Newspaper Page Text
? FOR A NEW HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING Sentiment That Wny in I In* Grounds filici Building:? Committee. The Commit!?*?'? on Grounds and Hitild Ihgs at ft special mooting lust night con? sidered two propositions of public in? terest, "with relation to the old Cavalry Armory on Seventh Street. The matter cnnie up on a petition from the Howll r.ers to he allowed to convert tho build? ing nt tholr own expense Into n bath houso and gymnasium for the soldleruj and Captain W. M. Myers' spoke for tho proposition, which was finally grunted. Tlie school honrd was present, however, and desired the use nf the building n s nn adjunct to tho High School for thc pur? pose of teaching mnnun! training to boys, Major J. 11. Copers, Dr. SI. D. Hogo'tind Mr. rharles Tlutzler represented thn board, but the. committee granted tlio pe? tition of thd Howitzers, find expressed n. willingness to vote for ;i recommenda? tion to tlie Council nt nn early dnte In fovor of a now, tip-lo-tlnlo Itigli School building. SENTENCE MITIGATED. But President Refuses tr. Reopen Case of Paymaster Eiscoe. (By Associated Press.") WASHINGTON, .lune .'10.?Tlio President to-day disposed of ?? long pending and troublesome court-martial by refusing to opoirthe ease of Paymaster Hurry E. Bis-., " eoe. It. S. N., who'had applied to Secre? tary of the Navy to reopen it on .the ground thnt Admiral Evans, who ordered tlio court in his ease and reviewed the proceedings and sentence, which was? that the payinastor should lose 11 ftoon num? bers, wits personally prejudiced, ns re? vealed In another court-martial case, that of Paymaster Nicholson. The Judgo iul vocato-senouil recommended Unit the ap? peal he dismissed, but that tho sentence he mitigated. The Secretary or tlie Navy reported to tlio President 'that Paymaster Blscoe's reputation wns of tlie b*>t nnd that there was no suspicion of Inten? tional: wrongdoing? on ills purl, and lor those reasons the President mitigated the petialtv of Iho o?*?lmil court-martial to a simple reprimand for nogloct of duty. Tlie ?reprimand accordingly hns boon nd mlnlstercd. BROWN'S HISTORY OFF. State Board Eliminates it From the Eligible List. At Ilio leeoni meeting of l.ho Slate Board of Education, "Bro,wn's History ot our English Grandfathers" was stricken from that list of eligible books, because it was found to contain some object ion ??bl<* ?.intt'incnts. One of them was the reference to tlio Confederato gunboats as ?"?pirate ships." Thc book was. it Is understood, o.llmi naicd by a unanimous vote by tlio board. Patteson Alternate. Hon. Charles V. Meredith."Richmond's delegate to tho.ftl. I ?mils convention, has named Hon. S, H. P. Patteson. of this city, ills alternate, and while ."?Jr. Mere? dith will attend tlie bndy and perform all thn necessary futir-llot*^ of ids position, Mr. Patteson"will attend as a spectator mid will leave with the Virginia party ori Saturday. SEALED PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS WANTED FOR l?yin? mm SIDE SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celvecl up to S oVlnek P. M. TUESDAY, July 5. 1904, by tho Street Committee of the town of Hnmpt?*>n. Va., for the fur? nishing of all material and the laying of about 40,000 ?inure yards of SIDE? WALK RRICI? PAVEMENT In said town: the bricks to be first-class paving bricks: bidders to furnish sample of bricks they propose lo use; bids to be for doing the work per square yard. The Committee reserves the right to reject any er all bids. AH bids to be marked proposals for doing paving and addressed to the Street Commute??, Hampton. Va. For further Information apply to W. T. WERT WOOD, Town Clerk, Hampton, Va. fune 29-to,Tuly S Ottico of the Street Cleaning Department. Room No. ?), City Hall, Richmond, Va., June 2S, 1904. .-LED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE Jved until 1 o'clock P. M. JULY 6th, for building BRICK STABLE, l'ili information to bidders can be h;id in application at tills onice, leert Hied check for $250 must accom s-ach bid as a guaranty for execu f contraxil. bid will he considered unless ac lanied by a c^rtltied check. I Committee on Health reserves the ^1a,4,? reject any and ail bids offered Hu***.:) award tlie contract as a whole or in separato parts. By order COMMITTEE ON HEALTH. Jun'-?S-Tt Richmond, Va. Jim? ?; 1004. SEALED PROPOSALS, ADDRESSED to th,?