Newspaper Page Text
COLD SNAP WAS COSTLY fThc Spinach Crop Around Nor? folk Irretrievably Ruined and Other Crops Damaged. THE COMMANDER RESIGNS Lady Seriously Damaged by the Explosion of the Water Back of Her Stove. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NORFOLK VA., Jan. |'|.?Thousands of ?dollars of damage huvo been done to tho truck crops of Norfolk county by tho told weather of the past few daj'H. The ?plnach crop, the. principal winter revenue^ producir, Is Irrotricvubly ruined, It Is feared. Other orops fared iih badly. . The ' Tennis Construction Company, ol Philadelphia, and the Santoni and Brooks Company, of Baltimore, have re? ported to arbitration to .settle'their dis? pute ov,3r the eonstruetlon of the Nor folh and Atlantic Terminili Company, Tel.ich thoy bulit for Alexander Brown ena Comuuny, of Baltimore, at a cost of about ,\ million dollars. The dispute Involves $170,000, which the contractors heve never been able to divide between themselves to the satisfaction of either. Tho j?dse, William Bruce Martin, of tho Court of Law and Chancery, Is arbitra? tor, with W. W. Gwalhmey, chief en? gineer of the SoabtKift Air Lino Hallway, and W. T. Brooke, city engineer, as experts. STOVE EXPLODED. Airs. O. D? eSavago, of Scottsvllle, a Portsmouth suburb, wa? Bcrloupiy Injured this morning' by the explosion of tho vuterbuek ot a range in her kitchen. The explosion was terrific. The kitchen was wrc-oked end the range was blown through the roof, it waa at first thought that Mrs. Savage's skull had been ' frac tured. She will recover, howovor, al? though she sustained painful cuts about thi head, face and body. Tho traffic meeting that was to have been held at Old Point to-day was nd Journ?d Indefinitely, for lack of a quo? rum. There wero present only freight Traille Manager V. M. AVhlttaker, of the Chesapeake and Ohio; his assistent, A. C. Iroup; E. D. Tfotchklss, generai freight rigont of the same system, and Thornton Lewis, rnunagor of the Kapawha gis pe tch. COLLIER COMMANDER RESIGNS. Captain Llnd, of the naval collier Leon Idas, has tendered .hie resignation to the Navy Department, and It has been' ac? cepted. He I? woll known In this city, from which he has mail many long voy? ages ubonrtl the Le?nidas. It will bo recalled that he took the war munltlors (to Culebra when It looked as though wo v.'cre going to fight Germany two years ago, and he has performed other service of note during hla connection with tho ncvuk service. Recently the captain has had several unfortunate accidents, but nt the navy yard It is not admitted that these hayo anything to do with his resig? nation. Captain .Nichols,.' who? formerly bom miinded tho big collier Alexander, ' will b* placed in command of the Le?nidas, to succeed Captain Llnd. He is an offi? cer of experience and long service. The Castloman courl-mortlal will short? ly forward it? report to Washington. The taking of testimony, It Is under? stood, has been practically concluded. .-?-?? POSTPONEMENT GRANTED Witness Too 111 to Appear in Case Against Clerk Crismond. ? 5, (Special to The Times-Dlspttch.) FREDER1CK8BIRG, VA.. Jan. (t. Wlttn court reconvened at Spotsylvunla Courthouse to-day for the second day of the.? trial of former Clerk J. II. P. Cris? mond, Attorney Gordon stated that Com? monwealth's Attorney Lee J. Graves, an Important witness, was critically III, and asked for a postponement. Mr. Fltzhugh, Cre"*mond's counse'i, objected, and asked that the trial proceed on another Indict, mtnt. This request was granted by the tourt, and Attorney Gordon withdrew iiom tho case. In the oveuing Hi?, Gordon announced that 1? would continue ln the caso, and Pioceed with tho trial as soon us Mr. G? aves could appear. Judge Waller then granted a i?slponemant until Friday, HOT FIGHT EXPECTED. ?Will Try to Prevent Seating of Fusionist Candidates. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NORFOLK, ?G?., Jan. C?Norfolk county politicians are Just at tho present timo greatly exercised over the pVospcct of a hlg light before tho Houso of Delegates ?when the next session of the Legislature meets. It is the Intention of the Straight out faction tq bring to boar every con? ceivable Influence at tholr command to prevent the seating of the two newly elected mombers of the body, both of whom aro Fuslonlsts, and at tho same timo It Is also their intention tq uao their utmost ondeavors to keep th?m out of tho Democratic caucus. The claim Is mudo that as tho gentle? men elocted wero supported by Mio Fu? sion faction In Norfolk county,' they aro not eligible to seats ln the Inner councils of the Democratic party, nor should they lie permitted to participate In the secret discussions of plans of party policy and The otrongo-t novel rot writ? ten by Ihn aulhor of ''Tho Oat" and "Trjtj Voleo of the People." READY JAN, IS, DELIVERANCE By E leu Glasgow It Is the first Important book of 1004. Illustrated In Color. 