DA 1LY-WDE tCLT-SUN DAY. JJuslftcss Office.?Id B. Mnln Strtet. TBt33PMON358. ?pin-lncis Office.619 I-.dlli.rlnl Department..,,...,,,,,.,.,......830 Circulation Department.,,,...?.. 33 \ Washington ?ureati.601 14th St. M. \V. itonrhrsior Uurcntl...,,....Il?i2 M till st, Petersburg Bureau.......No. 9 W. Tnbb St. ? BY MAIL. One Six Three One P0STA0I3 PAID. Year. Mo?. Mru). Mo, Dully, with Hiindnv.5fi.i? }3.M M.W .63 Dally, without Sunday., 4.00 2,(0 1.(0 .35 Sunday edition only. 2.00 l.W .f0 ..:6 Weekly, (Wednesday).., l*o? .to *2* By Tlmcs-Dlspntcli Currier Delivery Service In Rlrluiioml (and suburbs), Manchester and Petersburg? One Wcpk. One Year, Dally, will, BuooaJ'. 14 cents ?C.BO Dally, without Sundny,. 10 cents 4o0 Sunday only...,.,. Scents 2.W I (Yearly Subscriptions Payable In Advance.J Entered..January 27, 1903, at ?tlchmonrt, Va., as ??cnnd-clas? matter, under act of Congress of March 3, 1ST9. MONDAY, APRIL Id, 1906. Virtue Is the love with which that which ought to be loved Is loved, ?St. Augustine. Roosevelt's Radicalism. President Roosevelt seems to bo grow? ing more popullstle evory dny In his political views. In his famous muck rnko Bpeech, he used this remarkable language: "As n matter of personal conviction, and without pretending to discuss tlio details or formulate the system, 1 foci that we shall ultimately have to consider the. adoption of some such scheme as that of a progressive tax on all for? tunes, beyond a certain amount, either given in Ufo or dlvlsed or bequeathed upon dentil to any Individual?a tax so . framed as to put It out of the power of tho owner of one of theso enormous fcrtunes to hnnd over more than a cer? tain amount to any one Individual; the tax, of colimo, to be imposed by the "National and not the State Government, Such taxation, should, of course, bo aimed merely at the Inherltnnce or trans? mission In their entirety of those for? tunes swollen W?yond all healthy limits." The sum and suhstnnce of thip, is that no man should be allowed to accumu? late beyond a point to he fixed by law; ?when he reaches that point his property is to be confiscated. No long-haired poli? tician of the wild and wool y West over preached doctrine more popullstlc than that. Put a limit upon the amount of money a man may accumulate, or dis? pose of by will, and you will have put a limit upon human endeavor. YVhat man would exert himself beyond his law? ful accumulation, if he knew Hint the excess was to be confiscated? Mr. Roosevelt got away from his Re puMienn moorings long ngo, and It was thought at one time that ho was going into tho Democratic party; but lie Is going farther?much father. He Is well on the way to populism. "Revolu? tions never go backward." Colonial Titles. In 1"M Lord Culpeper, then Governor of Virginia, gave what was termed a "statistleal account" of the province te the Committee of the Colonies, which has been preserved In the Massachusetts His? torical Collections, First Series, Volume 124. "The picture," says Charles Campbell, the Virginia historian, "Is harsh, but drawn by a vigorous hand, wit.hout fear, iavor or affection."' It begins with a statement to which wc enn all subscribe? that "In point of natural advantages Virginia was surpassed by few coun? tries on the globe," and then proceeds to recount sundry defects In the govern? ment and laws of the colony, which wo regret to say, have never yet been fully remedied. Mr. Campbell paraphrases a portion of the nccount(^a-s, follows: "The Governor signed nllv-pntents or deeds of land, and there was n recital in them that he granted tho land ?by and with tho con? sent of tho council.' yet tho patents were never read by the Governor, nor did the Council take any nollcu of them. He likewise countersigned the patents after the words 'compared, and agrees with the original';, yet the secretnry never rend or compared them, and, Indeed, the pat? ent which he signed was Itself the orig? inal."-(Campbell's History of the Colo? ny and Ancient Dominion of Virginia, p. !S3). Tiiis loose method of granting patents continued in Virginia long after lx?rd Culpeper's day, and tlio Commonwealth has never taken proper pains to refrain from granting the SAMK LANDS TO SEVERAL PATENTEES. Hence, the numerous INTERLOCKS nnd conflicting grants that have been used by opponents of the Torren? System to defeat tint worthy measure. But surely It Is high time that titles In Virginia were firmly settled, and th? sooner wo adopt the Torren? System Iho better ll will bo ior every owner of lands in the Stale, as well as for the Stnte Itself, Vlrglnln is sustaining a heavy annual loss by reason of her confused titles, nnd the development of tho Whole suite would be greatly promoted by tho adoption ot the Torn nu System. Arguing for Simpler Spelling. In a suggestive article contributed, to the current Outlook, Processor Blunder Matthews maintained that