Newspaper Page Text
ELECTED TEACHERS ifTuclialioc School Board Names Instructors for thc Coming Session. ? THE HEALTH BOARD MEETS [Negroes Held at Henrico Jail Awaiting Goochland Officers. Holiday on the Fourth. At the meeting of tho Tuckahoo School Board held yesterday ,ln Henrico'county, tho teachers elected for tho ?coming ses? sion were: Whlto: Sidney School?C. H. Dunnn way, principal; Miss Nolllo R, Gary, as? sistant principal; Misses Alice Rouse,. Maudo Coats, Alleo Wlngfleld, M. A. West, Nellie Gatthrlght, Virginia Blair, L, A. Carter, Fannie Powell, Rio Vista?Miss Jennie C, Culton. Rldgo Church ? Misses M. Blanche Gllnn, principal; Miss Rosabella Thorpe, uu.-iii.tati ? principal. Woodwards?Miss E. G. Taiman. Deep Run (Gradod)--Mlsses L. A. Watklns, Elizabeth Allison. Deep Run?Mrs. J. K. Saunders; Gay. ton?Miss Annie J. Ellis; Halman'e?Miss Norma L* Beveridge. Colored Schools: Sidney?II. G. Lewis, Mary H. Rowc, W. A, Ellett. Westwood?Florence l?. Taylor. Green's?L. B. Robertson. Zlon Town?Kate B. Wyatt. Quloccrtslon?-\V. H. Powell. Carbon Hill?Maude Hilton. Springfield?M. ?5. Crown. Trustees Tuckahoo School Board wero olectiUi ,<:, follows: iv M. omini, John 'J. Nuckols, John B. Badenech. Tho County Board of Health held their regular monthly meeting at the court? house yesterday. Tho chief topic discussed by tho hoard was the .Authorization of the chief of pollco to enforce sanitary ordinances. ? The county officers will make an In? spection to discover whether or not ten? ants havo complied with the sanitary laws. Tho rules applies to that portion of tho county within three-quarters of a mllo of the city. Tho Overseers of the Poor met at tho County Courthouse yesterday afternoon. It being a regular quarterly meeting, there was little other than routine, bualr nees transacted. Robert Jackson (colored) wns given a hearing before "Squire Anglo yeitorday, charged with cruplly whipping his step? daughter. He was fined J? and costs. The negroes. Richard Lewis', Lewis How? ard and Eddie Hampton, who were cap? tured by Detective C. D. Duke, after an exciting chase through Hollywood yes? terday, were turned over to tho Henrico authorities. The gang have been operating along the James River Division of the Chesa? peake, and Ohio Railroad "and have, It is ?aid. committed many robborloa. ' They are being held In the Henrico county jail, awaiting officers from Goochland county, where they are want? ed on several charges. The officials at Henrico Couoty Court? house will all have holiday on Monday next and will thereby be enabled io cele? brate tho "Glorious Fourth." However, tbey will return io_thelr offices on Tues? day, prepared for strenuous duty, as that will bu tho opening day W the July term of court. SAYS IT WON'T PASS. The Masurier Ordinance May Strike Some Snags. "The Masurier ordinance will never be enacted into law, according to my Judge ment," said a prominent member of the Council lnst night. One of the objections urged was that lt waa a direct -ship at the City Electoral Board who put th_ city employes on as Judges and clerk? of election. Members of the Electoral Board, however, dp not take this view. One of them Bald the other night that'ln making these appoint? ments they did not know that any of tho uppoliuees hold city positions. This Is thought to be but a pretext, ns it has developed that most of the politicians are opposing the ordinance, OBITUARY. Funeral Services.. The funeral of Miss Sarah Kaufman, daughter of thu late Marcus Kaufman, took place yesterday morning from Oak Wo?i Hebrew Chapel, at U o'clock. Tuo funeral of littlo Irene Neisz. duug ter of police Officer P. L. Nelsz, and Mrs. ',' Jennie Neisz, who died at tho homo of net? parents, early yesterday morning, will take place from the residence this morning at 10 o'clock. The services will bo conducted by Rev. I. M. Mercer, and interment will bo made in Hollywood. Colonel John C. Shields. tSpeclal to The TimesrDlaputch.) LEOCINGTON, VA., June 30.?Col. John Cnmdon ?Shields d|ed at his home at Riv? erside, Rockbrl?*_o county, ealrly thla morning, used eighty-four years. Ills ? ?loath was due to the Infirmities of age. 'The interment will bo mudo In Lexing? ton to-morrow afternoon. Colonel Shields was for many years an Influential newspaper man, and wus i prominently known throughout the Stute. ! He was ono of the founders of tho , Lynehbuag Virginian mid later was con 'nocted with the Richmond Whig. During'ihe Civil War he served with gallantry in the Confederate army, en? tering ns first lieutenant of tho Rich? mond Howitzers. Ho was commandant of Cam*} Lee at Richmond. Just before the end of the war Colonel '. Shields was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, but on account of his 1 Inherent modesty, ho never assumed tho 'title. Colonel Shields Is survived by his wife, who was Miss Martha Hardy, of Lynch? burg, and seven children, aa follows: Wil? liam T. Shields and Circuit Clerk A. Ter iry Shields, of Lexington; Orvllle Shields, Misses Mattlo, Josle, Lizzie and Caasie I Shlejds, of Riverside. Mrs. Edmonla Lewis Nichols, wife of I Colonel Edward W. Nichols, of the Vir? ginia Military Institute, died laat night. Sho vias before marrlago Miss W'addell, 1 daughter of.tho late Dr. Livingston Wad I dell, formerly of Waynoshqro, Vn. Sho 13 survived by threo brothers nnd three ? sisters, Mrs. Julia Miles. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.** LAWRENCEVILLE, VA., June 30. Mrs. Julia Miles, the wife of Mr. XV. R, .Miles, died at the residence of her hrother 'in-law, Mr. L. S. Purdy, last night after a long and painful illu. ss, Henry Purks. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) FRBbeRICKrS'r-URG,' VA? June 80.-. Mr. Henry Purks, an old nnd prominent citizen of Caroline county, died at his 'home ?fter a long illness, aged elarhty throe years. Ilo was a member of Round Oak Church, and is survived by two , son.?* and four daughters. * RESOLUTIONS. Whpreas, God In His wisdom has seen . fit to remove from our midst our friend atvd brother practitioner, Dr. Charlea L. GET IT JSLT MURPHY'S HOTEL, COMMERCIAL HOTEL, RUE?JER'S RESTAURANT, HOTEL LAWRENCE, DELARUE'S, E. L STUMPF. R. L. CHRISTIAN 6CO. DISTRIBUTORS. Steel, we, the Richmond City Dental So? ciety, meet to pay our tribute of respect to his merqory and offer the following resolutions: Resolved, That knowing that In tho midst of ltfo wo are In death, It Is meet ond fit that wo should give expression to our sorrow for tho death of our be? loved member and friend, and bow ln bumble submission to tho will of Him who doeth all things wall. ' Resolved, That the profession has lost a valuable member, who was always ready to advance Its Interests, a man of high professional attainments, df sterl? ing qualities, of high character and amia? ble disposition, faithful in all tho rela? tions of life. Resolved. That we offer to the bereaved family of the deceased our heartfelt sym? pathy and condolence, and that the mem hern of this society attend the "funeral In a body. Resolved. That a copy of these resolu? tions be sent to the family of the de? ceased, and that they be spread on tho minutes of this society. C. A. MERCER, J. HALL MOORE, F. Wi STIFF. DEATHS. ANDERSON.?Entered into rest at her residence, No. 200 South Pine Street, at 8 o'clock P. M., June 30. 1904. ANNA E. ANDERSON, relict of Charles XV. An? derson and daughter of tho Iato Joseph F. and Sarah A. Powell. Notice of funeral later. BROMLEY.?Entered Into rest on June 27, 1901, Mrs. MARY BURNETJ3RUM. L?Y. formerly of King W?ltara county. The Interment took place at Holly? wood. Richmond, .Va. CHEAP RATES SOUTH Via SEABOARD AIR LINE. $?.85--Richmond to Raleigh, N. C. Ac? count of Summer School for Teach? ers. Tickets on sale July 4, 5, 11, 12. 18, 19, 25, and August 1st, lim? ited to August ?, 1904. $20.95?Richmond to Atlanta, Qa. Ac? count American Association of Nurserymen. Tickets on salo Juno 20. 21. 22, limited to June 2Sth, by payment of 50c, extension cafi bo had till July 16th. Rates to this meeting are on the certlilcate plan. $17.75?Richmond to Nashville, Tenn. Ac? count Fiske University Summer School. Tickets on sale Juno 2G?, 25, 27, limited to fifteen days from date of salo. $18,20?Richmond to Monteagle, Tenn. Account Monteagle Bible School. Tickets on sale Juno 30th, July 1, 2, 19, 20, 21, 22, limited to August 31, 1901. $15.00?-Richmond to Columbia, S. C, . account of meeting Interdenomi? national Religious and Educa? tional Association. Tickets on sale August 23d, 24th, 25th, lim? ited io August 31st. Rates to this meeting are on the certi? ficate plan. $14,70?Richmond to Athens, Ga. Account Athens Summer School. Tickets on sale July 2, 3, 4, 11, 18, limit? ed to fifteen days from date of sale. $31.95?Richmond to Eureka Springs, Ark. Account Southwestern Summer School. Tickets on salo July 6, 7, S, 9, limited to August 7, 1904. Fourth of July?For this day, the Sea? board will sell round-trip tickets to all points south of tho Ohio and Potomac, and east of tho Mis? sissippi Rivers, at. one and one third fares. . Tickets on salo July 2, 3, 4, limited to July 8th. H. S LEARD, W. M. TAYLOR, , D. P. ?.. 'Phono 405. C. T. A. 830 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va. 4TH?JULY?4TH AT THE SEASHORE SPECIAL EXCURSION VIA NORFOLK ??. WESTERN RAILWAY TO NORFOLK AND VIRGINIA BEACH. 1 DAY, $1; 2 DAYS, $2. Special train of vcstlbled coaches will leavo Byrd Street Station July 4th, going through to Norfolk and Virginia Beach without change of cars ln either-direction, on following fast schedule: Leave Rich? mond 8:80 A. M., Petersburg 9:05 A. M., arriving Norfolk 11 A. M?.'