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The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, July 07, 1905, Image 3

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(Continued from First. Pago.)
has slept there unless they , broke tho
door down, (in ho (Cosby) had had tho
key nil the time.
"Now, I nm Informed' that on May
16th Wiso registered Culberson ns liv?
ing at No. 210 East Rroad, when he
knew perfectly well that Culherson did
not live there, nnd that he had not boon
In the Btato two years, In tho city one
year and In the precinct one month, aft
tho law requires for a man to bo a
"Now, Norvoll will. testify that Cul?
berson told him before tho election that
Syrclo hnd fixed him up for a voter; that'
he hnd told hltn to bo nt tho election
precinct first thing on tho morning of
the election; that Solomon would refuse
to sorvo as clerk, and that they would
put him (Culherson) In as clerk In Sol?
omon's place.
Would See to It.
"lie further said (Culberson thinking
Norvell wan a Smith man), don't let
Claiborne Epps get any votes there, and
Culherson replied, "Oh, Jack Wine and
myself will bo there, and wo will see
that he has no votes thoro."
"The thing, as I am Informed, worked
out exnetly as Culberson raid It would.
"Solomon refused to serve. Culberson
was put In ns clerk and the election wns
held by Nick Somtn/i and Jack Wise ns
Judges, and Culherson as clerk, and I
am Informed that at one time Somma
left the precinct for a half hour, leaving
It entirely In charge of Wife and Cul?
"Now the Important facts for the pub?
lic to fix Its attention upon are these?
?tse knew that Culbcrron did not llv*
nt No. 210 East Brood: yet he registered
him from there, and knowing that he
nod no right to vote In Virginia, and
then, notwithstanding his knowledge of
the sort of character Culberson was, he
made hfm clerk of tho election. If the
people of Richmond are ready to sub?
mit to this sort of thing, then I shall
despair of breaking up cheating In elec?
tions here."
Henrico Authorities Understand
That Fraud Has Long Existed.
Allegations of Irregularity nnd Illegality
In the Richmond city primary have at?
tracted the attention ot the Henrico
county authorities, and there is every
probability of a like Investigation in the
county after the primary In AugUBt. Res?
idents of' Henrico county contiguous to
tho city of Richmond have, so It Is al?
leged, received transfers and voted In
the city; afterwards It Is claimed that
they were transferred from the city books
to the registration books of the county.
None of the officials of the county know
anything about the alleged lllegnl voting
of citizens In Richmond. But the fact
that charges have been made against cer?
tain registrars In the city of voting non?
residents, as a matter of course, puts the
Henrico ofJlcors on their guard nnd fur?
nishes a clue upon which to work.
And in this conectlon It is said that
the practice of transferring from the
county to the city and vice versa Is one
that has been In existence for years1.
If this bo so. It may be stated posi?
tively that the arrest of the Richmond
registrars is but the beginning of the
end of an Investigation that will bring
to light information of a startling nature.
(Continued from First Page.)
Across the aisle sat Premier Rouvlcr,
?with other memberB of his cabinet, prac?
tically the entire diplomatic corps and
officers of the army and navy. The mem?
bers of the*diplomatic corps were In full
uniform. Scores of American sailors In
the naves on either side of the altar
gave a fitting background to the imposing
After brief religious services. General
Porter, wearing evening dress, according
to the French custom, with the red sash
of the Grand Cross of the Legion of
Honor across his breast, advanced along?
side the casket and formally delivered
the body to Mr. Loom!*, as the represen?
tative of tho United States government,
who accepted It In the name of the gov?
ernment and commissioned Admiral Slgs
beo to transport It to the United States.
Coffin Removed.
As the surpllced choir took up "My
Country. 'TIs of Thee." tho. entlr.- assem?
blage rose and Joined in the strains of
the patriotic hymn. Eight brawny sailors
from the Brooklyn ihen stepped forward,
and. raising tho casket on their shoul?
ders, bore it slowlv from the church to
the waiting gun carriage. Tbls was
draped with the national colors and was
drawn by six black horses.
The cortege was now formed and pro?
ceeded to the Esplanade Des Invalldes.
Arriving at the Esplanade, an Imposing
picture was presented. The French gov?
ernment had erected a large pavilion. In
which to deposit the coffin. The pavilion
was richly hung with crimson velvet, with
martial emblems and battle axes, entwin?
ed flags and a row of brass Held nieces
along the front.