the sanctity which attaches in many minds to cur? rent forms of spelling Is bused on lm piesstftnB rather Imaginary than well founded. The orthography nf to-day is not tho orthography of the old masters of Bngll?h literatura. Spelling In the earlier- duyB was largely .reckless, and haphazard. Shakespeare, we seem to have heard It alleged, spelled "his own name In sixteen different ways. Toward the clos? of the seventeenth century, when orthographic matter? wero at their worst, the printers e?t t-ogethor und achieved a kind of arbitrary uniformity, to which juu". Samuel Johnson guvo currency and authority in his historic Jexlron, jt W11B a 1/ud kind of uniformity, the professor feels, and he blumes the- old doctor) |n i-onse'tutnee, for many of the vagaries o? modern, spelling, 'ibun John*??? accepted ''comptroller./' though "controller ' wns both oidor and hiero sensible: and, similarly, ho dis? carded' "sovran." "forrnln," "dolt," "flout,", '"ilntid," "dellte," "aghast," "nke" nnd tunny other good seventeenth century RpollfiiRfl for the loss phbtietlc forms of modern usage. These lutter have not, therefore, tho weight that como* from great age, or even from nuthorilntlvo lineage. Some bf them, llko "Rovernour," "waggon'' nnd "goal," hnvo already been superseded. More of them, In Iho professor'? opinion, nro likely to follow llio siimo way. Now alid then, 111 seeking simplicity nnd rationality, \vb are merely returning to old forms, mis? takenly dropped from our dictionaries within comparatively recent times. It is not maintained, of course, that soml-oducnted printers and old Dr. John? son nro responsible for nil the fntnlllnr absurdities nnd IncongrultleH'df cAtr writ? ten lnngunge. Oilier cansos contributed. Dr. Matthews culls attention to thollhter estlng fact that "one and, the snmo scunil Is now represented by "o" In "let," by; "ea" In "henil," ",ol" In "hoifcr," by "co" In "leopard," by "ay" In "says," by "nl" In "snld," by "n" In "many"? seven spellings for a single vowel sound. In llko manner tho consonant l.'sh" sound Is variously symbolized in "sure," "ship," "conscience," "suspicion," "ocean," "no? tion" and "anxious." These nro fresh and pertinent contributions to tho liter? ature of unregonornto orthography. Prof. Matthews is chairman of the new Simplified Spelling Board, and the Outlook article may be taken ns pnrt of his ofHel?l prophgnndft. However strongly one mny feel that deliberate "improvement" of cur spelling Is neither necessary nor desirable, thoro Is no room fer doubt that tho board Is going about Its work with signal dexterity and offl caclty. To annihilate the Idea that there is nnythlng particularly snored about present spellings and to Ihtroducc the thin edge of reform by means of easy and already half-accepted forms?those a re the lines _nlp?g,'5yjijch - th? campaign *is being pushed. The task, however, Is recognized- as a delicate- one.'- 'Ultimate triumph must depend wholly on the board's success In lamlltarlzlng the new forms to the render's eye. Until this is done, neither argument nor common sense nor love nor money is even I likely to persuado him to forsake those others which have sufllced him all his life. Arbor Day. In yesterdny's paper we spoke of the terrible destruction of the forests In the Eastern part of the United States and outlined the plan of government experJ3 to preserve the woodlands which nature has so generously bestowed. Rut at best our forests must gradually wasto away, unless we take steps to renew them by planting trees. This dny has been designated by Gov? ernor Swanson ns Arbor Day, which means Tree-Planting Day, nnd everybody who can should plant a tree, not one tree only, but as mnny as possible. In Rich? mond the city engineer will gladly fur? nish the plants, But why confine our work In this direc? tion to Arbor Day? Every year "we should plant trees and keep on planting trees In season. The young may live to see many of the trees which they plant grow to maturity and spread themselves and give their generous shade. It will be pleasing and Instructive to watch tho development, and every planter should study the nature of trees and plant-life In general, and the manner In which they take their substance from the earth. In planting trees oue also has the satisfaction of knowing that he. is doing something for posterity, nnd that is the sign and Inspiration of the highest civil? ization. Senators By Direct Vote. The Constitution of tho United States in Art. V., provides that "Congress, when over two-thirds of both houses shall doem K necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the applica? tion of the Legislaturen of two-thirds of the several Stales, shall call a convention for proposing amendnvinis, which, In olther cane, shall bo valid to all intents nnd purposes an a part of this Constitu? tion, whenever ratified by the legislatures