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?*e tit*? held their ?Wfl well. Owing to tie low prices riling In loaf lobncco, col? leellrtft? nave beeji a bit slow Iti sections | where t?Wieeo le the chief money crop. , . In those where cottoti Is (ho stitpie ero? (prosperity feigne end collections were | n*ver(; better.' All tho merchants In the , ?ottoh belt uro meeting their bit? as I promptly as.evor before, while In the to? bstw?o bolt, at staled, some ere a trifle I behind. Merchants havo sold goods piti* | rtently Atid cautiously, and have, there- | fore, t?*?t no moro than usual In Inubtl Hy to collect, New Trade Fields. All tho lines of trade hereabout have had a ralrly good year, and In some cases business has been greatly extended. New trade field? have been opened up. aid ?he volume of business of Richmond job? bers Is steadily Increasing, In some cabes buying ha* been somewhat diminished, but generally the demand appears to have been normal. The holiday tittdu I? uuu er.illy i-onorted as Above the average. Whether the people arc more prosprotiH or less prosperous than In former yenrs, there appears to bo no marked dlmunltlon .? In their holiday purchases, nor for that matter in tnelr purchases all tho year. As stated, however, the prosperity of the various ?eetlons tributary to this. City varies somewhat with thu value of the money crops, upon wh'ch the mass of the peuple depend. The shoe traile, tho dry goods and notion trade?, tho' grocery trade, the drug trade, the hardware tnirie and- all the various linos of domestic commerce have had a very good your. ?'though not in many cases tho best year In their history.' In manufacturing Richmond's old ?vtab llshed niants have had an average yeir. 'Although, through Intttiences over which the city nnd its people have'had no con ? trol, eevoral large plants have decreased -their operations somewhat, the Btrletly local manufacturing enterprises have been operated without cessation during the j year, nnd haVo afforded protiiable em? ployment to thousands. Tho Rountroe Trunk and Bag Company have during the year extended their sphoro of opera? tion's by enlarging their plant. Many : other enterprises hnvc made extensions and enlargements, and now ones arc in contemplation. Among the prospectivo new enterprises Is one to bo known as the Fair Oaks Distillery Company, with? a plant seven miles from the city. In Honrlco county, Besides distilling, this corporation will engage In the manufacture of compressed yenst, and proposes to do a largo business. The Tobacco Business. f ' Th? tobacco manufacturing enterprises of the city, which have always been the backbone of the city's Industrial life, never done a better year's business. The Independent manufacturers nil report that thoy are doing a hotter business and a larger one than In many yenrs. The same Is true .of tho great tobacco cor? porations, which own so much property and contribute so materially to the in ~ dustrlal life of the community. During the year the Butler and Bosher ..plant has been acquired by the Conti? nental Tobacco Company, but Its output ha* been Increased as a result of the '.acquisition, and will be further Increased during the coming year. The great plant of the T. C. Williams Company has been acquired by the Brlt . . lsh-American .Tobacco Company, the gi? gantic enterprise formed by, the com , munity of Interosts of the Consolidateli Tobacco Company of Ameri'cn and tho 1m? perlai Tobacco Company of Great Brit? ain and Ireland, and will be dovoted ex? clusively to the great export business of the International combination, formed In theh truce of a year or two ago.. Tho Imperial Tobacco Company, which has Its American headquarters In this city, and conducts its American opera? tions from this point; has Just promul _./'gnled plnns for the erection of a commo? dious orfico building, and will, In -addi? tion thereto, greatly enlarge ? lift re handling plant Here, ?Wh'V? the Internal revenue recolptn show a slightly decreased revenue from manufactured tobacco, this does not mean that the output of Richmond fac? tories has decreased. On the other hand, the docrear.? In revenue is due to tho re? duction of the tax on manufactured to? bacco by nearly '87 per eont. July 1st. KK?, thus giving that year six months of stamp siles at the higher figure. The revenue offi :e records show a amali decrease In the export tobacco Interests, attributable to the cessation of tlie Boer war. for much of the export tobacco goes to mll'tary -amps. Immense New Factory. The business of the American Tobacco Company and of the American Cigar Company during the yoar has been fully maintained In volume. Tho cigar com? pany begnn operations In full In their Immense factory, the largest and best equipped In the Siuth. and have oneraled etendtly a H the year. Tho Consolidated Tobacco Company.(embracing the Amer, lean Tobacco^ "eompafty, the American Cigar Company ifnd'the Continental Com? pany) has !