Newspaper Page Text
The Timos-Dispatch Published Dally and Weekly At No. 4 North Tenth Street, Richmond, V?. Entered Janu? ary 27, 1903, nt Richmond, Va., se .second-class matter, under Act of Conoress of March 3, 1879. The DAILY TIAIES-DISPATCH is sold nt S cents n. copy. The SUNDAY TIMES-DISPATCH Is sold nt 6 cents a copy. Tho DAILY TIMES-DISPATCH by mail??0 cents a month; *d.00 a yean 12.60 for six months; 41.60 for threo months. ? ' The SUNDAY T1A1ES-DISPATCH by mall $2.00 a year. The DAILY TtMES-DlSPATCH. In? cluding Sunday, In Richmond and Alan ehestcr. by currier. 12 cents per week or f'O cenls per month. The SUNDAY TIAI.ES-DISPATCH. by carrier. 0 cents per week. > The WEEKLY TULES- DISPATCH, 31.00 a year. All Unsigned Communications will bo rejected. Rejected Communications will not ba returned unless accompanied by stamps. Up.Town Office at T. A, Miller's, No. 619 East Broad Street. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1P01. Race Problem in Massachusetts. The race war at Sheillcld. Mass., pro? ceeds, and the fight becomes moro In? teresting at every turn. Our readers will recall that .?.?p?? time ngo it was decilded by the authorities to open a special school for the negro chil? dren of tho negro colony ot New Guinea. This colony was settled many years be? fore the war, and, although It has grown up ln tho pure 'and enlightened atmos? phere of Alassachusetts, the negroes there have not improved their condition, and are generally shiftless and dishonest Thero aro somo honorable exceptions. but the rulo is thus stated by a reporter of the Springfic'il Republican. The negroes were not disposed to send their children to tho regular schools, and It was decided, as we have stated, to give them a school of their own, with a r.ecro woman in charge. But the ne gioes resented the idea of having what they chose to term a "Jim Crow" school, end refused to patronize It. The school committee then ordered a number of -white children in the vicinity to attenel thfc school, but the whites resented the idei, of sending their children to a negro tfrncher, and, in spite of the law, refused to patronize tho school. The committee then removed the negro teacher nnd put a white teacher ln charge, and continued the order that the negro children and white children living near the school should attend. But tho negroes resented tho change from a black to a white teacher, and sent tholr chiMrcn to other schools. The committeo instructed tho deputy sheriff to order them away. Sev-i erai colored men wero arrested for not sending their children to tho school pro? vided for them, and wero fined by tlio judge who tried their case. Lust Saturday the New Guinea school house was burned down, and it Is believed that the torch was applied by somo of th* rebellious negroes. However that may be, the school com? mittee has a very tough negro problem on Its hands, which it seems utterly un able to solves. Thu fact is, Northern peo? ple are attempting an Impracticable tiling In trying to mix negro children and white children in tholr schools. It may be done In some Northern localities whore negroes are so few that they do not be? come a factor, but wherever theiu is a considerable coWet?tlon ?,of negroes, the Hoe between Hie "faces must bo sharply drawn or there will bo trouble. We of tie?? South have long since made up mir minds on that point, una in tho Interests of peace and for other reasons, which are too well known to no discussed, we In? sist upon complete ?cpu ratlin), That Is our rule, and that is our taw, and tho law is as inviolable as the law of the ?lcdea and Persians. Their Fighting Forces. When Russia began to build the Sibe? rian Railway she began a career of ex? pansion and'extension, und evidently hud In heir mind a career of subjugation. Af? ter the road was completed sho found that the port of Vladlvostoek was not avail? able becauso of Its ice-bound harbor many months ln the yeyr, and eo she deter? mined to And au outlet through Alanchu? rla to Port Arthur. Sho succeeded In getting a foothold thero, und dually took advantage of the Boxer war to station troops In Alanchurla, which ?die has dog gedcdly refused to move. She has now set her greedy oyo upon Koren, and Ja? pan, which lias been watching the ?in? gressive movement from year io your, now bei?s thai she must make a pro? test and If necessary mi