* Capito] Building Commission, will be received at the oillce of the Governor of Virginia mull i; o'clock A, M. on the 12th DA V OP JULY, JIXI4. for FIRE PROOFING and ADDITIONS to t'ho Virginia Slate Capito), in accordance with dm wings and spociticatinns, whloh may be soc'u at the ofllce of Noland A Raskervill, Architects, Chamber of Com? merce Building. Richmond, Va. Each proposal shall lie accompanied by a certified check for fA.OOO, payable to the order of the. Chairman of tlie Capitol Building Commission. The right is reserved to reject any or all Mils. Chairman of Capitol Building Com? mission. A .1. MONTAGUE). NOTICE. City Auditor-a Ofnci-, Richmond, Va., June '?I, 1904. HOLDERS OP CITY OP MCHMOJib RONDS, maturing JULY 1, iikm, are hereby notified to preset)! them at this o/ilce for redemption, as they will cease to bear interest nom ihat date. EDW. J. WARREN, Secfy, Board Skg. l-'und Comiu's. June 2S-10t ? SO'UCi?.. ? Hi? hnioiui, Vh . June B, 1904. THE TRANSFER BOOKS OP THE BONDED DEBT OF THE CITY OP RICHMOND WILL BE CLOSED ON AND AFTER THE If.TU INSTANT AND REOPEN THE 1ST DAY <j1?' JULY, 1?04. \ EDW. J. WARREN, June 7*1111 July! Author. Manchester Taxes. J am now ready to receive the City School and tSewt*r Taxes for the pear iwit. One-half of Uie ??aine is payable on or t.u ior? July 1, TOI. or the Pine* half ,?n or bef?te December 1, l?o4. or the whole can bo paid July lut, if preferred; & per cent, will be added io each half If unpaid at their respective due d.ites. * J. W. BRONAl'OH, Jr.. ?Fuii?urtr, City o? Manchester. TH IC RATE FOR CLASSIFIED WANT ADVEK-ISING la 1 cent per word Not Cash In ADVANCE, -with a minimum cost ot ?6 cents for each Insertion. The sanie rato applies to deaths, marriages, obituaries nnd all other classified notices. No display type allowed In the classified columns. LOST AND FOUND. L03T-OPEN-FACE GOLD WATCH ON Broad, between Sixth nnd Seventh. Ho? ward if returned lo R. C. .MORRIS, 915 East Marshall, _ ~ ???/"?"~^?????-- Male. ANY ??INTELLIGENT,';*'PERSON MAY earn good Income oftrrcspoiidlng for nowspnpolV; experience uniicossnry; no canvassing. Send for particular**. NORTHERN PRESS SYNDICATE, Ixickpnrt. ?. Y. BOO ICKEBPER?WANTED, A GOOD bookkeeper. Intelligent nhd energetic, to make himself generally useful. Ap? ply SOUTHERN ADV. SIGN CO., 1312 East Main Streot. TEACHER-TEACHER WANTED FOR tlio Boydton High School as principal; n male college gradualo; eight months' session; good salary. Address, with tes? timonials, O. J. FAULKNER', Chairman of Board, Boydton, Va. WANTED; saw-mill hands, ave want several good white men ut circular saw-mill; wages Si.IB to ?l.'B per day; steady work; house furnished to mon with families. Also, woodsmen with ex? perience to work around steam skldder; wages $1.23 to $1.60 per day. Address Box No. 733, Norfolk, Va. WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING' salesman with good experience; must be capable of taking measures for cus? tom tailoring and understand, tlio cloth? ing? business thoroughly; good salary to light party. Apply, giving references, to S. DAVIDSON A CO., Lnwrenccvlllo, Va._|_ WANTED, MEN TO LEARN BARBER trad??; eight weeks* tivorage time ro rjuired; wages Saturdays whllo learn? ing: $10 to $15 wookly guaranteed when through; illustrateli catalog-lies mailed free. MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE, 3S0 Canal Stroot, New York City. WANTED, FOR U. S. AKMY?ABLE bodlcd unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply lo RECRUITING OF? FICER. 110 E. Broad St., Richmond, Va. WANTED, A STRONG, INTELLIGENT and Industrious man; steady employ? ment; no experience necessary; must have character reference. Address, be? tween 1 and !i P. M. or beforo 9 A. M., 139 South Cherry Street. I? WANTED, DRUG CLERIC, REGISTER ed or assistant registered, at once; must ho reliable, sober and attentive; givo reference: state salary. Address SALOL. Box 272. Lynchburg, Vtt. WANTED, A FRENCH TEACHER (?? 11 ve preferrod) to give dally lessons In conversation. Address, stating terms, FRENCH, this olilco. SITUATION WANTED?Male EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS Posi? tion in hotel or cafe; can givo bent of references. Address HOTEL, care th!.?* ofllco. _ WANTED. POSITION IN DRUG STORE by a yoiuig man with over two years' experience.; can furnish good reference. BEN.I. BI.OSSER, R. F. D. No. 6, Har rlsonburg, Va._ waI-jted. by a registered drug clerk, a. position by July lOtl"! one with live years' experience. Address FIVE YEARS, care tills office. WANTED. POSITION COLLECTING and ofllce work; good references fur? nished? Address COLLECTING, care . this ofllce. HELP WANTED?Female. A NEAT AND COMPETENT WOMAN for plnln rooking and general house work; good wages. Apply Friday at 10 A. M, to K>4 East Leigh Street. WANTED. YOUNG LADY OR BOY FOR ofllce work; state what, experience and enclose two references; salary only $2.60 at start. Address PERMANENT, care this office. SITUATION WANTED.Female WA.NTED. POSITION FOR THE