OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, May 16, 1907, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1907-05-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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Claim Tliat Negro Took Place of
White Man in Johnston
Box Factory,
Managcmcht Says Negro Was
.Only Jaiiilor and No Morc
Trotihlc ls Fcarcd.
Compallnlng that a negro had boen
employed In tho placo of Wil'lam
lloanc, a recently dlschargcd operator,
the otltlro force of ojierators yosterday
?mornlng walked out of the plnnt of
Johnston nnd Company, Incorpnriitnd,
Jiaper box inanufacturi.'rH, at 10 South
?Tenth Street. So.vonly-flvo of tho
"itrlkers are women. Yesterday mornlng
iir. Johnston hatrfded D. lt. Cnlgln, om
Vloyed nn a paper cutter, hls timo card.
P. Li. FalBon, Bcoror, and T. .1. Wlley,
listilstant scoror, followed Colgin out,
though they wero not dlHchnrged.
Mr. C'oleman, a member of the llrni,
givoa nuotiier verslon of tho causo of
tho strike', ullcglng that lt was be
causn lie and tlio othor membera of
tho company would not aoqulesco ln
tho requoBt that tho llrm dlschargo
the gi-noral managor ln the paper
department, a woman. Ah for the
negro, Mr. Johnson says ho wns not
oinploycd ot tako Bonne's place, but
that he was meiely a klnd of Janltor ln
tho buildlng. Ho stated that the negro
was dlschargcd yosterday.
Mr. Johnston said that trouble had
been hrowing for some timo, and that
Jt was because Colgin appcared to be
nt the head ot tho dlssatlsiled element
that ho was dlschargcd. They wlll
not conslder tlie dlschargo of tho fe?
male managor, who they say Is one'
of the most valucd of the employes.
Mr. Johnston said last nlght thnt tho
plant would be run as usual, and that
ho dld not apprchend any serlous in
r-'iimlly Greatly Aliirincd Iln* Xot
ileen Seen Slnce Aprll 3(r.'h.
Sir. J. Ollver, of 1117 TwoV.y-thlrd
Street. Falrmount, disappeared from
hls homo |ri April .TOth, nndjiinoo that
tlme hls famlly havo hcaru nothing
from hlm, and tiro consoquently much
agitated over hls sndden dlsi|ppoar
ance. Tho polleo havo ben notlflodi
and Major Werner has sent out a de
ncrlption of tho ni.in, as he was last
seen to all tho polico headquarters of
the State.
Ollver wa? six feet tall, h.-frl a dark
complexlori, high chek bones and fore
b'-ad. Ile rXJentfy had hls rlght arm
broken. Whon last seen he was wear?
ing ft dark sult of clothes.a blue shirt
and whlto collar. Ho Is about twnnty
flve years age, and was marrlfd a short
time ago.
Nlao AppllrallonK fnr Saloons ar,. Kelntf
WelK'bed In ihe Balance by Judge "Wltt.
Nlne uppllcallnns for llqunr llcense. all
of whlch aro coriteated, rt-maln uniiranted
up to thls timo. ln moBt of theso casoB
tliore in eonsiderable oppowitlon to the Issue
of tha llcense, and Judge Wltt wlll Inqulre
Into tbe mriltor fully before actlng. The
namis of thom- held up and thc places
where they desire to do huslnesa aro as foi.
K. J. llogan. Nn. 11 Holly Streot.
lt. N. Tlller. No. 2 Holly Street
P. H. Bulilvan. No. Ci'4 South Belvidera
Fllvio Funaf, Nn. 210 South Seeond Streot.
Oiarles W. M>>wlcy, No. 620 North Klrst
W. J. Warrlnqr, No. 221 South FlrBt
J. R Conway, N'o. lr.01 XVoxl Cary Street.
L. J. Guvernator, No. 1529 "West Cary
C. D. Hutzler, No. rios K-ixt Brond Street.
Whlle It is not announced that llcense
wlll nol 1>? Isnui"] to these, lt is known that
thoy aro belng held up. nnd thore is strong
probablllty thal several, If nnt all, wlll bo
refured by tho court. In each caso com
plalnt hns been mada qr objecilon formally
entered to tbe Issue of thc llcense.
