OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, August 11, 1906, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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iucky. Plen?fi got ln communlcatlon Im*
mdlatoly wlth Lfrc county. ti,iMB_M
cr,AtTlll3 A. SWANSON,
? Oovernor of Vlrglnlaj
August 10, inoo.,
Mr. M. O. ivly. Comtnoiiwcnlth's Atlor
hey, JotW*vill6, Vh.:
Omortmr of Konttmky hna Wlographocl
jyifi thnt Frnnk Ball, eacripod murdorer,
1* bnrrlcndcd al Uoaa Hlll,. _?oo county,
Va Plnaae have hlm aireated nnd hold
4o nwalt rcatilsttlon from Kentucky. lf
th* ahrriff cnnnot act, got other parltoa
*o do so. Wlro roply. :
'.W; . CLA1TD13 A. SWANSON, ;
Governor of Vlrglnla,
August 10, 1800.
_?j M. Bnll, FMierlrf. .onosvlllo, Va.:.
I hoprt na aliorlff you wlll havo Frank
' Ball nrroated nnd hold for rcq.ulBltlon, lf
jrou cannot net, let mo know at onco.
Wire roply.
Oov-rnor of Vlrglnla.
All of thls -correapondenco passed In
the enrly mornlng beforo tho Oovornor
B_w Thp Tlmos-lDlapatch story.
Late With the News.
Last nlght tho followlng tolegrams oon
flrm Ing the capturo ot Ball woro recolvcd
nt tho K.vccullve Mnnsloni
Jonesvllle, Va., August'10.
Governor Claudo A. Swnnson, nichmond,
Frank Bnll wna captured yostorday and
ttken to Kentucky last nlght.
N. G. ELT,. .
C-mmonwenlth'a Attorney. of t^eo, County.,
Blg Stone Gap, Va., Auguat 10.
Governor Claudo A, Swnnson, Blchmond,
Rellablo Information recelved thnt Franlt
Ball haa been.arrested and taken to Ken?
? Judgo of Circult Court.
Further Details Given.
The followlng telegriim was recelved
laat nlght from Blg Stono Gap:
Trank Ball, the notorlous outlaw of Boll
county, Ky., was captured noar Roao
(Hlll, Lco county, Va., lato yesterday
<Thursdny. afternoon. Bnll waa ln hld
Jng'at n farm houso ilve Inilos from rail
road, whoro he haa been shadowod hy
,4_tecUves for aomo daya. Sherlff Blce, of
Bell county. Ky., and posse aurroundetl
tho houae in whlch Ball and his crowd
?ere fortlfled early In .the day yesterday,
but dld not nttompt to mako tho arrest
luntHtho arrlvalof a company of mllltin,
on the scon'o. .
?Ball wns then rociUestod to surrender,
__t refused to do ao, whon the mllltin
oponed flro on tho bulldlng, Bnll took
rcfugo ln the ohlmney, whlch wns largo
and conatructed of atono, but tho posso
,-wns uslng Improved. guns and tho stone
chimney offered llttlo reslstnnco. Bnll
eoon surronderod hlmself to tho olllcors.
One man, John Lee, was killed' In tho
house, tho ball havlng pnssed through a
log of tho bulldlng boforo plerclng hls
body. Bnll wns taken dlrcct to Bouls
yllle, Ky., whero ho was plnccd In Jall.
If\ Company from Middleboro
1 Brought Into This State
to Catch Ball.
' (Spocial lo Tho Tlmcs-Dlspfttcli.)
BR1STOL, VA., AugUBt 10,?Frank
Bnll, the notod outlaw, who was cap
tiired at Rose Hlll, Va., hns elthor boon
Ii'iaced In Jall nt Loulavllle or Frankfort,
Ky., for snfekccplng. ,
Ball ls chnrgod wlth havlng wnntonly
nvurdered Jack Bolln, a barber, at Mld
dlesboio, several months' ago, nnd ho
was placed under arrest, and wlth the
aasistance of hls wlfe?a typlcal moun?
tain woman?lt ls snld, ho oacaped frorrf
prlson and fled to tlie mountalns.
Tho'delivery, lt la ulalmed, wtia ofl.octod
bv Mrs. Bnll holdlng Turnkoy J. W.
Lc-nds ns he openod the door on tho-jall
to let her out of the coll, whero sho had
been spendlng tho evonlng wlth hor hus-'
band. For weeks the mountain despcratlo
haa been ln ? hltllng nt the llpino of hls
relatives near Roao Hlll, and Sherlff -Rlco
Johnson nnd deloctives from Mlddleatioro
?havo bad him shndowed. AVhen tho
houae where the bandlta were ln hltllng
waB surrouiidetl by ofllcera TJro men Insldo
opened nro nnd the oftlcers retroated- un?
tll a company of mlllllamen was sent
from Bilddleaboro to' asslst ln lho capturo
ol tho bandlta. Ono Of Ball's frlonds wna
plaln, and aftor a long running battlo he
I -?-?
(New Surveys for the Richmond
and Petersburg Line.
fSpecliil to The';Ttmes-'01spatcli.)
CHESTER, VA., August 10.?Measrs.
J. H. Boyd ifc Brother, conlrnctora on
Ihe high achool building, nro proparlng
to ercct 'tilnu frelght depots for tho Tldo
iwator and AVestern Rallroad. Mr.
jatovenaon, contwi/rtnr,, y.la proceeding
rapldly wlth D.\,r. ?tnhepfihrd's Ilne roal
dence to bo billlt hero.'
, Surveyors of the Richmond and Pe
tersburg Blectrlo Rallroad for tho paat
two days have boen maklng another trial
. aurvey through thls town looklng to n
phortenlng of Llielr llno from Rlchnrond
to Petersburg. One aurvey already mnde
gjves a savlng of 400 ynrds botwoen
Centralia and Chester, which ia about
the sliortest niicl most fonslblo route
that can bo mapped out,- nh'd Is vory
pearly a atralght Hne,
' That aurvey lenves out Statlons 37 nnd
Ig nnd niDB l" Centralia ln a dlrect llno
rrom Stntlon 39.
i-.Tho aurvey to-day touclics ? a corner
pf tho public scliool lot, in a few foet
pf .tho high achool bulldlng, now bolng
completed, and lf nd'opted would entlrely
fleal.roy the proapocta of tho school.