COM Ing term to teach either in private fam? ily, graded school or college; have a college education; also several years of practical' experience In teaching; for references apply to M. M. KELLY, Glade Springs, ?'a., ?. F. D, No. 2. WANTED, POSITION FOR THE COM. Ing term to teach either in private fain? Ilv, graded school or college; have a college education; for references apply to Jil. M, KELLY, Glade Springs, Va,. R. P, P. No. 2-_ ' help?iy?A-E^A?D Temale! SERVANTS WANTED AMONG SOME of the'-best white families in this city; good wagos paid for tho right person?. We have applications for a large num? ber of cooks who cuti furnish good refer? ences, house girls and nurses for the city. Apply at once to THE NEGRO LABOR A EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 62)5 13. Broad Street isecond floor;. SOLICITORS ????&? .SALESMEN WANTED, AN ACTIVE; LIVE. Hl"ST lltiff salesman; ?me with experience hl selling tobacco; must know Iho trade and have sufficient influence to Interest it with an attractive premium scheme. Address Box 140, city. WANTED, LADY OR GENTLEMAN OF fair education to travel for a 'llrm of $260,000 capital; salary $1,072 per year and expenses, paid weekly. Address, with stamp, J. A. ALEXANDER, Rich? mond, Va. _ "" sTgn?, signs, signs. GET A SMILE ON~USE OCR SIGNS. THE SOUTHERN ADVERTISING SIGN CO.. 1812 East Muln. 'Phono 123. BOARDING. BOARDERS WANTED FOR COOL, comfortably ftiiiilshed rooms at 616 N. Eighth Street. _____________ CARY, E...NO. .-WANTED, FEW GEN tlomen boarders in privalo family. No. ? East Cary. LE???G?., flOrT-lDELIGHTFUL ROOMS; good labio board; privato family. No. 000 East Leigh. BOARD WANTED. WANTED, BOARD AND LODGING BY a young lady In small private family. Address C, Rtntlng terms and location, care this office. SUMMER BOARDING. BOARDERS WANTED AT MATTHEWS Cottngo, Virginia Beach; fino surf bath?, Ing; hot. or cold baths, and bath rooms free jo guests. Write for ratos. J. XV. CADY, ?tTlcTvIsiFI?mEI/DS, ' ' COUNTRY R? sort, opon all year; comfortable accom? modations; mountain air; saddle horses and carriages; golf, tennis, swimming pool; country club. FRANK K. RAN? DOLPH, Keswlck, Vn. _ V?R??WHA~BEACH. VA., JOY COTTAGE, open to guests; just completed; newly, furnished! on ocean front; first-class accommodations; terms reasonable. Mrs. W. K. GARDNEB. ROOMS FOR RENT. CLAY. E? 1103-FOR RENT-NICELY furnished front rooms on second floor; they uro especially desirable for gen? tlemen who wish cool sleeping apart? ments. Apply to 1103 E. Way Street foi? r?tes, ote. REAL ESTATE?For Sale. FOR SALE-FINE MARKET FAKM IN Hanover county, Vn.; 120 acref,; 7 1-2 miles from Richmond, near Pole Groen P. O,; good, healthy neighborhood; land In good condition; price low and terms Oiisy. For particulars address the own? er, C. A. EARNEST, 201 Washington Street, Portsmouth, Va. REAL ESTATE?For Rent. FOR RENT-THE .HANDSOMEST AND most desirable storo in South Boston; none except parties with, first-class ref? erences need apply. Wrlto J. D, TUCK 13R, South Boston, Va. _ REDUCED "PR?C??_s7 PRICES REDUCED ON WATCH WORK: Cleaning, $1; Main Springs si; twenty, years' experience. WM. TOBIEN, Jr., 40S E. Broad. Street., Richmond, Va Spectacles and Eyeglasses, 25 cents. All work guaranteed. WHEN ??" LAUGH. HE WHO LAUGHS LAST,?' LAUGHS best?that's what tho people do who use our signs. THE SOU-HERN ADVER? TISING SIGN CO.; 1312 East Main. 'Phone 123. WALL PAPER AND PAPER ???????, WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND best selection of Wall Paper and Room Mouldings of any firm In the city; all work done In strictly first-class man? ner; our prlcea are the lowest consist? ent with good workmanship. W. R. ALLEN A CO., 215 N. First Sit oat.. 'Phone 622. HOUSEKEEPERS. POLISH YOUR FLOORS WITH DUST less Floor Oil. only 25c. a gallon at BRUCE HARDWARE CO., No, 608 Eaat Marshall Street. 'Phone 192S. BARGAINS. DON'T BE PESTERED WITH FLIES . when you can get Screen Doors, com? plete with hinges, for (iflc, and Window Screens tor lile, at RRUCE HARD? WARE CO.'S, 50S E. .Marshall Street. 'Phone 1028.. SOAPS- AND PERFUMES AT TTJE lowest cut rates. Roger A Gallet's Soaps at 22c. the cake. PEMBERTON, PRICE A CO._ ??G???????????G WHEN YOU CONTRACT WITH US FOR tinning, plumbing and gas-flttlns you may be sure it's done right; also agenta for celebrated Kelsey Hot Air Furti aces and Welcome Range. F. S. DALTON & CO.. 14 Governor StreeL OUR DONT'S AND DO'S. WE DON'T DO. HOUSE PAINTING, graining, etc., but do ono thing well? that's paint SIGNS. THE SOUTHERN ADVERTISING SIGN CO., 1312 Eaat Main. 'Phono 123. rj^?TISTRYr VISIT THE SOUTHERN DENTAL Rooms; If you aro a dental Invalid' you can be restored at. small cost; lady attendant; 1009 E. Main Street, 'Phone 3296. DR. PHARES W. CALLIHAM, DEN tist, Manchester, Va. Office: 1209 Hull Street. Telephone 2609. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IF YOU WOULD BE TAUGHT Busi? ness by approved methods, attend Mas? sey Business College. An annual en? rollment of 500 students should con? vince the most skeptical that superior advantages are afforded. On account of summer session, unlimited scholar ships, all departments, nre Issued at 25 por cent, discount. Now students enter? ing daily. Why not you? MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE. 705 East Main Street. DON'T WORK FOR OTHERS, BE YOUR OWN BOSS; LEARN THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS and start In for yourself. Wo mnko you our special representative and touch you the business by mall. We furnish largo list of salable proporty and assist vou to earn from **2.000 to $5,000 annually. Write for free booklet and particular*. H. W. CROSS A CO., 2?1.S Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. NO.eQUIVAGeNT-t NO JUST AS GOOD OR JUST AS CHEAP hore, hut hotter and cheaper. THE SOUTHERN ADVERTISING SIGN CO., 1312 East Main, 'Phono 123. Short Talks To Advertisers. ?Too. rae?. There tiro about twelve thousand homes lu Richmond. Puppose you Wanted. If? it'll nomo uno In each of those homes that you were selling a certain brand of coffee nt a cortaln prico or Hint your shoos or lint? wer,; Ihn lii'Ht or cheapesl, what Would it cost you It. do It, without the irid nf n newspapit. Twelve thousand cheap hand hills would cost you, Bay $6, cheap en? velopes, ?t>; postai???, $1-; folding and directing with cheap labor, Jt?. intu? f80, A Tee?Pee Want Ad. would do the sume work for 25?., besides it-aching thousands and thousands of peuple who live oiitnlde of Rlcb nvinil. In addition tn t lia t, ? liund-lilll or circulai? or If opened would le thrown 'Miiijessly itsltle. 'I'he Times-Dispatch la read carefully from lit'Klnnlng to end, because lite people waul the liifnnntillnn It con laliiH. They arc unxluus enough lor thut infornintion to puy for the right to read It. The Times-Dispatch, City; ? ' Gentlemen,?We are so pleased with the results ob? tained through your "Tee-Dee" Wants that we have de? cided to continue using them Indefinitely. You can there? fore add 1,000 more words to our contract. Very respectfully, BROWNE & CONSTINE, ? ?205 East Broad Street, China and Housefurnishing Goods. FOR SALE. REDUCE YOUR INSURANCE BY Giv? ing mo an order for fid ilrst?class -water ? ViniTcIs; many nnd many a. bad fire has been averted by having water barrels distributed In your factory; nil kinds of barrels and cooperage slock bought and sold. D. O'SULLIVAN, the oldest .cooper In town. 'Phone 3222. GALLEGO WHEAT FOB CHICKEN feed; only a few hundred bags of the damaged wheat on hand; stock will bo exhausted by July 1; $1.05 nor bag*' of 100 pounds, Apply at Warehouse, Sev? enteenth and Dock Streets. WARNER MOORE A CO. MULES AND HOttt?EB. Having. Just opened nt 1917 B. Franklin Street, a wholesale and retail stable for sale of mules und horses, we wish to , announco that we now have on hand m very lino selection of young mules at reasonablo prices. S. P. CLAY, Prop., J. St WHALEY, Saloaman. WANTED, TO " SELL BOARDING house, In fine location; house well stock? ed with boarders; present owner destro* to sell on account of ill health. For further particulars apply S. S. 8., care this office. FOR SALE-HOT AIR FURNACE, ORr! Painter A Co.'s Sunshine make; used only two winters; cost S125; .will sell for **50; changing to steam heat my reason for selling. Address "FURNACE," care thla office. YOU FIND A COMPLETE MARKET; everything the best and always freeh; vegetables, chickens, meats, fresh Hah. canned goods, delicacies, etc., at BRAUER'S, 3 East Broad Streot. ASK FOR RUSSELL'S ANTI-ROACH Powder; positively destroys water bug? and cock roaches; all druggists, 10t> Call 'phone 1816, if you wish it sent. FOR SALE-VIRGINIA REPORTS, $300; United States, 102-122, $26; Lawyer's Edi? tion, $150; Hennlng's Statutes. ?25. RICH? ARD L. MAURY, 316 E. Franklin. ?,-__< POULTRY NETTING, 3 FEET HtGH, 4c. per yard;, wo havo all heights, at THE BBUCE HARDWARE CO.. No. BOS East Marshall Street, 'Phone 1028, WHAT A CHANCE FOR JUST THE thing you want; best American Ging? hams, not 12 1-2 and H'.2-3c., but S 1-3& PEMBERTON, PRICE & CO FOR SALE?ROSES IN POTS THAT can be safely pianted at any time. MER? IT ROSE CO., Grace and Cedar. S A U E R*S FLAVORING EXTRACTS outsell nny two hrands. Why? Because thoy are the host, purest and best flavor. IF IT'S FROM E. PERKINSON'S HAK ery it's all O. K.; made in a sanitary shop by clean hands; 421 North Sixth St. 1,000 NICE BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED to order for $l.?