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MEANINGLESS Feature o? Stock Market Con? tinuos to be Total Neglect, SLIGHT, STIRRING IN POOL (Bond Market Dull and Steady. An Und ertone o? Con? fidence. (?}? Associatoti Press.) NEW YOHK, June 30.?Tlioro wns u blight stirring tu Ilio sluggish pool of Bpeouifitloii this, morning, hut the ?Jny's t'itili triiillng Is so emuli, coiiipuruil with utiy period of living Interest In tho stock lntirltot, ns to make comiifirlsons from day to ?Jay. ?tulle moanlngl?ss. Tho genurul eurfuco of the niurkot wns liurtl und ??p jIoIiIIuk. unti giivo tin ImprisMon of un undcrtono of conlltlcnoe, even though nt U? tup?n to put prices up proved futile. Attempts were not determined nor Im? portant, nnd Ulti eliuriieterlstio of tho market continued to he totul neglect. "Mntropolitun HU'eot Hallway Wns a feat Urfi of tho curly dealings In continuation uf yesterday's advance, which was sought to bo explained by various surmises. Tho most Important of ?1???? was that the (guarantee of the dividend nnd the control of ilio traille wem to be tuberi by the subway IntcVesl?. With u denial of this the mico slipped off again, and the un? covered shorts whose buying had been tin Important factor hi tho rise took cour rue aiid rofruiiiifil from accepting their lusse?. Cunad ?a ? G'????? ivas , still ab? sorbed, C?peclnlly for IjOiidon account. The bond market was dull and steady. Tho total sales, p>*,r vaino, were t!,im.t)W. Government bonds woro unchanged on call, The tolul sales nt stocks for the day ?woro 135,1100 Mijares. MONEY .AND ?XC'L\Nai*-r*LOHK? "Money on dull very easy at 1 1-Ktfil 1-4 per cent,; closing bid, 1 1-S per cent.; offered nt 1 1-1 por coni.; tlm<? money, easy; sixty end ninety days. ** nor cent.; nix month?, IfV/;il-4 per cent.; prime mercantilo paper. 8 1-2??+ per cent.~?tcriIng exchnnge steady with?actual hnidnesis In bankers' bills at for demand and nt ??.86.25 for slxtj" tiny bills; pouted rates, $1-S*5 and St.KS; commercial bills. US4l-2m.84. Bar silver, M 3-1; Mexican dollars, 4G. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. ' RIc'iiTioml, Va., Juno 30. J!W?. BALKS. Vlrulnla Z%-b.VX> at ???,; 3,00*"i at ?*5; 1,000 at M. V'lrKinla-'.'arollnft Chemical Co. preferred?30 ?hurt>a at *?*,? STATI". NKCUniTlEH. ' Bill Atkcd Noriii Carolina t*. c. ???.vn ..? North Carolina *j, C, 1913. 1?? ... Vhu 2?, Nfiw, C. nnd Jt., 10.12. V. Ml? Vu. Conlurles, 2-3, C und R,, l?l.. Wvi ?7 ? ??MTV _EcartiTi_a. niehmond City 4s, ?., laM-lMl. ins**, lllchmond city, ja:.'. 10$*)? ['.AIL.HOAO iiONUti ? Atlanta end Char, let 7?. It.. 1*W7.... IM ... I A. C. it. It. It. Oil. Tr. 4 p. <".._.? a**?* 971 IK-orela Pucltlc let G*. C, 18?. ?2 (in , Ho. and ?-??. Ut t>*. i:<r,. J15 ticorirla anil Alu. Con. Ok, 1015.... lOG ?. and W. Pocnli'-nlas If. ?2'? ... ?Ich. and Meek, int. 4?, I*MS. 11) ".Vistrrn ?*. C. lui f.f. C, Ml?. Jll ?-??/ri?a H'iiitli?*rn, MMS. 0S'/4 ... KAIl.lit.lAD h't?JCrKS. Par. ; Atlanta and Charlotte.100 ?G.5 Atlantic Count ".?ne A.IM llS-ji ... Alianti?: Coa? Lino pfd.It? !??< Allunile <?,.??>? Liu? com.I?? ???:?'*, ltSV Ch.K.ip<al(r? und Ohio._;,..1??i :i? Norfolk and Western com.i??) W , r?eaboard Air '.Ino pfii.10D 15; 10 H.?1*oard Air Uno corn.100 s a (Southern Hallway I'M....VU ?5 ??.'.'? ANO -lllUrtT CO. (STOCKS. Amirkmi National .100 ISO Houthern Trust Co.'.K?) IIS Virginia Trun Co.M0... 100 ???? lil.l.AMXlUli. American Locomotivo pfd.too it <?onw.hdat.-d Tob. 4 i>. ?. bonds..imi tu V.i.-Car. <.'h>????. ?lid 8 p. c.If? 97?* o;Ti Va.-Car. C. Co. <?>). Tr. 5 p. c. *.'?',i ... J DALTIMOr.E STOCK ???????. BALTIMORE, MD.. Juno 30.-Seaboard Air Line common, &mtt%; do. preferred,. Atlatlc Coast Line common, lOTitfil? COTTON MARKETS. NBW YOilK. Juno *W.?The cotton markot opened quivi, at an advance" or 4-!i?i point? on tho old crop and ..>! lr*|.l |*.liit? on the new crop monti? in roepptue to ?tradier cablea than expected and ?indir cavarlas, influenced, iK-rhap?, by the dbwppdtnting ????????? mude by a privat?? crop report Issued beforo the oiienlng, which placed th July condition? of the crop ai M.26 per cent. Hut the weatlior over the ?joulh b.-.n?*; regarded, a? practically Ideal there ?a;, nu attempi ui bull ?peculation, and aoon uficr lb? .opening price? which at llrst had shown somethlnfc ot un udvanciiiK tiMi'Jency turned ouster and ?old off to a net lone of ??{?.S points. The market rulod quiet and . li-rcRitlar between that level and closing price? , of tho previous day durlni; the balance ot the session. ? leadlo? Wall Street operator i.-hu.*.i a rallier circular durimi tao eaj-,v after? noon .but there waa eonsidrrabin ?,-ttt????; by hrckcr? ?upi>o?ed Uj represent till? party in the tiftornoon. und while theso offerliiK? W'cro taken In by oilier largo room ?harto tho market wus Anally barely steady al thu lowest prices uf the eetodon, a net declino of 3ft? points. -jalea were estimated at 150,00.) bale?. It looked a? thoiuch nioat of the smaller opera? tor? had been pretty well evened up for tho holidays early In tho week, and tho lari?? ln t.