.Virginia Beach ll:4? A. M.? returning, leavo Virginia Beach 6:30 P. M., Norfolk 7:16 P. M? ar? riving Richmond 10:00 P. M. ,1.00 round trip to Norfolk, ,1,'? to .Virginia'Beach and return. Tlckats will ho sold for Sun? day morning trains leaving Richmond 8:30 A. M. (Trilby) and 9:00 A. M., good returning on above speolal train July 4th, at following round trip rates: Norfolk, $2.00; Virginia Beach, $2.25. For tickets and further Information, apply at com? pany's office or at ticket offlco, Byrd Street Station. JNO. E. WAGNER, C. H, BOSLEY. City Pass. Agt. DIst. Pass. Agt. TO BEACH PARK "ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON." Special limited train leaves Richmond overy Sunday afternoon for popular Beach Park, returning leave West Point (Beach Park) 10 P. M., one hour's ride. Morn? ing trains leave Richmond 9:30 A. M., leoi'lng West Point 8 P. M. Fifty cents round trip, Week day trains leavo Richmond 5:80 P. M.? leave West Point 10 p. M. One of the most attractive features of lho trip Is the sea food meals sorved at Beach Park. FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSION RATES VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. On July 2d, 3d and 4th tho Southern Railway will sell special round trip tick? ets between all points on Its Unes, ami to points on connecting lines, sotitn of the Potomac aud east of tho M|sslsf-in?)l, at rato of one and one-tl)lrd llrst-class fares for rovini trip, limited to July Sth, For Information, apply to agouts. TAKE 8TEAMER "OLD POINT COM? FORT" SATURDAY NIGHT, JUL,Y 2D, AT' 10 O'CLOCK. , 7oc. Round trip to Norfolk.7oc. 7Co. Round trip'to Newport New,**?... 76c. 60c Children, under 12 yeara .ot ago,,60c. Tickets good t0 return next night or the following Tuesday. WOULDN'T TOUCH* CHICAGO DIRT Dowie Reaches the Windy City After Circling the Earth. ,..v -_;?,. .litt. (By Assoeitued Press.) CHICAGO, Juno 30,-After a trip which circled the earth, John Alexander Dowie arrived in Chicago to-day, When the train pulled In at tho Lasallo Street Station, however, thero wero no cheering followers to meet him. Ho had sent word ahead that he would not soil his feet with tlio dust of Chicago. Though many residents of Zlon City were busy all night making the finishing touches in the preparation for tho arrival of "Dr." Dowie, the entire place was astir early to-day, The streets were de? corated with flags and bunting. Aside from a triumphal arch, the tabernacle was tho chief object of decoration. "The arch of triumph," ?was made of Imitation blocks of stone. Each block bore the name of a city which Dowie had vielted in his travels. Black letters denoted the cities where Dowie had been received, while the names of the cities that had shunned him stood out. In glaring red. At the sound of a whistle the entire population spent two minutes Ih silent devotion, and then were given' six min? utes In which to assemble for a proces? sion which was to greet Dowie. Ten companies of Zlon City Guards, seventy men each, formed in line while the so called 'Yostoratlon host," 3,500 strong, ac? companied by a surpltced choir, marched to the station. On the arrival of the train at Zlon City, Dowle's carriage, a victoria, trlnif med with carnations, ferns and sniilax, conveyed the "Dr." and his chief "over? seer" at the head of procession to the arcji, the Zlon brass band furnishing music. At the arch ten little girls stepped forward, robed in while, with -blue badges across their breasts, bear? ing in gold letters the names of the ten . principle countries which Dowie had vlFttfd, The children carried largo hunches of roses, which they threw over Dowie ond his party. Tho gates of the arch were then unlocked by the overseer, who returned to Dowie the key, whloh, on his departure Dowie hnd given to the chief overseer. Addresses were then made by Dowie, his wife and Gladstono Dowie. The white-robed choir sang an anthem and Dowie went into retirement to receive reports from his lieutenants. MISS JULIA SHARP'S SUICIDE DENIED Unexplained Reason for Not Consumating the Mar - riage. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) RElDSVILLE, N. C, June 30.?Secrecy, evasion and denial continues to envelop" tho causes which led to the sudden death at her home near Spray, ?i??s county, of Miss Julia Sharp, the beautiful girl whoso intended marrlago in Buffalo, N. _., in April, 1903, to Manson Fiske, the son of a rich banker, was pyt off for never fully explained reasons on tho eve of Its cele? bration, Friends are making a desperate effort to guard tho dead society girl's secret. Moro than a year ago Miss Sharp was visiting her sister, Mrs. Colonel Albert Myer, In Buffalo, where sho met young (Fiske. Later it was given out at tho Slyer horn?? by Mrs. Myer that her sister was suffering from appendicitis, nnd thnt the wedding was postponed for that cause. A physician corroborated that story, and although Miss Sharp wns soon but, ihe vt?ildlng was never solemnized, and all parties to tho affair declined to discuss tho reason^.' . It. hns been reported that tho reason for tito stoppugo of the coromony was a remark mado by Colonel Myer In a Buf? falo club, which was taken to the family of Hanker Fiske. Friends nnd relatives of the deceased say emphatically her death was acci? dental, New Office Buildings. ? (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) DURHAM, N. C. June 30.?The now Loan and Trust building, ono'of tlie finest buildings In tlio State, has been com uleted and the offices are rapidly being takon. This elegant etruaturo is five stories high and covers 1)1x134 feet of ground. There are 120 rooms. The build? ing cost In the neighborhood of $85,000, Dropped Dead. (Spools) to The Tlmes-?) | patch.) BAlABttitliY. ?.' C? June A,.?Mr. Wood W. Kreider, of Georgia, while on a visit to relatives hero dropped dead at noon to? day. Deceased w*as woll known in this State and In Georgia, where he was en? gaged In tho turpentlnp business. Heart