>:-gun Its "echome,of classifica? tion, nnd In pursuant thereof has an? nounced that Its P. ,H. Mayo branch will be devoted to the business of tho Amer loar Tahaceo'Company and tho manu? facturo of cut plug tobacco. This will mean a larger rather than docreaaed buslhess \ Tt may bo stated In brief that the de? mand for Richmond tobaccoo Is con ? stantlr extended rather than diminished. Th? suncured plug and twist uro stead? ily growing In popularity all over the country. In the leaf tobacco Interests the genernV volume of business of the Richmond trade la reported on the up grade. Total sales of evsry kind during the year tire estimated at twelve und a hnlf mlll'Ohs It is estimated that the quantity of to buceo at em mod and handled hero during tho voar will app'Oxima'e twenty-five million pourds, while probably fifty mil? lion pounds nf all r',-i?*os nf tobicco, raw and manufactured, have bpon so'd during th* twelve-month, Hapecially do the manufacturer* tvport largely increased and oetlve huilne?s. The Municipal Year. Th? city ItPelf has never had a hottci year Its advancement along every lini* ha?? been steady, and Ih som* resnects remarkable. The growth of tl?i> city in? accurately measured In the Increase of taxable vnluee and In the'manenl works of fntemal Improvement. Tho realty of the city has Increased In valu , ntlon neirly a million and ? half rtni. t Ian. during the year, and Its nerKonaltv ^Wnore than six mlllOns, while Its revena-i ? ^rpm licenses has been augmented by Warty fifty thousand dollars. The (?? ? orefice In taxe? ussosp,<d amounts In V nearly sixty thousand. The streets nf the , city heve hoen Improved in pnvlng. eurb. f lag. grading and guttering more than In ; any previous year all Factions of the M,municipality sharing In the benefits ami ?i'.,:'t|a. "i'erp'p?-nt of '?nine* resultinl 1 Among the noteworthy niunPlpal en ? terwlsc? Inaugurated during the yeir ???VJust closed Is the construction of nn ,.W Ks-Jfcrle plant and stiindpipo for Inerencing ;?. the water pressure of the city. This will V QO?t ?1?J,'V03, and will he'money well In. ?" vested. The long projected nenllng banlfl designed lo Injure elosr water for the city Is now a fact heyond doiPH. Th ? plant w'll cost some three hundred ud fifty thousand dollars, but will Insure Ourw*Coi4biOnoD?y, Cr?%t a x>aya ?S C0?**?' on every Th? Virginia State Insurance Company lias assets exceeding ?jui?i?i ?? eurplm to poJlcyholder? of ^300,000. MONTAGUE * CO., A*cnU. " Thrift Is Itself ft good incorno."? Cicero. A suggestion for one of your Mew Year resolutions ?buy where you get your money's worth, buy where the Firm buys back the goods if they prove unsatisfactory, by and by. Make a date with yourself to drop In here and see what Winter Trousers cost now! This te Just a hint?that ycu will understand. $9.00 TROUSERS AT $6.73. $7.60 TROUSERS AT $3.78. $6.00 TROUSERS AT $4.73. All of our finest Trousers are in this sale?English Worsteds and Cassimeres; fancy and quiet elfeots. ?BERRY?C03 MEN A BOYS' OUTFITTERS. ' wholoRome drinking water for all time to como. ? new financial systom has been Inau? gura,nd, whereby tho Interest on tlie bonded dont will be met and the bonds retired more rapidly than ever Fire Department. Tho Flro Department of the city ha? been enlarged and.-ox'tended^ tho police service has boon improved, and steps havo been inaugurated to ?brine about In? creased patrol service. Tho schools of toh city are of higher standard thnn over before, and new buildings aro to be added, sites thorafew having been purchased. Tho curriculum of tho public schools has boon so varied as to permit of manual training. In every respect tho tendency is to muko them more practical. Sub-stations havo been established for iho payment of water arid ?tas taxes. Tne gas plant of tho city has proved a steadily growing sourco of profil., nn Increase of more than thirty thousand dollars In re eclrts from consumption of gas being no: ed. The revenue Of teh city from all.sources for the year 1901 In estimated at two million dollars, The school properly of the city Is valued at ? hilf million, and there are 12,000 children enrolled. No muro substantial evidence of Mhe prosperity of the city is afforded than in ihe showing made by building operations. 11 Is-conservatively estimated that mom than two millions nf dollars huvn been expended In toh construction of great b' s iness houses, mnnitfuclurlng plants, public buildings and residences, (ine olglit-stniy building, tho Richmond Hotel, In near completion. Another of tho iiiritu height Is going up at Tenth and Main Streets nnd a nino-story building Is to be reared at Ninth and Main. Among the notable buildings completed and occupied during the year le Rich? mond's apartment hous*. the Chesterfield, which shelters many tamiles la its six stories. Many of tho new largo buildings now In course of construction are fl o proof; Tr? (cathedral, new being hunt at a ??