11.60. DOUBLEDAY, PAGE * CO., 31 Union Bquaro, ?. Y. be fictj?ntntod with the Inalilo working of tin; Democratic party's organi-utlou. To this claim tlio Fuslonlntii retori that the members of tho House of Delegates In question havo boon Ilio-long- Democrats, and that they never voted liny other than the Democratic ticket in their lives. If they are not entitled to seals In the cau? cus, they declare, then no man eleotcll on their ticket from any" city or county In die. Stato la entitled thereto. Notwithstanding the claims and counter? claims of all parties involved, there la going to bo a prctly hot light on this question. The Stralghlouts are going to make n most strenuous offert to discredit tlio county representatives, and tho coun? ty representatives are going to make an equally ?hong light to discredit the Hiralghtouta. They will represent among other things to the House of Represent? atives when this question is raised, thai Ilio question of the regularity of elthor Democratic commlltoo in Norfolk county Is still an open one, und furthermore Uiey will clalip that out of more than four thousand white registered voters In Nor? folk countyi tho -Irnightout party polled only sixteen hundred,' RESIGNS FROM COUNCIL. Portrait Presented to Stonewall Jackson Camp. (Bpeoi-l to Tho Times-Dispatch.) STAUNTON, VA., Jan. 8?At'the meet? ing of the City Council last night Mr. Ilugli H. Kfirr, a member of thai body, risigned as councilman. Mr. Kerr's iia-on for resigning Is because lia wi).s recently appointed a member pf the elec? toral board and he finds that the tw? positions conflict. Mr. Hugh C. Iirnxton was then nomi? nated by Mr. Harman. and unanimously ftketed to fill the vacancy. Confoderato veterans were out In full forco last nl-ht to attend the meeting of Stonewall Jackson Camp. The meet In;; was an Interesting one. Captain l?. Julian Pratt, of Wayneaboro, Va., pro? ni nted to the camp, In the name of Mr. Edmund Berkeley, a handsome portrait of iho late commander, Captain Frank B. Eoi holey. The orator of the. evening paid many eloquent tributes to the mora cry of his. old comrade In arma, The portrait was received on hehaif of the camp by Captain Thomas D. Ra-nsoh. Ccmrade S. F. Pllson, on behalf of Mrs. George Nelms, of Newport News, pre? sented to tho camp a portrait ot Llbby Prlion, which was accepted for the camp by Captain James Bumgardner, wh,o de? li*, fered a short address. Upon on invitation from tho camp, tho City Council attended the meeting In a bcOy. FIRE IN CLAREMONT. Six Buildings Burned and News? paper Office Badly Damaged. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.?), CLARKMONT, VA., Jan. 0.?Tho worst fire In the, history of ?laremont visited tin town last night. At 10:20 flames were sc_n Issuing from the store of. B. D. Kimball, and before they were ohecked the stores of G. H. Wood, Claremont Supply Company, Dan Schmidt, Loveil's meat market and Manchas' drug store, together with _lx other buildings, were destroyed. Tho flames wero stopped at the Herald offlco, but tho outfit of the Irlter was badly weroked. Loss, $15,000, with' ?3.700 Insurant:.. All those burned out wiV rebuild. ROANOKE BAR ACTS ON DEATH OF JUDGE WATTS (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) ROANOKE, VA., Jan. 6.?Tho Koanoke Bar Association met this afternoon and adopted resolutions on tho death of Judge J. Allen Watts. Dr. Caldwell's Funeral. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) GREENSBORO, N. 0? Jan. U.?A spe? cial train, with two coaches, filled with funeral escorts and relatives from Wln 8???t3?1?3??. arrived at ? o'clock, with the remains of Rev. Dr. Robert E. Cakl wcll, lato pastor ot the First Presbyterian Church there. The interment was made at Green Hill Cemetery. The Knights Temper of Winston ' and Greensboro officiated In presence of Immenso con? course of sorrowing friends bore. Eoautlful floral designs mona than filled the orifice of tho cemented vault. New Y. M. C. A. Secretary. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) vVA'.nt-iS'-?N, VA., Jan. 0.?T. 3. Vance, of Shelbyvlllo, Ky., ?s in Warrcn ton lor iho llrst nnie7'actively engaged in his new duties of secretary of the ?. ftl. C. A. work throughout Fauxiulor county. Tho now secretary la an oner ?-d'u worker and a man Of ability, in ti'ohruury, 19$, ho leased his paper, The ??muby Record, In order to devote his? entire limo to Y. M. C. A. work. Mr. vaneo Is a Rrafluate of Washington and i_oe University. I . - Fire in Roanoke. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) KOANOKE, VA., Jan. G.