fUlure is said to have caused his death. Changed Location. A freak of the Hood Is reported at Ot? tawa, Kan, A houso owned by James Walsh floated away, A few hours later a house owned by Petor Rush came lion ting down the .stream. Reaching the site of the Walsh house, lt settlod down upon tho stone foundation as exactly (is though it had been built thoro. -,-1-,-_, News That Is News. We don't see why the announcement that'the City Council of Macon has ac? cepted $19,U82 Insurance money should have been sent eut as a news item. Walt uutll somebody refuses to accept $l0,9b3 when it Is offered, and you w>Jl have a news, Ituin worth Julking about.? Atlanta Journal. With a Club. Why. pot mnko Cleveland, and Bryan the Democrat lo nomin?os at St. Iwuls, ? and draw straws as to which shall head tho ticket*' That would givo evory Democrat a chance to get Into the game?with a club.?Chariottesvlllo Progresa. MOREHEAD SELECTED Adopted as Summer Camp for the State National Guard. TO TEST THE GIANT TREES Crop Pest Commission Will De? stroy .Any Products That Come From Boll Weevil Districts. (Special to Tho Tlmos-Dlrpn/ch.) RALEIGH, N. C, Juno 30,-AdJutant Gcneral Royeter announces that the en? campment of tho North Carolina Na? tional Guard this yenr will be at More head, July 9th to 19th, with BrlgndJer Goneral Armfleld ln command. Tho con? test was between Wilmington and More head, tho special military commlttoo of investigation reporting ln favor of tho latter place. Only the Second and Third Regiments wNl participate, the First Regiment be? ing detailed to participate In tho ma? noeuvres at Manassns ln September. As a result of the resignation ot Z. P. Smith as traveling passenger agent of tho Seaboard Air Line, announcement in made that C. H. Galtls, for several years past city ticket agent in Raleigh, Is promoted to the .vacancy, and Hugh Morson succeeds him as city "ticket agent. An excursion-agent for Raleigh is yet to he announced. Z. P. Smith re? tires from the railroad service to bi? corno editor of The Amercan, tho na ? tional organ of the Junior Order United American Mechanics DISTRICT CONFERENCE. The Raleigh District Methodist Confer? ence convened to-day at Cary, four miles from Raleigh. There are fifteen (churches In the conference, those of Ra lolgh being the strongest. A charter Is Issued for the Florence Shirt and Manufacturing Company of Monroe. The capital Is ?5,000, subscribed and $50,000 authorised. B. F. Houston Is one of tho principal Incorporato?. Steps are to be taken at once by.the ?Board of Public Buildings and Grounds to test the strength of the big oak trees btandlng In the Capitol Square and big limbs are to be cut from a number of them to lessen the strain so that they may stand longer. The falling of the giant oak yesterday has brought about thlB order. A number of the trees lean considerably, and thero is much appre? hension of danger If something is not clone. TEN DATS TO REPLY. Judge PurneJl has made an order al? lowing the State ten days from next Monday to file their reply to the peti? tion of K. S. Finch, to be made a party with John P. Cuyler. ln demanding a re? ceiver for the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad. The North Carolina Commission for the control ot crop pests, S. L. Patterson, commissioner of agriculture, chairman, is? sues notice that any cotton, - cottonseed products, hay, oats corn, rico chaff and other grains or materials from sec? tions Ipfested with cotton boll weevil, will he seized and destroyed by the Stnte li found ln thTs State, and the Introduc? tion of such materials in the State Is prohibited GLENN LOOKS FOR ROOSEVELT'S DEFEAT (Special lo The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, June 30.? Captain R. B. Glenn, who has Just re? turned from Washington, -was Interviewed cm political gossip at the National Cap? ital, when the next Governor said: "While in Washington, I was told by prominent Democrats and Republicans that If the Democrats nominate a good man for President and the party makes a united figljt for him. the defeat of President Roosevelt Is practically assured," Big Tobacco Sales. (Specif - Tho Times-Dispatch.) V.'INSTON-SALEM, N. C, Junu 30.?During ths fiscal year epdlng July 1, 1501, Winnton Snlcm manufactured 30,760,599 rounds of to? bacco, this being an increase over laat year of 6.938,309 poundB. While the result for the fiscal year has been so magnificent, o.'en (i better onp Is confidently expected for thn calendar year expiring December 31, 190J. Tho heaviest Increase ha? been In the past six months. The production for this year will very likely reach 33,(100,000 pounds or there- | abouti?, Banks Consolidate. (Special to Tha Tlmes-Dlspatch.) DURHAM, N. C, June 30.?At a meet? ing of the stockholders of the Citizens' Savings Bank and the Homo Savings Bank yesterday afternoon. It was decided to combine the two banks Into ono. Mr. George Vf. Watts was made presi? dent and Mr. Vf. Vf. Whltted the cashier of the new bank, which will bo known as the Home Savings Bank. Tho stock? holders Instructed Air. Whltted to movo Into tho new home of thn Institution, which is to be In tho Trust building. AUCTION SALES?This Day. By George V, Oliver, Auctioneer, ? 