OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, January 01, 1904, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1904-01-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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Tee-Dee Want Ada
Pav? the Way to
Tee-Dee Want Ads
Pay Best and Pay
the T?M'ES, Po?Ni .?o lsse. WMfiT l?? MI11WRFR 16 4.5
DiBJMTUH, tfOUNUED, 1350. V/nUI-i?. INUMDIIIV \ 0.<? ???
The Weather.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3l.-Forccust lor
Friday and Saturday! \ ?? . . ,
Virgihhi/-Falr Friday, Saturday (Air,,
colder: frcslvsouthwest wlnus, shifting tq
northwest.? ?? ? . '
North Cftrollnn/--S,n.lr Friday ana" Satur?
day, ooldor . Saturday; fresh soul hwost
.?winds,'shifting lo northwest wind?.
Forty-six was thty.hlghest mark renjhocl
yesterday. The weather wits exceedingly
pleasant. For to-dny.nnd. to-morrow the
Indications aro that It will ho fair, ond
to-morrow will likely be colder.
STATE OF ???'???????G????.
? ?, m',.;,....?...'......a
12 m.w
a p. m.<w
(1 P. M.....,.....?
0 P. M.i .??
12 midnight ?.?.30
Highest tomporaluro yesterday.40
Dowcst temperature yeslorduy.*l
JVleau temperature yesterday..;...;.?>i
.Normal temperature for .December.... 40
Depnrturo from normal temperature.... ??
Precipitation during past ?i.hours.?0
January 1,' ttXM.
Sun rises..?...7:M I HIGH TIDE. '
?un sels.?.5:02 | Morning.3:el
Moon sets.5:21 | Evening..'....,...3:19
Btcndy progress made during the past
year and tho outlook for tho futur,) is
encouraging-*?Rapid? Transit Company- 11
tnuko a start to-day In ordor to re ? I ?
Its charter?PHI Kappa 8lgma Conven?
tion to. begin to-duy-Annual report of
the Tob?ceo? inspector?Ijoglsla.ure
again unable to secure a quorum-Cap?
tain McCarthy again gives, notice of his
candidacy for the Mayoralty?Small rpy
breaks through tho* Ice and na ro ly
escapes drowning-Hon. Win, H. ?io.iz
a candidate for Stato Treasurer.?t3t.
Andrew's Church to be consecrated to?
day?^-Cublo Company give? a banquet
to Ha' employes?H. A. D. employes afraid
.of tho retrenchment nxo of President. J.
M- Barr-Congressman .John F.. I'titoy
r writes to Leo Camp-Notarlo New
? Year's c?l?bration 'at'the V. M. C. A. to
1 day?--Christmas german of the Frldav
? Cotillon Club?Governor- pardons
\youthful whltecapper-Vast .sum ?
'money to' be distributed hero beginning
to-morrow??A statement of th* ^ruai
progresa and resources of tho South?
Penitentiary to chango superintendants
?to-rnorroW?Richmond man escaped the
Chicago theatro lire???G.? R. W. Pow?rs
considerably Improved?-Gallego ! Mills
Jnventorv found unhurt by the fl.o?
?Well known lady dies here?Todd and
Braucf. to h?vo adjoining, offices at Hon?
rlco courthouse??-Survey of tho electric
linn to Ashland almost complete. M'AN-,
OHESTBR-People wnjj for the New
Year; enjoyable parties held to celebrato
the event??Supervisors ol Chestenleld
county hold mootlnge??Annual report ot
the Chief Of Police-The Mayor's Court
-New lear's Eyo dance-"Santa
Clans' Dream" rendered at Fifth Street
gfeM/ithodlst Church?New officials Qualify
?ff'??Pollco Commissioners to meet fues
day night-Anniversary of the election
of Bishop Van de Vyver?Pootofllce
hours to-nay.
Virginia.. ...
