway collision-Warm debate in Sen? ate on resolution demanding?thorough In? vestigation of tho .-Postonico Department; Mr. Clay declaras Perry Heath should bo indicted-Inventors- of flying machine. wlu'eh really lllcs. tell of their successful experiment-Cotton market weak nnd pri?es closo pet 70 points off-Awarding of book contracts In Georgia results In a |? etiti dal?Senator Damlol ?ociares Jit? opposition to ratification of canal treaty with Panama??.Russia's reply * - matter In his mind. The paper Is ,'.\pee.ti'd 10 deal with Issues that are of vital Interest to all the?, people of the fcUato. HE COUfD?'fTvW" ? RAISE_REVQLUTION illy .U? diateli Pie???! PORT AU PRINCE, ????1, Saturday. Jan. ?.?During the absence from Pott An Prince of Pivsldeul Nord, who went (?otialves to tr.ko part In Ihe celebra? tion of the century of the liidepeiulenee ol ilaytl, General Mon Plaisir aiieiupted ??? rtiise a revolt against, ilio President, but the movement failed. The General'* si u and an accomplice were killed. Nu? mu ou? a?-enwui .wwa tuudu. ? ;... DEMANDS SENATORIAL Postal Scandal Theme o? Ser?ate Debate. THE REPUBLICANS OPPOSE LIGHT! Mr. Lodge, of Massachusetts^] Fights the Resolution Witti ^ Some Bitterness. SENATOR GORMAN TAKES PART IN DEBATE Said He Could Not Undcrstanct Persistent Refusal of the. Re- :' publicans to Give the Mi? nority Official ?Informa? tion Concerning, the Departments. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, .In.?. 6,-Allegecl irreg? ularities in Hie Postonico Department constituted the only thomo Jn tho Sen? ate to-du'y. The riuestlon canio up oil a motion first made by Mr. Bongo, ittici afterwards by Mr. Penrose. to refer'tini. Carmack resolution looking lo ?' sena-" torlal investigation of the department to the Committee on PestofTlces and Posi Ponds, The. Democratic senators resistei! the motion and contended that tho coun??. try would not be satisfied with an in? vestigation of ix department made by" the department Itsolf. The dehnte continued for almost two and a half honro, nnd was extremely spirited from start to; finish. Mr. Carmack resisted Mr. . l.odgc'o ? motion, declaring that If departmental Irregularities were to he Investigated' brily by the departments" themselves, it ?would., .net. -,b,q.. long ..._?>UL they, would., be.: ?*a"-ii'?,chrin ???Gnostril, of tho .'people;"-' The only safeguard.ho said, was in.con? gressional investigation. ?1??. clay expressed surprise that there should be opposition to tho resolution, and culled attention to-the declaration?, by tho fourth assistant Postniaster C'enernl Brlstow. und Messrs. Bonaparte ? nnd Conrad that the investigation should bo curried furlheK. He declared that tho Brlslow report ''demonstrates the abso? lute guilt of the late first assistant Post? master-General, Mr. Heath, lie (Brls? low), says himself, that this leading high official was guilty and the proof Is overwhelming. If this Is true. Mr. Heath should have been Indicted. Should be Indicted. "1 will do Mr. Brlstow the credit I?? sny that his report shows thnt tho fraudi! of the Postonico Department originataci In Mr. Heath's office, tf so, he must have had cognizance of them. Then why should tho subordinates In that offlco be Indicted und the principal bo allowed to escape." , .? . Mr. Clay quoted extract*^ from the Brls- , low report to substantiate his argil?'] ment, referring especially to the pur? ? chuso of cash registers; In which con?-! neetlon Mr. Brlstow pijid that tho ele?.'.' ment of frayd could not be eliminated, ; "If," he said, "this report speaks tlul ? truth Perry Henth 'originated all th. '? frauds ?n his offico," v . "If," ho continued, tho report Is not j correct, tho fact should bo known and ' Mr, Heath vindicated. If tho charges aro i well founded, Mr. Heath should tie In? dieted and punished." As for himself ho did not -want to do any Injustice to Mr. Heath or others, nnd for this reason he desired the in?/ vestlgatlon. Reference also was made to the nego? tintions with D, S, Ulehardsoti, con? oernlng the Montague Indicator In whloli Mr, C'Iny sold thero wero many, suspi? cious features pointing to Mr. Healh. Air. Clay declared his conviction from a thorough reading of tho Brlstow report that Mr, Brlstow hud been natlsflod be? yond doubt that the guiltiest party of nil was the retired first assistant Postmas? tor-Oeiieral, yet be has never been in? i dieted or arrested. . . Surprised at Objection. "in the Interest of fair play, ? In the Interest of Justice, lu the Interest of gooil ? government and clean administration.'' he said, "Hiere should bo un Infill I ry, nnd I am surprised that my friend the Sen?' Rtos 'from Massachusetts (Mr, Bodgoi, ' should object." Mr. Clay ulso ?leelured Hint the Pres? ident bus reflected seriously upon Mr, Heath, and hnd doslreil the retirement of Mr, lieuth from the secretaryship of th.?. Hepublleiin National Committee. Mr. Oluy wns careful to sny that ho Intended no reflection upon Mr. Wynne, the present First Assistant postmaster 'ienerul. On Hi?? contrary, he took piling? In .spenk In high terms of Mr. Wynne. \ saying that he hud given material assist. \ unee to the dopurtmeiit Inquiry, Mr. Curiuack inailo a genoral plea, for a s- tutorial Inquiry, and the reason given by him wfis the newspaper report to the _f leci that the PustinuHter-Oonernl hud not been hi sympathy with the Postoffleo Department Inquiry, when unilertuken ?mil that he hud pronounced the Tulloeh charge? io bo "hot air.'?' Tim statement aroused Mr, Spoonrr, win. -alii that the charge did great in? justice to tin? Postmastcr-Gen-ru!. Su fur us the Brlstow Inquiry was concerned, .Mr. I'ayne had been hi thorough sym? pathy with It, and had placed the ?"ti? tln-, machinery of Ihe department at Ih? leinmund of the official who hud mail" Hits illusi remorseless inquiry. Mr. ruriiiuek repeated the r?iporl that , Air. Payne hiui referred to the Tiiiloeh ?barges as "hot air," und Mr. Spooler replied that .Mr. Puyna hod remained at his desk In ml*-city day after day, ell lust summer while the Inquiry w_s in '? progress, notwithstanding he wss In very; pour health, 'devoting every -n.er_y 'M?j'i .?,.o|_4j ??*..;???<. u-utU sJiouW uv Vrou#^?