-ivni? as a rule seemed confident cnouch ot their position to dr. Utile or nothing durltiK tho duy'i? ?esslon. Wire houses with Southern connection? wero made the ?ellers, but trad? ing as a ruin was ?ocal and proiOMiohal In character. A feature of the day'H ?thlistlcs were tho heavy clearance? from New Orlen?, but t)io?n llKure? had .10 peiccptlblo effect on Ihn iiuukrt. > Ueciipls at the |K>rla to-day were 4,237 hales atcalnst 8,7-13 last wools und 2,SS7 lust year. Por the week 30,000 bales ai?ulnst 11,3711 luBt week und 18,563 htm your. To-day? receipt? at "New Urletin? were 3,100 halos ukuIiisi LJUJ lust yenr, uud ai Ululatoli II lolle? ugiiliiMt 12 lam year, Cotton fu?mes opened steady tinti closed bur. - ly ?toady: Open. High. Low. Cose July.1?.?-?** 10.3o 10.10 10,20 AuKUSt .10.33 10.31 J0.SO lu.20 Hejitember .'J.72 0.77 0,60 ?,?.? October .O.f.1 0.00 ?.C0 8.50 November .O.K. O.?'J 0.47 0.47 Jiiliituiy .U,"i7 0.01 P.frQ 0.00 I'rl.i-iiury . .... .... 0.53 March ......0.00 0.0?) 0.5'J 0.?.j Mpot cotton closed dull; .,,?.,,?Ii?.;-: upltiud?, 1'.. -?,; nibb?liiK Killf,; ualcH, SOS bulos. Cotton, dull; middling, lO.SG; net receipts, 17M bules; -p'ons, 335 bale?: unies, iV.i.s pules; slock, &7.2??1 bale?; export to the Continent, J,3?W bale?; to l*'?uiice. KA) hulea. Total to-duy ul all ?euporte?.Not receipts, 4,227 bule?; export to Ureut Urltuln, 20,t?'<5 bules; to Krance, S.UtKl bules; to tho Contllieiil, 1,442 bales; sioclj, I7<I,S54 bules. OoiiHolliluled al all Heliports?Net rooolpts, 10.55J bale?; export to llreal ?rilutti, 28,807 bales; to Kruiiee, lO.nlS buy s; to tho i-'ontlncnt, 13,032 bules; to Japan, 60 bule?. Total since Beptuinbor 1st at all seaport??? Nel receipts, 7,u?fc:C2 bales; expqrj, .lo Ureut Urltuln, 2,431,lilt bules; lo Kiunee, (?07,35! bales; aCfcTAUL-iSUKD 1?3J.* MEMBERS Hew York Stock Exohangi, Kow York Cotton Exohanga. PRIVATE WIRES To PRiNGiPAL MARKETS. Investment Securitiee ??????'?^?????? ????? | Official Range and Sale of Stocks in New York j SALES: mi ?% 1400 Amalgamated Copper ..... 400 Amer. Cuti and Foundry., Amor. Cotton Oil., Amor, Snuff .,..,..,,. Amor, Snuff, pfd. Aincr. Can .,... Amur. Can pfd. 100 Amer, locomotive, cutn... Amur. Loco., pfd ?. ?WO Amor. Sugar ..,.127 MOO ?., ?. ? nd 8. Fo, com. 7?*% (Wjo ?., T. and S. Fe. pfd. ??.,, I>( 000 Baltimore liuti Olilo. 79% 0700 Brooklyn Rapiti Transit,.. 48% ('?rilutili Strillili??], *??,,,. 7100 Oiiiiiidliiii l'util II? .121% 200 Chesupeiik? und Ohio. ?16% ?W Chi., Great Western. 13(5 2200 Chi., Mil. and 8. ?.112.4 Colo, Fuel and Iron..,...,. ... Culo. Southern, com. 200 Col?). Southern, ??? pfd,.,. Culo, Southern, 2d pfd. Clcv,, Cln., Oil. iiiitt S. L.. Oint. Tnliiicco. pf'l. IIOO Consolidated Gun . 2iKXl Delti warn and Hudson. Dr?].,' Lack, and West. eoo Erle, com. . 209 Et'lo, 1st pfd. i;rl(?, 2d pfd..,. ? t.?l By Thomas Branch ft Co., Open. High. Low. Closing. Bid. Asked, M 49% mi low 1?% 1.S*>4 18% 191 li 16(114 23% M'A r/m c?en?nil l?lectrlo .?.??% ' ?jo. Illinois Central .132 low l^oulsvlllti and NuHh ville... 10!?% 2200 Manhattan.148% 10300 Metro. Street Rait way.111'//, Mexican Central. ... Alo., Kan. and Tex., com;. ... ? Ex. dlv. 1% per cent. ** Ex. dlv 2 per cent. ??* Ex. Dlv. l'A per cent 127% of* ? '"% 12:. .11. 18% 145% 48,4 48% ???% '??in 08% i:-7 132 no 1I!>% JUV? 127 72<% m im 80% 1!.% 4S% 191% 106%' '?3% MVii ?6o% . 131% ioa% 148% 49% 1B 2(1 117 68% 4 38 li w? 81% 127% 72% 70% 48% ?G>% 123 31 18% 143% .*}(> 16% 48% 2d t?) 112 1!>1% 1?3 270 23.4 58 34 ?50 li?j% 131% 132% 109% 110(4 148% 149% 110% 111 7% 8 1C% 10% 00 lWJi m s* ?o 120% 81% 13% 143% 30% 1? 49 W) 71 112% V.1.,1,. w* 2(2 28% 08 % '14% Banker? and Brokern. BALESt SOO Mo., Knii. and Tex., pfd..., 16*00 Missouri Biiclflo ?*?*. NiiKli., Chat, and S. L. 300 New York Central . WO Norfolk nntl Western. 7000 ?, Y., Ont. and West. frOO Pacific Mall. 13000 Fcnne.vlvi.nla II. Il. 100 Pooplo's Gas (Chicago),... Pressed Steel Car. Pressed Bteol Car, pfd. Republic 1. nnd S? com.... lOORepiihlld I. and S., pfd. a.(X) Rcatllnir, com.'.. 100 Reading. 2d pfd. 200 Rock Island, com. 200 Rock Island, pfd. 200 Solas. .'.. Sloes, pfd. 8. L. and 8. F., 2d pfd. Ht. L. and Southwest., pfd., 7900 Hun thorn Bacille . 100 Houthren Hallway, com..., Botithorn Hallway, pfd. 200 Hcubourd Air Line, com.... 300 Seaboard Air Line, pfd,... 800 Tonti; Coal and Iron. Texas Paclllo. 0200 Union Paclllo. 800 United States leather. 2200 United States Steel..... 8100 United States Steel, pfd.,.. 1000 Va.-Cur. Chemical, com.... Vti.-Cur. Chemical, pfd t??? Wabash, com., . Wabash, pfd. 100 WoBtcrn Union . 100 Wisconsin Central ..... Wisconsin Central, pfd. Total sales 168,052. ???? Ex. Dlv, 2% per cent t Ex. Dlv, 2 per cent. Open. Ititeli. Low. Cloelntr. Bid. Asked. 3(5% 87 110% 110% 0(1 110% 0(114 ?% 20"/, 11(1 08 41 47% ??7% 20% 81% 4C% 21 8% m 88% f.% ? .4 06% 23 98 80% 10% ?? ??% 37 00% 110% 00% 2H% 110% 08 41 6?% *.()% ?? 47% 21 '"m 16% ?14 188% ?"Vf. 0% 66% 23% 08 SOT'? 