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pnmt YOU ALWAY5 scc new bwrgnlns ivheh ever you rend tho Tco Dce Want Ads. TIITS DISPATCH TOUNDED 1850 THE T1MK8 FOUNDED 18S8. WHOLE NUMBER 16,682. RICHMOND, VA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 0,1004. PRICE TWO OENT& THE REPUBLICANS REJOICE IN A NATIONAL LANDSLIDE NEXT HOUSE BE STRONGLY REPUBLICAN The Returnsto 2 A.M. In dicate a Majority of Some Filly. MANY SURPRISES TO THE DEMOCRATS They Have Lost in Instances Where They Expected to Make Gains ? Chairman Cowhcrd Among Those Who Suffered Defeat. (By Asaocliitwl Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, November S. Presldcnt Roosevelt Is assured of the co operation of a Republlcan Congrc.-'s. Tho present Republlcan majority ln that body ls 84, and there need no surprlse If thls flgure ls ahnoat doubled, and lt ls reaeonably certaln to reach a majority of at leust flfty. / ln practlcally all dlstrlcls the Repub? licans have held thelr own, whlle ln some lnstunces the Democrats have lost, Prob? ably the most marked of tliese caseB aro the Fourth and Flfth Dlstrlcts of Call fornla (Sun Francisco), now representod by Repreaontatlves Llvernash and "Wynn, Democrats, whlch returns indlcato havo baen gained by tho Republicans. In iho Twelfth Ohio Dlstrict. Taylor, Republl? can, ls reported to havo defeated Badser, the sltting Democratlc member, who was a candldate for re-elcctlon. The most surprlslng of all the reports, however, come from the Flfih and Fif? teenth Mlsfiourl Dlstrlcts, both strongly Democratlc, and the former represented by Mr. Cowherd, chairman of the Dcma craUc CongresBlonnl Campaign Commlt? tee. Tho Republicans claim to have car? ried both dlstrlcts. Have Majority of Fifty. In the llght pf .these, renjjrts.a.RepublJ.-,. can majority bf' fiffy ln !.he "Houso ls consldered a conservatlve cstlmate. Re? turns from the Southern States show thnt they havo roiumed the usual Democratlc majorltles on congressraen as on other candidates. The State3 of Alabnma. Ar kansas, Florlda, Georgla, Mlssisslppl, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas. all send solld Democratlc delo gatlons, whllo those from Kentucky and Vlrglnia probably each wlll send only ono Republlcan rcpresentatlve, maklng no change from the present complcxlon. Ten? nessee wlll contlnue to send two Repub? llcan congressmen. There are several solld Republlcan delo ' gallons already reported from northern Statea, Includlng lowa (wlth one posafble exceptlon), Kansas, Minnesota, New Hampshlro ana the two Dakotas. To these must be added tho delegatlons from Miilne. Oregon and Vermont, ln whlch Statos electlons were held prlor to yea terday. Other States, such as Mlchlgan, llll? nols, Ohlo, Pennsylvania. and even Indi? ana and New Jersey, from whlch the Democrats hoped for much in .he way of gains, ngaln send to Congress dclegn tlons whlch aro preponderatlngly Repub? llcan. Where Gains Are Made. In New York the Republicans wlll suffer no los* and wlll galn several con? gressmen and thoy will mako a galn of at least two In New Jereey and othor gains aro reported from Maryland nnd V/est Vlrglnia. Among tho early dis? patches was ono Indlcatlng tho certaln return of Speaker Cannon. lt ls probable the Republlcan majority ln the Senate wlll show llttle 11' any ehango from the present voting stronglh thero. North Carolina. (By Assoclntrd Press.) RAT-EIGH, N, C. Nov. 8.?The Dem? ocratlc congressmen elected ln Nortli Carolina by dlstrlcts nro: i ?Flrst, John H. Small (D.). ?Second, Claude Kltchln (D,). ?Thlrd, Charles R. Thomns (D.). ?Fourth, Edward XV. Fou (D.). ?Flfth, W. XV. Kltchln (D.). ?Sixth, G'llbert B. Patterson (D.). ?Sevenin, Robert N, lJage (D.). ?Nlnth, Edwin T. Webb (D.), Thn dlstrict probably olectlng Demo? cratlc congressmen, but not yet deter mlned, arc: Elghth, ?Wllllnm C. Newlnnd. Demo? crat, over 13. Spencer Blackburn, Repub? llcan. Tenth, Marnes M. Otidger, Jr., Demo? crat,' over Hurry 0, Ewnrt, Republlcnn. No majorltles are obmlnablu to-nlght, Georgia. ATLANTA. GA? Nov. 8.?Georgla con groasmen elected to-day aro as followss ?Flrst Dlstrict, R. E. Lester (D.). ?Second, J. M. Grlggs (D.). ?Thlrd, E. li. Lewls (D.) ?Fourth, W. C. Adamson (D.). i ?Flfth, I* V. Llvlngston (D.). ?Sixth, C. J-. Bartlett (D,). j Seventh, Gordon Leo (D.). i ?Elghth, W. M. Howard (D.), Tonth, T. XV. Hardwlcls (D,). ?Eloventh, W, G. Brantloy (D.). Tho only sorious contest was In tho Nlnth, where Thomas Bell, Democrat, was oppoted hy James Ashley, Republlcan. Eell's eloction ls practlcally assured, though Ashley hus not conceded a vlctory to his opponent. Florida, JACKSONVILLE, Fl.A., Nov. 8.?The few sciutcred returns so far received Indl? cato tho usual Democratlo mujorltlea In Florlda. Tho Democratlc oundidatos* for Congresu aro ull elected. They aro: ?Flrsi, Stepheu M. Sparknmn (D.). Socond, Friuik Clark (D.j. ?Third, William B. Laiiiar (D.). Pennsylvania, (fiy Assoclated ProsB.) PIUDADl-.ui'luA, PA., Nov. 9.?Spe clnls to tho North Amerlctin claim tho (Contluucii on Second l'a_e.) PERSIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT. i ROOSEVELT WILL NOT RUN AGAEV. f _ _;_ Z-. (By Ansociated Press.) T WASHINGTON, November 8.?President Roosevelt to-nlght after the 4- eiection returns clearly Indlcated the result, Issued the fo'llowlng statement: T "I am deeply senslble of the honor done me by the Amerlcan people In T thus expresslng thelr confldence In what I have done and have trled to do. i l appreclate to the full the solemn responslblllty thls confldence Imposea f ? upon me, and I shall do all that Is In my power not On the X 4-th of March next I shall have served three and a half year-, and thls three T and a half years constltutes my flrst term. Thls wise custom whlch llmlta ^"'?"?'We'"President to two terms regar'ds the substance and not the form. Under I no clrcumstances wlll I be a candldate for or accept anothernomlnatlon." . iltMMt i++++++++-H-++++4r+4 TMI.HMH*f GREAT CROWD SEES DISPLAY OF RETURNS Thousands of Men, Women and Children in Capital Square. MUSIC AND MOVING PICTURES Mcgaphone, Projectoscopc and Scarch Liglit Display the Returns. Jllchmond's Interest ln the natlonal eiec? tion was shown in a most interestlng way j last nlght when thousands of men, wo i mon and chlldren stood ln Capitol Squaro I and watched the returns as they wero displayed by Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch upon tho mammotli canvas. Besldcs receivlng the Information they sought concernlng* the eloction, tho crowd was entertalned by muslc from lardella's Band, and arriused wlth many Interestlng and humorous moving pictures, also, thrown upon the canvas. Early ln the evenlng tho crowd began to iissemble In tlio Square, and by 8 o'clock thero wore several thousand per? sons ready to recelvo tho first news frofji tlie front of tho groat battlo of ballots that had just closed. As tho niluutcs passod tho crowd grow and grow untll | long beforo 9 o'clock, when lt easily j reached 1C/.000. one-thlrd, at lenst, of' whom woro ladies. Tho ? returns woro watched wlth Interest, but as the crowd was largcly Democratlc, thero waa litilo in the blUletlnB to encourago tliem, Tlien the man at tlio moving plcture machlne put on a comlc subject und the orowd shouted itself boarae, only to ronow tho huzzahs when a bulletln from Maryland was displayed announclng tliat Stato for Parker. Thls ?