Newspaper Page Text
?THE WARRING C0UNC1LMEN ?Officers Elected by the Present Council Will Not be Chosen by the New. PREACHER STEALS A COW ?Y. M. C. ?. Boat.Club' Will Co to Ocean View on an ?uting, Mason's Joint Meeting. (Special to The Times-Disputcln) PBTISRSBURO, VA? Juno SO.-Tho newly elected councllmen who did not jmrtlclpato Iti tho recent ciiucuh of tho Council will jtrceont to that body' to? morrow nftcriioon a long communication dotting; forth tho reasons why lljftt body nhoiild not elect the city officers' who ?ver? nominated at lho caucus. Mr. Cleoi'go S, Bernard will teprestiit tho couiicllnioii-clect. Much Intetost Is be? ing laken In the com Tilg proccedltigS,, a? 11 Is Hiild that nomo of the officers who would bo elected by tho t)resent Colm? ili would not be elected by tho new Coun? cil ih September. (I. DANGEROUS CROOK. Deputy United States Marshal Bendlt Identified John MeBrldc, tho alleged tramp, tft-day u? "Now York Blackoy." Ml*. Bendlt ?uys tho prisoner Is a danger nus und desperate crook, und that the officer; who arrested hlm.wae fortunate in not being allot by him. Robert Wilklns, a colored Bapiisl picacher, living near Jarratt. Va., was arrested In Petersburg yesterday atter irpon on the charge of ?Itallng a cow, which he sold to a butcher In thin city. ..lunluu Johnson, a colored farmer, also "living near Jarratt, has Identified the cow ?is his property. Wilklns, when ntreatcd, had a Bible In ono pocket and a pint ?if whiskey G? the other. The negro was Kent on for trial by tho Hustings Court. BOAT CLUB. Tho ?- M. C. A. Boat Club Is now In fine condition. Thero aro twenty mem? bers, and the limit <s thirty. The asso? ciation members will go to Ocean View tills year on their annual camping ex? pedition, A Joint meeting of Blandford, Powha? tan, Starke and Petersburg lodges of Masons wtll bo held to-morrow nlgnt at lho hall on Tabh Street. The wives of the members havo been Invited to be present on the occasion, and the daugh? ters' degree will be conferred on ill en? titled thereto. Major Lasslter, who has been quite 111, la now improving. CHESTERFIELD COURT. W. O. Watkins Secures Verdict Against Electric Railway. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CHESTERFIELD. VA.. Juno 30.?The suit of Vf. ?. Watkins vs. the Richmond and lJetersburg Klectrlc Railway Com? pany, begun In the Circuit Court y?*.er day, resulted to-day in a verdict of ??3.C50 for Uio plaintiff. The suit wa? for the forfeiture on the part of thoTailway corn party, for fallu?o to conwrruct a certain railway crossing from the farm of Mr. Watkins over ihe company's track. Into the Petersburg turnpike. In November, 1G-51, the County Court entered an order directing the Klectrlc Railway Company to open certain wagon ways from Ampi hill farm Into tlie turnpike road, agree? able to tho recommendations of viewers appointed by tho court in proceedings for the purpose. Tho company compiled with the courts order, except that at one of the points detUgnated, where tho approach to tho railway was difficult, no grading was done to bring the road-bed to' the level of the railroad track. For failure In this regard, suit was brought under the statute imposing a penalty of IS a day on corporations In such rapes, Messrs. Sands and Sands representing Mr. Wat? kins. Count-???! for the railroad company naked for the Jury's verdict to be set a>:ide and a new trial granted, and the motion was continued. Th? case will probably be taken to the Supreme Court by the railroad company If they fail to ecctiro a new trial. Mr, A. A. Phaup, who, on Monday, was appointed county superintendent of roads by the Board of Supervisors, qualified for tho ofTlco yesterday. Mr. William Spears Is one of the candidates tot the ofllco of supervisor of Clover Hill District, to suc? ceed Mr. Phaup, who resigned that offlee on Monday. J. II. Ileusler, TV. H. Fllnn, E. H, Blunt and A. C. Small woro appointed yesterday as spoclal policemen for Forest Hill Park, on motion of tho Virginia Passenger and Power Company. Tho suit of Bessie Loison vs. Atlantic Coast Bine Kali road Company, for JIG,000. damages sustained In a railroad accident near fort Walt hull, was begun this after? noon, C. W. Waddy, of Rockbrldgo, and .incise Cregory_, appearing for the plain? tiff. ' GOOD CAR SERVICE. Lodges of Odd-Fellows at Phoe? bus to Consolidate, '(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) PHOEBUS, VA., Juno 20.?The Hampton Roads Railway Company has at last got? ten Its truck completed to Mill Creek, nnd Is now running Its cars to that point. This gives Phoebus two electric car lines from Hampton and Newport News, both