of threo-fouths of tho several States, or by conventions In three-fourths thereof, as the one or other mode of ratification mav bo proposed by the Congress," Under this provision of tho Constitution the House Committee on Elections of Pres? ident, Vice-Pr?sident arui representatives In Congress Iiob made favorable report on a resolution providing for the election of Bonn tors by direct vote of tho people. A similar resolution ho? on several occa? sions been adopted hy the lower branch of Congress, but hn-s died the death In the pigeon-holes of tho Senate. Tho Hennto has consistently and persistently refused to act, yot there Is no t)6ubt In our mind that tho people at largo nro In favor of such a change In tho manner of electing Senators In Congress. The Ohio Legislature recently consider? ed, If li did not pass, a, resolution call? ing for a national constitutional conven? tion to make this chango. That, of course, Is not to be seriously considered. Tho mere cnll of such a convention would bo enough to bring on a panto, but a? Sena? tor:! In PongreyR aro elected by the legis? latures of tho several Slritr-H"1t Is perfect? ly competent for each f?tate legislatura to Instruct Its Senator? to voto /pr the House resolution, and the Senators will not dato disobey u positive Instruction of this character. If tho Senate does not act on tho reso? lution which, the House, will Boon pa?? nnd send over, It Is probable, that the people will Bponk inoro posTllvoly tnan over through their reapectlvo legisla? ture?. Wanted?An Auditorium, There Is good reason tn bpllove th.it tho Southern Rapllgt Convention cr,n bo twilight to Hlrhmonl In 1V)T, If only ?L suitable auditorium ho provided. This Is one of th? largest and wealthiest church gatherlngH In Iho Omih, and, puiely uh a biiHncss proposition, It would ho worth wlille to bring It to Richmond. A correspondent writing in .Sunday'?? Tlines-DlBpatcli thinks Hint It would be worth more to Hlelimoitd to huv? ?,u tiudlKiiiuiu than a Btute luir, ana lull maten that It would ho better to tur money raised for the fair Into a. public hall. The reply to our corrcspondent'ei , mont Is Hint Richmond .should have tho auditorium and the fair. Indlvl? will furnish llio-wonty for Hie fair, the municipality shouJitfurtHsh the m for the auditorium. Such ti\ hut would be for the public, good... should a few Individu?is bn culled to supply tho funds7 A public hull Is a pulillc necessity, the city of Richmond-.should build I soon as possible. > Wo Cannot afford t longer without It. A Tokyo ?ontertiporary. From far.away Tokyo, In the, lam the geishas, kimonos, and chorry-1 noms, coin?s ?i?'us natv'a copy of a exchange, tho International Review.' sincere pleasure In welcoming this j nal to our table l? only temptered by fact that It Is mostly printed lii'a ton with which wo shnmofiiccdiy'confess entire Ignornncc. The gusto With wl wo scrutinize Its contents, thcrof must needs bo rather speculative t positive. This restricted delight, however, (' not extend to a few preliminary pti of publisher's notes nnd editorial mat which wo pleasurnbly find to bo couc In a chaste brand of Anglo-Saxon. Ft these we have gleaned with. much tcrest the news that the Review purpo; with the next Issuo, to "Incert" regtiln a Jnpnnese caricature, with English plnnatlon, "This work,"soys the etll frankly, "shnll bo tnken care of by best artists, and will undoubtedly ex< lnttghters through tho universe. Wo tl Invite our friends to join In the choru A feature bound to bo effective, wo positive. The Review, we observe, is publlsl In connection -with a shohosha, or bun of Information, which stands ready nt times to perform valuable services travelers, subscribers or other dese Ins applicants. For example: 2, The Bureau shall take pain to 11 an outlet or supply for old as well as n articles, If so desired. ? 3. Translations and Correspondences English, French and German Into from Japanese are promptly attended. 4. For the Promotion and Protection trade, the Bureau shall act as the Mi cantile Agency to give out the inforir tlon, relative to the responsibility a credit standing of dlffererit people. 7. The Bureau considers carefully hi to please Tourists to enjoy their tin and Capitalists to make use of th( money in strange land. AYe lenrn with genuine pleasure that t Review "is the only organ of 'Shohoslu and shnll dramatize every day's life the Bureau." There Is no mystery secret about Its characteristics and 1 tent. Thus: "For further particulars shf always be desired to answer by the E rector, oil application." Nothing shu mouthed and furtive nbout that, sure!; Later paragraphs still further elucida the editorial point of view. Note th tribute: It appears that mankind throughout tl Orient is indebted to the western educi tion for the Introduction of that mode, but Indispensable accessory civilization. And these words of truth nnd solemi ness: -'.