-Flro broke out this morning tit ?:3? in the small store room occupied by C. R, Cook, dealer In phonosraphs and supplies, Tho estab? lishment waa butted and all stock dn. Biroyed. J-osh S750, with $500 Insurance, .he lire started from a dofooUve Hue. CMR?MiQ SORES Signs of Polluted Blood? There is nothing so repulsive looking; and disgusting as a? old ?ore. You worry over it till the braiu grows weary and work with it until the patience is exhausted, and the very sight of the old festering, sickly looking place makes you irritable, despondent and desperate. A chronic sore is the very best evidence that your bipod is in an unhealthy and impoverished condition, that'your constitution is breaking down under the efiects of some serious disorder. The taking of strong medicines, like tnercury or potash, will sometimes so pollute and vitiate the blood and im? pair the general system that the merest scratch or bruise results iu obstinate nou-heeiling sores of the most oflensive character? Often an inherited taint breaks out in frightful eating sores upon the limbs or face in old age or middle life. Whenever a sore refuses to heal the blood js always at fault, and, while antiseptic washes, salves, soaps and powders can do much to keep down the inflammation and cleanse the sore, it will never heal permanently till the blood itself has been purified and the deadly germs and poisons destroyed, and with S. S. S. this can be accomplished?the polluted blood is purified and invigorated, and when rich,pure blood is again circulating freely throughout the body the flesh around the old sore begins to take ou a natural color, the discharge of matter ceases and the place heals over. 8, S. S. is both ft blood purifier and tonic that puts your blood in order aud at the same time tones up th? system aud builds tip the general health. U you have a chronic sore write us. No charge for medical advice, im 9Win SPtQIFIQ CU., ATLANTA* 04? MEN FIGHT AT FUNERAL Friends and Mourners Driven From Cemetery by Drunken Men With Pistols, COFFIN LAY OUT ALL DAY Disgraceful Scenes in Carroll County Over a Coffin on the Way to the Grave. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) t?LApESBORO, VA., Jan. 6-At tho burla) ot John Mockson who was snot and killed (ho latter part of December by Abner Westmoreland In tho southern part of Carroll county, a genornl drunken row look p'noo. Men fought llko tigers In the vehicle that was moving tho corpse t-j the burylnir ?round. One man was thrown from tho vehicle and run over and considerably hurt, MOURNERS DRIVEN AWAY. On arriving at the "Old Moravian Cimotery," thp crowd of people that hud asfenjblod to attend the burial were all c.impelled tp leave at the points of pis? tol:, in the hands of the-3 crowd of drunken tuen, nnd the corpse wa? left lying there mest all day before any one would ven tJi't' ti? bury It. Several shots were fired, but no one vai; seriously hurt. Eyewitnesses stato that the men drank and quarreled and fought wliHo sitting on the coffin, and no moro disgraceful scones were evpr wit? nessed In tlils county. A ePUQITIVE. Wc-stmoreland hus not as yet been arprehended, but the oftlcers are looking fir him. Mockson's wife and too much liquor is etili tp have been Mio cause of flip trag-i cdy ln which her husband was killed,, and discussion- of the ; circumstances br?ught on the fight on the way to the flint rali . CHRISTMAS GERMAN. William and Mary College Club Give a Delightful Dance. (Special to The TImes-Dlspaleh.) WILLIAMSBURG. VA.. Jani ?.-The William anfl Mary College German Cluh gave Its annual Christmas germa ? Mon? day' n|ght In the Gymnasium Hall, led by Colonel j. F. e?hrlstlan. The dancers were: , Mtss Lizzie T?ler with M. R. Morgan. Misa Mary l?ostor with J. S Wilson. Miss Ida Henley with Joe Meade. Mies Lucile Foster with R. le. Henley. Miss Catheryne Henley with J. H. Lloyd. . . ftiise Mo?kle Youpar w}th Spencer ?????. Miss VlrKlnla ?. BrolthwaUe with J. W. Gossrnap. Miss Bertlo Peak with B. C. Blacklston. Mies Etta Sharp with' T. P. Spencer. Miss Boulah Brooks with Geo. Hanklns. Miss Emily Christian with G. H? Barks? dale. Miss Martha Spencer with ?. N.. Law? rence. Miss,Edna Brooks with G. O. Ferguson. Miss Meary B. gpensor with E. Jones. Miss Mary W, Mercer w|th p. H. Smith. Mis? Annie Barnes with C. M. Barnes. Miss Bessie Scott with Slg. La Guna. Miss O'Keefe with R. A. Holt. Mrs. B. Moncuro with F. Savage. Miss Mary Meade with R. F. Saundera. Miss Louise Henley with D. V. Judd. Miss Lizzie Meade with F, R. Hynson. Mies Catheryae Geddy with A. R. w! Macreth. Miss Sue Webb with Blair Spenser. Miss Mannte Wright with O. L Shew >make. rne stag's were: Messrs. J.T.Christian, P. P. Peebles, W. B. Newcomb, R. M. Hughes, Jr., Llttleberry. Foster, F. O'Keefe. Tlio german was chaperoned by Mea? do mes A. J. Barnes and F. O'Keefe. CARTERSVILLE W. C. T. U. Broke His Cheek by a Fall on the Ice?Wedded Pair. (Spoetai to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CAitT?.i?JviLLE, VA.. Jan. 6.?The cartersville W. C. T. U. had Its first meeting of the new year In the Baptist Church Sunday morning, tho programme 'oonsusting of music, readings and reolta tions. .Mr. E. A. Parrish, who has beerj suffer? ing with a broken oheuitoono and bruised ^acc. whicli ha got by ? fall on tho Ice, ta ?bout his work ageilTl, Mr. Harry Culbroth, of Philadelphia, wno was married on the ulxteenth of last month to Misa Henrietta Hooper, \>t wnite Hall. Va,, arrTVed here yesterday with his bride, after having spent two weeks w(th lus relatives ln Philadelphia. ..i?, and Mrs. Culbrpth will romain with ine tiWfle's relatives, near Cartorsvllle. for a few days, and will then go to White Hall for a few weeks bet?re they leave for Florida, where they expect to stay ourlnff tho rest of tho winter. Ttita fi?ctlln has never Known a better ie0 season than It ha? nad this year. AU tho Icel?iusep have boon filled with ico from 7 to 10 inches tf??