*? cash. GULLEY, SONS A CO.. Smlthdeal Bldg.. Richmond, Ma. NOTICE^ IF YOU WOULD BE TAUCfllT Busi? ness by approved methods, attend Mns sev Business College. An annual en? rollment, of 500 students should con? vince the most skeptical that superior advantages are afforded. On account of summer session, unlimited scholar? ships, all departments, are. issued at 25 per cent, discount. New students enter? ing daily. Why not you? MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE, 705 East Main ?-treet. NOTICE?MY WIFE. VICTORIA OAT LAND, having left my bed and board, 1 hereby eiv? notice that 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. A. H. GATLAND. June is, lOOl. Pllklnton, Va? HOSIERY IS A STRONG ITEM WITH the house; White Stockings we carry In good assortment. PEMBERTON, PRICE & CO. THIS IS TO NOTIFY"? THE PUBLIC that I will not be responsible for any debts unless contracted by myself In person. XV. H. HALEY. BY THE WAY-YOU CAN GET YOUR Lime. I-talr, Plaster. Cement, all at THE BBUCE HARDWARE CO., DOS E. Mar? shall Street, 'Phone 1828. TUXEDO AND DRESS SUITS FOR Jiiro at-t3CHNURMAN'S. ""21 E. Main_St, pr7nt7?g7"~ try us on" printing; ave know we can suit you. TAYLOR ?Si TAYLOR PRINTING CO.. Quick Printers. No. 1 Governor Street. WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, LADIES, WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, all styles, Just arrived. ALBERT STEIN, 428 East Broad Street._ LADIES' WEAR. EVERY SKIRT IN OUR STOCK TO BE sold at cost and less; now all-wool Skirts from $1.50 up. RICHMOND GARMENT CO,. 011 Broad (upstairs). 1,000 LAWN AND SILK WAISTS,? LAT est styles, to bo sold regardless of cost; sale postlvo; terms cash; Oil Broad, RICHMOND GARMENT CO._ SILK ShTrtTwAIST SUITS FROM $9 up to $13-50, vulues $20 to $25. RICH? MOND GARMENT CO., 011 Broad. EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR STOCK AT cost to save expense of moving; all ; goods must be sold, no renervations. RICHMOND GARMENT CO., till Broad. POPULARITY. WE ARE HOLDING OUR FRIENDS OF years ago and making more evory day; lots get acquainted. THE SOUTHERN ADVERTISING SIGN CO., 1-12 East , BAKERY. E. PERKINSON, BAKER, MAKES the bread that makes the man. Call for lt;jUl grocers._ DYSPEPSIA CURB. EANES'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS ' DID It. "To thn People of Richmond: I suf fi-rod for a Ion?? time with Indigestion, and could get no relief.' I tried every tiling and I had almost given up In de? spair. At last a friend advised mo to try Bailee's Dyspepsia' Tables, and one box, which cost only 20o., did me more good than all tlie medicine I have taken for two years. Anyone who doubts this fun cull on me at my house, 1208 West Cars'?" Wo can print numbers of such letter?, Bailee's Dyspepsia Tnhles is a now medicine, Just out, and they will do all wo claim thoy will do. or we will refund vour money. Ask for them nnd accent no other, W. F. ' ??? ES. Twen ty-flrth nnd Itigli* 'Phone No. 1815. CARRIAGES AND WAQONS, POR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND Wagons. Trucks and Runabouts, second? hand Surri-vs, Traps. Currlugea and PhaetonS. RICHARDSON BROS., U13 Brook Avenue. ' WANTED IF YOU WOULD BE TAUGHT BUSt ness by approved methods, attend Mas soy Business College. An annual en? rollment'of 600 students should con? vince the most skeptical that superior advantages are afforded. On nccount of summer session, unlimited scholar? ships, nil department*, are Issued at 25 per cent, discount. New students ontor W dally. Why not you? MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE, 706 East Main Stroet. _ WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW ohvlce Crab Moat, Stumpfs (own make), Deviled Crabs, Soft Crabs . (dally and good steel, real Llttlo Neck Clams at TUMPF'S RESTAURANT, 'Phone 763. |_-.-1 KEEP YOUR HOUSE COOL?FLOOR Stain, the kind that looks right, on ! your floor only 08o? gallon, at BRUCE HARDWARE CO.'S, &08 East Marshall Stroet. 'Phono 1028. WHY BUY IMPURE GOODS WHEN you can get the best? BAUER'S FLAV? ORING EXTRACTS havo stood tho tost of years, ANY ONE WITH $100 ?R MORE, WHO wants to Invest In a business thet nays 600 por cept, will do well write or call on J. Vf. EAST, Chase City, Va. AVANTED?A B. A. OF RICHMOND College desires two or three pupils for tho summer months. Address "TUTOR," oaro this office. .WHEN YOU THINK OF ANY BLACK Goods como straight to us, as we enn do tlie best for your PEMBERTON, PRICE & CO. MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU WOULD BE TAUGHT Busi? ness by approved methods, attend Mtts sey Business College. An annual en? rollment of 600 students should con? vince the most skeptical thnt superior | advantages are afforded. On account of summer session, unlimited scholar? ships, all departments, are Issued at 25 per cent, discount. Now students enter * ing dally. Why not you? MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE, 70C East Main Street. TAKE THEM WID LE THEY LAST? Mason's Fruit Jars: Pints 38c, quarts 43c. V. gallon 69c per dozen at BRUCE HARDWARE CO.'S, 608 E. Marshall Street. 