10% HO. 00% 25% 20 116% OS 41 47 ??7% 20% (?5 34% 40% '"?% 16% 86 '*?% 0% 0% 06% 23 08 80% 10% 20% il ? 1 07 ?J(i% ? SO 45 27% 80 ?S% 10% 31?% 22 88% ('.% 11% 05% 98 15% 84 80% 10% 37% m CLOSING BOND QUOTATIONS. U. S. refundlnc 2f, rrRlBterorl,.. 104% , 11, ,?:. retuntlItiK 2s, coupon.,.l'i.V.i U. H. la. rcgltitcroJ.... 106% ; C. S, 3?, coupon.\ Vf, U. H. New is, ?????????p:?1.132% U. K.' New Is, coupon .132% U, H. Old 4?, rfgltHered. 106% U. a. Old ttt, co'iiion. 107% AtclilHtm general 4s. 102% ?|?-????'??? H'Uuft tut nt In. 93% A tluiiti?: Coutil I.Ill',1 ?s . 9? l.ftlllinoro an?! Olilo 4a .102% Italtltnore and Olilo .lije. ?>S% (.?filtrai ot OcorRlti En.110% Central of GeorKln. Ut Ine. 71% C')ic*a[X?akn and Ohio 4%s.105% Chicago and Alton 3%s. T!% ClilcnRO, I:, and Qulncy new in. 97% Chicago, M. and 81. Talli gen. 4s.109(i Chicago and Northwestern con. 7n.1??% Chicago, It. I. and Pacific 4?..... 69 Chlcaffo, R. I. alid l'ac. col. 6a. 70% <!., ('., C. and St. J>jnlii fitrn. 4a.101 ?.'Mengo Terminal da. 76 Consolidated Tobacco 4b. nili Colorado and Southern 4s. 83% Denver and ??? Orando 4a.101% Krlo prior lien 4s .100% Erio donerai 4b. 80 Fort Worth and Denver City lets..,.10a% Hulking Valley 4,4? .110% i .?ni Inviliti and Nash. Unillcrl 4s.102 Manhattan conno! gold 4s .10C Mexican Central 4s...... 64% Mexican Centrili 1st Ine. 13% I Minn, and Ht. ?????? 4s. 96 Missouri, Kansas and Texne 2d s. 98% , Missouri, Kansas antl Texas ,2ds. 7S N'alluna! It. R. of Mexico con. le.^.'77% ? Now York Central gen, J%?. 100% j New Jaraay, Central gen. 6s.134% 1 Northern Pocilio 4s .104% Northern Paclllc 3s*?. 7114 Norfolk and Western con. 4?. 100% Oregon (Short Uno 4a and Partie..?. 97V4 Pennsylvania conv, 3l?. Oil',?, Heading Ocnerai 4? .101 Bt. Louis and Iron Mountain con. 6s.J150* Ht. Louie and San Francisco fg. 4s. S3 St, Louis Houthwesturll lsts . 94% (?Seaboard Air Lin? 4?. 00 (Southern Pacific 4s . tcp.i, i-Southern Railway 6?. 117% Texas and racine 1st?. 118% Toledo, (St. L. and Western 4s. 71 Union Pacific 4s . 10*,?% Union Paclllc conv. 4s.PUTi t!. S. Steel 2d 5? . 75% Wabash lsts .1I7U "WabuBh Deb. B? . 57 Wheeling and Lako Brio 4s . i*0? AVisconsin Control 4s . 91% Colorado Fuel conv. fis. 00% M. und O,, ? Collateral Trust 4s. m Central ot Georgia 2d Ine. 35 to thn Continent, 2.DJ7.7? bales; to Japan, 42. 786 bales; to Mexico, 26,72$ bales. NEW OKI-HANS, ?.?.. June 30.?COTTON? K|?t cotton stead* There -was a fair export demand and some ,0W buyers had orders Iront spinner*. Salos '.',000 bales, yuoiatlona un uneliiuiged. Future? opened steady ' and unchanged to 6 points up. The unrterton??, however, was weak, nti'l after nn Initial advance of 5 points on covfcrlng by weak short? prices decline?? Bii?, points below yesterday'? closing figures. In, tho absence of any supitort trom professional long* and no outside buying b?ant had noi difficulty In keeping price?? down, ^ily first ? aiKunced & points tu lO.SO, but finally declined tt,, October advanced %. points to 9.40 and Ml ott to 0.30, and December advanced !) point? to ?.?.? and finally declined to ?.2?. Tho .market closed cjulct with nei gains oh July ?if 6 ? ?in.?, August 12 and &ii'5 points on lho new crop posltoitk. Cotton future.? quiet: June, nominal; July, ! In Wtil'MO; August, I0.17ifl0.lS; September, '.'.0.',?|?? ?i6; October. 9.20Q9.31; November. 'J.Ziit D.Wrl>eccnibcr, i?.:sas.23; January, D.33{j-9.37. PRODUCE MARKETS. NEW ????, Juno 30.?FLOUR-Dull. but steady, llye Flour?Dull. Corumeal?Dull. Rye?Nominal, Hurley?Iiiactl ve. Wheat?Spot market barely steady. No. 2 red. nominal, elevator. Options wer? exceed? ingly dull ull (lay, closing ?Ac. lower to He. ini higher. July rione?! a?,??.?a; September, tt5?o. ; December, 84%?. . -, L' .-- . ??p??Spot t.ti?ady; No. S, 63%c.' Optlonif werft Quiet and rasier, owing to better weather, tbo close ?houliu, i.ii'-e. net decline. July closed al MJjc.; September, 13Vje. Oats?Soot (lull; mixed oats. 26 to ;r.? jiounds, 4lijlji<,c. Beet?Steady, Cut Meat?? Steady; pickled bellies. br<i<<???-. Ijiril? Firm; Western steamed, 47.3"; r.-Uxted, firm; Continent? 47.35; compound, tr..?T?4*-??.~^?. Pork?Quiek.* ' Tallaw?Firm? !U ?In?Firm; nominal, strainer], common to good, 42.iKii/;.9J. Turpentine?Steady at 56?J> !,6%c. \ Coffe?!?Spot Ilio, steady; No. 7 Invoice, 7%c. ; Cordova. iHjtrl'.'c. The market for coffee futures steady at unchanged price? and ruled ? very quiet. The close was steady at net un i changed prices to an advance of S points. Rales I 11.MO bags. Sugar? Kit??. steady; rcllneU, ht- inly. Itici.?Ciulet. .Molasses?Steady. Mutter?Market lirtn with sales of extra 1 creamery In tlie street ???? th basis of ISV.ij) , ] ?-;. OfT'eial prie?? are: ?dreamery, common to .???ri. ;:. . ;-.,.?., Sta!.? dairy, common to ex? tra,, ij'tl... Clt. it???? Irregular; receipts, -..cM k'.Ki. ?Jlfirlal quotations are: 9c. for small and Ic. for large, but buntne-s was done In th?? following battis: State, full cream, whltn and colored, fancy. ,.