Ofllccrs Coming To-I)iiy "Wlth Allcgcd
lliiKgnge Thleves. \
Detectlve L. L. Scheror, of the Ches
npeako and Ohio Railroad, nnd Detec
tl.voB Bailey and Wren. of tho clty po?
lleo force, aro expected back from
New York somo time to-day with the
alk-ged baggagg thleves. Steln and
Allen, and the former's wlfo, wlio have
beon trying to prevent for somo timo
their oxtraditlon from New York. Tho
prisoners will not appear In the Polico
Court, as they have already been in
Uicted by tho grand jury.
I'romlnent Offlcer* Vlslt lllcliniond nnd
Hold Meeting.
A special meeting was held last
last night in tho Salvatlon Army Hall
by Major M. 15. Bnrtor and Adjutant
Core, wlth the a.ssistanco of tho local
olllcors. Thero wns a largo attondanco
nt tho services, and tho meeting seemod
to bo mucli enjoyed. Adjutant Coro
sang, nnd an oarnest talk wus deliv
ered by Major Bartor.
Tho two olllcors wlll leavo this morn?
lng for Newport News, whore thoy wlll
conduct a llko mootlng.
COLUMWA, K. C, May 15.?Kov. Wil?
liam A. Ouerry, chaplain of tiie Unlver?
slty of lhe South, Sewanee, Tenn., wus
to-dny elected Bishop-Coadjutor of tho
South Carolina Episcopnl DIocosq, Tho
bishop-oloet ls a natlvo of South Car?
olina, and is" forty-llvo yours old.
Get I'rl.soners Ilnclc
Oovernor Swanson yesterday issued
a requlsltlon on tho Governor of Now
York for one Howard Boyd, a negro,
wlni Is wnntod ln Mecklenburg county
fnr murder, und who ls a fugltlvc from
Tho negro ls under nrrest at FIshkill
Land Ing, N. Y.,
Tho Governor honorod n requlsltlon
from tho Governor of Ponnsylvania
for Samuel Blalr, who is wanted in
Phlladelphla for desorting his wlfo. Ho
wns arrested in Manehostcr, Va.
G. Thursday, May 16,1907
I CCLj Richmond College Campus
Matinee at 3:30-~~"As You Like It
Evening at 8:30--~"The Tempest.
In case of rain, the play will be given in the College Hall.
Get tickets at The Jefferson, Branch Allen's, near 9th on Main, and also at
Grace and Main Street entrances to College Campus.
Benefit of the Visiting Nurses' Association.
-^-^?.-?:? . ' _?f,'*)^
is a phrasc that falls glibly
from many Hps.
Our garments are hand-tail
orcd, to be surc, but we don't
boast of it. '
It's the hcad behind the
hand that counts in tailoring.
We put head, as well as
hand work, into our clothes.
They're bastcd with brains.
Head-Tailorcd SpringSuits,
$15 to $27.50.
Jacobs & Levy.
Straws and Panamas are
ready?$1.50 to $7.
Eighty-Five Thousand Opcrativcs
to Receive Ten Per Cent. .
BOSTON, May 15.?According to ad
vlcoa from the leadlng cotton mlU
centrbs of Southern New Kngland,
fully 85.000 oporatlves will have thelr
wages advanced about ten per cent.,
beglnnlng Monday; May 27th. The
latest upward movement in mlll wages
origjnnted In Fall Rlver. where a new
agrt-ement recently announced provldes
for a hlghor Bchedule May 27th. About
30.000 hands aro employed by Fall
Rlver mllls.
Nearly 23,000 operatlvcB In New Bod
ford will also receive a ten per cent.
advanco, announcement of which was
mado yesterday.
In Provldenee mlll clrcles, it ls
stated that practirally every cotton
mlll ln Rhodo Island will incroaae
wages. probably about ten per cent.,
on May 27th, or a week later. The
action of tho Rhode iRland mlll owners
will affect about 25.000 employes.