'Phono 1928. DON'T SPOIL YOUR COOKING BY using cheap flavoring extracts. Vt BAUER'S and don't take substitutes. RIBBONS WE HAVE IN THE NEW weaves In Jill widths; lowest prices. PEMBERTON. PRICE & CO. PRINTING. COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED. TAY LOR <fc TAYLOR PRINTING CO.. No. 1 Governor Street, Richmond, Va. IN EASY REACH. USE TELEPHONE ONE, TWO, THREE and set In touch with experienced sign experts. THE SOUTHERN ADVER? TISING SIGN CO., 1312 K?st Main. 'Phone 123. ~ STORAGE. IF YOU WANT YOUR FURNITURE stored In a clean, dry place ond person? ally looked after, see TOMPKINS. No. 207 W. Broad Street. Toys. Bicycles and repairing._ __ ~~c?alTw?? d? and" Ice." USE RICHMOND. CEDAR WORKS' Kindling for summer cooking; the quickest and best fuel. Now have a good supply; prompt delivery. Price, ?1.60. DYEING AND CLEANING. .HIST THINK THIS OVER-SUITS scoured and pressed 75c; pressed 50c R. L. GILL. Steam Dye Works, 325 North Fifth Street. City 'phone 4?62. AWNINGS, FLAGS AND TENTS. YOU CAN ALWAYS DEPEND ON I.AV Ing? your awnings put up with care, also headquarters for tents and Hags, at M. G. COPELAND CO.'S, 108 North Ninth Street. 'Phone 2576. SHOE iUPAIRINO SPECIAL. 75C. HALFSOLING MEN'S SHOES; ladles 60c; Rock Oak Leather; every pair sewed. DREW'S ELECTRIC .SHOE FACTORY, 710 E. Main Street. 'Phone 2tit>7. Cut out this coupon and bring with shoes; it Is good for 25c rebate on above until June 30th. Rubber Heele 35c not. ANTIQUES. SEVERAL HANDSOME OLD PIECES of Carved Mahogany Furniture, excel? lent Brass Fenders, Just received from tho South, ut 1017 Semine?, streot, Man? chester. Call after 5 P, M. ? BUY ANTIQUES OF BIGGS; GET original pieces at lowest prices; sulla? faction guaranteed; 515 East Main. 1 m-m.BRANCHES ' The following Branch onice?' have t been ?.eiuulisliuU for the benefit uf E those living at a distance from tha Main OHice of The Times-Dispatch. Thu Tee-Dee Want? left at any of , these branches will receive tho ?a???? t cureful attention as though they had E been left at the Main Olllce, and thero fc will be no extra cost to the advertiser. auttUuH?i-K'? DRUG STORE, Twen ty-titth unu Venable Streets, VV. P, EANES, Twenty-fifth and Lelijh. ?tree... A. A. ?jOOTT, Twenty-fifth and Broad ?atreeW, RO?T, J. WIULIAMS, Twenty-first and Marshall streets, R. H, M. HARRISON, Fousheo and Broad Street?. G. W. LATIMER, No, 800 West Mar? sitali otreet. THOMPSON'-- DRUG STORE, No. 1521 W..t Main street. I, |_, UEVERIDGE, Brook Avenue and Clay street, RADY'S DRUG STORE, Barton Heiuht?, PEOPLIr"? DRUG STORE, No. 3900 Wllliai. b?rg Avenue, Fulton. ROBIN'8 PHARMACY. No. 200 East Marshall Street, MRS. RAINEY, No, 1311 Twenty-sec? ond Street, 'Falrmount. CITY DrtUG STORE, No. 1444 East Main Street, corner Fifteenth. JUDSON CUNNINOK-.M, N??v 2027 East Main, corner ? .enty-flrst PINE-STREET PHARMACY, No, 334 poWextErTirk-parrish CO., No. 418 East Broad Str,.??. THE PARAGON PHARMACY, No. 402 North Sixth Street. PERSONALS, IF YOU WOULD BE TAUGHT Busi? ness hy approved methods, attend Mas? ses* Business College. An annual en? rollment of 600 stiidontB should con? vinco tho most Bkopticftl that superior advantages are afforded. On nccount of summer session, unlimited Scholar? ship??, all departments, nro Issued at 25 per cent, discount. New students enter? iti* dally. Why not ymi? MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE, 705 East Main Htreet. OUR RECORD! FIVE ?T G II EST awards and gold medals, over.two mil? lion bottles sold In 1.803 and distributed In twenty-live Sta tee, throo solid car? loads Bhlpped 1n one weeft this month, Who's? SAUER'S EXTRACTS, ot ?"inumo! Could this be If thoy woro not the best7 Try them and Judge fot? your? self. WALL PAPER. ALL ' STYLES, ALL prices; all work guaranteed strljlly flrst-claes, Wo respectfully Invite you to look over our line and got our esti? mate before having your papering done. W. R. ALLEN A CO., 216 N. First St. 'Phone ?22. ' YES, WE HAVE HEARD THERE IS AN epidemic of cholera morbus in this city, but wo are glad t" offer you a Panacea, for it In HARRIS'S ????