/?G?? }2G?,000 Is ono of the notoworthy .htflldings In course of construct'on. Plans are being matured for the exr>ondl?urp by the State In enlarging and rohthllltatlng tho Capitol of tho sum of $250,000. Fire Looses Not Great. Tlii ynar has boon oro of immunity fri-m ?ro-t (ires, flnods nnd disasters; Un'll the il?strurt.'on of the fammi? old CnlOgn ml'l* a '?t day befo o the on 'of 0 8, the l'Ire lopses had boon Insignificant, end oven Including that, nro vastly smaller thnn tho?e of 1901, and not/1 larger than those of 1002. Tho destruction of the Gnllego mllK It may be reninrVed, win for ? time slightly decrease the output "f mlll'ns products of the city, hut the struc? ture will bo rebuilt with tho least practl "'Mjte delay. rnir'ng tho yeir tho consolidi refl sffoet rMlwoy compa??a*, known as the Virginia Passenger and Power Comnany. oneri t? <n<r In ?hi?? city, Mnnebeiter and Peters hurg and Interurban linos, have expended hundreds of thousands of dollars In bet torments and Improvements, nnd have projected nnd betrun the execution of nlnns looking to rHII lnrger ex^ond'tures. I? Is ? te?t of. th? financial str-nns-th and ability of the corporation owning the trol? ley lines that the Inauguration of these enormous expenditure In enhirgo-^nrts. extensions and betterments followed clo?ely upon the conclusion of a two? months' Riispenx'on of profits due to a strike of employes, In which tho com ?>nny suffered heavy losi of roven'oi. The strike of the street railway employes was one of the mo?! notable ovontu of tho year. It extended over p??? than two monthi. cost two or ?bree lives und Immense sums of money, nnd required ilv presence of almost the entire State mili? tia to protect property and maintain law and order. Law and Order. Thti repula I lop of the city for law nnd order has been well maintained through? out tho year, While, as In every olty of tills size and population, there have bofn sporadic cases of crime, there have been no especially noteworthy crimes. Homi? cides are few, considering the population, und the racial divlelon of It. The railway line* tributary to tne city nil note Increased freight and paNsonger trame, und are closing a prosperous ye'ir, in which the city has shared. In faot, this city has been a large contributor to the prosperity of the common cat rient filtering It* limits. YEAR IN DETAIL. President Cabell, of the Chamber of Commerce, Sums It Up. - To tho Editor of The T;mes-D s/ia'.oh. city: Dear Sir?While tho year Ju<?l clo?i-'g muy um have bec? si'lsf:ictory to in u , Il lina given the world another evldenoo of the gre.anean of our country, Dong ind enduring are etch ostenti li of t ??? j-rf-itnosB. Thu wonderful development when marked r>ur ? o i es- ut,e ih.,? ? t io u,ehi of (he rinunciai issue ? involved In tuo political campaign of 1W)6 und tho suc? cessful termination of the Spanish war ? hud given pruof of our giea ness to do. Periods of such ?ctlv ly must, hoover, L? .followed by lull?, when tho pendulum ?-jvlrirrs ln.ek and when confidence is als?, pluced by doubt and distrust. 'J his tic ?Urfod.ln IBM. The Iromoi.dous ox ftn.ilon of business, tho over capitalisation of ?orne of the many combinat tlone. created a -distrust which imjHUrOd ? .Ihe popular mind the value of nnth.v hitherto well thought of securities,' This distrust, Increased by tho knowledge ?hat our curiOiicy at certain seasons of tno year was not sulllolont to meet all ? ho demands upon It, grew grea'.or and greater until In tho havoc or values wh on ?t caused, all Invoslments so mii?e.od that the detjreelatloii, as estimated by our Becrotary of the Treasury wns far .greater that tho cost of tho civil war, And vet there was no punici Cou tl u.iy thlnft give bettor ov.dence Of our rront nnss to ondurol We oharuo off o r lo-i e , andatili romain tit? flohest na Ion In hu WortdM If any doubl our wealth, let him reoall tlio vast resources represen cd ,b.? our Railroads, insurance Lo np.i ics, Binlts ami Trust Companies, our Mule \ and Manufactories! lei him ' uur exports of over 11,150,000,000 tor tho current vonr, yloldlng a'trade ?alarne of ?omu $4o0,000..iv0; lot hlrn think of or soil looming with mineral wealth, and yloldlng this yonr a whe.U oro? of it.? - 1)00,000 bushels, a corn crop of 2,203 C0j, 00 bushels, an oat crop of "SO.OOO.txw bushcli, A cotton crop of 10,00j,O,O bales, to say nothing of hay, barley, ryo, rice, tob-iaco Hnd tho many other staple? which go o make up our agricultural weal h. Su el ? we Americans have a heritage fr.r which to be grateful and a countrv of which to he proud. Thore la no room for possi- i mlstn. | Richmond during the year hits but farod ! as th? balance of the country. Si.e ? ? had her lossee, and It Is sad tu chroiilclo that these loases have In some Instances fallen with particular he.vlness up ? I those who hive h*on ilio leader? In our ? Industrial development, 'ine courage of our people Is. however, not daunted, .no. is I their fa.fh In Richmond dlmmod. Our ? local enterprises are with few excepto ? In a good condition, our financial Insti* lutlons are sound, and our poodle aro all employed. Wo soo around us too mai.y ov'donces of proaperlty and too mucn which Indicates growth not to know that our city Is more than holding It.? own The results of the ysir'e operations as shown by actual havi? not as yet beon made up. but I fee, co.itUm. they will make a healthy shoivl g Wo know that the receipts of our Pustu:!l<.e will show an Increase of &7.0;K)? (or bV4 per cunt.)