It Is also expeeted that other places
which Invarlably follow the Fall Rlver
or Rhode Island weaving llsts will
shortly post notlces of tho advance. -
TContlnued from Flrst Page.)
which !h radlcally dlfferent from for
nier attempt8 of thls naturo, aro not
yet ln tho handa of tho secrot servico
men. A fow underlings have been ap
prehondcd, but the real Instigators of
tho crime and tho mon who furnish
ed tho blood money have not yet been
Tho pollce offlclals refuso either to
afflrm or deny the story, and limit
themselves to atatlng that there is no
lndlcation that tho men arrested last
week In thls clty wero connected wlth
thls conspiracy.
In revolutlonary clrcles it is declared
that the men apprehended last week
wero occupled with the reorganization
of tho fighting bands of tho revolu
tlonlsts which the pollco succeeded last
year in breaklng up, and that the au
thors of the prosent conspiracy must
be sought outsido of St. Petersburg.
Old SjKtem Stundis,
Councll of the emplro, or upper house
of Parliameiit, to-day rejected the bill
which was passed Aprll 30th by the
lowcr houso, abollshlng trials by drum
head courts-martlal.
-.- ,
Ilcport SIiowh Adviineemcnt of Educa
Iti Sonlli.
stxtenth nnual report of tho execu
tlvo committeo of Colored Evangellcal
Unlon of the Southern Presbyterian
Church, which will be mado to tho
General Assembly, which moots horo
to-morrow, was mado publle to-day.
During tho yoar tho recoipts of tho
conimlttoo woro ?17,399. a gain of $1,
281 over tho provlous year, whllo dis
bursenK'iUs amounted to $15,737. The
committeo asks the Genoral Assembly
to aupthorlzo tho ralslng of a spoclal
fund at onco of $15,000 for a now
buildlng for Stillman Unl\#)rsity at
Tuscalosa, Ala., and other noded equip
ment, An attondanco of 200 puplls 4"?
rcported for TA. F. Forguson-Wflllams
Industrlal Collogo at Abbovlllo. S. C.
Tho commrtteo says It has under fcs
auspiees tlfty-threo colored pastors
serving sixty-four churches.
I ? ?-?-.
[Spoclnl to Tho Timos-Dlspatch.]
NORFOLK, VA? May 15.?George
Moran, of Baltlomro, and an ofllcer
aboard tho Amorlcan steamshlp Kana
wha, was klllod here ahortly aftor mld
nlght. Ho was boarding tho ahip by
cllmblng up a laddor whon ho lost his
hold and fell backward on tho wharf,
striklng on his hoad, and breaking his
riook, Tho body Is bolng hold by the
Unlted StatOB Publle Ilealth and Marlne
Hoapltal Sorvice.
Will Rclicvc Principal Plcastirc
Road way of All ?
Gity Knginecr a Warm Advocate
of Plan 1'roposcd by Mr.
Tho Councll Commltleo on Stronts
yrsterday requoHlod the Clty Knglnoor
to preparc Monumont Avonue, from
Alllson Streot to tho Boulevard, for
sprlnkllng wlth nsphalt ollene, tho
I>reparatlon whlch ls uso dln Detroit
and many other cltluH to preservo mac
adamlzod roadways and drives from
Injury and to allay dust thore'on. An
cxperlment wlll bo mado horo wlth
thls proparatlon, whlch ls hlghly roc
omtnendod by cnglneers and experta
as an effectlve remedy f(/r the /dust
r.ulsance, and as also preservlng the
- Conslderablo tlmo was taken up In
dlscusslon of tho petltlon of the Amerl
can Tobacco Company for permlssion
to unload coal from cars on Cary Streot
In front of the proporty of Mr. Edgar
Gunn. It was contended by opponents
of the permlssion nsked that tho com?
pany had arnplo frontage at whlch to
unload Its coal, wheroas Mr. Gunn had
llttlo. The commlttee, by a declslvo
majority, rejected the petltlon, and will
report unfavorably thereon.
I'lglit Coinnilttoe.
The Councll Commlttee on Llght bad
a briof mcetlng last night at tho Clty
Hall, but dlsposed of nothlng mort
than the routlne buslncss relating to
the department.
The Councll has authorlzed the Clty
Attorney to acqulro sufllclent land for
tho deslred cxtcnslon of the Gas Works
and as soon as thls ls ratlfled tho re
habllltatlon of the plant by the suc
cessful bidder for tho contract wlll bc
Thrce Meml.cr* of Ward A?4.lBnmcn<,
.Must Slake Ileport by June.