41. W. Broad St. 'Phono 2276. Carpets, Oil Cloth, Sewing Ma? chines, Furniture, Gas Range, ?afe. at Auction. I will sell.Thls DAY, at 10:30, at my ware, rooms, No. i,H West Broad Street, Room, Hall, nnd Stair Carpet; now Oilcloth, sev? eral good Sewing Afachlnea of tho best make, ono Mahogany-Finished Parlor Suit, handsome Oak Hallrack, 10 Oak and other Bedroom Suits, Wardrobes, Side hoards, China Press, Bookcase, Ladles' Writing Desk, Extension -and other Ta? bles, Chairs. Rockers, Folding finii. Iron Bert, ?lalr Aiattress, Odd Oak and Walnut Bedstead, Bureaus, Washstands, Lamps, Pictures, Lace Curtains, Tolletwaro, Cook Stove, Gas Range, and ot?o? also, a lot of other goods, too numerous to mention. Ladles Invited, GEORGE V. OLIVER, Auctioneer. By The Valentine Auction Co,, 013 E. Broad Street. Handsome Oak Chamber Suit, With Wardrobe to Match ; China Case, Matting, Cooking Stoves, Laoe Curtains, Rugs, Iron Beds, Side Boards, &o? at Auotlon. We will sell at our auction warerooms. No. 61.3 E- Broud Street, THIS (Friday) MORNING, JULY 1ST. commencing 10:30 o'clock, a vory fino Oalc Chamber Suit.' with Wardrobe to match, all handsomely carved; several medium Walnut and Oak Chamber Suits, Lace Curtains, Rugs, .Pletures.' several good Cooking Stoves, Parlor Suits. Iron Reds, Desk, China Case, ' Bookcase, Chn'lis, Rockers, Lounge, lot of slightly used'Mat? ting, several good Sideboards, Extension Tables. Alattressea, several Carpets, and numerous other good, slightly used Furni? ture. '??? VALENTINE AUCTION GCJ, AUCTION SAL&S?This Day. Hy Rlehrnoti'l Auction Co,, 'Phono 4716, Goo. II. Valentino, Auctioneer. Large and Valuable Auction Sale of Office Fixtures, iron Safes, Type? writer, Coffee Roaster Plant (Com? plete), Scales, Grocers' Bins, Trucks, Skids, Etc,, at Auotion. By direction of A. Blair A Sons wo will sell tit his warerooms, Fourteenth and Cary Slroats. FRIDAY. JULY 1ST, 1004, commencing nt 12 o'clock M?, I very fine Hall Iron Safe, largo size, with double doors: 1 modlum-slzcd Iron Safo, Barl?ele Typewriter tltiil Denk, Oak Boiler Top Denk, large Office Bookcase. 3 Standing Desks, 4 largo Trucks, Sample Cases and Syrup Cnses, Ornijor'*? Bin? anil Display Stand, fino lo.t Olilco Partition, with glassi fionlsi several Platform and Counter Honlns, hirgo Tank. Ofllce Chairs, Drugget, 1 largo Menuet Carpet, lot Hklds, it Hete Buggy Harness, 1 Set Double Wngon I[or? nons,'Doublo Wagon Top, Clan and Wood Stoves, and pinny other useful articles too numerous to montlun; nlso, 1 Ooff/>o Boaster Plant (Burns make, with capac? ity of 40 bugs per 'lay.) completo, with Brands, Cartoons, Eleotrlc M ??tor (live horse-power), ???a ; also, 1 Incubator, 200 egg capacity*. This Is a very valuable plant, together with nil of tho above fixtures, and tho salo Is worthy the attention of both wholesale and retail grocery trade. -Mr. Blair having rented out Ills build? ing, tho fixtures and plant, ntc... must bo sold and removed uh soon aa possible. BICI 1 MOND AUCTION CO. George H. Valentino, Auctioneer. Juno 30-2t By The Valentino Auotion Co., Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE Entire Stock of Crockery, Glass, Wooden, Tin and Willow Ware, Cutlery, &c, &c, at No. 1542 East Main Street, As trustee under deed of trust from Sharove A Fassamanook, I will sell nt publie auction ns a whole or In lots to suit tho trade, in storo No, 1512 E. Main Street, THIS (Friday) MORNING, JU,LY 1ST, commencing at 10:30 o'clock, all the stock of merchandise, consisting of Crockery", Glassware, Wooden ware, Tinware, Bank? ets, Fancy Ornaments, Toys, Cutlery etc., etc., contained in said storo and choses in action nnd debts due the said firm of Sharove A Passamaneck. HAROLD S. BLOOMBERG. Trustee, The Valentine Auction Co., Auctioneers. Juno23-3t Wm. B. Pizzini Company, " Real Estate Auctioneers, Tenth and Bank Streets. STORE AND DWELLING, o, 201 E. Canal Si. At the refluent of tlie owner, a non? resident, wo will offer for sale at public auction, on tho premises, on FRIDAY, JULY 1ST, at 6 P. M., the three-story*, corner Brick Store and Dwelling, No. Ml East Canul Street, occupied by a good yearly tenant of some years' standing, and paying nice? ly as an investment. TERMS: Liberal and announced at sale. June 26-Tues?Thurs?5sFrl AUCTION SALES, Future Days By N. XV. Bowo A Son. Keal Estate Auctioneers. COMMISSION ER'S SALE OF A GOOD HOUSE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF LEIGH STREBT, .KNOWN AS NO. ITA XV. LEIGH STREET. AND OF TWO GOOD HOUSES AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF MARSHALL AND MCKEN? ZIE STREETS,' AND OF TWO LOTS, WITH SMALL IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, ' AT THE NORTHEAST' CORNER OF MARSHALL AND LODGE STREETS. In execution of a decroe of the Circuit Court of Henrico county, ente/ed Jt|ne 28, 1004, in the suit of "Clara May Holstino's Grdn., ?fee., vs. Clara May Holatiiio et als," I will sell at. public auction, oh tho respective premises, on WEDNESDAY. ?TH DAY OF JULY, 1901. the property referred to in tho following order: At t> o'clock i*. M.. that very de? sirable frame residence. No. 1T21 W. Leigh Street, with tbe lot upon which it stands, fronting? "5 feet and running hack p,0 foot to an alley Vf, feet? wide; the house has about six rooms, and will make a snug, homo or a pood Investment: and at U:30 o'clock P. M., the four pieces of property situated on Marshall Street, con? sisting of two good iOiirrrooin'li_iiso, with , some outbuildings, situated at'"?.he' south? west corner of Marshall and McKenzie Streets, with the lots on which thoy stand, fronting (50 feot and running hack 140 feet to an alloy in tho rear; and tho two lots, fronting together 60 feet, at tlio northeast corner of Marshall and Lodgo Streets, with small Improvements there? on, and. with a, depth of 153 feot to an alloy 20 feet wide. All of this is proporty worthy of the attention of Investors ond others. TERMS?One-third ca?