The Jajnestown Exposition Is ?n as?
sured success: the one .million doUa.n
ncccssar" Is exceeded by ono hm.dr ?3
' thousand: enthusiastic meeting? in Nor?
folk and Newport News??Frank Bro-dloy
'.? (colored), the murderer of W, P.-Harri -
left""September,. ..p?ui?.*nced to.. Ji ng,
SSb)? the Nelson Cblittty'';Cotitt!JehUary': tli;
story of the crime-C. W.r Wharion
appointed clerk of Bedford county to *u ,?
ceed 8; M, Boiling-Large barn' burned
In Rockbrldgo with ( heavy loss?rRa-ih
county jail tcnanttess; attributed'to the
Mann law?-A saloon keeper kllleJ in
Carroll county by double load from shot?
gun In enomy s hands-Miss Dora
Chlnn. of Froderiek&burg, loaves her ci?
tato to her sister-;?Confederate reunion
nt Buchanan; funds raised to build Con?
federate monument nt Flncaistle-Co -
tage Homo, one of the handsomest resi
denccs In Bedford, burned?Triplet.?,
horn to Mrs. W..B. Sims at Clover. Vu.:
hoya to bo named after Clove.and' .thu
Roogovolt-Grand 'Masonic- banquet" hi
celebration of St, John's Day at O-.ancock
-Car with six men in It dashes down
mountain In Tazewell; several killed?
Hunter near Roxbury caught in" same
steel trap with a coon-Roanoko goe
wot In yesterday's election by nearly a
thousand majority;'temp?rance parada o?
, women and children. :?..???
North Carolina.
The Southern Railway consolidates two
of Its North Carolina divisions and the
superintendent at Greenaboro rotlrt?.<:
employes may bo thrown out-?? ?
s bori re at Mt. Airy Ordered to lovy on t! a
postonico furniture,"but aftald to do so
for fear of Interfering, with tho mall?
The sale of tobacco at Wlnston-S.-ilfiiii
for the year very heavy?Sor of ho
president of Peace Institute surervlsu..
the building of the Chicago bur:ed thea?
tre, and says the" exits were ample?An
elegant New Year entertalnmon? dauo.
In Ral?lgh at which tho uttendanco vas
three thousand.
Five hundred and slxry.four is accepte:
as the most uccurate estimato of tho num?
ber who perished In Mio Chicago tlwa'r*
disaster; searching Jnquity being mado
into responsibility for . tho flro. and al
.?? ready employes of the theatre have teen
placed under arrest; telegrams of condo
lenoo received from all over ? the world,
including ono from President Roosovolt
and ono from ?Brin??' Hc'nrv of pruHsia;
not a horn blew aim not a hell nealed li'
Chicago to-welcome in Ilio Now Year, bu
in placo of merrlniMit theri, w.s mourn In
??Efforts of brokers, on Stock Exchange
?was devoted to holding pilcos, and th.?
?was ralrly woll accomplished, thong
there was a Hurry In ?jail money, sending
the rate to nine percent:?Cot'on marito
Is-, still very Irregular, and prices fall
with renowed and heavy liquidation
American Historical nnd Economic Aio
cations elect officers and udjourn-Rus
elan Foreign Office dccrires that nothln .
lias been effected In -preparing tho rop y
to tho Japanese note;, ?ur risks h'.e
been Imposed by Insurance companies
In Moscow, but thero is an absence of
war talk-Son of United States Minister
Banters. Is accidentally shot and killed, by
chauffeur In the omoloy of his fa inn? ?
Georgia Officers' Association deternlno.'
ft?tor a warm debate to recommend t o
cllsbandment of,the negro mllltla of iho
Stato. ( (,
I ! I I
iSpeclal to .Tho Times-Dispatch.;
R?ANOKE . yA? Doc, 8I.-TI10 Antl
Saloon Longtie met Its Waterloo hero
t[i,il|ty,. Roanoko going wet by 082 majori?
ty, Tbo w?t people' carrlod every word
of the city, tile voto' being: Wets, i,8'.'3:
'dry?;''641,. .
The .eleotlo'n,passed off.quietly, The
only novel feature of the. day was a
parade of about twenty Pomeri and two
jumdred ohlldren. carrying banners wHh
Inscriptions calling on voter! to voto for
Jocul option . .
Tim wpts aro enthuslasllo and drys
despondent. .' - . ,
? ?H 1
(By Associated Press,)
?SAVANNAH, GA? Doc. 31.?Afa meo?,
fug of the Executive Committee of tho
Officers' Association of Georgia Sluto?
Troops, a resolution? was adopted recom?
mending the cllsbandment of tho cplorod
troop.- of Hit* Stute. The Introduction of
the resolution was attended by bitter ar
?umunt una was adopted, by ft voi? 9t
This photograph j as taken for the New Year edition of The'Times-Dispatch the day'prior, to the burning of. the Gallego Alills; which appear ?'ominontly in tho piotare;
Colombian Force Is Now Within
Territory of the New Re?
public of Panama.