*', ? ,..'.... Our pressure,' an Imm'ence' amount:of Ir formation toward widely-scattered dlrec tlons to be given out of a limited know) edge and time, shnll be greatly release by an assistance and promotion fror your s'de. To know nnd to be known ar the poles of this floating globe. And, lastly, this straightforward an? manly apology for possible shortcomings Some may discover deficiencies on th< paper and we suggest (hem kindly t< point out Important omission. As w? have no Impartiality toward any partlcu lnr country, It is accepted everywhere and it Is not at all surprising that thh leads into some phenomenal importance We are. Indeed, energetic, Impressive anc nervous, and your sympathy should fall upon this poor man who put aside hit usual task In the Bureau of Information to finish up the pamphlet for tho time of publication. It is not usual to exam? ine the back pages as we go along in writing. There are sTIps of the pen, and In many caaea violation of the gram? mer, while our kind renders should ex? cuso such when tho manuscripts aru written at tho rate of slxty^mlles an hour. If any man breathes with soul so dead as not Instantly to accept tho excuses of the energetic, Impressive nnd nervous Shohosha man, yanked with such un? seemly lack of preparation from tho bureau to tho editorial chair, we trust It may never be our misfortune to make his acquaintance, For our part, wo commend the editor's efforts with sincere congratulations and greet the advent of the International Review to' our office with grateful thanks and many banzals. The Country Roads. Our Impression Is that under a recent act of the Legislature, districts or di? visions of tho counties can provide the means for the Improvement of the public roads somewhat affer the manner sug? gested In a communication from Mr, S. K. Siono, which appeared in tho last is? sue of this paper. Wo have not tho act before us and cannot undertake to go Into particulars, We are under the Impression that some action by the Board of Super? visors Is necessary.?Danville Register. The act to which our contemporary re? fers, Is the 81ms net, which provldCH for dividing roads of counties, whoso boards of supervisors choose so to . do, Into divisions containing not less that) ten or moro than tf?lrty miles of ronds. Each sub-section embraces in Hh torrltory those proporty owner? who chiefly use tho roads therein, and. the uct gives them the right to select for each sub-section a practical road surveyor, who shall discharge certain dutlea with respect to frequent repair work, as a section fore? man does on a railroad. The set also allows lax-payers In each Kub-nectlon to vote annually an extra road tax for the exclusive benefit of the roads in their section. Thi? Is optional and |n any event only freeholders aro allowed to vote. T1,U suituu- designs to have purely rit-pair work on road* done frequently and systematically by a. local man ?a kctud by the tax-payer? and road-user? of each nelKhborhood, and It give? tho freehold?? the option of taxing thrin .??'i'-'- for that purpuro. Kor Sale?Baverai bunche? of second? hand violet?. . '* ? Mayor McCarthy ?ay? ho can go to New York Mid ?ell the City Ga?. Work? for rilrtia million dollar? at ? per cent. Interest. That would be ?St?.WO ft V??'? The Mayor's offer is whrth etmsldbrlhg, A.St. Louis man, who ;sfood 'tlie,'Folk Investigation und Iho exposition, (lied fl-om excitement tho other day til n game of brtsfliball. There Is Ufo In the old game yet, . | Speaking "o7 spelling reform, Mr. Sm'oOt must feel very gloomy whoti ho!1lpplj-t his numo baciiw.rt.rds, The strike n.l. Klon City Is otlll on.' Rhymes for To-Day That Reminds Me. It you're waking call mo early, call mo enrly, mother dear. For to-morrow will be Easter-lot us hope It may bo clear? , . .,?,?,, And you know how long It takes ma when I want to look my best, Ero I finish my complexion nnd can got . completely dressed: . There are mniiy Jealous women who will stare when 1 appear, i So, If yoti'ro waking, call mo-coll mo early, mother dear. My hat cost ..fourteen dollars, marked from twenty, as you knows It had been a'little damaged, they will never guess It, though; They will Oi!tik I paid the twenty, not a singla 'ponny less, ...u?? And their eyes will do some bulging when they see come, I guess: ,.,,.. Tho weather man hns promised that It shall bo warm nnd c car, Therefore, If you're waking call mo, can me early, mother dear. And my gown and wrapt Oh, mother thoy'ro tho best I've over had If the day Is only decent I will bo slt I'll ItHrtBt'oii IwlnV BCntcd near tho pulpit. and I'll smile ...,.?, In a sweet, angelic ninnner as I traici Get 8&AA?.1 ?lock from her; set It and then keep It near. And be euro to call mo early, call me early, mothor dear. _a?i'iri' ? ?Chicngo Record-Herald. Merely Joking. A Good Memory.?The Lender: "All right, Ml lend you $5, but don't forget : that you owe It to mo." Tho Borrower: "My dear fellow, I shall never forget It as long ns I live."