__ nnd the bal tinco at 0, 12 and IS month!? for nocBtla'blo notes with Interest added and tillo re? tained; or all cash, at tho purchaser's option. J, KENT RAWLEY, Special Commissioner. Tho bond roqulred of Uto Special Com? missioner In tlio above mentioned case has been duly glvon. Teste: SAMUEL P. WADDILL. Julyl-tda Clork. By T. M. Wortbam ?it Co., Ron.1 Estate Agents, ? IS North Ninth Stroet. TRUSTEES* SALE OF LOT 20*50 FEET. WITH ? FRAME STAHLE THEREON. FRONTING ON AN ALLEY 20 FEET ?VIDE, IMMEDIATELY IN THE REAR O.F NO. lOli) FLOYD AVE? NUE? OCCUPIED BY MRS. F. J. RAT CUFF, AND ALSO IMMEDIATELY IN THE REAR OF NOS. II. AND 17 BEECH STREET, OWNED BY MRS. RICHARD M. TAYLOR. An opportunity to deepen olther of tlio properties uhovo mentioned. ? By virtue.of a deed of trust to us, the undersigned, dated 22d January. 18p8, and duly recorded In tho clerk's olilco of the Richmond Chancery Court in D. B. 150 A, pago 4.11, default having boon'mudo in the payment of a sum of monoy therein so curedj and being requested by the hone iiclary therein so to do, wo v?l\l sell at public auction, on tho promises, on WEDNESDAY, ?TH DAY OF JULY. IPO?!, lit (I o'clock P. M., tlio property described In snld deod of trust. As stable room Is scarce In the West End, and as the dobt 1? a small one, It will be to tho Interest of thoso sot-king such properly to attend this sale. TERMS-Cusii. WILLIAM ?IRAi, Ai L, i'LEA.S.YNTS,' July 1-ttls Trust?es. By N? W- Bow? A Son, Real Estato Auctioneers. 'G RUSTKE'ff SALI-foF A LOT OF 1 LAND, WITH A ?'.MALL FRAME DWELLING? THEREON, ON TWENTY? THIRD STREET, BETWEEN S AND ? STREETS, IN FA.lIt.MOUNT, AT AUC? TION. Iij execution of a certain deed of trust, dated August loth, l&i'.'l, recorded In Hen? ri co County Court lu D, B..W7 "A," pago gol, I will, at tho ruriuost ut tho boneli clary, soil by unidlo unction because of default, In front of IJenrlco Court house, on ' WEDNESDAY,' JULY ll, ?????*? at 12 o'clock M., tl|o lo*, above referred to, ait tinted on tho oast siile of'Twenty. tl-.lrd Street, i-glnnlng it? feot south of ? Street, and froiiclng M feet by K'U feut 4 Inulius to mi alley In the rear 11 ti-ot wl.l?, with a plain f ruine buildlii?' thereon ??.???? as a Qhiipol. TERM.S--Cat4_, H. XV. BOWE, July 1-tds Trustee, AUCTION SALES, Future Days AUCTION \aJP r\ tama Ln AT VA. On the Promises, 2?30o'Clook,P.M. T?ESDflY,JULY5,1904 Cottago Site Lots. BO by 125, fronting on Chcsapeako Bay, side and rear lots 60 by 135, and BO by 150, Immediately at the ter? minals of the Nowport News and Old Point Railway and Electric Company and the Hampton Roads Railway and Electric Company; about two miles from Old Point, on Chesapeake Bay, opposite Cape Charles and Capo Henry, with the Atlan? tico Ocean In full view, with first-class service ovor two electrlo lines tho year round; schedule of seven and a half min? utes to Phoebus, Soldiers' Homo, Normal School, Hampton and Newport News, and fifteen minutes to Old Point. Fare flvo cent3, oxcopt to Newport. News, ten cents; forty mlnXites' ride to Newport News. These lots a* well located near the Buckroe Beach "fotel and the water front, ln a section now well Improved by desir? able Cottages. Five years ago, with the exception ot tho Hotel and terminals of the Newport News and Old Point Railway and Electric Co.. Buckroe Beach was simply a beautifully located tract of land overlooking Chesapeake Bay. We pre? dicted then that It would bo one of tho most popular summor resorts ln South. Ou.r predictions have more than been realized. Many prnmlnont people havo purchased or built cottages and spend their summers there, drawn by the convenient location and iho many amusements and attrac? tions. Real estate values have doubled, and ln many cases trlbbled since we first put tho property on the market. All the lots to be sold on the abovo date aro In the choicest section, near or on the water front, and' they off?