The casket wns deposited In the centre
of the pavilion while the cortege nas<-ed
rendering military honors. Later it was
borne to the invalldes Railroad stafon
and placed In a funeral car. whore
guarded by French and American sailors.
It started for Cherbourg nt 10 o'clock to?
night. . l
Americans Get Ovation.
The unusual sight of a detachment of
United States sailors and nmrlncs swing?
ing through the central thoroughfares of
Paris to-day aroused great interest and
brought out nn enthusiastic ovntlonVfrom
the crowas along the lino of march
The American naval contingent num?
bered five hundred men and presented a
line appearance as they emerged from tho
station. They were uniformed tts a land?
ing party, wearinc tho regulation saltere
and carrying rifles with fixed bayonets
They were escorted to tho military school
.by a battalion of French Infnntry.
.All nlong tho route, the streets were
lined with dense crowds, eager to see
the Americans. Women waved their hand
Kcrchlefs and miniature flags, and there
was a continuous shout sif "vivo les
Amerlonlns." The Americans made a
most favorable Impression by their sturdy
pronzed appearance and tho smartness of
their movementB.
A Gully Washer.
(Special to Tho Tlmcs-DlBpatch.)
AMELIA C. H., VA., July 6,-From 7
to (i:30 o'clock last evening the heaviest
rain fell hero Blnco tho memorable rain
of September 14, 1001, causing great de?
struction by washing In hilly fields, re?
cently cultivated.
Wheat was seriously damaged In tho
, fields, arid threshing delayed. Muoh wheat
will be threshed damp under these cir?
A bucket put on tho steps Inst evening
caught rain four nnd one-half Inches
Spend Sunday
Ocean View,
Buckroe and
Pine Beach.
*1.00 .round trip, via C. and O. excur?
sions. Two fast trains, 8:30 and 0 A. M.
fen hours at tho sensido. Three h'ours
longer at Oconn View than via any other
route. Only route to Pine Beach. *1 00
round trip to Old Point, Nowport Nows
Buckroe, Ocoan View, J*lno Beach and
Littleton Female College!
?f Splendid location. Health resort. Over 200 hoarding pupils
last?year. High grade of work. High standard of culture and
social life. Conservatory advantages in Music. Advanced courses
in Art and Elocution: Hot water heat. Electric lights and other
modern improvements.
Rfimarkabtc health record; only one death among pupils in
23 years. Close personal attention to the health and social de?
velopment of every pupil. High standard of scholarship. All
pupils dress alike on all public occasions. CHARGES VERY LOW
24th Annual.Session will begin Sept. 13th, 1905. For catalogue
address, ? REV J. M. RHODES, A. M.,
President, Littleton, N. C.
(Continued from .First Page.)
Senator Martin to close In twenty min?
The chnllengo and terms were com?
municated to Senator Martin, who ac?
cepted the challenge, but Insisted that
ns the challenged party he should fix
tho terms. He therefore Insisted that
Governor Montague be allowed an hour
to open; that he be given an hour In
which to reply; Governor Montague to
rejoin In a half an hour, and he to close
In a speech of the same length. After
some delay the Governor accepted these
terms, but under protest.
Tho crowd had been waiting somewhat
Impatle'ntly for tho announcement that
the terms of a Joint discussion had been
agreed upon. They were eager to witness
the combat, and as soon as It was known
about 1 o'clock that the speakers wero
to meet on the stand, the crowd began
to file into the old courthouse. Judge
Jack Mason adjourned court at noon, and
Mr. Edwards T. Hunter, the veteran
clerk, was busy arranging for the com?
fort of speakers and auditors. He wanted
to help on the arrangements for the
Lieutenant-Governor Wlllard and Hon.
J. Taylor Ellyson came over from this
city, but did not attempt to speak at
any length, though each made an ad?
dress of a few minutes after the sena?
torial candidates had concluded.
Governor Enters First.
Governor Montague came Into the
crowded court room at 1:25 o'clock and
took his seat on the Judge's bench. A
few minutes later Senator Martin entered
and took a seat ai Governor Montague's
right, with Mr. Fairfax Montague be?
tween. The court room, which will hold
about four hundred .people, was crowded.