-iomoiitary rclaxatlon was disturbed, howevor, by the gloomy an nounconicnt Uiat tpelaware and New* Jersoy and Connectlcut and Indiana and West Vlrglnla had pullecl theniselves out of tho doubtfud-olumn and landcd squaro- i Iv Into the Republican band wagon. Notwtthstanding all these roversos, tho itreat crowd held on, hoping that some thlng mlsht como at last whloh tnlght lead up to a change of what seenied aw* ful defeat. , ? # Music Was Fine, Tho splendid entertalnment glven by lardella's Band a?d ?ll? moving plcture man tended to offsot tlio dlsuppointment of the blg Parker crowd.. Besldo tho Democrats there was a fjno sprlnklliig of Uepubllcans who bore th riniHe wiilch wo'n't como off for at, least four years more. Tho crowd was tho larg-st over gnther cd lu the Sciuuro, orownlng ,oven tliat of four years ago. yvhei' Bryan was de* featod. ? Whllo thera were soarcely moro thnn 10,000 peoplo ln tho Sciuaro at any one time.' |t Is llkely least ??6,00(1 Ipdlvlduais were thero at ojio tlm_ or another durlng tlio fpur hours of the con* tlmtous perfornianie. Expresslpiis . (ConUnued on Fourth J?ago.) FOUR PERISH WITH HOTEL The Silver Queen in Texas Oil Fields Burns- While Full of Guests. THREE ARE CARRIED DOWN The Cable Buggy on Suspension Bridge Gives Away and Three Men Are Killed. (Dy Assoclated" Press.) HOUSTON, TEX., November 8.?The Silver Queen. Hotol ln tho Sour Lake oil fleld was destroyed by llro to-day, and four peoplo wero burned to death. Tho dead: C. BM LEVVTS, Splndlotop, Tox. LEE HAM1LTON. Spindletop, Tox. JACK. SMITH and wlfo, Now Hanover, Tex. Probably fatally Injured: Jack Bulllvan, Sour Lake. Benjaniln Tucker, Sour LaJto. Tho hotel wns fllled wlth guests. The orlgln of the fire Is unknown. CABLE BUGGY BREAKS ' AND THREE ARE KILLED (By Assoclated Press.) STEUBENVILLE, O., Novcmbor 8.? Threo workmen wore Instantly kllled to day ,1a a "buggy" used to wrap a wire cablo on the now Stcubenvllle euspenslon bridge, Tho ropo supportlng tho bus*>' broke, throwlng lt agalnst the pior and hurling tho men to doath on the ground below. Falls to His Death. (By Assoclated Press.) CHARLEaTON, S. ? C, November 8.? Tho cuiiapso of a scaffold used ln- slaUng a roof resulted to-day in the (nstaht death of a white contractor ond the sorioua Injury of three odlored worltmerii ono of whom muy dle. They fell forty feet tcu tlie ground. Dr. Edmund Harrison. Professor Edmund Harrlson, formerly l professor of Latin ln Rlohmond College, ' tuid now prcsldent of Bethel College, Hop ninavllle, Ky., ls visiting hls son-ln-1 w, Mr-.11. B. Hoge, of No. 710 East Franklln Streot. profossor Harrlson's .frlends aro oongratulatlns hlm on the honor recently .oonferred upon hlm by Georgetown Col. lege, tho degree of dootor of laws. Mr?. Harrlson ls how wlth her husband. VIRGINIA'S VOTE WAS SMALL ONE Wysor Was Defeated by Slemp in the-Ninth District. - FI.OOD SEGURES A FINE MAJORITY The Eiection Gonditions Were Ideal and There Were No Dis turbances Anywhere in the . State?The Democrats Have Nine Gon- . gressmeri.' Incomplete returns \ from almost every clty and county ln- tno State, wlth, the complcto flgures frdrn.many. countles and cltles, lndlcatcs that'less'tha a flfty per cent. of thc reglstered vote" of .Vlrglnla was east iri yest'erdaj-'a eiection "for Presi? dent and' yice-Presldent:';an_ members of the House of' Repres.entatlves.' Tho iDemoorartlc majority'"ln''ihe S_it- , will approxlmate 30,000, If the ?estlmates .based on partlal returns are-worth anythlng. Every corigTesslohai 'dlstrl-t ln the State eleeted