of which run branch roads to Buckroe Beach. The now line takes workmen to Now port News for a five-cent faro, which puts laboring men on an equal footing with Hampton men- It Is thought thn new company will have Its trestle com? pleted to Old Point and Its ears run-? ning there ln about sixty days. I. O. O. F. Chesapeake T.odge, No. Bl, ?, ?. ? F., Is arranging to consolidate with and be? come part and parcel of Old Point Lodge, No 141. This will mnko ono of tho strong? est lodges ln tho State, with about two hundred and fifty members. Old Point Lodge will Install Its officers next Wed? nesday night, July 6th, Mr. C. XV. Morrlss, of Richmond, grand master of Virginia, has boon Invited to publicly Insilili lho officers of Grebh. Lodge, No. 137. Thursday night, July 7th. Tills will ho quilo un elaborato affair, as several prominent Odd-Kellpws are ex? pected to take part In tho work. Re? freshments w'll ho served. COL. PETTIT IMPROVES. Leaves for Warm Springs?Mrs. Clifton Miller Charms With Song (Special lo The Tlmes-Dlspatch,) NVELMINGTON, VA., Juno 30.-Co.onol' William B. Pcttlt, accomi-unled hy Mrs, Pottlt, Miss Vera Pottlt, Miss Genevi?ve Pottlt and Mr. Paul Pettlt, left for lho Wurni Springs to-duy,? to remain t,ov .cral .weeks. Colonel Pottlt has grown much stronger during tlie last week, und lus friends uro hopeful of continued hud permanent Improvement, Mrs. Clinton M. Miller, of Richmond, Is hero for a fow day?. Sho sang at the marriage of Miss Lily Snead, at Fork Union, Wednesday? and her beautiful soprano volco delighted the largo audi? ence. Mrs. Miller was formerly Mary Ashley Bell, whoso namo Is so fa? vorably know? In musical and social cir? cle?. WHICH SHALL ELECT THEM? Thc City Attorney Decides Against the Council Now. in Power. THE GOLF TOURNAMENT Clubs Which Sell Liquor De? nounced by the Norfolk District Conference. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ? NORFOLK, VA? Juno SW.?I'olltlciane hero uro considerably puzzled as to whether city offices, to bo filled by coun i.llmnnlo election, shall bo elected July 1st, by tho nuwly elected Council, or tho old Council?the ono at pr?sent In charge ol the elly's legislativo affairs. City At? torney Mellwnlno hns rendered a d?cision in which ho udvlscs thai the Council now In power luis no legal right to fill tho offices; Unit the appointments should bo mud?? by Iho now Council as soon ns tlio members' term begin?. It Is charged Hint tho ring ruction in local politics havo planned lo capturo all tho job? before tho new Council?a good govern? ment fnctlou Council lt is by,a largo ma inrlty?gct Into office. Mcllwnlno'B opin? ion is regarded us a solar plexus blow for the ring faction, GOLF 'i"01.*RNAMl-*-NT. The Country Golf Club will bold series of Interesting games this week, con? tinuing until Monday or Tuesday next, beveral attractive prizes have been of? fered, and much Interest la manifested in the tournament, On account of the Illness of tho presi? dent, Charles W. Prlddy, the annual meeting Of the Virginia State Board of Trade .will not take, us scheduled, at Virginia Beach, ouly 4th. Th?*, con? vention will be held later In the summer, It ha? been announced, 8. J. TJllmun, a Main Street clothier, filed a petition In voluntary bankruptcy and United States Court Judge Waddlll appointed B. P. Cago and II. O. Miller receivers for the property. The liabili? ties of the firm are placed at $11,121. CLUBS DENOUNCED. Clubs, which sell liquor? were de? nounced to-day by the Norfolk District Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and It was demanded that they be governed by tho same laws which control saloons. Tho Committee on So? cial Clubs reported that social clubs are a nuisance, and menace to Ihe well-being o? a community. DECLINES THE OFFICE OF ARCHDEACON (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspateh.i F?EDBRICKSBUBG, VA., June 30. Rev. XV. D. Smith, of this city, who was recently appointed archdeacon of the Dio ceso of Virginia, has finally determined not to accept the api*alntment, and has sent in his declination to Bishop R. A. Gibson. Mr. Smith Is the rector of St. George's Episcopal Church here, and Is exceed? ingly popular, not only with his own con? gregation, but with tho community gen? erally, and the people are pleased that he will remain here. ? 