Twenty ladles had seats In the gallery,
tho steps leading to which from the
court room were crowded with eager
voters, who wanted to hear the debate.
Judge Charles Ashton, chairman of the
Democratic County Committee, called the
meeting to order and announced the
terms. Governor Montague to open in one
hour. Senator Martin to reply In an
hour, the Governor to reply in a half
hour, and Senator Martin to close in a
speech of the same length. Judge Ash
ton spoke In eloquent strain and at sbme
length, and concluded by presenting Gov?
ernor Montague.
Governor Montague arose at 1:40 to be?
gin his speech. He was greeted . with,
hearty applause. He began by saying
he accepted the terms of debate under
protest, as they were manifestly un?
"I shall not evade my duty," he said,
"because I have not been given a fair
share of the road." (Applause.)
Ho continued by paying a tribute to
King George and the people of the North?
ern Neck, which was loudly applauded.
The Governor then sketched the grown
of the sentiment In favor of popular
election of senators. "How many of the
million or more officers of the govern?
ment do you elect?" ho asked. Ho was
not desiring to create discord: he wanted
to discuss policies and Issues. .Though
we do not vote directly for candidates
for the presidency, unbroken custom has
come to make it practically a vote for
the candidate.
"Tlie only official of this national gov?
ernment for whom you vote directly is
the representative in Congress."
Governor Montague said the sentiment
for reform In the way of electing the
men who rule us was sweeping the
country. The reform was necessary in
order to protect the poor man against tne
evils of aggregated wealth.
"Cannot wo have a custom established
by party usage which shall be the equiv?
alent of voting directly for certain office?
holders for whom wo do not vote?"
The primary method of choosing sena?
torial candidates wns the answer *to the
Tho Governor rapidly sketched'thc fail?
ure of the fight made at Roanoke In
1897 to secure the adoption of the pri?
mary plan and the refusal of the Dem?
ocratic State Committee to grant tho re?
quest .of the celebrnted May conference
that 'the candidate for the Senate be
chosen In a primary.
His Platform.
Govornor Montague was applauded
when he said that the platform on which
ho had made his campaign for the Gov?
ernorship were the employers' liability
bill, a primary system for tho nomina?
tion of candidates for office, hotter
schools and better roads.
"Has not Mr. Quay held and controlled
the Legislature of Pennsylvania ns he
controlled the affairs of hla own busi?
ness?" ho asked. Ho declared that It
was not Quay, not the men at the head
of the machine "who controlled tho Leg?
islature," but tho sordid aggregations
of wealth behind them, who moved these
senators about as pawns on a checker
boa M.
Ho cited the case of Burton, of Kan-'
sns; Dietrich, of Nebraska; Smoot, of
Utah, and Mitchell, of Oregon, as ex?
amples of the moral depravity and finan?
cial untruBtworthlnoss of members of
tho Senate,
"None of these senators have been
elected by prlmnry," he said, "and can
any man say that tho election in these
cases hns been a success? If you want
to put down monopoly, you must leavo
men freo from competition. Tho genius
of American government Is the solf-sac
rlflco of some of tho people that all may
A Popular Chord.
"If men go Into power by a machine
or a boss or a caucus,' or any spoclnl In?
terest, then the men so elected will repre?
sent or look to tho machine that eleotcd
thorn and not to tho people"
This wns received with great applause,
The Governor said the remedy for these
conditions lay in an honest and a fair
"The primary In Virginia will bo a
success when tho friends of tho primary
want to mnko It a success and be al?
lowed to mnke It n success," he said:
"I asked the JJunlor senator," said tho
Governor, "to tell this audience where
and what ho has done to mnko the pri?
mary a success." Tho Governor laid
stress upon tho fact that neither of
the Virginia Senators had done any?
thing In response to tho resolutions of
the Virginia Legislature directing them
to endeavor to bring about th? election
of Senators by tho people,
1 JCfce Governor Illustrated the differ
ence betwoen special and general legis?
lation by saying that had public high?
ways been of advantage only to the few
Instead of to the many the Government
would long ngo have shown thc samo
energy In building ronds which character?
ized Its grants to aid the construction
of trans-continental railroads. (Applnuse)
The Governor said In conclusion that If
elected to the Senate he would take his
seat free of foot and unbound of hand.
The Governor concluded amid spontaneous
and general applause.
Ashton Called Down.