<JK. FIRE CAPTAIN'S FALL. Ladder Breaks, Throwing Him to the Ground? ? (Special to Th? Tlmes-Diep&tcji.) PETERSBURG, VA?, J?n. 8.-.W. E. Burton, captain In charge of the South Street, (ir? engin?? house, received painful Injuries by a fall this morning, In de? scending thp ho?e tower tho ladder broke, prpejpltatlng him to tho ground, a distance of ?bout twenty-five feet. His ankle- was badly spralpecj und ho was otherwise ehalten un Bishop A. M. Randolph will visit Grace Eplsoopal Church for confirmation ser? vice "nd sermon Sunday morning, Feb? ruary 4 ith. Mrs. Nannie Ridoni Rust, wife of Lieutenant Armletiad Ruit,, v. g. n., is the guent of Mv?. John Rldout, In High Street. Mrs. Louis J. LeMeur, after a visit to hei? parents (? Petersburg, ha? retnrnett to her home In Washington, NEW YEAR SNAKES. Pumpkin Story Easily Believed After Christmas Cheer. (Bpeolal to The Tlmoe-Dlsputch.) ROXBURY, VA?, Jnrt. 0?A peculiar accident happened near this plaoe a tew da;e atto. Joe Macon u a worthy colored man, end ft prosperous fermer, who multes a specialty of raising pumpkins p( enormous elle, whloh he has given tho Fume of "Fit? Lee." Joe Wacon wai raised on the old White llouao farm dpd belonged to the Lee family, a fact ?Vont which he feel? very proud. Oltf Joe is fond ?t pumpkin pie. Every Christmas ho bring? tlw choicest oiwj tp the, h?u?? and pie? ?re made of it. They are ?eut iivoadeaet over the uelgh b^rh(><?? to- hU W*ij?t M#W?I. who pru? pongee them flrtf? TUiMlV evening .foe mViAV?.un, ty Mi* l?rtoi wt? the HuinjiiUn, It wa? ot enoreiou? else, weigh. MUNYONS PAW-PAW L PROF, CLARK, WELL.KNOWN SCIEN? TIST, PRAISES PAW-PAW. Prof. E. "Warren Clark, the well-known Aictuior, travolor and sciential., No. 27 Thomas Street, New York, writes; "Paw Paw Is Nature's own remedy for Indiges? tion nnd nervousness. In three trips around the world, I have become perfectly familiar with the medicinal virtues of| lids remarkable fruit. People In India could not do without It. I was muoli in? tirested when T' read that Prof. Munyon hod Introduced this remedy to the public, and I have been taking Munyon's Paw Paw with most gratifying results. Tlio first bottle Increased my appetite and cured me of sleeplessness. I nm now taking it regularly, and find that my whole system Is Improved and Rtrength ered? Paw-Paw certainly Is a wonderful aid to Indigestion, ? am telling all my friends about It ahd What It did for me." If you have Dyspepsia, try it. If you aro Nervous, try it. If you are despondent, try it. If you aro weak and run down, try It, Cast away all tonics, nil medicines and nil stimulants and let Munyon's Paw-Paw make you well. It will lift you Into the high altitudes of hope and hold you thero. It, will give exhilaration without Intoxication. Sold by all druggists. Largo bottles 41. Munyon's Laxative Pills 25c. a bottle. Ing about one hundred and eighty-five pounds. Tho pumpkin had to be roiled \il< a hill. One of tho boys let tlvs huge Vitetablo get away. It wont down the hill at a rapid rate. A beautiful Hol -U-ln heifer, a groat pet of tho old no ei'O'B, was leisurely chewing Us cud, unmindful of tho impending danger, Whop. It was struck fuy.?" amldshlp and kj.cokod over. It was soon found that Its back was broken and two ribs, so it hat? to be killed to end its suffering. Tho pumpkin sttuok a tree and was burst open. Than was made a discovery that caused surprise to all and no little excitement. In the neck of the pumpkin was found nine large bla?k snakes, which hnd gone into winter quarters and wera lit a "comatoso st-to. They wero easily di?patohed. Now old Jeo wir? not use the pumpkin, as he fears that those who _at the pies w|l| have snakes after them. ABOLISHES OFFICE OF GENERAL AGENT (By Associated Press.) NORFOLK, VA., Jan. y.?A circular ftom the general freight agent's office, tearing tho ?*ate of December 20, 1003, announces the resigna.tion of V. D. Meares as general agent ot tho Seaboard Air Line at Wllmlnpton, N. C, and the fa.l that the offlco of general agent at that point has been abolished. The cir? cular was made pub-c to-day. GIRL OF FOURTEEN?'.