'Destructive Electric Storm. (Bpeqlul to The Timos-Dispatch.) SMITH'S X ROADS, VA., Juno 30.?The electric Btorm- which passed over this section Tuesday night, was the severest that hns been seen here for many, years, Much damage has been done to timber,'' wheat and other things. A number of posts of tho Farmers' and Merchants" Telephone Company's lfrtes were torn Into kindling wood, and at ono point, near here, the wires were melted for a dis? tance of three or four hundred yards. The infant child of Sir. and Mrs. A. W. Benettc. who swallowed a mouthful of strong concentrated lye. a tew days ago, has somewhat recovered, and tho doctors now think it will soon be well again. Something Cute. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) LEXINGTON. VA., Juno JOV-A delightful entertainment, entitled "Something Cute in Whlto and Black," was given Tuesday eve? ning" In the opera house at Buena Vista, under tlio au*plcce-of the Indir??; of St. John's Metho? dist Church, of that city. A ponton of tho participants wero blacked, and an excellent programmo was presentici to an appreciative audience, consisting of recitations, songs, tableaux, anil concluding with an old-time darkey cake-walk. Of special interest were recitations by Mrs. B. It. Embree, . Misa Adalaldo Zimmerman and Miss Pauline Em? bree, of Buena Vista; a solo, "Dear Old Girl," by Mrs. Lawrence Embrea, of Lexing? ton, and a choruH, "I'm a Rollln' ," by all. The_fnlertalnment had. been given the pro vloue week at Epivorth Hall, with such signal success that its repetition was requested. Financially it was a great suedes?". William and Mary ? Notes. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.") WILLIAMBBORQ, VA., June 30.?Mr. Arthur ?. Wright, son ot John Wright, the prominent tohacconlst of Richmond, graduated with high honor? nt tho William and Mary College. Mr. Wright took A. B. ani A. M. at tho unusual ago of nineteen. The Phi Beta Kappl Society of William and Mary College has changed ltn annual cele Imill.-m and reunion from tlie 10th of Feb? ruary In the Kth nf December, tho birthday of this famous literary society., -??-' Decapitated. ^ fSneclnl to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch,1 ALEXANDRIA, VA.. Juno 30.?Ashley Moseley, car inspector on tho Wnshlng t***R Southern Railroad, was struck and decapitated here to-day by a freight train. lie resided at Moseley junction, near Richmond. The Rosenegk Brewing Go. Getting on Tog.?Pueh and Enterprise Win Out in the Long Run. Tho improvements recently made?now cellar?, porcelain lined steel stock vats, Instead of tho old-fashioned wood, new machinery, &c, ?_o., have justified the outlay In tho superiority of the beor turned .out. ' Tho company have had this proved to thorn in a very gratifying mi?pnei?, wherever they have gone in competition with the largest und best known brewers In the United States?tho beer being sub. Jectcd to strict Inspection and anulysls? thoy have secured cither tho whole, or part of the -inost desirable contracts given out, notably the United States gov. eminent contract for tho National Sol? diers' Homo, Hampton, Va., uud in an? other instance tlio supplying of the Stato Dispensary of South Carolina with their oxport beers "Edelweiss."/ "Challenge" anil "Champagne'?? In car-load lots. In the State of Virginia and North Car olino, "Rosonegk" Is 1'ast becoming tho standard, as Is shown by the large daily Increase In b,uelness somewhere in tho neighborhood of J.0Q per cent. SIXTY A DRUG STORE. J ?T has been my desire for some time to have a Prescription Drug Store more centrally located on the shopping thoroughfare, that I may be more convenient I J[ to the public from all parts of the city, and tha^the public generally may get the benefit of having their prescriptions compounded by perfectly reliable I pharmacists at my reasonable prices. I feel that I have been very fortunate in securing the oldest and most reliable Drug Stand on Broad Street, and In I taking charge of same, will say that the business will be conducted upon the same high-tone Virginia principles that it has been for the past sixty years UNDER ?.NEW AND UP-TO-DATE M/ANAGEMENT. The new proprietor being owner of two other stores that bear high reputation with both the public and doc? tors (in proof of the same eighteen thousand prescriptions were filled by him at his two stores last year), places him in position to buy goods in large quanti i) tics at the very lowest prices, which he proposes to give the public the benefit of. NO DRUGGISTS CAN, AND WE DON'T PROPOSE TO LET THEM, ?SELL AS CHEAP AS WE DO. We are going to be leaders in low prices; we want your trade and we propose to make it to your interest to give it to Below I quote a few prices which will give you an idea of our *..tock: us. OUR MOTTO : " NO ARTICLE SOLD AT FULL PRICE." TRIPLE EXTRACT PERFUMES. Roger & Gullet's Ext. Vera Vltj ? letta, per bottlo *.% 98 Roger & Gallefs Ext. Vera Vio? letta, Jim? tv/.. 