When Chairman \Ashton arose to Intro?
duce Senatpr Martin he was greeted with
great applause as soon ns be mentioned
the senator's name. Although he said In
Introducing Governor Montague that he
was utterly Impartial In the senatorial
contest, he made such a strong plea for
tho re-election of Senator Martin that
a man In the gallery called "time," and
Bomebody else called for three cheers for
When Senator Martin arose the court?
house fairly shook with applause. Senator
Martin wasted no time In defending him?
self. "God knows." he said, "my record
is open for discussion, nnd I welcome the
fullest Investigation of my private and
public life." There was a round of ap?
plause at this, and the senator resumed:
"I have not discussed the primary before
In this campaign. I do not attach that
momentous Importance to .the question of
the primary which my distinguished com?
petitor thinks It deserves. I do npt
believe the sun will cease .to shine wheth?
er senators are elected by the people or
by honorable legislators, as has been
done for one hundred and sixteen years."
; Martin's Position.
Reverting to the history of the fight
for a primary In Virginia. Senator Martin
said: "When Hon. W. A. Jones offered
the primary plan at thc Roanoke conven?
tion, eight years ago, I was opposed to
It, and I had very good reasons for my
opopsltlon. The scheme was to strike
Tom Martin down .(applause), but it
failed. If ever my.distinguished opponent
supported that plan, I did not discover it,
and I was fighting the plan. The reason
I opposed It was It would saddle on me
"I stand for thc primary plan of nom?
inating United States senators. The Dem?
ocratic convention must share the odium
with me if any there is, but I am not
ashamed of my part In defeating the
primary plan at that time and If you
?want'to defeatrrie for It you can." (Pro?
longed applause).
"If the assessments are too high." saJd
Senator Martin, "they bear as hardly on
me as on any one else. The assessments
were made by the State Committee and
I honor that committee, for I believe they
want to do the square thing In Virginia."
"I want to see the polls opened In every
precinct; I want a full and fair pri?
mary and I want It to succeed so
abundantly that the time may come when
the greatest pessimist will raise his voice
not only In favor of the primary, biut
of the way in which it is, conducted. The
senator briefly sketched the cases of Sen-^
ators convicted of crime or under in?
dictment. 'Smoot Is not a bigamist as
charged by my competitor.' He has but
one wife, nnd his domestic relations are
happy. I will give him a fair trial under
tho Constitution and the laws of the
United States, and so help me God I will
not be guided by any hue and cry " in
reaching my conclusion." (Applause).
The School Register.
The senator asked, amid laughter and
applause, "Why should my competitor
be elected' because Quay, Dietrich and
Burton are corrupt? But," said the sena?
tor, "graft has come nearer *#iy distin?
guished competitor than Washington.
Under his very eyes it has occurred In
the educational bureau in Richmond. You
have seen a book costing efglVteen cents
sold to the schools at seventy-five cents,
and the profits go into the pockets of tho
clerk of that board." . (Great applause.)
"Even the great Corporation Commis?
sion has been discredited In a way that
must bring the blush to every thought?
ful cheek. It was, to "say the least,
unfortunate tha* tho president of that
commission should have been In any
way a beneficiary from the fees paid
by those ;appearlng beforo that body.
My competitor might do woll to keep his
eyes on tho graft nearer home nnd give
himself less concern about tho sins of
senators In Washington. The sins are
being taken care of In Washington."
The senator explained his amendment
to the rate bill requiring that the com?
mission to hear rate cases be composed
of a member from one of each of the
nine Judicial circuits.
The senator discussed at some length
tho proposition to build the roads-with
Federal aid; said ho favored It, but tMat
ns the bill was put upon tho calendar so
late at the last session no opportunity
for active support had been given him.
The Virginia Resolution.
Replying to Governor Montague's
charge thnt he had done nothing to carry
out the resolution of the Virginia Legis?
lature demanding a constitutional amend?
ment permitting the election of senators
directly by tho people, Senator Martin
said; "I have done', no more than any
other Democratic ? senator, and no Iosb.
It Is demanding the Impossible to expect
ono-thlrd to dominate two-thirds. This
amondment has- been asked for by a
resolution of the Virginia Legislature by
sovoral national platforms, add nothing
has boon done, because tho minority can?
not control tho;''mnjorlty, as my com?
petitor will find out If ho over gets to.
