Newspaper Page Text
THE MAN Atiour TOWN -UY Harry Tu ckcr. Wo tiro really triad that we mudo that bot with Alderman Ilonry Hock, formerly Of Jackson, now or Monroe Ward. He said that tho difference between "eeo" and "saw" was apparent. Wo said It was In-tense. Then wr? inailo tt bet of a ton of coal, ?nd we won. ? And we are glad ,to say that the llttlo Alderman always settles his bete, ln the proper spirit. When ho gole re-elected, which we hop? lie will, wo .will mako another bet with him next winter. ' ? . ? ? - ? ?' '??'?'. About forty years ago we purchased from Androw 3. Daffron a couch at ono plunk por weok. For many years we enjoyed the luxury of an afternoon nan on that couch Winters and summers tell on everybody ?nd ovorythlne,. und In course of time tho hinges on that couch, got maty. We wero about to send it out us a piece of antiquo furniture, when wo received a note from our ????? friend, Umlauf, who ?aid he'd put that lounge In an up-to-date condition, and also cane our chairs for us, so wo won't have to sit on soap boxes when we eat our corn bread and tierring. Bo we dono It And now we are lying in tho lap of luxurv. * * * ' . All we need to complete our happiness la an axe, Wo aro growing old. and learning how to swear because wn have to split our oak wood with a pen knife. AVo nre under the impression that our ' old friend Ned Fagan told uh he would mako us an axe that would split tlssup paper and put It In nur stocking on Christmas. Anybody got any old axes thoy (lon't want, send them to Is>d, so he can mak? arrangements with nt. ? ? ? AVo nre delighted to see Mr, Emmett. 3>evy. He comes back every now and then from Baltimore and other suburban towns. to sell cigars, and ho Is scattering those famous poi'fectos, the."Man About _TOwn:-;. clgni's, all over tho State. *"',' Our friends who have not seen -them should loso no time about It, for wo must eay they are a'good smoke. We uso them, to?. H. T. OF HUMAN INTEREST; STORIES OF THE DAY Trials of the Motorman. ISlectrical publications have had their nay about the llttlo thought of dltlloultles that beset an occupation new to thd'In? dustrial world, entered upon with Utile or no preparation, yet charged with' Tre. rr.endous responsibilities. Tho care and ? nervous, strain* of tne railway engineer form a hackneyed theme; but no one lias ever framed the sympathetic side of the motorman's lot. Yet probably the' engineer in his eight or nine hours' run hat, little If anything more to wear upon hi? nerves or enchain his ceaseless atten? tion than the man at tho controller as he liushes his car along tlw crowded street, with Infinito care, yet with all" possi-' lile speed. D?nger confronts hint qvcry ; moment?ln the treacherous rail, "'-Ilio?: weak, but unsuspected, axle, the imper.. Ject wheel, tho chance obstruction of liecdless human beings, terrified animals or hurrying unsoeh vehicles. Perhaps, It If. a wonder few acci? dents occur, when we consider the hasto with which the busy populaco demands to ? be carried from point to point, the opportunities for mishap In equipment or rolling stock, tho always present ele? ment of human error and the painful .awkwardness of so ? many persons In Voardlr.g and leaving cars.?IJortland.Ore. gcnlan. Circular .Barn. ? circular ???? ???,? been completed by James Bears, whose farm Is. near Xapcl. Ind. The walls, or rather -wall, ot the barn are twenty-five fcu't high nnd sixty-five feet lu dlamcier,. tho toot running to a cone. There Is no xuch thing un a post or pillar In tho burn. In order to prevent tho weight of tho roof from spreading the wall, Sear3, who Is a practical, blacksmith, forged three heavy steel h?opa, and with these lie encircled the structure aa a 'band -would bo put around a big water tank. The barn Is cyclone-proof, for Boreas has no chance to get a- hold on tho-etruc ture. Inside a drlvoway runs clear around. Tho stalls for horses and cattle arc. arranged ln a circlo, there Is a blg iecdlng room-in tho center and-a-ullo oxtands from the ground to tho roof's cone. Mr. Sears claims'that he can shel. toi? moro stock and stow away moro feed In-the barn than In tho Ordinary farm' utructuro. Diphtheria and Cats. Doctors are fairly well agreed that cats can carry diphtheria, and now a number of residents of Germantown.? . in . the. vicinity of Wayne nnd Seymour Avenues, ?would like very much to know If small? pox can 'bo earned through the same agency. On a lot extending alpng Wayne.' Avenue below Seymour