65 Roger ?k Gullet's Ext. do Violette de Parme, per bottlo. 83 Roger A Gallet'H Ext. do Violetto do Parme, per ounca. 63 I?. Legiuid's Ess. Oriza, per bot.. 1 10 No. -1711 Rhino Violett?, por hot.. 79 No. 4711 D'Eau de Cologne, per bottlo .29 and 60 Colgate's Mound Violet, per of*.. 30 Colgate's Cashmere Bouciuct, per otincn .-,. 35 Colgate's Dactylls, por ounce... 33 Lnzell's Triennio, per ounce.... 35 ?^?????? Chrysanthemum, per o*s. 30 Luzell's 'Violet, por ounce. 20 Lazell'a Whllo Rose, per ounce.. 20 ??????G? Heliotrope, per ounce... 20 Woodwortli's Violet of Hlclly, per . mince .,. B0 Woodworth's Blue Lily, per oz.. 35 Wood worth's While Rose, per oz. 25 Woodwortli's Heliotrope,' per oz. 25 Plriuud's Extract Violetto. 1 15 M-INERAL WATERS. Hunyadl Jonos, Hauterlve Vichy, Ru? blnat. Carbonated, Appolllharis Apenta and Buffalo Lithla, Carbonated with Siphon, 65 cents, Siphon returnable, 60 cents. TOILET WATER8. Plnaud's Extract Vlolot Water, per bottlo .$ 69 Roger A Gallet'B Volletto de Par? me, per bottlo. 70 Colgate's Violet, per bottle..25 and 45 Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet, per bottle. 83 Colgate's La France Rose, per bottle. 60 No. 4711 Violette du Rhin, per bottlo . 78 Florida Water, M. ?Ss L., large, per bottle . 55 Florida Water, M. A L., small per bottle . 19 Florida Water, Lazell's. 47 Dr. Parker Pray's Ongollne, per bottlo . 37 Dr. Parker Pray's Pocket Emery Board. 21 Dr. Parker Pray's Diamond Nail .Enamel. 21 POSTAGE STAMPS and supplies kept for the accommoda? tion of the public, don't fall to drop In and ask for them. PROPRIETARY MEDICINES. Alkallthla .'.".$ 90 Shoop's Restorative .??. 75 Shoop's Rheumatic Cure. 75 Munyon's Remedies . 18 Allcock's Porous Plasters. 10 Borolyptol . ,75 Green's Nervura. 75 Lapactic Pills, per dozen. 05 Lapactlc Pills, per hundred. 30 Follow'?? Syrup .:. 1 10 Liquid Pcptonold.wlth Creosote.. 1 10 1 Mother's Friend . 75 Gray's Glycerlno Tonio . 82 ?. ?. Balm. 73 Humphrey's Remedies . 19 Grove's Chill Tonic., 35 Red Cross Plasters . 18 Cold Cream. 10 Gude's Peptomangan . 85* Eff. Phosphate Soda, Wyth's_ 35 Eft. Phosphate Soda, Mulford's. 25 JUtt. Bicarb. Potassium, Wyfh's.. 33 Eff. Blcnrb. Potassium, Mul ford's . 25 Thlallon . 85 M-cGulre's C, B. Pills, per dozen, 05 McQulre*6 C. B, Pills, per 100_ 25 Kntnow's Powder . 85 Brake's Palmetto Wine Cornp... 69 Stornos' Wlno Cod Liver Oil:... 85 Chapoteante Wlno of Phrwpho Glyc?mie nt Limn and Soda.... 85 Wampolo's Digestive Kola Win??. 83 Anger's Petroleum Emulsion, largo. . 75 Anper'R Petroleum Emulsion, small . 40 Bnnmetto. 83 Booth's Hyoml, complete . 83 Booth's Hyoml, Inhalent. 43 Solution Citrate Magnesia. 20 Five Drops Rheumatic Curo:... 85 Malttne Preparations . 83 Trommor'H Preparations of Ex? tract Malt. 88 Mull's Grape Tonic. 45 Glyco Thy moll no. en Antiseptic Tooth Powder. 15 Antiseptic Mouth Wash. 15 Arnica Tooth Soap . 17 Allen's Tooth Soap. 10 Dentai Cream . 15 Dentl-Cura . 17 Santo! Mouth Wash . 18 M. & B. Mouth Wash. 18 Lyon'a Tooth Powder.:. 18 Sozodont Tooth Powder. 18o Sozodont Mouth Wash...... 18o Rublfoam. 18o We don't confine a purchancr to one or two articles. ,???? can buy as much ar, you wish. ., HOUSEHOLD DEPART ?WE NT. Brown's French Dressing. 09c Whltmoro's Polish . 07o Jumbo (Extra Large Bottle with Paste). 10o Young's Uneeda Double Size Black or Tan .',. 10o Young's Uneeda Paste, Double Size, Black or Tan. 10o Household Ammonia, full pint bottle.05c Witch Hazol, best distilled, full pint bottle . 15c Insect Powder, Gunn's . 07c Best Persian Insect Powder, per pound . 25c Fly Paper, per box of 25 sheets.. 34c Ply Paper, three double sheets.. 05c Mtrtli Balls, per, pound.3'?c Powdered Borax, per pound.. 14c Powdered Borax, per half pound. 08c Powdered Borax, per quarter lb.. 04c Carriage Sponges .25 and 50c Bath Sponges .5, 10, 15, 25, 50 and 75c Complexion Brushes.19 and 45c Scrubbing Brushes.5 and 10c Sea Salt. 5-lb. bag. 15c Flesh Brushes .23 and 48o Carbolic Acid, pure, per pint.... 40c Carbolic Acid, crude, per pint.... 20c Household Disinfectant . 23c Insect Exterminators of all kinds and prices Toilet Papers, largo packages.5c. ? for....25o Ivory 8oap . 05c Coal Oil Johnny Soup. 05c Spices, fresh, sweet and ? fragrant.S best prices Best Flavoring Extracts. ) Condensed Milk, Eaglo Brand, 17c. 3 for. 50c Bees Wax, white and yellow Coleman's Mustard . 18c ?3. & L. English Mustard........ 1,0c We are not ?elfish I If any Druggist? desire to avail themselves of the oppor? tunity of saving money by purchasing of us Instead of Jobbers, they are at liberty to do so; we will be pleased to serve them, ? Have you a Prescription you want filled by a perfectly reliable Registered Pharmacist? Send It to either of Blanks*s Prescription Drug Stores. Seven Registered Pharmacists employed. TOILET POWDER8. Pozzonl's "Complexion Powder, per, box . 