Washington,' and If you think otherwise
you aro not fit to exercise the right of
suffrngo." (Laughter nnd applause.)
Senator Martin's time was exhausted
hero, and ho sat down nmld great ap?
The Governor's Response.
Prolonged and earnest applause greeted
Governor Montnguo when ho arose to
rejoin, nnd when It nubslded ho plunged
at once Into Senator Martin's record as a
public speaker. Ho said he dofled himjto
show by reference to any newspaper that
the senator had 'over taken part in any
political campaign. "It Is Just becauso
I wish no more surprlsos like that of
1893 that I nm urging a primary," ho said.
"The; senator says he in In favor of a
primary, nnd moved an amendment at the
last State convention. Well, why not?
The.resolutions had passed, the tail gate
Z&zAtjl J^dcTh
It was aeml-offlclally announced yesterday that the former Secretary of War
will succeed thc late John Hay as chief of the State Department. Mr. Root Is
said to be slated for the Republican nomination for the presidency In 1908.
wns down, and anybody could get In the
cart." (Laughter and appluusc.)
"If the Senator and his frlifnds arc
still In favor of the primary why do
they not permit the f,request of Mr.
Charles V. Meredith, of Richmond, that
one Judge appointed, by an Impartial
board composed of the members, two
of whom .are recognized as Senator Mar?
tin's friends."
The greatest applause of the meeting
greeted Governor Montague's statement
that the chairman of the meeting, while
protesting his impartiality, had made
an earnest and extended appeal for Sen?
ator Martin's, re-election. "I have le.'irn
ed," said the Governor "Not to depend
on county committees, but to trust to
the people."
Governor Montague alluded to the ac
tlon of tho City Commltteo In refusing
to: allow a person other than a Judge
to mark the ticket to a voter. When did
It como to pass when a white Democrat
could not ask another white Democrat
to mark his ticket.- Then thc Governor
addressed himself to the Senator's charge
of graft In Richmond. He said: "The
Junior Senator says that graft lies near?
er my doors' thnn Washington," said
Governor Montague, "I defy any one to
Bay that I have not met corruption with
a fearless front." (Great applause.)
The Governor then explained the book
scandal by saying the man guilty was
not appointed by v himself but was ap?
pointed by the State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, who was elected by
a legislature controlled- py Senivtor Mar?
tin and nominated by one of the Sena?
tor's best friends. .'.'? 'i ,6,
He said, furthermore, thai he'had con?
tinued the Investigation when other mom
bore, .of-the board .thojight^Jlt.. should be
discontinued nnd as a"resultrtbe scandal
had been unearthed.;. . :?." '.
Corporation Commission.
Coming to the Corporation Commission
Imbroglio, the Governor said:
"Judge Crump -was endorsed by the. en?
tire bar of Richmond for the circuit Judge?
ship and was elected tb'that office by the
unanimous vote of the Legislature, a ma?
jority of which was friendly to the Junior
"As to Judge Crump's capacity and ser?
vices it is sufficient to say they are re?
garded by Hon. Caperton Braxton,
father of the Corporation Commission, as
simply of Incalculable value to the people
of Virginia. I cannot remove him under
the law, even though called upon to do so
by a paper supporting. the Junior sena?
tor. .
"Tho members of the commission are
removable only in the manner prescribed
for Judges of the Supremo Court. When
the next Legislature meets, let us seo
what the friends of the Junior senator
will do."
In conclusion, Governor Montague said
the reason he had not been able to carry
out many reforms which he had sug?
gested, was that he had been hampered
at every turn by a hostile Legislature.
When the Governor ceased speaking ho
received an ovation of tremendous ap?
Martin's Rejoinder.
Senator Martin es-oked great applause
.In tho very outset of his reply that his
friends had been made an Issue In ? this
debate and that Governor Montague was
right In s.aylng that ho stood by hU (Sen?
ator Martin's) friends. "I always have
nnd I always continued to stand by my
friends," he said, "If I ever have a
favor or a dollar to bestow I always give
It to my friends." (Applause).
"I am not criticizing Governor Monta?
gue for appointing Judge Crump," said'
the senator, taking up the; Corporation
Commission matter, "but It seems strange
ho should shield himself behind tho en?
dorsement of the lawyers and legislators,
who, he says aro my friends,
"If I have ns many friends as he says
I possess, it seems to mo he is pursuing
a vain hope In seeking to tako thorn from
me. Be that ns It may, I distinctly dis?
claim any criticism of tfiii Governor for
tho appolntmont of Judge Crump."