-, ,ELOPES TO MARRY (Special to Tne Times-Dispatch.) KEYSV?LLE, VA.. Jan. 6,?Miss Baulah Woatherford, aged fourteen, and Mr. Paul Rutledge, aged nineteen, who live near Kfysvlllo. left hero yesterday for ?? fci'd N. C, wJiero they will be married to-day. They were accompanied by Mr. Spot. Ward, uncle of tho brldo-eioct. Week of Prayer. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) FRLj_.ii.xUCi-b.tKR_., VA., Jan. 0.? Tho l'arm belonging to the estate of the lato J. T. Hicks, in Spotsylvanla county, was sold at public auction this week at Spotsylviinia court and pu.c.iased by Mr. Julian Seay for ?fiu), Tho week of prayer services continuo in intorest and ar- being well attondoo, not? withstanding tho cold weather. Tho meet? ing last night was held at tho ? o ist Chuchi and thero wero soveral speakers, tho subject discussi, being 'The Church of" To-night tho services ?er. hold at St. Qeorao's Episcopal Churon. The speakers were Rev. Dr. J. W. Roso bro and Rev. R. A. Williams. - ? ? Charles City County. (Special to Tlio Times-Dispatch.) CHARLES CITY C. II., VA? Jan. 0. Citlzens throughout Charles City county are filling their ico houses with ice aver? aging from sovan to nino Indies. Judge leanc l-l. Christian, who hns been qi.ltu unwell of late, is still confined lo lus room, Pitts?Crisp. (Special to Tho Tiniea-Dlspaton.i MCU,i'_viJ-LE, VA., jan, u.?.ur, D, H. Pitts, a prominent and prosperous ?? tills piac?, president i>t tlio linn of _.ailu Brothers and company (among tho taigesi contractors in ilio South', and a meni.or of the wall known ilvm of Pitta nnd Domar. ?.ooii-vilio leu noi'o on Sun oay ror ?.aittmori?; and at B.ooluyn ine ?ionio ot the bride's lamer, lio and Miss t-tella Crisp were united In marnago at . P. AI. Tuesday. itti?. Pitts was accompaniod by three ot his brothers: Mossi'?. J. L?. A. L. und L, u, Pitts, nnd also by Air. .lame, uwr.a?. Mr? and Alia, Pitts will arrive in Scott-. vuio ou 'tnui-?ny, una will malto "Vai? mont" their future lioinu, Winn?'Gee. (Spoetai to The Times-Dlsiialch.) lU-iaviLbJi, Va., Jan. u.?Air. Wash. Winn, of Pieasant ?.rove, und Misa Una, Gee, of LuneiJbur? county, wero married to-day at tho home of tho bride, .? ? ' ?? ? Looking Around. Hon. W, A. .. .lloroy und Hon. John R. Rew, members-elect, respectively for King William and A.comao. wer? on the boor of tho House yesterday, nilngUng with their now colleagues and fumillar 1-lng themselves with the Ins and outs of the I-auso. Attending Court. Hon. A. Caperton Braxton, of Augustu, Is In the city In attendance upon tho sessions of the Supreme Court. _.r, Br&xton Is stopping at tho Wo.t* HKAUTHY PLANTS. - Require tho Most Careful Attention a? Well .it? Good soli. Did you ever eoe a rosebush which?do. aplte tho most beneficiai environment of soil?of sunshine?and of etmosphero?? eeemed never to achieve a healthy growth. A ton of manure will not help a pimit that.has canker eating out Ite heart. You must destroy tlio eaupo boforo you can remove the effect. You cannot euro Dandruff and Baldness by rubbing on hair lotions, and rubbing in vaseline, eto. You,must look to tho cause of the trouble^}!'? u germ ftt the root? of your hair which causes It to full out. f?ewbio'n H?rplclcle destroys the ft'erro? end healthy huir Is the sure result.. Bold by leading druggleta. Bend 10c in stamp* for- sample to The Herplclde 6?*, SWfvolt* Nloh. Omm * ?Uw? ?<ty* Co,, ?peclttl ugeutu. NEW YEAR WEDDINGS Marriages That Are Classed aa Brilliant Social Events in New? port News and Wythevillc. VERY PRETTY DECORATIONS Mary 'Byrd Di m mock Bride of Mr. Wellford and Sue Peyton Kent Weds Mr. Broun. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WYTHiBViLLB, VA., Jan. u.-Tho mor of Miss Sue Poyton Kent, of this place, to Mr. Edmund Fontaine Broun, of Charleston, W. Va., which was solemnized In St. John's Episcopal Church on this evening at G o'clock, was tho social ovent of the winter. Tho bride Is ono of the handsomest and most accomplished women in tho Stato, v.hllp tho groom Is a gentleman of high standing, wide culture and many friends, both in his own State and In Virginia. The bride is the daughter of the late CoVmol Joseph P. Kent, a gallant officer of the Stonewall Brigade, and Mrs. Vir? ginia Peyton Kent, and on both sides the couple are connected by blood and marriage with many of the most promi? nent and oldest families of tho State. The groom is tho eon of Major Thomas L. Broun, who was also on officer In tho Confederate army, and a well known and prominent lawyer of Charleston, W. Va. The groom Is also a 'lawyer by profes? sion, a coltego and club man, and man of affairs, and Is regarded as one of tho rising mon of his State. The ceremony was performed? by Rev. Mercer P. Logan, D, D., a cousin of the brido, and tho rector ot St. John's Church. Some fifteen hundi-Qd Invitations hid been sent out to. friends In many States, apd when the hour appointed fo:? the service arrived, the church wn3 crowded, to the doors by