In Washington It Is Thought
Danger of Clash Has Been
? Greatly Abated..
(By Associated Press.) ,
COLON, December 31.?Information
reached Governor Melendez last night
from Cart!, a vlllago near tho Island of
Pinesi in Panama territory, that Colom?
bian troops had landed there December
21st find conferred with tho "Indian chiof
Inanaqulna, vvho afterwards was taken
aboard a vessel, and, It is thought, con?
voyed to Cartagena,
Immediately it became known here that
Colombians had landed wllhln the bor?
ders of the Republic of Panama the
United States gunboat, ? wHlch was coal?
ing at tho railroad dock, steamed out
towards Cnrtl. Sho ?vas followed shortly
afterwards by the cruiser Olympia.
Less Danger of Clash.
. (Uy Associatoli Press.; -
WASHINGTON, D. C, December 31.?
Stato Department advices of recent dato
all go t? show that tho danger of a hoatlU
clash with Colombia Is ubatlng, and
these, taken In connection with Minister
Boaupro's courteous treatment by tho
Colombian ofllolals on his way home,
tend to confirm the otllcial Impression
hero that there is now no danger of fail?
ure to reach a satisfactory adjustment
of whatever Issues may eJClst between the
United ?States and Colombia,
Fargo Squiers Accidentally Kill?
ed in Cuba by Rifle in Hands
, of Father's Chauffeur.
<By Associated Press, >
HAVANA, Decembor 31.?Fargo Squlgra.
tho oldest son of Uniteti States Ministen
Squlors, was accidentally shot and mor?
tally .wounded to-day by Gaston Mlchuud,
a chauffeur employed by his father.
Young Squiers and soventi borvants woro
shooting at a target In tlio conch-hutif-o
of tho minister's residence |n the suburb
of Mlrlanuo at the time. They were
using 22-eallbro rifles, and one, of them
apparently got out of older, Mich.iud,
after esaminine the weapon, rooocked it,
when suddenly-It was discharged In the
direction of Squiers, who was standing
between Mlchuud and the target, Tho
ball penetrated tho young man's loft
lung. A hemorrhage onsued, and within
half an hour Squiers, died, ?
Secrotary Sleeper, who was in chargo
of the legation, sent a cablo dispatch to
Minister Squiers, at Washington, and
one to Mrs,' Squiers,- at Katqnuh, N. Y?
informing them of tho accident. Thu.
body will be sent home,
Furgo Squiers wus popular hero. Ho
was twenty years old, and previous to
last summer was a student at ft military
aaadomy In Virginia.
' Mlchuud |s distracted at the consoquenco
Of his carelessness. ? ?
jt' hns been decided that us the ucci
dent occurred on the premises of Hio
United States minister, there will, bo no
? investigation of the sl.oothyn
Not a ?^?0?^'^^0^^^^f^^ Chicago; Where MoWning
Has Taken Place of :M^rimeht--;i^aith. List Reaches
Five Hundred and Sixty-Four.
CBy Associated' Press.J
CHICAGO, ILL., Dec: 3L?For theflrst
timo elhde Chicago has possessed ? bella
to peal, .whistles to shriek, and-horns
to blow.-the old year was allowed silent?
ly to take-ita place in history and;the
new year permitted to come with no
evidence of,Joy at-lts birth.
G? an official proclamation, issued this
afternoon? by Mayor.Carter H.-Harrlson,
ho mado the suggestion that, the usual
New Year's eve celebration bo for this
time jmltted. The idea found a. ready
rosponse In the hearts of the peoplo and
tho mayor's words, In fact,',' only gave
utterance'-,to the unexpressed thoughts
that had filled them all. '
Ordinarily, on New Year's; eve tho
streets of the city are filled with merry
maRefs, but to-night the only ?. throngs
to be found wero those' around the
morgues; ordinarily, numbers of ? fash
lonahlo restaurants in the heart of the
city aro filled with light-hearted revel?
ers, who toast the year that passed
and hall the yoar that comes. To-night ?
those places were comparatively desert?
ed, and aome of them " closed entirely,
with doors locked and curtains'drawn.
Usually among these gay people' are
found mviy members of the theatrical
prolesslon. To-night not a single ono
of them was In evldonce.