Dthor llnes will bo run, aa tho manago?
ment ls deternilnod to stralghten tholr
Jlne, two houra hckig conaumed every
day ln the tranalt of nll tho cara be
Iween Che-ter nnd Centralia, hoaldes tho
rack and atraln on the equipment ln
Hiaklug the sharp curvea.
Another clutnge la contomplntod, It la
fiald, between Ivey'a farm nnd Swlft
Jreok, nnd other deoldod iiiiproveniemts
n enllpment nnd n quleker run botween |
the cltlea.
Tho Bermuda Dlstrlct School Board
have purchasel a lot of now and Im?
proved desks for thelr achoola, and wlll
flt up both whlto and colored achoola ln
lt good style.
Miners Get Advance.
(By Afs'-clati-d Press.)
MAHONOV CITY, PA., August 10.?
"Unlted Btntes l.nhor Qohimlaaloner Chna.
3', Noill hus nntllletl tho anthrnolte mlno
o..c-ratora and olllclals of the l-'nlted Mlne
Workers' organization that tho rato for
Auguat, haaed on tho averago aolllng
price "f coal at I'i.cz per ton, l? 2 por
cc-nl. above tho IiiihIs. Thia la 1 por cent.
r- gher thon the wagea paid In July,
r'q?e-*l to Thi' Tlraet'l-?pal-i,l
Js'BW HAVKN, August 10.?MIbs Klor
enc* Cu.hrnan. th<- duughier ol Mr. und
Mik. wiiiioiii Cu-hman, nf West Bnven,
Conn.. made her llrst bajloon fiHcensloii
thls nfti'.nioou from tho Whlte Clty, the
summer resort nf New Havon, ln .bo
jirtjaonce of soveral thouBiind porsona.
Misa ('uah'irian !?'twenty yeara old. After
See Next Sunday's Times
Dispatch for the full plan of
the $200.00 Cash Distribution
at Green # Redd's Big Auction
Sale of Six Park Avenue
Houses, to take place Wednes?
day, August 75th, at 5:3o P, M.
"Berry's fot* Clothes."
This it Our Hat Day.
How'9 your head?
' 90 oentsfor eholoeol,hun?
dreds of Strawa, that wore
$2 and $2.00. \ __
Don't wear a rusty lld.
Boys' Sajlor and Straw
Hats, 20 and 48c for choice.
Shirts, Outing Trousers,
Thin Suits-everything in
the. Big Sale now.. '
passlng through a cloud, whlch,hid hor
from slght for a fow seccnds, tho" bnlloon
emerged -nnd Jt.beoamo apparent tho glrl
was maklng an effort to cut looso for a
drop of.'sovoral ' tliousand foot. As tho
ropea wero severed sho shot down for a
dlstance of 60.0 feet boforo tho red para
chute sho carried opbned.
1 '? a ?
Little Boy Dies from Operation
Employed'to Remove Them.
(Spoclal by Southern Holl Tolephone.)
DANVILLE, VA., August 10.?Rnlph
Thomas Burton, aged throe years, son of
Mr. and Mi's.'.'Thomas J. Bufton, oC
'Tazewell, Va., dled: to-day ut tha Gen?
eral Hospital here, as a result of nn
operatlon performed on hls throat to re?
move watermelon seed.
, ^ - .
Viisible? Cotton Supply.
' (Bv AssoolatoU I'ross.)
NEW ORLEANS, LA., August 10.^?Sec?
retary Hcster's statement of tho world's
vlsible supply of cotton, lssued to-day,
shows tho total vlslblo to bo 2,120,004,
against 2,255;292 ;hiHt week,"and 2,787,712
last ycar. 'Of thls tho total 'of -AWcrlcan
cotton ls 1,095,904, ngrilngf 1,185,292 last
week, and 1,712,712 Inst year, nnd of all
other klnds, Includlng Egypt, Brnall, Indla.
etc, 1,025,000, agalnst 1,070,000 last week,,
nnd 1,075,400 last year. Of tho world's
vislble supply of cotton, ns above. there
ls now nfloat and hold ln Great Brltaln
and Contlnontal JSurope, 1,053,000, agalnst
1,527,000 last year; ln Indla, ? 691,000,
against 712,000 Inst year, and in the
Unlted Stntes, 383,000, ngalnst 490,00.0 last
j ?
Lava Pouring Out.
fltv A*BOolntei1 Prens.)
WASHINGTON, August 10.?Tho Treas?
ury Dopartment to-day recolved a tele?
gram from Captaln Hamlot, of the reve
nuo cuttor Thetls, rogardlng the new
Islnnd thnt hns beon formed in tho Bo
goslof Group, about 150 miles northwest
of Una, Alaska. Captaln Hamlet.reports
that ho vlslted the viclnlty oC tho'Island
on July 20th, und la of the oplnlon that
lt was thrown up about July 10th... Ho
states that he could not got very closo
.to It ou nccount of tho lava that was
Issulng apparently from flssures on tho
Island,... ,...'??
Bond Exec'uted.
(Rv Assoclated Press.)
BOISB,- IDAHO, August 10.?Wllllam
Henry Hlcks Bond wns hnnged hero to
dny fnr tho murder of Chai'leH Daly, In
thls olty, October 5, 1901. Tho exocutlon
of Rudolph Wettoiv murdorer of Christ
Long nnd L... D. AVall. wns' oxpocted to
tako placo at thc samo tlmo, tout at
the elfiventh hour Governor Qoddlng
granted Welter u roprlevo untll October
Rolied Down Hill. ?
(By Assocluleil Press.)
BOWJE, .TEXAS, August 10.'?Between
forty and flfty psiBsengcrs wore Injured,
nono fatnlly, but sovoral sovorely, whon
a northboilnd nossonger traln on tho Fort
Worth and Denvor Clty Rnllroad wns
wreeked a few miles Bouth of Frultlnnd,
Texns, last'' nlght. A slooplng car and
a chalr cur rolied down an embankmont,
The wro"ck, lt ls sald, wna caused by a
defectlvo trnck. Thero wuh no panlc,
although most of tho ocoupants of tho
dernllcd onrs wero women nnd chlldron,
I '-?- ?
"Doc" Gordon.