?Brooklyn Life. A Rude Awakening.?Celia: "The wed? ding was like a beautiful dream." Cyn Icus: '.'And now It will soon be time for the dreamers to wake up."?Illustrated Bits. ... . Nature's Own,?"He's proud'' ?f bijln*! prematurely gray. He thinks that' knl sonilne effect over his ears makes him look poetic." "Well, It does remind ma of a poem." "What poem?" " 'When the Frost Is on the Pumpkin.' "?Cleve? land Leader. ??? An Apt Pupil.?Mott Street, Sunday School Teacher (to Ah Sing, a' new re? cruit): "Ah Sing, what Is an infidel?" Ah Sing (an. orthodox Buddhist): ."Mell can man."?New York Times. ?? ? "'?' I THIS DAY IN HISTORY tmrnmnm April 16th. s*s^smpssMs9m*mp*^?m?-st ?amo Day, Easter Monday. Sun rises at 6:25, sola,, at .6,;?5. ?^nfrnnwi ?trill , 1548?Evening prayer began to bo read In English ; in King ' 'Edward'"' VL'a ? Chapel." 16i2-r-Threo of .the Judges who condemned . ,.Charle3 I? namely Miles Corbet, John Ohey and John Barstead, arrested In ... Holland and, sent to England for exe? cution. ,', 1746?Battle of. Culloden, which termi? nated the Scottish rebellion. 1805?Algerian pirates captured a Portu? guese frigate with 100 men, carrying them nil into slavery.-,..?:-, -,r! ? i 1814? Charles Philip. Count d'Artois, de? clared tho Capotan, or French mon? archy, to be re-established. 1854?The city o? San Salvador wholly de. stroyed by '. an earthquake, causing tho loss, In loss than one minuto, of more than ,200 lives and four mil? lions worth of propoty. 1864?Residents of Metropolis, 111., panic stricken over tho appearance of South? ern guerillas on the. Kentucky?? bor? der, opposite their village. ? . , j * 1865?Investigation In Washington by mil? itary and civil authorities fixed the Identity of the murderer of President Lincoln as J. Wllkes Booth. 1894?President Cleveland accused of showing unseemly friendship for An? drew Carnogto by reducing a fine assessed against him for armor-plato frauds and preventing a further in? vestigation, '. 1895?Nicaragua's attempt to evade the payment ot debts to England nearly Involved the United States In a contest with, Britain. 1905-Japnneso right wing advanced from Slngking. thirty eight miles north., Russians retreated._ ( The Foundation of Prosperity. The Chronlolo reproduces to-day from the Richmond (Va.)- TImeB-pispatoh/,!? brief editorial,, which U worthy of care? ful reading -by' every citizen of HouBto... It puts tersely and convincingly tho Im? portance of encouraging In ewirP??? way tho factories already established and of inducing other? to locate in the cltj. It shows a olear, and grateful appro elation of the Importance of fwtorle..and tho far-reaching, and continuous benefits flowing from them, _?,_.? ?... In repeated IssueB The Chronicle Has ?ought to impress upon Jho' people of Houston tho necessity of establishing^now factories. They have long depended on tho natural advantages of Houston t Indueo outside people to como hare and establish factories, and sorno largo con? .?rns have come, but what Houston needs Is to have,.?or own peopio pin /nonoy In factories, to bo owned !>y Houston people. ? .?,',??? Tho Tlmes-Dlupatoh truly says; in prosperity start? from tho chops. Tin real foundation of Richmond's wealth Is h?r magnificent manufacturing system, The banking facilities of Houston m ample, her natural trade 9 law?, fo wholesale trndo In certain linos I? ?rat? Tying, but all these depend for prosper ly upon the Institutions whoroln toll the tin huoket lafboror, ! - Richmond has, perhaps, fifty por cent, more population than Houston, and yet aha was almost ontlrely destroyed by fire lu is?. Houston hns never felt . tlv. pressure of Buoh disaster and financial distress as wero visltod upon her people. Rarely, If ever, did a city face a futur,! sn dark as that confronted tho city or Richmond forty years ago. Tho restoration of that city, her liicrpasa In wealth and population, and her. prog? ress In trade and manufactures hnB been nothing less than marvelous, and ron?ota Infinite credit and honor on her brave, faithful and capable jeopie; yet such pohtevBinonts would havo.Deen Injposs ble but for tho manufactiu'lng,. enterprises established In Richmond.. Her peopio have seen tho necessity for ouoh enter? prises ami have ?one ?bout getting thorn by putting up their monoy by bolpln* themselves to got what triey needed. IlouBton should follow the exainple soi worthily se..-4-ouBtQn Chronlole, ? ,? SOCIAL EVENTS BFjEjpiES Many brilliant Assemblages to Gallier During the Ter? centenary. UNIFORMS OF MANY. COLORS The Government Will Entertain Foreign Guests With Prodigalit?. ? (Sfieclnl to Tho T?mos-DIspntch.) ? NOR?