Senator hlartln said in ? reference to
his attitude" towards tho primary that
moro than six years ago ho had Issued
a public address, In which he said ho was
?In favor of eloctlng senators by tho peo?
ple. Governor Montague said ho hnd
never heard of such an address, to which
the senator replied they wero mudo pub?
lic six years ago, and ho had no doubt
tho Governor could got a copy If he so
In reference to the charge by the Gov?
ernor that Senator Martin's frlonds In
the Legislature had defeated tho Mnchon
bill to regulate and porfoct tho primary,
Senator Martin rend from the record to
show that of the sixteen votes cast for
It, nine wero those of his own frlonds
and peyen those of friends of tho Gover?
Where is Jones?
The senator created applivuso by asking
why, If the primary was to bo on Issue
In the campaign, William A. Jones, who
had bogun tho fight for.lt, was not now
In tho saddle for cnndlduto. for tho Sen?
ate, lnstond of Governor Montnguo.
Incidentally, ho mentioned that a Inrgo
majority of tho delegates to tho Roanoke
convention from the Governor's county of
Pittsylvania wero opposod to- tho primary
plan, Ho concluded by snylng he had
done his best to servo the people of
King George and hoped ho would receive
their support.
Mann in Loudoun.
(Special to Tho Tlmos-Dlspntch.)
LEmSBUna, VA., July 8.-Judgo WIN
Ham Hodger j^ann, candidate for the j
gubernatorial nomination, spoke this af?
ternoon to a large and enthusiastic au?
dience In the courthouse. His candidacy
Is gaining much support throughout this
section. Thc temperance advocates are
working In his behalf, and tl-ey expect
to give him a heavy vote at the pri?
maries in August. Judge Mann will de?
liver an address at Hamilton on Friday
night, and at Round Hill on Saturday
Makes Friends in the Stronghold
of His Opponents.
(Special\to The Times-Dispatch.)
WARRENTON, VA., July C.-Judgo
William Hodges ?Mann reached "Warrenlon
last nlglit after a day spent at the Cui
peper races. To tho many who predicted
? that tho Judge's reception horo would bo
of a lukewarm nature, tho cordial and
generous welcome accorded him came as
a surprise. He gave a simple exposition
of his policy to his hearers'' in a manner
that not only drew forth their Interest,
but often their complete sympathy. The
apparent Integrity of the man and his
sincerity of purpose, coupled with his
strong and pleasing personality, made
many a hesitating voter reach the con?
clusion that after all the candidate before
him meant what he said and would do
what he said.
Judge Mann in beginning to speak,
stated that he knew he was In the "hot?
bed of his enemies"; In a place-where his
views and policy were thoroughly mis?
Brleriy he expounded hls't'deas on educa?
tion, roads and the liquor question.
"There should be a department of roads
Just ns there is a department of agri?
culture," he said. "I would utilize con?
vict labor in the least expensive way."
Growing reminiscent, ho said: "It did
not do for me to harp on good roads too
much while at Chlncoteague and other
Places in Tidewater. Tho harder It rains
in that sandy country the better the
hlghwnys become, so you can see the
futility of my appealing to them through
that source.
"Oysters Is what they wanted to hear
about and I had to adapt myself to tho
Often during the evening Judge Mann
related humorous anecdotes incident to
his campaign: "I saw Wlllard the other
day and he said the only fault ho had
to find with living at Fairfax was the
condition of the road from the station to
his residence."
"Don't let that worry you," said the
Judge, "As soon as I nm elected Governor,
I'll put It In excellent shape for you."
"The Mann bill has often "been carica?
tured In the newspapers as 'being an
offspring of mine. It has been called the
'Mann baby,' and I have been depleted
as holding it In my arms. Now that being
tho ca.se,. I want to ask you who should
take care of this offspring of mlno?
Swanson or Wlllard? Well,, who then?
Why tho 'daddy,' of course?Mann."
, Judge Mann made friends here to-night.
There is no question about It. Many said
so as they loft the hall and many will
remain so after lenvlng It. He had a well
filled house' throughout his speech.
Citizens Want to Hear Governor
Montague and Senator Martin.