Dr. Thomns-Gordon, tho well known Al
ton, N. J., physlclun, who Is tho horo
of a hundred looal anoctlotos, yesterday
consmnmatcd what Ih looked on ns tho
cleverest nnd queo'rpst horso trado ln tho
annnls of hnrgnlnlngi
Somo months ago Bnmuol Tucker,
thrlfty farmer on Iho Btnnbrldgo road,
Just'west-of Alton, snld Dr, Gordon a
splrlted but supposodly gentlo chestnut
horse; ln exchango Dr. Gordon gave a
gobdly sum of money nnd hls own whlto
mar'o. The: next day Gordou's coachman
drove out wlth tho new purchnse, The
Iioi-ho promptly bolted and ovorturned
tho vohlcle, besMes hurlltig the drlver
ngalnst a wall.
Tho Doctor examlnod tho horso moro
closely, nnd wns astonlshed to flnd that
tho benst's beautlful chestnut color camo
off by wnshlng, revenllng underncath u
illrty cont of whlto. Furthor Investlga?
tlon IdcntlCled th'o now pobhohhIoh wlth a
notorlously vlclous runaway horso, whlch
Tucker liad for yourB been trylng in vnln
lo get rld of. tA eoat of ohestnut tlyo
j and B Httle "ilnpo" had temporarlly traits
j formed tho runaway, both In nppeurnneo
j nml dlspnsltlon, Into tho apparently gun
tle nnrl beautlful .equlne whloh hnd been
I palmed off on tho Doctor, anl whlch
nearly niurdereii hls coaohinun.
Holng nn lionest mnn nnd a spnrtsman
besldOB, Gordon mado no complalnt, nor
dlrl ho try to sell tp any ono else so
i dangoroua a hruto. Ho .lu_fl.hlm lod to
j thO'harnyard an^l shot, Then ho calinly
b)ded .IiIh tlmo to "get oven,"
Tlie'llrne at last arrlved, an'd Im hus
made hikIi iish of lt ns to rnlso hlmsolf
to the pinnnole of popular heroism.
Tho Vswnp" wlior.by ho pald off old
Hrorcs on Sumuel Tucker would hnvo
mftde I'uvld Hiirum turn green wlth',
euvy, uixl Ib ? cIumhIu nll liy It.elf, Full
nnd (lellyhU'iilly entertulniiig' rioscrlntloit
of thu trunsuctlr.n Ih g)yen lu- the soc
ond .Instalmc-nt <?!? "Doc Goijlon,'.' Mary
E. W'ltklns's splendld rntuanpe," "whl-h
wlll nppear in thlH pupor noxt Sunday,
?'Ppo Gordon" Is th0 fourth no\:ol pub?
llshed serlally und exiiuKlvely In thls
paper, pilur to boou puhllcullon. The
MU'leK cnin'prlses twtlvo uovels by thu
greatest llvlng Aiueiicuu und English
Dctermined Movement to Defeat
Extremists of All Parties
at the Electioh.
Brigands on Bicycles Robbing
VillagV- Churches to Secure
Revolutlonary Funds.
(By Assoclalcct Proiw.) ' ''
ODESSA, Auguat 10.?A well dreaied
glrl about eighteen yeara oldregla
tered thls mornlng at the Hotel 8t,
Petersburg, adjoinlng the palaoe of
Governor- Qeneral Knulbar.. ?' Thia
evenlng ahe Inqulred for the Qeneral.
realdenoe, and p .oceeded toward the
palace. When but.a few yardt, from
from the entrance she dropped Wer
retloute, whlch contalned a bomb,
Tha mlB.lle exploded, but dld not ln
Jure the glrl, who ruahed baok t0 her
hotel and shot heraelf dead. It waa
learned later that the glrl waa a
daughter of Qeneral Prlnt..
(By Assoclated Pross,)
ST. PETWRSUUKU, August 10.?Tha
healthleat aymptoms of tho sltuatlon nro
the offorts .now belng mado at Moaoow
by tho now party ot paclflo rogeneratlon,
ex-Octoberlata, to Becuro tho actlvo co
operatlon of tho modernto mlndo'd con
stlttitlonal Domocrata, and unlto thelr
progrosslvo elemonts of 'society, whlch
do not bollovo in n vlolcnt rovolutlon, and
defeat the candidates ot tho eXtromls.B
of all parties nt' tho coming eloctlona.
Should the negollatlons be succeaaful,
It ls thelr Intentlon to Issuo an appeal to
the country, nsklng nJl who favor a poaco
ful solutlon of tho polltloal, econbmlo nnd
ethlcal problems, to sing Indlvldual dlf
ferencoa, unlto nnd oompol tho. govorn
ment to reallzo tho aaplratlons for a con?
stitutlonal .reglmo.and at the same tlt/io
flavo tho country from a. vlolont rovolu?
tlon and ana'rchy, I?Uer it ls tho Inten?
tlon to cnll a convontlon and begln.an
olaborato electlvo campaign.
Tho flrst flnanoinl operatlon of the gov?
ernment alnco tho dlssolutlon of Parlla?
ment ls the mortlzatlon of the Intorior
loan of $12,500,000, bearlng 8,3 per cent.
Interest, with a now lasuo bearlng 3.U
per cent.
Robbing Churches.
MOSCOW, Auguat 10.?A band of bri?
gands on hlcycles ls syatemntlcally rob?
bing churches ln this vlclnlty, avowedly
wlth tho Intentlon tosocuro funds for
tho revolutlonlsta. _
Rpbbers Got $47,500.
(By Assoclatod Press.)
10.?A rovlngband of Clrcnsslans rodo Into
tho rallroad. atatlon hero yesterday nnd
robbed the 'caahlor of $4;,500.
(Spocial to Tho Ttmon-DIapo-toli.)
PITTSBURG, PA., August 10.?A wo?
man ctnlfTilng to be Mrs. Augustus Hartje
No. 2 suddenly miido hor nppearanoe to
put another klhk; In tho great Hartjo
divorce proceedlngs, whlch are ?.lroady
sb tangled. Young. and" vory good-looklng,
drcsaed ontlroly ln black, she presented
hersolf at pollco headquarters to-day and
nskod for n conforonco wlth Superlntend?
ont of Police and Detectlves McQunldo.
Sho told tho Suporlntendent that sho wns
Augustus Hartje's lawfully -wedded wlfo;
thnt she married hlm ten yoars ngo, and
had been deaertod by hlm. Superlntend?
ont McQualdo refuaes to glve the name
of tho woman,
(By Assoolated Press.)