armed resistance; or else see Korea become a Russian pos? session, and all Influence of Japan ovor tliBt peninsula removed. Korea Is ot ihe utmost importun?e to Japsn, because it lies al her very doo)a und Is Inhabited hy poppiti of her own kind, and mure?,ver, Japan bus practical control over the Korean nade. II Bus? sln should get possession of Korea and establish berseli Hiero, not only would slit destroy Japanese Irado In greut part, If pot altogether, but she would alsq put herself in position to subjugate Japan. Moreover, thero ib reason I" behove Unit jiubsiu ig ambitious io conquer and an? *nex tho whole Chinese umpire, No won?' der Japan Is thoroughly alarmed und aroused, for the knows that alio must Check this Kusslan Invasi.hi now or never, Ill furtherance of leer aggreuslve policy Rubsla baa not only built the Sib?rien Railroad, but has greatly ??,?.?t?i.-td her navy, In the year isoo ?he hud three nisi claii battleships >U tbe Baltic and two In the Black Sea; ten si-cond-clii,s?? buttle?, phlps in the Baltic and one tlilrd-olu^s, making a total ot ?lateen. Of coast du efen>e ve$tvls bhe )i?d twelve; armored cruisers, fourteen; gunboats und other yrar vessels of 'hut elusa and inferior plssyei), thirty. lu W? ?h? .Uni (?o ftrst-vluss buttle ships In tho Baltic, five In course of r.onslrURlloii, one In the Black Res o ml one building I hare; she hud three second class battleships in tho Malik? nnd ono In the Black Sou. ?Sho had four ihlrd-clnsH , Imttlo.-hlps, lineo armored cruisers, seven ? battleships of tho fourth class and Ihrne I cruisers, threo const, battleships and ton p erluscfs of Ihe ilfih ohjss, und six cruis? ers of tho sixth nnd suvmith classes, with seven torpedo gunbonts and twenty-six destroyers, besides two hiibmntino boats.. But Japan has not been idle. Accord? ing to Iho statistics of 11)03 sho had four llrst-clns. battleships, two aecond-clnss, six armored cruisers of the second class, Ion of the sixth class, four of Ihe seventh class., together with lour torpedo gun? boats, twenty destroyers iind forty-seven modern torpedo bonis. But Japan's boats aro larger than Ihe Bussimi Inni Ih, vessel for vessel, ? lid she lins a great udvantuge over. Bussili In having her vessels nt homo, whoro Ihe light would take place. "Tho Bussimi navy Is subject," says the -talesman's Year Book for 11)03, "to special conditions, such ns do not affect the navies oO other powers. Owing to the geographical situation of tho empire, und Ilio widely Kopuru.tod seas which wash its shores, Russia is obliged to inaintulti four distinct Uoets, 'each with Its own organization Of Iheso tho most impor? tant In regard to western relation Is tho Baltic fleet. Owing to the drafts mudo upon It for foreign service It is by no moans powerful. Thero Is no immedlute prospect of Ils increasing, owing to the calls huido on It to reinforce the Siberian fleet. The chief buso of the Baltic fleet Is Kronstadt, which is heavily fortified, ns ore three oilier Baltic ports. Tho Culf of Finland is usually blocked by Ice from November to April, whereby iho op? erations of tho lleet aro impeded, but a new ice-free port at Llbtiu, in Courland, has now been made ready for the iieet. "In the Black Sea, Sevastopol, head? quarters of the Exilic fleet, has been strongly fortified,? and live other ports have,, been made strong. Great additions havo lately been made to the Russian squadron In the Tacine nnd China Seas, whore Vladlvostock and Port Arthur are the bases, practically the entire available lleet being now in the Far East. There is a flotilla also In the Caspian Sea, which Insures the communication of the trans Caspian "Railroad between/Baku and Usun Ada, and would have its purpose in op oration against Persia." Senator Martin's View, Etnator Martin says that he is not yet picrarod to vote on the canal treaty; thnt he has been awaiting tho informa? tion called for by resolutions of Inquiry pending in ti? Sonate, and in the mean? time has authorized no statement of what hi.; position would be. "The rights offered this country by tho treaty," ho adds, "are certainly very valuable, hut they should not be ac? quired by unworthy or dishonorable methods, nnd I destro the ful'?est possi? ble information before I determine what course should be taken in respect to the tienty In th.a Senate." Senator Martin Is right. President Roosevelt