Messrs. B. O. Jamos, G. K. PoIIock
and Clyde \V. Saunders, who have been
named by Judgo Wltt as commlsslon
ers to conduct tho assignment of pcr
spns llving ia tho wards recently en
larged by annoxatlon to the pronet
preclncts in auch wards, wlll ente
upon thelr dutles without delay, and
hope to be able to complete the worl
offjru0nethOTPbrlmary T tho ,atteer7ar
? .?',. The commlssloners will re
celve $ .800, but ,nuch of thls w 1 |c
to <"nPloy_the necessary clerlcal help.
Suprcue Court Clm George Mldgc,
Another Clianoe.
Tho Stato Supreme Court yestorrtn-,
granted a writ of error and supersedea
In' Oc^be1?. 1^ ?f Ch"Ies T ^
tmJSl1*, Was kl.IIed whtIe asslsllng ai
ofllcor ln arresting the negro
h^?^nBel for Mld^et alleges a nura
court. rr?rS at the trlal J? *?>? "?"?
Tho verdlct against the condemnec
Ma"ch. tbe CUy 0f -^xandria, |r
The North's Problerru
Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch:
. hIr'?l be8" t0 say, Judgine from th,
tone of the Northern paperl th?. '?
not take an optlmisUc view of th<
rapid increase of thelr negro popula
conslderablo alarm, lest at no fllstanl
day, they may bo confrontod wlth E
negro problem, puro and simple. Thi<
ls especlally tho caso wlth the Clty
of Brothorly Love, wlth a negro ponu
latlon of 75.000. As long as fhe negrc
rfcmalned in tho Soutb, ho was the na
t on s ward, and as such. was tho re
clpient of much sollcitude, at lonu
rango. But when ho goo- North and
settlos among hls erstwhTle frlends
who manlfestcd so much interest in hlf
welfare whllc he was ln the Bouth. he
is glven the cold shoulder, and at \he
same tlmo made to understand that
the South ls tho bost place for hlm II
had long been evldent to close ob
servers of passing events that ther<
could be no solutlon of the negro
problem in tho South untll the negroe
had been distributftd among the North?
ern States ln sufllclent numbers tc
make their presenco felt, Tho South?
ern people reallzed that it was neces?
sary for tho negro and Northern pooph
to como in contact wlth each other, lr
.order to a mutual undorstandlng o<
each other. That object havlng beer
accomplished, the negro problem ln
the South has practlcally been solved
But whllo thls ls happlly the case ai
tho South, there 1B a storm brewlng a'
tho North that may ln the eourse ol
tlmo givo the Northern people (to som<
extent at least) a forotnste of th(
flery ordeal through whlch tho Soutl
wns made to pass. If tho signs of th<
tlmos means anythlng, when tho negw
populatlon bocomos moro equally dls
trlbuted botwoon the Southern anc
Northern States and as a log
Ical sequonco tho nogro not onlj
becomos a groater polltlcal factor, bui
at the samo tlmo, by roason of greatei
numbers, ls forceiJ to como lnto com
petltlon wlth whlto lnbor, thon wlthou'
all Blgns fail, thore wlll bo somethlns
dolna ln the North.
And tho Northern pooplo may yei
have a thorough reallzatlon of the olc
adage, "that curses, llko chickons, com<
home to roost," And overy nogro whe
crosses Mason and Dlxon's Uno golne
North ls on a mlsslon to contrlbut<
hls part townrd condltlons that wll
eventually rosult In sottlln?r hls nea
tlnv. WM. H. P.
No. 3019 Eroafl Streot_
Let your home beer be Schlitz because of
its purity. Get the good without the harm.
In our brewery, cleanliness is carried to
extremes. Even the air in our cooling rooms is
Every bottle of Schlitz beer is sterilized, to insure
freedom from germs.
And all Schlitz beer is aged for months, so that
it cannot cause biliousness.
Be as careful of your beer as you
Ask for the Brewery Bottling. QLfQ of yOUr food.
Common beer is sometimes substituicd for Schlitz.
