Miller ? Rhottds. Miller ? Rho&ds. ?? ;. .... I. ? -? Exceptionally Good Values in Winter Coats For Women. Nobody imagined we'd lmvo euch n irold wlrtlc. no this ono has proven , In bo, nnd lio.-tly thrco months o? II nli.tid of uh yol. You'll aceti a Coal will you not? Style and making arc as importati, as material in a Coat and taking all three together ivc believe an examination of our gar? ments will convince you that they're the best values for the money to be had in Richmond. ?'?.a.50 for ah All-W?iol Korsfty, lined svilii ?-ntln. 3.8.50 for n beautifully mudo Zibeline Coa?. .10.00 for covert Cloth Jackets, .??1 Inches long;. $12.50 fui? n long Zibeline, Coat, svllh military collar. .13.50 .nt? a l?mg All-Wool Kersey Coat, .strictly military made. Two Good Values in Winter Waists. The prettiest garments you've looked at for a long time at $1*25? Novelty Cloths in Brown, Blue, Green and Black effects. Neatly tucked, and trimmed with fancy brass buttons. Cer? tainly a prfetty waist at $11.25. Light l_lu?\ Reel and Black Coeiimor? Wulst s. nicely linetl, tucked In iront and trinimeli svith silk buttons. ? finely mado unti handsome looking gar? ment for $1,00, See our advertisement on womans page of this evening's News Leader.' MAY LOSE ARM AS RESULT OF BLOW ?General John Wheeley, (?) of .Richmond. Cut His Finger, oh Teeth.of Negro Assailant. -on. .John Wheeiey, ????!?. have tho effect of forcine tho other greaj. through railway systems to estab? lish Khnllar agencies hero to meet tho i/ompetition for through trafile, originating in this city. The agency of the Rock Islandr'Frlsco lure is th?? only one ho Isvecn Philadelphia and Atlanta, and Rich? mond sv.iB chosen instead of Washington ?is tho locution of th?> agency because of the fact Huit._u_hm?K_.'s freight business is larger. Xa tura 11s, as a railsvay traille 'man expressed it yesterday, the fact that. ?Qie one system has a man on the (-round whom sve svili all soon know sveli, svili Have the effect of causing us to throw all the business sve ??m In his svay, Instead of giving il lo som?? road not represented here. This fact is realized by railway jrnen, and it s\ ?II not be long beton the other great railsvay systems open train?? ?agencies here. When oilier, foilosv the Roek Istand-'Frlsco lead It svili not he long before tho town ssill be full of bro? kerage olhces?merchandise brokers?and these svili compote for local business. J.ook at Atlanta, said he. All those big nky-ecrapers there are flllod svlth bro? kerage oliloep, anil these In turn havo ?followed tho railroads thlthor. The growth >.f Florida tourist Iravel ?from tiii.- Btalo In rece?? years has been pteady, said Mr. c. \v. Campbell, ropie uenting tlio Atlantic Count Uno, yester? day. Every year mor?? Virginia people .pend u portion of tho winter In the far mouth, and util! lin? traille grows, Travel Is already very heavy on our Florido trains. Ot.r New York and Florida Me? rini will be Inaugurated for tho season, beginning Januury Util, This eloganl train consist- of. dining, observation; Rull xrian. apartment and library ears, all of the very handsomest and most luxurious pattern. Each Individual berth Is elec? trically lighted. Our Florida and West Indian Limited, now in operation, and ?which la run all ihe year, consists of din? ing car, Pullman sleeper and flrst-clae? throughfare car. Travel Is very good lo and irnrn Florida to Richmond and v/l'.h tbe prenent rates the rigors of winter, can be avoided by a slay in semi-tropical clinics at moderate cost. Kor Instance, tlio round trip ruto from Richmond to St. Augustine Is but $37.90, und from this city to Jacksonville $.15.30, nnd to Havana, Cuba, via tho Occidental Steamship Line, but JSS. All these? tlckols .aro good for return passage until May .Usi. 