%i(3%c. ; large, white and colored; fancy, ???????? Kgga?iVHrm; State^ I'l.nnsyJVMttla nnrl nearby, fnii'.-y ?elected, while, 202121'?.; Southern. 14%?i,t6<.?. Pota toot??Easy; suuthem (new)', ,1.370".??. IVituiits? Steady; fancy handplcked. 64M%c. ; other domestic??, 3?4*>6%c. Cabbages?Slcady ; Long Islam!, per ???, 4J.tiflfi4.00; Southern, bar rol-crato, 4l{t1.20. Cotton?By steam to Llver jiool, J2c. CHICAGO. 1I.I... June 30.?Dispelling weak? ness, duo to gcnera| liquidation In July wheat, uool weuther In tito .Northwest and rains in the Southwest caused a firm tone t*)-day at the closing. Final quotation., on September wero up a ebttde; corn was down ;tj?Uc, and oats howed a shade decline; provision? advuncod The leading future? ranged as follow?! Upen. High. Dow. Close. WHEAT?No. ? July (olili. S6% ?6% S5% 86?3 July (new). ?5% K>% Si% 85% Sept. (old). 82% 83 82% ??3 Kept, tnow). 41 *?% SOX Sl% COItN?NO. 2. Juno . .. .. 47!? July . 47% 47% 4714 47% Sept. 4S% 48% 4SI? 4ffts OATS-No. :. Juno . 40% 40% UJ?i 33% July .?., 38% as% li..? 37% Kept. 32% 23% 32 32 Dec. 33% 33% 3'.',i 32% tV.lSSS l'OliK?Per bbL July .1'..60 12.72% 32.5214 12-.0 Sept. .....13.87% 13.0G 12.871? 13,02% LARD?Per 100 Irta July .6.81% 6.07% 6.82V. 0.85 Sept.7.07% 7.15 7.1? 7,15 SHORT RIBS-Por 100 lbs. July .7.22% 7.32% 7.221. 7,30 Kept.7,fj5 7.62% 7.D'?1?| 7,62% Get. 7.62? 7.7U 7.60 7.70 Cash quotations woro as follows: FI.OUH? Quiet mid bteaily. No. 2 spring wheat, Wit Hit:,; No. 3, S??jVic.; No. 2 red. !iSi\Sj,$l, So. 3 coin, 47 %i.; No. 2 yellow, 48%iii4V%u, No, 3 ?tits, 3'.i%Ci pie. ; Nu. 3 white, 3!>',ii?Hlo. No. 2 rye. 63%c. Cloud fced?ig burley, 30il3',c, ; fuir to cholle mulling, 424lt>2c. No, 1 fjaxsc-ed, .1.01; No. 1 northwestern, 41.07; prime Tlmofby teed, $2.92%. Mose pork, por barrel, ?12.7u?jr J..7D; lard, per 100 pounds, 46.92'/?f?6.'J3; sli"ri ribs Hides (loose), ,7.1214517.25; shori clear ?Idea (bolted). ?7.2f,'?i7..V). Whiskey, baslH of high wines, il.28. Clover, contract grade, .10.'.5. Ilutter?Stuady; crcamorli???. r-iVi-?iTi?n.; dairies, Kit ISc. Choose?Firm ut 7V?i(iJ'S%o./ Eggs?Finn ut murk, canes Included, nryl-l%c. BAI/rniOUE, MD? June 30.?FLOUR?Un I changed. Wheat?Qulot; ?ltot, contract, 8l%t?ji ? 81%??; spot, No. 2 red, Woatorn ,8l%ff81%i?. ; I Southern by .sample, MiSle. Corn?Dull and easy; ?pol, ? 60%?? wliu. ; Southern whlto corn, G????????. Oats-Dull) No. 2 white, 46(8111%?!. Rye?Dui) (uptown). Huiler?Bteaily mu? un? changed; a noy Imitation, 17??18?.; fancy cream? ery, li)?t2?c. ; fancy ladle, I4ifl5c. ; store-puck prj, U,|12i?. h'ggb?Hleinly und unchanged at 18e. CTioese?-Finn ami unchanged; largo, d?,@ tic. ; medium. IliiiU'.ic. ; email, 9%i|9%c. Sugar? Firm ami unchanged? RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET. Richmond, Va., Juno 30, 1901, QUOTATIONS WHEAT? l.ongberry (car lots).(1,07 4tjl.08 Mixed (car Iole). 10.7 ft) 1.08 Shoitbeiry (?ar lots'). 1.07 ? 1.D8 No. 2 red (cur lots). 1,07 ?1)1.08 Va. bug lots (now). 75 ?> DO CORN While. Va. 6G, rgr M ? No. 2 white (cur lot?). i.o No. 3 Wllllo mir Mm. .',; til M'i No. 2 liilxotl tr-ai- lots). 61 (jjl (,|i,.. Nn. 3 mixed .car lots). w ic (,.<<. OATS No. 2 mixed <.-???? lots)., 43 No. fl nilxeil (cur lots). 42 rjji 12% RYE (old) . 7? ? S) Note?Quotation? nn wheat aio for old wheat, CATTLE MARKETS. RICHMOND DlVlil BTOCK MARKET. (Salen at Union Block Yard?. I .Richmond, Va., Juno 30, 1?0|. llrcoliitH foi- the week ending Mondav: ?'????.??'?Receipts, 273 head. Mhlket fair on ull grades. ?Jesi ateere, ?,?,??.?'.,? ; medium li gonil. llatijrOc.; commun to fair. 3%<U,,'??; ???? luoii to fuir, 3%il'lc, ? good llclfcrs, -?%'y?c.; vom mon to fair, 3*S3%c; fat cows, 3V4@3%c. ; com? mon to fair, 2*8*3c. : bulls, 3S3'?c ; calves, 5@ 6c; fresh cows, 125.(346. ; Quarantino cattle, Sirte, HOO?S?Receipts, S15 head. Market good. Oeod hogs, 5*?VdV4c.; roughs, 4*8'4',.?c. SHEEP AND LAMPS?Receipts. 207 head. Market strong:. Fat sheep, 3%@4c. ; common to fair, 2*,4*<f:3c.; bucks, 2*3*k".; lambs, 6*u0',4c. CHICAGO, ILL., June 30.? C?TT'l_-Re? ceipts, 6,500 head, including 350 Texans. Mar? ket slow to steady. Good to primo steers, $5.4?*?|.0.?| poor to medium, $4.60jf5.26; stock era and feeder?. }2.60fM.aO; cows and heifers, ?UM*8S.0Oj? canner?, $1.603j2.GO; hulls, $2fcl,26; Texas-feu steers. *|4.CO^Ki5; calves, $2.60{?S.50. Iltgs?Receipts to-day, 2.200 head; estimated for to-morrow, 15,0?? head. Market strong to 5c. higher. Mixed ond butchers, $5.15?3?.35; (tool to choice, heavy. |5.*???3.37% ; rough, heavy, $l.50**i5.*S; light. $s.issi*5.i*7%: bulk of sale?. "(5.20??d.3?0. Sheep?Receipt*. 10.?? head. Market steady. Good to choleo wethers, M**_? 5.00: fair to choice mixed, $3.25?3?1.00; nafffe lamb?, la.i'.'M?.tJ. NI3W TORK. June 80,?BEBVEB?Receipts, 287 head; all for to-morrow's market; nothing doing; feeling:-dull. Calves?Receipts, 112 head. Market barely steady. Veals, M*g>5.70; butter? milks, }3. Dressed calves. Blow. City l?roesod veale mainly 0*33%c. per pound; choice, handy carcasses, 9c; country dressed, ?