Avenue stands a tumble-duwn shanty inhabited, by a h?m. her of Italians?fourteen, tho neighbors think they.'have counted, Hero recently thero was a .merrymaking and celebra? tion thnt lasted far Into tho night and to which a number of friends of tho d wellers..Iji the. shnnty were Invited. Im. mediately afterward smallpox was dis? covered there, and now tho placo Is quar? antined. ? beg policeman stands nt the front door of the shanty nnd another one fil tho back, and thoy -warn ull? pedes? trians?principally children?that the use of tho lot as a short cut is no longer ?safe. Besides tho human occupants of the slianty, however, are a number of cats?not yet successfully counted by the neighbors?that roam In and out and mound tho neighborhood ln a way which tho policemen aro powerless to provent, which fact causes nervousness und anx. iety to the heads of fumllles throughout the vicinity,?Philadelphia Record, Most Beautiful Women Eques \ trians.. There is nothing that so develops the beauty' of women us horseback riding. It not only develops beauty of form nnd complexion, but maintains It, Aside .from the. beauty of face and form, which attracts, equestrianism de? velops a beauty of character which makes friends and an ability to hold them. It Is universally admitted that American women are the most beautiful. And the most beautiful A.morlcan women are tho equestrians, . Who has not seen or heard of the n went Kontucky bolle, with her Venus like figure, bright, laughing eyes, u beautiful complexion that would put tho damask rose to shame; a pose, a grace, artistic lines' that 'are 'beyond the poet to describe or the artist to reproduco? This beauty of face, form and charac? ter is the Inherited and acquired result of equestrjanlsni,??iew York Jledl?a} Journal. Union Service at St. James, A large congregation was present last night at tho union servlco held at St. 'Jtinjor. . Churoh. The .sermon was preached by the Rev. O. p, Btealey, i?t BroadUua Memorial. Tlio ?o?g ?er? _?__------_-_______-_____-? Th? nati for f?i?_lf!e_ Want Adv.rtislnq; le 1 cent per wore1 Ne. Ca?h In ADVANCE,' with a minimum cost of . 2? cent, for each Insertion. The earns rate applies to death..' marring-., ohltunrlen and oil other classified noticeli. No display type allowed In the classified columna. LOST AND FOUND. LOHT-YEHT'OUDA-Y '.EVENING 1?'?G)? Rlr* sorvolr Pavillon, a black OVBttCOATl vnl vpt collar, sviti, a pair of jeJovtrn In pocKOt, _.LIbornl iosvnril It reluiu.d to JIM 13, Clay. ~~H?LP' WANTED?Male."'" ANT INTELLIGENT i'EPSON MAY BA.lN 110 to flOO monthly In -pare tltn?.? corrf_pniii? Ing for tiosv-ptiperei no i._nvu????? ?'fiend l'ir piirtloulare. NORTHERN PRE-H _YN_>-? CATE, Lo-kport; N: Y. ? ' ? ? CONU-CTORe AND MOT'IHMEN'-TWO thousand positions hctsVecn now nnd Miiy 1st; 23 coni? per hour; ? oxpuno ioj . iiime c Hnry; no ?trlk.: ?'-?ciillent opportunity to scro the World'? Fair. Send 23 one cent .tattip* for application blnnks, part., ars. etc.; position guaranteed or money refunded. C, K. ALLEN fir. CO., ilU N. -'lfl-.nth St., Hi. Louis Mo. WANTED, l'Oli -NS-tTOTlON", ' A YOUNG tnan of xood, moral chnfactor, physically ?trom?, with some Knowledge of ins rumena and vocal music. Address SUI'T,, fi.liool 1*. P., Va. WANTED. SUPERINTENDENT KOK PUP Ile building; must bo able to la o f. work from plans and fullosv ?peel .call nir not afraid of work. Write, stating exp rkn c, K. L. c, care this office. WANTED, A COLLECTOR TC? h7\?dlK nl-tiii! ono hundred and Oft.? Install.neat leases In Richmond; experlon ?ed mim. Ail ?Iress '??? JONES BRUTI {ERS PUBLISH INQ CO., Cincinnati, O. WANTED. A WORKING FOREMAN ON MY fann In Hftnrlco county, near RiehmOhd. A i- ' ply, svllh rijfercncc?, to T. C. WILLIAMS, Jr.. 1113 East Mull? Street. AVANTED, TO KNOW IF YOU WILL Dis? tribute Bdvcrtliilng- ??a????p rollatilo ehern cal ? company; J15 weekly ani cxpvnses, TRI? UMPH CO., Dallas, Tex. AVANTED. TEN ??18??G'_?8- -CARPEN*, ters nt once. Apnly to JOHN T. WILSON. Tenth and Main Street.. SITUATION WANTED?Male WANTED. A POSITION AS* CO" LECTOR: real estate preferrod; has?? ?e ? b o?? and could Ins-cst small capital In a ?ood . Address V, M., care this office. WANTED,- SITUATION AS TO'.?