'l'ho .Seaboard Air Line Railway has inaugurated an Innovation on their trains botweeh Hamlet,' ?. C., and Washington, D. C, which will add very much to the comfort of travel. Commencing with northbound train No, fifi, arriving hero at ?1:55, nnd southbound train No. 27, leav? ing Richmond at 2:20 P. M., the Seaboard Air Line have put on cafe cars between Hamlet and Washington, serving meals a la carte at rate.? which will enable pas scngcrs to get lunch or dinner from twenty-five rents up to $5. Tho liest of the season will ho served on theso cafo i-nrs. PETITION IN BANKRUPTCY Mr. C. Park Gary Files Petition. Assets Are Not Large. A petition in bankruptcy was filed in (ho Hniteel States District Court yestor I elny by Ci Parle Gary, grocer and liquor I denier, at No. ?22 East Broad Street. The petition wns filed through Attorney Abhei? C. Goode. The liabilities of tho petitioner aggregate $0,513, und tho assets 81,600, of which $1,000 Is clalnicel as exempt under the statute. Tho largest creditor is J, S. Moore, of this city, for money loaneel on notes amounting to $-1,077.06. AI. 13. Gary Is among the creditors, the claim amounting to $350, on two notes. All the other creditors are Richmond merchants anel people. Th?? assets consist of gro? ceries and liquors valued at $5CO. and bar fixtures, cash register, etc., put down at $1,000, and open accounts to thu amount Of JUX). \V, Douglas Lenkt? wns appointed re? ceiver to take charge of ariti dispose of the assets; TO ASK FOR RELEASE. Mullen and Cates to Ask Dis? charge, Claiming Insolvency. \V. II. Mullen and Sidney Cates yester? day filed notice with Commonwealth's Attorney I>. C, ' Richardson that they will within five days apply to the Hust? ings Court for their release from jail on tin? groqnd Of tholr insolvency. Mullen nini Cutes wero sent to Jail on Monday In default, of payment, of yj.V> assessed against each as lines for criminal libel. The law gives the Commonweal til's At? torney five days In which to Investigate tho question eif solvency or insolvency, und If tho latter Is established l.lls Honor, may release tho prisoners. Special Music. The Christinas music of Monumentili ?..durch will be repeated Sunday, inumimi at .1 o'clock and afternoon at ? o'clock. At ihe afternoon survlce some? beautiful organ music will be rendered from Wag? ivr's "I-'?rslfal," Including ?omo of Hin "Good Friday" music, am] tho "Mareh m the Holy Gi-.iii." Tiii? will bo rendered | lor tin? 'TH time- I;) Kieiliinoliel aim has liten ?.-hpee.ialiy arranged for the organ: Reception in Their Honor. A reception was given In Iunior of Mr. John Kennedy, of Buffalo, by Ids rola, live;", Mis. li. Ullis nnd Mrs, McLhugh? Un, at their residence on Louisiana Street last night, and ijul-t: an enjoyable timo was t-pent. Richmoriders in New York. (Boccia) to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NKW VORJC, Jan. ?; Hoffman, J. AI. Slayiruin ami Wife; N'efliei'laild, H. B. uoHiier; York, ?. R l'ago and wtfe, ?. -.inner; imperial, \V. A. Witliorspoon: Victoria, B. i'. POrgueon, C. Towlea and wile; ?,???????'??, J. II. (lagen. A MEMORIAL TOJWRTYR . ' ~~' ' ' A Great Building to be Erected in the Kar-OiT Land of China. WILL COST IMMENSE SUM Missionaries , of All Denomina? tions Unite and Send Out Appeals for Assistance. W.'-l'ln tho next fosv yours there will be utcctod in China by Ilio missionario.? of all d?nominations laboring thur. u giv_-_ building thut wiM bo for nil time U tun?; n memorial to tho devoted ini.m ber.i of tho brotherhood who have mol a martyr's death in this fni'-nwiiy heathen There Is decided Interest hero nnd thicughout tho Christian world In tlio proposition, svhlch has just been definitely ruade. Th? foreign boards, ono of which is located lit this city, are, but not In Ilio senso that thoy aro them? selves conducting tho work. Thoy glvu their best will to It, but (lie mission? aries themselves ore the primo movers. These missionaries uro. of nil denomina? tions 111-all parts of the Celestial Empire. A number of them are Virginia anil other Baptists, who are working under tho ?'creigli Mission Board, svhlch