*? the In? vestor or homeseeker an unusually good opportunity. Restrictions: On the Cottage Sites no liquor can be manufactured or sold, nor can the lots be sold to any negro or Chinaman. TERMS?One-fourth cash, balance six?, twelve nnd eighteen months; or 10 per cent, cash, and balance 5 per cent, per month, to suit purchaser. A deed will ha given nnd doed of trust taken to secure deferred payments. "The property to be sold belongs to the Cheeapeako Land and Improvement Com? pany and the Buckroe Beach Land Com? ban y. W. J. NELMS, Vf. S. UPSHtTR, Newport News, Va., Committee of Board of Directors Conducting Sale, W. T. CHAP?N, Newport News, Vn.; J. V. BICKFORD, Buckroe Beach, Va.; Criers. Juno 30?July 1&3 By H. A. McCurdy, Real Estate Auctioneer. npRUSTEE'S SALE OF ?J N. First Si., BETWEEN LEIGH AND JACKSON STREETS. In execution of ? certain deed of trust of November 30, 1903. and duly recorded ln Richmond Chancery Court, the under? signed will offer for sale, upon the prem? ises, on TUESDAY) JULY E, 1901, AT ? P. M., the real estate conveyed by said deed and therein described as a lot with Improve? ments, having a front of 21 foot on tho western Hue of First Street and running tack 135 feet* to an alley. Tho Improve? ments consist of a nlco detached stock lirlck front dwelling, containing about eight rooms and the usual conveniences. TERMS?Cash as to cost and expenses of sale, nny delinquent taxes, and to pay ol? a noto for $1,G?0, with Interest thoreon, from November 30, 1903, tl.ll paid; residue payable ln equal instalments nt six, twelvo and olf.-.hteen months for negotiable notos with interest added and seoujred by deed of trust on said property; or for all cash, at the option of the purchaser, IT. A. M'CURDY, June30-tds Trustee. STEAMBOATS. Night Line for Norfolk I-eace Richmond every evening (foot of ,\?h Stroet) 7 P. M. Steamers ?too at Neivj-ort Newa in both direction?. l-ura ?2.50 one way, 14.60 round trip, include? stateroom berth; meals, 60o. Btreot Cara to Steamer's Wharf. FOR NEW YORK. Uy ctienuiiuakii und Ohio Ry,, i ?. m., i ? ??.; uy Nurlulk an? Wwiorn Ry,, u a. M., a p" M.; ulsu Uy Old Dominion night Une ?teuiiiur All Unes cumie? al Norfolk with direct ?tema? ors for New York, salitilo; daily .except SuuUuy? U'. 11. ' K. P. CHALKLEY, City Ticket Aient, SOS Eaat llalli Street. JOHN P. MAYER, Agent. Wharf foot ot Atth Street, Richmond. II. U. WALKER, V. P. At T. M., New York. ?i^cTl?NfiT?i^MrN??RS TRANSPORTATION COMPANY Btriunaiiii? Line. Direct Route to Boston, iviass., & Providence, R. I, Steamer? leavo Norfolk for Boston Tuesday. Wedneeduy Friday anil Sunday- Fon- Provi, deaco Mcr.iluy. Thursday ?mi Saturduy at | P. M. l'usneiiBers and frclurljt tnken for ail New Eneltiinl pulnta. Ttokttt, on uale at C. .* O. Ry. and N. Jk W. Ry. office? and No. m Kant Main Street. B. W. ?<??????. Agent, Norfolk. V?. OAT lilNB TO ???,?????? Via Q. * O. Jtwy. und Old fuiul U. S. MAIL ..OUT?. Ul Leave Richmond via 0. A O, dully cuceut. HtJtkJuy, ttt . j._ ali_ conucctinjf nt Old l'mut with Nluumere of Ola Ruy Line, leav? ing- 7:15 I?. M., arrivili? Haiti more USO ?. M., euutiecclutf Nurln, Eaat antl Wrtt. For tickets ami . Information uimly tJ tt, A O. Itwy.. Richmond -"rumiti ; C'caup4ar. ?r Mo. UO ??.1 Alain Htre.t BEACH PARK WEST POINT, VA. Special chartered trains leaving So. ^_Ry. Depot, 14th St."_ TwTllght Limited, DaliyExcep. Sunday. Leave Richmond S:30 P. M. Re? turning leave West Point 10 P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS, Leave Hli-lunorul 9:30 A. M. apd . P. M. l.eavo West Point 8 p. M. und 10 P. M, 60c. ROUND TRIP, 50c. RAILROADS. ,???-r & Ohio Ry. World's Fair Scorile Route to St? Louis, Mo. ?-?9-?14 ' L?3AVB RICHMOND-?IASTHOUND. 7:?? ?. M.?Pally?Local to Newport Net.?, Old Point and way mutton?. ???? A. M.?Dally Llmltnd?Arriva.? WlllUm?? buric 0;5? A. M., Newport Nt>wn 10:80 A, M., Old rolnt 11:00 A. M., Norfolk 11:20 A. M., Portsmouth 11:15 ?. M. 4:00 P. M.?Dally?Sp?i.ilnl?Arrives William?, burt, 4:56 ?, M., Newport News 6:30 P. M., Old Point 0:00 P. ??.. Norfolk 6:20 P. M? Portitmtiutli 6:45 P. M. 5:00 P. M.?Dally?LocaI to Old Point nntl Nor? folk! on Hundnyn lenvn Rlchmnnil 7 P. M. MA IN LJN K?W t'.S'l'l it ? UND, 8:80 ?. M.?Locnlt-Dally lo ClinrlntteHVlllei ex? cept Sunday to Clifton l'Orso. 2:00 P. M.?Dally?Bp?Ciftl?To Cincinnati, I.otilnvlll.?. fit. Lotlld unti Chicago. 6:16 P. M.?Wc?k diiyx? Loen I to Orange. 10:45 P. M.?DnJIy?Limited?To Cincinnati. Louisville, fit. Lotilit nnd t'hlctigo. JAMES RIVE ? LINE. 10:20 A. M.?Dnlly?Exjirrss?To t.ytichburir, Loxlnston, Va., New Canti?, Clifton Forg? and principal ntatlona; except Sun? day to Rnmioy anrl A liieren?. 6:15 G. M.?Week dure?Lt?cal?-ta Esmont. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND FROM Norfolk and Old Point 8:18 ?. M. dally, ll:lo A. M. dally, 7:00 P. M. and 10:25 P. M. daily. From Cincinnati antl Wont 7:8?) A. M. dally and 3:30 P. M. dally. Main Linn Irreal 8iU P. M., except Sunday, tran/Clifton Forge mid dally (rom Chnrlottcsvlllo. 'Orango Accom. 8:30 A. M. Ex. Bun. Jamtyi Rlvor Line Local from Clifton Forge 6:35 P. M. dally. Esmont Accom. 8:?10 A. M. Ex. Sun. If. TV. FULLER, . Vf. O. WARTHEN, Qen'l. Pass. Agt. Dlst. Pass. Agt. C. B. DOYLE. Gen'l. Manager. RE O p Richmond, Fredericks? ? ll AM burg & Potoma?. R. ? Traine Leave Richmond?Northward. 4:15 A. M.. daily. Byru at. Through. ?:.5 A. M., dally. Main St- Through? MS A, M., wuek days, Elba, .?...ruiuid t> commodation. -, . ?^ _., ... 8K0 A. M., dally. Byrd Bt. Through. Local slope is :05 noon, week days. Hyrd St Through. 4:00 P. M., woek days. Byrd St Frederick? burg accommodation. 6:05 P. M.. dally. Main St. Through. 6:30 P. M., week days. Elba. Asaland oc? commodation. 