__0'???G?.? coininlssion or salary; city rcfJro'ce. Ad? dress J. M. BELL, caro Walthall Ptg. Co. SITUATION WANTED.Female I WANT A POSITION AS LADY STENO grapher; am competent; 5 years' experience; best of reference; no objection1 t kann?; town. Miss MARY T? care this office. LADT OF EXPERIENCE ' DESIRES Posi? tion as governess Immoli ttcly to teach En?,?? Hah, Mathematics, Music (a specialty), and French; references exchanged. Address ?., Barkedalc'B P. O., Hnlliix, Va. ? ? -.? '. . i WE CAN FURNISIf EXCELLENT' FIRST class female stenographers, who aro accu? rate, rapid and Intelligent?not mere automa? tons: familiar with tho Smith'1 1?.rater.'and other machines: must h_?*?v Wi tier month salary. THE SMITH PREMIER TIPE? I WRITE!. CO., Wl E. Main G, Rich? mond, Va. AVANTED, POSITION BY YOUNG LADY, experienced In stenography and-general ?' fice ss*ork; city references. Address Miss OILLIS, 1!1S B. Main Street. WANTED, BY' A REFINED LADY, A SIT uatlon at? companion or rare of Invalid. Ad drees C. A. J., Box 11, Round Hill, Loudoun county, Va. SIGNS, SIGNS, SIGNS. DON'T HAA'J. CHKAP LOOKING" SIGNS . represen* ' good goods and wood Jloople. THIr) ? SOUTHERN UnVKRI'lSlNG SIGN COM? PANY, 1312 East Main. 'Phono ?... . shoe rep?Tring. every pair seaved; no nails, no pegs. Men's Jialfaoles TSC ; ladles 60c; Cost rock oak leather, direct from tanner., to wearer. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FAC? TORY. 71? IS. Main. 'Phono 2607. """wanted, WANTED. THE PUBLIC TO KNOAV THAT ss ? ptvposo to sell AVood Heat?, s ot a sacri? tlre to close out our present *rn_k Noiv is your lim?? to buy. BALDWIN _? BROWN, IH3 East Main Street. '...; WANTED, ALL SUFFERER? WITH CHAP ped hands and lips to try Robins' Soothing Balm; money refunded in every failure; 15, 15, 60c. bottle. A- H. ROBINS. 20a ___. Mar shall. 'Phono 13S8. FOR THE LADIES' DRESSING ROOM oil boudoir the aibson Girl 's Just the thin?: for the wall decoration. INO. H. ASTLEY, ? North Bes'onth Street. IF YOU ?VANI A STOVE THAT HEATS GO to JUBC-EN?-' BURNITURE STURBI" _---l East BroUd Street. ___-__"__ WANTED, AGENCY FOR A OOOD FIRE IN-f surance In tho city of S_ilthft?ld, N.. O. AV. H. AUSTIN, Smlthfleld, N. C_ - , . .SUO AVILL BUY A GOOD BQtfARE PIANO. Terms, IS cash and (3 per monti- STIEFF, -3.1 J3.Bro._d, , .., '.'; "-,...;'-. y WANTED, TO l-.-CHANGE- DICTATION svllh a student or- grailuato of shortliand." PERUM GRADUATE, caro this? office. , WINES AND LIQUORS. STRAIGHT AVHISKriYS-OVI-RHOLT (FIVB years), $3.DO ..per gallon;: MuiiLcollo live1? years), ?3.W per gallon; Cnii-IJ Spring tfour years). |2._3 gallon; -llfon Spring?, beul, i\ goods on earth;'Old Charter (full snti-rt), bottled In bond, II; goods delivered. KELL,-, 1703 Franklin. " ; _"._[ WOOD AND W??pT E. T. LONG, SOO AV. CLAY', ?BLLb FIRST-. class heart pino,, half nord, ?"-.SO; nens ined ? onk, half oord, ?2.7B; all kind.;of coal ch?up, becauso I am doing a <"if?. cash' business. 'Pil?ne 106.. vico bogan nt S o'clock mid lasted fifteen minutos. Tho Interest In the service Avns very manliest. WEEK OF PRAYER AMONG? THE BAPTISTS The syoek-of-prayer services being ?iold by the Baptists are-being largely attend? ed.? A service will lie. held from noon to I P.M. to-day at tin? Second Church." .The subject .will be "Prayer for. tiio Indiffer? ent in Our Churches." Tho -on.c.onco will bo condiu'ted by ' ICvangellst Garland nnd uhort tsllss will bo made by .Dr, J. 13;".Hudson." Dr. AVeston Bruner and Dr. John William?Jones, ihe servfeo to-night will P? held at tho Grace Street Cliurc'a., Dr.. ft. _.. Willinghaiii will, preach. FEAST ?????????? 'OBSERVED YESTERDAY The. Feast of the i-plphany w_b.?. oli? served hero yesterday and eervlou? worn told In the Oathollo and Bplsedpal churcli The feast commemorates tho of the Magi of the Wast to Eeinlohom, ??'? nnd \yor*}ilp the child Jesus, DIVIOEND NOTICE1. "*~AVllmington, N. C, Jan. IS, IMI.. Oftleo of the Treasurer, Allantlo Coast Lino Railroad Company, TUBEOAlt- OF Dlll-OTOH. OP T.l_ AT? LANT.C COAST LINI? BATLROAIV? Qw: >? PANY have declared a PI I HNO. OF TWO-AND?-ONK-1IALK PER CENT, on iho Coinnion Capital of thut Company; du? ldend due' and jiuyublo at tho office of ? io Treasurer, at AVilmlni't"!'. N t.!.. on > and lifter JANUARY 10, liiul. '??a Iriiuufi'i? bwikj svili stand closed from Vic inb-r '44. I'M, to1 January 10, IDOL' both dates Inclusive,?. * . JAMES P, POST, Troo-mer. . =K= ? ? ??? NG?? ""^7?. Richmond, s'a.. Deo. .0. t??..' THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE STUCK holders- of -AV1NGO, ELt.BTT <_ CRUMP SHOE CO? svili bo held it their office, HK.-IU B. Main Slroet, on TUESDAY, January It, UHM. at'? 