a Democrat save the Ninth, whlch re-elected - Colonel Campbell Slemp by a majority of from 900 .io 1,200. The Re? publlcans ln the dlstriot clalm .a .much hlgher majority. CombletB n-__res alone can verify or refute thelr claims. ;. Flood, ln the Te-nth Dlstrlct, ia returned by a handsome majority over Revercomb. Captain Ople, Independent,Democrat, dld not'cut any a-ppreolable figu__ -ln , the voUng. .:*'-. O . Congressman Olass, of the Sixth Dls? trlct, claims hls re-elecUon by from flve to'six thousand. Mr.. Swanson, ln the Flfth Dlstrlct, wlns agsiin by a hfthdsomo majoTlty. The opposlMpn ln other dls? trlcts was not formldfibTfe,, Complete or parti-al.Jret_rn_ wera re CONGRESSMAN CAMPBELL SLEMP, Who Was Re*elected From the Ninth Dlstrlct. celved from almost overy city and county ln the lUaUa last nlght, a-thlng never aocomplli'hed before ln tho history of State polltlcs. Tho flgures for tho countles are to bo found below: The vote by countles ls as follows: Dom- Re Oountles. ocratic. publlcan. Accomac. 1,250 maj. Alleghany.. 200 maj. Albemarlo . 600 maj. Alexandrla . ?Amherst . 472 . 70 Amella . 132 27 ?Appomattox . 86 23 Augusta . f-B niaj. ?Bcdford. ?? ^4 218 Bath . 203 U7 Bland . 62 maj. Bototourt . 250 maj. Brunswlok . 600 maj. Buchanan . ?Bucklngham . 150 362 ?Campbell . 302 70 Carroll . 300 maj. Carollne . 300 maj. Charlotte. 608 202 Charles City. ???-..' Cnesterflcld . Clarko . -tOOmuj. ... cl^irw'!?!'?;!!i**?*'i.o;o , 200 ?Cumborland . 43l oi Dlokonson . 2o maj. ... ?Dlnwlddle . j* J-l Elizabeth Clty. 900 3U ?Essex .???? r.O -oo Falrfox .? ???? ??? Fattquler . i-""-- ' ?J Floyd . -*0' i'010 Fluvanna . 800 maj. ... Franklln . -100 maj, ... Fredorlok . 1100 maj. ... Glles . aoOrriaj, ... Olouoester. ???*? l-'3 ? ? , - (Contlnued on Third Page.) 26 WANT HELP TO-DAY. Tho 80 ndYPrtlfemonU for i-alppub* liiht- ln to-aay's Tlmea ])1.'**?M>_ oo p?go^ 8 ?ro _* t-llow_i 6 Af-ents, 1 Salesmen. 4 Oftioe, 2 Dproeatica, 3 Trad?. 10 MisouJlaueous. Thls oot only liitere)rta those- out of worli, but tuo?is deslttpg to Improva thelr posltlons a? woll, SENATOR FAIRBAIMKS, Vlce-Presldent-Elec I PARKER CONGRATULATES ROOSEVELT. " " ""''? (By Assoclated'Presa.) ESOPUS, N. Y., November 8?8:30 P. M.?Judge Parker sent thls tele gram to the Presldent: "Rosemount, Esopus, N. Y., November. 8th, 8:30,P. M. "The.Presldent, Washington, D. C: ?.-.'?- v'" "The people by thelr votes have.emphatlcally approved^yeur admlhiiitra tlon, and 1 heartlly congratulate you. (Slgned) "ALTON Q. PARKER." WASHINGTON, November 8.?Presldent Roosevelt's reply to. Judge Parker's telegram was as follows: 'Alton B. Parker, Rosemount, N. Y.: "I thank you for your congratulatlons." (Slgned) ? "THEODOREROOSEVELT." PARKER RECEIVES NEWS AND SENDS HIS GREETINGS TWO JUDGES ARE KILLED Fatal Aftray in Connection With th? Election at Cripple Creek. ORDERED THE DEPUTY OUT He Refused to Go and Fircd Upon the Judges, Who Were Union Men. (By ABsoolaiod ProsB.) CRIPPLE CREEK, COL., November 8.?Two Democratlc Judges were killed in thls dlstrict to-day, a Peabody deputy sherlff wns mortnlly wounded and a num? ber of Democrntlc Judges wero bc-nton nnd thrown Into Jnll. Ike Jdelbolt und Chrls Miller, Judges at Goldfleld, woro shot aown by ono of BherliT Bcll's depu? ties. They hud ordered the deputy out of the polling placo, Ile refused to go, and turnlng1 upon tho Judgos shot aud kllled thoni. James Wnfford, thn deputy who kllled tho two election ofllcers in Goldfleld, was a secrot service man durlng tho mllltary the dlstrict. Mlller und Idlebolt wero union men. At MidwajvEd, Doyle, a deputy sher..C assaulted Mrs. Kennedy, a Democrntlc Judge, and In a strugglo that eusuod tora her. dress, and slupped her. Ed. - _oury, a Democratlc watolier, interfercd aud ohot Doylo, fatally woundlug nim. O'Leary was arrested. Killed in Election Row. j (By AMoclatod I'resa.) OAMDEN, N. J., Novoiuher- S.