?over 1902, and the last slalo? ment made by our banls3 In November showed a growth of over $J,8 0, 0> In their deposits during the twelve men tin ?? These are certainly pood Indications. Our bank clearings will probably puow a small decrease, but th.s can be, ?? a larice extent, aocounted tor by the c)vn blnatlons Into which homo of our prin? cipal enterprises have entered, wh.? h. while not a??ectlng the nu nber of paople employed, necess-l'.ate tholr cleirl..*? through Now York rather than our ioc.?l During the your the Chamner of Com? merce; of which 1 have the honor to be President, has been earne.-tly. but ? >?? m.??e iiuietly tnun usual, at work In the city's Interests, A great deai o Its attontlon has been given to the New Postonico, the Anderson U-'l In ? enarri to the extension of city limits, the es?ab llshment of a State Board of Trade, merchants' excursions,, and matters of ; ? mo. in this connection, you will per? mit mo to say that this organiza ton Bhnuld re?oive the enthusiastic support of our citizens. It Is a part and pa eel of our oity. It waa organised to promute Its commercial growth; ?nd th it is iu day the object of Its being. Evervoi ? who loves Richmond, or who has a .nt ? e In Ha welfare snould bocomo Idftntitie.l with It, and old in carrying on I s work, in times of great prosperity nnd actl.ity, such as those we have just paused through, there may not be bucIi need if combined ohort. but now that tho ltle is not tunning so full In iur favor wo need the united helo of_all our people to ???-?? ? pull, a hard pull and a pull altOfiOihor for Richmond. r,. The annual meeting of our Cham nei will talco pince on the afternoun of the 14th of January noxt, and you, Mr Ed tor, tinti vom? readers, are Invited tj cune mil t'ako a hand In tho causes It rop.e sents. ? Very truly yours, ?_ ^^ Prosldoiit. METEOROLOGICAL. Summary of Conditions During the Month of December. A summary of metcorologlctil conditions during Decomber, ns prepared by tho local woathor bureau Is us follows: Char, of Temp. Proclp. Date. Day. Mas, Min. Mean, ltutlo... 1-Pnrtly cloudy..?1 ?8 31 0 2?Partly cloudy..10 29 81 0 3-ClOUdy.H 29 35 0 4?Partly cloudy..48 30 39 0 S?Cloudy.62 39 ?1? 0 I'-Clcar.40 27 34 0 7-Cloar.60 22 3(5 0 8? Partly cloudy..52 34 42 0 D-Cloudy.33 35 37 .2C ??-Cloudy,..43 30 30 0 11?Clear.33 21 31 0 I2-Parlly cloudy..50 25 38 0 13-Partly cloudy..50 33 44 .33 14?Cloudy.42 31 8(3 0 IB-Clear.39 ' 2S 31 0 16?Cloudy.31 23 2S 0 17?Cloudy.30 23 30 0 18?Clear.38 22 30" 0 10-Cloudy.40 24 80 0 20-Partly cloudy..65 33 44 1.31 21?Pnrtly cloudy.,46 33 29 0 22-Clear.52 33 -13 0 211?Clear.61 27 39 '0 21?Cloudy.40 35 42 ,03 25-ClO dy.63 41 47 .4? 20-Otear.41 19 30 0 27-Cloar.42 10 29 0 28-Cloar.37 23 31 0 29-Clear.61 24 3S 0 30?Clear,. .. ',...30 25 30 0 31?Partly cloudy..?1d 21 33 0 Mom.41.1 2.77 30.1 Atmospheric pressure?Mean, 30.1 9; highest, 30,59; date, 10th; lowest, 29.CO; date, 20th. Temperature?I-Ilghcflt, 6Q; date, 13th: loweet. Ill; date, 27th; greatest dally range, 2S; date, 7th; loast dally ninfee, 4: dito, Slh, Mean for this month-lW. 42; 1898,41; 1G98, 40; I?J1, 40; 1901, 39; 1902. 40; 1003, SO, Mean for this month for seven years, 3.97, Averago dully deficiency of this month na eompnrod with mean of seven years, 3.1. Accumulated oxees? since January 1 t, 1.45. Avcrugo dally oxcess since January 1st, 0.40. Wind?Prevailing direction, south; mnxl? mum velocity (for five minutes) twenty alx miles per hour, from southwest, tn 20th, Preclnllatton?Total thla onth In 1897 2.63; 1808, 3.0S: 1699. 2.83: I90, 2.C0: 1901, 6.08; 1003, 4,12: 1003, 2.2S, Average for th a month for aevon years, ?.,?. Deficiency . G thla month compared with average uf aevnn years. 1.12. Accumulated oxceas since January let, 2,21, Sunshine anil cloudiness?Number of clear days, 13; partly cloudy, 9; cloudy, 9; on which .01 Inch or more of rain foil, 5, Richmonders in Ne?" York, (fW'cl'il to The Tlmos-Dlapatch.) NEW VOftK, Dec. 81,-Waldorf, li. (S i.cwh, Jr., W, Q. Capitili, E. C. l.uirU Ui'urid Un on, 13. J. Hollln?RWurih: Coni. i'ental, J, li. Anderson, E. ?, Summer BOU. Dollurs are good thins?. Keep them at home by Insuring with the Virginia State. WILLIAMSON t'ALLKY & CO., Agoni*. ?SMOKE G?11? AVENUE CIGAR CUAS. ?. SCHMIDT & CO., M'F'Ci Combine sentiment with horro sens? and gut your policy noni the Vlig nln State, a homo Insth'utlon WILLIAM? SON TALLEY & CO.. Agents. Charity begins at homo, so also ought tho patronage of local hist limions. This Virginia State should not be forgotten |? this conii?ctlon, p. ?, .?.