-DYSPEPTIC AND TONIC WATER; Mr. Morris says lt cures evory time, nnd no doctor's bill to pay, 'Phono 4W-. WANTED, FAMILIES LEAVING THE city tor tho summer to know that they can ho supplied by us while away with meats and everything else contained In a markot. ? BAUER'S, 3 Eaat Broad Stroot. SEND US 35 CENTS AND WE WILL send you six articles that retail for 25 cents caci?; sample, postpaid, 10 cents. Address THE E'VANOEL PUBLISH? ING CO., Richmond, Va. MAKE YOUR OWN CREAM--ICE Cream Froeuors, 8 quarts for $2.08; till sizes In stock at BBUCE HARDWARE CO.'S. 608 E. Marshall Street 'Phone 1828. !_,?.-, ASK FOR RUSSELL'S ANTI-ROACH Powder; positively destroys water bugs and cock roaches; all druggists, 10c. Call 'phone 1816. it you wish It sent. BEST I HAVE EVER EATEN IS A dally compliment we receive . of our bread. E. PERKINSON'S BAKERY. Try lt for yoyrself; -121 North Sixth St. GLOBE TONIC CUBES INDIGESTION of nny kind: samples free or $1 bottlea .?c; 172S East Main._ TO-DAY WE HAVE MQRE OF THE Belfast Lhieii-Flnlsh Skirting, one shill? ing. ? EMBERTON. PRICE & CO. FURNITURE*- PACKED. FURNITURE AND CHINA WARE packed and shipped with caro. JACOB UMLAUF. 705 W* Main. 'Phone 8292. , PIANOS AND ORGANS. PIANOS. REED AND PIPE ORGANS; lowest prices; reasonable terms; tuning njid repairing. ESTEY ORGAN AGENCY, William M. Jenkins, Man? agor, 723 -East Main, Telephone 2090. '? su pp L?e?? PLENTY OF PLIES ON THE OUTSIDE when sou us?? our Fly Screens and Screen Doors; prices the cheapest. SIT-, TERDING-CARNEAL-DAVLS CO. ' ALL SIZES OF SEWER PIPE FROM a Inches to 24 Inches. Write for pplcos. SITTER DI NG-CA RNEAL-DAVI8 CO. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL SI2TE3 Sash. Dnors?. and Blinds, Mill Work, Lumber, etc.; got our prices. SITTERD 1NG-CARNEAL-DAV1S CO. GET YOUR LIME, PLASTER AND CD*? ment from HITTERDING-OARNEAL DAVI3 CO., 8 East Broad Street. ? W ?T? GS~ AND" F _ Y~SCR EEN s! C. B. NORVELL, 211 NORTH SIXTH, manufacturer of Awnings, Shades, Screene; special attention given to ^screening fine bouses; ask for estimates at once. 'Phone 4St'.. TRUNKS REPAIRED, QUICK, CHEAP; WORK CALLED FOR nnd delivered; trunk's sold at factory prices; 311 E. Broad Street, over Hof heimer's Economy Shoo Store. 'Phono 2404. M'EETINaS, & STATED COMMUNICATION OF ! Vy TEMPLE LODGE, NO. P. A. F. A : /VN A- M.. will be held in Masonic Tern- l pie THIS (Friday) EVENING at S o'clock. ! Members of sister loriees and transient t brethren nre fraternallv Invited.' By order of the W. ll. ALEX W. ARCHER, Secretan*. THE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEET- | ine- of the VIRGINIA. MECHANICS* INSTITUTE will be held at the Insti- I tute. No. 1014 East. Broad Street, on ' TUESDAY. July 12th. 1!?4, at 8:3.1 o'clock'; P. M. The regular annual reports will be made. Elei-tion of Board of Direc? tors and other business. ? full attend? ance urgently requested. THOMAS ELLETT. Secy. ROBERT HARDING COMPANYj INC~ Publishers Pell's S. S. Porlodicals.?The regular annual mooting of the Stock? holders of tlie ROBERT HARDING COMPANY, INC., will be held nt the office of the Company, in tho city of Richmond, Va? the FIRST WEDNES? DAY in July. 1901, at 5 o'clock P.M. E. N, NEWMAN, Secretary. Richmond. Va.. June 20, 1004. SCHOOLS. ONE OF THE GREAT SCHOOLS OF THIS COUNTRY FOR THE HIGH? ER EDUCATION OF YOUNG LADIES. 20 PROFESSORS AND INSTRUCTORS. Trained In best schools of this country and Europe, 270 students last session. Unsurpassed advantages at moderate rates. Send for catalogue. JAMES NELSON, President, "Ohenoweth" Boarding; Hehool for Young Ladies?Located In tho most exclusive resldi-nt section of the city, overlooking Dupont *l*SrclH, Evory ndvnntago in Music, Ari und Lniiguag. s. ' Unusual social advantages brings puplle In r.ontaot with the noted people of our Nation. Address for catalogue, PRINCIPAL; 1627 New . Hampshire Avenue, Washington, D. C. AMUSEMENTS. O A 3 I IM O TROUBADOURS l'rosontliig "A Trip to Paris" antl ?'AtWe.nhurstlnn,? Gironi llacll urn Dauco, Mutinoti Saturday. The Confederate Museum. TWELFTH AND CLAY STREET?. Opens dally from DA. .vi. to 6 P, M. Admission. 25 cents, Freo on Saturday. The Va?entne Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS. OPEN 10 A. M. TO 6 P, M, ADMISSION 20C. Wilmington, N. C, June SO, 1M4. Olllce of tho Treasurer, Atlantic Const Lino Railroad Company. i AT ? MEETING OF THE BOARD 0\> ' Directors o.f ATLANTIC COAST LINI! RAlLRO.D COMPANY, tlulv called and held on May, .1004, a Dividend of TWO AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. wns declared on the Common Capititi Stock of that Company, payable at ti??? offlce of the Treasurer, nt. Wilmington, N. C?. on JULY Oth, 1!K>4, to nil Sfoci?.? holdors as of July 1st. The transfer books will stand closed from July 1st t<j July Oth, both Inclusive. JAMES F. POST, Treasurer. Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Co,, Richmond, Va,, June 27. 1001. DIVIDEND?THE DIRECTORS OFTHIM Company have declared a Seml-Aniiual TJIvltjend of FOUR PER CENT, (freu of tux), payable to Stockholders of record June 20, 1004, from which dnte It? July 2, 1904, tho transfer books will lui closed. Checks for this dividend will no mailed Stockholders. Changes of nd? dross should bo notified the Company. W. H. M'CARTHY, Secretary. Gorman American B'k'g. ? Rldg. Co., No. 1 N. Ninth Street. Richmond, Vn., Juno 22, 11)04. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OP TH1H Company havo this day declared a Borni ? Annulli Dividend ? of THREE PER CENT, (irne of tax) out of the earnings for the pant six intintliH. payable to thu stockholders on and after JULY 1, 1001. CHAS. ?. WILLIS, Socretary and Treasurer. Merchants National Bank, Richmond, Va. AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OV Director? of this Hank, held .lune 21; 1904, u. Soml-Annual Dividend of FOUR PER CENT, was declared, payable on July 1st, 10U4, out of tho earnings of the past six montbs. to the registered hold? ers of tho Capital Stock of this Bank : as of tho latter date. JOHN I?'. GLE"NN, Cashier. Richmond Perpetual Building, Loan &'Trust Co., 1013 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va., June 21, 1S04. THE? DIRECTORS OP THIS COMPANY bave declared the usual Semi-Annusi Dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND PIETY CENTS p?:r share, payable On and after July 1st. 19'>l. HENRY S. HUTZLER, Cashier. Virginia Trust Company RI?|hmond, Va.. Juno 21, 1904. The Directora of this Company hare this day declared a semi-annual Dividend of Two Per Cent., free of tax, payable nr\ and after July 1, 1004. Dividend chtcka will be mailed. L. D. AY LETT. Secretary. Vaughaft-Robertson Drug Co.. RliJhmpndJ -Va., .lune 30. 1304. THE DIRECTORS OH' THIS COMPANY have declared a S?mi-Annual Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. upon, the Pre? ferred Btoi-li nf this Company. Checks will bo mailed. C. B. ROBERSTOl?.. Secretary and Treasurer. First National Bank. Richmond. Vs., June 22. lfKH. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THIS Bank has declared the usual Semi-An? nual Dividend of FOUR PER CENT, (free of tax) on Its Capital nf .?-???.?-?.??, payable JULY 1st t<> Stockholders of record at the close of business June ?Oth. JNO. tit. MILLER. Jr., Cashl?r. Union Bank of Richmond. Va., June 3, 1SOL THF, DIRECTOR? OF THIS BANK have this day declared a Semi-Annusi Dividend of SIX ???,'? CENT-, payable to stockholders on end after JULY 1st, mt. Vf. R. MASSIE. Cashier. ' Metropolitan Bank of Virginia, Richmond. A'a., .June 23, 1004. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK have declared a Dividend of TWO PER CENT, on Its Capital Stock out of tho earnings of the'past six monthB. pay? able to Stockholders nn and after JULY 1st. Checks will be mailed. H. A. WILLIAMS. Cashier. C.Uy Bank of Richmond, Richmond, Va.. June 21. 1004. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK have declared the usual Scml-Annual Dividend of THREE PER CENT, upon th?r Capital Stock of $400,000.00, payable on and after JULY 1. 1904. J. W. SINTON, Cashier. National Bank of Virginia. Richmond, Va., June 22, 1304. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK have this day declared a* Seml-Annual Dividend of TWO AND ONE-HAI,F PER CENT., payable on and after JULY 1, 1901. Checks will be mailed. W. M. HABL1STON. President. ?-?-?--4 Planters National Bank, Richmond, Va., June 22, 1904. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK havo to-dav declared the usuai Seml Annual Dividend of SIX PER CLINT, (free of tax) on tho Capital Stock ot the Bank, payable on nnd after JULY 1, 1004. RICHARD II. SMITH. Cashier. The State Bank of Virginia, Richmond, Vn., June 23, 1901. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THIS Bank have dclpred a Dividend oC THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT, payable on and after JULY 1, 1001. WMi Mi HILL. Cashier. -,-?.?? Southern Trust Company. Richmond, Vu.. June 21. 1904. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF. this Company have declared the regular Sernl-Annunl Dividend of 2H? PER CENT, on Its capital, $100,000.00, payable JULY 1, 1904. JNO. TYLER, Treasurer. VIRGIN IA BUILDING & LOAN CO.? The thlrty-soeond Seml-Annual Dividend of THREE PER CENT, will bo payable on and after JULY 1st next. CHAS. T. LOEIIR, Secretary. EXCURSIONS. TAKE STEAMER |- -? "Old Point Comfort" SATURDAY NIGHT, July 2d, at 10 o'Clock. I JU Round Trip to Newport -News. I Jb 50c Children Under Twelve Years of Age.??? 60o Tickets Qood to Return Next Night or tho Following Tuesday,