has Jla he-dqutu'ters In Richmond. INTEREST!NG MOVEMENT. _ he. movement has just been thoroughly iuiihched. Circulars and -, appeals have beer, received by prominent rcVglous workers here calling attention to It und asking for help; There aro Hosv sixty missionary socle Ile:, in China, and they Join In an appeal t_ Christians of all lands to aid them In tho erection in Shanghai of a large "Exeter Hall" and Missionary Union Hindquarters, ns a center of Christian activities for the benefit of the whole of China. The building Is to bo known as the Martyr's Memorial. An effort svllk b_ mudo io complete It by 1?I07, the anni? v-Tsary of the landing of Robert Morrl .son, the first missionary to China. Tho minimum sum to bo secured for tho pur peso is ?_?0,000. 'L'ho building svili bo ai expression. of gratitude to God for the courage, and fnltb of th? misslon txrieH and the Chines.- Christians svho have suffered tlio martyr's death, nnd as an expression of tho underlying unlly of the Christians who join In the work. Since 1.S07 many hundreds of Chinese, nnd two h u lid rod nuil seven Protestant missionaries of eighteen societies (includ? ing fifty-four children) have suffered dea Ih. The memorial Is to them. MISSION NOTES. Loiters received by Ilio Foreign Bonrd from Japan do not deal svlth the present disturbed political conditions there. Thoy were, mostly written hefore the svar question reached Its recent acuto stage. The Res*. C. .T. F. Anderson nnd wife, svho have, been working In Italy several years, have retired from Uso work and have returned to this country. Miss Lottie Moon, svho has boen In this country for some time, and svho paid a visit to Richmond, will return to China in the early part of 1901. Dr. R. T. Bryan Is busy working ?u the different States for the "Yates Col? lege" In Shanghai, China. He is salti to bo meeting svlth good success. Tho Rev. I,. M. Lowell has reached Sr.uth America, and svili lose no timo opening tho work In the Argentine Repub? lic, tho new field Just entered by the heard. AT THE ACADEMY. "Alphonse and Gaston," an up-to-date' musical fare? comedy. Is tho title of tho attraction at the Academy to-night. Founded on the cartoons picturing tho volatilo and ultra-polito Frenchmen, tho comedy has been entirely reconstructed and rewritten for this season's produc? tion. Forty persons nro In the. cast, and there a.o twenty-two- speaking parts. Heading tho list of comedians are Will and Andrew Powers, svho will enacl the title roles. In the former version "Al? phonse and Gaston" were mado two Frenchmen, the Inventors of a flying machine, and their adventures were a series of mishaps in connection with tho promotion of their project. This year's version leaves the real Frenchmen In Paris, hut uses the characters as a dis? guise for two onjorprlslng young Amer? icans. This gives room for moro com? plications, svili? h have their culmina? tion when "Alphonse and Gaston" meel their doubles. The Power? brothers hove gained an International reputation for versatility, but this Is really the best chance thoy have ever lind for tho dis? play of its full scope. La Shelle's Rise. Kirk e La Sbollo, tho osvner ot "The (Sari of Pass-tucket," svhlch Is to bo seen at the Academy Friday and Saturday, svlth matinee Saturday, has tho remurk able record of having never produced a failure; consequently his success as a manager has overshadowed his svork as a playwright, but he bus had much suc? cess, too, in the lattor role. "Tho Wizard of the Nilo" sviis their llrst piece, anil It svas played two years. "The Idol's ICiye," "Tho Ameer" and "Miss Simplicity" have encli In turn 1???? played by Mr. Daniels fur tsvo years. Mr. La Snelle svas th? author of tho book of "The Ameer," and he also wrote "Princess Chic," which has also been run? ning nosv three years. Ills latest, svork Is a dramatization of Osven ?.Sister's novel, "The Virginian," Hearts Adrift" To-night. Lovers of "thrills" cun, It |s slated, look forsvard with much lnlerest to tho cimlng engagement of "HoarlH Adrift," which, under Iho direction of .Messrs. ANNUAL SALE-TEN MILLION BOXES Greatest In the World AS!?.'1 H AMI OLD GRANDypADS credit their healthy old aoe to OAB ?,?!,.ii ?