^wat? & SONS, Agent, FINE YEAR IN RICHMOND Prosperity and Good Business Methods in Municipal Affairs. TAXABLE VALUES INCREASE Permanent Improvements in Va? rious Departments?New Me? thod Dealing With City Debt. | Richmond city has orr/ioycd a prosper? ous year in her municipal affairs, unti, th? outlook for her future Is vory bright. Her real estate has lncroasod In valu: ?1,4?7,230 over the year, and liei porsohal property $?,?17,210, according to the books of Commissioner of the Rov enuo Hawkins. Those books also show an Increase of $18,838.37 In business li? censes, and a total Increase of $?9,?3?.?.? in taxes assessed for collection. The following table allows the value of personal property assessed, together with licenses, and tho taxes avallarne for ho... Value. Tax; Real Estate .{??,??,?,,?&? W??,tAA? Personal Property... ?i.OiiO.t?i ?,629,?1?,4? }81,0?3,172 ;i,i!?,uu...U Licenses . llu.UuO.tiO $l,8U?,0u9.9? Tho City Council appropriated in ih. last annual budget ?i,aia,,uo.;,u. Of tn.t amount |6t?,0ui.iij remains ui.expenden with ono month of the liscal yt to run. Vast improvements, considering the limited appropriations, havo bed. made In nearly ail the departments', am. enterprising and econo,nlcal basilica, methods have prevailed. There have been no dotalcailone, und the famous declara? tion of Mr. Clovoland that "u puul.i onice Is a public trust" has been ti,t gu.ding principle of all tho cay's oaiciul... M/lllCd OF PRUGRK3S. In neuily every .department iho whit hand of progress hag shown llsolf duri..? the year, and permanent Improvement have been mude or sot on foot. Tne pub? lic school? huvu prospered us never belo. b. new house* having been> and Im? proved methods of teaching having boon adopted. Kindergartens have boon estab? lished, and the force of leucheis onlargou. Iihpiovcihents have been mudo'In me fire alarm service, and all electrical ap? pliances placed under the management Of a chief. Tho Fire'Department Itse? has mudo a fine record. ' The city hua been exceedingly fortunute In having had but few disastrous flier during the year. Until thai which swept the Gullcgo mills lust Sunday mornitip the year was far behind previous ones in big fires, and in all cases, the growing utility and efficiency of tho ilepartmen? wero demonstrated. Now Wood has been Injected into lUt Police Dopartment, and a better sysun (or Its conduct hits been adopted, The courts of the city have disposi?' of their business with expedition ano economy, and the efficiency' of tho judger has so appealed to tue Council tha* till thoir salarlbs'^iavo boon raised along will? '.those o'f a,.larga number of otlior city ?(G. Mals. '?he; CToufifClf lifter a long battle he committed itself to, a plan for hund?'., ?? the debt of the city which will preisen???1 the sinking fund "for tho li? quidation of iuUtunding bonds and no otner. M'CARTHY'S FINE WORK It should be' said that muoh of the? credit for tills Innovation Is duo to Cup tain Carlton McCarthy, who Is perhaps, nui? nf the finest accountants In th?? South, nnd who has made an Insistent und persistent fight on tills line. The city has made vast Improvements In h?v streets, roadways. _ parks and pubi! snunres, nnd under her now system of Street cleaning, the streets wore nevei In better condition. Tho poor of the city have been cared for diligently, and liberal appropriations have boon made for coal and othor pro? visions for their comfort, Never ??a? there In one year hoen ?a much new pavings and streot Improve? ments generally. This has been made ne? cessary by the vast number of now bnllil Inffs ?hat havo been erectod, especially In thn western portion of the city during the year the now Jail has boon completed, and tho old shell in the bottom torn down, Tho Water Dopartment has made wi n> derful Improvements In tho lino of new and onlargod maina, contributlnic not only to tho convenience of the citizens, but at the sume time reducing tho flro hazard to a largo degree. Not only thU, hut ? splondld nnw standpipo, with connoo'lnnn and a fine electric plant are In tho course of construction, which will cost $123:0o, and which will result In a hnavy In?rense of water premuro In tho upper and central portion of tho city. It s proposed 1 tor on, to uso tho e'oetrlc plant for lighting the parks as wotl as for oncratng the stnndplpe, and the Work Is now being rapidly carried on under tho supervls'ou of Superintendent Charlo?. E, Rolling, nf Hip Wntnr D?pnrtmont. FOP CLEAR WATER Another permanent Improvement now in the course of construction In the watct department is tli0 settling basin, winch will cost $850.000. and which, when completed, will Insure clear water to the i.lthMns of Richmond for all timo 'l'ho Treasury Department lins *ept abren?! of others in the line of imbue Improvements. Treasurer Phillips, after a long and Irird struggle, has succeeded In'getting rour subsintlons established In tt,o city for the collection of gos and water rent. This not only facilitates tho work of the main of fico, but Is a ?rent convenience lo the citizens of the remote scL-tlons of the city. Tho Commit tee on James River Improvements hnve been alert and have augmented these equip? ments with ? now dredging plant, now about to begin operations. No depart? ment has shown greater prosperity dur? ing the year than that having the man? agement of the city's gas. ? or tho first eloven months of ioi)3 tho increase from this department waa $"3.2t>:.