4 O'cloell P. M. JecroUr. and TM&?tmt, , SCATTER TEE-DEE WANT ADS AS BUSINESS SEED AND THE 'HARVEST WILL BE GREAT. BOAR DI?O. ? ..?????,???? . DISsmiNO THE COM forte or homo,' hoard, iiJoei room un ! hath, ?ca)\ obtain -ninne In prlvsti'? family near Moti, fwi ? Park ? tnrrtiu modutatoi fitfitancfti I ex? ulinii?eil. ; Ad'Iri?is ?.. ?., caro thls-oftlci?. EIGHTH, N\, f.lO-??????, (SfNCILM ANO' dc'ulilij? rooms; good labi*. ? ' ; MIS81.8 ??????'? boarding- houioi peruu.neiil nuil ? trunsteiitj nlco rimia? ?nd cunt) faro: 10!) Nrir.Ui Hi-et-ntli Street. . the LisMMoXi loo,-, e; maiihhai.t^-i?anq? Botile ?-???????, ?????-?????."!? Rppalntiiinlitn. BOARD WANTED. ?WANTED, BY T\VcT~y"oIi?o MEN, ONE double pr.lwo ululile; rnoin?, with biiiir/1. ceil trolly li)i:aleiiJ, In private fiunlly. Addreis QUICK, earn this off le*. . ROOMS FOR RENT. 120 w. cr.AY-Kon rent.?two or thtIbh rodins for Hellt houwknepInK; cotitru?ly lo? cated. Kur further Iniormutlon apply 120.\V. Clay Ktreet. TO ??????oi ?08 ?. TWELFTH BTRE?t! orni law front room (second' story) to couple, or two men or two ladle?.? REAL ESTATE?For Sale. WE GUARANTEE YOU S PER CENT.. VOR a year on un Investment of ti!3 OO'i In -hol:e brlcli business properly In Ncwp.T New?; choleo location : It ?s u snap'at prie? asked. Write nule): for particulars to NET.MH, MARYE. 'JiOYENTON &' CHAP?N, INC., Newport Now?, Va. ' REAL ESTATE?For Rent. A DEHIRAW/E FURNISHED SUBURBAN rcnldencn is fur rent Hire.? month ' '?1' ????? montili ? tern minutes on car from Bread Ktreer, une of horn ? and bu~iiy. Apply at once W. A. It., caro this office. PORK AND SAUSAGE. G. C. HECIII.ER'S SAUSAGE AUE THE real kind for flavor nnd purity; Fold all over the> city. OfTlcn: Rtall .3. First Market. OLD-BRIC,KS FOR SALiC OLD RRK.'Ktf l-OK~^ALE~APPLY 1017 Main Street. SKATES SHARPENED. SKATES SHARPENED AT BM3NNBR"!?. 1?? cblno Bhop whllo you wall; 310 N. Fifth St. SKATES SHARPENER AND HOLLOW ground at BLENNER'S, 310 N. Fifth Street SIGNS, SIGNS, SIGNS. DON'T HAVE CHEAP LOOKING BIGNS represent (rood pood? and good people. THE SOUTHERN ADVERTISING SION COM? PANY, ???? East Main. 'Phono 123. / BARGAINS. BARNEY fi BERRY SKATES T5C. PER PAIR " at..VAUGHAN"S, S02E. Broad. DENTISTRY. DR. DORSET, 121 E. BROAD. TEETH WX, traded painless. In your home which ? you wish to sell or ex- -'--;-.; change, Anything from a Chair to a Piano Use a Little- ? and it will bring yon face to face with some one who.wants it. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY, --0-NI6HT. AFTER YOU MYDEAR? ALPHONSE & GASTON. . Pretty C?lrls?Fu?ny Oomeillnns. ]JltICKS: 81, 7?o, Wo,.85c,?d?.' . ... ACAFlFMY Fl''? lll,a 'Siit? l\Ksl\Li 4VIV? i (Srvtu,.(lay Mut. THE .earl ?F mm Tonight, E. L. SK?DER asJ^CAJ'/.TEDay." lorn Chrles' Hea' Merry-Makers In 11. V. .Moore's intugliatilo Farcical . Comedy, In tlireo ucty, . '?TUB KI.VO OP ??G: ? lUIPi'IN?S," ' ! ' AT ???,???]????5 HA'LI,, , . .. ! TOrNlUHT, J'ANUAHY ?tii: HeiiefU ot ?. O. O. l'\ L. T. C!?ib. ' , Jb-eriormnnco cnpimenco at Siili) ?harp, Ura'hd ball from ?..'?, M. lo $ ?. ?1. rA]L? ! ?nissie'ui, 26 cents.?. ' 1.he Valentine Museum, ????* vi a.-?. co ?-*.*? W? At'i?isaioN ?s, ':, -f.BK? UN BATUilDA?? CAN YOU FORM A MALTESE CROSS OUT OF FIO. 2 TAKEN TWICE AND FIG. 1 TAKEN FOUR TI ME 8? Solution of puzzle in yesterday's -Tlmes-Dlspatch; A blind man gets small good o? a lantern. If you havo anything to sell or exchange, take your ad to the People's Drug Store, 3900 Williamsburg; Ave.,? Branch Times-Dis? patch. v 25 words for 25 c. NOTICE. GO TO THE QUICK., SERVICE LUNCH room II JOU are In a hurry; everything up to-dufe ?and clean. JOHNSTON'S, ?. South Tentt?. : . f TlAVB THE GIBSON GIRI, IN SEVERAL, rotori'tor tho wall. JNO. H- ASTLEY, S'N. Seventh Street. ... tr.?-, SAVES COAL. WEATHER STRIPPING PUT on. C ?.'NORV?..L, al? N Sixth? Strool. ?Phono elSG. - -- ., .? "? SJXSX? S, vS I ?.tV*r,-. ?JG N S. DON'T 'HAVE CHEAP.'!r LOOKING? SIGN'S represent Rood Roods ar>d pood peuple. THE SOUTHERN ADVERTISING SION COM? PANY, 1313 East Majiur Phone-123. : ANTIQUES. CALL AND. BE CONVINCED---X EINE COL?, lection'"or original Antiques, at lbw prices. L. N. ANNALI? 318 Brook; "Avenue* ' MOORE'S ,. ANTIQUES-r-Ai-GREAT .O-LLEC tlon; ' 101J.-W13 SemnrW'^fitrfi-W Hane-hester. SIGNS FOR PERMANENT AND TKMPOR ary. itte. 'THE "SOUTHERN ADVERTISING SIGN COMPANY, 1312 E.-Main. 'Phone 123. QUICK LUNCH. SAVE TIME AND CAR CARE?GO TO JOHN? STON'S Latest Up-to-Dtito Lunoll Cutimar; nothing like It In Richmond; good, clean, reasonable;" 8 S. Tenth Street. ". SKATES. ?',._'? ' . _.. ROYS' AND GIRLS' SKATES, ALL SIZES; SKATES' SHARPENED. TOMPKINSV 311 TV. 13ROAD' STREET. .? ? ? ??? :? SIGNS? ON YOUB FACTORY. ADVERTISING .PRICES, GIY.EN ON STRIPS lietwceil windowa and:, dead woJIb. Got next. fuB- SOUTHERN ? ADVERTISING iJtUN ? COMPANY, 1312 E. Main. 