-'?'-,?'?' ^i'lt'-i'f ??.?.,?.,1.?a ?*0 filino younger loiks now to stay young in J iJinM?u'''"^ -A:><;Al<1:I'S' T,lil,'K WliV III..? Haiti |? over A MILLION BOXES ,,,.:ft ,,h ,-/,' nl%?t2n?JSKi'9 ???.? ?'"0(l uatlny und oooil tiiiiikin? oan alwaya w?:liI.? ,, Ab 9ARfffie ? "t;lr> alooflt his fed, ton? UP hi? lntoallnei?. Btlin ? hr ?,, ?? ? ? ir' Vn'" hlis "OWela n.'jular, blu blood .,Uru and lim Address .STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicane or New York. Hfcncot' mu? Ahorn, Im ?clvodulod for Iccnl presentation shortly. Tlio firent novelty of tho Jilny Is tho Introduction Oi! u grout nlr ship at tho tend of tho third net! ah air ship which Is'practical Tlils incchatilsin le mudo tho center of Y/hat is described us an Intensely startling situation. .'.Tho good ?lenient of the play's poieohtic, represented In four charactcrn, forced to Midden flight from n desp?rnto (Situation, hurry to tho unchotwd nlr ship, scramblo tip its rope ladder to a pit.i uoiiger car suspended from Us uns reser? voir, lift tho anchor, mid ni ?tico shoot tip Into splice, When high ? ? among-the ckuds (tho effect uf height is sakUlo lw realistically Accomplished), ono ut Iho ovil foV.t of the drama Is found to hn clutching desporaloly to tho liftiigllig lad? der, with malice In his ruco and It disposi? tion to wreck tlio nlr ship and destroy nil II. holds among his 'purposes. With tho discovery, a combat In mld-nlr ensues, etuling with Dm severance of that purl, of tho bidder holding the villain, who nt on-po drops earthward. Tho scese Is said lu bo ono of tho most startling ever Introduced Into tho tlriimu. Tlio company presenting1 "Hearts Adrift" Is reported to b) ono of unusuali excellence; and Is h.?;idcd by 10. L. ?nndcr, who play? the par! of tho hero. Others in tho support lug company includo Horneo Mitchell, Frederick Backus, Philip McCarthy, All. gustili UYissIiiioro, Finitile Mldgley, Hort "W?lket? Mafai?! Florence, t?ngono Beli s?ror, Virginia Westbrook and Stella Harnes. The untlru production Is reported to bo a most elaborati) one. There are four acts, divided Into s^vcti scenes. "Hearts Adrift" cornos to the Bijou Thca 1 ?? for throe days, beginning with a liiat inco this afternoon. STREET CAR NEWS. New Cars Being Gotten 'Ready. Changes in Men. The now cars of tho Passenger nnd Power Company for use on the Main Street Uno aro being mado ready ? for servlco as rapidly as practicable, to in siii'n good workmanship In the painting nnd decoration. The Cat's aro described by tho men on the lino as "beauties," and are said to inauro Ilio acme of comfort In street railway travel. Only eight have yet arrived, but the others will como In a week or two In Install? ments. Tho heating apparatus In tho cars makes them especially desirable for ser? vice in winter, for in weather as cold as this tho heaters on the cara now operated are inadequate to insure perfect comfort. Changos aro constantly going on In the forco ot motormcii and conductors, some fifteen or eighteen new ones hav? ing been taken on yesterday as tho un? satisfactory meli are dispensed vdth. There aro many applications tor posi? tion, oven ln this bitter temperature, this Indicating that there arc many men willing to enduro even the hardships of life on tlio car platform with long hours for the. remuneration offered. Hundreds of people were hauled over the Passenger, and Power ? Company's lines to tho Reservoir l.nko last night nnd enjoyed the skating. The Ico Is reported four or flvo inches thick on the Reservoir Lake nnd even thicker on some of tho ponds around the city. Insurance Bureau Bill. Commltteo for Courts of Justlco re? ported to tho Senate yesterday the bill creating a