\37 over the gross receipts for the same period of the preceding year. Thfi figures uro as follows?. Receipts to Dec. I. 1903.$228,11(1.7? Receipts to Dec. I, 11)02. ?Ol.eSUil Inrreni?e .$ ?3,SS2.37 INCRKAKF.D CONSUMPTION. The inrreneu for tie first eleven months of l!?>3 ovei tho entire year of 100.' Is fi:..SL'C18. nnd when tho Decomber figures for ! ??a') ore In, t hie nmunt Is oxiioctod to pi? (poro 11i<iit doubled. The Inpreas? In the sale and consump? tion of gas Is accounted for by the fact so many new houses have been built during the year, and. that gas stoves The Virginia Staio la owned by homo peopU, managed by home people, employs homo people and spends Its mnrey In Richmond, A. K. HEINRICH. Solicitor. Tho Vlrglnln Stato Is owned by home people, managed by home people, employs home people und spends It? money In ?Ueluaoiid. A. U. PLEA^A^TO, Afe'ent, aro inore widely used than ever before. A new gas holder for ilio West End le mio of tho Important Improvements lit otintt'ttiplutlon. It l? expuiiled to cost ???,???, find wilt almost surely u? oree od during the- coming year, Proposition? ror.fO celli, gas urn pending Ih th? cotm- ? ell. and It Islikoly. that tuo prleo of this hci.iessiii'y commodity will bo reduced dur? 111? 1P0I. a largo s?itlunary storago oil tank Is In contemplation ut tho Upper uas w orke. and will probably bo among the l'jfll Iinpi'ovoinct-ils In this dopurlmunt. ? TUE ClTY'H UililiT. The total debt of the city January 1. 1004. la i7.227.Bt.!,Co. This debt matures, at intervals or eix monthsrcommcneliie J?tn> uary 1, mol. and continuing till 1930. ' Thn first, ltdin in tho list tujUtSS ma? turing January 1. 1901, win be paid off in citeh. the city having secured tho money for that tntrhose, pending the seulement of the tiuosttuns undur discussion concern? ing tito future policy of the government Us to the management of the debt. Thu ensh borrowed (or this emorguncy will be returned out of the proceeds of the drat refunding Issue. The total of tho bondod debt Is large by comparison with the debts ot other and mots modern eitles, and without ' ui.:?? I.ghta?' would seem to be oxootsslvs. tut tho exulatiatiun Is simple: At tue close of Ih? war Richmond was In ruins, her people bankrupt?, many homeless, and every source of revenue destrovod. To rnoet the pressing necessities of those d.eadtul days, this debt was gradually creatati, But thero Is still another roa son' Richmond owns her own'great enter? prises, Including the water works, gas works, markets, school houses, etc., be? ing modelled on English lines, and It Is to these groat plants that we mtmt look fur an explanation of the great size of ner debt. Richmond suffers by comparison with other cities of about .?e ?Ice and strength," mainly because, !.n many in? stances where these cities show smaller proportionate Indebtedness, their water supplies, gas plants, etc., are owned by private corporations, and In some In? stances cities of great size and wealth rent offices for the city departments, not even owning a City Halli NO NEED TO SELL, She could easily pay hor entire debt? and havo a surplus?by the aule of the gas and water plants, it Is not unreasonable to say that possibly tho water works and rights alone would bring th? amount .?i? the debt. But the city Is under no nce-u'ty of :on ??mplatlng the sili ol an o 1er ircat properties, having never defaults' >n the payment of Intoriiei or pnnc pa) of her debt, and being amp.y abie, not onl.. 6 provide for the ln'.<ire:?t, oj? to p.o? .?Iflo also for the etoady amortization of ?ho whole debt. ! The sinking fund now aggr-gi'o? ?? round numbers $300,000. and wli, w thin the next year bo, practically, ono mllHj,. L'he blan proposed for Ihr future 1 simple ind will be effective; and may be? brief.y itntod: Tho fund now In I.und will be i.old nvested, and tho ? ? to rest the eo.i iri.n .?ested until January, ?920. There will be added to this amount annually $9000;, which will be also Invostod and io.n pounded until 1920. REFUND ALI? BONDS. All bonds maturing *rom now until 191* '?hore are none maturing fri m lSl? to Uli?, nclusivo) will bo refunded. By 1020 .ho linking fund will have recov ro., irons ?he errocts of defective man.icemen*, t.i ,'he past, will boar that proportion to tho lobt It was always infonde 1 1 sod hear,.and will ho s' rung enough o ccom pllsh the purpose for I; was found id?tho payment of the debt. And so. commencing January 1. 