assorts positively thn,t this government took no part in tho revolu? tion in Panama, and that there is no foundation whatever for such a charge. The President must be taken at his word, and we. confess thai that statement bus Ipigely removed our objection to con flimutlon. But there are other questions to be considered, and the Sonalo Is en? deavoring to bring out all the facts. If it bo shown from this investigation that v.?? have done Colombia a wrong, we must do nur best to repair that wrong ' bc-loro tho treaty with Panama is rati? fied. This paper has repeatedly said that thero was a moral question as we'J as a business question involved, and that the moral question must be disposed of first, and disposed of in a way that shall ho entirely honorable, to an honorable na? tion. Senator Martin takes that view, nun ho Is right. No matter how valuable this canal may be, the United States gov ovr.ment cannot afford to profit by its own wrong. The Police. U seems to us that the Board of Police Cciiiinlssloners havo clearly established tlrj fact that thero is urgent need for an addition to tho city police forco, and the subcommittee of tho Finance Committee hue accepted that view lo tho extent ot vttlng in favor of employing ten moie men, As tho board has shown, tho number of police avallatilo fur service as beatsmen is largely reduced by reason of tho num? bin? who ar.2 assigned to special duty. Fieni such duty It would bo Impossible to relieve somo of these officers; others Height bo relieved, but other persons WtllV.l Imve to bp paid?at high?''!? rates, poi haps?to discharge tho duties now por fiumiel by them, Timi- mon; patrolmen are necessary fur thi safety of perseas und property seems indisputable, and tho conclusion of the commissioners und tho subcommllteemon Ik that the only wuy to .secure thorn is by li.? reusing 'be police force, Our Information Is that policemen are in w worked hard. Whatever laxity, or Indulgence, ,ay have been allowed, thoin in tho past, It Is certain that great ac? tivity Is exacted elf them HOW. Il often lini pens that u mini who might rcusnn ul'ly unk lo bo excused from a tour of duty on account of Indisposition or weinl 111 r .s refrain? from doing so rather than BO upon reclini ns huvlng been thus excused. Tho action of the subcommittee in eon. son ting to leconiiiii iiii the employment of It tidijltioiml moll, lliei'OfOrp, esecms reu s?iiell?? and conservative;. Indeed, they Mitin weU have gone somewliat farther In aiding iho effort that Is to be made to have Richmond more thoroughly und completely patrolled, Hunier McGuire. The monument which is lo U? tun oiled ti.-ilny lu llij Capitol iSijuaro is com? memorative, not of u guidici- or ;-,iatc-s? mini, but of a pbybirl.-in and surgeon, ss ho In a life of intinse activity In his proiezioni Vet found time tei lead )n many public; cntc-iprlsi'o. Dr. cuinu to ftluhmoud with the distinction o? having be<iii ih& medical director of Stonewall Jackson's corps, but he was not content to ?Cit qa y^ latir?is ho had won ih that position, ite wns still a yc-i'iuf man, on'- j?0 j?nd n praiseworthy nihbltlon io advance him? self nnd lo bo of service to the com* munlty nnd to science, nnd ho succeeded, tlo hnd tho qualifications which' command -success, for ho had grpat fcrco of chnractor, und could have distinguished himself In almost any wollt of Ufo ho might linvo chosen. 11e hnd ti. comprehensive Intolloclunl grasp, nnd whatever ho .undertook, he >vcnt at not only earnestly, hut aggressively. Tho practice ho built up here -was tin- ? precedente-, und required him to estab? lish a hospital to accomtnpdalp a part of It. At Iho sume timo, ho made note? worthy ndvunccs .lu practical surgery, und was president of'Stnto nnd Nnlionul Medien) and Surglcnl Associations nnd wns tho chief Instrument In establishing a no?? medlcul'collego In this city. Withal, bin Interest in tjio Confederato soldier never lunguishcJ, und his charity prac? tice, always great, showed no diminu? tion, in short, ?r, McQuire wns n. mini of murk, with a reputation extending far beyond tho bounds of Ulis, his nntlvo Slule. He was famous In his profession, and was much bplov.od personu.lly. For lheso reasons, and bocnuso his work and worth truly deserve remem? brance, his friends and udinlrcrs de? termined that a monument should be raised tp hi? memory, and tho