8:03 P. M., dally. Byrd St Through. Train? Arrive Richmond?Southward. 6:40 A. M., week days. Elba. Ashland uo? commodation? E:20 A. M., week days. Byrd St Frederick?? burg accommodation. IHM ? l-.U A. M., dally. Byrd St. Through. 11:50 A. M? weak ?lays. Byrd Su Through. Local ?tops. 3:06 P. .u.. dally. Main St. Through. 1:00 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashlaud accom? modatlpn. 7:15 P. M.. dally. Byrd 2t Through. 1:60 P. KL. daily. Byra St Through. .Local ?tops. 10:29 P. M., dally. Main St. Through. ?????Pullpian Sleeping or Parlor Cor?? oa all train? except train urMvlng RliHimond 11:6? A. M. week days, and local accommodations. Time ot arrivals and departures and conneo tlonn not guaranteed. W. D. DUKE. C. Vf. CULP. Vf. P. TAYLOR, den'l MAn'r.. Ass't Qen'l Man'r., Traf. Moa. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAI" ????, ??!. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. 7:00 A. M.? Dally. Local for Charlotte, N. C, 12:30 P. M.?Daily, Limited. Bulfet Pullman to Atlanta antl Birmingham, . New Orleans, Memphis, Chattanooga und all the South. 6:00 P. M.?Ex. Sunday. Keys villo Local. 11:00 P. M.?Daily. Limited. Pullman ready 9:30 P. M. for ull the South. YORK RIVER LINE. The favorite route to Bujtlmore and Eastern points. Leave Richmond i:20 P. M.?Dally, except Sunday. 2:15 P. M.?Local. Dally, ?rJtcejJt Sunday. 4:20 P. M.?Except Sunday. For Wem Point connecting with steamers .for Baltimore ana river landings. Steamers sailing from West Point Monday, Wednesday and Friday call at Yorktown and Clay Bank: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Allmonda and Gloucester Point. 4:45 A. M.?Except Sunday. Local mlxod tot West Point TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 6:53 A. M. nnd 6:42 P. M.? From nil the South. 3:35 P. M.?From Charlotte and Durham. 8:40 A M.?Frqm Chase City. 9:25 A. M.?Baltimore and West Point 10:45 A. M.. 5:10 P. M.?From West Point C W. WESTBURY, D. P. ,A.. Richmond, Va. S. H. HARDWICK. W. IL TAYLOB, P. T. M., G. P. ?.. C. H. ACKERT, Oeu'l. Mgr., Washington. *>. C. LEAVE RICHMOND DAILa. ??0 A M.?NORFOLK LIMITED. Arrive? Norfolk 11:20 A. M. Stops only al Petersburg. WA* aM.4"??llLOUIS EXPRESS. Buffe, Parlor Car. Petersburg to Lynctiburu and Roan? oke. Pullman Sleepers Hpanoke to St. Louis. niueOelti to Cincinnati; also Roanok? to Knox vllle, and Knoxvllle to Chuituno?ga and Mem? P ??"??? G M ?ROANOKE EXPRESS for Farm ?? ^?IeaN s?WtED. Ar? rives Norfolk 5:.o P. M. Stops only at Petera buri? Waverly and Suffolk. Connects with Steamer, to Boston. Providence. New York. BaUlmore ant) Washlnston. Tnrough ooach toi ?7G,?5?G Me^h?r Norfolk and ull station? eas/ ^'^P^-?EW ORLEANS SHORT UN./ ?p?;rT,,ii'i Sleepers. Richmond io Lyncnburg ar, u?t?i ikt?; P? c-rsbur? to Bristol. Lyncliburg j c?unooga, Memphis and New Orleans. Cd ? ^s-M* par'M.-WORLD'S FAIR, S.PECL</ Throui?h Pullman Sleeper Petersburg to f Loults, Cafe Dining Car. .S; ? tul-ve from lie West 7:35 A. M.,#. PXM and 0'05 PU.'! from Norfolk 11:40 ?? W? Gen'l. Pose Ast- Disi. tas?. .*. ""atla?tic coast lineT TRAINS l^?^^Su^^B JSFFECTIVE a UN DA Y, MAY 29$ ?it? ?. ?M.-A. U. L. Express to n| , ".?io'A.UtM.-P?-'<'Wi)urs ?nd Norton, ?4 sf~ ??'??,> ?- M -IVicisi.iifg und ?. ?iiiUVi -..???ff Y? V' M-PetorsbinB und Norfolk.?.*' -G?? P. M.-Ou'dsburu Locul. k'.jk ? M ?Petersburg Locul. S.??! p m ?"Florida and West Indian Lin? ned" to all points South. ??? P M.-1'ele.sU.i.-b? N. and W. West. ?,'?.? t? M .-Petersburg Locul. UiS0 TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. . i-m ?Mi '/:3i A. M. ; 'S:25 A, M.i "10:15 ' AM ? ?1!? A? M.? US ?' *???; -':?? ?? ^' 6:^. ? ? 7:10 ?- M?? U:W ?. AL ? ??ieeut Sunday. ??Humluy only. ?Excepi =s CAUpBJ3LU j,iv. Pas?. Agt Vf. J- CRAIO. Cien. Puss. Agt_ SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. ?ITAINS LEAVU HICHMOND?DAIH*. ?..Tii ? M-Seuboui'd Mut:-W:J. P. M.-tJe?. bo'iird liixpies^-ro Savannah. Jacksonville, A.? '*i.\e ?UV-J-?o"<i-i^r Norllna and Hamlet ?rilAlNB.' ARRIVE RIC11.UUND-DA1LY. t:.? ?.. M.-SO. ?-Fro? Fiorlda, Ati-^tu and ,h4?? p'.'m.-No. 66-From Florida, Atlanta and th?ti?li"l&l'?Sti-From Norllna and local pomta. 6'm ? LEARD. P. P. ?.; 830 East Main Street ' l'Itone tW?, R?CHW?oi?m^A?SlD PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY, ,-?,?,. leave corner nf Perry and Sevemh St?.. ?..?..h.Hiei? ovury hour tun luu hour) from i MunchtHt.r. fw^ |?#( ^ U;W <?> u? f.ri- leuvo Petersburg, foot of Sycamore Street ?very liour from A. M. to 1?:*) P. M.' ?eU?''i?:00' P. M. ?TJ?AMOC/????. njiRG?Ni^liW?G^ CO., ^ JAME? RIVER DAY LINE. s-rPAMER UL1> POlN'l? COMFORT teavM MONDA-'. WElJ.NESl'AV und FRIDAV at I G u for Norfolk, l'oriiiuoiuit. old Punit, 1?'.u.T7,',rL New?, Glareinont un? Jume.. Ithor im.tirJ- titt.i conueclina ut Old Pomt for ? IS ,'toi, ??a??p.?.?? und ..h? North, emt?. marni TMorvea fPf ??'" n'?iht ?-' ?Jtodeiaw ir !-? E1.--U10 mr. direct, to ?huif. Fur* only'?LtS "U'l ?? lu ^itollr.. ??^,,? by Orund IQ. A- Barber Jr.. Secretary._ ~~CLYl>li ST?A1V?SH?P COMPANY'S ItULADJSLPUlA. ?lCliMOND AND NDRFoiOt LINK. ?telght i?c?t,v?d anil doll .?.ed d.ily ?it- ? O H? Co.'? (1<1???1. I|.r.eul-elllh ?III ?p>?1 Bire?tti. H. K. WOOUFIN, rioiulUtt? Al-?*-.