one of the moat distinguished audiences ever assem? bled In Wythevllle. The body of the church and tho chancoi Avere beautifully decorated. At the organ Miss Goodwin rendered the processional and recessional widdlng march from Mendelssohn. Tho ushers were Messrs. Tyler G. Kent, Rob? ert Bayers, Jr., C. L. Trlnkle and Alfred Moore, and after these gentlemen had sec ted the guests, tho residue of the at? tendants entprd the church and pro? ceeded to the chancoi In the following orden;?. First, tho ribbon girls. Misses Fannie Kent and Ellen Logan, dressed In white organdy, and followed by the fiioumsmen?Mr. Charles Sterriti, of Charleston, W. Va.; Mr. Douglass Roller, of Charleston; Mr. Merrlwethor Jones, of Richmond; Mr. Henry T. Maury, of New York; Mr. James Minor, of Staun t<r,; Mr. Roy M. Jones, of Richmond; Captain William P. Kent, of Wythovilio, and Mr. J. Cloyd Kent, of Wythevllle. These were followed by the bridesmaids, beautifully gowned in white silk mull, dueoV.otte and en train, trimmed with cream Vice medallions, and carrying American Beauty, roses tied with white tulle, They were Misa Annl>3 H. Pat? rick, of Staunton; Miss Margaret Lynn Cochoran, of Staunton; Miss Rosa B. Harrison, of Staunton; Miss Fannie Pey? ton Guy, of Richmond; Miss Mary Tay lou Rogers, of Roanoke; Miss Suo M. Splllor, of Wythevllle, and Misses Page and Addle Moore, of Wythavllle. Follow, ing the bridesmaids and preceding the brido camo the maid of honor, Miss Mary P.*<-6ton, Kent, sister of tho bride, charm? ingly gowned ln white tulle, .aViborntely spangled with sliver, and carrying a laige bunch of American Beauty roses tied with white tulle, and then came tho bride, with queenly grace, loaning upon the arm of her une'?-', tho venerable ex Licutenant-Governor Robert C. Kent, who gave his niece away In marriage. The. bride was gowned in white crepe de chine, on train, trimmed with rose point and duchesse lace, her bridal veil caught with a beautiful poarl and dia? mond pin, and around her neck sho wore a chain of pearls. Sho carried a shower bouquet ot lilies of the valley, and in all her Ufo never resembled more thor? oughly tlio ?tatelloet typo of the Gibson Bills. To low, sweet music, tho wedding pnrty grouped themselves, with urtlstlo effect, below the chuncol stair, and uh the grouping tjeoame complete ttw groom himself, accompanied by lila best man, Mr, Curlton Peyton, of Charleston, \\, Vn., entered from the rear ohancol door am! took his placo beside the oxpectant bride, Tho solemn and Impressive marring?) uoi'vl?e. of tho Eplsqopnl Church was pronounced, and this compiateli, to tho petUng and Joyous notes of tha organ, the wedding party wended Its way down the aislo from tho church. P'ollowlng the miii'i'lago servine, at the homo of tho brido's mother, Mrs. Vir? arla P. Kont, a reception was hold, to which were Invited the relatives and nearest friends of the family. About (?na hundred gueets wero entertained; 1 te wedding presents received by tho brido were very numorous and costly. Among tho out-of-town guests who at? tended tho mari'luga and rocoptlon wore ? Mrs, Thomas L. Broun. of Charleston, mother of tho groom; Mr. nnd Mrs. Mal cclm Jackson, of Charleston! Mr, ami Mrs, Powers, of Richmond! Air. W. R, Qulllard, of New York; Dr. nnd Mrs, Robert J. Preston, of Marlon, Vu.; Mrs, Rccklngham Pau\ of Roanoke; Mr. und Mrs. Peyton Grey, of Pulaskl, Va.; Air, rnd Mrs. Clarence Kent, of Petersburg, Va.; Airs. Ellen Caldwcll, Miss Cnldwoll nud. Air. Joseph Caldwoll of Rndford, ?'?.; Mr. and Airs. John B. Kent, of ?Ga>: Meadow?, Va.; Judge and Mrs, George M. Harrison, of Staunton, Vn. ? Mr. and Airs. H. C. Raper, of Austin? vli't?, and others. Mr. nnt| Mrs. Broun left on tha D:!.0 ?'. ??. easttbouiul train for Florida, vT.cro for a time they will viale th? most attractive resorts of that State. VVELLFORD?DIMMOCK. A Brilliant Social Church Wed? ding in Newport News. (Sporml to Tho Titnoa-Pi.patcii.) NEWPORT NEWS. VA.. Jan. li.-A fashionable congregation witnessed Ihe marriage of Aliss Mnry Byrd DlmniopK, eldest daughter of Mrs, W. C. Dlnimnck, of this city, to Mr. Thomas Sputtlswuntle Wollfon.1, wliloli wns snloninl.od at St, Paul's Episcopal Church at 0 o'clock this ovenlng, tlio reutor, Rev, A. Oscar Sykos, D. D.. ottlclatlng, It was the special event of tho midwin? ter seaaon, and tho large assemblage of friends and relatives from this city, Richmond. Norfolk and i tul tinnirti evi? denced the popularity of tlio couple. Tlio absence of profuso dcoomtlons lent au niega ni simplicity to iho beautiful hyme? neal rito, which was Impressively con? ducted by tlie rector |u accordance with tlio Eplsoopat l'Itimi. Tho ohancel wus tastefully decorated with evergreens and Immortellen, and wax tapers .bed a soft light about the altar. Two ribbon holders, Messrs. James ?? ? M. Newton and Philip Hamilton, led the \ bridal y_rty, followed by the ?i-o.nismcH, clod