43o Wood worth's Violet of Sicily, per box . 43a Freeman's Medicated Face Pow? der, per box. 200 Hunter's Invisible Face Powder, per box . 18o ? Rlckseeker's Martha Washington, per box.18o Rlckseeker's Poudre Riz Talcum, por box...43a Lazell's Face Powder, per box... 17o Dorln's Rouge, per box. 18o Stanley's Rouge, per-hox..10o Roger &-. Gullet's Poudre de Riz, per box . 20o Roger Sr. Gallet's Poudre do Rlz Talcum, box . 20c Colgate's Violet Talcum, per box. 15o Colgate's Violet Talcum, In glass bottles .:.20o Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet, per ? box . 15o Eastman's Prepared Almond Meal, per bottle.16o . Eastman's Crushed Roses Tal? cum, 15o. per box, two boxes.. 25o Lazell's Violet, regular size.07o Lazell's Violet, V4 lb. bottle, ex? tra fine.20c Lazell's Violet, 1 lb. package, ex- ' tra fine..'. 23c Colgate's Violet Toilet Powder... 19c Lorenz's Elite Powder.23o Have you a prescription that con? tains Ingredients that you have been unable to get? Send It to either of Blanks's Prescription Drug Stores, we have all the new, up-to-date chemi? cals, TOILET tOAPS. Roger & Gallet's Vera Violet, per cake.57c Roger & Gallet's Violette de Par? me, per cake . 37e Roger & Gallet's Violette, per cake .23o Roger &'Gallet's "White Rose, per cake .23o Roger & Gallet's Lilac, per cake. 23c Colgate's Alba Rose, per cake... 57c ?Colgate's Vernalls, per cako.57c Colgate's Hermosa, jier cake. 57o Colgate's Peau d'Espagne, per cuke . 48c Colgate's Monad Violet, per cake. 23o Colgate's Monad Violet, guest room size . 10c Colgate's Dactylls. 23c Colgate's Dactylls, guest room size, per cake. 10c Colgate's Coronel, per cake.23o Colgate's .La France Rose, per cake . 23c Colgate's Fraganola Peau d'Es? pagne, per cake. 23o Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet, large, per cako ....'?.... 24o Colgate's Cashmero Bouquet, small, per cake . 16c No. 4711 White Rose Glycerine, per cako . 18o Pear's Transparent Giyoorlne, per cako.15c 4711 Violet .9c, cako, 3 for 25o 4711 Heliotrope ,...9o. cake, 3 for 25c 4711 Roso .9c. cake, !l for. 25o Tubo Rose .9c. cake, 3 for 25c Colgate's Palm .6 cakes for 25o Oolgnto's I'nlm ..per dozen Cakes, 49o Mnlena .9c. cake, 3 for 25o Havo you a speclallst attending you or any member of your family? If so, send your prescription to Blanks's, the Prescription Druggist, we havo a complete ?took of everything that Is required to fill their prescriptions. Seven Full Registered Pharmacists employed. HAIR PREPARATIONS, Colgate's Sluittinoo, per bottle,.. 25o Colgate's Bay Rum and Quinine Hair Tonic, per bottle. 4Bo Colgate's Qulnol, per bottle. BOo Coke's Dandruff Cure,' tsmall'slzo, per bottle.^../. 43o Coke's Dandruff Cure, largo else, per bottle. 71o Pfnaud Eau de Qiilnlno, per bot? tle . 44c Roger & Gullet's Eau do Quinine, per bottle . 44o Haye'e Hair Health, per bottle.. 43o Haye's Harflna Soap, per cake.. 20o Barry's Trlcopherous, per bottle., 49o Lazell's Qulnlno Hair Tonic, per bottle . 47c Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower, per bottle.43o Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair and Scalp Cleaner, per bottle.. 46o ? Crani Hair Tonic,? small, per bot? tle . 19o Crani Hair Tonic, large, per bot? tle.75c Xanthlne, per bottle .75c Herplclde, per bottle .75c ?* Lyon'-s Katharlon,- per-bottle.46c Ayor's Hair Vigor, per bottle..,.. 73c Vaseline Hair Tonic, per bottle.. 19c Richmond Hair Dye, per bottle.. 65c A Full Line - of LOWNEY'S AND BELL'S ' CANDIES. Our stores are always In charge of a full corps of Registered Pharmacists. We employ seven full Registered Clerksy who are perfectly reliable In every respect When they hand you your medicine you can feel assured It is Just what you asked for and what your doctor prescribed. 'Phone orders solicited. Goods sent promptly to any part of the city. 'Phone us to send our porter for your prescriptions. We pride our? selves on our stock of' drugs and chemicals. We are equipped with everything that Is ne?esary for pre? scription work. , ? TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. All the Leading Brands. ?larltana .9c. plug, per lb. 85o Humbug ......15c. plug, 2 for 25c Grapo .9c.-plug, 3 for 25c Plum.9c. plug, 3 for 25c Old Peach........9c. plug. 3 for 25c Sun Cured .9c. plug, 3 for 25c Hlokok's'Fiff.'.v...?....<> plugs for 25o* ?. ? ?. Big Fig.? plugs for 23? Saborosa Cigars .7 for 2?? PIPES AND SMOKING TOBACCOS,' At Nice Assortment. MEDICATED SOAPS. Cuticura, per cake . 