NEW YORK, August 10.?The strlko for
hlgher wages declared Wodne.dny nlght
by tho crews of tug boats used at thls
port by six rallroad companlcs haa prnc
tlcally boon ended, nccordlng to tho
Btrlkers. RopresentntlvoH of the mon
snld aftor tho mootlng of thejr number
at Jersey Clty to-nlght that the Baltl?
more and Ohlo Rallroad had acceded to
thelr domands antl othor companlcs would
do so to-morrow.
(By Assoclattul Pro&s.)
AVASHTNClTON, D. C? August 10.?
President Roosevolt hns become very
much Intorosted ln tho reports of bad
meat supplled tho Now York and Nor?
folk navy yarda, nnd hna written to Sec?
rotary Bonnpnrto to Inqulre about It, Tho
Secretary haa dlroctod that the aubstanco
of tho report bo sont to tho Proaldont.
Foroeastj N'lrglnln?Sntttrday and Sun?
day ahowora, followed hy fair Saturdny;
Sunday fair; freah woat wlnda.
Norlh Carolina?Showors Snturday; Sun?
day fair; llght to freah wlnda, mostly
southwoat to west.
Conditions Yesterday.
Rlohmofid's weather wns hot anfl clear,
Rango of tho thormomotor:
<1 A. M.79 0 P. M.88
12 M.ST l? P. M.X4
3 P. M.90 12 mldnlght.7S
Average.84 1-3
Hlgheat temporuture yeatorday. U0
Ixiwoal temporature yeatorday. 73
Mean toinperuturo yesterday...,i.81
Normal loinporiLtiiro for Auguat.,'.. 77
Pejmrturo from normnl tompornturo.,, 01
Thermometer This Day Last Year
ij A. M.81 6 P, M..83
12 M.Stf 0 P.M.,...'.7S
3 p, M.86 12 mldnlght.78
Avorogo.81 G-0
Conditions in important Cities.
(At 8 P, M., Eastern Tlmo.)
I'lnce. Thor. High. T. Weathor.
Asheville, N. C. 74 .
Augusta .ss
Atlanta, Oa. 72
Bufiulo. N. Y. 7tl
Chicago, I'll. 74
Clnclnnatl, 0. 81
DavMiport . S0
Dotrolt, Mloh. 7S
Jack aon vllle !. SS
Krinaaa Clty.78
New Orleans. Sl
Oklahoma City,.-.. 82
Pittsburg, Pa. 711
Itulclgh . 81
Savannah . 88
Norfolk, Vu.7S
Tnmpa. Kla.;. 80
Wuahiiigtoti . 78
Wllmliiglon . 88
Yolluw Stone. 80
Sun rlHoa.5:2.'l.
Sun aeta. 7:07 Mornlng. ?:43
iloou risee.ll:_o Evenlng.10:1(1
Con.e.tion.r Dectar.s . Cfystal
Driyen Sold, but Would Not y
Cfo'ss btreet to Deliver.' ,
Claim That Wagon from Ohe
Sectioii Cannot Go? iiito-. -
Tho charge ls made that tho olty "nas
been dlvlded by' tho "lco Trust'' into
dlstrlcts, and that tho wagons of oortaln
leo . plants. have tlio oxoluslve monopoly
of certaln seotlons of tho clty, und so
strlotly are tho ? boundarlea guarded that
whlle a wagon ls ollowed todollvcr Ice 6n
one slde. of the streot, It cannot cross
ovor to the-other sldo to supply tho
wants of thoso who doslro to purchase,
A case ln polnt ls tlmt of Adorni nnd
Company, cortfeotlonors, who do business
oh the westy'slde of Nlnth Btreet, Just
aoross from.'Hotel Rueger,
Somo days'ago thls llrm was unablo, to
got a full supply of lco from tho wagon
of tholr" dlstrlot. Tho drlver promlsod
to return wtthTmoro lco, but ns tho hours
wore on nnd tho demand for moro Ice
becamo .imperatlVe. Mr, Adorni went outf
ln quest of Ice. Acroas tho street, doliv
orlng tce to RUegor's Hotol, was a wagon
of tho Crystal Ice Company, drlven byiMr.
Adorni states that he appronched the
drlver and requested that ho deliver hlm
100 pounds-of Ice.. Andorson replled that
'?he would selithb ice, but that ho could
n?t deliver lt acrOBs Nlnth Streot.
Adorni pald-for- and recolved tho 100
?pounds of Ice, but" was compelled to
carry.lt.from Ruogor's Hotel to hls shop
over tho way.' ,
Mr. -A'dorjii's Statement.
Last nlglif Mr." Adorni sald:
"I buy lco ,from a wagon of the Cold
Btorage' Company, and lt wns a Crystal
lco wagon that sold.mo 100 pounds of lco,
but would not deliver lt. I know Mr.
Andorson, the drlver of tho Crystal lco
wagon, and I have many times nsked
hlm to deliver lco'for me, but ho al?
ways refused. He wlll sell to mo, but
ho wlll not dolivor the lco."
The Company's Side.
At tho CrvStal lco Company an agent
of tho company stated that tho whole
matter was a mlstako nnd that n. grent
lnjustice had boen done hls company by
the statement mado by Mr. Adorni. Tho
offlcer of the Crystal Ice Company sald
that Mr. Anderaon, tho drlver of tho
Crystal lco wagon, wns dollverlng a largo
quantlty of Ice to Ruogor's ?Hotot and
had several blocks on the sidowalk. Ador?
ni appronched hlm and asked for 100
poiindfl offlco. Anderson sold lt lo hlm
nnd told hlm lf ho would *g
hls wagon roturned ho would deHver
It tout Adorni sald ho was In a hurry.
and so ho took lt to hls shop.
The wagon, he sald, hnd toeen sent to
tho factory for'a supply of Ice.
Tho Crystal lco' Company's offlcer furth
ar aBSortod that tho clty was ?"?'?**
for the toenollt ,of cuatomurs, so tlmt
quick dcllvery mlght lw made.
A Positive Denial.
Mr Adorni donlos thls statement posl
tlvely. Ho asserts that the wagon of tho
Crystal lco 'Compft.'hy wns at Rueger s
when ho purch>sccl, the lco from An?
derson the drlver,. and, tho lco was taken
from tho wagon. Ho ihslsts that Andor?
son not only dld not offor to deliver tbe
Ice, but posltlvoly rofused to do so.
Thls ls how the matter now stands.
Butts Boy and Horn Enters Foot.
Cut by a Woman.