Leg? islature ot Virginia readily agreed that it might bo put on the Capitol Square, near to that of tlio doctor's old friend and commander. Stonewall Jackson. The st?tue is from the hands of Wil? liam Couper, of New York, nnd is of bronze, nnd rests upon ? granice pedestal. It represents the subject seated. Th? ceremony of the occasion will be impres? sive, and will include prayer by 13r. J. P. Smith, who ? also was a member of, Jackson's staff, and remarks l'y the Hon. George L. ChrisUan and Governor Mon? tague, and an oration from Mnjor J. Holmes Conrad, of Winchester, which Is Dr. McGulrc's native town. In New York It Is proposed that a. regularly constituted detail from the city fire department should inspect every playhouse before each performance that It gives, day or night, and not "permit tlie curtain to rise until an ofllclal an? nouncement has been made that all regu? lations have been strictly compiled with? the latter to embrace property guarded exits nnd the best devices possible to keep the theatre lighted in the event of a scare." , Very good; but one of "the best do? ylies" to put a fire out Is water under ptessuie. Indeed, nothing yet discovered weuld equal a fire hydrant ("plug") and hese placed on or near the stage. Most theatre fires originato on tho stage, and there, or In the orchestra space, the hydrant should bo located. In cases where there is not enough water piefsur. from the mains, a water tank si.rul- bo constructed on the roof of the building, and kept filled by pumping. The presence of firemen Is comforting to an audience, to bo sure, but what can they do when tlwre Is no rcliabVs and ample water supply at hand? It seems that great pressure is being brought to bear upon Charles F. Mur? phy, the Tammany boss, to havo Tam? many declare in favor of William R. Hearst as the Domocratlc nominee for the Presidency. Tammany is under some ?ibllgatlons to Mr. Hearst and his newspaper, but ap? pears to bo reluctant to take tho proposed step. At present all that it sees its way clear to do is to promise that the organi? zation will not be committed to any one prior to tlie Stale Convention. Richmond boys have had an extraor? dinary good opportunity to learn and to enjoy skating recently. There has been only a trifling amount of snow here this season, nut of freezing weather there has beer plenty, and the Ice on tlie ponds liii.i been clear and smooth. This winter has been in sharp con? trast with that of lD02-'3, when there was a coa? famine, which, however, fulled of Iti rnqst dreaded consequences because il.u weather was mild. Raleigh, the capital city of North Car? olina, and Farmvllle, tho capital town of Prince Edward county, Va., have start? ed simultaneously to "project" with tho dispensary. Tho eye? of the country arc on Raleigh and Farniville. Al. Brissuii will bo chosen to succeed AI. Bourgeois as president of the French Chamber of Deputies, so the cable dls patelles tell us. We had hoped that there wus somu show l'or AI. Alim?n, Washington has not yet recovered from New Year receptions and oihor things, but in duo time we will bo homing some? thing of political Interest from that sometimes Interesting town. Thero aie working duys, off day?, loaf? ing days and "chinning" days, all In one year, and sometimes ull of theni, espe? cially tlio latter, i:oi?c In ono week. The Chicago horror cu ? be duplicated In almost any town big enough to have a theatre building, ana will be, too, unless the Chicago lesson shall be? heeded. ?Snows to thu notili of ut-, snuws to tho SOU til of ???>, knows to the cast and snows to the west of us, and the sun keeps on shilling bf?ghtly upon Richmond. Thq ice gorao in tho York, the Uippu harinock and ptner creeks bring? US Off? t-its on the frozen half ?lioll, flood Ollollgh. Plttsylyunlu I? lu a good way to have a tirst-chis? hanging a? tho linai result of a little ( hrlsiruuti ? iiicrialiiment In ilio Village of l.olo. When the politicians get to .-ca there is a yorone calmnei,* on land that Is thick enough to be sliced with a fork, To-day winds up the llrst week, and quite a number of good in-olntlonu uro Etili ?nuc?. ??-iii'jiiow begins the st'toim week, if ut Iniil yog did fail, try to r?solu in agalli. "i'wui- better to have resolved ami j bu.ud on It than tie'p to have resolved at all. It is cesy enough now tv (jet thine* I WJ tM storage. ?