-OLK, VA., April 35,-Tho Jamos? town 33xposition promises' to be the great Boclnl event of tho century. Blue cloth, red cloth, green or buff, whlto or orange, dull khaki or still duller ivinkoon, each lias Its strong adh?rent when' ornamented with brass buttons. It Is only when he wears a uniform that man vies In beauty of decoration wlOi th? fiilr box. 3?npcclally In America, iimu'il couvontlonul clothes aro sombre, and tin* mor? formal tho occasion the loss color appears upon the male person, even? ing wear having been for years deacl black and white. The few spornulc attempts to interject color Into man's garments for dross occasions livae failed signally. Tho soldier or tho sailor docs not share the disabilities of Ids fellow man. His gold lace and brass buttons make liiin a shining spectacle, and perhaps accounts Inrgoly for the strange fascination which tho milltury have for womankind, it Is a known Tact that In England, carrying, this argument to nn absurd reduction, nursemaids and other domestics subsidize tlio potty ofllcer? of the British army to walk with them in the parks, and actual? ly pay the soldiers for doing so. We hnve not arrived at Hint stage yet In tills country, but girls seem never so proud na when clinging to the arm of a uniform- svinror. Military balls, hops aboard ship, enter? tainments nt barracks or navy yards, are usually attended to tho full num? ber of Invitations sent. Those who de? cline nra generally unattached men, who uro not philosophic enough to stand beltiB overshadowed by their better decorated brothers. Not less than throe thousand commis intsslonod offlcors, nnvnl 11114 military, ,w|ll, be hi constant attendance at tila ' Jamestown Exposition. The United States, as host, will plan many social and spec? tacular entertainments for Its visitors^ These courtesies will, to a certain ex? tent, of course, be returned by the foreign guests, and as a consequence the hnrbor of Hampton Ronds and the quarters of th*j officers at tho military encampment will be scones of successive entertnlnmenls from the beginning of the exposition to its conclusion. , *, ? No', special effort will be mnda^by I the .exposition company to hnve single moni cletn.lled for duty during the celebration',' hut a large proportion of the wenrers of Uncle Sam's uniforms, especially those on the sunny side of thirty years, nre unmated, nnd if no discrimination Is made In regard to selection for exposition duty, 1007 will offer a remarkable and unique occasion for American girls to soe Uncle Sam's fighters en masse, become acquainted with thorn, and decide whether they prefer the humdrum life of a buBl-. ness or professional man's cppjpft, .prj the? more glittering outlook as ? an,,officer's, bride. CHILD STRUCK &Y ' HIGH SPEED CAR riXi ? ? / I i? v- 1 - ? I Picked Up and Carried to Pas? senger Station, Where It Died. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NORFOLK, VA.. April 15.?Eddie Holt, a four-year-old colored child, was ?truck and horribly mangled by a Norfolk and Southern trolly car on James' Street. The child was picked up and convoyed to the passenger station of the road, where It died. The mother of the child, bearing of Its Injury, hastened to the station, ami on viewing tho mangled form was struck Bpeechle8s. Motorman R. W. Cousins nnd Conduc? tor H. V. Stokes were arrested on war? rants charging them with responsibility for the child's death, but wero released by tho pollco on their furnishing bonds of |500 each on order of Judge Allan R, Hnnckle, of tho Corporation Court. Motorman Cousins says that tho child dashed suddenly In front of his car -while it was passing along tho street at tho usual rato of speed, nnd that ho was unable to stop It In time to avoid hitting the child, Eye witnesses to the accident say that tho car was moving at a high rate of speed. HEIRESS ELOPES WITH YALE STUDENT Robert Hager, Jr., Weds Miss Dorothy Trowbridge in New York; (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) NEW HAVEN, Apr/l 34.?Through a formal wedding announcement in a New York newspaper, Mrs. Carollno A. Q. Trowbridge, widow of H, Hayes Trow? bridge, tho millionaire banker and rail? road dlroctor, yesterday first learned of the marriage on April 7ht of her daughter, Dorothy, to Robert Hager, Jr., of Hagers town, Md, H?ger Is 18 years old, and a Yale student, His bride Is a fow months his Junior, and she is heiress to ?O,iX?u,00u. Tho coupla eloped to Now York last Saturday and wore wedded by tho Rev, Thomas R. Bridges, of the South Church, Mrs, Trowbridge stispeotod tho elope? ment, nnd her chief displeasure I? that hon daughter had not taken her Into her confidence. The mother has had no seri? ous objection to the romance, which has been sympathetically, observed by New Haven society for several months pa?t. The ono objection raised by Mrs. Trow? bridge was the extreme youth of both Huger and her daughter, but now that they nra wedded, It Is understood, shu will receive them with open arms. / -_???