in faultless evening dress, nnd by tho bridesmaids, all robed In white, carry? ing white Bride roses and prayer-books. Then etimo ? tho maid of honor, Mis? Nina Armlstcad, of Baltimore, Mtl., attired In a gown of white liberty silk, with a sun pleated garniture of luce, and carry,ng a bouquet of liberty roses, who was fol? lowed by the bride, leaning on the atm of her uncle, Mr. J, Lloyd Tabb, of Bal? timore, Md, The bride wore an exquisite gown of white lace, embroidered In pearls, over Which flowed a tullo wedding voll, caught up, with spraj's of orange blossoms. At the altar tho bride was mot by tho groom and his best man, Mr. B. Randolph Tucker, of Richmond, Va., who entered from a side door. Standing In the center of the semi-circle made by the brides? maids and groomsmen, the bride and groom listened to the solemn vows which made them man and wife. ? Tho bridesmaids wero Miss Nellie Todd, Miss Lucy Howard, Miss BoftaWellford, Miss Suo Seddon Wellford, of Richmond, Va.; Miss Mary Grandy, of Norfolk, Va., and Miss Elizabeth Dlmmock, of Now port News. They wore costumes of white silk mull over white silk. The groomsmen wero Mr. Whiter B. Clalborno, Mr. John L. Do Trevlllo, Mr. Albert S. Tanner, Mr. Henry Grant, of Richmond, Va.; Dr. Charles R. Turner, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Mr, Henderson B. Gregory, Charles B. Nelms, Almon F, Bowon and Ludwell Harrison, of Newport News, Tho wedding was fpllowod by ,a recep? tion held In tho . parlors of the Hotel Warwick, where Mr, and Mrs. Wollford, received tho congratulations of friends and relatives, and then at the hotel an elegant luncheon was served to the bridal party and guests. The out-of-town guests were P. A. Well ford, Judgo and Mrs. B. R. Wellford. Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Wollford, Miss Martha Purcoll, Mr. John Parrlsh, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Splcer, Mrs. Charles Dlmmock and Mrs. B. P. Noland, of Gloucester Couru houso, Va.; Miss Mary Donnan, Mr. Phil? ip AVollford, of Richmond, Vu.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Tabb, Mrs. John Arml stoad, of Baltimore, Md.; Mr. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilkinson und Miss Grandy, of Norfolk; Mrs. Horace Wellford Jones, of Portsmouth, Va.; Lleutonant John O. Steger, United States army; Lieutenant and Mrs. R. C. Marshall, of Fort Mon? roe, and Mrs. R. P. Hamilton, of Peters? burg, ya.; Mr. Bernard B, Nelms, of Clarksburg, W. Va.; Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Bryan, of Hampton, Ya,; Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Sylces. Tho groom Is a native ot Richmond, and Is now employed In the cashier's office of the shipyard here. Tho nuptial festivities were brought to a close with a germini ut tho Armory to? night tendered the maids by tho grooms? men. Tho bride and groom left tor Florida, where they will spend their honeymoon. Winn?Gee. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.^. B_.ACKS_0.NJ_, VA? Jan. ll.-A mar? riage of unusual local interest was solemn? ized at tlie horn, of the brldo's mother,. Mrs. AI. F, Goe, of Lunenburg county, this afternoon at . o'clock, whon her daughter, AIlss Etta, became thu brido of lion, W. C. Winn, of the samo coun? ty. A large gathering of friends wero pres? ent, many coming from quite u distance. Several of these gathered ut tlio homo of Airs. Gee last night, where quito a. bouse party was held. Tlio coremony was performed by Rev, J. W. Goe, brother of tho brido, while tho groom's slsteeii-yeur-old son by his former wlfo acted as best man. AIlss Winn, tho daughter of tho groom, was maid of honor. Tho bride Is a sister of Dr. E. C, Gee, of Richmond, and la possessed of many personal clinrmn, which endear her to a wide circle of friends. The grorri Is well known In this sec? tion and llnoiigliout tho Stillo, ho having served a term in the Stato Senato from this district, as a prominent business mari and politician. Ho lina for a number of years been chairman of tho Board o? Supervisors of his county. Tho presents received wero many and handsome, which attested, tho wide pop. ulnrtty of tho coupl?\ Tho happy pair wore driven to this piuco this afternoon, from which thoy took the train for Richmond. From thero they will visit Old Point, Baltlmoro, Washington and othor Northern points. Upon returning thoy will reside at the home of Ilia groom at Pleasant Grove. Tho couple ?ere accompanied to Rich? mond by Dr. Floyd Gregory,, of Koys* villo, a friend of the groom, and by the groom's daughter, Miss winn, Bruce?Anderson. apertiti to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) FREPElt.CKSUUUG, VA? Jan. 0. Mr. \Varren Bruce und ftiisH Corinne .May Anderson, tUiighifi? ot .Mr. E. D, An? derson, of Caroline county, wero married a few days ago at "lii:IK-lu\vu," lu tint county. Rev. g, S? Wnro. of Port Royal, olllelalliif. Tin?, attendant:! were Mr. Hampton Anderson unti Miss Mil.o Bruca; Mr, Robert Watts ;U"1 Mies d?????? ? n dersnn; Mr. John Samuol and Miss Ella Aiuli'i'soii ,??''