Harvey Young, a young colored person.
wns butted by hls PQt goat at 9:30 o'clock
yestordny mornlng wlth results, In front
of hls home at No. 1021 North Fourth
Dr. Mnson camo rlnglng along ln tne
city ambulancc and found that tho goat's
horn had ontored tho boy's foot, whlch
was bleedlng freely. Hnrvoy wns so
scared thnt tho doctor could do nothing
wlth hlm, and ho loft, whllo tho boy's
mothor put aoot. on tho wound.
Frank Calliaho, nn Itallan, arrlved at
tho Flrst Pollco Station at 7:30 o'clock
last nlght wlth an Inch nnd a half gaBh
ln hls forehoad. He sald that a woman
had done lt. Tho ambulanco was called
and Dr. Mason took flve stltchos and loft
State Disgraced by Mob,' Gov?
ernor Folk Declares.
(By Ansoclatcd Press,)
SPRINGFIELD, MO., August 10.?When
the trlal of Danlel D. aalbraith, ono of
tho allegod leaders. of tho mob whlch In
Aprll InBt hangod threo nogroes In the
public sciuuro, Is called agaln Monday,
Attornoy-Uenoral Hadloy wlll be here to
asslst tho Stato.
Governor Folk doslros that Mr. Hadloy
take personal charge of tho case, ISver
slnco the moto lynohed. !tho nogroes in
Aprll ho has doolnred that the State of
MiBSourl wns disgraced nnd only tho con
vlctlon of mob leaders would wlpo out tho
Whose Steer Is It?
When a butohor buys a steer he thlnks
tho money ho hns put Into lt glves hlm
a rlght to tho Bteor. Tho fnots how nro
thnt he hns fow rlghts In thnt staor. HlB
ownershtp ls morely nomlnal. The peoplo
aro hls partners. It was not so a few
years ago, but now the people and tho
butchor own tho steor ln onhoots. The
govorntnent Ih growlng. lnstead of let
tlng tho butcher do anything he pleases
wlth hls steer, tho government says that
IC lt Is a slck Btoer lt cannot bo kllled
for food, When the steer ls kllled, evori
If lt ls a s.und and healthy Bteor, the
government says fhat tho butcher shall
not uso presorvatlves to keop tho.meat
long enough to sell lt, lf the snlos nre
slow, lf ho deslros' to can tho ment of
the steer, ho is not allowed to sp'lco lt up,
und call It honod chlckpn or potted ham
or tmythlng but beef. More than that,
the houso ln whloh he kills tho steer
must bo plumhod and havo wash rooms
und wator cIoboIs away from the meat
cuttlng room, and the butcher ls not al?
lowed to employ a man who has con
Thus diips Hooloty asserj |ts rlghts ln
tho Bteor. Thero Is no prlvato property
ln thla country any moro, The laws are
maklng us all partners. Thls is a grow?
lng government.?Bmporla' Qazetto.
I -?-?
WASHINGTON.?There hus beon a
stnrtllng Increase in tl'.? -number or inr
sunw persona ln thls country durlng tho
last thlrteen yoars. a bulletin Just lssued
bv thu C'onsus Rureau showlng tnat
wlthin tlmt perlol tho nuinbor haa
iliiubU'il. ...
DOV12R, D15L.?After taking a quantlty
of luudanum, Mrs. Carrlo Carrow, wlfo
of Robert V. Carrow, a Dover merchant,
Jiimped lutu Sllver Lako and was drown?
ed. The wonwu coolly plunnoU aulcldo.
_U-ttt_tiatit James .Met Death in
Haiid-to-Hand Encounter
With Pulajanes.
Contract Surgeon. lnternal Revc
mie Collcctor and Two
Privates Also Killed.
l (By Aaaoclaled TroAs,) ,v
MANILA, Auguat 10.?Flrst Lieutenant
John F. Jamea .and.two:prlvate., of tha
i Elghth Infantry, wlth Contract Surgoon
Calvln 'Sn'yder and Ihlomnl Revenue Col
loctor Wllllams.ot'llllnola,. Woro, klllod
yeatorday aftornoon In a lifind-to-hand
flght wlth a force bf'Pulajanes at JUllta,
laland of Leyte.... ?' .' .
, Tha do'tachmont, whlch oonalatod of ten
'mdri, waa greatly oiithumborcd, but ma'do
a gallant' flght. ' '',.'" - ' . -
Th- Pulajanes captured throo platols,
four iargo Jorgenson'rlflni nhd 800 l'UUhfl
ot arnmunltlon.
Scene of Many Fights.
WASHJINOTON,' Auguat; 10,?Jullta,
whoro Lleiitonant.Jamea and. othora were
Killed'by Pulnjanea, 1? a.harrlo, or ward,
of tho clty of Burauen,' whloh has be.n
tho aceno of three. aorjoua. confllcta be?
tween tho regula'rs,'tho'.cohatabulnry and
tho Pulajanes wlthln a..f_w .woeka.
i Contract-Surgeon Calvln B. Snydcr waa
born In Baltlmoro, July .15, 1878, nnd en-'
tored tho imllltary aorvlco August 15,
11)00. He had boon on duty In tho Phlllp
pines alnoo rxneomber 3, 1900.
Surgoon Snyder graduated ln 18!)8 from
thB Unlvoralty of Maryland medlcal
sohool. Hla fathor, I. W. Snyder, llvcs
at 400 South Stroot, Baltlmoro.
Flrat Lleutohant John F. Jamos waa
born ln Vlrglnla dn May 3, 1878, and .n
tored the army frorn thnt Stato. Ho grad?
uated frotm tho infantry and cavalry
achool ln 1904 nnd from the ataff_collego
In 1905, Ucutonant James enllsted ns a
sergoant In tho Vlrglnla volunteers ln
May. 1808, and served ln that capnetty
untll July 30, 180S, wheti ho was promoted
to the rank of flrat lieutenant. He wna
honorably muatored out on Fobrunry 22,
1890. Ho wna com'mlsslonod a aecond ll-U
tonnnt ln the Elghth Infantry on Aprll
10, 1899, and waa mado a flrst lieutenant
on Februnry 2, 1901.. ,
Was Widely Known.
fSnoclttl to Tlio Tlmes-DIspatch.)
DANVILLE, VA., Auguat 10,?LIou
tenant John Frederick Jajnes,- who waa
killed ln th? Phlllpplncs, wna tho aon ot
Dr. John Jnmea, a tobacconlat, and Mrs.