'Phono 123. FEATHER BEDS. WANTiD, ' to'buy F??tbor BEDS; highest ca>h prices iinld; a'lso Feather?. Renovated.-'Phono B781. CASPER Ultoa,. lSOSVa Wust Mula Streut, city. "".'."'..'- -, _ ; SIGNS THAT.-ARE?. SIGNS. ~ DON'T HAVE? CHEAP 'LOOKING SIGNS represent?' pood wares. Sen THE SOUTHERN ADVERTISING SIGN COMPANY,' 1313 ? E. Main, 'PhoneS-123. ?_?;?? . >?..?' LEAKY ROOFS. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? CALL UP ARM? ITAGE . -MANUFACTURING COMPANY.' ?phono S71, or write us ?a postal; wo will ex? amino samo and . report cost .of putting'It IB good order, ? .: ?'??'.' ' MEETINGS. *>&m?tt ALL ROYAL ARCn MASONS ARE *fe?\ep, cordially Inviteli tu attend a ?natii ?*??? convocation of RICHMOND ROYAL fiSOKSB ARCH CUAl'TER. NO. ?I. ??.the Mason?' Hull ori Franklin Stieot Till.! EVENING at 7:30 0'cock. Work cxueited. 'Win Grand High Priest or -Iha Urcun Ru a. Ar?* ampler of Virginia will pay official visit. By-order'?'of? the ? E- H. P. . . ?v. ? "...'GEO.' F. : KEESEK, -.Secretary.? e; MASONiO NOTICE:?A STATED COM ??* mimlCRtton of JOPPA LODGI?:, NO, 10. 'VX ?. V. and A. M?.' will lie held a? thu Masonic, Tempi?' THURSDAY, 7th In? stant, at 0:30 o'clocli JV il,','Mciuliei?? of. plutei? lodges and transient brethren aro iratei-milly Invited to lie present. Hy order nf tin? Vf. .M. .:. ? ? EGORGE C. JEFFERSON, Secretary.'?'? THliT ANNljAL MEETING OC?? THE STOCK 'OldV'rs of Hid FIRST NATIONAL HANK. Of Richmond, Vn'., will ha heW.m its lluiutlntr tienisi?, 1101 ?i. Aitili !?>>?'G m.l'J 9'cleijc TUESDAY,.JlOumry isih. lew... ;. . JOHN M. MlLLEll. Jr.. Cashier. 'Rlchmajid, Vp!, Doo.'s?, |?)'p3. THE RECULAR AN-,?l'Ai. , MEETI.,0 UP tho Stockholder? of tin?' G?.?. ??,??: ,S' UANIv'OF COMMERCE AND SAVINGS will ?To'halrj lit' No. 83J East Main Street, Richmond, Va., on TUESDAY?: Juuupry mil, HO),? tU .13 -o'clock noon. D. C. ZOI.LICKOFFKR, Secretary. THE REGULAR ANNUAle - MEET! VII Oli? tile Stnclilioldurs of Um CAPITOL SAVINU.-J HANK will he lU-ld'.at Ita off Ico, No. lilt B. Main,_ KR'pel^ Richmond, Vu., ut "i p. Al. ???'G. Jr,. Cashier. Union lian'k of RIchnioiidT ~ Richmond. Va.. D.v. ;3. 1:1.03. THE ANNUAL' MEETING UP THE STO.'.'!K liolder* ot tlio UNION DANK ? UK?I1 MOND, va., win ;iiu ?Al-?i?n the ri?t ?'?" tloniil Hunk Iliilkll.rt? THURSDAY, January Hth, 1901, Vr o'clock' noon. J. Jr. REASI.EY, Cuehler. Richmond 'Fi?senK1-''' ""? rower Company, ? Rlohiuoiid. 'Vu,, .pec 25, IIM3. SUI??*!.-ANNUAL MEETING. OF .- _.,kSolde??? vti Out hu;hmon?i " BENQEII 'AND ..POWER. (?pMP-AN r KSa a?>?cJltul ct?Ice-pfthu Co Noe. - 02S?' aftS resO Bast Jkfalrr Sireoi ? TUB REGUL.... the ?JOdkiloldei'i? ?f? Out RICHMOND G?? IV Will bo Comy ?ny. . , ..,-eei Rich. ?????a,?'.???,???? MONDAY.. Jiunwry.ji, io,|, nt l?-o?clooV.'?90i,e"?V}V.'n!.':P-,ri>}So ot ile?t lug directo.?1!! "und tor >U? fl'ftilBH?tloii ?f luci? other b'uufnoeii a?? fpay"p?i>P?i'ly fcome b??oi'u tu.* rueetlu?. ^^ ^ORT^nOi?, mnxv* MANCHESTER'S. PROPER BUSINESS HOUSES MORRIS- CHAIRS, FANCY ROCKERS, ladles' Desks, groat variety, at DAFFilON'S, St-teonth and Hull. CARPETS, RUGS. DRUGGETS; BOTTOM prices. DAFFRON'B. Sixteenth and Hull. FOR SALE. WANTED, A FBAV MORE CUSTOMERS hard to pleas?; these know svhen quality as sveli as price Is ?. ?.;'best quality obtain able. A. H. ROBINS, AVholcsalo DruggiBU 200 East Marshall Street, 'Phone .MS. I .-.-:-,-__ ? GOOD SQUARE PIANOS ALWAYS ON HAND from .10. ? ,20. MO, ?SO. *7G and 1100; takon tn exchange, thoroughly overhauled and guaran ?___l easy time. STIEFF, <31 E. Broad St. ELECTRIC . MOTORS, DYNAMOS, STOKAQB Batterles. Eloctrlc AVIring and Telephones In .talled. GEO. W. EUKER CO., 16 N. Ses .nth Street. THE NEWEST THING iX.-.RICHMOND? JOHNSTON'S Up-to-Date Quick Lunch Counter; try It ' once; '.. everything to eat served quick and? clean; ILS,..Tenth Street. the Gibson aiRt? on _r_j__ paper; re la just the thing for: tho -bachelor's room. JNO. H. ASTLEY, 5 North Seventh Street*! -. POULTRY, BIRDS, ETC, MAKE YOUR HENS .LAY-CRUSHED .hell, bone, clover -'meal, egg producor; also Incubators and brooders. FANCIER-' SUP? PLY CO., .17 W. Broad Street. _ PLUMBING. WHEN YOU CONTRACT WITH US FOR tinning, -plumbing and gas-fitting y u may be sure It's dona right. F. S DALTON & CO., 10 Governor Street. SHOES. 