bureau of insuranco, recently sent back to that com? mittee. The bill was practically de ICateu by the Senate recently,, and was recommitted ln order that certain sta? tutes relating to insurance 'might be ex tr.acted from the 'bill and acted on. The hill Itself, as/opurlcd, cUnnot":be ?gain acted on at tills -kcssloii of the General Anaerobi}', ihn Sonnte having already ??? ? used to pass the bill.. As It now stands the bill Is construed by the Senate to confer the power of. appointment of trie commissioner proposed to bo creaCed upon the Corporation Commission. It Is unlike, ly that any action's will bo had on tho bill at this session. Supreme Court. proceedings in the Supreme Court were as follows: 'Ino Commonwealth vs. Indiana V. Wil? liams' exeeuteir; argued by Alajor W. A. Anderson for plaintiff ln erfiu' and Judge .1. u. Horsley for defendantt? error, and sucmmce?, \ lrginla Iron. Co.?l unti Coke Company vs. tnanes' ^>est Coal and Cuke Cpmpanx; purtly argued by D. I">. Hull. Jr., for plaintiff In error, and continued." j lie next cases to \?o heard are: # Perslngor's administratrix, vs. Allcghany Uro aia! Iron Company. Miller vs. Arthur and others. West, by, Ac, vs. Richmond Rnllwrty anu Jiilectrle. Company, being Nos. 3 and ? on the privileged docket and No, 3 on the argument (locket, respectively. The Hubbard Lecture. Seals for the lucturo by Elbert Hub Ij.'ird, the editor of tho "Philistine,;? are on salo at Inn Y, M. C. A. building, tt Js stated by tho managers that, judging from tho orders thoy have received, t'ho audience that will groet Fra Elborlus will consist of the cream of Richmond's i Intellect. No tickets will to sold nftnr tho supply of seats has been oxhatisled. Mr. Winn and Bride. Mr. W. C. Winn, of Lunenburg, ac? companied by his .new bride, neo Miss Etta Gen, Is In the city and Is registered at Murphy's, Mr. and Mrs, Winn? aro on their way to Florida on their bridal trip. Mr. Winn who Is a former member of tho House, was warmly congratulated by blu friends about tho lobbie? last night. Albemarle Club. Tlio annual nicotine of tho Albemarle Club will bo held at tho club-house, No. Mi Fast Grace Stroet, on the night of January 18th. Ofiiccrs for tho ensuing year will bo chosen'and tho ycfir's re? ports ut' olllcers will be made. Licensed to Wed. Tho clerk of the Hustings Court yestor oiiy granted marriage licenses to tho fol? lowing persons: Oswald licit nnd Miss Lila 11. Woolarei, and S. -S. Klein and Miss Beatrice .1. Wallersleln. Mr. Overby Back. Hon. T. A, Overby, member of the House from Lunenburg, returned to the city last night from his homo, whore ho has been yie|< for about a week. ? CECIL RHODES SCHOLARSHIP Dr. S. C. Mitchell, of Richmond College, and Others ?Select Young Men J'Yoni Virginia. Professor S. c. Mitchell, of 'Richmond College; Professor J, M. Page, of tho University of Virginia, and Professor Painter, eif Koanulte College, luivo been appointed "? the commltteo to award thu Rhodes srlioliirshlPH for Virginia. Two of those scholarships i>"ve |???" '?' lulled In each Hiato und Territory In Ihn United Siales. Thoy pay ? 1,501) a ytar for threei years. This amount .iro ^ le|e:H for ?ill th?> expenses of a threo yuus' residence at Oxford University in England. The advantages the scholarships of lui? urn very ?reut, und tlui Wl'-i nu'n V'ho uro s'l.Miiil will lio fortunate, In? ? i- I'll. _ lUJKNIiTT'S IXI RACT O?' VANILINA ;h hum i,y all Ihu bent y rover* everywhere, try It, CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO, CHARLESTON, S. CM Largest Manufacturera, Importers end Distributors of PORTLAND ANO ROSENU?lE CEMENT, UME AND BUILDING MATERIAL IN THE UNITED STATES. Lowcifc aollvored price? quoted, on application, on Standard Urands, In car? go lots, wilond lots, small lots, to any point In Amollen. Full ntocks nt Interior mills?''aten o.'i Bulllmoro, Md.i Newport Now*, Vn.? Norfolk, Vtt.l Portsmouth, Va.? "Wlliiilngton, ?. C.? Cliarlostoti, ?, Ci