Annle Jone . Jamfcs, of Danvllle. Ho was
twonty-nlne yeara of age, nnd spent the
early part of hla llfe here. Long before
liocomlng of age, ho ahowed a great
fondnesa for imllltary llfe, for, whlch ho
dlsplaycd a remarkable nptnoBS. He waa
educatod nt tho Vlrglnla Milltary Inatl?
tuto, at tlio Unlted Statea Nnval Academy,
whero he stood flrst ln hla clnsaea. ?\t
tho outbreak of the Spanlah-Amerlcan
War he onllated and aormt on fho ataff
of General Roaaer., After tho war, during
tho American occupatlon of Cubn. ho waa
etatloned there under Oenornl F>tz, Leo.
Later he waa -commlaaloned aa aecond
lieutenant In tho regular army, and aa a
rewnrd for gallarttry ln the Phlllpplnea
in 1901 he wns promoted t? flrat. IleU
toriant: ' Ho was formerly'tnstructor nt
the Unlted Statea MilitaTy, Academy at
Fort Leavonworth, Kas. He went wlth
hls regiment to the Phlllpplmes laat
February. Ho la aurvTved" by hls par?
ents nnd the followlng btothera nnd
Blsters: Mrs. Randolph Meade, Mr. Rus?
sell Jamos, who la a. milltary Inatructor
ln a school at Lexihgton,: Ky.; Mldshlp
man .Tules -Jamea, of tho Unlted Statea
Navnl Academy; Mlaa Harrlett, Mri Bnrt
lett Jamea, of Danvlllo, who la a hophew
of former Senator K. A. Jamea; Dr. Bruco
Conflict With Smugglers in
Santo Domingo Ends Fatally
to Two Officers.
(By Aasoclated Prejii.) '? ?. '
WASH1INGTON, D. C, Auguat 10.?A
tolegram waa recelved at tho Bureau of '
Insular Aftalra to-day from the con
trollor and general recelvor of customa
at Santo Domingo, announclng that John
MUbourn, a Porto Rjcan, waa klllod and
Charles P. ThurBton, an Amorlcafi
wounded by smnggiera ln tho vlclnlty of
Las Mataa at 0 P, M. on Auguat 6th,
and that Thuraton dled of hla wounda
on Auguat 8th.
Laa Mataa ls about twolvo mllos east
ot tho Hay tlon fronller ln Santo Domin?
go ThurBton had boen employed aa a
deputy recelver of cuatoma at Comrnen
dadoro on the Haytlen frontler, and MU?
bourn waa'nn Inapector In the.Bamp ter?
rltory. Commendadore Is tho.neareat cuh
tom houae to the placo where tho con
fllnt occurred. and waa oarabllahod to
provont smuggllng over the Haytlen bor
eciiarloa F- Thuraton waa a soldler In
tho Phlllpplnea, nnd aftor the Spanlah
Amerloaii War he wont Into the 1mm ar
clvll servlco and became a customa irt
spector, He reslgned and returned to
tho Unlted Statea, whon, upon the rocom
mendatlon of Colonel Colton, who had
charge of Domlnlcan flnancea, ho Waa
aont to San Domingo,
ST. PAUL, MINN., Auguat J0--^|jaf]?
P. Thuraton, who waa HMled ln San Do?
mingo aa aon of C E, Thurs on, oJ,thl?
clty who la atorokeeper ln the Unlted
States oustoms warehouae.
Had Been Drlnklng. and Was
Raving When Attcmpted
, the Crime.
A Detectivc Overpowcred and
" Unarmed Williams, Who Is
Probably Irresponsible.
(Rpcclnl to The Tlmei-Dlepfltch.)
RALEIGH, N.- 0? August 10.~Dftvld
Wllllams Ib conflnod ln tho clty Jall on
the charge of oltemptlng Inst nlght to
klll hls -wlfo and tWo daughters, tho
.latter slxtcbn nnd eighteen years old.
Wllllams had beon drlnklng heavlly for
several days and went home last nlght
ln_a raving condltlon. He declared! that
ho woUld klll hls wlfo and daughters.
Ho took down hls, double-barrel shotgtitr
for that purposo, and whllo he was look
Ing for shcola tho wlfo and daughters flcd
to tho houste of Detectlve nivlns, of tho
Seaboard Alr Line, ncarby.' Wllllamfl
camo there v.ry soon looklng for thom.
Detectlve Blvlns suoceeded ln ovcrpower
lng htm nnd taking the gun from hlm.
Hls conduct ls sald to have been on ac?
count of.toelng oraised by drlnk. He wns
for a ntimtoor of years a sectlon master
for tho Seaboard Alr Line and lost hls
Job on aocount of excosslvo drlnklng.
\ ? ' ?-??
Freight Rate Reductions.
(Bpeclsl to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatoh,) .
RALBIGH, N. C, August 10.?Tho Cor?
poratlon Commission announced to-day
soveral changes ln the classfflcatlon of
freight extenslvely shlpped" In North
Carollna. The classlflcatlon of tobacco
baskots ls changod from thlrd class to
ClasB A, a roductlon of nbout 60 per cont.
ln tho rato. The rnto on dellvery and
freight .wagons ls changcd from o"no and
a half times flrst class to flrst claBs, a
roductlon of about DO per cent. A change
ls nlso ordered ln tho classlflcatlon of
mlrrors In carloa,d lots, thls' change belng
from second to thlrd cIobs, a roductlon
of about 15 per oent.
Another Carolina Railway.
(Speclal to Ths Tlmm-Dlspateh.)
RALEIGH, N, C, August 10.?Tho Car?
ollna Mineral Rallrond Company wns
chnrtored to-day for thc purpose of con
structlng And oporntlng a rail?
road from Charlotto to I^incas
tor, B. C? traverslng Mecklenburg
nnd Union countles In tbls State, nnd
Lancaster county ln South Cnrollna. Tho
ro^d ls ta ho forty -miles ln length, thlr
ty-flvo mllos ot It bolng In North Caro?
llna.' Thoiroad wlll run by tho property
of tho Colossus Gold Mlnlng and Ml.lllng
Company,' ln Union county. The Incor
porators nre J. F. Kollcr. J. A. Hlpple,
D. H. Culp, -P.W. Baker, J. G. Erp
and others, .of Pennsylvanla, nnd A. J.
Moore, of Waxhaw.
New Tobacco Sales.