The Death List.
The list. *T dead continues as'it was
given last night,. in tho neighborhood of
5j0; it Is generally accepted at this
time that tho most accurato estimate is
5til. This number will be, Increased some?
what, as thero are people In the hospitals
tV'ho cannot survive for any length of
time, It is behoved, however, that the
total number of dead will not In any event
exen-d 575. Including the missing, It Is
./.stimatoli that total number of casual?
ties at U#i present time la approximately
? wo,
There are. among tho missing tho j
names of "many who aro at their homes?
anil of some, who were not at the thea
tio nt all'. In tho first excitement fol?
lowing- the calamity these people were
repot led by their relatives as among the
missing, and numbers of them have since
? el timed to tholr. homes and no report
of this fact has been made to police
hentlquarlora. Their names, however,
still swell the Hat of the missing. When
thu r.umoa of the dead who are still to
be identified have been subtracted from
tho list of tho missing. It la probable that
the extent of the catastrophe will be
fully revoalod.
C-se of Fire.
There was '.mated discussion to-dny
among flronn employee of the theatre
and architect as to the cause of the
firn, Account! differ to-day as wldoly
r,s 11 ey varied last night. Tho theatrical
peopl?. are practically a unit In declaring
thnl the fire started with an explosion,
and in this they nre flatly contradicted
by sec res of ?icople In the audience, who
dcctfiro they, saw the flra creeping along
the nlgo of tho curtain for several min?
uits Ul'ore the explosion took [?luce,
ThtHO Btatemonts are aubatantlutetl by
tho Horles of a number of people, who
left their seats after seeing the blaze
and were well on their way to the street
when overtaken by,the frightened rush
or- those they had left behind.them.
The beat evidence qhtalnablo is to the
effect ihav the.. tiYo was caused by the
sparks from an two light striking, the
?d(Jo o? tho drop guvtalti, but Uw actual
fact,? however, will not bo known until
after, the conclusion of tho coroner's in?
quest. There are ?o many statements at
?present and. they differ so widely-that H
Is Impossible to ascertain the exact truth
of the mattor.
Although the Iroquols Tho?tro was-un
doubtedly tho, safest theatre In Chicago,
. it became evident to-day that the city
building, department had no tstrlctjy en?
forced one.or two. sections of- the ^build?
ing ordinane??.
Within the Law.
? William' Curran, a building Inspector,
wa3 In the theatre only a few moraema
before the catastrophe, and went' away
saying that-everything was In good con?
dition Doputy Building Commissioner
' Stanhope went to the theatre? to-day to
make-an? Inspection. Upon his-return to
the City Hall ho said: "'mo theatre and
Its management were strictly within the
law- I will not go Into details until I
have completed my report."
? SecUon 1S5 of tho local building' ordi?
nance provides that In buildings of th*
class to which the Iroquols Theatre be?
long thcro shall be a system of. auto?
matic sprinkler?
There were no sprlnkers In the theatro.
and Mr, Stanhope, when this was called
to his attention, replied? ?
"There was no sprinkler system In the
theatre, but tho provision about the Iron
He, His Sister and Brother-in
Law Flee the Burning Chi?
cago Theatre.
Mr. M, B. Florshelm, woll known cltlzoi
of Richmond,, proprietor of the Jeffersoi
.Laundry, who waa in tho Iroquols Then
ire, Chicago, Wednesday aftornoon. am
uareiy escaped, la expected homo thin
aftornoon. ' A hearty welcome from all
of his Mends awaits him.
?Ho and his slater were fortunato enougn
to ?et beyond tho danger of ?ru and stam?
pede, and ho counts us nothing tho loss
ot ovorcont, hat and ??????, which he
waa forced to leave behind. Ills clothes?
wero literally torn from him.
Mrs. Fl?rsheim did not Know last nlghi
tnut her husband waa at the theatre,
mit aa ho waa In Chicago sho could not
help ? fooling of uneasiness. Early yes?
terday morning a ? telegram cumo from
him aaying ho had notten out ot tint
burning playhouse all right nnd was sut'?
nnd? uninjured, Tha words wore the most
welcome sh? had over read. His brief
hut reassuring mcaaago .said nothln?
about ihe sister, though Mrs, Fl?rsheim
was. quite confident that she would bo
with him? Later another dispatch came,
saying both had gotten out unhurt,
Mr, Fl?rsheim hua been In the White
City, now bowed tu the dust with sorrow,
?or some days on a visit to his mother.