103D. the ?. ommlsslonors will be able to pay in full ?ut of their redemption fund, each oond is It matures, rt Is comfortlnc to know nnd Ih'orestlny; oo, that 1* there was onv noce alt.v lo :t, the City could, out >f Ita current rev iiuie, pay every dollar of Its cebt ay it ..natures. So that, largo ,is the debt set-in ? thero aro three ways to pay. it, el her of "which"-would be feasible end desirable ?n ? ho' following order: First. By the ordinary, comminly.p'a - tlced plan of a sinking fund, created by fixed annual appropriations''Invested unJ ^omiounded. (Tlio plan proposed.) Secondly. By direct payment from t' e eguhir, current (and now handsome) tev. enuos of the city. Thirdly. By tlio salo Of ono or two of :ho groat properties of tho city, such a* ?ire m muny ?treat cities owned and cou rolled bv private corporat.onn. But, lastlv. "^n than ton per c:m . ot mo property or ner peoplo would puy tue entire debt of tho city. By way of proof that the cltv might, If t choso to do so. pay t ff th?? dob by '.he direct application of G.3 current revo aue and as a matter of cur,o?s interest onslder these facts: The city now paya annually for inter? im and redemption: Oenernl bonded debt.$4 2.W .!> Water bonde.:. 4 ,0/3 la Total annual cost of bonded deb?, S'.?, 0 d 3j The average annual maturities fro u 904 to 1930 Is over $277,976. The estimated revenue of tho city ror 11)03 was >1.7d4,??.??. It will probably ox? coed this amount, The revenue to. ?Jui can bo safely es'lmated ?.? *2,?00,000. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Tho year ID03 represente pe. hape tho most progressive and useful year's work of tho pulillo schools of our city since i.liR'.r beginning, m tho yeur 1S6U. Tho organization and cqulpmont of tho svstfim has been greatly Improved dur? ing tho past year, and the work being ?ore by both teachers and pupils is o? such a character as to Juetlty tho belief that a livelier la being taken In the cause of education by tho patrona of tho schools and the community at largo There has been a steady growth In the numbor of pupils enrolled and the offlc?on? cy of the work being done. Tho annual renort shows a total enrolment of 12,120, which, when the change In tho snhool ago mane by the new Constltuton Is consid? ered, will prove the largest enrolment of tin? schools, SCHOOL PROPERTY. The school property of th'e city Is valued ai about ?d?^,????, which consists of eigh? teen school buildings nnd furniture, owned by the city, and a lot at corno of Thirty-third and Marshall Streets, which ius been recuiily purchaicd by tho clly and upon It is hopod a now bu Id it g will bb erected during the coming year, This is an urgent demand for the ?i comodatlon of pupils who are now in rented rooms In tho eaiitorn Part of the city and which ye very poortly suited to the purpose for which they are used, Tho oxpondituro for tho schools for? Ihe vear io;ia was about $176,000. of wh en , i. mount Slfo.lDO was for pay roll and gen? eral expenses, and $10,250 for a lot and I iither permanent Improvements. ?? I IMPORTANT CHANGES. During the preront session Boverni Im-1 portant ohnr.gos havo been mudo In the? conduct of the schools. The regular semi- ' niinuttl examinations hnve beon dispensed I wuh, with tho exception ot tho graduat? ing classes in the district and High schools, and rome other epoolni Instances | the pupila win bo piompted upon the ?isls of their general standing during the so's'on. Thus far Ihe plan haa prov on satisfactory te th? schoul authorities. The atra ? of the general oximinntlona will be e! mil atod and It Is bol.eved bet? tor resulta are being a??ainod, ADDED INTEREST. ? The muslo, which waa Introduced th'i'eo .veirs ago. has added greatly io the inter? rut of he achools. The childrun uro doing Miry satisfactory work and art? learning weil tie general principles of music. Homo of the work, especially In tho ad? vanced clatees, is very fine. The cho. uses in ilio uigh achonls liuvo rucolved univer? sal commendation. At ? ho opening of the prof ont session kindergartens were established In couneo. ton with thru?? of our school buildings. ? he?o have- measured fully up to uxuuc tHt.ons. Tho power of thu little oi?< tu ilo Intolilgeui udii even complicated work hits been clearly established. Many of thu products, though crudo, uro very happy It. espressine the thought In the oh'h. nvnil. The patrons aro pleutipd ami uiithti sm tic In si.pi.ort of tlic.