-AKES BREAD THAT FATTENS ? Jta?fJt?ur With I Virginia editors. 1 fi/Vl"IU ?_?-.n._?# w? jw ? I ?-?-.?--??--?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-? The Roanoke Times wants the canal built, but -. It says: The canal must bo built?the commercial Interests of tho world will be vastly promoted by it? civilization Itself demands Its construc? tion?but don't let the d?bauchaient of tho country's Honor be paid for II? building. That price is loo higli. The Newport Times-Herald, whoso editor is u .man of some experience, ob? serves: Tuiai; paiiville 'man whu was. married without a collar may find that ho was wearing one and did not know it. Tho Staunton Dispatch- wants to got right in tlie band wagon, it says: Now, however, that the first mile-post lias been turned, and there Is going ? bo a show, wo sincerely trust the public-spirited men of Augusta county will got their heads to? gether and i.soly.o to have the best exhi? bit thero that, goes up from any section of the South?. They can ri.? it if they will, and they will stand In their owh light If they fall. Who will take the Initiative? Norfolk Is always trying to solve puz? zles. According to the Virgiiilan-Pi'ot here seems to bo Its last effort: in tho more or less remote posi, in their in? finite wisdom, the Norfolk? Councils hirod nh expert, or firm of exports, to come to town andv ascertain why It was that water enough to'supply the town's needs : could not be pumped through a pipe that was too small, and was, withal, not pos? sessed of elastic- properties* bolng mado of iron." Personal and General. St. Joseph'.- CbTireh. a'$50,000 edifico .pre? sented to the Italian ooiony of New Rochelle. ?."Y., "by Adrian Iselln, was consecrated on Sunday by Archbishop Farley. John D. Rockefeller. It Is announced, intends his new. mansion at Posanti O Hills as a present for his ?on, John ?. Rockefeller, Jr., und hie wife, who was Alls? Aldrlch, daughter of Senator Aid rich, of Rhode Island. General Stephen Moffltl, ono of the heroes of the Civil ' War. died at his country resilience near Plattsburg, ?. Y.. on Sunday. H. Grel'.ant, professor physiology in the Paris '.Museum of Natural History, has boon elected a correspondent of tlio Philadelphia Academy of Natural Science. Dr. William Hauer, the German ethno? logist, who has been studying tho South? ern tribes ln tho Interior of Aloxico for thu Royal Museum of Ethnology of Boriili, has compiled an Interesting and remark? ably complete vocabulary of Ian uavus spoken by the different Indian tribes. The ?Sabotean vocabulary consists of 3,000 wordsi the f?llest yet obtainable. King Alfonso XIII. and his mother will visit Austria next summer. On tho way to Vienna tho King will stop at Paris and bo received by President I.ou bet. Giacomo Puccini, the composer, wus married on New year's Day at Torre Del Dago to Elvlro Ronturl Gcmlgnan, a widow. Tho two while donkeys which wore so frequently Iseel by Queen Victoria uro stabled at the royal paddocks at Hamp? ton Court, and arc not allowed to do any work, but are objects of great Interest to visitors. Absenteeism. ? Richmond afternoon paper of last Wednesday liad this Item: The General Assembly <??<? I?01 transact an) business to-day. Neither branch had a quorum, und It wl_ be a ?mrpi'lso to many of ihe members If thero should bo anything like a majority of the membcra of either branch here before Monday. This is not tin; iirst statement of the sumo nature 'hat wo have read In our Richmond contemporaries, and we arc not sin prised t?i find Tho Tlmes-pispatch saying: Tho members of ihn General ??e-mbly ure making a mistake to subjoct thom seives to the criticisms that such state? ments necessarily provoke. Tnx-payors noli rally ask th.itnsclves why it*Is that their representatives In the legislativo bctiy appear so Indlfferont to the public business for which they are sont to I'.ehmon-? Moi.ovpr, they naturally say v.ithin th-mse'ive?, if they do not say It o;?nly, that u this sort of negllgonco Is cliut-ctorlstii: of the law-makers, they must be slip-shod In their habits and slll-thod In attending to the affairs of government. A public olilclnl should bo a gum' business man and should bo as liiictual. ..'iHii'etk.? and enterprising us tond business men always are. Ol course, the people will form nn un fovorab'.i opinion of members who absent tl.tinsel ves from their duties 111 111?, man rut? or. Naturally, It canuut l.s expected thnt a legislator can be ul? v.