Savntiiuih, Oa.; Fernnndlnn, Fla.j .aeksonvlllo, Fin.i Pensacela, Fla. ? Mobile, Aln.? Nosv Orleans, La,; Ottlve.ton, Tex.?, Birmingham, Alii., and Atlnnta, On. Wrlto for our prices. ?. Notice of Removal. We beg to aiinounco to our many valued patrons anil the pub? lic generally that svo havo removed to our Jiosv and commodious ?martore, S. W. Corner 8th and Main Streets wlioro wo will bs better propnrod than evor to servo our patrons. Our OPTICAL MAUFACTUniNO PLANT lias been enlarged and is capablo of producing ncourntoly tho most Intricato svurk per? taining to ' tho manufacturo of lenso.i and optical appurtoniinccs, Our establishment may justly claim tho confidence of tho pooplo, and It will be our aim to mnlntnln tho samo, having tho most extensive optical establishment South, and admittedly ono of tho foremost and best In tho United ?latos, That .uOST IMPORTANT DEPARTMENT for the adjustment ot spectacles nnd eyoglassos to tho eyes of children and adults svili lio maintained in Its high and efilclont standard, so as to secure in nil enses COMFORT, PERFECT VISION und PRESERVATION OF _.*_._. EYESIOHT. Satisfaction and lowest charges aro guaranteed In all cases. Mall orders will, as heretofore, receive our careful and prompt attention. The S. Galeski Optical Co., S. W. Co:. S.h and Main Sts., 112 ^ RlCHM0ND.V4^ G?-.*?. BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT AND SAVE MONEY ON YOUR GROCERIES AT OUR STORES. Beet American Granulated Sugar, AA/ r pound.'.:..'..?. ^/2 Freeh Country Eggo, dozen.30c. 3 pounds California Peaches for.25c. New Seeded Baleine, 1.1b package.. ...10c Home-Made Mince Meat, pound......6c. Mountain Roll Butter, lb.'..15c Small California Hams, pound.9_ 2 pound? New Hominy and Grits for..5c. Three pounde Seedless Raisins for-25c. Large Juicy Lemons, dozen.12c. Best City Meal, per peck.18c. or, bushel ...65c. New Cleaned Currants, 1-lb package.. ,8c Best Cream Cheese, pound.16c. Canned Tomatoea, large cane.7o New Clipped Herrings, 3 dozen for...25c. Good Lard, pound.8c. Wholo Sweet Pickles, quart.10o Gibson, XXXX, Mt. Vernon, Oscar Peper Old Brands Whiskey, bottle..75c. 3-lb'Jars Home-Made Preserves.-.18c; Blackberry or Catawba Wine, quart 12c. New Dates. 6c. or 6 lbs for.25c Salt Pork, per pound...7o Smlthfield .Hams,., pound.16c. Blacking and Scrub Brushes.5c. 8 bars Octagon Shaped Soap for.25c. Good Green or Mixed Tea, pound.25c. New Virginia Buckwheat, 7 lbs. for..25c. Canned Sugar Corn .8o. Florida Orang?e, dozen.15c, Beet' Leaf Lard, pound.9c. Duffy- Malt Whiskey, per bottle....80c. S. ULLMAN'S SON, Downtown Stores, 1820-1822 East Main Street. Uptown Store, 60S East Mar? shall Street. 'Phone? at our 'two Stores. II CHRISTIAN |_| DISTRIBUTORS OF P:RK & TILFORD'S Ml FAVORITA CIGARS. Full Uno of Imported Cigars. Can Cancer Be Cured? It Can. Without the use of the knife wo cure Cancera. Tumore nnd Clironlo Bores, charging nothing for examination. Our patiente are our best friends, Come and eeo the cancere we have .?moved and cured from 'jur now happy patiente, ant are dally curing. They are wonderful. If then you are not satisfied, we will pay all your exponae?, Kellam Cancer Hospital Tw.UUi and Hunk Street., __u_inun_. Va. Typewriters?All Kinds m? .e? ?old, I'-i-han.ul, rq.alrc.l, mil rente J Wuu. -?>_1 --UIIW. 4|-f uiiiiiiricturo?'. rii'i-s pou't buy uutll.-i? (ctii-iplei-f svinili;, un our??un? preludi?:?.?! ?-?ico. liiiini'iiH ?lock fur -.Itutlnn IM Mn t_iin.? ?lupinil on ?????_t??. It you want. ___? t. _v? ?/ritcr CHEAP, ruu'lf limi it li.rc III " . I'lioni.. Now 8U- | lIIiilM.. ???????? STAMI- ANI? ?TATlONIlTty 00, "-fiatili? _-__>-.. .~.1?0?--> _l?iu.l?t__iouU. V_. _ We Have An i.ipated your -wants for.the coming holidays and 'without ono exception our stock is com? plete with CUTLERY, BRIC-A-BRAC, SILVER-PLATED GOODS, FANCY CHINA, TOILET AND DINNER SETS, TEPLITZ ART POTTERY, LAMPS, PLACQUES, AFTER-DINNER CUPS AND SAUCERS, DOLLS, TOYS, WAGONS, VELOCIPEDES, and everything for the children. NESCO OIL HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, STOVES, RANGES, and J-ATROBES. DON'T FORGET WE DO TINNING, PLUMBING AND FURNACE WORK. JOHN H. R.SE & CO. WHOLESALERS AND RETAILERS, NO. 1427 S AST MAIN STREET, 'PHONES 511 ?