~Durlng an election row hero to-nignt, Jamea Brown, uged forty-ono years, was struck on the heud wlth a club aud dled lutor ln a hospital. No arresta havo been made, j A Democrat Shot. (By Assoclated Press. 1 NASHVILLE. TENN., November 8? "pock" Walton, a furinor and a Demo orat, hns been shot uiul kllled at hla nomo ln Claluorno county. Ho attendud a polltlcal meetlng recently, und, iv la said, threatono, several pansona. Not Dovvncast, Though Dcplor ing Ovenvheiining Defeat in Own State. GRIEF FELT AT ESOPUS Friends of Democratic Candidate Especidllv Grieved That He Did Not Carry the Village. (By Assoclnted Press.) ESOPUS, N. Y? Novombor S.-Judgc Parker conceded the olectlon of Presl? dent Roosovelt ut 8:30 P. M., when he} recolved a telegram that tho Demoerruic national hcadnuurtcrs had already ad- j mltted thnt every doubtful Stute had ' been carried by the Republlcan national ' ticket. llo nppcured to he not nt all < downcast by the result, although it la j known thut ho greatly doplored hls over- I whclmlng- defeat ln hla own State. He j j received tlio dlscouruglng news in hls Htudy whero ho sat snioklng wlth two of hls nelghbors. I The 'bullotln from Democratic hcadounr-1 j ters concernlng Judgo Parker's defoul I was glven to tho Judge by tho Assoclated j Press rcpresentatlve. When uskod lf ho j I hnd nny statement to mako, he pulled a | | telegruph blauk townrd hlm and wroto I hastlly for a moment. Then ho said: I "I am golng to sond thls telegram to Prcsldent Roosevelt." Tho messago was d'spatched nt oncet, It ls glven abovo. At that hour roturns wero indeflnite, and tho Judge decllned to miko uny c'xtended statement. He snld hls tele gram lo tho Presldent conveyed overy llilng about tho situation that ho knew; 1 lhat tho result was evldent, ovon though doiails were lncklng, Tho denieanor of Judgo Parkor as ha hoard tho bulletlns read was of cheerful reslgnatlon. Ho woro tho alr of one who could If ho would: "I will dio game." And dio gume ho dld. Ho dlscussed the returiw wlth his frlends, and compard the flgures wlth forinor yeurs. U might havo heen somo othor man's defeat for; aill thu concern he eoined to feel. In the. villago of Esopus thero was a genuirto prlef manlfested by Domocrate who gatlu'ied at tho two irina and ruil wuy station, at tho dlscouraging eharac-' tor of the returns for tho villago, which Judge Parker had falled to carry by fourtoen votes. Tho honilre- prepared for thn occaslon warf not. Hghted. Judgo Purker retlred nt 11 o'clock de cllnlng t0 make uny statement beyond that indlcated -hy bla telegram to Pr__i dent Roosevelt. ROOSEVELT ELEGTED IN A LANDSLIDE Republicans Score Sig nal Victory, Carrying Doubtful States. , . i GET BIG MAJORITY JN NEW YORK STATE Parker's Plurality in City Smallet Than Was Expected?Mary? land and West Virginia Are Both in the Republican Column. CBy Assoclated Prens.) NEVW YORK, November 8.?The Repub? lican natlonal tlcket has been eleeted by a voto ln tho electoral collego-that wlll exceed that of 292 glven Mr, McKlnley ln 1000. Tho result of to-day's ballotlog waa astoundlng, e.ven to the most sangulne of Ihe Republican managers. Confldent ac thoy were of nuccess, they were not prepared, for the nstonishlng- . flgures whlch followed tho closlng of tho polls. brlnging Into tho Republican column not' only all of thosG States they had* clulmea as safe for thelr candldates, but wlth the posslble exceptlon of Maxyland, every State classed as doubtful. Dcmocratic successes nre. conflned to the solld South, In whlch Kentucky la Included, and- Mr. Parker has not car? ried a single State whlch flld not glve lts voto to Mr. Bryan four years ago, Official roturns Indlcato that ho lost somo of thoso whlch tho Nebraska candldate. held for hls pnrty. How the Vote Stands. Offlclal flgures fro mthe Northwest cltles may sllghtly. chnnga the totals, but based* on the returns avallable *t a late hour to-nlght, tha electoral voto stands ras follows: -'-.