12.00?STITCHDOWN SHOES AND GAITERS. DREAV'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. 711 E. Main, .,.'._._ ? UMBERS ON" Y?UR HOUSES. AVE CAN PLACE YOU A NEW NUMBER (niiy st'vle) on your transom or dnnr at aston? ishing low figures. THE SOUTHERN AD \T_R_I__NG SIGN COMPANY, 1312 E. Main. 'Phone 123. OLD MATERIAU PURCHASERS AVANTED FOR OLD BRICKS, Sash. Doors, Inside and outside Blinds, Door and Window Frames, Sheeting, old Lumbor, Joists, Flooring, Headed Celling,'etc., taken out old St. Charles Hotel. Apply BALDWIN ?. & BROAVN. 1567 E. Main Streot; Ml?CELLANEOUS. HAVE YOU SEEN THE GIBSON GIRL ON AVall Paper at JNO. H. ASTLEY'S, G Nor tu Seventh Street? ? ?? ?; . CEMENT ROOFING. AVANTED, TO FIGURE WITH ANYBODY svantlng a new roof.-Carr'? Cement.Rootlmg best made. BALDWIN ?_ BROAVN,: 16? B. Moln Street.. , SIGNS FOR STORES, AVE ARE MAKING SPECIAL DISCOUNTS on commercial signs. Get good signs reason? able. THE SOUTHERN ADVERTISING SIGN COMPA?A'. 1312 E, Main,' 'Phonp 123, ..?. G?SY. HOME MAKERS. G J, F. VAUGHAN,COMPANY,---INC., FIFTH and Broad, entrance 803 N, Fifth Street, Fred ; W. Smith, Manager. Everything In furni? ture, carpets, mattings.. oilcloth, ot?. ; every kind of stove on earth. Let us sas*o you money; try our pay easy plan. MEETINGS. Office Guarantee Building, Loan and Trust Co,. ?. Richmond,- Va,, Doo. .1, 130-, THE ANNUAL MEETING?OH THE BTOCK Uolders oC this Company will be hold at Its office, No. 0 North Tenth Street, TUESDAY, I Januar.' 12th, W04, at 4:30 o'clock- P. M. GEORGE C. JEFFERSON, BecretTV THE REGULAR? ANNUAL MEETING OF 1 the Sloikh?lders of the . GERMA . AMBHP CAN BANKING AND BUILDING- CO will be hold at the Company ? office AVEDNEd DAV,. January-13th, .901.'. at 1 o'clock. ? ' ZV\ ? . ? . . !. CHAS. K. AVILL11. 1 Secretary end Treasurer? ? City Bank of Richmond. ... , .Richmond, Va?. Dae. ._? 130**, I THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF ? iho Stockholders of th? CITY HANK OF ; RICHMOND''svili lio held a' Its bonkilir ? house on. MONDAY, .January 11, 1901, at, 11 ! " ' ' !" ? J. W. SINTON. Cashier. THE ANNUAL'-MRETlNO OF'THE STOCK, holders ?)C the MERCHANTS NATIO'?, \L BANK of Rlphmonl. }_. svili bu h.l \ at their BanWug liousu TU-jKDAY, January 12, J9UI, at 12 o'clock M. ., .: ? ?.? . J. li?.. GLENN. Cashlir, ViRfltNiA TRUST COMPANY, ?Janua _ i. ????_ THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holde.H of Ihls Ci'impony Will b. held at In? ottico of the f'-mpnuy, Rlchinond. Va., ni 1. M. on TUESDAY, Januury !.. 1.00.. ?L. D. AYLETT, Secretary. THE REGULAR ANNUAL' MEETING OF tho Sto. holder- of thu PLANI WHS NA? TIONAL BANK of Richmond, A'a,, svili be hold on TUE?UAY, J{_iuarji> 13, 1901, al U M. o'clock ill tli<> blink building. . u ^- ltrcHAltp' H. SMITH. Cashier. MEMB?HaT'-l??" l?e'c?AMP,"'. NO. 1, O. A*., ?sill meet nt Leo Camp Hall, hi unlfot-n, ot| Thursday.'? januiu-y'-Ttb, u i? m? to at? tend tho unveiling of tho Hunter Mc.UuIro Monument. . ? ? -JAMES:!'. SMITH Commander. The -?yIds. BapK. cf Richmond. HJ7 Baut Mula fltr?iet, ? ? niolliuulid.s'a., Dee. 22, JJU THU REGULAR 'ANNU'.L MB-?TINO OF the stockhpkhim of this Monk wlli bit held ' at th-'Bat,?.in_ Hou.e- THURSDAY. JAN? UARY 11, 190- at .???'?!???? fit*1?,, v.." JAS. _L WALL, C*?,??*--. IT PAYS TO USE TEE-DEE WANT ADS. ?Phone 549 for the VVont Ad. man. He'wllleome. - PERSONALS. ? THE P?WUATAN HOTEL IS NOW OPEN, remodeled and tlnroughlv equipped svllh nesV furnishings and with faultless bed?, Matinee? mont, GEO. L, PEYTON, of White Sulphur, RockbrldE? nnd Jordan Alum Springs, and B. M. HERKELY, 20 year? cunductor on C & O. R, R. SOMETHING NEW In denlstry. Itl.h-grnd brldgn svorlq in my process thero Is no pos? slblllty of cracking or breaking off; facing not submitted to hont In process ot solder? Ing. I can positively guarantee the svork. O. J. DAVIDSON, Seventh and Broad. HERE YOU GET~YOUR~~l?nEn"~_AUN dried In ? Iho best ? manner. THE EMPIRE TjAUNDRY, 303 AV. Cary Street. Discount on gentltimon's sv.ekly svosh; also dyeing rnd cleaning. 'Phone ?tut.' ,* "WANTED, THE SICK AND AFFLICTED TO enqulro ot us svhen In is-ant of medicines, chemicals and nppllanccB for relief of suf? fering; best quality obtnlnnble, A. II. ROB? INS 200 East Marshall. 'Phone 13-8. WHEN YOU DON'T KNOAV WHAT TO '?KT to cat try It. C. HECHLER'H SAUSAGE; they are fine; sold ovoryivhero. Office: Stall 2?, First Market. DON'T YOU HEAR THE SLOGAN? NO nails, no pegs; every pair scwod. Msn's shoes halfsoled' 76o.? Indi?,?' COc, DREW?? ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY, 716 E. .'?tain, ?76 FOR A GOOD SQUATtE' PIANO THAT cost svhen ncsv $150. Terms, $3-and $1 per month. STIEFF, -t_L E.. Broad. I HAVE LOTS OF NOVELTIES IN WALL Paper; the Gibson Girl ri. ? among tho good ones; JNO, U. ABTLEA*. E ?, Beventi! St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'J?RGENS HAS A MAGNIFICENT SUPPLY of Heating Stoves; they art exco tlonally cheap, too; 419-21 East Broad Stieot, ANY KIND OF SIGN; BEST WORKMAN ship; prices right. THE SOUTHERN AD VERT-SING SIGN COMPANY, 1313 E. Main. 'Phone 123. ""ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, electric~ai?tor_,' "dynamos*,* SAV?TCH boards, Telephones, Bells; AVIring of all kinds guaranteed. JOHNSTON & CO., 5 S, Seventh Street. 'Phono 4748. CORRUGATED ROOFING. WANTED. TO LET YOU INTO A "LITTLE secret:" V Crimp and C.rrugn*.ed Roofing Is cheaper than It "ustor svas." Come and see. BALDWIN & BROWN. 1548 E. ? Main StreeL COMMERCIAL sTgNS. ANY KIND OF SION YOU WANT. THE SOUTHERN ADVERTISING SION COM? PANY. 1313 ?. Main, 'Phone 123, DENTISTRY. ~~ DR. DORSET. 121 E. BROAD. GOLD CROWNS und bridge work,' J5 per tooth. p.: "?1--? ? .-____________ ?"? J WEATHER STRIPS. WEATHER STRIPS IS WHAT YOU NEED on your wlndosvB and doors; big stock at A'AUGHAN'S, 002 E. Broad. PIANO BARGAINS. , aa part payment In oxchango on the Art ? stia I "STIEFF." We have had them retuned, polished and put In perfect condition; a great many of them cannot be told from nesv pianos. Now. why not call and see tnese ? planos, as they must be sold, and to do it quickly to make room for our Xmas goods svo have cut tlio prloe so that yo ? svili b? astonlshcd nt the unheard of low prices w? I are giving; all makes are hero represented. 1 Call and see them; It iB<a pleasure to show ! goods. ?TIEFF, 431 E. .Broad. I *7B0.STEINWAY FOR ?290. THIS IS A USED piano. In perfect condition; nosv we have It . and svili sell It, Call and see us. This plana ' with many othere of good malm will be sold-, Investigate, ' STIEFF, 431 E. Broad. ?400 PIANO, USED, ?260; t-60 PIANO, USED, $220; $300 Plano, used, $205. Cash or on lib. oral terms. STIEFF, 431 E. Broad. HERE IS ONE OF THE GREAT BARGAINS sve are offering: One fine Mahogany Piano of high grado, as good as new, used a shirt time, but not hurt In tho least, cann-l be told from a new one. handsomely carved, full seal, 3 pedals, tine tone, In fact, one of tbfr best pianos we have ever seen for tho money; former price $375. our price $-10. Terms, $19 cash und $7 per month. Stool and scarf free. STIEFF. 431 K. Brood. Now is the Time That;Chang-fey Are Made. .Boardot'a. and Roomers who have boo? away tor the holidays uro beginning; to return, and If llioy a. - dissatisfied thoy will look for other Rooms or Board ? liig'VHou's-s, They'? all.'read. tho ' 'i'.ea.D-. ..Room-..for .'.Rent or - ; Boiird I rig .Columns.", -lavo" \ your ? ,ad,'' got ?ome o? thorn. __ NOTICE, CITY AUDITOR'S OFFICE, Room 5, First Floor, ? City Hall, j RICHMQND, VA., D?c, 24, 1903, NOTICE. Holders of City of llichmoncl Bonds ma? turing? January 1st, 190-1, are hereby no? tified to present them at this office for pay? ment when due, as they will cease to bear interest from that date? low, J, WARREN, _ _, iTe^C_r_r'pRop?9?u.. SEAL-tQD PROPOSAI-, Wll-L BE RE.-' oclvBil at oljlce o( Treasurer, So..tho ? Branch, N. 11. !.. V. 8., Nati -n . So ? ill-i.'.uomo. _-ll-_both.C'ty county, Va?, until 1. o'cloc-'M.. JAN'Y. 2., '.904, and then opened, for Painting a- Ilo. Ita Hiilliliiii*- in acoordance svltli instili.t on. nnd .poolll.alloua, coplas ot -svliloh, with blank proposala and other informatimi. BANK ?????????? ?.,' ********. ?? ? ?? ..?. ,??. ?| .---^mflt,), u*it,tM4l??mt**Htl?MtfMe REPORT ov titn CONDITION or TH? AMERICAN NATIONAL BAKK, AT RICHMOND. IN TltEJ 8)???? OT Loan* and discount?....,I?,SJ9,878 4? Overdrafts, secured. and.un secured .,., 1,4|| IT IT. 8. hondfi t? secure olrou- -.?. ltttl?ii .,..?,.,.;..,...., ? 3??.0M 0?' Bonds to secure U.S. .de? posits....'..,.,,? ,tvm Premiums on bond?,.......... Fitoeki?, securities, ete...i.,.. Honking house, furniture and fixtures .?,......... ? ??.. M.Sim s? Due from National *,a" M banke (not r<- ; servo ngents)... .$ 62,809 M ? ?'-'-'?' Due from Statu . banks and Imnkors 83,264 SX Duc from approved ?? reserve agents.... 360,641-80 Cash, on hand..223,6.53 22 Redemption fund With ?. 8. ' treasurer- (6 per cent, of ? circulation). 1?,809 M TotaI.?Va?^V;^?"