To avoid being imposed upon, see that the cork or crown is branded Order SchHtZ*
and be sure
of it.
Phone 3113
Schlitz Brewery Company
928 W. Broad St., Richmond
The Beer
Commissioners Assemble at Birm
ingham for Big
BIRMINGHAM, ALA., May 15.?With
tho arrlval to-nlght of the commis?
sioners from Virginla, South Carolina
and North Carolina, practically all of
the niembers fcf the (Forty-seveoith
General Assembly of the Southorn
Presbyterln Church ars in tho city for
the opening to-morrow. The assembly
will bo called to ordor by the modora
tor, Allon G. Hall, of Nashvllle, Tenn.
Tho general assembly will probably
bo in sossion about nine days. The most
important matter to come up for dis
cusBon ls tho questlon of ratlftca-tion of
tho Charlotte agreement, which looks
to closer union .wlth tho other Presby
terlan bodtes, partlcularly the North
ern Church. Tomorrow afternoon, Dr.
W A. Alexander, of Clarksville, Tenn.,
State clerk, will submlt Btatlstlcal ro
ports. which will show tho contrlbu
tlons of tho church durlnp tho paBt
year will exceed thoso of tho provlous
year by about $500,000._
(Contlnued from FIrst Pago.)
moro roads for tho dovelopment of tho
Woat as thoy should bo.
Kttvwt on Stoek?.
Union Paclflo was tho storm centro
of an attack by tradors on the Stock
Exchango to-day on the appoarnnce
of tho roport of counsel for tho Intor
statn Commerce Commisslon. Union
Paclflo stock Jumped noarly four
points boforo support was forthcoming,
and tho wholo list became wonk and
unsottled ori.tho nows and docllned a
polnt on th0 averago. Southorn Paciflc
fell off a polnt, but stoadlod wlth good
buylng. All rallroads holdlng stock
control of othor Unea wero advorsoly
.affoctod by tho nows, prlnclpally Ponn
Bylvania, which becam0 weak. Aftor
tho first shock of tho nows hnd passod
the markot bocamo steady at the de
No Iteport I.ssui'd.
WASHINGTON, May 15.?Tho recom
mendatlons of tho Mossrs. Kollogg and
Kovoranco ln rogard to the Harrlman
rnllroada aro not yot accoptod and con
flrmod by the Intorstato Commerce
Commisslon, ho that thoy stnnd at
proaent morely as recommondntlons to
tho commisslon and not the report o?
the committeo ltsolf.
The nvimbors of the commisslon con
forred for an hour thls aftornoon ovor
tho roport from New York that the
rocommendattonB of Frank B. Kelogg
and C. A. Sovornnco had boon mado
publle. and thon authorlzed tho follow
ing statement:
Tlielr CoucluMtouN.
Tho aoncluslona reachod by Mossrs.
Kollogg & Severanco, compaotly o.\
proBsod, aro:
Hullraiid compctltloii liim beru
nl)??lulely nbollbhi-tl in iiu itri'ii
equul <o out-chlrd ot the I'uitcd
Statea, ln -hle_ Edward II. Harrl
Ilurti?inn'a contrncta itIIU thn
niuu i_ the undJupntcd liuinter.
Itock Inlnnd, tne Southern I'nclDc,
tho Snntu Ve, tlie Ullnola Ontrnl
nnd tho San Fcdro road nre In vlti
1 ii tlon of the untltrust net, nnd thc
Attorney-General 1* reconuuended
to nroaeouta.
Tho purt-huao of thc aharck ot
one road by luiaUicr rond U an
cvll practlce, und abould be pro
Itibltcd by congrc'aalonul enactment.
There should be new nntl atrlngr-.
cnt lavvn aealn-t Inflatlon of bc
-iiritle* anch aa vrnk brought uliout
by the Altou re_r_i?nlrnUon, vthieb
la deacrlbcd iu -inphatio terma.