_7? RICHMOND, VA. | Why Pay Fancy Prices for Hunting Shoes When You can Buy Our Own Miu.e, Siiteli down Shoes For &___._ Briers will not scratch them? You can walk 5 miles an hour easy. Alen-, Shoes Hull-Soled, Sewed, 75c. Drew's Els fit rie Shoe Factory .16 E. Main. Phone 2667. STEAMBOATS. MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION COMPANY gteuinahlp Lino. Direct Houle to Boston, Mass., & Providence, R. I, ?tournera leave Norfolk for Uoston, W_?JniiH?luy, l-'rliluy unii Suirilny. l?'or l-f'Vl tluiiiri? Miunluy, ?liurmlny inni Saturday nt 8 I?, M. l'us3i'ji_?!i_ und frr!?1il tul'un ???? all New KiiKliin?! point-: Ticket? on Bale ot 0. & ? Ky. an- N. .- W. Hy? ofllees und No. S19 !____ "W^Wgj-ft Al'?rnt, Norfolk, Vn. ""v?rgT?Ta"navigation co.r ,TA.li3? nivi'in pa y ????. B?BAM1.R ???'???.?'???? l.uvu. MONDAY, Wl'DNlCSliAV inni l'ltlUAY ut 7 A. M. for Norfolk, l'..ittiiin)iilli, (lid Polliti Newport Now. Clui'-iilOlll und -8in?1,??11?, , ,_; JI1CU.MONIJ ANI? N?.?U'"Ol.l- I .IN IS. t Invigili ???..???????? anil di'llverfl ?nUy ut V. ? o. U.V. Co.'- (I'.-imt, JJ.T.f?tOOiHlj ?nul H.oad Street?. H. -IC. Wooililii, III.?.., C'lyUiJ Ulna Wim... RAILROADS. iM.ri.*^rr?'^iViJ,^*,'1'-''t*i*r>t'ti'"--*'-tl**A'-,*1*''**it****J SEABOARD Am Line Kailwav '?' TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. '' JiM P. M.-Bottboard ?a??-????? ?, M.-Sort? board ???????*???? Bavaiinali, Jack?onvllld, At? lanta aliti Huulliwosl. , .?'? Olio A, M.?LijcuI?Por Norllna anel Hamlet, TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILY, ?:?6 A. M?No. .34-4:66 P. M.-Nu. ??-FrolH Florltln, Atliihtn ami Southwest. 6:30 P. M,?Prom Norllna Mini local point?. ' . City Tlcliot Ottico, B30 East Multi BtrooU 'I'hone 406. ? ATLANTIC COAST LINE. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY?BYHD*, ? STREET. BTA't'ION. EFFECTIVE MONDAY, SEPT. 21ST. 0:05 ?. ?.-?. C. L, Exprime to all point* South. 0:00 A. M.?Petersburg and'Norfolk. 15:10 P. M.-Pelershurg ami N. ft W. Went. ? JiOO P, M.?Petersburg? Ami Norfolk, t<:10 P. M,?tloltlBboro Local. K:Bo p, M,?PotertburgiLotyil. 7:26 P. M.?"Plorltla antl Went Indian'Limit?. ? etl," to all points South. ?:40 p. M.-Petersburg and N. & w. West. 11:30 P. M.?Polerebur* Lo-wl. .TIlAINB AIIII?VI3 ItKHMONu. 3:43 A. M., 7:3c A. .11., .".23 A, M. ; Bundar only 11(25 A. M. ; 11:00 A M.I 1:06 P. M., ex. com, fiun'iavj 2:05 P. M., 7:20 P. M., "?45 P. M. ?:10 P. M, tExcept Kiiiiilny. ?. C. S. CAM PRELL, Dlv. Paini. A*t, Vi. J. CHAIO, Oon. Pane. Agt. ^.WNorE^Westem )? LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. ??!??????,. &"rN9Jur?r'K LIMITED. Arrivo* Norfolk 11:20 A. M. stops only at Petersburg, Wavorly aliel Suffolk. * IliOii A. M. -CHICAGO EXPRESS. Uuffet Parlor Car, Petersburg to I^ynchburg *?,| ??a????. Pullman Slecpers Itoaiioko to Co? lumbus, RHiellold to Cincinnati? ulso rtoanjlm to Knoxvlllo, und Knoxvlllo to Chattanooga ? nd Mulinelli?. 12.10 P. M.-ROANOKE EXPItESS for Farm ville, Lyiicliliurg ?nei Rwiiiokn. 3:00 P. M.--OCEAN SHORE LIMITED. Ar? rives Norfolk C:L'0 P. M. ri lop? only h? Petor?. hurir, TVavorly ami Suffolk. C'otinicu with steamers to IJoHton. Providence, Now York, Baltimore anil Washington. 7:25 P. M.?For Norfolk imi nil station* cast of Petersburg. 0i40 P. M.?NEW OrtLEANH BIIOKT LINE. Pullman Sleeper*. Klchmonel to Lynchburg and Iloiinoko: Petersburg to East Radford; Lynch? burg lu Chattanooga, Memphis and New Or. loan?. Cafo Dining Cnr. Traine arrivo from the West 7:30. ?. ?., 2:0} V. M. and 0:10 P. M.; from Norfolk 11:00 A. M. und 7:30 P. M. Office No 8.18 East Main Rittet. w. n. iiEviLL c:. it. bobley. ? Richmond, Fredericks? bura ?S, Potomac, R, R. Trains Leave Richmond?Northward. 