*3?100?38- -? LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.$ 400,000 00 Burpliis fund.$80,000 00 ??,? Undivided profits. . . >? less expenses and taxes paid. 20,117 49 .? '?.. , . , -?-r- 100.117 49 National bank notes outstand? ing........ ..?......?..>. 881.000 <H, Eue to other Na? tional banks _?270.478 85 Due to Stato banks and bankers. 132,525 17 Duo to approved reserve agents,., 23,318 78 Dividends unpaid .. 30 00 Individual dopoalts subject to check 1,286,746 09 Demand certificates of deposit. 54,680 39 Certified checks.0,31150 Cashier's c h o o k s -' outstanding . '7,264 00 V. S. deposits. 300,000.00 . . . -;?"",.;?"?-'?????.???'ej Reserve for Interest und tax??: 14.883 T?. Liabilities other than those' above stated?Bond account 120.000 Off' Total.........13,100.856 88 City of Richmond?ss: ?, ?. ?. Hill, cashier of the abwve nntned bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. O. B. HILL?,, Coehler. Subscribed and sworn to before me thl? 2d dny of January. 1904. GEO. L. PENDER. Notary Public, ' ' 'v My commission ?pire? Sept. 23, 1907.. >? wm. c. camp; ?.:;^ Manager Savings Department r?*? J- . ?r-W. R. M'COMB. ,. ?.;. President Unlun Stock Tarda. ': m . WM. J. ?????. President Newport News and Ol? Point Railway and Electric Co. OLIVER J. SANDS, Late Nntlonal Bank Examiner. EMMETT SEATON, . Attorney at Law. CHARLES E. WINGO, Wholesale Shoes, ' . HENRY W. ROUNTREE. ???" Rountree Trunk and Bag Coripany. JAME8 ? R. GORDON. -; ' ? President Cardwell Machine Co. EDGAR G. GTJNN, Wholesale Lumber. ? '? '? PHILIP WHITLOCK; ? '-?'? American Tobacco Company. -; R. H. HARWOOD. Harwood Bros., Olle. ??? JACKSON GUT. Attorney at Law. With ample capital and a Board of Di? rectors of active business men, thoroughly alive to tho needs of It? customer?, thle' bank offers Its services to the people and guarantees the utmost liberality possible under conservative banking? metho-da. REPORT OF THE CONDITION ?G : THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ' BUSINESS, DECEMBER 81,1908. -?. U RESOURCES."" Loans and discounts....83,946,668 49 Overdrafts, secured and unse- ? ? cured. ..,.,..;....... 370 74 U.S. bonds to secure circula? tion.. 699,000 00 G/. S. bonds to secure U. S. : ? ?deposits. .',?;. ?. 12,600 00 Virginia bonds to secure U. S. deposits. . 464,000' 00 ' Stocks, securities, etc... 49,215 88 Bankiiiff house . 80,000 00 Other real estate owned. 25,800 00 Duo from National bank? (not re? serve agents)_5167,043 23 Due from State banks and bank? ers.188,573 38 Du? from approved ??- " reserve agents... 367,796 53 Checks and other cash Items. 7,879 61 Exchanges for , clearing, houeo.... 108,570 86 Notes of other na? tional banks. 28,892 00 iraotlonal paper currency, nickels and cents. 683 85 Lawful money re- '.' ? serve In bank, viz: ' ? Specie.., 27,000 00 Legal tender notes. 108,000 00 Redemption fund ?'?? ??'??'?' with U, S. trees- '?" urer (5 per cont. ?..?.'?:-?-:.:-". . ' ::?;:? of circulation).... 17)44?'60- ????' ;-"?? . ?>-?: ?7?,28| Of -. Total....? m' n ? ', LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.$ 600,000 M Surplus fund.. 400,000 00 Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid,.,.. 75,514 8! National bank notes outstand? ing...... ............ ...,,, 699,900 00: Due to other Na? tional banks....? 536,034 27 ? - Due to State banks and bank- .. ?.:.-:?.?. : ? er3-.437,743 18 ? -v Duo to trust com- .??... ?..- ; naniee .and sav? ?? .'?''- ?? - ings banks. 108.214 OS Dividends unpaid 24,000:00 Inuivldttal deposits subject to aheck 2,173,580 65 Demand certi? ficates of de? posit . 199,094 85 Certified checks... ae.703 58 Cashier's ohecks outstanding .... 13,843 82 L'. S, deposits.... 270,000 00 -,-8,T99;113 8? U, ?- bonds account.,.,. 143,500 <?\ Virginia bonds account..:.... 464,000 0* Reserve, for interest....,..'.., 19,768 41 Total.........8.,100,888'H ' State of Virginia. City of Richmond???: : I. John M. Miller. Jr., caehier of th? ubove named bank, do' solemnly swi?r : that tho above statement is true to th? best of my itnowledge^and belief. JOHN M. MILLER, JB? C*?ni*r. \\ Subscribed and sworn to before me thl? 2d day of January, 1904. J. C. JOPUN, Notary Public. - ,,,' My commission expires Dec. 19, 1804. Currect-^A'test: TITOS. M. RUTHHRPOORD. JOHN B. PURCELL, D. O. DAV18. pireotora. OTMCE! ? The Offices of the AMERICAN GUILD Have been removed to its new and larger quarters at 737 East Main Street, Corner Bih, Siooud Flwr. S, CALESM, Supreme fcce'i Ihe Confederati Museum