-ys at his post, but It is nut reasonable lo suppose timi enough of them aro noe. ets-rilv a buen t to break u quorum, duy after ?lay. If they uro only paid for Urn ihys they were, actually present, tlv?p3 v/i,ul?l bo a gnat deal V'?h absenteeism In i?e-.-iativ?? bodies, not only In Virginia, but elsowhere.-Muntgoin.ary (Ahi.) Ad vutlHer ??->? - Ephraim to His Idol. "The esteemed Advertiser Just will pot giv.: up Cleveland," muses Tho Richmond Tiuits-Dlspatel.. We havo -Ot-n no i-u vm why wo .should -Montgomery Adver ther. ' * WOULD YOU STOP DRINKINQ lr' VOL' C?l/lypV . "O?rme" Is a safe, sure and liimnl?-? cure qf the drink |iab|t. Mo|it*y l'efuiideil if li Yeti... Prise, ? per be?? ?'??U f-*? tie? h?.?-rtreuUse on drunkenness _, pom .Miller Drug Co., &JA J_. Main _J; t'om MUlei-llilidrey Co., .First and -Loud _lsv Klciini.ud, TO TEST THE ANTI-JUG ACT Case Will Come Up in Magis? trate's'Court ill Raleigh Tortlay. VIRGINIAN BUYS THE MILLS Will at Once Double Capacity of the Fiorella Flour Mills. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) RALEIGH, N. C, Jon, 6.?AtlsS Julia IJowcu, of aoldsboro, who has been ?stenogrtiplier to Governor Aycoclc during ail his admliiistrulion, has resigned, and is succeeded by AIlss Ljlllun Thompson, ????? has been stenographer to tlio super? intendent of tho State Hospital for tho Jnsune here up to this timo. She will bo succeeded there by AUss Alary Lacy, the daughter of Statt? Treasurer B. R. Lacy. A?iss Howell Is to bo married within tho next few months. A suit has been started In a magis? trate's court hero to test the "anti-Jug act," ?Ml) public laws of UX>8, an act drafted to prohibit the shipment of lutox Ic&uia to any point in tho State, but af tei wards iho caption wus so changed that It seemed to apply to only CViveUind, Mitchell,' Gaston and" Cabarrus counties. ?. F. Long, of Chatham, Is Indicted for ?hipping jugs to a negro in Wuko Forest. Cameron Morrlslon, of Rocklngham, Is to defend Long at tho preliminary trlul to-morrow. DOUBLE THE CAPACITY. The Florona Flour Alili? have been sold by J. W. Do Riindeitu to E. T. Oliver, of Bedford City, Va., who will talco posses, sior. at once and doubla tho capacity, making it four hundred bushels per day. The mill Is a valuable property. Hubert Rayner, a Federal prisoner, ono of the nino criminals who broke Jail yetteorday morning, was recaptured last night. Ho was at tho Seaboard Air Line fi eight station to got out of town on a freight train. Governor Aycock went to Gladesboro this morning to attend the marriage of lila nephew, Air. Aille Edgorton, and Alias Anna Bel'? Bord?n, both of that place. Airs. Edgcrton Is a daughter of Air. Ar nald Bord?n, of Goldsb?ro. A coi llflcatc of dissolution for tho Brick and Tilo Company of Nowbeni wns filed with tho Secretary of Stato this morning. STRANDED AND FLOATED. Lumber Laden Schooner Pulled Off the Sands in High Seas. (Speplal to The Times-Dispatch.) WILA11NGTON, N. C, Jan. ?.?Tho Americnn schooner C. C. Lane, lumber laden, bound from Jacksonville, Fla., fop New York, which was driven on the beach a few miles west of Capo Foar bar Alonday night in a galo of w)nd and snow storm, was floated last night by the Wilmington tugs Alexander Jones and Blanche! The vessel was toweA Into Soutbport harbor und was run ushoro to prevent her from sinking, so badly is she leak ing. _ 'Captain Kelly, the master, says It was the worst storm he has ever experienced and tho seas were high and angry. The v?ssol went high up on tho bench nnd pounded terribly for many hours. But for the high seas last night, the vessel could never have been pulled off. Steam pumps will be placed on the Lane, and she will bo towed to New York. The vessel's cargo consists of 2Gfl, 000 feet j; big timber. The tow bouts wili get good salvage. SHOT MRS. ORR. Boy Falls From Wagon, Run Over by Wheels and' Killed. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ?ALiougii?, ?