* ?s Getting Along Nicely, Mr, Harry Brannan, who was rocently operated on, 1? getting along nicely at ?.he Memorial Hospital, The operation was quito a severe one, but was successfully performed by. Drs. Levy and Mathews, and'Mr. Brunnan'a friends have' every , reason to hope tor his early, recovery., . I RISING i And many other pahifuLaiid serious railments front, which most mothers I suffer, can be avoided by the use ?f ?^- -^ m m* ^mm. rnmrng "M?ttllfl F?rlBi" Tliis great remedy B ^9 F A ^5^T is a God-send to women, carrying i^&^feF JK^S I them through their most critical ?^??-?l-i^^^?^ ? ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses "Mother's Friend** need fear the suffering aud danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother aUd child, and leaves liejyjn a condition more favorable to speedy recovery, The chl?awhy MOTHER.! FRIEND also healthy, strong and good natured, Our book ?"Motherhood,'- is worth_ its weight in gold to every ???^?V ? ?????I?^ woman, and will be sent free in plain " envelope by addressing application to Bradfield Requlator Co. Atlanta, 6a. Chartered 1832. The Virginia Fire & Marine INSURANCE COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. ASSETS JANUARY 1, 1906,.$1,134.647.11 WM. H. PALMER. .President. , W. H. MCCARTHY.Secretary. E. B. ADDISON.VIce-Presldent, | OSCAR D, PITTS.Treasurer. ' All Varieties of City Property Insured at lyowest Current Rates. INSURES AGAINST FIRE AND LIGHTNING. ELEGANT RECEPTION IN WASHINGTON, VA. | Mr, and Mrs. Green Entertain in Honor of Special Guests. (Speclnl to The Times-Dispatch.) WASHINGTON, VA., April 15.?Mr. and Mrs. McCormlck Green gave a reception this evening In honor of Miss Llttlepngo, of Richmond, Vn. Airs. Basil B. Gordon, of Baltimore; Miss Kennedy, of Clurk; Miss Daniel; of Rappahannock, nnd Miss Waller, Miss MaoAtee and Miss Jotnso?, of Front Royal, nil of whom assisted Mrs, Green In rcelvlng. This was one of the largest and most brilliant reception? given by the chnrm Ing nnd beautiful hostess of "Bonvcnue," the mngntflcont home of Mr. and Mrs, Green. , . .' Mrs. Green's delightful manner of en? tertaining so" many guests makes them mOsti'diiJoVaWe, nnd tho?e Invited seldom "miss nn op'portunity to attend, and Mr. and Mrs. Green are known throughout the State as most hospitable persons. Tho guests of the occasion were as follows: Front Royal, Va*?Mr. nnd Mrs. II. II. Downing, Mr. John Downing, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. I-lnrre.ll, Mr, Evans, Misses Alac Atee, Mr. Oardner Waller, Miss Mary Waller, Dr. h. F. Hansbrough. Dr. M. F. Hansbrotigh, Hon. M. F. Fulton, Dr. ? EiVwnrrV Starke, Miss Rllznbeth Rust, ?Hon. JI. O'.Flnherty, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Hall, Mr, Edward Jacobs, Miss Mary Stuart Jacobs, Mrs. Walter Richardson, Messrs. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Wnr thern, Mr. W. C. Carson, Miss Ethel Johnson, Air. and Mrs. King, Mr. M. C. 3"Uchnr?li?on, Jr., Mr. I.. Hew. Mr. William Daniel, Mr. nnd Mrs. Forsythe, Misses Emslft and Sadie Miller. Washington, Va.?Mr. and Mrs. Clar? ence J. Wclller, Mr. Howell Miller, *Ir. Ltll.nrd, Miss Llllard, Misses Powers, Mi-, 'nnd'Mrs. W1I".lam Kruggar, Air. nnd Mrs. Charles Keyser, Mr. Frank Jones, Mr. Wheeler Almond, Mr. and Mrs. Moffett, Mr. nnd Mrs. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood, Mr. J. J. Miller and wife, Misses Strother. Rev. W. N. Tllllnghnst, Mr. and Mr?, Charles Greene, Misses Car? ter, Judge and Mrs. Dudley, Colonel Rob? ert Enstham and wife, Mr. and Mrs, KlnglB, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnsslc. ? ? Gnlnes's Cross Roads.?Miss Armstrong, Mr, R, "U Miller, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnckley, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Wood, Miss Lucy Wood, Mr. ?and Mrs. Russell Wood, Mr. John Dab lei. Misses Mamie and Johnson Daniel. * Sperryvllle?Mr. James H. Fletcher, Mr. Carroll Menefeo, Mrs. James Fletch? er, Hon. nnd Mrs. P, H, O'Bannon, Mr. and Mrs. D, J. Miller. Mr. John Brown? ing, Mr. J. F. Thufleld. Flint Hill Virginia?Mr. and Mrs. Rold, Mr. h. J. Moore, Misses Marie and Elizabeth Moore, Mr, and Mrs. El? gin, Mr. Browning, Miss Browning, Miss Hills Dearlng, Mr. Entham Dearlng, Mr. Cary, Miss Cary, Dr. and Mrs. Bryan, Miss Muy Smith, Mr. Towsin Smith, Mr. George Browning, Mrs. Southern, Mr, Maddox, Miss Bcsfle, Mrs; Roler, Mr. Dabney Easthorn, Miss Fast horn, Mr, Grlmsley Daring, Mr. and Mrs. Al fenl Dearlng, Mr. Bragg, Misses Caroll and Julia Ttitlo, M las Bnggerley, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mis? Hart, Mr. John Williams. Laurel Mills?Mr. John Hughes, Mr, nnd Mrs, II. A. Wood, Dr. Garnett, Mr, Moffett Splllman,. Cnlpaper, Virginia?Mr. nnd Mrs. Rus? sell Smith, Miss Enrlena Faunt, Dr, Tuoktir Chcef, Professor H. Mathows. Wnrrenton, Virginia?Mr. and