-o schuols. ? la hoped to add to the uiimbur of tlKb? schools In the near futuro, MANUAL TRAINING. Einmenta y mnnuiil training, Includili? drawing, his teen Introduced Into the lower primary g rudes very ?ntlefae lorv rpfiiltH. It has come as it period or loin-aliment nnd Inaplratlnn to pupils -liicJ teai'hers, and, whllo giving practical lliKlfiict nil. lightens Up tho guriyill school work, it |B the hope of the Roan'] to <.x..nd th.B l ranch Into the Illune * p ? il u* and .tinully into Out recular miuiuuj uJl^?, Confidently believing that the facilitici offered depos? itors and borrowers by .this bank are unequalled . , OF RICHMOND, VA., with its ?apital and Surplus of One Million Dollars and Total < Assets of Six Mill?n Dollars, re? spectfully solicits your business. *f il' V1RGINIUS NEWTON, President. JOHN B. PURCELL, Vice-president. JOHN M. MILLER, JR., Cashier. CHAS. r?. BURNETT, Ass't Cashier. J. C. JOPLIN, Ass't Cashier. ** ?? DIRECTORS, S, DABNEY CRENSHAW, A. H. CHRISTIAN, JR., CHAS. DAVENPORT, D.O.DAVIS. G. A. DAVENPORT, J. B. MOSBY, VIRQINIUS NEWTON, JNO. B. PURCELL, TliOS. M. RUTHERFOORD, p. sitterd:nq, I; STERN, A. D. WILL?AMS. mg school, of which our city stand? so much In noed. l'ho school board, to estabUshlnffin each school a library consisting of hooka ol inference and sudi oinurx ulonu educa? tional lines as may provo useful and at? tract, vo to teachers and pupils, thua have arranged for five of the binld.nga. It is believed that the efficiency uf the teaching force Of the schools Is progress? ing and being steadily Imp.oved. During ihe year mcotlnge havo been organ zed for tho io.1 chers in the district schoo.n. and a serios of lectures upon pcdigoglcul .iu...icc!s for the entire teaching force has ueen arranged and carried into oftoct. Those must necessarily bear goud fruit in developing und exciting a higher grado of toucher's work. NEWPORT NEWS. Prospects of the City Brighter Than for Years Past. (Spoelul to Tho TimeB-Dleputcri.) KBWPORT NTOWB. VA., Doc. Sl.-The arrival of 100-1 vflll find tho prospect? for ilio futuro of Newport Nowe brighter ihn ? thoy have been for yeare. Tho yea i' 1003 has not been a. particularly iiiosporouH one, although the number of usinosi) failures has been .comparatively '?mull, The business men ?ay that they I have been holding tholp own, .although I until the past month, It hue been quiet ? t;i 'baslness circles. Thero has been prac? tically no change in tho value of real ? 'stute, mid runts are about what thoy ? ft year ago, ? Only one new Industry hue been estab? ilaliot? during the year, The Eagle Shoo Company brought its plant here from li'ivderlchsburg, erected a large brick building and has been doing ? big busi? ness, in tho next two months the War? wick Brewing and Ice Company ? plant <vl|l ie completed and open for business ''ills plant Ih said to be the largest soutn of l-.altlmorn, und tine cost over a half rntltion dollars. It is believed that the success ot the Jnmtalown Exposition Company In val'.? da'.ifig Ita charter and malting It certa!? that the great exposition will be bela will make a great change in tho situs lion all over Tidewater Virginia ar.ii 1'i.i'ticiilarjy In thin und o they eitlen, and that tho effect will be felt almost imme? diately. The lrr,|irr ?nd export trade of the puri Ih h ) nr did not break any record?. Thu last tow month?' business, however, ptuventocl tho total? tor the year from being very small, Combino sentiment with horte se?en and get your policy from the Virginia State, u, home Institution, QAP.TOIj SAVINGS BANK, Agent. Practice what you preach, and kpep your money at homo by insuring with the Virginia Stato, A, Vf, OARBE?i, So llcltor. pallan are good thing?. Keep them ut homo hy Insuring with the Virginia , litats, A. I? PLEASANTS, Agoni. ? CONSECRATION OF ST. ANDREW'S Interesting Exercises This Morn? ing?Bishop Gibson to Preside. The consecration of St, Andrew's Epis copal Churoh will toko placo this morn? ing at li o'clock. Bishop Gibson, of the Diocese of Virginia; will preside, and the Rev, Robert Strangp, D. D., rector of St. Paul's Churoh, will preach the consecratlop sermon, Just twenty-six years ago the first St. Androw'? Churoh was consecrated by Bishop WhlttVr Thorn wore present Rev, Dr, Minnlgorodo, rootor of St, Paul's; Rov. Pike Powers, th? assistant mlnletor (afterwards rootor of Si. An? drew's), and Rev, R, A. Gibson, ot Moore Memorial Chapel (now bishop ot Vir? ginia), Tho consecratl'on took place on Thurs? day afternoon, December 80th, 1877, at ?5 o'clock. A number of persons who at? tended tlw first consecration will be present at the ceremonies to-day. ' A cordial Invitation i'e extended to all others who feel'Interested In the church, and especially to the vestry and congre? gation of st, Paul's. CAPTAIN F. W. CUNNINGHAM WORKS FOR PUBLIC TO-DAY Captali) Frank W, Cunningham, city cnlK'cror, will not observe January 1st al?n? with U?? rest of the City Hall peo Vie to-day, but will have his office open for the receipt and collection of oily taxe? from thou* who thus far huvo no\ found It pay up, "To-morrow la no day In law," said th? (.?opulur officer last night, "and i shall come hero and give those who have not paid up th?? opportunity to save the five jw cent, penalty which will be due on nil unpaid bills after to-day," t'tiptaln Cunningham is always thought? ful of the public Interests, and has sev? oral times before kept hie office open on holidays. I Practice what you preach, and keep your money at home by Insuring with ?h? Virginia State. A. P. HULCHER, ??t Holier. The Virginia State Insurance Company has assets exceeding ?600,000, and surplus to I'Ollcyholders of ?300.000. U. C, WHERRY & BONS, Agent,