(HneclBl tn Tho TlmeB-Dim>nt"h.)
RALEIGH, N. C, August lO.-Tho blg
gCBt sal. thus far thls season on the
Ralelgh tobacco market was that. yes?
terday, whon t\tyy loads of now tobacco
was sold at prices very satisfactory to
the farmers. ..Ralolgh has two lenf to?
bacco warehouses open thlB s.e.ason, and
they have arranged for ; dally ?' sales
throtighout the season. InBtend of having
eales tw'ce a week, as wob the practlce
Inst season.
- ?
.. Carolin_t Charters Granted.
(Speclnl to Tho TlmM-Dlirpatoh.)
RALEIGH, N. C? August 10.?Charters
wore lssued to-day for a mercantllo com?
pany for Brockton,. In Scotland ,county,
nnd a Boap factory at High Polnt. Tho
morcantllo compnny Is the Brockton
Tradlng Company, ,$100,000 capltal nuthor
Ized and $10,000 subscrlbed, by A. J. Mc
Klnnon, of Mnxton; J. T. Johns, of Johns
Station, and others. Tho soap factory
Is the Steele Sonp Manufacturlng Com?
pany, of High Polnt; $510,000 capltal nu
thorlzed, and $3,000 subscrlbed. by R. Wr.
Gray, D. F. Maddock and others.
Long Distance Copnection.
(Spoclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)
WILSON, N. C August 10.?Wlliton Is
to have a new telophono system. For a
lopg tlme thoro has been h. great demand
for long dlstance connectlon for Indlvldual
subsctlbers. but tho clty and tho tele?
phono company could not agren on a
-franchlse, and for over a year the" mat?
ter has been hanglng flre. Thc matter has
now been adjusted and Wllaon wlll hava
tho doslred sorvico w(th tho latest and
Improved systdm.
Will Cates, Alias Red Murray,
Goes to Penitentiary.
(Speclal by Southern Dell Telephono.)
NORFOLK, VA., August 10.?Wlll Cates,
nllas "Red Murray," known here as a
bad gambler, and who states that he ls
a resldent of WaBlilngton, Ind., wns sent
to the Stato prlson for four years to-day
on the charge of theft of $960 dollars
from James' Bialock, at tho Norfolk
race track last week.
.Blalook and other wltnossep testlfy that
Cates, who ran tho red a.nd blaok wheel
at the trock, snntched tho money from
Blalook and ran wlth It. Bialock says
th'at ho waB gottlng tho -monoy out of his
pooket wlth' whlch to play tho wheel.
Cates. tostlfled that Blalook had bet the
money on tho race and lost It. Ho says
that ho was only recelvlng hls own when
he toolc lt, Ho says that ha took fllght
to get out bf tho wny of Blalook and hls
frlends*, who .wero angry ovor the loss
of tho monoy and trlod to nsaault.hlm.
Cates had gotten as far as Petersburg
with his booty whon he was arrested and
sent back to Norfolk.
ITly Assoclated Presa.)
WASHTNGTON, Auguat .0,-^1.crop
reiiortlnK board'of tho Buronu ot 3ti t|S
tlca o the Pepartment ? of A.rloiilluve
fInda, ffom the reports of the co.rtj
pondenta and'agonta of tlW -Uiwu, as
S?i The condltlon ot: corni MJi Augua
i waa 88.1, aa compnrfid wlth 87,5 laat
mnnth 89 oll August 1, 1905, 87.3 nt the cor
average of 84.0 ? ^ }< ^ ,, ^
Statea. .aooo, UK 1W. y?n.r
?Virglnu':.'!!.':" 93 Wl ' M , .tfU
Prellmlnary rettin.- lm.l-a.to a wintcr
whoS ? of about W.m,W huahola, or
ai averago of 1?.7 buahola per aore, as.
?o.npar.d wlth 14.3 hu-hel, per aoro last
vear Tho average condltlon of aprlng
vvheat on August lst waa1, 86.9, na com
Jmred wlth 91.4 laat month, S9.e on Auju?t
1 .D05 87.6 at tho correspondlng date ln
iiWi and a ten year avenigo of 82.B,
Tho iiverngo condltlon of tho oat orop
?n Auguat lat waa $2.8, iia compared wlth
84 0 last month, 90.8 on Auguat 1. 1905. 8o.?
at lho correapondlng dato ln 1,904, and a
ten yoar August _verp$o of 81,3,
Tho average condltlon df bnrloy on
August lst wns 90.8 agalnst 92.5 one
month ago, 89.6 on August 1, 1905, 89.1 at
the correspondlng dato In 1B04, and a ten
year average of 86.3.
Tho avarago condltlon of rye on August
lst was 90.8, as comparod wlth 91.8 ono
fnonth ago, 92.tt on August 1,'llKJS, 91,8 at
the correspondlng dato In 1904, und a ten
year avorago of 88,;J.
The acreage of buckwhqat ls less than
that of last year by about 28,000 aores, or
8.7 per cent. - Th. avorago condltlon of
uuckwheut bn August lst was 93.2, as com?
pared wlth (W.0 on August i. iikb, U.8 at
tlio correspondlng dato ln 180-1, nnd a teu
year average oPBD.l.
Tha avorago condltlon of tobaoco on
August-lst was 87.2,, a? coipp?r?rt witl;
W.7 ono month ago, 8il on August 1, iDitt,
83-9 at the correspondlng. dato In 1901,
and a flve-year average of S3.i{.
The ayerage condltlon of potatoes on
August lst was 89.0, as compared with I'.fi
ono month ago, 87.2 on August 1, 1905, Pfl
nt ,the correspondlng duto ln 1901, nnd a
ten'-year avorago of 80.8.
Prellmlnary retums Indloate a doorease
of 1,0 per cont,' Jn tho hay acreajfp.
fo Abi* when woA
nuuhfa njrle utd 6t
ut chisf lacton
f*s[ W-tiyenfifrlpUce. They
^^ ptetM the de.ler _nd i.tufy ihe
wt?-r. ln whiia and color-f.it f.bric,
. . ?1.00 AND $1.25
t_-f*t Kitm of Celltn tai Bhlrtt ia th* WotU
Over FjLftjA People Party to ?
Suit Agajinst the Railroad.
* (Spoclal to The Ttmos-Dlirpitt.h.)