Tho joint debate yestordav nt King
George Courthouse between Governor
Montague and Senator Martin has stim?
ulated a number of citizens hero to try
to arrange, |f possible, for another moet
Special Lawn Shirtwaists
At the Matchless Price of $1.00
$1 flfi for Lmv" Wnlsts, with ontlro front of English cmhrolderv and
vx.uv vnl. insertions, full sleeve, with entire cuff of embroidery and
Vnl. edRo; somo with round yoke of embroidery and tucking, Val. loco
through body of waist, button hack; values up to $1.50, for. . . .$1.00
$1 00 for ,{enl XrMx l,,nen Wnlsts, tucked fronts, plaited bnck, tallor
??????""? made sleovos, thnt were $2.59, reduced to.ljt.00
$1 25 for Vcry Flne 1mvn Wnlsts of embroidered and lnce trimmed,
v . vory full wnlst> tucUed and fu? Hloeve wlth doe tucked cuW
12.00 wnlst, for.;.-,..$1.25
$2 00 for AV,,,to a,,nn 8,,k Waists, flno tucking and silk fagottlng
, , insertion,-fine tucking through tho body with a stripe of lace,
deep lace cuff; also Blnclt Tailored Chlnn Silk Waist; $3.00 waists,
Art iO for White Hntiste Waists, made with two rows of lace, forming
?????" a pointed yoke, with blind embroidery, medallion on sleeve
and body of waist, tucked and buttoned back, long sloeve; $5.00 waists,
for. *.92.48
Ing. to be hold In the Academy of Music
at nn early dale.
One ofilcer In thc City Hall, whose pre?
dictions on tho senatorahlp nre not
known, said last night- that he would
agree to raise a part of the expenses for
hall_rent, nnd he wns very 3ilre It would
cost the candidates nothing. ?
"Here Is thoi place to havo a test,"
he said, "nnd I believe If tho matter
could be arranged, there would be one
of tho greatest meetings ever held In the
(Continued from (First Pago.)
try 'and return to the Cabinet as Secre?
tary of Suite.
Secretary Taft will withdraw from tho
race and throw all his Influence to Mr.
Root. In roturn, he will bo appointed
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by
Mr. Roosevelt If Chief Justice Fuller ro
tlres In his term, or by Mr. Root, If ho
Is nominated and elected. Mi*. Root's
appointment will bo officially announced
;at Oyster Bay to-morrow.
According to the best Information In
Washington, this is the deal that was
fixed up by the President and Mr. Root
on the Bpecial train going to nnd re?
turning from tho funeral 'of Secretary
Hay at Cleveland, .and they nre confident
that It can bo successfully carried out.
The President thinks he can prevail upon
all of his friends to work for Mr. Root.
Mr. Root believes ho will ? have the
hearty support of tho corporations with
which he has been allied professionally
since he left the Cabinet seventeen
months ago. He also is .confident that
he will be boomed by the New York
State delegation to tho national conven?
tion. The President and Mr. Root think
this combination cannot be beaten. They
regnrd Mr. Root's nomination as a settled
fact, and aro supremely confident that
ho will be elected. The President's sup-v
port of Mr. Root will be of tho strenu?
ous kind. From now until convention
tlmo In ISMX). every Important appoint?
ment that - is - made will be handed out
with the understanding. Implied and un?
derstood. If not actually stated in plain
English, that the man to whom It Is
given will work for Mr. Root. Tho word
will be passed along the line to all tho
present Federal officeholders of tho rank
which entitles them to active participa?
tion in politics, and with the quiet but
always effective work, of tho corpora?
tions and their agents, It Is expected that
a machine will bo created that will be
powerful enough to secure Mr, Root's
nomination on the first ballot.
The President firmly believes that Mr.
Root Is tho greatest mnn In the country,
next to himself, and the one best suited
to be his successor. Ever since his own
nomination was nssured he has been
shaping things to secure Mr. Root's nomi?
nation In IMS, and when Mr. Hay's death
left the first place In the Cabinet va?
cant, he was convinced thnt the psycholo?
gical moment for the first definite Btep in
that direction and the positive declaration
of his choice for his successor had ar?
rived. Mr. Roosevelt thinks that Mr.
Root's direction of the War Department
and the manner In which ho handled tho
Phllpplncs, are nlono sufficient to mnko
him President.