The prollta o* great ritllromlH ot
the Weat ore belng uaed to accure
the control of rnllwny ayatema o_
the En_t, Inatend o? bulldlng more
Hnca lor tlie devcloiimcnt o? tlie
The document proparod by Attorneys
i-oiiogg and Severanco embraoos twen?
ty-flve pagOB and ls a plooo of nervous,
absplufe y uoambiguoua Engllsh. whlch
will exclto commont all over tbe coun?
try, not only among fluanciors. and
holders of railway . securltles, but
among tho troveling and shlpping pub?
llc. Only ton coples havo boen prlnted
and each inembor of tho commlsslon'
has had ono for somo dnys. There ls
no doubt that the commlsslon wlll lssue
its report in a short timo.
It had not been intonded to mako it
publlc for about a month yet. This
wns in accordanco with the wishes of
tho President, who, lt is authoritative
ly stated, has not tho sltghest objec
tlon.to having the govorntnont procood
against Mr. Harriman personally, but
doos not doslro to tako steps whlch
will havo an offoct upon buslnoss coii?
dltlons little short of dlsastrous. Both
tho President and mombors of tlio
commlsslon regret that tho contents of
tho report wero allowed to loalt out.
Electlon of n Member of tbe Library
Iloitrtl Mny Como Up,
Tho Stato Eoard of Educatlon has
been callod to moot In thls city on
Tuosday, Way 28th, and lt ls probablo
that at this timo' a succossor to Hon.
Charles V. Moredlth as a member of
tho Stato Library Honrd, wlll bo
Tho mootlng Is callod fnr tho trnn
"sactlon of genoral business, but the
library board matter may bo brought
up, lthough tho term of Mr. Moredlth
doos not oxpiro untll July lst.
Mr. Merodlth may bo ro-oloctod, or
it may bo that another wlll be nhoson
in hls Btoad. It has heen whlspered
about thnt another Rlchmond lawyor
is bolng groomed to opposo him, but if
thls bo truo hla namo hns not beon
mado publlc.
Personals and Briefs.
Mrs. Davld T. Yancoy, who has beon
undor the treatment of Dr. Stuart Mc
Qulro for tho past four weoks, IA oon
valoscent, and In a fow days wlll loavo
for hor old hnma ln Lynohburg, where
sho wlll spond the month of Juno.
Miss Lula Calrns, who was oporntod
on at tho Uetreat for tho Slck Tuos?
day night, la gettlng on vory nlcoly.
Cl.nrotto, Chrar. Plpo. Tobacco Chowlug and
tho Tobuflco tlablt iu all forms nositlvely cured
product of tho fmnous JftnioHHiinatorluin. Many
of tho pliysieul and montal weftknessoB from
whlch mon suifor uro oousod by tlio uso of
tobueeo. VIGATONA oven'oines tlieso woak
nosses. Prloo, $li. For llteraturo uililros
Buchanan, Alias Fletchcr, Goes
to Jail?and Does Not
W. S. Buchanan, allas Flotchor,
charged with obtalnlng goods iwder
falso pretenses and wlth passing
worthless chocks on buslness houses
of the clty, was yesterday mornlng
sentencod to servo nlnety days ln jail.
Buchanan was arrc|rted on a wur
rant sworn out by G. H, Lovy, who
had loat a small aniount of monoy
through Buchanan's opolntlvns. It was
found afterward8 that Buchanan hud
bought a blll of goods from R. L.
Christian & Co., and had a Bmall chock
cashed in that storo.
Buchanan ropresentod hlmsolf last
summor as an agent of tho firm of
Flotchor Brothers, ln Warronton, and
bought Bevoral bllls of goods, paylng
for them wlth a slght tlraft and always
cashing a small check ln ofrder to ob
tain monoy to got home. When tho
drnfts wero prosonted to tho Flotchor
Brothers. it was shown that tho Rlch
mond merchants Juul boon dmposed
Buchanun was not ropresentod by
counsol, but ploadod drunkennoss as
his excuse. IJo u#'nt m jall wlthout
appeal. ,
The Bank of Commorco and Trusts,
ono of tho rilOHt progrosslve banka in
tho clty, a Stuto. clty and county do
poHltory, has takon ovor tho cleposlt
accounts of tho intorstato Bank, anil
has inovod Itn headqiiurtors to tho Mu
tual Bulldlng, Nlnth nnd Main Strocts,
whoro It will bo better proparod than
over to cnro for Its cuatomers.