ROXBURY, VA? August 10,?Tho New
Kent County School Board met at th*
Courthouso Thuraday, and much huslnest
looklng to Improvlng tho schools wot
trunsncted. Great Interest ls belng manl.
fested ln the sohool ctucstlon at thls tlme,
Suporlntendent G." K. Flsher Is dolng goo4
work for tho bottormoht of schools foi
New Kont county.
There are over flfty persons pnrty to
tho Bult agalnst tho Southorn Railroad foi
bolng put off ln tho piud and raln ftt
Qulnton, August tho lst, among whom
aro somo of tho best famllles of th?
Soveral cars of flno melons havo been
Bhlpped from thls plnce thls weok. Mr.
N. C. Talley wlll load a car Saturday
wlth the flncst.over soen ln thls sectlon.
Tho aVcrngo weight ls forty-two pounds.
Mr. Frank Harrls. the popular agent
nt thls plnce, wlth hls family, ls spendlnf
hls vacatlon wlth relatlves ln Louls*
*? a
(Tiy Ajiiioclated Preai.)
NEW YORK, August 10>?Jnmes 8. Mc
Clelland, of Philadelphla, to-day caused
the nrrost of Mrs.. Holen Hamllton, *f
West Elghty-second Street, tb's clty, on
a chnrgc of Uslng tho Unltod Statos mall*
to commlt fraud under a pretonse of tnat
rlmony. McClolland sold that ho had an
swored an ndvertlsoment In a Phlladel*
phla newspapor whlch stated that o young
wldow wlth a. llberal income and beau?
tlful home dtilred to meat a gentloman.
In responso to a lettor hfc was lnvlted to
call on Mrs. Hamllton, who, ho nverrod,
told hlm Bho hnd nn lncpmo of $1 .,000 a
year. They beoamo engnged and McClol?
land snld tho ongougoment rlng cost (SO(>.
McClolland sald he was never afterward
ablo to flnd Mrs. Hamllton, although he
called ropeotedly. Mrs. Hamllton was
held !n $1.000,1boil.
I ~-?.
Corporation Commission Find
Him Responsible for Accident.
(By AMOClatad Prewi.)
RALEIGH, N. C. August 10.?The North
Carollna Corporatlon Commission to-day
iBsued Ita flndlngs In regard to tho wreck
on the Atlantic Coast Line nt AhoBkle on
Jiine Zl/t, when many llves wero lost.
It flnds that tho wreck was caused hj
Conductor C. D. Mencham's carelessncsi
In not sendlng back a flagman toward
tho traln behlnd. Meacham has nult th?
Coast Llno servlco and Is out of th?
Medical Society Elects Officers
and Hold a Banquet.
(Speclal to The Tlnics-Dlspatch.)
STAUNTON, VA., August lO.-The Au?
gusta County Medlcal Society had a largo
attendance at tholr meeting Wednesday
nnd eleoted the followlng'omccrs: Dr.
J. W. Freed, presldont; prs. Alexandor,
Wljltmoro nnd Rollor, vlee-prosldents;
Dr. T. M. Parklns, treasurer, and' Dr.
M. J. Payne, secretary, . ? . . ...
After tho meeting nn ologanl bnnquot
wns held at tho Eakleton Hotel.
- ?
Transfcr of Oil Plant.
(Speclnl by Southern Bell Telephono.)
NORFOLK. VA., August 10.?It Is sald
that the deal for the transfer of tho oll
reflnerlos of tho Oliver Reflnlng Company,
of Portsmouth, to THo Capltal Oll Refln
lng Compnny has boen nbout elosed. They
manufacturcd from crudo oll. Tho plant
wlU bb enlargcd and Improvod. Tho crudo
oll wlll bo turned ovor to th0 roflnerles,
whlch wlll also bo enlarged. Tho stock
holders of tho Ollvor Roflnlng Company
aro Now Yorkers. Tho prlco a?reed upon,
lt Is Bnld, ls ln tho nelghborhpod of
$200,000. '' _
Under New Management.
(Speolal to The Tlmcs-DI?pnlch.)
SOUTH BOSTON, '?VA., August 10.?
Mr R. C, Beazley, who ownod a half
IntereBt 1? tho South Boston News, hnB
just bought out tho Interest of tho paper
and job prlntlng departmont formerly
ownod by hls mother, Mrs. Carrlo
Beazley. Mr. R. Huntor .Beazley wlU
remaln wlth the now mahngnment as
odltor-ln-chlef, whllo Mr. Edgar T.
Beazley and the rest of tho forco will
look aftor tho typographlcal and Job
departments, with Mr. R, C. Beazley
as goneral manager.
? ., e . ? ?
Meet in Roanoke.
(Speclal by Southern llell Tolephone,)
ROANOKE. VA,, August 10.?Mr E. B.
Jacobs, secretary ot the Chamber of
Commerco, has recelved a lottor from
Judgo J, H. Fulton, of Wythevlllo, man?
ager of tho Stato Camp of tho Confod
orato Vetorans, nccoptlng tho Invltation
to hold tholr annual meeting ln thls
clty In October. ._
Charged With Stealing Horses.
(Snocml by s'outhem Uoll Tolophone.)
ALEXANDRIA. VA,. August 10.-WI1
llnm Thomas was trled thls afternoon
before Mnglstrato Stewart on the charga
of stealing horses from soveral Fairfax
county farmers. Ho confessod, and Im
pllcatod soveral'othor negmos. Ho was
hold to awnlt the aotlon of tho grand
i"W' .
(Spootal to The Tlmos-nispateh.)
m?John S. Crawlord, a promlnent
voung farmer, aud Miss Za,l3,Q VG0,1Craw,*
foi-d daughtor of Henry Crawford, both
of Loulsa county, wero marrled thls
week at Chorlottosylllo hy Rov, Dr,
john B. Turplii. ^
Wedding Cards.
(Spoclal to The Tlnie.-Dl.patch.)
ji'RBDERIOKSnURG, VA., August 10,-.
Cards aro out for the coming marring.
of Miss Anne Jsabelle Kelnlngham to Mr.
Edward Honry Conwny, both of Spotsyl
?vanla county. The marrlogo wlll take
plaoe nt 9 o'olock Wednesday mornlng,
August 22d, nt "Prospeot Hlll," the home
of Mr, nnd Mrs. John W. Holladay, lr?
Spotsylvanla' county,^ ?_
Take Hors'ford's Acld Phosphate
lt rjUletB the nerves, rellovos nausea
and. slck headacho und induccs refreshlng

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