Mr?. Geromo, Mr. Jamen Hall, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Maddox, Mr. and Mrs. A? h by Cooper, Mrs. Nannie C. Jeffries, Miss Elisabeth Hardy Fair, Dr, Carter, Mr, T. Frank, Miss Janet Johnson, Colonel and Mrs, Thomaa Smith, Mr. John Gaines. White Post. Vlrglnla-Cnptaln and Mrs. Meado, D. Thomas Lewis. Airs. Lucy Lewis Funaten, Colonel and Mrs, Meade, Mr. ?rind Mrs. Frank Kennorly, MIsh Louisa B. Meado. Perrvllle?Mm, Ellen McCormlck, Hon? orable and Mrs, Mnrshall McCormlck, , Paris, Vlrglnla?Mr. and Mrs. O. H. .Slater, Misa Lily Adams, Mrs. George Hunton, Mr. George M Sinter. Boston, Virginia?.?ilssos Smith, Mr. and Mrs, arlfflth Durant, Those from a dlsstance, wero Mr, Smith, of Alexandria. Va,? Miss Sheerer, Charleston, W. Va.j Mr, Duff Greene, Frederloksburg, Va.! Mrs, Basil Gordon, Bnltlmoro, Aid.; Mrs. Payne, Baltimore, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Kawlrupe, Washing? ton, D. C; Mr. nnd Airs. H. H. MUos, Richmond, Vo*! Honorable nnd Airs. James Hay, Washington, D, O.; Mrs. Andrew, Washington, D. C; Miss Haael Anderson, Washington, D. 0,1 Airs. Anderson, Washington, D. 0.; MIbs Eas? ter, Baltimore, Md.; Major nnrT Airs. Borum Stnaburg, Va.; Dr. and Airs. Mc Cormlck, Annapolis, Aid. ; Mr, and Mr?. L. ShlnrB Bello, Atlanta, On.; Air. L. Roy Baxley, Atarkham, Va.; Mr. and Airs. Browning, Madison, Va.; Mrs. Parker, Washington, IX C; Mrs. Young, Rich-, mond, Vn.; Air. Alnlcolm, Washington, D. C; Air. Alaesle, Newport News; Air. and Airs. Herbert Funsten, Richmond; Alls? Nanoy Steiger, Columbus, Ohio; Alias Cornnla Alliier, Washington. D.. G.: Air. Cllnedlnst, New Alarket, Va. Miss" Nan Stanler will leave Monday to tpeml ?aster In Washington, D. G Clover, Timothy, Grass Seed, Seed Oats, Corn, Potatoes, &c Wo make a ?peclolty of Hlcti-Grnde Field Seeds, buy In large quantltlc*, and are pre? paro.! to make low price?, quality conalderciL Wrlto u? when buying. N R. SAVAGE & SON. ?RAIN AND SEED MERCHANTS, RICHMOND. VA. Easter Flowers and Plants. Largest Stock. Hammond, Florist, 109 East Broad Street. ^?Established In 1857. John H. Dickerson & Co. 1402 East IVrain Street. Hand and Machine-Made Harness, Saddles, ?c. Tluy of them, and .you'll get the best. Satisfy yourself,uan'(I do not listen to those In the same line of business. IJ??lPLESS FIFTEEN HOURS ,..,-. ?_.. - .i ? ?i Wandered Away From Home and Was Found Paralyzed in a Barn. ,; ? (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) HARRISONBURG, VA., April .5.-Oea? W. Snell, a prominent farmer, is dead at his home, In Dayton. His death wa? duo to paralysis and exposure. Mr. Snell wandered aivny from homo last Monday evening. Hit did not n?iurn, and his family made a futile search for him. Tho following morning he was discovered In a dying condition In a nearby stable. He wns paralyzed nnd hod laid helples? fop twelve or fifteen hours. He was a member of Show's Battery, Rockbrldgo Artillery, during the Civil War, and was In his sixty-ninth year. Ho leaves a wife and six children, I -?- . ? Military Inspected. ] (Rpeclnl to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CHASE) CITY. VA., April 15.-The Meek lonbtirg Guards, tho splendid military company of this town, wero Inspected last evening by Major Edward Chynowlth, U. S. A. There were forty-eight oltlcer? and men present, and tho company, with all equipments, was thoroughly examined. Tho appearance of tho men was very i_-.litiible, und tho company was com? plimented by the inspecting orneen Ai largo number of spectators wore In at? londanco to witness the drill and Inspec? tion. The surgeon and commissary of tho Snventy-second Regiment wero also present In full uniform._ Smith?Webb. ' *'?^ (Special to Tho Times-DIspatoh.) CHAWR CITY, VA., April lfi.-Mr, T. 15. Smith, of the firm of 1 lardy anil Com? pany, and MIbb Ethel Webb, both of th? place, were married on Wednesday, Rev. Pr. Drew officiating. The young coupla Immediately after tho ceremony Journeyed to Washington pity for a bridal trip. Study Club Elects Officers. Tho Boys' Bible Study Club of th? y. AT. C. A? ono of tho boot known organlialions among boys in tho clrv of Richmond, held Kb seinl-nnnual ?lection of officers yesterday morning. There wen a spirited Interest In tho election, romo standing for open nominations, ?llmrH fop a nominating commit toe. The committee? lies won, nnd th? following slate was unanimously elected; President, Ramon A. KWior; first vice? president, perry Seay; second vhjo-presl? ilont, William Babnoy; record Ins secie tary, J. Blnford . Walford: tronsurir, Charles B. Brauer, Jr.; pianist, Bradstroe? Peaseloy; musical director, Charles 8, Truoinan. . Tho retiring pr?sident, J. Blnfor.l Wnl? ford, has served for throe term? nnd wa-, not eligible for re-election, u._-eg_ti.... ? i' t Large Stock, Lowest Price?, Quick Deliveries. WOODWARD & SON, Richmond, Va, LUMBER