19o Renino!, por cake . 23o Palmera Skin Success, por cake. .190 Glen's Sulphur, per cako.19o liyomol, per cako . 20o Calvert'fl Carbolic, per cake 19c, 3 tor. 60e 8. &?. 3. llydronaphthal, por cake.. 23? Stlefel's Sublimate, per cake.23o Htlefol's Born.clc Acid, per cako.. 21o Stlefel's Ichthyol, per cake.43o Craddock's Blue Soap, per cako 7c, 3 for. 20o Llgnol Soap, per cake,..... 20o Havo you an Important or difficult prescription to bo filled, one that^your doctor wants extra precaution and care usod7 Send It to either of my stores, we? ere fully equipped to fill them. Soven Registered Pharmacists employed. RUBBER GOODS. 76c. 2 Quart Fountain Syringe... 45c ?1.00 2 Quart. Fountain Syringe... 75o $1.26 2 Quart Fountain Syringe.. 85a ftOc. 2 Pipe Bulb Syringe. 35o 76c. 3 Pipe Bulb Syringe.60o $1.00 3 Pipe Bulb Syringe.63o Hot Water and Ice Bags at all Prloes. Century Atomizers .50 and 85o Good Ono .and Two-Tip Ato? mizers .25 and 35o Good Three-Tip Atomizers.50o In fact we are Headquarters for Rub? ber Goods of all Descriptions. COMBS Tho Prlncesc, all coarse or half and-half _.47 to 690 Unbreakable Combs.23o English Horn..10 to 25o Gc*nts' Combs .10 to 23c Our 5, 10 and 15c, Combs are worthy of special notice. Wo have,, a nice, select line that are real bar? gains, HAIR BRUSHES. We have a full line of Adam's and Loonen's Hair Brushes, ranging In prices from 89c. to $2.63. We have also a large stock of other well- . known makes at all prices, 63c, 47c, 65c, 71c, *89c? 97c, $1,25 and $1.50. When In need of a Hair Brush give us a call, we can suit you and save you money. Remember you need not wait for a, special sale day for anything In the Drug and Toilet line, everyday la bar- , gain day at Blanks's Prescription Drug Stores. Not a more select stock., can be found than at my three stores. ' When In need of anything In the Drug and Toilet line remember Blanks has,It and for less than you can ob? tain'' It elsewhere. TOOTH BRUSHES. We have all kinds, but we wish to call your epeclal attention to our 23c. Brushes that we Import ourselves and'* guarantee for six months, Special Atten? tion Paid to Mail and Tele? graph Orders. Prescription Drug Stores. BROAD-STREET STORE, 214 E. Broad St. (Thomas-Nolting's Old Stand) ?PHONE 3232. CLAY-STREET STORE, HOI W. Clay Street, Corner Hancock. -, '????,? 3054. RANDOLPH-STREET STORE, 323 Randolph Street, Corner Beverly. 'PHONE ?82. DR. ALDERMAN ? TAKES DEPARTURE Will Make Known His Decision Concerning the Presidency Next Wednesday. (Special to Th? Tlmes-Dlspatch.) UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. VA.. Juno 30.?-Dr. ' Edwin A. Alderman, of Tulano University, prcsi'dent-clcct of the University of Virginia, who has been here for a week, looking over the field beforo ronderlng a decision of acccptnnco or deolinatlon, loft on the 5:50 o'clock train over the Southern Railway this afternoon for Now York olty. Ho was accompanied by Mrs. Aldermuii. To The Tlmes-Dlspatch representative, Dr. Alderman said: | "I am going from hero to Now York, and hopo to make my decision In a abort tlnjc, not later than Wednesday of noxt week. My wife and I havo boon dollght ed at our recoptlon at the University of Virginia. From tho Board of Visitors, tho faculty and the cltlzons of Char? lottesvllle, wo have received Uio most Kindly and gonorous consideration. Every? body connected with the University has co-operated heartily In tho endoavor to 1 put me In possession of all tho neces? sary facts. It Is needless to stato tho impression I have received of lho dig? nity, power and Deauty of the institu? tion. "Oddly ouough, It Is the first time I had had any Intimate acquaintance with It, and I can well understand the magic of Us ninno throughout the country, and 'he spell It has cast over Its sous t'u ovory land." Dr. Aldormnn and Professor W. M, Uio hnd a brief conference at the Jef? ferson Park Hotel this afternoon, but the naturi, of the talk wus not made 1. ubile, Dr. and Mrs. Alderman were driven to Montlcollo this morning by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harmon, and woro charmed -with the trip. * Jefferson's influenco over his surroundings, said Dr. Alderman, hnd beoti a subject of study to hl'iii for somo tuno. He was delighted with Montlcollo, this bring his first visit to that historic spot. Latimer?Allen. ' (Snorlal to Tbo Tlm?s-DIsnaloh.) RRISTOL. TENN., Jiint* BC?A mar? riage, which caused somewhat of ??