NEW ORLEANS, July 0.?Ending a
month's honeymoon. John L. Flynn, a
Mlsslsslpplun, after a desperate attempt
to murder his young wife at Kaplan, has
committed suicide. Flynn was employed
by a largo cotton house here. In Mriy
last C. F. Hudson, an aged ' Confederate
veteran of Greeley, Col., arrived here
with his dnughter, Miss Virginia Hud?
son, to meet Flynn by appointment. On
May 27th tho couple wore married In a
honrdlng house, and tho father returned
to his home. Subsequently tho young
couple went to Kaplan, whero apparently
they lived happily until yesterday. Flynn
fired two shots nt his wife and then
blew his own brains out.
(Continued^rom Fh-st Page.)
ting her piratical career.
The torpedo boats which, it is reported,
ar0| trailing tho Knlaz Potoraklno have
done nothing, although the whereabouts
of the battleship has never been a secret.
Tho Black Sea Is so small that she has
never been out of reach of the fleot,
which left here yesterday, and which la
popularly supposed to be following the'
renegade for tho purpose of effecting
her surrender or sinking her. If tho fleet"
Is In earnest It can easily meet the Knlaz
Potomkino within a comparatively few
The belief is gonoral, however, and
there Is general confirmation of it, that
tho main difficulty confronting thfl fleet
regarding the Knlaz Potemklno lies In
tho fact that the crews of tho ships
nre strongly disinclined to engage the
mutinous battleship. It la reported on
good authority that their crews have
actually refused to attack her.
In the meatitlmo, commerce on theJ
Black Sea Is being slowly resumed, and
constwiso and other steamers are clear-.
Ing from Odessa on their former sched?
ules, i
Mutiny in Warsaw.
(By Associated Press.)
BERLIN, July 6.?A correspondent at
Knttowltz, Silesia, says he" learns from'
an altogether reliable sourco that sixteen-,
men wore designated In each company,
of tho Lithuania Life Guard Regiment
in Warsaw to go to Manchuria, June 28,
and that day the men so designated re?
fused to go and their comrades refused
to make them do so.
The colonel of tho Lithuania Regiment"
sent to another life guard regiment named
The St. Petersburg for help, but the men
refused to obey orders; which was also
j the case with a third life guard regiment,
thc Kexholm. The colonel of the Lithu?
ania regiment then applied to tho mil-'
tary commander of Warsaw, Lieutenant
General Komnroff, who sent a detachment
of Cossacks to the Mokotow camp. Some
of the mutineers fired on the Cossacks,
who returned the fire, fourteen altogethi r
being killed before those who resistsi)
were arrested.
Forbids Sale of Firearms.
(By Associated Press.)
SEVASTOPOL, July fi.?Admiral Chouk
nln has issued an order forbidding the
sale of firearms. The population is In a
Repulsed With Enormous Losses
at Sanviatz?Entire Battalion '
Annihilated. ;
(By Associated Press.)
ST. PETERSBURG, July U.-General
Llnevltch, In a telegram to tho Emperor
dated July 5, >and confirming the (defeat
of the Japanese at Sanviatz, when .a
Japanese battalion was annihilated, says
that after the capture of the position and
the flight of the Japanese the tatter wero
reinforced nnd resumed 'the .fight but all
their attacks were repulsed. The Rus?
sians captured a considerable quantity
of supplies and held the position until
ordered to retire. The Japanese losses,
General Llnevltch ndds, .were enormous.
Many Russians wero wounded In such 'a
manner as to prove that tho Japanese
were ui-lng dumdum bullets.
No New Thing.
Mother Shipton's prophecy was long
held to he n remarkable forecast, but It
Is now pointed out that Nahum some
thousands of years ago outdid her In
his vision of the modern automobile. In
Nahum 11:4, appear these words: "Tl:e
chariots shall rage In the streots; they
shall Jostlo one against another In tt)0
broadways; they shall seem like torches;
they shall run like tho lightnings."?Prov?
idence Journal.
Mr. Fairbanks need not be so proud of
having taken 82 dogrees in Masonry.
President Roosevelt has taken almost
that many degress from Massachusetts
colleges In ono week's swing around the
circle.?Atlnnta Journal.
All That's Best
In All Lines
* * IN THE * *
Sunday Times-Dispatch

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