- t-., jan. 6.?titorgo Wan, the negro who is supposed to be the party who shot Airs. J". K. Orr near e_..m-]otte a weeR ago, was arrested at .?eioire.s-.'illc ycstordny. It Is not known positively that ho Is the right man, but is being held for Identification. The negro claims to have llvod In Washington city lor sonib time, , but admits that his wife cooKS for a family In Clini lotto. Ho stopped at Aloorcsville and made Inquiry contornine Airs, Orr, which fact ijrst fuoVTseii tho ntiapieion ot tho ofllcers. i'toi'ik Shrum, a ton year old son of ??., ??, ?hrum, of Newton, was ?ceidently Killed yesterday, The lud attempted to Pfiinii ????? a wagon loaded with heavy iiimner and his foot slipped, causili? nun to fall. The wheels of the wagon iiiissed over his head, crushing his skull. MALIGNANT SMALLPOX. Mrs. Hedrick Dies at Gold Hill. Others of Family Stricken. (Speri-il to The Times-Dispatch.) HALISPURY, N. C, Jan. O.-Inormatlon has reached here of the death of Airs. B. V. Hetlrlok, of Gold?Hill, which re? sulted last Friday, from smallpox, ami tho case Is a peculiarly sad one from tho faot that Mr. Hetjrlck himself Is very sick with the sumo disease, as are also two of his sisters. Thero are also a number of cither casus reported from (he same community, but tho pltuutlon Is thought to havo reached Its worst. Alapy peoplo aro being vucclnuted? The TliomnsvlHo graded schools, whloh wero closed, It is learned, somo weeks ago on account of the prevalence of smallpox, were reopened yesterday. It Is said the disease has been practically stamped out at this place. DISPENSARY AFIRE. Several Barrels of Whiskey De? strpyed and Stock Damaged. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WILSON, N. C? Jeu. ?,?The Wilson dispensary caught (Ire tills morning at ? o'clock? Several barrels qf whiskey were destroyed, besides considerable damage being done to the large stock of bottled goods ?nd the fixture? of the place The loes will amount to about f 1,000. which Is fully t:over?;ii by Insurance. The origin of the flro i? supposed to he Incendiary, as what appeared to be burped tar was found by a burned trash pilo and- a window pane in front of the building hud boon broken. Business BPH? tinned a? usual after a few hours' Inter? ruption, WILL CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF LEE (.Special to 'lile ? .incs-Dlsimtcll.) WILMINGTON. N. C, Jan. ?---The Confederato organizations horn are plan? ning for an elaborate c?l?bration of Gen. eral Robert VI Lee's birthday, January luth. There will b? u parade of Confed? erates and military, and exerclsos of ai\ ? appropriate nature m tho Academy of Music, ? if, A. l/mtion. of Pitteboro. a promi? nent lawyer and-editor, will deliver the .^^^^x^^^^?^^??>^$;s^^ for Infants and Children. Casi orla It* t\ harmless substituto lor Castor Oil, Parc tforle, Drops nud Moothliifr Byrups. , It Ih Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Moipliino not* other Narcotic subNtance. It destroys Worms and allay. Feverlsliness. It cures I>larrho_a and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth? ing Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates tlio Btomuch and Bowels, trivi?,.?? healthy anil natural sleep. l'ho Children?? Panacea?Tuo Mother'? Prjoud. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. ^Tiy^rN?iJ^iij^r*?ji?yf?^uj?B*j'?" .. HOW TWICE 2 MAKES 5 Invest it in a Wilson Wood Heater, and the amount of fuel saved will make the differ? ence jn a very short time. A new line of Carvers for your Inspection?GREAT VALUES Come and See. BALDWIN Opposite Old Market, Reduced Pelees on Quns?A full? lino of Ammunition. . . ?3_ t3F*0\A/_M, RICHMOND, VA, Hardware, Roofing, Tin Plato, Limo, Oomont, Torra Cotta Pipo, padres.. Coloncr J.plin D. Taylor, of Wilmington, will prisent tho crosse?? of honor. PROFESSOR ESTILL. Discussing Several Sites for the Carnegie Library. ? (Special to Trio Tlmee-Dlarjatch.) 0:KKENSBORO, N. p., Jan. U.-lJolice nmii Barnes, who went with Profesor listili to New' leaven, has Just relumed. He mid the i>atient was kept asleep most of the way and gav.j him no trouble. At Jersey City hq was taken in charge by til- attendants of an Insano asylum, at which It seems ho had once before been un Inmuto of flvo years ago. Thero has been considerable discussion hero over tho ulte to be glvon or pur? chased by private contributions for tlio ?.lu.OOO Carnet?..?! Library building, which wlli be bul'?', this year. Ono Rito in con? templation Is on West Washington Street; another Is on North Elm, north of tho City Hall; another in on; Davle Street, vhilo the most popular sito Is on the county hitching lot, just between the courthouse and the City Hall, A NOVEL THEFT. ? Fist and Skull