3:51 A. M? dally, Dyrd St. Through. e;4C-A. M., dally. Main St. Throush. 7?16 -A. ? M? week days, Eibu. Aahland nc c?minOdallon. ...._., 8:00 A. M., Sunday only. llyid 8L Through. Leticai slops. _.?? ?.*.'_: _.. 8:40 A. M., week days. Byrd St. 1 hrJUgh. Loail Stops. 12:05 noein, work. days. Dyrd St. Through 4:00 P. M . ??eck days. Dyrd St. Froderk-ks burK accommodation. 6:05 P. M. dolly. Main St. Through. 0:25 P. M? week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 8:05 P. M.. dally. Byrd St. Through. Trains Arrive Richmond?Southward. ?:40 A. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation, -e ?''-?'? ??; 8:16 A. M.. week days, Dyrd 8L Frederlcks burg accommodation. H:V? A. M-. elally. Byrd St. Through. 11:45 A M? iveek days. Byrd St. Through, ^% p!?M.'. dally. .Main fit. Through. : ?:00'P. M.. week days. Eita. Ashland ae? commodatlon. 7-15 P. M.'i daily. Byrd St.. Through. 8:50 P. M.. daily. Byrd 8t. Through. Lentil " l?P29 P. M.. daily. Main BL Through. NOTE?Pulllam Sleeping or Parlor Cars on all trains except local accommodations. W. a DUKE, C. W. CUL.P. W. P. TAYLOR. Oen'l MBJi'r., Aen't. Oen'I Man'r., Traf. Man. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. a Hourb and 25 Minutes to R.F.8P. Norfolk. ?' LEAVE BICI-MONI.?EASTBOUND. 7:W A. M.? Dally?Local to Newport New. Vina way stations. 9:00 A. M.?Dally Limite?]?Arrive? AVlllIat-H burg 9:66 A. M., Newport Newa 10:>. A. M.. Old Point 11:00 A. M7, Norfolk-_?-_. A. _L, Portsmouth 11:45 A. M. 4:00 P. M.?week day???special?Arrives Wll llamsbui'- 4:56 P. M-, Newport New. '.:"_ P. M., i.ld Point 6:00 P. 11., Norfolk 6:-_ P. M. Portsmouth 6:15 V. ht. 5:00 P. M.?Dully?Local lo Old Point. MAIN LINE?WE-T-OUND. ?O-IO A. M-?Local?Except Sunday, to CII*to_ Folge. .2:00 __ M.?Dally?epecUl ?. Cincinnati J->ulevllI0 A. M.?Dally. Loiytl for Cliurloiie, N. C. 12:30 P. M.?Dally. Limited, liiiffot l'ullimiii to Atlanta und Birmingham. New Orleans, M'impili?, Chattanooga and till the South. 6:0.1'. M.?Ex? Hunauy. Key. ville Locul. 10-20 P. M.?Daily. Limited Pullman ready. 0:30 P, M., for all the South. YORK RIVER LINE. The favorite route to Bulllnioro and Eastern points. Leave Richmond _:30 P, M. Monday, . Wednesday ond Friday. 4:45 A. M.?Except Sunday. Local mlxod for Wesi point. * 2:15 P. M.?Local. Monday; Wednosday nnd Friday lor West Polin. 4-30 P. M.?Except Sunday. For West Point, connecting with sleuniot. for Baltlmoro and river landings. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 0:55 A. M. ami 0:13 P. M ? Fi-m all lh. 3?35 P. M.? From Charlotte and Durham. 8-40 A. M.?From Chase City. ; 0-16 A. M.?Hulllmorn and West Point. 10:45 A. M? 6:10 ?, M.?From West Point. C. H. ACKERT, ?. II. HAIlDWICK. (J, M. G. P. A. C, W. WESTBURY. D. P. ?.. Richmond, Vi. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY. ~ _? ?.*..- enmer of Perry and Seventh -te., ? IvS. n?^^.?W?53 ? _-i car connecting Villi Norfolk and Wo.t. ern Btt?'y"yv._______.___L._: -, 6????????8. OLD DOMINION STEAMSNIP 00. /j. Night Line for Norfolk Leavo Richmond every coning (foot or A__ 7 H. Mi,r. ,,?? et r?.w? Bort New? m both direction?. Far? *i!.l?. Include? ?ta._r.-n, berths meal?, 6.U. each?_ FOR NEW YCRK. By Chcsapeaku anu Ohio Hy.. 8 A. M?, 4 P. M.; by Norfolk and Western Ry., 9 A. M? 3 p. M All line? coimoot ut if ?? folle with _|roct steamer? for New York, lulling dally (except Sunday, 7 P. Nj^,-y; CUy ? ????., SOS Knut Main Strset. JOHN F. ??????. Agent, Wharf Foot of Ash Street, Richmond. Va. ; __ ? , ?. ?. WALKER, V^P. & ?? M., Now Y.r_. HAY DINE TO UALTIMO'tl'??" VIu C. & O. Rwy, and Old Point U. 8. MAIL ROUTE. Leave Rlclimund via C. &. O, tlally excopt Sunday, ni 4 P. ??.. connecting tt Old Point with steamer, ot. Old Hay Line, l.av ,. lug 7:15 p. M.. arriving llalli- , more 6:30 A. M? connecting Cortil, Eaet und West. For tickets and Information applv ti C. & O. Rwy.. Richmond '.runsLT Company, _r No. ?30 East Main St reel.