?,?, Mr. ????? Mrs. Bruce will voslde near Bowline Green; Mr. llt'iu'y Harris, son of Piof, J. M, Harris, Of Culponer county, nnd n brother of Mrs. ?. I'. Willis, of this oily, wus married a fow days ago tu Misa [tiger, of Greenville. S. C, ut tlio liJ.ue of the bride's iu rente at tlw latter place, Mr. Harris umi his brido uro now visi.lug his father near l.lguum, Oti'.pepyr cuua, ty, whore a lumai? party le being held. Marriages in Petersburg. (?Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) PKTEUSBUHG, VA? Jan. ti.-Thls morumif at ?>;;w o'elociv at tl|e hume of the brldii's parents, in North Market mi cot. Mlaat Laura Adelaide Alley was quietly waiilevcl to Joshua Acton Lan? oou. Um Bev. Dr. TaVlor periormltig tlio rmumoiiy, tigioiu u icw relatives ami trienits. Tti? u?a? "intu? wus l?. Percy Alloy, bruilior of tho bvule. 'I'liu bride It: the auructlvo ilauuhter of Mr- and Mis'. S. B. Ai.ey. Thu gloom, a lormer resident of .fete ? ??burg, Is ?n giiKi'd In business In Poca hou tu ?, Vu. At the residence of Dr. William Hi. Ilurwooil, lu Ultimi Bircet. thin evening, wish Emtua Mason Cola was united in marriage to Mr. Ueortte Bland Town? eend. Thp cetvinnny wau solemnized by the Rpv, joiui' uiuout, a^siet?d ?? tho Rev, William MoC. White. On account of recent bereavement in iho family, qnly a few intimato- friends and the' family wore present. Tho brido is a. daughter of Mrs. William Cole, of Chesterfield coun? ty, .-lid a Bister of Mrs. Hurwood. Tue groom la u well Itncnvn young citizen ot Petersburg. A marriage Uoonsa was Issued in thle city to-day to Miss Clara O. and Richard W. underwood. Edmondson?-Green. (Special to Tho Tlmesi-Dlspnteh.) SOUTH BOSTON, VA.. Jan. 6.?A beau- ; tlful marriage was colebratod at noon to? day at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex? ander Ridloy Green, when th-ir ?ia,_-'iiter, Salii?, became? the, brido of Mr. Frank R. Edmondson, son of Major H, A. Ed? mondson. Tho bride wore a handsome .travel'.n.?? gown of blue cloth and carried Bride, ronca. 1-lor sister, AUss Lizzie Green, wore a gown of white voillng over taf? feta and carried rod oArnau.ons. ' Sho, with the best man, Mr. R. H. Edmond? son, a brother ot tho groom, woro tho only attendants, this being a very quiet homo wedd-iif?. The parlors wore exquis? itely decoratoli In holly with a profusion of red berries, and with rod candelabra carried out tho red and green scheme of color. Th<> ceremony was performed by the Rev. D. Campbell Mayors, rector of Trinity Church, at an Improvised altar, erected in one end of tho room. Immediately altor tho ceremony ? Mr. and Mrs. Edmondson left on tho north? bound train for an extended trip. The'brido is a very boautiful and ac? complished young lady, well known for her- boautiful voice and unusual musical ability. Tho groom is engaged ln the to? bacco businoss in this town, being tho Junior member of the firm of Edmondson ' <?_ Sons. There woro many handsome presents. ' _ Porter?Beans. (Special to The Tlmos-Dlapat?n.) LEESBURG, VA.. Jan. 6.?A pretty ' wedding was solemnized at the bride's resldenco this evening at 7:S0 o'clock. AIlss Violet C. Beans, daughtor of Air. and Airs. Henry Beans, of near Lovotts? ville, this county! and Air. Harry G. Por? ter, of Brunswick, were tho contracting parties. Both aro well known and pop? ular In this county and many guests at? tended the ceremony and reception whloh followod. Air. and Mrs. Porter will re? side In Brunswick, where tho groom is'hi business, ? ?? nstmas ? au The flotsam and Jotsam, tho odds and ends that Christmas buying left behind, will go on sale this week at prices that aro very unusual. The things themselves are good, bu? there aro so few of them that it isr/'t worth whilo to pack them for another season, hence the reUuctions. There are doubtless, nuiny article* among them that you admired andl longed for when you bought your holt? day things, but which tlio- price forbiti. Now Is your chance to get them, with a great big chunk taken off the price, by way of inducement. Left over Calendars and a lot of n___ collaneous books at HALB* PRICE. Thoso aro bargains. HUNTER & CO.,, 629 6AST BROAD STREET. J? J4appij New year! is what wo wish you, oua mul all?and may Dama Fortuno smile h?r _.w_efc est upon you and youra (luring tlio next twolve mouths, Wo t h n? n k you, our friends and oustomt. rs, for your past patrouille?and solicit its pqntinnanoQ dur? ing tlio coming year. Our policy of lowest possible prices, consistent with ex^ celioni quality, will always merit it. JifUmsdon* 731 E. -Jnin. LADIES' D6UIGHT, BUMS' VELVET __.. LOTH) li. It softens the Sitili, h-?l. end prevents chaps. There is no tollet so soothing. It give, life and beau? ty to the Skin. ??rie? lue. Sold ex reliable druggists.