Fight With the Thermometer at Zero. (Huoclal to Tbi> Ttmca.niiipntfb.) GREENSBORO, N. C, Jan, 6,-QuItc ? novel theft was committed laut night. ? drayman had tlire?! trunks to deliver. Two of them were being put out at the residence of Hon. A. M. Scales. While . In tlio house with them, the baggage driver left his horse; the horse walked off. He only went about a hundred yards, but when the driver caught uji. ho found that the trunk had been broken open and everything takqn out of It. That wus an up-to-date thief, for he had probably led the "critter" off himself. Early this morning, with the ther? mometer at 0 above zero, thrco roen were found having an ohi timo fist and skull fighi near the freight dppot, and wore no hot thoy had to lie oarilod to the city Ja|l to cool off. Tho regular monthly mooting of Ruth unaptor, No. 8, O. E. S., will bo held at the Masonic 'l'empie next Monday even? ing at 8 o'clock for tlio purposo ot public? ly !n_tal!lrig its oi,icern. W-ak Lungs, Trios, who huvo .?-??|{ lungs cannot bo too careful about taking cold, as. unless promptly treated, pneumonia Is likely to follow? For the euro of colde und as ft, preventive of pneumonia, no ono coijld wish for a botter medicine than Cham? berlain'- Cough Remedy. Trio succose that has attended Its use everywhere ?bows that It can always ho relied upon. ? 1m pleasant und safo to luko nnd costs biit a nuurter. I-trge sl_o, fitly cent?, For aale by all druggists. Division Passenger Agent, -83 10, Main St., Richmond, Va. CUT FLOWERS, ROSES, VIOLETS The largest stock of, Violets. LUiea ol the Valley, Clirysnnthemuni and Cut I? lower., inicial Roui|uetu and yusigns, ahlup.a to all points. W. A. .lammon?}. No. 107 E Broad Qt. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, SOUTHERN RAILWAY. JANUARY, 10, 1004. On and after January loth, train No. 11. for nil pointu South, will leave Richmond dally nt 10:00 P.M., instead of 10:20 I', M. an at present? sleeper ready at fl;00 p. M, York RIvoh Line: Train No- 18. ?fr West Point, will leave at |:M? P. M. Instead of 4??0 p. M.i u? Ht present, connecting with atea mer? for Baltimora on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. C. W, WKB'rBURV, V>, P. ?, FLORIDA AND THE SOUTHLAND via ATLANTIC COAST LINE. : . Tho quickest route by oh. Iww ?wd five minute?, traversed by trains superb in every appointment, composed of the Idgli? est el-andard Pnllinan ???-Pingi Prawlns? Room. Observation, library and uining _a?_; cuisine Hie heat the markets. ??? ford, eorvod tablo do hoto. Tiegel? ore now on ?sie. by this Una to all pi'lnoipa? Wlntoi* Tourist Resorts in Georgi?, Florida, Cub?, New Providence and tho Southwest, at Yory low ?'?t?--? For de? Bcrlptlve mutier ami fuil information, ap? ply to any ??-?t of the company; er, m V C. S, CAMrBKLL, U?kmammmatm???kmmu?m BLANKS' B. & S, Olmo Liver Fids Havo done sood where others fail? ed. Prlpo lOo. per box, 3 boxe* for ?5o. Sold by reliable drue?ist?. ? DID S?HTA CLAUS ~ BRING YOU AN AUTISTIC If so, Christinas was a joy, and the New Year will be a happy one. A great many homes In Hlchmond aro now enjoy? Ing the sweet tones from the BEST PIANO ON BAItTH, iheArtisficStieff. Wo havo taken as first pay a number ot used Pianos of ail makes. whloh wo will eell at groat bargains to make room for our new stock. Prices and terms to suit. 431 E. BROAD ST. ^C^^mSK Any child sending us 30 blue coupon? iBkun from packimes of Quaker Gelatine will bo sent froo, ono set of Unojo Sum's Cuwnets, containing a photograph of every Prosident from Washington to ! Loosovelt and three of his cabinet. Tho latest, best and most popular game, worth ? $50, In any fumlly, I These coupons will also bo counted on ihu contest for tho $20 Oolumbla Dlso Graphophone to bo glvon to tho boy or girl |n Hlchmond and Manchester who senda In tho greatest number Df coupons between now and Mnroh 31st. INTERSTATE CHEMICAL CO., BAUTIMORE, MD, KE?IY& DUDLEY, Sole Agents, 1009 and 1011 E. Cary 'Street, Richmond. Va. CVDONIN, An exquisito preparation for the ?? luf (imi otiro of chapped, Skin Irritated **??"*? Price Hootuos ft,ul Huplefr Price 2SC. Manufacturad by 25&? POLK FILLER DRUG COMPANY 834 Bait Main. a Chesterfield Cafe And Rathskeller Now Open. TABUE ???? E DINNER.75c Week Days, 6:30 P. M. Sundays, 2 P, (VI. exqeuuent serviqe. THE CHESTERFIELD APARTMENT CO,, Shafer and Franklin Street*