(18?. Sheep and ' Lambs?Receipts, 4.964 head. Sheep. ' very dull." Good lambs, firm to a'faction higher, ciuailty considered; no choice here; medium and common lambs in limited demand-, but steady. Sheep, $2.50?3.!??; choice wethers, 14.50 04.75; ?????? ?5; lambs, 1567.73, Hogs?Re? ceipt?, 1,710 head. Feeling weak; no ?alea reported, . UNION STOCK YARDS, PITTSBURG, PA., June 30.? C'ATTLF??Supply light; -market, steady. Choi??, ?5.1006.S; prime, $5.70iJ>6.00; fair, $4.4Oi(4.90. Hogs?Supply Hellt/: markot active. Prime heavy, 15.50; mediums, $5.5040 5.55; heavy yorkers. $5.500-5.56; light yorkers, t:,.?i,ft5.f,2>?,; pig?, $5.201<?5.?; roughs. $3.75?7?1.70, Khe?-|>?Supply light; market slow. Prime wctherf. $1.5034.*5p; common sheep, $1.60(B>2.00; choice lamhs, fifi".?; veal calves, $5.75g??.I0. CIXCIN'NATL O.. Juno 30.?HOGS?Quiet and lower at SU.S'iift.W. Cattle?Lower at $2?*?) 5.50. Sheer-?Dull and ?*asy at *S2.00*^3.50. Lambs-Steady at S2.7587.00. TOBACCO MAEKET. ? Richmond, Va-, June 30. 1901. Dark-Fired Tobacco?Reordored : Receipts ???? tinuo moderato and market firm at unchanged price?. Brlghts: Unchanged, quiet, but llrm with (air receipts. Bun-Cured: Receipts <**jn tlnue mod?rete and market Ann at quotations. Noto?Plantera arts c?utloncd not to ship their tobacco to market in high order, as with warm weather it is apt to damage and then lt will not bring full quotations. Tho quotations are a? follows: DARK FIRED TOBACCO-KEORDERED. Lugs. 4.50 it .5.50 Short leaf . 6.60 ? ?.75 Medium leaf. 6*50 ? 7.50 Long leaf . ?.00 f 12.00 Wrapper? and selection..,.;. 10.00 V 11.00 BIUO.HT TOBACCO. Smokers?Common . 6.00 19 8.0? Medium. 8.00 Q 10.00 Fine . 10.00 41 12.? CUTTERS-Common .o.oo O 12.0o Medium .1. 12.00 Q 13.00 Fine.,. 15.00 ? 17.00 Fancy. 17.00 0 20.00 FILLERS?Common . 6.011 ? 7.0-J Medium.i. 8.00 ?9 B.O'j Good. 9.00 9 11.00 Fine .?.. 12.00 ?9 14.00 WRAPPERS?Common. 14.00 tJP 18.00 Medium . 18.00 ? 25.00 Good -.. 27.00 *? $5.?J0 Fine .,. 85.00 ? 40.00 Fancy.,. 40.00 if 46.00 SUN-CURED TOBACCO. Primings . 2.00 <9 4.00 Lug?, common to good. 6,00 ? 7.00 Lugs, good to prime,.,... 7,00 (i 10.00 Short leaf . 10.00 ff|) 12.00 Long leaf . 12.00 (If 10,00 Wrappers . 20.00 (f 31.00 Lynchburg Tobacco Market. Lynchburg*, Va., Juno 30, 1904. Sales nf loose tobacco on tho Lynchburg mar? ket for the two weoks ending Juno 4th, report? ed by John L. Oglesby, is as follows; Sold week ending June IStti, 214,0m pounds; sold week ending June 25th, 136,100 pounds; decrease for week ending June 25th, 107,400 pounds, Sold from October 1, 1903, ' to June 25, 1904, 20,12O,4')O pounds; ?old from October 1, 1902, to Juno 25, 1903. 21,508,600 pound?; decrease for 1904, 1,387,200 pound?. Tho receipts wero lighter than was expected last week. Thero was more dappled tobacco than usual In the offerings. Prices were well up on all grades with some advance in dapple. ? The crop la about ?ill planted-and the planta ? uro ?minding woll and growing nicely. , The quotations are as ?follows; ! Dark lugs, common.$8,00 (3$ 3.69 I Dark lugs, medium.,,., 8.75 0 4,00 Dark lugs, good. 4.00 Si 6.00 Dark leaf, common.,..,,.. 4.50 0 6*M I Irak leaf, medium.,,,,,.., 4.60 ? 0.O0 I Dark leuf, good. 6.60 & 8.60 Dark leaf, line. 9.00 ?3 14.?-? Lurk wrappers,..,..,..,., 16.00 O 33.0( MISCELLANEOUS MAItlfCTS. PJ5ANUT MAltKETa PKTHHHmiRC*. VA., June SO.?PEANUTS Conllnue llrm nt $1.15 per bushel for (Spanish: seller? are asking higher prices; very few being offered. Virginias firm at 4*?,??. Cor fancy stock. 801110 shipment? am being made from Peters? burg of stock thut had been stored in this city, DRY aOODB MARKET. NKW'VORK, June 30.-*?The dry ?nod? mar? ket linger? In nn uml-hollduy conditimi. It Is not expected that tiny Improvement will tulio placo beforo next week, but agonis urn ?au? gnino of better- thing:? at thai Itine. .Slightly more export bu?ines? lu reported on heavy it? us well ios fight goods.. NAVAtTsTORISa. WILMINGTON, N* C, June aO.-KfllUTl" TURPENTINE?Nothing doing; receipt??, 01 cask?. Roelli?Nothing doing; receipts. 122 bai? l?is. Tar?Firm at ?1.80; receipt ?. 5S birre!?, (.'rudo Turpentine?Firm at $2.25<34.00 and $4.2?",; receipts. 156 barrels.. SAVANNAH, ??., Juno 80.?TURPEN? TINE?-Firm at 52T,c. ; receipt!, OSS casks; ?tile?, ?,?? cai.ks; export?. 402 cadis. Rosin?Firm; receipts', 1,888 burrcl?; tales, 2,222 barrels?, Di? porti?. 20 buriel?. ?."????.??-'???, S.' <,.'., JuHu W.-TURPEM TINE?Firm at 52>|a; sales, none. Rosin? Firm; sales, none. COTTONSEED OIL MARKET. NEW YORK, June 39.?Cottonseed oil was nrm, but dull; with buyers indifferent. Prime crude, f. o.' b. mills, 23c. nominal; prime sum? mer yellow, 30*???31c. ; off aumnier yellow, nominal; prime whlto,; prime winter yellow, 83?34C. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICHMOND, JUNE SO, 1904. ARRIVED. Steamer Brandoni Rhodes, Norfolk, merchan? dise and passengers, old Dominion line. Steamer Old Point Comfort, Graves, Norfolk, James River landings, merchandise and pas? sengers, Vlrtfinla Navigation Co. " SAILED. Steamer Brandon, Rhodes, Norfolk, merchan? dise and passengers, Old Dominion line. PORT OF WEST POINT, JUNE "M, 1904. / ARRIVED. I Charlotte Murphy, Baltimore, passengers and general cargo. Elm City, Haynes, Mattaponl River landings, passengers and general cargo, SAILED. Charlotte Murphy. BalUmoro, passengers and s-enerol cargo, /?' -, . .., Elm City, Haynes. Mattaponl River landings, passengers and general cargo. PORT NEWPORT NEWS, JUNE 80, 1&4. ? ; ARRIVED, Steamer Florida, New Orleans. Schooner Govornor Amos, Boston. Schooner Threo Mary?. BoBton. Schooner ?. E. A. Holmes. Providence. SAILED. Steamer Florida, Copenhagen. Schooner Joseph G. Ray. Bpngor. Schooner Georgia Gulky, Bangor.. WANT AN INCREASE. Delegates From Norfolk Navy Yard See Assistant Secretary. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) AVASHINGTON. D. C. Juno 30.?Repre? sentative Maynard accompanied a dele? gation of machinists from tho Norfolk navy yard to see Assistant Secretary of the Navy Darling for tlio purpose of laying bef-uo him a petition to have the wages of machinists increased. Mr. Darl? ing received tho delegation with hit* usual urbanity, and listened to the prescntitlon of claims for an increase. But Mr, Darl? ing did not intimate that tho increase would be given soon. The delegates were hopeful that it would bo granted, so a? to go into effect to-morrow, which is the first day of tlie new fiscnl year. Will Observe the Fourth. More and more each yoar the observance of tho Fourth of July in this city Increases, and this year nil business wll) be practically suspended. All. tho hanking and financial Institution?., leading wholesale and retail houses, tho Lo? comotive Works and all city and State otllces will bo closed, aa well, as the numerous to? bacco and other factories In the city. Largo crowds of people will spend the day at tlio seashore. - Mr. Walker Vice-President. John G. Walker, president of the Lifo In? surance Company of Virginia, hns recently been elected second vice-president of the Broad Street Bank. The vacancy was caused by the resignation of Mr. T. K. Sands. MAXWELL HEAD OF ASSOCIATION Elected President Yesterday by Educators?Speeches Delivered. (*>y Associated Press.) ST? LOUIS, June 30.?XV. H. Maxwell, superintendent of instruction in New York, was to-day elected president ot tho National Educational Association for tho coming yoar, "Tho new departure In secondary edu itlon" wus discussed by J. J. Sheppard, principal of tho High School of Com? merce of Now York, city, ""KducutJoii in the Nnvy"' wns discussed hy Roar Ad? miral Casper F, Uoudrlcli, United States navy, lie su id: "Thq ono great defect' in tlio educational system in tills country Is th? apparent deficiency in tlio primary departments, Thu boys wo get us apprentices In Ilio iiuvy uro almost ulwuys deficient In read? ing, writing n'pd urltlinietli?. Consequently with us every ship Is u school, mid ilio boys lire Instruct???! ulong various lines of tiducutloii u?-: they acquire lift vu I knowl? edge." Tim next speaker was Honker t, Wash? ington, of Tiudiegc-o, Alu. Hg wns greeted with enthu.siiiKtii?. applnusy. SEABOARD AIR UNE SUNDAY EXCURSIONS ' 40 Oints for Round Trip. Tickets good on nil regular Sunday trains, beginning Muy l'y 1904, TO PAY OUT DIVIDENDS Richmond's Leading?; Financial Institutions Will Make Dis? bursements to Stockholders. A VAST SUM OF MONEY Statement Shows City's Financial Standing to be in Splen? did Condition. To-day le Un? Unjo set by tins various bunking, financial und Industrial Institu? tions of Ihu city fur tin? payment of their (iiturturly dividends, Below Is u tubulated statctneut show? ing tho amount of capital Block and bonds of Richmond's loading corporation, on which ( vili ?,? filiti A number of olliur corporations will pay dividends, but do hot euro to havo ttii'ir names publish???,! Appended la tho statement! Amount to bn paid ill Dividende / and Inter? est .Inly J, 100!. Debt of the Klaln of Virginia! Century Bonds, registered.... ti,?J24,00O $148,8,3 Contury Bonds, coupon. g, ???,??? 121,003 TUildleberger Hontls, reg. 3,860,8(10 f,7.(J12 Rlddlebergor Bondit, coupon,. 2,467,600 37,012 Collogo Certlflcnles. 2,38,I,6,.U 71,503 Collego Certificate?. 83,800 J.036 Total State First National Dunk. ???,??? 2??.0(?? Htato Dank ot Virginia. ??0,000 17,600 National Bank of Virginia.. ?oo.WHl 12,rV,0 City Bank of Richmond.... 400,000 12,000 Plantors' National Bank.. .. 300,000 18,060 Union Bank of Richmond.... 210,760 13,185 Merchants National Bunk.... 200,000 8,00) ?Petersburg. B. & I. Co. 200,000 ?,?? American National Hank. .100,000 3.000 Savings Bank ot Richmond.. 100,000 4,000 Richmond T. & H. D. Co. ?,???,???) ??,??? Virginia Trust Co. 6(10,000 ??,??? Southern Trust Co. 100,000 2,600 Virginia F. & M. I. Co. 260,000 10,000 R. P. B.. la. A T. Co. 4,'l2,flOO 0.481 Granite Building Co. 3(tfl,000 ,?.?,?? ?(..-A. B. te. B. Co. 100,000 3,000 ?P. B., D. & ?. ??. 18,000 100 l?., F. & P. P. It. Co., com.. 1.316.000 5'-',676 R., F. & P. II. R., D. O. l;012,000 42,830 A. C. L. R. R. Co. common.. 