His brother-in-law, Mr. I, Flogcnheimor.
.'ileo rea Id es I here,
-Mr, Gua'Mlchelbaohccl also rocclvcd'a
teicKrnm from Mr. Ike Flegauheimer,
brother-in-law of Mr. Fl?rsheim, telling
oj the usfiipo
Mrs, Smith, wife of Mr. II, Ji. Smith,
of t/ne A. J. Ohownlmr Company, feura
that t|io-"Mrs. F. A. Morlll" who la an?
nounced In the papers tin one of the vie?
tims, la Mi's. Frederick A. Morlll?. a coil
tin of liera, Mr- mid Mrs. Smith have
uut In'oK? P?"'?' to ''.Irvlp'-" "' reside, and
tney have many uco.ua nmncee and friends
in Uhii'ugo. ??.??? lo: or i?u????., fsiuiually
they <tro very uneasy for spedii! reason*
as well as partaking with all peoplo of
the doep sorrow for tho dead and Injured,
?r?d of tho profound sympathy for the-??
who have lost dear oun*.
doors made it unnecessary for. the theatre
toTiave them1''
" Section 189 of the ordinance'provides
thattn?atres'be equipped with fire alarms
connected with the city firo alarm system,
City Electrician Hyland said: "The Iro?
quols had no fire; alarm connection with
the cltv alarm system.? No application h>
on 'file for any such ? co'nnectlon. The
alarm of fire. In fact,'was turned In from
a box over a half'block distant from the
theatre." . -
The law provides also that there shall
be a' ventilatine: shaft at'the rear? of the
stage, which. will conduct flames and
smoke away,from the auditorium in Just
suoh emergencies as arose yesterday. The
Iroquols Theatre possessed no such ven?
tilating shaft
No Closing of .theatres.
From tho action of- a committee of
prominent architects of Chloago > at a
meetine, to-night, may result a recommen?
dation to Mayor Harrison to ?loso evory
theatre- In the. city until.-Its exits and
construction have been examined. The
idea was sugg s.od to President Beaumont,
uf tho Chicago Architects' .Association, to?
day ' by W. A. Frlumore,-an, architect,
who? lost some relatives In tho tiro,? Pres?
ident Beaumont-refused . to. personal!}'
make tho re ommendutlon to Mayor Har 1
son.but called an. Informal meeting of the
issoclatlon,: at which It was?decided that
a larger gathering of the members would
be held to-morrow,-and action at that
time'-would be decled upon.?'?
Mayqr Harrison'snld to-night: "I see
no moro reason for closing- all , the
theatres than for stopping ? all railway
trains after a disastrous wreck. .There
Is no necossity of getting hysterical .about
this matter, although this horrible disas?
ter has taken place In probably tho autost
'hoatro In Chicago," . ' . . ? '
Tho mayor to-night, In this connection,
i-ent a lotter to all theatrical proprietors
In the city, calling their attention to tho
failure of theatres to comply with tho
iitilldlng ordinances relating to places of
?imusmnent, especially that provision ro
mlring them to employ a fireman. Tho
-iieyor directs tho chief of the Fire De?
partment to assign, regular firemen to
each thentro, tholr wages to be paid bv
tho theatre, ,.,,..
Attor dispatching this letter, the mayor
"If any ono of the th?atrlcal managers
refuso? to pay the wages of thoso men.
ns' several of them have refused?In tha'
past, G will close the doors of the theatres
and keep them olosefl .until they agree
to acv as they should."
Prince's Sympathy.
All during the. day telegrama of tiympa
thy to the people of, Chicago and offers
of aid pouroi In by telegraph upon the
mayor. l?e announced to-night:
"I havo roce|vod many offora of aid.
It nuiy bo before we get through this a
ifow persons will bo found to havo boon
put to need, but' Chicago will'bo able
?? give that aid herself. Moat of those
killed and injured now Identified can
bo nbundantly care for."
Among tho tolograms of oondolenco
received from abroad by the mayor, were
the following:
' "Berlin. , ]
"Mayo?. Hurrlsou: . '
"Wall to express deepest .sympathy on
account of the terrible catastrophe at
linuuojs Thentro, Pleaso Jot ino know
of missing, and If somo of my acquain?
tances amon>t them. What u terrible be?
ginning of tho New Year many good c|tl-'
?uns cf. Chicago.will have.