> sur? , . __ prise, was solemnized in Bristol to-day, when Miss Cynthia Allen, accomplished sister of W. E. Allen, general pussengor agent of the Virginia and Southwestern Railway, becamo tho bride of Jamos C. Latimer, city editor of the Evening Re? publican, of Alton, 111. Tlie couple wero married at tho homo of the bride's parents, Dr. XV. S. Neigh? bors, of Stato Street Methodist Church, officiating. ELEGANT WEDDING. Miss Kent Ellis Cloyd Bride.of Mr. Roger Martin. (Special to Thc Tlmea-Dlsputch.) DUBLIN, VA.. Juno 30,-At tlio old , Cloyd homesteud. now the hospltablo homo of Mr. D, M. Cloyd, on Back Creek, in Pulaski county, was last evening sol? emnized, in tlio presence of u large num? ber ot Invited guests, ? beautiful mar? riage. Mr. Roger Martin, of Kyle, W, Va? lod to tho altar Miss Kent Ellis Cloyd, a very popular young lady, oldest daughter of the host. Rev. D. ,!. Currlo, of Now Dublin Presbyterian Church, as? sisted by Rev. Alex. Martin, of Suinmer vllln, S. C, brother of tho groom, offici? ated, while beautiful muslo was rendered by Major XV. M. Ellis, an undo of tlio brido, and his accomplished wife, on tho vlolfn anil piano. Tho attendants wero Mr. It, B. Oglesby, Lynchburg, Va., with Miss Cloyd, sister of the bride; Mr. II. C. Marshall. Char lotto Courthouse, Vn., with Miss Eilnio nlii Martin, sistor of tlio. groom: Mr. O. L. Alexander, Rluefleld, W. Vu,, iiiiU Miss Elizabeth Tyler, Lynchburg. Vu.: Mr. D. M. Cloyd, Jr., eldest bu.thcr of tho bride, with Miss Madge imurson. Ronnoko, Va.; Mr. Follx O'Keofe, Blue field, W. Vn., with Miss Suslo Bolton. Richmond: Dr, ti. T. ThnrnhiJ!, Blue fleld, AV. Va., with Miss Elizabeth Har lon, Dublin, Va.; Mr. XV. T. Chambers, Eckmiin, W. Va., with Miss Lula Miller, Lynchburg, Va.; Mr. Cray Liinglioriio. Ktonowull, W. Vn., with Miss Nun Pryor Jones, Petersburg-, Vn.; Mr. William Ellis, Jr., Coalwooil, W, Va., with Miss uraco V. Martin, Dublin, Va. Tho flower girls woro Miss Jcnnla llar miin, with Master Rnbort Maryo; Miss Murjorie Murr.' Willi Master John ArcherN t.'ioyd, whllo Alien I'loyil, yoiHlgeSt broth ??? of tho bride, was ring-bearer, Among the? guest? present, from a dis? tance wero Mrs, 1.?'. L. Nance. Arkansas; Mr. Francis M. Ewlng, Nashville, Tenn.: ex-Governor J, Hogo Tyler, wife and daughters, Captain H. Iloth, Railford. Va.; Mr. J. R. K, Cowan it ml hrldo, Major XV. M. Ellis, wife and daughter. Mont? gomery county: Mrs. Alfred Maryo, Mr. Hoheit Muryo, Bhawsvlllo, Viu; Mrs. John 1'ayne, Amhorst, und Mrs. Daniel l'u.vno, Lynchburg, Vn.: Mr. \V. D. Thornhlll, Jilueflelil, W. \"a.; Mr. A. K. l'arker. Kyle, Yv\ Va._ Goodman?Lackey. (Special to The Tliiies-Dlsputeh.) ?,?????????, YA., .linn. SO.?A. pretty l'Iopo look piuco V**C"lU0?4uy morning ut ilio homo pf Mr. und Mr?. W. H. Luckey, ot l'eur Thnbur ltlilge, lluckbi-ldge county, Ilio .'oiitiuiMhig piirtlcn lining their daughter, Till? l.nlii I-Tjflaiiiiin-. and Mr. Charles Richard ' tJoudmuii, a merchant ?pf that comminili* Rev. J. A. Trostle officiated. The brido Is an attractivo young lady. Sha. was gowned In a traveling suit of chfunpagne cloth, and carried a bunch of eighteen Bride roses, rep? resenting her age. Tho uttendants wero Mr. J. Herbert lackey with Miss Mary Leo Lackey, Mr. Carl Tay? lor with Miss Eva Klrkpatrlck. A cousin ot the bride, Miss Stophlo Roadcap, played tha woddlng march. After ? sumptuous lunch, the bridal couplo left on ? woddlng trip, which will Include Washington and other iiolnts of Interest. SURPRISE MARRIAGE. Parental Consent Given, But Marriage Not Then Expected. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WILLTAMSBURG, VA., June 30.?Mrs. XV. B. Bmlthwalte, of this city, received a telegram announcing tho marrlugo nf hor daughter, l.*4tli, to Air. Poter Puni Peebles, of Portsmouth, Tho ceremony was performed ut tho home of a friend bv tho Rev. .1. N, Latham, Miss BralUiwRlte left homo I his morn? ing to visit friends In Portsmouth, and nothing was known hero of tho marrlago unti tuo telegram caino announcing tho fact. The groom wns "a student nt William and Mary College during the session Just olo.'ed. Sirs, Brulthwalto had previously given .hot? consent to the marrlago, but was not ?ware that It woujd take placo so soon. Miss Mitilo Clowes and Mr. Wheats Thorpe "wont down to Norfolk yesterday morning und wore quietly married, and returned homo last night, STAUNTON?RICHMOND. Betting That the Brownks Will' be Shut Out To-day. <Snt>'al to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ????.G????, VA,, Juno 30.?The Blatin tou buse-bull loam cliifeutnd tho Rich? mond Brownies hero to-duy hi tho sec? ond of a serles ?f threo games by ji to 5, Battery for Richmond?Hulohor, Mel-Vy und .Mel.trevy; Staunton'?Dr. Rawllngs inni Lambert. Lambert, Fuller and Raw? llngs, for Statuitoli, did some gootj hitting. The Richmond boya played a good gamo, hui seemed weak hi their hitting. This is two out of a series of three games ?tnuntoit* luis won from tho Brownies, and much money changed lunule hero to? day on Um ginne, tho hotting bolng five to Unco m ia.vor of Statuitoli. Tho hotting to night Is two to ono hi fuyor of Staunton, and some hots havo been placed lj? Stallatoti? will shut Richiudali out to-morrow, Sumner?Kahle. ; iHpeclrii tn Tho.Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WYTHICVILLE, VA?? Juno 30.-Mlss Mary Agnes Kuhlo, Die daughter of Rev. E. F. Kahle, presiding older of the Wytheville Circuit, was married this eve-| nlng to Mr. William Pu I ford Sumner, of Chicago, Ills. The ceremony was per formed by the bride's father, only a few Intimato friends being present. The groom is Ideatoli at Gary, W, Va., having a position with tho United Steel Company, and Is a grandson of General Pulford, of Detroit, Michigan. arrested' after thirty years Washington Watts Confesses to a Murder of Long Ago. ^Specilli to Tlio Times-Dispatch.) NEWPORT NEWS, Juno, ?JO.?Washing? ton Wutts, a, negro man eighty yours old, was arrested In Hampton to-day for a ?rimo committed thirty years ago, dur? ing reconstruction days. Watts In a quarrel with his employer, Julm Th?mqs, a furnier, near Hampton, shot and killed him. Tlio quarrel grow out of a charge that Watts hud been stealing, Hu was given ? year in tlio penitentiary for lar? ceny and olght years for niurde'tyllo only served cloven mouths, howovor, before Jio oscupod, ami had not boon soon slnco, ?hitll a few days ago, when ho showed upon tho wntor front In Hampton. Ho was accused of steullng crabs, and the charge led tha olllcers to Investigato, with tho result that ho was arrested a? a fugitive from Justice. Ho hits con? fessed that lie Is Ilio mar? wanted, ?? ? ? ?*_ f> ?r? SHORTEST, THE ?? Xi lia Ql'ICKEST, popular Un ?? Wh best, TO NORFOLK, OCEAN VIEW, CAPE HENRY AND VA. BEACH,. EVERY HUNDAV. ROUND $1.00 TRIP. Two trains leave Richmond 8:30 and 9 ?. ?. Eight hours in Norfolk; ulna hours at Ocean Vi'uw; ton hours at Old I'olnt and Ruekroo Beach. Three hours longer at Ocean Vlow than via any other voulo. Virginia Heuen and Cupo Henry, t\,'??, Returning leavo Norfolk via Ocean View Rullway 7 P. M., leavo Ocean View 7:30 P. M., leave old point f.:30 P. M.. (Seasidu Special), makes no stops, At'rlvea Richmond 10:3u P. M. Norfolk and Vir? ginia Bcucli passengers can also leave Norfolk via 0* ?t O. steamer ,7;1S. con? necting tit Newport Now? with train ? leaviYig Newport News 8:10 P. M. Tick- | ets sold for Sunday outing train July ? 3d, good returning July 4th. at ruto of $J | rouna trip; one day, |1; two duys, J?:!, j A BOY'S REASON^ FOR RUNNING Air His Evidence Leads to trjjj,;. 'f rest of Girl for lnM?? -'*' ? . fanticid?;. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) '"'> NEWPORT NEWS, VA., Juno 30. Frank Williams, a sma|| white boy. who was tuken'from u gang of hnboca on the Chesnpeulto and Ohio two days ago, told n pitiful story to tho pollco. Ho Bays that, ho ran nwny from his homo in Ironisa county on account of the cruelty o? Martha Polndexter, a negro woman, who, hu claims, runs his father's household. The boy says that rocontly the woman's, daughter had a child, which was smoth? ered In ? blanket nnd burled at night. The woman learned that the boy knovy of tho alleged murder, nnd'the boy, fear? ing that .Mjuivtiiiim would happen ta him, flod, Woman Arrested. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) LOUISA, VA., Juno 3U.-E, Polndester, u colored girl ubout seventeen, was ar? reniteli on tho premises of John Williams, about twelve miles south of this placo In this county, hy Sheriff Willig charged with Infanticide, und lodged In Jail this morning. Hot? accuser la the boy, Frank Williams, who was captured by a gang a? hoboes and la now In tho hmidtj of the Newport. News .police. Tho boy has been sent for by the au? thorities her?.?, und an examining trial will bo hold hero In lho Justice's court ? Saturday at 3 1*. M. Tho hoy Is a son of John Williams, who Is. a settler hero from one of the Western States. Swanson the Orator. (Hpecliil to The Times-Dispatch.) ROANOK,1, VA.. Juno ??0.?The com nioiieoinent exercises of tho National Business College took playu to-night ?it lho Academy of Music. Cangrc-eisnmr. fewuusou delivered the address to the graduating elusa o? thlriy. li. was ?, splendid address, and lio was much ap-? jdaudeil. -a-. Mr W. V. Augustine la spending ?om, timo' at the Fluhugh cottage, Virgin??!, Beach, where he has made hlnmelf vtiry puoular with Hie younger ?nt,