35,600,000 8!??,000 A. C. L. Co. Class "?" stock l.OOO.OOO 25.0)0 ?A. C. J,. ot C. C. of 1. 6.000,000 12.1,000 ?A. C. 1j. of Conn.;.. 6,000,000 100,000 ?P. R. R. Co., C A Bonds.. 668,000 21,700 Richmond T. Co. Bonds. 600,000 12,500 R. P. & P. Co., Bonds. 3,0)0,000 75.000 xVn. C. C. Co., prd stock.... 12,000,000 210.00} O. D. H. H. C. stock.'.1,260,000 37,600 The city of Richmond will ray out to-day ns IIh quarterly dlvldond on Its bonds nbout 5,180,000. Total disbursement, $2.443,431. ?Largely held In Richmond. xDlvldend payable July 15, 1001. Coast Line Earnings. The Atlantic Coast Une roporls in? creases of $102,626 In gross earnings, $71. ?48 ln expenses and $31,37? In net for May, $303,742 In gross nnd $7"i?,658 in net for the eleven months ended May 31st: 190!. 1903. 1902. Gross earn lngs . $1,822,730 $1,720,100 $1,G0*LS39 Expenses and taxes . 1.162.007 1.010.S19 1,074,925 Net e a r n Ings . $660,66,?* $629,290 $532.014 Ratio op. ex? penses . 63.7 63.4 66.9 Gross, elev? en months .. 18,78),765 17.S77.0in 15,057,180 Expenses and taxes . 11,730,368 11,585,284 10,587.323 Not, U mos...- $7,050,417 $6,291,759 $5,369,SCI e Southern Railway Earnings. The Southern Railway reports an In? crease of $83,349 in gross and a decrease of $137.680 in net for May: 1.90-1. 1903. 1902. Gross earn- ! Ings . $3,532.129 $3,448,760 ?3.173.370 Expenses and ' taxes . 2,865,466 2,644,5.17 2.419,414 Net Darn? ings . $666,663 $804,243 $753.956 Gross, e ] o t'? en months .. 41,622,226 29,025,537 34,953,306 Expenses and taxes .30,430.289 2S,522,09S 2t.S38.411 Net, 11 mos....$11,191,037 $10,505,438 $10,114,953 LIFE FROM CHEMICALS. Scientist Says He Has Accom? plished Spontaneous Generation. (Special to The Tlmes-DIspatcli.) ANDERSON. IND., June 30.-Spontan oous generation of animal Ufo In form of Insects from chemical compounds was accomplished and demonstrated hero yes? terday by Dr. Clmrles Vf. Dlttloflcld, ac? cording to Ills own statement. Profes? sional men witnessed the demonstrations, which wero ropcated for tho benefit of skeptics. The scientist said that ono of his compounds was as near to proto? plasm ns poss'.blo, while the other con? sisted of common salt, aqua ammonia and alcohol. A few drops of milk whlto flukl wcro placed In an tilr-tlght case, and with tho aid of a mlscrosc?pe of 230 diameters thero wero visible innumerable mmuto black objects apparently born In the liquid, thon arising nnd flying or running wildly about tho case, During ono experiment nn apparatus suddonly becamo aflame, destroying ono caso of tlio cliemlcul-mado insects. Dr. Llttlefield will lindertuko to nourish tho strango Insects Into a higher culturo to ascertain what they will propagato", FINANCIAL. XV. M. HAI.LISTON, President. Vf. M. ADDI80N, Acting Cashier. O. S. MORTON, Assistant Cashier. Captlnl, Fully Paid.$500,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits ? $150,000 ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. The Fi OF RICHMOND, VA? INVITMS THl. ACCOUNTS ojy jina*o.siToKd and UORUOWK-.S. Capitala Surplus - $1,100,000.00 Total Assets - - * ??,d??.???.?? BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS solicited by The State Bank if Virginia, 1111 E. Main St. ? ? -.Ichmond, Va. IN SUMS .'"ROM $2,000 TO $20,000 TO Lend on Rlchiiniiul city roui estai?. SU'lTON & CO., 16 North Ninth Siruot. ?)'.' . 1115 MAIN STRKl.T, (???'?'.?. KOR BALE VIRGINIA HON PS, 01TY OU" RICHMOND llOM-S, Vlli (?????-?????,??? Oll ???'??. liONPS ANO ????'1??.?11.??.1- MTOlUv CITV Ol?' 111? 'IliMONU PAST Pl'l. BONDS. rol.Ll.CTKP W 1 X HOL Y ?UIAUUIS. . If you are going to the mountains,, seashore or country, have The Times-Dispatch go with you. City subscribers before leaving the city during tho summer should notify their carrier or this office ('PHONE 38). If you write give both out-of-town and city addresses. VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN RESORTS. OLD SWEET SPRiW?l OPEN JUNK leTII ?? OCTOBER 31ST. High - up in tho Alleglianlcs, 2,200 feet olovatlon; capacity, 800 guests; most commodious brick buildings In tlie mountains; minorili springt!, heal? ing baths, swimming pools; excellent liv? ery, orchestra, culslno; nil outduor umuso? menta; nine link golf course; new electric end laundry plant?; Long Distance Bell 'Phono; new management; many Improve? ments; Illustrated booklet. C. Et. PAXTON, Lessee, Old Svyeot, XV. Va. CROCKETT fiftSENIG-LITHI? OPENED JUNE 1ST. Elevation -.000 fnot. Cures Dyspepsia, Nervous Prostration, Rhoumnttc and Kid? ney troubles and Fumalo disorders; cleans and beautifies the ? complexion. Write for booklet. . at, C, THOMAS, Mgr. Millboro Springs, Bath County, Va. Main lino of Chcsapeako and Ohio Rail? way, SULPHUR, ALUM, ALKALINE, MIN? ERAL AND CHALYBEATE WATERS. Illustrated booklet on application. M, E. DAVIDSON, Prop. -_< BRUNSWICK INN, Waynesboro*, Vn., Shcnnndonh Valley; elevation 1,600 feot; Llthla Water; modern conveniences. Tennis, bowling, fishing-, driving. Write for . b?qklot. BLUE RIDGE SPRINGS. VA., Bototourt County, Va. Thirty-second consecutivo summer sea? son under proprietorship of PHIL P. BROWN. Write for pamphlet and t?rms. VIRGINIA SEASIDE RESORTS. HOTEL WACHAPREAGUE, SEASIDE. ACCUMAC COUNTY, VA. Large and well-ventilated rooms; excellent bedding, etc.; lO.Oii*. square feet porches; Bath? ing, Heating, Fishing, Gunning, Tennis, llay Hides, etc, Launches and sailboats used by guides. (Free excursions on launch, to guests from June 1 to October 1.) For further Infor? mation apply to A. H. C. ????3, Wachaproague, Va. OCEAN VIEW HQTEL, OCEAN VIEW, VA. Season Bealns June 15, 1904. Safe bathing for ladles and children. There is no better iisliing grounds on the coast.