From W; S. Willard, the actor, London,
" ?" - <?onTuiu?4 ?| UNviKuTFage.)
All ..Conditions- of ' Charter? Com?
plied With and the Exposition
.Will be Gloriously Held.,
The Jamestown . Tcr-Ceutenary is tri?
umphant, and will be gloriously hold on
the shoree of Hampton Ruuds in 1007.
All of Ilio conditions, of their charter
havo been'met. The'ofio .million of dol?
lars necessary . to bo subscribed boforo
the Exposition Company could claim the
?20O.0OO appropriated by the Stato has
been raised, and over, by one hundred
At simultaneous meetings held with on
thuslasm in Norfolk, Newport'News, and
Hampton, all in magnetic touch, by long
distance 'phone, the required sum and a
surplus was raised last night, and the
result was announced and received with
great enthusiasm.
? The undertaking of raising tho million
necessary was a stupendous undertaking,
and tho Board of Directors of the James?
town Company havo worked for the re
suit with a faithfulness and singleness of
purposo that deserves tho plaudits of the
State. Well dono. Tidewater.
This morning tho Governor and Auditor
will be,notified that all the .conditions
havo been compiled With, and that thoy
had as well get ready to fork up the
Stato's subscription of $a?,000.,
With a Few Minutes to Spare,
the Million Made Good.
(Speclol to The Times-Dispatch.)
NORFOLK, VA., Dec. 31,-Wlthir.
twenty-five inimit?s of the last hour set
by law. for tho forfeiture, of tho charter i
of tho Jamestown Exposition, tho citizens I
of'Norfolk, at.11:80 o'clock to-night, re-I
deemed their great plan for a stupendous
' (Continued on Sixth Page.)
Accident at the Reservoir, With
Well Nigh a Fatal Ter?
A litio boy of cloven years crashed
hrough tho Ico at tho Reservoir yester?
day morning, and came perilously near
mooting Ills death In tho ley waters, bo
neatti which he sank twlco before hu won
finally rescued. *
Tho accident croated a brief reign of
terror amone tho merry skaters, on tho
lake, Tho little fellow, whose name Is
Coke Flanagan, and who llvus on Frank?.
'.In Hired, near tlio Jefferson, was one
oC tho happiest of many happy ones,
Whet her thu lco broke under him or
whether ho stumblod through an ulr
holo Is not.known, but ho was sudden?
ly seen fluuitdorlng helplessly In tho wa?
ter. For ft' few moments his situation
was desperate in the extreme. He sank
twlco boforo a helping hand reached him,
With admirable coolness and eoinmi'iulalilo
bruvury, Mr. T. B, Malier, a yuutig tele?
graph operator of tho Western Union,
plunged Into the icy water and saved
tho Ufo of the llttlo boy. The two were
finally drugted out with a rope.
Little? Coke was taken to his homo.
where ho souu recovered from his un
usutil bath. Beyond the nervuus ?hock,
a. slight cut (?boro the eye |s his only
The General Outlook is
The -Volume of Business of Rich*'?'
mond Jobbers Steadily
The Stability of Richmond and(\
Virginia Financial Institutions, ??
, a Splendid, Tribute "'to the '
?Sagacity of. Those Who'1 . ?$
Direct Them?A Glance
at tho Past, '
.The record 'of another, year In Rich?'?,';
moiid'a history has been made?-up:andj:i
adtled to Its.predecessors. While in'somo?^
respects tho city and its peon*) have poe-'r
slbly known more prosperous years;/ ih%?
perhaps no other has tho city mudo mor? :.
substantial advances., along many lines?.'.'?:
This Is notably true in respect to munlci?"?',,
pal improvements, building enterprise?
and tho extension of tlio ^city's trade*; ??'
along almost all lines. '."While- specula?, ''/?
tlvo enterprises niirt thoso who ventura
In such projects have-not booh aipr?aJ ..
porous os' l heo?no.'former yaaru, thore '
has beon. steady, normal growth .of many ,-?'
established' enterprises.; many .new one?,*;
have sprung up, and, in short, the. history""'
of tho ? year may be ? opltomlzod?' In .the. ;i
ono word, Progress. ? ' '?, ". ''-,?'