-??'r..-,.----*-.FOR ROOSEVELT. Estlmnted ' Electoral State. Plurality. ., Vote, Colorado ........... 5,000 5 California (conceded Rep.). 10 Connectlcut. 25.000 7. Delaware.,. 2,500 3 Idaho (conceded). ....... 3 Illlnols .......... 15,000 27 Indiana . 60,000 15 lowa ...,.;. 125,000 13 Kansas. 30,000 10 Malno . 37,000 6 Maryland (probably Rep.). S Massachusetts . 80.000 1C. Mlchlgan . 100.000 14 Mlnnesota. 100,000 11 Montana (conceded). . 3, Now Jersoy .50,000 12 Nebraska . 30,000 .8 New Hampshlre . 20,000 4 "Nevada (probably Rep.). 3 New York . 185,000 89 North Dakota . 25,000 4 . Ohlo.10COOO 23 Oregon. 30,000 4 Pennsylvnnla .? 300,0,00 34 Rhods Island .- 5.00? **?'? South Dakota . 30,000 4 "Utah .:..-.?. 8.00l) 3 Vermont . 30,000 -4 "West Vlrglnla (Rep. major? ity unknown. "f "Washlngton . 30.000 5 Wisconsln.? KO.OOO 13 Wyomlng (largely Rep.). 3* Thls glves Roosevelt a total of 325 electoral votes. FOR PARKER. Estlmated Electoral Stated Plurality. Vote. Alabnma .??? 37,500 11 Arkansns . -10,000 9 Florida . 18.000 5 Oeorglu . -15.000 13 Kentucky . 10,000 13 Loulslana .'. 5.000 9 Mlsslsslppl (largely Dom.). 10 Mlssourl .. .?. 35,000 18 N. Carolina (largely Dom.). 13 S. Carolina (largely Dom.). 9 Tennesseo . 25.000 13 Tcxas. 190,000 18 Vlrglnla (largely Dem.). 13 Thls shows a total electoral vote of 151 for Parker. Will Not Run Again. As a dramatlc climax to tho sensatlonal majority glven him, cumo Presidont Roosevelt's forinal announcement thut ho would not be u candldato for re-electlon, lending tho only escitlng aspect to an eiection ight, otherwlse so one-sldcd that lt waa tm'posslblci fur even the vlctors to attain thut degieo ot enthusiasm that usuiilly murks tho occaaion. I?ito In the nlght came un unnounce? ment from Melvln O. Plazer. manager of the cumpnlgn for Thomas B. Watson. the candldato of the Peoplo's party, that us a result of the ovenvhelrnlng Demo? cratlo defeat. stepn would be taken lo form a new party. To thls ond. ncoordlng to tlio nnnounoement glvon out, Mr. Bryan, Mr. Watson and Wllllam Ran? dolph wlll ho'rt a oonforenca ln New York In about a wock's tlmo. The Result Known Early. The period of auspense lhat 'followcdT tho closlng of tlio polls was not nrolo'ny? :|. In no eiection In recent yeura has the - result been deflnltely .-? known so su'o-r, Ilurdly lind the sun gone down when results in.New York began to nppeiir, By 7 o'clock lt w?.? evldent lhat thegTeat Btnpire State had, glven the Repubj'can candldates a ninjorlty boyond the "prc dlctions of tho. party managers.' So con* vlnclng ""'as tho story of tho. bullet'ns, ? thnt nt 7:30 August Relmnnt st Demn-r. cra'i'c headqunrtfrs coneede, Rooteyeit'a .. dc.-tlon by an overwhelmlng msjorlty, nnd half an hour lot-F i-?* Democratlo leaders, who had mannged the r-ampalnn. frcely admltted that the Rppuhllcuns h?r_ carried every dnubtrul S'tat*. There waa no dlcponltlnn to hnpe ngfilnct hore. ? Am St.te nfler Stato .?j>nt in its Republican majority, and thn wlres tnM th.* fal* of the ballots, hrlnglng even from <hO-? Common wealths upon whlch they had _a_e_ thelr flgures of DemO<*r*Uo ??*_?