* Spots, hog fish, trout and many other varieties are caught here. Por rates and etc., apply to L. BERRY DODSON, Managor. MISCELLANEOUS RESORTS, THE SOUTH'S MOST POPULAR AND SELECT SUMMER RESORT, "THE BEAUTIFUL ?niii-i e0IS?TRY," Sapphire, North Carolina. Flvo First-Class Hotels, three Beautiful Lakes. Altitude, 3,000 to 6,000 feot. No Mosquitoes, no Malaria. Tubercular pa? tients not admitted. Por descriptivo bookiots address The Toxaway Co, Hotels, Brevard, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS VIRGINIA RESORTS. HENRYCLAY ???,^a? Now Opon Under New Managemerrrt The nonrest summer resort to Rich? mond; fifteen degrees couler than Rich mond,. ,WI?y suffer from tho heat? Un? surpassed railroad facilities; ten trains each wny; modern hotel; artesian water; reasonable ratos. , Write T. R. GARY-, Manager. ATLANTIC CITY RESORTS. SEASIDE HOUSE, "~~~ Atlantic City, N. J. Ocean front, every comfort, Including ?ea water bnUis, elevator, golf, otc, F. P, COOK A SON, Formerly of tho Hotel Senato. MISCELLANEOUS VIRGINIA HOTEL-I. CHASE CITY, VA. Rates?$12.00 Per Wetfk and up. This handsomo hotel, with all modern improvements and a fino Sanatorium In connection, will bo OPENED TO THE PUBLIC ON JUNE 15TH. Amusements will bo plentiful, such as Dancing nightly, Golf Links, Bowling Al? loys, Croquet Grounds nnd Tennis Courts, ? Moderato rates, cuisina tlio best. The waters tiro known far and wido -for dis? eases of tho blood, stomach, nervo and skin troubles. For rates and booklet address W. C. HUNDLEY, Lessee and Manager. 9 GRACE AND NINTH STREETS, RICHMOND, VA. , -EUROPEAN PLAN ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF. Best locatlotj"!!! the city. Fronting the Beautiful Capitol Square. Summer rates $1.00 per day and upwards. CAFE CHARGES REASONABLE. SERVICE UNSURPASSED. Broad," fIth and Capitol Sis. Located in tho mosb beautiful part of ? th? city. Renovated, modem and up-to-date Iu evory respect. NOW UNDER NEW ?? D DIFFERENT , MANAGEMENT. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN. Speda! Low Tiaies Given to 11 Grass Widowers." THE POWHATAN HOTEL COMPANY NEW YORK STATE. RESORTS, IN THE ADIRONDACKS, THE GRAND VIEW, LAKE PLACID, ?. Y. All modein improvements. Address Tlmes Dispatcji Bureau, or HENRY ALLEN, Mgr., Lake Placid. ?. ?. .?-,- . STURGES HOUSE, on Lake Pleasant?1.9*0 feot elevation, charm*, lug- scenery, Rood Hailing, boating and hunting. ??' AoooiiimoduloJ? 100. Koomg spaulnus and airy* BooU wholesome table; milk, butter from our farm. Terms reasonable*. Booklets. DA VID WORDEN AND ARLINGTON, Lake George, N. Y. Open from MAY 15th to OCTOBER 1st. Write for Booklet, EDWIN J..WORDEN, Prop. WlLliEY HOUSE, ADRIONDACKS,. , Hurrlcano, Essex Co., ? ,Y.; Tho Owl's Head, Keane, ?. Y. Open all tho year. Booklet. WILLEY & MOTI3HER, Props, NEW JERSEY RESORTS. CAPE MAY, N. j.; . The Old Timo Favorito of tho South. ' STOCKTON HOTEL. Facing? tho Ocean. Built for air und cool n?'.<s; 760 feet of corridors, 12 feet wide on every floor. High ceilings, large windows, thoroughly modernized and furnished. Cuisine a special. featiiro. Particular at? tention to fresh sou food and oysters. Concerts 1n New Cafo and Japanese Gar? den. Dancing evenings in Ball Room. Rules 91.?0 per day und up. European $1.00 and upward, Special rates by week. Send for folder. H. M- CAKE. FINANCIAL, iU1J1AriAnAnnAnAfiJ. rjitjv-owwsrwr^iv *?*.<?*<*^-???-'<???*?--?-?????*-'.???*?>??.Vim? see how vwee: OFSOW.. COMPARATIVE INCREASE IN DEPOSITS FROM OFFICIAL STATEMENTS. JJoposlts July Kith, l?ii?, SS7,I!*?,71. Dcpuait.1 September 15th, lu02. SH9,?.*il.78. Deposits February 6th, 1903, $?2,573.96. Deposits June 9th, 1903, $503,378,46. Deposits Sept. 9th, 1903, $120,702.32. Deposits Jan. 22,1904, $123,273.49 Deposits Mar. 28,1904,$!34,??0.75 Courteous Treatment. Iluslnoss Methods. Emu* Poi* Ucut. Tho Whulo .Story, Capitai Sayings B?ank, THE PEOPLES' DEPOSITORY. ?a Uli East Main Street.? 'mivod from lime to timo luya tho -foundation for comfort und wealth, 'l'hli If ????'? ,<*'J?'? billii* for SiAVlll?U uud Trust Fund:?. You may begin R8 Binait us you lil.c, and build up us yuu " a'U SUMS ACCEPTED AND INTEREST AL? LOWED FROM KinST DAY, COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALWY* PROVIDENT SAVINGS "NHL Sii East Main Sinai, 3. G A L'ES ? I. President. W. GRAY WATT80N, c ??siller.