Richmond. In common; with - the : entire''', '?
country,. has felt ? the -stress ? and..Btrnnji-" :?
incident to conditions alhiost-approoU-':
mating a panic in finance, an attribute.-,'
bio, ns all. thougWul observera agrco,' to;
? tho reaction tollowlitgporloda of eiccasalve V3
, sp?culation and 'Inflated. vulueV. Over''"'
gigantic .cnterprlsea'^lMLyo-;bien ".going on
' frti'sovrnl years l'unti ? ??????a???6-''??G??????5
stability and dividenti paying A?ftpnt'itv;,-?
began to wane. Thou,, camo ?dlatvust,'
steady decrease in! tho;valu? "of sec?fitle?;-.
amounting to a ?rent phrlnknce of-vnluosj!-.
Aa It has aptly been expressed, tho'?v?ter
has been wrung out of 'the. stocks;, ,???,,'
large speculativo.enternrisoa.'and.m',eorriii,':.
oases there seems to have been little left, .?'
Naturally largo'holders of those se curl tier! ?
felt the depreciation in the value of-their.;,
holdinca. While' many Richmond people *.
have suffpred losses In this way./lt lej ?:_
a tribute to the prudence and foresight of
the business men and capitalists of the
city that they havo not ventured beyond .?;
their depth, and hence " havo not boen
swept away In tho receding wave of spec?
ulation which has destroyed so many, all
o\\cr the. country. .
\ Solid Institutions.
Tho great shrinkage In l the value of
securities and tlid stringency In money:;'
dun tt> this have not availed to shake
the stability of Richmond's financial in?
stitutions, nnd on, tho other hand hav<ii '
but served tu - niiufirui public, faith In;
them. Llko a mighty-.oak that has with- .
stood tho fury of a devastating storm, thV
financial Institutions and enterprises of ,?
this city are but .grander'in'their, proved';
. ?f.ronKth and stability than when in time?
of prosperity they stood unassallbd,,
It Is a aplendld tribute io thu prudent'?
financiering and the sound Judgment of %
Richmond bankers and financiers that.at -
tho end of such a year all stand unipa-'?
palrod In their solidity, and In excellent ?V
conoillon in every way; The.-falth of. the
peoplo In those Institutions has been
shown during tho year in tho most e\xb-k,'
stantlal ann eioo,uent manner by .'the in? ';
crease of tholr deposits, the augmentaUqnr
exceeding two millions of dollars. '. '
Those holding no speculative stocks (and
thnt numoor embraces'the great majority,, .
of the citizens) have prospered'during,tit?'-?',
year, Ann ao have n. legitimate enter
tirlsos. Inquiries among the Jobbing firms
In evory line, at tho-offices of>the large?
onminorclal agencies, at tho hanks .and
at every point where a steady finger la
?'instantly nnthlint the pulse of-trade all?*
elicit tho statement that ?.m y?ar lSOit \\&W
been ono of healthy, normal growth;, gen!?
erully In tho large jubblng trade and In
the mercantilo and manufacturing life of
tho city. Prom till thesu .sources and from!
the court rocortla of ban.'.ruptcle/ ? \a
ascertained beyond porailveuture that the
mercantile and manufacturing enterprise'.*
of ]lIchmouilvund Manchester, have b.-f-jn
conducted In u conservativo und a?if<.?
Number of Failures,
The mercantile agencies of Dun and ?
Dradstroet. covuYlng tho ?reater portion1
of thu two ?tutes uf Virulilla nnd North
Carolimi, contiguous and tributary to.
niellinomi, givo u gratifying account of
conditions In tholr territory Curing, tho
your. Tho ntimher of failures ' recorded
In tho territory named In IflOI was ?.'S3; Jr.
imi?.', but '-&!. and In the year Just closed.
onlv '.'.'.O. In this city tho showing of
faillir?. Is: In WO!, twcnty-oun; in 19C?,
twenty-nine, and In UKi.1, tl.Jrty?tv?o, it
Is hut fuir to stato, however, that In 19?}
Ilia uggregate liabilities of thirty-two
failures was much less in amount than
In |i?Q3. Atddu (rom tho Hurry in spec?
ulative socurltlos, actual business cond?
tilma In this city arc reported good. It '
has boen a fc'oud your for the Joblilng
trndo generally, and collections have beM
up very well, A number of local Job
, blng lirma have increased their volume
1 of business during the ywr, und the ot*,??

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