$t has long been the iutentfon or the
mnuageinont of tho bank to get a
promlnont locatlon on Main Stroet, but
nothlng uttractlvo enough offerod untll
thls tlmo, Tho bank will now bo ln
posltlon to hundlo Its rupldly.-groSvIng
buslnoss. Thls speakers woll for the
progrpsslvo young Instltution, which
numbers aniong Its dlrectoruto sonio of
tho inoat promlnont buslnoss mcri lu
Rlchihond. Thoso aro its ofllcers and
011 vor J. Sands, prosldont; A ,R|
Ilolderby, vlco-prosident; Charles A.
Poplo, socretary; O. E. Parrlsh? cashlor
Church 11111 Bank; P. E. \V. Ooodwin,
cashlor Bank of Commorco.
Dlrectors?A. St. Clalr Biltlor, Jamos
T. Cnrnoal, J. R. Gordnn, II. W. Roun
troo, Charloa E. Wlugo, \V. C. Ciunp,
Mohos 'i'hulhlnier, Jaclcson Guy, C, C,
Pincknoy, Jniuus R. Khojipnrd, M. 0.
Pnttorson, G. Watt Taylor, Ollvor J,
Sanda, W. J. Payno, Phlllp Whitlock,
Erumott Seaton, R. H. Ilnrwood, Edgat
G. Guuti, Charles Hutalor, "\V. C.
Schnildt, Robert Looky, Jr? II. D. Eleh
olborgor, Jonathan ilryan, A. It. llol?
derby, Onorgo A. Buhmolz.
Illge'S Cuuilltlon ImproVi'd.
Mr. Wultor Ingo, who shot hlmsolf
In tho rlght broust Sunday nlght, waa
salil to bo lmpriivlug 1'ist nlght at the
Virginla Hospltnl, whoro ho waa tuker,
suino liuura uflcr tho shootlntf.
City Bar Association- Meets To*
Day to Consider Committee's ,
Report. i
The City Bar Associatlon has been
called to moot at 4 o'clock thls after?
noon to conslder tho report of a spec?
ial c'omlttee aft'octlng tho future of its
llbrary, whlch is now ln tho Clty Hall
Tho comittoo named to report on tho
ndvlsablllty of removing th* llbrary
downtown doclaro this not to bo feasi
ble, and recommonds that tlie associa?
tlon loun tho Stato law llbrary Its val?
uable bolcs and soll the rest.
BEiMD ffil BA1L
Fay Clark and Ollo Hudson, of Ful
ton, aged respectivoly fourteon and
eloven yeurs, wero charged in tho Po?
lico Court ystordny mornlng wlth hav?
lng folonlously vsliot Thomas Logun
Clark. Justlco Crutchfleld refusad tho
motion for ball by Mr. Gllbert Poliock,
attorney for tho two boys, but ball was
granted at - o'clock by Judgo Wltt, of
tho Hustings'Court. Judgu W'itt allovt
ed $1,000 ball for oach, laaac Mny
golng 0:1 tlie bond of Fay Clark, nnd
Dr. Kambn Garoin going on the Hudg?
lns boy.
Tho family of tho Clark boy stnutly
inslst that tlio shootlng wus accidontal,
Clark himsolf lh 11 short inturmln of
consclousnoss yosterday mornlng
statcd tliat tho Hhootlng wus nccldental,
and ther sems to be no evldence to tho
contrary. It has not yet been deter?
mlned even who flred tho shot.
Tho pr'ellminary linarlng ar tho two
boys wns pnstponod to Muy -oUtli,
Young Clark Still Allve.
The condltlon of Mr. T. H. Clark, who
wns shot lu a souffla between ouu of
hls smaller brothora here, Fay Clark
and Ollio Hudson oll Tuo.sdtiy, waa ro
portcd last at tho Ilotroat for tho Siek
to bo the same. He Ia oonsclous, but
hls condltlon Ih atill critical. Several
iiiomUers of tho famlly bad a frienda
wero at tho bodsldo.
A strong
stomach is the
f o u n dation of
good health. If
yours is weak
the Bitters
will strengthen it
and cure
Sour Rlslngs,
Slck Headactie,
Dyspepsla or

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